Economics Essay
Economics Essay
Economics Essay
12 Iustitias
Self-interest refers to actions that elicit the most personal benefit. It is a concern
for ones own well being. Self-interest is important in economics because in a market
economy, individuals own most of the resources available, labor, land and capital, and
use voluntary decisions, made in self-interest, to control the marketplace. In this type of
system, the government plays a small role and the economy is shaped by two forces,
self-interest and competition. Self-interest is arguably the single largest motivator of
economic activity.
Selfishness changes the way resources are handled and distributed in a negative
way. When a small percentage of the population controls most of the resources in a
community, the resources are distributed unequally. This small group of people could
use the economy to suit their own needs. This is unfair to the rest of the people because
not everyone gets an equal amount of resources.
Nordhaus, W. D., & Samuelson, P. A. Economics, 17th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill,
Villegas, B. Guide to Economics for Filipinos. Manila: Sinag-Tala Publishers, Inc., 1998.
Rillo, J. D., Cervantes, M. dR., Pagoso, P. R., & Dancel, G. T. Economics: Basic
Principles, Applications and Issues. Quezon City, Philippines: Vibal Publishing House,
Inc., 2010.