A Weekend With Wendell Lesson Plan
A Weekend With Wendell Lesson Plan
A Weekend With Wendell Lesson Plan
Raegen Docca
M ay 2, 2017
Target Group: Elementary Education Classroom
Target Age Group: 1st -2nd Grade Students
Context: Taught by primary teacher in the classroom at beginning of school year
Resources/ Materials:
Spending the weekend at Sophie's house was perfect fun for Wendell, but not so much fun for
Sophie. Wendell's wild antics and practical joke were enough to make anyone crazy until Sophie
made up a game that finally left Wendell speechless. Throughout the story Sophie does not enjoy
Wendell's energetic and assertive self. It isn't until the very end, Sophie learns to assert herself
and finds out Wendell can be fun to play with after all.
Students will list qualities of a good friend
Students will explore problem-solving techniques
Students will work in partners to try cooperation skills
Students will make predictions
Students will act out their predictions
Students will role play characters
Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework
PreK12 STANDARD 5: Mental Health
5.1 Identify the various feelings that most people experience and describe the physical and
emotional reactions of the body to intense positive and negative feelings
5.3 Define character traits such as honesty, trustworthiness, self-discipline, respectfulness, and
kindness and describe their contribution to identity, self-concept, decision-making, and
interpersonal relationships
5.19 Explain positive techniques for handling difficult decisions
Massachusetts Arts Curriculum Framework
PreK12 STANDARD 1: Acting
1.2 Imagine and clearly describe characters, their relationships, setting, conflict, and plot from a
variety of appropriate literature
1.4 Create characters through physical movement, gesture, sound and/or speech, and facial
expression 1.5 Learn lines, observe, listen, and respond in character to other actors 1.6
Demonstrate the ability to work effectively alone and cooperatively with a partner or in an
1.11 M otivate character behavior by using recall of emotional experience as well as observation
of the external world
Visual Spatial: Using pictures from text to showcase tableaux and to act out predictions
Auditory: Watching and listening to, A Weekend With Wendell, Listening to peers during
hot seat
Logical: M aking Predictions about what will come next, comparing and contrasting
Kevin Henkes books, researching author
Bodily Kinesthetic: M aking Frozen Pictures, Acting out predictions, acting out the text
Interpersonal: Working together to create tableaux/ act out their predictions, sharing with
the group their opinions
Intrapersonal: Researching author
Verbal: Communicating about prior knowledge of what a good friend is, communicating
their predictions, speaking with partners/ groups
Activity One:
The Good Friend List
Once the teacher finished reading up to page twenty two students will be put in pairs
Students will decide who is going to act as Wendell and who will act as Sophie
Students will make predictions about what will happen next and how the story will end
o Remind them, good readers use what they already know to make predictions
Once they have their predictions, allow them to create a way to act out their predictions
Have them present/ act out their predictions to the class
Once every group has gone, read the end of the story to see if their predictions were
correct or how they differed
Activity Three:
Hot Seat
In this activity, one student is selected to come to the front of the class and take the "hot
The student sits in a chair facing their classmates
The student also should have a clear view of the class
The student on the hot seat gets to decide which character from the book read they would
like to pretend to be
Teacher will demonstrate this prior to students having a chance
Then classmates will be allowed to ask the student, who is acting as a chosen character,
questions that pertain to the book and today's topic of discussion
Questions can revolve around friendship, emotions, cooperation, problem solving,
Allow other students a chance to be in the hot seat
They may pretend to be the same character or chose a new character to look at
their perspective
Extended Lessons:
Let's look at all the other Kevin Henkes books we've read. Is there anything about all these
books that is the same? Note - this may need to be more guided to get them to make the
connection. Turn & Talk to partners.
Examples of other Kevin Henkes books:
Lilly's Big Day
Chester's Way
Julius Baby of the World
Sheila Rae the Brave
Wemberly Worried
Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse
Research Author-
"Kevin Henkes was born in 1960 in Racine, Wisconsin, and during his childhood, he often visited
the local art museumthe Charles A. Wustum Museum of Fine Arts. He also visited the library
on a weekly basis with his family. He pored over books and was intrigued by the authors and
illustrators, but he says, I never imagined that one day I would be one myself. He grew up
loving books and loving to draw and paint..."
Listen/ Techonolgy-
Listen to a recording of, A Weekend With Wendell, off of Youtube.
Observations from teacher, teacher's notes about discussions had throughout lesson/
students creative process
Student's verbal responses to "What makes a good friend"
o An alternate to this is having students write on a sticky note the qualities of a
good friend, and then stick them onto the white board and discuss as a class
Students predictions and their explanations
Hot seat questions asked, and responses
Compare and Contrast of Kevin Henkes books
Research on Author
Overall if teacher sees improvement or transformation of how students are cooperating in
class and the community built
Self Reflect on Lesson
What did you learn? How will you improve your lesson next time? If you were to continue
teaching this subject, skill, or concept, what direction would you move in? Why? Does any part
need further teaching? Where would you take the learner next?
Monologue script:
"Hi everyone, my name is Sophie. I am here today because I want to tell you about a time
when I had to figure out how to cooperate with my friend, Wendell. Cooperate is a big word isn't
it! M y teacher is school taught me what it means. When you cooperate it means you work
together with one or more other people. I used to think it was hard to cooperate because I was so
shy, and my friend Wendell used to think it was hard to cooperate, because he was very bossy.
We didn't know how to play together and take turns so we were both getting a chance to have
fun. This really made me upset. But dont worry, we are going to read the book about me to find
out what happened to Wendell and I!"