24 Hour Chick Embryo - Embryology Lab
24 Hour Chick Embryo - Embryology Lab
24 Hour Chick Embryo - Embryology Lab
Neural folds
- Margins of the neural epithelium that have yet fused at Section through the anterior intestinal portal
the midline In this section, note that the neural folds have come together to form
the neural tube. This section Is also at the level of the open foregut.
Anterior neuropore
Note that the endoderm of the foregut is continuous with the rest of
- Temporary external opening of the neurocoel
the endoderm. Examine the thickened, splanchnic mesoderm on each
Neural groove side of the anterior intestinal portal. This region of thickened,
- A median longitudinal groove which splanchnic mesoderm is prospective cardiac mesoderm.
- formed by the rolling up of the neural plate
Neural tube
Prechordal plate - A tube of tissue
- a mass of chordamesodermal cells located anterior to the - Formed by a thickening and rolling up of the neural plate
notochord which will form head mesenchyme during embryonic neurulation
Form: brain and spinal cord of the animal
- a small medial mass of cells between the foregut and the
Neural crest
neural plate
- A group of cells found at the edges of the neural plate and
Foregut lying above the neural tube after its formation
- a dorsoventral flattened tube with endodermal cells - Migrate throughout the embryo to
making up its wall Form: ganglia, pigment cells, part of gill arches, etc.
- located beneath neural plate
Head fold
Oral plate - Marked by the downward bend of the membranes around
- region where the floor of the foregut is in contact with the the head region of the developing embryo
neural ectoderm of the head
- In lateral development this structure will break open to Anterior intestinal portal
form the mouth - Opening of the foregut in developing amniote embryos
Syn: oropharyngeal membrane - As development progresses and the gut elongates, the
opening moves posteriorly and ultimately becomes part of
the yolk stalk.
- Loosely scattered cells filling up the spaces between the
foregut and the neural plate
Amnio-cardiac vesicle
Proamnion - The region of the coelom that will
- Region of the blastoderm beneath the embryos head Form: amnion and the heart
- Composed of the ectoderm and endoderm layer - Thickened splanchnic mesoderm making up the proximal
wall of the semi-cardiac vesicle is the forerunner of the
Subcephalic pocket heart
- The cavity formed beneath the embryonic head as the - On the hand, the dorsal wall of the vesicle, composed of
head fold develops the somatopleure, is involved in the formation of the
- The membrane composed of the ectoderm and somatic
Forms: part of body wall as well as the chorion and
Section through the midgut o Primitive pit
The middle part of the gut that has the yolk for the floor of its cavity A depression, slightly deeper than the primitive
is called the midgut. In this section, find the endoderm and the groove and situated posterior to the Hensens
midgut. Keep in mind that the embryo was removed from the yolk node, thus, section through the anterior region
for the fixation and sectioning. If the yolk was present in the section, of the primitive streak will show the Hensens
it would fill the bottom part of the picture. node, while more posteriorly the sections may
pass through the primitive pit.
Midgut o Primitive groove
- Floorless region of the gut Sections cut more posterior to the primitive pit
- Posterior to the anterior intestinal portal will reveal a central furrow, the primitive groove.
o Primitive ridges
Thickened margins on each side of the primitive
Section through the somite groove.
In this section through a pair of somites, the neural folds have not
yet closed together. The somites developed from dorsal mesoderm
(D) and are located on each side of the neural folds and notochord.
Lateral and adjacent to the somites is a small region of mesoderm
known as the intermediate mesoderm (I). The intermediate
mesoderm will develop into the kidneys. Lateral to the intermediate
mesoderm, is the lateral plate mesoderm (L), which will delaminate
to form the somatic and splanchnic mesodermal layers.
- Segmented mesodermal blocks
- Located on either side of the developing spinal cord
- Arise from the dorsal mesoderm
- A stalk-like connection between somites and lateral plate
Form: pronephros (anteriorly), mesenchyme (posteriorly)
Mesenchyme -> mesonephros and metanephros
Syn: intermediate mesoderm, mesomere and
- Region of the mesoderm distal to the nephrotome
- Subdivided into two layers:
a) Somatic mesoderm
b) Splanchnic mesoderm
Primitive streak
- Longitudinal cleft formed at the surface of amniote
blastodisc by a convergence of cells
Gastrulation begins as the epiblast cells migrate towards
and into the streak.
o Hensens node
Thickened area at the anterior end of the
primitive streak through which cells invaginate
to form the notochord. It is homologous to the
dorsal lip of the blastopore in amphibian
embryos. Syn: Primitive knot