Lesson Plan Template Science Healthy and Unhealthy Food

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Lesson Plan Template

Aisha Jaber Hassan Mohammed Aljaber

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
Using differentiation activities.

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
- I’m going to do different activities according to their level.

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
- To approve that I achieved my goals, I’m going to take photos of all my works and students

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

Students will be able to:
Kg2 Science
- Students will learn about healthy food.
(Healthy and Unhealthy
- Students will be able to define what is
healthy and unhealthy food.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

- Real fruits, vegetables and unhealthy That everything is ready, the activities, materials and that
food. there are enough papers and materials for them.

- Flashcards (fruit, vegetables, Key vocabulary

chocolate, chips)
- Healthy Food
- Glow
- Unhealthy food
- pencils
- Chocolate
- Papers
- Vegetable
- Worksheets
- Fruits
- Scissors
- Chips
Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)

Before starting the lesson, I will greet my students and I will start with them morning routines, then I
Time: 15 min

will revise with them what we took last week in science class which was about vegetables and fruits.
After that, I will introduce the lesson for them by engaging them with showing them real healthy food

and unhealthy and by asking them questions about it.

Independent Experience

Students will classify the healthy food and unhealthy food in the trolley.

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Students will have cut some pictures of food and they will stick it on the plate.

Independent Experience (small group activity 3)

Students in this activity will complete each word of the pictures that is in the worksheet.

In the end of the lesson, I will give them a small activity to assess their knowledge. So, each group will
have two papers, red and green. They have to rise the green one if they saw a healthy food and the red

15 min

one if they saw unhealthy food.


To assess their knowledge, I’m going to assess them while they’re doing the activities, I will do a checklist to check
their understanding of the lesson.


In this science lesson, I was having difficulty on managing student’s behavior, because the teacher
didn’t let them go outside and they were so active. While I’m teaching, on of the students was
moving around and he didn’t listen to me and what I did wrong is give up on him after the third try.
What I should do is using the behavior chart to put his name I the sad face. What I should do with
them is changing the lesson and make It outside lesson to avoid boring lessons and to make them
active more and engaged with me.
In this lesson plan, I did different activities according to student’s abilities. Students in low level will
classify the healthy food and unhealthy food in the trolley, who are in medium level will have cut
some pictures of food and they will stick it on the plate. For the high level, Students in this activity
will complete each word of the pictures that is in the worksheet.

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