EHT Maintenance & Troubleshooting Guide PDF
EHT Maintenance & Troubleshooting Guide PDF
EHT Maintenance & Troubleshooting Guide PDF
Thermal Insulation Final Inspection
The value of properly installed and well-maintained The heating circuit can now be tested for proper
thermal insulation cannot be overemphasized. operation. This includes measuring and recording
Without the insulation, the heat loss is generally the connected voltage, steady-state current draw,
too high to be offset by a conventional heat tracing length and type of cable, ambient temperature and
system. temperature of the pipe. (See the Inspection
Report Form on page 3.)
Before the thermal insulation is installed on a heat-
traced pipe, the tracing circuit should be tested for The complete system (especially the thermal
dielectric insulation resistance. This will ensure that insulation) should now be visually inspected.
the cable has not been damaged while exposed on Additional insulation should be applied snugly
the uninsulated pipe. around pipe shoes or other heat sinks and sealed
from the weather. Expansion joints on high-
In addition to piping and in-line equipment such as
temperature lines should be examined carefully.
pumps and valves, all heat sinks must be properly
There may be exposed insulation where sections fit
insulated. This includes pipe shoes, hangers,
together or around flanges, valves, pipe hangers or
flanges and, in many cases, valve bonnets.
connection kits; these locations should be sealed
There are many different pipe insulation materials, to prevent ingress of moisture.
each of which has advantages in particular appli-
Electric Heat Tracing caution labels should be
cations. Regardless of the type or thickness of
applied to the outer surface of the weather barrier
insulation used, a protective barrier should be
at regular intervals of 10 feet (or as required by
installed. This protects the insulation from moisture
code or specification). The location of splices and
intrusion and physical damage and helps ensure
end terminations should also be marked with splice
the proper performance of the heat tracing system.
and end termination caution labels.
Notes . . .
When rigid (noncompressible) materials are used, the inside diameter
of the insulation is usually oversized to accommodate the heating cable
on the pipe.
Once the heat tracing system has been installed,
Insulating materials are very susceptible to water absorption, which
dramatically increases the heat loss and should be replaced if the ma- an ongoing preventive maintenance program
terials get wet. should be implemented using qualified personnel.
Support documentation providing general informa-
tion and an operating history of the specific cir-
cuits in the system should be maintained.
The results of the operational testing described
above form the testing base line or normal range.
Subsequent measurements should be recorded
periodically and compared to this base-line data to
help identify potential malfunctions.
Inspection Report Form for Electric Heat Tracing (Typical)
Heater Cat. No. Circuit Length Bkr. Panel No.
Power Connection Design Voltage Bkr. Pole(s) No.
Tee Connection Ground-Fault Protection (type)
Splice Connection Ground-Fault Trip Setting
Heater Controller
Panel Number Circuit #
Thermal Insulation
Damaged Insulation/Lagging
Water Seal Good
Insulation/Lagging Missing
Presence of Moisture
Heating System Components
Enclosures, Boxes Sealed
Presence of Moisture
Sign of Corrosion
Heater Lead Discoloration
Heating and/or High Limit Controller
Operating Properly
Controller Setpoint
Dielectric Insulation Resistance Testing (bypass controller if applicable) Refer to I EEE 515-1997, Section 7.9
Test Voltage
Megger Value
Heater Supply Voltage
Value at Power Source
Value at Field Connection
Heater Circuit Current Reading
Pipe Temperature
Amps Reading at 2-5 min.
Amps Reading After 15 min.
Ground-Fault Current
Comments and Actions
II. Low system temperature A. Controller setpoint too low A. Adjust setpoint
B. Temperature sensor located too B. Relocate sensor
close to heating cable or other heat
source; may be accompanied by
excessive cycling of control relays/
C. Insulation material and/or thickness C. Replace insulation; increase
different than designed insulation thickness (if dry);
consider increasing voltage for
higher cable output3
D. Ambient temperature lower than D. Install higher output heating cable;
designed increase insulation thickness; raise
E. Low voltage (check at power E. Adjust voltage to meet design
connection point) requirements3
Symptom Possible Cause Remedy
III. Low temperature in A. Wet, damaged or missing insulation A. Repair or replace insulation and
sections jacket
B. Parallel heating cable; open element B. Repair or replace; splice kits are
or damaged matrix available from cable manufacturer
C. Heat sinks (valves, pumps, pipe C. Insulate heat sinks or increase
supports, etc.) amount of tracing on heat sinks
D. Significant changes in elevation D. Consider dividing heating circuit
along length of the heat-traced pipe into separate, independently
controlled segments
IV. High system temperature A. Controller on continuously A. Adjust setpoint or replace sensor2
B. Controller failed with contacts B. Replace sensor or controller2
C. Sensor located on uninsulated pipe C. Relocate sensor to an area repre-
or too close to heat sink sentative of conditions along entire
pipe length
D. Backup heating circuit controller D. Adjust setpoint or replace backup
on continuously controller
VI. Temperature variations A. Unanticipated flow patterns or A. Redistribute heating circuits to ac-
from setpoint along process operating temperatures commodate existing flow patterns;
pipeline confirm process conditions
B. Inconsistent cable installation along B. Check method of cable installation,
pipeline especially at heat sinks
C. Inconsistent cable performance C. Compare calculated watts/foot
[(volts x amps) length] for the
measured pipe temperature with
designed cable output for the same
temperature; regional damage to
parallel cable can cause partial
Notes . . .
1. Flexible, plastic-jacketed heating cables may be field-spliced; MI cables usually require replacement.
2. Mechanical thermostat sensors cannot be repaired or replaced; RTD or thermocouple sensors can be replaced. Some controllers have replaceable
contacts/relays or may require a manual reset if a trip-off condition on the heating circuit was detected.
3. The operation of most electric heat tracing cables is dramatically affected by changes in the supply voltage. Before making any changes, consult the
cable manufacturer with information on the alternate voltages available. Otherwise, cable failure and/or an electrical safety hazard may result in
some situations.
Printed in U.S.A.
Thermon Manufacturing Co.
Form TEP0066-0800
PN 20745