Math 321E Presentation of Data PDF

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Ungrouped vs. Grouped Data Presentation of Data

Data can be classified as grouped or ungrouped. Textual Method Tabular Graphical
Method Method
Ungrouped data are data that are not
Rearrangeme Frequency Bar Chart
organized, or if arranged, could only be from nt from distribution Histogram
highest to lowest or lowest to highest. lowest to table (FDT) Frequency
highest Relative FDT Polygon
Stem-and-leaf Cumulative Pie Chart
Grouped data are data that are organized plot FDT Less than,
and arranged into different classes or Contingency greater than
categories. Table Ogive

MCPegollo/Basic Statistics/SRSTHS MCPegollo/Basic Statistics/SRSTHS

Textual Presentation of Data Textual Presentation of Data

Data can be presented using paragraphs Example. You are asked to present the
or sentences. It involves enumerating performance of your section in the
important characteristics, emphasizing Statistics test. The following are the test
significant figures and identifying scores of your class:
important features of data.
34 42 20 50 17 9 34 43

50 18 35 43 50 23 23 35

37 38 38 39 39 38 38 39

24 29 25 26 28 27 44 44

49 48 46 45 45 46 45 46

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Solution With the rearranged data, pertinent data

First, arrange the data in order for you to identify worth mentioning can be easily recognized.
the important characteristics. This can be done in The following is one way of presenting data
two ways: rearranging from lowest to highest or
in textual form.
using the stem-and-leaf plot.
Below is the rearrangement of data from lowest to
highest: In the Statistics class of 40 students,
3 obtained the perfect score of 50.
9 23 28 35 38 43 45 48
Sixteen students got a score of 40 and
17 24 29 37 39 43 45 49 above, while only 3 got 19 and below.
18 25 34 38 39 44 46 50 Generally, the students performed well in
20 26 34 38 39 44 46 50 the test with 23 or 70% getting a passing
score of 38 and above.
23 27 35 38 42 45 46 50
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Another way of rearranging data is by making Below is the stem-and-leaf plot of the
use of the stem-and-leaf plot. ungrouped data given in the example.
What is a stem-and-leaf plot?
Stem Leaves
Stem-and-leaf Plot is a table which sorts data 0 9
according to a certain pattern. It involves 1 7,8
separating a number into two parts. In a two- 2 0,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
digit number, the stem consists of the first digit, 3 4,4,5,5,7,8,8,8,8,9,9,9
and the leaf consists of the second digit. While in 4 2,3,3,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,8,9
a three-digit number, the stem consists of the first 5 0,0,0
two digits, and the leaf consists of the last digit. In
a one-digit number, the stem is zero. Utilizing the stem-and-leaf plot, we can readily see the
order of the data. Thus, we can say that the top ten got
scores 50, 50, 50, 49, 48, 46, 46, 46,45, and 45 and the ten
lowest scores are 9, 17, 18, 20, 23,23,24,25,26, and 27.
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Exercise: Tabular Presentation of Data

Below is a sample of a table with all of its parts indicated:
Prepare a stem-and-leaf plot and present in
textual form. Table Number
Table Title
ages ofLeaf
40 teachers in a public school
Column Header
2 3,6,7,8,8,9
23 27 28 36 35 38 39 40
Row Classifier
32 423 0,1,2,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,8,8,8,8,9,9
44 54 56 48 55 48
30 31 35 36 47 48 43 38 Body
4 0,0,0,2,3,4,4,5,5,7,8,8,8
34 26 28 29 45 34 45 44
5 4,5,6 Source Note
36 38 39 38 36 35 40 40
MCPegollo/Basic Statistics/SRSTHS MCPegollo/Basic Statistics/SRSTHS

Sample of a Frequency Distribution Table for

Frequency Distribution Table Ungrouped Data
A frequency distribution table is a table Table 1.1
which shows the data arranged into Frequency Distribution for the Ages of 50 Students
different classes(or categories) and the Enrolled in Statistics
Age Frequency
number of cases(or frequencies) which
12 2
fall into each class.
13 13
14 27

The following is an illustration of a 15 4

frequency distribution table for 16 3

17 1
ungrouped data:
N = 50

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Sample of a Frequency Distribution Lower Class Limits

Table for Grouped Data are the smallest numbers that can actually belong to
Table 1.2 different classes
Frequency Distribution Table for the Quiz Scores of 50
Students in Geometry Rating Frequency

Scores Frequency
0-2 1

0-2 1 3-5 2

3-5 2 6-8 13

6-8 13 9 - 11 15

9 - 11 15 12 - 14 19

12 - 14 19

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Lower Class Limits Upper Class Limits

are the smallest numbers that can actually are the largest numbers that can actually belong
to different classes
belong to different classes
Rating Frequency
Rating Frequency

0-2 1
0-2 1
Lower Class 3-5 2
Limits 3-5 2
6-8 13
6-8 13
9 - 11 15
9 - 11 15
12 - 14 19
12 - 14 19


Upper Class Limits Class Boundaries

are the largest numbers that can actually belong
to different classes are the numbers used to separate classes, but
without the gaps created by class limits
Rating Frequency

Upper Class 0-2 1

Limits 3-5 2
6-8 13
9 - 11 15
12 - 14 19

Class Boundaries Class Boundaries

number separating classes number separating classes

Rating Frequency Rating Frequency

- 0.5 - 0.5
0-2 20 0-2 20
2.5 2.5
3-5 14 Class 3-5 14
5.5 5.5
6-8 15 Boundaries 6-8 15
8.5 8.5
9 - 11 2 9 - 11 2
11.5 11.5
12 - 14 1 12 - 14 1
14.5 14.5


Class Midpoints Class Midpoints

midpoints of the classes
The Class Mark or Class Midpoint is the
respective average of each class limits Rating Frequency

0- 1 2 20
3- 4 5 14
6- 7 8 15
9 - 10 11 2
12 - 13 14 1

Class Width Class Width

is the difference between two consecutive lower class limits is the difference between two consecutive lower class limits
or two consecutive class boundaries or two consecutive class boundaries

Rating Frequency Rating Frequency

0-2 20 3 0-2 20
3-5 14 3 3-5 14
6-8 15
Class Width 3 6-8 15
9 - 11 2 3 9 - 11 2
12 - 14 1 3 12 - 14 1


Constructing A Frequency Table

Guidelines For Frequency Tables 1. Decide on the number of classes .

2. Determine the class width by dividing the range by the number of classes
1. Be sure that the classes are mutually exclusive. (range = highest score - lowest score) and round up.
2. Include all classes, even if the frequency is zero. class width round up of
number of classes
3. Select for the first lower limit either the lowest score or a
3. Try to use the same width for all classes. convenient value slightly less than the lowest score.
4. Add the class width to the starting point to get the second lower
4. Select convenient numbers for class limits.
class limit, add the width to the second lower limit to get the
third, and so on.
5. Use between 5 and 20 classes.
5. List the lower class limits in a vertical column and enter the
upper class limits.
6. The sum of the class frequencies must equal the
6. Represent each score by a tally mark in the appropriate class.
number of original data values.
Total tally marks to find the total frequency for each class.

Relative Frequency Table
Gather data on the ages of your classmates
fathers, include your own. class frequency
Construct a frequency distribution table for relative frequency =
sum of all frequencies
the data gathered using grouped and
ungrouped data.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of
using ungrouped frequency distribution
What are the advantages and disadvantages of
using grouped frequency distribution table?

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Relative Frequency Table Cumulative Frequency Table

Rating Frequency Rating Frequency Rating Frequency <cf >cf

0-2 20 0-2 38.5% 20/52 = 38.5%

0-2 20 20 52
3-5 14 3-5 26.9% 35 14 34 32
14/52 = 26.9%
6-8 15 6-8 28.8% Cumulative
68 15 49 18
etc. Frequencies
9 - 11 2 9 - 11 3.8% 9 11 2 51 3
12 - 14 1 12 - 14 1.9% 12 14 1 52 1

Total frequency = 52
Table 2-5
Table 2-6

Frequency Tables
Complete FDT
Rating Frequency Rating Frequency Rating Frequency
A complete FDT has class mark or
0-2 20 0-2 38.5% 02 20 midpoint (x), class boundaries (c.b),
35 34
3-5 14 3-5 26.9% relative frequency or percentage
6-8 15 68 49
6-8 28.8% frequency, and the less than cumulative
9 - 11 2 9 - 11 3.8% 9 11 51
frequency (<cf) and the greater than
12 - 14 1 12 - 14 1.9% 12 14 52
cumulative frequency (>cf).

Table 2-3 Table 2-5 Table 2-6

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Complete Frequency Table Exercise:

Table 2-6 For each of the following class intervals, give the
Grouped Frequency Distribution for the Test class width(i), class mark (x), and class boundary
Scores of 52 Students in Statistics (cb)
Class Class Relative
Frequency Class Class interval (ci) Class Width Class Mark Class Boundary
Intervals Boundary Frequency <cf >cf
(f) Mark (x) a. 4 8
(ci) (cb) (rf)
0-2 20 1 -0.5 2.5 38.5% 20 52 b. 35 44
c. 17 21
35 14 4 2.5 5.5 26.9% 34 32
d. 53 57
68 15 7 5.5 8.5 28.8% 49 18
e. 8 11
9 11 2 10 8.5 11.5 3.8% 51 3 f. 108 119
12 14 1 13 11.5 14.5 1.9% 52 1 g. 10 19
h. 2.5 2. 9
i. 1. 75 2. 25
MCPegollo/Basic Statistics/SRSTHS

Construct a complete FDT with 7

Contingency Table
The following are the IQ scores of 60 This is a table which shows the data
student applicants in a certain high school enumerated by cell. One type of such
128 106 96 94 85 75 table is the r by c (r x c) where the
113 103 96 91 94 70 columns refer to c samples and the
109 113 109 100 81 81
rows refer to r choices or alternatives.
103 113 91 88 78 75
106 103 100 88 81 81
113 106 100 96 88 78
96 109 94 96 88 70
103 102 88 78 95 90
99 89 87 96 95 104
89 99 101 105 103 125
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Example Table 1
Table 1 The Contingency Table for the Opinion of Viewers on the
TV program Budoy
The Contingency Table for the Opinion of Viewers on the
TV program Budoy Choice/Sample Men Women Children Total
Like the Program 50 (33%) 56(37%) 45(30%) 151
Choice/Sample Men Women Children Total (43%) (44%) (46%) (44%)
Like the Program 50 56 45 151
Indifferent 23(45%) 16(31%) 12(24%) 51
Indifferent 23 16 12 51 (20%) (13%) (12%) (15%)
Do not like the 43 55 40 138
Do not like the 43(53%) 55(40%) 40(29%) 138(41%)
program (37%) (43%) (41%)
Total 116 127 97 340
Total 116 127 97 340
(34%) (37%) (28%)
Give as many findings as you can, and draw as many conclusions from your
findings. The next table can help you identify significant findings. Do not use this table for presentation because the percentages might
confuse the readers. Can you explain the percentages in each cell?
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