2008 Vegetableprodhandbook

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Veg Crop Handbook Covers_08.

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sponsored by
Handbook Senior Editors:
G.J. Holmes,
NC State University, Raleigh, NC
J.M. Kemble,
Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Upper left: Upper right:
Romaine lettuce; Spotted Cucumber Contributors:
Lenoir Co., NC. Beetle A.S. Culpepper,
University of Georgia, Weeds
Lower left: Lower Center: Lower right:
Colorful Bell peppers Long Green Downy Mildew on K.M. Jennings,
Cucumber Cucumber leaf NCSU, Weeds
K. Ivors,
NCSU, Plant Pathology
A.N. Sparks,
Upper left: Upper right:
University of Georgia, Entomology
G. Holmes B. Layton
P. Smith,
Lower left: Lower Center: Lower right:
Clemson University, Entomology
G. Holmes G. Holmes G. Holmes

North Carolina
Vegetable Growers Association
This handbook was prepared and reviewed by the following authors at respective institutions:

North Carolina State University
Horticulture J.M. Davis, W.R. Jester,
K.M Jennings, J.R. Schultheis, A. Thornton
Auburn University Biological and Agricultural Engineering G.T. Roberson
Horticulture J.M. Kemble*, E. Vinson, III Entomology J.F. Walgenbach, M.R. Abney, and
Plant Pathology E.J. Sikora G.G. Kennedy
Plant Pathology G.J. Holmes*, K.L. Ivors, and F.J. Louws
Soil Science C.R. Crozier and G.D. Hoyt

HorticultureJ.M Kemble*
Plant PathologyE.J. Sikora
Weed ScienceM.G. Patterson

Clemson University University of Georgia

Horticulture R.L. Hassell*, G.A. Miller Horticulture G.E. Boyhan, W.T. Kelley*
Plant Pathology T. Keinath Plant Pathology D.B. Langston
Entomology P. Smith Crop & Soil Science S.A. Culpepper
Entomology A.N. Sparks and D.G. Riley

University of Kentucky
Louisiana State University Horticulture T.W. Coolong
Horticulture J. E. Boudreaux* Plant Pathology K.W. Seebold
Entomology T. P. Smith Entomology R.T. Bessin
Plant Pathology D. Ferrin

University of Tennessee
Mississippi State University Horticulture A.L. Wszelaki*
Horticulture D.H. Nagel, R.G. Snyder* Plant Pathology S.C. Bost
Plant Pathology D. Ingram Entomology F.A. Hale
Entomology M.B. Layton
Weed Science J.D. Byrd, M.W. Shankle, A. Rankins

Virgina Tech
Horticulture J.H. Freeman*
Plant Pathology S.L. Rideout

*State Coordinators

The purpose of this book is to provide the best and most up-to-date information available for commercial vegetable growers in the
southeastern US: Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, and South Carolina. These recommendations
are suggested guidelines for production in the above states. Factors such as markets, weather, and location may warrant modifica-
tions and/or different practices or planting dates not specifically mentioned in this book.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page i

Alabama Cooperative Extension System North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service
http://www.aces.edu http://www.ces.ncsu.edu

Commercial Vegetable Information Information on Herbs, Organics, & Specialty Crops

http://www.aces.edu/dept/com_veg http://ncherb.org

AU Plant Diagnostic Lab NCSU Plant Disease Information Notes-Vegetables

http://www.aces.edu/dept/plantdiagnosticlab/ http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/ent/clinic/indexa.html

North Carolina Pest News

ARKANSAS http://ipm.ncsu.edu/current_ipm/pest_news.html
Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
http://www.uaex.edu National IPM Network NC Component

FLORIDA Vegetable Insect Information Notes

University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/ent/notes/Vegetables/
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu vegetable_contents.html

Horticulture Information Leaflets

GEORGIA http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/hil/
University of Georgia Extension Vegetable Team
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
KENTUCKY http://www.dasnr.okstate.edu/oces
University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service
LOUISIANA http://www.clemson.edu/extension
Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service
Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service
MISSISSIPPI http://www.utextension.utk.edu
Mississippi State University Extension Service
MS State-Greenhouse Tomato Production Texas Agricultural Extension Service
http://msucares.com/crops/comhort/greenhouse.html http://texasextension.tamu.edu

MS Greenhouse Tomato Short Course

http://greenhousetomatosc.com VIRGINIA
Virginia Cooperative Extension
Mississippi Commercial Horticulture Information http://www.ext.vt.edu

Organic Fruit and Vegetable Production


Page ii Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Abbreviations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv Specific Commodity Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Asparagus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
List of Tables for Beans: Lima and Snap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
General Production Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
List of Insect, Disease, and Weed Control Tables . . . . v-ix Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collards,
Kale, and Kohlrabi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
General Production Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Varieties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Cucumbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Crop Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eggplant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Soils and Soil Fertility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Garlic and Elephant Garlic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Cover Crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Greens: Mustard, Turnip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Plant Growing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Herb: Basil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Disease Control in Plant Beds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Leeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Seed Storage and Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Lettuce, Endive, and Escarole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Plant Populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Melons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Irrigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Okra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Mulches and Row Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Onions and Green Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Pollination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Parsley and Cilantro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Calibrating Chemical Application Equipment . . . . . . . . 18 Parsnip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Calibrating a Sprayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Peas: English/Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Calibrating a Granular Applicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Peas: Southern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Calibrating a Broadcast Spreader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Peppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Calibration Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Potatoes, Irish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Beneficial Insects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Pumpkins and Winter Squash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Postharvest Perennial Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Radishes, Rutabagas, and Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Diagnosing Vegetable Crop Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Spinach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Air Pollution Injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Summer Squash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Postharvest Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Sweet Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Optimizing Commerical Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Sweetpotato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Cooling Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Watermelon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Pest Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Soil Pests: Their Detection and Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Registered Fungicides, Insecticides, and
Miticides for Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Be Safe with Pesticides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Respiratory Protective Devices for Pesticides . . . . . . . . 98
Protecting Our Groundwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Toxicity of Chemicals Used in Pest Control . . . . . . . . 101

Insect, Disease, and Weed Control Tables . . . . . . .102-259

Emergency Numbers by State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page iii
A - acre(s) P - phosphorus
/A - per acre ppi - preplant incorporated
BAW - beet armyworm ppm - parts per million
bu - bushel(s) PRR - pink root resistant
BWS - bacterial wilt susceptible psi - pounds per square inch
cc - cubic centimeter(s) pt - pint(s)
CEW - corn earworm P2O5 - available phosphoric acid
CL - cabbagelooper PRV - Papaya ringspot virus
CMV - cucumber mosaic virus PVX - potato virus X
CPB - Colorado potato beetle PVY - potato virus Y
cu ft - cubic foot (feet) PYO - pick-your-own
D - dust qt - quart(s)
DBM - diamondback moth RH - relative humidity
DF - dry flowable S - sprayable
DIF - difference in temperature as it relates to SB - sap beetle
transplant hardening SC - spray concentrate, soluble concentrate
E - emulsion SmR - smut resistant
EC - emulsifiable concentrate SP - soluble powder
F - flowable sq ft - square foot (feet)
F - degrees Fahrenheit TAW - true armyworm
F1 - hybrid tbs - tablespoon(s)
FAW - fall armyworm TEV - tobacco etch virus
FB - flea beetle TMV - tobacco mosaic virus
FC - flowable concentrate tsp - teaspoon(s)
fl - fluid TSWV - tomato spotted wilt virus
FM - flowable microencapsulated VF - Verticillium and Fusarium wilt resistant
F - Fusarium wilt resistant VFN - Verticillium, Fusarium, and nematode resistant
ft - foot (feet) VFS - Verticillium, Fusarium, and Stemphylium
g - gram wilt resistant
G - granule(s) V - Verticillium wilt resistant
gal - gallon(s) W - wettable
GPA - Gallons per Acre WBE - water-based emulsion
gpm - gallons per minute WDG - water-dispersible granules
ICW - imported cabbageworm WDL - water-dispersible liquid
in. - inch(es) wk - week(s)
K - potassium WMV - watermelon mosaic virus
K2O - available potash WP - wettable powder
L - liquid yr - year(s)
lb - pound(s) ZYMV - zucchini yellow mosaic virus
LC - liquid concentrate
min - minimum
mph - miles per hour
N - nitrogen
NR - not recommended
OF - oil formulation
oz - ounce(s)
% - percent

Page iv Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

1A. Vegetable Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1. Soil Test Interpretations and Recommendations Based on Soil Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
2. Lime and Fertilizer Suggestions for Vegetable Crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
3. Nutrient Values for Manure Applications and Crop Residues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
4. Percentage Equivalents and Conversion Factors for Major, Secondary, and Micronutrient Fertilizer Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
5. Optimum and Minimum Temperatures for Transplant Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
6. Vegetable Seed Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
7. Population of Plants per Acre at Several Between-row and In-row Spacings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
8. Critical Periods of Water Need for Vegetable Crops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
9. Available Water-Holding Capacity Based on Soil Texture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
10. Soil Infiltration Rates Based on Soil Texture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
11. Hours Required to Apply 1" Water to Mulched Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
12. Maximum Irrigation Periods for Drip Irrigation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
13. Predators and Parasites of Vegetable Pests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
14. Recommended Storage Conditions and Cooling Methods for Maximum Postharvest
Life of Commercially Grown Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


Table 3-1. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164
Table 3-68. Nematode Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217
Table 3-69. Greenhouse Vegetable Crop Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218
Table 3-70. Relative Effectiveness of Various Chemicals for Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221
Table 3-71. Sanitizing Greenhouses and Plant Beds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222

Table 3-2. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165

Table 2-1. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
Table 2-2. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
Table 2-3. Alternative Control Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
Table 3-3. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166
Table 3-4. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166
Table 4-1. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223

Table 2-4. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
Table 2-5. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
Table 2-6. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
Table 3-5. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166
Table 3-6. Relative Effectiveness of Various Chemicals for Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168
Table 3-7. Relative Importance of Alternative Management Practices for Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169
Table 4-2. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page v


Table 2-7. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
Table 2-8. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
Table 3-8. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169
Table 3-9. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169
Table 4-3. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227


Table 2-9. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
Table 3-10. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170
Table 3-11. Relative Effectiveness of Various Chemicals for Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
Table 3-12. Relative Importance Of Alternative Management Practices For Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173

Table 2-10. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Table 2-11. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Table 4-4. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228

Table 2-12. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112
Table 2-13. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
Table 2-14 Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
Table 3-31. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186
Table 4-5. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229

Table 2-15. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
Table 2-16. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
Table 2-17. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
Table 3-13. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174
Table 3-14. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174
Table 4-6. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231

Table 2-18. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Table 4-7. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232

Table 2-19. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Table 2-20. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Table 2-21. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Table 3-15. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175

Table 2-22. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
Table 2-23. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120
Table 2-24. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120
Table 3-16. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176
Table 3-17. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176
Table 4-8. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233

Page vi Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008


Table 2-25. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
Table 2-26. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123
Table 2-27. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123
Table 3-18. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177
Table 3-19. Relative Effectiveness of Various Chemicals for Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179
Table 3-20. Relative Importance Of Alternative Management Practices For Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180
Table 4-9. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235

Table 2-28. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124
Table 2-29. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
Table 2-30. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127
Table 3-21. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181
Table 3-22. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181
Table 4-10. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237

Table 3-23. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182
Table 3-24. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182

Table 3-25. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
Table 3-26. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
Table 4-11. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238

Table 2-31. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128

Table 2-32. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
Table 2-33. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
Table 2-34. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
Table 3-29. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185
Table 3-30. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185
Table 4-13. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240

Table 2-35. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
Table 2-36. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
Table 2-37. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
Table 3-27. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184
Table 3-28. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184
Table 4-12. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239

Table 2-38. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
Table 2-38. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
Table 2-40. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
Table 3-32. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188
Table 4-14. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page vii

Table 2-41. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
Table 2-42. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
Table 2-43. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
Table 3-33. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188
Table 3-34. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191
Table 3-35. Relative Effectiveness Of Various Chemicals For Disease Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191
Table 4-15. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242

Table 3-36. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192
Table 3-37. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192
Table 3-38. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192
Table 3-39. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192

Table 2-44. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135
Table 2-45. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
Table 2-46. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
Table 3-40. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193
Table 3-41. Alternative Management Tools: English Pea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193
Table 3-42. Alternative Management Tools: Southern Pea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193
Table 4-16. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243

Table 2-47. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
Table 2-48. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
Table 2-49. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139
Table 3-43. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194
Table 3-44. Relative Effectiveness Of Alternative Management Practices For Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195
Table 3-45. Relative Effectiveness of Various Chemicals for Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196
Table 4-17. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .245

Table 2-50. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
Table 2-51. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
Table 2-52. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
Table 3-46. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197
Table 3-47. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199
Table 4-18. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247


Table 2-53. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
Table 2-54. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
Table 2-55. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
Table 3-48. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200
Table 4-19. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249

Table 2-56. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
Table 2-57. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
Table 2-58. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
Table 3-49. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202
Table 4-20. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250

Page viii Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Table 3-50. Disease Control Schedule: Seedling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202
Table 3-51. Nematode Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202
Table 3-52. Disease Control Schedule: Foliar, Frogeye Leaf Spot and Target Spot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202
Table 3-53. Disease Control Schedule: Foliar, Asiatic soybean rust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203

Table 2-59. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
Table 2-60. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
Table 2-61. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
Table 3-54. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204
Table 3-55. Alternative Management Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204
Table 4-21. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251

Table 2-62. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150
Table 2-63. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152
Table 2-64. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152
Table 3-56. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205
Table 4-22. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252

Table 2-65. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153
Table 2-66. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154
Table 2-67. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154
Table 3-57. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207
Table 3-58. Storage House Sanitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208
Table 3-59. Relative Importance Of Alternative Management Practices For Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208
Table 3-60. Relative Importance Of Chemicals For Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209
Table 4-23. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254

Table 2-68. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
Table 2-69. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159
Table 2-70. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159
Table 3-61. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209
Table 3-62. Relative Effectiveness Of Alternative Management Practices For Foliar Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211
Table 3-63. Relative Effectiveness Of Various Chemicals For Foliar Disease Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212
Table 3-64. Suggested Weekly Spray Schedule For Foliar Disease Control In Fresh-market Tomato Production . . . . . . . .213
Table 3-65. Rates For Foliar Disease Control In Fresh-Market Tomatoes At Full Plant Growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213
Table 4-24. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255

Table 2-71. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
Table 2-72. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
Table 2-73. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
Table 3-66. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214

Table 2-74. Insect Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
Table 2-75. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162
Table 2-76. Alternative Control Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162
Table 3-67. Disease Control Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214
Table 4-25. Chemical Weed Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .257

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page ix

(this page intentionally left blank)
New varieties and strains of particular varieties of vegetables Crop rotation is an effective and widely used cultural practice
are constantly being developed throughout the world. Since it is to prevent or reduce the buildup of populations of soil-borne
impossible to list and describe all of them, only some of the bet- plant pathogens. An effective rotation sequence includes
ter performing commercial types are listed in the specific crop crops from different families that are poor or non hosts of the
section, either alphabetically or in order of relative maturity pathogen(s) of concern. In general, the longer the rotation, the
from early to late. These varieties are believed to be suitable for better the results; a 3- to 5-year rotation is generally recom-
commercial production under most conditions. mended. However, from a practical standpoint this will depend
The ultimate value of a variety for a particular purpose is upon the availability of land, the selection of alternate crops
determined by the grower, the varietys performance under his suited to grow in the area, the pathogen(s), and the purpose
or her management, and environmental conditions. Strains of a of the rotation (prevention versus reduction). When used to
particular variety may perform better than the standard variety reduce pathogen populations, rotations of longer than 5 years
under certain conditions. Several years of small trial plantings may be required (see Table 1A).
are suggested for any variety or strain not previously grown. For
a true comparison, always include a standard in the same field Table 1A. VEGETABLE FAMILIES
or planting. Grass Family Pea Family
Sweet corn English Pea
Plant Resistance or Tolerance. Any particular crop may devi- Popcorn Bean (lima, snap)
ate from the predicted response to a disease. This deviation may Ornamental Corn Cowpea or Southern pea
be due to different strains and races of disease-causing organ- Soybean
isms and environmental conditions. Plant scientists have taken Allium Family
Onion Parsley Family
advantage of this natural variation to develop varieties that are
Leek Carrot
resistant or tolerant. Superscripts appearing after the variety Garlic Parsley
names refer to the disease resistance or tolerance and are spelled Shallot Celery
out in the Abbreviations section in the front of this book or Chive Cilantro
following the listed recommended varieties.
Goosefoot Family Solanaceae Family
Specialty Vegetables. Many producers are considering grow- Beet Irish Potato
Chard Eggplant
ing specialty or gourmet vegetables of which several are
Spinach Tomato
highly perishable crops. Pepper
A very limited number of pesticides are registered for many Mustard Family
specialty vegetables and herbs. Successful pest control in these Kale Gourd Family
crops is dependent on sanitation, seed treatment, crop rotation, Collard Pumpkin
planting site, mechanical cultivation, and the use of resistant Brussels Sprout Squash
Cabbage Watermelon
varieties when available.
Cauliflower Cucumber
Promising perishable crops include asparagus, Belgian Broccoli Muskmelon
endive, dandelion (blanched), kale, Swiss chard, tyfon, herbs, Kohlrabi Cantaloupe
ethnic vegetables, red leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, scallions, Rutabaga
snap peas, and snow peas. Turnip Composite Family
Mustard Chicory
Less perishable types that offer promise are bok choy, Chinese
Upland cress Endive & Escarole
cabbage, endive and escarole (blanched), garlic (pink skin), Radish Dandelion
Japanese melons, leeks, pak choi, pepper, Irish potato (red, blue, Lettuce
yellow, and golden), red radicchio, rhubarb, sweet onions, and Malvaceae Artichoke
sweetpotatoes (moist and dry types with unusual color). Okra Jerusalem artichoke
Miniature or baby vegetables that can be grown are beets (har-
Bindweed Family
vested less mature), carrots (finger and round types), cucumbers
(harvested less mature), eggplant (little fingers type), Jersey
Golden acorn squash (immature with blossom attached), baby
lettuce, pickling corn, snap beans (small sieve types harvested
less mature), summer squash (immature with blossom attached),
and winter squash (Oriental and Little Dumpling).
Before planting a specialty crop, however, growers must
determine that specific retail, wholesale, restaurant, or pro-
cessing markets exist.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 1

SOILS AND SOIL FERTILITY Soil Acidity and Liming. Many soils in the southeast are natu-
rally acidic, or become acidic with cropping, and need liming to
The best soils for growing vegetables are well-drained, fairly attain optimum production levels. Soil acidity is the term used to
deep, and relatively high in organic matter. These soils should express the quantity of hydrogen (H+) and aluminum (Al3+) cat-
have good structure and have been adequately limed and fertil- ions (positively charged ions) in soils. Soil pH is determined by
ized for the past few years. Loamy sand and sandy loam soils using a 1:1 soil-to-water solution. The pH of the solution is mea-
are generally better suited for growing early market crops. Loam sured by a pH meter (potentiometer). Soil pH is an indicator of
and silt loam soils are generally better suited for growing crops "soil acidity". Combined, the use of the soil pH and soil textural
for later fresh-market use or for processing. Deep, well-drained class determines the lime requirement. A pH of 7.0 is defined
organic soils are ideal for leafy vegetables and bulb and root as neutral, with values below 7.0 being acidic and above 7.0
crops that offer a high return per acre. being basic or alkaline. Root growth and plant development may
The grower who matches the crop to the soil has the best be severely restricted if acidic cations, especially aluminum,
chance of producing a successful crop. For example, if a crop occupy a large percentage of the negatively charged soil cation
that requires well-drained soil is planted on poorly drained soil, exchange capacity (CEC). This negative charge is due to the
its doomed to failure regardless of a growers other efforts. chemical makeup of the soil clay and organic matter, and means
A large percentage of the vegetables grown in mineral soils of that they can attract positively charged ions. Soils become acidic
the Coastal Plain are grown in soils with essentially no structure. due to the leaching of calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+),
At best these soils possess weak granular structures. In many especially in sandy coastal plain soils. Acidification also occurs
areas, sand is preferred because it drains quickly so fields can when H+ is added to soils by decomposition of plant residues
be worked soon after rains or irrigation without damaging the and organic matter, and during the nitrification of ammonium
structure of the soil. when added to soils as fertilizer (UAN solutions, urea, ammoni-
um nitrate, ammonium sulfate, anhydrous ammonia), manures,
Soil Management. In a good soil management program, proper or plant residues. Declines of one pH unit can occur even in
liming and fertilization, good tillage practices, crop rotation, properly fertilized beds. The H+ added to soils reacts with the
annual additions of organic matter with cover crops, and clay minerals (aluminum silicates) and releases Al3+, the most
adequate irrigation are all necessary to maintain high levels of deleterious component of soil acidity. Lime is applied to neutral-
production. Winter cover crops and periodically resting the land ize soil acidity by releasing a base (HCO3-, OH -) into the soil
with summer cover crops between vegetable plantings are essen- solution, which reacts with acid (H+). Increasing soil pH reduces
tial in preventing deterioration of the soil structure. In soil man- the concentration of dissolved aluminum, as well as influencing
agement, this is vital for maintaining highly productive soils. the concentrations of other ions.
Lime recommendations must take into account differences
Nutrient Management and Environmental Quality. The sandy in acidity among soils as well as differences among various
soils preferred for vegetable production in the southeastern US crops tolerance to acidity. Both the soil pH and some measure
result in an aerated root zone and enable timely tillage, planting, of residual or exchangeable acidity are needed to calculate lime
and harvesting. The same drainage allows water and dissolved recommendations. Although portable soil test kits determine pH
nutrients to move through the soil profile. Even with loams or rapidly, it is not possible to make an accurate lime recommenda-
clays, nutrients retained in surface soil may be carried with tion based solely on a pH measurement. Another issue to con-
sediment or as dissolved run-off to the surface waters. Nitrates sider is that different soil laboratories may use different testing
and phosphorus remain the two agricultural nutrients of great- methods developed for their particular soil conditions. Due to
est environmental concern. Even agronomically small losses these differences, producers should ask about laboratory meth-
of N & P can impact water quality, especially in eco-sensitive ods and target pH assumptions used in determining lime recom-
regions. Other issues of potential concern include K fertilizer mendations. Consult your state guidelines for a description of
losses and accumulation of heavy metals such as copper, zinc, the current soil test method and interpretation guidelines.
etc. supplied with organic amendments. If soil pH is too high for the desired crop, elemental sulfur
Ongoing research has documented increased costs and reduced (S) is the most effective soil acidulant. The amount of acidity
profits, as well as natural resource degradation and human generated by 640 pounds of elemental S is the same as that
health risks, due to over-fertilization. It is therefore critical neutralized by 1 ton of lime. In addition to lime, soil pH can be
that both nutrients and irrigation are managed to optimize veg- lowered by applying aluminum sulfate or iron sulfate. Whether
etable production while minimizing impact on the environment. trying to increase or decrease the pH of your soil, always follow
Careful nutrient management considers at least the following the manufacturer's instructions for appropriate rates. A slight pH
four issues: rate, timing, placement, source. Land-grant uni- reduction can be produced by using ammonium sulfate, ammo-
versity recommendations are based on calibrated crop response nium nitrate, or urea as a fertilizer source of nitrogen.
studies that can differ substantially across the region. Producers Liming materials containing only calcium carbonate (CaCO3),
should consult guidelines prepared specifically for their state for calcium hydroxide [CA(OH)2], or calcium oxide (CaO) are
the most appropriate nutrient management recommendations. called calcitic limes. Pure calcium carbonate is used as the stan-
A well-balanced nutrient management plan represents good dard for liming materials and is assigned a rating of 100 percent.
stewardship and should satisfy any applicable environmental This rating is also known as the calcium carbonate equivalent,
regulations. and is referred to as the CCE. All other liming materials are

Page 2 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

rated in relationship to pure calcium carbonate. Liming materi- How to Use Plant Nutrient Recommendation Table #1 and
als with significant amounts of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) #2. Use Table 1 to determine the relative levels of phosphorus
are called dolomitic limes. Dolomitic limes should be used on and potassium in the soil based on the soil test report from the
soils low in magnesium, as indicated by the soil test report. It is laboratory. Use Table 2 as a guide in conjunction with specific
possible to use a magnesium fertilizer instead of dolomitic lime, soil test results. Plant nutrient recommendations listed in Table
but the costs of this source of magnesium are almost always 2 are expressed in terms of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5),
considerably higher. Because lime dissolves very slowly, it must and potash (K2O), rather than in specific grades and amounts
be finely ground to effectively neutralize soil acidity. Lime laws of fertilizer. When soil test results are not available, use rec-
in most states describe standards for composition and particles ommended amounts of P2O5 and K2O listed under medium
sizes. phosphorus and medium potassium soil test levels for the crop
The most commonly used liming materials are finely ground to be grown. When soil test results are available, the phosphate
dolomitic or calcitic rock. Most agricultural lime is sold in bulk (P2O5) and potash (K2O) needs for each cropping situation can
as a damp powder because dry lime is very dusty and difficult be determined by selecting the appropriate values under the rela-
to handle and spread. However, lime is occasionally excessively tive soil test levels for phosphorus and potassium: very low, low,
wet. Lime is sold by the ton, thus be aware that you may be medium, high, or very high.
purchasing a substantial amount of water and should adjust The cropping and manuring history of the field must be
lime rates accordingly. Additional liming materials include known before a fertilization program can be planned (see Table
burnt lime or hydrated lime, pelleted lime, liquid lime, wood 4). This history is very important in planning a nitrogen fertil-
ash, ground seashells, and industrial slags. Lime pellets and ization program, because a reliable soil test for nitrogen is not
lime suspensions (liquid lime) can be convenient and fast-act- available.
ing, but are usually considerably more expensive than ground Plant nutrient recommendations listed in Table 2 were devel-
limestones. Industrial by-product liming materials can be useful oped for fields where no manure is being applied and where no
soil amendments capable of reducing soil acidity and supply a legume crop is being turned under prior to the planting of a new
variety of nutrients including calcium, magnesium, potassium, crop. If manure and/or legume crops are being used, the plant
phosphorus, and micronutrients. Each lot of such materials nutrient recommendations listed in Table 2 should be reduced
should be analyzed as considerable variation in CCE, fineness, by the amounts of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5), and potash
and nutrient composition may occur. (K2O) being contributed from these sources. See Table 4 for
Within a one to three year time-period, lime moves little in the nutrient values for manure applications and legume crop resi-
soil and neutralizes acidity only in the zone where it is applied. dues.
To be most effective, lime must be uniformly spread and thor- Once the final fertilizer-plant nutrient needs are known,
oughly incorporated. In practice, rates are adjusted after check- determine the grade and rate of fertilizer needed to fulfill these
ing the spreader pattern and making appropriate corrections. If requirements. For example, if the final plant nutrient require-
the application is not correct, strips of under-limed soil could ments that need to be added as a commercial fertilizer are 50
result, possibly reducing crop yields. The most commonly used pounds of nitrogen (N), 100 pounds of phosphate (P2O5), and
lime incorporation tool is the disk. It will not incorporate lime as 150 pounds of potash (K2O), a fertilizer with a 1-2-3 ratio, such
well as offset disks that throw the soil more vigorously. The best as 5-10-15, 6-12-18, 7-14-21, is needed. Once the grade of fer-
incorporation implement is a heavy-duty rotary tiller that mixes tilizer is selected, the quantity needed to fulfill the plant nutrient
the soil throughout the root zone. requirements can be determined by dividing the percentage of
N, P2O5, or K2O contained in the fertilizer into the quantity of
Lime and Fertilizer. Lime and fertilizer work together synergis- the respective plant nutrient needed per acre and multiplying the
tically to produce high yields and better crops. Lime is not a sub- answer by 100.
stitute for fertilizer, and fertilizer is not a substitute for lime.

Relative Yield
Soil Test without
Rating Nutrient (%) Recommendations
Low 5075 Annual application to produce maximum response and increase soil fertility.

Medium 75100 Normal annual application to produce maximum yields.

High* 100 Small applications to maintain soil level. Amount suggested may be doubled and applied in alternate

Very high* 100 None until level drops back into high range. This rating permits growers, without risk of loss in
yields, to benefit economically from high levels added in previous years. Where no P or K is applied,
soils should be resampled in 2 years. When phosphorus is extremely high, further additions may
limit the availability of Fe and/or Zn.
* Some states recommend that no fertilizer P or K be added when the soil test rating is either High or Very High, in order to minimize runoff in nutrient-sensitive watersheds

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 3

Recommended Nutrients Based on Soil Tests
Soil Phosphorus Level Soil Potassium Level
Very Very
Low Med High High Low Med High High
Desirable Nitrogen (N)
CROP pH lb/acre P2O5 lb/acre K2O lb/acre Nutrient Timing and Method
...Growing crowns 6.5 100 200 100 50 0 200 150 50 0 Total recommended.
50 200 100 50 0 100 75 50 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
50 0 0 0 0 100 75 0 0 Sidedress after cutting.
...New Crown 50 200 100 50 0 200 100 100 0 Total recommended.
0 200 100 50 0 100 75 50 0 Broadcast and disk in.
Direct Seeding
50 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 Sidedress at rst cultivation.
...Cutting Bed or 100 150 100 50 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
50 150 100 50 0 100 150 100 0 Broadcast before cutting season.
50 0 0 0 0 100 75 0 0 Sidedress after cutting.
...New hybrids 100 200 150 100 0 300 225 50 0 Total recommended.
50 200 150 100 0 150 100 75 0 Broadcast before cutting season.
50 0 0 0 0 100 125 75 0 Sidedress after cutting.
Apply 2 lb boron (B) per acre every 3 years on most soils.
BEAN, Lima 6 to 6.5 70 to 110 120 80 40 20 160 120 80 20 Total recommended.
...Single crop 25 to 50 80 40 20 0 120 80 60 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
20 40 40 20 20 40 40 20 20 Band-place with planter.
25 to 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 3 to 5 weeks after emergence.
BEAN, Snap 6 to 6.5 40 to 80 80 60 40 20 80 60 40 20 Total recommended.
20 to 40 40 40 0 0 40 40 0 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
20 to 40 40 20 40 20 40 20 40 20 Band-place with planter.
BEET 6 to 6.5 75 to 100 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Total recommended.
50 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 4 to 6 weeks after planting.
BROCCOLI 6 to 6.5 125 to 175 200 100 50 0 200 100 50 0 Total recommended.
50 to 100 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
50 50 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 Sidedress 2 to 3 weeks after planting.
25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress every 2 to 3 weeks after initial
Apply 2 to 3 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
BRUSSEL 6 to 6.5 100 to 175 200 100 50 0 200 100 50 0 Total recommended.
SPROUTS, 50 to 75 200 100 50 0 200 100 50 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
CABBAGE, and 25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 2 to 3 weeks after planting.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress if needed, according to weather.
Apply 2 to 3 lb boron (B) per acre and molybdenum per acre as 0.5 lb sodium molybdate per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
CARROT 6 to 6.5 50 to 80 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Total recommended.
50 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress if needed.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilzer.
CORN, Sweet 6 to 6.5 110 to 155 160 120 80 20 160 120 80 20 Total recommended.
40 to 60 10 100 60 0 120 100 60 0 Broadcast before planting.
20 40 20 20 20 40 20 20 20 Band-place with planter.
50 to 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress when corn is 12 to 18 in. tall.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer. NOTE: On very light sandy soils, sidedress 40 lb N per acre when corn is 6 in. tall and
another 40 lb N per acre when corn is 12 to 18 in. tall.
CUCUMBER 6 to 6.5 80 to160 150 100 50 25 200 150 100 25 Total recommended.
...Bareground 40 to 100 125 25 25 0 175 125 75 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
20 to 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Band-place with planter 7 to 14 days after
20 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress when vines begin to run, or
apply in irrigation water.
...Plasticulture 120 to 150 150 100 50 25 216 183 150 25 Total recommended.
25 125 25 25 0 45 35 25 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
95 to 125 0 0 0 0 175 150 125 25 Fertigate
Drip fertilization: See cucumber in specic recommendations later in this handbook.

Page 4 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Recommended Nutrients Based on Soil Tests
Soil Phosphorus Level Soil Potassium Level
Very Very
Low Med High High Low Med High High
Desirable Nitrogen (N)
CROP pH lb/acre P2O5 lb/acre K2O lb/acre Nutrient Timing and Method
EGGPLANT 6 to 6.5 100 to 200 250 150 100 0 250 150 100 0 Total recommended.
...Bareground 50 to 100 250 150 100 0 250 150 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 3 to 4 weeks after planting.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 6 to 8 weeks after planting.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
...Plasticulture 145 250 150 100 0 200 170 100 0 Total recommended.
50 250 150 100 0 100 100 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
95 0 0 0 0 140 70 0 0 Fertigate.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer. Drip fertilization: See eggplant in specic recommendations later in this handbook.

ENDIVE, ESCAROLE, 6 to 6.5 75 to 150 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
LEAF AND ROMAINE 50 to 100 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
LETTUCE 25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 3 to 5 weeks after planting.
ICEBERG LETTUCE 6 to 6.5 80 to 175 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
60 to 80 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 3 times beginning 2 weeks
after planting.
LEAFY GREENS, 6 to 6.5 75 to 80 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Total recommended.
COLLARD, KALE, 50 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress, if needed.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
LEEK 6 to 6.5 75 to 125 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
50 to 75 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 3 to 4 weeks after planting,
if needed.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
CANTALOUPES & 6 to 6.5 75 to 115 150 100 50 25 200 150 100 25 Total recommended.
MIXED MELONS 25 to 50 125 75 25 0 175 125 75 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Band-place with planter.
25 to 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress when vines start to run.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
...Plasticulture 75 to 150 150 100 50 25 200 260 154 25 Total recommended.
25 125 75 25 0 175 50 50 25 Broadcast and disk-in.
105 25 25 25 25 25 200 157 0 Fertigate.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer. Drip fertilization: See cantaloupe in specic commodity recommendations later in
this handbook.
OKRA 6 to 6.5 100 to 200 250 150 100 0 250 150 100 0 Total recommended.
50 to 100 250 150 100 0 250 150 100 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 3 to 4 weeks after planting.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 6 to 8 weeks after planting.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
NOTE: Where plastic mulches are being used, broadcast 50 to 100 lb nitrogen (N) per acre with recommended P2O5 and K2O and disk
incorporate prior to laying mulch. Drip fertilization: See okra in specic commodity recommendations later in this handbook.
ONION 6 to 6.5 75 to 150 200 100 50 0 200 100 50 0 Total recommended.
...Bulb 50 to 75 200 100 50 0 200 100 50 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 4 to 5 weeks after planting.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) and 20 lb sulfur (S) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
...Green 100 to 175 200 100 50 0 200 100 50 0 Total recommended.
50 to 75 200 100 50 0 200 100 50 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 4 to 5 weeks after planting.
50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 3 to 4 weeks before harvest.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) and 20 lb sulfur (S) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
PARSLEY 6 to 6.5 100 to 175 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
50 to75 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress after rst cutting.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress after each additional cutting.
PARSNIP 6 to 6.5 50 to 100 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Total recommended.
25 to 50 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 4 to 5 weeks after planting.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 5

Recommended Nutrients Based on Soil Tests
Soil Phosphorus Level Soil Potassium Level
Very Very
Low Med High High Low Med High High
Desirable Nitrogen (N)
CROP pH lb/acre P2O5 lb/acre K2O lb/acre Nutrient Timing and Method
PEA, English 5.8 to 6.5 40 to 60 120 80 40 0 120 80 40 0 Total recommended. Broadcast and
disk-in before seeding.
PEA, Southern 5.8 to 6.5 16 96 48 0 0 96 48 0 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
PEPPER 6 to 6.5 100 to 130 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
...Bareground 50 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress after rst fruit set.
25 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress later in season, if needed.
...Plasticulture 100 to 185 200 150 100 0 365 300 235 0 Total recommended.
50 200 150 100 0 100 100 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
135 0 0 0 0 265 200 135 0 Fertigate.
Drip fertilization: See pepper in specic commodity recommendations later in this handbook.
POTATO, Irish 5.8 to 6.2 100 to 150 110 90 70 50 200 150 50 50 Total recommended.
...Loams and silt 85 to 135 60 40 20 0 200 150 50 50 Broadcast and disk-in.
15 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 Band-place with planter at planting.
...Sandy loams and 150 200 150 100 50 300 200 100 50 Total recommended.
loamy sands
50 200 150 100 50 300 200 100 50 Broadcast and disk-in.
100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress 4 to 5 weeks after planting.
PUMPKIN and 6 to 6.5 80 to 150 150 100 50 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
WINTER SQUASH 25 to 50 150 100 50 0 200 150 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
20 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress when vines begin to run.
...Plasticulture 80 to 150 150 100 50 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
25 to 50 150 100 50 0 100 75 50 0 Disk in row.
100 0 0 0 0 100 75 50 0 Fertigation.
RADISH 6 to 6.5 50 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Total recommended. Broadcast and
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
RUTABAGA and 6 to 6.5 50 to 75 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Total recommended.
TURNIP 25 to 50 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress when plants are 4 to 6
in. tall.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
SPINACH 6 to 6.5 75 to 125 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
...Fall 50 to 75 200 150 100 0 200 150 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress or topdress.
...Overwinter 80 to 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total recommended for spring
application to an overwintered crop.
50 to 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apply in late February.
30 to 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apply in late March.
6 to 6.5 100 to 130 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Total recommended.
SQUASH, Summer
25 to 50 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress when vines start to run.
25 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apply through irrigation system.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
Drip fertilization: See summer squash in specic commodity recommendations later in this handbook.
SWEETPOTATO 5.8 to 6.2 50 to 80 200 100 50 0 300 200 150 0 Total recommended.
0 150 60 30 0 150 50 30 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
50 to 80 0 0 0 0 150 150 120 120 Sidedress 21 to 28 days after planting.
Add 0.5 lb of actual bor
material at 40 and 80 days after planting.
TOMATO 6 to 6.5 80 to 90 200 150 100 0 300 200 100 0 Total recommended.
...Bareground for 40 to 45 200 150 100 0 300 200 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
Sandy loams and 40 to 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress when rst fruits are set
loamy sands as needed.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
... Bareground for 50 to 80 200 150 100 0 250 150 100 0 Total recommended.
Loam and clay 50 200 150 100 0 250 150 100 0 Broadcast and plow down.
25 to 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sidedress when rst fruits are set
as needed.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.

Page 6 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Recommended Nutrients Based on Soil Tests
Soil Phosphorus Level Soil Potassium Level
Very Very
Low Med High High Low Med High High
Desirable Nitrogen (N)
CROP pH lb/acre P2O5 lb/acre K2O lb/acre Nutrient Timing and Method
TOMATO 6 to 6.5 130 to 210 200 150 100 0 440 345 250 0 Total recommended.
...Plasticulture 50 200 150 100 0 125 125 125 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
160 0 0 0 0 295 220 125 0 Fertigate.
Apply 1 to 2 lb boron (B) per acre with broadcast fertilizer.
Drip fertilization: See tomato in specic commodity recommendations later in this handbook.
WATERMELON 6 to 6.5 75 to 90 150 100 50 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
...Nonirrigated 50 150 100 50 0 200 150 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Topdress when vines start to run.
...Irrigated 100 to 150 150 100 50 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
50 150 100 50 0 150 150 100 0 Broadcast and disk-in.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Topdress when vines start to run.
25 to 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Topdress at rst fruit set.
...Plasticulture 80 to 150 150 100 50 0 200 150 100 0 Total recommended.
25 to 50 150 100 50 0 100 75 50 0 Disk in row.
100 0 0 0 0 100 75 50 0 Fertigation.

NOTE:Excessive rates of N may increase the incidence of hollow heart in seedless watermelon.

Drip fertilization: See watermelon in specic commodity recommendations later in this handbook.


N P2O5 K2O N P2O5 K 2O
Pounds per Ton Pounds per Ton
Cattle manure 5-101 3 3 Alfalfa sod 50-1002 0 0
Poultry manure 25-501 20 10 Hairy vetch 50-100 0 0
Pig manure 5-101 2 2 Ladino clover sod 60 0 0
Horse manure 6-121 3 6 Crimson clover sod 50 0 0
Liquid poultry manure 7-151 5-10 5-10 Red clover sod 40 0 0
(5-15% solids) Birdsfoot trefoil 40 0 0
Lespedeza 20 0 0
Tops and roots 40 0 0
Grain harvest residue 15 0 0
Lower values for fall- and winter-applied manure and higher values for spring-applied manure. Use these figures only if manure being used has not been analyzed.
75% stand = 100-0-0, 50% stand = 75 -0-0, and 25% stand = 50-0-0.

For example, if a 5-10-15 fertilizer grade is chosen to supply limestones should be used when liming soils that are low in
the 50 pounds of N, 100 pounds of P2O5, and 150 pounds of magnesium. Magnesium should be applied as a fertilizer source
K2O needed, calculate the amount of 5-10-15 fertilizer needed on low-magnesium soils where lime is not needed. Magnesium
as follows: Divide the amount of nitrogen (N) needed per acre may be applied as a foliar spray to supply magnesium to the
(50 pounds) by the percentage of N in the 5-10-15 fertilizer (5 crop in emergency situations.
percent), and multiply the answer (10) by 100, which equals Sulfur is known to be deficient in vegetable crop soils in
1,000 pounds. This same system can be used for converting any coastal plain soils. Sulfur deficiencies may develop as more air
plant nutrient recommendations into grades and amounts. pollution controls are installed and with the continued use of
high-analysis fertilizers that are low in sulfur content.
Secondary Nutrients.
Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S) are included in Micronutrients.
the secondary element group. Calcium may be deficient in some Boron is the most widely deficient micronutrient in vegetable
soils that have not been properly limed, where excessive potash crop soils. Deficiencies of this element are most likely to
fertilizer has been used, and/or where crops are subjected to occur in the following crops: asparagus, most bulb and root
drought stress. Magnesium is the most likely of these elements crops, cole crops, and tomatoes. Excessive amounts of boron
to be deficient in vegetable soils. Dolomitic or high-magnesium can be toxic to plant growth. This problem can occur when

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 7

snap beans (a sensitive crop) follow sweetpotatoes (a crop crop and nematode suppression. They can be planted as early
where boron is applied late in the season). Do NOT exceed as field corn is planted and as late as August 15. These crops
recommendations listed in Table 2. should be clipped, mowed, or disked to prevent seed devel-
Manganese deficiency often occurs in plants growing on soils opment that could lead to weed problems. Summer cover crops
that have been overlimed. In this case, broadcast 20 to 30 pounds can be disked and planted to wheat or rye in September or
or band 4 to 8 pounds of manganese sulfate to correct this. Do allowed to winter-kill and tilled in the spring.
not apply lime or poultry manure to such soils until the pH has Many soils that are not very productive due to poor physi-
dropped below 6.5, and be careful not to overlime again. cal properties can be restored and made to produce good crops
Molybdenum deficiency of cauliflower (which causes whip- through the use of a good resting-crop program. This practice
tail) may develop when this crop is grown on soils more acid also helps to reduce the buildup of many diseases and insects
than pH 5.5. An application of 0.5 to 1 pound of sodium or that attack vegetable crops.
ammonium molybdate per acre will usually correct this. Liming Small grains, sudangrass, sudex, timothy, orchardgrass, and
acid soils to a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 will usually prevent the develop- ryegrass are good soil-resting crops. Consult state field crop
ment of molybdenum deficiencies in vegetable crops. or agronomy recommendations for details on seeding rates and
Deficiencies of other micronutrients in vegetable crops in management practices.
the Southeast are rare; and when present, are usually caused by Intensive cropping, working the soil when it was too wet,
overliming or other poor soil management practices. Contact and excessive traffic from using heavy-tillage equipment have
Extension if a deficiency of zinc, iron, copper, or chlorine is severely damaged many soils. These practices cause the soils to
suspected. Sources of fertilizers for the essential plant nutrients become very hard and compact, resulting in poor seed germina-
are found in Table 4. tion, loss of transplants, and shallow root formation of surviving
plants. Also, such soils easily form crusts and compact making
Municipal Biosoilds. Biosolids Should Not Be Applied to them very difficult to irrigate properly. Consequences: poor
Land on Which Crops Will Be Grown That Will Be Entering plant stands, poor crop growth, low yields, and loss of income.
the Human Food Chain. Municipal biosolids are the solid Subsoiling in the row may help improve aeration and drainage
material removed from sewage in treatment processes. Biosolids of soils damaged by several years of excessive traffic from
treated by one of the digestive or similar processes to reduce heavy-tillage equipment.
pathogens is a low-analysis fertilizer suitable for application Choosing a grass cover crop is a little easier than choosing a
to nonfood crops under specific soil conditions. It should not legume. Rye, barley, wheat, oats, and ryegrass can be planted in
be applied to sloping land, to highly leachable soils, to poorly the fall; expect to harvest or plow under anywhere from 1/2 ton
drained soils, to soils with high water tables or near surface to 4 tons of dry matter per acre.
water, or to soils having a pH of less than 6.2. Check with your
local or state department of environmental management for lat- RYE: Rye is probably used more as a winter cover than any
est regulations. other grain. Most ryes will grow well in the fall (even late fall)
and be first in late winter/early spring to continue growing.
Foliar Fertilization. Foliar feeding of vegetables is usually not This makes rye a top choice for farmers who have late-season
needed. If, for some reason, one or more soil-supplied nutrient vegetable crops with little time left before winter to sow a cover.
becomes limited or unavailable during the development of the Spring growth provides excellent biomass to turn under for
crop, foliar nutrient applications may then be advantageous. use in early potatoes, cole crops, etc. Rye also provides a for-
age source for grazing animals and a straw source if harvested
before mature seeds are formed or after rye seed harvest.
Seeding dates suggested are for the central part of the BARLEY: Barley provides an excellent source of biomass in the
Southeastern United States and will vary with elevation and spring. It grows shorter than rye, will tiller, and thus produces
northern or southern locations. Seeding spring oats at 60 to 100 as much straw/forage/plow-down as rye. Barley takes longer to
pounds per acre during September or October provides a good catch up with equivalent rye biomass, and the possibility of win-
cover crop that will winter-kill in the colder areas but may over- ter kill will be greater with barley. Late fall planting of barley
winter in warmer areas. Rye or wheat can be seeded at 80 to 110 will probably be a sure way of loosing it to winter kill. Plant in
pounds per acre after late September until mid-November. September or early October for greatest survival.
These crops can also provide strips for wind protection during
the early part of the next growing season. A mixture of annual WHEAT: Using wheat as a cover crop works well and provides
and perennial ryegrass (domestic) seeded at 15 pounds per acre the additional option of a grain harvest. Wheat needs to be
before November is also a good cover crop. Living cover crops planted in September or October and probably produces bio-
reduce nutrient loss during the winter and early spring. Living mass similar to barley but will be a week or two later. It can be
cover crops should be disked or plowed before they seriously grazed before turning under or harvested for grain and the straw
deplete soil moisture. removed. Problems may occur if the Hessian fly is abundant.
Summer cover crops, such as sudangrass or sudex, seeded
at 20 to 40 pounds per acre are good green manure crops. OATS: Oats can be managed to provide many options for the
Sunhemp, and pearl millet also provide a good green manure grower. Planting fall oats in September or October will provide

Page 8 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Lb of Material Lb of Material
Required to Supply Required to Supply
10 Lb of the 10 Lb of the
Fertilizer Plant Food Initially Listed Fertilizer Plant Food Initially Listed
Source Material Contents,% Plant Nutrient Source Material Contents,% Plant Nutrient
- Nitrogen Materials - Magnesium Materials
Monoammonium Epsom salts* 10 (Mg) and 13 (S) 96
phosphate* 11 (N) and 48 (P2O5) 91 Sulfate of potash- 21.8 (K2O) and
magnesia* 11.1 (Mg) 90
Nitrate of potash* 13 (N) and 44 (K2O) 77 Kieserite* 18.1 (Mg) 55
Nitrate of soda-potash* 15 (N) and 14 (K2O) 67 Brucite 39 (Mg) 26
Calcium nitrate* 15 (N) and 19 (Ca) 67
Nitrate of soda 16 (N) 63 -Sulfur Materials -
Diammonium phosphate* 18 (N) and 46 (P2O5) 56 Granulated sulfur 90-92 (S) 11
Nitrogen solution 20 (N) 50 Ammonium sulfate* 23 (S) and 20.5 (N) 43
Ammonium sulfate* 20.5 (N) and 23 (S) 49 Gypsum* 15-18 (S) and 19-23 (Ca) 61
Nitrogen solution 30 (N) 33 Epsom salts* 13 (S) and 10 (Mg) 77
Nitrogen solution 32 (N) 31
Ammonium nitrate 33.5-34.0 (N) 30 Boron Materials
Nitrogen solution 40 (N) 25 Fertilizer Borate Granular* 14.30 (B) 70
Urea 45-46 (N) 22 Fertilizer Borate-48 14.91 (B) 67
Anhydrous ammonia 82 (N) 12 Solubor 20.50 (B) 49
Fertilizer Borate-68 21.13 (B) 47
- Phosphorus Materials -
Normal superphosphate* 20 (P2O5) and 11 (S) 50 - Manganese Materials
Triple superphosphate* 44-46 (P2O5) 22 Manganese sulfate 24.0 (Mn) 42
Monoammmonium Manganese sulfate 25.5 (Mn) 39
phosphate* 11 (N) and 48 (P2O5) 21 Manganese sulfate 29.1 (Mn) 34
Diammonium phosphate* 18 (N) and 46 (P2O5) 22 Manganese oxide 48.0 (Mn) 21
Manganese oxide 55.0 (Mn) 18
Potassium Materials
Nitrate of soda-potash* 13 (N) and 14 (K2O) 71 - Zinc Materials
Sulfate of potash- Zinc sulfate 36 (Zn) 28
magnesia* 21.8 (K2O) and 11.1 (Mg) 46 Zinc oxide 73 (Zn) 14
Nitrate of potash* 13 (N) and 44 (K2O) 23
Sulfate of potash* 50 (K2O) and 17 (S) 20 - Molybdenum Materials
Muriate of potash* 60 (K2O) 17 Sodium molybdate 39.5 (Mo) 25
Sodium molybdate 46.6 (Mo) 21
Ammonium molybdate 56.5 (Mo) 18
* Supplies more than one essential nutrient.

a cover crop and good late spring biomass. It can be grazed, MIXING GRASS AND LEGUMES: Planting a single grass or
made into excellent hay, or the grain harvested and oat straw legume may be necessary, but combining a grass and legume
produced. Planting spring oats in the early fall can provide a together may prove better than either one alone. Grasses provide
good winter-killed mulch that could benefit perennial vegetables soil protection during the winter and also produce great forage
or small fruits. Spring oats have survived through some milder or plow-down organic matter. Legumes do not grow well during
winters; thus, herbicides may be necessary to kill spring oats in the winter, but late spring growth is abundant and produces high
perennial plantings. protein forage and nitrogen for the following crop. Crimson
clover is a legume to grow in companion with a grass. Crimson
RYEGRASS: This grass has great potential use as a green clovers height matches well with barley, wheat, and oats, but
manure and as a forage/hay material, but ryegrass can poten- may be shaded and out competed by rye. Hairy vetch has been
tially become a difficult pest in some farm operations. In the sown with grass cover crops for many years, using the grass/
mountain region, ryegrass grows rather slowly in the fall and vetch combination as a hay or plowdown.
provides only moderate winter erosion protection, but in late
spring it produces an abundant supply of biomass. BIOFUMIGANT CROPS: are groups of plants that produce
Grazing and spring hay from ryegrass can be excellent, and naturally-occurring fumigants (glucosinolates) that reduce the
a fine, extensive root system makes it a great source for plow- negative effects of soil borne diseases, nematodes and weeds.
down. These crops increase soil tilth and can act as a nutrient sink.
One example of a biofumigant is a cover crop called Caliente
119. Caliente 119 is a mixture of oilseed radish and mustard

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 9

seeds when grown can reduce nematode levels and add organic other disease problems. If flats are to be reused, they should
matter to the soil. Throughout much of the region these can be be thoroughly cleaned after use and completely submerged in a
seeded in the fall and over-wintered or seeded in early spring. household bleach solution for at least 5 minutes. Use 5 gallons
Seeding rates range from 15 to 20 lbs/A and will vary with of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (such as Chlorox) for each 100
location and seed size. These crops respond to 50 -100 lb/A N gallons of solution. Permit flats to dry completely prior to use.
fertilizer at planting to stimulate fall growth and establishment. Never treat flats with creosote or pentachlorophenol.
These crops grow rapidly and can be plowed down in 6 weeks.
Only spring planting is recommended for areas where average Plant Containers: There are a wide variety of containers avail-
last spring frost is May 1 or later. able for starting seeds for transplants. Most growers start seeds
either in flats or in cell packs.
PLOWDOWN: Plowing early defeats the purpose of growing Flats can be of plastic or wooden construction. The main
cover crops as little biomass will have been produced by the advantage of using flats is that more plants can fit into the same
cover crop. In the case of legume cover crops, they require space if plants are in flats. However, if you start seeds in flats,
sufficient time to develop biomass which an early plowdown you will need to transplant to larger cell packs or to individual
would prevent. If you need to plow early, use a grass cover crop pots as the seedlings get bigger.
(rye) that produces good fall growth and will provide maximum Seeding directly into cell packs saves time, because trans-
biomass for incorporation. Allow 3-6 weeks between plowdown planting into a larger container later is not necessary. Cell packs
and planting. come in many different cell sizes; the overall tray size is stan-
dardized. For tomatoes and peppers, 72-cell packs work well.
SUMMER COVER CROPS: Summer cover crops can be useful For larger-seeded vegetables; such as cucumbers, squash, and
in controlling weeds, soil borne diseases, and nematodes. They watermelons, 48-cell packs work better.
also provide organic matter and can improve soil tilth while Each vegetable crop has specific cell sizes for containerized
reducing soil erosion. There are many potential summer cover transplant production and requires a certain number of weeks
crops available but you will need to find one that will work well before they are ready for transplanting (Table 5). For example:
in your area and overall production scheme. Sudex (sorghum- broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards require
sudan grass cross) (dont allow to exceed 3 feet before mowing), a 0.8 to 1.0 inch cell and 5 to 7 weeks to reach an adequate size
Iron Clay Southern pea, millet, and lab are summer cover crops for transplanting; cantaloupe and watermelons require a 1.0 inch
that provide organic matter, control erosion and enhance the cell and 3 to 4 weeks; eggplant and tomato require a 1.0 inch cell
soils natural biota. and 5 to 7 weeks; pepper requires a 0.5 to 0.8 inch cell and 5 to
7 weeks. Other options are available depending on the crop and
your situation.
These recommendations apply to plants grown under controlled Seed Germination. Seed that is sown in flats to be pricked out
conditions IN GREENHOUSES OR HOTBEDS. (Field-grown at a later date should be germinated in vermiculite (horticultural
plants are covered under the specific crop.) A transplant is grade, coarse sand size) or a plug growing mix. However, it is
affected by factors such as temperature, fertilization, water, and recommended that no fertilizer be included in the mix or the
spacing. A good transplant is one that has been grown under the vermiculite and avoid fertilizing the seedlings until the seed
best possible conditions.

Table 5 presents optimum and minimum temperatures for seed Table 5. Optimum and Minimum Temperatures for
germination and plant growing, time and spacing (area) require- Transplant Production
ments, and number of plants per square foot for a number of F F
economically important vegetable crops in the southeastern Opt. Min. Weeks
US. Day Night to Grow
Broccoli 65-70 60 5-7
Cabbage 65 60 5-7
Commercial Plant-growing Mixes. A number of commercial
Cantaloupe1 70-75 65 3-5
media formulations are available for growing transplants. Most Cauliflower 65-70 60 5-8
of these mixes will produce high-quality transplants when used Cucumber 70-75 65 2-3
with good management practices. However, these mixes can Eggplants 70-85 65 5-8
vary greatly in composition, particle size, pH, aeration, nutrient Endive & Escarole 70-75 70 5-7
content, and water-holding capacity. Avoid formulations having Lettuce 60-65 40 5-6
fine particles, as these may hold excessive water and have poor Onions 65-70 60 8-12
Peppers 70-75 60 5-8
aeration. Have mix formulations tested by your state's soil test
Summer squash 70-75 65 2-3
laboratory to determine the pH and the level of nutrients the Sweetpotato 75-85 ambient 4-5
mix contains. Tomatoes 65-75 60 5-6
Watermelon, seeded 85-90 80 3-5
Treatment of Flats. Flats used in the production of transplants Watermelon, seedless 85-90 85 3-6
should be new or as clean as new to avoid damping-off and 1Cantaloupe and other melons

Page 10 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

leaves (cotyledons) are fully expanded and the true leaves are after transplanting Caution: Lowering air temperature on some
beginning to unfold. Fertilization should be in the liquid form crops, such as cool season crops, might induce bolting. Avoid
and at one-half the rate for any of the ratios listed in the follow- overhardening or underhardening.
ing section on Liquid Feeding. Seedlings can be held for a Plant height can be held in check and hardening can be
limited time if fertilization is withheld until 3 to 4 days before improved by using temperature difference in the early morning.
pricking out. Seed that is sown in pots or other containers and Plants elongate most at daybreak. Raising the temperature just
will not be pricked out later can be germinated in a mix that before daybreak (2 hours before) or lowering the temperature
contains fertilizer. just after daybreak (2 hours after) by 10F will cause plants to
To get earlier, more uniform emergence, germinate and be shorter and more hardened. This is called DIF, because of
grow seedlings on benches or in a floor-heated greenhouse. difference in temperature. DIF can be positive or negative, but
Germination can be aided by using germination mates which positive DIF is more commonly used for hardening transplants.
provide heat directly to the trays. With supplemental heat-
ing such as this, seedling emergence and uniformity can be
enhanced decreasing the amount of time required to produce a DISEASE CONTROL IN PLANT BEDS
transplant. If floor heating or benches is not available, seed the For the best control of all soil-borne diseases, use a good com-
trays, water, and stack them off the floor during germination. mercial plant-growing mix. If this is not possible, use one of the
Caution: Be sure to unstack trays before seedlings emerge. following procedures:

Heating and Venting. Exhaust from heaters must be vented to Preplant. The only practice that ensures complete sterilization
the outside. It is also recommended to have an outside fresh of soil is the use of steam. When steam is used, a temperature
air intake for the heaters. Be sure vents and fans are properly of 180F must be maintained throughout the entire mass of soil
designed and positioned to avoid drawing exhaust gases into for 30 minutes.
the greenhouse. Exhaust gases from oil and improperly adjusted Soil treated with recommended chemicals will be pasteurized
gas heating systems can cause yellowing, stunting, and death but rarely completely sterilized. There are a few materials which
of seedlings. Do not grow or hold seedlings in an area where are suitable for small lots of soil such as:
pesticides are stored. Chloropicrin
metam sodium (Sectagon, Vapam)
Liquid Feeding. The following materials dissolved in 5 gallons metam potassium (K-Pam)
of water and used over an area of 20 square feet are recom-
mended for use on the transplants if needed: For larger areas, such as plantbeds or seedbeds, the following
20-20-20 1.2-1.6 oz/5 gal water materials are suitable:
15-15-15 2 oz/5 gal water Chloropicrin
15-30-15 2 oz/5 gal water Telone C-17, Telone C-35 and Telone II
metam sodium (Sectagon, Vapam)
Rinse leaves after liquid feeding. Fertilizers used for liquid feed-
ing must be 100% water soluble. In any case, be sure to follow the manufactures recommenda-
When transplanting to the field, use a starter fertilizer being tions for use. Soil temperature should be at least 55F, and soil
sure to follow the manufactures recommendations. moisture should be adequate for planting so that environmental
condition are favorable to the overall effectiveness of the fumi-
Watering. Keep these mixes moist but not continually wet. gant. Most soil fumigants will linger in the soil, so a 14 to 21-
Water less in cloudy weather. Watering in the morning allows day waiting period may be necessary. The use of a tarp covering
plant surfaces to dry before night and reduces the possibility of the soil area to be treated is generally required. Nitrate forms of
disease development. fertilizer are advisable following soil fumigation.

Hardening. Proper hardening of transplants, stiff- Seed Treatment. Seed treatment is essential to control seed-
ens stems, and hardens the transplants increasing their borne diseases. Use of untreated seed could lead to diseases
survival. in the plant bed which could reduce plant stands or result in
There are several methods used to harden transplants and diseased transplants and potential crop failure. See the specific
the choice of which to use is often crop-dependent. At this crop sections of this handbook for specific seed treatment rec-
time there are no chemical growth regulators available for use ommendations.
in producing vegetable transplants. The two common methods
used to harden are reducing water and altering the ambient tem- Postplant. Damping-off and foliar diseases can be a problem
peratures. Combinations of these two methods are often used. in plant beds. To prevent these diseases, it may be necessary
Reducing the amount of water used and lowering temperatures to apply fungicide sprays especially as plants become crowd-
cause a check in growth (hardening) to prepare plants for field ed in plant beds. Refer to label clearance before use. The use
setting. Never reduce or limit fertilizer as a means to harden of sphagnum moss as a top dressing will reduce damping-off
transplants because it can delay maturity. Low temperature because it keeps the surface dry.
causes chilling injury that can damage plants and delay regrowth

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 11

Both high temperature and relative humidity will reduce seed Basic Principles. Vegetables are 80 to 90% water. Because they
germination and vigor. Do not store seed in areas that have a contain so much water, their yield and quality suffer rapidly
combined temperature and humidity value greater than 100 [e.g., from drought. Irrigation is likely to increase size and weight
50F + 50% relative humidity]. In addition, primed seed does not of individual fruit and to prevent defects like toughness, strong
store well after shipment to the buyer. Therefore, if you do not flavor, poor tipfill and podfill, cracking, blossom-end rot, and
use all the primed seed ordered in the same season, have the seed misshapen fruit. On the other hand, too much irrigation reduces
tested before planting in subsequent seasons. soluble solids in cantaloupes and other small melons and capsa-
Corn, pea, and bean seed are especially susceptible to icin in hot peppers if over applied during fruit development.
mechanical damage due to rough handling. Bags of these seed Growers often wait too long to begin irrigating, thinking It
should not be dropped or thrown because the seed coats can will rain tomorrow. This often results in severe stress for the
crack and seed embryos can be damaged, resulting in a nonvi- portion of the field that dries out first or receives irrigation last.
able seed. When treating seed with a fungicide, inoculum, or Another common problem is trying to stretch the acreage that
other chemical, use only gentle agitation to avoid seed damage. can reasonably be covered by available equipment. Both of
these practices result in part or all of the field being in water
stress. It is best that a good job be done on some of the acreage
PLANT POPULATIONS rather than a half-way job being done on all the acreage.
For vegetable seed sizes and plant population and see Tables 6 Drought stress can begin in as little as 3 days after a 1-inch
and 7. rain or irrigation in such a crop as tomato in soils throughout the
Southeast. Frequent irrigation is critical for maximum yield. Up
to 1.5 inches of water is needed each week during hot periods to


Crop Seeds/Unit Weight Crop Seeds/Unit Weight Crop Seeds/Unit Weight
Asparagus 13,000-20,000/lb Kale 7,500-8,900/oz Radishes 40,000-50,000/lb
Beans: Kohlrabi 9,000/oz Rutabaga 150,000-192,000/lb
small seeded lima 1,150-1,450/lb
Leeks 170,000-180,000/lb Spinach 40,000-50,000/lb
large seeded lima 440-550/lb
snap 1,600-2,200/lb Lettuce: Squash:
head 20,000-25,000/oz summer 3,500-4,800/lb
Beets 24,000-26,000/lb leaf 25,000-31,000/oz winter 1,600-4,000/lb
Broccoli 8,500-9,000/oz Mustard 15,000-17,000/oz Sweet corn:
Brussels sprouts 8,500-9,000/oz normal and
Okra 8,000/lb sugary enhanced 1,800-2,500/lb
Cabbage 8,500-9,000/oz Onions: supersweet (sh2) 3,000-5,000/lb
Cantaloupes 16,000-19,000/lb bulb 105,000-144,000/lb
bunching 180,000-200,000/lb Tomatoes:
Carrots 300,000-400,000/lb fresh 10,000-11,400/oz
Parsnips 192,000/oz processing 160,000-190,000/lb
Cauliflower 8,900-10,000/oz
Parsley 240,000-288,000/lb Turnip 150,000-200,000/lb
Collards 7,500-8,500/oz
Peas 1,440-2,580/lb Watermelons:
Cucumbers 15,000-16,000/lb
Peppers 4,000-4,700/oz small seed 8,000-10,400/lb
Eggplants 6,000-6,500/oz large seed 3,200-4,800/lb
Pumpkins 1,900-3,200/lb
Endive, Escarole 22,000-26,000/oz

spacing (in.) In-row spacing (in.)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 24 30 36 48
7 448,046 224,023 149,349 112,011 89,609 74,674 64,006
12 261,360 130,680 87,120 65,340 52,272 43,560 37,337 32,670 29,040 21,780 17,424 14,520 10,890
18 174,240 87,120 58,080 43,560 34,848 29,040 24,891 21,780 19,360 14,520 11,616 9,680 7,260
21 149,349 74,674 49,783 37,337 29,870 24,891 21,336 18,669 16,594 12,446 9,957 8,297 6,223
24 130,680 65,340 43,560 32,670 26,136 21,780 18,669 16,335 14,520 10,890 8,712 7,260 5,445
30 104,544 52,272 34,848 26,136 20,909 17,424 14,935 13,068 11,616 8,712 6,970 5,808 4,356
36 (3 ft) 87,120 43,560 29,040 21,780 17,424 14,520 12,446 10,890 9,680 7,260 5,808 4,840 3,630
42 (3.5 ft) 74,674 37,337 24,891 18,669 14,934 12,446 10,668 9,334 8,297 6,223 4,978 4,149 3,111
48 (4 ft) 65,340 32,670 21,780 16,335 13,068 10,890 9,334 8,167 7,260 5,445 4,356 3,630 2,722
60 (5 ft) 17,424 13,068 10,454 8,712 7,467 6,534 5,808 4,356 3,485 2,904 2,178
72 (6 ft) 14,520 10,890 8,712 7,260 6,223 5,445 4,840 3,630 2,904 2,420 1,815
84 (7 ft) 12,446 9,334 7,467 6,223 5,334 4,667 4,149 3,111 2,489 2,074 1,556
96 (8 ft) 10,890 8,167 6,534 5,445 4,667 4,084 3,630 2,722 2,178 1,815 1,361

Page 12 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

maintain vegetable crops that have a plant spread of 12 inches or Plant factors that affect ET are crop species; canopy size and
more. This need decreases to 0.75 inches per week during cooler shape; leaf size, and shape. Soil factors must also be considered.
seasons. Soils having high levels of silt, clay, and organic matter have
Droplet size and irrigation rate are also important in vegetable greater water-holding capacities than sandy soils or compacted
crops. Large droplets resulting from low pressure at the sprin- soils (Table 9). Soils with high water-holding capacities require
kler head can cause damage to young vegetable plants and can less frequent irrigation than soils with low water-holding capaci-
contribute to soil crusting when soils dry. Water is more readily ties. When such soils are irrigated less frequently, a greater
held in clay soils, however, clay soils have a lower water infil- amount of water must be applied per application.
tration rate as compared to sandy soils. Irrigation rate is depen- Another soil factor influencing irrigation practices is the soil
dent on soil type, and application rates should follow values in infiltration rate. Water should not be applied to soils at a rate
Table 10. Depending on the soil structure, high application rates greater than the rate at which soils can absorb water. Table 10
will result in irrigation water running off the field, contributing lists the typical infiltration rates of several soils.
to erosion and fertilizer runoff particularly on heavy clay soils.. There is no simple method to accurately schedule irrigation
Even relatively short periods of inadequate soil moisture can because all the above factors interact to determine water loss.
adversely affect many crops. Thus, irrigation is beneficial in The following factors should be kept in mind when deciding
most years, since rainfall is rarely uniformly distributed even when and how much to irrigate:
in years with above-average precipitation. Moisture deficien-
cies occurring early in the crop cycle may delay maturity and 1. Soils vary greatly in water-holding capacity and infiltration
reduce yields. Shortages later in the season often lower quality rate. Silt and clay soils and those high in organic matter can
and yield. However, over-irrigating, especially late in the sea- hold much more water than sandy soils low in organic matter.
son, can reduce quality and postharvest life of the crop. Table
8 shows the critial periods of crop growth when an adequate 2. Water loss from plants is much greater on clear, hot, windy
supply of water is essential for the production of high-quality days than on cool, overcast days. During periods of hot, dry
vegetables. weather, ET rates may reach 0.25 inch per day or higher. ET
Applying the proper amount of water at the correct time is can be estimated by the use of a standard evaporation pan.
critical for achieving the optimum benefits from irrigation. The (Check with Extension for information on using evaporation
crop water requirement, termed evapotranspiration, or ET, is pans.)
equal to the quantity of water lost from the plant (transpiration)
plus that evaporated from the soil surface. The ET rate is impor- 3. Recent research indicates that maintaining soil moisture lev-
tant in effectively scheduling irrigations. Numerous factors must els in a narrow range, just slightly below field capacity (75%
be considered when estimating ET. The amount of solar radia- to 90% available soil moisture), maximizes crop growth. This
tion, which provides the energy to evaporate moisture from the may mean that more frequent irrigations of smaller amounts
soil and plant surfaces, is the major factor. Other factors include are better than delaying irrigations until the soil moisture
day length, air temperature, wind speed, and humidity level. reaches a lower level (40% to 50% available soil moisture)
and then applying a heavy irrigation.
Crop Critical Period ON SOIL TEXTURE
Asparagus Brush Available Water Holding Capacity
Beans, Lima Pollination and pod development Soil Texture (water/inches of soil)
Beans, Snap Pod enlargement Coarse sand 0.020.06
Broccoli Head development Fine sand 0.040.09
Cabbage Head development
Loamy sand 0.060.12
Carrots Root enlargement
Sandy loam 0.110.15
Cauliflower Head development
Fine sandy loam 0.140.18
Corn Silking and tasseling, ear development
Loam and silt loam 0.170.23
Cucumbers Flowering and fruit development
Clay loam and silty clay loam 0.140.21
Eggplants Flowering and fruit development
Silty clay and clay 0.130.18
Lettuce Head development
Melons Flowering and fruit development
Onions, Dry Bulb enlargement Table 10. SOIL INFILTRATION RATES BASED ON SOIL
Peas, Southern Seed enlargement and flowering
and English TEXTURE
Peppers Flowering and fruit development Soil Infiltration Rate
Potatoes, Irish Tuber set and tuber enlargement Soil Texture (inch/hour)
Radishes Root enlargement Coarse sand 0.751.00
Squash, Summer Bud development and flowering Fine sand 0.500.75
Sweetpotato Root enlargement Fine sandy loam 0.350.50
Tomatoes Early flowering, fruit set, and enlargement Silt loam 0.250.40
Turnips Root enlargement Clay loam 0.100.30

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 13

4. Plastic mulches reduce evaporation from the soil but also There are several potential problems unique to drip irrigation
reduce the amount of rainwater that can reach the root zone. systems. Most drip systems require a higher level of manage-
Thus, much of the natural precipitation should be ignored ment than other irrigation systems. Moisture distribution in the
when scheduling irrigations for crops grown under plastic soil is limited with drip systems. In most cases, a smaller soil
mulch. water reserve is available to plants. Under these conditions, the
potential to stress plants is greater than with other types of irri-
Drip Irrigation. Drip irrigation is a method of slowly applying gation systems. In order to use drip irrigation successfully, the
small amounts of water directly to the plant's root zone. Water system must be carefully managed and maintained.
is applied frequently, often daily, to maintain favorable soil The equipment used in drip irrigation systems can present
moisture conditions. The primary advantage of drip irrigation potential problems and drawbacks. Drip irrigation tape and tub-
systems is that less water is used than with sprinkler or surface ing can be damaged by insects, rodents, and laborers, and often
irrigation systems. In many cases, one-half of the water applied has a higher initial investment cost than other irrigation system
with sprinkler or surface systems is required with drip systems. types. Pressure regulation and filtration require equipment not
In addition, fertilizers applied through the drip irrigation system commonly used with sprinkler or surface systems. The drip sys-
are conserved along with water. Drip irrigation is used on a wide tem, including pump, headers, filters, and connections, must be
range of fruit and vegetable crops. It is especially effective when checked and be ready to operate before planting. Failure to have
used with mulches; on sandy soils; and on high value crops, the system operational could result in costly delays, poor plant
such as cantaloupes, watermelons, squash, peppers, eggplants, survival or irregular stands, and reduced yield.
and tomatoes. Calculating the length of time required to apply a specific
Drip irrigation systems also have several other advantages depth of water with a drip irrigation system is more difficult than
over sprinkler and surface irrigation systems. Low flow rates with sprinklers. Unlike sprinkler systems, drip systems apply
and operating pressures are typical of drip systems. These water to only a small portion of the total crop acreage. Usually, a
characteristics lead to lower energy costs. Once in place, drip fair assumption to make is that the mulched width approximates
systems require little labor to operate, can be automatically the extent of the plant root zone and should be used to calculate
controlled, and can be managed to apply the precise amount system run-times. Table 11 calculates the length of time required
of water and nutrients needed by the crop. These factors also to apply 1-inch of water with a drip irrigation system based on
reduce operating costs. Drip irrigation reduces the splashing the drip tape flow rate and the mulched width. The use of this
of soil onto plants and does not wet plants reducing the inci- table requires that the drip system be operating at the pressure
dence of disease as compared to overhead irrigation. The areas listed in the manufacturers specifications.
between rows also remain dry reducing weed growth between In many cases, it is inappropriate to apply more than 0.25
rows and reducing the amount of water lost to weeds. In addi- inch of water at a time with drip irrigation systems. Doing so
tion, field operations can continue during irrigation. can move water below the plant's root zone, carrying nutrients

Drip Tape Flow Rate Mulched Width (ft) Soil Texture
Drip Tape Flow Rate Silt
(gph/100 ft) (gpm/100 ft) 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Sandy
(gph/100 ft) (gpm/100 ft) Sand Loamy Loam Clay Loam
8 0.13 15.5 19.5 23.5 27.0 31.0
12 0.2 5.0 8.0 11.5 15.5 17.5
10 0.17 12.5 16.5 18.5 22.0 25.0
18 0.3 3.5 5.0 7.5 10.5 11.5
12 0.20 10.5 13.0 15.5 18.0 21.0
24 0.4 2.5 4.0 5.5 8.0 8.5
16 0.27 8.0 10.0 11.5 13.5 15.5
30 0.5 2.0 3.0 4.5 6.5 7.0
18 0.30 7.0 8.5 10.5 12.0 14.0
36 0.6 1.5 2.5 4.0 5.0 6.0
20 0.33 6.0 8.0 9.5 11.0 12.5
42 0.7 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.5 5.0
24 0.40 5.0 6.5 8.0 9.0 10.5
48 0.8 1.5 2.0 3.0 . 4.5
30 0.50 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.5
36 0.60 3.5 4.5 5.0 6.0 7.0
40 0.67 3.0 4.0 4.5 5.5 6.0
42 0.70 3.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0
48 0.80 2.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 5.0
50 0.83 2.5 3.0 4.0 4.5 5.0
54 0.90 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
60 1.00 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Page 14 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

and pesticides beyond the reach of the plant's roots. Table 12 ment being used. To remove iron from irrigation water, start by
calculates the maximum recommended irrigation period for drip injecting 1 ppm of chlorine for each 1 ppm of iron present in the
irrigation systems. The periods listed in Table 12 are based on water. For iron removal, chlorine should be injected continu-
the flow rate of the drip tape and texture of the soil. Soil texture ously. Adequate mixing of the water with chlorine is essential.
directly influences the water-holding capacity of soils and, there- For this reason, be certain to mount the chlorine injector a dis-
fore, the depth reached by irrigation water. tance upstream from filters. An elbow between the injector and
In drip systems, water is carried through plastic tape (which the filter will ensure adequate mixing.
expands when water flows through it) and distributed along For treatment of algae and bacteria, a chlorine injection rate
the tape through devices called emitters. The pressure-reduc- that results in the presence of 1 to 2 ppm of free chlorine at
ing flow path also allows the emitter to remain relatively large, the end of the furthest lateral will assure that the proper amount
allowing particles that could clog an emitter to be discharged. of chlorine is being injected. Free, or residual, chlorine can be
Although modern emitter design reduces the potential for tested using an inexpensive DPD (diethyl-phenylene-diamine)
trapping small particles, emitter clogging rcan be a common test kit. A swimming pool test kit can be used, but only if it
problem with drip irrigation systems. measures free chlorine. Many pool test kits only measure total
Clogging can be attributed to physical, chemical, or bio- chlorine.
logical contaminants. Filtration and occasional water treatment
may be necessary to keep drip systems from clogging. Further If a chlorine test kit is unavailable, one of the following
information on drip irrigation systems can be obtained from schemes is suggested as a starting point:
manufacturers, dealers, and Extension.
For iron treatment:
Chlorination. Bacteria can grow inside drip irrigation tapes, Inject liquid sodium hypochlorite continuously at a rate
forming a slime that can clog emitters. Algae present in surface of 1 ppm for each 1 ppm of iron in irrigation water. In
waters can also clog emitters. Bacteria and algae can be effec- most cases, 3 to 5 ppm is sufficient.
tively controlled by chlorination of the drip system. Periodic
treatment before clogs develop can keep the system functioning For bacteria and algae treatment:
efficiently. The frequency of treatment depends on the quality of Inject liquid sodium hypochlorite continuously at a rate
the water source. Generally two or three treatments per season of 5 to 10 ppm where the biological load is high.
are adequate. Irrigation water containing high concentrations of Inject 10 to 20 ppm during the last 30 minutes of each
iron (greater than 1 ppm) can also cause clogging problems due irrigation cycle where the biological load is medium.
to a type of bacteria that feeds on iron. In consuming the dis- Inject 50 ppm during the last 30 minutes of irrigation
solved (ferrous) form of iron, the bacteria secrete a slime called cycles two times each month when biological load is
ochre, which may combine with other solid particles in the drip low.
tape and plug emitters. The precipitated (ferric) form of iron, Superchlorinate (inject at a rate of 200 to 500 ppm)
known commonly as rust, can also physically clog emitters. In once per month for the length of time required to fill
treating water containing iron, chlorine will oxidize the iron dis- the entire system with this solution and shut down the
solved in water, causing the iron to precipitate so that it can be system. After 24 hours, open the laterals and flush the
filtered and removed from the system. lines.
Chlorine treatment should take place upstream of filters
in order to remove the precipitated iron and microorganisms The injection rates for stock solutions that con-
from the system. Chlorine is available as a gas, liquid, or solid. tain 5.25%, 10% and 15% can be calculated from the
Chlorine gas is extremely dangerous and not recommended for following equations:
agricultural purposes. Solid chlorine is available as granules or
tablets containing 65% to 70% calcium hypochlorite but might For 5.25% stock solution:
react with other elements in irrigation water to form precipitates Injection rate of chlorine, gph = [(Desired available chlorination
which could clog emitters. Liquid chlorine is available in many level, ppm ) x (Irrigation flow rate, gpm)] divided by 971.
forms, including household bleach (sodium hypochlorite), and
is the easiest and often safest form to use for injection. Stock For a 10% stock solution:
solutions can be bought that have concentrations of 5.25%, Injection rate of chlorine, gph = [(Desired available chlorination
10%, or 15% available chlorine. Use chlorine only if the level, ppm ) x (Irrigation flow rate, gpm)] divided by 1850.
product is labeled for use in irrigation systems.
Since chlorination is most effective at pH 6.5 to 7.5, some For a 15% stock solution:
commercial chlorination equipment also injects buffers to main- Injection rate of chlorine, gph = [(Desired available chlorination
tain optimum pH for effective kill of microorganisms. This type level, ppm ) x (Irrigation flow rate, gpm)] divided by 2775.
of equipment is more expensive, but more effective than simply
injecting sodium hypochlorite solution.
The required rate of chlorine injection is dependent on the
amount of microorganisms present in the water source, the
amount of iron in the irrigation water, and the method of treat-

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 15

It is important to note that chlorine will cause water pH to rise. White on black plastic (with white-side of plastic facing up) is
This is critical because chlorine is most effective in acidic water. used for late spring and summer plantings where the benefits of
If your water pH is above 7.5 before injection, it must be acidi- moisture retention and weed control are valued and heat accu-
fied for chlorine injection to be effective. mulation may be detrimental. Growers often will apply white
latex paint to black mulch when double cropping.
Important Notes. Metallized mulch, commonly referred to as reflective or sil-
- Approved backflow control valves, low pressure drains, ver mulch, is used to combat aphids and thrips that vector viral
and interlocks must be used in the injection system to pre- diseases. Metalized mulch should reflect a recognizable image
vent contamination of the water source. (that is, be mirror-like) to be most effective.
- Chlorine concentrations above 30 ppm may kill plants. Organic mulches such as straw, pine straw, compost, and
coarse hay provide weed control and moisture retention and
Fertilization. Before considering a fertilization program for keep soils cooler than bare ground. Using hay often introduces
mulched-drip irrigated crops, be sure to have the soil pH weeds into a field. One benefit of using organic mulches is
checked. If a liming material is needed to increase the soil pH, that they add organic matter to the soil when incorporated after
the material should be applied and incorporated into the soil the growing season. When using these mulches, supplemental
as far ahead of mulching as practical. For most vegetables, nitrogen may be needed to compensate for the nitrogen that is
adjust the soil pH to around 6.5. When using drip irrigation in lost to soil microbes in the process of breaking down the organic
combination with mulch, apply the recommended amount of mulch.
preplant fertilizer and incorporate it 5 to 6 inches into the soil Bed conformation and moisture are critical to the success of
before laying the mulch. If equipment is available, apply the growing vegetables with plastic mulch. Beds should be smooth,
preplant fertilizer to the soil area that will be covered by the free of clods and sticks, and of uniform height. Black plastic
mulch. This is more efficient than a broadcast application to mulch warms the soil by conduction, so as much contact as
the entire field. possible should be made between the mulch and soil. Raised
The most efficient method of fertilizing an established beds allow the soil to drain and warm more quickly. Drip tape
mulched crop is through a drip irrigation system, which is is commonly laid under the plastic in the same field operation.
installed during the mulching operation. Due to the very small The soil should be moist when the plastic is applied since it is
holes or orifices in the drip tape, a high quality liquid fertilizers difficult to add enough water to thoroughly wet the width of
or water-soluble fertilizers must be used. Since phosphorous is the bed when using drip irrigation. Steep slopes may limit row
a stable non-mobile soil nutrient and can cause clogging of the length when using drip tape, normally row lengths should not
drip tape emitters, it is best to apply 100% of the crop's phos- exceed 300 to 600 feet depending on the specifications of drip
phorous needs pre-plant. Additionally, apply 20 to 40% of the tape.
cropss nitrogen and potassium needs pre-plant. The remainder Follow label directions for fumigants and herbicides used
of the crop's nutrient needs can be applied through the drip sys- with plastic mulches. Fumigants have a waiting period before
tem with a high quality liquid fertilizer such as 808, 707, seeds or transplants can be planted. Transplanters and seeders
or 10010. Generally, it is not necessary to add micronutri- are available to plant through plastic mulch. In fields with a his-
ents through the drip system. Micronutrients can be best and tory of nutsedge, appropriate measures must be taken in order
most economically applied pre-plant or as foliar application if to reduce or eliminate infestations as plastic mulches cannot
needed. control nutsedge. Nutsedge will compromise plastic mulch by
The amount of nutrients to apply through the drip system piercing it.
depends upon the plants growth stage. In general, smaller
amounts of nutrients are needed early in the plants growth with Fertilizer. Vegetables produced on plastic mulch, but without the
peak demand occurring during fruit maturation. The frequency ability to supply nutrients through the drip system, should have
of nutrient application is most influenced by the soil's nutrient all of their required fertilizer incorporated into the beds prior
holding capabilities. Clay soils with a high nutrient holding to applying the mulch. Broadcasting the fertilizer before bed-
capacity could receive weekly nutrient applications through the ding has been shown to be an effective method of application
drip system while a sandy soil with low nutrient holding capaci- since the bedding process moves most of the fertilizer into the
ty will respond best with a daily fertigation program. Fertigation bed. Growers using fertigation should follow the recommenda-
rates are provided under crop specific recommendations later in tions for each specific crop. Fertigation schedules are listed for
this handbook. cantaloupe, cucumber, eggplant, okra, pepper, summer squash,
tomato, and watermelon later in this handbook.

MULCHES AND ROW COVERS Double cropping. Growers frequently grow two crops on black
Mulches. The most widely used mulches for vegetable produc- plastic mulch. The spring crop is killed and removed, then the
tion are black, white on black, clear and metalized polyethylene plastic is generally painted with white latex paint diluted with
mulches. Black mulch is most widely used for spring applica- water (1 part paint to 5 parts water). After painting, a second
tions where both elevated soil temperatures and weed control crop is planted through the mulch. The new crop should be
are desired. Clear plastic mulch is used when maximum heat planted into new holes and fertilizer added based on soil test
accumulation is desired and weed control is not as critical. results and the double crops nutrient requirements.

Page 16 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Plastic mulch removal and disposal. Commercial mulch lifters yield of cucurbits. Lack of adequate pollination usually results
are available. Plastic can be removed by hand by running a coul- in small or misshapen fruit in addition to low yields. The size
ter down the center of the row and picking the mulch up from and shape of the mature fruit is related to the number of seeds
each side. Sanitary landfills may accept plastic mulch in some produced by pollination; each seed requires one or more pollen
areas. There are a few recycling projects which accept plastic grains.
mulch. Some states allow burning of mulch with a permit. Even though bumblebees and other species of wild bees are
excellent pollinators, populations of these native pollinators
Row covers. Row covers are used to hasten the maturity of the usually are not adequate for large acreages grown for com-
crop, exclude certain insect pests, and provide a small degree mercial production. Colonies of wild honeybees have been
of frost protection. There are two main types of row covers: decimated by Tracheal and Varroa mites and cannot be counted
vented clear or translucent polyethylene that is supported by on to aid in pollination. The best way to ensure adequate pol-
wire hoops placed at regular (5 to 6 ft) intervals, and floating lination is to own or rent strong colonies of honey bee from
row covers that are porous, lightweight spunbonded materials a reliable beekeeper. Commercial bee attractants, have not
placed loosely over the plants. In addition, plastic can be placed proven to be effective in enhancing pollination. Growers are
loosely over the plants with or without wire supports. Floating advised to increase numbers of bee colonies and not to rely on
covers are more applicable to the low-growing vine crops. such attractants. Bees are essential for commercial production
Upright plants like tomatoes and peppers have been injured of all vine crops and may improve the yield and quality of fruit
by abrasion when the floating row cover rubs against the plant in beans, eggplants, peas, and peppers.
or excess temperatures build-up. Erratic spring temperatures Moving honeybees into the crop at the correct time will
require intensive management of row covers to avoid blossom greatly enhance pollination. Cucurbit flowers are usually
shed and other high temperature injuries. open and attractive to bees for only a day or less. The open-
In particular, clear plastic can greatly increase air tem- ing of the flower, release of pollen, and commencement of
peratures under the cover on warm sunny days, resulting in a nectar secretion normally precede bee activity. Pumpkin,
danger of heat injury to crop plants. Therefore, vented materials squash, cantaloupe, and watermelon flowers normally open
are recommended. Even with vents, clear plastic has produced around daybreak and close by noon; whereas, cucumbers,
heat injury, especially when the plants have filled a large portion and melons generally remain open the entire day. Pollination
of the air space in the tunnel. This has not been observed with must take place on the day the flowers open because pollen
the translucent materials. viability, stigmatic receptivity, and attractiveness to bees lasts
Usually, row covers are combined with plastic mulch. only that day.
Honeybee activity is determined, to a great extent, by weather
Considerations for Using Mulch, Drip Irrigation, and Row and conditions within the hive. Bees rarely fly when the tem-
Covers. Each grower considering mulches, drip irrigation, and/ perature is below 55F. Flights seldom intensify until the tem-
or row covers must weigh the economics involved. The long- perature reaches 70F. Wind speed beyond 15 miles per hour
term versus short-term opportunities must be considered. seriously slows bee activity. Cool, cloudy weather and threat-
Does the potential increase in return justify the additional ening storms greatly reduce bee flights. In poor weather, bees
costs? foraging at more distant locations will remain in the hive, and
Are the odds in favor of the grower getting the most benefit only those that have been foraging nearby will be active. Ideally,
in terms of earliness and yield from the mulch, drip irrigation, colonies should be protected from wind and be exposed to the
and/or row covers? sun from early morning until evening. Colony entrances facing
Does the market usually offer price incentives for early pro- east or southeast encourage bee flight. The hives should be off
duce? Will harvesting early allow competition against produce the ground and the front entrances kept free of grass and weeds.
from other regions? For best results, hives should be grouped together. A clean water
For 5 to 6 ft centers, polyethylene mulch costs about $200 supply should be available within a quarter mile of the hive.
to $250 per acre, respectively. Drip irrigation materials cost The number of colonies needed for adequate pollination
$300 to $350 per acre. Row covers can cost over $400 per acre. varies with location, attractiveness of crop, density of flowers,
Growers must obtain the costs for their situations and calculate length of blooming period, colony strength, and competing blos-
the potential returns. soms of other plants in the area. In vine crops, recommendations
are one to two colonies per acre, with the higher number for
higher density plantings. Each hive or colony should contain
at least 40,000 - 50,000 bees. Multiple bee visits of eight or
POLLINATION more visits per flower are required to produce marketable fruit.
European honeybees and native wild bees visit the flowers When hybrid cucumbers are grown at high plant populations
of several flowering vegetables. Cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, for machine harvesting, flowers require 15 to 20 visits for maxi-
and watermelons have separate male and female flowers, while mum fruit set. Generally, as the number of visits increase, there
cantaloupes and other small melons have male and hermaphro- will be an increase in the numbers of fruit set and number of
ditic (perfect or bisexual) flowers. The sticky pollen of the male seed per fruit, as well as improved fruit shape and fruit weight.
flowers must be transferred to the female flowers to achieve Insecticides applied during bloom are a serious threat to
fruit set. One to two hives of bees per acre will increase the bees visiting flowers. If insecticides must be applied, select

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 17

an insecticide that will give effective control of the target 1. Inspect the sprayer. Be sure all components are in good work-
pest but pose the least danger to bees. Apply these chemicals ing order and undamaged. On backpack sprayers, pay particu-
near evening when the bees are not actively foraging and lar attention to the pump, control wand, strainers, and hoses.
avoid spraying adjacent crops. Give the beekeeper 48 hours On boom sprayers, pay attention to the pump, control valves,
notice, if possible, when you expect to spray so that neces- strainers, and hoses. On airblast sprayers, be sure to inspect
sary precautions can be taken. Avoid leaving puddles of the fan and air tubes or deectors as well. Be sure there are
water around chemical mixing areas, as bees pick up water, no obstructions or leaks in the sprayer.
which may result in bee kills.
A written contract between the grower and beekeeper can 2. Check the label of the product or products to be applied and
prevent misunderstandings and, thus, ensure better pollination record the following:
service. Such a contract should specify the number and strength Application Rate, Gallons per Acre (GPA)
of colonies, the rental fee, time of delivery, and distribution of Nozzle Type, droplet size and shape of pattern
bees in the field. Nozzle Pressure, Pounds per Square Inch (PSI)
Type of Application, broadcast, band, or directed

CALIBRATING CHEMICAL APPLICATION 3. Next, determine some information about the sprayer and how
EQUIPMENT it is to be operated. This includes:
Purpose Type of Sprayer: backpack, boom, or airblast. The
To determine if the proper amount of chemical is being applied, type of sprayer may suggest the type of calibration
the operator must measure the output of the application equip- procedure to use.
ment. This technique is known as calibration. Calibration not Nozzle Spacing (inches): for broadcast applications,
only ensures accuracy, a critical factor with regard to many nozzle spacing is the distance between nozzles.
chemicals, but it can also save time and money and benefit the Nozzle Spray Width (inches): For broadcast applica-
environment. tions, nozzle spray width is the same as nozzle spac-
ingthe distance between nozzles. For band applica-
Getting Started tions, use the width of the sprayed band if the treated
Careful and accurate control of ground speed is important area in the band is specied on the chemical label; use
for any type of chemical application procedure. From large nozzle spacing if the total area is specied. For directed
self-propelled sprayers and spreaders to small walk-behind spray applications, use the row spacing divided by the
or backpack units, precise ground speed is a key for success. number of nozzles per row. Some directed spray appli-
Ground speed can be determined by one of two methods. The cations use more than one type or size of nozzle per
rst method requires a test course and stopwatch. For this pro- row. In this case, the nozzles on each row are added
cedure, measure a suitable test course in the eld and record together and treated as one. Spray width would be the
the time it takes to cover the course with the equipment. The row spacing.
course should be between 100 and 300 feet long. Drive or walk
the course at least twice, once in each direction and average the In most cases, a backpack sprayer uses a single nozzle. Some
times for greater accuracy. Calculate the speed with Equation sprayers use mini-booms or multiple nozzles. The spray width is
1 below. the effective width of the area sprayed, being sure to account for
overlap. If you are using a sweeping motion from side to side, be
Equation 1. Ground Speed (MPH) = sure to use the full width sprayed as you walk forward. If you are
Distance x 60 spraying on foliage in a row, use the row spacing. Dyes are avail-
Seconds x 88 able to blend with the spray to show what has been covered.
Spray Swath (feet): The width covered by all the
The second method is to use a true ground speed indicator such nozzles on the boom of a sprayer. For airblast or other
as a tractor-mounted radar or similar system. Do not rely on boomless sprayers, it is the effective width covered in
transmission speed charts and engine tachometers. They are not one pass through the eld.
accurate enough for calibration. Ground Speed, miles per hour (MPH). When using a
backpack sprayer, walk a comfortable pace that is easy
CALIBRATING A SPRAYER: to maintain. Slow walking speeds will take longer to
Preparing to Calibrate complete the task while high speeds may be tiresome.
For calibration to be successful, several items need to be taken Choose a safe, comfortable speed that will enable you
care of before going to the eld. Calibration will not be worth- to nish the job in a timely manner. On tractor-mounted
while if the equipment is not properly prepared. Whenever pos- sprayers, select a ground speed appropriate for the crop
sible, calibration should be performed using water only. If you and type of sprayer used. Slow speeds will take longer
must calibrate using spray mixture, calibrate the equipment on a to complete the task, while high speeds may be difficult
site listed on the chemical label and with wind speeds less than to control and unsafe. Choose a safe, controllable speed
5 MPH. Follow the steps outlined below to prepare spraying that will enable you to nish the job in a timely manner.
equipment for calibration. Ground speed can be determined from Equation 1.

Page 18 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

4. The discharge rate, gallons per minute (GPM), required for that has a bad pattern or that has a discharge rate 10 percent
the nozzles must be calculated in order to choose the right more or less than the advertised rate. Install a new nozzle to
nozzle size. Discharge rate depends on the application rate; replace the rejected one and measure its output.
ground speed; and nozzle spacing, spray width, or spray Once the sprayer has been properly prepared for calibration,
swath. select a calibration method. When calibrating a sprayer, chang-
es are often necessary to achieve the application rates needed.
For applications using nozzle spacing or nozzle spray width The sprayer operator needs to understand the changes that can
(inches), use Equation 2. be made to the adjust rate and the limits of each adjustment.
Equation 2. Discharge Rate = The adjustments and the recommended approach are:
Application Rate x Ground Speed x Nozzle Spray Width Pressure: if the error in application rate is less than 10
5,940 percent, adjust the pressure.
Ground speed: if the error is greater than 10 percent
but less than 25 percent, change the ground speed of
For applications using the spray swath (feet): the sprayer.
Equation 3. Discharge Rate = Nozzle size: if the error is greater than 25 percent,
Application Rate x Ground Speed x Spray Swath change nozzle size. The goal is to have application rate
495 errors less than 5 percent.

5. Choose an appropriate nozzle or nozzles from the manufac- CALIBRATION METHODS

turers charts and install them on the sprayer. Check each There are four methods commonly used to calibrate a sprayer:
nozzle to be sure it is clean and that the proper strainer is The basic, nozzle, and 128th acre methods are time-based
installed with it. methods which require using a stopwatch or watch with a
second hand to ensure accuracy. The area method is based on
6. Fill the tank half full of water and adjust the nozzle pressure spraying a test course measured in the eld. Each method offers
to the recommended setting. Measure the discharge rate for certain advantages. Some are easier to use with certain types of
the nozzle. This can be done by using a ow meter or by sprayers. For example, the basic and area methods can be used
using a collection cup and stopwatch. The ow meter should with any type of sprayer. The 128th acre and nozzle methods
read in gallons per minute (GPM). If you are using the col- work well for boom and backpack sprayers. Choose a method
lection cup and stopwatch method, the following equation is you are comfortable with and use it whenever calibration is
helpful to convert ounces collected and collection time, in required.
seconds, into gallons per minute.
Basic Method
Equation 4. Discharge Rate = 1. Accurate ground speed is very important to good calibration
Ounces Collected x 60 with the basic method. For tractor-mounted sprayers, set
Collection Time x 128 the tractor for the desired ground speed and run the course
at least twice. For backpack sprayers, walk the course and
7. Whenever possible, calibrate with water instead of spray measure the time required. Walk across the course at least
solution. Do not calibrate with spray solution unless required twice. Average the times required for the course distance and
by the chemical label. Follow all recommendations on the determine ground speed from Equation 1.
label. If the spray solution has a density different than water,
the rate can be corrected using the procedure shown in 2. Calculate the application rate based on the average discharge
Calibration Variables. rate measured for the nozzles, the ground speed over the test
course, and the nozzle spacing, nozzle spray width, or spray
8. On boom sprayers or sprayers with multiple nozzles, average swath on the sprayer.
the discharge rates of all the nozzles on the sprayer. Reject
any nozzle that has a bad pattern or that has a discharge When using nozzle spacing or nozzle spray width measured in
rate 10 percent more or less than the overall average. Install inches, use the following equation:
a new nozzle to replace the rejected one and measure its Equation 5. Application Rate =
output. Calculate a new average and recheck the nozzles 5,940 x Discharge Rate
compared to the new average. Again, reject any nozzle that is Ground Speed x Nozzle Spray Width
10 percent more or less than the average or has a bad pattern.
When nished, select a nozzle that is closest to the average
to use later as your quick check nozzle. For spray swath applications measured in feet:
Equation 6. Application Rate =
On backpack sprayers or sprayers with a single nozzle, 495 x Discharge Rate
compare the discharge rate of the nozzle on the sprayer to the Ground Speed x Spray Swath
manufacturers tables for that nozzle size. Reject any nozzle

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 19

3. Compare the application rate calculated to the rate required. If collect the output for the time determined in step 4. Ounces
the rates are not the same, choose the appropriate adjustment collected will equal application rate in GPA.
and reset the sprayer.
4. Compare the application rate measured for the nozzle to the
4. Recheck the system if necessary. Once you have the accuracy rate determined in step 3. If the rates are not the same, choose
you want, calibration is complete. the appropriate adjustment and reset the system.

Nozzle Method 5. Recheck the system if necessary. Once you have the accuracy
1. Accurate ground speed is very important to good calibration you want, calibration is complete.
with the nozzle method. For tractor-mounted sprayers, set
the tractor for the desired ground speed and run the course Area Method
at least twice. For backpack sprayers, walk the course and 1. Determine the distance that can be sprayed by one tank using
measure the time required. Walk across the course at least the full spray swath measured in feet.
twice. Average the times required for the course distance and Equation 10. Tank Spray Distance (ft) =
determine ground speed from Equation 1. Tank Volume (gal) x 43,560
Application Rate (GPA) x Swath (ft)
2. Calculate the nozzle discharge rate based on the application
rate required the ground speed over the test course, and the 2. Lay out a test course that is at least 10 percent of the tank
nozzle spacing, spray width, or spray swath of the sprayer. spray distance from Step 1. Fill the sprayer tank with water
For nozzle spacing or spray width measured in inches. only, mark the level in the tank, set the sprayer as recom-
mended, and spray the water out on the course. Be sure to
Equation 7. Discharge Rate = maintain an accurate and consistent speed.
Application Rate x Speed x Spray Width
5,940 3. After spraying the test course, carefully measure the vol-
ume of water required to refill the tank to the original level.
For spray swath measured in feet: Calculate the application rate as shown:
Equation 8. Discharge Rate = Equation 11. Application Rate (GPA) =
Application Rate x Speed x Spray Swath Volume Sprayed (gal) x 43,560
495 Test Course Distance (ft) x Swath (ft)

Set the sprayer and determine the average nozzle rate.

4. Compare the application rate measured to the rate required. If
3. Compare the rate calculated to the average rate from the the rates are not the same, choose the appropriate adjustment
nozzles. If the two dont match, choose the appropriate method and reset the sprayer.
adjustment and reset the system.
5. Recheck the system. Once you have the accuracy you want,
4. Recheck the system if necessary. Once you have the accuracy calibration is complete.
you want, calibration is complete.


1. The distance for one nozzle to cover 128th of an acre must Preparing to Calibrate
be calculated. The nozzle spacing or spray width in inches is Granular application calibration is usually done with the
used to determine the spray distance. Spray distance is mea- chemical to be applied. It is difficult to find a blank material
sured in feet. On backpack sprayers, be sure to measure the that matches the granular product. Extra care should be taken
full width sprayed as you walk forward. Use Equation 9. in handling this product. Minimize worker exposure and take
precautions against spills during calibration.
Equation 9. Spray Distance = To prepare for calibration, follow these steps:
Spray Width 1. Before calibrating, carefully inspected the equipment to
ensure that all components are in proper working order.
2. Measure the spray distance on a test course in the eld. Check Check the hopper, the metering rotor, the orice, and the drop
the ground speed as you travel across the course. Be sure to tubes. Be sure there are no leaks or obstructions.
maintain an accurate and consistent speed. Travel the course
at least twice and average the time to cover the course. 2. Determine the type of application required for the product:
Broadcast: treats the entire area (includes band applica-
3. For backpack sprayers, collect the output from the nozzle for tions based on broadcast rates).
the time measured in step 2. For tractor-mounted sprayers, Band: treats only the area under the band.
park the sprayer, select the nozzle closest to the average, and Row: treats along the length of the row.

Page 20 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

3. Determine the application rate needed: 9. Set your equipment according to recommendations from the
Broadcast: pounds per acre. equipment or chemical manufacturer. Most equipment manu-
Band: pounds per acre of treated band width. facturers and chemical manufacturers provide rate charts to
Row: pounds per acre or pounds per 1,000 feet of row determine the correct orice setting or rotor speed for each
length. applicator. Fill the hopper at least half full to represent aver-
age capacity for calibration.
4. What type of drive system does the applicator use?
Independent: uses PTO, hydraulic, or electric motor 10. Attach a suitable collection container to each outlet on
drive. the applicator. You should be able to collect all mate-
Ground Drive: uses ground driven wheel. rial discharged from the applicator. Locate a scale capable
of weighing the samples collected in calibration. Some
5. Regardless of how the application rate is expressed or type samples may be very small, so a low-capacity scale may be
of application, calibration is easier if the rate is expressed in needed. An accurate scale is very important.
terms of pounds per foot of row length. Use one of the fol-
lowing steps to determine the correct row rate in pounds per Calibration Methods
foot. Two methods for calibrating granular applicators are com-
monly used. The rst is the distance method. This method is
For broadcast and row applications preferred by many operators because it applies to any type of
(Application Rate = lb/ac): granular machine and is easy to perform. The second method is
Equation 12. Row Rate, lb/ft = the time method. This method is similar to sprayer calibration
Application Rate x Row Width (ft) and can be used for applicators driven by PTO, hydraulic, or
43,560 electric motors.

Distance Method
For banded applications 1. On the test course selected in the eld, collect the output
(Application Rate = lb/ac of Band Width): from the applicator in a container as you travel the course
Equation 13. Row Rate, lb/ft = and weigh the material collected. Record the time required
Application Rate x Band Width (ft) to travel the course also. Run the course twice, once in each
43,560 direction, and average the results for both weight and time.

2. Determine the weight of the product that should be collected

For directed (row) applications for the calibration distance.
(Application Rate = lb per 1,000 ft):
Equation 14. Row Rate, lb/ft = Equation 16. Weight Collected (lb) =
Application Rate Row Rate (lb/ft) x Calibration Distance (ft)
3. Compare the weight of the product actually collected to the
6. Choose a calibration distance to work with and measure a test weight expected for the calibration distance. If the rates dif-
course of this distance in the field you will be working in. fer by more than 10 percent, adjust the orice, rotor speed, or
Choose an area that is representative of eld conditions. The ground speed and repeat. Bear in mind, speed adjustments are
calibration distance should be at least 50 feet but not more not effective for ground-driven equipment.
than 500 feet. Longer distances are generally more accurate.
4. Repeat the procedure until the error is less than 10 percent.
7. Calculate the weight of material that should be collected for
the calibration distance chosen. Time Method
1. On the test course selected in the eld, record the time required
Equation 15. Weight Collected = to travel the course. Run the course twice, once in each direc-
Row Rate x Calibration Distance tion, and average the results. Accurate ground speed is very
important to good calibration with the time method.
8. Select a ground speed appropriate for the crop and type of
equipment used. Slow speeds take longer to nish the task, 2. With the equipment parked, set the orice control as recom-
while high speeds may be inefficient and unsafe. Consult your mended and run the applicator for the time measured to run
equipment manual for a recommended speed. Even ground- the calibration distance. Collect and weigh the output of the
driven application equipment can be sensitive to changes in applicator for this time measurement.
speed. Maintaining an accurate and consistent speed is very
important. Choose a safe, controllable speed that will enable 3. Determine the weight of the product that should be collected
you to complete the job in a timely and efficient manner. for the calibration distance.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 21

Equation 17. Weight Collected (lb) = pattern test pans used to determine pattern shape and swath are
Row Rate (lb/ft) x Calibration Distance (ft) used to determine the application rate.

4. Compare the weight of the product actually collected dur- Discharge Method
ing the time it took to cover the calibration distance to the 1. Determine the test distance to use. Longer distances may give
weight expected for the calibration distance. If the rates differ better accuracy but may be difficult to manage. A distance
by more than 10 percent, adjust the orice, rotor speed, or of 300 to 400 feet is usually adequate. Use shorter distances
ground speed and repeat. Bear in mind, speed adjustments are if necessary to avoid collecting more material than you can
not effective for ground-driven equipment. reasonably handle or weigh.
2. Set the ground speed. Be sure to maintain a constant ground
5. Repeat the procedure until the error is less than 10 percent. speed at all times.

3. If using a ground drive spreader, attach a collection bin to the

CALIBRATING A BROADCAST SPREADER: discharge chute or under the outlets and collect all the mate-
Preparing to Calibrate rial discharged from the spreader as it runs across the test dis-
Broadcast spreaders include machines designed to apply mate- tance. If using an independent drive spreader, record the time
rials broadcast across the surface of the eld. They include required to run the test course. Park the spreader at a conve-
drop, spinner, and pendulum spreading devices. Calibration nient location and measure the discharge from the spreader
of a broadcast spreader is usually done using the product to be for the time measured on the test distance. The course should
applied. Blank material is available and can be used, but may be run twice and the times averaged for better accuracy.
be hard to find. Use extra care and preparation when calibrating
with the chemical. To begin, follow these steps: 4. Calculate the application rate (pounds per acre):

1. Carefully inspect all machine components. Repair or replace Equation 18. Application Rate, lb/ac =
any elements that are not in good working order. Weight Collected (lb) x 43,560
Distance (ft) x Swath (ft)
2. Determine the type of drive system that is being used: ground
drive or independent PTO. This may help determine the 5. Compare the application rate measured to the rate required.
method of calibration. Adjust and repeat as necessary.

3. Determine the application rate and the bulk density of the Pan Method
product to be applied. 1. Place pans in the eld across the swath to be spread. Pans
should be uniformly spaced to cover the full swath. One pan
4. Determine the spreader pattern and swath of the spreader. should be at the center of the swath with equal numbers of
Check the pattern to ensure uniformity. To check the pattern, pans on each side. Use enough pans, 11 or more, to get a good
place collection pans across the path of the spreader. For drop measurement.
spreaders, be sure to place a pan under each outlet. For cen- 2. Make three passes with the spreader using the driving pattern
trifugal and pendulum spreaders, space the pans uniformly to be used in the eld. One pass should be directly over the
with one in the center and an equal number on each side. center pan and the other passes at the recommended distance,
The pattern should be the same on each side of the center lane spacing, to the left and right of the center pass.
and should taper smoothly as you go to the outer edge. The 3. Combine the material collected in the pans and determine the
swath would be set as the width from side to side where a weight or volume collected. Divide by the number of pans
pan holds 50 percent of the maximum amount collected in used to determine the average weight or volume per pan.
the center pan. 4. Calculate the application rate.

5. Fill the hopper half full to simulate average conditions. If you are measuring the weight in the pans in grams:
Equation 19. Application Rate, lb/ac =
6. Set the ground speed of the spreader.
13,829 x Weight (grams)
Pan Area (inches2)
7. Set the spreader according to the manufacturers recommen-
dations and begin calibration.
If you are measuring the volume in the pans in
Calibration Methods cubic centimeters (cc):
There are two common methods used to calibrate broadcast Equation 20. Application Rate, lb/ac =
spreaders. The rst method is the discharge method. To use 13,829 x Bulk Density (lb/ft3) x Volume (cc)
this procedure, collect and measure the total discharge from the Pan Area (inches2) x 62.4
spreader as it runs across a test course. The second method, the
pan method, is used on centrifugal and pendulum spreaders. The 5. Compare the rate measured to the rate required.

Page 22 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

CALIBRATION VARIABLES Determining Upper and Lower Limits
Several factors can affect proper calibration. The ground Upper and lower limits provide a range of acceptable error.
speed of any type of PTO-powered machine can make a differ- To set these limits for a given sample size, use the equations
ence. On the other hand, ground-driven machines are usually below. First, however, you must decide upon the degree of
only slightly affected by changes in ground speed. If using dry accuracy you wish to achieve. Select a percent error: 2 percent,
or granular material, product density will affect the discharge 5 percent, 10 percent, or any other level of accuracy.
rate and may change the pattern for broadcast spreaders. For
liquids, calibration can be affected by pressure, nozzle size, Equation 24. Upper Limit =
density and viscosity of the liquid, and application typeband Target Rate x (1 + Percent Error/100%)
or broadcast. The following adjustments may help in adjusting
these variables. Equation 25. Lower Limit =
Target Rate x (1 Percent Error/100%)
For PTO-powered equipment or other equipment in which the
discharge rate is independent of ground speed, Equation 10 is HOW TO IMPROVE PEST CONTROL
useful. Failure to control an insect, mite, disease, or weed pest is
often blamed on the pesticide when the cause frequently lies
Equation 21. New Application Rate = elsewhere. The more common reasons for failure are the fol-
Old Application Rate x (Old Speed/New Speed) lowing:

For ground-driven equipment, there should be little or no change 1. Delaying applications until pest populations become too large
in application rate when speed is changed. or damaging.

Pressure 2. Poor coverage caused by insufficient volume, inadequate

For liquids in sprayers, the discharge rate changes in proportion pressure, or clogged or poorly arranged nozzles.
to the square root of the ratio of the pressures.
3. Selecting the wrong pesticide for the target pests.
Equation 22. New Discharge Rate =
The following steps are suggested for more effective pest

1. Scout fields regularly. Know the pest situation and any
Density buildups in your fields. Frequent examinations (at least once
For liquids in sprayers, the discharge
rate changes if the specific
or twice a week) help determine the proper timing of the
gravity (S.G.) of the liquid changes. Use water for calibration next pesticide application. Do not apply a pesticide simply
and adjust as shown below. Calibrate with spray solution only if because a neighbor does.

recommended by the supplier.
2. Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Use an ongoing program
Equation 23. Water Discharge Rate = of biological, physical, cultural, and chemical methods in an
integrated approach to manage pests. IPM involves scouts

visiting fields to collect pest population data. Use this updat-
ed information to decide whether insecticide applications
Band Application Versus Broadcast Application or other management actions are needed to avoid economic
Some pesticide application recommendations are based on loss from pest damage. Action thresholds for insect pests
area of cropland covered. Other recommendations are based on are generally expressed as a numerical count of a given life
area of land treated in the band covered. Check the label for the stage or as a damage level based on a recommended sampling
product you are using to see how it is listed. procedure. Thresholds are intended to reflect the population
Broadcast application is based on area of cropland covered. density that will cause economic damage and, thus, warrant
Nozzle spacing is the distance between nozzles. Band applica- the cost of treatment. Specific thresholds are given in this
tions in which the area of covered cropland is used for calibra- handbook for a number of pests of certain crops. Control
tion and those applications in which multiple nozzles per row decisions also are based on many factors such as:
are used are both treated like broadcast applications. Divide economic action threshold level (when the cost of con-
the row spacing by the number of nozzles used per row to get a trol equals or exceeds potential crop losses attributed to
nozzle spacing for calibration. real or potential damage)
For band applications in which area of treated landnot field history
cropland coveredis specied, use the width of the band at the growth stage and vigor of crop
ground as the spacing for calibration. life stage of the pest
parasite and predator populations
pest populations

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 23

resistance to chemicals Control Pests According to Recommended Control
time of the year Guidelines or Schedule. Control guidelines provide a way
variety to decide whether pesticide applications or other management
weather conditions actions are needed to avoid economic loss from pest damage.
To employ an IPM program successfully, basic practices need Guidelines for pests are generally expressed as a numerical
to be followed. Whether participating in a university- or grower- count of a given insect stage or as a crop damage level based
supported IPM program, hiring a private consultant, or doing on certain sampling techniques. They are intended to reflect
the work personally, the grower still practices: the pest population that will cause economic damage and thus
frequent and regular examination of fields to assess pest would warrant the cost of treatment. Guidelines are usually
populations based on the field history, crop development, variety, weather
applying a control measure only when the economic conditions, and other factors.
threshold level has been reached
where possible, employing a cultural practice or a bio- Insect population sampling techniques include:
logical control or using a pesticide that is less harmful Visual observation. Direct counts of any insect stages
to natural enemies of the target pest (eggs, larvae, adults, etc.) are accomplished by exam-
ining plants or plant parts (leaves, stems, flowers, etc.).
Resistance management. The way pesticides are used affects Counts can be taken on single plants or a prescribed
the development of resistance. Resistance develops because length of row, which will vary with the crop. Usually,
intensive pesticide use kills the susceptible individuals in a popu- quick moving insects are counted first, followed by
lation, leaving only resistant ones to breed. Adopting the follow- those that are less mobile.
ing practices will reduce the development of pest resistance: Shake cloth (also known as a ground cloth). This
sampling procedure consists of using a standard 3-foot
1. Rotate crops to a nonhost crop, thus reducing the need for by 3-foot shake cloth to assess insect populations.
pesticide treatment and, thereby reducing the ratio of resistant Randomly choose a site without disturbing the plants
to susceptible individuals in the breeding population. and carefully unroll the shake cloth between two rows.
Bend the plants over the cloth one row at a time and
2. Use control guidelines as an important tactic for reducing the beat the plants vigorously to dislodge insects held on
pesticide resistance problem. For more information concern- stems, leaves, and branches. Count only insects that
ing control guidelines, refer to the next section. have landed on the shake cloth. The number of sam-
pling sites per field will vary with the crop.
3. Spot treat when possible. Early-season insects are often Sweep net. This sampling procedure uses a standard 15-
concentrated in areas near their overwintering sites. Diseases inch diameter sweep net to assess insect populations.
often can be first detected in favorable microclimates, such While walking along one row, swing the net from side
as low or wet areas of the field. Perennial weeds and newly to side with a pendulum-like motion. The net should
introduced or resistant annual weeds often occur first in small be rotated 180 degrees after each sweep and swung
numbers in a part of a field. Spot treating these areas, rather through the foliage in the opposite direction. Each pass
than the entire field, will reduce problems with resistance. of the net is counted as one sweep. The number of
sweeps per field will vary with the crop.
4. Control pests early, because seedling weeds and immature
insects are more susceptible to pesticides and less likely to Weed population sampling techniques include:
develop resistance compared to older and more mature crop Weed identification. This first step is frequently
pests. skipped. Perennial weeds and certain serious annual
weeds should be controlled before they can spread.
5. Do not overspray. Attempts to destroy every pest in the field Common annual weeds need only be controlled if they
by multiple applications or by using rates higher than labeled represent a threat to yield, quality, or harvestability.
rates often eliminate the susceptible pests but not the resistant Growth stage determination. The ability of weeds to
pests. compete with the crop is related to size of the weed and
size of the crop. Control of the weed using herbicides
6. Rotate pesticides to reduce the development of resistance, or mechanical methods is also dependant on weed size.
particularly with pesticides that differ in their mechanism A decision to control or not to control a weed must be
of action. Rotation between different chemical groups is an carried out before the crop is affected and before the
excellent method of reducing resistance problems. weed is too large to be controlled easily. It is critical
to know the weed history of a field prior to planting as
7. Use appropriate additives when recommended on the pesti- many herbicides need to be applied pre-planting.
cides label. For example, adding a crop oil concentrate or Weed population. Weeds compete for light, water, nutri-
a surfactant to certain postemergence herbicide will increase ents, and space. The extent of this competition is depen-
the effectiveness of the herbicide. dant on population and is usually expressed as weeds
per foot of row or weeds per square meter. Control

Page 24 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

measures are needed when the weed population exceeds application because excessive drift can result in damage to
the maximum tolerable population of that species. nontarget plants in adjacent fields and areas. Do not add oil
concentrates, surfactants, spreader-stickers, or any other addi-
Disease monitoring involves determining the growth stage tive unless specified on the label, or crop injury is likely.
of the crop, observing disease symptoms on plants, and/or
the daily collection of weather conditions in the field. Select the Proper Pesticide. Know the pests to be controlled
Disease control is often obtained by applying crop protectants and choose the recommended pesticide and rate of application.
on a regular schedule. For many diseases, application must When in doubt, consult Extension. The herbicide choice should
begin at a certain growth stage and repeated every 7 to 10 days. be based on weed species or cropping systems.
When environmental conditions are favorable for disease devel- For insects that are extremely difficult to control or are resis-
opment, delaying a spray program will result in a lack of control tant, it is essential to alternate labeled insecticides, especially
if the disease has progressed too far. For certain diseases that do with different classes of insecticides. Be alert for a possible
not spread rapidly, fields should be scouted regularly. aphid or mite buildup following the application of certain insec-
Predictive systems are available for a few diseases. ticides such as carbaryl.
Temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and duration of leaf
wetness period are monitored, and the timing of fungicide appli- Caution: Proper application of soil systemic insecticides is
cation is determined by predicting when disease development is extremely important. The insecticide should be placed accord-
most likely to occur. ing to the label instructions (which, in general, indicate applica-
tion should be directed away from the seed) or crop injury may
Weather Conditions. These are important to consider before occur.
applying a pesticide. Spray only when wind velocity is less than Be sure to properly identify the disease(s). Many fungicides
10 miles per hour. Do not spray when sensitive plants are wilted control specific diseases and provide no control of others. For
during the heat of the day. If possible, make applications when this reason, on several crops, fungicide combinations are recom-
ideal weather conditions prevail. mended.
Certain pesticides, including the biological insecticides (BTs)
and some herbicides, are ineffective in cool weather. Others do Pesticide Compatibility. To determine if two pesticides are
not perform well or may cause crop injury when hot or humid compatible, use the following jar test before you tank-mix
conditions are prevalent. Optimum results can frequently be pesticides or tank-mix pesticides with liquid fertilizers:
achieved when the air temperature is in the 70F range during
application. 1. Add 1 pint of water or fertilizer solution to a clean quart jar,
then add the pesticides to the water or fertilizer solution in the
Strive for Adequate Coverage of Plants. same proportion as used in the field.
Improved control of aphids can be achieved by adding and
arranging nozzles so that the application is directed toward the 2. To a second clean quart jar, add 1 pint of water or fertilizer
plants from the sides as well as from the tops (also see Alkaline solution. Then add 1/2 teaspoon of an adjuvant to keep the
Water and Pesticides, which follows). In some cases, nozzles mixture emulsified. Finally, add the pesticides to the water-
should be arranged so that the application is directed beneath the adjuvant or fertilizer adjuvant in the same proportion as
leaves. As the season progresses, plant size increases, as does the used in the field.
need for increased spray gallonage to ensure adequate coverage.
Applying insecticide and fungicide sprays with sufficient 3. Close both jars tightly and mix thoroughly by inverting 10
spray volume and pressure is important. Spray volumes should times. Inspect the mixtures immediately and after standing
increase as the crop's surface area increases. Sprays from high- for 30 minutes. If a uniform mix cannot be made, the mixture
volume-high-pressure rigs (airblast) should be applied at rates should not be used. If the mix in either jar remains uniform
of 40 to 200 gallons per acre at 200 psi or greater. Sprays from for 30 minutes, the combination can be used. If the mixture
low-volume-low-pressure rigs (boom type) should be applied at with adjuvant stays mixed and the mixture without adjuvant
rates of 50 to 100 gallons per acre at 20 psi. The addition of a does not, use the adjuvant in the spray tank. If either mixture
spreader-sticker improves coverage and control when wettable separates but readily remixes, constant agitation is required.
powders are applied to smooth-leaved plants, such as cole crops If nondispersible oil, sludge, or clumps of solids form, do not
and onions. use the mixture.
Note: High gallonage is important for thorough spray cover-
age. Use a minimum of 40 or more gallons per acre for effective Note: For compatibility testing, the pesticide can be added
insect control on vegetable crops. directly or premixed in water first. In actual tank-mixing for field
application, unless label directions specify otherwise, add pesti-
Use one sprayer for herbicides and a different sprayer cides to the water in the tank in this order: first, wettable granules
for fungicides and insecticides. Herbicide sprays should be or powders, then flowables, emulsifiable concentrates, water
applied at between 15 and 50 gallons of spray solution per acre solubles, and companion surfactants. If tank-mixed adjuvants are
using low pressure (20 to 40 psi). Never apply herbicides with used, these should be added first to the fluid carrier in the tank.
a high-pressure that was designed for insecticide or fungicide Thoroughly mix each product before adding the next product.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 25

Select Correct Sprayer Tips. The choice of a sprayer tip for In addition to lime sulfur, several other materials provide
use with many pesticides is important. Flat fan-spray tips are alkaline conditions: caustic soda, caustic potash, soda ash,
designed for preemergence and postemergence application magnesia or dolomitic limestone, and liquid ammonia. Water
of herbicides. These nozzles produce a tapered-edge spray sources in agricultural areas can vary in pH from less than 3 to
pattern that overlaps for uniform coverage when properly greater than 10.
mounted on a boom. Standard flat fan-spray tips are designed To check the pH of your water, purchase a pH meter or in
to operate at low pressures (20-40 psi) to produce small-to most states you can submit a water sample to your states soil
medium-sized droplets that do not have excessive drift. Flat testing lab. If you have a problem with alkaline pH, there are
fan-nozzle tips are available in brass, plastic, ceramic, stain- several products available that are called nutrient buffers that
less steel, and hardened stainless steel. Brass nozzles are will lower the pH of your water.
inexpensive and are satisfactory for spraying liquid pesticide There are some instances when materials should not be acidi-
formulations. Brass nozzles are least durable, and hardened fied, namely, sprays containing fixed copper fungicides, includ-
stainless steel nozzles are most durable and are recommended ing: Bordeaux mixture, copper oxide, basic copper sulfate,
for wettable powder formulations, which are more abrasive copper hydroxide, etc.
than liquid formulations. When using any wettable powder,
it is essential to calibrate the sprayer frequently because, as a
nozzle wears, the volume of spray material delivered through BENEFICIAL INSECTS
the nozzle increases. A number of environmental factors, such as weather, food
Flood-type nozzle tips are generally used for complete fertil- availability, and natural enemies combine to keep insect
izers, liquid N, etc., and sometimes for spraying herbicides onto populations under control naturally. In some human-altered
the soil surface prior to incorporation. They are less suitable for landscapes, such as in agricultural crop fields, the levels of
spraying postemergence herbicides or for applying fungicides or natural control are often not acceptable to us, and we have
insecticides to plant foliage. Coverage of the target is often less to intervene in order to lower pest populations. While some
uniform and complete when flood-type nozzles are used, com- environmental factors, such as weather, cannot be altered
pared with the coverage obtained with other types of nozzles. to enhance control of pests, others such as populations of
Results with postemergence herbicides applied with flood-type natural enemies, can be effected. The practice of taking
nozzles may be satisfactory if certain steps are taken to improve advantage of, and manipulating natural enemies in order to
target coverage. Space flood-type nozzles a maximum of 20 suppress pest populations is called biological control.
inches apart, rather than the suggested 40-inch spacing. This
will result in an overlapping spray pattern. Spray at the maxi- Approaches To Biological Control. There are three general
mum pressure recommended for the nozzle. These techniques approaches to biological control: importation; augmentation;
will improve target coverage with flood-type nozzles and result and conservation of natural enemies. Each of these techniques
in more satisfactory weed control. can be used either alone or in combination in a biological con-
Full and hollow-cone nozzles deliver circular spray patterns trol program.
and are used for application of insecticides and fungicides to
crops where thorough coverage of the leaf surfaces is extremely Importation: Importation of natural enemies, sometimes
important and where spray drift will not cause a problem. They referred to as classical biological control, is used when a pest
are used when higher water volumes and spray pressures are of exotic origin is the target of the biocontrol program. Pests
recommended. With cone nozzles, the disk size and the number are constantly being imported into countries where they are
of holes in the whirl plate affect the output rate. Various com- not native, either accidentally, or in some cases, intentionally.
binations of disks and whirl plates can be used to achieve the Many of these introductions do not result in establishment or
desired spray coverage. if they do, the organism may not become a pest. However, it
is possible for some of these introduced organisms to become
Alkaline Water and Pesticides. At times applicators have pests, due to a lack of natural enemies to suppress their popu-
commented that a particular pesticide has given unsatisfactory lations. In these cases, importation of natural enemies can be
results. Usually, these results can be attributed to poor appli- highly effective.
cation, a bad batch of chemical, pest resistance, weather con- Once the country of origin of the pest is determined, explora-
ditions, etc. However, another possible reason for unsatisfactory tion in the native region can be conducted to search for promis-
results from a pesticide may be the pH of the mixing water. ing natural enemies. If such enemies are identified, they may
be evaluated for potential impact on the pest organism in the
Some materials carry a label cautioning the user against mix- native country or alternatively imported into the new country for
ing the pesticide with alkaline materials. The reason for this cau- further study. Natural enemies are imported into the U.S. only
tion is that some materials (in particular the organophosphate under permit by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. They must
insecticides) undergo a chemical reaction know as alkaline first be placed in quarantine for one or more generations to be
hydrolysis. This reaction occurs when the pesticide is mixed sure that no undesirable species are accidentally imported (dis-
with alkaline water; that is, water with a pH greater than 7. The eases, hyperparasitoids, etc.). Additional permits are required
more alkaline the water, the greater the breakdown (i.e., "hydro- for interstate shipment and field release.

Page 26 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Augmentation: Augmentation is the direct manipulation of or burning of crop debris can also kill natural enemies or make
natural enemies to increase their effectiveness. This can be the crop habitat unsuitable. In some crops accumulation of dust
accomplished by one of two general methods or a combi- deposits on leaves from repeated tillage or a location near road-
nation of these methods: mass production and/or periodic ways may kill small predators and parasites and cause increases
colonization of natural enemies. The most commonly used in certain insect and mite pests. In some cases, the chemical and
of these approaches is the first, in which natural enemies are physical defenses that plants use to protect themselves from
produced in insectaries, then released either inoculatively or pests may reduce the effectiveness of biological control.
inundatively. For example, in areas where a particular natural An example of how conservation can work involves the dia-
enemy cannot overwinter, an inoculative release each spring mondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.). This insect has devel-
may allow the population to establish and adequately control a oped into the most important pest of crucifers in recent years
pest. Inundative releases involve the release of large numbers due to the pest's development of resistance to most pesticides.
of a natural enemy such that their population completely over- Two parasitoids, the Ichneumonid wasp Diadegma insulare
whelms that of the pest. (Cresson) and the braconid wasp Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjunov),
Augmentation is used where populations of a natural enemy can help reduce diamondback moth populations if excessive
are not present or cannot respond quickly enough to the pest pesticide applications are avoided, especially with reductions in
population. Therefore, augmentation usually does not provide the use of pyrethroids. BT products can work well to suit this
permanent suppression of pests, as may occur with importa- purpose. Therefore, by simply being selective in the type of
tion or conservation methods. An example of the inoculative pesticide used, and by spraying only when threshold levels are
release method is the use of the parasitoid wasp, Encarsia for- reached, free control can be provided by natural enemies already
mosa Gahan, to suppress populations of the greenhouse white- present in the field.
fly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood). The greenhouse
whitefly is a ubiquitous pest of vegetable and floriculture crops Incorporating Biological Control Into A Pest Management
that is notoriously difficult to manage, even with pesticides. Program: Biological control can be an effective, environmen-
Releases of relatively low densities (typically 0.25 to 2 per tally sound method of managing pests. However, when trying
plant, depending on the crop) of Encarsia immediately after to make the best use of natural enemies in your crop, it may be
the first whiteflies have been detected on yellow sticky cards helpful to consider the following suggestions.
can effectively prevent populations from developing to damag- First, make sure you have your pest(s) accurately identified.
ing levels. However, releases should be made within the con- Extension can help with this. Consulting Extension is a good
text of an integrated crop management program that takes into practice regardless of which pest control method you use.
account the low tolerance of the parasitoids to pesticides. It is Second, determine if natural enemy releases are appropriate
important to bear in mind that Encarsia can provide effective for your specific situation. Sometimes knowledge of crop and
control of greenhouse whitefly, but not sweetpotato whitefly. cultural practices that encourage naturally-occurring biological
Therefore, it is critical to identify which whitefly is present control agents can allow you to maximize the control they pro-
before releasing Encarsia. Another parasitoid, Eretmocerus vide. By conserving these natural enemies, pesticide use (and
californicus has shown promise against sweetpotato whitefly. therefore expense) can be minimized.
Because most augmentation involves mass-production and Usually, released natural enemies work best as a preventative
periodic colonization of natural enemies, this type of biologi- pest management method. That is, if they are introduced into
cal control has lent itself to commercial development. There your crop at the beginning of a pest infestation, they can pre-
are hundreds of biological control products available commer- vent that population from developing to damaging levels. If you
cially for dozens of pest invertebrates, vertebrates, weeds, and wait until pests have become a problem before releasing natural
plant pathogens. A summary of these products and their target enemies, the use of natural enemies usually will not work.
pests is presented in Table 13. It is important to note that inclu- Therefore pest problems must be anticipated and planned for
sion on these lists does not imply that a natural enemy product by carefully monitoring pest population development. Effective
will work. Selection of products and suppliers should be done trapping, monitoring, and field scouting should be used to deter-
with care, as with purchasing any product. Review publica- mine when pests appear, and to determine the timing of natural
tions for guidelines on how to purchase and utilize natural enemy releases.
enemies. If you decide to use commercially available biological control
agents, you should choose your product and supplier carefully.
Conservation: The most common form of biological control is Once you have received your natural enemies, handle them with
conservation of natural enemies which already exist in a crop- care, following all instructions provided by your supplier. The
ping situation. Conservation involves identifying the factor(s) number or rate of natural enemies to release can be determined
which may limit the effectiveness of a particular natural enemy through consultation with a reliable supplier, as can the timing
and modifying this factor(s) to increase the effectiveness of of application. Because natural enemies are living organisms,
natural enemies. In general, this involves either reducing factors adverse conditions (e.g. stormy weather, pesticide residues) can
which interfere with natural enemies or providing resources that kill them or reduce their effectiveness. Because the actions of
natural enemies need in their environment. The most common natural enemies are not as obvious as those of pesticides, it may
factor that interferes with natural enemy effectiveness is the be important to work with your supplier to develop a procedure
application of pesticides. Some cultural practices such as tillage to evaluate the effectiveness of your releases.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 27

Further details of the above suggestions are provided in Table This does not mean that biological control will not work for
13. Remember, just because an organism is sold as a natural your situation. There are a number of products and approaches
or biological control does not mean it will work as you expect. that can provide very satisfactory results.
For example, praying mantids are general ambush predators For the most current information about suppliers of organ-
that will eat anything small enough (usually mobile insects) that isms and related products, the purchase of natural enemies, and
pass in front of them. They do not specifically attack pests that how to effectively use them, go to the following web sites and
gardeners are usually interested in removing. Another example consult with Extension:
is ladybeetle adults that have been pre-conditioned. These http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/biocontrol/websites.html
ladybeetles will just as readily leave the area that you have
treated as ladybeetles that have been collected and not pre-con- http://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/pestmgt/ipminov/ben_supp/
ditioned. contents.html



Aphelinid wasps aphids on some greenhouse crops
Braconid wasps caterpillars in cole crops and potatoes; leafminers in some greenhouse crops
Eulophid wasps CPB, Mexican bean beetle, asparagus beetle, leafminers in some field crops
Encarsia wasps whiteflies in greenhouses, some field crops
Encyrtid wasps aphids on some greenhouse crops.
Flower bug thrips, spider mites, aphids, small caterpillars, small insects in sweet corn, potato, greenhouse crops
Ichneumonid wasps caterpillars and beetle larvae in cole crops and asparagus
Lacewings aphids and thrips, in some field crops
Lady beetles aphids, mites, small insects, insect eggs in most vegetables, especially potatoes, tomatoes,
sweet corn, and cole crops
Mymarid egg wasps lygus bug eggs
Parasitic flies caterpillars in sweet corn
Predatory mites fungus gnats in greenhouse crops
mites in greenhouse crops, some field crops
thrips in greenhouse crops, some field crops
Predatory midge aphids in some greenhouse crops
Scelionid egg wasps stink bug eggs
Spined soldier bug generalist predator of many insect species including larvae of European corn borer, diamondback
moth, corn earworm, beet army worm, fall armyworm, Colorado potato beetle cabbage looper, import-
ed cabbageworm and Mexican bean beetle in most vegetables including, potato, tomato, sweet corn,
cole crops, beans, eggplant, cucurbits, asparagus, and onions
Trichogramma wasps moth eggs in cole crops, peppers, sweet corn, tomatoes
Stink bug insects in potato, tomato, sweet corn, cole crops, beans, eggplant, cucurbits, asparagus, onions
Spine soldier bug, flower bug general
Lady beetle, lacewings and small caterpillars, corn earworm, European corn borer, potato leafhopper, sweet corn,
predator stink bugs potato, greenhouse crops, thrips, mites, whiteflies, leafhopper, diamondback moth, cabbage looper,
corn ear worm, Colorado potato beetle, asparagus beetle, leafminers, pest mites, midges, cole crops,
all vegetables, beetle moth larvae, other small insects
Predatory mites pest mites, thrips, greenhouse crops, some field crops, fungus, gnats
Stink bug parasitoid wasps general
Ichneumonid wasps beetle larvae in cole crops and sweet corn, Trichogramma wasps, moth eggs in sweet corn, cole crops
and tomato, Encarsia formosa, whitefly
Encyrtidae cabbage looper
Eucoilidae root maggot
Eulophidae Colorado potato beetle, Mexican bean beetle, asparagus beetle, leafminer
Mymaridae carrot weevil
Pteromalidae caterpillars cabbage worm, diamondback moth
Tiphidae Japanese beetle
Parasitic nematodes cutworms, beetle larvae, root maggots

Page 28 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Effective weed control requires a program that emphasizes When visiting a vegetable field, follow the steps outlined below
prevention by combining crop rotation with mechanical and to help solve any potential problems. All vegetable problems,
chemical control methods. such as poor growth, leaf blemishes, wilts, rots, and other prob-
Weed seed populations in the soil should be kept to a mini- lems should be promptly diagnosed. This is necessary for the
mum by preventing weeds from producing seed in and around grower to implement prompt and effective corrective measures
vegetable fields. Destroy all weeds immediately after a crop is or to help reduce the probability of its reoccurrence in following
harvested. crops or its spread to susceptible neighboring crops.
1. Describe the problem.
Consider control measures after harvest, but before the first frost,
for the following weeds (all rates given per acre): 2. Determine whether there is a pattern of symptomatic plants
in the field.
1. To suppress or control bitter nightshade, Canada thistle, field a. Does the pattern correlate with a certain area in the field,
bindweed, hemp dogbane, horse-nettle, or pokeweed, use a such as a low spot, poor-drainage area, or sheltered area?
tank-mix of 1 quart Banvel plus 1 quart 2,4-D amine or the b. Does the pattern correlate with concurrent field operations,
combination product Banvel+2,4-D in 10 to 20 gallons of such as certain rows, time of planting, method of fertiliza-
water per acre. Apply in late summer or early fall to healthy tion, or rate of fertilization?
weed foliage for maximum effectiveness (Note: Delay seed-
ing of winter cover crop 3 weeks for each pint per acre of 3. Try to trace the history of the problem.
Banvel used). See herbicide labels for optimum treatment a. On what date were the symptoms first noticed?
time for each weed. b. Which fertilizer and liming practices were used?
c. Which pest-management practices were used to manage dis-
2. To suppress brambles, horse-nettle, milkweed, poison ivy, eases, undesirable insects, and weeds which chemicals (if
or sowthistle, tank-mix 2 quarts Roundup plus 1 pint Banvel any), were applied, at what application rates, and what was
(see note above) in 10 to 20 gallons of water per acre. Use 1 the previous use of equipment that was used for application?
to 2 quarts surfactant (80 to 100 percent active) per 100 gal- d. What were the temperatures, soil moisture conditions, and
lons of spray mixture. Apply in late summer or early fall to level of sunlight?
healthy weed foliage for maximum effectiveness. See herbi- e. What was the source of seed or planting stock?
cide labels for optimum treatment time for each weed. f. Which crops were grown in the same area during the past 3
or 4 years?
3. To control bermudagrass, johnsongrass, or quackgrass, apply
1 to 1.5 quarts Roundup in 5 to 10 gallons of water per acre. 4. Examine affected plants to determine whether the problem is
Delay tillage until 7 to 10 days after application. Apply in late related to insects, diseases, or cultural practices.
summer or early fall to healthy weed foliage for maximum a. Do the symptoms point to insect problems? Insect prob-
effectiveness. lems usually involve only the crop and its initial stages
of growth. (A hand lens is usually essential to determine
4. To control yellow nutsedge, spray with Roundup when nut- this.)
sedge is in the less than 5- to 7-leaf stage, but before seed hard- (1) Look for the presence of insects, webbing, and
ens. Use 1 to 1.5 quarts in 10 to 20 gallons of water per acre. frass on foliage, stems, and roots.
Expect only partial control of yellow nutsedge the first year (2) Look for feeding signs such as chewing, sucking,
after initiating the program. Plant a crop the following spring or boring injuries.
with registered herbicides recommended for yellow nutsedge b. Do the symptoms suggest disease problems? These symp-
control. Effective yellow nutsedge control can be achieved by toms are usually not uniform; rather, they are specific for
repeating the application for several consecutive years. certain crops.
Plowing and/or disking two or three times after winter (1) Look for necrotic (dead) areas on the roots, stems,
cold snaps (<25F) will reduce nut (tuber) populations. leaves, flowers, and fruit.
Halosulfuron (Sandea) controls nutsedge and is cleared on (2) Look for discoloration of the vascular tissue (plant
many vegetable crops. veins).
(3) Look for fungal growth.
(4) Look for virus patterns; often these are similar to
injury from 2,4-D or other hormones and nutri-
tional problems.
(5) Examine roots for twisting or galling.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 29

c. Do the symptoms point to cultural problems? Look for the AIR POLLUTION INJURY
following: The extent of plant damage by particular pollutants in any given
(1) Nutrient deficiencies. (A soil test from good areas year depends on meteorological factors leading to air stagnation,
and poor areas should be done as well as a analysis the presence of a pollution source, and the susceptibility of the
of nutrient content of leaf tissue from the same plants.
areas.) Some pollutants that affect vegetable crops are sulfur dioxide
Nitrogenlight green or yellow foliage. (SO2), ozone (O3), peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), chlorine (Cl),
Nitrogen deficiencies are more acute on and ammonia (NH3).
lower leaves.
Phosphoruspurple coloration of leaves; Sulfur dioxide. SO2 causes acute and chronic plant injury. Acute
plants are stunted. injury is characterized by clearly marked dead tissue between
Potassium yellow or brown leaf margins the veins or on leaf margins. The dead tissue may be bleached,
and leaf curling. ivory, tan, orange, red, reddish brown, or brown, depending on
Magnesiuminterveinal chlorosis (yellow- plant species, time of year, and weather conditions. Chronic
ing between veins) of lower leaves. injury is marked by brownish red, turgid, or bleached white
Borondevelopment of lateral growth; hol- areas on the leaf blade. Young leaves rarely display damage,
low, brownish stems; cracked petioles. whereas fully expanded leaves are very sensitive.
Ironlight green or yellow foliage occurs Some crops sensitive to sulfur dioxide are: squash, pumpkin,
first and is more acute on young leaves. mustard, spinach, lettuce, endive, Swiss chard, broccoli, bean,
Molybdenumwhiptail leaf symptoms carrot, and tomato.
on cauliflower and other crops in the cab-
bage family. Ozone. A common symptom of O3 injury is small stipplelike
(2) Chemical toxicities. or flecklike lesions visible only on the upper leaf surface. These
Toxicity of minor elementsboron, zinc, very small, irregularly shaped spots may be dark brown to
manganese. black (stipplelike) or light tan to white (flecklike). Very young
Soluble salt injurywilting of the plant leaves are normally resistant to ozone. Recently matured leaves
when wet; death, usually from excessive are most susceptible. Leaves become more susceptible as they
fertilizer application or accumulation of mature, and the lesions spread over a greater portion of the
salts from irrigation water. leaf with successive ozone exposures. Injury is usually more
(3) Soil problems. (Take soil tests of good and poor pronounced at the leaf tip and along the margins. With severe
areas.) damage, symptoms may extend to the lower leaf surface.
Poor drainage. Insect feeding (red spider mite and certain leafhoppers) pro-
Poor soil structure, compaction, etc. duces flecks on the upper surface of leaves much like ozone
Hard pans or plow pans. injury. Flecks from insect feeding, however, are usually spread
(4) Pesticide injury. (Usually uniform in the area or uniformly over the leaf, whereas ozone flecks are concentrated in
shows definite patterns, and more than one plant specific areas. Some older watermelon varieties and red varieties
species, such as weeds, often are symptomatic.) of Irish potatoes and beans are particularly sensitive to ozone.
Insecticide burning or stunting.
Weed-killer (herbicide) burning or abnor- Peroxyacetyl nitrate. PAN affects the underleaf surface of
mal growth. newly matured leaves, and it causes bronzing, glazing, or silver-
(5)Climatic damage. ing on the lower surface of sensitive leaf areas.
High-temperature injury. The leaf apex of broadleaved plants becomes sensitive to
Low-temperature (chilling) injury. PAN about 5 days after leaf emergence. About four leaves on
Lack of water. a shoot are sensitive at any one time. PAN toxicity is specific
Excessive moisture (lack of soil oxygen). for tissue in a particular stage of development. With PAN only
Frost or freeze damage. successive exposures will cause the entire leaf to develop
(6) Physiological damage. injury. Injury may consist of bronzing or glazing with little or
Air-pollution injury. no tissue collapse on the upper leaf surface. Pale green to white
Genetic mutations. stipplelike areas may appear on upper and lower leaf surfaces.
In summary, when trying to solve a vegetable crop problem, it Complete tissue collapse in a diffuse band across the leaf is
is important to take complete notes of problem areas, look for helpful in identifying PAN injury.
a pattern to the symptoms, trace the history of the problem, and Glazing of lower leaf surfaces may be produced by the feed-
examine the plants and soil closely. These notes can be used to ing of thrips or other insects or by insecticides and herbicides,
remember to avoid the problem in the future or to assist others in but differences should be detectable by careful examination.
helping solve the problem. Publications and bulletins designed Sensitive crops are: Swiss chard, lettuce, beet, escarole, mus-
to help the grower identify specific vegetable problems are avail- tard, dill, pepper, potato, spinach, tomato, and cantaloupe.
able from Extension.

Page 30 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Chlorine. Injury from chlorine is usually of an acute type, and it Many shippers are well equipped to rapidly cool their crops,
is similar in pattern to sulfur dioxide injury. Foliar necrosis and and a growing number are incorporating cooling or improv-
bleaching are common. Necrosis is marginal in some species, ing their existing facilities. Simple placement of packed
but scattered in others either between or along veins. Lettuce vegetables in a refrigerated cooler is not sufficient to
plants exhibit necrotic injury on the margins of outer leaves, maintain quality for product destined for distant markets.
which often extends into solid areas toward the center and base Neither should non-cooled vegetables be loaded directly into
of the leaf. Inner leaves remain unmarked. Crops sensitive to refrigerated trailers. In both of these situations the product
chlorine are: Chinese cabbage, lettuce, Swiss chard, beet, esca- cools very slowly, at best. Refrigerated trailers are designed
role, mustard, dill, pepper, potato, spinach, tomato, cantaloupe, to maintain product temperature during transport, and they
corn, onion, and radish. do not have the refrigeration capacity to quickly remove field
heat. Therefore, only produce that has been properly cooled
Ammonia. Field injury from NH3 has been primarily due to should be loaded, and only into trailers that have been cooled
accidental spillage or use of ammoniated fertilizers under plastic prior to loading.
mulch on light sandy soils. Slight amounts of the gas produce
color changes in the pigments of vegetable skin. The dry outer Storage Requirements
scales of red onions may become greenish or black, whereas Horticultural crops may be grouped into two broad cate-gories
scales of yellow or brown onions may turn dark brown. based on sensitivity to storage temperatures. The degree of
chilling sensitivity, and therefore the lowest safe storage tem-
perature, is crop-specific. Those crops that are chilling sensitive
POSTHARVEST HANDLING should be held at temperatures generally above 50F (10C).
Importance of Temperature Management Storage below this threshold will give rise to a physiological
Once harvested, a vegetable continues life processes indepen- disorder known as chilling injury. Chilling injury symptoms
dent of the plant, and as a result, must utilize its own stored are characterized by development of sunken lesions on the
energy reserves. Within hours of harvest, crops held at ambient skin, increased susceptibility to decay, increased shriveling, and
temperatures can suffer irreversible losses in quality, reducing incomplete ripening (poor flavor, texture, aroma, and color).
postharvest life. Additionally, many vegetables, such as greens The extent of chilling symptoms is also dependent on the
and lettuce, are cut at harvest, and this wound further increases length of exposure to low temperatures. Short exposure times
stress on the tissue. The relative perishability of a crop is reflect- will result in less injury than longer exposure to chilling tem-
ed in its respiration rate, where respiration is the process of life peratures. Those crops not as sensitive to chilling injury may be
by which O2 is combined with stored carbohydrates and other stored at temperatures as low as 32F (OC).
components to produce heat, chemical energy, water, CO2 and In addition to maintaining storage rooms at proper storage
other products. The respiration rate varies by commodity; those temperatures, the relative humidity should also be controlled to
commodities with high respiration rates utilize the reserves reduce water loss from the crop. Optimal storage recommenda-
faster and are more perishable than those with lower respiration tions and precooling methods are included for a wide range of
rates. Therefore, vegetables with higher res-piration rates, such vegetable commodities in Table 14.
as broccoli and sweet corn, must be rapidly cooled to the optimal
storage temperature to slow metabolism and extend postharvest
life during subsequent shipping and handling operations. OPTIMIZING COMMERCIAL COOLING
Since the introduction of hydrocooling for celery in the Cooling Concepts
1920s, rapid cooling (precooling) has allowed produce to be Cooling is a term that is often used quite loosely. In order to
shipped to distant markets while maintaining high quality. be effective and significantly benefit the shipping life of the
Commercial cooling is defined as the rapid removal of field product, an appropriate definition of commercial cooling for
heat to temperatures approaching optimal storage temperature perishable crops is: the rapid removal of at least 7/8 of the field
and it is the first line of defense in retarding the biological heat from the crop by a compatible cooling method. The time
processes that reduce vegetable quality. Cooling, in conjunc- required to remove 7/8 of the field heat is known as the 7/8
tion with refrigeration during subsequent handling operations, Cooling Time. Removal of 7/8 of the field heat during cooling
provides a cold chain from packinghouse to supermarket to is strongly recommended to provide adequate shipping life for
maximize postharvest life and control diseases and pests. (The shipment to distant markets; also, 7/8 of the heat can be removed
term postharvest life is purposely used in this text, since in a fairly short amount of time. Removal of the remaining 1/8
shelf life has the connotation that the commodity sits on of the field heat will occur during subsequent refrigerated stor-
the shelf, implying that the product requires no subsequent age and handling with little detriment to the product.
refrigeration.) Timeliness during handling is also essential in The rate of heat transfer, or the cooling rate, is critical for effi-
maintaining produce quality: timely and careful harvest and cient removal of field heat in order to achieve cooling. As a form
transport to the packinghouse, rapid packing and cooling, and of energy, heat always seeks equilibrium. In the case of cooling,
rapid transport to the market or buyer. Everyone involved at the sensible heat (or field heat) from the product is transferred
each of the many steps during product handling (e.g., shippers, to the cooling medium. The efficiency of cooling is dependent
truckers, receivers) must take care to ensure that the refriger- on time, temperature, and contact. In order to achieve maximum
ated cold chain is not broken. cooling, the product must remain in the precooler for sufficient

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 31

time to remove heat. The cooling medium (air, water, crushed COOLING METHODS
ice) must be maintained at constant temperature throughout the The cooling rate is not only dependent upon time, temperature,
cooling period. The cooling medium also must have continuous, and contact with the commodity; it is also dependent upon the
intimate contact with the surfaces of the individual vegetables. cooling method being employed. The various cooling media
For reasonable cooling efficiency, the cooling medium tempera- used to cool produce have different capacities to remove heat.
ture should be at least at the recommended storage temperature
for the commodity found in Table 14. Inappropriately designed Room Cooling
containers with insufficient vent or drain openings or incorrectly The simplest, but slowest, cooling method is room cooling,
stacked pallets can markedly restrict the flow of the cooling in which the bulk or containerized commodity is placed in
medium, increasing cooling time. a refrigerated room for several days. Air is circulated by the

Commodity Temperature % Relative Approximate Cooling
F C Humidity Storage Life Method1
Asparagus 32-35 0-2 95-100 2-3 weeks HY
Bean, green or snap 40-45 4-7 95 7-10 days HY, FA
Bean, lima 37-41 3-5 95 5-7 days HY
Bean, lima, shelled 32 0 95-100 2-3 days ROOM, FA
Beet, topped 32 0 98-100 4-6 months ROOM
Broccoli 32 0 95-100 10-14 days HY,ICE
Cabbage, early 32 0 98-100 3-6 weeks ROOM
Cabbage, Chinese 32 0 95-100 2-3 months HY,VAC
Carrot, bunched 32 0 95-100 2 weeks HY
Carrot, mature, topped 32 0 98-100 7-9 months HY
Cauliflower 32 0 95-98 3-4 weeks HY,VA
Collard 32 0 95-100 10-14 days HY,ICE,VAC
Corn, sweet 32 0 95-98 5-8 days HY,ICE,VAC
Cucumber 50-55 10-13 95 10-14 days HY
Eggplant 46-54 8-12 90-95 1 week FA
Endive and escarole 32 0 95-100 2-3 weeks HY,ICE,VAC
Garlic 32 0 65-70 6-7 months ROOM
Greens, leafy 32 0 95-100 10-14 days HY,ICE,VAC
Kale 32 0 95-100 2-3 weeks HY,ICE,VAC
Kohlrabi 32 0 98-100 2-3 months ROOM
Leek 32 0 95-100 2-3 months HY,ICE,VAC
Lettuce 32 0 98-100 2-3 weeks VAC
Cantaloupe, 3/4-slip 36-41 2-5 95 15 days FA,HY
Mixed melons 45-50 6-10 90-95 2-3 weeks FA,HY
Watermelon 50-60 10-15 90 2-3 weeks ROOM, FA
Okra 45-50 7-10 90-95 7-10 days FA
Onion, green 32 0 95-100 3-4 weeks HY,ICE
Onion, dry2 32 0 65-70 1-8 months ROOM
Parsley 32 0 95-100 2-2.5 months HY,ICE
Parsnip 32 0 98-100 4-6 months ROOM
Pea, green or English 32 0 95-98 1-2 weeks HY,ICE
Southern pea 40-41 4-5 95 6-8 days FA,HY
Pepper, sweet (bell) 45-55 7-13 90-95 2-3 weeks FA, ROOM
Potato, Irish2 40 4 90-95 4-5 months HY,ROOM,FA
Pumpkin 50-55 10-13 50-70 2-3 months ROOM
Radish, spring 32 0 95-100 3-4 weeks HY, FA
Radish, oriental 32 0 95-100 2-4 months ROOM
Rutabaga 32 0 98-100 4-6 months ROOM
Spinach 32 0 95-100 10-14 days ICE,HY,VAC
Squash, summer 41-50 5-10 95 1-2 weeks FA,HY
Squash, winter 50 10 50-70 Depending on type ROOM
Sweetpotato2 55-60 13-16 85-90 4-7 months ROOM
Tomato, mature-green 55-70 13-21 90-95 1-3 weeks FA,ROOM
Tomato, firm-red 46-50 8-10 90-95 4-7 days FA,ROOM
Turnip 32 0 95 4-5 months FA,ROOM
1 FA = Forced-air cooling; HY = Hydrocooling; ICE = Package ice, slush ice; ROOM = Room cooling; VAC = Vacuum cooling
2 Curing required prior to long term storage. Curing of dry onions actually involves drying the outer bulb scales, reducing the fresh weight by 5-6%.

Page 32 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

existing fans past the evaporator coil to the room. Vented Commodities that are hydrocooled must be sufficiently resistant
containers and proper stacking are critical to minimize obstruc- to withstand the force of the water drench. The container must
tions to air flow and ensure maximum heat removal. Room also have sufficient strength so as to resist the application of
cooling is not considered precooling and is satisfactory only water. Crops recommended for hydrocooling include sweet
for commodities with low respiration rates, such as mature corn, snap beans, cucumbers and summer squash.
potatoes, dried onions, and cured sweetpotatoes. Even these
crops may require precooling, when harvested under high Contact Icing
ambient temperatures. Contact icing has been used for both cooling and temperature
maintenance during shipping. Heat from the product is absorbed
Forced-Air Cooling by the ice, causing it to melt. As long as the contact between the
The cooling efficiency of refrigerated rooms can be greatly ice and produce is maintained, cooling is fairly rapid and the
improved by increasing the airflow through the product. This melted ice serves to maintain a very high humidity level in the
principle led to the development of forced-air, or pressure cool- package, which keeps the produce fresh and crisp. Non-uniform
ing, in which refrigerated room air is drawn at a high flow rate distribution of ice reduces the cooling efficiency. There are two
through specially stacked containers or bins by means of a high types of contact icing: top icing and package icing.
capacity fan. This method can cool as much as four times faster Top icing involves placement of crushed ice over the top layer
than room cooling. In many cases, cold storage rooms can be of product in a container prior to closure. Although relatively
retrofitted for forced-air cooling, which requires less capital inexpensive, the cooling rate can be fairly slow since the ice
investment than other precooling methods. However, in order only directly contacts the product on the top layer. For this rea-
to achieve such rapid heat removal, the refrigeration capacity of son, it is recommended that top icing be applied after precooling
the room may need to be increased in order to be able to main- to crops with lower respiration rates such as leafy vegetables
tain the desired air temperature during cooling. Portable systems and celery but not for fruit of warm-season crops. Prior to ship-
can be taken to the field. ping, ice is blown on top of containers loaded in truck trailers
With either room cooling or forced-air cooling, precautions to aid in cooling and maintenance of higher relative humidity.
must be taken to minimize water loss from the product. The However, care should be taken to avoid blockage of vent spaces
refrigeration system actually dehumidifies the cold-room air in the load; this restricts airflow, which results in warming of
as water vapor in the air condenses on the evaporator coil. product in the center of the load during shipment. Ice should
This condensation lowers the relative humidity in the room. also be tempered with water to bring the temperature to 32F
As a result, the product loses moisture to the air. To minimize (OC) to avoid freezing of the product.
water loss during cooling and storage, the ambient relative Package Icing. Crushed ice distributed within the container
humidity should be maintained at the recommended level for is known as package icing. Cooling is faster and more uniform
the particular crop (commercial humidification systems are than for top icing, but it can be more labor intensive to apply.
available) and the product should be promptly removed from A modified version of package icing utilizes a slurry of
the forced-air precooler upon achieving 7/8 Cooling. Forced-air refrigerated water and finely chopped ice drenched over either
cooling is recommended for most of the fruit-type vegetables bulk or containerized produce or injected into side hand holds.
and is especially appropriate for vegetables such as peppers and This slush ice method has been widely adopted for commodi-
tomatoes. ties tolerant to direct contact with water and requiring storage
at 32F (OC). The water acts as a carrier for the ice so that
Hydrocooling the resulting slush, or slurry, can be pumped into a packed
Hydrocooling removes heat at a faster rate than forced-air cool- container. The rapidly flowing slush causes the product in the
ing. The heat capacity of refrigerated water is greater than that container to float momentarily until the water drains out the
for air, which means that a given volume of water can remove bottom. As the product settles in the container, the ice encases
more heat than the same volume of air at the same temperature. the individual vegetables by filling air voids, thus providing
Hydrocooling is beneficial in that it does not remove water good contact for heat removal. Slush icing is somewhat slower
from the commodity. It is most efficient (and, therefore, most than forced-air cooling, but it does reduce pulp temperatures to
rapid) when individual vegetables are cooled by immersion in 32F (OC) within a reasonable amount of time and maintains
flumes or by overhead drench, since the water completely cov- an environment of high relative humidity. Container selection
ers the product surfaces. Cooling becomes less efficient when is critical. The container must be oversized to accommodate
the commodity is hydrocooled in closed containers, and even sufficient ice to provide cooling. Corrugated fiberboard cartons
less efficient when containers are palletized and hydrocooled. It must be resistant to contact with water (usually impregnated
is important to continuously monitor the hydrocooler water and with paraffin wax) and must be of sufficient strength so as not
product temperatures and adjust the amount of time the product to deform. Shipping operations must also tolerate water dripping
is in the hydrocooler accordingly in order to achieve thorough from the melting ice during handling and storage. Package icing
cooling. is successfully used for leafy crops, sweet corn, green onions,
Sanitation of the hydrocooling water is critical, since it is and cantaloupes.
recirculated. Decay organisms present on the vegetables can
accumulate in the water, inoculating subsequent product being
hydrocooled. Cooling water should be changed frequently.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 33

Vacuum Cooling
Vacuum cooling is a very rapid method of cooling, and is most
efficient for commodities with a high surface-to-volume ratio
such as leafy crops. This method is based on the principle that,
as the atmospheric pressure is reduced, the boiling point of
water decreases. Containerized or bulk product is thoroughly
wetted, placed in a vacuum chamber (tube) and sealed. The
pressure in the chamber is reduced until the water on the prod-
uct surface evaporates at the desired precooling temperature.
As water on the product surface evaporates, it removes field
heat; the resultant vapor is condensed on evaporator coils with-
in the vacuum tube to increase cooling efficiency. Any water
that evaporates from the vegetable tissue is removed uniformly
throughout the product. Therefore, it does not tend to result in
visible wilting in most cases.
Precautions must be taken so as not to cool the products
below their chilling temperature threshold. Vacuum coolers are
costly to purchase and operate and are normally used only in
high volume operations or are shared among several growers.
Commodities that can be cooled readily by vacuum cooling
include leafy crops, such as spinach, lettuce, and collards.

When selecting an appropriate cooling method, several fac-
tors must be considered, including: the maximum volume of
product requiring precooling on a given day, the compatibility
of the method with the commodities to be cooled, subsequent
storage and shipping conditions, and fixed/variable costs of the

Related Web Sites with Additional Resources:


Adapted from
The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and
Florist and Nursery Stock. 1986. United States
Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook 66.

Page 34 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

(this page intentionally left blank)
For further information about Insect, Disease and Weed Control, see the appropriate control section of this

Varieties1 AL GA MS NC SC Harvest. The first year after planting only harvest an average of
ASPARAGUS 8 spears per plant. In following years, stop harvesting after 6 to
Jersey Gem A G M N S 8 weeks. Stop harvest when 40% of spears are smaller than a
Jersey Giant A M S pencil. Prolonged cutting increases risk of crown rot. Remove
Jersey Knight A G M N S spears from field promptly after harvest to maintain freshness
Purple Passion A M N and a low fiber content. If Cercospora leaf spot was bad the pre-
UC157 F1 A G N vious year, stop harvest 10 days sooner. See table 14 for further
Abbreviations for state where recommended. postharvest information.

Seed Treatment. Check the tag or contact the seed supplier to

determine if seed has been treated. Brush Removal. Burn brush during the winter to destroy fungi
If seed has not been treated, dip seed in a solution containing that cause diseases, such as Cercospora and purple spot. (Be
1 pint of household bleach per gal of water for 1 to 2 minutes. sure to obtain a permit in areas where required.) If burning is
Provide constant agitation. Use at the rate of 1 gal of household not done, then mow and drag off stubble. Avoid damage to spear
bleach solution per 2 pounds of seed. Prepare a fresh bleach buds by shallow disking.
solution for each batch of seed. Wash seed for 5 minutes in
running water and dry thoroughly. Rinse with acidified water (1 INSECT MANAGEMENT
cup vinegar/gal). Dust or dip in a slurry prepared with 2 ounces Cutworms. Early spears are the most heavily damaged because
of Thiram per 100 pounds of seed. Air dry on a screen before they are the first ones up and the slowest growing. To detect
planting. cutworms, dig up to 1/2 inch deep around crowns and use bait
if one cutworm larva or one severely damaged spear per 20
Growing Crowns. To grow crowns, sow seed 1 to 1.5 in deep at plants is found.
a rate of 6 to 8 pounds per acre (10 to 12 seeds per ft) in double
rows (12 inches apart) on 36 inch centers. Sow seed in the field Asparagus Aphid. Watch for tiny (1/16 inch long), bluish green
as indicated in the following table. Crowns must be grown in an aphids building up on brush. Protection may be important in
area where asparagus crowns have not been grown for 3 years. newly seeded plantings and young cutting beds.

Planting and Spacing. Plant crowns as indicated in the fol- Asparagus Beetles, Thrips. Apply insecticide when needed
lowing, when soil conditions are favorable. Early plantings during cutting season and late summer.
produce more vegetative growth and more vigorous crowns Prevent large numbers of beetles from overwintering and
than late plantings. Space 1-year-old crowns 12 in apart in rows laying eggs on spears in spring by spraying brush in early fall.
5 ft apart. Make furrows 6 to 9 inches deep, plant crowns at the Daily harvest will minimize exposure to these pests and reduce
bottom of the furrow so that buds are 6 in from the undisturbed damage.
surface, and cover with 1 to 2 in of soil. Gradually fill trenches Because beetles are attracted to brush more than spears, leave
with soil during the growing season until trench is filled. a row or two along the woods side of a field and spray this area
weekly to control adults.
Planting Dates
Asparagus Crowns Direct Seeded Nursery Nematode Management. While nematodes are generally not a
AL North 2/154/15 4/155/31 major problem on asparagus, the use of Nemacur increases the
AL South 1/153/15 3/154/30 vigor of the planting, which reduces the incidence of Fusarium
root and crown rot as well as control nematodes.
GA North 2/154/15 4/155/31
GA South NR NR

MS 3/154/15 3/154/15

NC East 2/153/31 4/105/15

NC West 4/15/31 5/16/15

SC East 2/13/15 4/15/15

SC West 3/14/15 4/205/31

Page 36 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Seed Treatment. To protect against root rots and damping off,
BEANS - Lima use treated seed or treat with various protectants at manufac-
Bush (small seeded) turers recommendation. Where bacterial blight is a concern,
Baby Lima 184-85 L request that seed be treated with streptomycin. Rough handling
Bridgeton A G L M N S of seed greatly reduces germination.
Dixie Butter Pea A G M S
Early Thorogreen A G L M N S
Planting Dates
Henderson Bush A G L M N S
Market Snaps Spring Fall
Jackson Wonder A L M S
Nemagreen A G L M N S AL North 4/17/15 NR
AL South 2/104/30 8/159/20
Bush (large seeded)
Fordhook 242 A G N S GA North 5/17/15 NR
Dixie Speckled GA South 2/154/30 7/159/15
Butter Pea A G M N S
LA North 4/15/15 8/15-9/15
Pole (large seeded) LA South 3/15/31 8/15-9/15
Christmas Pole L
Carolina Sieva A G L M N S MS North 3/305/10 8/159/1
MS South 2/105/1 8/159/20
Florida Butter L
Florida Speckled G L M S NC East 3/206/15 8/19/15
King of the Garden A L N S NC West 5/18/15 NR
Willow Leaf A L
SC East 4/16/1 8/19/1
BEANS - Snap SC West 4/157/1 7/20-8/1
Bush (Fresh Market)
Ambra A G N S
Atlantic A L M N S Planting Dates
Boone G Processing Snaps Spring Fall
Bronco A G L N S
AL North 4/17/15 NR
Bush Blue Lake 274 A G L N
AL South 2/104/30 8/159/20
Dusky L
Eagle M N GA North 5/17/15 NR
Festina A G N S GA South 2/154/30 7/159/15
Hialeah A L N S
Lynx N S MS North 4/1-5/15 9/5-9/20
Magnum A G M N MS South 2/10-4/30 8/15-9/20
Nash G
Pod Squad A L M NC East 4/16/15 NR
Renegade A G NC West 5/157/31 NR
Roma II (flat) A G M N S
SC East 4/16/1 8/19/1
Secretariat G
SC West 4/157/1 7/20-8/1
Shade N
Storm A G N S
Strike A G L N S Planting Dates
Tapia (flat) N Large &
Valentino G Small Limas Spring Fall

Pole AL North 4/17/1 NR

Charon G N AL South 2/105/1 8/159/20
Dade A G M N S GA North 5/17/1 NR
Kentucky Blue L M N GA South 3/15/1 7/159/1
Louisiana Purple Pole L
LA North 4/155/15 7/18/15
McCaslan L
LA South 3/155/15 7/158/15
Rattle Snake L M
Stringless Blue Lake A G L N S MS North 4/17/25 NR
MS South 3/18/15 NR
White Seeded Kentucky A G L M N S
Wonder 191 NC East 4/106/15 7/158/1
Volunteer (half runner) 2 G N NC West 6/17/15 NR
Abbreviations for state where recommended. SC East 4/156/1 7/158/1
2 Not for Coastal Plain areas. SC West 5/16/15 7/17/15

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 37

SPACING Beet Armyworm (BAW), Cabbage Looper (CL). Treat if the
Snap Beans: With rows 30 to 36 inches apart, plant 5 to 7 seeds number of worms (BAW and CL) averages 15 per 3 feet of
per foot. To increase yield plant in rows 18 to 24 inches apart row.
with 4 to 6 seeds per foot. Calibrate planter according to seed
size. Sow 1 to 1.5 inches deep in light sandy soil; shallower in European Corn Borer (ECB)Snap Beans Only. Treat when
heavier soil. moth catches in local blacklight traps average five or more
per night. The first application should be applied during the
Lima Beans, Large Seeded: Plant in rows 30 to 36 inches budearly bloom stage and the second application during the
apart, 2 seeds per foot. Plant 85 pounds per acre, 1 to 1.5 inches late bloomearly pin stage. Additional sprays may be needed
deep. between the pin spray and harvest. Consult a pest management
specialist for local black- light trap information and recom-
Lima Beans, Small Seeded: Space rows 30 to 36 seeds acre, mended spray intervals.
0.75 to 1.25 inches deep (deeper if soil is dry). For mechanically
harvested irrigated fields: Rows 18 to 30 inches apart, 4 to 5 Corn Earworm (CEW), Fall Armyworm (FAW). In snap beans,
inches between plants. treat every 5 to 7 days if CEW catches in local blacklight
traps average 20 or more per night and most corn in the area
INSECT MANAGEMENT is mature. The use of pheromone (insect sex attractants) and
Seed Maggot: See the preceding Seed Treatment section, blacklight traps is very helpful in detecting population build-
or use approved soil systemic insecticides at planting time if up of various insects.
probability of pest outbreak is high. Also see the Maggots sec- For limas, treat when CEW populations exceed one per 6 feet
tion in Soil PestsTheir Detection and Control and following of row from the late flat pod stage to harvest.
Early Season Control section. For both lima bean types, treatment should be timed when
Experience has shown that effective insect control with sys- 50% or more of the CEW and/or FAW populations reach a
temics usually lasts from 4 to 6 weeks after application. Frequent length of 1/2 inch or longer. Treating too early for young CEW/
field inspections are necessary after this period to determine pest FAW populations will eliminate natural control and may result
incidence and the need for additional spray controls. in the need for additional sprays for reinfestations. See How to
Improve Pest Control for insect sampling techniques. Consult a
Thrips: Treatments should be applied if thrips are present from pest management specialist for more refined decision-making.
cotyledon stage to when the first true leaves are established
and/or when first blossoms form. Whiteflies: Treat when whiteflies exceed five adults per fully
expanded leaflet.
Mites: Spot treat areas along edges of fields when white stip-
pling along veins on undersides of leaves is first noticed and 10 Weed Management. Match preplant incorporated and preemer-
mites per trifoliate are present. gence herbicide rates to soil type and percent organic matter
in each field. Apply postemergence herbicides when crop and
Aphids: Treat only if aphids are well-distributed throughout the weeds are within the recommended size and/or leaf stage.
field (50% or more of terminals with five or more aphids), when
weather favors population increase, and if beneficial species are No-Till. When planning to use no-till practices, give consider-
lacking. ation to bean variety, date of planting, soil fertility practices,
insect control, planting equipment, cover crop, and weed species
Leafhoppers: Treat only if the number of adults plus nymphs in the field.
exceeds 1 to 2 adults per sweep.
Nematode Management. Use nematicides listed in the
Tarnished Plant Bug (Lygus): Treat only if the number of Nematodes section of Soil PestsTheir Detection and
adults and/or nymphs exceeds 15 per 50 sweeps from the pin Control.
pod stage until harvest. Soybean cyst nematode, races I and III, are present in soy-
beans in some areas. Snap beans are susceptible, but small
Mexican Bean Beetle: Treat if defoliation exceeds 20% dur- seeded lima beans are resistant to this nematode. Growers who
ing prebloom or 10% during podding and there is a population rotate snap beans with soybeans should be alert to the possibility
potential for further defoliation. These levels of defoliation may of problems in infested fields.
result in earlier maturity of the crop. Wait until hatch or adult
emergence when eggs and pupae are present. On farms with a Harvesting and Storage. See Table 14 for postharvest informa-
succession of bean plantings, releases of the larval parasitoid tion.
Pediobius foveolatus may provide effective biological control.
Contact the local county Extension office for information.

Page 38 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Beets are frost tolerant and produce the best commercial qual-
ity when grown during cool temperatures [50 to 65F (10 to
18.3C)]. Lighter color and wider zoning within the root occur
during rapid growth in warm temperatures. Seedstalks will form
if exposed to 2 or 3 weeks of temperatures below 50F after
several true leaves have formed.

Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
Chariot L
Centurion L
Detroit Dark Red A G L S
Kestrel L
Red Ace A G L N S
Red Pack N S
Ruby Queen A G L N S
Solo L
Scarlet Supreme L
Warrior L N S
Abbreviations for state where recommended.

Seeding and Spacing. Optimum germination temperatures

range between 50 to 85F. Sow seed 1/2 to 3/4 in deep at the
rate of 15 to 18 seeds per foot of row. Space rows 15 to 20
inches apart; thin plants to 3 inches apart.

Planting Dates
Beet Spring Fall
AL North 3/155/30 8/19/15
AL South 2/13/31 8/19/30

GA North 4/155/30 7/158/15

GA South 2/13/31 8/19/30

LA North 2/13/31 9/1511/15

LA South 2/13/31 9/1511/15


NC East 3/14/15 8/19/15

NC West 4/15/31 7/158/15

SC East 2/153/31 8/159/30

SC West 3/155/31 7/158/31

Weed Management. Identify the weeds in each field and select

recommended herbicides that control those weeds.
Match preplant incorporated and preemergence herbicide
rates to soil type and percent organic matter in each field.
Apply postemergence herbicides when crop and weeds are
within the recommended size and/or leaf stage.

Harvesting. Market beets are hand-harvested when

1- 3/4 to 2 inches in diameter. See Table 14 for further
postharvest information.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 39


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
Early Candid Charm A G L
Baccus L M N S Cumberland L
Decathlon 4 A G L Early Snowball A G N
Gypsy A G M N Freedom A G
Olympus L Fremont G
Packman A G L M N S Incline G L
Mid-season Majestic L
Emperor A L M Minuteman G
Green Magic G Serrano L
Marathon A M N Symphony G L
Patron G Snow Crown A G L M N S
Premium Crop A L M N Super Snowball A G N S
Late-season Wentworth L
Arcadia A G L N S White Magic A G
Diplomat G White Passion A G N S
Emerald City A G L COLLARDS
Greenbelt A G S Blue Max 2 A G L M N S
Patriot A G Flash A G L M N S
Pinnacle A M S Georgia Southern 3 A G L M N S
Triathlon N Heavi-Crop A G L M N S
CABBAGE (green) Morris Heading N S
A&C No.5+ G L Top Bunch 3 A G L N S
Almanac N Top Pick A G L N
Bayou Dynasty A G M N S Vates A G L M N S
Blue Dynasty A G N
Blue Thunder A G L N S
Blue Armor A G L M N S
Blue Vantage A L M N S
Blue Knight A G L M N S
Bravo A G L M N S
Premier N S
Cheers A G L M S
Siberian A G L M N S
Conquest M N
Squire N S
Gideon N S
Vates A G L M N S
Golden Dynasty G
Winterbor N S
Gourmet L M N S
Hercules G L
Early Purple Vienna A G M N S
Lynx L
Grand Duke A M N S
Market Prize A N S 1
Abbreviations for state where recommended.
Platinum Dynasty A G M 2
Bolting tolerance
Quisto M N 3
Bolting susceptible
Ramada N S 4
Downy Mildew tolerance
Rio Verde A G L M N S
Royal Vantage G Seed Treatment. Check with seed supplier to determine if seed
Savoy Ace G N S is hot-water treated for black rot control. If not, soak seed at
Silver Cup L M 122F . Use a 20-minute soak for broccoli, cauliflower, collards,
Silver Dynasty G N S kale, and Chinese cabbage. Soak Brussels sprouts and cabbage
Solid Blue 780 L M N S for 25 minutes.
Vantage Point L Note. Hot water seed treatment may reduce seed germina-
CABBAGE (red) tion.
Cardinal A G L N S Following either treatment above, dry the seed, then dust
Red Dynasty A G N S with Captan or Thiram at 1 level teaspoon per pound of seed (3
Red Rookie A G N S ounces per 100 pounds).

Page 40 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Planting Dates Planting Dates
Broccoli Spring Fall Collards Spring Fall
AL North 3/17/1 NR AL North 2/156/30 7/1510/15
AL South 2/13/31 8/19/30 AL South 1/155/31 7/1510/31

GA North 3/157/1 NR GA North 3/157/31 NR

GA South 2/13/31 8/19/30 GA South 2/13/31 8/110/31

LA North 1/153/15 8/110/31 LA North 1/153/15 7/1510/31

LA South 1/153/15 8/110/31 LA South 1/153/15 7/1510/31

MS North 2/153/15 7/258/15 MS North 1/204/1 7/258/20

MS South 1/153/10 8/59/15 MS South 1/153/1 8/109/15

NC East 2/154/15 8/19/15 NC East 2/156/30 8/19/15

NC West 4/18/15 NR NC West 4/18/15 NR

SC East 3/14/10 9/19/30 SC East 2/16/15 8/110/30

SC West 3/204/30 8/159/15 SC West 3/156/30 8/19/30

Planting Dates Planting Dates

Cabbage Spring Fall Kale Spring Fall
AL North 3/157/1 NR AL North 3/154/30 8/19/15
AL South 2/13/31 8/110/31 AL South 2/13/31 8/110/31

GA North 3/157/1 NR GA North 3/154/30 NR

GA South 2/13/31 8/110/31 GA South 2/13/31 8/110/31

LA North 1/153/15 8/111/30 LA North 2/13/15 7/1510/31

LA South 1/153/15 8/111/30 LA South 2/13/15 7/1510/31

MS North 2/54/1 7/258/15 MS North 1/204/1 7/258/20

MS South 1/153/15 8/59/15 MS South 1/153/1 8/109/15

NC East 2/154/15 8/19/15 NC East 2/156/30 8/19/15

NC West 4/18/15 NR NC West 4/18/15 NR

SC East 2/13/31 8/159/30 SC East 2/16/15 8/110/30

SC West 3/154/30 7/158/30 SC West 3/156/30 8/19/30

Planting Dates Planting Dates

Cauliflower Spring Fall Kohlrabi Spring Fall
AL North 3/157/1 NR AL North 3/157/1 NR
AL South 2/13/31 8/19/30 AL South 2/13/31 8/19/30

GA North 3/157/1 NR GA North 3/157/1 NR

GA South 2/13/31 8/19/30 GA South 2/13/31 8/19/30

LA North 2/13/15 7/1510/31 LA North 2/13/15 7/1510/31

LA South 2/13/15 7/1510/31 LA South 2/13/15 7/1510/31

MS North 2/153/15 7/258/15 MS 2/13/31 8/19/30

MS South 1/153/10 8/59/15
NC East 2/156/30 8/19/15
NC East 2/154/15 8/19/30 NC West 4/18/15 NR
NC West 4/18/15 NR
SC East 2/16/15 8/19/30
SC East 3/14/10 8/158/30 SC West 3/156/30 8/19/15
SC West 3/204/30 7/158/30

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 41

PLASTIC MULCH Often parasitic wasps take out these species if broad-spectrum
Early spring cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli are frequently insecticides use is avoided.
grown using plastic mulch, with black mulch used in the spring
and white or painted mulch used in the fall. Cabbage Root Maggot-Root maggots and other similar insects
such as the seed corn maggot can be a problem in heavier soils
Broccoli. Field seeding: Space rows 36 inches apart; plants 12 in the Southeast especially during cool, damp times of the year.
to 18 inches apart in row; seed 1/2 to 1 pound per acre. Avoid planting into soils with freshly plowed down crop residue
or high levels of organic matter.
Transplants: Sow 10 seeds per foot of row in rows 12 to 18 inch-
es apart. Set transplants 12 to 18 inches apart in rows 36 inches Caterpillars-A number of moth and butterfly larvae feed on
apart (14,520 plants per acre). High population for bunched cole crops. The major ones are the cabbage looper (CL), the
broccoli: 2 to 4 rows per bed, rows 18 to 20 inches apart, plants imported cabbageworm (ICW), and the diamondback moth
9 to 10 inches in row (27,000 to 32,000 plants per acre). (DBM) referred to as the cabbageworm complex. Other cater-
pillars found on cole crops are the cross-striped cabbageworm,
Cabbage. The early cabbage crop is grown from transplants corn earworm, armyworms, and webworms. Webworms often
seeded at the rate of 1 ounce for 3,000 plants. Transplants are damage the bud of the young plants and should be treated
ready for field planting 4 to 6 weeks after seeding. Storage of immediately; very young larvae are much more easily managed
pulled, field-grown cabbage transplants should not exceed 9 than older ones.
days at 32F or 5 days at 66F prior to planting in the field. Scouting and using a threshold for spray applications is a
Precision seeders can be used for direct seeding. However, seed cost effective method of managing these pests. Broad-spectrum
should be sown 15 to 20 days in advance of the normal trans- insecticides that reduce the natural enemies in the field should
plant date for the same maturity date. Early varieties require be avoided if at all possible. If the cabbageworm complex is the
85 to 90 days from seeding to harvest, and main-season crops major group of pests, a threshold of 1 cabbage looper equivalent
require 110 to 115 days. Set transplants in rows 2 to 3 feet apart (CLE) per 10 plants can be used. A cabbage looper equivalent
and 9 to 15 inches apart in the row for early plantings and 9 to relates the feeding amounts of the three caterpillars. One cab-
18 inches apart for late plantings, depending on variety, fertility, bage looper is equivalent to 1.5 imported cabbageworms or 5
and market use. diamondback moth larvae. (Example: 10 DBM larvae per 10
plants would be like 2 CLEs per 10 plants; this level would
Cauliflower. Start seed in greenhouse or protected frames 4 to 6 require treatment.) In other areas of the South where army-
weeks before planting. Use 1 ounce of seed for 3,000 plants. Set worms are common pests of cole crops, a threshold of 1 caterpil-
transplants in rows 3 to 4 feet apart, and plants are set 18 to 24 lar (regardless of the kind) per 3 plants has been effectively used
inches apart in the row. Make successive plantings in the field as a threshold. The use of a threshold to determine the need for
at dates indicated in preceding table. treatment usually reduces the number of sprays per crop without
loss of crop quality and improves the profit margin.
Collards and Kale. Seed at the rate of 2 pounds per acre and
thin to desired spacing. For precision, air-assist planters use Note: Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) preparations are effective
1/3 to 12 pound per acre for twin rows on 3 foot centers, or use against most of these pests but must be eaten by the larvae.
half of this rate for single rows on 3 foot centers. When using Thorough coverage of the plant particularly the undersurface
transplants, set plants in rows 16 to 24 inches apart and 6 to 18 of the leaf is essential, and the use of a spreader-sticker is
inches apart within the row. strongly recommended.

Kohlrabi. Transplants may be used for a spring crop. Seed 6 Note: The use of a spreader-sticker is recommended for cole
weeks before expected transplant date. Use precision seeder for crops in any case; the heavy wax coating on the leaves reduces
hybrid varieties. Space rows 18 to 24 inches apart and 6 to 8 deposition of spray materials. These adjuvants allow the spray
between plants. to spread out and stick to the leaves. Multiple nozzles per row or
bed will provide the under leaf coverage and high coverage rates
Bolting. Bolting in cabbage, collards and kale, and buttoning necessary to manage caterpillar pests of cole crops.
in cauliflower, can occur if the early-planted crop is subjected
to 10 or more continuous days of temperatures between 35 to Note: Several of these insects are prone to develop resistance to
50F. However, sensitivity to bolting depends upon the variety. insecticides. Growers must rotate among classes of insecticides
for each pest generation. See the section on resistance manage-
Aphids-The cabbage aphid can be a serious problem on these Nematode Management. Use nematicides listed in the
crops and should be treated immediately if noticed. Other aphid Nematodes section of Soil PestsTheir Detection and
species are found on these crops and should be treated if the Control.
crop is near harvest or their level of infestation is increasing.

Page 42 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Weed Management. Identify the weeds in each field and select
recommended herbicides that control those weeds.
Match preplant-incorporated and preemergence herbicide
rates to soil type and percent organic matter in each field.

Harvesting and Storage. Fresh market cabbage should be

harvested when heads are firm and weigh 2.5 to 3.0 pounds.
Most markets require one to three wrapper leaves to remain.
The heads should be dense and free of insect damage. Cabbage
for slaw or kraut usually has much larger heads and weighs 3
to 12 pounds.
Broccoli should be harvested when the beads (flower buds)
are still tight, but a few outer beads have begun to loosen. The
stalks should be 7 inches long from top of the crown to the butt.
Broccoli is usually bunched in 1.5 pound bunches with 2 to 3
heads per bunch. Secure bunches with a rubber band or twist
Kohlrabi should be harvested when the bulbs are 2 to 3 inches
in diameter and before internal fibers begin to harden.
Cauliflower is harvested while the heads are pure white and
before the curds become loose and ricey. Heads are blanched by
tying outer leaves over the heads when heads are 3 to 4 inches
in diameter. Blanching takes about 1 week in hot weather and 2
weeks in cooler weather.
Kale is harvested by cutting off the entire plant near ground
level, or lower leaves may be stripped from plant. Collards may
be harvested at any stage of growth. See Table 14 for further
postharvest information on these crops.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 43


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC patterns are twin rows that are 2 -3 inches apart. Three or
CARROTS four of these twin rows are situated on one bed, depending on
A&C Nantes N S the width of the bed. One arrangement is to plant three twin
Apache G L M N S rows on beds that are on 72-inch centers. Another arrangement
Cheyenne A N S is to plant four twin rows on a 92-inch bed (center to center).
Choctaw A G L N S The sets of twin rows are 14 to 18 inches apart. Beds on 72-inch
Danvers 126 A L N S centers will have approximately 48 inches of formed bed. Row
Enterprise L spacing wider than 18 inches will reduce total plant stand per
Maverick G L acre and thus, will reduce total yield. Ideal plant populations
Narbonne N should be in the range of 400,000 for fresh market carrots and
Navajo A G L N S 250,000 for processing carrots. Beds that are slightly raised are
Purple Haze A G L M N S advantageous because they allow for good drainage.
Sugar Snax 54 G L N
Tastypeel L
1 Abbreviations for state where recommended. Carrots should be spaced 1 to 2 inches apart within the row.
Carrot seed should be planted no deeper than - inch. A
final stand of 14 to 18 plants per foot of twin row is ideal. Beds
Seeding Dates. Small carrot seedlings up to six leaves can- should be firmed and not freshly tilled before planting and soil
not withstand hard freezes but are somewhat frost tolerant. should be firmed over the seed at planting. A basket or roller
Optimum temperatures are in the range of 60-70F, with day- attachment is often used to firm the soil over the seed as they
time highs of 75F and nighttime lows of 55F ideal. Although are planted. Light irrigation will be required frequently during
the crop can be grown outside this range with little or no effect warm, dry periods for adequate germination.
on tops, temperatures differing drastically from the above can Windbreaks are almost essential in areas with primarily
adversely affect root color, texture, flavor, and shape. Lower sandy soils. Sand particles moved by wind can severely dam-
temperatures in this range may induce slow growth and make age young carrot plants, reducing stands. Small grain strips
roots longer, more slender and lighter in color. Carrots with a planted between beds or at least planted between every few
root less than one inch in diameter are more susceptible to cold beds can help reduce this sandblasting injury.
injury than larger roots. Soil temperatures should be above Begin by deep turning soils to bury any litter and debris and
40F and below 85F for best stand establishment. breaking soils to a depth of 12-14 inches. Compacted soils
or those with tillage pans should be subsoiled to break the
Planting Dates compacted areas. If uncorrected, compact soil or tillage pans
Carrot Spring Fall can result in restriction of root expansion. It is best to apply
AL North 5/157/15 NR lime after deep turning to prevent turning up acid soil after
AL South NR 8/111/30 lime application. Prepare a good seedbed using bed-shaping
equipment. Do not use disks or rototiller to avoid soil compac-
GA North 5/157/15 NR tion. Carrots should be planted on a slightly raised bed (2-3
GA South NR 8/111/30
inches) to improve drainage. After beds are tilled and prepared
LA North 1/152/28 9/1510/15
for seeding, it is best to allow the beds to settle slightly before
LA South 1/152/28 9/1510/15 planting. Avoid other tillage practices that can increase soil
compaction. Following in the same tracks for all field opera-
MS North NR NR tions will help reduce compaction in planting areas.
MS South NR NR
Storage. Topped: 4 to 5 months at 32F and 90% to 95% rela-
NC East 2/153/31 6/158/15
tive humidity. See Table 14 for further post harvest informa-
NC West 4/18/15 NR
SC East 2/13/15 9/19/15
SC West 2/153/31 8/19/15
Root-Knot Nematode. By far, the most destructive problem in
SPACING carrots is root-knot nematodes. Root-knot nematodes are small
Spatial arrangements for planting can differ markedly. Carrots eel-like worms that live in the soil and feed on plant roots.
can be planted with vacuum, belt, or plate seeders. Often a spe- Since the root of the carrot is the harvested portion of the plant,
cial attachment called a scatter plate or spreader shoe is added no root-knot damage can be allowed. Root-knot causes poor
to the plate planters to scatter the seed in a narrow band. Ideal growth and distorted or deformed root systems which results in

Page 44 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

a non marketable root. Root-knot damage also allows entry for bacterium affects the leaflets, stems and petioles as the disease
other diseases such as Fusarium, Pythium, and Erwinia. progresses. Some of these lesions may crack open and ooze the
If any root-knot nematodes are found in a soil assay, treatment bacteria. These bacteria may be washed down to the crown of
is recommended. Good success has been obtained using field the plant causing brown lesions on the top of the root. The ear-
soil fumigation to eradicate root-knot nematodes in the root zone lier the infection occurs the greater the damage to the root. The
of carrots. See fumigation recommendations. bacterium is spread by splashing water and takes about 10-12
days before symptoms appear after inoculation. Disease devel-
opment progresses rapidly between 77 and 86 F. Crop rotation
SOIL-BORNE ROOT DISEASES is a major factor in controlling Bacterial Blight.
Depending on the cropping history of the field, Pythium,
Southern Blight, and Sclerotinia may cause problems. It is Alternaria Blight. Alternaria blight causes small dark brown
advisable to avoid fields where these diseases have been identi- to black spots with yellow edges forming mostly on the leaf
fied in the previous crop. Deep turning is also necessary to help margins. The spot increases as the disease progresses and in
prevent root diseases. some cases entire leaflets may be killed. In moist weather, the
disease can move so rapidly it resembles frost injury. Such con-
Pythium Blight is usually characterized by flagging of the foli- ditions can reduce the efficiency of mechanical harvesters which
age indicating some root damage is occurring. Under wet condi- require strong healthy tops to remove the carrot from the soil.
tions, Pythium may cause serious problems to the root causing a Alternaria may also cause damping off of seedlings and a black
white mycelium mat to grow on the infected area which rapidly decay of roots. The spores and mycelium are spread by splash-
turns to a watery soft rot. Forking of the root system is also a ing rains, contaminated soil, or on cultivation tools. The disease
common symptom associated with Pythium infection. Rotation can manifest itself in about 10 days after infection. The optimum
is considered a major factor in reducing Pythium along with the temperature for Alternaria blight is 82 F.
use of fungicides.
Cercospora Leaf Blight. Cercospora blight causes lesions to
Southern Blight. Southern blight causes serious damage to car- form on the leaves, petioles and stems of the carrot plant. The
rots. This disease is usually associated with carrots remaining in symptoms appear to mimic that of Alternaria blight but can be
the field after the soil begins to warm in the spring. This disease separated using a compound microscope. Cercosproa blight
causes a yellow top to develop with a cottony white fungal progresses in warm, wet weather and spots appear in about 10
growth associated with the upper part of the carrot root. The days after infection. The youngest leaves are usually more sus-
top of the root and the surrounding soil may be covered with ceptible to Cercosproa infection.
a white mycelium with tan sclerotia developing as the disease
progresses. Southern Blight is best controlled by using rotation
and deep turning. INSECT MANAGEMENT
Soil Insects. Wireworms, white grubs, and the granulate cut-
Sclerotinia Blight. Sclerotinia blight causes serious damage to worm may be partially controlled with good cultural practices.
the roots of carrots. This disease is usually worse under wet soil Soil should be deep turned in sufficient time prior to planting
conditions. White mycelium forms around the infected area and to allow destruction of previous crop residue that may harbor
later, dark sclerotia develop on the white mycelium which is a soil insects. When possible, avoid planting just after crops that
good indicator of Sclerotinia rot. This disease causes a progres- are slow to decompose such as tobacco and corn. Avoid plant-
sive watery soft rot of the carrot root tissue and is considered ing behind peanuts and root crops such as sweet potatoes and
a potential problem in the production of carrots. Rotation and turnips. If a field has a history of soil insect problems, either
deep turning of the soil are recommended to reduce losses to avoid these or, broadcast incorporate a soil insecticide prior
this disease. to planting. Plantings in fields that were recently in permanent
pasture should be avoided as should fields recently planted to
Rhizoctonia. Rhizoctonia rot causes brown to black lesions sod/turf, although these are not as critical. Fields with a history
to develop on the sides of the carrot root. The disease is much of whitefringed beetle larvae should not be planted to carrots
worse under cool, wet conditions. Saturated soil conditions often because there are no currently registered insecticides effective
enhance all soil-borne diseases which are potential problems in on this pest.
carrot production. Rhizoctonia damage can be minimized by Flea beetle larvae can damage roots by feeding on the surface
using rotation and good cultural practices. Soil fumigation will too the cortex. The damage will take on the appearance of nar-
prevent damage with any of the soil inhabiting fungi. row s shaped canals on the surface. Flea beetle larvae can be
prevented easily with soil insecticides.
The seedcorn maggot is an opportunistic pest that takes
FOLIAR DISEASES advantage of crops that are under stress or where there is decay-
Bacterial Blight. Bacterial Blight causes irregular brown spots ing organic matter. At-planting soil insecticides will prevent
on the leaves and dark brown streaks on the petioles and stems. the development of maggot infestations for several weeks after
The lesions on the foliage begin as small yellow areas with the planting. Seedcorn maggots cannot be effectively controlled
centers becoming dry and brittle, with an irregular halo. The after the infestation begins. If plants become stressed during the

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 45

period of high root maggot potential, preventive applications of
insecticides should be sprayed every seven days until the stress
is minimized.

Foliar insect pests may be monitored and insecticides applied
as needed. Carrots should be scouted at least once per week for
developing populations of foliage pests.

Aphids. Several species of aphids may develop on carrots. The

most common aphids to inhabit carrots are the green peach
aphid and the cotton or melon aphid. Often parasitic wasps and
fungal diseases will control these aphids. If populations persist
and colonize plants rapidly over several weeks and honeydew
or sooty mold is observed readily, then foliar insecticides are

Flea beetles. Fleas beetle adults may cause severe damage

to the foliage on occasion. If carrots are attacked during the
seedling stage and infestations persist over time, an insecticide
application may be necessary. If plants are in the cotyledon to
first true leaf stage, treatments should be made if damage or
flea beetles are observed on more than 5% of the plants. After
plants are well established, flea beetles should be controlled
only if foliage losses are projected to be moderate to high, e.g.,
15% or more.

Vegetable Weevil. The adult and larvae of the vegetable weevil

may attack carrots. The adult and larvae feed on the foliage.
Vegetable weevil larvae often will feed near the crown of plants
and, if shoulders are exposed at the soil surface, larvae will feed
on tender carrots. Treatments are justified if adults or larvae and
damage are easily found in several locations.

Armyworms. The armyworm can cause damage in carrots.

Armyworms may move from grain crops or weeds into carrots
or adults may lay eggs directly on carrot plants. Armyworms
are easily controlled with foliar insecticides. There are no action
thresholds but, if foliage is excessive, an insecticide application
may not be justified.

Beet Armyworm. The beet armyworm infests carrots in the late

spring. Usually natural predators and especially parasites regu-
late beet armyworm populations below economically damaging

Whiteflies. The silverleaf whitefly can be a problem during

the early seedling stage of fall plantings. Silverleaf whitefly
migrates from agronomic crops and other vegetables during the
late summer. Infestation may become severe on carrots grown
in these production areas. Often whiteflies may be controlled by
several natural enemies and diseases by early fall so, treatments
may not be justified. However, if whiteflies develop generally
heavy populations, treatment of young plantings is justified.

Page 46 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Planting Dates
For earlier cucumber production and higher, more concen-
Cucumber Slicer Spring Fall
trated yields, use gynoecious varieties. A gynoecious plant AL North 4/17/15 8/18/30
produces only female flowers. Upon pollination female flowers AL South 3/14/30 8/19/15
will develop into fruit. To produce pollen, 10% to 15% polli-
GA North 4/157/15 NR
nizer plants must be planted; seed suppliers add this seed to the GA South 3/14/30 8/19/15
gynoecious variety. Both pickling and slicing gynoecious vari-
LA North 3/155/15 7/158/31
eties are available. For machine harvest of pickling cucumbers,
LA South 3/15/15 8/19/15
high plant populations (60,000 per acre or more) concentrate
fruit maturity for increased yields. MS North 4/15/15 7/258/21
MS South 3/155/1 8/149/14

Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC NC East 4/155/15 7/158/15

NC West 5/157/31 NR
Slicer Fresh Market SC East 3/155/15 8/18/30
Dasher II 2,3,4,5,6,10 A G L M N S SC West 4/156/5 8/18/30
Daytona 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10 A G L N S
General Lee 4,5,6,10 A G L M N S
Indy 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 A L N S Planting Dates
Intimidator 2,3,4,6,10 G L N S Pickling Spring Fall
Poinsett 76 2,3,5,10 A G N S AL North 4/157/15 8/18/30
Rockingham 2, 3, 5, 6, 10 A G M N S AL South 3/14/30 8/19/15
Slice More 2,4,5,6,10 G L N S GA North 4/157/15 NR
Speedway 2,3,5,6,10 A G L N S GA South 3/14/30 8/19/15
StoneWall 2,3,4,5,6,10 G L N S LA North 4/15/15 7/158/31
Talledega 2,3,5,9,10 A G L M N S LA South 3/155/15 8/19/15
Thunder 3,4,5,6,8,10 A G L M N S MS South 4/14/15 NR
Pickling Types- Multiple Harvest NC East 4/205/20 7/158/15
Calypso 2,3,4,5,6,10 A G L M N S NC West 5/257/31 NR
Fancipak 2,3,4,5,6,10 A G N S SC East 3/15-5/15 8/18/30
Jackson 2,3,4,5,6,10 N S SC West 4/156/15 8/18/30
Vlasset 2,3,4,5,6,10 N S
Wellington 2,3,4,5,6,10 L
Spacing. Slicers: Space rows 3 to 4 feet apart with plants 9
Pickling Types- Multiple or Once-over Harvest to 12 inches apart. Pickles: For hand harvest, space 3 to 4 feet
Cates 2,3,4,5,6,10 N apart; for machine harvest, space three rows 2428 inches
Expedition 2,3,5,6,10 N S apart on a bed. Plants for hand harvest should be 6 to 8 inches
Sassy 2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10 N apart in the row; 2 to 4 inches apart for machine harvest. Close
Vlasstar 2,3,4,5,6,10 N spacing increases yields, provides more uniform maturity and
1 Abbreviations for state where recommended. reduces weed problems, but require slightly higher fertilizer
2 Anthracnose tolerance/resistance rates. Seed for slicers: 1.5 pounds per acre. Seed for pickles: 2
3 Angular Leaf Spot tolerance/resistance to 5 pounds per acre.
4 Downy Mildew tolerance/resistance
5 Powdery Mildew tolerance/resistance Mulching. Fumigated soil aids in the control of weeds and soil-
6 Cucumber Mosaic Virus tolerance/resistance borne diseases. Black plastic mulch laid before field planting
7 Papaya Ring Spot Virus tolerance/resistance conserves moisture, increases soil temperature, and increases
8 Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus tolerance/resistance early and total yield. Plastic and fumigant should be applied on
9 Watermelon Mosaic Virus tolerance/resistance well-prepared planting beds 2 to 4 weeks before field planting.
10 Scab Plastic should be placed immediately over the fumigated soil.
The soil must be moist when laying the plastic. Fumigation
Planting Dates. For earliness container-grown transplants are alone may not provide satisfactory weed control under clear
planted when daily mean soil temperatures have reached 60F plastic. Herbicides labeled and recommended for use on cucum-
but most cucumbers are direct seeded. Consult the following bers may not provide satisfactory weed control when used under
table for planting dates for transplants in your area. Early plant- clear plastic mulch on nonfumigated soil. Black plastic can be
ings should be protected from winds with hot caps or row cov- used without a herbicide. Fertilizer must be applied during bed
ers. Growing on plastic mulch can also enhance earliness. preparation. At least 50% of the nitrogen (N) should be in the
nitrate (NO3) form.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 47

Pickleworm, Melonworm: Make one treatment prior to fruit
Foil and other reflective mulches can be used to repel aphids set, and then treat weekly.
that transmit viruses in fall-planted (after July 1) cucumbers. Aphids: Aphids transmit several viruses (CMV, WMV, PRSV-
Direct seeding through the mulch is recommended for maxi- W, etc.) and can delay plant maturity. Thorough spray coverage
mum virus protection. Fumigation will be necessary when there beneath leaves is important. For further information on aphid
is a history of soilborne diseases in the field. Growers should controls, see the preceding Mulching section. Treat seedlings
consider drip irrigation with plastic mulch. For more informa- every 5 to 7 days or as needed.
tion, see the section on Irrigation.
Mites: Mite infestations generally begin around field margins
Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Cucumber* and grassy areas. CAUTION: DO NOT mow or maintain
(N:K,1:2) these areas after midsummer because this forces mites into the
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative crop. Localized infestations can be spot-treated. Begin treat-
planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash ment when 50% of the terminal leaves show infestation. Note:
(lb / A) Continuous use of Sevin or the pyrethroids may result in mite
Preplant 25.0 45.0 outbreaks.
0-14 0.9 1.8 37.6 75.2
15-63 1.5 3.0 110.3 196.6
64-77 0.7 1.4 120.1 216.6
Phytophthora Blight: To minimize the occurrence of this
Alternative Fertigation Schedule for Cucumber* disease, fields should be adequately drained to ensure that soil
(N:K,1:1) water does not accumulate around the base of the plants. Just
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative before plants begin vining, subsoil between rows to allow for
planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash faster drainage following rainfall. In addition, when vining
(lb / A) begins, apply a crop protectant every 14 days. Do not make
Preplant 24.0 24.0 more than four applications per crop. Apply Bravo on alternate
0-7 1.0 1.0 31.0 31.0 weeks to control other diseases.
8-21 1.5 1.5 52.0 52.0
22-63 2.0 2.0 136.0 136.0
Belly rot: Belly rot is a soil-borne disease. Application of
64-70 1.5 1.5 150.0 150.0
appropriate crop protectant at last cultivation may be helpful.
*Adjust based on tissue analysis.
Weed Management. Identify the weeds in each field and select
recommended herbicides that control those weeds.
Match preplant-incorporated and preemergence herbicide
INSECT MANAGEMENT rates to soil type and percent organic matter in each field. See
Seed Corn Maggot: (See preceding Seed Treatment section. the previous Mulching section for further information on
Also see Maggots section in Soil PestsTheir Detection and weed control under clear plastic mulch.
Control.) Apply postemergence herbicides when crop and weeds are
within the recommended size and/or leaf stage.
Cucumber Beetle: Cucumber beetles can transmit bacterial
wilt; however, losses from this disease vary greatly from field Nematode Management. Use nematicides listed in the
to field and among different varieties. Pickling cucumbers Nematodes section of Soil PestsTheir Detection and
grown in high-density rows for once-over harvesting can com- Control.
pensate for at least 10% stand losses. On farms with a history
of bacterial wilt infections and where susceptible cultivars are Pollination. Honey bees are important for good fruit set.
used, foliar insecticides should be used to control adult beetles Populations of pollinating insects may be adversely affected by
before they feed extensively on the cotyledons and first true insecticides applied to flowers or weeds in bloom. Apply insec-
leaves. Begin spraying shortly after plant emergence and ticides only in the evening hours when bees are not in flight.
repeat applications at weekly intervals if new beetles continue See the section on Pollination in the General Production
to invade fields. Treatments may be required until stems begin Recommendations.
vining (usually about 3 weeks after plant emergence), at which
time plants are less susceptible to wilt infections. Harvesting and Storage. See Table 14 for postharvest infor-
An alternative control option for cucumber beetles is the use mation.
of Admire at planting. Note: Use of Admire at planting can
lead to spider mite outbreaks later in the season.

Page 48 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008


Eggplant is a warm-season crop that makes its best growth Spacing and Staking. Rows: 4 to 5 feet apart; plants: 2 to 3 feet
at temperatures between 70 to 85F. Temperatures below 65F apart in the row.
result in poor growth and fruit set.
Staking. Staking eggplant improves quality and yield, while
reducing decay. Use a 5 foot tomato stake between every other
Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
plant and place string along each side of the plants as they grow.
This is described in detail in the tomato section of this guide.
Side branches of eggplant should be pruned up to the first fruit
Black Bell L M
and 2 main stems should be used. If additional stems grow too
Calliope 2 A G L M N S
large remove them. The first fruit should be pruned off until the
Casper 3 A G M S
flower is at least 8 inches above the ground, this will allow for
Classic A G L M N S
straight fruit to form.
Dusky L M N S
Epic A G L M N S
Transplant Production. Sow seed in the greenhouse 8 to 10
Fairy Tale 4 A G L M N S
weeks before field planting. Three to 4 ounces of seed are nec-
Ghost Buster 3 A G M
essary to produce plants for 1 acre. Optimum temperatures for
Green Giant 5 A G
germination and growth are 70 to 75F. Seedlings should be
Ichiban 6 A G L M N S
transplanted to 2-inch or larger pots or containers anytime after
LittleFingers 6 A M N S
the first true leaves appear, or seed can be sown directly into
Long Tom 6 A N S
the pots and thinned to a single plant per pot. Control aphids on
Night Shadow A G S
seedlings in greenhouse before transplanting to field.
Pingtung Long 6 A G N
Rossalita A G M N
Transplanting Dates. Harden plants for a few days at 60 to
Rossita A G M N
65F and set in field after danger of frost and when average
Santana A G L N S
daily temperatures have reached 65 to 70F.
1 Abbreviations for state where recommended
2 White exterior with purple streaks Drip Irrigation and Fertilization. Before mulching, adjust soil
3 White exterior pH to 6.5 and in the absence of a soil test, apply fertilizer to
4 Purple exterior with white stripes
5 Green
supply 50 pounds per acre of N,P2O5 and K2O, (some soils will
6 Small
require 100 pounds per acre of K20). Thoroughly incorporate
diameter fruit
into the soil.
After mulching and installing the drip irrigation system, the
soluble fertilizer program should be initiated using the follow-
Seed Treatment. Soak seed in hot water at 122F for 25 minutes. ing table. On low to low-medium boron soils, also include 0.5
Dry seed, then dip in a slurry or dust with Thiram at the rate of pound per acre of actual boron.
2/3 teaspoon per pound of seed (4 ounces per 100 pounds). The first soluble fertilizer application should be applied
through the drip irrigation system within a week after field-
transplanting the eggplant. Continue fertigating until the last
Planting Dates harvest.
Eggplant Spring Fall
AL North 4/17/15 NR Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Eggplant
AL South 3/14/30 7/158/31 (high soil potassium)
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative
GA North 4/157/15 NR planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash
GA South 3/14/30 7/158/31 (lb / A)
Preplant 50.0 100.0
LA North 4/155/15 7/18/15
0-22 0.5 0.5 60.5 110.5
LA South 3/155/15 7/18/30
22-49 0.7 0.7 80.1 130.1
MS North 4/15-6/15 NR 50-70 1.0 1.0 101.1 151.1
MS South 3/1-4/30 8/1-8/31 71-91 1.1 1.1 124.2 174.2
92-112 1.0 2.0 145.2 195.2
NC East 4/155/10 8/18/15
* Adjust based on tissue analysis.
NC West 5/157/15 NR

SC East 4/14/30 8/18/31

SC West 5/16/30 NR

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 49

Alternative Fertigation Schedule for Eggplant*
(low soil potassium)
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative
planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash
(lb / A)
Preplant 50.0 100.0
0-22 0.5 0.5 60.5 111.0
22-49 0.7 1.4 80.1 150.2
50-70 1.0 2.0 101.1 192.5
71-91 1.1 2.2 124.2 238.7
92-112 1.0 2.0 145.2 280.7
* Adjust based on tissue analysis.

Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB), Flea Beetles (FB): CPB has
the ability to rapidly develop resistance to insecticides. Refer to
Eggplant insecticide section for management options. Control of
many early season pests including CPB, FB, whiteflies, and aphids
can be accomplished through the use of Admire at planting.

Silverleaf Whitefly: Treat when an average of 5 or more adults

are found per leaf.

Weed Management. Identify the weeds in each field and select

recommended herbicides that control those weeds. Match pre-
plant incorporated and preemergence herbicide rates to soil type
and percent organic matter in each field.
See Mulching section for further information on weed con-
trol under clear plastic mulch.
Apply postemergence herbicides when crop and weeds are
within recommended size and/or leaf stage.

Ratooning Eggplant: Producing a Spring Crop and a Fall

Crop from the Same Planting. Ratooning eggplants can be done
after the first crop is complete to allow a second crop to develop.
Depending on the location, the first crop may be completed by
June or July. Plants at this point will appear topped out, not
producing any more flowers and any subsequent fruits. Mow
plants 6 to 8 inches above the soil line, being sure to leave two to
three leaf axils. Next, fertilize with 50 to 60 pounds of nitrogen
per acre and 80 to 100 pounds of potash per acre (K2O). This
combination will produce vigorous re-growth and stimulate
flowering. Plants will begin producing fruit 4 to 6 weeks after
ratooning and should produce eggplants until frost.

Harvesting. Eggplant may be harvested once the fruit has

reached one-half to full size for a given variety. However, har-
vesting prior to full size may reduce potential yields.

Harvest-ready fruit have a glossy appearance and are firm,

without wrinkles. Harvest eggplant fruit before they become
over mature. When over mature, the fruit is dull in color, seeds
are hard and dark, and the flesh is characteristically spongy.
Although the fruit can often be snapped from the plant, they
should be clipped with a sharp knife or scissors to prevent dam-
age. When harvesting, cut the stem approximately 1/4 inch from
the fruit. Eggplant skin is tender and easily bruised, so handle
with care. See Table 14 for further postharvest information.

Page 50 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Planting. Garlic cloves should be planted during the fall

GARLIC because a chilling requirement must be met for good bulb devel-
California Early 2 G opment. Plant according to the times listed in the following table
Creole L to ensure that good root systems are established prior to winter.
Elephant 3 A G M N S Final bulb size is directly related to the size of the cloves that are
Elephant (Tahiti) L planted. Avoid planting the long, slender cloves in the center of
German Extra Hardy 4 A N S the bulb and cloves weighing less than 1 gram.
Italian L
New York White Neck 2 A N S
1 Garlic Planting Date
Abbreviations for state where recommended
Softneck AL North 9/1511/10
A. ampeloprasum AL South 10/111/30
GA North 9/1511/10
Secure a strain of softneck garlic from a local grower or GA South 10/111/30
gardener who has had success with fall-planted garlic. Unlike
LA North 9/111/30
many strains sold commercially, such a strain should be well LA South 9/111/30
adapted to your area to overwinter. Avoid planting the Creole
types of softneck garlic in the northern range (also called Early, MS 9/1510/30
Louisiana, White Mexican, etc.), because they are not very win-
ter-hardy and do not keep well. Both the Italian and Creole types NC East 9/1511/10
have a white outer skin covering the bulb, but the Italian type NC West 8/1510/15
has a pink skin around each clove, whereas the skin around each
SC East 10/111/30
Creole clove is white. Elephant-type garlic (milder than regular
SC West 8/1510/15
garlic and up to four times larger) may not yield very well when
fall-planted in areas with severe cold or extensive freezing
and thawing cycles, which cause heaving. Elephant garlic has Spacing. Garlic should be planted 4 by 4 inches apart in triple
performed well, however, in western North Carolina when it rows or multiple beds 16 to 18 inches apart. Between-row spac-
is well-hilled with soil or mulched with straw. The Italian and ing depends on the equipment available. Clove tops should be
Elephant types take about 220 days to mature. covered with 1 to 1.5 inches of soil. The cloves must not be so
Many of the most productive Italian garlic strains produce deep that the soil will interfere with the swelling of the bulbs,
seed heads prior to harvest. Whether removed as they form or nor so shallow that rain, heaving from alternate freezing and
left intact, they have produced satisfactory yields. thawing, and birds will dislodge them. Vertical placement of
Rocambole (hardneck) types have coiled seedstalks. Despite cloves by hand gives optimal results. Cloves dropped into fur-
this coiled appearance, these are perfectly normal and not the rows are likely to lie in all positions and may produce plants
result of any poor cultural practice or herbicide contamination. with crooked necks.

Soil Fertility. Maintain a soil pH of 6.2 to 6.8. Fertilize accord- Harvesting and Storage. Elephant garlic is ready for harvest
ing to soil test recommendations for garlic. In moderately fertile in mid-May to mid-Juneit must be harvested when around
soils, apply about 75 pounds nitrogen (N) per acre, 150 pounds 30% of foliage is starting to yellow or the bulbs will split. When
phosphate (P2O5) per acre and 150 pounds potash (K2O) per a few tops fall over, push all of them down and pull a sample.
acre and disk about 6 inches deep before planting. When plants There are only about 10 days to 2 weeks for optimal garlic
are about 6 inches tall (about March 15), topdress with 25 harvest. Before then, the garlic is unsegmented; much after that
pounds per acre nitrogen and repeat the top dressing about May period the cloves can separate so widely that the outer sheath
1. Apply all top dressings to dry plants at midday to reduce often splits and exposes part of the naked clove. Picked at the
chance of fertilizer burn. proper time, each clove should be fully segmented and yet fully
Because sulfur may be partially associated with the extent of covered by a tight outer skin.
pungency, you may wish to use ammonium sulfate for the last Run a cutter bar under the bulbs to cut the extensive root
top dressing (May 1). If ammonium sulfate is used, make sure system and partially lift them. The bulbs are usually pulled
pH is 6.5 to 6.8. and gathered into windrows. Tops are placed uppermost in the
Garlic is commonly grown on muck or sandy, fine textured windrow to protect bulbs from the sun, and the garlic is left in
soils as long as they are loose and friable. Use of organic matter the field for a week or more to dry or cure thoroughly. Curing
or cover cropping is important. can also be accomplished in a well-ventilated shed or barn. The
bulbs must be thoroughly dried before being shipped or stored.
Outdoor curing is not recommended where morning dew can

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 51

keep it too damp. Bring in for drying immediately from field.
Emphasize gentle handling. Cure for about 6 weeks.
After curing garlic, discard diseased and damaged bulbs. Clean
the remaining bulbs to remove the outer loose portions of the
sheath, and trim the roots close to the bulb. Do not tap or bang
bulbs together to remove soil. Braid or bunch together by the tops
of the bulbs, or cut off the tops and roots and bag the bulbs like
dry onions.
When properly cured, garlic keeps well under a wide range
of temperatures. Storage in open-mesh sacks in a dry, well-
ventilated storage room at 60 to 90F is satisfactory. However,
garlic is best stored under temperature and humidity conditions
required for onions [32to 35F and 65% relative humidity].
Garlic cloves sprout quickly after bulbs have been stored at
temperatures near 40F, so avoid prolonged storage at this tem-
perature. Garlic stored at above 70% relative humidity at any
temperature will mold and begins to develop roots.

Marketing. New growers should develop a local retail market

(roadside stands, night markets, gourmet restaurants), wholesale
shipper, or processing market before planting. The demand for
garlic is increasing due to recent reports about the health and
medical benefits of garlic. The main markets are New York,
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and St.
The markets of the northern and eastern United States will take
the bulbs trimmed like dry onions and known as loose garlic.
Frequently, 30 to 50 bulbs are tied in bunches. Bulbs should be
graded into three sizeslarge, medium, and small. Each string
or bunch should contain bulbs of uniform size and of the same
First-class garlic bulbs must be clean and have unbroken
outer sheaths. Many of the larger vegetable markets, such as
the large chain stores, could retail garlic in the form of clean,
uniform cloves, two dozen to a mesh bag. Processors are not
particular about having the cloves enclosed in a neat sheath and
occasionally accept sprouted bulbs.
Garlic-growing can be very profitable when freshness is
stressed and if the tops are braided, tied together, or placed into
long, narrow, plastic mesh bags so they can be effectively dis-
played at roadside or night-market stands.

Insect Management. Thrips. During hot, dry weather, the popu-

lation of thrips increases following harvest of adjacent alfalfa
or grain. Thrips could therefore present the most serious insect
problem on garlic. (See Onions in the Insect Control section
of this publication). Read and follow specific label directions
for use on garlic; if not listed, do not use. Treat if thrips counts
exceed an average of 5 thrips per plant.

Page 52 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008



MUSTARD Aphids-These insects can be serious pests of greens crops.
Fla Broadleaf A G L M S Frequent examinations of the crops are necessary to avoid
Greenwave A L undetected infestations. Broad-spectrum insecticides used for
Red Giant M caterpillar management can lead to aphid infestations.
Savannah A G L M S
Southern Giant A G L M N S Caterpillars-Many of the same caterpillars that feed on the large
Tendergreen 2 A G L M N S cole crops (cabbage, collard, etc.) will feed on greens. Action
thresholds for greens crops are currently lacking, but low levels
of caterpillars can be tolerated during the early stages of growth.
Alamo A G L M S
The use of BTs and other soft materials are encouraged in order
All Top A G L N S
to maintain natural enemy populations in the crops.
Just Right A M N S
Purple Top White Globe A G L M N S
Flea beetles-These small insects can be serious pests of greens
Seven Top A G L N S
crops. They are often associated with heavier soils and weedy
Shogoin A L N S
areas. BTs are ineffective against beetle pests. These materials
Southern Green A G M N S
are generally ineffective against these insects although the new
Top Star A G
neonictinoid insecticides work well with little effect on natural
Topper L M S
enemies. Treatment should begin when the infestation is first
Tokyo Cross G L S
noticed. Frequent use of broad-spectrum insecticides for flea
1 Abbreviations for state where recommended
beetle management often leads to resurgence of other pests.
2 Mustard spinach

Harvesting and Storage. See Table 14 for postharvest infor-

Seeding. Greens can be succession seeded throughout the indi- mation.
cated times. The next seeding should be made when the previ-
ous crop is 50% emerged. Rows should be 12-24 inches apart
and in-row spacing should be 1-2 inches.

Planting Dates
Mustard and Turnip Spring Fall
AL North 2/14/30 8/19/15
AL South 2/15/15 8/110/31

GA North 3/154/30 8/19/15

GA South 2/15/15 8/110/31

LA North 2/13/15 7/1510/31

LA South 2/13/15 7/1510/31

MS North 1/204/1 7/258/20

MS South 1/153/1 8/109/15

NC East 2/156/30 8/19/15

NC West 4/18/15 NR

SC East 2/16/15 8/110/15

SC West 3/159/15 NR

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 53


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC for 8 to 12 years. Growers should use Fusarium wilt tested seed
BASIL or resistant or tolerant varieties.
Genovese A G L M N S Harvesting and Storage Leaf yields range from 1 to 3 tons
Italian Large Leaf A G L M N S per acre dried or 6 to 10 tons per acre fresh. Foliage may be
Nufar A G L M N S harvested whenever four sets of true leaves can be left after
Aroma A G L M N S cutting to initiate growth, but when harvesting for fresh or dried
Purple Ruffles A G L M N S leaves, always cut prior to bloom. Presence of blossoms in the
harvested foliage reduces quality. Frequent trimming helps keep
plants bushy. For small-scale production of fresh-market basil,
Lemon, Mrs. Burns A G L M N S
the terminal 2- to 3- inch long whorls of leaves may be cut or
Sweet Thai A G L M N S
pinched off once or twice a week. This provides a high-quality
Cinnamon A G L M N S
1 Abbreviations
product with little stem tissue present. Basil can also be cut
for state where recommended.
Note: Aroma and Nufar are Fusarium wilt resistant.
and bunched like fresh parsley. A sickle bar type mower with
adjustable cutting height is commonly used for harvesting large
plantings for fresh and dried production. The optimum storage
Cultivation Sow seed 1/8 inch deep. Basil is an easy to grow temperature for fresh basil is 40 to 45 F with a high relative
tender annual. Plant basil in late spring after all danger of frost humidity.
is past. Grow in full sun in warm, well-drained soil, preferably
in raised beds. A light sand to silt loam with a pH of 6.4 is best.
Basil may be grown in the field from seed or transplants. Trim
transplants to encourage branching and plant in the field when
about six inches tall (4 to 6 weeks old).
Double-row plantings on 2 to 4 foot wide beds increase
yields per acre and helps to shade out weeds. Planting dates
may be staggered to provide a continuous supply of fresh leaves
throughout the growing season. For fresh-cut basil production,
the use of black plastic mulch is highly recommended. Basil will
not tolerate moisture stress; provide a regular supply of water
through drip or overhead irrigation.

Fertilization Do not over fertilize basil. It is generally sug-

gested that 100 pounds each of N, P2O5, and K2O per acre be
broadcast and incorporated at time of planting or follow guide-
lines for fertilization of salad greens. If more than one harvest
is made, sidedress with 15 to 30 pounds N per acre shortly after
the first or second cutting.

Pest Control There are few agricultural chemicals registered

for use on basil. To keep weed pressure down, use high plant
populations, shallow cultivation, and/or mulch. BT products can
be used to control various worms and caterpillars. Genovese,
Italian Large Leaf, and lettuce leaf varieties are susceptible to
Japanese beetles. Japanese beetle traps set about 20 feet away
from the basil will help prevent damage. Reflective mulches,
beneficial insects, insecticidal soaps, traps, and handpicking
may give some level of control of other insect pests. Keep foli-
age as dry as possible by watering early in the day, or by using
drip irrigation to reduce fungal disease. Rotate herbs to different
parts of the field each year and remove and destroy all plant
debris to reduce soil borne disease.

Fusarium Wilt Plants infected with this disease usually grow

normally until they are 6 to 12 inches tall, then they become
stunted and suddenly wilt. Fusarium wilt may persist in the soil

Page 54 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008


Varieties1 AL GA MS NC SC
Albinstar A N S
Alcazar A N S
Alora G
Arena G
Catalina A N
Firena A N S
Lancelot A N S
Otina A N S
Tadorna A N S
Abbreviations for state where recommended

Transplants. Transplants are used for early spring plantings.

For summer planting, sow in seed beds as indicated in following
table. About 2 pounds of seed are required to provide enough
plants to set an acre. Seed should be planted 1/3 to 1/2 inch deep
8 to 12 weeks before field setting. Plants will be ready to set in
early August. Plug cells have worked well.

Planting Dates
Leek Spring Fall
AL North 3/154/30 9/15-10/31
AL South 2/13/31 NR

GA North 3/154/30 9/1510/31

GA South 2/13/31 NR


NC East 2/156/30 NR
NC West 4/18/15 NR

SC East 2/16/15 NR
SC West 3/156/30 NR

Field Spacing. Rows: 20 to 30 inches apart; plants: 4 inches

apart in the row. Set plants in trenches 3 to 4 inches deep using
celery-type planter.

Culture. Leeks grow slowly for the first 2 or 3 months. To

develop a long white stem, start to gradually fill in trenches and
then hill soil around stems to 3 or 4 inches.

Harvesting and Storage. Spring-transplanted leeks are ready

for harvest in July. Fall-planted leeks are ready for harvest by
November can be over-wintered. See Table 14 for postharvest

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 55


Lettuce and endive are cool-season crops. Properly hardened Seeding and Transplanting. Spring crop. Lettuce transplants
lettuce transplants can tolerate temperatures as low as 20 to are started in frames or greenhouses. Seed for the lettuce crop is
25F. Temperatures above 85F for several days will cause seed sown in heated greenhouses in November to February at the rate
stalk formation and bolting in lettuce. Temperatures below 70F of 4 to 6 ounces of seed for 1 acre of plants.
during the seedling stage promote premature stalk formation in Direct-seeded lettuce is sown in prepared beds as early in the
endive and escarole. spring as the ground can be worked. Seed should be sown shal-
lowsome of the seed will actually be uncovered and visible.
Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
Pelleted seed should be watered at night during high-temperature
periods (soil temperatures above 80F) until germination occurs.
Desert Queen* N
Great Lakes L S
Planting Dates
Ithaca A G L N S Lettuce
Mighty Joe N S Head Spring Fall
Mavrick L N AL North 4/155/30 8/19/15
Raider N S AL South 2/13/31 8/19/30
Green Leaf
GA North 4/155/30 NR
Grand Rapids G N S
GA South 2/13/31 8/19/30
Nevada A L N
Salad Bowl A G L M N
LA North 1/153/15 9/1510/30
Sierra A L
LA South 1/153/15 9/1510/30
Slobolt A N S
Tango A N NC East 2/14/10 8/259/25
Tiarra S NC West 3/1-8/10 NR
Red Leaf
New Red Fire A G N S SC East 2/1-4/15 NR
Red Head S SC West 3/15-5/15 NR
Red Prize A
Red Sails A L N
Red Salad A
Planting Dates
Ruby L N Lettuce
Leaf and Boston Spring Fall
Cos or Romaine
Darkland S AL North 4/155/30 8/19/30
Green Forrest A N S AL South 2/14/15 8/110/15
Green Towers G L N S
Ideal Cos L N S GA North 4/155/30 8/18/30
King Henry A G N S GA South 2/14/15 8/110/15
Parris Isand Cos A L N S
Sunbelt A G N S LA North 1/153/15 9/1510/30
Tall Guzmaine G L N S LA South 1/153/15 9/1510/30
Adriana N MS North 3/15-4/30 8/1-9/30
Buttercrunch A L N MS South 2/1-4/15 8/1-10/15
Ermosa A N S
NC East 2/14/20 8/2510/1
Esmeralda A G N S
NC West 3/1-8/25 NR
Nancy A N
ENDIVE SC East 2/14/15 9/1511/1
Fresian A N S SC West 3/15/15 NR
Green Curled Rufflo L
Salad King A N S
Aligia A N S
Elisa S
Florida Deep Heart L
Full Heart A N S
Full Heart 65 A N S
Abbreviations for state where recommended
* Fall variety

Page 56 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Planting Dates Insect Management: Keep lettuce fields isolated from endive
Cos or Romaine Spring Fall and escarole for spray purposes.
AL North 4/155/30 8/19/15
AL South 2/13/31 8/19/30 Thrips: Scout for thrips and begin treatments when observed.
Do not produce vegetable transplants with bedding plants in the
GA North 4/155/30 NR
GA South 2/13/31 8/19/30 same greenhouse.

LA North 1/153/15 9/1510/30 Leafhopper: Control of leafhoppers will prevent spread of let-
LA South 1/153/15 9/1510/30 tuce yellows. In the spring, spray when plants are one-half inch
tall; repeat as needed. In the fall, spray seedlings 4-5 times at
5-day intervals.
NC East 2/1-4/10 8/25-9/15
NC West 3/15-8/1 NR Corn Earworm (CEW). Note. Head lettuce seedlings, in the
7 to 18 leaf stage, are vulnerable to CEW attack in August to
SC East 2/1-4/15 9/15-11/1
September. Control must be achieved before center leaves start
SC West 3/1-5/15 NR
to form a head (15 to 18 leaf stage).

Planting Dates Tarnished Plant Bug. This insect can cause serious damage to
Endive/Escarole Spring Fall the fall crop; it is usually numerous where weeds abound.
AL North 4/15-5/30 8/1-9/15
AL South 2/1-3/31 8/1-9/30

GA North 4/15-5/30 NR
GA South 2/1-3/31 8/1-9/30

LA North 1/153/15 9/1510/30

LA South 1/153/15 9/1510/30


NC East 3/20-6/15 8/1-9/15

NC West 5/1-8/15 NR

SC East 2/1-4/15 9/15-11/1

SC West 3/1-5/15 NR

Mulching. Using polyethylene mulch can be very beneficial

for all types of lettuce and endive, in that the plastic reduces
the amount of soil that gets inside the leaves. Use white plastic
when air temperature exceeds 85F. Most leaf lettuce varieties
can be planted in 3 or 4 rows to the 30 inch bed top. In row spac-
ing should be 9 to 12 inches and between row spacing should be
9 to 12 inches. Romaine types do best with 2 or 3 rows per bed
and 12 to 15 inches in row spacing.

Lettuce: Head lettuce is planted in rows 2 feet apart with plants
12 to 15 inches apart in the row. Leaf and Boston type lettuce
are planted 3 to 4 rows per bed with beds spaced 66 to 72 inches
on centers. Space plants 9 to 12 inches apart in the row. Use
black plastic in spring and white plastic when mean daily tem-
perature at planting is >85F.

Endive/Escarole: Plant three to four rows per bed and space

beds 66 to 72 inches on centers. Space plants 9 to 15 inches
apart in the row.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 57


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC life and can be shipped to more distant markets. Western types
CANTALOUPES and MIXED MELONS typically are not sutured, are round with a corky beige netting,
Eastern and usually have a two-week shelf life. Honey dew melons are
Ambrosia 2, 3, 6 A L M N S typically grown in the southwestern United States in arid, dry
Aphrodite 4,5,7,8,9 G M N climates.
Athena 4,5,8,9 A G L M N S The fruit generally have smooth rinds with some corky stria-
Jaiper 7,8,9 N tions becoming obvious as the fruit nears or becomes ripe. The
Odyssey 2,5,8,9 A N S fruit does not slip like a cantaloupe. Rind color can vary among
Orange Star A N varieties. Most are an off-white or beige but some have a yellow
Superstar 2,10 A G N S rind. Flesh color is typically light green, firm, and honey dews
Western are sweeter than cantaloupes. In the southeastern United States,
AChaparrel 4 N honey dew fruit are more susceptible to cracking or splitting
Durango 6,10 N open. This is due to the uneven, high moisture conditions often
Magellan 6,9 N encountered in the southeastern United States.
Magnum 45 6 L M Other specialty melons include Galia, Juan Canary, and
Mission 6 A L M oriental crisp-flesh types. The Galia type melon rind normally
Primo 4,5 A L N turns from green to golden yellow and will slip from the vine
Super 45 6 L when ripe. The flesh is soft and white to light green, and the
Honey Dew
fruit produces a strong odor. The Juan Canary melons have a
Rocio 3,6,10 N
bright yellow rind when ripe but will not slip from the vine.
Santa Fe N Flesh color is white to very pale green. The oriental crisp-flesh
Saturno 6,7,9 N melons have a crispy white flesh and have white and/or yellow
Silver Express 4,5,7,9 N rinds. Some types are more bland, while others are more sweet
Summer Dew 4,5,10 A N like the variety Sprite.
Temptation 6,10,11 N
Plant Production. Transplants should be grown in pots or cells
Gallicum 4 N
that provide a space of at least 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches for each
Golan 329 N
Sunny Gal N
Smaller pots or cells will restrict root growth and provide
less protection to the newly set transplant. If the seed is of good
Juan Canary quality with a high germination test, one seed per pot is suf-
Golden Beauty 2296 N ficient. One ounce of melon seed contains 950 to 1,250 seeds.
Sonora 6,9 N The required amount of seed can then be estimated using
Oriental Crisp-flesh Table 6 and 7 and knowing how many seeds make up an ounce
Sprite A G N S of the desired variety.
Duke 6 N Planting and Spacing. Transplant or seed when daily mean
1 temperatures have reached 60F. Temperatures below 45F
Abbreviations for state where recommended
2 can stunt plant growth. Consult the following table for planting
Local markets only
3 Downy Mildew tolerance/resistance (DM)
dates in your area. Early plantings should be protected from
4,5 Powdery Mildew race 1 or 2 tolerance/resistance (PM) wind with row covers or rye strips. Plantings can continue until
6 Powdery Mildew tolerance/resistance (race specific) about 100 days before first frost.
7,8,9 Fusarium Wilt race 0,1, or 2 tolerance/resistance (FW) Normal in-row spacing for muskmelons is 1.5 to 2 feet on
10 Fusarium Wilt tolerance/resistance (race specific) plastic mulch and 2 to 4 feet on bare ground. Typically, an
11 Orange flesh average of 7.5 to 15 ft should be allocated per plant on plastic

mulch. On bare ground, 20 to 25 ft should suffice per plant.


Melon Types. Most growers and consumers are familiar with

cantaloupes and honey dew melons. Cantaloupes turn beige
and slip from the vine when ripe and have an orange, sweet
flesh. Cantaloupes are typically separated into two categories;
eastern and western. Eastern types are sutured, larger and gen-
erally have a shorter shelf life (a few days) than western types.
Many eastern types are only suited for local markets, while
improved eastern varieties such as Athena have a longer shelf

Page 58 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Planting Dates Plastic Mulch. The use of plastic mulch is especially beneficial
Melon Spring Fall when growing melons. It substantially reduces the amount of
AL North 4/156/15 8/18/30 fruit rots and often results in a 100% increase in yields than if
AL South 3/16/30 8/19/15 the crop is grown on bare ground. Black embossed plastic mulch
is generally used to increase soil temperatures in the spring as
GA North 4/156/15 NR
GA South 3/14/30 8/19/15
well as provide weed control, and fertilization and irrigation
efficiency. Fruit maturation is usually quickened with the use of
LA North 4/16/30 7/17/31 plastic. White plastic can be used instead of black plastic mulch
LA South 3/156/30 7/18/15
when air temperatures exceed 85F to reduce excessive heat that
MS North 4/14/10 NR can occur under black plastic at the later planting dates. Spacing
MS South 3/13/15 NR on plastic mulch is typically 5 to 6 feet between rows and 18
NC East 4/155/15 7/17/15 to 30 inches in-row. Marketable yields will generally range
NC West 5/157/31 NR between 7,000 to 10,000 fruit per acre when grown on black
plastic mulch.
SC East 3/155/15 7/17/30
SC West 4/156/5 NR
For Soil Strips between Rows of Plastic Mulch. Use the fol-
*Later plantings should be transplanted. lowing land preparation, treatment, planting sequences, and
herbicides labeled for melon, or crop injury may result.

1. Complete soil preparation and lay plastic mulch and drip irri-
Drip Fertilization. Before mulching, adjust soil pH to 6.5 and gation (optional) before herbicide application. In some cases,
in the absence of a soil test apply fertilizer to supply 25 pounds overhead irrigation can be used if small holes are punched in
per acre of N, P2O5 and K2O, (some soils will require 50 pounds the plastic.
per acre of K2O), then thoroughly incorporate into the soil.
After mulching and installing the drip irrigation system, the 2. Spray preemergence herbicides on the soil and the shoulders
soluble fertilizer program should then be initiated according to of the plastic strips in bands before weeds germinate. Wet
that described in the table below. On low to low-medium boron the outside 3 to 6 inches of plastic, but DO NOT APPLY
soils, also include 0.5 pound per acre of actual boron. The first HERBICIDE TO THE SURFACE OF THE PLASTIC.
soluble fertilizer application should be applied through the Herbicides may wash from the plastic into the plant hole and
drip irrigation system within a week after field transplanting result in crop injury.
or direct seeding the muskmelon. Continue fertigating until the
last harvest. 3. Incorporate preemergence herbicide into the soil with 0.5 to 1
inch of rainfall or overhead irrigation within 48 hours of appli-
Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Melon*
(low potassium soil) 4. Apply nonselective herbicides in bands to the soil strips
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative between plastic mulch before crop seedlings emerge.
planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash
(lb / A) 5. Apply selective postemergence herbicides broadcast or in
Preplant 25.0 50.0 bands to the soil strips between mulch to control susceptible
0-28 0.9 1.8 50.2 100.4 weeds.
29-49 1.3 2.6 77.5 155.0
50-77 1.5 3.0 119.5 239.0
Note. All herbicide rate recommendations are made for spraying
78-91 0.7 1.4 129.3 258.6
a broadcast acre (43,560 ft ).

Pollination. Honeybees are important for pollination, high

Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Melon*
(high potassium soil) yields, and quality fruit. Populations of pollinating insects
may be adversely affected by insecticides applied to flowers or
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative
weeds in bloom. Apply insecticides only in the evening hours or
planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash
(lb / A)
wait until blooms have closed before application. See section on
Preplant 25.0 50.0 Pollination in the General Production Recommendations.
0-28 0.9 0.9 50.2 75.2
29-49 1.3 1.3 77.5 102.5 Harvesting and Storage. Melon should be harvested at quar-
50-77 1.5 1.5 119.5 144.5 ter-to half-slip for shipping. Healthy vines and leaves must be
78-91 0.7 0.7 129.3 154.5 maintained until melons are mature to obtain high-quality mel-
ons. Harvest daily or twice daily in hot weather. See Table 14
*Adjust based on tissue analysis.
for further postharvest information.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 59

Seed Corn Maggot (SCM): Use insecticide treated seed or at-
planting soil-insecticide treatments to avoid SCM in the early
season. SCM problems subside with later plantings.

Cucumber Beetle: Cucumber beetles transmit bacterial wilt,

and most cultivars of muskmelons are highly susceptible to this
disease. Also adult beetles can cause direct feeding injury to
young plants. Foliar insecticides should be used to control adult
beetles before they feed extensively on the cotyledons and first
true leaves. Begin spraying shortly after plant emergence and
repeat applications at weekly intervals if new beetles continue to
invade fields. Treatments may be required until vining, at which
time plants are less susceptible to wilt infections. An alterna-
tive control option for cucumber beetles is the use of Admire
at planting. Note: Use of Admire at planting can lead to spider
mite outbreaks later in the season.

Pickleworm, Melonworm: Make one treatment prior to fruit set,

and then treat weekly.

Aphids: Aphids can delay plant maturity. Thorough spray

coverage beneath leaves is important. For further information
on aphid controls, see the preceding Mulching section. Treat
seedlings every 5 to 7 days or as needed.

Squash Bug: Begin treatments shortly after vining. Treat every

7 to 10 days or as needed.

Leafhoppers: High numbers of potato leafhoppers cause leaf

yellowing (chlorosis) known as hopper burn, which will result
in yield loss.

Page 60 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008


Okra is a tropical annual which is widely adapted, however, Fall yields of cutback okra will often exceed that of spring crops
it is very sensitive to frost and cold temperatures and should not or the yields of a crop that is not cut back.
be planted until soil has warmed in the spring.
Drip Fertilization. Before mulching, adjust soil pH to 6.5 and in
the absence of a soil test apply fertilizer to supply 25 pounds per
Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC acre of N, P2O5 and K2O, (some soils will require 50 pounds per
OKRA acre of K2O), then thoroughly incorporate into the soil. Apply 1
Annie Oakley II A G L M N S to 2 pound per acre of actual boron. After mulching and installing
Cajun Delight A G L M N S the drip irrigation system, the soluble fertilizer program should
Clemson Spineless 80 A G L M N S then be initiated according to that described in the tables below.
Emerald A G L N S The first soluble fertilizer application should be applied through
Fontenot L the drip irrigation system within a week after field transplant-
Green's Best L ing or direct seeding the okra. Continue fertigating until the last
Gold Coast L harvest.
Lee A N S
Louisiana Velvet L
North and South A M
Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Okra*
Abbreviations for state where recommended
(low potassium soil)
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative
Seeding and Spacing. Generally only one planting is made. planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash
For cooler areas, seed in the greenhouse in cells and transplant (lb / A)
to the field through black plastic mulch. Preplant 25.0 50.0
For dwarf varieties, space the rows about 3.5 feet apart; for 0-14 0.9 1.8 50.2 100.4
15-28 1.3 2.6 77.5 155.0
medium and tall varieties, 4 to 4.5 feet apart. Drill seeds 1 to1.5
29-84 1.5 3.0 119.5 239.0
inch deep, with 3 or 4 seed per foot of row (5 to 7 pounds per 85-91 0.7 1.4 129.3 258.6
acre). Thin the plants when they are 5 inches high. Dwarf variet-
ies should be about 12 to 15 inches apart in the row; plants of
tall varieties should be 18 to 24 inches apart. Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Okra*
(high potassium soil)
Planting Dates Days after Daily Daily Cumulative
Okra Spring Fall planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash
AL North 4/156/15 7/158/15 (lb / A)
AL South 3/14/30 8/18/30 Preplant 25.0 50.0
0-14 0.9 0.9 50.2 75.2
GA North 5/17/15 7/158/15 15-28 1.3 1.3 77.5 102.5
GA South 3/154/30 8/18/30 29-84 1.5 1.5 119.5 144.5
85-91 0.7 0.7 129.3 154.5
LA North 4/155/31 7/17/31
LA South 3/155/31 8/17/31 * Adjust based on tissue analysis.

MS 4/156/1 8/19/1

NC East 5/15/30 8/18/30

NC West 5/257/31 NR Plastic Mulching. Polyethylene (black plastic) mulch can offer
SC East 5/1-6/30 NR growers several advantages. Drip irrigation systems must be
SC West 5/157/15 NR used with plastic mulch. On plastic mulch, transplant at the
three-to four-leaf stage into staggered double rows spaced 15
to 18 inches apart between the double rows. Place plants 12
Ratooning Okra: Producing a Spring Crop and a Fall Crop inches apart.
from the Same Planting. Market price for okra typically
declines sharply as the summer progresses. After the market Harvesting and Storage. An okra pod usually reaches harvest-
price drops, consider ratooning or cutting back your okra. ing maturity 4 to 6 days after the flower opens. The pods are 3 to
Ratooning okra will allow the plants to rejuvenate and produce 3.5 inches long at this stage and are tender and free of fiber.
a crop in the fall, when okra prices are generally higher. Cut Pick pods at least every second day to avoid the development
plants back using a mower, leaving 6 to 8 inches of each plant of large, undesireable pods. Okra should be kept at temperatures
above the ground. Re-fertilize with 15-0-14, 8-0-24, or 13-0-44 between 50 to 55F and of 85% to 90% relative humidity. Okra
to encourage re-growth and the development of side branches. pods are subject to chilling injury below 50 F.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 61


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
late August to the end of September. A common method of
GREEN ONIONS producing transplants is to seed in high density plantings with
Beltsville Bunching 2 A M N S 30-70 seed per linear foot. Four to five rows are planted 12-14
Crystal Wax L in. apart on beds prepared on six-foot centers.
Emerald Isle L S For dry bulb onion production from transplants follow plant-
Evergreen Bunching 2 L S ing dates recommended in the following table. Onion produc-
Ishikura Long A M N S tion from sets has not worked as well because it is difficult to
Parade S mechanically orient the sets with the growing point up. Hand
Southport 2 S planting sets, however, works well for smaller operations.
White Spear L S Direct seeding dry bulb onions can save money on labor and
ONIONS (Short Day) materials. See seeding dates in table below. It is recommended
Caramelo G** that coated or encrusted seed be used with a vacuum planter to
Century G** insure good seed singulation. It is critical that the beds be prop-
Contessa N erly prepared without any previous plant debris. Preplant fertil-
Georgia Boy G** izer application of 1/5 to 1/4 of required amount with proper bed
Golden Eye G** moisture is recommended. Care should be taken so that the seed
Granex 33 A G** L N S is singulating properly, soil is not clogging the seeder, and plant-
Honeybee G** ing depth is correct (~ 0.25 in.). Watering is required to insure
Honeycomb G** germination and emergence. It may be necessary to apply water
Miss Megan G** more than once a day during periods of hot, dry weather.
Mr. Buck G** Seeding dates for green onions are listed in the table below.
Nirvana G** Green onions during winter production will require 12-14
Primavera N S weeks. Spring production may be shorter. Green onions can also
Savannah Sweet A G** S be produced from transplants.
SS 2005 G**
Sweet Caroline G**
Sweet Harvest G** Onion Planting Dates
Sweet Melody G** S Direct Seed Green Onions Onions (dry)
Texas Early Grano 502 L N S AL North NR NR
Texas Grano 1015Y A L M N S AL South 8/14/30 9/110/15
WI-129 G**
GA North NR NR
ONIONS (Long Day) GA South 8/1510/15 10/510/25
Buffalo N
LA North 9/1510/31 9/1510/31
Hi Ball N
LA South 10/110/31 10/110/31
Juno N
Sweet Sandwich N MS North NR NR
MS South 10/152/15 NR
Tough Ball N
Abbreviations for state where recommended
NC East 8/16/15 9/1510/31
NC West 4/18/15 9/19/30
Bulbing type
** Georgia Growers note: To be marketed as Vidalia, varieties must be on the SC East 3/157/30 9/1511/15
Georgia Department of Agricultures Recommended Vidalia Onion List and SC West 2/1510/15 NR
grown in the Vidalia area. All of these varieties can be used for green onions.

Planting and Seeding Dates. In the northern range of the Planting Dates
Southeast for dry bulb onions, sets and seed can be planted as Transplants Onions (dry)
soon as soil conditions are favorable in the spring. Plant trans-
AL North NR
plants for bulb onions as indicated in the following table.
AL South 11/12/15
Seed for bunching onions can be planted as soon as soil
conditions are favorable in the spring and successive plantings GA North NR
can be made throughout the summer in the cooler parts of the GA South 11/12/15
Southeast. LA North 12/151/31
On-farm transplant production can be performed in most LA South 12/151/31
conditions for dry bulb onion production. In the northern range MS North 1/153/1
of the Southeast it may be preferable to purchase transplants. MS South 10/12/15
Transplant production should begin by seeding plantbeds from

Page 62 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Onion Planting Dates (con't)
Transplants Onions (dry)

NC East 10/13/1
NC West 9/1510/15

SC East 10/111/15
SC West 9/1510/15

Spacing. A typical planting arrangement for dry bulb onions is

to plant four rows, 12-14 in. apart on beds prepared on six-foot
centers. In-row spacing should be 4-6 inches. Row spacing up
to 24 in. can be used. For direct seeded onions, set the planter to
sow seed with a 3-4 in. in-row spacing.
For green onions, space rows 12 to 16 in. apart and space seed
0.75 to 1.5 inches apart (2-6 pounds per acre). A vacuum planter
with a double row planter or a scatter shoe will work well. Seed
depth should be 0.25-0.5 inches. Place transplants or sets 1.5 to
2.5 inches deep.

Cultivation. For bunching onions, hill with 1 to 2 inches of soil

to ensure white base.

Soilborne pests are often controlled with a preplant application
of a soil insecticide.

Seedcorn Maggot: An early season problem that is common

following winter injury to plants or in fields where planting
occurs soon after a cover crop has been plowed under.

Cutworms: See cutworm section in Soil Pests-Their Detection

and Control.

Thrips: Use a threshold of 5 thrips per plant.

Harvesting and Storage. See Table 14 for postharvest informa-


Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 63

Parsley is a biennial grown as an annual. There are two vari- Cultivation - Parsley and cilantro grow best in a well-drained,
etal types of parsley: flat-leaf and curled leaf. Flat leaf parsley organic loam soil, soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Cilantro is
tends to be more aromatic than the curled leaf and is used for often seeded weekly to supply a continuous crop throughout the
flavoring in cooking. Curled leaf parsley is more attractive and summer. Setting of transplants is usually not economical for
is primarily used as a garnish. either crop. Parsley and cilantro require about 100 pounds N
per acre, which should be split-applied throughout the season.
These crops should be irrigated.
Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
PARSLEY Pest Control There are few, if any, agricultural chemicals
Curly Leaf cleared for use on parsley and cilantro. Weed control is impor-
Banquet A G M N S tant and can best be obtained by using black plastic mulch and
Forest Green A N S cultivation. Parsley and cilantro are prone to leaf blights, leaf
Garland S spots, and mildews. If there are any approved fungicides they
Moss Curled A N S should be sprayed as soon as symptoms appear. Cultural con-
Starke A N S trols include use of drip irrigation, crop rotation, and limited
movement through the fields during wet conditions. Root and
Flat Leaf
crown rot of parsley is best controlled by a two-year crop rota-
Dark Green Italian L S
tion with non-susceptible plants.
Giant of Italy N
Plain Italian Green A G L M N S
Harvesting & Handling - Parsley and cilantro are usually
CILANTRO harvested by hand and bunched with rubber bands or twist ties
Jantar Longstanding A G L M N S in the field. Store at 32 F with high humidity. See Table 14
Santo A L N S for further postharvest information.
Abbreviations for state where recommended

Seeding and Spacing. Seed is sown 1/3 to 1/2 inches deep in a

well-prepared seed bed Seeding rates are from 16 to 24 pounds
per acre for parsley and 15 to 50 pounds per acre for cilantro.
Spacing between single rows is 15 to 18 inches. Parsley and
cilantro can be precision seeded into raised beds with 3 to 4
rows per bed. Final in-row spacing should be 6 to 8 inches for
parsley and 2 to 5 inches for cilantro. Parsley seed is slow to
germinate. If seed is more than 1 year old, have germination
checked and adjust seeding rate accordingly.

Planting Dates
Parsley Spring Fall
AL North 3/155/30 NR
AL South 2/13/31 8/19/30

GA North 3/155/30 NR
GA South 2/13/31 8/19/30

LA North 2/154/15 9/1510/31

LA South 2/14/15 9/1510/31

MS NR 8/19/30

NC East 2/154/15 8/19/30

NC West 4/18/15 NR

SC East NR 9/111/15
SC West NR 8/159/30

Page 64 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008


Varieties1 AL GA MS NC SC
All American A G N S
Harris Model N S
Javelin N S
Abbreviations for state where recommended

Seeding and Spacing. Seed as indicated in the following

table. The seeds germinate slowly. Never use seed that is more
than 1 year old.
Seed 3 to 5 pounds per acre at a depth of 1/4 to 3/8 inch in
rows 18 to 30 inches apart. Adjust seeder to give 8 to 10 plants
per foot of row. Thin seedlings to 2 to 4 inches apart in the

Planting Dates
Parsnip Spring Fall
AL North 3/154/30 8/19/15
AL South 2/15/15 8/19/30

GA North 3/154/30 8/19/15

GA South 2/15/15 8/19/30


NC East 2/154/15 8/19/30

NC West 4/18/15 NR

SC East 2/13/31 8/1510/15

SC West 3/154/30 7/159/30

Harvesting and Storage. Parsnips may be dug, topped, and

stored at 32F at 90% to 95% relative humidity. Storage can be
up to 6 months. Parsnips left in the ground over winter should
be removed before growth starts in the spring. See Table 14 for
further postharvest information.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 65


Garden peas thrive in cool weather and tolerate frost. Planting

garden peas for processing is based on the heat-unit theory.
First plantings can be made as soon as the soil can be tilled in
the spring. Inoculation of seed enhances early nodule forma-

Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
Dual G
Green Arrow A G L N S
Knight G L S
Novella M N
Oregon Sugar Pod II 2,3 A G L M N S
Sparkle Blunt N
Spring G N S
SugarAnn 3 G L N S
Sugar Bon 3 A L N
Sugar Snap 3 A G L N S
Tall Telephone (Alderman) L M N
Abbreviations for state where recommended
Flat podded - snow pea
Edible Pod Type

Seed Treatment. Use seed already treated with an approved

seed treatment, or treat seed with a slurry or dust that contains
an approved fungicide.

Seeding and Spacing. For garden peas and processing peas,

plant 3-4 seeds per foot in rows 6-8 inches apart, requiring seed
80-120 pounds per acre in 30 inch rows. Seed at a depth of no
more than 1 inch unless soil is dry. Use press wheel drill or
seeder to firm seed into soil.

Planting Dates
English/Garden Peas Spring Fall
AL North 3/154/30 8/18/31
AL South 2/13/31 8/19/30

GA North 3/154/30 8/18/31

GA South 2/13/31 8/19/30

LA North 11/152/1 NR
LA South 11/152/1 NR

MS North 4/10-4/25 NR
MS South 3/25-4/5 NR

NC East 2/154/15 8/19/30

NC West 4/16/15 NR

SC East 2/13/15 8/1511/30

SC West 3/14/15 8/1510/30

Page 66 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008


Southern peas originated in India in prehistoric times and Seeding and Spacing. Sow when soil temperature reaches 60F
moved to Africa, then to America. In India Southern peas are and continue sowing until 80 days before fall frost. Seeding too
known by 50 common names and in the United States are called early causes poor stands and you may need to replant. Bush
Field peas, Crowder peas, Cowpeas and blackeyes, types should be seeded 4 to 6 per foot or 30 to 50 pounds of seed
but Southern peas is the preferred name. Southern peas require per acre. Vining types should be seeded 1 to 2 per foot or 20 to
relatively warms soils for good germination. 30 pounds of seed per acre. Plant seeds 3/4 to 1 1/4 inch deep
in rows spaced 20 to 42 inches apart depending on cultivation

Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Fertility. Most soils will produce a good crop, but medium fer-
SOUTHERN PEAS tility with pH of 5.8 to 6.5 is desirable. High fertility produces
Blackeye excessive vine growth and poor yields. Inoculants of specific
Bettergro Blackeye A G S N fixing bacteria may increase yield especially in soils where
California Blackeye #5 A G S Southern peas have not been grown. Crop rotation or fumigation
Magnolia Blackeye A L M is important for nematode control.
Queen Anne A G L M N
Royal Blackeye L Harvesting. Depending on variety and weather, harvest will
begin 65 to 80 days after seeding and continue for 3 to 5 weeks.
Begin harvest when a few pods are beginning to turn yellow and
Coronet A
harvest only pods with well formed peas. This is the best stage
Mississippi Pinkeye L M
for shelling and eating.
Pinkeye Purple Hull G L N S
Southern peas are sold in bushel hampers or mesh bags. Do
Pinkeye Purple Hull - BVR A G L M N
not use burlap sacks because they are not properly ventilated.
QuickPick Pinkeye A G L M N S
Southern peas weigh 22 to 30 pounds per bushel. One person
Top Pick Pinkeye A G
can harvest 12 to 20 bushels per day if yields are average.
Cream Average production is 60 to 200 bushels per acre. See Table 14
Big Boy (cream/browneye) S for postharvest information.
Elite L
Mississippi Cream L M
Tender Cream S Planting Dates
Texas Cream 8 G M S Southern Peas Spring Fall
Texas Cream 12 A G
AL North 4/157/31 NR
Top Pick Cream A G AL South 3/156/15 7/158/30
White Acre-BVR A G

Crowders GA North 5/157/15 NR

GA South 3/155/15 7/158/30
Clemson Purple N S
Colossus 80 N S LA North 4/157/31 7/17/31
Dixie Lee L N LA South 4/15/31 7/158/15
Hercules A G N S
Knuckle Purple Hull G N S MS North 4/157/15 NR
Mississippi Purple A G L M N S MS South 3/156/15 8/18/30
Mississippi Shipper A G L M N S
NC East 3/256/15 8/18/30
Mississippi Silver A G L M N S
NC West 4/157/15 NR
Purple Tip Crowder S
Top Pick Crowder A G SC East 4/16/15 7/158/1
Zipper Cream A G L N S SC West 4/15-7/15 NR
Abbreviations for state where recommended

Insect Management. Cowpea Curculio: At first bloom, make

three insecticides applications at five-day intervals for curculio

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 67


Peppers are a warm-season crop that grow best at tem- Varieties1 - con't AL GA LA MS NC SC
peratures of 70 to 75F. This crop is sensitive to temperature PEPPER (Hybrid)
extremes. Poor fruit set and blossom drop can be expected when Frying type
night temperatures drop below 60 or day temperatures rise Aruba A G
above 85F. Banana Supreme A G N S
Biscayne A G N S
Gypsy A G M N
Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Hy-Fry A M N
PEPPER (open pollinated) Key Largo A G N S
Bell Purple Beauty P A M N
Capistrano A L M N S
Jupiter A L M N S
Ancho 101 A
Frying type San Juan N
Cubanelle A G N S San Martin A N
Early Sweet Banana A G L Tiburon A M
Sweet Banana A G S
Hot type
Hot type Agri Set 4108 BLS A L
Anaheim A G N Cariar A
Carolina Cayenne N S Compadre 4,5 A G
Cayenne L. Red Thick L Delicias L
Charleston Hot N L M N S El Rey G M N
Greenleaf Tabasco L Grande G L
Habaero A G L N S Inferno G L N
Hungarian Wax A G L N S Ixtapa A G M
Jalapeo M A G L M N S Mitla A G L M N S
Long Thin Cayenne A G M N S Nazas (Serrano) N
Surefire N S Super Cayenne N A N S
Tobasco L Tormenta BLS,4,6 A L
Tula A G L N S 1
Abbreviations for state where recommended
PEPPER (Hybrid) Phytophthora Root Rot tolerance
Bell Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus tolerance/resistance (TSWV)
Camelot X3R BLS A G L M N S Potato Virus Y tolerance/resistance (PVY)
Enterprise A G S Tomato Mosaic Virus tolerance/resistance (ToMV)
Excursion II 3 A L N Tobacco Etch Virus tolerance/resistance (TEV)
Mature yellow fruit or mature orange fruit
Heritage 3 A G L N S BLS
Bacterial Leaf Spot resistance for races 1, 2 and 3
King Arthur A G L M N S P
Lafayette Y, BLS L N
Nematode resistance (N)
Magico 3 A G
Orobelle Y A M N
Paladin 2 A G L N Seed Treatment. If seed is not treated in order to minimize the
Patriot 3 G occurrence of bacterial leaf spot, dip seed in a solution contain-
Plato 3 A G L N S ing 1 quart of household bleach and 4 quarts of water plus 1
Purple Bell P N teaspoon of surfactant for 15 minutes. Provide constant agita-
Revolution A G L M N tion. Use at the rate of 1 gallon of solution per pound of seed.
Stilleto 3 A G L S Prepare a fresh solution for each batch of seed. Wash seed in
Summer Gold Y A N running water for 5 minutes and dry seed thoroughly.
Tequila P A M N
Valencia Y M S Planting and Spacing. Space rows 4 to 5 feet apart. Set plants
X3R Aristotle 2, BLS A G L N S 12 to 18 inches apart in double rows. Select fields with good
X3R Red Knight BLS G N S drainage. Plant on raised, dome-shaped beds to aid in disease
X3R Wizard BLS A G S control.
To minimize sunscald when growing pepper on sandy soils
and on plastic mulch without drip irrigation, plant varieties that
have excellent foliage.

Page 68 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Planting Dates Pepper Maggot: Pepper maggot flies are active from June 1
Pepper Spring Fall to mid-August.
AL North 5/156/30 NR
AL South 3/14/30 7/158/30 Pepper Weevil (PW): PW is a pest occasionally imported on
older transplants or transplants with flowers or fruit.
GA North 5/156/30 NR
GA South 3/14/30 7/158/30
European Corn Borer (ECB) European Corn Borer (ECB).
LA North 4/15/15 6/157/31 The use of pheromone insect traps is recommended, treat when
LA South 3/15/15 6/157/31 more than ten moths per trap per week are found. Follow table
MS North 4/206/30 NR in Insect Control section of this publication.
MS South 3/14/30 8/18/15

NC East 4/155/10 8/18/15 Thrips. Diseased plants should be rouged out. After spraying
NC West 5/157/15 NR for thrips, place diseased plants in a plastic bag and remove
from the field. Several species of thrips spread Tomato
SC East 4/15/15 7/108/1
Spotted Wilt Virus. Scout for thrips and begin treatments when
SC West 5/16/30 NR
observed. Do not produce vegetable transplants with bedding
Drip Fertilization. Before mulching, adjust soil pH to 6.5, and plants in the same greenhouse.
in the absence of a soil test, apply enough fertilizer to supply 50
pounds per acre of N, P2O5 and K2O, (some soils will require Nematode Management. Use nematicides listed in the
100 pounds per acre of K2O) then thoroughly incorpotrate Nematodes section of Soil PestsTheir Detection and
into the soil. After transplanting the soluble fertilizer program Control. Consult label before use.
should then be initiated following that described in the follow-
ing table. On soils testing low-medium for boron, also include Weed Management. Identify the weeds in each field and select
0.5 pound per acre of actual boron. The first soluble fertilizer recommended herbicides that control those weeds. Match pre-
application should be applied through the drip irrigation system plant incorporated and preemergence herbicide rates to soil type
within a week after transplanting the peppers. Continue ferti- and percent organic matter in each field. Apply postemergence
gating until the last harvest. herbicides when crop and weeds are within the recommended
size and/or leaf stage.

Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Pepper*

(low soil potassium) VIRUSES
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative Aphid-transmitted Viruses (TMV, PVX, CMV, TEV, PVY): Use
planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash tolerant or resistant varieties to control these viruses when
(lb / A) available and provided that the fruit quality is consistent with
Preplant 50.0 100.0 market demands. Use these varieties in areas where these virus-
014 0.5 0.5 57.0 107.0 es have been prevalent or when high aphid pressure is expected.
1528 0.7 1.4 66.8 126.6
Generally, these viruses cannot be adequately controlled
2942 1.0 2.0 80.8 154.6
4356 1.5 3.0 101.8 196.6
with insecticide applications, but symptom expression can be
5798 1.8 3.6 177.4 347.8 delayed through their use combined with the use of reflective
mulches.. Because aphids transmit these virus, growers may
Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Pepper* wish to use yellow trap pans containing water to determine
(high soil potassium) when mass flights of winged aphids occur.
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative
Thrips-transmitted virus (Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus, TSWV):
planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash
(lb / A) TSWV can be severe on peppers during both greenhouse pro-
Preplant 50.0 100.0 duction of transplants and during field production of the crop.
014 0.5 0.5 57.0 107.0 The virus is spread to peppers by thrips. During transplant
1528 0.7 0.7 66.8 116.8 production, thrips transmit the virus from infected ornamental
2942 1.0 1.0 80.8 130.8 plants (flowers). Be sure not to grow any ornamental bedding
4356 1.5 1.5 101.8 151.8
plants in the same greenhouse as pepper transplants. Monitor
5798 1.8 1.8 177.4 227.4
greenhouses and scout fields for thrips. Begin an insecticide
* Adjust for soil and tissue analysis
program once observed. When observed in the field, treat with
an insecticide to control thrips and rogue out TSWV-infected
Green Peach and Melon Aphid. Note: For best green peach
aphid control during periods of drought, apply insecticide 2 to
3 days after irrigation. Thorough spray coverage beneath leaves
is critical.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 69

Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC formulations have been effective treatments to reduce seed
POTATOES piece decay.
Atlantic A G L M N S
Coastal Chip N S
Dark Red Norland A L N S
Fonteno L
Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB): Rotation to nonsolanaceous
Harley Blackwell N
crops (crops other than potato, tomato, eggplant, and pepper) is
Katahdin N S
extremely important in reducing CPB problems.
Kennebec G L N S
The further fields can be planted from last years solanaceous
La Belle L
crop, the more beneficial it will be in reducing CPB problems.
La Chipper L
Avoid the application of late-season sprays to prevent the
La Rouge A L N
buildup of insecticide-resistant beetles.
Norchip N S
Beginning at plant emergence, sample fields weekly for CPB
Red LaSoda A G L M N S
to determine the need to spray. Select at least 10 sites per field
Red Pontiac G N S
along a V- or W-shaped path throughout the field. At each site,
Superior G N
select one stem from each of five adjacent plants and count and
Vivaldi N
record all adults, large larvae (more than half-grown), and small
Yukon Gold A G M N S
larvae (less than half-grown). As a general guideline, if more
Abbreviations for state where recommended than 25 adults or 75 large larvae or 200 small larvae are counted
per 50 stems, a treatment is recommended. The amount of yield
Planting and Spacing. The recommended planting dates for loss as a result of CPB feeding depends on the age of the potato
potatoes are in the following table. plant. The Superior variety (short season) cannot compensate
for early season defoliation by overwintered beetles, but, during
Planting Dates the last 30 days of the season, Superior can withstand up to 50%
Irish Potato Spring Fall defoliation without yield loss.
AL North 2/154/30 NR
AL South 1/153/31 NR Note: Several insecticides may no longer be effective in certain
areas due to CPB resistance. Alternate insecticide classes from
GA North 3/154/30 NR
one year to the next to avoid resistance. Check with the county
GA South 2/13/31 NR
Extension agent in your area for the most effective control.
LA North 1/152/28 7/15-9/1
LA South 1/152/28 7/1-9/15 Flea Beetle (FB), Leafhoppers: Treatment is suggested if
MS North 1/203/15 NR leafhopper counts exceed three adults per sweep or one nymph
MS South 1/203/1 NR per 10 leaves. Use of Admire or Platinum at planting will also
NC East 2/153/31 NR control flea beetles, leafhoppers, aphids and whiteflies.
NC West 4/16/15 NR
European Corn Borer (ECB): Continued treatment for ECB
SC East 2/13/31 NR
may significantly increase CPB insecticide resistance. However,
SC West 3/154/30 NR
for proper timing of ECB sprays, consult the county Extension
agent and/or area pest management information.
Space seed 7 to 12 inches apart in 34- or 36- inch rows. Use
closer spacing for large, cut seed pieces and wider spacing for Potato Aphid (PA), Green Peach Aphid (GPA): Insecticide
whole (B-size) seed. Use close spacing for potatoes being mar- treatments are recommended when aphid counts exceed two per
keted in 5- and 10-pound consumer packs and for Katahdin and leaf prior to bloom, four aphids per leaf during bloom, and 10
Kennebec, which tend to set few tubers and produce oversize aphids per leaf within two weeks of vine kill.
Potato Tuberworm: Note: Treat when foliage injury is first
Seed-Piece Treatment. Use certified seed. Warm potato seed noted. Potato tuberworms are primarily a problem with late
(65F to 70F) for a period of 2 to 3 weeks before planting to potatoes, in cull piles, or potatoes in storage. Sanitation is very
encourage rapid emergence. Do not use seed pieces that weigh important.
less than 1.5 oz each. Plant seed pieces immediately after cut-
ting or store under conditions suitable for rapid healing of the Cutworms: See Cutworms section in Soil Pests-Their
cut surfaces (60 to 70F plus high humidity). Dust seed pieces Detection and Control. Cutworms are especially troublesome to
immediately after cutting with fungicide. Some fungicide seed- tubers where soil cracking occurs. Variegated cutworms feed on
piece treatments are formulated with fir or alder bark. Bark lower leaves and petioles.

Page 70 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
Miniature <2 lbs Extra Large 20-50 lbs
Apprentice B,F,PH A G Aladdin PM A G N S
Baby Boo A G Big Max V A G L M N
Gooligan PM, W, V A G Gold Medallion V A G M
Jack-Be-Little S A G L N Gold Rush V A G M
Lil October G Howden Biggie V A G M N
Lil Pump-ke-mon B A G Mammoth Gold V A N
Lil Ironsides S,F,PH A G N S Phantom V G N
Munchkin S A G L M N S Super Herc PM, V A G

Small 2-6 lbs Giant >50 lbs +

Cannon Ball PM,B A G Atlantic Giant V A L N
Iron Man F,PH,PM,V A G S First Prize V G
Prankster PM,S A G Full Moon W,V A G
Oz S A G L PrizeWinner V A G L
Small Sugar V A G L N
Spookie V L N
Trickster B N Acorn
Celebration A N S
Medium 6-12 lbs
Swan White Acorn A
Autumn Gold V A M N Table Ace G L N S
Casper V,W A Table Queen A G L M N S
Cotton Candy W A G N Tay Belle PM A G L M N S
Frosty B L N
Ghost-Rider V A N Buttercup
Jarrahdale BL A G N Buttercup G N S
Lumina V,W A G N Butternut
Midas A G Butternut Supreme A G N S
Mystic Plus PM, V A G N Butternut Waltham A G L M N S
Neon S A G M N Early Butternut A L S
Orange Bulldog VT,V G Ultra A N
Schooltime B A G N
Large 12-20 lbs Golden Hubbard A
Appalachian S A G N Hubbard Delite A
Aspen S A G L N Hubbard
Big Autumn S G L M Improved Green A
Cinderella V A G
Dependable s A G Spaghetti
Fairy Tale BU, V A G Vegetable Spaghetti A G M N S
Gladiator PM, S A G S Miscellaneous Types
Gold Bullion A G M Cushaw Green Striped A L N
Gold Medal S A G Gold Nugget N
Harvest Jack V G N Golden Delicious A
Howdy Doody S A G N S
Magic Lantern PM, S A G N S
Magician PM, VT A G N Sweet Mama A G M N S
Merlin PM, V A G N Imperial Delight A G N S
Mother Lode S M N Calabaza
Pro Gold 510 V G M N El Dorado V A G M N S
Reliable A La Estrella V A G M N S
Scarecrow V A G 1 Abbreviations for state where recommended
Socerer s A G N S VT VT Virus tolerance
F Fusarium tolerance
BL Blue skin
PH Phytophthora tolerance
PM Powdery mildew tolerance
W White skin
S Semi-vining; V Vining; B Bush type

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 71

Seeding and Spacing. Seed in the field as indicated in the fol- Conservation Tillage. No-tillage is the most commonly used
lowing table: conservation tillage practice with pumpkins. No-till planters
currently in use with row crop production will plant pumpkin
Bush types: Rows5 to 6 feet apart; plants2 to 3 feet apart in seed but seed plates or feed cups need to match up with seed
row; seed4 to 6 pounds per acre. size. Improper seed plates or cups will break pumpkin seed.
Type of winter cover crop residue can affect pumpkin seed
Semi-vine types: Rows- 6 to 8 feet apart; plants2 to 4 feet depth. Inspect seed placement and adjust for correct depth. Early
apart in row; seed2 to 4 pounds per acre. spring planting with no-tillage in pumpkin may delay growth
and days to harvest. Planting after soils warm in the spring will
Vine types: Rows8 to 10 feet apart; plants4 to 5 feet apart in improve vigor (pumpkins are normally planted after soil warms
row; seed2 to 4 pounds per acre. so this may not be a management problem). Use of small grain
cover residue may require additional nitrogen fertilizer (20 to 30
lbs N/acre in addition to the normal recommendation) if cover
Pumpkin / Planting Dates crop is fairly mature when killed. Normal pumpkin nitrogen
Hardshell Squash Halloween Pumpkin Hardshell Squash fertilizer recommendations can be used if a legume cover crop
AL North 6/157/15 4/156/15 (hairy vetch, winter peas, or crimson clover) is used as residue.
AL South 6/157/15 3/155/15
Pollination. Honey bees are important for pollination, high fruit
GA North 5/16/15 4/156/15
yields, fruit size, and quality. Populations of pollinating insects
GA South 6/157/15 3/155/15
may be adversely affected by insecticides applied to flowers or
LA North 6/15-7/15 4/155/15 weeds in bloom. Use one hive per acre to get good pollination.
LA South 6/15-7/15 3/155/15 Apply insecticides only in the evening hours or wait until blooms
have closed before application. See section on Pollination in
MS 6/207/5
the General Production Recommendations.
MS North 4/15-6/15
MS South 3/15-5/15

NC East 6/157/10 4/155/20 INSECT MANAGEMENT

NC West 5/256/30 5/256/30 Cucumber Beetle: Cucumber beetles cause direct feeding dam-
SC East NR 3/205/1 age to the foliage. Young plants need to be protected with insec-
SC West NR 4/156/15 ticide as soon as they emerge or are transplanted. Cucumber
beetles also cause direct damage to pumpkin and winter squash
rinds. Fall treatments with foliar insecticides to prevent feed-
ing damage may also reduce incidence of bacterial wilt. While
Hubbard squash, butternut squash and processing pumpkins are
For Soil Strips between Rows of Plastic Mulch. Use the fol- susceptible to bacterial wilt, Jack-o-lantern pumpkins and most
lowing land preparation, treatment, planting sequences, and other varieties of squash are rarely susceptible to bacterial wilt.
herbicides labeled for pumpkins or squash or crop injury may
result. Squash Vine Borer: Pheromone baited sticky traps can be used
soon after planting to monitor the activity of the adult moths.
1. Complete soil preparation and lay plastic and drip irrigation Start inspecting plants closely for squash vine borer eggs (1mm
(optional) before herbicide application. In some cases, over- [1/25 inch] diameter oval, flattened, dull-red to brownish) as
head irrigation can be used if small holes are punched into soon as moths are caught in the traps. The first application of
the plastic. insecticide should occur when eggs begin to hatch or just prior to
hatching. Applications should be made in afternoons or evenings
2. Spray preemergence herbicides on the soil and the shoulders after flowers close to reduce the spraying of valuable pollinators,
of the plastic strips in bands before weeds germinate. DO especially bees. If pheromone traps are not used, a preventive
NOT APPLY HERBICIDE TO THE SURFACE OF THE treatment should be applied when vines begin to run. Re-apply
PLASTIC. Herbicides may wash from a large area of plastic insecticide every seven days for four weeks. Continue monitor-
into the plant hole and result in crop injury. ing the pheromone traps into August to detect the emergence of
the new moths. When moths are caught, inspect plants for sec-
3. Incorporate preemergence herbicide into the soil with 0.5 to 1 ond-generation eggs, and begin the insecticide applications when
inch of rainfall or overhead irrigation within 48 hours of appli- eggs first begin to hatch or just prior to hatching.
Aphids: Aphid feeding can delay plant maturity. Thorough
4. Apply selective postemergence herbicides broadcast or in spray coverage, especially on the underside of the leaves is
bands to the soil strips between mulch to control susceptible important. Treat seedlings every five to seven days, or as
weeds. Note: All herbicide rate recommendations are made needed. The transmission of plant viruses by aphids has the
for spraying a broadcast acre (43,560 ft2). potential to be the most damaging to the crop. Unfortunately,

Page 72 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

insecticide use for aphids does not reduce the spread of virus.
A better approach is the application of Stylet Oil to fill tiny
grooves between the leaf cells. When the aphid probes the leaf
surface, its stylet must pass through a layer of oil. This reduces
the infectivity of the virus resulting in less disease in the squash
plant. The application of Stylet Oil can delay virus infection,
but requires application every other day, thorough coverage and
high pressure sprays. Also, refer to the preceding Mulches
section for information on metallized reflective mulch used to
repel or disorient aphids that can spread viruses.

Squash Bug: Begin scouting shortly after plant emergence.

Treat every 7 to 10 days when adults or nymphs appear. The
control of squash bugs is particularly important where yellow
vine disease occurs since squash bugs vector the pathogen
responsible for this disease.

Spider Mites: Mite infestations generally begin around field

margins and grassy areas. CAUTION: DO NOT mow these
areas after midsummer because this forces mites into the crop.
Localized infestations can be spot-treated. Note: Continuous
use of Sevin or pyrethroid sprays may result in mite outbreaks.

Weed Management. Identify the weeds in each field and select

recommended herbicides that control those weeds.
Match preplant incorporated and preemergence herbicide
rates to soil type and percent organic matter in each field.
Apply postemergence herbicides when crop and weeds are
within the recommended size and/or leaf stage.

Harvesting and Storage. Use clean storage bins and sanitize

if necessary.
Harvest as soon as fruits are mature and prior to frost. Use
care in handling fruit to prevent wounds. Cure after harvest at
temperatures between 80 to 85F with a relative humidity of
75% to 80% for 10 days.
Temperatures below 50F cause chilling injury. The hard-
shelled varieties, such as Butternut, Delicious, and the Hubbard
strains, can be stored for several months. Store at 55F and 55%
relative humidity. See Table 14 for further postharvest informa-

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 73

Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Planting Dates
RADISH: Salad Types Radish Spring Fall
Cherry Belle A L M N AL North 2/155/15 8/110/15
Cherry Beauty A N AL South 1/153/31 8/110/31
Champion A G M N
Early Scarlet Globe A M N GA North 3/155/15 8/19/15
Fireball S GA South 2/13/31 8/110/15
Master Red S
LA North 2/13/15 8/110/30
Red Boy A N
LA South 1/153/15 8/110/30
Red Silk S
Sparkler A M N MS North 3/5-4/30 8/1-9/15
White Icicle A G M N MS South 2/1-3/31 8/1-9/30
RADISH: Storage Types
NC East 2/156/30 8/19/15
April Cross A G N
NC West 4/18/15 NR
Everest A N
Omny A M N SC East 2/16/15 8/19/30
Long Black Spanish A M N SC West 3/156/30 8/19/15
Round Black Spanish A M N

Laurentian A G N S
Purple Top A G N S
Rutabagas: A cool-season crop that develops best at tempera-
Macomber S
tures of 60 to 65F. Usually considered a fall crop, it can be
Purple Top Yellow Globe A N
grown in the spring. Seed at least 90 days before the early freeze
date in the fall. Sow 1.5 to 2 pounds of seed per acre at a depth
TURNIPS of 1 inch in rows 30 to 36 inches apart. Thin to 4 to 8 inches in
Purple Top White Globe A G L M N S the row when plants are 2 to 3 inches tall.
Royal Globe L
Royal Crown G L Planting Dates
Shogoin A M N S
Rutabaga Spring Fall
Tokyo Cross A L M N S
AL North 2/155/15 8/19/15
White Egg N S
AL South 1/153/31 8/110/15
White Lady L S
1 Abbreviations for state where recommended GA North 3/155/15 8/19/15
GA South 2/13/31 8/110/15
Seed Treatment. Soak seed in hot water at 122F. Soak rutaba-
LA North 2/13/15 7/1510/30
gas for 20 minutes and turnips for 25 minutes. Dry, then dust
LA South 1/153/15 7/1510/30
with a level teaspoon of fungicide per pound of seed.

SPACING AND SEEDING NC East 2/154/15 8/19/30

Radishes: A quick-growing, cool-season crop that makes its NC West 4/18/15 NR
best quality and root shape when grown at temperatures of 50
SC East 2/13/31 8/1510/15
to 65F in moderate to short day lengths. Crop must be grown
SC West 3/154/30 7/159/30
rapidly (23 to 28 days) and with an adequate moisture supply.
When growth is checked, the radish becomes hot, tough, and
pithy. Long days (15 hours) and warm temperatures induce Turnips: Seed as early in the spring as soil can be worked or
seedstalk formation. Under medium to short day lengths, roots at least 70 days before the early freeze date in the fall. Seed in
are generally well shaped and tops are small. rows 1 to 2 pounds per acre, 0.25 to 0.5 inch deep, in rows 14 to
Seed as early in the spring as soil can be worked, then at 8- to 18 inches apart. Plants should be 2 to 3 inches apart in the row.
10-day intervals through the fall. Seed 10 to 15 pounds per acre. Seed can also be broadcast at the rate of 2.5 pounds per acre.
Space rows 8 to 15 inches apart with 12 to 15 plants per foot in
the row.

Page 74 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Planting Dates
Turnip (Roots) Spring Fall
AL North 2/155/15 8/110/15
AL South 1/153/31 8/110/30

GA North 3/155/15 8/19/15

GA South 2/13/31 8/110/15

LA North 2/13/15 7/1510/31

LA South 1/153/15 7/1510/31

MS North 1/204/1 7/258/20

MS South 1/153/1 8/109/15

NC East 2/156/30 8/19/15

NC West 4/18/15 NR

SC East 2/14/1 8/19/30

SC West 3/154/30 8/19/15


Rutabagas: Pull and trim tops in field. Bruised, damaged, or
diseased rutabagas will not store well. Wash rutabagas in clean
water, spray-rinse with clean water, then dry as rapidly as pos-
sible before waxing and shipping. Rutabagas can be stored 2 to
4 months at 32F and at 90% to 95% relative humidity.

Turnips: The crop is dug mechanically and either bunched or

topped. Turnips can be stored at 32 to 35F and at 90% to 95%
relative humidity.

For further postharvest information on radish, rutabaga, and

turnip, see Table 14.

Weed Management. Identify the weeds in each field and select

recommended herbicides that control those weeds. Match
preplant incorporated and preemergence herbicide rates to soil
type and percent organic matter in each field. Use shallow cul-
tivation as necessary to control seedling weeds. No chemicals
are recommended except for turnips.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 75


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
Ballet L
Bloomsdale Long Standing 2 A G N
Greyhound L
Hybrid#7 A G N S
Hybrid Chesapeake A N
Mig-Smooth Leaf L
Melody A G L N S
Tiger Cat L
Tyee 2 A G L N S
Unipak 151 2 L
1 Abbreviations for state where recommended
2 Savoy type

Seed Treatment. Use treated seed or treat seed with Thiram at

5.33 ounces per 100 pounds (1 teaspoon per pound).

Planting Dates
Spinach Spring Fall
AL North 3/154/30 8/19/15
AL South 2/13/31 8/159/30

GA North 3/154/30 8/19/15

GA South 2/13/31 8/19/30

LA North 2/13/15 9/111/15

LA South 2/13/15 9/1511/15


NC East 2/156/30 8/19/15

NC West 4/18/15 NR

SC East 2/14/1 8/1510/15

SC West 3/154/15 8/19/30

Seeding Rates. Not clipped: 10 to 14 pounds per acre. Clipped:

18 to 25 pounds per acre.

Spacing. Processing: rows on 12-inch centers. Market: rows on

12-inch centers. Planted on 6- and 8-row beds.

Seed Corn Maggot: To prevent maggot damage to spring-
seeded plants, treat seed with an approved commercially avail-
able insecticide or use a broadcast application of a soil-incorpo-
rated insecticide. See the Maggots section in Soil Pests-Their
Detection and Control.

Garden Webworms: Sprays must be applied before webbing


Page 76 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Seed Treatment. Check with seed supplier to determine if seed

SUMMER SQUASH has been treated with an insecticide and/or fungicide.
Yellow Crook Neck
Destiny III 3,4,5,6 A G L N S Seeding, Transplanting, and Spacing. Use 4 to 6 pounds of
Dixie A L N S seed per acre. Seed or container-grown transplants are planted
Gentry A G M N S when daily mean temperatures have reached 60F. Seed as
Gold Star 6,8 A N indicated in following table. Early plantings should be protected
Medallion A M N S from winds with row covers, rye strips, or wind breaks. Space
Prelude II 3,4,5 A G L N S rows 3 to 6 feet apart with plants 1.5 to 2.5 feet apart in the
Supersett 2,4,5 A G L M N S row.
Yellow Straight Neck
Planting Dates
Conqueror III 4,5,6,7 A G
Summer Squash Spring Fall
Cougar 4,5,7 A G N S
Daisey A G AL North 4/158/15 8/18/30
Enterprise A G N S AL South 3/14/30 7/159/15
Fortune 2 N
GA North 5/18/15 NR
Goldbar A G M N S
GA South 3/14/30 7/159/15
Lemondrop L M N S
Liberator III 3,4,5,6 A G M N S LA North 3/155/15 7/158/31
Lioness 4,5,6,7 N LA South 3/15/15 8/19/15
Monet 5,6 N S
Multipik 2,4,5 A G L N S MS North 4/156/15 7/258/14
Patriot II 3,4,5 A G L M S MS South 2/155/1 8/149/14
Superpik 2,4,5 A G L N S
NC East 4/15/30 7/158/15
Zucchini NC West 5/157/31 NR
Cash Flow N
Declaration II 3,4,5 A G L N S SC East 3/15-7/30 8/18/30
L SC West 4/157/30 7/308/15
Dividend 4,5,6 A N S
Elite A N S
Independence II 3,4,5 A G N S Mulching. Plastic mulch laid before field planting conserves
Judgement III 3,4,5,6 A G N moisture, increases soil temperature, reduces mechanical dam-
Justice III 3,4,5,6 A G N age to fruit, and increases early and total yield. Plastic should be
Leopard 4,7 N S applied on well-prepared planting beds. The soil must be moist
Payroll 4,5,6,7 A G M N S when laying the plastic. Black plastic mulch can be used without
President S a herbicide. In most situations, 50 percent of the nitrogen(N)
Revenue 4,5,6 L N should be in the nitrate (NO3) form.
Senator A G L M S Reflective, plastic mulches can be used to repel aphids that
Spineless Beauty A G M N S transmit viruses in fall-planted (after July 1) squash. Direct
Tigress 4,5 A G M N S seeding through the mulch is recommended for maximum virus
Scalloped protection.
Patty Green Tint A N S Growers should consider drip irrigation. See the section on
Peter Pan A N S Irrigation in this handbook.
Scallopini A N
Sunburst A L N S Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Summer Squash
Abbreviations for state where recommended. (N:K;1:1)
Py - Precocious yellow gene; has a prominent yellow stem Days after Daily Daily Cumulative
Transgenetic planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash
Zucchini yellows mosaic virus tolerance/resistance (lb / A)
Watermelon mosaic virus tolerance/resistance Preplant 24.0 24.0
Cucumber mosaic virus tolerance/resistance 014 0.9 1.8 36.6 49.2
Papaya ringspot virus tolerance/resistance 828 1.3 2.6 54.8 85.6
Powdery mildew tolerant 2963 1.5 3.0 107.3 190.6

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 77

Alternative Fertigation Schedule for Summer Squash Disease Management. Viruses (CMV, WMV, Papaya Ringspot
(N:K,1:1) Virus and ZYMV): Plant infection by viruses often causes
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative squash fruit to be distorted or off-color rendering them unmar-
planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash ketable. Certain yellow-fruited varieties contain the precocious
(lb / A) (Py) gene. The varieties are distinguished by their yellow stem.
Preplant 24.0 24.0 Varieties with the Py gene should be used for late spring or
07 1.0 1.0 31.0 31.0 summer plantings since viruses are more prevalent in the sum-
821 1.5 1.5 52.0 52.5
mer than spring plantings. The Py varieties can normally mask
2263 2.0 2.0 136.0 136.5
virus fruit symptoms of certain viruses for several harvests.
Use resistant varieties where possible, but even these may not
Cucumber Beetle: Cucumber beetles cause direct feeding
damage to the foliage. Young plants need to be protected with Weed Management. Identify the weeds in each field and select
insecticide as soon as they emerge or are transplanted. recommended herbicides that control those weeds.
Match preplant-incorporated and preemergence herbicide
Squash Vine Borer: Pheromone baited sticky traps can be used rates to soil type and percent organic matter in each field. See
soon after planting to monitor the activity of the adult moths. the previous Mulching section for further information on
Start inspecting plants closely for squash vine borer eggs (1mm weed control under clear plastic mulch.
[1/25 inch] diameter oval, flattened, dull-red to brownish) as Apply postemergence herbicides when crop and weeds are
soon as moths are caught in the traps. The first application of within the recommended size and/or leaf stage.
insecticide should occur when eggs begin to hatch or just prior
to hatching. Applications should be made in afternoons or For Seeding into Soil without Plastic Mulch. Stale bed tech-
evenings after flowers close to reduce the spraying of valuable nique: Prepare beds 3 to 5 weeks before seeding. Allow weed
pollinators, especially bees. If pheromone traps are not used, a seedlings to emerge and spray with Gramoxone a week prior to
preventive treatment should be applied when vines begin to run. seeding. Then seed beds without further tillage.
Re-apply insecticide every seven days for four weeks. Continue
monitoring the pheromone traps into August to detect the emer- For Soil Strips between Rows of Plastic Mulch. Use the fol-
gence of the new moths. When moths are caught, inspect plants lowing land preparation, treatment, planting sequences, and
for second-generation eggs, and begin the insecticide applica- herbicides labeled for squash, or crop injury may result.
tions when eggs first begin to hatch or just prior to hatching.
1. Complete soil preparation and lay plastic and drip irrigation
Aphids: Aphid feeding can delay plant maturity. Thorough before herbicide application.
spray coverage, especially on the underside of the leaves is
important. Treat seedlings every five to seven days, or as 2. Spray preemergence herbicides on the soil and the shoulders
needed. The transmission of plant viruses by aphids has the of the plastic strips in bands before weeds germinate. DO
potential to be the most damaging to the crop. Unfortunately, NOT APPLY HERBICIDE TO THE SURFACE OF THE
insecticide use for aphids does not reduce the spread of virus. PLASTIC. Herbicides may wash from a large area of plastic
A better approach is the application of Stylet Oil to fill tiny into the plant hole and result in crop injury.
grooves between the leaf cells. When the aphid probes the leaf
surface, its stylet must pass through a layer of oil. This reduces 3. Incorporate herbicide into the soil with1/2 to 1 inch of rain-
the infectivity of the virus resulting in less disease in the squash fall or overhead irrigation within 48 hours of application and
plant. The application of Stylet Oil can delay virus infection, BEFORE PLANTING OR TRANSPLANTING.
but requires application every other day, thorough coverage and
high-pressure sprays. Also, refer to the preceding Mulches 4. Apply selective postemergence herbicides broadcast or in
section for information on metallized reflective mulch used to bands to the soil strips between mulch to control susceptible
repel or disorient aphids that can spread viruses. weeds. Note. All herbicide rate recommendations are made
for spraying a broadcast acre (43,560 ft2).
Squash Bug: Begin scouting shortly after plant emergence.
Treat every 7 to 10 days when adults or nymphs appear. The Pollination. Honey bees are important for producing high yields
control of squash bugs is particularly important where yellow and quality fruit. Populations of pollinating insects may be
vine disease occurs since squash bugs vector the pathogen adversely affected by insecticides applied to flowers or weeds
responsible for this disease. in bloom. Apply insecticides only in the evening hours or wait
until bloom is completed before application. See section on
Spider Mites: Mite infestations generally begin around field Pollination in the General Production Recommendations.
margins and grassy areas. CAUTION: DO NOT mow these
areas after midsummer because this forces mites into the crop. Harvesting and Storage. See Table 14 for postharvest infor-
Localized infestations can be spot-treated. Note: Continuous mation.
use of Sevin or pyrethroid sprays may result in mite outbreaks.

Page 78 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
White - Early Bicolor - Early
Platinum Lady (se) 2 M N Dazzle (sh2) A N S
Quick Silver (su) A N Double Gem (se) N S
Summer Sweet 7311W (sh2) A N Lancelot (se) N S
Sweet Ice (se) A G N S Precious Gem (se) N S
Temptation (se) N S
White - Mid-Season
Xtra-Tender 270A S
Alpine (se) A N
Argent (se) G L N Bicolor - Mid-Season
Brilliance (se) N BC0805 (sh2)3 G
Ice Queen (sh2) A G S Big Time (sh2) A G N S
Silverado (se) A G N BSS0977 (sh2)3 A G N S
Snowbelle (se) A G M N Friendship L
Snow White (sh2) A N Funk G90 L
Summer Sweet 8101R (sh2) A G L M N S Mirai 131BC (sh2) M
Sweetbelle (sh2) A N Mirai 301BC (sh2) S
Xtra-Tender 375A S Polaris (sh2) A
Xtra-Tender 378A S Rapport L
Sensor (se) S
White - Late season
Summer Sweet 8102 (sh2) A G M N S
Even Sweeter (sh2) A G L M N
Sweet Chorus (se) A G N
Pegasus (sh2) G L N
Sweet G90 (su) M N S
Silver King (se) A N S
Sweet Rhythm (se) A G S
Silver Queen (su) A G L M N S
Sweet Symphony (se) A G N
Tahoe (sh2) A G M N
Xtra-Tender 282A M S
WSS0987 G N
Abbreviations for state where recommended.
Yellow - Early 2
Su = Normal, Se = Sugary enhanced, Sh2 = supersweet
Bodacious (se) M N S 3
Transgenetic (BT corn)
Mirai 130Y S
Seneca Horizon (su) A G L M N There are three primary genes contributing to sweetness in
Sweet Riser (se) G N S sweet corn. They are; normal sugary (su), sugary enhanced (se),
Xtra-Tender 173A (sh2) A S and supersweet or shrunken-2 (sh2).
XT 372 A S Normal sugary sweet corn (su) has been enjoyed for many
XT 378 A S years. Su sweet corn is known for its creamy texture and mild
Yellow - Mid-Season sugars; however, sugars in these cultivars are rapidly converted
Accelator S into starch if not cooked the day of harvest. These cultivars
Bandit (sh2) G N S are commonly sold in farmers markets and roadside stands.
Crisp N Sweet 711 (sh2) A G M N Examples of cultivars of the normal sugary sweet corn are
Gold Queen (su) S Silver Queen (white kernel), Merit (yellow kernel) and
GSS 0966 (sh2) 3 A G N S Butter and Sugar (bicolor kernel).
Incredible (se) L M N S The sugary enhanced (se) sweet corn gene, known under
Merit (su) A G L M N S trade names such as Everlasting Heritage have varying degrees
Morning Star (sh2) S of increased sugar content with a creamier kernel texture as
Prime Plus (sh2) A L N S compared to su sweet corn types. This translates into increased
Summer Sweet 7630Y (sh2) A L N sweetness with a smoother kernel texture. Another advantage
Summer Sweet 7210 (sh2) A M N is that se sweet corn types maintain their quality for a longer
Vision (sh2) S period of time than normal sugary sweet corn types (su).
Sweet Talk (sh2) S Cultivars of Supersweet or shrunken sweet corn (sh2)
XT H1273 (sh2) S derive their name from the appearance of the dried kernel
Xtra-Tender 1178 M S which is much smaller than kernels of su or se sweet corn
Xtra-Tender 1575 S types. Recently germination of sh2 sweet corn cultivars has
been improved and is now comparable with the su and se types.
Seed of supersweet (sh2) sweet corn cultivars should be handled
very gently and the use of plateless planter is recommended

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 79

to prevent damage to seed. Many older supersweet cultivars Planting Dates
require warm soil (70F or higher) to germinate since they are Sweet Corn Spring Fall
less vigorous than the se or su genotypes. Supersweet sweet AL North 4/155/30 NR
corn (sh2) cultivars have a crunchier kernel, are sweeter than su AL South 2/14/30 7/15-8/15
and se cultivars, and will delay the conversion of sugar to starch
extending their shelf life. GA North 4/154/30 NR
Xtra-tender, Ultrasweet, and Triplesweet are names for the GA South 2/13/31 7/158/15
latest development in sweet corn cultivars. These new types of
LA North 3/15/15 NR
sweet corn combine the genetics of sh2, se, and su genotypes.
LA South 2/155/1 NR
These cultivars are high in sugar levels, hold well in storage,
and have a pericarp which is tender (this improves the eating MS North 3/204/9 NR
quality of the sweet corn). Plant these cultivars using the same MS South 2/213/14 NR
recommendations as those of the sh2 types of sweet corn.
NC East 3/154/30 NR
Isolation requirements for the sweet corn genotype are impor- NC West 4/156/15 NR
tant in order to obtain the highest quality sweet corn. Supersweet
SC East 3/14/15 NR
(sh2) sweet corn must be isolated by a distance of 300 feet or 12 SC West 3/305/30 NR
days difference in silking date to avoid cross pollination from
field corn, pop corn, normal sugary (su), and/or sugar enhanced
(se) types. Failure to properly isolate the sh2 genotype will Mulching. The use of clear plastic mulch will improve stands,
result in it producing starchy, tough kernels. Isolation of sugary conserve moisture, and produce earlier maturity. Corn is seeded
enhanced from normal sugary sweet corn types is recommended in the usual manner, except 10 to 20 days earlier in double rows
to maximize quality; however, quality is usually very minimally 14 inches apart and on 5- to 6-foot centers. Apply herbicide
affected should cross pollination occur. It is recommended that and then cover with clear, 4-foot-wide plastic. Allow plastic
augmented sweet corn types be isolated from all other sweet to remain over plants for 30 days after emergence, then cut
corn types for best quality. and remove plastic from field. Plants can then be cultured in
Another important development in sweet corn cultivar devel- the usual manner. A nematode assay is recommended before
opment is the incorporation of the BT gene (called BT sweet using this system. If nematodes are present in the soil, control
corn). BT sweet corn has been genetically modified by incor- measures are necessary before planting. Use a high vigor seed
porating a small amount of genetic material from another variety to avoid uneven and reduced stand.
organism through modern molecular techniques. In sweet corn,
the incorporated BT genes is particularly effective in providing Conservation Tillage. No-tillage is the most commonly used
protection against European corn borer and corn earworm. The conservation tillage practice with sweet corn. No-till planters
protein produced by the BT gene is very selective, generally not currently in use with row crop production will plant sweet corn
harming insects in other orders (such as beetles, flies, bees, or seed with minimal modifications. Type of winter cover crop
wasps) but more importantly this protein is safe for consump- residue can affect sweet corn seed depth. Inspect seed placement
tion by humans, other mammals, fish, and birds. Syngenta Seeds and adjust for correct depth. Early spring planting with no-tillage
has incorporated the BT gene into several sweet corn cultivars in sweet corn may delay growth and days to harvest. Planting
that are sold commercially under the trade name of Attribute after soils warm in the spring will improve vigor. Use of small
followed by a series of numerals to identify the cultivar. Certain grain cover residue may require additional nitrogen (20 to 30
restrictions such as isolation, minimum acreage requirements, lbs N/acre in addition to the normal recommendation) if cover
and destruction of the crop are part of the terms of contract when crop is fairly mature when killed. No additional nitrogen above
purchasing BT sweet corn seed. recommendations is required if a legume cover crop (hairy vetch,
In general, when selecting a cultivar, be sure to evaluate its winter peas, or crimson clover) is used as residue.
acceptance in the market. Plant small acreages of new cultivars
to test market their acceptance. Harvesting and Storage. See Table 14 for postharvest infor-
Seed Treatment. Check with seed supplier to ensure seed was
treated with an insecticide and fungicide.
Seeding and Spacing. Seed is sown as early as February in Corn Earworm (CEW): CEW initiates egg laying when the
more southern regions on light, sandy soils. Use a high vigor plants begin to silk and ends when the silks wilt. Eggs are laid
seed variety for early plantings. Seed is drilled in the field about singly on the fresh silks. Begin to control CEW when 10% of
1 inch deep. Varieties are spaced 30 to 42 inches apart between the ears are silked. Repeat sprays at three to five day intervals
rows depending on cultural practices, equipment, and seed size. until 90% of the silks have wilted. Control is more difficult late
In-row spacings range from 6 to 12 inches apart, with small- in the season. Direct sprays toward the middle third of the plant.
eared, early seasons varieties planted closest. Corn hybrids having a long, tight-fitting shuck appear to suffer
less damage than those with loose shucks.

Page 80 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Another management tactic for CEW and European corn If CEW populations are heavy, it may be necessary to begin
borer (ECB) control is the use of BT sweet corn. These hybrids treatments when the very first silks appear. Silk sprays should
produce their own natural insecticide for control of these pests. continue on a schedule based on area blacklight and pheromone
However, under high pressure, supplemental sprays may be trap counts, geographical location, and time of year. Early in the
needed to achieve damage-free ears. Minimum acreage and season, silk sprays may be required on a 3- to 6-day schedule.
resistance management practices are required with BTs sweet When CEW populations are heavy, it may be necessary to treat
corn. Some markets may not accept these hybrids. on a 1-to 3-day schedule. Applications during low populations
can end up to 5 days before last harvest. During heavy popula-
Corn Flea Beetle: Flea beetles transmit a bacterial wilt disease, tions and high temperatures, treatments will need to be made
known as Stewarts Wilt, and these beetles are numerous after according to the legal days to harvest of the chemical.
mild winters. Treat susceptible varieties at spike stage when 6 For best control during heavy populations, maximize the gal-
or more beetles per 100 plants can be found. Repeat every 3 to lonage of water per acre, use a wetting agent, and make applica-
5 days as needed. Note: Soil-applied insecticides may be inef- tions with a high pressure sprayer (200+ psi) with drop nozzles
fective during the first week of plant growth if soil temperatures directed at the silks.
are cool. Foliar applications of an insecticide may be necessary
during this period. Weed Management. Identify the weeds in each field and select
recommended herbicides that control those weeds. Match pre-
European Corn Borer (ECB): Thorough spray coverage in plant-incorporated and preemergence herbicide rates to soil type
whorls and on plants is essential. Many insecticides are highly and percent organic matter in each field. Apply postemergence
toxic to bees. Granular formulations, if applied over the whorl, herbicides when crop and weeds are within the recommended
are generally more effective than liquid formulations for ECB size and/or leaf stage.

Sap Beetle (SB): Loose-husked varieties tend to be more

susceptible to sap beetle attack. Ears damaged by other insects
attract SB. Begin sampling at pollen shed and treat when 5%
of the ears have adults and/or eggs. Note: Insecticides used for
worm control at silk may not control SB infestations.

Fall Armyworm (FAW). Direct granules over the plants so that

they fall into leaf whorls when FAW first appear and repeat
application, if necessary. For foliar spray applications, high-
spray gallonage (50 to 75 gallons per acre) is necessary for
effective FAW control.


Whorl/Tassel Infestation: In general, insect larval feeding
(ECB and FAW) during the whorl stage of sweet corn develop-
ment has a greater impact on early planted, short-season variet-
ies. For ECB on early plantings, apply first spray or granular
application when 15% of the plants show fresh feeding signs.
Additional applications may be necessary if infestation remains
above 15%. An early tassel treatment is usually more effective
than a whorl treatment because larvae are more exposed to the
The impact of infestation on mid-and late-season plantings
depends on the stage of the plants when the infestation occurs.
Treat for FAW during the early whorl stage when more than
15% of the plants are infested. During mid- to late-whorl stages,
treatment for both FAW and ECB may be necessary if more
than 30% of the plants are infested. Treat fields in early tassel
stage if more than 15% of the emerging tassels are infested with
ECB, FAW, or young corn earworm (CEW) larvae.

Ear Infestation. Direct sampling for CEW, FAW, and ECB

during silking is not practical because of the low thresholds for
ear damage. Begin treatment when 10% of the ears show silk.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 81


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Planting Dates

SWEETPOTATO Sweetpotato Spring

Beauregard A G L M N S AL North 5/16/30
Bienville L AL South 3/155/15
Carolina Ruby N
GA North 5/156/15
Covington A N S
GA South 4/16/15
Hernandez A G N S
Jewel A G M S LA North 5/16/30
O Henry A N LA South 4/156/30
White Delite N
White Hayman N MS 4/255/20
Abbreviations for state where recommended
NC East 5/17/15
NC West 5/256/30

Plant Production. A presprout procedure started 3 to 4 weeks SC East 4/156/15

before normal bedding time is recommended. To presprout, SC West 5/16/15
store seed roots at 85F and 90% relative humidity until the
sprouts are 1 to 1.5 inches long (20 to 28 days). Seed roots
can then be bedded. Bed seed stock in land not planted with Harvesting and Storage. A 3 to 4 month growing season is
sweetpotato for 35 years, and cover with 2 to 3 inches of required for root development. After the roots are dug, they
soil. Fertilize with 75 pounds of 8-8-8 or its equivalent per 100 should be cured in the storage house at 80 to 85F and 90%
square yards of bed space. Cover beds with clear or black plastic relative humidity for 6 to 8 days. After curing, temperature
to promote earliness. The plastic should be left on the bed until should be lowered to 55F, but relative humidity should be
danger of frost has passed. Plastic should be ventilated after 7 maintained at 85%. Temperature should never go below 50F
days with one 2-inch hole every 4 linear feet of bed to prevent or chilling injury may result, depending on length of exposure.
accumulation of carbon dioxide. Clear or white plastic may also Above 60F, sprouting will occur and root weight decrease. See
be used over greenhouse hoops with thermostatically controlled Table 14 for further postharvest information.
fans and vents. Keep beds moist and temperature between 75
to 85F.
About 500 sprouts can be produced from 1 bushel of seed INSECT MANAGEMENT
stock. One bushel of seed stock requires 20 to 30 square feet of Lepidoptera larvae: Sweetpotato hornworm, corn earworm,
bed area. When sprouts are ready to be transplanted, they should southern armyworm, yellowstriped armyworm, beet armyworm,
be cut from the beds by snipping above (1) the soil line. This fall armyworm, and soybean looper all feed on foliage leaving
minimizes the transfer of diseases that could be on sweetpotato small to large holes. In plant beds and newly set fields, damage
roots (scurf and other root rots). may be serious. Mid to late season foliar feeding may reduce
yields or delay sizing of roots when coupled with plant stress.
Field Planting. Plant in the field as indicated in the following After harvest, larvae may continue feeding on sweetpotatoes left
table for your area. Well-rooted, 8 to10-inch long sprouts can in the field and in storage. Apply insecticide to plant beds and
be set with the transplanter on ridges 8 to 10 inches high. Row in fields as needed. Cuttings should be free of insects before
spacing is 36 to 48 inches; distance between plants in the row is planting. Where worms are abundant at harvest, spray fields 2
8 to 14 inches. Use a high-phosphate starter solution (153015 to 3 days before digging. Remove harvested sweetpotatoes from
or equivalent at the rate of 3 pounds in 50 gallons of water) dur- the field immediately.
ing transplanting.
Tortoise beetle: Generally, damage by tortoise beetles threat-
ens newly set plants or plants under stress. Leaves of infested
plants are riddled with large, round holes. Adults and larvae
which feed on sweetpotato foliage include: mottled tortoise
beetle, striped tortoise beetle, and argus tortoise beetle, black-
legged tortoise, and golden tortoise beetle. Isolate plant beds
and control morningglory. Monitor movement of ornamental
sweetpotatoes which often contain tortoise beetles and other
insects. Apply insecticides to young plants if needed. Control
beetles in plant beds and fields.

Page 82 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Sweetpotato Weevil. This is the most serious worldwide pest White grubs. These can cause large, shallow, irregular damage
of sweetpotatoes. Adults and larvae feed on foliage, but prefer on the surface of sweetpotatoes. Species include Japanese bee-
stems and roots. Infested sweetpotatoes are riddled with small tle, spring rose beetle, and green June beetle. Adults lay eggs in
holes and galleries especially in the stem end. They turn bitter grassy areas (also see section on wireworms). Pheromone traps
and are unfit for consumption by either humans or livestock. are under evaluation. Japanese beetles are attracted to traps.
Use only seed and plants produced in approved and trapped White bucket traps attract spring rose beetles. Use a preplant
weevil-free areas. All purchased roots/plants, including those insecticide and foliar sprays when adults are active.
produced out-of-state, must be certified. Use pheromone traps
in plant beds, greenhouses, and in fields to detect sweetpotato Fruit fly. Fruit flies may be a nuisance in storage houses when
weevil. Some varietal tolerance exists. Chemical control with sweetpotatoes decay due to other causes such as souring,
weekly or biweekly sprays is difficult; however, sweetpo- chilling, and Rhizopus soft rot. Fruit flies feed on decaying
tato weevil is not in commercial production areas in Alabama, vegetables. Maggots may be seen in decaying roots. Fruit flies
Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina or South Carolina. may become established in cull piles and spread to the storage
house. They do not cause rots. Harvest, cure and store only
Sweetpotato flea beetle. Adult beetles overwinter in debris, sound sweetpotatoes. Dispose of culls, inspect the storage
along fence rows, and at the edges of wooded areas. In the house and use traps. If necessary, spray with an appropriate
spring, eggs are laid in the soil near host plants. There are insecticide.
several generations per year. Adults feed on foliage leaving
channels on the upper leaf surfaces. Larvae feed on roots Quality sweetpotatoes are the result of sound production,
etching shallow, winding, sunken trails on the surface, which pest management, and handling practices. The market place
enlarge, darken and split. Monitor adults with yellow sticky demands a high quality sweetpotato root. Tolerant cultivars
cups. Control morningglories and weeds along field margins to some diseases and insects exist. Hayman, Regal, Sumor
and plow under crop debris. Use resistant or tolerant varieties. and Resisto have some tolerance to insects. Jewel is tolerant
Beauregard is very susceptible to flea beetles. In fields with to sweetpotato flea beetle. Cultivar tolerance exists to such
a history of infestation use a preplant or a side-dressed soil diseases as bacterial root rot, Fusarium wilt, Rhizopus soft rot,
insecticide over the foliage up to the last cultivation. Control soil rot, and Sweetpotato Feathery Mottle Virus. Some cultivars
adults with insecticides. are resistant to nematodes.

Whitefringed beetle. Larvae feed on roots causing damage

similar to that of wireworms and white grubs. Only flight-
less, female adults occur and feed at the base of plants leaving
scars on the stem. They also feed and notch leaves. They are
most active in July and August and produce eggs in groups
without mating. Avoid infested fields and rotate crops. Only
grasses are not suitable as hosts. Monitor for adults or leaf
notching. Limited control may be achieved by using tolerant
varieties, foliar insecticides applied every two weeks and soil
insecticides. Record whitefringed beetle sites and do not plant
sweetpotatoes in these locations.

Wireworms. Tobacco wireworm, southern potato wireworm,

corn wireworm leave small, irregular, shallow or deep holes in
the surface of sweetpotato roots. Larvae are identified by differ-
ences in their last abdominal segment. Wireworm adults (click
beetles) lay their eggs in grassy, undisturbed soil. Adults feed on
weed seeds (pigweed) and corn pollen. Avoid land previously
in sod or fallow. Wireworms may be detected prior to planting
using corn, wheat, or oatmeal bait stations. If necessary, broad-
cast and incorporate a preplant insecticide, or use a granular
material at root swell. Timed foliar sprays are of limited value, as
adults do not feed on sweetpotato and are only controlled when
sprays contact adults or larvae move into a treated area. Control
weeds and do not allow them to mature to seed. Resistant variet-
ies are available. Avoid planting in fields with corn wireworm.
Avoid planting behind corn, grain, and grain sorghum. Tobacco
wireworm adults can be monitored with yellow sticky cups.
Wireworm adults are attracted to black-light insect traps.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 83


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
Fresh Market 1
Abbreviations for state where recommended
Amelia VR 2,10,11,12,18 A G L M N S 2
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus resistant (TSWV)
Bella Rosa 2,3,8,10,11,15,18 A L 3
Heat set (heat tolerant)
BHN 216 3, 10,11,18 L 4
Southern Bacterial Wilt resistant
BHN 602 2,10,11,12,18 A G L M N S 5
Local markets only
BHN 640 2,10,11,12,18 A G M N S 6
Super sweet medium sized cherry, superior quality
BHN 669 4 L M 7
Determinant grape tomato
BHN 745 21 L M 8
Alternaria Stem Canker tolerance/resistance (ASC)
Big Beef 8,10,11,14,15,18 L M 9
Bacterial Speck tolerance/resistance (BSK-0)
Carolina Gold 10,11,17,18 A G M N S
Fusarium Wilt race 1, 2 or 3 tolerance/resistance (F)
Crista 2,10,11,12,14,18 A G L M N S
Fusarium Crown Root Rot tolerance/resistance (FCRR)
Floralina 8,10,11,12,15,18 A L N S
Nematode resistance (N)
Florida 47R 8,10,11,15,18 A G L N S
Gray Leaf Spot resistance (St)
Florida 91 3,8,10,11,15,18 L
Tobacco Mosaic Virus resistance (TMV)
Mountain Crest 10,11,18 A G L N S
Yellow fruit
Mountain Fresh 10,11,18,19 A G L M N S
Verticillium Wilt resistance (V)
Mountain Fresh Plus 10,11,14,18,19 A N S
Early Blight tolerance
Mountain Spring 10,11,15,18 A G L M N S
Phoenix 3,8,10,11,15,18 A G L N Tomato Mosaic Virus resistance (ToMV)
Quincy 2,8,10,11,15,18 A G L M Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus resistance (TYLCV)

Redline 3,10,11,12,18 A G L
Solar Set (Fall only) 3,8,10,11,18 L M N S Seed Treatment. To minimize the occurrence of bacterial can-
Sun Leaper 3,10,11,15,18 A G L N S ker, bacterial spot, and bacterial speck, seed should be treated
Talladega 2,10,11,15 A G S with chlorine. If seed is not treated with chlorine by the seed
company, then dip seed in a solution containing 1 quart of
Cherry Types
household bleach and 4 quarts of water plus one-half teaspoon
Cherry Grande 8,10,11,15,18 A G L M N S
of surfactant for 1 minute. Provide constant agitation. Use 1
Marcelino 6 N
gallon of solution per pound of seed. Prepare a fresh solution
Mountain Belle 10,18 A G N S
for each batch of seed. Wash seed in running water for 5 min-
Sun Gold 17 A M N
utes and dry seed thoroughly. The final rinse should be done
Grape Types with acidified water (1 oz. vinegar per gallon of water). Dust
Brixmore 14,18,20 A N S with 1 teaspoon of Thiram per pound of seed.
Cupid 8,9,10,15 A G
Elfin 7 G N S
Jolly Elf 11,18 A G M N S Planting Dates
Navidad 11 A G M N S Tomato (Fresh Market) Spring Fall
Rosa A N
AL North 4/156/15 NR
Santa Claus A G N S
AL South 3/14/30 7/158/30
St. Nick A G M N
Smarty 10,18 A N S GA North 4/156/15
Snappy 7 A N GA South 3/14/30 7/158/30

Roma Types LA North 3/156/30 7/18/10

BHN 410 9,10,11,18 A G N S LA South 3/16/30 7/158/15
BHN 685 2,10,11,12,18 A G L M N S
MS North 4/206/30 NR
BSS 436 N
MS South 3/13/15
Mariana 8,10,11,14,15,18 N
NC East 4/155/10 8/18/15
Muriel 2,8,10,11,14,15,18
NC West 5/157/15 NR
Picus 2,8,10,15,18 A S
Plum Crimson 10,11,12,18,19
A G N SC Coastal Island 3/1-4/30 7/1-7/15
SC East 3/154/30 7/17/15
Spectrum 882 8,9,10,11,14,15,18
SC West 5/16/30 NR

Page 84 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Hardening Transplants. It is usually desirable to harden ten- Recommendations for detailed recommendations on fertilizing
der tomato seedlings before planting them in the field. Recent tomatoes grown with plastic mulch and drip irrigation. Lay
research has shown that hardening tomato plants by exposure to black plastic mulch tightly over the beds.
cool temperatures (60 to 65F/day and 50to 60F/night) for a
week or more causes catfacing. Harden plants by withholding Ground Culture. Space determinate varieties in rows 4 to 5 feet
water. Allow plants to wilt slightly between light waterings. Do apart with plants 15 to 24 inches apart in the row. For indeter-
not harden transplants by withholding fertilizer. minate varieties, space rows 5 to 6 feet apart with plants 24 to
36 inches apart in the row.
Drip Fertilization. Before mulching, adjust soil pH to 6.5 and,
in the absence of a soil test, apply enough fertilizer to sup- Stake Culture. Staking tomatoes is a highly specialized produc-
ply 50 pounds per acre of N, P2O5 and K2O, (some soils will tion system. The following recommendations are for the short-
require 100 pounds per acre of K2O) then thoroughly incorpo- stake cultural system using determinate cultivars that grow 3 to
rate into the soil. 4 feet in height or for indeterminate varieties that grow 6 to 7
After mulching and installing the drip irrigation system, feet in height. Use between row spacings of 5 to 6 feet with in-
the soluble fertilizer program should be initiated according to row spacings of 18 to 24 inches. See state specific guides for a
that described in the following table. On soils testing low to full description of staking.
low-medium boron, also include 0.5 pound per acre of actual
boron. Pruning: Pruning is practiced to establish a desired balance
The first soluble fertilizer application should be applied between vine growth and fruit growth. Little to no pruning
through the drip irrigation system within a week after field- results in a plant with a heavy load of smaller fruit. Moderate
transplanting the tomatoes. Continue fertigating until the last pruning results in fewer fruits that are larger and easier to har-
harvest. vest. Pruning can result in earlier maturity of the crown fruit and
improves spray coverage and pest control.
Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Tomato Removing all suckers up to the one immediately below the
(low soil potassium) first flower cluster is adequate for most determinate cultivars.
Removing the sucker immediately below the first flower cluster
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative
or pruning above the first flower cluster can result in severe leaf
planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash
(lb / A)
curling and stunting of the plant and should be avoided.
Preplant 50.0 125.0 Prune when the suckers are no more than 2 to 4 inches long. A
014 0.5 0.5 57.0 132.0 second pruning may be required to remove suckers that are too
1528 0.7 1.4 66.8 151.6 small to be easily removed during the first pruning and to remove
2942 1.0 2.0 80.8 179.6 ground suckers that may develop. Pruning when suckers are too
4356 1.5 3.0 101.8 221.5 large requires more time and can damage the plants, delay matu-
5777 2.2 4.4 148.0 313.9
rity, and increase disease incidence. Do not prune plants when
7898 2.5 5.0 200.5 418.9
they are wet to avoid spread of diseases. Pruning should be done
before the first stringing because the string can slow the pruning
Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Tomato process. Pruning is variety-and fertility-dependent.
(high soil potassium) Less-vigorous determinate cultivars generally require less
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative pruning. Growers should experiment with several degrees of
planting nitrogen potash nitrogen potash pruning on a small scale to determine pruning requirements for
(lb / A) specific cultivars and cultural practices.
Preplant 50.0 125.0
014 0.5 0.5 57.0 132.0
Staking. Staking improves fruit quality by keeping plants and
1528 0.7 0.7 66.8 141.8
2942 1.0 1.0 80.8 155.8
fruit off the ground and providing better spray coverage. Staked
4356 1.5 1.5 101.8 176.5 tomatoes are easier to harvest than ground tomatoes.
5777 2.2 2.2 148.0 223.0 Staking tomatoes consists of a series of wooden stakes with
7898 2.5 2.5 200.5 275.5 twine woven around the stakes to train the plants to grow verti-
* Adjust based on tissue analysis cally off the ground. Stakes 4 to 4.5-feet long by 1-inch square
are driven about 12 inches into the soil between the plants.
Vigorous cultivars may require larger and longer stakes. A
Fresh Market. Yield, fruit size, and fruit quality of fresh mar- stake placed between every other plant is adequate to support
ket tomatoes are increased by the use of black plastic mulch in most determinate varieties. Placing an additional stake at an
combination with drip irrigation. When air temperature exceed angle and tied to the end stake of each section will strengthen
85F use white on black plastic mulch, or paint black plastic with the trellis system. Stakes can be driven by hand with a home-
a 5:1 (v/v) mixture of exterior, flat white latex paint and water. made driving tool or with a commercially available, power-
Form-raised, dome-shaped beds to aid in disease control. Lay driven stake driving tool. Drive stakes to a consistent depth so
black plastic mulch tightly over the beds. that spray booms can be operated in the field without damaging
See the Drip Irrigation section of General Production the trellis system.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 85

Select tomato twine that is resistant to weathering and 18-30 in. apart within the row. If using a standard staking sys-
stretching and that binds well to the wooden stakes. Tomato tem, plants should be spaced 18-24 in. apart. Once the plants are
twine is available in 3- to 4-pound boxes. Approximately 30 established, suckers must be removed several times a week. If
pounds of twine is required per acre. To make tying convenient, the main growing point is broken off, a sucker can be trained to
use a homemade stringing tool. This tool can be made from a take its place.
length of metal conduit, schedule 40PVC pipe, broom handle, Because most heirloom tomatoes have little disease resis-
or wooden dowel. With conduit, the string is fed through the tance, it is important to maintain a good fungicide spray
pipe. With a broom handle or wooden dowel, two small parallel schedule. For organic production, it might be necessary to grow
holes, each about 1 inch from the end, must be drilled to feed the heirloom tomatoes under high tunnels, especially in areas with
string through one hole along the length of the tool and through high disease pressure.
the other hole. The tool serves as an extension of the workers
arm (the length cut to the workers preference) and helps to keep Harvesting and Storage. See Table 14 for postharvest informa-
the string tight. tion.
Proper stringing consists of tying the twine to an end stake
passing the string along one side of the plants, and then looping Tomato Disorders. Your state Extension service has bulletins
the twine around each stake until the end of a row or section that describes fruit disorders in detail. Here are several common
(100-foot sections with alleys may be helpful for harvesting) is disorders of tomato and their causes: catfacing (cool day and/or
reached. The same process is continued on the other side of the night temperatures or very hot dry days), internal browning,
row. The string tension must be tight enough to hold the plants graywall and blotchy ripening, (tobacco mosaic virus, over-
upright. Note: if strings are too tight, they can make harvesting cast cloudy environment, high N, low K or soil compaction),
fruit difficult and can scar fruit. yellow shoulder (direct sun exposure, worse on green shoul-
The first stringing should be strung 8 to 10 inches above the dered varieties), sunburn and sunscald (direct rapid exposure
ground when plants are 12 to 15 inches tall and before they to the sun), weathercheck (fruit exposed to dew), blossom end
fall over. Run the next string 6 to 8 inches above the preceding rot (low soil calcium and/or soil moisture), cracking (variety,
string before plants start to fall over. Three to four stringings irregular water, growth, and/or nutrition).
are required for most determinate varieties. Stringing should be
done when the foliage is dry to prevent the spread of diseases.
Heirloom Tomatoes. Heirloom tomatoes are varieties that have Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB), FleaBeetles (FB): While flea
been available for 50 years or more, are open pollinated, and beetles are a common pest of tomato throughout the southeast-
grow true to type from seed saved from fruit each year. They ern US, Colorado potato beetle are most common in areas where
are generally indeterminate, requiring trellising and constant significant acreage of potatoes is also grown. Flea beetles are
pruning. Most varieties have little disease resistance. The fruit primarily a problem early in the season shortly after planting,
are usually thin-skinned, soft, and tend to crack. Consumers and are usually controlled by insecticides applied for other
are attracted to heirloom tomatoes because many varieties are insects. Adults feed on foliage, resulting in small round holes
very flavorful, colorful, come in many sizes and shapes, and on leaves. In most situations this damage does not affect early
have interesting names. For the growers, heirloom tomatoes are season growth or subsequent yields, but control may be neces-
challenging to produce and difficult to ship, but can bring high sary when populations are high (20-30% defoliation).
prices on the local market. Colorado potato beetle adults and larvae feed on tomato
There are hundreds of varieties of heirloom tomatoes avail- foliage and can cause extensive defoliation if not controlled.
able. Some of the most popular include Brandywine, German CPB feed only on solanaceous plants, and populations tend
Johnson, Mr. Stripey, Cherokee Purple, and Green Zebra. to be concentrated in areas where potato, eggplant and tomato
Because most heirloom tomatoes are indeterminate, they must have previously been grown. Consequently, rotation to non-
be grown on a tall, strong trellis. A trellis can be constructed of solanaceous crops is very effective in helping to avoid infesta-
3 inch diameter, or larger, posts set 10-15 feet apart within the tions. Thoroughly scout fields and spray only when necessary.
row. Use 7-8 ft. long posts, leaving 6-7 ft. above ground. Run a Treatment should be made if populations exceed 15 adults per
stout wire (12 gauge) across the tops of the posts and secure it 10 plants or a combination of 20 CPB larvae and/or adults per
with staples. Pieces of twine, long enough to reach the ground, 10 plants. Insecticide sprays should be made after most egg
should be tied to the top wire above each plant. The twine can be masses have hatched, but before larvae become large. CPB
anchored with a loop to each plant or to a bottom line of twine have developed resistance to many different insecticides, so
that is strung about 6 in. off the ground and secured to the posts. knowledge of the resistance status of populations is essential in
Some growers use the standard string and weave-staked culture choosing which insecticides to use.
system for heirloom tomatoes, as described for the determinate
tomatoes, but they use 6-ft. long stakes instead of the normal 4-ft. Tomato Fruitworm: The tomato fruitworm, also known as the
long stakes. corn earworm and cotton bollworm, is potentially the most
In a trellis system, plants are usually spaced 8-10 in. apart damaging pest of tomato. However, there are many insecticides
within the row and pruned to a single stem system. A two stem that provide excellent control. The key to controlling this insect
system may also be used, in which the plants should be spaced is to ensure that there is a toxic pesticide residue on the plant

Page 86 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

during egg laying periods so that larvae are killed shortly after stamens are shed from flowers. This damage appears as small
hatching, because larvae feed on leaf tissue for only a short time dimples in fruit. Sample thrips in tomato flowers by placing a
before boring into fruit. Tomato fruitworm moth activity can be white index card below flowers and tapping the flowers with a
monitored with pheromone traps and serves as a measure of the finger. An average of 1 thrips per flower has worked well as a
adult population within an area. Corn that is in the silking stage treatment threshold level.
is a preferred host of fruitworm, but when corn silks begins
to dry, moths will switch egg laying to other hosts, including Whiteflies: The greenhouse whitefly and silverleaf whitefly can
tomato. both infest tomatoes in the southeast. Generally, the silverleaf
whitefly is more common in the southern region and the green-
Armyworms: At least three species of armyworms are potential house whitefly is more common in the northern region of the
pests of tomato, including the beet armyworm, southern army- southeast. Once whitefly populations of either species become
worm and yellowstriped armyworm. Infestations are usually established on a crop, they are very difficult to control. Hence,
sporadic in the more northern regions of the southeastern US, preventive control is usually necessary for effective, season-
but are an annual problem in more southern areas. In contrast long management. Preventive control can be achieved with soil-
to tomato fruitworm, armyworms will also feed extensively on applied systemic insecticides applied to the soil or at planting, or
foliage as well as fruit, and the presence of feeding damage on the application of other insecticides when populations are low.
leaves can help differentiate between fruitworm and armyworm
damage. Beet armyworm is notorious for exhibiting resistance Mites: Mites have become an increasingly important problem
to a wide range of insecticides, but the recent registration of on tomatoes and other vegetables grown in the southeast.
newer insecticides has greatly aided the management of this Twospotted spider mite is the most common mite pest, but the
pest. broad mite and carmine spider mite can also infest tomatoes.
Mites overwinter on weeds and move into tomatoes in the
Tomato Pinworm: The tomato pinworm is more common in the spring as weeds die. Mites can also move from other crops
southern compared with northern regions of the southeast, but (including other tomato fields) into tomatoes throughout the
late-season infestations are common in northern areas. Moths season. Localized infestations can be spot treated, but thorough
lay eggs on foliage, and larvae feed within leaves, creating coverage of foliage is important. Mites can be sampled by using
blotchy mines. As larvae increase in age they bore into stems a sample of 10 leaflets (terminal leaflet on a leaf from the upper
and/or fruit. The use of pheromone-based mating disruption one-third of the plant), from a minimum of 5 sample sites per
is an effective control method. Initiate mating disruption at field. When mites reach an average of 2 mites/leaflet, a miticide
the first sign of mines on foliage. Numerous insecticides also should be applied. Note that certain pesticides, such as pyre-
control pinworm. throids and some neonictinoids, aggravate mite populations and
can lead to high mite densities.
Stink Bugs: The green and brown stink bug can be important
direct pests of tomato, but they are sporadic in occurrence. Stink
bugs are most common in smaller fields (i.e., 5 acres or less) DISEASE MANAGEMENT
that are surrounded by weedy borders, or fields that are adjacent Damping-Off: Plantbed: Use seed treatment and plant in a
to soybeans. In fact, chemical control of stink bugs is often disease-free mix.
not necessary in fields that do not fit the previous description.
Unfortunately, there is not a good sampling method to assess Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV): TSWV can be serious,
population densities before damage occurs, and preventive resulting in severely stunted plants and plant death. The virus
strategies are used. Depending on the surrounding habitat and spreads from ornamental plants (flowers) to tomatoes by thrips.
abundance of stink bugs within an area, one to three applications Be sure not to grow any ornamental bedding plants in the same
of an insecticide are necessary to prevent damage. greenhouse as tomato transplants. Monitor greenhouses for
thrips and begin an insecticide control program once observed.
Thrips: Thrips can cause direct damage to tomato fruit by their Use TSWV resistant varieties if this virus is common in your
feeding or oviposition scars on small fruits, and are also indirect area.
pests of tomato due to their ability to transmit tomato spotted
wilt virus (TSWV). The tobacco thrips and western flower Nematode Management. Use nematicides listed in the
thrips are vectors of tomato spotted wilt virus. The majority of Nematodes section of Soil PestsTheir Detection and
virus infections are the result of primary spread (thrips trans- Control.
mitting the virus from surrounding weeds directly to tomatoes
or greenhouse infections), and insecticides do not kill thrips Weed Management. Identify the weeds in each field and select
quickly enough to prevent inoculation. However, an aggres- recommended herbicides that control those weeds. Match pre-
sive early insecticide control program early in the season (3 to plant incorporated and preemergence herbicide rates to soil type
4 weeks after transplanting) and the use of reflective mulches and percent organic matter in each field.
have helped to reduce the incidence of TSWV in tomatoes.
Thrips can also cause direct damage to tomato fruit. This is the
result of thrips feeding and/or laying eggs in small fruits before

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 87


Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC Varieties1 AL GA LA MS NC SC
Diploid, Open-pollinated
Triploid Mini
Crimson Sweet A G M N S (NOTE: many of these varieties only available under contract)
Jubilee II A G L M N S Bambino 714 M N S
Diploid, Hybrid Bibo A G N S
Celebration N S Extazy A G N S
Escarlett N Mielheart A G N S
Fiesta A G L M N S Petite Perfection A G N S
Gold Strike 3 A G M N S Petite Treat A G S
Jamboree G L N S Little Deuce Coupe A G N S
Jubilation A L M S Vanessa A G N S
Mardi Gras A G N S 1 Abbreviations for state where recommended.
Patriot L 2 Yellow flesh fruit.
3 Orange flesh fruit.
Regency A G L N
Royal Star L N S
Royal Sweet A G L M N S
Seed Treatment. Check with seed supplier to determine if seed
Sangria A G L N S
has been treated with an insecticide or fungicide. Be sure that
Sentinel N S
seeds have been assayed for bacterial fruit blotch.
Stars N Stripes A G L M N S
Starbrite A G L M N S
Plant Production. Transplants should be grown in containers
Summer Flavor 800 A G M N S
that provide a space of at least 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches for each
SW 4030 G
plant. Smaller pots or cells will restrict root growth and provide
Top Gun A G N S
less protection to the newly set transplant. If the seed is of good
Icebox quality with high germination, one seed per pot is sufficient.
Mickylee A G L M N S The seed coat of seedless watermelons tends to adhere to the
Sugar Baby L seedling as it emerges, at times slowing growth or reducing
Triploid stand. Seedless watermelon seed must be planted with the point
Buttercup 2 A G N S of the seed facing up (root end). Temperatures in the greenhouse
Cooperstown A M N S should be maintained at 80 to 90F. Growing media should be
Crunchy Red A G N S kept slightly drier than normal until 10 to 15% emergence, then
Gypsy G N S resume normal watering. The required amount of seed can be
Imagination G N S estimated using Table 6.
Liberty A G N S
Matrix G N S Planting. Transplants: Transplant container-grown plants into
Millennium A N plastic mulch when daily mean temperatures have reached
Millionaire A L M N S 60F. Planting dates vary, so consult the following table for
Premiere N S your area. Early plantings should be protected from winds with
Revolution A G M N S row covers, rye strips, or windbreaks.
Slice N Serve A G N S Seedless watermelons must be transplanted since these seed
Sugar Heart G S require a specific environment in order to achieve a high per-
Summer Sweet 5244 A G M N S centage of germination. (Seedless watermelons produce inad-
Super Seedless 7167 A G N S equate pollen, so a pollenizer variety is required to ensure
Super Seedless 7187 A G N S good pollination of seedless watermelons.) Seeded (diploid) or
Tri-X Carousel A G M S specialized pollenizers must be used for seedless watermelon
Tri-X Palomar A N S production.
Tri-X Shadow A G N S Several seed companies have developed new varieties for
Tri-X 212 A G N use soley as a pollenizer. These pollenizers can be interplanted
Tri-X 313 A G M N S into a field totally devoted towards the production of triploid
Wrigley G N S watermelons. Unique, compact growth habits prevent these
pollenizers from competing for space with triploid plants.

Page 88 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Pollination and Planting Arrangement Direct-seeded: Seed when soil temperatures reach 55F. Seed
Fruit set and enlargement in watermelon is dependent upon 3-5 pounds of seed per acre. The recommended spacing for
growth regulators from pollen grains and from embryos in the watermelons is 6-10 feet between rows with 24-30 square feet
developing seeds within the fruit. Inadequate pollination results per plant.
in triploid watermelon fruit that are triangular in shape and of
inferior quality. Inadequate pollination increases the incidence
of hollowheart. Triploid watermelon flowers do not produce Watermelon Planting Dates
sufficient, viable pollen needed to induce fruit set and develop- AL North 5/156/30
ment. Therefore, pollen from a normal (diploid) or a special AL South 3/16/30
diploid pollenizer watermelon variety must be present. Fields GA North 5/156/15
should be inter-planted with pollenizer plants or diploid water- GA South 3/16/30
melon plants in order to provide viable pollen.
LA North 3/106/30
There are two methods that can be used to incorporate pol-
LA South 3/17/5
lenizer plants into the field. Method 1: Use of a dedicated row.
Dedicated row pollenizer plantings place the pollenizer variety MS North 4/155/15
in the outside row and then every third row throughout the field. MS South 2/155/1
Method 2: A second method is to plant the pollenizer between NC East 4/156/30
every third or fourth plant within each row without changing the NC West 5/256/30
plant spacing of the seedless (triploid) watermelon. When this SC East 4/14/30
method is chosen, the use of a special pollenizer is recommend- SC West 4/156/15
ed. The use of standard diploid variety planted using Method
2 may decrease yields of the triploid plants. Special pollenizer
varieties have been developed solely for pollen production and Drip Fertilization and Mulching. Before mulching, adjust soil
most do not produce marketable fruit. The use of special pol- pH to 6.5, and in the absence of a soil test, apply enough fertil-
lenizers with Method 2 allows the field to be dedicated to the izer to supply 50 pounds per acre of N, P2O5 and K2O, (some
production of seedless watermelons. soils will require 100 pounds per acre of K2O) then thoroughly
Special pollenizer varieties found to perform well in the south- incorporate into the soil.
east are: SP-1, SP-4, Jenny, Patron, Pinnacle, and Sidekick. Be After mulching and installing the drip irrigation system, the
sure to follow suppliers instructions. Under no circumstances soluble fertilizer program should then be initiated according to
should the pollenizer variety and the seedless variety be that described in the following table. On soils testing low to
planted in separate but adjacent blocks! low-medium boron, also include 0.5 pound per acre of actual
When using Method 1, it is important to use a pollenizer boron.
variety that is marketable because up to one-third of all water- The first soluble fertilizer application should be applied
melons produced in the field will be from this seeded variety. through the drip irrigation system within a week after field
The rind pattern and/or shape of the seeded pollenizer fruit must transplanting or direct-seeding the watermelons. Continue ferti-
be easily distinguished from that of the seedless fruit in order to gating until the last harvest.
reduce confusion at harvest. With Method 2, most special pol-
lenizers are distinguishable from triploid fruit by size; however,
if mini seedless watermelons are planted, their rind pattern must Suggested Fertigation Schedule for Watermelons*
be used to distinguish pollenizer and seedless fruit. Selection of
Days after Daily Daily Cumulative
a pollenizer variety that will be harvested should also take into
planting Growth stage1 nitrogen potash nitrogen potash
account market demand, plant vigor, pollen production, disease
resistance, and environmental conditions. (lb/A)
It is important that pollen from the diploid pollenizer variety Preplant 35.0 35.0
be available when the female blossoms on the triploid plants are 0-28 Planting to 1.0 1.0 63.0 63.0
open and ready for pollination. As a general rule, direct field Flowering
seeding of the pollenizer variety should be done on the same 29-49 Flowering to 1.5 1.5 93.0 93.0
day the triploid seed is planted in the greenhouse. If transplants First Fruit Set
are used for pollenizers, they can be seeded a few days before 50-77 Fruit Set to 2.0 2.0 147.0 147.0
triploid transplants are scheduled to be seeded. Initial Ripening
Honeybees are important for high fruit yields and quality. 78-91 Harvest 1.0 1.0 160.0 160.0
Populations of pollinating insects may be adversely affected * Adjust based on soil and tissue analysis
by insecticides applied to flowers or weeds in bloom. Apply 1 Growth
Stage can vary from season to season. For optimal results,fertigate
insecticides only in the evening hours or wait until bloom is watermelons based on their growth stage as opposed to days after planting.
completed before application. See section on Pollination in
the General Production Recommendations.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 89

The mini seedless watermelon was introduced in 2003 and Note. All herbicide rate recommendations are made for spray-
demand for this product has continued to increase. This market ing a broadcast acre (43,560 ft2).
is still evolving; however, these fruit generally range from 3 to
8 pounds. Some cultivars can only be obtained on a contract
basis, while others are generally available to growers. Some
cultivars that produce well and produce high quality fruit, but
tend to yield a percentage of fruit on the large side (> 8 lb) are
Extazy and Valdoria. Other cultivars and lines are currently
being developed and evaluated. The mini seedless watermelon
market is still developing and additional research is needed
before more definitive cultivar and production recommenda-
tions can be made.

Harvesting and Storage. See Table 14 for postharvest infor-


Cucumber Beetle: Watermelons are resistant to bacterial wilt;
however, control may be needed to prevent feeding damage
to seedlings. Treat when an average of two beetles per plant
is found.

Aphids: Aphids can delay fruit maturation. Thorough spray

coverage beneath leaves is important. For further information
on aphid controls, see the preceding Drip Fertilization and
Mulching section. Treat seedlings every 5 to 7 days or as

Mites: Mite infestations generally begin around field margins

and grassy areas. CAUTION: DO NOT mow or maintain these
areas after midsummer because this forces mites into the crop.
Localized infestations can be spot-treated. Note: Continuous
use of Sevin or the pyrethroids may result in mite outbreaks.

For Soil Strips between Rows of Plastic Mulch. Use the

following land preparation treatment, planting sequences, and
herbicides labeled for watermelons, or crop injury may result.

1. Complete soil preparation and lay plastic and drip irrigation

before herbicide application.

2. Spray preemergence herbicides on the soil and the shoul-

ders of the plastic strips in bands before weeds germinate.
Avoid wetting the outside 3 to 6 inches of plastic, and DO
PLASTIC. Herbicides may wash from a large area of plastic
into the plant hole and result in crop injury.

3. Incorporate preemergence herbicide into the soil with

0.5 to 1 inch of rainfall or overhead irrigation within
48 hours of application and BEFORE PLANTING OR

4. Apply nonselective herbicides in bands to the soil strips

between plastic mulch before crop seedlings emerge.

5. Apply selective postemergence herbicides broadcast or in

bands to soil strips between mulch to control susceptible

Page 90 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

When to apply: Insecticides can be applied either in the spring
SOIL PESTSTHEIR DETECTION or fall when the soil temperature at the 6-inch depth is at least
AND CONTROL 50F and soil moisture is equivalent to that desired for planting.
Frequently, the insecticide is applied immediately before plant-
WIREWORMS ing. When early spring planting is required, a fall treatment is
Wireworms injure vegetable crops by killing seeds or seed- suggested.
lings and tunneling and scarring tubers, roots, or bulbs.
What to Use: See the crop protectant section for each crop for
Detection: The above injury to young plants or tubers fre- appropriate chemical to use.
quently is sufficient evidence to warrant control measures.
Further evidence can be obtained by sampling, using either of How to apply: When intended as a broadcast application, use
the following methods: a low-gallonage sprayer or granule distributor designed for low
dosages. Immediately after application, mix insecticide with
Method 1 soil to adepth of at least 6 inches by disking twice in opposite
A technique using baits has been developed for evaluating directions.
wireworm potential before planting. The bait stations should be In a band treatment as with potatoes, apply an appropriate
established 2 to 3 weeks before the anticipated planting date. soil insecticide at planting 3 to 6 inches deep along both sides
Fields where small grain or grasses have been grown the pre- of the row.
ceding 2 or 3 years are the best candidates for bait stations.
Because wireworm infestations are often localized within a
field, it will be necessary to place the bait stations randomly GARDEN CENTIPEDES (SYMPHYLANS)
throughout the field such as placing two bait stations at the high- Garden centipedes are arthropods that are related to insects.
est elevation in the field, then two stations on a slope and finally They feed on germinating seed and fibrous roots of many crop
two stations in the lowest point in the field. One bait station per and noncrop plants, including most vegetable species, and on
acre is desirable. decaying plant material. They are often associated with moist
areas of a field and typically establish in spots or field edges.
Follow this procedure for baiting: Rotation does not appear to be an effective control. If a spot
1. Mix 1 cup of untreated wheat and 1 cup of untreated shelled becomes established, the crops planted into that area have a dif-
corn at each station. ficult time growing out of the damage, because the symphylans
2. Bury the bait about 4 inches deep. Cover the ground over are continuously grazing on the fibrous roots.
each bait station with an 18-inch square of black plastic. The
plastic collects solar heat and speeds germination of the corn Detection: The first symptom is an area or patch of poorly
and wheat, which entices overwintering wireworms. developing plants, similar to other root problems. Check the
3. Mark each station with a flag or stake. soil in these areas so that treatment can be made before planting
4. Dig up the bait stations in 10 to 14 days and count the num- the next crop, as there is no practical post-planting control. A
ber of wireworms. common practice is to flag off the spot and treat that area with
soil insecticides in the following fall or spring. Soil solarization
Method 2 has not been an effective control. It is reasonable to assume
1. Be sure the soil temperature at the 6-inch depth ranges that symphylans can be transported in soil on field equipment.
between 45 and 85F and that soil moisture is equivalent to Dig up the soil and look for small, slender (less than 0.25
that desired for planting. inch) white centipede-like animals that move quickly and try
2. Collect soil samples from 20 scattered sites per acre. Each to avoid light. Another method of sampling is to drop the soil
sample should represent a soil profile 12 inches deep and 6 into a bucket of water. The symphylans will float to the top.
inches in diameter. Symphylans have 12 pairs of legs on 14 body segments. Do
3. Sift soil and count wireworms. not confuse the symphylans with true centipedescentipedes
eat other arthropods and are considered beneficial. Symphylans
Control: If you find an average of one wireworm per bait sta- have beaded antennae. Centipedes are not typically white in
tion (Method 1) or if you find five or more wireworms in 20 soil color and have large Chilicerae with venomous fangs. Dry or
samples (Method 2), a labeled soil insecticide should be used. cold [less than 45F] soil will reveal few, if any, symphylans.
In some instances, several wireworms may be found in one
bait station and none in others. Wireworm infestations tend to When to treat: If samples are taken in the spring, control is
concentrate in some locations. It may be possible to limit treat- generally warranted if there is an average of over two sym-
ment to areas of the field where the wireworm concentration is phylans per shovelful of soil. Samples taken in September
heaviest. or October may average four or five per shovelful and
will warrant treatment before the next crop. Insecticides

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 91

are generally applied before spring planting, and fumigant inches below the soil surface. The plants may yellow and wilt,
treatments are usually made in the fall. Note: Effectiveness which causes a pattern of patchy growth in fields where plants
of soil-applied insecticides decreases as soil temperature are dead or dying. If injured plants are pulled up, the roots will be
decreases below 55F. found to have been eaten off, and usually the curve-bodied grubs
can be found in the soil.
What to use: See the crop protectant section for each crop for Adult beetles lay eggs in the soil during June and July. As the
appropriate materials to apply. Apply fumigants in the same soil cools in the fall, the grubs work their way deep into the soil
manner as described in the Nematodes section that follows. and return to the surface the following spring. Depending on the
Follow all label directions and restrictions when using these insect, grubs may take from 1 to 3 years to become adults and
materials. may cause problems year after year.

Control: Grub damage is usually associated with grassy or

CUTWORMS weedy fields. Cleaning fields may help prevent serious grub
There are a number of cutworm species that attack vegetable damage. Problems may often occur in crops planted to fields
plants. Some attack the tuber, spear, or fruit by chewing the that were previously in sod or turfgrass.
edible portion, rendering them unmarketable. Others attack the No effective insecticides are labeled for grub control in vege-
seedlings or transplants, killing them outright or causing them tables. However, soil insecticides that are applied for wireworm
to be unproductive. Cutworms are attracted to light and can lay control may also be effective in reducing grub populations.
eggs on transplants growing in greenhouses which are lighted at
night. The cutworm eggs and larvae may be accidentally trans-
ferred to the field with the plants. MAGGOTS
Most cutworms are night feeders and hide under sod Two kinds of maggots can become pests during the growing
clumps, stones, decaying vegetation, etc., during the day. year. The adult of the maggot (a fly) fluctuates in abundance
Weedy or minimum-tillage fields are especially attractive in different areas in different years; because it is impossible to
egg-laying sites for cutworm adults (moths). During peri- determine when and where maggots will attack and because
ods of drought, low-lying areas in fields are more subject nothing can be done once the injury is noted, preventive controls
to attack than other areas, presumably because of more are good insurance before planting if there were previous mag-
desirable conditions. got problems.

Control: Where cutworms are suspected, a broadcast incorpora- Seed Corn Maggot: Seed attacked by seed maggots usually
tion treatment may be necessary just before planting. This treat- fails to sprout or, if it does, it is weak or sickly. Injury is most
ment should be worked into the soil immediately after applying severe in wet, cold springs and on land high in organic matter.
and just before planting. Manure and other organic matter should be thoroughly worked
Even if a broadcast treatment is used, fields should be into the soil in the fall so is not as attractive to the egg laying
scouted for cutworm damage within a week of planting or seed corn maggot flies in the spring.
plant emergence. If cutworms are actively cutting plants, a
postplanting contact treatment maybe necessary. The follow- Control: Best control is achieved by using a seed treatment such
ing procedures may help improve control when a contact as Agrox or Lorsban.
insecticide treatment is used:
Root Maggot: Plants whose roots are attacked by the root mag-
1. Direct sprays at the base of the plants where cutworms are got will appear riddled with maggot tunnels, and underground
actively feeding. fleshy parts of these plants rot. Above ground, plants appear
off-color, will wilt, and will seldom reach full growth.
2. Increase the amount of water used to at least 30 gallons per
acre, especially in dry weather. Control: Treatments with Lorsban have generally been superior
3. Spray between midnight and 5 A.M., when cutworms are to other treatments.
most active. Transplant water treatments, in-furrow treatments, preplant
broadcast, and post-plant treatments may be recommended
4. Cultivate after insecticide application to improve contact
depending on the crop. Refer to crop section or Extension for
with cutworms, especially in dry weather. In all cases,
latest recommendations.
consult the label for application details.

Grubs are the larvae of various beetles and can be serious Slugs are not insects, but are related to snails. All slugs
soil pests in vegetable crops. Most vegetables can be attacked, require damp or humid surroundings for development. During
and serious problems have occurred in potatoes, sweetpotatoes, the day, slugs seek shelter under protective debris and will avoid
beans, corn and spinach. Grubs cause damage by feeding on the the drying effects of sun and wind. As a result, weed control is
roots and underground parts of the plant from one to several a useful management tool to any slug problem.

Page 92 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Control: Carbaryl bait is labeled for slug control in many crops. When to treat: The ideal time to apply a nematicide is whenever
Broadcast bait using ground equipment or aircraft when slugs the soil temperature at a 6-inch depth ranges between 50 to
become troublesome. Repeat treatment as needed. 80F and there is adequate soil moisture. Fall months are gener-
Beer traps are very effective in small areas. Place 1/2 inch ally ideal for treatment.
of beer in a shallow flat pan. Slugs are attracted to the beer and The application of a nematicide in the spring, although pos-
drown upon entering the pan. sible and frequently practiced on light sandy soils, is less desir-
able because some nematicides may linger in cool, wet soils
increasing the likelihood of injuring young plants.
NEMATODES Treat mineral soils when soil moisture is equivalent to that
Determine the degree of infestation before applying a nema- desired for planting. Treat organic soils when soil is drier than
ticide. To do this, collect soil and root samples and submit that desired for planting. Treat all soils only after crop residues
these samples to your states Plant Diagnostic Laboratory or have decomposed thoroughly.
Nematode Detection Laboratory.
Procedures for submission and sampling are noted below and Nematicides to use: Dosage, restrictions, and crop specificity
are also available from Extension. are listed on the manufacturers label and must be carefully fol-
lowed to ensure satisfactory results.
How to Collect Soil and Rates for nematicides and multipurpose soil fumigants are
Root Samples for Nematode Detection provided in the NEMATODE CONTROL IN VEGETABLE
Whenever nematode damage is suspected, an examination CROPS section of of this handbook.
of both soil and roots is necessary to determine to what extent A plastic film seal is needed when methyl bromide or certain
nematodes are involved. other fumigants are used as noted on the product label. These
The following suggestions are made so that samples will be plastic films increase the efficiency of treatments.
collected properly and arrive at the laboratory in good condition. Apply fumigant-type nematicides to a depth of 6 to 8 inches.
Immediately after application, soils should be dragged, rolled,
Collecting: If a large area in a field is believed to be involved, or cultipacked to delay loss of fumigant. A light irrigation
collect samples from edges of affected area. Take a mixture through sprinklers will also delay gas escape.
of roots and soil from at least 10 separate sites within the root At least 2 to 3 weeks should intervene between the application
zone or under at least 10 plants. This can be accomplished by of Telone-based products and the time a crop is planted. See
unearthing each plant with a shovel and taking a handful of soil manufacturers label recommendations for specific crops and
and roots or by using a soil sampling tube (3/4-inch diameter) waiting times.
until 1 quart of soil is obtained. One week after application, work soil to a depth of several
Samples collected after the host plant is plowed down are inches so that gases may escape. Severe injury or killing of
very misleading and should not be used. Send only a single sensitive plants, such as tomato, may occur on heavy soils
blended sample from each field. Do not mix samples from sev- following heavy rains or if increased rates of a fumigant is
eral fields. used.
Because of a reduction of nitrifying bacteria by the nemati-
Handling: After collecting and mixing a composite soil and root cide, at least 50% of the nitrogen in the initial fertilizer applica-
sample, place it in a plastic freezer bag and close the bag tightly tion should be in the nitrate form.
to prevent the sample from drying out. Protect the samples from
high or freezing temperatures. Nonfumigant Nematicides: Several nonfumigant types of
nematicides are currently available for selected vegetable com-
Submitting. Consult Extension for the procedure and form modities. These nematicides are listed in the sections dealing
required by your state. The following information may be neces- with the vegetables on which they can legally be used. Note that
sary so that control recommendations, if any, can be made. some of these materials are not labeled in all states, so consult
the label carefully before use.
Include with each sample: These nematicides do not volatilize in the soil as fumigants
do. Consequently, soil temperature and moisture requirements
1. Date collected. are not as critical for these chemicals.
2. Crop to be planted, present crop, and history of affected
3. Name and address of person submitting the sample and
4. Plant symptoms.

**Be sure to mark samples: For Nematode Detection.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 93

Recommendations of specific chemicals are based upon
information on the manufacturers label and performance in a
limited number of trials. Because environmental conditions and
methods of application by growers may vary widely, perfor-
mance of the chemical will not always conform to the safety and
pest control standards indicated by experimental data.

Recommendations for the use of agricultural chemicals are

included in this publication as a convenience to the reader. The
use of brand names and any mention or listing of commercial
products or services in this publication does not imply endorse-
ment by North Carolina State University, Auburn University,
Clemson University, Louisiana State University, University
of Georgia or Mississippi State University nor discrimination
against similar products or services not mentioned. Individuals
who use agricultural chemicals are responsible for ensuring that
the intended use complies with current regulations and conforms
to the product label. Be sure to obtain current information about
usage regulations and examine a current product label before
applying any chemical. For assistance, contact Extension.



Page 94 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

or rubber boots and gloves, waterproof hat, coat, and coveralls,
GENERAL INFORMATION an approved respirator, and proper measuring equipment.
Your physician should be advised of the types of pesticides
LAWS AND REGULATIONS used in your work. Before the start of the spray season, each
Be sure to check current state and federal laws and regu- applicator should have a baseline blood cholinesterase level
lations regarding the proper use, storage, and disposal of determined if you will be applying any organophosphate or
pesticides before applying any chemicals. For restricted-use carbamate insecticides.
pesticides, an applicator is required to be certified or to work When applying pesticides, be sure to have a decontamination
under the direct supervision of a certified individual. site as prescribed by the Worker Protection Standards (WPS)
and a supply of clean water and liquid detergent available for
drenching and washing in case of an accident. Both of these
CERTIFICATIONPESTICIDE APPLICATORS conditions are required by law. A single drop of certain pesti-
The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act of cides in the eye is extremely hazardous. Be prepared to wash a
1972 (FIFRA) required each state to set up a program to cer- contaminated eye with clean water for 15 minutes.
tify users of pesticides. This certification is designed to show Only an experienced applicator wearing the protective cloth-
that users of pesticides know how to use pesticides safely in ing and safety equipment prescribed by the manufacturer should
order that they do not endanger the user, fellow humans, or the handle highly toxic pesticides, such as Guthion, Lannate, and
environment. Users of pesticides are classified as either private Temik.
applicators or commercial applicators. The certification process
is somewhat different for each group. The definitions of private
and commercial applicators are as follows: APPLYING PESTICIDES
Before using a pesticide, read and obey all labeling instruc-
Private Applicator: Any person who uses, or supervises the use tions. Always have the label readily available when applying a
of, pesticides for the purpose of raising some type of agricul- pesticide.
tural commodity. The application can be done on land owned or Do not handle or apply pesticides if you have a headache or
rented by the applicator or the applicators employer. However, do not feel well. Never smoke, eat or drink while using pes-
any applications done on a for-hire basis are considered ticides. Avoid inhaling pesticide sprays, dusts, and vapors.
commercial applications. Examples of private applicators are If hands, skin, or other body parts become
dairy farmers, vegetable or fruit growers, greenhouse grow- contaminated or exposed, wash the area immediately with clean
ers, and ranchers. Private applicators who purchase and apply water and a liquid detergent. If clothing becomes contaminated,
restricted-use pesticides must be certified and registered. remove it immediately. Wash contaminated clothing separate-
ly. After each spraying or dusting, bathe and change clothing;
Commercial Applicator: Any person who uses, or supervises always begin the day with clean clothing.
the use of, pesticides on a for-hire basis; any person who Always have someone present or in close contact when using
applies pesticides for nonagricultural purposes; any person highly toxic pesticides -those with the signal word DANGER
who applies pesticides as a part of his or her job with any gov- plus skull and crossbones symbol.
ernmental agency. Examples of commercial applicators are:
exterminators; landscapers; tree services; aerial applicators;
weed-control firms; and owners of apartments, motels, nursing APPLY THE CORRECT DOSAGE
homes, restaurants, etc., who do their own pest control work. To avoid excessive residues on crops for feed and
For detailed information on certification of pesticide applica- food
tors, call your state's Department of Agriculture or Extension To achieve optimum pest control and minimum danger
for information. to desirable organisms
Note: See the back cover of this publication for phone numbers To avoid chemical damage to the crops
of pesticide certification agencies in the Sourtheastern US. To obtain the most economical control of pests.
Use pesticides for only those crops specified on the label, and
use only those that have state and federal registration. Avoid
HANDLING PESTICIDES drift to nontarget areas. Dusts drift more than sprays; airblast
Before opening a pesticide container, all applicators should sprays drift more than boom sprays. When cleaning or filling
carefully read the label, and accurately follow all directions and application equipment, do not contaminate streams, ponds,
precautions specified on the labeling. In order to handle and or other water supplies. Always keep a record of all pesticides
apply pesticides safely, it is essential to use the proper personal used.
protective equipment (PPE). For the custom or professional
applicator, which includes both private and commercial applica-
tors, safety equipment should at least consist of unlined neoprene

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 95

TREATED AREAS ii. Brand and common chemical name of pesticide
Be sure all treated areas are posted so as to keep out unauthor- applied.
ized personnel. This should be a regular procedure for green- b. Date of application
house operators. c. Date of safe reentry into treated area
d. When a pesticide having a reentry time greater than 7 days
REENTRY PERIOD is applied, warning signs must be posted for the duration
Persons must not be allowed to enter the treated area until of the reentry time. The signs must be clearly readable at a
after sprays have dried or dusts have settled and until sufficient distance of 25 feet and printed in English and the language
time has passed to ensure that there is no danger of excessive of the worker, if other than English.
exposure. This time period is listed on the pesticide label as the e. The sign must contain the words:
Restricted Entry Interval (REI). In no case during the reentry Danger
period are farm workers allowed to enter the treated area to Name of the pesticide
engage in activity requiring substantial contact with the treated Treatment date
crop. PPE is required for any early entry into the treated area Do not enter until
and is only allowed for trained applicators.
7. The sign must not be removed during the reentry time, but
FARM WORKER SAFETY must be removed before workers are allowed to have contact
Federal pesticide legislation sets an interval during which with the treated plants.
unprotected persons may not reenter areas treated with cer-
tain pesticides to ensure that there is no danger to excessive For additional information on these and other state farm
exposure. These intervals (days to reentry) are listed on each worker safety regulations, contact the Pesticide Control Program
pesticide's label. Points for special attention are: office or the Cooperative Extension pesticide office in your
1. No pesticide shall be applied while any person not involved
in the application is in the field being treated. STORAGE
Pesticides should always be stored in their original containers
2. No owner shall permit any worker not wearing protective
and kept tightly closed. For the protection of others, especially
clothing (that is, PPE) to enter a field treated with pesticides
firefighters, the storage area should be posted as Pesticide
until sprays have dried or dusts have settled, unless they are
Storage and kept securely locked.
exempted from such. Protective clothing: hat or head cover-
Herbicides, especially hormone-like weedkillers such as 2,4-
ing; woven, long-sleeved shirt and long-legged pants; and
D, should not be stored with other pesticidesprimarily insec-
shoes and socks. Additional safety equipment may be needed.
ticides and fungicidesto prevent the accidental substitution of
3. Pesticides classified in EPA Category 1 have a reentry time the herbicide for these chemicals.
of at least 24 hours. These pesticides are azinphos-methyl Store the pesticides in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area that
(Guthion) and EPN. is not accessible to children and others who do not know and
understand the safe and proper use of pesticides. Pesticides
4. Pesticides containing one of the ingredients listed below have
should be stored under lock and key. Special precautions may
a 48-hour reentry time:
be needed in case of a fire in these storage areas.
disulfoton (Di-Syston)
Any restricted use pesticide (RUP) or container contaminated
methidathion (Supracide)
by restricted pesticides must be stored in a secure, locked enclo-
endosulfan (Thiodan)
sure while unattended. This enclosure must bear a warning that
methyl parathion (Penncap-M)
pesticides are stored there. It is illegal to store any pesticide in
ethion mevinphos (Phosdrin)
any container other than its original container.
metasystox-rphorate (Thimet)
Keep an inventory of all pesticides held in storage and locate
5. If the label states a longer reentry time or has more stringent the inventory list in an accessible place away from the storage
requirements than indicated here, the label restrictions must site so that it may be referred to in case of an emergency at the
be followed. Existing safety standards specified on the label storage site.
remain in force. Keep your local fire department informed of the location of
all pesticide storages. Fighting a fire that includes smoke from
6. When workers are expected to be working in the vicinity of a
burning pesticides can be extremely hazardous to firefighters.
field treated or to be treated with a pesticide, timely warning
Firefighters should be cautioned to avoid breathing any smoke
to such workers shall be given.
from such a fire. A fire with smoke from burning pesticides may
a. For all pesticides, workers must be warned by posting a
endanger the people of the immediate area or community. The
bulletin board at all point(s) where workers might assem-
people of an area or community may have to be evacuated if the
ble. This bulletin board should include a map of the farm
smoke from a pesticide firedrifts in their direction. To obtain
which designates the different areas of the farm that might
Prefire Planning Guides, contact the US National Response
be treated and listing of the following information:
Team (NRT) at http://www.nrt.org/.
i. Location and name of crop treated

Page 96 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

Pesticide Formulation General Signs of Deterioration cal position for 30 seconds. Repeat two more times. Puncture or
EC Evidence of separation is such as a sludge otherwise create a hole in the bottom of the pesticide container
or sediment Milky appearance does not to prevent its reuse.
occur when water is added.
Oils Milky appearance does not occur when Pressure Rinse Method. An optional method to rinse small
water is added. pesticide containers is to use a special rinsing device on the end
WP, SP, WGD Excessive lumping; powder does not sus-
of a standard water hose. The rinsing device has a sharp probe
pend in water. to puncture the container and several orifices to provide multiple
spray jets of water. After the container has been drained into the
D, G, WDG Excessive lumping or caking.
sprayer tank (container is upside down), jab the pointed pres-
sure rinser through the bottom of the inverted container. Rinse
After freezing, place pesticides in warm storage [50-80F] for at least 30 seconds. The spray jets of water rinse the inside
and shake or roll container every few hours to mix product or of the container and the pesticide residue is washed down into
eliminate layering. If layering persists or if all crystals do not the sprayer tank for proper use. Thirty seconds of rinse time is
completely dissolve, do not use the product. If in doubt, call the equivalent to triple rinsing. An added benefit is that the container
manufacturer. is rendered unusable.


Containers must be well-secured to prevent breakage or spill- Do not burn pesticides. The smoke from burning pesti-
age. An adequate supply of absorbent material, a shovel, and cides is dangerous and can pollute air.
a fire extinguisher must be available. While under transport, Do not dump pesticides in sewage disposal or storm
pesticides must be stored in a separate compartment from the sewers because this will contaminate water.
driver. All pesticide containers and equipment must be secured Avoid using excess quantities of pesticides. Calibrate
to the vehicle so as to prevent removal by unauthorized person(s) sprayers to make sure of the output.
when the vehicle is unattended. The door or hatch of any service Adjust equipment to keep spray on target. Chemicals
vehicle tank containing a pesticide must be equipped with a off-target pollute and can do harm to fish, wildlife,
cover that will prevent spillage when the vehicle is in motion. honey bees, and other desirable organisms.
The above requirements do not apply if the pesticide is being
transported within the application equipment tank. Keep pesticides out of ponds, streams, and water supplies,
For additional information on pesticide transport, contact the except those intended for such use. A small amount of drift can
state Pesticide Control Program office or Extension. be hazardous to food crops and to wildlife. Empty and clean
sprayers away from water areas (such as ponds, lakes, streams,
DISPOSAL Protect bees and other beneficial insects by choosing the
Pesticides should not be disposed of in sanitary landfills or by proper chemical and time of day for application. See additional
incineration, unless these locations and equipment are especially precautions in section Protecting Our Groundwater.
designed and licensed for this purpose by the state.
The best method to dispose of a pesticide is to use it in accor-
dance with current label registrations. The triple rinse-and- MINIMIZE SPRAY DRIFT
drain (see below) procedure or the pressure-rinse procedure Avoid spraying when there is strong wind.
(see below) is the recommended method to prepare pesticide Use large orifice nozzles at relatively low pressure.
containers for safe disposal. This method can save money as well Use nozzles that do not produce small droplets.
as protect the environment. Adjust boom height as low as practical.
Crush or puncture the container for disposal in a sanitary land- Do not spray at high travel speeds.
fill or deposit in landfills that accept industrial waste, or deliver Spray when soil is coolest and relative humidity is
the intact container to a drum reconditioner or recycling plant. highest.
Check with the landfill operator prior to taking empty contain- Use nonvolatile pesticides.
ers for disposal. For additional information on the disposal of Use drift control additives when permitted by the pes-
pesticides themselves or unrinsed containers or rinsate, call the ticide label.
state agency responsible for hazardous wastes. See back cover
for telephone numbers.
Triple RinseandDrain Method. To empty a pesticide contain- If any of the following symptoms are experienced during or
er for disposal, drain the container into the spray tank by holding shortly after using pesticides: headache, blurred vision, pinpoint
the container in a vertical position for 30 seconds. Add water to pupils, weakness, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and discomfort in
the pesticide container. Agitate the container thoroughly, then the chest, seek medical assistance immediately. Be sure to take a
drain the liquid (rinsate) into the spray tank by holding in a verti- copy of the pesticide label. For minor symptoms, call the appro-

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 97

priate Poison Control Center in your state. See back cover for TYPES OF RESPIRATORS
emergency telephone numbers. Prompt action and treatment may Respiratory protective devices can be categorized into three
save a life. classes: air-purifying, supplied-air, and self-contained. Since
most pesticide contaminants can be removed from the atmo-
sphere by air-purifying devices, we will look at these in greatest
Remove the person from exposure: Air-purifying devices include chemical cartridge respirators,
Get away from the treated or contaminated area imme- mechanical filters, gas masks (also referred to as canister filter
diately respirators), and battery powered respirators. They can be used
Remove contaminated clothing. only in atmospheres containing sufficient oxygen to sustain life.
Wash with soap and clean water.
Call a physician and the state Poison Control Center Chemical cartridge respirators provide respiratory pro-
or Agency. See back cover for emergency telephone tection against certain gases and vapors in concentra-
numbers. tions not greater than 0.1% by volume, provided that
Be prepared to give the active ingredient name (common this concentration does not exceed an amount that is
generic name) immediately dangerous to life and health. They are for
use only when exposure to high continual concentra-
tions of pesticide is unlikely, such as when mixing pes-
PESTICIDE SPILLS ticides outdoors. They are available either as halfmasks,
Keep a supply of absorbent on hand to scatter over liquid spills covering only the nose and mouth, or as full-facepiece
in the storage room. Sawdust or janitorial sweeping compound respirators for both respiratory and eye protection.
works well in absorbing the liquids in a cleanup. Use a respira-
tor and rubber gloves to clean up spills; cover the contaminated Mechanical filter respirators (dust masks) provide
surface with household lye, trisodium phosphate, or liquid deter- respiratory protection against particulate matter such
gent. Let it soak a couple of hours and reabsorb the solution from as mists, metal fumes, and nonvolatile dusts. They are
the floor. This procedure is recommended for cleaning truck beds available either as disposable or reusable halfmasks that
that are contaminated. Specific information concerning pesticide cover the nose and mouth, or as reusable full-facepieces.
cleanup can be obtained by calling the manufacturer directly. Dust masks should never be used when mixing or apply-
The phone numbers for emergencies are listed on every product ing liquids because splashed or spilled liquids, or pesti-
label. Information can also be obtained by calling CHEMTREC cide vapors can be absorbed by the mask.
at 800/424-9300. Report pesticide spills to the proper state Many respiratory protective devices are combinations
agency. See back cover for telephone numbers. of chemical cartridge and mechanical filter (prefilter)
respirators. These can provide respiratory protection
against both gases and particulate matter.

RESPIRATORY PROTECTIVE Full-face piece respirators provide respiratory protection

DEVICES FOR PESTICIDES against particulate matter, and/or against certain specific
gases and vapors, provided that their concentration does
For many toxic chemicals, the respiratory (breathing) system not exceed an amount that is immediately dangerous to
is the quickest and most direct route of entry into the circulatory life and health. Gas masks, like full-facepieces, cover
system. From the blood capillaries of the lungs, these toxic sub- the eyes, nose, and mouth, but will last longer than car-
stances are rapidly transported throughout the body. tridges when continuously exposed to some pesticides.
Respiratory protective devices vary in design, use, and protec- A gas mask will not, however, provide protection when
tive capability. In selecting a respiratory protective device, the the air supply is low. A special respirator with a self-
user must first consider the degree of hazard associated with contained air supply should be worn in these situations.
breathing the toxic substance, and then understand the specific
uses and limitations of the available equipment. Select a respira- Battery powered air-purifying respirators equipped with
tor that is designed for the intended use, and always follow the pesticide filters/cartridges are also effective in filtering
manufacturers instructions concerning the use and maintenance out pesticide particles and vapors. They are available as
of that particular respirator. Different respirators may be needed halfmasks, full-face masks, hoods, and protective hel-
for application of different chemicals or groups of chemicals. mets, and are connected by a breathing hose to a battery
Select only equipment approved by the National Institute of powered filtration system. This type of filtration system
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the Mine Safety has the additional advantage of cooling the person wear-
and Health Administration (MSHA). The NIOSH/MSHA approval ing it. But, like other air purifying devices, this system
numbers begin with the letters TC. NOTE: The label will specify does not supply oxygen and must be worn only when the
which respirator is needed for that particular pesticide. oxygen supply is not limited.

Chemical cartridge respirators protect against light concentra-

Page 98 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

tions of certain organic vapors. However, no single type of car- face and facepiece. The second test involves covering the inhala-
tridge is able to remove all kinds of chemical vapors. A different tion valve(s) by placing a hand over the cartridge(s). If there is
type of chemical cartridge (or canister) must be used for different a good seal, inhalation should cause the facepiece to collapse. If
contaminants. For example, cartridges and canisters that protect air enters, adjust the headbands or reposition the facepiece until
against certain organic vapors differ chemically from those that a good seal is obtained.
protect against ammonia gases. Be sure that the cartridge or can- Get to fresh air immediately if any of the following danger
ister is approved for the pesticide you intend to use. Cartridge signals are sensed:
respirators are not recommended for use against chemicals that Contaminants are smelled or tasted
possess poor warning properties. Thus, the users senses (smell, Eyes, nose, or throat become irritated
taste, irritation) must be able to detect the substance at a safe Breathing becomes difficult
level if cartridge respirators are to be used correctly. The air being breathed becomes uncomfortably warm
The effective life of a respirator cartridge or canister depends Nauseous or dizzy sensations are experienced
on the conditions associated with its usesuch as the type and
concentration of the contaminants, the users breathing rate, and Cartridges or filters may be used up or abnormal conditions may
the humidity. Cartridge longevity is dependent on its gas and be creating contaminant concentrations which exceed the capaci-
vapor adsorption capacity. When the chemical cartridge becomes ty of the respirator to remove the contamination.
saturated, a contaminant can pass through the cartridge, usually After each use of the respirator, remove all mechanical and
allowing the user to smell it. At this point, the cartridge must chemical filters. Wash the facepiece with soap and warm water,
be changed immediately. There are times when the mechanical and then immerse it in a sanitizing solution such as household
prefilter also needs to be changed. A prefilter should be replaced bleach (two tablespoons per gallon of water) for two minutes,
whenever the respirator user feels that breathing is becoming followed by a thorough rinsing with clean water to remove all
difficult. Dispose of all spent cartridges to avoid their being used traces of soap and bleach. Wipe the facepiece with a clean cloth
inadvertently by another applicator who is unaware of their con- and allow to air dry.
taminated condition. Store the respirator facepiece, cartridges, canisters, and
Chemical cartridge respirators cannot provide protection mechanical filters in a clean, dry place, preferably in a tightly
against extremely toxic gases such as hydrogen cyanide, methyl sealed plastic bag. Do not store respirators with pesticides or
bromide, or other fumigants. Masks with a self-contained air other agricultural chemicals.
supply are necessary for these purposes. Handle respirators with the same care given to other protec-
tive equipment and clothing. Undergo medical examination and
become certified to use an approved respirator.
Respirators are worn as needed for protection when handling
certain pesticides. Prior to using a respirator, read and understand
the instructions on the cartridge or canister and all supplemental PROTECTING OUR
information about its proper use and care. Be sure the filter is GROUNDWATER
approved for protection against the pesticide intended to be used.
Respirators labeled only for protection against particulates must Groundwater is the water contained below the topsoil. This water
not be used for gases and vapors. Similarly, respirators labeled is used by 90% of the rural population in the United States as
only for protection against gases and vapors should not be used their sole source of drinking water. Contamination of the water
for particulates. Remember, cartridges and filters do not supply supply by pesticides and other pollutants is becoming a serious
oxygen. Do not use them where oxygen may be limited. All problem. One source of contamination is agricultural practices.
respirators must be inspected for wear and deterioration of their Protection of our groundwater by the agricultural community is
components before and after each use. Special attention should essential.
be given to rubber or plastic parts which can deteriorate. The Groundwater collects under our soils in aquifers that are
facepiece, valves, connecting tubes or hoses, fittings, and filters comprised of layers of sand, gravel, or fractured bedrock
must be maintained in good condition. which, by their nature, hold water. This water comes from
All valves, mechanical filters, and chemical filters (cartridges rainfall, snowfall, etc., that moves down through the soil lay-
or canisters) should be properly positioned and sealed. Fit the ers to the aquifer. The depth of the aquifer below the surface
respirator on the face to ensure a tight but comfortable seal. A depends on many factors. Where it is shallow, we see lakes,
beard or large sideburns may prevent a good face seal. Two tests ponds and wetlands. In areas where it is deep, we find arid
can be done to check the fit of most chemical cartridge respira- regions.
tors. The first test requires that you place your hand tightly over
the outside exhaust valve. If there is a good seal, exhalation
should cause slight pressure inside the facepiece. If air escapes FACTORS THAT AFFECT MOVEMENT OF WATER AND
between the face and facepiece, readjust the headbands until a CONTAMINANTS
tight seal is obtained. Readjusting the headbands may at times The depth of aquifers, in conjunction with soil types, influ-
not be sufficient to obtain a good seal. It may be necessary to ences how much surface water reaches the aquifer. Their depth
reposition the facepiece to prevent air from escaping between the also affects how quickly water and contaminants reach an aqui-

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 99

fer. Thus, shallow water tables tend to be more vulnerable to increased due to the amount of pesticide in the soil. The timing
contamination than deeper ones. of pesticide applications has an effect on groundwater con-
This tendency, however, depends on the soil type. Soils with tamination. If applications during periods of high rainfall or
high clay or organic matter content may hold water longer and heavy irrigation are made, it is more likely that contamination
retard its movement to the aquifer.Conversely, sandy soils allow may occur. Also, the water table in the spring may be higher
water to move downward at a fast rate. High levels of clay and/or than at other times. Early season applications, therefore, may
organic content in soils also provide a large surface area for bind- pose a greater chance for groundwater contamination.
ing contaminants that can slow their movement into groundwater. 3. The method of application may have an effect. Direct injec-
Soil texture also influences downward water movement. Finer tion, incorporation, and chemigation all increase the chance of
textured soils have fewer spaces between particles than coarser contamination. If using these techniques, be sure to follow the
ones, thus decreasing movement of water and contaminants. procedures listed on the materials label.
4. The location of wells can be important. If the sprayer loading
area or pesticide storage building is too close to a well, the
CHEMISTRY PLAYS A ROLE risk of contamination may be greater. Wells should be at least
The characteristics of an individual pesticide affect its ability 50 feet away from pesticide storage and loading areas. In the
to reach groundwater. The most important characteristics are event of an accident, this distance should prevent contamina-
solubility in water, adsorption to soils, and persistence in the tion. This minimum distance should also be followed for field
environment. irrigation wells. If they are too close to application areas, con-
Pesticides that are highly soluble in water have a higher tamination might occur.
potential for contaminating groundwater than those that are less
soluble. The water solubility of a chemical indicates how much 5. Check the condition of any wells in the vicinity of sprayer
chemical will dissolve in water and is measured in parts per mil- loading areas, pesticide storage areas, or field applications. If
lion (ppm). Those chemicals with a water solubility greater than they have cracked casings trouble is being invited. Cracks in
30 ppm may create problems. a well casing provide a direct point of entry for pesticide-con-
A chemicals ability to adhere to soil particles plays an impor- taminated water that is in the soil.
tant role. Chemicals with a high affinity for soil adsorption are 6. Use some type of anti back-flow device in any system used for
less likely to reach the aquifer. Adsorption is also affected by the chemigation or to fill the sprayer with water. In the event of a
amount of organic matter in the soil. Soils with high organic mat- pump shutoff or other failure, if any back-flow into the water
ter content are less vulnerable than those with low organic matter system occurs, these devices will prevent pesticides from
content. entering the well. Many states laws require that anti back-flow
Finally, how persistent a chemical is in the environment may devices be placed on all sprayer water intake systems prior to
affect its ability to reach groundwater. Those that persist for a the water entering the tank. The use of an air gap only is no
long time may be more likely to cause contamination than mate- longer acceptable.
rials that breakdown quickly. Persistence is measured by the time
7. Care and maintenance of equipment is also an important con-
it takes half of a given pesticide to degrade. This is called the
sideration. If the equipment does not function properly, over-
chemicals half-life. Chemicals with an overall estimated half-
delivery may occur, which increases the chance of groundwa-
life longer than 3 weeks pose a threat to groundwater.
ter contamination. Prior to the beginning of the season, inspect
all of the working parts of the sprayer or chemigation system.
Check the pump to ensure that it is working properly. For
both sprayers and chemigation systems, check the water lines
for clogs and leaks. For sprayers, check the nozzles for wear
Examine the chemical properties of the pesticides used. If
and clogs. Clogged, leaking, or worn lines and nozzles can
using materials that persist for long periods of time, are very
cause pesticides to be delivered in too high an amount or into
water soluble, or are not tightly held by the soil, then your
unwanted areas. Be sure to calibrate equipment. Uncalibrated
groundwater may become contaminated. Another material may
equipment can cause over-delivery as well. Equipment should
be selected that has a shorter persistence, lower water solubility,
be calibrated at the beginning of the season, periodically
or higher potential for soil adsorption. The following chart assists
during the remainder of the season, and any time changes or
with these decisions.
adjustments are made to the equipment.
1. Determine the local soil and geologic circumstances. If in an 8. Apply materials only when needed. The use of pesticides,
area with a shallow water table or the soil is low inorganic when not needed, can increase the threat of contamination.
matter or sandy in nature, there is a greater risk of contaminat- Check irrigation practices as well. Do not irrigate immediately
ing your groundwater. In these cases, choose a pesticide that after a pesticide application, unless required by a pesticides
has a low water solubility and is not persistent. label. The increased water content in the soil might speed up
the downward movement of a pesticide.
2. Evaluate management practices. These practices maybe the
most important factors in determining the risk of contaminat-
ing groundwater. If the same materials are used year after year,
or many times a season, the potential for contamination can be

Page 100 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
The danger in handling pesticides does not depend exclusively Toxicity and LD50 Calculations
on toxicity values. Hazard is a function of both toxicity and the Weight Conversions
amount and type of exposure. Some chemicals are very hazard- 1 ounce (oz) = 28 grams (gr)
ous from dermal (skin) exposure as well as oral (ingestion). 1 pound (lb) = 454 grams (gr)
Although inhalation values are not given, this type of exposure is 1 gram (gr) = 1,000 milligrams (mg)
similar to ingestion. A compound may be highly toxic but pres- 1,000 mg = 0.035 oz
ent little hazard to the applicator if the precautions are followed 1 mg = 0.000035 oz
Toxicity values are expressed as acute oral LD50 in terms of
milligrams of the substance per kilogram (mg/kg) of test animal Conversions: Body Weight in Pounds (lb)
body weight required to kill 50 percent of the population. The to Body Weight in Kilograms (kg)
acute dermal LD50 is also expressed in mg/kg. These acute val- (lb) (kg)
ues are for a single exposure and not for repeated exposures such 25 = 11.25
as may occur in the field. Rats are used to obtain the oral LD50 50 = 22.5
and the test animals used to obtain the dermal values are usually 75 = 33.75
rabbits. 100 = 45
150 = 67.5
Categories of Toxicity1
200 = 90
LD50 Value (mg/kg)
Categories Signal Word Oral Dermal
I Danger-Poison 0 50 0 200 To determine an exact weight, multiply known body weight in
II Warning 50-500 200-2,000
pounds by 0.45. Example: 100 lb x 0.45 = 45 kg
III Caution 500-5,000 2,000-20,000
Note: All the following calculations use a body weight of
IV None2 5,000 5,000 20,000
100 pounds. To determine the LD50, first convert body weight
1 EPA accepted categories.
2 No
to kilograms; to do this multiply weight in lb by 0.45. Example:
signal word required based on acute toxicity; however, products in this
category usually display Caution. 100 x 0.45 = 45 kg
Next, multiply given LD50 by body weight in kg. Note: LD50
numbers are given by the manufacturer. Example: LD50 of 11 x
45 kg = 495 mg
Read all labels and become familiar with the symptoms Next, to convert milligrams (mg) to ounces (oz), multiply mg
of pesticide poisoning. For help in a pesticide emergency, by 0.000035. Example: 495 mg x 0.000035 = 0.017 oz.
seek immediate medical attention and call the appropriate
poison information number on the back cover of this book. The following is a chart of LD50 figures converted to ounc-
es for three commonly used products in the agricultural

Body Weight in Pounds

LD50 30 60 100 150 200
Insecticide 11 0.005 0.010 0.017 0.026 0.035
Micro-Tech/Partner 1,800 0.9 1.7 2.8 4.3 5.7
Chlorothalonil 10,000 4.9 9.5 15.7 23.8 31.5

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 101
NC State University: J. Walgenback, M. Abney, G. Kennedy; Clemson University: P. Smith; University of Kentucky: R. Bessin;
University of Georgia: A. Sparks, D. Riley; Mississippi State University: M. Layton; University of Tennessee: F. Hale

Read the pesticide label before application. High pressure (200 psi) increased significantly. For brevity, these generic products typically are
and high volume (50 gallons per acre) aid in vegetable insect control. not listed within each section. The trade names listed are intended to
Ground sprays with airblast sprayers or sprayers with hollow cone drop aid in identification of products and are not intended to promote use of
nozzles per row are suggested. Incorporate several methods of control specific trade names nor to discourage use of generic products.
for best results. In recent years, the number of generic products has


Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
ASPARAGUS Aphid chlorpyrifos 1 lb Apply during the fern stage. Do not
(Lorsban) 75 WG 1.33 lb make more than 2 applications during
(Lorsban) 4 E 2 pt the fern stage.
dimethoate 400 1 pt 0.5 lb 180 Do not exceed 5 pt per acre per year.

malathion (various brands) 57% EC 2 pt 1 lb 1 Aphid colonies appear by early

September. The use of carbamates may
result in aphid buildup.
Asparagus beetle, carbaryl (Sevin) 1 to 2 lb 1 Low rate to be used on seedlings or
Japanese beetle, 50 WP 2 to 4 lb spears. Do not apply more often than
Grasshopper 80 S 1.25 to 2.5 lb once every 3 days. With established
XLR Plus 1 to 2 qt beetle populations, three consecutive
weekly sprays are required. Manage
beetles and grasshoppers in the fall.
dimethoate 400 1 pt 0.5 lb 180 Do not exceed 5 pt per acre per year.
malathion (various brands) 8 F 1.5 pt 1.5 lb 1 Apply as needed.
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 pt 0.45 lb 1 Let a row on edge of field near
overwintering sites of asparagus
beetles fern out. This will attract and
hold beetles for that directed insecticide
spray (trap and destroy).
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 lb 1 Apply as needed with ground
25 WP 6 oz equipment. Do not apply more than 0.4
3.2 EC 4 oz lb a.i. per acre per season.
Beet armyworm, Bacillus thuringiensis (Dipel) DF 0.5 to1 lb 0.5 to 1.5 lb 0
Cutworm, Yellow-
chlorpyrifos 1 lb Do not make more than 1 preharvest
striped armyworm
(Lorsban) 75 WG 1.33 lb application per season.
(Lorsban) 4 E 2.0 pt
methomyl (Lannate) 0.45 to 0.9 lb 1 Apply as needed.
2.4 LV 1.5 to 3 pt
90 SP 0.5 to 1 lb
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 6 oz 0.062 to 60 For protection of ferns only.
0.094 lb

n Table 2-2. Naturally Occurring Biological Control OrganismsAsparagus

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
European aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators.
Asparagus beetle Nine spotted lady beetle predator and Eulophidae
Japanese beetle Tiphidae
ASPARAGUS Grasshopper Protozoa
Beet armyworm Soldier bug
Cutworm Moist bran mixed with BTK and molasses on soil surface.
Yellow-striped armyworm Spined Soldier bug

n Table 2-3. Alternative Control MeasuresAsparagus

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Measures
European asparagus aphid Wash plants or irrigate frequently to prevent them from colonizing.

Asparagus beetle Use a few plants as a trap crop and spray with pyrethrins or rotenone.

Japanese beetle Spray with pyrethrins or rotenone.

ASPARAGUS Beet armyworm Hand pick and spray with BTK or neem.

Cutworm Scatter bran mixed with BTK and molasses on bed surface or use protective collars.

Grasshopper Spray with pyrethrins or rotenone.

Yellow-striped armyworm Hand pick and spray with BTK or neem.

Page 102 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
BEAN (Snap, Lima, Aphid acephate (Orthene) 14 Do not apply more than 2.66 lb per acre
Pole) 97 PE 0.5 to 1 lb 0.49 to 0.97 lb per season. Will not control black bean
75 WSP 0.66 to 1.33 lb 0.5 to 1 lb aphid. Lima bean may be treated and
harvested the same day.
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 1.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.02 to 0.1 lb 3
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 to 1 pt 0.25 to 0.5 lb 7 On foliage as needed.
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 lb 7 Do not apply more than 0.06 lb active
fl oz ingredient per acre per season. Do not
feed treated foliage to animals.
imidacloprid 0.25 to 0.375 lb 21 Apply Admire postseeding or as transplant
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz drench with sufcient water to reach
(various brands) 2F 16 to 24 fl oz root zone. As a sidedress, apply 24 in.
to the side of the row and incorporate
1 or more inches. May also be applied
in drop irrigation system. Also controls
leafhoppers and thrips.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.5 oz 0.04 lb 7 Provado is for foliar application only.
insecticidal soap (M-Pede) 49 EC 2.5 oz/gal water 0
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 lb 0.02 to 0.03 lb 7 Do not apply more than 0.12 lb active
ingredient per acre per season. Do not
feed treated foliage to animals.
Bean leaf beetle, bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 3
Japanese beetle
Bean thrips acephate (Orthene) 14 Lima beans may be treated and
75 S, 75 WSP 0.666 to 0.5 to 1 lb harvested the same day. Do not apply
1.333 lb more than 2 lb a.i. per acre per season.
97 PE 0.5 to 1 lb 0.49 to 0.97 lb
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 3
insecticidal soap (M-Pede) 49 EC 2.5 oz/ gal 0 Spray to wet plant surfaces.
methomyl (Lannate) 1
90 SP 0.5 lb 0.45 lb
2.4 LV 1.5 pt 0.45 lb
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4.5 to 6.0 oz 0.06 to 0.09 lb 3 (succulent) Do not apply more than 29 fl oz per acre
28 (dried) per season on succulent beans or more
than 12 fl oz on dried beans.
Corn earworm, Looper acephate (Orthene) 14 Do not apply more 2 lb a.i. per acre per
75 S, 75 WSP 1 to 1.333 lb 0.75 to 1 lb season. Lima beans may be treated and
97 PE 0.75 to 1 lb 0.73 to 0.97 harvested the same day.
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 3

esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3 Do not exceed 0.8 lb a.i. per acre per
season. Do not feed treated plants to
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 lb 7 Do not feed treated foliage to livestock.
fl oz
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.02 to 0.03 lb 7 Do not feed treated foliage to livestock.
fl oz
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4.5 to 6.0 oz 0.06 to 0.09 lb 3 (succulent) Do not apply more than 29 fl oz per acre
28 (dried) per season on succulent beans or more
than 12 fl oz on dried beans.
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 2.72 to 4.0 oz 0.017 to 0.25 lb 1 (succulent or PHI is 1 day for succulent shelled or
edible pod) edible-podded beans and 21 days for
21 (dried) dried shelled beans.
Cowpea curculio endosulfan (Thionex) 50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb 3 Three applications of Thiodan or thionex
per season. DO NOT use EC formulation
on lima beans.
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 2.72 to 4.0 oz 0.017 to 0.25 lb 1 (succulent or PHI is 1 day for succulent shelled or
edible pod) edible-podded beans and 21 days for
21 (dried) dried shelled beans.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 103
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
BEAN (Snap, Lima, Cucumber beetle carbaryl (Sevin) 5
Pole) (continued) 50 WP 4 lb 2 lb
80 S 2.5 lb 2 lb
XLR Plus 1 qt 1 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3 Do not exceed 0.8 lb a.i. per acre per
season. Do not feed treated plants to
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 2.72 to 4.0 oz 0.017 to 0.25 lb 1 (succulent or PHI is 1 day for succulent shelled or
edible pod) edible-podded beans and 21 days for
21 (dried) dried shelled beans.
Cutworm acephate (Orthene) 14 Do not apply more 2 lb a.i. per acre per
75 S, 75 WSP 0.666 to 0.5 to 1 lb season. Lima beans may be treated and
1.333 lb harvested the same day.
97 PE 0.5 to 1 lb 0.49 to 0.97
carbaryl (Sevin) 0
50 WP 2 to 2.5 lb 1 to 1.5 lb
80 S 1.25 to 1.875 lb 1 to 1.5 lb
XLR Plus 1 qt 1 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3 Do not exceed 0.8 lb a.i. per acre per
season. Do not feed treated plants to
Grasshopper bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 1.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.02 to 0.1 lb 3
Leafminer cryomazine (Trigard) 75 WP 2.66 oz 0.125 7
naled (Dibrom) 8 EC 1 pt 1 lb 3
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4.5 to 6 fl oz 0.07 to 0.09 3 (succulent) For succulent beans, do not harvest with-
28 (dried) in three days of last application. For dried
beans, do not harvest within 28 days of
last application. Use of a spray adjuvant
may improve control.
Lesser cornstalk borer gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 lb 7 Do not feed treated foliage to livestock.
fl oz
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.02 to 0.03 lb 7 Do not feed treated foliage to livestock.
fl oz
Lima bean vine borer carbaryl (Sevin) 0 On foliage when pods begin to form and
50 WP 3 lb 2.5 lb at 10-day intervals.
80 S 1.875 lb 2.5 lb
XLR Plus 2 qt 2 lb
esfenvaleate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3 Do not exceed 0.8 a.i. per acre per
season. Do not feed treated plants to
Lygus bug acephate (Orthene) 14 Do not apply more than 2 lb a.i. per acre
75 S, 75 WSP 0.67 lb 0.5 lb per season. Lima beans may be treated
97 PE 0.5 to 1 lb 0.49 to 0.97 lb and harvested the same day.

carbaryl (Sevin) 0 On foliage when pods begin to form.

50 WP 3 lb 2.5 lb
80 S 1.875 lb 2.5 lb
XLR Plus 2 qt 2 lb
dimethoate (Dimethoate) 4 EC 1 pt 0.5 lb 7 Do not apply if bees are visiting area to
be treated when crops or weeds are in
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3 Do not exceed 0.8 lb a.i. per acre per
season. Do not feed treated plants to

Page 104 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
BEAN (Snap, Lima, Mexican bean beetle acephate (Orthene) 14 Do not apply more than 2 lb a.i. per acre
Pole) 75 S, 75 WSP 0.67 lb 0.5 lb per season. Lima beans may be treated
(continued) 97 PE 0.5 to 1 lb 0.49 to 0.97 lb and harvested the same day.
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 3

carbaryl (Sevin) 3 On foliage as needed. Use low rate on

50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb young plants.
80 S 0.625 to 1.25 lb 0.5 to 1 lb
XLR Plus 1 qt 1 lb
dimethoate (Dimethoate) 4 EC 1 pt 0.5 lb 7
disulfoton (Di-Syston) 8 EC 0.9 to 1.9 oz/ 1 to 2 lb 60 Apply in furrow below seed at planting
1,000 ft row time. Avoid contact of insecticide with
seed. Make only one application. Also
controls apids, leafhoppers, and thrips.
endosulfan (Thionex) 3 Apply in furrow below seed at planting
3 EC 0.67 to 1.3 qt 0.5 to 1 lb time. Avoid contact of insecticide with
50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb seed. Make only one application. Also
controls apids, leafhoppers, and thrips.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3 Do not exceed 0.8 lb a.i. per acre per
season. Do not feed treated plants to
phorate (Thimet) 20 G 4.9 to 9.4 oz/ 1 to 2 lb 60 Drill granules to the side of seed at plant-
1,000 ft row ing. Avoid contact with seed.
Potato leafhopper acephate (Orthene) 14 Do not apply more than 2 lb a.i. per acre
75 S, 75 WSP 0.666 to 0.5 to 1 lb per season. Lima beans may be treated
97 PE 1.333 lb 0.49 to 0.97 lb and harvested the same day.
0.5 to 1 lb
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 1.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.02 to 0.1 lb 3
carbaryl (Sevin) 3 On foliage as needed.
50 WP 4 lb 2 lb
80 S 2.5 lb 2 lb
XLR Plus 1 qt 1 lb
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 to 1 pt 0.25 to 0.5 lb 7
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3 Do not exceed 0.8 lb a.i. per acre per
season. Do not feed treated plants to
methomyl (Lannate) Do not graze before 3 days or use for hay
90 SP 0.5 lb 0.45 lb 1 before 7 days.
2.4 L 1.5 to 3 pt 0.45 to 0.9 lb 1 to 3
phorate (Thimet) 20 G 4.9 to 9.4 oz/ 1 to 2 lb 60 Drill granules to the side of seed at plant-
1,000 ft row ing. Avoid contact with seed.
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 2.72 to 4.0 oz 0.017 to 0.25 lb 1 (succulent or PHI is 1 day for succulent shelled or
0.8 EC edible pod) edible-podded beans and 21 days for
21 (dried) dried shelled beans.
Seedcorn maggot Use seed pretreated with chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) and a fungicide. Seed can be purchased pretreated.
diazinon (Diazinon) planterbox formulation 1.5 cups per Use only planterbox formulation that
includes 25% diazinon bushel of seed includes a fungicide as a safener. Stir to
coat all seeds. Excess flows into seed
phorate (Thimet) 20 G 4.9 to 9.4 oz/ 1 to 2 lb 60 Drill granules to the side of seed at plant-
1,000 ft row ing. Avoid contact with seed.

Spider mite bifenthrin (Capture) 2 EC 5.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.08 to 0.1 lb 3

dicofol 4 EC 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1.5 lb 21 On foliage as needed.
Stink bug bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.033 to 0.1 lb 3
endosulfan (Thionex) 50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb 3 Three applications of Thiodan per season.
Do not use EC formulation on lima beans.
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 lb 7 Do not feed treated foliage to animals.
fl oz

lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.02 to 0.03 lb 7 Do not feed treated foliage to animals.
fl oz

naled (Dibrom) 8 EC 1.5 pt/100 gal 1.5 lb 1


Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 105
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
BEAN (Snap, Lima, Whiteflies bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.02 to 0.1 lb 3 Preharvest interval for hand harvest is
Pole) 9 (hand harvest) 9 days.
buprofezin (Courier) 40 SC 9 to 13.6 oz 0.225 to 0.34 14 For use on snap beans only.
imidacloprid 0.25 to 0.375 21 Apply Admire as a postseed or transplant
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz lb drench with sufcient water to reach root
zone. As a sidedress, apply 24 in. to
(various brands) 2 F 16 to 24 fl oz the side of the row and incorporate 1 or
more inches. May also be applied in drop
irrigation system.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.5 oz 0.04 lb 7 Provado is for foliar application only.
Wireworm phorate (Thimet) 20 G 4.9 to 9.4 1 to 2 lb 60
oz/1,000 ft row

n Table 2-5. Naturally Occurring Biological Control OrganismsBeans

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Bean leaf beetle Tiphidae
Bean thrips Flower bug, lacewings, and predatory mites
Corn earworm Flower bug, lacewing, lchneumonid wasps and Pteromalidae
Soldier beetle, braconid wasps, and parasitic nematodes. Drench soil with parasitic nematodes weekly to
Cowpea curculio
control larvae.
BEANS (SNAP, Cutworm Moist bran mixed with BTK and molasses on soil survace

LIMA & POLE) Lesser cornstalk borer

Lima bean vine borer
Lygus bug Lacewing and flower bug
Mexican bean beetle
Potato leafhopper
Spider mite Lady beetle, predator mites, and lacewings
Stink bug
Eucoilidae and parasitic nematodes
Seedcom maggot

n Table 2-6. Alternative Control ProceduresBeans

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash leaves with strong spray of water, or use spray with insecticidal soap, neem or pyrethrins.
Leaf beetle Hand pick and spray with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, neem, or BTK.
Japanese beetle Hand pick and spray with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, or neem.
Bean thrips Spray with insecticidal soap, insecticidal oil.
Corn earworm Hand pick and spray with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, neem, or BTK.
BEANS (SNAP, Cowpea curculio Hand pick and spray with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, or neem.
Cucumber beetle Spray with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, or neem. Drench soil with parastic nematodes weekly to control larvae.

Cutworm Scatter bran mixed with BTK and molasses on bed surface or use protective collars.
Potato leafhopper Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or insecticidal oil.
Spider mite Insecticidal oil
Stink bug Insecticidal oil

Page 106 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
BEET, Table Aphid diazinon (Diazinon) 0.5 to 1 lb 14 On foliage when aphids appear. Repeat
(AG 500) 1 to 2 pt weekly as needed.
1 to 2 lb
imidacloprid 0.156 to 21 Must be applied to the soil. May be
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 4.4 to 10.5 oz 0.375 lb applied via chemigation into the root
(various brands) 2 F 10 to 24 fl oz zone through low-pressure drip, trickle,
micro-sprinkler, or equivalent equipment;
in-furrow spray or shanked in 1 to 2 in.
below seed depth during planting; or in
a narrow (2 in. or less) 1 to 2 in. band
directly below the eventual seed row in
a bedding operation 14 or fewer days
before planting. Higher rates provide
longer lasting control. See label for
information on approved application
methods and rate per 100 row feet for
different row spacings. Will also control
ea beetle.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.5 oz 0.04 lb 7 Provado is for foliar application only.
Armyworm, Beet spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4.5 to 6.0 oz 0.07 to 0.09 lb 3 Do not apply more than 21 fl oz per acre
webworm per season.
Blister beetle, Flea carbaryl (Sevin) On foliage as needed. 14 days if tops are
beetle 50 WP 3 lb 1.5 lb 3 used; 3 days if tops not used.
80 S 1.875 lb 1.5 lb
XLR 1 qt 1 lb
Leafminer spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 6 to 10 oz 0.09 to 0.1666 1 Control will be improved with addition of a
lb spray adjuvant.

n Table 2-8. Naturally Occurring Biological Control OrganismsBeet

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators.
Beet webworm Braconids.
BEET, Table
Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parasitic wasps.
Pick and destroy mined leaves and remove egg clusters. Spray plants with neem.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 107
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
BROCCOLI Aphid, Flea beetle acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 2 to 3 oz 0.038 to 7
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 21 On foliage when insects appear. Repeat
50 W 2 lb 1 lb as needed.
75 WG 1.33 lb 1 lb
diazinon (Diazinon, Spectracide) 7 No more than six applications per
(AG 500) 4 EC 2 to 1 pt 0.25 to 0.5 lb season.
(50 W) 50 WP 2 pt 0.5 lb
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 to 1 pt 0.25 to 0.5 lb 7
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.045 to 1 Do not follow soil applications with
0.179 lb foliar application of any neonicotinoid
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21 insecticide. Use only one application
0.268 lb method. Foliar applications of Venom are
not effective against aphids. Do not apply
more than 6 oz per acre per season
using foliar applications, or 12 oz per acre
per season using soil applications. Soil
applications may be applied by: a narrow
band below or above the seed line at
planting; a post-seeding or transplant
drency with sufficient water to ensure
incorporation to the root zone; or through
drip irrigation.
disulfoton (Di-Syston) 42 Apply in furrow at planting time or as
15 G 7.4 oz/1,000 ft 1 lb sidedressing after plants emerge. For
row (for any row best results do not apply with fertilizer.
spacing) Spray to wet plant surfaces.
8 EC 1.1 oz/1,000
ft row
imidacloprid 0.16 to 0.375 21 Do not follow soil applications of
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 4.4 to 10.5 fl oz lb Admire with foliar applications of any
(various brands) 2 F 10 to 24 fl oz neonicotinoid insecticide. Use only one
application method. Admire Pro may
be applied via chemigation into the
root zone, in-furrow spray at planting
directed on or below the seed, a narrow
row directly below the eventual row in
seedbed operation 14 days or fewer
before planting, as a post-seeding or
transplant drench, or as a subsurface
side-dress on both sides of the row.
Imidacloprid also controls whiteflies.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.75 fl oz 0.05 lb 7 Provado is for foliar applications.
Imidacloprid also controls whiteflies. Not
effective against flea beetle.
Armyworm pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.023 7
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5% WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7
0.015 lb
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 3.5 oz 0.065 lb 3 For control of low numbers of beet
armyworms; not for corrective treatments
of higher numbers of larvae. Add a
wetting agent to improve spray. Do not
apply more than 14 oz (0.26 lb a.i.) per
acre per crop. The minimum interval
between sprays is 3 days.
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 oz 0.063 to 1 Use lower rates (4 to 8 oz) for early
0.156 lb season applications or on small plants.
Use higher rates (8- to 10 oz) for mid- to
late-season applications or for heavy
infestations. Do not exceed 64 fl oz per
acre per season. See rotational crop
restrictions on label.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 10 oz 0.06 to 0.16 lb 7

Page 108 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
BROCCOLI Diamondback moth Insecticide-resistant populations, may not be controlled with some registered insecticides. To manage resistance, and avoid the repeated use
BRUSSEL SPROUT of the same materials for extended periods of time. Repeated use of pyrethroid insecticides often aggravate diamondback moth problems.
CABBAGE Do not allow populations to increase to large densities before treatments are initiated
Bacillus thuringiensis 0 .
(Dipel) DF 8 oz 0.5 lb
(Xentari) WDG 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7
5% WDG 0.015 lb
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 3.5 oz 0.065 lb 3 Add a wetting agent to improve spray
coverage. Do not apply more than 14 oz
of Avaunt (0.26 lb a.i.) per acre per crop.
The minimum interval between sprays
is 3 days.
novaluron (Rimon) 0.83 EC 6 to 12 fl oz 0.09 to 0.078 7 Use lower rates when targeting eggs or
lb small larvae, and use higher rates when
larvae are large. Make no more than
three applications, or 24 fl oz per acre,
per season.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 1.5 to 4 oz 0.02 to 0.06 lb 1
Cabbage looper, Bacillus thuringiensis 0 On foliage every 7 days. On summer or
Imported cabbageworm, (Dipel) 2X 8 oz 0.5 lb fall plantings, during periods when eggs
Corn earworm, cross- (Dipel) 4 L 1 to 2 qt 0.5 to 1 lb and larvae are present. This usually
stripped cabbageworm (Javelin) WG 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb occurs when true leaves appear; on other
(Xentari) WDG 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb plantings, it may occur later. A spreader-
sticker will be helpful.
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 oz 0.033 to 7
0.10 lb
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5% WDG 3.2 to 4.8 oz 0.01 to 0.015 7
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3

fenproparthrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.66 to 16 oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 Apply in spray volume of 20 to 50 gal per
acre. Insect control may be improved by
adding NIS. Use higher rate under high
pest pressure.
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 1.92 to 3.2 fl oz 0.0075 to 1
0.0125 lb
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.045 to 3 Add a wetting agent to improve spray. Do
0.065 lb not apply more than 14 oz (0.26 lb a.i.)
per acre per crop. The minimum interval
between sprays is 3 days.

lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 1.92 to 3.84 oz 0.015 to 1 Do not exceed 1.92 pt of Warrior per acre
0.03 lb per season.
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 oz 0.063 to 1 Use lower rates (4 to 8 oz) for early-
0.156 lb season applications or on small plants.
Use higher rates (8 to 10 oz) for mid- to
late-season applications or for heavy
infestations. Do not exceed 64 fl oz per
acre per season. See rotational crop
restricitons on label.
novaluron (Rimon) 0.83 EC 6 to 12 fl oz 0.09 to 0.078 7 Use lower rates when targeting eggs or
lb small larvae, and use higher rates when
larvae are large. Make no more than
three applications, or 24 fl oz per acre,
per season.
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 lb 1
25 WP 6 oz
3.2 EC 4 oz
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 oz 0.047 to 1
0.094 lb
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 2.24 to 4 oz 0.014 to 1
0.025 lb

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 109
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
BROCCOLI Harlequin bug, Stink acetamiprid (Assail 30 SG) 3 to 4 oz 0.056 to 7
BRUSSEL SPROUT bug 0.075 lb
CAULIFLOWER dinotefuran (Venom 70 SG) 3 to 4 oz 0.132 to 1 Do not exceed 6 oz of Venom per
(continued) 0.179 lb season.
endosulfan (Thionex) 0.75 lb 7/14 Do not apply endosulfan to brussels
3 EC 1 qt sprouts or cauliflower within 14 days of
50 WP 1.5 lb harvest.
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 1.92 to 3.84 oz 0.015 to 1 Do not exceed 1.92 pt of Warrior per acre
0.03 lb per season.
Root maggot chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 1 lb Directed spray to transplants: Spray
4 EC 2 pt/100 gal the base of the plant immediately after
75 WG 1.33 lb transplanting, using a minimum of 40 gal
per acre.
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) Direct seeded: Apply in a 4-in. wide band
4 EC 1.6 to 2.75 oz/ behind planter shoe and in front of press
1,000 ft row wheel for shallow incorporation.
15 G 4.6 to 9.2 oz/ Direct seeded: Place across seed row
1,000 ft row in 4-in. band behind planter shoe and in
front of press wheel.
diazinon (Diazinon) Transplant water: Apply in transplant
4 EC 4 to 8 fl oz/50 water of drench water at 4 to 6 oz per
gal plant at transplanting. Root maggots are
(50 W) 50 WP 0.25 to 0.5 lb/ of concern in the higher elevations in
50 gal western North Carolina.
diazinon (Diazinon) Directed spray: Spray the base of the
4 EC 16 fl oz/100 gal 1 lb plant immediately after transplanting,
50 W, 50 WP 16 oz/100 gal 0.5 lb using a minimum of 40 gal per acre.
Thrips dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 to 1 pt 0.25 to 0.5 lb 7 Dimethoate and methomyl are most
effective against thrips.
imidacloprid (Provado) 2 F 3.75 oz oz 0.04 lb 7
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 oz 0.45 lb 1
novaluron (Rimon) 0.83 EC 6 to 12 fl oz 0.09 to 0.078 7 Make no more than three applications, or
lb 24 fl oz, per acre per season.
Webworm emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7
5% WDG 0.015 lb
Whitefly acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 2.5 to 4.0 oz 0.047 to 7 Use s spreader stick to improve control.
0.075 lb
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar 0.045 to 1 Do not follow soil applications with
0.179 lb foliar applications of any nionicotinoid
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21 insecticide. Use only one application
0.268 lb method. Do not apply more than 6 oz per
acre per season using foliar applications,
or 12 oz per acre per season using
soil applications. Soil applications may
be applied by: a narrow band below
or above the seed line at planting; a
post-seeding or transplant drench with
sufficient water to ensure incorporation to
the root zone; or through drip irrigation.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SC 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.133 lb 7 Do not exceed 25.5 fl oz per acre per

Page 110 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
n Table 2-10. Naturally Occurring Biological Control OrganismCole Crops
Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organism
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators.
Cabbage looper Trichogramma wasps, Encyrtidae, lacewing, Pteromalidae, and BTK.

Caterpillars (including diamondback moth, imported cab-

bageworm, & cross-striped cabbageworm, Diadegma Wasps, Lacewing, Trichogramma wasps, Pteromalidae, and BTK.
Cotesia plutella and Cotesia glomerata)
Corn earworm Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps, lacewing, Ichneumonid wasps and Pteromalidae.
Beet armyworm Soldier bug
Flea beetle Braconids, and soil drench with parastic nematodes.
Thrips Flower bug, lacewings, and predatory mites
Harlequin bug, Stink bug, and Root maggot Eucoilidae, featherlegged flies (Tachinid)

n Table 2-11. Alternative Control ProceduresCole Crops

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures

Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.

Caterpillars BTK and Entrust.

Cutworm Scatter bran mixed with BTK and molasses on bed surface or use protective collars.
Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined
Flea beetle
horticultural oil.
Thrips Spray with insecticidal soap, or refined horticultural oil. Entrust.
Stink bug Refined horticultural oil

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 111
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
CANTALOUPE Aphid, Leafhopper bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 oz 0.04 to 0.10 lb 3 Limit of two applications after bloom.
diazinon (Diazinon) 0.75 lb 3 On foliage as needed.
AG 500, 4 EC 1.5 pt
50 W, 50 WP 1.5 lb
dimethoate (Dimethoate E267) 0.5 lb 3
2E 2 pt
2.67E 1.5 pt
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 pt (foliar 0.045 to 1 Do not follow soil applications with
0.179 lb foliar applications of any neonicotinoid
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21 insecticide. Use only one application
0.268 lb method. Do not apply more than 6 oz per
acre per season using foliar applications,
or 12 oz per acre per season using
soil applications. Soil applications may
be applied by: a narrow band below
or above the seed line at planting; a
post-seeding or transplant drench with
sufficient water to ensure incorporation to
the root zone; or through drip irrigation.
Not for aphids.
imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.375 21 Must be applied to the soil. May be
lb applied preplant; at planting; as a post-
seeding drench, transplant water drench,
or hill drench; subsurface side-dress
or by chemigation using low-pressure
drip, or trickle irrigation. See label for
information on approved application
methods. Will also control cucumber
beetles and whiteflies.
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 0 Apply before aphids reach damaging
levels. Do not exceed 5.5 oz per acre
per season.
thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
crops in-furrow at seed or transplant
depth, post seeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do
not exceed 8 oz per acre per season
of Platinum. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.
Armyworm methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 fl oz 0.06 to 0.16 lb 3 Use higher rates against large larvae.

spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 oz 0.63 to 0.125 3

Cabbage looper Bacillus thuringiensis 0 On foliage as needed.

(Crymax) WDG 0.5 to 1.5 lb 0.5 to 1.5 lb
(Dipel) 2X 8 oz 0.5
(Xentari) WDG 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 oz 0.04 to 0.10 lb 3 Limit of two applications after bloom.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.66 to 16 oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 Do not apply more than 2.66 pt per acre
per season.
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 fl oz 0.06 to 0.16 lb 3 Use higher rates against large larvae.
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 0 On foliage as needed.
25 WP 6.4 to 12.8 oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 oz
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to 3
0.125 lb

Page 112 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
CANTALOUPE Cucumber beetle bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 oz 0.04 to 0.10 lb 3 Limit of two applications after bloom.
carbaryl (Sevin) 1 lb 3
50 WP 2 lb
80 S 1.25 lb
XLR Plus 1 qt
dinotenfuran (Venom 70 SG) 3 to 4 oz 0.132 to 1 Do not exceed 6 oz of Venom per acre
0.179 lb per season.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.66 to 16 oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 Do not apply more than 2.66 pt per acre
per season.
Cucumber beetle imadicloprid 0.25 to 0.375 21 Must be applied to the soil. May be
(continued) (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 oz lb applied preplant; at planting; as a post-
(various brands) 2F 16 to 24 oz seeding drench or hill drench; subsurface
sidedress; or by chemigation using
low-pressure drip or trickle irrigation.
See label for informaiton on approve
application methods. Will also control
aphids and whiteflies.
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 0
25 WP 6.4 to 12.8 oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 oz
Leafminer abamectin (Agri-mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 oz 7.5 to 15 oz 7 Do not use more than six applications
per season.
cyromazine (Trigard) 75 WS 2.7 oz 2 oz 0
dimethoate 4 EC 1 pt 0.5 lb 3
Pickleworm, bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 oz 0.04 to 0.10 lb 3 Limit of two applications after bloom.
carbaryl (Sevin) 1 lb 3 On foliage when worms appear in
50 WP 2 lb blossoms. Repeat as needed. Protect
80 S 1.25 lb pollinators. Rarely a problem before July.
XLR Plus 1 qt
endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not exceed three applications of
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb endosulfan per year.
50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.6 to 16 oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 An NIS may improve insect control.
Under high pest pressure, use the higher
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 fl oz 0.06 to 0.16 lb 3
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 lb 1
25 WP 6 oz
3.2 EC 4 oz
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to 3
0.125 lb
Spider mite abamectin (Agri-mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 oz 7.5 to 15 oz 7
bifenazate (Acramite) 50 WS 0.75 to 1.0 lb 0.375 to 0.5 lb 3 Do not make more than one application
per season.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SG 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.13 lb 7
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SG 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.13 lb 7
Thrips dimethoate 4EC 1 pt 0.5 lb 3 On foliage as needed.
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz 0.045 to 1 Do not follow soil applications of
(foliar) 0.179 lb Venom with foliar applications of any
0.226 to 21 neonicotinoid insecticide. Use only one
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.268 lb application method. Do not apply more
than 6 oz per acre per season using
foliar applications, or 12 oz per acre
per season using soil applications. Soil
applications may be applied by: a narrow
band below or above the seed line at
planting; a post-seeding or transplant
drench with sufficient water to ensure
incorporation to the root zone; or through
drip irrigation.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 1 to 4 oz 0.016 to 1
0.063 lb

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 113
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
CANTALOUPE Whiteflies buprofezin (Courier) 40 SC 9 to 13.6 oz 0.25 to 0.38 lb 7 Use sufficient water to ensure good
MUSKMELON coverage. Do not apply more than twice
(continued) per crop cycle.
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.045 to 1 Do not follow soil applications with foliar
0.179 lb applications. Use only one application
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21 method. Do not apply more than 6 oz per
0.268 lb acre per season using foliar applications,
or 12 oz per acre per season using
soil applications. Soil applications may
be applied by: a narrow band below
or above the seed line at planting; a
post-seeding or transplant drench with
sufficient water to ensure incorporation to
the root zone; or through drip irrigation.
imidicloprid 0.25 to 0.375 21 Must be applied to the soil. May be
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 oz lb applied preplant; at planting; as a post-
seeding drench or hill drench; subsurface
(various brands) 2 F 16 to 24 fl oz sidedress; or by chemigation using
low-pressure drip or trickle irrigation.
See label for informaiton on approve
application methods. Will also control
aphids and cucumber beetles.
pyriproxifen (Knack) 0.86 EC 8 to 10 oz 0.054 to 7 Do not make more than two applications
0.067 lb per season, and do not make applications
closer than 14 days apart.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SG 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.13 lb 7 Appy against adults, before nymphs are
present. Do not exceed 3 applications
per season.
thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
crops in-furrow at seed or transplant
depth, postseeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do
not exceed 8 oz per acre per season
of Platinum. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.

n Table 2-13. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Cantaloupe Muskmelon

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Cabbage looper Trichogramma wasps, Encyrtidae, lacewing, Pteromalidae, and BTK
Cucumber beetle Soldier beetle, braconid wasps, and parastic nemotodes.
Leafhopper Lacewing, and flower bug
Leafminer Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parastic wasps.
Pickleworm Lady beetles, predator mites, and lacewings
Thrips Flower bug, lacewings, and predatory mites

n Table 2-14. Alternative Control ProceduresCantaloupe Muskmelon

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.
Cabbage looper Spray with pyrethrins, neem, or BTK.
Cucumber beetle Spray with pyrethrins, neem, drench soil with parastic nematodes weekly to control larvae.
Leafhopper Spray with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, neem, rotenone or refined horticultural oil.
Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leaves. Spray plants with neem.
Spider mite Refined horticultural oil.
Thrips Spray with insecticidal soap, or refined horticultural oil.

Page 114 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
CARROT Aphids diazinon (Diazinon) 0.5 lb 14
AG500 (4EC) 1 pt

endosulfan (Thionex) 0.5 to 1.0 lb 7

3EC 2/3 to 1 1/3 qt
50WP 1 to 2 lb
imidicloprid 0.16 to 0.38 lb 21 Must be applied to the soil. May be
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 4.4 to 10.5 fl oz applied via chemigation into the root
zone through low-pressure drip, trickle,
(various brands) 2 F 10 to 24 fl oz micro-sprinkler, or equivalent equipment;
in-furrow spray or shanked-in 1 to 2 in.
below seed depth during planting; or in
a narrow band (2 in. or less) 1 to 2 in.
directly below the eventual seed row in
a bedding operation 14 or fewer days
before planting. Higher rates provide
longer lasting control. See label for
information on approved application
methods and rate per 100 row feet for
different row spacings.
(Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 8 oz 0.078 to 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
0.125 lb crops in-furrow at seeding, immediately
after seeding with sufficient water to
ensure incorporation into the root zone,
or through trickle irrigation.
(Actara) 25 WDG 1.5 to 3 oz 0.023 to 7 Actara is applied foliarly. Do not exceed 4
0.047 lb oz Actara per acre per season.
Armyworm, beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) XL 1.6 fl oz 0.0125 lb 0 Do not exceed five applications per
Parsleyworm, season.
carbaryl (Sevin) 1 lb 7 On foliage as needed.
80 S 1.25 lb
XLR Plus 1 qt
methomyl (Lannate) 0.23 to 0.45 lb 1
2.4 LV 0.75 to 1.5 pt
90 SP 0.25 to 0.5 lb
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 fl oz 0.06 to 0.16 lb 1 Use higher rates against large larvae.

spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 fl oz 0.046 to 3 SpinTor will not control leafhoppers. Do

0.093 lb not make more than 4 applications per
Leafminer diazinon (Diazinon) (AG 500) 4 EC 1 pt 0.5 lb 10
Wireworm diazinon (Diazinon) 4 lb Broadcast and incorporate preplant.
(AG 500) 4 EC 4 qt

n Table 2-16. Naturally Occurring Biological Control OrganismCarrot

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurrring Biological Control Organism
Armyworm Soldier bug
Parsleyworm Trichogramma wasps
Leafhopper Lacewing and flower bug
Leafminer Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parasitic wasps.

n Table 2-17. Alternative Control ProceduresCarrot

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Leafhopper Spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticultural oil.
Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leaves. Spray plants with neem.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 115
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
CELERY Aphid, Flea beetle, imidacloprid 0.25 to 0.37 lb 21 Apply via chemigation into the root zone,
Leafminer (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz as an in-furrow spray at planting on or
(various brands) 2 F 16 to 24 fl oz below the seed, or as a post-seeding or
transplant drench. Imidacloprid will not
control leafminers.
Armyworm, Corn methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 3 pt 0.9 lb 7 Methomyl may induce leafminer
earworm, Looper infestations.
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 3 On foliage as needed.
25 WP 6 to 12 oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 oz
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5 WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7 Do not make more than two sequential
0.015 lb applications without rotating to another
product with a different mode of action.
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 oz 0.06 to 0.6 lb 7 For early season applications only
to young crop and small plants. For
mid- to late-season applications and to
heavier infestations and under conditions
in which thorough coverage is more
difficult. Do not apply more than 16 fl oz
per application, and do not exceed 64
fl oz per season. See Rotational Crop
Restrictions on label.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 8 fl oz 0.047 to 1 Use higher rates for armyworms.
0.125 lb
Leafminer abamectin (Agri-Mek 0.15EC) 8 to 16 oz 0.009 to 0.019 7
cryomazine (Trigard 75WP) 2.66 oz 0.12 lb 7

Page 116 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
COLLARD Aphid, Flea beetle acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 2 to 3 oz 0.038 to 7
0.056 lb
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 50 W 2 lb 1 lb 21
diazinon (Diazinon) 0.5 lb 10 On foliage when aphids appear. Repeat
(AG 500) 4 EC 1 pt weekly as needed. No more than six
(50 W) 50 WP 1 lb applications per season.
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 pt 0.25 lb 14
imidacloprid 0.158 to 21 Admire Pro may be applied via
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 4.4 to 10.5 fl oz 0.377 lb chemigation into the root zone, in-furrow
(various brands) 2 F 10 to 24 fl oz spray at planting directed on or below
the seed, a narrow row directly below
the eventual row in seedbed operation
14 days or fewer before planting, or as a
post-seeding or transplant drench, or as
a subsurface side-dress on both sides
of the row.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.8 fl oz 0.0475 lb 7 Provado is for foliar applications.
Imidacloprid will not control flea beetle,
but it will control whiteflies.
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.023 7
Caterpillars, including Bacillus thuringiensis 0 On foliage every 7 days. On summer or
Cabbage looper, (Dipel) 2 X 8 oz 0.5 lb fall plantings, begin when true leaves
Imported cabbageworm, (Dipel) 4 L 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1 lb appear; on other plantings, when insects
Cabbageworm, Cross- (Javelin) DG 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb appear. Insecticides may not control
striped cabbageworm (Xentari) WDG 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb cabbage looper under all conditions.
Apply to both sides of leaves when larvae
are small. Use a spreader/sticker. Not for
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5 WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 14
0.015 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 5.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 7 Repeated use of pyrethroid insecticides
aggravates diamondback moth problems.
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.047 to 3 Do not apply more than 14 oz per acre
0.065 lb per crop.
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 oz 0.063 to 1 Use low rates for early season
0.156 lb applicatons to young or small plants. For
mid- and late-season applications, use
6 to 10 oz.
permethrin (Ambush) 0.05 to 0.1 lb 1 Repeated use of pyrethroid insecticides
2 EC 3 to 6 oz aggravates diamondback moth problems.
25 WP 3 to 6 oz
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 oz 0.047 to 1 Repeated use of pyrethroid insecticides
0.094 lb aggravates diamondback moth problems.
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 2.24 to 4.0 0.014 to 1 Repeated use of pyrethroid insecticides
0.8 EC 0.025 lb aggravates diamondback moth problems.
Cabbage webworm emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5 WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 14
0.015 lb
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.047 to 3 Do not apply more than 14 oz per acre
0.065 lb per crop.
Diamondback moth Bacillus thuringiensis 0 Insecticide-resistant populations, may
(Crymax) WDG 0.5 to 1.5 lb 0.5 to 1.5 lb not be controlled with most registered
(Dipel) 2 X, DF 8 oz 0.5 lb insecticides. To manage resistance,
(Dipel) 1 pt 0.5 lb and avoid the repeated use of the same
(Xentari) WDG 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb materials for extended periods of time. Do
not allow populations to increase to large
densities before treatments are initiated.
Use a spreader/sticker.
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5 WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 14
0.015 lb
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 3.5 oz 0.065 lb 3 Do not apply Avaunt more than twice
to any generation of diamonback
moth. After two applications, rotate to
an insecticide with a different mode of
action. Do noto make more than appli-
cations, or a total of 14 oz per season
per crop.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 oz 0.047 to 1
0.094 lb

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 117
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
COLLARD Flea beetle carbaryl (Sevin) 14
(continued) 50 WP 3 lb 1.5 lb
80 S 1.875 lb 1.5 lb
XLR 1 qt 1 lb
imidacloprid (Provado) 1.6 F 3.75 fl oz 0.04 lb 7 Do not exceed 18.75 fl oz per acre per
season. Also controls whiteflies.
There is a 12-month plant-back restriction
for a number of crops. Check label for
Harlequin bug acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 3 to 4 oz 0.056 to 7
Stink bug 0.075 lb
endosulfan (Thionex) 0.75 lb 21 Harlequin bugs may be serious from mid-
3 EC 1 qt July until frost. Thionex may be used only
50 WP 1.5 lb once per season.
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 3.2 to 4.0 oz 0.02 to 0.025 1
Root maggot chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) For directed-seeded crops, apply as a
4 EC 1.6 to 2.75 fl oz 4-in. band over the row after planting. For
75WDG 1.1 to 1.8/1,000 transplanted crops, apply as a directed
ft row spray immediately after transplanting.
diazinon (Diazinon) (50 W) 50 WP Drench: 1 To soil where each transplant is set. One
lb/100 gal cup drench per plant.
Whitefly acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 2.5 to 4.0 oz 0.047 to 7 Apply against adults, before nymphs are
0.075 lb present. Use a spreader stick to improve
endosulfan (Thionex) 0.75 lb 21 Thionex may be used only once per
3 EC 1 qt season.
50 WP 1.5 lb
pyriproxyfen (Knack) 0.86 EC 8 to 10 fl oz 0.054 to 7 Do not apply Knack more than twice per
0.067 lb season or exceed 0.134 lb per acre per
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SC 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.133 lb 7 Do not make more than 3 applications or
apply more than 25.5 fl oz per season.

n Table 2-20. Naturally Occurring Biological Control OrganismsCollard

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Cabbage looper Trichogramma wasps, Encyrtidae, lacewing, Pteromalidae, and BTK
Caterpillars (including diamondback moth & imported cab-
Trichogramma wasps
Flea beetle Braconids
Harlequin bug
Stink bug Eucoilidae
Root maggot

n Table 2-21. Alternative Control ProceduresCollard

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.
Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticul-
Flea beetle
COLLARD tural oil.
Harlequin bug refined horticultural oil
Stink bug refined horticultural oil

Page 118 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
CORN (Sweet) Corn earworm, Fall transgenic sweet corn varieties expressing Highly effective against European corn
armyworm, European BT protein borer. Under very high pressure from
corn borer corn earworm, additional insecticide
applications may be required to prevent
damage to the ear tips. Suppresses fall
armyworm, but insecticide applications
may be required to prevent damage when
populations are heavy.
Bacillus thuringiensis 5 to 10 lb 5 to 10 lb 0 Use for control of European corn borer
Various granular formulations and fall armingworm DURING WHORL
STAGE ONLY. BT formulations will
not control heavy infestations during
beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) XL 1.6 to 2.8 fl oz 0.0125 to 0 Do not apply more than 28 fl oz per
0.022 lb season.
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 1 Limit 12.8 fl oz per acre per season. Do
not graze for 30 days after application.
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 1
fl oz lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 1 Check label for variety limitations and
grazing restrictions. DO NOT APPLY
more than 1.2 lb a.i. permethrin, 0.48lb
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.65 to 3.8 oz 0.02 to 0.03 lb 1
a.i. Warrior, or 0.5 lb a.i. Asana XL
each season. Apply as needed until
methomyl (Lannate) 0.23 to 0.45 lb 0 first tassel shoots appear in whorl. To
90 SP 4 to 6 oz protect ears, spray when tassel shoots
2.4 LV 0.75 to 1.5 pt first appear, 3 days later, then every 2
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 1 to 3 days for 5 applications. Following
25 WP 6 to 12 oz the fifth application, apply at 2- to 3-days
3.2 EC 4 to 8 oz until harvest. Corn tasseling after July
1 may require daily applications from
first silk through 60% dry silk followed
by applications at 2-day intervals until
harvest to ensure worm-free ears. Corn
earworms and fall armyworms present in
the late whorl stage must be controlled
before tassel emergence to prevent
migration to ears. Do not use methomyl
for European corn borer control.
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 DG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.045 to 3 For control of fall armyworm and
0.065 lb European corn borer in WHORL STAGE
ONLY. Do not apply more than 14 oz
Avaunt (0.26 lb a.i.) per acre per crop.
Minimum interval between sprays is 3
days. Make no more than 4 applications
per season.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 oz 0.047 to 1 Do not apply more than 29 oz per acre
0.094 lb per year.
thiodicarb (Larvin) 3.2 EC 20 to 30 oz 0.5 to 0.75 lb 0 After silk initiation, do not exceed 7.5 lb
(300 fl oz) per acre each season. Do not
feed to livestock. Larvin may not control
corn earworm.
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.08 2.8 to 4.0 oz 0.018 to 3 Do not exceed 24 fl oz per season.
EC 0.025 lb
Cutworm bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 1 Limit 12.8 fl oz per acre per season. Do
not graze for 30 days after application.
beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) XL 0.8 to 1.6 fl oz 0.007 to 0 Apply as soil broadcast or as band
0.013 lb directed at the base of the plants. May be
applied before, during, or after planting.
Use lower rate for black cutworm under
low or no trash conditions. Use higher
rate for other cutworms and high trash
conditions under no or low tillage
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 oz 0.03 1

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 119
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
CORN (continued) Flea beetle, bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 1 Limit 12.8 fl oz per acre per season. Do
Grasshopper, Japanese not graze for 30 days after application.
beetle, Rootworm
Sap beetle bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 1 Limit 12.8 fl oz per acre per season. Do
not graze for 30 days after application.
carbaryl (Sevin) 1 lb 0 Infestations usually associated with
50 WP 2 lb prior ear damage. Populations build
80 S 1.25 lb on overmature and damaged fruit and
XLR Plus 1 qt vegetables. Sanitation is important.
Include diazinon with corn earworm
diazinon 1 to 1.25 lb 7
sprays for protection against sap beetles.
AG500 2 to 2.5 pt
Do not exceed 5 applications per season
4 EC
of diazinon.
encapsulated methyl parathion 2 to 4 pt 0.5 to 1 lb 4
(Penncap-M) 2 FM
Southern corn billbug, Seed treatments: Seed treatments are applied by
Rootworm, Wireworm clothianidin (Poncho 600) 1.13 fl oz per commercial seed treaters only. Not for
80,000 seeds use in hopper binds, slurry mixes, or any
imidacloprid (Gaucho 600) 4 to 8 oz per other type of on-farm treatment.
cwt seed
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 1.5 G 6.4 to 8 0.005 to Apply as a 5- to 7-in. T-band over an
oz/1,000 linear 0.006 lb open seed furrow. Position in front of
ft of row press wheel over the row. Granules must
be incorporated into the top 1 in. of soil
using tines, chains, or other suitable
equipment. Not for billbug.
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 4 E 4 pt 2 lb 0 Preplant incorporation treatment. For
postemergence treatment use 2 to 3pt.
diazinon (Diazinon) 14 G 14 to 28 lb 1.96 to 3.92 lb Broadcast and incorporate into the soil
just before planting. Not for billbug.
terbufos (Counter) 15 G Banded: Place granules in a 7-in. band over the
6.5 to 13 lb (40 row directly behind the planter
in. row spacing) 1 to 2 lb shoe in front of press wheel.
OR Place granules directly in the seed furrow
8 to 16 oz/ behind the planter shoe. Rotation is
1,000 ft row 1 lb advised.
6.5 lb
(40 in. row)
8 oz/10 ft row

n Table 2-23. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Corn (Sweet)

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Corn earworm Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps, lacewing, Ichneumonid wasps and Pteromalidae
CORN, sweet
Fall armyworm Soldier bug
European corn borer Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps, and BT and encourage native parasitic flies and wasps.

n Table 2-24. Alternative Control Procedures Corn (Sweet)

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Corn earworm Resistant varieties
Fall armyworm Resistant varieties
CORN, sweet
Use tolerant cultivars. Spray twice weekly with BTK or apply granular BTK to whorl.
European corn borer
Spray pyrethrins or ryania on larvae.

Page 120 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
CUCUMBER Aphid endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not exceed three applications of
3 EC 1 qt 0. 75 lb endosulfan per year.
50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb
imidacloprid 0.25 to 0.38 lb 21 Must be applied to the soil. May be
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz applied preplant; at planting; as a post-
(various brands) 2 F 10 to 24 fl oz seeding drench, transplant water drench,
or hill drench; subsurface side-dress; or
by chemigation using low-pressure drip or
trickle irrigation. See label for information
on approved application methods. Will
also control cucumber beetles and
insecticidal soap (M-Pede) 49 EC 2.5 oz/gal water 0 Spray to wet plant surfaces.
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 0 Apply before aphids reach damaging
levels. Do not exceed 5.5 oz per acre
per season.
thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
crops in-furrow seeding or transplant
depth, post seeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do
not exceed 8 oz per acre per season
of Platinum. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.
thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
crops in-furrow seeding or transplant
depth, post seeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do
not exceed 8 oz per acre per season
of Platinum. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.
Cabbage looper Bacillus thuringiensis 0
(Crymax) WDG 0.5 to 1.5 lb 0.5 to 1.5 lb
(Dipel) DF 8 oz 0.5 lb
(Xentari) WDG 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 oz 0.04 to 0.10 lb 3
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 0
25 WP 6 to 12 oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 oz
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 oz 0.063 to 1
0.125 lb
Cucumber beetle, Flea bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 oz 0.04 to 0.10 lb 3
carbaryl (Sevin) 1 lb 0 On foliage as needed. Beetles are most
50 WP 2 lb destructive to seedlings. They also
80 S 1.25 lb spread bacterial wilt disease.
XLR Plus 1 qt
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 3 to 4 oz 0.132 to 1 Do not exceed 6 oz Venom per acre per
0.179 lb season.

endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not exceed three applications of

3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb endosulfan per year.
50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 5.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3 Do not exceed 0.25 lb per acre per
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.66 to 16 oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 Do not apply more than 2.66 pt per acre
per season.
imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.375 21 See application method under Aphid.
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 0
25 WP 6 to 12 oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 oz
Cutworm bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit to 19.2 fl oz per acre per season.
Allow 7 days between applications.

esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 121
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
CUCUMBER Leafminer abamectin (Agri-mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 oz 0.01 to 0.02 oz 7
cyromazine (Trigard) 75 WS 2.7 oz 2 oz 0 Do not make more than six applications
per season.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to 1
0.125 lb
Pickleworm bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season.
Allow 7 days between applications.
endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not exceed three applications of
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb endosulfan per year.
50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3

indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 6 oz 0.045 to 3

0.11 lb
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0
25 WP 6.4 to 12.8 oz 0.1 to 0.2 lb
3.2 EC 4 to 8 oz 0.063 to
0.125 lb
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to 1
0.125 lb
Spider mite abamectin (Agri-mek) 0.15 EC 5 to 16 oz 7.5 to 15 oz 7 On foliage as needed. No more than two
bifenazate (Acramite) 50 WS 0.75 to 1 lb 0.375 to 0.5 lb 3 Do not make more than one application
per season.
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season.
Allow 7 days between applications.
dicofol 4 EC 12 fl oz 0.375 lb 2 Do not make more than 2 applications
per season.
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.666 oz 0.2 lb 7
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SG 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.13 lb 7
Thrips dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz 0.088 to 1
0.179 lb
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 pt 0.45 lb 1
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to 1
0.125 lb
Wireworm diazinon (AG 500) 14 G 3 to 4 qt 3 to 4 lb Broadcast on soil before planting and
thoroughly work into upper 6 in.
Whitefly buprofezin (Courier) 40 SC 9 to 13.6 fl oz 0.25 to 0.38 lb 7 Use sufficient water to ensure good
coverage. Do not apply more than twice
per crop cycle.
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.045 to 1 Do not follow soil applications with
0.179 lb foliar applications on any neonicotinoid
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21 insecticide. Use only one application
0.268 lb method. Do not apply more than 6 oz per
acre per season using foliar applications,
or 12 oz per acre per season using soil
applications. Soil application may be
applied by: 1) a narrow band below or
above the seed line at planting; 2) a
post-seeding or transplant drench with
sufficient water to ensure incorporation to
the root zone; or 3) drip irrigation.
imidacloprid 0.25 to 0.375 21 See comments under Aphids.
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz lb
(various brands) 2 F 16 to 24 oz
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 0 Apply before aphids reach damaging
levels. Do not exceed 5.5 oz per acre
per season.
pyriproxifen (Knack) 0.86 EC 8 to 10 oz 0.054 to 0.067 7 Do not make more than two applications
per season, and do not make applications
closer than 14 days apart.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SC 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.11 to 0.13 lb 7 Do not make more than 3 applications
per season.
thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 See comments under Aphids.

Page 122 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
n Table 2-26. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Cucumber
Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Cabbage lopper Trichogramma wasps, Encyrtidae, lacewing, Pteromalidae
Cucumber beetle Soldier beetle, braconid wasps, and parastic nemotodes.
Flea beetle Braconids
CUCUMBER Leafminer Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parastic wasps.
Pickleworm Eucoilidae and parastic nematodes
Spider mite Lady beetle, predator mites, and lacewings
Thrips Flower bug, lacewings, and predatory mites.
Whitefly Lace wings, and Encarsia formosa.

n Table 2-27. Alternative Control Procedures Cucumber

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.

Cucumber beetle Spray with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, neem, drench soil with parastic nematodes weekly to control larvae.

Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horti-
Flea beetle
cultural oil.
CUCUMBER Cutworm Scatter bran mixed with BTK and molasses on bed surface.
Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leaves. Spray plants with neem.
Spider mite Refined horticultural oil
Thrips Spray with insecticidal soap, or refined horticultural oil.
Whitefly Refined horticultural oil

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 123
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
EGGPLANT Aphid acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 2 to 4 oz 0.030 to 7 Thoroughly cover foliage to effectvely
0.075 lb control aphids. Do not apply more than
once every 7 days, and do not exceed a
total of 7 oz per season.

endosulfan (Thionex) 1 On foliage as needed. Do not exceed two

3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb applications per year.
imidacloprid Admire Pro is applied to the soil. It may
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 oz 0.25 to 0.375 21 be applied in-furrow at planting, as a
lb post seeding or transplant drench, as
a sidedressing and incorporated after
plants are established, or through drip
irrigation. For short-term protection of
transplants at planting, apply Admire Pro
(0.44 oz/10,000 plants) not more than 7
days before transplanting by 1) uniformly
spraying on transplants, followed
immediately by sufficient overhead
irrigation to wash product into potting
media; or 2) injection into overhead
irrigation system using adequate volume
to thoroughly saturate soil media.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.75 fl oz 0.04 lb 0 Provado is for foliar applications only.

methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 0.75 to 3 pt 0.23 to 0.9 lb 5

oxamyl (Vydate) 2 L 1 pt 0.5 to 1 lb 7 May be applied to foliage or through drip
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 14 Apply before aphids reach damaging
levels. Do not exceed 5.5 oz per acre
per season.
(Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 8 oz 0.078 to 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
0.12 lb crops in-furrow at seed or transplant
depth, postseeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do not
exceed 8 oz per acre per season. Check
label for plant-back restrictions for a
number of plants.
(Actara) 25 WDG 2 to 3 oz 0.03 to 0.047 0 Actara is for foliar application.
Blister beetle gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.0075 to 5
fl oz 0.125 lb
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.02 to 0.03 lb 5
fl oz
Colorado potato beetle abamectin (Agri-Mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 fl oz 0.009 to 7 Apply when adults and small larvae are
0.018 lb present but before large larvae appear.
For resistance management, use the
higher rate.
acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 2 to 4 oz 0.038 to 7 Do not apply more than once every
0.075 lb 7 days, and do not exceed 7 oz of
formulation per season.
Bacillus thuringiensis var. San Diego 2 to 4 qt 2 to 4 qt 0 Resistance to many insecticides is
(Novodor) FC widespread in Colorado potato beetle.
Some populations are known to be
resistant to one or more of the following
insecticides: esfenvalerate, permethrin,
oxamyl, and endosulfan. To reduce risk
of resistance, scout fields and apply
insecticides only when needed to prevent
damage to the crop. Crop rotation will
help prevent damaging Colorado potato
beetle infestations. If control failures
or reduced levels of control occur with
a particular insecticide, do NOT make
a second application of the same
insecticide at the same or higher rate.
If an additional insecticide application
is necessary, a different insecticide
representing a different class (carbamate,
organophosphate, pyrethroid, chlorinated
hydrocarbon, neonicotinoid, or biological)
should be used. Do NOT use insecticides
belonging to the same class 2 years in a
row for Colorado potato beetle control.

Page 124 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
EGGPLANT Colorado potato beetle bifenthrin (Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.01 lb 7 Limit 12.8 fl oz per acre per season.
(continued) (continued) Allow 7 days between applications.
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 oz 0.25 to 0.375 21
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.75 fl oz lb 0
0.04 lb
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 2 EC 2.56 to 3.84 oz 0.02 to 0.03 lb 5 Do not apply more than once every
7 days, and do not exceed 7 oz of
formulation per season.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 2.25 to 4.5 oz 0.035 to 1
0.07 lb
thiamethoxam 5 to 8 oz 0.078 to 30 See application methods under Aphids.
(Platinum) 2 SC 0.12 lb
(Actara) 25 WDG 2 to 3 oz 0.03 to 0.047 0
Eggplant lace bug carbaryl (Sevin) 1 to 2 lb 0 On foliage as needed.
50 WP 2 to 4 lb
80 S 1.25 to 2.5 lb
XLR Plus 1 to 2 qt
malathion (various brands) 57 EC 3 pt 1.5 lb 3
Flea beetle bifenthrin (Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.01 lb 7 Limit 12.8 fl oz per acre per season.
Allow 7 days between applications.
carbaryl (Sevin) 1 lb 0
50 WP 2 lb
80 S 1.25 lb
XLR Plus 1 lb
endosulfan (Thionex) 1 Do not exceed two applications of
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb endosulfan per year.
50 WP 1 lb 0.5 lb
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.375 21
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.75 fl oz lb 0
0.04 lb
thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 8 oz 0.078 to 30 See application methods under Aphids.
0.125 lb
(Actara) 25 WDG 2 to 3 oz 0.03 to 0.047 0

Hornworm, European bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.01 lb 7

corn borer, Beet army
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 7
worm, Corn earworm
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.67 fl oz 0.2 lb 3 Do not exceed 42.6 fl oz per acre per
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.045 to 3 Do not apply more than 14 oz per acre
0.065 lb per season.
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 2 EC 2.56 to 3.84 oz 0.02 to 0.03 lb 5 Do not apply more than once every
7 days, and do not exceed 7 oz of
formulation per season.
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 to 3 pt 0.45 to 0.9 lb 5
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 16 oz 0.063 to 1 Apply at rates of 4 to 8 fl oz early in
0.25 lb season when plants are small. Apply at
rates of 8 to 16 oz to large plants or when
infestations are heavy. During periods
of continuous moth flights, re-treatments
at 7 to 14 days may be required. Do not
apply more than 16 fl oz per application
or 64 fl oz of Intrepid 2F per acre per
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 oz 0.062 to 1
0.125 lb
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 2.24 to 4.0 oz 0.014 to 1
0.025 lb

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 125
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
EGGPLANT Leafminer abamectin (Agri-Mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 fl oz 0.009 to 7 Use low rates for low to moderate
(continued) 0.018 lb infestations, and high rates for severe
naled (Dibrom) 8 EC 1 to 2 pt in 20 1 to 2 lb 1 Limit 6 pt per acre per season. Do not
gal water apply if temperature exceeds 90o F.
oxamyl (Vydate) 2 L 1 to 2 qt 0.5 to 1 lb 7
Spider mite abamectin (Agri-Mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 fl oz 0.009 to 7 Use low rates for low to moderate
0.018 lb infestations, and high rates for severe
bifenazate (Acramite) 50 WS 0.75 to 1.0 lb 0.375 to 0.5 lb 3 Do not make more than one application
per season.
hexakis (Vendex) 50 WP 2 to 3 lb 1 to 1.5 lb 3
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SG 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.13 lb 7
Thrips dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 to 0.67 pt 0.25 to 0.335 7
dinotefuran See Whitefly for application instructions.
(Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.049 to 1 Soil applications are more effective
0.179 lb against thrips than foliar applications are.
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21
0.268 lb
imidacloprid 0.25 to 0.375 21 See Aphids for application instructions.
Admire Pro 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz lb
(various brands) 2 F 16 to 24 fl oz
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 to 3 pt 0.45 to 0.9 lb 3
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 pt 0.062 to 0.125 1
Whitefly acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 2.5 to 4 oz 0.05 to 0.75 lb 7 Begin applications when significant
populations of adults appear. Do not wait
until heavy populations have become
established. Do not apply more than
once every 7 days, and do not exceed
4 applications per season. Do not apply
more than 7 oz per season.
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.045 to 1 Do not follow soil applications of other
0.179 lb neonicotinoid insecticides (Assail or
Venom). Use only one application
method. Soil applications may be applied
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21
in a narrow band on the plant row in
0.268 lb
bedding operations, as a post-seeding
or transplant drench, as a side-dress
after planting and incorporated 1 or
more inches, or through a drip irrigation
imadicloprid 0.25 to 0.375 21 Do not follow soil applications with
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 oz lb applications of other neonicotinoid
(various brands) 2 F 16 to 24 fl oz insecticides (Assail or Venom). See
Aphids for application methods and
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 14 Apply before whiteflies reach damaging
levels. Do not exceed 5.5 oz per acre
per season.
pyriproxyfen (Knack) 0.86 EC 8 to 10 oz 0.054 to 14 Knack prevents eggs from hatching. It
0.067 lb does not kill whitefly adults. Applications
should begin when 3 to 5 adults per leaf
are present. Do not make more than 2
applications per season, and do not apply
a second application within 14 days of the
first application. Do not exceed 20 fl oz of
Knack per acre per season. Check label
for plant-back restrictions.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SC 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.133 lb 7 Do not exceed 3 applications or 25.5 fl oz
per season.

Page 126 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
EGGPLANT Whitefly thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
(continued) (continued) crops in furrow at seed or transplant
depth, at postseeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do not
exceed 8 oz per acre per season. Check
label for plant-back restrictions for a
number of plants.
thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
crops in furrow at seed or transplant
depth, at postseeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do not
exceed 8 oz per acre per season. Check
label for plant-back restrictions for a num-
ber of plants.

n Table 2-29. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Eggplant

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Thrips Flower bug, lacewings, and predatory mites
Colorado potato beetle Lacewing, Ichneumonid wasp
Eggplant lace bug Braconids, and soil drench with parasitic nematodes
Hornworm Trichogramma wasps
European cornborer Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps, and BT
Beet armyworm Soldier bug
Corn earworm Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps, lacewing, Ichneumonid wasps and Pteromalidai
Leafminer Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parastic wasps
Spider mite Lady beetle, predator mites, and lacewings

n Table 2-30. Alternative Control Procedures Eggplant

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.
Thrips Spray with insecticidal soap, or refined horticultural oil.
Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTSD or refined horticultural oil. Use plastic
Colorado potato beetle
lined trench as a trap or flamers.

Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticultural
Flea beetle
EGGPLANT Hornworm Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.
Use tolerent cultivars. Spray twice weekly with BTK. Encourage native parastic flies and wasps. Spray pyrethrins or
European cornborer
ryania on larvae.
Beet armyworm Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.
Corn earworm Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.
Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leaves and remove egg clusters. Spray plants with neem.
Spider mite Refined horticultural oil.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 127
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
KOHLRABI Aphid, Flea beetle imidacloprid Admire may be applied in-furrow at
(Admire) 2F 16 to 24 oz 0.25 to 0.375 21 planting, as a post seeding or transplant
(Provado) 1.6F 3.75 oz lb 7 drench, as a sidedress and incorporated
0.04 lb after plants are established, or through
drip irrigation. Provado is applied as
a foliar spray. Do not exceed 24 oz of
Admire or 18.75 oz Provado per acre per
crop per year. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.
Armyworm, Corn emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5% WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7
earworm, Diamondback 0.015 lb
moth, Imported
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.045 to 3 A wetting agent may improve
0.065 lb performance.
Looper, cross-stripped
cabbageworm novaluron (Rimon) 0.83 EC 6 to 12 fl oz 0.09 to 0.078 7 Use lower rates when targeting eggs
lb or small larvae, and higher rates when
larvae are large. Do not apply more than
3 applications or 24 fl oz per acre per
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 oz 0.047 to 1
0.094 lb
Cabbage webworm emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5% WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7
0.015 lb
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.047 to 0.065 7

Page 128 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
LETTUCE Aphid acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 2 to 4 oz 0.038 to 7 Do not apply more than once every 7
0.075 lb days, and do not exceed 4 applications
per season.
diazinon (Diazinon) 0.5 lb 10 On foliage as needed.
(AG 500) 4 EC 1 pt
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 pt 0.25 lb 7
imidacloprid 0.158 to 21 Do not follow soil applications with
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 4.4 to 10.5 fl oz 0.377 lb foliar applications of any neonicotinoid
(various brands) 2 F 10 to 24 fl oz insecticide. Admire Pro may be applied
via chemigation into the root zone,
in-furrow spray at planting directed
on or below the seed, a narrow row
directly below the eventual row in seed
bed operation 14 days or fewer before
planting, as a post-seeding or transplant
drench, or as a subsurface side-dress on
both sides of the row.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.8 fl oz 0.0475 lb 7 Provado is for foliar applications.
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 0 Apply before aphids reach damaging
levels. Do not exceed 5.5 oz per acre
per season.
thiamethoxam 5 to 11 fl oz 0.078 to 30 Do not follow applications of Platinum
(Platinum) 2 SC 0.172 lb with foliar applications of any
neonicotinoid insecticide. Platinum may
be applied to direct-seeded crops in-
(Actara) 25 WDG 1.5 to 3 oz 0.023 to 7
furrow at the seeding or transplant depth,
0.046 lb
or as a narrow surface band above the
seedling and followed by irrigation. Post
seeding, it may be applied as a transplant
or through drip irrigation.
Actara is applied as a foliar spray.
Armyworm emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5% WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7 Do not make more than two sequential
0.015 lb applications without rotating to another
product with a different mode of action.
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 3.5 oz 0.065 lb 3 For control of low numbers of beet
armyworm and not for corrective
treatments of higher numbers of larvae.
Do not apply more than 14 oz of Avaunt
(0.26 lb a.i.) per acre per crop. The
minimum interval between sprays is 3
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 oz 0.063 to 1 Use low rates for early-season
0.156 lb applications when plants are small. For
mid- and late-season applications, use
10 to 16 oz.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 oz 0.062 to 1
0.125 lb
Cabbage looper, Corn Bacillus thuringiensis 0
earworm, Tobacco (Crymax) WDG 0.5 to 1.5 lb 0.5 to 1.5 lb
budworm (Dipel) DF 8 oz 0.5 lb

bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 oz 0.04 to 0.10 lb 7

zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 2.24 to 4.0 oz 0.014 to 5
0.025 lb
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5% WDG 3.2 to 4.8 oz 0.01 to 0.015 7 Do not make more than two sequential
lb applications without rotating to another
product with a different mode of action.
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 lb 0.045 to 0.065 3 Do not apply more than 14 oz of Avaunt
oz (0.26 lb a.i.) per acre per crop. The
minimum interval between sprays is 3
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 1.92 to 3.2 oz 0.015 to 1 Do not use on leaf lettuce. Do not exceed
0.025 lb 2.4 pt per acre per season.
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 to 3 pt 0.45 to 0.9 lb 7 to 10
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 oz 0.063 to 1 Low rates for early-season applications to
0.156 lb young or small plants. For mid- and late-
season applications, use 6 to 10 oz.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 129
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
LETTUCE Cabbage looper, Corn permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 1
(continued) earworm, Tobacco 25 WP 6 to 12 oz
budworm (continued) 3.2 EC 4 to 8 oz
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 oz 0.062 to 1
0.125 lb
Leafhopper bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 oz 0.04 to 0.10 lb 7
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.045 to 1
0.138 lb
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21
0.268 lb
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 2.24 to 4.0 oz 0.014 to 5
0.025 lb
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 pt 0.25 lb 7 14-day interval for leaf lettuce.
imidacloprid (Provado) 1.6 F 3.75 fl oz 0.04 lb 7 There is a 12-month plant-back restriction
for a number of crops. Check label for
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 1.92 to 3.2 oz 0.1 lb 1
permethrin (Pounce) 3.2 EC 4 oz 1 Do not use on leaf lettuce.
thiamethoxam (Actara) 25 WDG 1.5 to 3 oz 0.023 to 7
0.045 lb
permethrin (Pounce) 3.2 EC 4 oz 1 Do not use on leaf lettuce.

n Table 2-33. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Lettuce

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Armyworm Soldier bug
LETTUCE Cabbage looper Encrytidae, Trichogramma wasps, lacewing, Pteromalidae, and BTK
Corn armyworm
Soldier bug

n Table 2-34. Alternative Control Procedures Lettuce

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.
Armyworm Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.
LETTUCE Cabbage looper Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.
Corn armyworm Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.
Leafhopper Spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticultural oil.

(See Cantaloupe)

Page 130 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
MUSTARD GREENS Aphid, Flea beetle acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 2 to 3 oz 0.038 to 7
0.056 lb
endosulfan (Thionex) 0.75 lb 21 On foliage when aphids appear. Do not
3 EC 1 qt exceed one application per season.
50 WP 1.5 lb
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 pt 0.25 lb 14 On foliage when aphids appear. Repeat
weekly as needed.
imidacloprid 4.4 to 10.5 fl oz 0.158 to 21 Admire Pro may be applied via
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 0.377 lb chemigation into the root zone, in-furrow
spray at planting directed on or below
the seed, a narrow row directly below
the eventual row in seed bed operation
14 days or fewer before planting, as a
post-seeding or transplant drench, or as
a subsurface side-dress on both sides
of the row.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.8 fl oz 0.0475 lb 7 Provado is for foliar applications.
malathion (various brands) 0.75 to 1 lb 7
57 EC 1.5 to 2 pt
25 WP 4 to 5 lb
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.023 7 Fulfill will not control flea beetle.
thiamethoxam Platinum may be applied to direct-
(Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 11 fl oz 0.078 to 30 seeded crops in-furrow at the seeding or
0.172 lb transplant depth, or as a narrow surface
band above the seedling and followed by
(Actara) 25 WDG 1.5 to 3 oz 0.023 to 7
irrigation. Post seeding, it may be applied
0.46 lb
as a transplant or through drip irrigation.
Actara is applied as a foliar spray.
Armyworm emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5% WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7
0.015 lb
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 oz 0.063 to 1 Use low rates for early-season
0.156 lb applications to young or small plants. For
mid- and late-season applications, use
6 to 10 oz.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 oz 0.047 to 1
0.094 lb
Caterpillars, Bacillus thuringiensis 0 On foliage every 7 days. In summer or
including cabbage (Dipel) DF 8 oz 0.5 lb fall plantings, begin when plants appear;
looper, Imported (Javelin) DG 0.5 to 1 pt 0.5 to 1 lb on other plantings, when insects appear.
cabbageworm, Corn (Xentari) WDG 0.5 to 1 lb
earworm, Cross-striped
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5% WDG 3.2 to 4.8 oz 0.01 to 0.015 7
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 9.6 oz 0.05 lb 7
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 oz 0.063 to 1 Use low rates for early-season
0.156 lb applications to young or small plants. For
mid- and late-season applications, use
6 to 10 oz.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 oz 0.047 to 1
0.094 lb
Diamondback moth Bacillus thuringiensis 0 On foliage every 7 days. In summer
(Crymax) WDG 0.5 to 1.5 lb 0.5 to 1.5 lb or fall plantings, begin when plants
(Dipel) DF 8 oz 0.5 lb appear; on other plantings when insects
(Javelin) DG 0.5 to 1 pt 0.5 to 1 lb appear. See notes in cabbage section for
(Xentari) WDG 0.5 to 1 lb diamondback moth resistance.
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5% WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7
0.015 lb
indoxicarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.047 to 3
0.065 lb
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 oz 0.047 to 1
0.094 lb

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 131
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
MUSTARD GREENS Harlequin bug, endosulfan (Thionex) 1 to 1 1/3 qt 0.75 to 1.0 lb 21 Do not make more than one application
(continued) Stinkbug, Vegetable 3EC per year.
weevil, False chinch 50WP
bug, Yellow-margined
leaf beetle
malathion (various brands) 0.75 to 1 lb 7
57 EC 1.25 to 2 pt
25 WP 4 to 5 lb
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 3.2 to 4.0 oz 0.02 to 0.025 1
Cabbage Webworm emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5% WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7
0.015 lb
indoxicarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.047 to 3
0.065 lb
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 8 fl oz 0.06 to 0.12 lb 1
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 fl oz 0.05 to 0.09 lb 1

n Table 2-36. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Mustard Greens

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators

MUSTARD Cabbage looper Encytidae, Trichogramma wasps, lacewing, Pteromalidae

Caterpillars ( including diamondback moth & imported
GREENS Lacewing, Trichogramma wasps, Pteromalidae
Flea beetle Braconids, and soil drench with parastic nematodes.

n Table 2-37. Alternative Control Procedures Mustard Greens

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.
Cabbage looper Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.
Caterpillars (including diamondback moth & imported Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil. Pheromone
MUSTARD cabbageworm) mating disruption and overhead irrigation for diamondback moth.
GREENS Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticultural
Flea beetle
Harlequin bug Refined horticultural oil
Stink bug Refined horticultural oil

Page 132 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
OKRA Aphid, Leafminer, Stink imidacloprid Admire Pro is applied to the soil 1) in-fur-
bug, Whitefly (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.377 lb 21 row at planting as a post-seeding or tran-
plant drench; 2) as a sidedressing and
incorporated after plants are established;
or 3) through drip irrigation. Will not con-
trol stink bugs.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.8 oz 0.0475 lb 0 Will not control stink bugs.
malathion (various brands) 1
8F 1.5 pt 1.5 lb
25 WP 6 lb 1.5 lb
Blister beetle, Corn carbaryl (Sevin) 2 lb 0 On foliage as needed.
earworm, Cucumber 50 WP 4 lb
beetle, European corn 80 S 2.5 lb
borer, Flea beetle, XLR Plus 2 qt
Japanese beetle
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 8 to 16 oz 0.125 to 1 For corn earworm and European corn
0.25 lb borer only.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 oz 0.05 to 0.094 0 For corn earworm only.
Spider mites bifenazate (Acramite) 50 WP 0.75 to 1 lb 0.375 to 0.5 lb 3 Do not make more than one application
per season.
Whitefly pyriproxyfen (Knack) 0.86 EC 8 to 10 fl oz 0.054 to 14 Do not make more than two applications
0.067 lb per season.

n Table 2-39. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Okra

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators.
Leafminer Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parastic wasps.
Blister beetle
Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps, lacewing, Ichneumonid wasps and Pteromalidae.
Corn earworm
OKRA European corn borer Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps, and BT.
Cucumber beetle Soldier beetle, braconid wasps, and parastic nemotodes. Drench soil with parastic nematodes weekly to control larvae.
Flea beetle Braconids, and soil drench with parasitic nematodes.
Stink bug Scelionidae
Japanese beetle Tiphidae

n Table 2-40. Alternative Control Procedures Okra

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.
Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leaves and remove egg clusters. Spray plants with neem.
European corn borer Spray twice weekly with BTK. Encourage native parastic flies and wasps. Spray pyrethrins or ryania on larvae.
Cucumber beetle Spray with pyrethrins, neem, drench soil with parastic nematodes weekly to control larvae.
Flea beetle Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticultural oil.
Stink bug refined horticultural oil

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 133
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
ONION Armyworm, Cutworm zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 2.24 to 4.0 oz 0.017 to 7
0.025 lb

lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 1.92 to 3.2 oz 0.015 to 14 Do not exceed 1.92 pt per acre per
0.025 lb season.
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 1
3.2 EC 4 to 12 oz 0.15 to 0.3 lb
25 WP 9 to 18 oz 0.15 to 0.3 lb
Leafminer cryomazine (Trigard) 75 WS 2.66 oz 0.12 lb 7 For adults only.
Onion maggot, Seed chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 4 E 1.1 fl oz/1,000 Apply as in-furrow drench at planting.
corn maggot linear ft of row Use a minimum of 40 gal per acre and
at 18 in. row incorporate to a depth of 1 to 2 in. Do not
spacing make more than one application per year.
cypermethrin (Ammo) 2.5 EC 4 to 5 oz 0.08 to 0.16 lb 7 For adults only.
diazinon (Diazinon) (AG 500) 4 lb/gal EC 1 qt 1 lb Furrow application; drench the seed fur-
row at planting time. Apply as a furrow
treatment at time of planting. Use sepa-
rate hoppers for seed and chemical.
permethrin (Ambush) 0.15 to 0.3 lb 1 For adult control.
3.2 EC 4 to 12 oz
25 WP 9 to 18 oz
Thrips encapsulated methyl parathion (Penncap- 2 pt 0.5 lb 15
M) 2 FM
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 14 May not control western flower thrips.
fl oz lb
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 1.92 to 3.20 oz 0.015 to 14 Do not exceed 1.92 pt per acre per
0.25 lb season.
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 pt 0.45 lb 7
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 9 to 18 oz 0.15 to 0.3 lb 1
3.2 EC
25 WP
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 2.24 to 4.0 oz 0.014 to 0.025 1

n Table 2-42. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Onion

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Beet armyworm Soldier bug
Leafminer Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parastic wasps.
Onion maggot Braconid
Onion thrips Flower bug, lacewings, and predatory mites.

n Table 2-43. Alternative Control Procedures Onion

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Cutworms Scatter bran mixed with BTK and molasses on bed surface or use protective collars.
ONION Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leaves. Spray plants with neem.
Onion thrips Spray with insecticidal soap, or refined horticultural oil.

Page 134 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
PEA, English and Aphid bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 12.8 fl oz per acre per season.
Snow Pea (Succulent
dimethoate (Dimethoate) 400 (4E) 0.33 pt 0.17 lb 7 Do not make more than one application
and dried)
per season, and do not feed or graze if
a mobile viner issued, or for 21 days if a
stationary viner is used.
imidacloprid Apply Admire Pro via chemigation into
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.37 lb 21 the root zone, as an in-furrow spray at
planting on or below the seed, or as a
post-seeding or transplant drench.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.5 fl oz 0.04 lb 7 Provado is for foliar applications.
Armyworm, bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 12.8 fl oz per acre per season.
Cloverworm, Cutworm,
esvenvalerate (Asana) XL 5.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3 Do not feed treated vines to livestock,
and do not apply more than 0.1 lb a.i. per
acre per season.

gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.15 7

fl oz

spinosad (SpinTor) 2SC 4 to 6 fl oz 0.063 to 3 (succulent) Not for cutworm.

0.09 lb 28 (dried)
Leafhopper, Lygus bug, bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 3
Stink bug
carbaryl (Sevin 80WSP) XLR 1.25 to 1.875 lb 1 to 1.5 lb 3 (fresh) Do not apply within 14 days of grazing or
1 to 1.5 qt 1 to 1.5 lb 21 (dried) harvest for forage.
dimethoate (Dimethoate) 400 (4E) 0.33 to 1 pt 0.17 to 0.54 lb 7 Do not make more than one application
per season. Do not feed or graze if a
mobile viner issued, or for 21 days if a
stationary viner is used.
endosulfan (Thionex) 0.5 to 1 lb 3 Do not exceed 3 applications of
50 WP 1 to 2 pt endosulfan per year, and do not apply
3 EC 0.66 to 1.33 qt within 300 feet of lakes, ponds, streams,
or estuaries.
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.15 lb 7
fl oz
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 to 3 pt 0.45 to 0.9 lb 3 Apply to foliage as needed.
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 2.72 to 4.0 oz 0.017 to 1 (succulent or PHI is 1 day for succulent shelled or
0.025 lb edible pod) edible-podded peas and 21 days for
21 (drIed) dried, shelled peas.
Seedcorn maggot See BEANS for control
PEA (Cowpea) Aphid, Thrips bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 12.8 fl oz per acre per season.

dimethoate 4 EC 0.25 pt 0.12 lb 0 On foliage as needed.

imidacloprid Apply Admire Pro via chemigation into
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.37 lb 21 the root zone, as an in-furrow spray at
planting, or on or below the seed, or as a
post-seeding or transplant drench.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.5 fl oz 0.04 lb 7 Provado is for foliar applications.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 6 oz 0.094 lb 3 SpinTor is not effective against aphids.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 6 oz 0.094 lb 3 SpinTor is not effective against aphids.
Bean leaf beetle carbaryl (Sevin) 0.5 to 1 lb 3 Do not feed treated foliage to livestock.
4L 0.5 to 1 qt
80 S 0.625 to 1.25 lb
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 7 Do not feed treated foliage to livestock.
fl oz lb
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 2.56 to 3.84 0.02 to 0.03 lb 7
fl oz

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 135
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
PEA (Cowpea) Corn earworm, gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 7 For edible podded or shelled succulent
(continued) Loopers, European fl oz lb 21 peas, do not apply within 7 days of
corn borer, Armyworm harvest. For dried shelled, do not apply
within 21 days of harvest.
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 16 fl oz 0.0625 to 7 Use lower rates on smaller plants and
0.25 lb higher rates for mid- to late season
applications, against corn earworm. Do
not apply more than 16 fl oz (0.25 lb a.i.)
per acre per season.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 fl oz 0.05 to 0.09 lb 3 For succulent peas, do not apply within 3
28 days of harvest. For dried shelled, do ot
apply within 28 days of harvest. Do not
apply more than 12 fl oz (0.188 a.i.) per
acre per season.
Cowpea curculio bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.03 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 12.8 fl oz per acre per season.
endosulfan (Thionex) 3 Make three applications at 5-day intervals
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb starting when pods are 1/2 in. long.
50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb

esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 21 As applied for worms.
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 14
fl oz lb
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.02 to 0.03 lb 21
fl oz
zeta-cypermethrin 2.74 to 4 fl oz 0.017 to 21
0.025 lb

Leafminer diazinon (Diazinon) 0.5 lb 0 On foliage as needed.

(AG 500) 4 EC 1 pt
50 WP 1 lb
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 6 oz 0.094 lb 3

n Table 2-45. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Pea

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators.
Thrips Flower bug, lacewings, and predatory mites.
PEA (Blackeye)
Cowpea curculio
Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parasitic wasps.
PEA Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators.
(Garden &
Seedcom maggot Eulophidae and parasitic nematodes.

n Table 2-46. Alternative Control Procedures Pea

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.
Thrips Spray with insecticidal soap, or refined horticultural oil.
PEA (Blackeye) Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leavess. Spray plants with neem.
Stink bug refined horticultural oil
Lygus bug refined horticultural oil
(Garden & Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.

Page 136 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
PEPPER Aphid, Flea beetle acetamiprid (Assail) 70 WP 0.8 to 1.2 oz 0.035 to 7 Do not apply more than once every 7
0.054 lb days, and do not exceed 4 applications
per season.
dimethoate 4 EC 0.05 to 0.67 pt 0.25 to 0.4 lb 0 One application will provide systemic
protection for 3 weeks. Do not exceed
rate as leaf injury will result.
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.045 to 1 Do not follow soil applications with foliar
0.170 lb applications. Use only one application
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21 method. Do not apply more than 6 oz per
0.268 lb acre per season using foliar applications,
or 12 oz per acre per season using soil
applications. Soil applications may be
appled by 1) a narrow band below or
above the seed line at planting; 2) a
post-seeding or transplant drench with
sufficient water to ensure incorporation to
the root zone; or 3) drip irrigation. For flea
beetle control only. Not for aphids.
endosulfan (Thionex) 1 lb 4 On foliage as needed. Do not exceed two
3 EC 1.33 qt applications per season.
50 WP 2 lb
imidacloprid Do not follow soil applications with
(Admire) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.377 21 foliar applications of any neonicotinoid.
lb Admire Pro is applied to the soil. It may
be applied in-furrow at planting, as a
post seeding or transplant drench, as a
sidedress and incorporated after plants
are established, or through drip irrigation.
For short-term protection of transplants
at planting, apply Admire Pro (0.44
oz/10,000 plants) not more than 7 days
before transplanting by 1) uniformly
spraying on transplants, followed
immediately by sufficient overhead
irrigation to wsh product into potting
media; or 2) injection into overhead
irrigation system using adequate volume
to thoroughly saturate soil media.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.8 fl oz 0.0475 lb 0 Provado is applied as a foliar spray.
oxamyl (Vydate) 2 L 1 to 2 qt 0.5 to 1 lb 1
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 0 Apply before aphids reach damaging
levels. Do not exceed 5.5 oz per acre per
season. Not for flea beetle.
thiamethoxam Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
(Platinum) 2SC 5 to 8 fl oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 crops in-furrow seeding or transplant
(Actara) 25 WDG 2 to 4 oz 0.03 to 0.06 lb 0 depth, post seeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Actara
is applied as a foliar spray. Do not exceed
8 oz per acre per season of Platinum
or Actara. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.
Armyworm, Corn acephate (Orthene) 7 See comments under European corn
earworm, Looper, 75 S, 75 WSP 0.66 to 1.33 lb 0.5 to 1 lb borer.
Hornworm 97 PE 0.05 to 1 lb 0.49 to 0.97

Bacillus thuringiensis 0
(Dipel) DF 0.5 to 1.5 lb 0.5 to 1.5 lb
(Xentari) WDG 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.033 to 0.1 lb 7 Do not exceed 0.2 lb active ingredient
per season.
beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) XL 1.6 to 2.8 fl oz 0.012 to 7
0.022 lb
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5 WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7 Apply when larvae are first observed.
0.015 lb Additional applications may be necessary
to maintain control.
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 5
fl oz lb

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 137
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
PEPPER Armyworm, Corn indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.045 to 3 Use only higher rate for control of
(continued) earworm, Looper, 0.065 lb armyworm and corn earworm. Do not
Hornworm (continued) apply more than 14 oz of Avaunt (0.26 lb
a.i. per acre per crop). Minimum interval
between sprays is 5 days.
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.02 to 0.03 lb 5 Do not apply more than 2.88 pt per acre
fl oz per season. Applications should target
early instars.
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 16 fl oz 0.06 to 0.25 lb 1 Apply at rates of 4 to 8 fl oz early in
season when plants are small. Apply at
rates of 8 to 16 oz to large plants or when
infestations are heavy. During periods of
continuous moth flights re-treatments at 7
to 14 days may be required. Do not apply
more than 16 fl oz per application or 64 fl
oz of Intrepid per acre per season.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 oz 0.062 to 1
0.125 lb
Blister beetle gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.0075 to 5
fl oz 0.125 lb
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.02 to 0.03 lb 5
fl oz
European corn borer For all insecticides, begin applications at first fruit set when European corn borer moths are flying, as indicated by light trap catches.
Applications should be made at 5- to 7-day intervals as long as moths continue to fly or egg masses are present on the plants.
acephate (Orthene) 7 Do not apply more than 2 lb a.i. per acre
75 S, 75 WSP 1 to 1.33 lb 0.75 to 1 lb per season on bell peppers, or 1 lb a.i. on
97 PE 0.75 to 1 lb 0.73 to 0.97 non-bell peppers.
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.033 to 0.1 lb 7 Do not exceed 0.2 lb active ingredient per
acre per season.
beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) XL 1.6 to 2.8 fl oz 0.012 to 7 Do not exceed 16.8 fl oz per acre per
0.022 lb season or 6 applications per season.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 7 Do not exceed a total of 0.35 lb active
ingredient of Asana XL per acre per
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 5
fl oz lb
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.02 to 0.03 lb 5 Do not apply more than 2.88 pt per acre
fl oz per season. Applications should target
early instars.
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 pt 0.45 lb 3
Leafminer abamectin (Agri-mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 oz 7.5 to 15 oz 7
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 pt 0.25 lb 0
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 oz 0.062 to 3
0.125 lb
Pepper maggot acephate (Orthene) 7 See comments under European corn
75 S, 75 WSP 1 to 1.33 lb 0.5 to 1 lb borer.
97 PE 0.75 to 1 lb 0.73 to 0.97 lb
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 to 0.67 pt 0.25 to 1 lb 0
endosulfan (Thionex) 1 lb 4 On foliage when flies appear on yellow
3 EC 1.33 qt sticky traps. Repeat weekly as needed.
50 WP 2 lb Adult flies may be active from early
June through July. Do not exceed two
applications per season.
Pepper weevil acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 4.0 oz 0.0775 lb 7
beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) XL 1.6 to 2.8 fl oz 0.012 to 7 Do not exceed 16.8 fl oz per acre per
0.022 lb season.
oxamyl (Vaydate) 2 L 2 to 4 pt 0.5 to 1 lb 7
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 3 Apply at 7-day intervals when infestation
25 WP 6 to 12 oz becomes evident. Do not use on non-bell
3.2 EC 4 to 8 oz peppers. Avoid bringing in plants with fruit
pods from Florida.
thiamethoxam (Actara) 25 WP 3 to 4 oz 0.047 to 0 Do not exceed 8 oz of Actara per acre
0.063 lb per season.

Page 138 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
PEPPER Spider mite, Broad mite abamectin (Agri-mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 oz 7.5 to 15 oz 7 On foliage as needed.
bifenazate (Acramite) 50 WS 0.75 to 1.0 lb 0.375 to 0.5 lb 3 Do not make more than one application
per season. Will not control broad mite.
dicofol 4 EC 0.75 to 1.5 pt 0.38 to 0.75 lb 2 Do not use more than two applications
per year.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SG 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.13 lb 7 Do not exceed 3 applications per season.

Thrips acephate (Orthene) 7 See comments under European corn

75 S, 75 WSP 1 to 1.33 lb 0.75 to 1 lb borer.
97 PE 0.75 to 1 lb 0.73 to 0.99 lb
imidacloprid 0.25 to 0.5 lb 21 See Aphids for application instructions.
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 14 fl oz Treating transplants before setting in
(various brands) 2 F 16 to 32 fl oz the field, followed by drip irrigation may
suppress incidence of tomato spotted
virus. Imidacloprid is more effective
against tobacco thrips than western
flower thrips.
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 pt 0.45 lb 3
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 oz 0.062 to 1 Do not exceed 29 fl oz per acre per
0.125 lb season. Control of thrips may be
improved by adding a spray adjuvant.
See label for instructions.

n Table 2-48. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Pepper

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Armyworm Soldier bug
Looper Trichogramma wasps, Encyrtidae, lacewing, Pteromalidae
Hornworm Trichogramma wasps
European corn borer Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps
Corn earworm Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps, lacewing, Ichneumonid wasps and Pteromalidae
PEPPER Stinkbug
Flea beetle
Leafminer Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parasitic wasps.
Pepper maggot
Pepper weevil Lady beetle, predator mites, and lacewings
Spider mite
Thrips Flower bug, lacewings, and predatory mites

n Table 2-49. Alternative Control Procedures Pepper

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.
Armyworm Handpick or spray with neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or BTK.
Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK, or refined horticultural oil.
Use tolerant cultivars. Spray twice weekly with BTK. Encourage native parastic flies and wasps. Spray pyrethrins or
European corn borer
ryania on larvae.
Corn earworm Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK, or refined horticultural oil.
Stinkbug refined horticultural oil
Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticultural
Flea beetle
Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leavess. Spray plants with neem.
Pepper weevil Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK, or refined horticultural oil.
Spider mite Spray with sulfur insecticidal soap, or refined horticultural oil.
Thrips Spray with insecticidal soap, or refined horticultural oil.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 139
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
POTATO, Irish Aphid acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 1.5 to 4 oz 0.028 to 7 Do not make more than 4 applications
0.075 lb per season. Thorough coverage is
important. Assail belongs to the same
class of insecticides (neonicotinoid)
as Admire Pro, Provado, Actara, and
Platinum and Colorado protato beetle
populations have the potential to become
resistant to this class.
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 to 1 pt 0.25 to 0.5 lb 0
endosulfan (Thionex) 0.5 to 1 lb 1
3 EC 0.67 to 1.33 qt
50 WP 1 to 2 lb
imidacloprid (Provado) 1.6 F 3.75 fl oz 0.05 lb 7 To minimize selection for resistance
in Colorado potato beetle, do not use
acetamiprid, imidaclorpid, or thiameth-
oxam for aphid control if either of these
compounds was applied to the crop for
control of Colorado potato beetle. See
comments on insecticide rotation under
Colorado potato beetle.
methamidophos (Monitor) 4 EC 1.5 to 2 pt 0.75 to 1 lb 14
oxamyl (Vydate) 2 L 2 to 4 pt 0.5 to 1 lb 7
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 14 Allow at least 7 days between applica-
tions. Do not exceed a total of 5.5 oz
(0.17 lb a.i.) per acre per season.
thiamethoxam (Actara) 25 WDG 3 oz 0.045 lb 14 To minimize selection for resistance
in Colorado potato beetle, do not use
imidaclorpid or thiamethoxam for aphid
control if either of these compounds was
applied to the crop for control of Colorado
potato beetle.
Colorado potato beetle Colorado potato beetle populations in most commercial potato-growing areas have developed resistance to many insecticides. As a result,
insecticides that are effective in some areas, or were effective in the past, may no longer provide control in particular areas. Resistance
problems are most severe in potato-producing counties in southeastern North Carolina and north of the Albemarle Sound, but some
resistance to azinphosmethyl (Guthion), oxamyl (Vydate), esfenvalerate (Asana), permethrin (Ambush), and phosmet (Imidan) has been
observed in most potato-producing counties. Recently, there have been reports of low resistance to imidacloprid (Provado and Admire) in
soem areas.
Resistance to Ambush, Pounce, Asana, Guthion, Imidan, and Monitor is widespread among potato beetle populations in Carteret, Pamlico,
Pasquotank, Camden, and Currituck counties. Guthion, Vydate Ambush, Asana, and Pounce resistance have been observed in some areas.
Remember, beetle populations in different elds may differ in the insecticides to which they are resistant. Monitoring the resistance status will
aid in insecticide selection and help avoid control failures due to resistance.
CROP ROTATION AND INSECTICIDE ROTATION (the use of insecticides representing different insecticide groups in different years) are
essential if insecticide resistance is to be managed and the risks of control failures due to resistance minimized. If control failures or reduced
levels of control are observed with a particular insecticide, do NOT make a second application of the same insecticide at the same or higher
rate. If an additional insecticide application is necessary, a different insecticide representing a different class (carbamate, organophosphate,
pyrethroid, chlorinated hydrocarbon, chloroaicotinoid, or biological) should be used.
SCOUT FIELDS: All insecticide applications to the potato crop, regardless of the target insect pest, have the potential to increase the
resistance of the Colorado potato beetle to insecticides. Unnecessary insecticide applications should be avoided by scouting elds for insect
pests and applying insecticides only when potentially damaging insect populations are present.
SPOT TREATMENTS: Because overwintered potato beetles invade rotated elds from sources outside the eld, potato beetle infestations
in rotated elds occur rst along eld edges early in the season. Limiting insecticide applications to infested portions of the eld will provide
effective control and reduce costs.
Growers are advised to keep accurate records on which insecticides have been applied to their potato crop for control of Colorado potato
beetle and on how effective those insecticides were at controlling infestations. This will make choosing an insecticide and maintaining
insecticide rotations easier. Monitoring the insecticide resistance status of local populations will also make insecticide selection easier.
abamectin (Agri-Mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 oz 0.009 to 14 Apply when adults and/or small larvae
0.0018 are present but before large larvae
appear. Do not exceed two applications
per season. Apply in at least 20 gal water
per acre.
acetamiprid (Assail) 70 WP 0.6 to 1.7 oz 0.025 to 7 Apply when most of the egg masses
0.075 lb have hatched and many small but few
large larvae are present. An additional
application should be used only if
defoliation increases. Allow at least 7
days between foliar applications. To
minimize selection for resistance in
Colorado beetle, do not use imidacloprid,
thiamethoxam, or acetamiprid for aphid
control if any of these commpounds were
applied to the crop for control of Colorado
potato beetle. See comments on insect
rotation under Colorado potato beetle.

Page 140 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
POTATO, Irish Colorado potato beetle Bacillus thuringiensis tenebrionis (BTt.) 2 to 3 qt 2 to 3 lb 0 BTt. products are effective against
(continued) (continued) (Novodor) insecticide-resistant potato beetle
populations. Apply first BT spray
when about 50% of the egg masses
encountered have hatched and many
larvae (red and black colored and 1/4
to 1/3 in. long) are present. Additional
applications may be needed only if
defoliation increases. Beetle larvae stop
feeding after treatment but may remain
alive on the plants for several days before
dying. BT sprays generally do not kill
adults. Good spray coverage is important
and BT applications should be made
by ground using a spray volume of at
least 20 gal per acre. Aerial applications
generally do not provide acceptable
endosulfan (Thionex) 1 lb 1 Some potato beetle populations are
2 EC 1.3 qt resistant to endosulfan. If possible have
50 WP 2 lb your populations tested for susceptibility
before using endosulfan or other
products. Apply when most egg masses
have hatched and both small and large
larvae are present. Thorough coverage
is important. To minimize the potential for
resistance, do NOT use endosulfan if it
was applied to a potato crop in the field
or an adjacent field within the last year.
imidacloprid seed piece treatment 0.4 to 0.6 fl See label for specific instructions. Limit
(Genesis) 240 g/L oz/100 lb use to locations where Colorado potato
of seed tubers beetles were a problem in the same or
adjacent fields during the previous year.
Do not apply Admire, Provado, Platinum,
or Actara to a field if seed pieces were
treated with Genesis. See product label
for restrictions on rotational crops.
imidacloprid 0.74 fl oz/ 1,000 0.38 lb Admire Pro applied in-furrow at planting
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F ft row time may provide season-long control.
Use only in potato fields that have a
history of potato beetle infestations. If
potatoes are rotated to a field adjacent
to one planted in potato last year, a
barrier treatment may be effective. (See
Vegetable IPM Insect Note #45.) Admire
Pro may also be applied as a seed
treatment. Check label for instructions
regarding this use. Check label for
restrictions on planting crops following
Admire Pro treated potatoes. There have
been reports of low levels of resistance
to imidicloprid. To minimize selection for
resistance in Colorado potato beetle,
do not use imidacloprid, thiamethoxam,
or acetamiprid for aphid or leafhopper
control if any of these compounds were
applied to the crop for the control of
Colorado potato beetle. See comments
on insecticide rotation under Colorado
potato beetle.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 141
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
POTATO, Irish Colorado potato beetle (Provado) 1.6 F 3.75 fl oz 0.05 lb 7 Apply when most of the egg masses
(continued) (continued) have hatched and most larvae are small
(1/8 to 3/16 in.). An additional application
should be made only if defoliation
increases. Allow at least 7 days between
foliar applications. Do not exceed 15
fl oz of Provado per field per acre per
season. Regardless of formulation, do
NOT apply more than a total of 0.31 lb
imidacloprid (Admire Pro or Provado) per
season. Provado should not be applied
to Admire Pro-treated fields. There have
been reports of low levels of resistance
to imidicloprid. To minimize selection for
resistance in Colorado potato beetle,
do not use imidacloprid, thiamethoxam,
or acetamiprid for aphid or leafhopper
control if any of these compounds
were applied to the crop for control of
Colorado potato beetle. See comments
on insecticide rotation under Colorado
potato beetle.
imidcloprid + cyfluthrin premix 3 to 3.75 fl oz 0.063 to 7 Apply when most of the egg masses have
(Leverage) 2.7 SE 0.079 lb hatched and most larvae are small (1/8 to
3/16 in.). An additional application should
be made only if defoliation increases.
Leverage will control European corn borer
if application coincides with egg hatch
and presence of samll corn borer larvae.
Leverage should not be used in fields
treated with Admire Pro. There have
been reports of low levels of resistance
to imidicloprid. To minimize selection for
resistance in Colorado potato beetle,
do not use imidacloprid, thiamethoxam,
or acetamiprid for aphid or leafhopper
control if any of these compounds
were applied to the crop for control of
Colorado potato beetle. See comments
on insecticide rotation under Colorado
potato beetle.
indoxicarb (Avaunt) 30 DG 6 oz 0.11 lb 7 The minimum interval between
applications is 5 days. Do not apply more
than 24 oz of Avaunt (0.44 lb a.i.) per
acre per crop. In areas where Colorado
potato beetles are resistant to other
insecticides, addition of PBO (piperonyl
butoxide) as tank mix with Avaunt may
be necessary. The beetles stop feeding
following initial exposure to Avaunt but
may take several days to die.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 oz 0.047 to 7 Apply when most egg masses have
0.094 lb hatched and both small and large larvae
are present. Thorough coverage is
important. Do not apply more than a total
of 0.33 lb a.i. (21 oz of SpinTor) per crop.
Do not apply in consecutive generations
of Colorado potato beetle and do not
make more than two applications per
single generation of Colorado potato
To minimize the potential for resistance,
do NOT use spinosad if it was applied to
a potato crop in the field or an adjacent
field within the last year.
thiamethoxam seed piece treatment 0.11 to 0.16 fl See label for specific instructions.
(Cruiser) 5 FS oz/100 lb Limit use to locations where Colorado
potato beetles were a problem in the
same or adjacent fields during the
previous year. To minimize selection for
resistance in Colorado potato beetle,
do not use imidacloprid, thiamethoxam,
or acetamiprid for aphid or leafhopper
control if any of these compounds
were applied to the crop for control of
Colorado potato beetle. See comments
on insecticide rotation under Colorado
potato beetle.

Page 142 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
POTATO, Irish Colorado potato beetle thiamethoxam 7 Platinum applied in-furrow at planting
(continued) (continued) (Platinum) 2 SC 0.8 fl oz 0.125 lb time may provide season-long control.
Limit use to locations where Colorado
potato beetles were a problem in the
same or adjacent fields in the previous
year. To minimize selection for resistance,
do not use imidacloprid, thiamethoxam,
or acetamiprid for aphid or leafhopper
control if any of these compounds were
applied to the crop for control of Colorado
potato beetle. See comments on
insecticide rotation under Colorado potato
beetle. See product label for restrictions
on rotational crops.
(Actara) 25 WDG 3 oz 0.047 lb 7 Actara is applied as foliar spray. Apply
when most of the eggs have hatched and
most of the larvae are small (1/8 to 3/16
in.). An additional application should be
made only if defoliation increases. Allow
at least 7 days between applications.
Do not make more than 2 applications
of Actara per crop per season. See
comment for Platinum regarding selection
for resistance.
European corn borer The Atlantic variety of potato is very tolerant of injury by European corn borer larvae. Consequently, control is not recommended on Atlantic
unless more than 30 percent of the stems are infested. Control on all other varieties is recommended when infestations reach 20 percent
infested stems.
beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) XL 1.6 to 2.8 fl oz 0.012 to 0 Apply when threshold is reached
0.022 lb (usually during the first half of May). A
second application may be needed if the
percentage of infested stems increases
substantially 7 to 10 days after the
first application. Ground applications
are usually more effective than aerial
applications. Do not apply more than 14 fl
oz of Baythroid per crop season.
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 3.5 to 6.0 oz 0.065 to 7 Apply when threshold is reached
0.11 lb (usually during the first half of May). A
second application may be needed if the
percentage of infested stems increases
substantially 7 to 10 days after the
first application. Ground applications
are usually more effective than aerial
applications. Do not apply more than 24
oz of Avaunt per acre per crop.
microencapsulated methyl parathion 2 to 4 pt 0.5 to 1 lb 5 Apply when threshold is reached
(Penncap M) 2 FM (usually during the first half of May). A
second application may be needed if the
percentage of infested stems increases
methamidophos (Monitor 4) 1.5 to 2 pt 0.75 to 1 lb 14
substantially 7 to 10 days after the first
application. Ground applications are
generally more effective than aerial
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 3 to 6 oz 0.047 to 7 Do not apply more than a total of 0.33 lb
0.094 lb a.i. (21 oz product) per crops.)
Flea beetle phorate (Thimet) 20 G 10 to 20 oz 2 to 3 lb 90 Use of phorate can contribute to
(38 in. row insecticide resistance with Colorado
spacing) potato beetle.
Leafhopper carbaryl (Sevin) 0 On foliage when leafhoppers first appear.
50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb Repeat every 10 days as needed. Often
80 S 0.625 to 1.25 lb 0.5 to 1 lb a problem in the mountains.
XLR Plus 1 pt 0.5 lb
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 to 1 pt 0.25 to 0.5 lb 0
endosulfan (Thionex) 0.5 to 1 lb 1 See comments under Colorado potato
3 EC 0.67 to 1.33 qt beetle.
50 WP 1 to 2 lb
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 pt 0.45 lb 6
phosmet (Imidan) 70 WSB 1.33 lb 1 lb 7
Leafminer diazinon (Diazinon, Spectracide) 0.5 lb 35 See comments under flea beetle.
(50 W) 50 WP 1 lb
(AG 500) 4 EC 0.5 pt
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 to 1 pt 0.25 to 0.5 lb 0

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 143
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
POTATO, Irish Blister beetle, Leaf- carbaryl (Sevin) 1 to 2 lb 0 On foliage as needed.
(continued) footed bug, Plant bug, 50 WP 2 to 4 lb
Stink bug, Vegetable 80 S 1.25 to 2.5 lb
weevil XLR Plus 1 to 2 qt
endosulfan (Thionex) 0.5 to 1 lb 1 See comments under Colorado potato
3 EC 0.67 to 1.33 qt beetle.
50 WP 1 to 2 lb
Potato tuberworm endosulfan (Thionex) 0.5 to 1 lb 1 See comments under Colorado potato
3 EC 0.67 to 1.33 qt beetle.
50 WP 1 to 2 lb
methamidophos (Monitor) 4 E 1.5 to 2 pt 0.75 to 1 lb 14
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 to 3 pt 0.45 to 0.9 lb 6 Prevent late-season injury by keeping
potatoes covered with soil. To prevent
damage in storage, practice sanitation.
permethrin (Pounce) 3.2 E 4 to 8 fl oz 0.1 to 0.2 lb 14
Southern potato Planting in fields previously in corn, soybean, or fallow may increase risk of wireworm.
ethoprop (Mocap) 15 G 1.4 lb per 1,000 2.5 to 3 lb 90 In-furrow at planting.
row ft
phorate (Thimet) 20 G Row Treatment: 2 to 3 lb 90 Can contribute to insecticide-resistance
10 to 20 oz (38 problems with Colorado potato beetle.
in. row spacing)
Thrips dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 pt 0.25 lb 0
endosulfan (Thionex) 1 lb 0 On foliage as needed.
2 EC 2 qt
50 WP 2 lb
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4.5 to 6 fl oz 0.047 to 0.094 7
Vegetable weevil pyrellin EC 1 to 2 pt 0 May be used alone or in combination as
an exciter.

n Table 2-51. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Potato, Irish

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Colorado potato beetle Lacewing, Ichneumonid wasp
European corn borer Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps
POTATO, IRISH Flea beetle Braconids, and soil drench with parastic nematodes.
Leafhopper Lacewing, and flower bug
Leafminer Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parastic wasps.
Vegetable weevil Flower bug, lacewings, and predatory mites.

n Table 2-52. Alternative Control Procedures Potato, Irish

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.
Handpick or spray with neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTT or refined horticultural oil. Use plastic lined trench as a trap or
Colorado potato beetle
Use tolerant cultivars. Spray twice weekly with BTK. Encourage native parastic flies and wasps. Spray pyrethrins or
European corn borer
ryania on larvae.

Flea beetle Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticultural oil.
Leafhopper Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticultural oil.
Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leaves. Spray plants with neem.
Plant bug Spray with insecticidal soap or refined horticultural oil.
Blister beetle Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.
Thrips Spray with insecticidal soap or refined horticultural oil.

Page 144 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
PUMPKIN Aphid bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
two applications postbloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
endosulfan (Thionex) 1 On foliage as needed. Do not exceed
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb three applications per year.
50 WP 1 lb 0.5 lb
imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.38 lb 21 Must be applied to the soil. May be
applied preplant; at planting; as a post-
seeding drench, transplant water drench,
or hill drench; subsurface sidedress or by
chemigation using low-pressure drip or
trickle irrigation. See label for approved
application methods. Will also control
whitefly and cucumber beetles.
malathion (various) 57 EC 1.5 pt 0.75 lb 3
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 14 Apply before populations reach damaging
levels. Do not exceed 5.5 oz per acre
per season.
thiomethoxam (Platinum) 2SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
crops in-furrow seeding or transplant
depth, post seeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do
not exceed 8 oz per acre per season
of Platinum. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.
Armyworm methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 fl oz 0.06 to 0.16 lb 3 Do not exceed 4 applications per season,
and do not reapply in less than 7 days.
spinosad (Spin-Tor) 2 SC 4 to 8 fl oz 0.063 to 3
0.125 lb
Cucumber beetle bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
two applications post bloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
carbaryl (Sevin) 1 lb 3 Phytotoxicity may occur following
50 WP 2 lb application of carbaryl during hot, humid
80 S 1.25 lb weather.
XLR Plus 1 qt
endosulfan (Thionex) 0 Do not exceed 3 lb a.i. per acre per year.
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb
50 WP 2 lb 1 lb
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.6 to 16 oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 Insect control may be improved by adding
NIS. Do not apply more than 0.8 lb (a.i.)
per acre per season.
imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.375 21 See application methods under Aphid.
Cutworm, Corn bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
earworm two applications post bloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
dinotefuram (Venom) 70 SG 3 to 4 oz 0.132 to 1 Do not exceed 6 oz Venom per acre per
0.179 lb season.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 0
25 W 6.4 to 12.8 oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 fl oz

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 145
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
PUMPKIN Leafhopper bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
(continued) two applications post bloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 5.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
Looper, Pickleworm, bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
Melon worm two applications post bloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 5.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3

fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.6 to 16 oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 Insect control may be improved by adding
NIS. Do not apply more than 0.8 lb (a.i.)
per acre per season.
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 6 oz 0.045 to 3
0.11 lb
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 fl oz 0.06 to 0.16 lb 3 Do not exceed 4 applications per season,
and do not reapply in less than 7 days.
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 0
25 W 6.4 to 12.8 fl oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 fl oz
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 8 oz 0.125 lb 3
Spider mite abamectin (Agri-Mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 fl oz 0.009 to 7
0.019 lb
bifenazate (Acramite) 50 WS 0.75 to 1.0 lb 0.375 to 0.5 lb 3 Do not make more than one application
per season.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SG 7 to 8.5 oz 0.1 to 0.13 lb 7 Do not exceed 3 applications per season.
Squash bug bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
two applications post bloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
carbaryl (Sevin) 1 lb 0 Adults are difficult to control.Phytotoxicity
50 WP 2 lb may occur following application of
80 S 1.25 lb carbaryl during hot, humid weather.
XLR Plus 1 qt
dinotefuram (Venom) 70 SG 3 to 4 oz 0.132 to 1 Do not exceed 6 oz Venom per acre per
0.179 lb season.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
permethrin (Ambush) 2 EC 12 oz 0.2 lb 1
Squash vine borer bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
two applications post bloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
endosulfan (Thionex) 0 Apply weekly to flower buds, stems, and
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb vines beginning when moths first appear.
50 WP 2 lb 1 lb Check vines in early June and August for
borer presence. Do not exceed 3 lb of
active ingredient per year.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 9 oz 0.05 lb 3
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 0
25 W 6.4 to 12.8 oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 oz
Thrips dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz 0.045 to 1
0.179 lb
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 8 oz 0.125 lb 3

Page 146 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
PUMPKIN Whitefly bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 5.12 to 6.4 oz 0.08 to 0.10 lb 3 Do not make more than 2 applications
(continued) after bloom.
buprofezin (Courier) 40 WP 9 to 13.6 oz 0.25 to 0.38 lb 7 Use sufficient water to ensure good
coverage. Do not apply more than twice
per crop cycle or 4 applications per year
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.045 to 1 See comments under Aphids for
0.179 lb application instructions and restrictions.
5 to 6 (soil) 0.226 to 21
0.268 lb
imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 oz 0.25 to 0.375 21 Admire Pro must be applied to the soil.
lb May be applied preplant; at planting;
as a post-seeding drench, transplant
water drench, or hill drench; subsurface
sidedress or by chemigation using
low-pressure drip or trickle irrigation.
See label for information on approved
application methods. Will also control
aphids and cucumber beetle.
pyriproxifen (Knack) 0.86 EC 8 to 10 oz 0.054 to 7 Do not make more than two applications
0.067 lb per season, and do not make applications
closer than 14 days apart.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SC 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.11 to 0.13 lb 7
thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
crops in-furrow at seed or transplant
depth, postseeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do
not exceeed 8 oz per acre per season.
Check label for plant-back restrictions for
a number of crops.

n Table 2-54. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Pumpkin

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators.
Cucumber beetle Braconid wasps, and parasitic nematodes. Drench soil with parasitic nematodes weekly to control larvae.
PUMPKIN Cutworm Moist bran mixed with BTK and molasses on soil surface.
SQUASH Corn earworm Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps, lacewing, Ichneumonid wasps and Pteromalidae.
Squash bug Tolerant cultivars
Squash vine borer Tolerant cultivars

n Table 2-55. Alternative Control Procedures Pumpkin

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem
Cucumber beetle Spray with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, neem, drench soil with parastic nematodes weekly to control larvae.
Cutworm Scatter bran mixed with BTK and molasses on bed surface or use protective collars.
and WINTER Corn earworm Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil
SQUASH Squash bug Hand pick adults, provide a board for them to hide under and then collect bugs.

Choose borer tolerant cultivars. Cover plants with floating rowcover until female flowers appear then use spray
Squash vine borer
with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, rotenone or BTK. Inject parasitic nematodes every 4 along infected stems.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 147
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
RADISH Aphid, Flea beetle, beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) XL 1.6 to 2.8 fl oz 0.0125 to 0 Do not exceed 16.8 fl oz per acre per
Leafminer 0.022 lb season.
diazinon (Diazinon) 0.5 lb 14 On foliage as needed.
(AG 500) 4 EC 1 pt
50 WP 1 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 5.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 0
Root maggot, chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 4E 1 fl oz/1,000 Water-based drench in-furrow planting.
Wireworm linear ft Use a minimum of 40 gal of water per
diazinon 1 qt/100 gal 0.5 lb In seed furrow at planting.
(AG 500) 4 EC (1.33 gal/1,000
ft row)
(50 W) 50 WP 2 lb/100 gal 1 lb In seed furrow at planting.
(1.33 gal/1,000
ft row)
(AG 500) 4 EC 1 qt/100 gal 0.5 lb In seed furrow at planting.
(1.33 gal/1,000
ft row)
(50 W) 50 WP 2 lb/100 gal 1 lb In seed furrow at planting.
(1.33 gal/
1,000 ft row)

n Table 2-57. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Radish

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Root maggot Eucoilidae
Wireworm Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Leafminer Eucoilidae, lacewing and attract parasitic wasps.
Flea beetle Braconids, and soil drench with parasitic nematodes.

n Table 2-58. Alternative Control Procedures Radish

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Root maggot Eucoilidae
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem orhid
RADISH Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leaves. Spray plants with neem oil.
Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horti-
Flea beetle
cultural oil.

Page 148 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
SPINACH Aphid acetamiprid (Assail) 70 WP 0.8 to 1.2 oz 0.035 to 7 Do not apply more than once ever 7
0.054 lb days, and do not exceed 5 applications
per season.
diazinon (Diazinon) 0.5 lb 14
(AG 500) 4 EC 1 pt
50 WP 1 lb
imidacloprid 4.4 to 10.5 fl oz 0.158 to 21 Do not follow soil applications with
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 0.337 lb foliar applications of any neonicotinoid
insecticides. Apply Admire Pro to the
soil as an in-furrow spray directed at or
below seed; at planting as a post-seeding
or transplant drench; or through drip
irrigation. For bedding operations, apply
in a narrow band dpray directly below
eventual seed row 14 or fewer days
before planting.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.8 fl oz 0.0475 lb 7 Provado is for foliar applications.
malathion (various) 57 EC 2 lb 0.5 lb 7
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 7 Apply before aphids reach damaging
levels. Use sufficient water to ensure
good coverage.
Leafminer cryomazine (Trigard) 75 WP 2.66 oz 0.125 7
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 6 to 10 oz 0.094 to 1 Spray adjuvants may enhance efficacy
0.156 lb against leafminers. See label for
information on adjuvants.
Armyworm, Corn emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5 SG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.007 to 7
earworm, Cutworm, 0.015 lb
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 SG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.045 to 3
0.065 lb
methomyl (Lannate) 0.45 lb 7 Air temperature should be well above 32
90 SP 0.5 lb degrees F. Do not apply to seedlings less
2.4 LV 1.5 pt than 3 in. in diameter.
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 oz 0.063 to 1 Use low rates for early-season
0.156 lb applications to young or small plants
and 6 to 10 oz for mid- to late-season
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 lb 7 Do not make more than seven
25 WP 6 oz applications per season.
3.2 EC 4 oz
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 oz 0.062 to 1
0.125 lb

n Table 2-60. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Spinach

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Leafhopper Lacewing, and flower bug
Flea beetle Braconids, and soil drench with parasitic nematodes.
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
SPINACH Leafminer Eucoilidae, lacewing and attract parasitic wasps.
Armyworm Soldier bug
Corn earworm Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps, lacewing, Ichneumonid wasps and Pteromalidae
Looper Trichogramma wasps, Encyrtidae, lacewing, Pteromalidae, and BTK

n Table 2-61. Alternative Control Procedures Spinach

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem.
Leafhopper Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticultural oil.
Flea beetle Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticultural oil.
Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leaves. Spray plants with neem.
Armyworm Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.
Corn earworm Handpick or spray with neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.
Cutworm Scatter bran mixed with BTK and molasses on bed surface or use protective collars.
Looper Handpick or spray with neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 149
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
SQUASH Aphid bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
two applications postbloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
diazinon (Diazinon, AG 500) 4 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.5 to 0.75 lb 7 On foliage as needed. Aphids spread
watermelon II virus and are best
managed with stylet oil, reflective mulch
films, or varietal tolerance.
endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not exceed three applications per
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb year.
50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb
imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.375 21 Must be applied to the soil. Use preplant;
lb at planting; as a post-seeding drench,
transplant water drench, or hill drench;
subsurface sidedress or by chemigation
using low-pressure drip or trickle
irrigation. Seel label for information on
approved application methods. Will also
control cucumber beetles and whiteflies.
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 0 Apply before populations reach damaging
levels. Do not exceed 5.5 oz per acre
per season.
thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
crops in-furrow seeding or transplant
depth, post seeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do
not exceed 8 oz per acre per season
of Platinum. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.
Cucumber beetle bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
two applications postbloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
carbaryl (Sevin) 1 lb 3 Phytotoxicity may occur following
50 WP 2 lb application during hot, humid weather.
80 S 1.25 lb
4 XLR 1 qt
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 3 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.132 to 1 See comments under Aphids for
0.179 lb application instructions and restictions.
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21
0.268 lb
endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not exceed 3 lb active ingredient
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb per acre per year, or exceed three
50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 lb applications per year.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 5.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.6 to 16 oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 NIS may improve insect control. Under
severe pressure, use high rate. Do not
apply more than 0.8 lb (a.i.) per season.
imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.375 21 See comments under Aphid.
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 lb 0
25 WP 6 oz
3.2 EC 4 oz

thiamethoxam (Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 See comments under Aphid for

application instructions.

Cutworm esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3

permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.2 lb 0
25 W 12.8 oz
3.2 EC 8 fl oz
Leafhopper bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
two applications postbloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.

Page 150 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
SQUASH Leafminer diazinon (AG 500), (Diazinon, Spectracide) 0.5 to 1 pt 0.25 to 0.5 lb 7 On foliage as needed.
(continued) 4 EC
Looper, Pickleworm, bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 oz 0.04 to 0.10 lb 3
carbaryl (Sevin) 1 lb 3 On foliage when worms appear in
50 WP 2 lb blossoms; repeat as needed. Most severe
80 S 1.25 lb after July 1. Phytotoxicity may occur
XLR Plus 1 qt following application during hot, humid
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.6 to 16 oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 NIS may improve insect control. Under
severe pressure, use high rate. Do not
apply more than 0.8 lb (a.i.) per acre.
methomyl (Lannate) 0.45 to 0.9 lb 3 Apply in late afternoon to minimize bee
90 SP 0.5 to 1 lb kills. Methomyl may induce leafminer
2.4 LV 1.5 to 3 pt infestation.
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 fl oz 0.06 to 0.16 lb 3 Do not exceed 4 applications per season,
and do not reapply in less than 7 days.
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 0
25 WP 6.4 to 12.8 oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 fl oz
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 8 oz 0.125 lb 3 Do not apply if temperature exceeds 90
degrees F.
Spider mite abamectin (Agri-Mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 fl oz 0.009 to 0.019 7
bifenazate (Acramite) 50 WS 0.75 to 1.0 lb 0.375 to 5 lb 3 Do not make more than one application
per season.
dicofol 4 EC 0.75 pt 0.375 lb 2
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SG 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.13 lb 7 Do not exceed 3 applications per season.
Squash bug bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
two applications postbloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 3 to 4 oz 0.132 to 1 Do not exceed 6 oz Venom per acre per
0.179 lb season.
endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not exceed 3 lb a.i. per year.
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb
50 WP 2 lb 1 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 0
25 WP 6.4 to 12.8 oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 fl oz
Squash vine borer bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
two applications postbloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Apply weekly to flower buds, stems, and
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb vines beginning when moths first appear.
50 WP 2 lb 1 lb Check vines in early June and August
for borer presence. Do not exceed 3 lb
a.i. per year.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 5.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3

permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 0

25 WP 6.4 to 12.8 oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 oz

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 151
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
SQUASH Whitefly bifenthrin (Caputre) 2 EC 5.12 to 6.4 fl oz 0.08 to 0.10 lb 3 Do not make more than two applications
(continued) after bloom.
buprofezin (Courier) 40 SC 9 to 13 fl oz 0.25 to 0.38 lb 7 Use sufficient water to ensure good
coverage. Do not apply more than twice
a year per crop cycle, or four applications
per year.
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.045 to 1 Do not follow soil applications with
0.179 lb applications of other neonicotinoid
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21 insecticides. Only use one application
0.268 lb method. Soil applications may be applied
in a narrow band on the plant row in
bedding operation, as a post-seeding
or transplant drench, as a side-dress
after planting and incorporated 1 or
more inches, or through a drip irrigation
imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.38 lb 21 Do not follow soil application with
foliar application of any neonicotinoid
insecticide. Admire Pro must be applied
to the soil. May be applied preplant;
at planting; as a post-seeding drench,
transplant water drench, or hill drench;
subsurface sidedress or by chemigatin
using low-pressure drip or trickle
irrigation. See label for information on
approved application methods. Will also
control aphids and cucumber beetles.
pyriproxifen (Knack) 0.86 EC 8 to 10 fl oz 0.054 to 7 Do not make more than two applications
0.067 lb per season, and do not make applications
closer than 14 days apart.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SC 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.11 to 0.13 lb 7 Do not make more than 3 applications
per season.
thiamethoxam Do not follow soil application with
(Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 8 fl oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 foliar application of any neonicotinoid
(Actara) 25 WDG 3 to 5.5 oz 0.047 to 0
Platinum may be applied to direct seeded
0.086 lb
crops in-furrow at seed depth, or post
seeding or transplant as a drench, or
through drip irrigation. Do not exceed 8
fl oz per acre per season. Check label
for plant-back restrictions for a number
of crops.
Actara is for foliar application only.

n Table 2-63. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Squash

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators.
Cucumber beetle Braconid wasps, and parasitic nematodes.
Leafminer Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parastic wasps.

n Table 2-64. Alternative Control Procedures Squash

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or refined horticultural oil.
Cucumber beetle Spray with pyrethrins, neem, drench soil with parasitic nematodes weekly to control larvae.
SQUASH, Cutworm Scatter bran mixed with BTK and molasses on bed surface or use protective collars.
summer Leafminer Hand pick and destroy mined leaves and remove egg clusters. Spray plants with neem.
Cover plants with floating rowcover until female flowers appear then use spray with pyrethrins, rotenone or BTK. Inject
Squash vine borer
parastic nematodes every 4 along infected stems.

Page 152 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
SWEETPOTATO Aphids, Leafhopper, acetamiprid (Assail) 70 WP 1 to 1.7 oz 0.044 to 0.075 7 Do not make more than 4 applications
Whitefly oz per season. Do not apply more frequently
than once ever 7 days.
imidacloprid (Provado) 1.6 F 3.5 fl oz 0.044 lb 7 Two applications of Provado may be
needed to control heavy populations.
Allow 5 to 7 days between applications.
Do not exceed a total of 6 oz of Actara
per crop per season.
thiomethoxam (Actara) 25 WDG 3 oz 0.094 lb 14 Two applications of Actara may be
needed to control heavy populations.
Allow 7 to 10 days between applications.
Do not exceed a total of 6 oz of Actara
per crop per season.
Armyworm, Looper methoxyfenizide (Intrepid) 2 F 6 to 10 fl oz 0.09 to 0.16 lb 7 Do not make more than 3 applications or
apply more than 30 fl oz of Intrepid per
acre per season.

novaluron (Rimon) 0.83 EC 9 to 12 fl oz 0.058 to 14 Do not make more than 2 applications

0.078 lb per crop per season.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4.5 to 6 oz 0.07 to 0.094 7
Corn earworm, carbaryl (Sevin) 2 lb 7 Damaging earworm infestion may occur
Cucumber beetle 50 WP 4 lb in August or September. If significant
(adults), Japanese 80 S, WSB 2.5 lb infestions are present on foliage during
beetle (adults), XLR Plus 2 qt harvest, larvae may feed on exposed
Hornworm, Tortoise root.
beetle Treat for hornworm or tortoise beetles
only if significant defoliation is observed.
Hornworms and hortoise beetles are
frequently present but rarely reach levels
requiring treatment.
endosulfan (Thionex) 3 E 1.67 qt 1.25 lb 1
Flea beetle, Wireworm bifenthrin (Brigade) 2 EC 9.6 to 19.2 fl oz 0.15 to 0.3 lb 21 Apply as broadcast, preplant application
to the soil and incorporate 4 to 6 in. prior
to bed formation. This use has been
chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 2 lb 125
demonstrated to control overwintered
15 G 13.5 lb
wireworm populations and reduce
4E 4 pt
damage to roots at harvest. Chlorpyrifos
will not control whitefringed beetle or
other grubs that attack sweetpotato.
Research has shown that best control
is achieved when chlorpyrifos is applied
as a preplant application incorporated
4 to 6 in. deep prior to bed formation,
followed by 1 or more soil-directed,
incorporations of bifenthrin during routine
cultivation. Bifenthrin should be directed
onto each side of the bed from the drill to
the middle of the furrow and incorporated
with cultivating equipmet set to throw
soil toward the drill. The objective is
to provide a barrier of treated soil that
covers the bed and furrows.
Foliar sprays of various insecticides that
target adults to prevent egg laying have
not been shown to provide any reduction
in damage to roots by wireworm larvae
at harvest.
Fruit fly pyrethrins (Pyrenone) 1 gal/100,000 Postharvest application in storage. Apply
cu ft as a space fog with a mechanical or
thermal generator. Do not make more
than 10 applications.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 153
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
SWEETPOTATO Sweetpotato weevil novaluron (Rimon) 0.83 EC 12 fl oz 0.78 lb 14 Sweetpotato weevil is a quarantine
(continued) pest. Report any infestation to your
county Extension agent and the State
Departments of Agriculture as soon as it
is detected.
phosmet (Imidan) 70 WSP 1.33 lb 1 lb 7
Thrips spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4.5 to 6 fl oz 0.07 to 0.094 7

Whitefringed beetle phosmet (Imidan) 70 WSB 1.33 lb 1 lb 7 Do not make more than five applications
per season. Whitefringed beetle adults
are active in July and August. Do not
plant in fields with a recent history of
whitefringed beetles.

n Table 2-66. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Sweetpotato

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Sweetpotato weevil
Fruit fly Braconids
Flea beetle
Leafhoppers Lacewing, and flower bug
SWEETPOTATO Leafminers Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parasitic wasps.

Tortoise beetle Flower bug, Trichogramma wasps, lacewing, Ichneumonid wasps and Preromalidae.
Corn earworm
Hornworm Trichogramma wasps
Looper Trichogramma wasps, Encyrtidae, lacewing, Pteromalidae, and BTK.

n Table 2-67. Alternative Control Procedures Sweetpotato

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Sweetpotato weevil Use insect free seed, destroy all crop debris and infest material.
Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or refined horticultural
Flea beetle
Cucumber beetle (adults) Spray with pyrethrins, neem.

SWEETPOTATO Leafhoppers Spray with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, neem, rotenone or refined horticultural oil.
Leafminers Pick and destroy mined leaves. Spray plants with neem.
Corn earworm
Hornworm Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or refined horticultural oil.

Page 154 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
TOMATO Aphid, Flea beetle acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 2 to 4 oz 0.038 to 7 Do not apply more than once every 7
0.075 lb days, and do not exceed 5 applications
per season.
diazinon (Diazinon, Spectracide) 0.25 lb 1 On foliage as needed.
(AG 500) 4 EC 0.5 pt
(50 W) 50 WP 0.5 lb
dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 to 1 pt 0.25 to 0.5 lb 7 Do not exceed rate with dimethoate as
leaf injury may result.
imidacloprid For short-term protection at planting.
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 fl oz 0.25 to 0.377 21 Admire may also be applied to
(various brands) 2 F lb transplants in the planthouse not more
than 7 days before planting at the rate
of 0.44 (4.6 F formulation) or 1 oz (2 F
formulation) per 10,000 plants.
In the field, Admire may be applied as
an in-furrow spray directed on or below
seed, a narrow surface band followed
by irrigation, as a transplant drench, or
through drip irrigation system.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.75 fl oz 0.04 lb 0 Use Provado for foliar applications.
methamidophos (Monitor) 4 E 1.5 to 2 pt 0.75 to 1 lb 7 Not for use in MS.
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 0 For aphids only.
(Platinum) 2SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
crops in-furrow seeding or transplant
depth, post seeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do
not exceed 8 oz per acre per season
of Platinum. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.
(Actara) 25 WDG 2 to 3 oz 0.03 to 0.047 0 Actara is for foliar applications.
Armyworm Bacillus thuringiensis 0 Start applications when larvae are small,
(Crymax) WDG 0.5 to 1.5 lb 0.5 to 1.5 lb and continue at 5- to 7-day intervals
(Dipel) 2X 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb during periods of infestation.
(Xentari) 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5 WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7 Apply when larvae are first observed.
0.015 lb
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 DG 3.5 oz 0.065 lb 3 Do not apply more than 14 oz of Avaunt
(0.26 lb a.i.) per acre per crop. The
minimum interval between sprays is 5
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 oz 0.063 to 1 Use low rates for early-season
0.156 lb applications to young or small plants
and 6 to 10 oz for mid- and late-season
nuclear polyhedrosis virus (Spod-X LC) 1.7 to 3.4 oz 0 Effective only against beet armyworms.
Apply at 5- to 7-day intervals during
periods of infestations.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 1.5 to 6 oz 0.023 to 1
0.094 lb

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 155
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
TOMATO Colorado potato beetle acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 1.5 to 2.5 oz 0.028 to 7
(continued) 0.047 lb
endosulfan (Thionex) 1 On foliage as needed.
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb
50 WP 2 lb 1 lb
imidacloprid Use Admire for soil or transplant
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 fl oz 0.25 lb 21 drench treatment and Provado for foliar
(various brands) 2 F applications.
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.75 fl oz 0.04 lb 0
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 2.25 to 4.5 oz 0.035 to 1
0.07 lb
(Platinum) 2SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
crops in-furrow seeding or transplant
depth, post seeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do
not exceed 8 oz per acre per season
of Platinum. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.
(Actara) 25 WDG 2 to 3 oz 0.03 to 0.046 0 Actara is for foliar applications.
Cabbage looper, Bacillus thuringiensis 0 Do not tank mix BT formulations with
Hornworm, Tomato (Dipel) DF 0.5 to 1 lb 0.5 to 1 lb Dyrene.
fruitworm (Crymax) WDG 0.5 to 1.5 lb 0.5 to 1.5 lb

bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 1

beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) XL 1.6 to 2.8 fl oz 0.125 to 0 Do not exceed 16.8 fl oz per acre per
0.022 lb season.

emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5 WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7

0.015 lb
endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not exceed six applications per year.
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb
50 WP 2 lb 1 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 1
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.667 fl oz 0.2 lb 3 Use a spray volume of 25 to 120 gal per
acre. Do not exceed 2.667 pt (42.667 fl
oz) per acre per season.
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 5
fl oz lb
indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.045 to 3 Do not apply more than 14 oz of Avaunt
0.065 lb (0.26 lb a.i.) per acre per crop. The
minimum interval between sprays is 5
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 oz 0.02 to 0.03 lb 5 Do not exceed 2.88 pt per acre per
season. Do not use on cherry tomatoes.
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 to 3 pt 0.45 to 0.9 lb 1 Methomyl may induce leafminer
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 oz 0.063 to 1 Use low rates for early-season
0.156 lb applications to young or small plants
and 6 to 10 oz for mid- and late-season
spinosad (SpinTor) 2. SC 3 to 6 oz 0.047 to 1
0.094 lb

zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 2.24 to 4.0 oz 0.014 to 1

0.025 lb
Cutworm beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) XL 1.6 to 2.8 fl oz 0.125 to 0 Do not exceed 16.8 fl oz per acre per
0.022 lb season.
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 1
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 5
fl oz lb
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 oz 0.02 to 0.03 lb 5 Do not exceed 2.88 pt per acre per
season. Do not use on cherry tomatoes.
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 3.2 to 4.0 oz 0.02 to 0.025 1

Page 156 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
TOMATO Leafminer abamectin (Agri-mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 fl oz 0.01 to 0.02 lb 7 Do not exceed 48 fl oz per acre per
(continued season, or more than two sequential
cryomazine (Trigard) 75 WP 2.66 oz 0.125 lb 0 See label for plant-back restrictions.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 6 to 8 fl oz 0.09 to 0.125 1 Do not exceed 29 fl oz per acre per
lb season.
Pinworm abamectin (Agri-mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 fl oz 0.01 to 0.02 7 Do not exceed 48 oz per acre per
season, or two sequential applications.
beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) 2 E 1.6 to 2.8 fl oz 0.125 to 0
0.022 lb
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5 WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 7 Apply when larvae are first observed.
0.015 lb
endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not exceed five applications per year.
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb
50 WP 2 lb 2 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 1 Do not exceed 16.8 fl oz per acre per
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 5
fl oz lb
) indoxacarb (Avaunt) 30 DG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.045 to 3 Do not apply more than 14 oz of Avaunt
0.065 lb (0.26 lb a.i.) per acre per crop. The
minimum interval between sprays is 5
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 1 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.020 to 5 Do not exceed 16.8 fl oz per acre per
fl oz 0.03 lb season.
methomyl (Lannate) 90 SP 0.5 to 1 lb 0.45 to 0.9 lb 1 On foliage as needed.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 oz 0.062 to 1 Do not exceed 29 fl oz per acre per
0.125 lb season.
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 3.2 to 4.0 oz 0.02 to 0.025 1
Spider mite abamectin (Agri-mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 fl oz 0.01 to 0.02 lb 7 Do not exceed 48 fl oz per acre per
season, or more than two sequential
bifenazate (Acramite) 50 WS 0.75 to 1.0 lb 0.375 to 0.5 lb 3 Do not make more than one application
per season.
dicofol 4 EC 0.75 to 1.5 pt 0.4 to 0.75 lb 2 Do not make more than two applications
or exceed 1.6 pt per acre per year.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SG 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.13 lb 7 Do not exceed 3 applications per season.
Stink bug bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 1
endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not exceed 6 applications or 3 lb a.i.
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb per acre per year.
50 WP 2 lb 1 lb
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.667 fl oz 0.2 lb 3 Use a spray volume of 25 to 120 gal per
acre. Do not exceed 2.667 pt (42.667 fl
oz) per acre per season.
gamma-cyhalothrin (Proaxis) 0.5 EC 2.56 to 3.84 0.01 to 0.015 5
fl oz lb
lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior) 2.56 to 3.84 oz 0.02 to 0.03 lb 5
methamidophos (Monitor) 4 E 1.5 to 2 pt 0.75 to 1 lb 7
thiamethoxam (Actara) 25 WDG 3 to 5.5 oz 0.047 to 0 Do not exceed 11 oz Actara per acre per
0.086 lb season.
zeta-cypermethrin (Mustang MAX) 0.8 EC 3.2 to 4.0 oz 0.020 to 1
0.025 lb
Thrips dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 to 1 pt 0.25 to 0.5 lb 7
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.045 to 1
0.179 lb
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21
0.268 lb
methamidophos (Monitor) 4 E 1.5 to 2 pt 0.75 to 1 lb 7
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 to 3 pt 0.45 to 0.9 lb 1 On foliage as needed.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 4 to 8 oz 0.062 to 1 Will control thrips on foliage, not in
0.125 lb flowers.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 157
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
TOMATO Whitefly acetamiprid (Assail) 30 SG 2.5 to 4 oz 0.05 to 0.075 7 Do not apply more than once every 7
(continued) lb days, and do not exceed 5 applications
per season.
buprofezin (Courier) 40 SC 9 to 13.6 fl oz 0.25 to 0.38 lb 7 Use sufficient water to ensure good
coverage. Do not apply more than
twice per crop cycle, and allow 28 days
between applications.
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.045 to 1 Do not follow soil applications with
0.179 lb applications of other neonicotinoid
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21 insecticides (Actara, Provado, or Venom).
0.268 lb Use only one application method.
Soil applications may be applied in a
narrow band on the plant row in bedding
operation, as a post-seeding or transplant
drench, as a side-dress after planting and
incorporated 1 or more in., or through a
drip irrigation system. May also control
stink bugs.
imidacloprid 21 Do not follow soil applications with
(various brands) 2 F 16 to 24 fl oz 0.25 to 0.375 applications of other neonicotinoid
lb insecticides (Actara, Provado, or Venom).
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.375 Apply through a drip irrigation system
lb or as a transplant drench with sufficient
water to reach root zone. As a sidedress,
apply 2 to 4 in. to the side of the row
and incorporate 1 or more in. Residual
activity will increase with increasing
rates applied. Use higher rate for late-
season or continuous infestations. Trickle
irrigation applications will also control
aphids and stinkbugs.
pyriproxyfen (Knack) 0.86EC 8 to 10 oz 0.054 to 14 Do not apply more than two applications
0.067 lb per growing season, and do not make
applications closer than 14 days.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SC 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.11 to 0.13 lb 7 Do not make more than 3 applications
per season.
thiomethoxam Do not follow soil applications with
(Platinum) 2SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 applications of other neonicotinoid
insecticides (Actara, Provado, or Venom).
(Actara) 3 to 5.5 oz 0.047 to 0
Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
0.086 lb
crops in-furrow seeding or transplant
depth, post seeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do
not exceed 8 oz per acre per season
of Platinum. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.
Actara is for foliar applications.
Wireworm diazinon (Diazinon) AG 500 or 50 WP 2 to 4 qt 2 to 4 lb Broadcast before planting and
incorporate. Wireworms may be a
problem in fields previously in pasture,
corn, or soybean.

Page 158 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
n Table 2-69. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Tomato
Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators.
Blister Beetle Lacewing, Ichneumonid wasp and BTT.
Cabbage looper Encyrtidae, Trichogramma wasps, lacewing, Pteromalidae, and BTK
Hornworm Trichogramma wasps
Flea beetle Braconids, and soil drench with parastic nematodes.
Leafminer Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parasitic wasps.
Lady beetle, predator mites, and lacewings
Spider mite
Stink bug Trichogramma wasps and Scelionidae
Tomato fruitworm Trichogramma wasps, Pteromalidae, Flower bug, lacewings, Aphidiid wasps, and BTK
Pinworm Flower bug, lacewings, and predatory mites
Whitefly Lacewings and Encarsia formosa

n Table 2-70. Alternative Control Procedures Tomato

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or insecticidal oil.
Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTT or insecticidal oil. Use plastic lined
Colorado potato beetle
trench as a trap or flamers.
Cabbage looper Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or insecticidal oil. .
Hornworm Handpick, spray with BTK.
Cutworm Scatter bran mixed with BTK and molasses on bed surface or use protective collars.
Flea beetle Drench soil with parasitic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, or insecticidal oil.

Leafminer Handpick and destroy mined leaves and remove egg clusters. Spray plants with neem.
Spider mite Spray with insecticidal soap, or insecticidal oil.
Tomato fruitworm Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or insecticidal oil.
Thrips Spray with insecticidal soap, or insecticidal oil.
Whitefly Spray with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, neem, or insecticidal oil.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 159
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
TURNIP Aphid, Flee beetle, dimethoate 4 EC 0.5 pt 0.25 lb 14
Harlequin bug,
imidacloprid 1.158 to 21
Vegetable weevil,
(Admire) 4.6 F 4.4 to 10.5 fl oz 0.377 lb Admire Pro is applied to the soil as an in-
Yellow margined leaf
(various brands) 2 F 10 to 24 fl oz furrow spray directed at or below seed; at
planting as a post-seeding or transplant
drench; or through drop irrigation. For
bedding operations, apply in a narrow
band spray directly below eventual seed
row 14 or fewer days before planting.
Imidacloprid will not control Harlequin
(Provado) 1.6 F 3.8 fl oz 0.0475 lb 7 Provado is for foliar applications.
Imidacloprid will not control Harlequin
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 7 Will only control aphids.
Cabbage looper, Insecticide-resistant populations, widespread in North Carolina, may not be controlled with some registered insecticides. To manage
Diamondback moth resistance, avoid transplants from Georgia and Florida, and avoid the repeated use of the same materials for extended periods of time.
Repeated use of pyrethroid insecticides often aggravate diamondback moth problems. Do not allow populations to increase to large densities
before treatments are initiated.
Bacillus thuringiensis 0 On foliage every 7 days as needed.
(Crymax) WDG 0.5 to 1.5 lb 0.5 to 1.5 lb
(Dipel) 2 X 8 oz 0.5 lb
(Dipel) 4 L 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1 lb
(Xentari) WDG 0.5 to 1 lb
emamectin benzoate (Proclaim) 5 WDG 2.4 to 4.8 oz 0.0075 to 14 For turnip greens only.
0.015 lb
indoxicarb (Avaunt) 30 WDG 2.5 to 3.5 oz 0.045 to 3 Avaunt may be applied only to turnip
0.65 lb greens, not root turnips.
spinosad (SpinTor) 2SC 3 to 6 fl oz 0.047 to 1
0.094 lb
Do not apply the following pyrethroids if diamonback moths larvae are present.
beta-cyfluthrin (Baythroid) XL 1.6 to 3.2 fl oz 0.025 to 0.5 lb 0 Do not use if diamondback moths larvae
are present.
cyfluthrin (Tombstone) 2 EC 1.6 to 3.2 fl oz 0.025 to 0.5 lb 0
esfenvalerate (Asana) XL 5.8 to 9.6 fl oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 7
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.05 to 0.01 lb 1
25 WP 3.2 to 6.4 oz
3.2 EC 2 to 4 oz
Root maggot chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) 21 For direct-seeded crops, apply in a water-
4E 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1.0 lb based spray at planting or at emergence
75 WDG 1.1 to 1.8 of plants. Irrigation or rainfall after
oz/1,000 ft row application will enhance activity.

n Table 2-72. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Turnip

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Cabbage looper Encyritdae, lacewing, Pteromalidae, and BTK
Diamondback moth Lacewing, Pteromalidae, and BTK
Harlequin bug Braconids, and soil drench with parasitic nematodes.

n Table 2-73. Alternative Control Procedures Turnip

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or insecticidal oil.
Cabbage looper Handpick or spray with Insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or insecticidal oil.
TURNIP Diamondback moth Handpick or spray with Insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or insecticidal oil.
Flea beetle Drench soil with parastic nematodes. Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone, or insecticidal oil.
Harlequin bug Handpick or spray with Insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone or insecticidal oil.

Page 160 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
WATERMELON Aphid bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
two applications postbloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
diazinon (Diazinon) 0.5 lb 3
(AG 500) 4 EC 1 qt
(50 W) 50 WP 1 lb
endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not exceed three applications per
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb year.
50 WP 2 lb 1 lb
imidacloprid 0.25 to 0.38 lb 21 Admire Pro must be applied to the
(Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz soil. May apply preplant; at planting;
(various brands) 2 F 16 to 24 fl oz as a post-seeding drench, transplant
water drench, or hill drench; subsurface
sidedress or by chemigation using
low-pressure drip or trickle irrigation.
Seel label for information on approved
application method. Will also control
cucumber beetles and whiteflies.
pymetrozine (Fulfill) 50 WDG 2.75 oz 0.086 lb 14 Apply before populations reach damaging
levels. Do not exceed 5.5 oz per acre
per season.
pyrellin EC 1 to 2 pt 0 May be used alone or in combination.
Acts as an exciter.
thiomethoxam (Platinum) 2SC 5 to 8 oz 0.08 to 0.12 lb 30 Platinum may be applied to direct-seeded
crops in-furrow seeding or transplant
depth, post seeding or transplant as a
drench, or through drip irrigation. Do
not exceed 8 oz per acre per season
of Platinum. Check label for plant-back
restrictions for a number of crops.
(Actara) 25 WDG 1.5 to 3 oz 0.023 to 0 Actara is for foliar applications.
0.047 lb
Armyworm, Cabbage Bacillus thuringiensis 0 On foliage as needed.
looper (Crymax) WDG 0.5 to 1.5 lb 0.5 to 1.5 lb
(Dipel) DF 8 oz 0.5 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.6 to 16 oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 May improve insect control with NIS.
Under severe pressure, use the high rate.
Do not apply more than 0.8 lb (a.i.) per
acre per season.
methoxyfenozide (Intrepid) 2 F 4 to 10 fl oz 0.06 to 0.16 lb 3 Use higher rates against large larvae.
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 to 0.2 lb 0
25 W 6.4 to 12.8 oz
3.2 EC 4 to 8 fl oz
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 8 oz 0.125 lb 3
Cucumber beetle bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
two applications post bloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
carbaryl (Sevin) 1 lb 3 Larvae of cucumber beetles are known
50 WP 2 lb as rindworms, as they injure melons in
80 S 1.25 lb contact with soil.
XLR Plus 1 qt
endosulfan (Thionex) 0
3 EC 1 qt 0.75 lb
50 WP 2 lb 1 lb
esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.6 to 16 oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 May improve insect control with NIS.
Under severe pressure, use the high rate.
Do not apply more than 0.8 lb (a.i.) per
acre per season.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 161
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
WATERMELON Cucumber beetle imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.38 lb 21 Admire Pro must be applied to the soil.
(continued) (continued) May be applied preplant; at planting;
as a post-seeding drench, transplant
water drench, or hill drench; subsurface
sidedress or by chemigation using
low-pressure drip or trickle irrigation.
See label for information on approved
application method. Will also control
aphids and whiteflies.
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.1 lb 0
25 W 6.4 oz
3.2 EC 4 fl oz
Cutworm esfenvalerate (Asana XL) 0.66 EC 4.8 to 9.6 oz 0.03 to 0.05 lb 3
methomyl (Lannate) 2.4 LV 1.5 to 3 pt 0.45 to 0.9 lb 3 Methomyl may induce leafminer
permethrin (Ambush, Pounce) 0.2 lb 0
25 W 12.8 oz
3.2 EC 8 fl oz
Thrips dimethoate (various brands and See label 0.5 lb 3
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz 0.045 to 1
0.179 lb
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 8 oz 0.125 lb 3 Not effective against leafhopper.
Leafminer abamectin (Agri-mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 oz 7.5 to 15 oz 7
cyromazine (Trigard) 75 WP 2.66 oz 0.125 lb 0
spinosad (SpinTor) 2 SC 8 oz 0.125 lb 3
Spider mite abamectin (Agri-mek) 0.15 EC 8 to 16 oz 7.5 to 15 oz 7 Do not feed or graze vines.
bifenazate (Acramite) 50 WS 0.75 to 1.0 lb 0.0375 to 3 Do not make more than one application
0.5 lb per season.
bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 5.1 to 6.4 fl oz 0.08 to 0.1 lb 3 Use only for late-season, short-term
fenpropathrin (Danitol) 2.4 EC 10.6 to 16 fl oz 0.2 to 0.3 lb 7 Use only for late-season, short-term
spiromesifen (Oberon) 2 SG 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.1 to 0.13 lb 7 Do not exceed 3 applications per season.
Squash bug, Leaf- bifenthrin (Brigade, Capture) 2 EC 2.6 to 6.4 fl oz 0.04 to 0.1 lb 3 Limit 19.2 fl oz per acre per season. Limit
footed bug two applications postbloom. Allow 7 days
between applications.
endosulfan (Thionex) 2 Do not apply within 300 feet of lakes,
50 WP 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1.0 lb pond, streams, or estuaries.
3 EC 0.66 to 1.33 qt 0.5 to 1.0 lb

Page 162 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Minimum Interval
Amount of Active (Days) Between
Formulation Ingredient Per Last Application
Commodity Insect Insecticide and Formulation Per Acre Acre and Harvest Precautions and Remarks
WATERMELON Whitefly buprofezin (Courier) 40 SC 9 to 12.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.38 lb 7 Allow at least 7 days between
(continued applications.
dinotefuran (Venom) 70 SG 1 to 4 oz (foliar) 0.045 to 1 Do not follow soil applications with
0.179 lb foliar applications of any neonicotinoid
5 to 6 oz (soil) 0.226 to 21 insecticide. Use only one application
0.268 lb method. Do not apply more than 6 oz per
acer per season using soil applications.
Soil applications may be applied by a
narrow band below or above the seed
line at planting, by a post-seeding or
transplant drench with sufficient water to
ensure incorporation into the soil, or by
drip irrigation.
imidacloprid (Admire Pro) 4.6 F 7 to 10.5 fl oz 0.25 to 0.38 lb 21 Do not follow soil applications with
foliar applications of any neonicotinoid
insecticides. Must be applied to the
soil. Do not use a foliar application of
any neonicotinoid insecticide if using
Admire. May apply preplant; at planting;
as a post-seeding drench, transplant
water drench, or hill drench; subsurface
sidedress or by chemigation using
low-pressure drip or trickle irrigation.
See label for information on approved
application method. Will also control
aphids and cucumber beetles.
spiromesifen (Oberon) 70 SC 7 to 8.5 fl oz 0.11 to 0.13 lb 7
(Platinum) 2 SC 5 to 8 oz 0.078 to 0.125 30 Apply Platinum to direct-seeded crops
in-furrow at seed or transplant depth,
postseeding or transplant as a drench,
or through drip irrigation. Do not exceed
8 oz per acre per season. Check label
for plant-back restrictions for a number
of crops.
(Actara) 25 WDG 3 to 5.5 oz 0.047 to 0 Actara is for foliar applications. Do
0.086 lb not use a foliar application of any
neonicotinoid insecticide if using Admire.

n Table 2-75. Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms Watermelon

Commodity Insect Naturally Occurring Biological Control Organisms
Aphid Lady beetles, lacewings, midges, Aphidiid wasps and stink bug predators
Cabbage looper Encyrtidae, lacewing, Pteromalidae
Cucumber beetle Soldier beetle, braconid wasps, and parastic nematodes.
WATERMELON Leafhopper Lacewing and flower bug
Thrips Flower bug, lacewings, and predatory mites
Leafminer Eulophidae, lacewing and attract parasitic wasps.
Spider mite Lady beetle, predator mites, and lacewings

n Table 2-76. Alternative Control Procedures Watermelon

Commodity Insect Alternative Control Procedures
Aphid Wash with strong spray of water, or spray with insecticidal soap, neem or insecticidal oil.
Cabbage looper Handpick or spray with insecticidal soap, neem pyrethrins, rotenone, BTK or insecticidal oil
Cucumber beetle Spray with insecticidal soap, pyrethrins, neem, drench soil with parasitic nematodes weekly to control larvae.

Cutworm Scatter bran mixed with BTK and molasses on bed surface or use protective collars.
Leafhoppers Spray with insecticidal soap, neem, pyrethrins, rotenone or insecticidal oil.
Thrips Spray with insecticidal soap or insecticidal oil.
Leafminer Pick and destroy mined leaves and remove egg clusters. Spray plants with neem.
Spider mite Spray with insecticidal soap, sulfur or insecticidal oil.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 163

Caution: At the time this table was prepared, the entries were Rates: Some foliar rates given in the table are based on mixing
believed to be useful and accurate. However, labels change rapidly a specified amount of product in 100 gal of water and applying the
and errors are possible, so the user must follow all directions on finished spray for complete coverage of foliage just to the point of
the pesticide label. For example, federal tolerances for fungicides run-off with high pressure (over 250 psi) drop nozzle sprayers. Actual
may be canceled or changed at any time. amount of product and water applied per acre will vary depending on
Information in the following table must be used in the context plant size and row spacing. Typically 25 to 75 gal per acre of finished
of a total disease control program. For example, many diseases spray are used. Concentrate spray (air blast, aircraft, etc.) rates are
are controlled by combining various practicesresistant varieties, based on amount of product per acre. Caution: With concentrate
crop rotation, deep-turn plowing, sanitation, seed treatment, cultural sprays, it is easy to apply too much product. Some fungicides are
practices, and chemicals. Always use top-quality seed and plants adversely affected by pH of water; adjust pH of water if specified
obtained from reliable, commercial sources. Seed are ordinarily on label.
treated by the commercial seed producer for the control of seed Do not feed treated foliage to livestock unless stated on label. Do
decay and damping-off. not reenter fields until sprays have dried; some fungicides may have
Nematode control chemicals and Greenhouse Diseases are a reentry requirement of one to several days. Read the label. Do not
given in separate tables following this schedule. Plant Beds are in exceed maximum number of applications on label. Do not exceed maxi-
the previous table. Tables 6-18 through 6-23 will help you select the mum limit of fungicide per acre per application or per year as stated on
appropriate disease control materials for bean, brassica, cucurbit, the label. See label for rotational crops. In all cases, follow directions
onion, pepper, and tomato diseases, respectively. References to on label.
the table are listed under the Disease column throughout these For preparing small quantities, see Tables 2-7 and 2-8 at the
crops. end of Chapter II.


Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
ALL Sanitize wash water chlorine available chlorine 100 _ _ DANGER! Inhalation hazard. To be used only
VEGETABLES and/or use as a (Chlorine Gas, to 150 ppm by trained personnel.Allow a contact time of
vegetable wash 99.5%)(Chlorine Liquid, 2 to 3 min.
Chlorine Gas, 99.5%)
chlorine dioxide Available ClO2 _ _ To control buildup of bacteria in process water.
(Oxine, 2%) 1/3 fl oz/10 gal 5 ppm Make up fresh solutions daily. After treatment,
(Anthium Dioxcide, 5%) 1/3 fl oz/25 gal 5 ppm vegetables must be rinsed with potable water.
For heavy use of rinse water or if bacterial
buildup is extreme, an activated solution may
be used. Activate prior to use by the addition of
activator crystals or a suitable acid (see label
instructions). Prepare activated solution in a
well ventilated area and avoid breathing fumes.
hydrogen dioxide (StorOx, To sanitize wash water, _ _ Works best in clean water with a pH of 7.
27%) use 1.5 fl. oz/10 gal Dilution rates vary based on method of
As a vegetable wash, _ _ application and use. See label for specific
use 0.5 to 1.25 fl oz/gal 85 ppm + 57 ppm rates.
peroxyacetic acid +hydrogen 85 ppm + 57 ppm
peroxide Use as a vegetable wash.
(VigorOx 15 F&V, 15% +
10%) 1 fl oz/16 gal
(Zeprolong VF, 15% + 10%) 1 fl oz/16 gal Allow a contact time of at least 45 sec. A post-
treatment potable water rinse is not necessary.
(tsunami 100, 15.2% + 1 fl oz/16.4 gal 80 ppm peroxyacetic _ _ Allow contact time of at least 45 sec.
11.2%) acid
(Keystone Fruit and _ _ Allow contact time of at least 30 sec for
Vegetable Wash, 15% + spray application and 1 min for submersion.
11%) 1 fl oz/16.4 gal 80 ppm + 59 ppm Adjust the solution as necessary to maintain a
(Victory, 15% + 11%) 1 fl oz/16.4 gal 80 ppm + 59 ppm concentration of no more than 80 ppm.
(PAA Sanitizer FP, 4.9% + 3 to 3.5 fl oz/16 gal 88 to 100 ppm _ _ Allow a contact time of at least 45 sec.
26.5%) peroxyacetic acid

(Perasan A, 5.6% + 26.5%) 1 oz/20 gal 25 ppm peroxyacetic _ _ Adjust the solution as necessary to maintain a
acid concentration of no more than 25 ppm.

Page 164 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
ALL Sanitize wash water sodium hypochlorite available chlorine _ _ Mix only with water. Change solution when
VEGETABLES and/or use as a (Clean Force Fruit and 1 oz/10 gal 25 ppm visibly dirty. Do not allow available chlorine
(continued) vegetable wash Vegetable Wash, 3.25%) level to fall below 25 ppm. Submerge
(continued) (Vegi Wash, 3.25%) 4 oz/40 gal 25 ppm vegetables in sanitizing solution (2 min.) then
(JP Optimum CRS, 0.75 oz/10 gal 25 ppm rinse with tap or other potable water.See label
4%)(Clorox Commercial for commodity-specific recommendations.
Solutions Clorox Ultra
Germicidal Bleach, 0.5 fl oz/9 gal 25 ppm
6.15%)(Pristine, 8.4%) 8 oz/200 gal 25 ppm
(Maxxum 700, 8.4%) 8 oz/200 gal 25 ppm
(Dibac, 9.2%) 1 oz/20 gal 25 ppm
(Chemland Extract-2, 12.5%)
(ChemStation 3030, 5 oz/200 gal 25 ppm
12.5%)(Dynachlor, 12.5%) 5 fl. oz/100 gal 25 ppm
(Zep FS Formula 4665, 5 oz/200 gal 25 ppm
(Agclor 310, 12.5%) 5 oz/200 gal 25 ppm
0.65 to 4 fl oz/10 gal 65 to 400 ppm
Sanitize conveyors, hydrogen dioxide (StorOx, For pre-cleaned _ _ _ Works best in clean water with a pH of 7.
packinghouses, field 27%) surfaces: 0.5 to 1.25 Follow treatment of any food contact surface
equipment, etc. fl oz/gal with a potable water rinse.
For uncleaned
surfaces: 2.5 fl oz/gal
peroxyacetic acid + hydrogen _ _ Allow a contact time of at least 1 min. Allow to
peroxide dry prior to use; no rinse is necessary.
(VigorOx 15 F&V, 15% +
10%) 3.1 to 5 fl oz/50 gal 85 to 135 ppm + 57
to 90 ppm
(Zeprolong VF, 15% + 10%) 3.1 fl oz/50 gal 85 ppm + 57 ppm
(Perasan A, 5.6% + 26.5%) 1 to 2.4 oz/6 gal 82 to 197 ppm
peroxyacetic acid
(SaniDate 5.0, 5.3% + 23%) 1.6 to 1.7 fl oz/5 gal 145 to 154 ppm +631
to 670 ppm 87.7 to
(Divosan Activ, 5.1% + 1 to 1.7 fl oz/5 gal 149 ppm + 373 to
21.7%) 635 ppm
(VigorOx Liquid Sanitizer and
Disinfectant, 5.1% + 21.7%)
1 to 1.7 fl oz/5 gal 87.7 to 149 ppm +
373 to 635 ppm
sodium hypochlorite available chlorine _ _ Allow a contact time of at least 1 min. Allow to
(Clorox Commercial dry prior to use; no rinse is necessary.
Solutions Clorox Ultra
Germicidal Bleach, 5 oz/10 gal 200 ppm
6.15%)(Pristine, 8.4%) 4 oz/13 gal 200 ppm
(Maxxum 700, 8.4%) 4 oz/13 gal 200 ppm


Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
ARTICHOKE Pythium damping-off mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2 Soil incorporation. See label for row rates.
(Jerusalem) 4 SL

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 165
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
ASPARAGUS Crown rot mancozeb 80W 4 1 lb/100 gal 0.8 lb/100 gal Soak crowns 5 min in burlap bag with gentle
agitation, drain, and plant.
Phytophthora crown mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 1 pt/acre 0.5 lb/acre 1 2 Apply over beds after seeding or covering
rot, spear rot 4 SL crowns, 30 to 60 days before first cutting, and
just before harvest.
Rust 1 myclobutanil (Nova) 40 W 5 oz/acre 2 oz/acre 180 1 Do not apply to harvestable spears.

sulfur 5 See label 0 1

Rust, 1 Cercospora mancozeb 80W 4 2 lb/acre 1.6 lb/acre 180 1 Apply to ferns after harvest; spray first
leaf spot appearance, 7- to 10-day intervals. Do not
exceed 8 lb product per acre per crop.
Stemphyllium purple azoxystrobin (Amistar) 2 to 5 oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 lb/acre 100 4 hr Do not apply more than 1 foliar application of
spot 80 DG Amistar (or other group-11 fungicide) before
alternating with a fungicide that has a different
mode of action.


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical Controls
Rust Varietal Tolerance
Cercospora leafspot Jersey Gem shows tolerance.
ASPARAGUS Low tolerance in many cultivars to sulfur. Use disease-free crowns and plant in well drained
Fusarium root rot
soils. Solarize soil before planting.
Phytophthora crown/spear rot No


Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
BEAN, Dry Anthracnose, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz 0.10 to 0.25 lb 0 4 hr Do not apply more that three sequential
(catjang, Alternaria leaf spot Quadris) 2.08 F applications.
chickpea, fava, and blight, Ascochyta
garbanzo, lentil, leaf and pod spot,
lima, lupine, rust (Phakopsora)
mung, may
pea, southern, Anthracnose, Botrytis
soybean) gray mold, white
mold (Sclerotinia) boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 8 to 11 oz 5.6 to 7.7 oz 21 0.5 Use 6-oz rate for chickpeas and lentils. Many
other dried and succulent beans on label.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 15 to 25 oz 5.7 to 9.5 oz 21 1 All dry beans except soybeans. Make no more
(Pristine) 38 WG than 2 applications per season.

Pythium damping-off mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 0.5 to 1 pt/trt acre 0.25 to 0.5 lb/trt acre 2 Preplant incorporate. See label for row rates.
4 SL
Rhizoctonia root rot azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.006 to 0.013 lb 4 hr Make in-furrow or banded applications shortly
Quadris) 2.08 F row feet after plant emergence.
Rust (Uromyces)
azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 fl oz 0.10 lb 0 4 hr Do not apply more that three sequential
Quadris) 2.08 F applications.

boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 8 to 11 oz 5.6 to 7.7 oz 21 0.5 Use 6-oz rate for chickpeas and lentils. Many
other dried and succulent beans on label.
pyraclostrobin (Headline) 5.5 to 8 fl oz 1.5 to 2.4 lb 30 0.5 All dry beans except soybeans. Make no more
2.09F than 2 applications per season
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 10 to 15 oz 3.8 to 5.7 oz 21 1 All dry beans except soybeans. Make no more
(Pristine) 38WG than 2 applications per season.

Page 166 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
BEAN, Pole, Anthracnose, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz 0.10 to 0.25 lb 0 4 hr For anthracnose only. Do not apply more that
Snap Botrytis, Sclerotinia Quadris) 2.08 F three sequential applications.

chlorothalonil 7 (Bravo 2.7 lb/acre 2.2 lb/acre 7 2 Spray first appearance, 11 lb limit per acre per
Ultrex) 82.5 WDG crop, 7-day intervals. Not for Sclerotinia control.
dicloran (Botran) 75 W 2.25 to 4 lb/acre 1.7 to 3 lb/acre 2 0.5 For Sclerotinia only. Use low rate for bush
varieties and high rate for pole varieties.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 1 to 2 lb/acre 0.7 to 1.4 lb/acre 14 1 Spray at 25% bloom, repeat at full bloom. Do
M) 70 WP not exceed 4 lb product per season.
Ascochyta blight, boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 8 to 11 oz 5.6 to 7.7 oz 7 0.5 Many other dried and succulent beans on label.
Botrytis gray mold,
white mold
Bacterial blights2 fixed copper 6 See label 1 1 Spray first appearance, 10-day intervals.

Damping-off, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.006 to 0.013 lb 4 hr For Rhizoctonia only. Make in-furrow or banded
Pythium, Quadris) 2.08 F row feet applications shortly after plant emergence.

mefenoxam + PCNB 0.75 lb/ 0.08 lb/100 linear 2 Do not allow feeding of vines or grazing of
(Ridomil Gold) PCGR 100 linear ft row ft row foliage by livestock.

Powdery mildew sulfur 5 See label 0 1 Spray at first appearance, 10- to 14-day
intervals. Avoid days over 90oF.
Rhizoctonia root rot azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.006 to 0.013 -- 4 hr Apply in-furrow or banded applications shortly
Quadris) 2.08 F row feet lb/1,000 row feet after plant emergence.

Root and stem rot azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.006 to 0.013 -- 4 hr For Rhizoctonia only. Make in-furrow or banded
(Rhizoctonia and Quadris) 2.08 F row feet lb/1,000 row feet applications shortly after plant emergence.
Sclerotium) 3
PCNB (Terraclor) 75 WP 1.3 to 2 lb/acre row 1 to 1.5 lb/acre row 45 0.5 Mix in 10 gal of water/acre. Spray in furrow
and cover soil at seeding at the rate of 8.8
fl oz per 100 ft of row. 10 G formulation
available. Do not exceed 10lb a.i. PCNB
per acre per season. Based on 36-in. rows.
After emergence, direct spray to base of stem
and soil.
myclobutanil (Nova) 40 W 4 to 5 oz/acre 1.6 to 2 oz/acre 0 1 For Rhizoctonia only.

dichoropropene (Telone) 5 Rate is based on soil type; see label for in-row
C-17 10.8 to 17.1 gal/acre 107 to 169 lb/acre rates.
C-35 13 to 20.5 gal/acre 139 to 220 lb/acre
Rust 1 (Uromyces) metam-sodium (Vapam) 37.5 to 75 gal/trt acre 160 to 320 lb/trt acre Rate is based on soil properties and depth of
42 HL soil to be treated; apply 14 to 21days before
azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.10 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 hr Make no more that three sequential
Quadris) 2.08 F applications.
boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 8 to 11 oz/acre 5.6 to 7.7 oz/acre 7 0.5 Many other dried and succulent beans on label.
chlorothalonil 7 (Bravo 1.25 to 2.7 lb/acre 1.1 to 2.2 lb/acre 7 2 Spray first appearance, 11 lb limit per acre per
Ultrex) 82.5 WDG crop, 7-day intervals;
sulfur5 See label 2 to 4 lb/100 gal 0 1 Spray at 7- to 10-day intervals.
White mold myclobutanil (Nova) 40 W 4 to 5 oz/acre 1.6 to 2 oz/acre 0 1 Spray at first appearance.
Botran 75 W 2.5 to 4 lb/acre 1.9 to 3 lb/acre 2 0.5 Use low rate for bush varieties and high rate
for pole varieties.
BEAN, Lima Botrytis, Sclerotinia, thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 1 to 2 lb/acre 0.7 to 1.4 lb/acre 14 1 Spray at 25% bloom, repeat at full bloom. Do
leaf spots M) 70 WP not exceed 4 lb product per season.
azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.10 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 hr Leaf spots only; do not make more that three
Quadris) 2.08 F sequential applications.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.05 to 1.4 lb/acre 14 1 4 lb limit per acre per crop.
M) 70 WP
Damping-off, iprodione (Rovral) 0.75 to 1 lb/acre 0 1
Pythium, Rhizoctonia 50 WP 1.5 to 2 lb/acre
4F 1.5 to 2 pt/acre
azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.006 to 0.013 4 hr Rhizoctonia only. Make in-furrow or banded
Quadris) 2.08 F row feet lb/1,000 row feet applications shortly after plant emergence.

mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 0.5 to 2 pt/trt acre 0.25 to 0.5 lb/trt acre 2 For Pythium only. Soil incorporate. See label
4 SL for row rates. Use proportionally less for band

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 167
D. LANGSTON, Extension Plant Pathology, University of Georgia, and S. RIDEOUT, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

( = ineffective; +++++ = very effective; ? = unknown efficacy)

Relative Control Rating

Southern Blight (S. rolfsii)

Common Bacterial Blight

Rhizoctonia Sore Shin

Pythium Cottony Leak

Pythium Damping-off
Fusarium Crown Rot
Asian Soybean Rust
Aerial Rhizoctonia

Sclerotinia Blight
Ashy Stem Blight

Powdery Mildew

Downy Mildew
Common Rust

Brown Spot


Halo Blight
azoxystrobin (Amistar, +++++ ++++ +++++ ? +++++ ? ? ++ ? ++++ +++++
boscalid (Endura) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? +++++ +
chloronitrobenzene +++
chlorothalonil (Bravo, + ++ ++ ++++ ++++ ++ ?
Echo, Equus)
cyprodonil + fludioxonil ? ? ? ? ? ? ? +++++ +
fixed copper 2 + + ++ + ++ + +++ ++ +
iprodione (Rovral) + ++ ++++
mefenoxam (Ridomil) ++++ +++ ++++ +
myclobutanil (Nova) ++ +++++ +++ +++++ ++++ ?
PCNB (Terraclor) + ++++ +++
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio, ++++ ++++ +++++ ++++ +++++ ? ? +++ ? ++ +++
sulfur ++ +++ ++ +++ + +++
thiophanate-methyl + +++ ? ++++ ? + ? + ++
(Topsin M)
1 Products were rated at the 2007 Southeast Extension Vegetable Workshop in Fletcher, NC. Efficacy ratings do not necessarily indicate a labeled use.
2 Fixed coppers include: Basicop, Champ, Champion, Citcop, Copper-Count-N, Kocide, Nu-Cop, Super Cu, Tenn-Cop, Top Cop with Sulfur, and Tri-basic copper sulfate.

Page 168 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Scale: (0 = not important/does not impact disease, 5 = very important practice to implement/impacts disease greatly; - = not applicable; ? = unknown)
Explanatory notes: * = plant earlier, ** = tolerant

E.J. SIKORA, Plant Pathology, Auburn University and S. RIDEOUT, Virginia Polytechnic Institute


(more on pole beans)

blight and Halo blight

Pythium damping-off

Rhizoctonia root rot

Common Bacterial

Botrytis gray mold

(Sclerotium rolfsii)
Fusarium root rot

Powdery mildew

Southern blight
Mosaic viruses

White mold
Root knot

Management tactic
Avoid eld operations when leaves are wet 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0
Avoid overhead irrigation 5 5 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 4 0
Change planting date 2 2 0 4 3 1 5 5 1 4* 0 0
Cover cropping with antagonist 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Crop rotation 4 4 2 3 1 1 3 2 4 0 5 2
Deep plowing 5 5 5 2 0 0 2 3 5 0 5 5
Destroy crop residue 5 5 5 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 5 4
Encourage air movement 5 5 5 0 0 5 1 0 0 3 4 0
Increase between-plant spacing 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 0 1 4 2
Increase soil organic matter 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
Insecticidal oils 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
pH management 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Plant in well drained soil 2 2 2 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 3 1
Plant on raised beds 2 2 2 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 3 1
Plastic mulch bed covers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
Postharvest temperature control 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
Reective mulch 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Reduce mechanical injury 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Rogue diseased plants 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
Row covers 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Soil solarization 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 4 3 0 4 3
Pathogen-free planting material 5 5 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Resistant cultivars 5 5 0 4 5 5 0 0 0 5** 2 0
Weed control 2 3 2 2 5 2 0 0 2 2 3 1


Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
BEET, Table Downy mildew, leaf fixed copper 6 See label 1 1 Spray or dust at first appearance, 7- to 10-day
spots intervals.
Pythium damping-off mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2 Soil incorporation. See label for row rate.
4 SL
Rust sulfur 5 See label 2 to 4 lb/100 gal 0 1


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical Controls
Pythium damping-off No Use raised beds to dry soil surface.
Copper spray at first appearance; Remove and destroy severely infected plants, rotate, destroy
BEET, Table Downy mildew No

Leaf spots Tolerant varieties Destroy crop residue and rotate location.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 169
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
BROCCOLI, Alternaria leaf spot, copper hydroxide (Kocide) Apply on 7- to 10-day intervals after transplant-
BRUSSEL black rot, downy DF 1 to 2 lb/acre 0.6 to 1.2 lb/acre 0 1 ing or shortly after seeds have emerged. Some
SPROUT, mildew 4.5 LF 0.6 to 1.3 pt/acre 0.3 to 0.7 lb/acre reddening on older broccoli leaves and flecking
CABBAGE, 101 1 to 2 lb/acre 0.8 to 1.5 lb/acre of cabbage wrapper leaves may occur. Certain
CAULIFLOWER 2000 0.75 to 1.5 lb/acre 0.4 to 0.8 lb/acre Kocide formulations are also registered for use
on collard, mustard, and turnip greens. Check
label carefully for recommended rates for each
copper sulfate (Basicop) 1.0 to 3.0 lb/acre 0.5 to 1.6 lb/acre 0 1
disease on each crop.

Alternaria leaf spot copper salts of fatty and 0.75 to 1.5 pt/acre 0 0.5
rosin acids (Tenn-Cop) 5 E
boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease develop-
ment, and continue on a 7- to 14-day interval.
Make no more than 2 applications per season.
cyprodinil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.7 oz/acre 7 0.5 Apply when disease first appears, and continue
(Switch) 62.5 WG on 7- to 10-day intervals. Do not exceed 56 oz
of product per acre per year
Black leg iprodione (Rovral) 0 Apply to base of plant at two- to four-leaf stage.
(for broccoli only) 50 W 2 lb/acre 1 lb/acre A second application may be made up to the
4F 2 pt/acre 1 lb/acre harvest date. Do not use as a soil drench.
Clubroot PCNB Transplant: 0.02 lb/gal water 0.5 Apply to transplants (3 pt of flowable or 2 lb
(Terraclor) FL 3 pt/100 gal water of 75WP per 100 gal of water) or as a banded
or broadcast treatment directly to soil prior
Banded: 0.9 lb/ gal water to planting. See label for row spacing rates.
5.6 gal/25 gal water Terrachlor FL, 10G, and 75WP formulatins can
Broadcast: 1.0 lb/ gal water also be used on Chinese broccoli and Chinese
7.5 gal/30 gal water cabbage.
(Terraclor) 75 WP Transplant: 0.02 lb/gal water
2 lb/100 gal water
Banded: 0.9 lb/gal water
30 lb/25 gal water
Broadcast: 1.0 lb/gal water
40 lb/30 gal water
(Terrachlor) 10 G 200 to 300 lb/acre 20 to 30 lb/acre
(Terrachlor) 15 G 125 to 200 lb/acre 18.8 to 30 lb/acre
Downy mildew fosetyl-AL (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 5 lb/acre 1.6 to 4 lb/acre 3 1 Apply when disease first appears; then repeat
on 7- to 21-day intervals. Do not tank mix
with copper fungicides. A maximum of seven
applications can be made per season. Also for
loose-heading Chinese cabbage, kale, kohlrabi,
and greens (collard, mustard, and rape).
Downy mildew, azoxystrobin (Quadris) 2.08 F 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz 0.1 to 0.25 lb 0 4 hr
Alternaria leaf spot
chlorothalonil 7 2 Apply after transplanting, seedling emergence,
(Bravo Ultrex) 82.5 WDG 1.4 pt/acre 1.2 lb/acre or when conditions favor disease development.
(Bravo Weatherstik) 6 F 1.5 pt/acre 1.1 lb/acre Repeat as needed on a 7- to 10-day interval.
(Bravo 500) 2.25 lb/acre 1.2 lb/acre
(Bravo S) 4.5 pt/acre 1.2 lb/acre
(Equus) DF 1.4 to 1.8 lb/acre 1.2 to 1.5 lb/acre
(Equus) 720 0.75 to 1.5 pt/acre 0.6 to 1.1 lb/acre
maneb (Manex) 4 F 1.2 to 1.6 qt/acre 1.2 to 1.6 lb/acre 7 1 Spray on a 7- to 10-day interval.
mefenoxam + chlorothalonil 1.5 lb/acre Begin applications when conditions favor
(Ridomil Gold/Bravo) disease but prior to symptoms. Under severe
disease pressure use additional fungicides
between 14-day intervals. Do not make more
than four applications per crop.
Powdery mildew boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease
development, and continue on a 7- to 14-day
interval. Make no more than 2 applications per
season; disease suppression only.
cyprodinil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.7 oz/acre 7 0.5 Apply when disease first appears, and continue
Switch) 62.5 WG on 7- to 10-day intervals. Do not exceed 56 oz
of product per acre per year.

sulfur (Microthiol Disperss) 3 to 10 lb/acre 2.4 to 8 lb/acre 0 1 Apply when disease first appears; then repeat
80 MWS as needed on 14-day intervals. Avoid applying
on days over 90 F. Also for use on greens
(collard, kale, and mustard), rutabaga, and

Page 170 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days

Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
BROCCOLI, Pythium damping-off, mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 0.25 to 2 pt/acre 0.12 to 1.0 lb/acre 2 Apply 1 to 2 pt per acre as a broadcast,
BRUSSEL Phytophthora basal 4 SL preplant application to soil and incorporate in
SPROUT, stem rot top 2 in. of soil. For Pythium control, use only
CABBAGE, 0.25 to 0.5 pt per acre.
CAULIFLOWER metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/ trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Preplant incorporated or surface application.

Rhizoctonia boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease
bottom rot development, and continue on a 7- to 14-day
interval. Make no more than 2 applications per
season; disease suppression only.
Rhizoctonia stem PCNB 0.5 Apply to soil as a broadcast or row drench
(wirestem) and (Terraclor) FL Broadcast drench: 2.8 0.2 to 0.3 lb/gal water treatment at the time of or immediately after
root rot to 3.8 gal/50 gal water seeding. See label for row spacing rates.
Row drench: 1.9 to 2.8
gal/35 gal water

Broadcast drench: 15 to
20 lb/50 gal water

(Terraclor) 75 WP Row drench:

10 to 15 lb/
35 gal water
(Terraclor) 10 G 110 to 150 lb/acre 11 to 15 lb/acre
(Terrachlor) 15 G 75 to 100 lb/acre 11 to 15 lb/acre
Sclerotinia stem rot boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease
(white mold) development, and continue on a 7- to 14-day
interval. Make no more than 2 applications per

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 171
D. LANGSTON, Extension Plant Pathology, University of Georgia, and G. J. HOLMES, Plant Pathology Extension, NC State University
( = ineffective; +++++ = very effective; ? = unknown efficacy)

Relative Control Rating

Pythium damping-off
Alternaria Leaf Spot
Preharvest Interval
Fungicide Group 3

Bacterial Soft Rot

Powdery Mildew
Downy Mildew
Cercospora &

Bottom Rot
Black Leg
Black Rot


Fungicides 2
azoxystrobin (Amistar, Quadris) 11 +++++ ? ? +++ +++ +++ +
boscalid (Endura) 11 0-14 ++++ ++ + + +++ ++
chlorothalonil (Bravo, Echo, Equus) M 7 +++ + ++ +++ ++
cyprodinil + fludioxonil (Switch) 9+12 7 +++ ++ ++
dimethomorph (Forum) 15 0 ++
fixed copper 4 M 0 + ++ + ++ ++
fosteyl-Al 4 (Aliette) 33 3 +++ 5
iprodione (Rovral) 6 2 6 +++ 6 +6 +6
maneb (Maneb, Manex) M 7 ++ + ++ +++ 5 +
mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold EC) pre-plant 4 NA +++ +++
mefenoxam + chlorothalonil (Ridomil Gold Bravo) 4+M 7 +++ + ++ +++ ++
PCNB (Terraclor) 14 NA + ++ +++
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 11 +++++ ? +++++ +++ +++
sulfur M 0 + + + +++

1 Products were rated at the 2004 Southeast Extension Vegetable Workshop and are based on current field research. Efficacy ratings do not necessarily indicate a labeled use.
2 Fungicides registered specifically on cole crops (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli) include chlorothalonil, iprodione, maneb, and mefenoxam + chlorothalonil. Pyraclostrobin is labled only
on turnip tops. Fosteyl-Al is not labled on turnips. Always refer to product labels prior to use.
3 Key to Fungicide Groups: 2: dicarboxamides; 4: phenylamides; 9: anilonopyrimidines; 11: quinone outside inhibitors; 12: phenylpyrroles; 14: aromatic hydrocarbons; 15: cinnamic acids;
33: phosphonates; M: multi-site activity
4 Phytotoxicity is seen when fosteyl-Al is tank-mixed with copper.
5 When used in combination with fosteyl-Al or maneb.
6 Applications of iprodione made for black leg may suppress Alternaria, Sclerotinia, and wirestem on broccoli.

Page 172 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
E.J. SIKORA, Plant Pathology, Auburn University
Scale (0 = not important/does not impact disease, 5 = very important practice to implement/impacts disease greatly)


Powdery mildew
Bacterial soft rot

Sclerotinia head
rot/Raisen head
Downy mildew
Alternaria leaf



Bottom rot

Black leg
Black rot


Management tactic
Avoid field operations when leaves are wet 1 3 4 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Avoid overhead irrigation 5 5 5 5 3 5 0 4 1 0 0 0
Change planting date 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2
Cover cropping with antagonist 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
Crop rotation 2 2 4 4 1 3 0 3 0 0 1 1
Deep plowing 3 3 4 4 2 3 0 3 0 0 3 2
Destroy crop residue 3 3 4 4 2 3 0 3 0 0 1 1
Encourage air movement 3 1 1 1 2 3 0 3 0 1 2 0
Increase between-plant spacing 3 1 1 1 2 3 0 2 0 1 2 0
Increase soil organic matter 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Hot water seed treatment 1 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
pH management 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0
Plant in well-drained soil 1 2 1 1 4 1 5 1 0 3 2 4
Plant on raised beds 0 2 1 0 4 0 5 1 0 3 2 4
Plastic mulch bed covers 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Postharvest temperature control 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Reflective mulch 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Reduce mechanical injury 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
Rogue diseased plants 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Row covers 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Soil solarization 0 0 0 ? 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 2
Pathogen-free planting material 3 0 5 5 3 0 4 0 0 0 1 3
Resistant cultivars 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 3 3 0 0 1
Weed control 2 0 3 2 0 2 2 2 2 0 2 0

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 173


Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
CARROT Alternaria leaf blight, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 9.2 to 20.3 fl oz/acre 0.15 to 0.33 lb/acre 0 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications
Cercospora leaf spot Quadris) 2.08 F before alternating with a fungicide with a
different mode of action. Make no more than
six applications per crop per acre per year.

boscalid (Endura) 70WG 4.5 oz/acre 3.2/acre 0 0.5 Not for Cercospora. Do not make more than
2 sequential applications or more than 5
applications per season.

chlorothalonil 7 (Bravo 1.4 to 1.8 lb/acre 1.1 to 1.5 lb/acre 2 Spray at first appearance, 7- to 10-day
Ultrex) 82.5 WDG intervals.
fixed copper 6 3 to 4.5 pt/acre 1 1
iprodione (Rovral) 4F 1 to 2 pt/acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 1 1
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 20 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Do not make more than two applications before
WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode
of action.

pyraclostrobin + boscalid 8 to 10.5 oz/acre 3 to 4 oz/acre 0 1 Make no more than 6 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG
Alternaria leaf blight cyprodinil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.7 oz/acre 7 0.5 Apply when disease first appears, and cotinue
(Switch) 62.5 WG on 7- to 10-day intervals if conditions remain
favorable for disease development. Do not
exceed 56 oz of product per acre per year.
Pythium cavity spot mefenoxam + chlorothalonil 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 7 2 Spray 2 to 4 times starting 40 to 50 days after
(Ridomil Gold/Bravo) applying Ridomil Gold EC at planting.
mefenoxam + copper 2 lb/acre 5 2
hydroxide (Ridomil Gold/
Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 9.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.15 to .25 fl oz/acre 0 4 hr Make no more than one application before
Quadris) 2.08 F alternating with a fungicide with a different
mode of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per
crop per acre per season.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Do not make more than two applications before
20 WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode
of action.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 8 to 10.5 oz/acre 3 to 4 oz/acre 0 1 Make no more than 6 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG
sulfur 5 3 to 10 lb/acre 1 Spray at first appearance. Avoid applying on
days over 90oF.
Pythium damping-off mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2 Preplant incorporate in top 2 in. of soil or apply
4 SL in 7-in. band to soil surface.
Sclerotinia, Botrytis thiabendazole (Mertect 340- 41 oz/100 gal/acre 1.1 lb/100 gal/acre Dip harvested roots 5 to 10 seconds. Do not
(postharvest) F) 43.3 F rinse.
Southern blight 3 dichloropropene (Telone) 5 Fumigate soil in-the-row 3 to 6 weeks before
C-17 10.8 to 17.1 gal/acre 107 to 169 lb/acre seeding. Rate is based on soil type; see label
C-35 13 to 20.5 gal/acre 139 to 220 lb/acre for in-row rates.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 8 to 10.5 oz/acre 3 to 4 oz/acre 0 1 Suppression only. Make no more than 6
(Pristine) 38 WG applications per season.


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical Controls
Alternaria leaf spot
Tolerant varieties Copper spray at first appearance, rotate at least 3 years.
Cercospora leaf spot

CARROT Oomycete fungi Copper spray at first appearance, rotate at least 3 years. Store roots in moist peat moss.

Postharvest rots No Store roots in moist peat moss.

Southern blight No Use deep plowing to buy sclerotia.

Page 174 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
COLLARD Alternaria leaf spot azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 hr Make no more that two sequential applications.
Quadris) 2.08 F
boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease
development, and continue on a 7- to 14-day
interval. Make no more than 2 applications per
cyprodinil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.7 oz/acre 7 0.5 Apply when disease first appears and continue
(Switch) 62.5 WG on 7- to 10-day intervals. Do not exceed 56 oz
of product per acre per year.
Alternaria leaf blight cyprodinil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.7 oz/acre 7 0.5 Apply when disease first appears and continue
(Switch) 62.5 WG on 7- to 10-day intervals. Do not exceed 56 oz
of product per acre per year.
Downy mildew azoxystrobin (Quadris) 2.08 F 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz 0.1 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 hr Apply on 7- to 10-day intervals after
transplanting or shortly after seeds have
emerged. Check label for recommended rate
for each disease.
copper hydroxide (Kocide) 0 1
DF 1 to 2 lb/acre 0.6 to 1.2 lb/acre
4.5 LF 0.6 to 1.3 pt/acre 0.3 to 0.7 lb/acre
101 1 to 2 lb/acre 0.8 to 1.5 lb/acre
2000 0.75 to 1.5 lb/acre 0.4 to 0.8 lb/acre
fosetyl-Al (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 5 lb/acre 1.6 to 4 lb/acre 3 1 Apply when disease first appears; then repeat
on 7- to 21-day intervals. Do not tank mix
with copper fungicides. A maximum of seven
applications can be made per season.
maneb (Manex) 4 F 1.2 to 1.6 qt/acre 1.2 to 1.6 lb/acre 7 1 Spray on a 7- to 10-day interval.
mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 0.125 to 0.25 pt/acre 0.063 to 0.125 lb/acre 7 2 Do not apply without labeled tank mix partner;
4 SL apply before infection on a 14-day interval.
Powdery mildew boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease
development, and continue on a 7- to 14-day
interval. Make no more than 2 applications per
season; disease suppression only.
cyprodinil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.7oz/acre 7 0.5 Apply when disease first appears, and continue
(Switch) 62.5 WG on 7- to 10-day intervals. Do not exceed 56 oz
of product per acre per year.
sulfur (Microthiol Disperss) 3 to 10 lb/acre 2.4 to 8 lb/acre 0 1 Apply when disease first appears; then repeat
80 MWS as needed on 14-day intervals. Avoid applying
on days over 90oF.
Rhizoctonia boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease
bottom rot development, and continue on a 7- to 14-day
interval. Make no more than 2 applications per
season; disease suppression only.
Sclerotinia stem rot boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease develop-
(white mold) ment, and continue on a 7- to 14-day interval.
Make no more than 2 applications per season.
Seedling root rot, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.006 to 0.013 lb/acre -- 4 hr Apply in-furrow or banded applications shortly
basal stem rot Quadris) 2.08 F row ft after plant emergence.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 175
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
CORN, Sweet Rust, blight azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz 0.1 to 0.25 lb 7 4 hr Use lower rate for rust. Make no more than two
Quadris) 2.08 F sequential applications before alternating with
fungicides that have a different mode of action.
Apply no more than 2.88 qt per crop per acre
per season.
azoxystrobin + propiconazole 10.5 to 14 fl oz/acre 0.14 to 0.18 lb/acre 14 1 Apply when disease first appears; continue
(Quilt) 1.66 F to apply on a 14-day interval if favorable
conditions persist.
chlorothalonil 7 (Bravo 0.75 to 2 pt/acre 0.6 to 1.5 lb/acre 14 2 Spray at first appearance, 4- to 14-day
Ultrex) 82.5 WDG intervals.
mancozeb 80W 4 1 to 1.5 lb/acre 0.8 to 1.2 lb/acre 7 1
maneb 80W 4 1.5 lb/acre 1.2 lb/acre 7 1
propiconazole (Tilt) 2 to 4 fl oz/acre 14 1 16 fl oz per acre per crop maximum.
pyraclostrobin (Headline) 6 to 9 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.15 lb/acre 7 0.5
2.09 F


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical Controls

Blights Yes

CORN, Sweet Pythium damping-off Use raised beds to dry soil surface.

Rust Yes

Page 176 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
CUCUMBER Angular leaf spot fixed copper 6 See label 0 0 Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
Bacterial fruit blotch fixed copper6 See label 0 0 Start applications at first bloom. Ineffective once
fruit reach full size. Repeated use may cause
leaf yellowing.
Bacterial wilt See Insect Control section for Cucumber
Belly (fruit) rot, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 tp 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make first application at 1- to 3-leaf stage with
Rhizoctonia Quadris) 2.08 F a second application at vine tipover or 10 to 14
days later.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Apply in sufficient water to obtain runoff to soil
M) 70 WP surface.
Cottony leak metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Soil surface incorporated or surface application.
Damping-off mefenoxam 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Preplant incorporated (broadcast or band);
(Pythium) (Ridomil Gold) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt/trt acre soil spray (broadcast or band; or injection (drip
(Ultraflourish) 2 EC 2 to 4 pt/trt acre Preplant incorporate in top 2 in. of soil or apply
in 7-in. band to soil surface.
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Preplant incorporated or surface application.
propamocarb (Previcur 12.8 fl oz/100 gal water 0.6 lb/100 gal 2 0.5 Rates based on rock wool cube saturation in
Flex) 6 F the greenhouse; see label for use in seed beds,
drip system, and soil drench.
Downy mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before
Quadris) 2.08 F alternating with a fungicide with a different
mode of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per
crop per acre per season.
chlorothalonil (Bravo Weather 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
Stik, Echo, Equus) 6 F 14-day intervals. Avoid late-season application
after plants have reached full maturity.
cyazofamid (Ranman) 2.1 to 2.75 fl oz/acre 0.054 to 0.071 lb/acre 0 0.5 Do not appy more than 6 sprays per crop.
400 CS Make no more than 3 consecutive applications
followed by 3 applications of fungicides from a
different resistance management group.
cymoxanil (Curzate ) 60 DF 3.2 oz/acre 1.9 oz/acre 3 0.5 Use only in combination with labeled rate
of protectant fungicide (e.g., mancozeb or
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another
Forum) 50 WP fungicide active against downy mildew. Do not
make more than two sequential applications.
famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 oz/acre 4 oz/acre 3 0.5 Make no more than one application before
(Tanos) 50WP alternating with a fungicide that has a different
mode of action. Must be tank-mixed with contact
fungicide with a different mode of action.
fenamidone (Reason) 500 SC 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor
disease development and continue on 5- to
10-day interval. Do not apply more than 22 fl
oz per growing season. Alternate with fungicide
from different resistance management group,
and make no more than 4 total applications of
Group 11 fungicides per season.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
fosetyl-AL (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 5 lb/acre 1.6 to 4 lb/acre 0.5 0.5 Do not tank mix with copper-containing
products. Mixing with surfactants or foliar
fertilizers is not recommended.
mancozeb 4 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.6 to 2.4 lb/acre 5 1 Apply no more than 24 lb per acre per season.
maneb (Maneb) 75 DF 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 0.44 to .6 lb/acre 5 1 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
10-day intervals.
mefenoxam + chlorothalonil 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.5 lb/acre 7 2 Spray at first appearance and repeat at 14-day
(Ridomil Gold Bravo, intervals. Apply full rate of protectant fungicide
Flouronil) 76.5 WP between applications. Avoid late-season
application, when plants reach full maturity.
propamocarb (Previcur 1.2 pt/acre 0.9 lb/acre 2 0.5 Begin applications before infection; continue on
Flex) 6 F a 7- to 14-day interval. Do not apply more than
6 pt per growing season. Always tank mix with
another downy mildew product.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Make no more than one application before
20 WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode
of action.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Make no more than 4 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 50 WDG 4 oz/acre 2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications preventatively and continue
as needed alternating applications of Ridomil
Gold Bravo on a 7- to 14-day interval.
zoxamide + mancozeb 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.13 to 1.5 lb/acre 5 2 Begin applications when plants are in 2-leaf
(Gavel) 75 DF stage, and repeat at 7- to 10-day intervals.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 177
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
CUCUMBER Leaf spots, Alternaria, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before
(continued) anthracnose Quadris) 2.08 F alternating with a fungicide with a different
(Colletotrichum), mode of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per
Cercospora, crop per acre per season.
gummy stem blight chlorothalonil (Bravo Weather 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
(Didymella), target Stik, Echo, Equus) 6 F 14-day intervals. Avoid late-season application
spot (Corynespora) after plants have reached full maturity.
famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 oz/acre 4 oz/acre 3 0.5 Only for Alternaria and anthracnose. Do
(Tanos) 50WP not make more than one application before
alternating with a fungicide that has a different
mode of action. Must be tank-mixed with contact
fungicide with a different mode of action.
fenamidone (Reason) 500 SC 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 14 0.5 Only for Alternaria. Begin applications when
conditions favor disease development, and
continue on 5- to 10-day interval. Do not
apply more than 22 fl oz per growing season.
Alternate with fungicide from different resistance
management group, and make no more than
4 total applications of Group 11 fungicides per
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
mancozeb 4 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.6 to 2.4 lb/acre 5 1 Apply no more than 24 lb per acre per season.
maneb (Maneb) 75 DF 1.2 to 1.6 lb/acre 0.44 to 0.6 lb/acre 5 1 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
10-day intervals.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 to 16 oz/acre 2.4 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5
20 WG Do not use for gummy stem blight where
resistance to group 11(QoI) fungicides exists.
Make no more than 1 application before
alternating to a fungicide with a different mode
of action.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Not for target spot. Use highest rate for
(Pristine) 38 WG anthracnose. Make no more than 4 applications
.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 per season.
(Topsin M) 70 WP Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
10-day intervals.

zoxamide + mancozeb 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.13 to 1.5 lb/acre 5 2 Begin applications when plants are in 2-leaf
(Gavel) 75 DF stage, and repeat at 7- to 10-day intervals.

Phytophthora blight cyazofamid (Ranman) 2.75 fl oz/acre 0.071 lb/acre 0 0.5 Do not apply more than 6 sprays per crop;
400 SC make no more than 3 consecutive applications
followed by 3 applications of fungicides from a
different resistance management group.
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another
Forum) 50 WP fungicide active against Phytophthora blight.
Do not make more than two sequential
Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before
Quadris) 2.08 F alternating with a fungicide with a different
mode of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per
crop per acre per season.
chlorothalonil (Bravo Weather 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
Stik, Echo, Equus) 6 F 14-day intervals. Avoid late-season application
after plants have reached full maturity.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
myclobutanil (Nova) 40 WP 2.5 to 5 oz/acre 1 to 2 oz/acre 0 1 Apply no more than 1.5 lb per acre per crop.
Observe a 30-day plant-back interval.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 to 16 oz/acre 2.4 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Make no more than one application before
20 WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode
of action.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Make no more than 4 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG
sulfur 5 See label 0 1 Do not use when temperature is over 90F or
on sulfur-sensitive varieties.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
M) 70 WP 10-day intervals.
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 50 WDG 1.5 to 2 oz/acre 0.75 to 1 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications preventatively and continue
as needed on 7- to 14-day intervals. Do
not apply more than one application before
alternating with a nonstrobilurin fungicide.
triflumizole (Procure) 50 WS 4 to 8 oz/acre 2 to 4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications at vining or first sign of
disease, and repeat at 7- to 14-day intervals.
Scab chlorothalonil (Bravo Weather 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
Stik, Echo, 14-day intervals. Avoid late-season application
Equus) 6 F after plants have reached full maturity.

Page 178 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
G. J. HOLMES, Plant Pathology Extension
( = ineffective; +++++ = very effective; ? = lacking efficacy data)

Relative Control Rating

Preharvest Interval (Days)

Cercospora Leaf Spot

Bacterial Fruit Blotch

Plectosporium Blight
Phytophthora Blight
Gummy Stem Blight
Alternaria Leaf Spot
Fungicide Group 1

Angular Leafspot

Powdery Mildew
Bacterial Wilt 2

Downy Mildew
Cottony Leak


Target Spot
Belly Rot
azoxystrobin 3 (Quadris) 11 1 ++++ ++++ +++ ++++ ++R ++++R ++ +++R ++++
chlorothalonil 6 (Bravo/Terranil/ M 0 ++++ ++ 5 7 ++++ ++ ++++ +++ ++ ++++
cyazofamid (Ranman) 21 0 ? ++++ ++
cymoxanil (Curzate) 27 3 ? ? +++ ++
dimethomorph (Acrobat, Forum) 15 0 + +
famoxadone 3 + cymoxanil 11 + 3 ? ? ? ++++ ?
(Tanos) 27
fenamidone (Reason) 11 14 ++ ? ++++R ?
fixed copper 6, 8 M 1 + +++ + +++9 ++2 ++ + + ? ++ + +
kresoxim-methyl (Sovran) 11 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ++++R ? ? +++R ?
mancozeb (Dithane, Manzate, M 5 +++ +++ ++++ +++ +++ + +++ + ++++
Penncozeb, Manex) 6
mancozeb + fixed copper 5 M+M 5 +++ ++ +++ ++9 +++ +++ ++ + +++ + +++
maneb 6 M 5 +++ +++ ++++ +++ +++ + +++ + ++++
mefenoxam 4 (Ridomil Gold 4 0 ++ ++++ +++ R
EC,Ultra Flourish)
mefenoxam 3 + chlorothalonil 4+M 0 +++ +++ ++ + ++++ R +++ ++R ++ ++ ++
6(Ridomil Gold/Bravo, Flouronil)

mefenoxam 3 + copper 6 4+M 5 + + +9 + + ++ R + ++R + +

(Ridomil Gold/Copper)
mefenoxam 3 + mancozeb 6 4+M 5 ++ ++ ++ + +++ R ++ ++ ++ ++
(Ridomil Gold MZ )
myclobutanil 3 (Nova) 3 0 +++++

phosphonate 11 (Aliette, Agri- 33 0.5 +

Fos, Phostrol, ProPhyte)
propamocarb (Previcur Flex) 28 2 ? ++++ +
pyraclostrobin 3 (Cabrio) 11 0 ++++ +++++ ? ? ++++R ++++ R + ++++ +++ R ++++
pyraclostrobin 3 + boscalid 3 11 + 7 0 ++++ ++ ? ++++ +++R +++++R + +++ +++ ++++
quinoxyfen (Quintec) 13 3 +++++
sulfur 6, 10 M 0 ++++P
thiophanate-methyl 4 (Topsin M) 1 0 ++ ++ 5 ++ ++ ++R ? +++R +
trifloxystrobin 3 (Flint) 11 0 ++++ ++++ ? ? + ++++R ++++ ++++R ++++
triflumizole (Procure) 3 0 +++++
zoxamide + mancozeb (Gavel) 22 + M 5 +++ ++ +++ ++++ ++ + ++ + +++

Key to Fungicide Groups: 1: methyl benzimidazole carbamates; 3: demethylation inhibitors; 4: phenylamides; 7: carboxamides, 11: quinone outside inhibitors; 15: cinnamic acids;
21: quinone inside inhibitors; 22: benzamides; 27: cyanoacetamide-oximes; 28: carbamates; 33: phosphonates; M: multi-site activity. See www.frac.info
1 To prevent resistance in pathogens, alternate fungicides within a group with fungicides in another group. Fungicides in the M group are generally considered low risk with no signs of
resistance developing to the majority of fungicides.
2 Control cucumber beetle from emergence to fruit set; bactericidal sprays alone are not effective.
3 Curative activity; locally systemic.
4 Systemic.
5 When used in combination with chlorothalonil or mancozeb, gives increased control.
6 Contact control only; no systemic control.
7 Bedtop spray no longer labeled; foliar application not effective.
8 Fixed coppers include: Basicop, Champ, Champion, Citcop, Copper-Count-N, Kocide, Nu-Cop, Super Cu, Tenn-Cop, Top Cop with Sulfur, and Tri-basic copper sulfate.
9 Applications should begin at bloom; after symptoms are observed on watermelon fruit, it is too late to begin a copper spray program.
10 Sulfur products include: Kumulus, Liquid Sulfur Six, Microthiol, Sulfur DF, Thiolux.
11 Check manufacturers label for compatibility with other products.
R = pathogen resistance to this fungicide (or FRAC group) has been reported, greatly reducing its efficacy. Combine with a protectant fungicide like chlorothalonil to extend the usefulness of
the product.
P = sulfur can be phytotoxic at temperatures above 90 F; read the label carefully.
* Ratings are based on field research in the Southeastern United States. Consult product labels for manufacturers recommendations.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 179
Scale (0 = not important/does not impact disease, 5 = very important practice to implement/impacts disease greatly; - = not applicable; ? = unknown)

G.J. HOLMES, Plant Pathology Extension, NC State University

A.P. KEINATH, Plant Pathologist, Clemson University


Phytophthora blight
Gummy stem blight

Pythium damping-
Angular leaf spot

Powdery mildew
Cercospora leaf

Downy mildew

Alternaria leaf

Bacterial fruit

Bacterial wilt

Mosaic virus
Cottony leak

Target spot
Root knot
Belly rot

fruit rot


Management tactic

Avoid field operations when leaves are wet 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 - 1 1 - - ? 0 - - -

Avoid overhead irrigation 1 2 1 3 1 - 1 - - 1 1 - 2 1 1 - - 1

Change planting date from Spring to Fall 4 1 4 1 1 3 4 2 2 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 4 4

Change planting date within a season - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - 2 2 2 -

Cover cropping with antagonist - - - - - 0 - - - - - - 0 - - 0 3 -

Crop rotation with non-host (2-3 years) 2 2 2 2 - 1 2 - 0 - 3 - 1 1 - 1 3 2

Deep plowing 1 - 1 - - 3 1 - 0 - 2 - 1 1 - 1 2 1

Destroy crop residue immediately 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 - 2 1

Encourage air movement b 2 1 1 1 - 0 2 3 3 2 1 - 0 1 0 - - 2

Soil organic amendments c ? - ? - - 1 ? 0 2 - ? - 1 ? - 2 2 ?

Insecticidal/horticultural oils d 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 3 - 0 3 - - 0

pH management (soil) - - - - - - - - ? - - - ? - - ? ? -

Plant in well-drained soil - - - - - 2 - 1 3 - - - 3 - - 3 1 -

Plant on raised beds - - - - - 1 - 1 2 - - - 2 - - 2 1 -

Plastic mulch bed covers - - - - - 2 - 1 2 - - - 2 1 - - 0 -

Postharvest temperature control (fruit) - - 2 2 - 2 - 3 2 - 2 - 2 2 - - - -

Reflective mulch (additional effect over plastic mulch) - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - -

Reduce mechanical injury 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 - - - 1

Rogue diseased plants/fruit (home garden) 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 - - 1 3 1

Row covers (insect exclusion) - - - - 4 - - - - - - 4 - - - - - -

Soil solarization (reduce soil inoculum) 1 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 2 1 1

Pathogen-free planting material 1 5 2 5 - - - - - - 3 - - - - 2 - -

Resistant cultivars * * ** * * ** * * * ** * ** * * ** 0 0 *

Destroy volunteer plants 2 2 2 2 2 - 2 - - 3 2 3 2 - 3 - 1 2

a early planting reduces risk of Pythium damping-off

b air movement can be encouraged by increasing plant spacing, orienting beds with prevailing wind direction and increasing
exposure of field to prevailing wind
c soil organic amendments = cover crops; composted organic wastes
d Insecticidal/Horicultural oil = Sunspray Ultra-Fine Spray Oil (Sun Company, Inc.), JMS Stylet oil; Safe-T-Side (Brandt Consolidated, Inc.);
PCC 1223 (United Ag Products)
* cucurbits differ in susceptibility; no resistance within cucurbit types
** cucurbits differ in susceptibility; resistance available within cucurbit types

Page 180 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
EGGPLANT Leaf blights, fruit rots fixed copper 6 See label 0 0 Spray as fruit starts to form or earlier; then
10-day intervals.
maneb 80W 4 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.2 to 1.6 lb/acre 10 1
Phytophthora blight dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 4 0.5 Suppression only; must be tank-mixed with
Forum) 50 WP another fungicide active against Phytophthora
blight. Do not make more than 2 sequential
applications before alternating to another
effective fungicide with a different mode of
action. Begin applications when plants are
4 to 6 in. high. Do not make more than 5
applications per season.
mefenoxam 0.5 Apply to 18-in. band at seeding. See label for
(Ridomil Gold) 4 SL 1 pt/trt acre 0.5 lb/trt acre row rates. Do not exceed 12 pt/acre.
Band over roots 30 and 60 days later. Do not
(Ultra Flourish) 2 EC 2 to 4 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre apply to foliage.
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 7 2 Prelant (soil incorporated), at planting (in water
or liquid fertilizer) or as a basal-directed spray
after planting.
Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.10 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 hr Do not make more that two sequential
Quadris) 2.08 F applications.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Do not make more than two applications before
20 WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode
of action.
sulfur 5 See label 0 1 Spray at first appearance, 7- to 10-day
Pythium damping-off mefenoxam 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2 Apply preplant and incorporate. See label for
(Ridomil Gold) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt/trt acre row rates.
(Ultra Flourish) 2 EC 2 to 4 pt/trt acre
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 7 2 Prelant (soil incorporated), at planting (in water
or liquid fertilizer).
Rhizoctonia seedling azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.006 to 0.013 4 hr Make in-furrow or banded applications shortly
rot Quadris) 2.08 F row feet lb/1,000 row feet after plant emergence.

Verticillium wilt chloropicrin 100% 5 to 8 gal/acre 5 to 8 gal/acre Fumigate soil in-the-row 3 to 6 weeks before
planting. Based on 42-in. rows.

metam-sodium (Vapam) 32.5 to 75 gal/acre 160 to 320 lb/acre 2 Rate is based on soil properties and depth of
42 HL soil to be treated; apply 14 to 21days before

dichloropropene (Telone) 5
C-17 10 gal/acre row 10 gal/acre row Rate is based on soil type; see label for in-row
C-35 13 to 20.5 gal/acre 139 to 220 lb/acre


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical Controls
Damping-off No Use raised beds to dry soil surface.
Fusarium wilt Yes Solarize soil before planting, use 3 year rotation, adjust pH to 6.5 and use all nitrate nitrogen.
Powdery mildew No Spray with sulfur at first appearance of disease.
Verticillium wilt No Solarize soil before planting.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 181
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
ENDIVE Downy mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 12.3 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.2 to 0.25 fl oz/acre 0 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications
Quadris) 2.08 F before alternating with fungicides that have a
different mode of action. Apply no more than
2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another
Forum) 50 WP fungicide active against downy mildew. Do not
make more than two sequential applications.
fosetyl-Al (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 5 lb/acre 1.6 to 4 lb/acre 3 0.5 Do not mix with surfactants, foliar fertilizers, or
products containing copper.
Leaf spots azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz 0.1 to 0.25 fl oz 0 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications
Quadris) 2.08 F before alternating with fungicides that have a
different mode of action. Apply no more than
2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
maneb 80W 4 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.2 to 1.6 lb/acre 10 1 Spray at first appearance, 7- to 10-day
Pythium damping-off mefenoxam Soil incorporate at planting. Use proportionally
less for band rate.
(Ridomil Gold GR) 20 to 40 lb/acre 1 to 2 lb/acre Apply preplant incorporated or surface
application at planting.
(Ridomil Gold) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2
(Ultra Flourish) 2 EC 2 to 4 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2 Banded over the row, preplant incorporated, or
injected with liquid fertilizer.


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical Controls
Leaf spots, Drop (Sclerotinia) No
Powdery mildew No Spray with sulfur at first appearance of disease.
Bottom rot (Rhizoctonia) No Use raised beds to dry soil surface.
Drop (Sclerotinia) No Use raised beds to dry soil surface.

Page 182 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
GARLIC Botrytis blight, purple azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.10 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 hr Use upper rate for downy mildew and Botrytis.
blotch, downy mildew Quadris) 2.08 F Do not make more that two sequential
boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6.8 oz/acre 4.8 oz/acre 7 0.5 Not for downy mildew. Do not make more
than 2 sequential applications or more than 6
applications per season.
chlorothalonil (Bravo Ultrex) 1.4 to 2.7 lb/acre 1.1 to 2.2 lb/acre 7 2 Spray at first appearance, 7- to 14-day
82.5 WDG intervals.
mefenoxam + mancozeb 2.5 lb/acre 7 2
(Ridomil Gold MZ)
mefenoxam + chlorothalonil 2 lb/acre 7 2 Spray at first appearance, 7- to 14-day
(Ridomil Gold/Bravo) intervals.

pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 7 0.5 Not for Botrytis. Use highest rate for downy
20 WG mildew. Make no more than 2 sequential
applications and no more than 6 applications
per season.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 10.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4 to 7 oz/acre 7 1 Use highest rate for suppression only on downy
(Pristine) 38 WG mildew. Make no more than 6 applications per
pyrimethanil (Scala) 5 F 9 or 18 fl oz/acre 0.35 or 0.7 lb/acre 7 0.5 Not for downy mildew. Use lower rate in a tank
mix with broad spectrum fungicide and higher
rate when applied alone. Do not apply more
than 54 fl oz per crop.
Downy mildew dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another
Forum) 50 WP fungicide active against downy mildew. Do not
make more than two sequential applications.
White rot (Sclerotium) azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 12.3 fl oz/acre 0.10 to 0.20 lb/acre 0 4 hr Do not make more that two sequential
Quadris) 2.08 F applications.
iprodione (Rovral) 50 WP 4 lb/acre/acre 2 lb/acre/acre 1 Spray cloves as they are being covered by soil
(38- to 40-in. bed spacing). One application
per year.
metam-sodium (Vapam) 37.5 to 75 gal/acre 160 to 320 lb/acre 2 Rate is based on soil properties and depth of
42 HL soil to be treated.
PCNB (Terraclor) 27.5 lb/100 gal 20.6 lb/100 gal 0.5 Apply as in-furrow spray at planting.


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical Controls
Purple blotch No Spray with sulfur, solarize soil 2 weeks prior to planting.
Copper spray at first appearance. Remove and destroy severely infected plants, rotate and destroy
Downy mildew No
White rot (Sclerotium) Use raised beds to dry soil surface.
Powdery mildew No
Garlic (bulb & stem nematode) Use raised beds to dry soil surface.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 183
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
GREENS, Leafy Alternaria leaf spot boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease
(Collard, Kale, development, and continue on a 7- to 14-day
Mustard, Rape) interval. Make no more than 2 applications per
cyprodonil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.7 oz/acre 7 0.5 Apply when disease first appears, and continue
(Switch) 62.5 WG on 7- to 10-day intervals. See label for complete
list of greens.
maneb (Manex) 4 F 1.2 qt/acre 1.2 lb/acre 14 24 Begin when disease threatens and apply on
14-day interval.
Downy mildew azoxystrobin (Quadris) 2.08 F 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 hr

dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 4 0.5 Must be tank-mixed with another fungicide
Forum) 50 WP active against Phytophthora blight. Do not make
more than 2 sequential applications before
alternating to another effective fungicide with
a different mode of action. Do not make more
than 5 applications per season.
maneb (Manex) 4 F 1.2 qt/acre 1.2 lb/acre 14 24 Begin when disease threatens and apply on
14-day interval.
Powdery mildew boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease
development, and continue on a 7- to 14-day
interval. Make no more than 2 applications per
season; disease suppression only.
cyprodonil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.7 oz/acre 7 0.5 Apply when disease first appears, and continue
(Switch) 62.5 WG on 7- to 10-day intervals. See label for complete
list of greens.
Rhizoctonia bottom boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease
rot development, and continue on a 7- to 14-day
interval. Make no more than 2 applications per
season; disease suppression only.
Sclerotinia stem rot boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6 to 9 oz/acre 4.2 to 6.3 oz/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications prior to disease
(white mold) development, and continue on a 7- to 14-day
interval. Make no more than 2 applications per
White rust, Alternaria azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 hr Make no more that two sequential applications.
leaf spot, Cercospora Quadris) 2.08 F
leaf spot


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical Controls

GREENS Alternaria No Spray with copper at first sign of disease.

(Mustard) Black rot No Spray with copper at first sign of disease.
Anthracnose No Spray with copper at first sign of disease.

Page 184 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
LETTUCE Bottom rot, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.006 to 0.013 4 hr Rhizoctonia only. Make in-furrow or banded
(leaf and head) (Rhizoctonia), drop Quadris) 2.08 F row ft lb/1,000 row ft applications shortly after plant emergence.
Bottom rot, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.006 to 0.013 lb 4 hr Rhizoctonia only. Make in-furrow or banded
(Rhizoctonia), drop Quadris) 2.08 F row feet applications shortly after plant emergence.
boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 8 to 11 oz/acre 5.6 to 7.7 oz/acre 14 0.5 Suppression only on bottom rot. Apply
immediately after emergence or immediately
after transplanting. Make no more than 2
applications per season.
dicloran (Botran) 75 W 2 to 5.3 lb/acre 1.5 to 4 lb/acre 14 0.5 Rate depends on timing; 5.3 lb per crop per
season maximum.
iprodione (Rovral) 50 WP 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 0.75 to 1 lb/acre 14 1

Botrytis rot boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 8 to 11 oz/acre 5.6 to 7.7 oz/acre 14 0.5 Make no more than 2 applications per season.

dicloran (Botran) 75 W 1.5 to 2.6 lb/acre 1.1 to 2 lb/acre 14 0.5 Apply when disease is anticipated.
Damping-off mefenoxam
(Pythium) (Ridomil Gold GR) 20 to 40 lb/acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Preplant incorporated.
(Ridomil Gold) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 0.5 Apply preplant incorporated or surface
(Ultra Flourish) 2 EC 2 to 4 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 0.5 application at planting.
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Banded over the row, preplant incorporated, or
injected with liquid fertilizer.
propamocarb (Previcur 12.8 fl oz/100 gal water 0.6 lb/100 gal 2 0.5 Rates based on rock wool cube saturation in
Flex) 6 F the greenhouse. See label for use in seed beds,
drip system, and soil drench.
Downy mildew dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another
Forum) 50 WP fungicide active against downy mildew. Do not
make more than two sequential applications.
famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 oz/acre 4 oz/acre 3 0.5 Not for gummy stem blight or leaf lettuce. Do
(Tanos) 50WP not make more than one application before
alternating with a fungicide that has a different
mode of action. Must be tank-mixed with
contact fungicide with a different mode of
Downy mildew fenamidone (Reason) 500 SC 5.5 to 8.2 fl oz/acre 0.178 to 0.267 lb/acre 2 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor
(continued) disease development, and continue on 5- to
10-day interval. Do not apply more than 24.6 fl
oz per growing season. Alternate with fungicide
with different resistance management group.
propamocarb (Previcur 2 pt/acre 1.5 lb/acre 2 0.5 Do not apply more than 8 pt per growing
Flex) 6 F season; begin applications before infection, and
continue on a 7- to 10-day interval.
Downy mildew, leaf azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 fl oz/acre 7 4 hr Use highest rate for downy mildew. Make no
spots Quadris) 2.08 F more than two sequential applications before
alternating with fungicides that have a different
mode of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per
crop per acre per season.
fixed copper 6 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 1 1
fosetyl-Al (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 5 lb/acre 1.6 to 4 lb/acre 3 1 Spray at first appearance, 7- to 10-day
maneb 80W 4 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.2 to 1.6 lb/acre 4 1 Spray at first appearance, 7- to 10-day
Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 fl oz/acre 7 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications
Quadris) 2.08 F before alternating with fungicides that have a
different mode of action. Apply no more than
2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
sulfur 5 5 to 6 lb/acre 2 to 4 lb/acre 0 1


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical controls
Damping-off No Use raised beds to dry soil surface (plant bed).
LETTUCE Copper spray at first appearance. Remove destroy severely infected plants, rotate crops
Downy mildew Yes
and destroy residue.
Pythium Damping-off No
Leaf spots, Drop (Sclerothinia) Use raised beds to dry soil surface.
Bottom rot (Rhizoctonia) No

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 185
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
MELON Angular leaf spot fixed copper6 See label 0 0 Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
Bacterial fruit blotch fixed copper6 See label 0 0 Start applications at first bloom. Ineffective once
fruit reach full size. Repeated use may cause
leaf yellowing.
Bacterial wilt See Insect Control section for Cucumber
Belly (fruit) rot, azoxystrobin (Amistar, See label See label 1 4 hr Make first application at 1- to 3-leaf stage with
Rhizoctonia Quadris) 2.08 F a second application at vine tipover or 10 to 14
days later.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Apply in sufficient water to obtain runoff to soil
M) 70 WP surface.
Cottony leak metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Soil surface application in 7-inch band.
Damping-off (Pythium) mefenoxam 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 0.5 Preplant incorporate in top 2 in. of soil or apply
(Ridomil Gold) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt/trt acre in 7-in. band to soil surface.
(Ultraflourish) 2 EC 2 to 4 pt/trt acre
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Preplant incorporated or surface application.

propamocarb (Previcur 12.8 fl oz/100 gal water 0.6 lb/100 gal 2 0.5 Rates based on rock wool cube saturation in
Flex) 6 F the greenhouse. See label for use in seed beds,
drip system, and soil drench.
Downy mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.18 to .25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before
Quadris) 2.08 F alternating with a fungicide with a different mode
of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per crop
per acre per season.
chlorothalonil (Bravo Weather 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
Stik, Echo, Equus) 6 F 14-day intervals. Avoid late-season application,
after plants have reached full maturity.
cyazofamid (Ranman) 400 2.1 to 2.75 fl oz/acre 0.054 to 0.071 lb/acre 0 0.5 Do not apply more than 6 sprays per crop; no
SC more than 3 consecutive applications followed
by 3 applications of fungicides from a different
resistance management group.
cymoxanil (Curzate ) 60 DF 3.2 oz/acre 1.9 oz/acre 3 0.5 Use only in combination with labeled rate
of protectant fungicide (e.g., mancozeb or
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another
Forum) 50 WP fungicide active against downy mildew. Do not
make more than two sequential applications.
famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 oz/acre 4 oz/acre 3 0.5 Do not make more than one application before
(Tanos) 50WP alternating with a fungicide that has a different
mode of action. Must be tank-mixed with contact
fungicide with a different mode of action.
fenamidone (Reason) 500 SC 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor
disease development, and continue on 5- to 10-
day interval. Do not apply more than 22 fl oz per
growing season. Alternate with fungicide from
different resistance management group, and
make no more than 4 total applications of Group
11 fungicides per season.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
fosetyl-AL (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 5 lb/acre 1.6 to 4 lb/acre 0.5 0.5 Do not tank mix with copper-containing
products. Mixing with surfactants or foliar
fertilizers is not recommended.
mancozeb 4 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.6 to 2.4 lb/acre 5 1 Apply no more than 24 lb per acre per season.

maneb (Maneb) 75 DF 1.5 to 2 lb/acre .44 to .6 lb/acre 5 1 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
10-day intervals.
mefenoxam + chlorothalonil 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.5 lb/acre 7 2 Spray at first appearance and repeat at 14-day
(Ridomil Gold Bravo, intervals. Apply full rate of protectant fungicide
Flouronil) 76.5 WP between applications. Avoid late-season
application, when plants reach full maturity.
propamocarb (Previcur 1.2 pt/acre 0.9 lb/acre 2 0.5 Begin applications before infection; continue on
Flex) 6 F a 7- to 14-day interval. Do not apply more than
6 pt per growing season. Always tank mix with
another downy mildew product.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 20 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Make no more than one application before
WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode
of action. Do not tank mix with adjuvants.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Make no more than 4 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 50 WDG 4 oz/acre/acre 2 oz/acre/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications preventatively and continue
as needed alternating applications of Ridomil
Gold Bravo on a 7- to 14-day interval.
zoxamide + mancozeb 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.13 to 1.5 lb/acre 5 2 Begin applications when plants are in 2-leaf
(Gavel) 75 DF stage, and repeat at 7- to 10-day intervals.

Page 186 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
MELON Leaf spots, Alternaria, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before
MUSKMELON anthracnose Quadris) 2.08 F alternating with a fungicide with a different
(continued) (Colletotrichum), mode of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per
Cercospora, crop per acre per season.
gummy stem blight chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre .8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
(Didymella), target Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) 14-day intervals. Avoid late-season application,
spot (Corynespora) 6F after plants have reached full maturity.

famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 oz/acre 4 oz/acre 3 0.5 Only for Alternaria and anthracnose. Do
(Tanos) 50WP not make more than one application before
alternating with a fungicide that has a different
mode of action. Must be tank-mixed with
contact fungicide with a different mode of
fenamidone (Reason) 500 SC 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 14 0.5 Only for Alternaria. Begin applications when
conditions favor disease development, and
continue on 5- to 10-day interval. Do not
apply more than 22 fl oz per growing season.
Alternate with fungicide from different resistance
management group, and make no more than
4 total applications of Group 11 fungicides per
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
mancozeb 4 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.6 to 2.4 lb/acre 5 1 Apply no more than 24 lb per acre per season.
maneb (Maneb) 75 DF 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 0.44 to 0.6 lb/acre 5 1 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
10-day intervals.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 20WG 12 to 16 oz/acre 2.4 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Do not use for gummy stem blight where
resistance to group 11(QoI) fungicides exists.
Make no more than one application before
alternating to a fungicide with a different mode
of action. Do not tank mix with adjuvants.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Not for target spot. Use highest rate for
(Pristine) 38WG anthracnose. Make no more than 4 applications
per season.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
M) 70 WP 10-day intervals.
zoxamide + mancozeb 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.13 to 1.5 lb/acre 5 2 Begin applications when plants are in 2-leaf
(Gavel) 75 DF stage, and repeat at 7- to 10-day intervals.

Phytophthora blight cyazofamid (Ranman) 2.75 fl oz/acre 0.071 lb/acre 0 0.5 Do not apply more than 6 sprays per crop; no
400 SC more than 3 consecutive applications followed
by 3 applications of fungicides from a different
resistance management group.
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another
Forum) 50 WP fungicide active against Phytophthora blight.
Do not make more than two sequential
Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to15.4 fl oz/acre 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before
Quadris) 2.08 F alternating with a fungicide with a different
mode of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per
crop per acre per season.
chlorothalonil (Bravo Weather 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
Stik, Echo, Equus) 6 F 14-day intervals. Avoid late-season application,
after plants have reached full maturity.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.

myclobutanil (Nova) 40 WP 2.5 to 5 oz/acre 1 to 2 oz/acre 0 1 Apply no more than 1.5 lb per acre per crop.
Observe a 30-day plant-back interval.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 to 16 oz/acre 2.4 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Make no more than one application before
20 WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode
of action. Do not tank mix with adjuvants.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Make no more than 4 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG
sulfur 5 See label 0 1 Do not use when temperature is over 90F or
on sulfur-sensitive varieties.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
M) 70 WP 10-day intervals. Do not apply more than
one application before alternating with a
nonstrobilurin fungicide.
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 50 WDG 1.5 to 2 oz/acre .75 to 1 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications preventatively and continue
as needed on 7- to 14-day intervals. Do
not apply more than one application before
alternating with a nonstrobilurin fungicide.
triflumizole (Procure) 50 WS 4 to 8 oz/acre 2 to 4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications at vining or first sign of
disease, and repeat at 7- to 10-day intervals.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 187
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
MELON Scab chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to
MUSKMELON Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) 14-day intervals. Avoid late-season application,
(continued) 6F after plants have reached full maturity.


Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
OKRA Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.10 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 Do not make more that two sequential
Quadris) 2.08 F applications.
Rhizoctonia seedling azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.006 to 0.013 lb 4 hr Make in-furrow or banded applications shortly
rot Quadris) 2.08 F row feet after plant emergence.


Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
ONION (green) Damping-off mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 0.5 to 1 pt/trt acre 0.25 to 0.5 lb/trt acre 2 See label for low rates. Also for dry onion.
(Pythium) 4 SL
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 2 to 4 pt/trt acre 0.25 to 0.5 pt/trt acre 2 Preplant incorporated or soil surface spray.
Downy mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 9.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.15 to 0.25 fl oz/acre 0 4 hr Make no more than one application before
Quadris) 2.08 F alternating with a fungicide with a different
mode of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per
crop per acre per season.
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another
Forum) 50 WP fungicide active against downy mildew. Do not
make more than two sequential applications.
fenamidone (Reason) 500 SC 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 7 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor
disease development, and continue on 5- to
10-day interval. Do not apply more than 22 fl
oz per growing season. Alternate with fungi-
cide from different resistance group.
mefenoxam + chlorothalonil 2 lb/acre 21 2
(Ridomil Gold/Bravo)
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 7 0.5 Make no more than 2 sequential applications
20 WG and no more than 6 applications per season.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 18.5 oz/acre 4 to 7 oz/acre 7 1 For supression only. Make a maximum of 6
(Pristine) 38WG applications per season.
Leaf blight (Botrytis) azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 fl oz/acre 7 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications
Quadris) 2.08 F before alternating with fungicides that have a
different mode of action. Apply no more than
2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6.8 oz/acre 4.8 oz/acre 7 0.5 Do not make more than 2 sequential
applications or more than 6 applications per
chlorothalonil 7 (Bravo 1 to 2 pt/acre 0.54 to 1.1 lb/acre 14 2 Spray at first appearance. Maximum of three
Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) sprays.
cyprodinil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.8 oz/acre 7 0.5 Do not plant rotational crops other than onions
(Switch) 62.5 WG or strawberries for 12 months following the last
dicloran (Botran) 75 W 1.5 to 2.7 lb/acre 1.1 to 2 lb/acre 14 0.5

pyraclostrobin + boscalid 14.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 5.5 to 7 oz/acre 7 1 Make a maximum of 6 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG

pyrimethanil (Scala) 5 F 9 or 18 fl oz/acre 0.35 or 0.7 lb/acre 7 0.5 Use lower rate in a tank mix with broad
spectrum fungicide and higher rate when
applied alone. Do not apply more than 54 fl oz
per crop.

Page 188 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
ONION (green) Purple blotch azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 12.3 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.2 fl oz/acre 7 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications
(continued) Quadris) 2.08 F before alternating with a fungicide with a
different mode of action. Apply no more than
2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
boscalid (Endura) 70WG 6.8 oz/acre 4.8 oz/acre 7 0.5 Do not make more than 2 sequential
applications or more than 6 applications per
cyprodinil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.8 oz/acre 7 0.5 Do not plant rotational crops other than onions
(Switch) 62.5 WG or strawberries for 12 months following the last
fenamidone (Reason) 500 SC 5.5 to 8.2 fl oz 0.178 lb/acre 7 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor
disease development, and continue on 5- to
10-day interval. Do not apply more than 22
fl oz per growing season. Alternate with
fungicide from different resistance manage-
ment group.
maneb 80W 4 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.6 to 2.4 lb/acre 7 1
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 7 0.5 Make no more than 2 sequential applications
20 WG and no more than 6 applications per season.

pyraclostrobin + boscalid 10.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4 to 7 oz/acre 7 1 Make a maximum of 6 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG
pyrimethanil (Scala) 5 F 9 or 18 fl oz/acre 0.35 or 0.7??/acre 7 0.5 Use lower rate in a tank mix with broad
spectrum fungicide and higher rate when
applied alone. Do not apply more than 54 fl oz
per crop.
Stemphylium leaf pyraclostrobin + boscalid 10.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4 to 7 oz/acre 7 1 Make no more than 6 applications per season.
blight (Pristine) 38 WG
ONION (dry) Damping-off mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 0.5 to 1 pt/trt acre 0.25 to 0.5 lb/trt acre 2 See label for row rates. Also for green onion.
(Pythium) 4 SL

metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 2 to 4 pt/trt acre 0.25 to 0.5 pt/trt acre 2 Preplant incorporated or soil surface spray.

Downy mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 9.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.15 to 0.25 fl oz/acre 0 4 hr Make no more than one application before
Quadris) 2.08 F alternating with a fungicide with a different
mode of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per
crop per acre per season.
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another
Forum) 50 WP fungicide active against downy mildew. Do not
make more than two sequential applications.
mefenoxam + mancozeb 2.5 lb/trt acre 7 2
(Ridomil Gold MZ)
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 oz/acre 2.4 oz/acre 7 0.5 Make no more than 2 sequential applications
20 WG and no more than 6 applications per season.

pyraclostrobin + boscalid 18.5 oz/acre 4 to 7 oz/acre 7 1 Supression only. Make no more than 6
(Pristine) 38 WG applications per season.
Leaf blight (Botrytis) azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 fl oz/acre 7 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications
Quadris) 2.08 F before alternating with fungicides with a
different mode of action. Apply no more than
2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6.8 oz/acre 4.8 oz/acre 7 0.5 Do not make more than 2 sequential
applications or more than 6 applications per
cyprodinil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.8 oz/acre 7 0.5 Do not plant rotational crops other than onions
(Switch) 62.5WG or strawberries for 12 months following the last
dicloran (Botran) 75 W 1.5 to 2.7 lb/acre 1.1 to 2 lb/acre 14 0.5 Use lower rate in a tank mix with broad
spectrum fungicide and higher rate when
applied alone. Do not apply more than 54 fl
oz per crop.
fixed copper 6 See label Spray at first appearance, 7- to 10-day
intervals. Do not apply to exposed bulbs.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 14.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 5.5 to 7 oz/acre 7 1 Make no more than 6 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG
pyrimethanil (Scala) 5 F 9 or 18 fl oz/acre 0.35 or 0.7 lb/acre 7 0.5 Use lower rate in a tank mix with broad
spectrum fungicide and higher rate when
applied alone. Do not apply more than 54 fl oz
per crop.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 189
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
ONION (dry) Leaf blight, purple azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 fl oz/acre 7 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications
(continued) blotch Quadris) 2.08 F before alternating with fungicides with a
different mode of action. Apply no more than
2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
cyprodinil + fludioxonil 11 to 14 oz/acre 6.9 to 8.8 oz/acre 7 0.5 Do not plant rotational crops other than onions
(Switch) 62.5WG or strawberries for 12 months following the last
iprodione (Rovral) 50 WP 1.5 lb/acre 0.75 lb/acre 7 0 Start 7-day foliar sprays at first appearance of
50 to 100 gal/acre 50 to 100 gal/acre favorable conditions.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 7 0.5 Make no more than 2 sequential applications
20 WG and no more than 6 applications per season.

vinclozolin (Ronilan) 50 DF See label 18 1 Two treatments minimum. Effective on purple

leaf blotch when disease pressure is low.
Neck rot (Botrytis), chlorothalonil 7 (Bravo Ultrex) 0.9 to 1 lb/acre 0.75 to 1.5 lb/acre 7 2 Will only suppress neck rot and downy mildew.
purple blotch 82.5 WDG
(Alternaria), downy

fixed copper 6 See label 1 1 May reduce bacterial rots.

fosetyl-Al (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.6 to 2.4 lb/acre 7 0.5 Do not mix with surfactants, foliar fertilizers,
or products containing copper; will not control
neck rot.
iprodione (Rovral) 50 WP 1.5 lb/acre 0.75 lb/acre 7 0.5 Apply when conditions are favorable; 14-day
intervals. Rovral is not for downy mildew.
mancozeb 80W 4 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.6 to 2.4 lb/acre 7 1 Do not exceed 30 lb per acre per crop.
maneb 80W 4 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.6 to 2.4 lb/acre 7 1 Spray at first appearance, 7- to 10-day
intervals. Do not apply to exposed bulbs.
mefenoxam + chlorothalonil 2 lb/acre 7 2
(Ridomil Gold/Bravo)
vinclozolin (Ronilan) 50 DF See label 0.75 to 1 lb/acre 18 1 Three treatments minimum.
Pink rot metam-sodium (Vapam) 37.5 to 75 gal/trt acre 160 to 320 lb/acre 2 Rate is based on soil properties and depth of
42 HL soil to be treated.
dichloropropene (Telone) 5 Rate is based on soil type; see label for in-row
C-17 10.8 to 17.1 gal/acre 107 to 169 lb/acre rates.
C-35 13 to 20.5 gal/acre 139 to 220 lb/acre
Purple blotch boscalid (Endura) 70 WG 6.8 oz/acre 4.8 oz/acre 7 0.5 Do not make more than 2 sequential
applications or more than 6 applications per

fenamidone (Reason) 500 SC 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 7 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor
disease development, and continue on 5- to
10-day interval. Do not apply more than 22 fl
oz per growing season. Alternate with fungi-
cide from different resistance group.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 7 0.5 Make no more than 2 sequential applications
20 WG and no more than 6 applications per season.

pyraclostrobin + boscalid 10.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4 to 7 oz/acre 7 1 Make no more than 6 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38WG
pyrimethanil (Scala) 5 F 9 or 18 fl oz/acre 0.35 or 0.7 lb/acre 7 0.5 Use lower rate in a tank mix with broad
spectrum fungicide and higher rate when
applied alone. Do not apply more than 54 fl
oz per crop.
Smut mancozeb 80W 4 3 lb/29,000 ft row 3 lb/29,000 ft row

maneb 80W 4 3 lb/29,000 ft row 3 lb/29,000 ft row Use in 75 to 125 gal water as a furrow drench
at planting on 18-in. rows.
Stemphylium leaf pyraclostrobin + boscalid 10.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4 to 7 oz/acre 7 1 Make no more than 6 applications per season.
blight (Pristine) 38 WG
White rot (Sclerotium) dicloran (Botran) 75 W 5.3 lb/acre 4 lb/acre 14 0.5 Apply 5-in. band over seed row and incorporate
in top 1.5 to 3 in. of soil, 1 to 2 weeks before
dichloropropene (Telone) 5 Rate is based on soil type; see label for in-row
C-17 10.8 to 17.1 gal/acre 107 to 169 lb/acre rates.
C-35 13 to 20.5 gal/acre 139 to 220 lb/acre
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin See label Spray into open furrow at time of seeding or
M) 70 WP planting in row.
vinclozolin (Ronilan) 50 DF See label 18 0.5 Three treatments minimum.

Page 190 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical Controls
Leaf blast (Botrytis) No Remove infected leaves and encourage air movement.
ONION (green) Purple blotch No
Downy mildew Yes Copper spray at first appearance. Remove and destroy severely infected plants, rotate and destroy residue.
Fusarium basal rot No Solarize soil two weeks prior to planting.
Leaf blast (Botrytis) No Remove infected leaves and encourage ventilation.
Neck rot No Sulfur
Purple blotch (Alternaria) No Good curing practices. Spray with sulfur, solarize soil two weeks prior to planting and long rotations.
Downy mildew Yes Copper spray at first appearance. Remove and destroy severely infected plants, rotate and destroy residue.
ONION (dry)
Pythium damping-off No Use raised beds to dry soil surface.
Powdery mildew Yes Spray with sulfur at first appearance of disease.
Pink root Yes Drench roots with fish emulsion to supply nitrogen.
White rot (Sclerotium) No Solarization
Smut Solarize soil two weeks prior to planting.

D. LANGSTON, Extension Plant Pathology, University of Ga., and G. J. HOLMES, Extension Plant Pathology, N.C. State University
Information in this table was derived from ratings given at the IR-4 Bulb Vegetable Crop Workshop held during the 1999 American Phytopathological Society annual meeting in
Montreal, Canada. Ratings for products do not necessarily indicate a labeled use. Always follow all directions on the pesticide label.

( = ineffective; +++++ = very effective; ? = unknown efficacy)

(Pseudomones viridiflava)

(Sclerotium cepivorum)
Blight and Stalk Rot
Fusarium Basal Rot
Botrytis Leaf Blight

(Urocystis colchici)

(Pantoea ananatis)
(Aspergillus niger)
Preharvest Interval

Botrytis Neck Rot

(Phoma terrestris)

Stemphylium Leaf
Fungicide Group 1

(Alternaria porri)
Bacterial Streak

(F. oxysporum)
(Pythium spp.)
(B. squamosa)

Downy Mildew
(P. destructor)

Purple Blotch

Onion Smut
Black Mold

Center Rot

Pink Root

White Rot
(B. allii)

Fungicide or Fumigant
azoxystrobin (Quadris) 11 7 ? +++ +++++ ? ++++ ++++ ?
chlorothalonil (Bravo, Echo,
M 14 +++ ++ +++ ++
cyprodinil + fludioxonil (Switch) 9 + 12 7 ++++ ? +++ +++
dichloropropene + chloropicrin,
+ ++ ++V ++
fumigant (Telone C-17)
dimethomorph (Forum) 15 0 ++
fixed copper 2 M 1 ++C ++ ++ ++C ++
fosetyl-Al (Aliette) 33 7 +++
iprodione (Rovral) 2 7 +++++ + +++++ +++ +++
mancozeb + maneb (Dithane,
M+M 7 ++ +++ +++++ +++ ++
Manzate, Manex, Penncozeb)
mancozeb + copper
M+M 7 ++ ++ +++ +++ ++ +++ ++
mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold EC) 4 7 +++ +++R
mefenoxam + chlorothalonil
4+M 14 +++ + +++R +++ ++
(Ridomil Gold Bravo)
mefenoxam + copper (Ridomil
4+M 7 ++C + +++R ++C
mefenoxam + mancozeb
4+M 7 ++ + +++R +++ +++ ++
(Ridomil Gold MZ)
metam sodium, fumigant
+++ ++ +++++ ++
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 11 7 ? +++ +++++ ? ++++ ++++ ?
pyraclostrobin + boscalid
11 + 7 7 ? ++++ ++ ++++ ? +++++ +++++ ?
pyrimethanil (Scala) 9 7 ? +++ ? +++ +++

1 Key to Fungicide Groups: 1: methyl benzimidazole carbamates; 2: dicarboxamides; 3: demethylation inhibitors; 4: phenylamides; 7: carboxamides, 9: anilonopyrimidines;
11: quinone outside inhibitors; 12: phenylpyrroles; 15: cinnamic acids; 22: benzamides; 33: phosphonates; M: multi-site activity

2 Fixed coppers include: Basicop, Champ, Champion, Citcop, Copper-Count-N, Kocide, Nu-Cop, Super Cu, Tenn-Cop, Top Cop with Sulfur, and Tri-basic copper sulfate.
C When used in combination with mancozeb or maneb.
V Variable levels of control.
R Pathogen resistance (insensitivity) may be present at some locations.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 191
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
PARSLEY Damping-off mefenoxam 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 0.5 Apply preplant incorporated or surface
(Pythium) (Ridomil Gold) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt/trt acre application at planting.
(Ultra Flourish) 2 EC 2 to 4 pt/trt acre

metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 2 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2 Banded over the row, preplant incorporated, or
injected with liquid fertilizer.
Downy mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 12.3 to 15.4 fl oz/acre .2 to .25 fl oz/acre 0 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications
Quadris) 2.08 F before alternating with fungicides that have a
different mode of action. Apply no more than
2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
fosetyl-Al (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 5 lb/acre 1.6 to 4 lb/acre 3 0.5 Do not mix with surfactants, foliar fertilizers, or
products containing copper.
Leaf spots azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 fl oz/acre 7 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications
Quadris) 2.08 F before alternating with fungicides that have a
different mode of action. Apply no more than
2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
fixed copper 6 See label See label 0 0 Spray at first disease appearance, 7- to 10-day


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical controls
PARSLEY Leaf spots No Copper spray at first appearance.


Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
PARSNIP Leaf spots azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 fl oz/acre 7 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications
Quadris) 2.08 F before alternating with fungicides that have a
different mode of action. Apply no more than
2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
fixed copper 6 See label See label 0 0 Spray at first disease appearance, 7- to 10-day
intervals. Bravo: four sprays maximum.
Rhizoctonia root pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 20 EG 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Do not make more than 2 sequential
canker applications before alternating to a non-group
11 fungicide.
azoxystrobin (Amistar, 9.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 15 to .25 fl oz/acre 0 4 hr Make no more than one application before
Quadris) 2.08 F alternating with a fungicide with a different
mode of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per
crop per acre per season.
chlorothalonil 7 (Bravo Ultrex) 1.4 to 1.8 lb/acre 1.1 to 1.5 lb/acre 10 2
82.5 WDG


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical controls
Leaf spot No Copper spray at first appearance.
Root canker Rotate crop land.
PARSNIP Sclerotinia Rotate crop land.
Botrytis neck rot Increase aeration.
Alternaria Increase aeration.

Page 192 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
PEA (English) Anthracnose, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.10 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 hr Do not make more that two sequential
Ascochyta leaf spot, Quadris) 2.08 F applications.
and blight
Powdery mildew sulfur 5 See label 2 to 4 lb/100 gal 0 1 Spray at first appearance, 10- to 14-day
intervals. Do not use sulfur on wet plants or on
hot days (in excess of 90oF).
Pythium damping-off mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 0.5 to 1 pt/trt acre 0.25 to 0.5 lb/trt acre 2 Incorporate in soil. See label for row rates.
4 EC
Rhizoctonia root rot azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.0006 to 0.13 4 hr Make in-furrow or banded applications shortly
Quadris) 2.08 F sq ft lb/1,000 sq ft after plant emergence.

Rust (Uromyces) azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 fl oz/acre 0.10 lb/acre 0 4 hr Do not make more that two sequential
Quadris) 2.08 F applications.
PEA (Southern) Downy mildew, chlorothalonil 7 (Bravo Ultrex) 1.4 to 2 pt/acre 1.1 to 1.5 lb/acre 14 2 Spray early bloom; repeat at 7- to 10-day
Cercospora, 82.5 WDG intervals; for dry beans only.
anthracnose, rust
Powdery mildew sulfur 5 See label 2 to 4 lb/100 gal 0 1 Spray at first appearance, 7- to 10-day
Pythium damping-off mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 0.25 to 0.5 lb/trt acre 0.5 Incorporate in soil. See label for row rates.
4 SL
Rhizoctonia root rot azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl oz/1,000 0.006 to 0.013 4 hr Make in-furrow or banded applications shortly
Quadris) 2.08 F row feet lb/1,000 sq ft after plant emergence.


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical controls
Pythium Damping-off Use raised beds to dry soil surface.
PEA (English)
Powdery mildew No Spray with sulfur at first appearance of disease.


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical controls Non-chemical controls
Pythium Damping-off No Use raised beds to dry soil surface.
Copper spray at first appearance. Remove and destroy severely infected plants, rotate
Downy mildew Yes
and destroy residue.
PEA (Southern)
Cercospora No
Anthracnose No Spray with copper or bordeaux mix. Do not handle when leaves are wet.
Powdery mildew Spray with sulfur at first appearance of disease.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 193
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
PEPPER Aphid-transmitted JMS Stylet-Oil 3 qt/100 gal water 0 Dry Spray weekly when winged aphids first appear.
viruses: PVY, TEV, Use in 50 to
WMV, CMV 200 gal per acre
depending on plant
Anthracnose fruit rot azoxystrobin 0.1 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 hr Begin when disease threatens. Do not exceed 14.4 lb
(Amistar) 2 to 5 oz/acre a.i. per acre per season.
(Quadris) flowable 2.08F 6.2 oz/acre A new disease complex, Anthracnose green fruit rot,
may require initiation of applications at fruit set.
Make no more than two sequential applications
and no more than four applications per crop year.
Consider Amistar, Quadris, and Cabrio as the same
chemistry for resistance management.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 0 4 hr
EG 20%
Bacterial and other sodium hypochlorite (Clorox 1 gal/1,000 gal Use in dump-tank water or as a spray. Monitor
postharvest rots 5.25%) (53 ppm sodium chlorine concentration and dump-tank water pH.
hypochlorite) There may be specific regulations as to disposal of
used dump-tank water. Foliar applications of a copper
fungicide 1 to 3 days before harvest and immediately
after first harvest may reduce bacterial soft rot.
Bacterial spot (field) copper 0 Make first application 7 to 10 days after transplanting.
(Kocide) 101 or DF 2.5 lb/acre 2 Carefully examine field for disease to determine
(Copper-Count) N 3 qt/acre 2 need for additional applications. If disease is present,
(Kocide) 606 2 qt/acre 2 make additional applications at 5- to 10-day intervals.
(Champ Flowable) 2 qt/acre 2 Applying maneb with copper significantly enhances
or bacterial spot control.
basic copper sulfate 3 lb/acre 1

PLUS 7 1 Do not exceed 14.4 lb a.i. of maneb per acre per

maneb season.
4F 2.5 pt/acre 1.25 lb/acre
80WP 1.5 lb/acre 1.2 lb/acre
maneb 75DF 1.5 lb/acre 1.1 lb/acre
Bacterial spot (plant streptomycin sulfate 1 lb/100 gal 1 Spray at first disease appearance and continue at
bed) (Agri-Mycin 17, Streptrol) 5-day intervals until transplanting into field.NOTE:
Some pathogen strains are resistant to streptomycin
sulfate and tolerant of copper.
Copper-Count N or copper 2.5 qt/100 gal 2

Bacterial spot (seed) sodium hypochlorite (Clorox 1 pt + 4 pt water See table for Sanitizing Greenhouses and Plant Beds.
Blossom-end rot calcium nitrate 4 lb/100 gal water Spray at first appearance.

calcium chloride 4 lb/100 gal water Spray at first appearance.

Cercospora leaf spot maneb 7 1
80WP 1.5 to 3 lb/acre
maneb 4L 1.2 to 1.6 qt/acre
Pythium (damping-off) propamocarb hydrochloride 1.2 pt/acre 5 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor disease,
(Previcur Flex) before infection.
Pythium damping-off soil treatment before
(plant bed) seeding
Phytophthora foliar mefenoxam + copper 2.5 lb/acre 7 2 If this spray is used, start in place of the second
blight hydroxide (Ridomil Gold/ supplemental soil application.
OR See bacterial spot Copper and maneb are solely protectant.
copper + maneb (see section
formulations recom-mended
for bacterial spot)
famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 to 10 oz/acre 4 to 5 oz/acre See 4 hr Make no more than 1 application before alternating
(Tanos) 50% DF label with a fungicide with a different mode of action, such
as maneb or copper.
Phytophthora, Pythium mefenoxam Must be applied to soil before plants are infected.
damping-off (field) (Ridomil Gold) 4 EC or SL 1 pt/trt acre Can be applied at planting time in 20 to 50 gal water
(Ultra Flourish) 2 EC 1 qt/trt acre per acre. Apply in a 12 to 16 in. band. Mechanical
incorporation or 0.5 to 1 in. irrigation water is needed
for movement into root zone if rain is not expected.
After initial application, two supplemental applications
(1 pt per treated acre) can be applied. NOTE: Strains of
Phytophthora capsici insenstitive to Ridomil Gold have
been detected in some North Carolina pepper fields.
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 7 2 Preplant (soil incorporated), at planting (in water or
liquid fertilizer), or as a basil-directed spray after
Also see Phtophthora Blight of Peppers and Curcurbits, http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/pp/notes/Vegetable/Vdin027/Vdin027.htm.

Page 194 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
PEPPER Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl 0.1 to 0.25 lb/acre 0 4 hr Do not apply more than 2 sequential applications and
(continued) Quadris) flowable 2.08F oz/acre no more than 4 per crop year.

sulfur see label see label 0 1 Apply at first appearance and repeat at 14-day
intervals as needed.
Southern blight fluoxastrobin (Evito) 480 SC 3.8 to 5.7 fl oz/ 0.12 to 0.18 lb/acre 4 hr See label for details.
(Sclerotium rolfsii) acre
PCNB (Terraclor) Apply only at planting time. Use 1/2 pt per plant, or
75 WP 3 lb/100 gal if applied as in-furrow spray to open V trench see
4F 4.5 pt/100 gal label for specific rates and instructions. This material
is a protective fungicide and must be placed into
the soil.

F.J. LOUWS and K.L. IVORS, Exention Plant Pathology, NC State University; and D. LANGSTON, Extension Plant Pathology, University of Georgia

++++ Excellent; +++ Good; ++ Fair; + Poor; - Not effective; ? Not known; -- Not applicable


Phytophthora blight (fruit and foliage)

Phytophthora blight (root and crown)
Anthracnose (immature fruit rot)

Pythium damping off

Southern blight
Pesticide Fungicide group1 Preharvest interval (Days) Bacterial spot


azoxystrobin (Amistar / Quadris) 11 1 +++ - - - - -

femaxadone + cymoxanil (Tanos) 11 + 27 3 + - - + - -

pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 11 0 ++++ - - - - -

dimethomorph (Acrobat, Forum) 15 4 - - - + - -

fixed copper2 M 0 + +++R,3 - ++ - -

maneb (Manex, Maneb) M 5 + - - - - -

mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold EC, Ultra Flourish) 4 0 - - ++++R NA ++++ -

mefenoxam + copper (Ridomil Gold /Copper) 4+M 14 + ++R NA ++++R - -

PCNB (Terrachlor) 14 NA - - - - - +++

Propamocarb (Previcur Flex) 28 5 - - - - - -

streptomycin sulfate4 (Agri-mycin, Streptol) U 0 - +++R - - - -

sulfur M 0 - - - - - -
1 Key to Fungicide groups: 4: phenylamides; 11: quinone outside inhibitors; 14: aromatic hydrocarbons; 15: cinnamic acids; 27: cyanoacetamide-oximes; 28: carbamates; M: multi-site

activity; U: Unknown

2 Fixed coppers include: Basicop, Champ, Champion, Citcop, Kocide, Nu-Cop, Super Cu, Tenn-Cop, Top Cop with sulfur, and Tri-basic copper sulfate.

3 Copper tank-mixed with maneb enhances efficacy to ++++ against bacterial spot.

4 Streptomycin may on be used on transplants; not registered for field use.

R Resistance to this pesticide has been detected in the pathogen population.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 195
K. SEEBOLD, Extension Plant Pathology, University of Kentucky; and F.J. LOUWS, Extension Plant Pathology, NC State University
Key to efficacy ratings based on observations and reports
++++ Excellent; +++ Good; ++ Fair; + Poor; - Not effective; -- Not applicable; V = efficacy variable by region;
L = late planting date is most effective; E = early planting date is most effective.

Aphid-transmitted viruses (PVX, CMV, TEV, AMV, PVY)

Phytophthora blight (fruit and foliage)

Phytophthora blight (root and crown)

Anthracnose (immature fruit)

Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus

Bacterial soft rot of fruit

Pythium damping-off

Root-knot nematode
Blossom-end rot

Southern blight
Bacterial spot
Avoid field operations when foliage is wet +++ - ++++ - ++ + - - - - -
Avoid overhead irrigation ++++ ++ ++++ - ++++ ++++ + - - - -
Change planting date within a season - - ++E - - - +L ++E +E ++E V
Cover cropping with antagonist - - - - - - - +++ - - -
Rotation with non-host (2-3 years) ++++ - - - + + - +++ + - -
Deep plowing ++ - - - - - - + +++ - -
Prompt destruction of crop residue ++ - - - + + - ++ + ++ -
Promote air movement + - ++ - + + - - - - -
Use of soil organic amendments - - - - +V +V +V ++ +V - -
Application of insecticidal/horticultural oils - - - - - - - - - ++ -
pH management (soil) - - - +++ - - - ++ - - -
Plant in well-drained soil / raised beds - - - - - ++++ ++++ - - - -
Eliminate standing water / saturated areas - - - - - +++++ ++++ - - - -
Postharvest temp control (fruit) - ++++ - - - - - - - - -
Use of reflective mulch - - - - - - - - - +++ ++++
Reduce mechanical injury - - - - - - - - - - -
Rogue diseased plants / fruit - - - - ++ ++ - - - - -
Soil solarization - - - - - - - ++ - - -
Use of pathogen-free planting stock +++ - +++++ - - - - - - - -
Use of resistant cultivars - - ++++ +++ +++ +++ - ++++ - - ++++
Weed management + - - + + - ++ - ++ +

Page 196 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
POTATO, Irish Black and silver scurf azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.125 to 0.25 0.006 to 0.012 0.16 4 hr Apply in furrow at planting according to label
Amistar) 0.8 F oz/1,000 sq ft lb/1,000 sq ft directions.

Fusarium seedpiece azoxystrobin + mefenoxam 0.82 fl oz/1,000 ft 0.01 lb/1,000 ft 0 Apply as an in-furrow spray in 3 to 5 gal of water per
decay, Rhizoctonia stem 2.08 F + 4 F of row of row acre at planting. Not for Fusarium or Scab.
canker, Streptomyces
common scab
fludioxonil If possible, cut seed pieces, wound-heal for 2 to 3
(Maxim) 0.5 lb/100 lb seed days at 55o to 65o F at high relative humidity, then
(Maxim) 4FS 0.08 to 0.16 oz/100 0.5 treat (dust or dip) with fungicide prior to planting. If
lb seed cut seedpieces are not wound-healed, dust or dip
(Maxim) MZ 0.5 lb/100 lb seed 1 with fungicides and allow to dry in a cool place before
planting. Do not use treated seedpieces for feed or
mancozeb 0.02 lb/gal water
(Dithane Rainshield NT) DF 1.25 lb/50 gal
(Dithane F-45 Rainshield) water
4F 1 qt/50 gal water
(Dithane M-45) 80 WP
1.25 lb/50 gal
(Manex II) 4F water
(Manzate) 75 DF or 80 WP 1 qt/50 gal water
1.25 lb/50 gal
(Penncozeb) 75 DF or water
80 WP 1.25 lb/50 gal
maneb (Manex) 4F 0.8 qt/10 gal water 0.02 lb/gal water
thiophanate-methyl + 0.75 lb/100 lb seed
mancozeb (Tops MZ)
thiophanate-methyl + 0.75 lb/100 lb seed
mancozeb + cymoxanil
Early blight, white mold iprodione (Rovral) 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 14 1 For white mold control, apply at first sign of disease
50 WP 1 to 2 lb/acre or immediately before row closure. If conditions
4F 1 to 2 pt/acre favor disease development, apply again 14 to 28
days later. For early blight, make a maximum of four
applications, beginning when disease first appears
and then on 10- to 14-day intervals or as required.
boscalid (Endura) 2.5 to 10 oz/acre 0.11 to 0.44 lb/acre 30 0.5 For control of Sclertotinia white mold, use 5.5 to 10
oz rate and begin applications prior to row closure or
at the onset of disease. Make a second application
14 days later if conditions continue to favor disease
For early blight control, use 2.5 to 4.5 oz rate.
DO NOT apply more than 20.5 oz of product per acre
per season.
Late blight, white mold fluazinam (Omega) 500 F 5.5 to 8 oz/acre 0.16 to 0.26 14 1 Begin applications when plants are 6 to 8 in. tall
oz/acre or when conditions favor disease development.
Repeat applications at 7- to 10-day intervals. When
white mold pressure is low to moderate, use 5.5 fl
oz. When conditions favor moderate to high white
mold pressure, increase the rate to 8 fl oz. DO NOT
apply more than 3.5 pt per acre during each growing
Early blight, late blight azoxystrobin (Quadris) 6.2 to 15.4 oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 lb/acre 14 4 hr Alternate with protectant fungicide (chlorothalonil or
2.08 F mancozeb). DO NOT apply more than 1.88 lb per
acre per season.
(Amistar) 0.8 F 2 to 5 oz/acre 0.1 to 0.25 lb/acre 0.16 4 hr Check label for rates and application schedules. Also
manages black dot and powdery mildew. DO NOT
apply more than 1.88 lb per acre per season.
chlorothalonil 7 *Bravo S is not labeled for control of Botrytis vine rot.
(Bravo Ultrex) 82.5 WDG 0.7 to 1.4 lb/acre 0.6 to 1.2 lb/acre 2
(Bravo Weather Stik) 6F 0.75 to 1.5 pt/acre 0.6 to 1.2 lb/acre 2
(Bravo Weather Stik Zn) 0.75 to 1.5 pt/acre 0.5 to 1.1 lb/acre 2
(Bravo 500) 1.2 to 2.4 pt/acre 0.6 to 1.2 lb/acre 2
(Bravo S)* 2.5 to 4.25 pt/acre 2
(Bravo Zn) 1.25 to 2.25 0.6 to 1.125 lb/acre 2
pt/acre 0.6 to 1.1 lb/acre
(Equus) 720 0.75 to 1.5 pt/acre 0.6 to 1.1 lb/acre 0.5
(Equus) DF 0.7 to 1.36 lb/acre 0.5
copper hydroxide (Champ 0.6 to 2.6 pt/acre 0 1 Apply at 7- to 10-day intervals. Use higher rates when
2) disease pressure is high.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 197
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
POTATO, Irish Early blight, late blight copper hydroxide (Kocide) 1
(continued) (continued) DF 1 to 4 lb/acre 0.6 to 2.5 lb/acre
4.5 LF 0.6 to 2.6 pt/acre 0.3 to 1 lb/acre
101 1 to 4 lb/acre 0.8 to 3 lb/acre
2000 0.75 to 3 lb/acre 0.4 to 1.6 lb/acre
copper hydroxide + 1.5 to 5 lb/acre 14 1
manzate (ManKocide)
copper salts of fatty and 3 pt/acre 0 0.5
rosin acids (Tenn-Cop) 5E
copper sulfate (Basicop) 3 to 6 lb/acre 1.6 to 3.2 lb/acre 1
cyazofamid (Ranman) 1.4 to 2.75 fl 0.036 to 0.071 7 0.5 Late blight only. Do not apply more than 10 sprays
400 SC oz/acre lb/acre per crop. Make no more than 3 consecutive
applications followed by 3 applications from a
different resistance management group.
cymoxanil (Curzate) 60 DF 3.2 oz/acre 0.1 lb/acre 14 1 Use Curzate or Acrobat in combination with a
protectant fungicide (chlorothalonil, mancozeb,
metiram, or triphenyltin hydroxide). NO NOT exceed
more than 32 oz per acre per season.
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 4 to 6.4 oz/acre 2 to 3.2 oz/acre 4 0.5 Apply on a 5- to 10-day schedule depending on
Forum) 50 WP disease pressure. Check label for rotational crop
guidelines. Use in combination with a protectant
fungicide. DO NOT tank mix with metalaxyl or
dimethomorph (9%) + 2.25 lb/acre 14 1 Apply on a 5- to 10-day schedule depending on
mancozeb (60%) (Acrobat disease pressure. DO NOT make more than five
50 MZ) applications per season.
famoxadone + cymoxanil 6 to 8 oz/acre 3 to 4 oz/acre 14 1 Begin applications when conditions favor disease
(Tanos) development or when disease is present in area.
Should be tank mixed with a protectant fungicide
(chlorothalonil or mancozeb). DO NOT apply more
than 48 oz per acre per season.
fenamidone (Reason) 5.5 to 8.2 fl oz/acre 0.178 to 0.267 14 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor disease
500 SC lb/acre development, and continue on 5- to 10-day interval.
Do not apply more than 24.6 fl oz per growing
season. Alternate with fungicide from different
resistance management group.
mancozeb 14 1 Apply when conditions favor disease but before
(Dithane DF Rainshield NT) 0.5 to 2 lb/acre 0.4 to 1.5 lb/acre symptoms appear. Continue applications on a 5- to
(Dithane F-45 Rainshield 10-day schedule depending on disease pressure.
4F) 0.4 to 1.6 qt/acre 0.4 to 1.6 lb/acre Under high disease pressure, shorten spray interval
(Dithane M-45) 80 WP and use maximum rate. Fungicides should be used
(Manex II 4F) 0.5 to 2 lb/acre 0.4 to 1.6 lb/acre as part of an integrated pest management program.
(Manzate) 75 DF 0.8 to 1.6 qt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 lb/acre
(Manzate) 80 WP 1 to 2 lb/acre 0.7 to 1.5 lb/acre
(Penncozeb) 75WP 1 to 2 lb/acre 0.8 to 1.6 lb/acre
0.5 to 2 lb/acre 0.375 to 1.5 lb/acre
(Penncozeb) 80DF 0.4 to 1.6 lb/acre
0.5 to 2 lb/acre
maneb (Manex) 4F 0.8 to 1.6 qt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 lb/acre 14 1
mefenoxam+chlorothalo 2 lb/acre 14 2 Do not exceed more than three to four foliar
nil(Ridomil Gold/Bravo, applications. See label for more details.
Flouronil) 76.5 WP
mefenoxam+ copper 2 lb/acre 14 2
hydroxide (Ridomil Gold/
mefenoxam+ mancozeb 2.5 lb/acre 14 2
(Ridomil Gold MZ)
metiram (Polyram) 80 DF 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.2 to 1.6 lb/acre 14 1
propamocarb (Previcur 0.7 to 1.2 pt/acre 0.5 to 0.9 lb/acre 14 0.5 Do not apply more than 6 pt per growing season.
Flex) 6 F Use lower rates when conditions favor disease
but disease is not present. Increase rate as risk of
disease development increases.
pyraclostrobin (Headline) 6 to 12 oz/acre 1.4 to 2.8 oz/acre 3 1 DO NOT exceed more than six foliar applications or
2.08 F 72 total oz of product per acre per season. For early
blight, use 6- to 9-oz rate; for late blight, use 6- to
12-oz rate, depending on weather conditions and
disease pressure.
pyrimethanil (Scala) 5 F 7 fl oz/acre 0.27 lb/acre 7 0.5 Early blight only. Use only in a tank mix with another
early blight fungicide. Do not apply more than 35 fl
oz per crop.
trifloxystrobin (Gem) 6 to 8 oz/acre 1.5 to 2 oz/acre 7 0.5 Begin applications preventively and continue as
needed on a 7- to 10-day schedule. Alternate every
other application with a protectant fungicide. DO NOT
apply more than 48 oz per acre per season.
triphenyltin hydroxide 2.5 to 3.75 oz/acre 0.2 to 0.3 lb/acre 21 1 Add to 3 to 15 gal of water depending on method
(Super Tin) 80 WP of application. Do not exceed more than 15 oz of
product per acre per season.

Page 198 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
POTATO, Irish Early blight, late blight zoxamide + mancozeb 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.13 to 1.5 lb/acre 14 2
(continued) (continued) (Gavel) 75DF
Fusarium tuber rot thiabendazole (Mertect- 0.2 oz/100 lb seed Mist whole, unwashed tubers with fungicide solution
340F) to ensure proper coverage. Tubers may be treated
again after storage and before shipping if needed.
Do not apply to cut seed- pieces. Some isolates of
Fusarium are resistant to Mertect.
Late blight cyazofamid (Ranman) 1.4 to 2.75 fl 0.036 to 0.071 7 0.5 Late blight only. Do not apply more than 10 sprays
400 SC oz/acre lb/acre per crop. Make no more than 3 consecutive
applications followed by 3 applilcaitons of fungicides
from a different resistance management group.
Pink rot, Pythium leak, azoxystrobin + mefenoxam 0.82 fl oz/1,000 fl 0.01 lb/1,000 ft 0 Apply as an in-furrow spray in 3 to 15 gal of water per
tuber rot (Quadris Ridomil Gold) 2.08 of row of row acre at planting.
mefenoxam+chlorothalonil 2 lb/acre 14 2 Apply at flowering and then continue on a 14-day
(Ridomil Gold/Bravo, interval. Do not exceed more than four applications
Flouronil) 76.5 WP per crop.
mefenoxam + copper 2 lb/acre 14 2
hydroxide (Ridomil Gold/
mefenoxam + mancozeb 2.5 lb/acre 14 2
(Ridomil Gold MZ)
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 7 2 Preplant incorporated or soil surface spray
Powdery mildew chlorothalonil + sulfur 4.3 pt/acre 7 2 Apply when disease first appears; then repeat as
(Bravo S) needed. Check label for application intervals. Avoid
applying sulfur on days over 90oF.
sulfur (Microthiol Disperss) 5 lb/acre 4 lb/acre 0 2
80 MWS


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical Controls
Seed piece decay No Use fir bark to keep cut surface dry.
Spray with copper or bordeaux mix and keep plants actively growing.
Early blight Yes
There are a few resistance cultivars.
Spray with copper or bordeaux mix and keep plants actively growing.
Late blight Tolerant varieties
There are a few resistance cultivars.
Verticillium wilt Tolerant varieties Resistant cultivars and solarize soil before planting, use 3 year rotation.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 199
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
PUMPKIN, Angular leaf spot fixed copper6 See label 0 0 Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
WINTER Bacterial fruit blotch fixed copper6 See label 0 0 Start applications at first bloom; ineffective once
SQUASH fruit reaches full size. Repeated use may cause leaf
Bacterial wilt See Insect Control section for Cucumber Beetles.
Belly (fruit) rot, azoxystrobin (Amistar, See label See label 1 4 hr Make banded application to soil surface or in-furrow
Rhizoctonia Quadris) 2.08 F application just before seed are covered.

chlorothalonil (Bravo 8.25 pt/acre 4.4 pt/acre 2 Apply in sufficient water to obtain runoff to soil surface.
Weather Stik) 6 F Make single application when vines begin to run.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Apply in sufficient water to obtain runoff to soil surface.
M) 70 WP
Damping-off (Pythium) mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Preplant incorporated (broadcast or band); soil spray
4 SL (broadcast or band); or injection (drip irrigation).
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Preplant incorporated or surface application.

propamocarb (Previcur 12.8 fl oz/100 gal 0.6 lb/100 gal 2 0.5 Rates based on rock wool cube saturation in the
Flex) 6 F greenhouse. See label for use in seed beds, drip system,
and soil drench.
Downy mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl oz/acre 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before alternating with
Quadris) 2.08 F a fungicide with a different mode of action. Apply no more
than 2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants
6F have reached full maturity.
cyazofamid (Ranman) 2.1 to 2.75 fl 0.054 to 0.071 0 0.5 Do not apply more than 6 sprays per crop. Make no
400 SC oz/acre lb/acre more than 3 consecutive applications followed by 3
applications of fungicides from a different resistance
management group.
cymoxanil (Curzate ) 60 DF 3.2 oz/acre 1.9 oz/acre 3 0.5 Use only in combination with labeled rate of protectant
fungicide (e.g., mancozeb or chlorothalonil).

dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another fungicide
Forum) 50 WP active against downy mildew. Do not make more than
two sequential applications.

famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 oz/acre 4 oz/acre 3 0.5 Do not make more than one application before
(Tanos) 50WP alternating with a fungicide that has a different mode
of action. Must be tank-mixed with contact fungicide
with a different mode of action.
fenamidone (Reason) 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor disease
500 SC development, and continue on 5- to 10-day interval.
Do not apply more than 22 fl oz per growing season.
Alternate with fungicide from different resistance
management group, and make no more than 4 total
applications of Group 11 fungicides per season.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.

fosetyl-AL (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 5 lb/acre 1.6 to 4 lb/acre 0.5 0.5 Do not tank mix with copper-containing products.
Mixing with surfactants or foliar fertilizers is not
maneb (Maneb) 75 DF 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 0.44 to 0.6 lb/acre 5 1 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 10-day
mefenoxam + chlorothalonil 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.5 lb/acre 7 2 Spray at first appearance and repeat at 14-day
(Ridomil Gold Bravo, intervals. Apply full rate of protectant fungicide
Flouronil) 76.5 WP between applications. Avoid late-season application,
when plants reach full maturity.
propamocarb (Previcur 1.2 pt/acre 0.9 lb/acre 2 0.5 Begin applications before infection; continue on a
Flex) 6 F 7- to 14-day interval. Do not apply more than 6 pt per
growing season. Always tank mix with another downy
mildew product.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Make no more than one application before alternating
20 WG to a fungicide with a different mode of action.

pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 oz/acre 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Make no more than 4 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG

trifloxystrobin (Flint) 50 WDG 4 oz/acre 2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications preventatively and continue as
needed alternating applications of Ridomil Gold Bravo
on a 7- to 14-day interval.

Page 200 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
PUMPKIN, Leaf spots, Alternaria, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before alternating with
WINTER anthracnose Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre a fungicide with a different mode of action. Apply no more
SQUASH (Colletotrichum), than 2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
(continued) Cercospora,
gummy stem blight
(Didymella), target spot
chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants have
6F reached full maturity.
famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 oz/acre 4 oz/acre 3 0.5 Only for Alternaria and anthracnose; do not make
(Tanos) 50WP more than one application before alternating with a
fungicide that has a different mode of action; must
be tank-mixed with contact fungicide with a different
mode of action
fenamidone (Reason) 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor disease
500 SC development, and continue on 5- to 10-day interval.
Do not apply more than 22 fl oz per growing season.
Alternate with fungicide from different resistance
management group, and make no more than 4 total
applications of Group 11 fungicides per season.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.

maneb (Maneb) 75 DF 1.2 to 1.6 lb/acre 0.44 to 0.6 lb/acre 5 1 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 10-day
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 to 16 oz/acre 2.4 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Do not use for gummy stem blight where resistance to
20 WG group 11(QoI) fungicides exists. Make no more than
one application before alternating to a fungicide with a
different mode of action.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Not for target spot. Use highest rate for anthracnose.
(Pristine) 38 WG oz/acre Make no more than 4 applications per season.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 10-day
M) 70 WP intervals.
Phytophthora blight cyazofamid (Ranman) 2.75 lf oz/acre 0.071 lb/acre 0 0.5 Do not apply more than 6 sprays per crop. Make no
400 SC more than 3 consecutive applications followed by 3
applications of fungicides from a different resistance
management group.
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another fungicide
Forum) 50WP active against Phytophthora blight. Make no more
than two sequential applications.
Plectosporium blight pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 to 16 oz/acre 2.4 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Make no more than 1 application before alternating to
20WG a fungicide with a different mode of action.

Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before alternating with
Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre a fungicide with a different mode of action. Apply no more
than 2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants
6F have reached full maturity.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
myclobutanil (Nova) 40 WP 2.5 to 5 oz/acre 1 to 2 oz/acre 0 1 Apply no more than 1.5 lb per acre per crop. Observe
a 30-day plant-back interval.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 to 16 oz/acre 2.4 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Make no more than one application before alternating
20 WG to a fungicide with a different mode of action.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Make no more than 4 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG oz/acre
sulfur 5 See label 0 1 Do not use when temperature is over 90F or on
sulfur-sensitive varieties.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 10-day
M) 70 WP intervals.
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 50 1.5 to 2 oz/acre 0.75 to 1 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications preventatively and continue as
WDG needed on 7- to 14-day intervals. Do not apply
more than one application before alternating with a
nonstrobilurin fungicide.
triflumizole (Procure) 50 WS 4 to 8 oz/acre 2 to 4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications at vining or first sign of disease,
and repeat at 7- to 10-day intervals.
Pythium damping-off mefenoxam 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2 Preplant incorporate in top 2 in. of soil or apply in
and fruit rot (Ridomil Gold) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 7-in. band to soil surface.
(Ultraflourish) 2 EC 2 to 4 pt/trt acre
Scab chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants
6F have reached full maturity.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 201
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
RADISH Phytophthora basal See BROCCOLI
stem rot, Pythium
White rust azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl oz 0.1 to .25 fl oz 7 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications before
Quadris) 2.08 F alternating with fungicides that have a different mode
of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per crop per
acre per season.
mefenoxam + copper 2 lb/acre 7 1 Spray leaves. Use with preplant Ridomil 2E soil
hydroxide (Ridomil Gold/ application. Make two to four applications if needed
Copper) on 14-day intervals.

See ONION, green

See ONION, dry


S. R. KOENNING, Plant Pathology

TABLE 3-50. SOYBEAN SEEDLING DISEASE CONTROL Seed Treatments and In-Furrow Fungicides
Disease Fungicide and Formulation Amount of Formulation
DAMPING-OFF, SEED DECAY captan + PCNB + thiabendazole (Rival) 4 oz/cwt

thiram + carboxin
(Vitavax-200) 4 oz/cwt
(RTU-Vitavax-Thiram) 6.8 oz/cwt
DAMPING-OFF COMPLEX, PHYTOPHTHORA OR mefenoxam + udioxonil (Apron Maxx RTA) 5 oz/cwt
metalaxyl + PCNB + carboxin (Prevail) 4 oz/bu
(Ridomil Gold) EC 1.13 to 2.25 oz/acre in-furrow
(Ridomil Gold) GR 0.15 to 0.6 oz/100-ft row
PHYTOPHTHORA OR PYTHIUM DAMPING-OFF, mefenoxam (Apron) XL LS 0.16 to 0.64 oz/cwt


Nematodes Nematicide and Formulation Amount of Formulation 1 Precautions and Remarks

ROOT-KNOT, COLUMBIA LANCE dichloropropene (Telone II) 3 gal/acre Apply 1 week prior to planting. Inject at least 10 in. deep. Do not use in dry, wet,
or cold soils.

STING, COLUMBIA LANCE aldicarb 2 (Temik) 15 G 10 lb/acre Apply in a 7-in. wide band in front of the press wheel.

Rates based on 36-in. row spacing. Rates given are those found to give most economic performance.
Aldicarb is not to be used within 300 ft of a well used for drinking water in certain soil types. See label for details.

TABLE 3-52. SOYBEAN FOLIAR DISEASE CONTROL Frogeye Leaf Spot and Target Spot
Rate Per Acre
Disease Status Fungicide Formulated Remarks
Highly azoxystrobin (Quadris) 6.2 to 15.4 oz Apply fungicide at R1-R3 and make a second application 14 to 21 days later. if disease pressure is high Do not
Susceptible apply after R5 (small bean) or within 21 days of harvest. Higher rates provide longer residual activity and may
Variety reduce the need for a second application.
pyraclostrobin (Headline) 6 to 12 oz Apply fungicide at R1-R3 and make a second application 14 to 21 days later if disease pressure is high. Do not
apply after R5 (small bean) or within 21 days of harvest. Higher rates provide longer residual activity and may
reduce the need for a second application.
chlorothalonil (various brands) 1.5 to 2.4 pints Apply fungicide at R1-R3 and make a second application 7 to 14 days later if disease pressure is high. Do not
apply within 42 days of harvest.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin M 0.5 to 1 lb Apply fungicide at R1-R3 and make a second application 14 to 21 days later if disease pressure is high. Do not
70WP) apply after R5 (small bean). Higher rates provide longer residual activity and may reduce the need for a second
application. Thiophanate-methyl is not labeled for Asiatic soybean rust.

Further Information
Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/pp/notes/Soybean/soy003/soy003.htm
Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust. http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/SoyRust/index.htm

Page 202 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Fungicide type and Rate Per Acre
FRAC Code Fungicide Formulated Remarks
Strobilurins (11) azoxystrobin (Quadris) 6.2 to 15.4 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative spray and 14 to 21 days later if rust is expected. Do not apply after R5 or
within 21 days of harvest. Make no more than two applications to soybean per season.
pyraclostrobin (Headline) 6 to 12 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative spray and 14 to 21 days later if rust is expected. Do not apply after R5 or
within 21 days of harvest. Make no more than two applications to soybean per season.
Triazoles (3) cyproconazole (Alto)1 2.75 to 4 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 14 to 21 days later if rust is expected. Use higher
rates if rust is present in eld. Do not apply after R6 or within 21 days of harvest. Make no more than two
applications of cyproconazole to soybean per season. Corn or wheat may be planted within 180 days of
last application; do not plant other crops within 360 days of last application.
usilazole (Punch)1 3 to 4 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 14 to 21 days later if rust is expected. Use higher
rates if rust is present in eld. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest. Make no more than two applications
of usilazole to soybean per season. Plant-back restrictions for all crops except soybean is 30 days after
last application.
utriafol (Topguard)1 7 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 14 to 21 days later if rust is expected. Do not apply
within 21 days of harvest. Make no more than two applications of utriafol to soybean per season. Plant-
back restrictions for all crops except soybean is 120 days after last application.
metconazole (Caramba)1 8.2 to 9.6 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 14 to 21 days later if rust is expected. Use higher
rates if rust is present in eld. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest. Make no more than two applications
of metconazole to soybean per season. Root crops and leafy vegetables may be planted within 120 days of
application; crops other than soybean may be planted within 12 months of last application.
myclobutanil (Laredo EC/EW) 4 to 8 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 10 to 14 days later if rust is expected. Use higher
rates if rust is present in eld. Do not apply after R6 or within 30 days of harvest. Make no more than two
applications of myclobutanil to soybean per season. Most vegetable crops can be planted immediately after
soybean harvest, but observe a 30-day plant-back restriction with some other crops.
propiconazole (Tilt, Propimax, 4 to 8 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 14 to 21 days later if rust is expected. Use higher
Bumper) rates if rust is present in eld. Do not apply after R5 or within 21 days of harvest. Make no more than two
applications of propiconazole-containing materials to soybean per season.
tebuconazole (Folicur, Orius, 3 to 4 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 14 to 21 days later if rust is expected. Use higher
Uppercut) 1 rates if rust is present in eld. Do not apply after R5 or within 21 days of harvest. Make no more than two
applications of tebuconazole to soybean per season. Peanuts and grasses grown for seed have no plant-
back restriction; all other crops have a 120-day plant-back restriction.
tetraconazole (Domark) 4 to 6 oz Apply at R1-R5 as a preventative or curative spray if rust is expected. A second application of another
fungicide may be required if disease pressure is high. Use higher rates if rust is present in eld. Do not
apply after R5 or within 22 days of harvest. Make no more than two applications of tetraconazole per
season. Crops other than soybean or sugar beets cannot be planted within 120 days of last harvest.
Combinations of azoxystrobin + cyproconazole 4 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 14 to 21 days later if rust is expected. Do not
Strobilurins and (Quaris Xtra)1 apply after R6 or within 30 days of harvest. Make no more than two applications of materials containing
Triazoles (3,11) azoxystrobin or cyproconazole per year. Make no more than two applications of cyproconazole to soybean
per season. Corn or wheat may be planted within 180 days of last application; do not plant other crops with
360 days of last application.
azoxystrobin + propiconazole 5.5 to 10 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 14 to 21 days later if disease pressure is high. Do
(Quilt) 1 not apply after R6 or within 21 days of harvest. Use higher rates if rust is present in eld. Make no more
than two applications of materials containing azoxystrobin or propiconazole per year.
pyraclostrobin + metconazole 9.6 to 11.9 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 14 to 21 days later if rust is expected. Use higher
(Headline Caramba)1 rates if rust is present in eld. Use only nonionic surfactants if adjuvants are needed. Do not apply within
30 days of harvest. Make no more than two applications of pyraclostrobin or metconazole to soybean per
season. Root crops and leafy vegetables may be planted within 120 days of last application; crops other
than soybean may be planted within 12 months of last application.
pyraclostrobin + tebuconazole 7.8 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 14 to 21 days later if disease pressure is high. Do
(Headline SBR) 1 not apply after R5 or within 21 days of harvest. Make no more than two applications of materials containing
pyraclostrobin or tebuconazole per year.
triozystrobin + propiconazole 10 oz Apply at R1-R3 as a preventative or curative spray and 14 to 21 days later if disease pressure is high. Do
(Stratego) 1 not apply after R5 or within 21 days of harvest. Make no more than two applications of materials containing
propiconazole per year.
Nitrile (M4) chlorothalonil (various brands) 1.5 to 2.4 pints Apply fungicide at R1-R3 and make a second application 7 to 14 days later. Do not apply within 42 days of
These are products registered under a Section 18 emergency registration. Regardless of their use status on other crops they are restricted use pesticides under this registration. No
more than three applications of Section 18 materials in a season is permitted.

Further Information
Soybean Rust. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/pp/notes/Soybean/soy008/soy008.htm
USDA soybean rust information site, http://www.usda.gov/soybeanrust/
Soybean Rust Forecast. North American Plant Disease Forecast Center, http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/pp/soybeanrust/
Using Foliar Fungicides to Manage Soybean Rust. http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/SoyRust/index.htm
Soybean Disease Information Notes are available on the Web at http://www.ces.edu/depts/pp/notes/Soybean/soybean_contents.html.
Soybean Seed and Seedling Diseases. Soybean Disease Information Note No. 2.
Management of Soybean Cyst Nematode. Soybean Disease Information Note No. 1.
Management of Columbia Lance Nematode on Soybean. Soybean Disease Information Note No. 4.
Copies of these publications are available from your county Cooperative Extension center.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Chapter VIDisease
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
SPINACH Damping-off (Pythium) metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Banded over the row, preplant incorporated, or
injected with liquid fertilizer.

Damping-off (Pythium), mefenoxam 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 21 2 Apply at seeding or transplanting in 20 to 50 gal
white rust (Ridomil Gold) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt/trt acre water. Use proportionally less for band rates. For
(Ultra Flourish) 2 EC 2 to 4 pt/trt acre white rust, make second application by shanking
in 1/4 pt per acre after 40 to 50 days and after first
and second cuttings. Do not use postemergence if
preplant application was not made or if white rust
is established. The risk of the white rust fungus
developing resistance is high.
Downy mildew, white acibenzolar-S-methyl 0.75 oz/acre 0.37 oz/acre 7 0.5 Do not apply to young seedlings or plants stressed
rust (Actigard) 50 WG due to drought, excessive moisture, cold weather, or
herbicide injury.
azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl 0.1 to .25 fl oz/acre 7 4 hr Use lower rate for rust. Make no more than two
Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre sequential applications before alternating with
fungicides that have a different mode of action. Apply
no more than 2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
fosetyl-Al (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 5 lb/acre 1.6 to 4 lb/acre 3 0.5 Do not mix with surfactants, foliar fertilizers, or
products containing copper.
mefenoxam + copper 2.5 lb/acre 21 2 Spray to foliage. Use with preplant Ridomil Gold EC
hydroxide (Ridomil Gold/ soil application.
Downy mildew, white metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Banded over the row, preplant incorporated, or
rust (continued) injected with liquid fertilizer.

1 pt/trt acre 0.125 lb/acre 21 2 Shank in 21 days after planting; no more than 2
shanked applications on 21-day interval.
Leaf spot azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl 0.1 to 0.25 fl 7 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications before
Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre oz/acre alternating with fungicides that have a different mode
of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per crop per
acre per season.
fixed copper 6 3 to 4 pt/acre 0 0 Spray as needed.

Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 12.3 to 15.4 fl 0.2 to 0.25 fl 0 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications before
Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre oz/acre alternating with fungicides that have a different mode
of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per crop per
acre per season.
sulfur 5 See label 2 to 4 lb/acre 0 1 Do not use when temperature is over 90F or on
sulfur-sensitive varieties.


Commodity Disease Resistant Varieties Non-chemical Controls
Pythium damping-off No Use raised beds to dry soil surface.
White rust Yes
Copper spray at first appearance. Remove and destroy severely infected plants, rotate
SPINACH Downy mildew No
and destroy residue.
Powdery mildew No Spray with sulfur at first appearance of disease.
Leaf spots No Copper spray at first appearance.

Page 204 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days

Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
SQUASH, Angular leaf spot fixed copper6 See label 0 0 Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.

Bacterial fruit blotch fixed copper6 See label 0 0 Start applications at first bloom; ineffective once
fruit reaches full size. Repeated use may cause leaf
Bacterial wiltBelly (fruit) See Insect Control section for Cucumber Beetles.
rot, Rhizoctonia azoxystrobin (Amistar, See label See label 1 4 hr Make banded application to soil surface or in-furrow
Quadris) 2.08 F application just before seed are covered.
chlorothalonil (Bravo 8.25 pt/acre 4.4 pt /acre 2 Apply in sufficient water to obtain runoff to soil
Weather Stik) 6 F surface. Make single application when vines begin
to run.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Apply in sufficient water to obtain runoff to soil
M) 70 WP surface.
Cottony leak (Pythium) metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2 Soil surface application in 7-in. band.
Damping-off (Pythium) mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2 Preplant incorporated (broadcast or band; soil spray
4 SL (broadcast or band; or injection (drip irrigation).
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2 Preplant incorporated or surface application.
propamocarb (Previcur 12.8 fl oz/100 gal 0.6 lb/100 gal 2 0.5 Rates based on rock wool cube saturation in the
Flex) 6 F water greenhouse. See label for use in seed beds, drip
system, and soil drench.
Downy mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before alternating
Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre with a fungicide with a different mode of action. Apply
no more than 2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants
6F have reached full maturity.
cyazofamid (Ranman) 2.1 to 2.75 fl 0.054 to 0.071 0 0.5 Do not apply more than 6 sprays per crop. Make no
400 SC oz/acre lb/acre more than 3 consecutive applications followed by 3
applications of fungicides from a different resistance
management group.
cymoxanil (Curzate ) 60 DF 3.2 oz/acre 1.9 oz/acre 3 0.5 Use only in combination with labeled rate
of protectant fungicide (e.g., mancozeb or
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another fungicide
Forum) 50 WP active against downy mildew. Do not make more than
two sequential applications.
famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 oz/acre 4 oz/acre 3 0.5 Do not make more than one application before
(Tanos) 50WP alternating with a fungicide that has a different mode
of action. Must be tank-mixed with contact fungicide
with a different mode of action.
fenamidone (Reason) 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor disease
500 SC development, and continue on 5- to 10-day interval.
Do not apply more than 22 fl oz per growing season.
Alternate with fungicide from different resistance
management group, and make no more than 4 total
applications of Group 11 fungicides per season.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
fosetyl-AL (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 5 lb/acre 1.6 to 4 lb/acre 0.5 0.5 Do not tank mix with copper-containing products.
Mixing with surfactants or foliar fertilizers is not
mancozeb 4 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.6 to 2.4 lb/acre 5 1 Apply no more than 24 lb per acre per season.
maneb (Maneb) 75 DF 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 0.44 to .6 lb/acre 5 1 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 10-day
mefenoxam+chlorothalonil 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.5 lb/acre 7 2 Spray at first appearance and repeat at 14-day
(Ridomil Gold Bravo, intervals. Apply full rate of protectant fungicide
Flouronil) 76.5 WP between applications. Avoid late-season application,
when plants reach full maturity.
propamocarb (Previcur 1.2 pt/acre 0.9 lb/acre 2 0.5 Begin applications before infection; continue on a
Flex) 6 F 7- to 14-day interval. Do not apply more than 6 pt per
growing season. Always tank mix with another downy
mildew product.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz 1.6 to 2.4 oz 0 0.5 Do not make more than one application before
20WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode of
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 oz 4.8 to 7 oz 0 1 Make no more than 4 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 205
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
SQUASH, Downy mildew trifloxystrobin (Flint) 50 4 oz/acre 2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications preventatively and continue as
Summer (continued) WDG needed alternating applications of Ridomil Gold
(continued) Bravo on a 7- to 14-day interval. Do not apply
more than one application before alternating with a
nonstrobilurin fungicide.
zoxamide + mancozeb 1.5 to 2 lb 1.13 to 1.5 lb 5 2 Begin applications when plants are in 2-leaf stage,
(Gavel) 75 DF and repeat at 7- to 10-day intervals.

Leaf spots, Alternaria, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl 0.18 to .25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before alternating
anthracnose Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre with a fungicide with a different mode of action. Apply
(Colletotrichum), no more than 2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
gummy stem blight
(Didymella), target spot

chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
Weather Stik) 6 F intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants
have reached full maturity.
famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 oz/acre 4 oz/acre 3 0.5 Only for Alternaria and anthracnose. Do not make
(Tanos) 50WP more than one application before alternating with a
fungicide that has a different mode of action. Must
be tank-mixed with contact fungicide with a different
mode of action.
fenamidone (Reason) 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor disease
500 SC development, and continue on 5- to 10-day interval.
Do not apply more than 22 fl oz per growing season.
Alternate with fungicide from different resistance
management group, and make no more than 4 total
applications of Group 11 fungicides per season.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
maneb (Maneb) 75 DF 1.2 to 1.6 lb/acre 0.44 to .6 lb/acre 5 1 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 10-day
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 to 16 oz/acre 2.4 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Do not use for gummy stem blight where resistance
20 WG to group 11(QoI) fungicides exists. Do not make more
than one application before alternating to a fungicide
with a different mode of action.
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Not for target spot. Use highest rate for anthracnose.
(Pristine) 38 WG oz/acre Make no more than 4 applications per season.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 10-day
M) 70 WP intervals.
zoxamide + mancozeb 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.13 to 1.5 lb/acre 5 2 Begin applications when plants are in 2-leaf stage,
(Gavel) 75 DF and repeat at 7- to 10-day intervals.
Phytophthora blight cyazofamid (Ranman) 2.75 fl oz/acre 0.071 lb/acre 0 0.5 Do not apply more than 6 sprays per crop. Make no
400 SC more than 3 consecutive applications followed by 3
applications of fungicides from a different resistance
management group.
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another fungicide
Forum) 50 WP active against Phythophthora blight. Do not make
more than two sequential applications.
Plectosporium blight pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 to 16 oz/acre 2.4 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Do not make more than one application before
20 WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode of

Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl 0.18 to .25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before alternating
Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre with a fungicide with a different mode of action. Apply
no more than 2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants
6F have reached full maturity.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
myclobutanil (Nova) 40 WP 2.5 to 5 oz/acre 1 to 2 oz/acre 0 1 Apply no more than 1.5 lb per acre per crop. Observe
a 30-day plant-back interval.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 to 16 oz/acre 2.4 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Do not make more than one application before
20WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode of
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Make no more than 4 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG oz/acre
sulfur 5 See label 0 1 Do not use when temperature is over 90F or on
sulfur-sensitive varieties.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 10-day
M) 70 WP intervals.
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 50 1.5 to 2 oz/acre 0.75 to 1 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications preventatively and continue as
WDG needed on a 7- to 14-day interval.
triflumizole (Procure) 50 WS 4 to 8 oz/acre 2 to 4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications at vining or first sign of disease,
and repeat at 7- to 14-day intervals.

Page 206 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
SQUASH, Pythium damping-off, mefenoxam 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 0.5 Preplant incorporate in top 2 in. of soil or apply in
Summer fruit rot (Ridomil Gold) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 7-in. band to soil surface.
(continued) (Ultraflourish) 2 EC 2 to 4 pt/trt acre

Scab chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
WeatherStick, Echo, intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants
Equus) 6 F have reached full maturity.




Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
SWEETPOTATO Bedding root decay: thiabendazole (Mertect 107 oz/100 gal 4 lb/100 gal Dip seed roots 1 to 2 minutes and plant immediately;
scurf, black rot, foot rot, 340-F) not for sclerotial blight.
sclerotial blight
dicloran (Botran) 75 W 13.3 lb/100 gal 10 lb/100 gal Can be used as a seed root dip or as a plantbed

Circular spot, Southern azoxystrobin (Amistar, 0.4 to 0.8 fl 0.006 to 0.013 lb 4 hr Make in-furrow or banded applications shortly after
blight, Rhizoctonia stem Quadris) 2.08 F oz/1,000 row feet transplanting.
canker, Pythium root rot

Damping-off (Pythium) mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 2 Incorporate in soil. See label for row rate.
4 SL

metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 7 2 Preplant incorporated or soil surface spray.

Postharvest sanitation calcium hypochlorite 65% 3 to 10 oz/100 gal 150 to 500 ppm Dip or spray 2 to 5 minutes. Monitor chlorine
concentration and add chlorine or change solution
as needed.
Postharvest Rhizopus dicloran (Botran) 75 W 1 lb/100 gal 0.75 lb/100 gal Spray or dip. Dip for 5 to 10 seconds in well-agitated
soft rot suspension. Add 1/2 lb Clortran to 100 gal of treating
suspension after 500 bu treated. Do not rinse.

Streptomyces soil rot dichloropropene (Telone) 5 Rate is based on soil type; see label for in-row rates.
(pox)1 C-17 10.8 to 17.1 107 to 169 lb/acre
C-35 13 to 20.5 gal/acre 139 to 220 lb/acre

chloropicrin 1.8 gal/acre

White rust azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl 0.1 to 0.25 fl 7 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications before
Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre oz/acre alternating with fungicides that have a different mode
of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per crop per
acre per season.
fenamidone (Reason) 5.5 to 8.2 fl oz/acre 0.178 to 0.267 14 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor disease
500 SC lb/acre development, and continue on 5- to 10-day interval.
Do not apply more than 16.4 fl oz per growing
season. Alternate with fungicide from different
resistance management group.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 207
G. J. HOLMES, Plant Pathology

Follow manufacturers label in all cases. Scurf and rot-producing organ- must be airtight and moistened thoroughly with water one or two days
isms may survive over summer on crates and the walls and floors of the in advance of treatment. Fumigation should never be done by one per-
storage house, then infect the new crop. Usually, cleaning the house and son. Great care should be taken to ensure that nobody is in the room
surroundings thoroughly by sweeping and rinsing with water to remove during treatment. Start treating in rear and move toward the exit. After
all rotted sweetpotatoes, dirt, and other trash is adequate to avoid con- treatment, ventilate the area thoroughly for at least one day or until all
tamination from carry-over sources. Most rot problems in storage are traces of the fumigant are gone. Do not fumigate facilities that are near
caused by storing sweetpotatoes injured in the field or in harvesting, inhabited areas. Check local regulations. Read label carefully.
or by improper ventilation and temperature control. The treated room


Material Rate per 1,000 Cubic Feet of Space Methods and Remarks
chloropicrin 96.5% (Chlor-O-Pic 100) 1 to 1.5 lb Use higher rate if absorbent material is present.
heat 140oF 4 to 8 hr/day for 7 days See remarks under sanitizing greenhouses. The storage house, ventilation system, and equipment must
OR be very clean and moist. Caution: rot-causing organisms inside a drain will probably not be exposed to a
180oF for 30 min lethal temperature.


Key to efficacy ratings based on observations and reports
++++ Excellent; +++ Good; ++ Fair; + Poor; - Not effective; ? Not known; Not applicable
G. J. HOLMES, Plant Pathology Extension, NC State University
Root-knot & Reniform nematodes)

Sweepotato Feathery Mottle Virus

Fusarium root rot & stem canker

(Meloidogyne & Rotylenchus)

(F. oxysporum f. sp. batatas)

Sclerotial blight/circular spot

Bacterial stem & root rot

Fusarium sufrace rot

(E. chrysanthemi)

Rhizopus soft rot

(F. oxysporum)

(D. gossypina)

(M. infuscans)
Java black rot
(P. destruens)

(R. stolonifer)
Fusarium wilt
(C. fimbriata)

(S. ipomoea)
Soil rot/Pox
(F. solani)

(S. rolfsii)
Black rot

Foot rot*


Aldicarb (Temik) (N) ++++

Chlorine (B) +++ +++ + + - + + +

Chloropicrin (N,F) + + ++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ +++

Dicloran (Botran 75W) (F) - ? ++ + +++ + ++ -

Ethoprop (Mocap) (N) - +

Metame sodium (Vapam) (N) + + ++ + ++ +++

Oxamyl (Vydate) (N) - ++

Telone II (N) - + + + ++++

Thiabendazole (Mertect 340-F) (F) - ++ +++ + + ++ - ++ + -

* Rare disease in NC

Page 208 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Key to efficacy ratings based on observations and reports
++++ Excellent; +++ Good; ++ Fair; + Poor; - Not effective; ? Not known; Not applicable
G. J. HOLMES, Plant Pathology Extension, NC State University

Root-knot & Reniform nematodes)

Sweepotato Feathery Mottle Virus

Fusarium root rot & stem canker

(Meloidogyne & Rotylenchus)

(F. oxysporum f. sp. Batatas)

Sclerotial blight/circular spot

Bacterial stem & root rot

Fusarium sufrace rot**

(E. chrysanthemi)

Rhizopus soft rot

(F. oxysporum)

(D. gossypina)

(M. infuscans)
Java black rot
(P. destruens)

(R. stolonifer)
Fusarium wilt
(C. fimbriata)

(S. ipomoea)
Soil rot/Pox
(F. solani)

(S. rolfsii)
Black rot

Foot rot*

Crop rotation (3-4 years) + ++ + ++ + +++ ++ +++ ++ + +++ +
Disease-free planting stock ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ + ++++ ++++ ++ + ++++ ++++ ++++
Resistant cultivars +++ + + + + ++++ ++ ++ +++ + + ++++ +++
Careful handling to reduce mechanical injury + +++ ++ ++++ ++ +++
Cutting plants (in beds) above soil line ? ++++ ++++ +++ - +++ +++ ++++ +++
Soil sample for nematode analysis ++++
Sanitation (equipment, fields, storage houses) +++ +++ ++ + + +++ - + + +++
Manage insects that transmit pathogens -
Sulfur added to soil to reduce pH +++
Prompt curing and proper storage conditions +++ +++ - ++ ++++ +++ +++ -
Site selection (drainage) + - ++ ++ ++ ? - ++ -
Manage insects that cause feeding injuries to roots + + + -

* Rare disease in NC
** Avoid harvesting when soils are wet


Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
TOMATO Bacterial canker, sodium hypochlorite (Clorox 1 qt + 4 qt water same 0 0 Wash seed for 40 min in solution with continuous
(transplants) Bacterial spot, Bacterial 5.25%) agitation; air dry promptly. Use 1 gal of solution per
speck 1 lb seed.

streptomycin sulfate 1 lb/100 gal 0 0 Begin application at first true leaf stage, repeat
(Agri-Mycin) 17 WP, weekly until transplanting. For plant bed use only.
(Streptrol) 21.3%
Bacterial spot, Bacterial bacteriophage (AgriPhage) 3 to 8 oz/9,600 0 0 Works best if applied during or after last watering of
speck sq ft the day.
Early blight, Late blight chlorothalonil 0 Apply in sufficient water to obtain good coverage.
(Bravo Ultrex) 82.5 WDG 1.3 to 1.8 lb/acre 1.1 to 1.5 lb/acre 2 Begin spray when seedlings emerge. Repeat every
(Bravo Weather Stik) 6F 1.375 to 2 pt/acre 1 to 1.5 lb/acre 2 5 to 7 days. Use chlorothalonil for plantbeds only; do
(Echo 702) 54% 1.375 to 2 pt/acre 0.75 to 1.1 lb/acre 0.5 not use in the greenhouse.
(Equus 720) 54% 1.35 to 2 pt/acre 0.75 to 1.1 lb/acre 0.5
mancozeb (Dithane DF, 1.35 to 3 lb/acre 1.1 to 2.4 lb/acre 5 1
Manzate) 75 W, 80 W

TOMATO Anthracnose azoxystrobin 0 4 hr Amistar, Quadris, Tanos, and Cabrio are strobulurin
(field) (Amistar) 0.8 F 1.6 to 2 oz/acre 0.08 to 0.10 lb/acre funigicides. Integrate them in a rotation fungicide
0.08 to 0.1 lb/acre program. Make no more than 5 applications of
(Quadris) 2.08 F 5 to 8.2 fl oz/acre strobulurin fungicide per crop year.
famoxadone + cymoxanil 6 to 8 oz/acre 3 to 4 oz/acre 0 4 hr
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 3.2 oz/acre 3 4 hr
20% EG
zinc dimethyldithio- 3 to 4 lb/acre 2.3 to 3 lb/acre 7 2 DO NOT use on cherry tomatoes. Begin applications
carbamate (Ziram) 76 DF at first sign of infection and continue at 7- to 14-day
intervals. DO NOT apply more than 24 lb per acre per
season. Ziram can be mixed with copper to enhance
bacterial disease control.
Blossom end rot calcium chloride 4 lb/100 gal Spray weekly after first appearance of disease or
when second bloom cluster begins to form. Make four
applications. Check soil pH and irrigation schedule.
calcium nitrate 4 lb/100 gal

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 209
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
TOMATO Botrytis (gray mold) boscalid (Endura) 70% 9 to 12.5 oz/acre 6.3 to 8.75 oz/acre 0 0.5 Make no more than 2 sequential applications and no
(field) more than 2 per crop year.
pyrimethanil (Scala) SC 7 fl oz/acre 0.27 lb/acre 1 0.5 Use only in a tank mix with another fungicide
recommended for gray mold. Applications should be
made on 7- to 14-day intervals. Do not apply more
than 35 fl oz per acre per season.
Bacterial speck, acibenzolar-S-methyl 0.33 to 0.75 0.165 to 0.375 14 0 Begin within one week of transplanting, spray at 7- to
Bacterial spot (Actigard) 50 WG oz/acre oz/acre 10-day intervals for up to six applications.
Bacterial speck, fixed copper products See label various 0 2 A fixed copper spray can suppress spot and canker.
Bacterial spot, Bacterial (various formulations) Most speck strains are copper resistant. Spot control
canker benefits with tank mixes of mancozeb + fixed copper,
see above.
Buckeye rot mefenoxam + copper 2 lb/acre 1.3 lb/acre 14 2 Tank mix with 0.8 lb a.i. of either maneb or mancozeb.
hydroxide (Ridomil Gold/
Cristulariella leaf spot, myclobutanil (Nova) 40 W 2.5 to 4 oz/acre 1 to 1.6 oz/acre 1 1 Spray weekly beginning at first sign of disease. Do
Powdery mildew not apply more than 1.25 lb/acre.
Damping-off (Pythium), fosetyl-Al (Aliette) 80 WDG 2.5 to 5 lb/acre 2 to 4 lb/acre 14 Start sprays at 2- to 4-leaf stage or at transplanting
Root and fruit rots on a 7- to 14-day schedule. Do not use in Granville or
(Phytophthora) Johnston counties. Not for Phytophthora fruit rot.
mefenoxam 2 Apply uniformly to soil at time of planting. Incorporate
(Ridomil Gold GR) 20 lb/trt acre 0.5 lb/trt acre 7 mechanically if rainfall is not expected before seeds
(Ridomil Gold) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 28 germinate. A second application may be made up to 4
(Ultra Flourish) 2 EC 1 to 2 qt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/trt acre 28 weeks before harvest. Do not exceed 3pt of Ridomil
Gold EC or 40 lb of Ridomil Gold GR per acre.
Early blight boscalid (Endura) 70% 2.5 to 3.5 oz/acre 1.75 to 2.45 0 0.5 Make no more than 2 sequential applications and no
oz/acre more than 6 per crop year.

Early blight, Late blight, azoxystrobin (Amistar) 0.8 F 1.6 to 2 oz/acre 0.08 to 0.10 lb/acre 1 4 hr Begin applications when conditions favor disease
Septoria leaf spot (Quadris) 0.1 lb/acre development. Do not apply more than once before
8.2 fl oz/acre alternating with fungicides that have a different mode
of action.
fenamidone (Reason) 5.5 to 8.2 fl oz/acre 0.178 to 0.267 fl 14 4 hr Begin applications when conditions favor disease
500 SC oz/acre development, on 5- to 10-day intervals. Do not apply
more than once before alternating with fungicides that
have a different mode of action. Do not apply more
than 24.6 fl oz per acre per season.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 4 hr
20% EG Late blight: 8 to 16
zinc 3 to 4 lb/acre 2.3 to 3 lb/acre 7 2 DO NOT use on cherry tomatoes. Begin applications
dimethyldithiocarbamate at first sign of infection and continue at 7- to 14-day
(Ziram) 76 DF intervals. DO NOT apply more than 24 lb per acre per
season. Ziram can be mixed with copper to enhance
bacterial disease control.
Early blight, Late blight, chlorothalonil Apply in sufficient water to obtain adequate coverage.
Gray leaf spot, Septoria (Bravo Weather Stik) 6 F 1.375 to 2.75 1 to 2.1 lb/acre 0 2 Apply every 5 to 7 days. Use higher rates following
leaf spot, Rhizoctonia pt/acre fruit set.
fruit rot (Bravo Ultrex) 82.5 WDG 1.3 to 2.6 lb/acre 1.1 to 2.2 lb/acre 2 Only chlorothalonil has Rhizoctonia fruit rot on label.
(Echo 720) 54% 1.375 to 3 pt/acre 0.75 to 1.6 lb/acre 0.5
(Equus 720) 54% 1.35 to 2.88 pt/acre 0.75 to 1.6 lb/acre 0.5
mancozeb (Dithane DF, 1.5 to 3 lb/acre 1.1 to 2.4 lb/acre 5 1
Manzate) 75 W, 80 W 4
mancozeb + zoximide 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.13 to 1.5 lb/acre 3 2 See Gavel label for use restrictions and use of
(Gavel) 75 DF surfactant to improve performance.

maneb (Manex) 4 F 1.2 to 2.4 qt/acre 1.2 to 2.4 lb/acre 5 1

mefenoxam+chlorothalonil 2.5 to 3 lb/acre 1.5 to 2.2 lb/acre 14 2 Do not make more than 3 applications of Ridomil
(Ridomil Gold Bravo) Gold/Bravo or Ridomil Gold MZ per crop. Tank mix
Bravo MZ58 with 0.45 lb mancozeb 80W.
mefenoxam + mancozeb 2.5 lb/acre 1.7 lb/acre 5 2 Do not make more than 3 applications of Ridomil
(Ridomil Gold MZ) Gold/Bravo or Ridomil Gold MZ per crop. Tank mix
Bravo MZ58 with 0.45 lb mancozeb 80W.
Early blight, Late blight, famoxadone + cymoxanil 6 to 8 oz/acre 3 to 4 oz/acre 3 4 hr Begin applications when conditions favor disease
Gray leaf spot, Septoria (Tanos) development or when disease is present in area.
leaf spot, Botrytis gray Must be tank mixed with a protectant fungicide
mold, Bacterial speck, (chlorothalonil or mancozeb) appropriate for targeted
Bacterial spot, Bacterial disease(s). DO NOT apply more than 72 oz per acre
canker 6 per season. Tanos does not list Botrytis gray mold or
bacterial canker on label.

Page 210 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
TOMATO (field) Early blight, Late blight, mancozeb See above rates 5 1 Apply specified dosage in adequate water to ensure
(continued) Gray leaf spot, Septoria or thorough coverage of foliage and fruit, but do not
leaf spot, Botrytis gray chlorothalonil 0 2 exceed 175 gal per acre. Initiate applications within
mold, Bacterial speck, + 3 days of transplanting or at first sign of disease and
Bacterial spot, Bacterial copper hydroxide (Kocide) repeat every 5 to 10 days. Use shorter intervals in
canker 6 101 or DF 2 to 4 lb/acre 0 1 mountains and longer intervals in the piedmont and
(continued) or coastal areas.
606 2.7 to 5.3 pt/acre 0 1
or Spray weekly. Chlorothalonil may be combined in the
chlorothalonil See above rates 1 spray tank with EPA-registered pesticide products that
+ claim copper as the active ingredient and are labeled
fixed copper (according to for bacterial diseases of tomatoes. Do not use with
manufacturers Copper-Count N in concentrated spray suspensions.
mancozeb 2.5 to 5 lb/acre 1.5 to 3 lb/acre 5 1 Apply at 7- to 10-day intervals. Do not mix with other
+ fungicide products.
copper hydroxide
(ManKocide) 61 DF 0 1
mancozeb (Dithane DF, 1.5 to 3 lb/acre 1.1 to 2.4 lb/acre 5 1 Apply in 100 to 150 gal water per acre. Begin when
Manzate) 75 W, 80 W seedlings emerge. Repeat every 5 to 10 days.
+ +
fixed copper 6 See label
Late blight cyazofamid (Ranman) 2.1 to 2.75 fl 0.05 to 0.0710 0 0 Alternate sprays with a fungicide with a different
400 SC oz/acre lb/acre mode of action. DO NOT apply more than 6 sprays of
Ranman 400 SC per crop. Must be tank mixed with
an organosilicate surfactant.
cymoxanil (Curzate 60 DF) 3.2 to 5 oz/acre 1.9 to 3.0 oz 3 0.5 For Curzol or Previcur, use only in combination with a
labeled rate of a protectant fungicide.

dimethomorph 4 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another fungicide

(Acrobat) 50 WP 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre with a different mode of action. Follow label
(Forum) 4.18 F 6 oz/acre 2.6 oz/acre restrictions carefully.
propamocarb (Previcur 0.7 to 1.5 pt/acre 0.5 to 1.0 pt/acre 5 0.5 For Curzol or Previcur, use only in combination with a
Flex) 6.0 labeled rate of a protectant fungicide.

Southern blight PCNB (Terraclor) 75 WP variable/100 gal various 0.5 See PEPPER. Apply to transplants or in-furrow.

K.L. IVORS and F.J. LOUWS, Extension Plant Pathology, NC State University; and D. INGRAM, Extension Plant Pathology, MS State University

Key to efficacy ratings based on observations and reports

++++ Excellent; +++ Good; ++ Fair; + Poor; - Not effective; ? Not known; -- Not applicable


Bacterial canker

Bacterial speck

Bacterial spot

Buckeye rot

Early blight

Late blight



Use of resistant cultivars - ++ ++ - - +++ - -

Crop rotation (3-4 years) ++ + + - ++ ++ - ++

Fertility - - - +++ - ++ - -

Use of cover crops - - - - ++ + - -

Destroy crop residue - - - - - + - -

Rogue plants + - - - - - - -

Promote air movement ++ ++ ++ +++ + + ++ ++

Use of disease free seed / treatment ++++ ++++ ++++ - - - - -

Use of plastic mulches - - - - +++ - - -

Do not handle plants when wet ++++ +++ +++ - - + + +

Use of drip irrigation +++ +++ +++ ++ + ++ ++ ++

Biological control + + ++ + - + + -

Application of fungicides ++ + + +++ +++ ++++ ++++ ++++

Fumigation - - - - +++ - - -

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 211
K. IVORS and F. J. LOUWS, Plant Pathology Extension
Relative Control Rating ( = ineffective; +++++ = very effective; ? = activity unknown)

Crystulariella Leaf Spot

Septoria Leaf Spot

Botrytis Graymold
Bacterial Canker

Powdery Mildew
Bacterial Speck

Bacterial Spot

Buckeye Rot

Early Blight

Late Blight
Fungicide Interval
Pesticide Group1 (Days)

azoxystrobin (Amistar, Quadris) 11 1 ? ? +++++ +++ +++++ ++++

femoxadone/cymoxanil (Tanos) 11 + 27 3 + +++ ++++ ? +++

pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 11 0 ? ? +++++ +++ +++++ ++++

bacteriophage (AgriPhage)3 NA 0 ++ ++
acibenzolar-S-methyl (Actigard) 21 14 ? +++ +++

boscalid (Endura) 11 0 +++ ? ++++ ? ?

chlorothalonil2 (Bravo, Equus, Echo) M 0 ++ + ++ ++++ + ++++

cyazofamid (Ranman) 21 0 ++ +++

cymoxanil (Curzate) 27 3 +? ++++ ?

(Tanos, see fexmoadone/cymoxanil 11 + 27 3 + +++ ++++ ? +++


dimethomorph (Acrobat. Forum) 15 4 +++ +++

fenamidone (Reason) 11 14 ++ +++ +++ ? +

fixed copper2, 4 M 0 +++ +++R +++R + ++ +++ + +++

mancozeb2 (Dithane M-45, DF, Manzate M 5 + ++++ +++ +++

200, Penncozeb, Manex II)

mancozeb + fixed copper (ManKocide)8 M+M 5 +++ +++R +++R + +++ +++ + +++

mancozeb + zoxamide (Gavel)8 M + 22 3 + +++ ++ ++

maneb (Manex, Maneb) M 5 + ++++ +++ +++

mefenoxam8 + chlorothalonil2 4+M 14 + +++++ R + +++++R ++

(Ridomil Gold Bravo, Flouronil)

mefenoxam8 + copper2 (Ridomil Gold/ 4+M 14 ++ ++R ++R +++++ R ++ +++++R + ++


mefenoxam8 + mancozeb2 (Ridomil 4+M 5 +++++ R +++ +++++R ++

Gold MZ )

myclobutanil7 (Nova) 3 1 ++++ ++++

propamocarb (Previcur Flex) U 5 + +++

pyrimethalnil (Scala) 9 1 ++ ++ ? ?
2, 5
streptomycin (Agri-Mycin, Streptrol) NA 0 +++ +++ +++

sulfur2, 6 M 0 +++

zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate (Ziram)10 M 7 ++ ? ? ++

Key to Fungicide Groups: 1: methyl benzimidazole carbamates; 2: dicarboxamides; 3: demethylation inhibitors; 4: phenylamides; 7: carboxamides, 9: anilonopyrimidines;
11: quinone outside inhibitors; 12: phenylpyrroles; 15: cinnamic acids; 21: quinone inside inhibitors; 22: benzamides; 27: cyanoacetamide-oximes; 33: phosphonates; M:
multi-site activity; NA: not applicable; U: unknown
Contact control only; not systemic.
Biological control product consisting of a virus that attacks pathogenic bacteria.
Fixed coppers include: Basicop, Champ, Champion, Citcop, Copper-Count-N, Kocide, Nu-Cop, Super Cu, Tenn-Cop, Top Cop with Sulfur, and Tri-basic copper sulfate.
Streptomycin may only be used on transplants; not registered for field use.
Sulfur may be phytotoxic; follow label carefully.
Curative activity; not systemic.
Curative activity; systemic.
Systemic activated resistance.
Do not use on cherry tomatoes.
Resistance to this pesticide has been detected in the pathogen population. In the case of mefenoxam, Phytophthora (late blight) resistant strains predominate.

Page 212 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
K. IVORS and F. J. LOUWS, Plant Pathology Extension

The following schedule is based on research conducted at the Mancozeb, copper, chlorothalonil, cyazofamid, and strobilurin are
Mountain Horticulure Research Station, Fletcher, N.C. Products common names for products sold under various trade names.
and schedules may be different for other regions of North Carolina Actigard and Endura are trade names of products manufactured by
depending upon the disease involved and the amount of disease Syngenta and BASF Corporation, respectively. Refer to labels and
pressure. Table 6-24 for rates to use in volume-based spraying.


Week Chemical Number of Applications of Chemical Per Season
1 mancozeb* + copper + Actigard* mancozeb, 1; Actigard, 1
2 mancozeb* + copper mancozeb, 2
3 strobilurin* + Actigard strobilurin, 1; Actigard, 2

4 mancozeb* + copper mancozeb, 3

5 mancozeb* + copper + Actigard mancozeb, 4; Actigard, 3
6 strobilurin* strobilurin, 2
7 mancozeb* + copper + Actigard mancozeb, 5; Actigard, 4

8 mancozeb* + copper + Endura** mancozeb, 6; Endura, 1

9 cyazofamid*** + strobilurin* cyazofamid, 1; strobilurin, 3
10 chlorothalonil + Endura** chlorothalonil, 1; Endura, 2
11 cyazofamid*** cyazofamid, 2
12 chlorothalonil + strobilurin* chlorothalonil, 2; strobilurin, 4
13 chlorothalonil chlorothalonil, 3
14 chlorothalonil chlorothalonil, 4
15 strobilurin*chlorothalonil strobilurin, 5Finish season with chlorothalonil, 5.
*Total number of applications per season is restricted by label.
** Endura applications are only necessary if conditions are conductive for gray mold (wet and cool shortly before and during harvest).
*** Tank mix cyazofamid with an organosilicone surfactant, following the manufacturers label recommendations.

K. IVORS and F. J. LOUWS, Plant Pathology Extension


Product Amount per 100 gal 1
acibenzolar S-methyl (Actigard) 0.75 oz
boscalid (Endura) 9.0 oz
(Bravo Ultrex, Equus DF) 2.6 lb
(Equus 720) 2.8 pt
(Cuprofix Disperss, others) 4 lb
(Kocide 2000, others) 1.5 to 3 lb
(Kocide 3000) 0.75 to 1.75 lb

cyazofamid (Ranman 400 SC) 2.75 fl oz

mancozeb (Dithane Rainshield NT, Manzate 3 lb
75DF/80WP, Penncozeb)
(Amistar) 2 oz
(Cabrio EG) 8 oz
(Quadris 2.08F) 6.2 fl oz
(Tanos) 8 oz

Assumes a maximum of 100 gal spray per acre.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 213
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days

Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
TURNIP Anthracnose, leaf spots azoxystrobin (Amistar, 6.2 to 15.4 fl 0.1 to 0.25 fl 0 4 hr Use lower rate for rust. Make no more than two
Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre oz/acre sequential applications before alternating with
fungicides that have a different mode of action. Apply
no more than 2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.

Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 12.3 to 15.4 fl 0.2 to 0.25 fl 0 4 hr Make no more than two sequential applications before
Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre oz/acre alternating with fungicides that have a different mode
of action. Apply no more than 2.88 qt per crop per
acre per season.
sulfur (Microthiol Disperss) 3 to 10 lb/acre 0 1
80 MWS

Phytophthora basal See BROCCOLI

stem rot, Pythium


Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
WATERMELON Angular leaf spt fixed copper6 See label 0 0 Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.

Bacterial fruit blotch fixed copper6 See label 0 0 Start applications at first bloom; ineffective once
fruit reaches full size. Repeated use may cause leaf
Bacterial spec, Bacterial bacteriophage (AgriPhage) 1 to 2 pt/100 0 12 hr Woks best if applied in late afternoon or evening with
spot gal/acre 2 lb/acre powdered milk. NEVER apply with copper-
based products.
Bacterial wilt See Insect Control section for Cucumber Beetles.
azoxystrobin (Amistar, See label See label 1 4 hr Make banded application to soil surface or in-furrow
Belly (fruit) rot, Quadris) 2.08 F application just before seed are covered.

chlorothalonil (Bravo 8.25 pt/acre 4.4 pt/acre 2 Apply in sufficient water to obtain runoff to soil
Weather Stik) 6 F surface. Make single application when vines begin
to run.
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Apply in sufficient water to obtain runoff to soil
M) 70 WP surface.
Damping-off (Pythium) mefenoxam (Ridomil Gold) 1 to 2 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Preplant incorporated (broadcast or band); soil spray
4 SL (broadcast or band); or injection (drip irrigation).
metalaxyl (MetaStar) 2 E 4 to 8 pt/trt acre 0.5 to 1 lb/acre 2 Preplant incorporated or surface application.
propamocarb (Previcur 12.8 fl oz/100 gal 0.6 lb/100 gal 2 0.5 Rates based on rock wool cube saturation in the
Flex) 6 F greenhouse. See label for use in seed beds, drip
system, and soil drench.
Leaf spots, Alternaria, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before alternating
anthracnose Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre with a fungicide with a different mode of action. Apply
Colletotrichum), no more than 2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
Cercospora, chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
gummy stem blight Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants
(Didymella), target spot 6F have reached full maturity.
famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 oz/acre 4 oz/acre 3 0.5 Only for Alternaria and anthracnose. Do not make
(Tanos) 50WP more than one application before alternating with a
fungicide that has a different mode of action. Must
be tank-mixed with contact fungicide with a different
mode of action.
fenamidone (Reason) 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor disease
500 SC development, and continue on 5- to 10-day interval.
Do not apply more than 22 fl oz per growing season.
Alternate with fungicide from different resistance
management group, and make no more than 4 total
applications of Group 11 fungicides per season.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
mancozeb 4 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.6 to 2.4 lb/acre 5 1 Apply no more than 24 lb per acre per season.
maneb (Maneb) 75 DF 1.2 to 1.6 lb/acre 0.44 to 0.6 lb/acre 5 1 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 10-day

Page 214 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
WATERMELON Leaf spots, Alternaria, pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 to 16 oz/acre 2.4 to 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Do not use for gummy stem blight where resistance
(Continued) anthracnose 20 WG to group 11(QoI) fungicides exists. Do not make more
Colletotrichum), than one application before alternating to a fungicide
Cercospora, with a different mode of action.
gummy stem blight pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Not for target spot. Use highest rate for anthracnose.
(Didymella), target (Pristine) 38WG oz/acre Make no more than 4 applications per season.
spot (Corynespora)
thiophanate-methyl (Topsin 0.5 lb/acre/acre 0.35 lb/acre 0.5 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 10-day
M) 70 WP intervals.
zoxamide + mancozeb 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.13 to 1.5 lb/acre 5 2 Begin applications when plants are in 2-leaf stage,
Gavel) 75 DF and repeat at 7- to 10-day intervals.
Downy mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before alternating
Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre with a fungicide with a different mode of action. Apply
no more than 2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt/acre 0.8 to 1.6 pt/acre 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants
6F have reached full maturity.
cyazofamid (Ranman) 2.1 to 2.75 fl 0.054 to 0.071 0 0.5 Do not apply more than 6 sprays per crop. Make no
400 CS oz/acre lb/acre more than 3 consecutive applications followed by 3
applications of fungicides from a different resistance
management group.
cymoxanil (Curzate ) 60 DF 3.2 oz/acre 1.9 oz/acre 3 0.5 Use only in combination with labeled rate
of protectant fungicide (e.g., mancozeb or
dimethomorph (Acrobat, 6.4 oz/acre 3.2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another fungicide
Forum) 50 WP active against downy mildew. Do not make more than
two sequential applications.
famoxadone + cymoxanil 8 oz/acre 4 oz/acre 3 0.5 Do not make more than one application before
(Tanos) 50WP alternating with a fungicide that has a different mode
of action. Must be tank-mixed with contact fungicide
with a different mode of action.
fenamidone (Reason) 5.5 fl oz/acre 0.178 lb/acre 14 0.5 Begin applications when conditions favor disease
500 SC development, and continue on 5- to 10-day interval.
Do not apply more than 22 fl oz per growing season.
Alternate with fungicide from different resistance
management group, and make no more than 4 total
applications of Group 11 fungicides per season.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
fosetyl-AL (Aliette) 80 WDG 2 to 5 lb/acre 1.6 to 4 lb/acre 0.5 0.5 Do not tank mix with copper-containing products.
Mixing with surfactants or foliar fertilizers is not
mancozeb 4 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.6 to 2.4 lb/acre 5 1 Apply no more than 24 lb per acre per season.
maneb (Maneb) 75 DF 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 0.44 to 0.6 lb/acre 5 1 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 10-day
mefenoxam+chlorothalonil 2 to 3 lb/acre 1.5 lb/acre 7 2 Spray at first appearance and repeat at 14-day
(Ridomil Gold Bravo, intervals. Apply full rate of protectant fungicide
Flouronil) 76.5 WP between applications. Avoid late-season application,
when plants reach full maturity.
propamocarb (Previcur 1.2 pt/acre 0.9 lb/acre 2 0.5 Begin applications before infection; continue on a
Flex) 6 F 7- to 14-day interval. Do not apply more than 6 pt per
growing season. Always tank mix with another downy
mildew product.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 8 to 12 oz/acre 1.6 to 2.4 oz/acre 0 0.5 Do not make more than one application before
20 WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode of
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 4.8 to 7 oz/acre 0 1 Make no more than 4 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG oz/acre
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 50 4 oz/acre 2 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications preventatively and continue as
WDG needed alternating applications of Ridomil Gold Bravo
on a 7- to 14-day interval.
zoxamide + mancozeb 1.5 to 2 lb/acre 1.13 to 1.5 lb/acre 5 2 Begin applications when plants are in 2-leaf stage,
(Gavel) 75 DF and repeat at 7- to 10-day intervals.
Phytophthora blight cyazofamid (Ranman) 2.75 fl oz/acre 0.071 lb/acre 0 0.5 Do not apply more than 6 sprays per crop. Make no
400 SC more than 3 consecutive applications followed by 3
applications of fungicides from a different resistance
management group.
dimethomorph (Acrobat) 6.4 oz 3.2 oz 0 0.5 Must be applied as a tank mix with another fungicide
50 WP active against Phytophthora blight. Do not make more
than two sequential applications.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 215
Rate of Material to Use Mininimum Days
Commodity Disease Material Formulation Active Ingredient Harv. Reentry Method, Schedule, and Remarks
WATERMELON Powdery mildew azoxystrobin (Amistar, 11 to 15.4 fl 0.18 to 0.25 lb/acre 1 4 hr Make no more than one application before alternating
(Continued) Quadris) 2.08 F oz/acre with a fungicide with a different mode of action. Apply
no more than 2.88 qt per crop per acre per season.
chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt 0.8 to 1.6 pt 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
Weather Stik, Echo, Equus) intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants
6F have reached full maturity.
fixed copper6 See label Repeated use may cause leaf yellowing.
myclobutanil (Nova) 40 WP 2.5 to 5 oz/acre 1 to 2 oz/acre 0 1 Apply no more than 1.5 lb per acre per crop. Observe
a 30-day plant-back interval.
pyraclostrobin (Cabrio) 12 to 16 oz 2.4 to 3.2 oz 0 0.5 Do not make more than one application before
20 WG alternating to a fungicide with a different mode of
pyraclostrobin + boscalid 12.5 to 18.5 oz 4.8 to 7 oz 0 1 Make no more than 4 applications per season.
(Pristine) 38 WG
sulfur 5 See label 0 1 Do not use when temperature is over 90F or on
sulfur-sensitive varieties.
trifloxystrobin (Flint) 50 1.5 to 2 oz/acre 0.75 to 1 oz/acre 0 0.5 Begin applications preventatively and continue as
WDG needed on 7- to 14-day intervals. Do not apply
more than one application before alternating with a
nonstrobilurin fungicide.
triflumizole (Procure) 50 WS 4 to 8 oz 2 to 4 oz 0 0.5 Begin applications at vining or first sign of disease,
and repeat at 7- to 14-day intervals.
Scab chlorothalonil (Bravo 1.5 to 3 pt 0.8 to 1.6 pt 2 Spray at first appearance and then at 7- to 14-day
WeatherStick, Echo, Equus) intervals. Avoid late-season application after plants
6F have reached full maturity.

Resistant cultivars available.
2 Use sanitation, seed treatment.
3 Use crop rotation.
4 Mancozeb products include Dithane DF Rainshield NT Fungicide, Dithane F-45, Dithane M-45, Manex II, Manex 4 F, Manzate 75 DF, Manzate 80 WP, Penncozeb 80 WP, and Penncozeb 75 DF.
5 Sulfur products include Microthiol Disperss 80 MWS, Kumulus, Liquid Sulfur Six, Sulfur DF, and Thiolux.
6 Fixed copper products include Basicop, Champ, Champion, Citcop, COPPER-COUNT-N, Kocide, Nu-Cop, Super Cu, Tenn-Cop, Top Cop with sulfur, and Tri-Basic Copper Sulfate.
7 Chlorothalonil products include Bravo 500, Bravo Ultrex, Bravo Weather Stik, Bravo Weather Stik Zn, Bravo Zn, Bravo S, Echo 75 WDG, Echo 90 DF, Echo 500, Echo 720, Echo Zn, Equus 720,
and Equus DF



Page 216 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
F. J. LOUWS and G. J. HOLMES, Plant Pathology
Crop losses due to nematodes can be avoided or reduced by using the
following management tactics. Your Row Spacing
1. Practice crop rotation. (inches) Conversion Factor
24 1.67
2. Plow out and expose roots immediately after the last harvest.
26 1.54
3. Plow or disk the field two to four times before planting. 28 1.43
4. Use nematode-free planting material. 30 1.33
32 1.25
5. Sample soil and have it assayed for nematodes, preferably in the
34 1.18
fall. There is a fee for each sample. Ship sample via DHL, FedEx,
36 1.11
or UPS to:
38 1.05
Nematode Assay Section 40 1.00
NCDA&CS Agronomic Division 42 0.952
4300 Reedy Creek Road 44 0.909
Raleigh, NC 27607-6465 46 0.870
6. Where warranted, fumigate or use other nematicides according 48 0.833
to guidelines listed on the label. (Soil should be warm, well 5 ft 0.667
worked, and free from undecomposed plant debris and have 6 ft 0.556
adequate moisture for seed germination.) 7 ft 0.476
8 ft 0.417
7. For in-row application, insert chisel 6 to 8 inches deep and
throw a high, wide bed up over it; do not rework rows after
fumigating. For example, if 10 gallons per acre are used on 40-inch rows, for 36-
inch rows, it will take 11.1 gallons to treat an acre.
8. For broadcast treatments, insert chisels 6 to 8 inches deep, and
space chisels 12 inches apart for most fumigants; use 5-inch
spacing for Vapam. CAUTION: Read labels carefully. Some products have restrictive crop
9. Row rates in this section are stated for rows on 40-inch
spacing. For other row spacings, multiply the stated acre rate
by the appropriate conversion factor to determine the amount
of material applied per acre (Do not alter stated amount per
100-foot row). This will be a guide to the amount of material to
purchase for the acreage you want to treat.


CAUTION: At the time this table was prepared, the entries were believed to be useful and accurate. However, labels change rapidly and
errors are possible, so the user must follow all directions on the container of the pesticide. Follow manufacturers label in all cases.


Formulated Rate
Application Method for Formulated Per 100 Sq Ft
Commodity Material Given Soils Rate per Acre Or 100 Ft Row Schedule and Remarks
MOST VEGETABLES dichloropropene (Telone II) Broadcast, mineral soil 9 to 12 gal 2.6 to 3.5 fl oz Fall application usually preferred to spring
Broadcast, peat, or 25 gal 7.4 fl oz application. Wait 3 weeks before planting,
muck soil longer if soil is cold or very wet.

MOST VEGETABLES Vapam HL, Sectagon 42, Metam Broadcast, mineral soil 37.5 to 75 gal 11 to 22 fl oz Fall application is often preferred to spring
(MULTI-PURPOSE CLR application. Wait 3 weeks before planting or
FUMIGANTS) Telone C-17 Broadcast, mineral soil 10.8 to 17.1 gal 3.2 to 5.0 fl oz longer in cold, wet soil, or if odor persists.
Read label for row application use in organic
Broadcast, muck or peat 27.4 to 30.0 gal 8.1 to 8.8 fl oz
soils, chisel depth and spacing, exact rates,
soil soil
and special uses. Metam sodium can also be
Telone C-35 Inline (drip Broadcast, mineral soil 13 to 20.5 gal 3.8 to 6 fl oz used with overhead and drip irrigation. When
application only) Broadcast, muck or 33 to 36 gal 9.6 to 10.6 fl oz used with plastic covers, all products are
peat soil more effective, and lower rates can be used.
Use products with 15% or more chloropicrin
ASPARAGUS, BROCCOLI, methyl bromide 67%chloropicrin Broadcast, mineral soil 270 to 360 lb 0.6 to 0.8 fl oz (Telone C-17, Telone C-35, and Terr-O-Gas)
CANTALOUPE, 33%(Terr-O-Gas 67) for soilborne bacterial diseases.
CAULIFLOWER, EGGPLANT, Methyl bromide may have use restrictions
methyl bromide 98% 215 to 430 lb 0.5 to 1.0 lb
LETTUCE, MUSKMELON, associated with Critical Use Exemptions.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 217
Formulated Rate
Application Method for Formulated Per 100 Sq Ft
Commodity Material Given Soils Rate per Acre Or 100 Ft Row Schedule and Remarks
BEAN (snap and lima) ethoprop (Mocap) various Broadcast or banded See label See label Incorporate 2 to 4 in. deep. See label.
BRUSSELS SPROUT (transp fenamiphos (Nemacur) 15G Row 0.7 to 1.8 oz Apply in 6- to 15-inch band over row, and
lants)CABBAGE(transplants incorporate mechanically or with overhead
and direct seed) irrigation; do not treat more than 50% of total
field area.
CABBAGE ethoprop (Mocap) various Broadcast or banded See label See label Incorporate 3 in. deep.
CARROT oxamyl (Vydate) 2L Preplant broadcast 2 to 4 galin 20 1 to 2 gal in 20 gal Apply (in furrow) within 1 wk of planting, and
gal water water thoroughly incorporate into soil 4- to 6-in.
At planting seed furrow 1 to 2 galin 20 0.3 to 0.6 fl oz in 5.9 deep.
gal water fl oz water
CUCUMBER ethoprop (Mocap G) various Banded only See label See label Incorporate 2 to 4 in. deep. See label.
CUCURBITS (cucumber, oxamyl (Vydate) 2L Preplant broadcast 1 to 2 gal Incorporate 2 to 4 in. into soil.
squash, cantaloupe, Foliar spray 2 to 4 ptUse 0.07 to 0.15 fl oz First application 2 to 4 weeks after planting;
watermelon, honeydew, enough water for repeat 14 to 21 days later. Do not treat within
pumpkin) uniform coverage 1 day of harvest.
of foliage
EGGPLANT fenamiphos (Nemacur) 15G Apply in 12-in. band, 1.3 oz On narrow rows do not let bands overlap.
incorporate, plan
oxamyl (Vydate) 2L Banded on soil 1 gal See label.
Foliar 4 pt Apply twice by ground equipment at 1- to 2-
week intervals 2 to 4 weeks after the second
soil treatments.
GARLIC fenamiphos (Nemacur) 15G 40-in. beds with two 15 to 30 lb 0.9 to 1.8 oz On narrow rows, do not let bands overlap.
(bulb and stem nematode) seed lines
OKRA fenamiphos (Nemacur) 15G At planting incorporate in 1.3 to 1.7 oz On narrow rows do not let bands overlap.
a 12- to 15-in. band on
36-in. rows
PEPPER (bell) oxamyl (Vydate) 2L Transplant water 2 pt in Do not treat within 7 days of harvest.
200 gal water
Drip irrigation 2 to 4 pt in 40 to Use as a supplement to transplant treatment
200 gal water 14 days after transplanting; repeat at 1- to
2-week intervals.
POTATO ethoprop (Mocap) various Broadcast or banded See label See label Incorporate 2 to 4 in. deep. See label.
oxamyl (Vydate) 2L Furrow 1 to 2 gal in 20 Apply to seed furrow at planting; begin
gal water foliar sprays when early season control has
Foliar 2 to 4 pt
SWEETPOTATO aldicarb (Temik) 15 G 40-in. rows 10 to 20 lb 0.4 to 0.7 oz Apply in a 12- to 15-in. band and incorporate
4 to 8 in. deep, plant. Do not harvest within
120 days of treatment. Do not use vines.
ethoprop (Mocap) various Broadcast or banded See label See label Incorporate 2 to 4 in. deep. See label.
oxamyl (Vydate) 2L Preplant broadcast 2 to 3 galin 20 Thoroughly incorporate into soil 4 to 6 in.
gal water deep and plant.
Transplant water 1 to 2 gal in 200
gal water
SWEET CORN ethoprop (Mocap) various Banded only See label See label Incorporate 2 to 4 in. deep. See label.
SWEET CORN, POPCORN terbufos (Counter) 15G Row, 30-in. min. 8 oz/1,000-ft row 0.8 oz Place granules directly in the seed furrow
behind planter shoe. Maximum 8.7 lb/acre.
TOMATO oxamyl (Vydate) 2L Foliar 2 to 4 pt Spray when plants are established. Repeat
1- to 2-week intervals.
Drip irrigation 2 to 8 pt Apply at first irrigation to field. Repeat every
1 to 2 weeks while plants are small. As plants
enlarge, increase dosage progressively to
8 pt.

NOTE: Follow manufacturers label in all cases.

Page 218 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
F. J. LOUWS and K. IVORS, Plant Pathology, NC State University, and D. M. INGRAM, Mississippi State University

Note: Follow manufacturers directions on label in all cases. Most foliar diseases can be reduced or controlled by maintaining
Caution: At the time this table was prepared, the entries were relative humidity under 90 percent, by keeping the air circulating in
believed to be useful and accurate. However, labels change rapidly the house with a large overhead polytube, and by avoiding water on
and errors are possible, so the user must follow all directions on the the leaves.
pesticide container. Caution: The risk of pesticide exposure in the greenhouse is
Information in the following table must be used in the context of high. Use protective clothing laundered daily or after each exposure.
a total disease control program. For example, many diseases are Ventilate during application and use appropriate respirator.
controlled by the use of resistant varieties, crop rotation, sanitation, For preparing small quantities, see Tables 2-7 and 2-8, Chapter II.
seed treatment, and cultural practices. Always use top-quality seed or
plants obtained from reliable sources. Seeds are ordinarily treated by
the seed producer for the control of seed decay and damping-off.

Rate of Minimum Days
Rate of Active
Commodity Disease Material 4 Formulation Ingredient Harvest Reentry Schedule and Remarks
GREENHOUSE Sanitation Solarization 140F, 4 to 8 hr for Close up greenhouse during hottest and sunniest part
7 days of summer for at least 1 week. Greenhouse must reach
at least 140F each day. Remove debris and heat
sensitive materials and keep greenhouse and contents
moist; will not control pests 0.5 in. or deeper in soil; not
effective against TMV.
Added heat 180F for 30 min Remove all debris and heat-sensitive materials. Keep
house and contents warm.
methyl bromide 98% 3 lb/1,000 cu ft Clean out greenhouse, moisten interior, close tightly,
treat for 24 hr at 65F or higher, and ventilate.
SOIL Soilborne diseases Steam, metam 7 to 21 Preplant soil treatment.
sodium, or See table on sanitizing greenhouses and plant beds.
VEGETABLE Root and stem PCNB (Terrachlor) 4 to 8 oz/100 gal 0.5 See label for guidelines to achieve penetration to
BEDDING rot, damping off 75 WP different depths.
PLANTS (in beds (Rhizoctonia solani) 1.5 to 2 lb/43,560
or container mancozeb 80 W sq ft Spray at first appearance of leaf spot or downy mildew.
grown): BEANS Leaf spots Not effective against powdery mildew. Approximate
(excluding equivalencies: 1.5 lb/acre = 6.8 grams/gal; 1.5 lb/acre
cowpeas), = 2.5 tsp/gal.
BEAN (dry) 30 1
KALE 10 1
ONION 2 to 3 lb/43,560 7 1
sq ft
CUCUMBER Sclerotiorum, Botran 75W 1.3 lb/43,560 sq ft 14 1 Apply when disease first appears to diseased areas
Southern stem of plants.
blight, sclerotinia,
white mold
LETTUCE (leaf) Botrytis Botran 75W 2.6 lb/43,560 sq ft 14 1 Spray 7 days after transplanting and when half mature.
RHUBARB Botrytis Botran 75W 1.3 lb/43,560 sq ft 3 1 Start weekly sprays at bud emergence.
TOMATO, LEAF Pythium, propamocarb 1:1,000 2 0.5 See label instructions for use before and after
LETTUCE, Phytophthora (Previcur Flex) transplanting.
TOMATO 1 Bacterial spot, Steptomycin sulfate 16 oz/100 gal 2.7 oz/100 0 0.5 For transplant production only. Begin applications at the
Seedling and speck, and canker (Agri-mycin) 17 WP gal first true leaf stage. Repeat weekly until transplanting.
Pretransplant Pythium, propamocarb 12.8 fl oz/100 gal 5 0.5 Prepare stock solution and apply 3.4 to 6.8 fl oz per
Phytophthora hydrochloride water cube as a drench to pre-wet cubes. 100 gal will treat
root rot (previcur Flex) 3,800 plants for phythium and 1,900 plants respectively.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 219
Rate of Minimum Days
Rate of Active
Commodity Disease Material 4 Formulation Ingredient Harvest Reentry Schedule and Remarks
TOMATO Anthracnose, Early famoxadone + 6 to 8 oz/acre 3 to 3 oz/acre 3 4 hr Tank mixing Tanos with a contact fungicide appropriate
After blight, Powdery cymoxanil (Tanos) for the targeted disease is required. Do not apply more
transplanting in mildew, Target spot, than 72 oz per crop cycle.
greenhouse Suppression of
Bacterial spot and
Anthracnose, Leaf maneb 5 1 Do not apply more than 21 lb Maneb per acre per crop
mold, Early blight, (Maneb) 75 DF 1.5 to 3 lb/acre 1.1 to 2.25 cycle. Do not apply more than 16.8 qt Manex per acre
Late blight, Septoria lb/acre per crop cycle.
leaf spot, Gray leaf (Maneb) 80 1.5 to 3 lb/acre 1.2 to 2.4
spot lb/acre
(Manex) 4 F 1.2 to 2.4 qt/acre 0.4 to 0.9
Bacterial soft rot, fixed copper products See label various 0 1 Some products are OMRI-approved. See product label
speck, and spot (various formulations for complete application instructions.
Bacterial spot and bacteriophage 1 to 2 pt/acre naturally 0 0.5 Apply preventively 2 to 3 times per week. Can be used
speck (AgriPhage) occurring as a drench in the irrigation water or as a foliar spray.
bacterio- Do not mix AgriPhage with copper-based fungicides.
phage The pH of water should be above 5.

Botrytis (gray mold), pyrimethanil (Scala) 7 fl oz/acre 3.8 fl oz/acre 1 0.5 Use only in a tank mix with suitable fungicide labeled
Early blight SC for these diseases. Ventilate greenhouse for 2 hours
after application as vapors may injure crop. Do not
apply more than 35 fl oz per crop cycle.
Botrytis (gray mold), dicloram (Botran) 1 lb/acre 0.75 lb/acre 10 0.5 Spray stems of plants from the ground to a height of
Sclerotinia stem rot 75W or 75 WSB 18 to 24 in. Do not treat seedlings or new transplants,
as injury may occur. Make no more than 4 applications
per crop cycle.
Powdery mildew sulfur (Microthiol 5 to 10 lb/acre 0 1 Do not apply if temperatures will exceed 90 F for 2
Disperss) days following application or plant injury may occur.
Pythium and propamocarb 12.8 fl oz/100 gal 8.5 oz/100 5 0.5 Prepare stock solution, and apply 3.4 fl oz per cube
Phytophthora hydrochloride water gal water through drop irrigation for first 2 weeks. After first 2
root rot (Previcur Flex) weeks, apply 3.4 to 6.8 fl oz stock solution per cube
through drip irrigation. 100 gal will treat 3,800 plants
in the first 2 weeks and 1,900 plants after the first 2
weeks. Do not make more than 4 applications per crop
etridiazole 6 to 7 oz/acre 2.7 to 3.1 fl 3 0 Mix a o.01% solution (6.5 oz/500 gal water), and apply
(Terramaster oz/acre through drip irrigation no sooner than 3 weeks after
transplanting. Do not apply more than 27.4 oz per acre
per cropping season. Potential phytotoxicity if not mixed
and applied properly. Terramaster is not labeled for
this use in North Carolina.
Target spot and boscalid (Endura) 3/5 oz/acre 2.5 oz/acre 0 0.5 Boscalid is not labeled for this use in North
Botrytis (gray mold) Carolina.
Leaf mold, Powdery Neem oil 1:200 up to 1:100 0 Until spray Apply to just before runoff. OMRI-approved. Toxic to
mildew, Botrytis solution dries bees.
(gray mold
Powdery mildew sulfur (Microthiol 5 to 10 lb/acre 4 to 8 lb/acre 0 1 Do not apply if temperatures will exceed 90F for 3 days
Disperss) following application as plant injury may occur. ORMI-
Pythium, Streptomyces 1 to 2 g/100 sq ft 0.04 to 0.08 0 4 hr OMRI-approved.
Rhizoctonia, griseoviridis of area enough to oz/1,000 sq ft
Phytophthora (Mycostop) water to cover root
suppression zone
Phythium root rot, Trichoderma See Remarks See Remarks 0 0 Suspend in 100 gal water. Apply 50 to 100 gal per 800
Botrytis (gray mold) harzianum (Plant square-foot area as a drench for Pythium. Use 0.5 to 1
Shield) oz per gal water for Botrytis as a foliar spray.
Target spot, Early bacillus subtilis 2 to 6 qt/acre 0.3 to 0.8 0 4 hr Begin applications prior to disease development, and
blight, Bacterial spot (Serenade) qt/acre repeat at 5- to 10-day intervals as needed.
and speck, Powdery
mildew, Botrytis
(gray mold)
Timber rot or White Coniothyrium 0.75 to 1.5 oz/1,000 0.04 to 0.08 0 4 hr OMRI-approved.
mold (Sclerotinia) minitans (Contans sq ft applied to oz/1,000 sq ft
WG) growing medium
Viruses (e.g., ToMV, Milk (skim) Dip hands before handling plants.
TOMATO in Timber rot, White coniothyrium minitans 0.75 to 1.5 oz/1,000 0 4 hr OMRI-approved.
greenhouse after mold (Sclerotinia) (contans WG) sq ft applied to
transplanting growing medium
Viruses (e.g. ToMV, Milk (skim) Dip hands before handling plants.

Page 220 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
DAVID INGRAM, Mississippi State University, and F. J. LOUWS, Plant Pathology Extension, NC State University

KEY: - = ineffective; +++++ = very effective; ? = unknown efficacy

Bacterial Canker (Clavibacter michiganense)

Phytophthora Root Rot (Phytophthora sp.)

Rhizoctonia Root Rot (Rhizoctonia solani)

Septoria Leaf Spot (Septoria lycopersici)

Pythium Root Rot (Pythium myriotylum)
Anthracnose (Colletotricum coccodes)

Bacterial Soft Rot (Erwinia carotovora)

Botrytis Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea)

Target Spot (Corynespora cassicola)

Timber Rot (White Mold) (Sclerotinia

Powdery Mildew (Leveillula taurica)
Early Blight (Alternaria solani)
Preharvest Interval (days)

Leaf Mold (Fulvia fulva)

Fungicide Group 1

acibenzolar-S-methyl (Actigard) P 14 - ++ ++ - - - - - - - - - -
bacteriophage (AgriPhage) NC 0 - + ++ - - - - - - - - - -
Bacillus subtilis (Rhapsody) NC 0 ? ? - + + ? + - - - ? + ?
boscalid (Endura) 7 0 ? - - +++ +++ ? - - - - ? ++++ +++
Coniothyrium minitans (Contans WG) NC 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - +
dicloran (Botran 75 WP) 14 10 - - - ++++ - - - - - - - - ++
famoxadone + cymoxanil (Tanos) 11 + 27 3 +++ ? + ? +++ ++ + - - - ++ ++ ?
fenhexamide (Decree 50 WDG) 17 1 - - - +++++ - - - - - - - - -

fixed copper2 M 0 + +++ ++ + ++ + + - - - + + -

maneb (Maneb, Manex) M 5 ++++ - - + ++++ +++ ? - - - +++ +++ ?
neem oil (Trilogy, Triact 70) NC 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
propamocarb hydrochloride
28 5 - - - - - - - +++ +++ - - - -
(Previcur Flex)
pyrimethanil (Scala) 9 1 - - - +++R - - - - - - - - -
Streptomyces griseoviridis (Mycostop) NC 0 - - - - - - - - ++ ++ - - -
streptomycin sulfate (Agri-Mycin 17)3 18 0 - +++ ++ - - - - - - - - - -
sulfur4 (Microthiol Disperss) M 0 + - - - - - +++ - - - - - -
Trichoderma harzianum (Plant Shield) NC 0 - - - - - - - - + ++ - - -
hydrogen dioxide (Oxidate) NC 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? + + + ? ? ? ?

1 Key to fungicide groups: 9:anilinopyrimidines; 11: quinine outside inhibitors; 14: aromatic hydrocarbons; 17: hydroxyanalides; 25: glucopyranosil antibiotic;
27: cyanoacetamide-oximes; 28: carbamates; M: multi-site; NC: not classified and P: host plant defense induction
2 Fixed coppers include: Basicop, Champ; Champion, Cit-Cop, Copper-Count-N, Kocide, Nu-Cop, Super Cu, Tenn-Cop, Top-Cop with Sulfur, Tri-basic copper sulfate
3 For use on transplants only.
4 Sulfur may be phytotoxic; follow label carefully

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 221
F. J. LOUWS, Plant Pathology

Follow manufacturers label in all cases. The objective of treating field use. Follow general procedures for successful soil fumigation
soil in greenhouses and plant beds is to reduce to acceptable as outlined in commercial literature. Do not overtreat soil. Treated
levels weeds, nematodes, insects, fungi, and bacteria in the soil soils might develop nutrient imbalance and be especially susceptible
that cause damage and disease in plants. This is critical for the to secondary infestation of disease-causing agents. Always follow
successful production of greenhouse crops and healthy plants for directions on the label on the pesticide containers.

CAUTION: Some products or treatments cannot be used for crops.


Rate to Use Relative Effectiveness
Site Material Formulation Application Weeds Nematodes Insects Bacteria Fungi Viruses Use and Remarks
SOILS and dry heat 180 F for 30 min Place small quantities in good good good good good poor All crops, all pests. Long
BEDS oven. waiting period after
Metam sodium 11 to 22 oz/100 sq ft Inject 4 to 6 in. deep, space fair good good fair good poor fumigating in cold soil
(Metam CLR, (37.5 to 75 gal/acre) chisels 6 in. apart. Cover (under 60F).
Sectagon, with plastic 7 to 15 days.
Vapam) Aerate 2 to 4 weeks.
methyl bromide/ 11 to 22 oz/100 sq ft Dilute with sufficient water All transplant crops, all
chloropicrin (37.5 to 75 gal/acre) and sprinkle uniformly to pests. Long waiting period
mixtures penetrate 2 in. into soil. A in cold soils.
450 to 600 lb/acre hose proportioner may be fair good good good good poor Caution: For greenhouse
33:67 used. Cover with plastic 7 use, use black canister
to 15 days. Aerate 2 to 4 gas mask or self-contained
weeks. breathing apparatus.

Inject 4 to 6 in. deep, space

chisels 8 in. apart, cover
with plastic 7 to 15 days.
Aerate 2 to 4 weeks.
300 to 400 lb/acre good good good good good poor
solarization 140 F, 4 to 8 hr/day for Pots, benches, tools, good fair good fair good poor Close greenhouse during
7 days shallow soil, structures hot, sunny days in summer
for at least 1 week.
Greenhouse must reach
140F or higher each
day. Remove debris and
heat-sensitive materials
and keep greenhouse and
contents moist. Will not
control TMV or pests 0.5
in. or deeper in soil.
steam Heat soil from 180 Perforated pipes on or in good good good good good fair All crops, most pests.
to 200 F (30 min) 6 soil, cover with tarp
in. deep
Telone C-17 + 10.3 to 17.1 gal/acre Inject 10 to 12 in. deep with good good fair fair good poor Use higher rates for heavy
herbicide See label for herbicide chisels spaced 12 in. apart. soils. See label for organic
rates Seal the soil by packing, soils.
wetting, or covering with
plastic mulch.
Telone II + 7 to 16 oz/100 sq ft Inject 4 to 6 in. deep, space good good fair poor poor poor Not for greenhouse use.
herbicide (25 to 54 gal/acre) See chisels 12 in. apart. Cover 1
label for herbicide rates week, aerate 3 weeks.
TOOLS, alcohol (grain, Full strength Dip or swab; do not rinse. poor fair poor good good poor Items that are being treated
EQUIP- rubbing, wood) should be clean and moist
MENT, POTS, (70% to 100%) and temperature should be
FLATS above 60F.
deccosol-122 1 gal in 6 gal water Brush, spray, or dip. Do poor poor poor good good poor For picking containers.
(0.21% SOPP) not rinse.

formaldehyde 1 pt/15 gal Dip or swab. poor fair poor good good good
methyl bromide 1.5 to 4 lb/1,000 cu ft Cover items under airtight good good good good good poor Caution: use outside.
plastic. Release fumigant
in dish.
sodium 6 gal/100 gal Dip 1 to 10 seconds, brush, poor poor poor good good good
hypochlorite spray, let drain, do not rinse.
5.25% (Clorox)
solarization 140 F, 4 to 8 hr/ day Place cleaned items on good fair good fair good poor See comments for
for 7 days sunny driveway, cover solarization on previous
tightly with clear plastic. page.
steam heat object 180 F Cover or otherwise seal. good good good good good poor Excellent

Page 222 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
D. W. MONKS, K.M. JENNINGS, and W.E. MITCHEM, Horticultural Science Department


Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
ASPARAGUS Annual broadleaf and some linuron (Lorox DF) 50 2 lb 1 Preemergence application. Plant seed 1.5 in. deep in coarse soils.
(seeded) grass weeds WDG Apply to soil surface. See label for further instruction.

1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 Postemergence application. Apply when ferns are 6 to 18 in.

tall. Make one or two applications, but do not exceed 2 lb active
ingredient total per acre. Do not use surfactant or oil, as injury will
Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.6 to 1 Apply to emerged weeds in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per
foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.7 to 2.7 pt acre before crop emergence as a broadcast or band treatment
application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2.5 to 4 pt over a preformed row. Row should be formed several days ahead
of planting and treating to allow maximum weed emergence. Plant
with a minimum of soil movement for best results. Use a nonionic
surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal
approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Perennial weeds
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt label for rates for specific weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz may require the addition of a surfactant. Adding nonionic
5.5 L surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may
result in reduced weed control.
Annual and perennial clethodim (Select Max) 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to Apply to emerged grasses. Consult the manufacturers label for
grasses only 1 EC 0.125 lb best times to treat specific grasses. For Select Max, add 2 pt
nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray mixture. With sethoxydim,
fluazifop (Fusilade DX) 6 to 16 oz 0.1 to 0.25 add 1 qt crop oil concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast
2 EC may increase the likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures.
With fluazifop, add 1 qt of nonionic surfactant or 1 gal crop oil
concentrate per 100 gal of spray mix.
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1.5 to 2.5 pt 0.3 to 0.5
ASPARAGUS Annual broadleaf and some linuron (Lorox) 50 WDG 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 Apply when ferns are 6 to 18 in. tall. Make one or two applications,
(new crown grass weeds but do not exceed 2 lb active ingredient total per acre. Do not use
plantings) oil or surfactant, as injury will occur.
Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.6 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.7 to 2.7 pt weeds before crop emergence as a broadcast or band treatment
application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2.5 to 4 pt over a preformed row. Row should be formed several days ahead
of planting and treating to allow maxmum weed emergence. Use a
nonionic surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix
or 1 gal approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Perennial weeds
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt label for rates for specific weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz may require the addition of a surfactant. Adding nonionic
5.5 L surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may
result in reduced weed control.
Annual and perennial clethodim (Select Max) 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to Apply to emerged grasses. Consult the manufacturers label for
grasses only 1 EC 0.125 lb best times to treat specific grasses. For Select Max, add 2 pt
nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray mixture. With sethoxydim,
fluazifop (Fusilade DX) 6 to 16 oz 0.1 to 0.25 add 1 qt crop oil concentrate per acre. With fluazifop, add 1 qt
2 EC nonionic surfactant or 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100 gal of
spray mix.

sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1.5 to 2.5 pt 0.3 to 0.5

ASPARAGUS Annual broadleaf and some linuron (Lorox DF) 50 1 to 2 lb 0.5 to 1 Apply before cutting season or immediately after a cutting. From
(established) grass weeds WDG one to four applications can be made per year but do not exceed
Preemergence 4 lb active ingredient total per year. Lorox can also be applied as
a directed spray to the base of the ferns. Make one application
of 2 lb active ingredient per acre. Lorox will also control emerged
annual broadleaf weeds up to 3 in. in height or spread. Do not
apply within 1 day of harvest.
napropamide (Devrinol) 8 lb 4 Apply to the soil surface in spring before weed and spear
50 DF emergence.
Annual grasses and small- diuron (Karmex) 80 DF 1 to 4 lb 0.8 to 3.2 Apply in spring before spear emergence but no earlier than 4
seeded broadleaf weeds weeks before spear emergence. A second application may be
made immediately after last harvest. For the majority of N.C.
plantings, a 1 to 2 lb per acre dosage of 80 DF should be used.
Karmex also controls small emerged weeds but less effectively.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 223
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
ASPARAGUS Annual grasses and small- metribuzin 1 to 2 Make a single application to small emerged weeds and the soil
(established) seeded broadleaf weeds (Metri DF, Sencor DF) surface in early spring before spear emergence. Do not apply
Preemergence (continued) 75 WDG 1.3 to 2.67 lb within 14 days of harvest or after spear emergence. For the
(continued) (Sencor) 4 F 2 to 4 pt majority of N.C. plantings, the low rate should be used. Do not
make postharvest applications until after the last harvest of spears.
A split application can be used. See label for rates.

terbacil (Sinbar) 80 WP 0.25 to 0.5 lb 0.2 to 0.4 Apply in spring before spear emergence or immediately after
last clean-cut harvest. Use the lower rate on sandy soils and the
higher rate on silty or clay soils. Do not use on soils containing
less than 1% organic matter nor on gravelly soils or eroded areas
where subsoil or roots are exposed. Do not harvest within 5 days
after application.

ASPARAGUS Broadleaf weeds including 2,4-D (Amine 4 and 1.5 to 2 qt 1.5 to 2 Apply in spring before spear emergence or immediately following
(established) trumpetcreeper various other brands) 4 SL a clean cutting. Make no more than two applications during the
Postemergence harvest season and these should be spaced at least 1 month
apart. Postharvest sprays should be directed under ferns, avoiding
contact with ferns, stems, or emerging spears. Add a nonionic
surfactant at a rate of 1 qt per 100 gal spray mix.
Contact kill of emerged paraquat 0.6 to 1 Asparagus at least 2 years old. Apply in a minimum of 20 gal
annual weeds, suppression (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.7 to 2.7 pt spray mix per acre to control emerged weeds before spears
of emerged perennial weeds, (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2.5 to 4 pt emerge or after last harvest. Provides good contact control of
and contact kill of volunteer volunteer ferns if applied immediately after last harvest. Do not
ferns apply within 6 days of harvest. Use a nonionic surfactant at a rate
of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal approved crop oil
concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Volunteer ferns (seedling) linuron (Lorox DF) 50 2 lb 1 Apply before cutting season or immediately after cutting. Do not
and certain broadleaf weeds WDG apply within 1 day of harvest. Lorox will also control emerged
annual broadleaf weeds that are less than 3 in. in height or
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds up to 1 week before spear emergence
and broadleaf weeds. (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt or immediately after last cutting has removed all above-ground
Established volunteer ferns. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt parts or as a directed spray under mature fern. Avoid contact with
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz the stem to reduce risk of injury. Perennial weeds may require
5.5 L higher rates of glyphosate. For spot treatment, apply immediately
after cutting but prior to emergence of new spears. Certain
glyphosate formulations may require the addition of a surfactant.
Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic
surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual and perennial clethodim (Select Max) 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to For Select Max, add 2 pt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal
grasses only 1 EC 0.125 lb spray mixture. DO NOT USE CLETHODIM WITHIN 1 DAY OF
fluazifop (Fusilade DX) 6 to 16 oz 0.1 to 0.25 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult the manufacturers label for
2 EC best times to treat specific grasses. With sethoxydim, add 1 qt
crop oil concentrate per acre. With fluazifop, add 1 qt nonionic
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1.5 to 2.5 pt 0.3 to 0.5 surfactant or 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100 gal of spray mix.
Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the likelihood of crop
injury at high air temperature. DO NOT USE FLUAZIFOP OR
Yellow and purple nutsedge, halosulfuron (Sandea) 0.5 to 1.5 oz 0.024 to Postemergence and Post-transplant. Apply before or during the
several broadleaf weeds 75 DF 0.072 harvesting season. Do not use a nonionic surfactant or crop
oil or unacceptable crop injury may occur. Without the addition
of a nonionic surfactant, postemergence weed control may be
reduced. Do not exceed 2 oz per acre per year. Do not harvest
within 24 hours of application.
Postharvest. Apply after final harvest with drop nozzles to limit
contact with crop. Contact with the fern may result in temporary
yellowing. Add a nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per 100 gal of spray
mixture. Under heavy nutsedge pressure, split applications will be
more effective; see label for details. Do not exceed 2 oz per acre
per year. Do not harvest within 24 hours of application.

Page 224 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
BEANS Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.6 to 1 Lima or snap beans only. Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray
Preplant and foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.5 to 2.7 pt mix per acre to emerged weeds before crop emergence as a
Preemergence application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt broadcast or band treatment over a preformed row. Use sufficient
water to give thorough coverage. Row should be formed several
days ahead of planting and treating to allow maximum weed
emergence. Plant with a minimum of soil movement for best
results. Use a nonionic surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100
gal spray mix or 1 gal approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal
spray mix.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply prior to planting or emergence of crop for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in. across. Use a
crop oil at up to 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution or a nonionic
surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution. Coverage is
essential for good weed control. Does not control grasses. Can be
tank mixed with other registered burndown herbicides.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Various beans are covered. Apply to emerged weeds before
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt crop emergence. Perennial weeds may require higher rates of
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers label for rates for specific
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations may require the addition of
5.5 L a surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated
with nonionic surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- ethalfluralin (Sonalan 1.5 to 3 pt 0.6 to 1.1 Dry beans only. Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 2
seeded broadleaf weeds HFP) 3 EC to 3 in. deep using a rototiller or tandem disk. If groundcherry or
nightshade is a problem, the rate range can be increased to 3to
4.5 pt per acre. For broader spectrum control, Sonalan may be
tankmixed with Eptam or Dual. Read the combination product label
for directions, cautions, and limitations before use.
dimethenamid (Outlook) 8 to 12 oz 0.38 to 0.75 Dry beans only. Apply preplant incorporated, preemergence to
6.0 EC the soil surface after planting, or early postemergence (first to
third trifoliate stage). Dry beans may be harvested 70 or more
days after Outlook application. See label for further instructions
including those for tank mixtures.
trifluralin 1 to 1.5 pt 0.5 to 0.75 Dry, lima, or snap beans only. Apply preplant and incorporate
(Treflan HFP) 4 EC into the soil 2 to 3 in. deep within 8 hr. Incorporate with a power-
(Trifluralin) 4 EC driven rototiller or by cross disking.
(Trifluralin HF) 4 EC
(Trilin) 4 EC
pendimethalin Dry, lima, or snap beans only. Apply preplant and incorporate
(Prowl) 3.3 EC 1.2 to 3.6 pt 0.5 to 1.5 into the soil 2 to 3 in. using a power-driven rototiller or by cross
(Prowl H20) 3.8 AS 1.5 to 3 pt 0.75 to 1.5 disking. DO NOT APPLY AFTER SEEDING.

S-metolachlor (Dual 1 to 2 pt 0.95 to 1.91 Dry, lima, or snap beans only. Apply preplant incorporated or
Magnum) 7.62 EC preemergence to the soil surface after planting.
(Dual II Magnum) 7.64 EC
Annual grasses and clomazone (Command) 0.4 to 0.67 pt 0.15 to 0.25 Succulent beans only. Apply to the soil surface immediately after
broadleaf weeds 3ME seeding. Offers weak control of pigweed. See label for further
instructions. Limited research has been done on this product in
this crop in North Carolina.
Yellow and purple nutsedge, EPTC (Eptam) 7 EC 2.25 to 3.5 pt 2 to 3 Dry or snap beans only. Apply preplant and incorporate
grasses and some small- immediately to a depth of 3 in. or may be applied at lay-by as a
seeded broadleaf weeds directed application before bean pods start to form to control late
season weeds. See label for instructions on incorporation. May be
tank mixed with Prowl.
Yellow and purple nutsedge, halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 0.75 oz 0.024 to Dry beans, lima beans, bush-type snap beans only. Apply after
common cocklebur, and (Sandea) 75 DG 0.036 seeding but prior to cracking. Do not apply more than 0.67 oz
other broadleaf weeds product per acre to dry bean. Data is lacking on runner-type snap
beans. See label for other instructions.
Annual grasses and imazethapyr Dry beans and lima beans only. Apply preemergence or
broadleaf weeds including (Pursuit) 70 DG 0.72 to 1.08 oz 0.032 to 0.04 preplant incorporated. Pursuit should be applied with a registered
morningglory, pigweed, preemergence grass herbicide.
smartweed, and purslane (Pursuit) 2 EC 1.5 oz 0.018 Snap beans only. Apply preemergence or preplant incorporated.
For preplant incorporated application, apply within 1 week of
planting. May be used with a registered grass herbicide. Reduced
crop growth, quality, yield, and/or delayed crop maturation may

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 225
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
BEAN Annual broadleaf weeds and bentazon (Basagran) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1 Dry, lima, or snap beans only. Apply overtop of beans and
Postemergence yellow nutsedge weeds when beans have one to two expanded trifoliate leaves.
Two applications spaced 7 to 10 days apart may be made for
nutsedge control. Do not apply more than 2 qt per season or
within 30 days of harvest. Do not add crop oil concentrate with
applications to snapbean or polebean. See label regarding crop oil
concentrate use in other crops.
Many broadleaf weeds fomesafen (Reflex 2 EC) 0.75 to 1 pt 0.0625 to Dry or snap beans only. Apply postemergence to dry beans
0.125 having at least four expanded trifoliate leaves or snap beans
having at least one expanded trifoliate leaf. Include a nonionic
surfactant at 1 qt per 100 gal spray mixture. Total use per year
cannot exceed 1.5 pt per acre. Do not apply within 45 days of
dry bean harvest or 30 days of snap bean harvest. See label for
further information.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Yellow and purple nutsedge EPTC (Eptam) 7 EC 3.5 pt 3 Green or dry beans only. Do not use on lima bean or pea. Apply
and incorporate at last cultivation as a directed spray to soil at the
base of crop plants before pods start to form.
Yellow and purple nutsedge, halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 0.66 oz 0.024 to Lima or bush-type snap bean. Apply after crop has reached the
common cocklebur, and (Sandea) 75 DG 0.031 2- to 4-trifoliate leaf stage but prior to flowering. Postemergence
other broadleaf weeds application may cause significant but temporary stunting and may
delay maturation of crop. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.
See label for further precautions. Data is lacking on runner-type
snap beans.
Annual broadleaf weeds, imazethapyr (Pursuit) Dry beans and snap beans only. Pursuit DG formulation is
including morningglory, 70 DG 0.72 to 1.08 oz 0.032 to registered for dry beans only. Use only 1.5 oz EC formulation
pigweed, smartweed, and 0.047 on snap bean and up to 3 oz on dry beans. DO NOT use DG
purslane 2.EC 1.5 to 3 oz 0.018 to formulation on snap beans. Apply postemergence to 1- to 3-in.
0.036 weeds (one to four leaves) when dry beans have at least one fully
expanded trifoliate leaf. Add nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal
of spray mixture with all postemergence applications. Do not apply
within 60 days of harvest. See label for instructions on use.
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Dry or snap beans only. Sethoxydim is also labeled for
grasses limabean; quizalofop is not. Apply to emerged grasses. Consult
quizalofop p-ethyl (Assure 6 to 12 oz 0.04 to 0.08 manufacturers label for specific rates and best times to treat.
II or Targa) 0.88 EC With sethoxydim, add 1 qt of crop oil concentrate per acre. With
quizalofop, add 1 qal oil concentrate or 1 qt nonionic surfactant per
100 gal spray. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the likelihood
of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply on days that
are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply within 15 days and 30
days of harvest for succulent and dry beans, respectively.
clethodim Dry beans only. Apply postemergence for emerged grasses in dry
(Arrow, Clethodim, or beans. For Arrow, Clethodim, or Select, add a crop oil concentrate at
Select) 2 EC 6 to 16 oz 0.094 to 0.25 1 qt per acre. For Select Max, add 2 pt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 spray mixture. Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood of crop injury
at high air temperatures. Very effective in controlling annual bluegrass.
Apply to actively growing grasses not under drought stress. Do not
apply within 30 days of dry bean harvest (cutting or pulling plants from

Page 226 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
BEETS (Garden or Annual and perennial glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Garden beets only. Apply to emerged weeds before seeding or
Table) grasses and broadleaf (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt after seeding but before crop emergence. Perennial weeds may
Preplant and weeds. Stale bed (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt require higher rates of glyphosate. Certain glyphosate formulations
Preemergence application. (Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz may require the addition of a surfactant. Adding nonionic
5.5 L surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may
result in reduced weed control.
Broadleaf weeds only pyrazon (Pyramin) 3.1 to 3.7 Do not use on light sandy soils. Apply to the soil surface
including common ragweed, 4.5 SC 2.75 to 3.25 qt immediately after planting. If rain does not occur within 5 to 10
smartweed, and wild 65 DF 4.6 to 5.4 lb days after application, beets should be irrigated.
Annual grasses and cycloate (Ro-Neet) 6 EC 2 to 2.7 qt 3 to 4 Use higher dosage rates on fine-textured clay soil. This herbicide
broadleaf weeds plus must be incorporated 2 to 3 in. into the soil before planting. Do not
yellow and purple nutsedge use on high organic soils.
BEETS (Garden Broadleaf weeds including clopyralid (Clopyr AG, 0.25 to 0.5 pt 0.093 to Apply to beets having 2 to 8 leaves when weeds are small and
or Table) sowthistle clover, cocklebur, Stinger) 3 EC 0.187 lb actively growing. Will control most legumes. Do not apply within 30
Postemergence jimsonweed, and ragweed days of harvest.

Broadleaf weeds only phenmedipham (Spin-aid) 3 to 6 pt 0.5 to 1 Apply postemergence when beets are past the six true leaf stage
1.3 EC and when weeds are in cotyledon to four-leaf stage. Do not apply
within 60 days of harvest.
pyrazon (Pyramin) 3.7 Do not use on light sandy soils. Apply postemergence after beets
4.5 SC 3.25 qt have two expanded true leaves before weeds have more than two
65 DF 5.4 lb true leaves.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
grasses specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 60 days of harvest.
clethodim Apply postemergence for annual grasses at 6 to 8 oz per acre
(Arrow, Clethodim, Select) or bermudagrass and johnsongrass at 8 oz per acre. For Arrow,
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to Clethodim, or Select, add a crop oil concentrate at 1 gal per acre. For
0.125 Select Max, add 2 pt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray mixture.
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 Adding crop oil may increase the liklihood of crop injury at high air
temperatures. Very effective in controlling annual bluegrass. Apply
to actively growing grasses not under drought stress. Do not apply
within 30 days of harvest.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 227
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
COLE CROPS: Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
BROCCOLI foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt weeds before crop emergence or transplanting as a broadcast or
CABBAGE application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt band treatment over a preformed row. Use sufficient water to give
CAULIFLOWER thorough coverage. Row should be formed several days ahead of
Preplant and planting and treating to allow maximum weed emergence. Plant
Preemergence with a minimum of soil movement for best results. Use a nonionic
surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal
approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence or before
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt transplanting. Perennial weeds may required higher rates of
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers label for rates for specific
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz weeds. When applying Roundup before transplanting crops
5.5 L into plastic mulch, care must be taken to remove residues of
this product from the plastic prior to transplanting. To prevent
crop injury, residues can be removed by 0.5 in. natural rainfall
or by applying water via a sprinkler system. Certain glyphosate
formulations may require the addition of a surfactant. Adding
nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic
surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Also labeled for Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage
seeded broadleaf weeds (bok choy, Napa), Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), and
kohlrabi. Apply preplant or preemergence after planting. With
preemergence application, irrigate immediately after application.
See label for more directions.
trifluralin 1 to 1.5 pt 0.5 to 0.75 Transplants. Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 2 to 3
(Treflan HFP) 4 EC in. within 8 hr.
(Trifluralin) 4 EC
(Trifluralin HF) 4 EC Direct Seeded. Apply preplant and incorporate 2 to 3 in. into the
(Trilin) 4 EC seed bed within 8 hr. Caution: If soil conditions are cool and wet,
reduced stands and stunting may occur.
DCPA (Dacthal) 6 to 7.5 Also labeled for rape greens, mustard spinach, arugula (Roquette),
W-75 8 to 10 lb cardoon, cress (upland, garden), endive (escarole), parsley,
6F 8 to 10 pt and radicchio (red chickory). Apply immediately after seeding or
transplanting. May also be incorporated.
Annual grasses and clomazone (Command) 0.67 pt 0.25 Direct seeded cabbage only. Apply to the soil surface immedi-
broadleaf weeds 3ME ately after seeding. Offers weak control of pigweed. See label
for further instructions. Limited research has been done on this
product in this crop in North Carolina.
0.67 to 1.3 pt 0.25 to 0.50 Transplanted cabbage only. Apply broadcast to the soil prior to
transplanting cabbage. See label for further instructions. Offers
weak control of pigweed. Limited research has been conducted
with this product on this crop in North Carolina.
Annual grasses and small- napropamide (Devrinol) 2 to 4 lb 1 to 2 Apply to weed-free soil just after seeding or transplanting as a
seeded broadleaf weeds, 50 DF surface application. Light cultivations, rainfall, or irrigation will be
including galinsoga, common necessary within 24 hr to activate this chemical.
ragweed, and smartweed

Many broadleaf weeds, oxyfluorfen 0.25 to 0.5 Transplants only. Surface apply before transplanting. Do not
including galinsoga, common (Goal 2 XL and OxiFlo) incorporate or knock the bed off after application. Do not spray
ragweed, and smartweed 2 EC 1 to 2 pt over the top of transplants. Oxyfluorfen is weak on grasses.
(Galigan) 2 E 1 to 2 pt Expect to see some temporary crop injury.
(GoalTender) 4 E 0.5 to 1 pt
COLE CROPS Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
BROCCOLI 1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
CABBAGE Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in.
CAULIFLOWER across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal solution or
Postemergence a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution. Coverage
is essential for good weed control. Does not control grass weeds.
Can be tank mixed with other registered herbicides.
Broadleaf weeds including clopyralid (Stinger) 3 EC 0.25 to 0.5 pt 0.09 to 0.187 Labeled for broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli raab, brussel
sowthistle, clover, cocklebur, sprouts, cavalo broccolo, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), Chinese
jimsonweed, and ragweed broccoli, Chinese mustard, and Chinese cabbage (Napa). Apply to
crop when weeds are small and actively growing. Will control most
legumes. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
grasses only specific rates and best times to treat. For sethoxydim, add 1 qt
of crop oil concentrate per acre. For Arrow, Clethodim, or Select,
add crop oil concentrate at 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution.
(Arrow, Clethodim, or
For Select Max, add 2 pt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal of spray
Select) 2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.084 to
mixture. Adding crop oil to Poast or Select may increase the
0.125 likelihood of crop injury at high air temperature. Do not apply Poast
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 or Select plus crop oil on days that are unusually hot and humid.
Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.

Page 228 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
CANTALOUPES Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Not registered for seeded crops. Apply prior to transplanting of
(MUSKMELONS) 1.9 EW or 2 EC crop for control of emerged weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes
Preplant and less than 3 in. across. Use a crop oil at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
Preemergence of spray solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of
spray solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does
not control grasses. Can be tank mixed with other registered
burndown herbicides.
Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt weeds before crop emerges or before transplanting as a broadcast
application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt or band treatment over a preformed row. Row should be formed
several days ahead of planting and treating to allow maximum
weed emergence. Plant with a minimum of soil movement for best
results. Use a nonionic surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100
gal spray mix or 1 gal approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal
spray mix.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds at least 3 days before seeding or
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt transplanting. Perennial weeds may require higher rates of
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers label for rates for specific
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz weeds. When applying Roundup before transplanting crops into
5.5 L plastic mulch, carefully remove residues of this product from the
plastic prior to transplanting. To prevent crop injury, residues can
be removed by 0.5 in. natural rainfall or by applying water via a
sprinkler system. Certain glyphosate formulations may require the
addition of a surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate
formulated with nonionic surfactant may result in reduced weed
Annual grasses and small- bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 1 to 2 in. (1 in.
seeded broadleaf weeds incorporation is optimum) with a rototiller or tandem disk, or apply
preemergence after seeding and follow with irrigation. Check
replant restrictions for small grains on label.
Annual grasses and clomazone (Command) 0.4 to 0.67 pt 0.15 to 0.25 Apply immediately after seeding, or just prior to transplanting
broadleaf weeds 3 ME with transplanted crop. Roots of transplants must be below the
chemical barrier when planting. Offers weak control of pigweed.
See label for further instruction.
Broadleaf weeds (including naptalam (Alanap) 2 EC 4 to 8 qt 2 to 4 Seeded crop. Apply to the soil surface immediately after seeding.
cocklebur, jimsonweed, Control will not be good if rainfall or irrigation does not occur within
ragweed, smartweed, and 5 days.
velvetleaf) Transplanted crop. Apply as postemergence spray immediately
after transplanting.
Annual grasses and bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 4 to 6 qt 4 to 6 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 0.5 to 1 in. before
broadleaf weeds (including + + + planting. Irrigation or rainfall within 5 days will greatly improve
cocklebur, jimsonweed, naptalam (Alanap) 2 EC 4 to 8 qt 2 to 4 control. Check replant restrictions for small grains on Prefar label.
ragweed, smartweed, and Deep incorporation will lead to reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and some ethalfluralin (Curbit) 3 EC 3 to 4.5 pt 1.1 to 1.7 Apply to the soil surface immediately after seeding. DO NOT
small-seeded broadleaf SOIL INCORPORATE. May also be used as a BANDED spray
weeds BETWEEN rows of plastic mulch. See label for timing. Shallow
cultivation, irrigation, or rainfall within 5days is needed for
good weed control. Do not use under mulches, row covers, or
hot caps. Under conditions of unusually cold or wet soil and air
temperatures, crop stunting and injury may occur. Crop injury can
occur if seeding depth is too shallow.
Annual grasses and ethalfuralin + clomazone 2 to 6 pt 0.4 to 1.2 Apply to the soil surface immediately after seeding crop for
broadleaf weeds (Strategy) 2.1 L + preemergence control of weeds. DO NOT APPLY PRIOR TO
0.375 used as a banded treatment between rows after crop emergence
or transplanting. Do not apply over or under plastic mulch.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 0.75 oz 0.024 to Apply after seeding or prior to transplanting crop. For transplanted
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.036 crop, do not transplant until 7 days after application. Rate can be
increased to 1 ounce of product per acre to middles between rows.
Do not apply within 57 days of harvest.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 229
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
CANTALOUPES Annual grasses and small- DCPA (Dacthal) 6 to 7.5 Not labeled for transplanted crop. To improve preemergence
(MUSKMELONS) seeded broadleaf weeds W-75 8 to 10 lb control of late emerging weeds. Apply only when crop has four
Postemergence 6F 8 to 10 pt to five true leaves, is well-established, and growing conditions
are favorable. Will not control emerged weeds. Incorporation not
recommended. Will not control emerged weeds.
trifluralin 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 0.75 Row middles only. To improve preemergence control of late
(Treflan HFP) 4EC emerging weeds. Apply after emergence when crop plants have
(Trifluralin) 4EC reached the three to four true leaf stage of growth. Apply as a
(Trifluralin HF) 4EC directed spray to soil between the rows. Avoid contacting foliage
as slight crop injury may occur. Set incorporation equipment to
move treated soil around base of crop plants. Do not apply within
30 days of harvest. Will not control emerged weeds.
Broadleaf weeds naptalam (Alanap) 2 EC 4 to 8 qt 2 to 4 Apply postemergence before crop is ready to vine for pre-
emergence control of late emerging weeds and suppression of
pigweed and common lambsquarters 1 to 2 in. tall. Do not mix
with crop oil.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 0.75 oz 0.024 to Apply postemergence only after the crop has reached 3 to 5
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.036 true leaves but before first female flowers appear. Do not apply
sooner than 14 days after transplanting. Controls many broadleaf
weeds postemergence including cocklebur, galinsoga, smartweed,
ragweed, wild radish, and pigweed. Use nonionic surfactant
at 1 qt per 100 gal of spray solution with all postemergence
applications. Avoid over-the-top applications during late summer
when temperature and humidity are high. Do not apply within 57
days of harvest.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply as a hooded spray in row middles, as shielded spray in row
(various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt middles, as wiper applications in row middles, or post harvest.
(various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt To avoid severe injury to crop, do not allow herbicide to contact
(Roundup WeatherMax) foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed, roots, or fruit of crop. Do
5.5 L 11 to 32 oz not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
grasses only specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 14 days of harvest.
clethodim Apply postemergence for control of grass in cantaloupes
(Arrow, Clethodim, Select) (muskmelons). For Arrow, Clethodim, or Select, add 1 gal crop
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix. For Select Max, add 2 pt
0.125 nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray mixture. Adding crop oil may
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 increase the likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Very
effective in controlling annual bluegrass. Apply to actively growing
grasses not under drought stress. Do not apply within 14 days of

Page 230 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
CARROTS Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
Preemergence foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.5 to 2.7 pt weeds before crop emergence as a broadcast or band treatment
application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt over a preformed row. Use sufficient water to give thorough
coverage. Row should be formed several days ahead of planting
and treating to allow maximum weed emergence. Plant with
a minimum of soil movement for best results. Use a nonionic
surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal
approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Perennial weeds
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL label for rates for specific weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations
(Roundup WeatherMax) require the addition of surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant
5.5 L 11 to 32 oz to glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may result in
reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- trifluralin 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 2 to 3 in. within 8 hr
seeded broadleaf weeds (Treflan HFP) 4 EC with a power-driven rototiller or tandem disk.
(Trifluralin) 4 EC
(Trifluralin HF) 4 EC
(Trilin) 4 EC
CARROTS Annual grasses and linuron (Lorox DF) 50 1.5 to 3 lb 0.75 to 1.5 Apply as a broadcast spray after carrots are at least 3 in. high.
Postemergence broadleaf weeds WDG Annual grasses should be less than 2 in. tall and annual broadleaf
weeds should be less than 6 in. high. Avoid spraying after three
or more cloudy days. Repeat applications may be made, but do
not exceed 4 lb of Lorox DF per acre per season. Do not use a
surfactant or crop oil. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual broadleaf weeds and metribuzin (Metri DF, 0.33 lb 0.25 Apply as a broadcast spray overtop of carrots when weeds are
some grasses Sencor DF) 75 WDG less than 1 in. high and carrots have formed five to six true leaves.
A second application may be made in 3 weeks. Do not apply
unless 3 sunny days precede application. Do not apply within 60
days of harvest.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
Weathermax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots or stems, exposed
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Emerged annual and clethodim Apply postemergence for control of grasses. With Arrow,
perennial grasses (Arrow, Clethodim, Select) Clethodim, or Select, add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100 gal
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to spray mix. With Select Max, add 2 pt nonionic surfactant per 100
0.125 gal of spray mixture. Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 of crop injury at high air temperatures. Very effective in controlling
annual bluegrass. Apply to actively growing grasses not under
drought stress. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.

fluazifop (Fusilade DX) 6 to 16 oz 0.1 to 0.25 Apply to emerged, actively growing grasses. Up to 48 oz of
2 EC Fusilade DX may be applied per year. Do not apply within 45 days
of harvest. See label for rates for specific weeds. Add 1 gal crop
oil concentrate or 1 qt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray mix.

sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label
for specific rate and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 30 days of harvest.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 231
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
CELERY Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Perennial weeds
Preplant and and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers
Preemergence bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt label for rates for specific weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations
(Roundup WeatherMax) require the addition of surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant
5.5 L 11 to 32 oz to glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may result in
reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- trifluralin 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1 lb Apply incorporated to direct seeded or transplant celery before
seeded broadleaf weeds (Treflan HFP) 4 EC planting, at planting, or immediately after planting.
(Trifluralin) 4 EC
(Trillin) 4 EC
CELERY Annual broadleaf and grass linuron (Lorox DF) 50 1.5 to 3 lb 0.75 to 1.5 Apply after celery is transplanted and established but before
Postemergence weeds WDG celery is 8 in. tall. Grasses should be less than 2 in. in height, and
broadleaf weeds should be less than 6 in. in height. Do not use a
surfactant or crop oil.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to .94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial clethodim Apply postemergence for control of grasses. With Arrow,
grasses only (Arrow, Clethodim, Select) Clethodim, or Select, add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to gal spray mix. With Select Max, add 2 pt of nonionic surfactant
0.125 per 100 gal spray mixture. Very effective in controlling annual
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 bluegrass. Apply to actively growing grasses not under drought
stress. Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood of crop injury at
high air temperature. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 30 days of harvest.

Page 232 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
CORN (sweet) Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) 0.8 to 1.5 oz 0.008 to Apply prior to planting or emergence of crop for control of emerged
Pre-plant Burndown 2 EC 0.025 weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in. across. Use a
crop oil at up to 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution or a nonionic
surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution. Coverage is
essential for good weed control. Does not control grasses. Can be
tank mixed with other registered burndown herbicides.
Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.6 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged weeds
foliage. Stale bed and (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.5 to 2.7 pt before crop emergence as a broadcast or band treatment over a
minimum tillage application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2.4 to 4 pt preformed row. Row should be formed several days ahead of planting
and treating to allow maximum weed emergence. Plant with a
minimum of soil movement for best results. Use a nonionic surfactant
at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100-gal spray mix or 1 gal approved
crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix. May be tank mixed with
atrazine or simazine. Check label for directions and specific rates.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Do not feed
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt crop residue to livestock for 8 weeks following treatment. Perennial
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt weeds may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult the
manufacturers label for rates for specific weeds. Check label for
directions. Certain glyphosate formulations require the addition of
surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated with
nonionic surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Broadleaf weeds 2,4-D amine 4 (various 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1 May be tank mixed with glyphosate for broad spectrum weed
brands) control. See label for planting restrictions if applied prior to planting.

CORN (sweet) Most annual grass weeds, alachlor (Micro-Tech) 4 2 to 4 qt 2 to 4 Apply to soil surface immediately after planting. Higher rates will
Preemergence including fall panicum, FME improve control of ragweed and lambsquarter. May be tank mixed
broadleaf signalgrass, and with atrazine, glyphosate, or simazine. Various other brands are
small-seeded broadleaf available. Check label for directions.
weeds dimethenamid (Outlook) 12 to 21 oz 0.56 to 1.0 Apply to soil surface immediately after planting. May be tank mixed
6.0 EC with atrazine, glyphosate, or paraquat.
S-metolachlor (Dual II 1 to 2 pt 0.95 to 1.91 Apply to soil surface immediately after planting. May be tank mixed
Magnum) 7.64 EC with atrazine, glyphosate, or simazine. Check label for directions.
Rate is soil-texture and organic-matter dependent. See label for
Most annual broadleaf and atrazine 1 to 2 Apply to soil surface immediately after planting. Shallow cultivations will
grass weeds (various brands) 4 F 1 to 2 qt improve control. Check label for restrictions on rotational crops. See
(various brands) 90 WDG 1.1 to 2.2 lb label for reduced rate if soil coverage with plant residue is less than 30%
at planting. Does not control fall panicum or smooth crabgrass. May be
tank mixed with metolachlor, alachlor, glyphosate, paraquat, bentazon, or
simazine. Check label for directions.
Most annual broadleaf and alachlor + atrazine (Bullet 2.5 to 4.25 qt 1.56 to 2.7 Apply to soil surface immediately after planting. See label for
grass weeds (continued) or Lariat) 4 F + further instruction.
0.94 to 1.6
dimethenamid 0.73 to 1.5
+ +
atrazine 2.5 to 5 pt 0.83 to 1.7
(Guardsman) 5 F
(LeadOff) 5 F
S-metolachlor 1 to 2
+ +
atrazine (Bicep II 0.78 to 1.56
Magnum) 5.5 F 1.3 to 2.6 qt
CORN (sweet) Most annual broadleaf and atrazine (various brands) 2 Apply overtop before weeds exceed 1.5 in. in height. See label
Postemergence grass weeds 4L 2 qt for additional information in controlling larger weeds. See label for
90 WDG 2.2 lb amount of oil concentrate to add to spray mix.
Annual grasses and dimethenamid (Outlook) 8 to 21 oz 0.375 to 1 Apply overtop corn (8 in. or less) before weeds exceed the two-
broadleaf weeds 6.0 EC leaf stage. Larger weeds will not be controlled. Good residual
+ + + control of annual grass and broadleaf weeds. Also available as the
atrazine (AAtrex) 4 F or See label for See label for commercial products Guardsman or LeadOff.
90 WDG rate rate
S-metolachlor (Dual II 1 to 1.67 pt 0.95 to 1.58 Apply overtop corn (5 in. or less) before weeds exceed the two-leaf
Magnum) 7.64 EC stage. Larger weeds will not be controlled. Good residual control
+ + + of annual grass and broadleaf weeds. Also available as Bicep II or
atrazine (AAtrex) 1 to 2 Bicep II Magnum.
4F 1 to 2 qt
90 WDG 1.3 to 2.2 lb
Cocklebur, common bentazon (Basagran) 4 SL 0.75 to 1 qt 0.75 to 1 Apply early postemergence overtop when weeds are small and
ragweed, jimsonweed, corn has one to five leaves. See label for rates according to weed
Pennsylvania smartweed, size and special directions for annual morningglory and yellow
velvetleaf, yellow nutsedge, nutsedge control. Use a crop oil at a rate of 1 qt per acre.
and morningglory
Many broadleaf weeds mesotrione (Callisto) 4 EC 3 oz 0.094 Apply overtop corn 30 in. or less or 8 leaves or less to control
emerged broadleaf weeds. Use nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per
100 gal of spray solution. Most effective on small weeds, however,
if weeds are greater than 5 in. or for improved control of certain
weeds, certain atrazine formulations may be mixed with this
herbicide. See label for further information. Do not apply within 45
days of harvest.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 233
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
CORN (sweet) Velvetleaf, pigweed, carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) 0.5 to 1 oz 0.008 to Apply postemergence to actively growing weeds less than 4 in.
Postemergence nightshade, morningglory, 2.0 EC 0.016 high (rosettes less than 3 in. across) up to the eight-leaf collar
(continued) common lambsquarters stage of corn. Directed sprays will lessen the chance of crop
injury. Coverage of weeds is essential for control. Use nonionic
surfactant (2 pt per 100 gal of spray) with all applications. Under
dry conditions, the use of crop oil concentrate may improve weed
control. Mix with atrazine to improve control of many broadleaf
weeds. Limited information is available concerning the use of this
product in sweetcorn.
Broadleaf weeds including clopyralid (Clopyr AG, 0.25 to 0.67 pt 0.095 to 0.25 Apply to sweet corn when weeds are small (less than 5-leaf stage)
sowthistle, clover, cocklebur, Stinger) 3 EC and actively growing. Do not apply to sweet corn over 18 in. tall.
jimsonweed, ragweed, Will control most legumes. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.
Jerusalem artichoke, and

Cocklebur, passionflower halosulfuron (Sandea) 0.67 to 1 oz 0.032 to Apply over the top or with drop nozzles to sweet corn from spike
(maypop), pigweed, 75 WDG 0.047 to lay-by for control of emerged weeds. Add nonionic surfactant at
pokeweed, ragweed, 1 to 2 qt per 100 gal of spray solution. See label for all instructions
smartweed (Pennsylvania), and restrictions. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.

Cocklebur, pigweed, lambs- 2,4-D amine (various 0.5 to 1 pt 0.24 to 0.48 Use 0.25 lb of 2,4-D overtop when corn is 4 to 5 in. tall and weeds
quarters, morningglory, brands) 3.8 SL are small. Increase rate to 0.5 lb as corn reaches 8 in. Use drop
sicklepod, and many other nozzles and direct spray toward base if corn is over 8 in. tall.
annual broadleaf weeds Do not cultivate for about 10 days after spraying as corn may be
brittle. Reduce rate of 2,4-D if extremely hot and soil is wet. For
better sicklepod and horsenettle control, add a nonionic surfactant
when using a directed spray at a rate of 1 qt per 100 gal spray
Annual grasses and paraquat 0.25 to 0.5 DO NOT SPRAY OVERTOP OF CORN OR SEVERE INJURY
broadleaf weeds (Firestorm) 3 SL 0.7 to 1.3 pt WILL OCCUR. Make a postdirected application in a minimum of
(Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 1 to 2 pt 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged weeds when the smallest
corn is at least 10 in. tall. Use nonionic surfactant at a rate of
16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal approved crop oil
concentrate per 100 gal spray mix. Use of a hooded or shielded
sprayer will reduce crop injury.
Certain grasses, including nicosulfuron (Accent) 75 0.67 oz 0.031 Apply to sweet corn up to 12 in. tall or up to and including 5 leaf
barnyardgrass, foxtails, WDG collars. For corn 12 to 18 in. tall, apply only with drop nozzles.
Texas panicum, and Sweet corn hybrids vary in their sensitivity to Accent. Do not
johnsongrass; and apply to Merit sweet corn. Contact company representative for
broadleaf weeds, including information on other local hybrids that have been evaluated
burcucumber, jimsonweed, with Accent. Accent may be applied to corn previously treated
pigweed, pokeweed, and with Fortress, Aztec, or Force, or non-organophosphate soil
smartweeds insecticides regardless of soil type. See label for more information
on use of soil insecticides with Accent. Label prohibits applicaiton
of Accent to corn previously treated with Counter insecticide, and
also indicates that applying Accent to corn previously treated with
Counter 20 CR, Lorsban, or Thimet may result in unacceptable
crop injury, especially on soils with less than 4% organic matter.
See label for information on use of adjuvants.

Page 234 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
CUCUMBERS Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
Preplant and foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt weeds before crop emergence as a broadcast or band treatment over
Preemergence application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt a preformed row. Use sufficient water to give thorough coverage. Row
should be formed several days ahead of planting and treating to allow
maximum weed emergence. Plant with a minimum of soil movement
for best results. Use a nonionic surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per
100 gal spray mix or 1 gal approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal
spray mix.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate Apply to emerged weeds at least 3 days before seeding or
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1.5 transplanting. Perennial weeds may require higher rates of
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt 0.5 to 1.5 glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers label for rates for specific
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz weeds. When applying Roundup before transplanting crops
5.5 L 0.5 to 1.4 into plastic mulch, care must be taken to remove residues of
this product from the plastic prior to transplanting. To prevent
crop injury, residues can be removed by 0.5 in. natural rainfall
or by applying water via a sprinkler system. Certain glyphosate
formulations require the addition of surfactant. Adding nonionic
surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may
result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 1 to 2 in. (1 in.
seeded broadleaf weeds incorporation is optimum) with a rototiller or tandem disk, or apply
to the soil surface after seeding and follow with irrigation. Check
replant restrictions for small grains on label.
Broadleaf weeds (including naptalam (Alanap) 2 EC 4 to 8 qt 2 to 4 Seeded crop. Apply to the soil surface immediately after planting.
cocklebur, jimsonweed, Control will not be good if rainfall or irrigation does not occur within
ragweed, smartweed and 5 days.
Annual grasses and bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 4 to 6 qt 4 to 6 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 0.5 to 1 in. before
broadleaf weeds (listed + + + planting. Irrigation or rainfall within 5 days will greatly improve
above for naptalam) naptalam (Alanap) 2 EC 4 to 8 qt 2 to 4 control. Check replant restrictions for small grains on Prefar label.
Deep incorporation will lead to reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and some clomazone (Command) 0.4 to 1 pt 0.15 to 0.375 Apply immediately after seeding. Offers weak control of pigweed.
small-seeded broadleaf 3 ME See label for further information.
weeds ethalfluralin (Curbit) 3 EC 3 to 4.5 pt 1.1 to 1.7 Apply to the soil surface immediately after seeding. DO NOT
SOIL INCORPORATE. May also be used as a BANDED spray
BETWEEN rows of plastic mulch. See label for timing. Shallow
cultivation, irrigation, or rainfall within 5 days is needed for
good weed control. Do not use under mulches, row covers, or
hot caps. Under conditions of unusually cold or wet soil and air
temperatures, crop stunting or injury may occur. Crop injury can
occur if seeding depth is too shallow.
Annual grasses and ethalfuralin + clomazone 2 to 6 pt 0.4 to 1.2 Apply to the soil surface immediately after crop seeding for
broadleaf weeds (Strategy) 2.1 L + preemergence control of weeds. DO NOT APPLY PRIOR TO
0.375 used as a banded treatment between rows after crop emergence
or transplanting. Do not apply over or under plastic mulch.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 0.75 oz 0.024 to Apply after seeding or prior to transplanting crop. For
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.036 transplanting, do not transplant until 7 days after application. For
seeded or transplanting cucumbers in plasticulture, do not plant
within 7 days of Sandea application. Rate can be increased to 1
ounce of product per acre to middles between rows.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 235
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
CUCUMBERS Annual grasses and small- DCPA (Dacthal) 6 to 7.5 Will not control emerged weeds. To improve preemergence
Postemergence seeded broadleaf weeds W-75 8 to 10 lb control of late emerging weeds. Apply only when crop has four
6F 8 to 10 pt to five true leaves, is well-established, and growing conditions
are favorable. Will not control emerged weeds. Incorporation not
recommended. Not labeled for transplanted crop.
trifluralin 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 0.75 Will not control emerged weeds. Row middles only. To
(Treflan HFP) 4EC improve preemergence control of late emerging weeds. Apply after
(Trifluralin) 4EC emergence when crop plants have reached the three to four true
(Trifluralin HF) 4EC leaf stage of growth. Apply as a directed spray to soil between the
rows. Will not control emerged weeds. Avoid contacting foliage as
slight crop injury may occur. Set incorporation equipment to move
treated soil around base of crop plants. Do not apply within 30
days of harvest.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 0.75 oz 0.024 to Apply postemergence only after the crop has reached 3 to 5
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.036 true leaves but before first female flowers appear. Do not apply
sooner than 14 days after transplanting. Controls many broadleaf
weeds postemergence including cocklebur, galinsoga, smartweed,
ragweed, wild radish, and pigweed. Use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt
per 100 gal of spray solution with all postemergnce applications.
Do not apply within 30 days of harvesting.
Broadleaf weeds naptalam (Alanap) 2 EC 4 to 8 qt 2 to 4 Apply postemergence before crop is ready to vine for
preemergence control of late emerging weeds and suppression
of pigweed and common lambsquarters 1 to 2 in. tall. Do not mix
with crop oil.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
5.5 L 0.5 to 1.4 middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
(various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1.5 allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
(various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt 0.5 to 1.5 roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
grasses only specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 14 days of harvest.
clethodim Control of emerged grasses. For Arrow, Clethodim, and Select,
(Arrow, Clethodim, Select) add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix. For Select
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to Max, add 2 pt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray mixture.
0.125 Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood of crop injury at high
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 air temperatures. Very effective in controlling annual bluegrass.
Apply to actively growing grasses not under drought stress. Do not
apply within 14 days of harvest.

Page 236 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
EGGPLANT Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
Preemergence foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt weeds before transplanting as a broadcast or band treatment over
application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt a preformed row. Use sufficient water to give thorough coverage.
Row should be formed several days ahead of planting and treating
to allow maximum weed emergence. Use a nonionic surfactant at
a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal approved crop
oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply prior to transplanting of crop for control of emerged weeds
1.9 EW or 2 EC less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in. across. Use a crop oil
at up to 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution or a nonionic surfactant
at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution. Coverage is essential for
good weed control. Does not control grasses. Can be tank mixed
with other registered burndown herbicides.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate Apply to emerged weeds at least 3 days before seeding or
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1.5 transplanting. Perennial weeds may require higher rates of
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt 0.5 to 1.5 glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers label for rates for specific
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz weeds. When applying Roundup before transplanting crops
5.5 L 0.5 to 1.4 into plastic mulch, care must be taken to remove residues of
this product from the plastic prior to transplanting. To prevent
crop injury, residues can be removed by 0.5 in. natural rainfall
or by applying water via a sprinkler system. Certain glyphosate
formulations require the addition of surfactant. Adding nonionic
surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may
result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Apply preplant incorporated (1 in. incorporation is optimum) or
seeded broadleaf weeds preemergence after planting. With preemergence application,
irrigate immediately after application. See label for more directions.
Annual grasses and some napropamide (Devrinol) 2 to 4 lb 1 to 2 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 1 to 2 in. using a
broadleaf weeds including 50 DF rototiller or tandem disk. Shallow cultivations or irrigations will
galinsoga, common improve control. See label for replanting restrictions for small
ragweed, and smartweed grains.
Annual grasses and small- trifluralin 1 pt 0.5 Apply and incorporate before transplanting. Avoid transplanting until
seeded broadleaf weeds (Trilin) 4 EC temperatures have warmed in late spring. Eggplant tolerance to
(Treflan HFP) 4 EC herbicide may be marginal.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to Row middles only. Apply to row middles as a preemergence spray.
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 In plasticulture, do not allow spray to contact plastic. Early season
application will give postemergence and preemergence control. Do
not apply within 30 days of harvest. For postemergence applications,
use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per 100 gal of spray solution.
EGGPLANT Annual grasses and small- DCPA (Dacthal) 6 to 7.5 To improve control of late emerging weeds. Apply over the top of
Postemergence seeded broadleaf weeds W-75 8 to 10 lb transplants only between 4 and 6 wk after transplanting. Can also
6F 8 to 10 pt be applied after direct seeded plants are 4 to 6 in. tall. Will not
control emerged weeds.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution.
Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not control grass
weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered herbicides.
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to .94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles, as
WeatherMax) 5.5 L shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row middles,
or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not allow
herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots or stems, exposed roots,
or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to Row middles only. Apply to row middles as a postemergence spray.
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 In plasticulture, do not allow spray to contact plastic. Early season
application will give postemergence and preemergence control. Do
not apply within 30 days of harvest. For postemergence applications,
use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per 100 gal of spray solution.
Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 Row middles only. Apply in 20 gal spray mix as a shielded spray
foliage (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 pt to emerged weeds between rows of eggplant. Use a nonionic
(Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 pt surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal
approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix. Do not allow
spray to contact crop or injury will result.
Annual and perennial sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
grasses only specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 20 days of harvest.
clethodim Apply postemergence for for control of grasses. With Arrow,
(Arrow, Clethodim, Select) Clethodim, or Select, add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100 gal
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to spray mix. With Select Max, add 2 pt of nonionic surfactant per
0.125 100 gal spray mixture. Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 of crop injury at high air temperature. Very effective in controlling
annual bluegrass. Apply to actively growing grasses not under
drought stress. Do not apply within 20 days of harvest.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 237
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
GARLIC Annual and perennial grass glyphosate Stale bed application. Apply to emerged weeds at least 3 days
Preplant and and broadleaf weeds (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1.5 before planting. Perennial weeds may require higher rates of
Preemergence (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt 0.5 to 1.5 glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers label for rates for specific
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations require the addition of
5.5 L 0.5 to 1.4 surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated
with nonionic surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
paraquat 0.6 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
(Firestorm) 3 SL 1.7 to 2.7 pt weeds before crop emergence as a broadcast or band treatment
(Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2.5 to 4 pt over a preformed row. Row should be formed several days ahead
of planting and treating to allow maximum weed emergence. Plant
with a minimum of soil movement for best results. Use a nonionic
surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal
approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix. Do not apply
within 60 days of harvest.
Annual grasses and small- bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Apply preplant incorporated (1 in. incorporation is optimum) or
seeded broadleaf weeds preemergence after planting. With preemergence application,
irrigate immediately after application. See label for more directions.
DCPA (Dacthal) 6 to 7.5 Apply immediately after seeding or transplanting and/or at layby.
W-75 8 to 10 lb See label for timing of layby treatments.
6F 8 to 10 pt
dimethenamid-P (Outlook) 12 to 21 oz 0.6 to 1 Dry bulb only. For preemergence weed control. Apply after crop
6 EC has reached 2 true leaves until a minimum of 30 days before
harvest. If applications are made to transplanted crop, DO NOT
apply until transplants are in the ground and soil has settled
around transplants with several days to recover.
pendimethalin For preemergence weed control. Apply preemergence after
(Prowl) 3.3 EC 1.2 to 3.6 pt 0.5 to 1.5 planting but prior to weed and crop emergence or postemergence
(Prowl H2O) 3.8 AS 1.5 to 3 pt 0.75 to 1.5 to garlic in the one- to five-true leaf stage. Prowl can be applied
sequentially by applying preemergence followed by a post-
emergence application. Do not apply within 45 days of harvest.
Annual broadleaf weeds oxyfluorfen Transplanted dry bulb only. Apply as a single application
(Galigan, Goal 2 XL) 2 E 1 to 2 pt 0.25 to 0.5 immediately (within 2 days) after transplanting for preemergence
(GoalTender) 4 E 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1 control of weeds. See label for rates and instructions for use. Do
not apply within 60 days of harvest. See label for seeded garlic.
GARLIC Most annual broadleaf oxyfluorfen 0.12 Dry bulb only. May be used as a postemergence spray to
Postemergence weeds (Galigan) 2 E 0.5 pt both the weeds and crop after the garlic has at least two fully
(Goal 2 XL) 2 EC 0.5 pt developed true leaves. Some injury to garlic may result. Injury will
(GoalTender) 4 E 0.25 pt be more severe if the chemical is applied during cool, wet weather.
Weeds should be in the two- to four-leaf stage for best results. Do
not make more than four applications per year. Do not apply within
60 days of harvest.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial clethodim Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
grasses only (Arrow, Clethodim, Select) specific rates and best times to treat. With Arrow, Clethodim, or
2 EC 6 to 16 oz 0.09 to 0.25 Select, add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100gal spray mix.
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 32 oz 0.07 to 0.25 With Select Max, add 2 pt of nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray
mixture. Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood of crop injury
at high air temperatures. Do not apply Arrow, Clethodim, or Select
on unusually hot and humid days. Do not apply within 45 days of
harvest. Very effective in controlling annual bluegrass.
fluazifop (Fusilade DX) 6 to 16 oz 0.1 to 0.25 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label
2 EC for specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 gal crop oil
concentrate or 1 qt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray mix. Do
not apply on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 45 days of harvest.
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 pt 0.2 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 30 days of harvest.

Page 238 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
GREENS (Collards, Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.6 to 1 Collards and turnip only. Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray
kale, mustard, and foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.5 to 2.7 pt mix per acre to emerged weeds before crop emergence or
turnip greens or application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt transplanting as a broadcast or band treatment over a preformed
roots) row. Use sufficient water to give thorough coverage. Row
Preplant and should be formed several days ahead of planting and treating to
Preemergence allow maximum weed emergence. Plant with a minimum of soil
movement for best results. Use a nonionic surfactant at a rate
of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal approved crop oil
concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Do not
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1.5 feed crop residue to livestock for 8 weeks following treatment.
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt 0.5 to 1.5 Perennial weeds may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz the manufacturers label for rates for specific weeds. Certain
5.5 L 0.5 to 1.4 glyphosate formulations require the addition of surfactant. Adding
nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic
surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Also labeled for rape greens, mustard spinach, arugula (Roquette)
seeded broadleaf weeds cardoon, cress (upland, garden), endive (escarole), parsley, and
radicchio (red chickory). Not labeled for turnip. Apply preplant or
preemergence after planting. With preemergence application, irrigate
immediately after application. See label for more directions.
DCPA (Dacthal) 6 to 7.5 Also labeled for broccoli raab (raab, raab salad), mizuna, mustard
W-75 8 to 10 lb spinach, hanover salad, and rape greens. Apply immediately after
6F 8 to 10 pt seeding. May also be incorporated.
trifluralin (Treflan HFP) 1 to 1.5 pt 0.5 to 0.75 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 2 to 3 in. within 8 hr
4 EC using a rototiller or tandem disk. Do not use if turnip roots are to
be consumed.
GREENS Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
Postemergence 1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Broadleaf weeds including clopyralid (Clopyr AG, 0.5 pt 0.187 Stinger labeled on kale, collards, mustard, turnip, mizuna,
sowthistle clover, cocklebur, Stinger) 3 EC mustard spinach, and rape. Clopyr AG labeled only on turnip.
jimsonweed, and ragweed Apply to crop when weeds are small and actively growing. Will
control most legumes. For kale, collards, mustard, and turnip
(roots), do not apply within 30 days of harvest. For turnip tops, do
not apply within 15 days of harvest. Mustard green injury has been
observed in some research trials.
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to .94 Row middles only. Not labeled for turnip greens. Apply as a
WeatherMax) 5.5 L hooded spray in row middles, as shielded spray in row middles, as
wiper applications in row middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe
injury to crop, do not allow herbicide to contact foliage, green
shoots or stems, exposed roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply
within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial clethodim Apply postemergence for control of grasses. With Arrow,
grasses only (Arrow, Clethodim, Select) Clethodim, or Select, add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100 gal
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to spray mix. With Select Max, add 2 pt nonionic surfactant per 100
0.125 gal spray mixture. Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood of
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 crop injury at high air temperatures. Very effective in controlling
annual bluegrass. Apply to actively growing grasses not under
drought stress. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest of green
crops. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest of turnips grown for
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 ALSO LABELED FOR RAPE GREENS BUT NOT LABELED
FOR TURNIP. Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers
label for specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
on unusually hot and humid days. Do not apply within 30 days of

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 239
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
LETTUCE Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
Preplant and foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt weeds before crop emerges as a broadcast or band treatment
Preemergence application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt over a preformed row. Row should be formed several days ahead
of planting and treating to allow maximum weed emergence. Plant
with a minimum of soil movement for best results. Use a nonionic
surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray solution or 1
gal approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Do not
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1.5 feed crop residue to livestock for 8 weeks following treatment.
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt 0.5 to 1.5 Perennial weeds may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz the manufacturers label for rates for specific weeds. Certain
5.5 L 0.5 to 1.4 glyphosate formulations require the addition of surfactant. Adding
nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic
surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- benefin (Balan) 60 WDG 2 to 2.5 lb 1.2 to 1.5 Apply preplant and incorporate 2 to 3 in. deep with a rototiller or
seeded broadleaf weeds tandem disk before seeding or transplanting.

bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Apply preplant incorporated (1 in. incorporation is optimum) or

preemergence after planting. With preemergence application,
irrigate immediately after application. See label for more directions.
Most annual grasses and pronamide (Kerb) 50 WP 2 to 4 lb 1 to 2 lb Can be used preplant or preemergence. Application can also be
broadleaf weeds made postemergence to head lettuce but should be made before
weed germination if possible or before weeds are beyond the two-
leaf stage. Do not apply postemergence to leaf lettuce. Moisture
is necessary to activate. Do not apply within 55 days of harvest.
Make only one application per crop. Consult label for planting
restrictions for rotational crops.
LETTUCE Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
Postemergence WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Annual and perennial sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Arrow, Clethodim, Select, and Select
grasses only Max are only registered for leaf lettuce. Consult manufacturers
clethodim label for specific rates and best times to treat. For sethoxydim, add
(Arrow, Clethodim, Select) 1 qt of crop oil concentrate per acre. Use of Poast or clethodim
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.09 to 0.125 with crop oil may increase the likelihood of crop injury at high air
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 temperatures. For Arrow, Clethodim, or Select, add 1 gal crop oil
concentrate per 100 gal spray solution. With Select Max, add 2
pt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray mixture. Do not apply on
days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply sethoxydim
within 30 days of harvest on head lettuce or within 15 days of
harvest on leaf lettuce. For clethodim, do not apply within 14 days
of harvest.

Page 240 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
OKRA Annual and perennial grass glyphosate Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Perennial weeds
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1.5 may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt 0.5 to 1.5 label for rates for specific weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz require the addition of surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant
5.5 L 0.5 to 1.4 to glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may result in
reduced weed control.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply prior to transplanting crop for control of emerged weeds less
1.9 EW or 2 EC than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in. across. Use a crop oil at
up to 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution or a nonionic surfactant at
2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution. Coverage is essential for good
weed control. Does not control grasses. Can be tank mixed with
other registered burndown herbicides.
Annual grasses and small- trifluralin 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 2 to 3 in. within 8 hr
seeded broadleaf weeds (Treflan HFP) 4 EC using a rototiller or tandem disk.
(Trifluralin) 4 EC
(Trifluralin HF) 4EC
(Trilin) 4EC
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots or stems, exposed
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 241
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
ONIONS Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.65 to 1 Seeded onion only. Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per
Preplant and foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.7 to 2.7 pt acre to emerged weeds before crop emergence or transplanting as
Preemergence application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2.5 to 4 pt a broadcast or band treatment over a preformed row. Row should
be formed several days ahead of planting and treating to allow
maximum weed emergence. Plant with a minimum of soil movement
for best results. Use a nonionic surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz
per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal approved crop oil concentrate per
100 gal spray mix. Do not apply within 60 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Perennial weeds
and broadleaf weeds (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt 0.5 to 1.5 may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers
(various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt 0.5 to 1.5 label for rates for specific weeds. Use on direct seeded onions only.
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz Certain glyphosate formulations require the addition of surfactant.
5.5 L 0.5 to 1.4 Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic
surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- bensulide (Prefar) 4 E 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Dry bulb only. Apply preplant incorporated (1 in. incorporation
seeded broadleaf weeds is optimum) or preemergence after planting. With preemergence
application, irrigate immediately after application. See label for
more directions.
DCPA (Dacthal) 6 to 7.5 Dry bulb and green. Apply immediately after seeding or
W-75 8 to 10 lb transplanting and/or at layby. See label for timing layby treatments.
6F 8 to 10 pt
Annual broadleaf weeds oxyfluorfen Transplanted dry bulb only. Apply as a single application
(Galigan) 2 E 1 to 2 pt 0.25 to 0.5 immediately (within 2 days) after transplanting for preemergence
(Goal 2 XL, OxiFlo) 2 EC 1 to 2 pt 0.25 to 0.5 control of weeds. See label for rates and instructions for use. Do
(GoalTender) 4 E 1 pt 0.5 not apply within 45 days of harvest.
Most annual grasses and pendimethalin (Prowl) Dry bulb only. For preemergence weed control.
some broadleaf weeds 3.3 EC 1.2 to 3.6 pt 0.5 to 1.5 MINERAL SOILS. Apply when onions have two to nine true leaves
3.8 AS 1.5 to 2 pt 0.75 to 1.5 but prior to weed emergence.
ALL SOILS. Do not apply within 45 days of harvest.
3.3 EC 2.4 to 4.8 pt 1 to 2 Dry bulb only. For preemergence weed control.
3.8 AS 4 pt 2 MUCK SOILS. Apply prior to onion emergence through the nine-
leaf stage. See label for specific rate for crop growth stage and for
all precautions.
ALL SOILS. Do not apply within 45 days of harvest.
dimethenamid-P (Outlook) 12 to 21 oz 0.6 to 1 Dry bulb only. For preemergence weed control. Apply after crop
6 EC has reached 2 true leaves until a minimum of 30 days before
harvest. If applications are made to transplanted crop, DO NOT
apply until transplants are in the ground and soil has settled around
transplants with several days to recover.
ONIONS Most annual broadleaf oxyfluorfen 0.12 Dry bulb only. May be used as a postemergence spray to both the
Postemergence weeds (Galigan) 2 E 0.5 pt weeds and crop after the onions have at least two fully developed
(Goal 2 XL) 2 EC 0.5 pt true leaves. Some injury to onions may result. Injury will be more
(GoalTender) 4 E 0.25 pt severe if the chemical is applied during cool, wet weather. Weeds
should be in the two- to four-leaf stage for best results. Do not
make more than four applications per year. Do not apply within 45
days of harvest.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution.
Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not control grass
weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered herbicides.
Most emerged weeds glyphosate 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles, as
(various brands) 4 SL shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row middles,
(various brands) 5 SL or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not allow
(Roundup WeatherMax) herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed, roots,
5.5 L or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial fluazifop (Fusilade DX) 6 to 16 oz 0.1 to 0.25 Dry bulb only. Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers
grasses only 2 EC label for specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 gal crop oil
concentrate or 1 qt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray mix. Do
not apply on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 45 days of harvest.
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Dry bulb and green. Apply to emerged grasses. Consult
manufacturers label for specific rates and best times to treat. Add
1 qt of crop oil concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may
increase the likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do
not apply Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not
apply within 30 days of harvest.
clethodim Dry bulb only. Apply to emerged grasses. Consult the
(Arrow, Clethodim, Select) manufacturers label for specific rates and best times to treat. With
2 EC 6 to16 oz 0.09 to 0.25 Arrow, Clethodim, or Select, add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 32 oz 0.07 to 0.25 gal spray mix. With Select Max, add 2 pt nonionic surfactant per
100 gal spray mixture. Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood
of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply Select on
unusually hot and humid days. Do not apply within 45 days of
harvest. Very effective in controlling annual bluegrass.

Page 242 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
PEAS, GREEN Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
Preplant and foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt weeds before crop emergence as a broadcast or band treatment
Preemergence application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt over a preformed row. Use sufficient water to give thorough
coverage. Row should be formed several days ahead of planting
and treating to allow maximum weed emergence. Plant with
a minimum of soil movement for best results. Use a nonionic
surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100gal spray mix or 1 gal
approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply prior to planting or emergence of crop for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in. across. Use a
crop oil at up to 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution or a nonionic
surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution. Coverage is
essential for good weed control. Does not control grasses. Can be
tank mixed with other registered burndown herbicides.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Do not
and broadleaf weeds (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt feed crop residue to livestock for 8 weeks following treatment.
(various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt Perennial weeds may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult
(Roundup WeatherMax) the manufacturers label for rates for specific weeds. Certain
5.5 L 11 to 32 oz glyphosate formulations require the addition of a surfactant.
Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic
surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- pendimethalin Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 2 to 3 in. using a
seeded broadleaf weeds (Prowl) 3.3 EC 1.2 to 3.6 pt 0.5 to 1.5 power driven rototiller or by cross disking. DO NOT APPLY AFTER
(Prowl H2O) 3.8 AS 1.5 to 3 pt 0.75 to 1.5 SEEDING.
Annual grasses and small- trifluralin 1 to 1.5 pt 0.5 to 0.75 Apply preplant and incorporate to a depth of 2 to 3 in. within 8 hr
seeded broadleaf weeds (Treflan HFP) 4 EC with a rototiller or tandem disk.
(Trifluralin) 4 EC
(Trifluralin HF) 4 EC
(Trilin) 4 EC
Annual grasses and clomazone (Command) 0.4 to 0.67 pt 0.15 to 0.25 Apply to the soil surface immediately after seeding. Offers weak
broadleaf weeds 3ME control of pigweed. See label for further instruction. Limited
research has been done on this product in this crop in North
Annual grasses, small- S-metolachlor 1 to 2 pt 0.95 to 1.91 Apply to soil surface immediately after seeding. Shallow
seeded broadleaf weeds, (Dual Magnum ) 7.62 EC cultivations will improve control.
and suppression of yellow (Dual II Magnum) 7.64 EC
Annual broadleaf weeds imazethapyr (Pursuit) 0.72 to 1.08 oz 0.032 to LABELED FOR ENGLISH PEAS ONLY. Apply preplant
including morningglory, 70 DG 0.047 incorporated or to soil surface immediately after planting.
pigweed, smartweed, and
PEAS, GREEN Annual broadleaf weeds and bentazon (Basagran) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1 Apply overtop of peas when weeds are small and peas have at
Postemergence yellow nutsedge least three pairs of leaves (four nodes). DO NOT ADD CROP OIL
CONCENTRATE TO SPRAY MIX. Do not apply within 10 days of
harvest. Do not apply when peas are in bloom.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots or stems, exposed
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
grasses specific rates and best times to treat. With sethoxydim, add 1 qt of
quizalofop p-ethyl (Assure 6 to 12 oz 0.04 to 0.08 crop oil concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast or Assure II
II or Targa) .88 EC may increase the likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures.
With quizalofop, add 1 gal oil concentrate or 1 qt nonionic
surfactant per 100 gal spray. Do not apply Poast or Assure II on
days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply sethoxydim
within 15 days or Assure within 30 days of harvest.
Annual broadleaf weeds imazethapyr (Pursuit) 0.72 to 1.08 oz 0.032 to LABELED FOR ENGLISH PEAS ONLY. Apply postemergence to
including morningglory, 70 DG 0.047 1- to 3-in. weeds (one to four leaves) when peas are at least 3 in.
pigweed, smartweed, and high but prior to five nodes. Add nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100
purslane gal of spray mix. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 243
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
PEAS, SOUTHERN Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray solution to emerged weeds
(cowpeas, blackeyed foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt before crop emergence as a broadcast or band treatment over a
peas) application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt preformed row. Use sufficient water to give thorough coverage.
Preplant or Row should be formed several days ahead of planting and treating
Preemergence to allow maximum weed emergence. Plant with a minimum of soil
movement for best results. Use a nonionic surfactant at a rate
of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal approved crop oil
concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply prior to planting or emergence of crop for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in. across. Use a
crop oil at up to 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution or a nonionic
surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution. Coverage is
essential for good weed control. Does not control grasses. Can be
tank mixed with other registered burndown herbicides.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Do not
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt feed crop residue to livestock for 8 weeks following treatment.
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt Perennial weeds may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz the manufacturers label for rates for specific weeds. Certain
5.5 L glyphosate formulations require the addition of a surfactant.
Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic
surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- DCPA (Dacthal) Black-eyed peas only. Apply immediately after seeding.
seeded broadleaf weeds W-75 8 to 10 lb
6F 8 to 10 pt
pendimethalin Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 2 to 3 in. using a
(Prowl) 3.3 EC 1.2 to 3.6 pt 0.5 to 1.5 power driven rototiller or by cross disking. DO NOT APPLY AFTER
(Prowl H2O) 3.8 AS 1.5 to 3 pt 0.75 to 1.5 SEEDING.
trifluralin 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 2 to 3 in. deep within 8
(Treflan HFP) 4 EC hr with a rototiller or tandem disk.
(Trifluralin) 4 EC
(Trifluralin HF) 4 EC
(Trilin) 4 EC
Annual grasses and clomazone (Command) 0.4 to 0.67 pt 0.15 to 0.25 Apply to the soil surface immediately after seeding. Offers weak
broadleaf weeds 3ME control of pigweed. See label for further instruction. Limited
research has been done on this product in this crop in North
Annual grasses, small- S-metolachlor 1 to 2 pt 0.95 to 1.91 Apply to soil surface immediately after planting. Shallow
seeded broadleaf weeds, (Dual Magnum) 7.62 EC cultivations will improve control. May also be soil incorporated
and suppression of yellow (Dual II Magnum) 7.64 EC before planting.
Annual grasses and imazethapyr (Pursuit) 0.72 to 1.44 oz 0.032 to Apply preemergence or preplant incorporated.
broadleaf weeds including 70 DG 0.063
morningglory, pigweed,
smartweed, and purslane
PEAS, SOUTHERN Annual broadleaf weeds and bentazon (Basagran) 4 SL 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1 Apply overtop of peas when weeds are small and peas have at
Postemergence yellow nutsedge least three pairs of leaves (four nodes). DO NOT ADD CROP OIL
CONCENTRATE TO SPRAY MIX. Do not apply within 30 days of
harvest. Do not apply when peas are in bloom.
Annual broadleaf weeds imazethapyr (Pursuit) 0.72 to 1.44 oz 0.032 to LABELED FOR SOUTHERN PEAS AND CERTAIN DRY PEAS.
including morningglory, 70 DG 0.063 Apply postemergence to 1- to 3-in. weeds (one to four leaves)
pigweed, smartweed, and when peas are at least 3 in. in height but prior to five nodes and
purslane flowering. Add nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
mixture with all postemergence applications. Do not apply within
30 days of harvest.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial quizalofop p-ethyl (Assure 6 to 12 oz 0.04 to 0.08 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
grasses II or Targa) .88 EC specific rates and best times to treat. With sethoxydim, add 1 qt
of crop oil concentrate per acre. With quizalofop, add 1gal oil
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 concentrate or 1 qt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray. Adding
crop oil to Assure II or Poast may increase the likelihood of crop
injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply Assure II or Poast on
days that are unusually hot and humid. With sethoxydim, do not
apply within 15 days and 30 days of harvest for succulent and dry
peas, respectively. With quizalofop, do not apply within 30 days of
harvest of dry Southern peas.

Page 244 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
PEPPERS Most annual and perennial methyl bromide various 240 Inject into the soil 4 to 6 in. deep and cover with tarp immediately.
Preemergence weeds Soil moisture should be near field capacity and soil temperature
should be at least 50F at the treatment depth. Allow 2 weeks
after application before seeding or transplanting. If plastic tarp is
removed, disking before planting will facilitate aeration.
Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal of spray mix per acre to emerged
foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt weeds before transplanting as a broadcast or band treatment over
application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt a preformed row. Row should be formed several days ahead of
planting and treating to allow maximum weed emergence. Plant
with a minimum of soil movement for best results. Use a nonionic
surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal
approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply prior to transplanting of crop for control of emerged weeds
1.9 EW or 2 EC less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in. across. Use a crop oil
at up to 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution or a nonionic surfactant
at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution. Coverage is essential for
good weed control. Does not control grasses. Can be tank mixed
with other registered burndown herbicides.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds at least 3 days before seeding or
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt transplanting. When applying Roundup before transplanting
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt crops into plastic mulch, care must be taken to remove residues
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz of this product from the plastic prior to transplanting. To prevent
5.5 L crop injury, residues can be removed by 0.5 in. natural rainfall or
by applying water via a sprinkler system. Perennial weeds may
require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers
label for specific weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations
require the addition of a surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant
to glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may result in
reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Apply preplant incorporated (1 in. incorporation is optimum)
seeded broadleaf weeds or preemergence. With preemergence application, irrigate
immediately after application. See label for more directions.
Annual grasses and small- clomazone (Command) 0.67 to 2.67 pt 0.25 to 1 Not labeled for banana pepper. Apply preplant before
seeded broadleaf weeds 3 ME transplanting. Weak on pigweed. SEE LABEL FOR
napropamide (Devrinol) 2 to 4 lb 1 to 2 Bare ground: Can be used on direct-seeded and transplanted
50 DF peppers. See label for instructions on use.
In-row: Apply to a weed-free soil before laying plastic mulch. Soils
should be well worked yet moist enough to permit a thorough
incorporation to a depth of 2 inches. Incorporate on the same day
as applied using equipment that will result in uniform incorporation
of the herbicide to the desired depth. Then apply plastic mulch. If
weed pressure is from small seeded annuals, apply to the surface
of the bed immediately in front of the laying of plastic mulch. If
soil is dry, water or sprinkler irrigate with sufficient water to wet to
a depth of 2 to 4 inches before covering with plastic mulch. Apply
the plastic mulch over the treated soil the same day.
Between rows: Apply to a weed-free soil surface between rows of
plastic. Apply Devrinol within 24 hours of rainfall, or mechanically
incoporate or irrigate Devrinol into the soil to a depth of 1 to 2
inches within 24 hours of application.
trifluralin 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 1 Apply pretransplant, and incorporate to a depth of 2 to 3 in. within
(Treflan HFP) 4 EC 8 hr with a rototiller or tandem disk.
(Trifluralin) 4 EC
(Trifluralin HF) 4 EC
(Trilin) 4 EC
Broadleaf weeds and a few oxyfluorfen (Goal) 2XL Up to 2 pt 0.5 lb Plasticulture only. Apply to soil surface of pre-formed beds
annual grasses at least 30 days prior to transplanting crop for control of many
broadleaf weeds including Carolina geranium and cutleaf
eveningprimrose. While incorporation is not necessary, it may
result in less crop injury. Plastic mulch can be applied anytime
after application but best results are likely if applied soon after
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to Row middles only. Apply to row middles as a preemergence
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 lb spray. In plasticulture, do not allow spray to contact plastic.
Early season application will give postemergence and
preemergence control. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest. For
postemergence applications, use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per
100 gal of spray solution.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 245
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
PEPPERS Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
Postemergence 1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
(various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
(various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
(Roundup WeatherMax) allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
5.5 L 11 to 22 oz roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to Row middles only. Apply to row middles as a postemergence
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 lb spray. In plasticulture, do not allow spray to contact plastic.
Early season application will give postemergence and
preemergence control. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest. For
postemergence applications, use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per
100 gal of spray solution.
Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 Row middles only. Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per
foliage (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 pt acre as a shielded spray to emerged weeds between rows of
(Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 pt peppers. Use a nonionic surfactant at a rate of 16 oz per 100 gal
spray mix.
Annual and perennial sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
grasses only specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 20 days of harvest.
clethodim Apply postemergence to control grasses. With Arrow, Clethodim,
(Arrow, Clethodim, Select) or Select, add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to With Select Max, add 2 pt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray
0.125 mixture. Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood of crop injury
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 at high air temperatures. Very effective in controlling annual
bluegrass. Apply to actively growing grasses not under drought
stress. Do not apply within 20 days of harvest.

Page 246 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
POTATOES, IRISH Contact kill of all green paraquat Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
Preplant and foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 0.7 to 1.3 pt 0.26 to 0.5 weeds up to ground cracking before crop emergence. May be
Preemergence application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 1 to 2 pt 0.25 to 0.5 used instead of the drag-off operation to kill emerged weeds
before the application of preemergence herbicides. This procedure
should help to provide excellent control of all annual weeds. Use a
nonionic surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix
or 1 gal approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply prior to planting or emergence of crop for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in. across. Use a
crop oil at up to 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution or a nonionic
surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution. Coverage is
essential for good weed control. Does not control grasses. Can be
tank mixed with other registered burndown herbicides.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Do not
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt feed crop residue to livestock for 8 weeks following treatment.
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt Perennial weeds may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz the manufacturers label for rates for specific weeds. Certain
5.5 L glyphosate formulations require the addition of a surfactant.
Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic
surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- pendimethalin Apply just after planting or drag-off to weed-free soil before crop
seeded broadleaf weeds (Prowl) 3.3 EC 1.2 to 3.6 pt 0.5 to 1.5 emerges or from emergence until crop reaches 6 in. tall.
(Prowl H2O) 3.8 AS 1.5 to 3 pt 0.75 to 1.5
Annual grasses and small- S-metolachlor 1 to 2 pt 0.95 to1.91 Apply just after planting or drag-off to weed-free soil before crop
seeded broadleaf weeds, (Dual Magnum) 7.62 EC emerges. Dual Magnum can also be applied at lay-by for control of
plus yellow nutsedge (Dual II Magnum) 7.64 EC late season weeds. See label for further instruction.

dimethenamid-P (Outlook) 12 to 21 oz 0.6 to 1 Apply just after planting or drag-off to weed-free soil before crop
6 EC emerges. See label for further instruction.
Annual grasses, most EPTC (Eptam) 7 EC 3.5 pt 3 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 2 to 3 in. with a
broadleaf weeds, plus rototiller or tandem disk. The variety Superior has been shown
yellow and purple nutsedge to be sensitive to Eptam. See label for specific methods of
suppression incorporation.
Most annual broadleaf flumioxazin (Chateau) 1.5 oz 0.047 lb Apply immediately after hilling. A minimum of 2 in. of soil must
weeds and some annual 51 WDG cover the vegetative portion of the potato plant at the time of
grasses application of Chateau. Do NOT apply to emerged potatoes. DO
NOT incorporate Chateau or weed control will be reduced. Can
be tank mixed with Dual Magnum or Dual II Magnum. Can be
tank mixed with burndown herbicides if weeds are present at
application. See label for further instructions.
linuron (Lorox DF) 50 1.5 to 3 lb 0.75 to 1.5 Apply just after planting or drag-off or hilling but before crop
WDG emerges. If emerged weeds are present, add 1 pt surfactant for
each 25 gal spray mixture. Weeds may be up to 3 in. tall at time
of application.
metribuzin (Metri DF or 0.5 to 1.3 lb 0.38 to 1 Apply just after planting or drag-off but before crop emerges.
Sencor DF) 75 WDG Weeds may be emerged at time of application. On sand soils or
sensitive varieties, do not exceed .67 lb per acre. See label for list
of sensitive varieties.
rimsulfuron (Matrix) 25 1 to 1.5 oz 0.016 to Apply after drag-off or hilling but before potatoes and weeds
WDG 0.023 emerge. If emerged weeds are present, add 1 to 2 pt surfactant
per 100 gal water. Can be tank mixed with Eptam, Prowl, Sencor,
Lorox, or Dual. See label for further instructions.

Annual grasses and S-metolachlor 1 to 2 pt 0.95 to 1.91 Apply just after planting or drag-off or hilling but before crop
broadleaf weeds, including (Dual Magnum) 7.62 EC emerges. Will also kill small, emerged broadleaf weeds.
black nightshade, ragweed, (Dual II Magnum) 7.64 EC
smartweed, and yellow + + +
nutsedge linuron (Lorox DF) 50 1 to 2.5 lb 0.5 to 1.25
Annual grasses and S-metolachlor 1 to 2 pt 0.95 to 1.91 Apply just after planting or drag-off but before crop emerges. Will
broadleaf weeds, including (Dual Magnum) 7.62 EC also kill small, emerged broadleaf weeds. May be used early
prickly sida, ragweed, (Dual II Magnum) 7.64 EC postemergence. See label for precautions and further instructions.
smartweed, velvetleaf, + + +
wild mustard, and yellow metribuzin (Sencor DF) 0.5 to 1.3 lb 0.38 to 1
nutsedge 75 WDG
Annual grasses and pendimethalin (Prowl) 1.2 to 3.6 pt 0.5 to 1.5 This is a preemergence incorporated application. Apply after
broadleaf weeds, including 3.3 EC planting or drag-off before crop emerges. Incorporate immediately
nightshade and yellow and + + + after application into the top 1 to 2 in. of soil. Do not use on peat
purple nutsedge EPTC (Eptam) 7 EC 3 to 3.5 pt 2.6 to 3.1 or muck soils. Can also be applied early postemergence; see label
for directions. See precautions listed for Eptam.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 247
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
POTATOES, IRISH Annual grasses and pendimethalin (Prowl) 1.2 to 3.6 pt 0.5 to 1.5 Apply just after planting or drag-off or hilling but before crop
Preplant and broadleaf weeds, including 3.3 EC emerges. Will also kill small, emerged broadleaf weeds. See label
Preemergence common ragweed, wild + + + for rates on light textured soil.
(continued) mustard, and smartweed linuron (Lorox DF) 50 1.5 to 4 lb 0.75 to 2
Annual grasses and pendimethalin (Prowl) 1.2 to 3.6 pt 0.5 to 1.5 Apply just after planting or drag-off but before crop emerges. Will
broadleaf 3.3 EC also kill small, emerged broadleaf weeds. May be used early
weeds, including cocklebur, + + + postemergence. See label for precautions and further instructions.
common ragweed, metribuzin (Sencor DF) 0.33 to 0.67 lb 0.25 to 0.5
smartweed, 75 WDG
and velvetleaf
Yellow and purple nutsedge EPTC (Eptam) 7 EC 3.5 pt 3 For late season preemergence nutsedge control, apply and
incorporate as a directed spray to the soil on both sides of the
crop row.

POTATOES, IRISH Most annual broadleaf metribuzin (Metri DF or 0.33 to 0.67 lb 0.25 to 0.5 Do not use on early maturing smooth-skinned white or red-skinned
Postemergence weeds and some annual Sencor DF) 75 WDG varieties. Apply only if there have been at least three successive
grasses days of sunny weather before application. Treat before weeds are
1 in. tall. Treatment may cause some chlorosis or minor necrosis.
Do not apply within 60 days of harvest.
rimsulfuron (Matrix) 25 1 to 1.5 oz 0.016 to Apply to young actively growing weeds after crop emergence but
WDG 0.023 before the crop exceeds 14 in. tall. More effective on small weeds.
Add nonionic surfactant at 1 to 2 pt per 100 gal water. Can be tank
mixed with Eptam or Sencor or some foliar fungicides. See label
for further instructions.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial clethodim Apply postemergence for control of grasses. With Arrow,
grasses only (Arrow, Clethodim, Select) Clethodim, or Select, add 1 qt crop of oil concentrate per acre.
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to With Select Max, nonionic surfactant of 2 pt per 100 gal spray
0.125 mixture can be used instead of crop oil concentrate. Adding
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 32 oz 0.07 to 0.25 crop oil may increase the likelihood of crop injury at high air
temperatures. Very effective in controlling annual bluegrass. Apply
to actively growing grasses not under drought stress. Do not apply
within 30 days of harvest.
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply on
days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply within 30
days of harvest.
Annual broadleaf weeds and sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to small emerged annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.
grasses + + + Consult manufacturers label for best times to treat and all
metribuzin (Sencor DF) 8 to 10 oz 0.38 to 0.47 precautions. Add 1qt of crop oil concentrate per acre. Do not
75 WDG apply on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 60 days of harvest.

Page 248 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
PUMPKINS Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
Preplant and foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt weeds before crop emergence or transplanting as a band or
Preemergence application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt broadcast treatment over a preformed row. Use sufficient water
to give thorough coverage. Row should be formed several days
ahead of planting or treating to allow maximum weed emergence.
Plant with a minimum of soil movement for best results. Use a
nonionic surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray
solution or 1 gal approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Not registered for use on seeded crop. Apply prior to
1.9 EW or 2 EC transplanting crop for control of emerged weeds less than 4 in. tall
or rosettes less than 3 in. across. Use a crop oil at up to 1 gal per
100 gal of spray solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100
gal of spray solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control.
Does not control grasses. Can be tank mixed with other registered
burndown herbicides.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds at least 3 days before seeding or
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt transplanting. Perennial weeds may require higher rates of
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers label for rates for specific
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations require the addition of a
5.5 L surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated
with nonionic surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and some bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 1 to 2 in. (1 in.
small-seeded broadleaf incorporation is optimum) with a rototiller or tandem disk, or apply
weeds to the soil surface after seeding and follow with irrigation. Check
replant restrictions for small grains on label. See label for use rate
if Prefar 4 EC is used.
ethalfluralin (Curbit) 3 EC 3 to 4.5 pt 1.1 to 1.7 Apply to the soil surface immediately after seeding. DO NOT
SOIL INCORPORATE. May also be used as a BANDED spray
between rows of pumpkin. See label for timing. Shallow cultivation,
irrigation, or rainfall within 5 days is needed for good weed control.
Do not use under mulches, row covers, or hot caps. Under
conditions of unusually cold or wet soil and air temperatures, crop
stunting or injury may occur. Crop injury can occur if seeding depth
is too shallow.
Annual grasses and ethalfuralin + clomazone 2 to 6 pt 0.4 to 1.2 Apply to the soil surface immediately after crop seeding for
broadleaf weeds (Strategy) 2.1 L + preemergence control of weeds. DO NOT APPLY PRIOR TO
0.375 used as a banded treatment between rows after crop emergence
or transplanting.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to Row middles only. Apply to row middles as a preemergence
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 lb spray. In plasticulture, do not allow spray to contact plastic.
Early season application will give postemergence and
preemergence control. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest. For
postemergence applications, use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per
100 gal of spray solution.
PUMPKINS Annual grasses and some trifluralin (Treflan HFP) 1 to 1.5 pt 0.5 to 0.75 Row middles only. To improve preemergence control of late emerging
Postemergence small- seeded broadleaf 4EC weeds. Apply after emergence when crop plants have reached the
weeds three to four true leaf stage of growth. Apply as a directed spray to soil
between the rows. Avoid contacting foliage as slight crop injury may
occur. Set incorporation equipment to move treated soil around base of
crop plants. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial clethodim Apply postemergence for control of grasses. With Arrow,
grasses only (Arrow, Clethodim, Select) Clethodim, or Select, add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100 gal
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to spray mix. With Select Max, add 2 pt of nonionic surfactant per
0.125 100 gal spray mixture. Adding crop oil concentrate may increase
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 the likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Very effective
in controlling annual bluegrass. Apply to actively growing grasses
not under drought stress. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Crop oil may increase the likelihood of crop
injury at high temperatures. Do not apply Poast on days that are
unusually hot and humid. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 249
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
PUMPKINS Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
Postemergence WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
(continued) middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to Row middles only. Apply to row middles as a postemergence
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 lb spray. In plasticulture, do not allow spray to contact plastic.
Early season application will give postemergence and
preemergence control. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest. For
postemergence applications, use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per
100 gal of spray solution.


Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
RADISH Annual grasses and trifluralin (Treflan HFP, 1 to 1.5 pt 0.5 to 0.75 Apply preplant and incorporate immediately after application for
broadleaf weeds Trifluralin Trifluralin HF, preemergence weed control. Low rate should be used on coarse-
Trilin) 4 EC textured soil.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Annual and perennial clethodim Apply postemergence to emerged grasses. See label for rates
grasses (Arrow, Clethodim, Select) for specific grasses. With Arrow, Clethodim, or Select, add crop
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.94 to 0.125 oil concentrate at 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution. With Select
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 Max, add nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal spray mixture. Do
not spray within 15 days of harvest.

Page 250 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
SPINACH Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds before crop emergence. Do not feed
Preemergence and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 1.5 pt residue to livestock for 8 weeks. Perennial weeds may require
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt higher rates of glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers label
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz for rates for specific weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations
5.5 L require the addition of a surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant
to glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may result in
reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and cycloate (Ro-Neet) 6 EC 2 qt 3 Use on sandy mineral soils only. This herbicide must be
broadleaf weeds plus incorporated 2 to 3 in. into soiil before planting.
yellow and purple nutsedge

SPINACH Broadleaf weeds including clopyralid (Clopyr AG, 0.33 to 0.5 pt 0.125 to Apply to spinach in the 2- to 5-leaf stage when weeds are small
Postemergence sowthistle clover, cocklebur, Stinger) 3 EC 0.187 lb and actively growing. Will control most legumes. See label for
jimsonweed, and ragweed more precautions. Do not apply within 21 days of harvest.

Broadleaf weeds phenmedipham (Spin-aid) 3 to 6 pt 0.5 to 1 For processing spinach only. Do not use when expected high
1.3 EC temperatures will be above 75oF. For best results, spray when
weeds are in the two-leaf stage. Use the 6-pt rate only on well-
established crops that are not under stress. Do not apply within
40 days of harvest. Spinach plants must have more than six true
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
grasses only specific rates and best times to treat. For sethoxydim, add 1 qt of
clethodim crop oil concentrate per acre. For Arrow, Clethodim, or Select, add
(Arrow, Clethodim, Select) 1 gal of crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray solution. For Select
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to Max, add nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray mixture.
0.125 Adding crop oil to Poast or Select may increase the likelihood of
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply Poast, Arrow,
Clethodim, or Select on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do
not apply sethoxydim within 15 days of harvest or clethodim within
14 days of harvest.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 251
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
SQUASH Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
Preplant and foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt weeds before transplanting or crop emergence as a band or
Preemergence application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt broadcast treatment over a preformed row. Use sufficient water
to give thorough coverage. Row should be formed several days
ahead of planting or treating to allow maximum weed emergence.
Plant with a minimum of soil movement for best results. Use a
nonionic surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32oz per 100 gal spray mix
or 1 gal approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply prior to transplanting crop for control of emerged weeds less
1.9 EW or 2 EC than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in. across. Use a crop oil at
up to 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution or a nonionic surfactant at
2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution. Coverage is essential for good
weed control. Does not control grasses. Can be tank mixed with
other registered burndown herbicides.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds at least 3 days before seeding or
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt transplanting. When applying Roundup before transplanting
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt crops into plastic mulch, care must be taken to remove residues
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz of this product from the plastic prior to transplanting. To prevent
5.5 L crop injury, residues can be removed by 0.5 in. natural rainfall or
by applying water via a sprinkler system. Perennial weeds may
require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers
label for rates for specific weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations
require the addition of a surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant
to glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may result in
reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and small- bensulide (Prefar) 4 EC 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 1 to 2 in. (1 in.
seeded broadleaf weeds incorporation is optimum) with a rototiller or tandem disk, or apply
to the soil surface after seeding and follow by irrigation. Check
replant restrictions for small grains on label.
ethalfluralin (Curbit) 3 EC 1.5 to 2 pt 0.56 to .75 For squash grown on bare ground only. Apply to the soil surface
immediately after seeding. Do not soil incorporate. Seed must be
covered with soil to prevent crop injury. For coarse-textured soils,
use lowest rate of rate range. Shallow cultivation, irrigation, or
rainfall within 5 days is needed for good weed control. If weather
is unusually cold or soil wet and cold, crop stunting or injury may
occur. Crop injury can also occur if seeding depth is too shallow.
See label for further precautions and instruction.

3 to 4.5 pt 1.1 to 1.7 For squash grown on plastic only. Apply to the soil surface
between the rows of black plastic immediately after seeding or
transplanting. Do not use under mulches, row covers, or hot caps.
Do not apply prior to planting or over plastic. See label for further
Annual grasses and ethalfuralin + clomazone 2 to 6 pt 0.4 to 1.2 Apply to the soil surface immediately after crop seeding for
broadleaf weeds (Strategy) 2.1 L + preemergence control of weeds. DO NOT APPLY PRIOR TO
0.375 used as a banded treatment between rows after crop emergence
or transplanting.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to Row middles only. Apply to row middles as preemergence spray.
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 lb In plasticulture, do not allow spray to contact plastic. Early season
application will give postemergence and preemergence control.
Do not apply within 30 days of harvest. For postemergence
applications, use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per 100 gal of spray
SQUASH Annual grasses and small- trifluralin (Treflan HFP) 1 to 1.5 pt 0.5 to 0.75 Row middles only. To improve preemergence control of late
Postemergence seeded broadleaf weeds 4EC emerging weeds. Apply after emergence when crop plants have
reached the three to four true leaf stage of growth. Apply as a
directed spray to soil between the rows. Avoid contacting foliage as
slight crop injury may occur. Set incorporation equipment to move
treated soil around base of crop plants. Do not apply within 30 days
of harvest. Will not control emerged weeds.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution.
Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not control grass
weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered herbicides.
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles, as
WeatherMax) 5.5 L shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row middles,
or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not allow
herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed, roots,
or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.

Page 252 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
SQUASH Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to Row middles only. Apply to row middles as postemergence spray.
Postemergence and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 lb In plasticulture, do not allow spray to contact plastic. Early season
(continued) application will give postemergence and preemergence control. Do
not apply within 30 days of harvest. For postemergence applications,
use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per 100 gal of spray solution.
Annual and perennial clethodim Apply postemergence for control of grasses. With Arrow, Clethodim,
grasses only (Arrow, Clethodim, Select) or Select, add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to With Select Max, add 2 pt of nonionic surfactant per 100 gal
0.125 spray mixture. Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood of crop
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 injury at high air temperatures. Very effective in controlling annual
bluegrass. Apply to actively growing grasses not under drought
stress. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
sethoxydim (Poast)1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for specific
rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil concentrate per
acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the likelihood of crop
injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply Poast on days that are
unusually hot and humid. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 253
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
SWEETPOTATO Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds before transplanting. Do not feed crop
Preplant and and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt residue to livestock for 8 weeks following treatment. Perennial
Preemergence bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt weeds may require higher rates of glyphosate. Consult the
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz manufacturers label for rates for specific weeds. Certain
5.5 L glyphosate formulations may require the addition of a surfactant.
Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated with nonionic
surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses, small- EPTC (Eptam) 7 EC 2.25 to 3.5 pt 2 to 3 Apply and incorporate prior to transplanting. Best nutsedge control
seeded broadleaf weeds and has resulted from application to preshaped beds. Information on
nutsedge incorporation is on the Eptam label. See label for all instructions
and precautions.
Annual broadleaf weeds flumioxazin (Valor) 51 2.5 oz 0.08 Apply 2 to 5 days prior to transplanting crop for control of many
including pigweed WDG annual broadleaf weeds and annual sedges. Movement of soil
during transplanting should not occur or reduced weed control may
result. Do not use on greenhouse-grown transplants. Do not apply
postemergence or serious crop injury will occur. Do not use on
transplants harvested more than 2 days prior to transplanting. Do
not use on transplant propagation beds. See label for instruction
on use.
Annual grasses and clomazone (Command) up to 2 pt up to 0.75 Posttransplant. Apply within 5 days after transplanting for
broadleaf weeds 3 ME preemergence control. Weak on pigweed. See label for preharvest
interval and other instructions and precautions.
DCPA (Dacthal) 6 to 7.5 Apply to the soil surface immediately after transplanting. May also
W-75 8 to 10 lb be applied at layby for preemergence weed control late in the
6F 8 to 10 pt growing season. Applying herbicide in bands over row will reduce
cost. Do not apply in plant beds or crop injury will occur.
napropamide (Devrinol) 2 to 4 lb 1 to 2 PLANT BEDS. Apply to the soil surface after sweetpotato roots are
50 DF covered with soil but prior to soil cracking and sweetpotato plant
emergence. Does not control emerged weeds. Check label for
more information.
PRODUCTION FIELDS. Apply to the soil surface immediately
after transplanting. If rainfall does not occur within 24 hr, shallow
incorporate or irrigate with sufficient water to wet the soil to a
depth of 2 to 4 in. Check label for more information.
SWEETPOTATO Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
Postemergence 1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate (Roundup 11 to 22 oz 0.5 to 0.94 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
WeatherMax) 5.5 L as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Annual and perennial clethodim Apply postemergence for control of grasses. For Arrow, Clethodim,
grasses only (Arrow, Clethodim, Select) or Select, add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
2 EC 6 to 16 oz 0.094 to 0.25 For Select Max, add 2 pt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 32 oz 0.07 to 0.25 mixture. Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood of crop injury
at high air temperatures. Very effective in controlling annual
bluegrass. Apply to actively growing grasses not under drought
stress. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.
fluazifop (Fusilade DX) 6 to 16 oz 0.1 to 0.25 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label
2 EC for specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 gal crop oil
concentrate or 1 qt nonionic surfactant per 100 gal spray mix. Do
not apply Fusilade on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do
not apply within 55 days of harvest.
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 30 days of harvest.

Page 254 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
TOMATOES Preplant Most annual and perennial methyl bromide various 240 Inject into the soil 4 to 6 in. deep and cover with tarp immediately.
and Preemergence weeds Soil moisture should be near field capacity and soil temperature
should be at least 50oF at the treatment depth. Allow 2 weeks
after application before seeding or transplanting. If plastic tarp is
removed, disking before planting will facilitate aeration.
Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged
foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt weeds before transplanting as a broadcast or band treatment over
application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt a preformed row. Row should be formed several days ahead of
planting and treating to allow maximum weed emergence. Plant
with a minimum of soil movement for best results. Use a nonionic
surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray mix or 1 gal
approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Not registered for seeded crop. Apply prior to transplanting of
1.9 EW or 2 EC crop for control of emerged weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes
less than 3 in. across. Use a crop oil at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
of spray solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of
spray solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does
not control grasses. Can be tank mixed with other registered
burndown herbicides.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to For preemergence application, apply no sooner than 14 days after
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 transplanting. For pretransplant application under plastic mulch,
apply to pre-formed bed just prior to plastic mulch application and
delay transplanting at least 7 days. Early season application will
give postemergence and preemergence control. The 1 oz rate is
for preemergence and postemergence control in row middles. For
postemergence applications, use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per
100 gal of spray solution. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.
Yellow nutsedge, annual S-metolachlor (Dual 1 to 2 pt 0.95 to Apply preplant or postdirected to transplants after the first settling
grasses, and broadleaf MAGNUM) 7.62 EC 1.50 lb rain or irrigation. In plasticulture, apply to pre-formed beds just
weeds prior to applying plastic mulch. Minimize contact with crop. Do
not apply within 90 days of harvest. Also registered for use in row
middles, and in seeded crop. See label for further instructions.
Annual grasses and metribuzin (Metri DF or 0.33 to 0.67 lb 0.25 to 0.5 Apply to soil surface and incorporate 2 to 4 in. deep before trans-
broadleaf weeds, including Sencor DF) 75 WDG planting. See label for instructions. Can be applied with trifluralin.
jimsonweed, common
ragweed, smartweed, and
Annual grasses and small- napropamide (Devrinol) 2 to 4 lb 1 to 2 Bare ground: Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 1 to 2
seeded broadleaf weeds 50 DF in. as soon as possible with a rototiller or tandem disk. Can be
used on direct-seeded or transplanted tomatoes. See label for
instructions on use.
Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 1 to 2 in. as soon as
possible with a rototiller or tandem disk. May be applied prior to
laying plastic or between plastic if irrigation is available.
In-row: Apply to a weed-free soil before laying plastic mulch. Soil
should be well worked yet moist enough to permit a thorough
incorporation to a depth of 2 inches. Incorporate on the same day
as applied using equipment that will result in uniform incoporation
of the herbicide to the desired depth. Then lay plastic mulch. If
weed pressure is from small seeded annuals, apply to the surface
of the bed immediately in front of the laying of plastic mulch. If
soil is dry, water or sprinkle irrigate with sufficient water to wet to
a depth of 2 to 4 inches before covering with plastic mulch. Apply
the plastic mulch over the treated soil the same day.
Between rows: Apply to a weed-free soil between the rows of
plastic. Apply Devrinol within 24 hours of rainfall, or mechanically
incorporate or irrigate Devrinol into the soil to a depth of 1 to 2
inches within 24 hours of application.
trifluralin 1 pt 0.5 Apply pretransplant and incorporate into the soil 2 to 3 in. within 8
(Treflan HFP) 4 EC hr using a rototiller or tandem disk.
(Trifluralin) 4 EC
(Trifluralin HF) 4 EC
(Trilin) 4 EC
Broadleaf weeds and a few oxyfluorfen (Goal) 2 XL Up to 2 pints 0.5 lb Plasticulture only. Apply to soil surface of pre-formed beds
annual grasses at least 30 days prior to transplanting crop for control of many
broadleaf weeds including Carolina geranium and cutleaf
eveningprimrose. While incorporation is not necessary, it may
result in less crop injury. Plastic mulch can be applied anytime
after application but best results are likely if applied soon after
Annual grasses and trifluralin (Trifluralin) 4 EC 1 pt 0.5 Apply pretransplant and incorporate to a depth of 2 to 3 in.
broadleaf weeds, including + + + within 8 hr, using a rototiller or tandem disk. See label for further
cocklebur, common metribuzin (Sencor DF) 0.33 to 0.67 lb 0.25 to 0.5 instructions.
ragweed, smartweed, and 75 WDG

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 255
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
TOMATOES Annual grasses and small- DCPA (Dacthal) 6 to 7.5 Apply over the top of transplants only between 4 to 6 wk after
Postemergence seeded broadleaf weeds W-75 8 to 10 lb transplanting to improve preemergence control of late emerging
6F 8 to 10 pt weeds. Can also be applied after direct seeded plants are 4 to 6
in. high. Will not control emerged weeds.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to For postemergence applictions, use nonionic surfactant as 1 qt
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 lb per 100 gal of spray solution. Some weeds, such as nutsedge,
may require two applications of Sandea; if a second application is
needed, spot-treat only weed-infested areas. Do not apply within
30 days of harvest.
Annual grasses and metribuzin (Metri DF or 0.33 to 1.33 lb 0.25 to 1 Use either as a broadcast or directed spray but do not exceed 0.5
broadleaf weeds, including Sencor DF) 75 WDG lb a.i. with a broadcast spray. Tomatoes must have five to six true
cocklebur, common leaves. Do not apply within 7 days of harvest. Do not exceed 1 lb
ragweed, smartweed, a.i. per year. Do not apply as a broadcast spray unless 3 sunny
velvetleaf, jimsonweed, days precede application.
yellow nutsedge, and
Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.47 Row middles only. Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per
foliage (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 pt acre as a shielded spray to emerged weeds between rows of
(Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 pt tomatoes. Use a nonionic surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per
100 gal spray mix or 1 gal approved crop oil concentrate per 100
gal spray mix. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.
Most broadleaf weeds rimsulfuron (Matrix) 25 1 to 2 oz 0.25 to 0.5 Apply in tomatoes after the crop has at least two true leaves and
including wild radish, WDG oz weeds are small (1 in. or less) and actively growing. Add nonionic
common purslane, redroot surfactant at 1 qt per 100 gal of spray solution. Do not apply within
and smooth pigweed 45 days of tomato harvest. See label for further instruction.
Yellow nutsedge, trifloxysulfuron-sodium 0.1 to 0.2 oz 0.0047 to In row. Apply post-directed to tomato grown on plastic for
morningglory, common (Envoke) 75 DG 0.0094 control of nutsedge and certain broadleaf weeds. Crop should be
cocklebur, common transplanted at least 14 days prior to application. The application
lambsquarters, and other should be made prior to fruit set and at least 45 days prior to
broadleaf weeds harvest. Use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per 100 gal spray solution
with all applications.
Row middles. Apply for control of nutsedge and certain
broadleaf weeds. Crop should be transplanted at least 14 days
prior to application. Use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per 100 gal
spray solution with all applications. See label for information on
registered tank mixes. Tank mixtures with Select or Poast may
reduce grass control. See label for more information.
Annual and perennial clethodim Apply to emerged grasses. Consult the manufacturers label for
grasses only (Arrow, Clethodim, Select) specific rates and best times to treat. With Arrow, Clethodim, or
2 EC 6 to 16 fl oz 0.094 to 0.25 Select, add a crop oil concentrate at 1% by volume (1 gal per 100
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 32 oz 0.07 to 0.25 gal spray mix). With Select Max, add 2 pt of nonionic surfactant
per 100 gal spray mixture. Adding crop oil may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
clethodim plus crop oil on unusually hot and humid days. Very
effective in controlling annual bluegrass. Do not apply within 20
days of harvest.
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 20 days of harvest.
Annual broadleaf weeds and sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply either broadcast or directed to small emerged weeds and
grasses + grasses. Do not exceed 0.38 lb a.i. with broadcast spray. Consult
metribuzin (Sencor DF) + + manufacturers label for specific rates and best times to treat. Add
75 WDG 5 to 12 oz 0.23 to 0.56 1 qt crop oil concentrate per acre. Do not apply within 20 days of

Page 256 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
WATERMELONS Contact kill of all green paraquat 0.5 to 1 Apply in a minimum of 20 gal spray mix per acre to emerged weeds
Preplant and foliage. Stale bed (Firestorm) 3 SL 1.3 to 2.7 pt before crop emergence or transplanting as a broadcast or band
Preemergence application. (Gramoxone Inteon) 2 SL 2 to 4 pt treatment over a preformed row. Row should be formed several
days ahead of planting and treating to allow maximum weed
emergence. Plant with a minimum of soil movement for best results.
Use a nonionic surfactant at a rate of 16 to 32 oz per 100 gal spray
mix or 1 gal approved crop oil concentrate per 100 gal spray mix.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Not registered for seeded crop. Apply prior to transplanting of crop for
1.9 EW or 2 EC control of emerged weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than 3 in.
across. Use a crop oil at up to 1 gal per 100 gal of spray solution or
a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray solution. Coverage
is essential for good weed control. Does not control grasses. Can be
tank mixed with other registered burndown herbicides.
Annual and perennial grass glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Apply to emerged weeds at least 3 days before seeding or
and broadleaf weeds. Stale (various brands) 4 SL 1 to 3 pt transplanting. When applying Roundup before transplanting crops
bed application. (various brands) 5 SL 0.8 to 2.4 pt into plastic mulch, care must be taken to remove residues of this
(Roundup WeatherMax) 11 to 32 oz product from the plastic prior to transplanting. To prevent crop injury,
5.5 L residues can be removed by 0.5 in. natural rainfall or by applying
water via a sprinkler system. Perennial weeds may require higher
rates of glyphosate. Consult the manufacturers label for rates for
specific weeds. Certain glyphosate formulations require the addition of
a surfactant. Adding nonionic surfactant to glyphosate formulated with
nonionic surfactant may result in reduced weed control.
Annual grasses bensulide (Prefar) 4 E 5 to 6 qt 5 to 6 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 1 to 2 in. (1 in.
incorporation is optimum) with a rototiller or tandem disk, or apply
to the soil surface after seeding and follow with irrigation. Check
replant restrictions for small grains on label.
Broadleaf weeds, including naptalam (Alanap) 2 EC 4 to 8 qt 2 to 4 Seeded crop. Apply to the soil surface immediately after planting.
cocklebur, jimsonweed, Control will not be good if rainfall or irrigation does not occur within
ragweed, smartweed, and 5 days.
velvetleaf Transplanted crop. Apply as postemergence spray immediately
after transplanting. Do NOT apply over or under mulch.
Annual grasses and bensulide (Prefar) 4 E 4 to 6 qt 4 to 6 Apply preplant and incorporate into the soil 0.5 to 1 in. before
broadleaf weeds, including + + + planting. Irrigation or rainfall within 5 days will greatly improve
cocklebur, jimsonweed, naptalam (Alanap) 2 EC 4 to 8 qt 2 to 4 control. Check replant restrictions for small grains on Prefar label.
ragweed, smartweed, and Deep incorporation will lead to reduced weed control.
Annual grasses and clomazone (Command) 0.4 to 0.67 pt 0.15 to 0.25 Apply immediately after seeding, or just prior to transplanting with
broadleaf weeds 3 ME transplanted crop. Roots of transplants must be below the chemical
barrier when planting. Offers weak control of pigweed. See label for
further instructions.
Annual grasses and some ethalfluralin (Curbit) 3 EC 3 to 4.5 pt 1.1 to 1.7 Apply to the soil surface immediately after seeding. DO NOT
small-seeded broadleaf SOIL INCORPORATE. May also be used as a BANDED spray
weeds BETWEEN rows of plastic mulch. See label for timing. Shallow
cultivation, irrigation, or rainfall within 5days is needed for good
weed control. Do not use under mulches, row covers, or hot caps.
Under conditions of unusually cold or wet soil and air temperatures,
crop stunting or injury may occur. Crop injury can occur if seeding
depth is too shallow.
Annual grasses and ethalfuralin + clomazone 2 to 6 pt 0.4 to 1.2 Apply to the soil surface immediately after crop seeding for pre-
broadleaf weeds (Strategy) 2.1 L + emergence control of weeds. DO NOT APPLY PRIOR TO PLANTING.
0.125 to DO NOT SOIL INCORPORATE. May also be used as a banded
0.375 treatment between rows after crop emergence or transplanting.
Broadleaf weeds terbacil (Sinbar) 80 WP 2 to 4 oz 0.1 to 0.2 Apply after seeding but before crop emerges, or prior to
transplanting crop. With plasticulture, Sinbar may be applied
preemergence under plastic mulch or to row middles. May be
applied over plastic mulch prior to transplanting, or prior to
punching holes into the plastic mulch for transplanting. Sinbar must
be washed off the surface of the plastic mulch with a minimum of
0.5 in. of rainfall or irritation prior to punching transplant holes or
transplanting watermelon. Do not apply within 70 days of harvest.
See label for further instructions.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 0.75 oz 0.024 to Bareground. Apply after seeding but before cracking or prior to
suppression, pigweed and (Sandea) 75 DG 0.036 transplanting crop.
ragweed control Plasticulture. Application may be made to preformed beds prior to
laying plastic. If application is made prior to planting, wait 7 days
after application to seed or transplant. Stunting may occur but
should be short lived with no negative effects on yield or maturity in
favorable growing conditions. SEE LABEL FOR INFORMATION ON
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to Row middles only. Apply to row middles as a preemergence
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 lb spray. In plasticulture, do not allow spray to contact plastic.
Early season application will give postemergence and
preemergence control. Do not apply within 57 days of harvest. For
postemergence applications, use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per
100 gal of spray solution.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 257
Amount of Active
Formulation Ingredient
Crop Weed Herbicide and Formulation Per Acre Per Acre Precautions and Remarks
WATERMELONS Annual grasses and some trifluralin 1 to 2 pt 0.5 to 0.75 Row middles only. To improve preemergence control of late
Postemergence small-seeded broadleaf (Treflan HFP) 4EC emerging weeds. Apply after emergence when crop plants have
weeds (Trifluralin) 4EC reached the three to four true leaf stage of growth. Apply as a
(Trifluralin HF) 4EC directed spray to soil between the rows. Avoid contacting foliage
as slight crop injury may occur. Set incorporation equipment to
move treated soil around base of crop plants. Do not apply within
60 days of harvest. Will not control emerged weeds.
DCPA (Dacthal) 6 to 7.5 Not labeled for transplanted crop. To improve preemergence
W-75 8 to 10 lb control of late emerging weeds. Apply only when crop has four
6F 8 to 10 pt to five true leaves, is well-established, and growing conditions
are favorable. Will not control emerged weeds. Incorporation not
recommended. Will not control emerged weeds.
Broadleaf weeds naptalam (Alanap) 2 EC 4 to 8 qt 2 to 4 Apply postemergence before crop is ready to vine for
preemergence control of late emerging weeds and suppression
of pigweed and common lambsquarters 1 to 2 in. tall. Do not mix
with crop oil.
Annual and perennial clethodim Apply postemergence for control of grasses. With Arrow,
grasses only (Arrow, Clethodim, Select) Clethodim, or Select, add 1 gal crop oil concentrate per 100 gal
2 EC 6 to 8 oz 0.094 to spray mix. With Select Max, add 2 pt nonionic surfactant per 100
0.125 gal spray mixture. Adding crop oil may increase the likelihood of
(Select Max) 1 EC 9 to 16 oz 0.07 to 0.125 crop injury at high air temperatures. Very effective in controlling
annual bluegrass. Apply to actively growing grasses not under
drought stress. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
sethoxydim (Poast) 1.5 EC 1 to 1.5 pt 0.2 to 0.3 Apply to emerged grasses. Consult manufacturers label for
specific rates and best times to treat. Add 1 qt of crop oil
concentrate per acre. Adding crop oil to Poast may increase the
likelihood of crop injury at high air temperatures. Do not apply
Poast on days that are unusually hot and humid. Do not apply
within 14 days of harvest.
Most broadleaf weeds carfentrazone-ethyl (Aim) up to 2 oz up to 0.031 Apply post-directed using hooded sprayers for control of emerged
1.9 EW or 2 EC weeds. If crop is contacted, burning of contacted area will occur.
Most effective on weeds less than 4 in. tall or rosettes less than
3 in. across. Use crop oil concentrate at up to 1 gal per 100 gal
solution or a nonionic surfactant at 2 pt per 100 gal of spray
solution. Coverage is essential for good weed control. Does not
control grass weeds. Can be tank mixed with other registered
Most emerged weeds glyphosate 0.5 to 1.5 Row middles only. Apply as a hooded spray in row middles,
(various brands) 4 SL 11 to 32 oz as shielded spray in row middles, as wiper applications in row
(various brands) 5 SL 1 to 3 pt middles, or post harvest. To avoid severe injury to crop, do not
(Roundup WeatherMax) allow herbicide to contact foliage, green shoots, stems, exposed,
5.5 L 0.8 to 2.4 pt roots, or fruit of crop. Do not apply within 14 days of harvest.
Yellow and purple nutsedge halosulfuron-methyl 0.5 to 1 oz 0.024 to Row middles only. Apply to row middles as a postemergence
and broadleaf weeds (Sandea) 75 DG 0.048 spray. In plasticulture, do not allow spray to contact plastic.
Early season application will give postemergence and
preemergence control. Do not apply within 57 days of harvest. For
postemergence applications, use nonionic surfactant at 1 qt per
100 gal of spray solution.

Page 258 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008
Poison Centers maintain a 24-hour consultant service in diagnosis and treatment of human illness resulting from toxic substances.
Make sure that your physician knows the Poison Centers telephone number and do not hesitate to call in case of an emergency.

Alabama 1-800-292-6678 or 1-800-462-0800

Louisiana State Poison Control Center 1-800-256-9822
Mississippi AgroMedicine Program 800-738-9898 or 601-354-7660
North Carolina Carolinas Poison Center 800-848-6946 (800-84-TOXIN)
South Carolina Palmetto Poison Center 800-922-1117

Alabama 334-260-2700, after 5:00 p.m. 334-242-4378
Louisiana 225-925-3763
Mississippi CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 (24 hours)
North Carolina CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 (24 hours)
South Carolina CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 (24 hours)


Alabama 334-260-2700, after 5:00 p.m. (334)242-4378
Louisiana 225-925-3763
Mississippi Highway Patrol 601-352-9100
North Carolina NC Highway Patrol. 800-662-7956.
South Carolina SC Highway Patrol 803 896 4000(emer) or 803 896 4090


Alabama 334 240-7237
Louisiana 225-925-3763
Mississippi 601-961-5171
North Carolina 919 733 7366
South Carolina 803-772-0766 or 864-646-2150

It is a violation of law to use any pesticide in a manner not permitted by its labeling. To protect yourself, never apply any pesticide in
a manner or for a purpose other than as instructed on the label, or in labeling accompanying the pesticide product that you purchase.
Dont ignore the instructions for use of protective clothing and devices and for storage and disposal of pesticide wastes, including
containers. All recommendations for pesticide use included in this manual were legal at the time of publication, but the status of
registration and use patterns are subject to change by actions of state and federal regulatory agencies.

Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008 Page 259
Recommendations for the use of agricultural chemicals and other products are included in this publication as a convenience to the
reader. The use of brand names and any mention or listing of commercial products or services in this publication does not imply
endorsement by North Carolina State University, Auburn University, Clemson University, Louisiana State University, Mississippi
State University or University of Georgia nor discrimination against similar products or services not mentioned. Recommendations
and labels will vary from state to state, and we have made every attempt to assure that these exceptions are noted. However, individu-
als who use agricultural chemicals are responsible for ensuring that the intended use complies with current regulations and conforms
to the product label in their respective home state. Be sure to obtain current information about usage regulations and examine a cur-
rent product label before applying any chemical. For assistance, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service agent.


University of Georgia

North Carolina
Vegetable Growers Association

Page 260 Vegetable Crop Handbook for Southeastern United States 2008

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