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Time: 90 min. No. of Questions: 40
Code: 1621
Only Periodic Table is allowed.

Question 1: Choose the correct series in increasing of melting point:

a) HF<HCl<HI<HBr b) HF<HCl<HBr<HI
c) HF>HCl<HBr<HI c) None above is correct.
Question 2: Please arrange following alkali metals by increasing of boiling point: Li, K, Na, Rb:
a) Li>Na>Rb>K b) Li<Na<K<Rb
c) Li>Na>K>Rb d) Li<Na<K<Rb
Question 3: Among following compounds, which is/are in solid molecular crystal lattice:
COCl2, NO, Al2S3, BaO
a) COCl2, NO b) COCl2, NO, Al2S3
c) COCl2, BaO d) NO, As2S3
Question 4: Choose the correct statement/s:
1. Liquid state has medium structure between gas and solid crystal states.
2. Liquids have no exact shape, but they have exact volume.
3. Solids are always crystal.
4. Liquids have higher of viscosity than gases
a. 1, 2, 4 b. 2, 3, 4 c. 1, 3 d. All are correct.
Question 5: Choose the correct statement. Cl – O bonding in ClO -, ClO2-, ClO3-, ClO4- are 1.7,
1.64, 1.57 and 1.42 A0 respectively. The ions series is:
a) Increased of stability.
b) Increased of bonding energy.
c) Decreased of stability.
d) a and b are correct.
Question 6: Choose the wrong statement/s. According to Bronsted – Lowry’s Theory:
1. Just can be estimated strength of acids and bases in solution trough Ka and Kb.
2. The strength of an acid still depends on essence of solvents.
3. In the same period, from left to right strength of acids H nX will be increased because of
increasing of atoms radius
a. 1, 2 b. 1, 3 c. 2, 3 d. 2.
Question 7: Choose the wrong statement below:


a. In gas state molecules will not be limited in a volume.

b. Water has lower density in solid state than in liquid state.
c. Materials which have solid state cannot be conducted.
d. a and b are correct.
Question 8: Which statement is correct about ionic compound?
a) Having low melting point.
b) Dissociating to form ions when dissolving in water.
c) Being conductive in solid crystal phase.
d) Being conductive in any solvent.
Question 9: Arrange following compounds MnCl2, MnCl3, MnCl4 in the increasing order of
covalence bonding:
a) MnCl3 < MnCl4 < MnCl2 b) MnCl4 < MnCl3 < MnCl2
c) MnCl2 < MnCl3 < MnCl4 d) Can not be compared
Question 10: Among below gases, the most difficult to condense is
a) H2O b) NH3 c) N2 d) SO3
Question 11: Choose the correct answer:
Consider compounds H3X of elements in group VA: N, P, As, Sb, Bi.
a) Their melting point increase from H3N to H3Bi.
b) H3N has the highest melting point because it has hydrogen bond.
c) They have the same melting point because of the same molecular structure.
d) All above statements are wrong.
Question 12: Please calculate the equilibrium constant of below reaction:
NH4Cl(aq) + Na2S(aq) + H2O NH3.H2O(aq) + NaHS(aq) + NaCl(aq)
-4,76 -11,98
a) 1.10 b) 1.10 c) 1.1011,98 d) 1.104,76
There: Ka1 and Ka2 of H2S are 1.10-7,2 and 1.10-14; respectively and Kb of NH3.H2O is
1.10-4,76 ; Kw (of water) is 1.10-14.
Question 13: Based on the Lewis acid-base theory, pls arrange following compounds in
increasing of acid strength BF3, BCl3, BBr3:
a. BF3<BCl3<BBr3 b. BF3<BBr3<BCl3 c.BCl3<BBr3<BF3 d.BCl3<BF3<BBr3.
Question 14: Based on the Pauling’s principle, pls arrange following compounds in increasing
of acid strength (1) HClO, (2) H2SO4, (3) HMnO4, (4) H3PO4:
a. 1<2<3<4 b. 1<4<2<3 c. 1<3<2<4 d. 4<3<2<1
Question 15: Given following substances: CH3COOH, H2SO4, HClO4, Al3+. According to
Bronsted-Lawry’s theory, conjugate acid – base pairs from these substances in water are:


a. CH3COOH2+/CH3COOH; H2SO4/HSO4-, H2ClO4+/ClO4;

b. CH3COOH/CH3COO-, H3SO4+/H2 SO4, HClO4/ClO4-.
c. CH3COOH/CH3COO-, H3SO4+/HSO42; HClO4/ClO4-.
d. All are wrong.
Question 16: Choose the right statement: What substances impulse the hydrolysis of (NH 4)2SO4
in water?
a. HCl, H2SO4 b. NaOH, Ba(OH)2
c. NH4NO3, Na Cl c. There is no.
Question 17: Choose the right statement: What substances make decreasing the hydrolysis of
NaCN in water?
a. HCl, HNO3 b. KOH, CH3COONH4
c. NaNO3, NaOH c. There is no.
Question 18: What are amphoteric substances base on Bronsted-Lawry’s theory:
a. HS- ,Ag+aq ,Fe2+aq , H2O, HCl, NH3
b. HS-, H2O, HCl, SO42-
c. HS-, H2O, HCl, HCO3-
d. F- , S2-, HS-, H2O, HCl, NH3
Question 19: What are ion lattice structures among below substances (in solid state):
K3[Fe(CN)6], Fe(CO)5 , As2O3, BaO, KCl, H2O
a) K3[Fe(CN)6], Fe(CO)5, H2O b) As2O3, BaO, KCl, H2O
c) As2O3, BaO, K3[Fe(CN)6], KCl, H2O d) BaO, K3[Fe(CN)6], KCl
Question 20: Which substance has highest valence bonding among below substances?
a) Co(OH)3 b) FeCl3 c) CH4 d) NiSO4
Question 21: In octahedral complex compounds, if numbers of electrons are lower than 3 or
higher than 8, then:

a) If > P is low spin complex compound.b) If > P is high spin complex compound.

c) If < P is high spin complex compound.d) Both a and c are correct

Question 22: Base on Latimer series of Chlorine in acid solution below:

1,201 1,181 1,701 1,630 1,358

ClO4- ClO3- HClO2 HClO Cl2 Cl-
Standard Redox Potential of ClO3-/ Cl2 is:
a) 1,83475 b) 1,4678 c) 1,5395 d) 1,898
Question 23: What electron configurations below can have both low and high spin structure:
1) d5 2) d7 3) d2 4) d8


a) 1 & 2 b) 2 & 3 c) 1 , 2 & 3 d) 1 , 2 , 3 & 4

Question 24: In below reactions:
TiO2+ + 2H+ + e =Ti3+ + H2O, φ0 = 0.1V; ZrO2+ + 2H+ + 4e = Zr↓ +H2O, φ0 = -1.5V
HfO2+ + 2H+ + 4e = Hf↓ + H2O, φ0 = -1.7V
Please choose correct answer for stable series of Ti(+4);Zr(+4); Hf(+4):
a) Ti <Hf < Zr b) Ti < Zr < Hf c) Zr < Ti < Hf d) Hf < Zr < Ti
Question 25: Please determine magnetic property and lattice stable energy of complex ion
hexaaquamaganat (II). Knew ΔO= 101 kJ/mol and P = 304,2 kJ/mol.
a) Diamagnetic, 304,2 kJ/mol. b) Paramagnetic, 0 kJ/mol.
c) Paramagnetic, 304,2 kJ/mol. c) Diamagnetic, 0 kJ/mol.
Question 26: Please compare lattice stable energy of 2 complex ion: [Mn(H 2O)6]2+ (E1) and
[Fe(H2O)6]3+ (E2)

a. Can not compare because we don’t know , Pb.

c. E1<0<E2 d. E2>E1>0
Question 27: Please calculate the lattice stable energy of [Ni(SCN)6]4-




Question 28: The Latimer’s diagram of Co at pH=1

What compound(s) of Cobalt can not be stable in solution at pH = 1?

a)CoO2 b) Co3+ c) Co2+ d) Co3+ & Co2+
Question 29: Knew standard reduction potential of the semi-reaction Fe 3+(aq) + e Fe 2+(aq) is
+0,77V. Please determine changing of its potential when CN - is added into solution, where stable
constant of Fe(CN)63- is 1031 and Fe(CN)64- is 1024.
a. Increase b. No change c. Decrease d. Can’t determine.
6 2 -
Question 30: The complex ion hexacyanoferrate(III) (Fe: 3d 4s , and CN is strong field ligand)
a) Octahedral structure, paramagnetic, low spin b) Formula is [Fe(CN)6]3-
c) Lattice stable energy is ΔE= -2Δ+2P d) Alls are correct.
Question 31: Knew:


Au3+ + 3e → Au↓ φ = 1,50 V

Where overall unstable constant of [AuCl4-] is Kus = 2.10-21,3
Please calculate the standard reduction potential at 250C of below semi-reaction :
AuCl4- + 3e → Au↓ + 4Cl-
a) 0.98 V b) 1.08 V c) 1.2 V d) 1.15 V
Question 32: What are stable oxidation numbers of sulfur among below values:
1) -2 2) +2 3) +6 4) +4
a) 3 b) 3 & 4 c) 1 , 3 & 4 d) 2 & 3
Question 33: The solution of potasium permanganate (in acid solution) will become colorless in
what below substances?
1) FeSO4 2)H2O2 3) (NH4)2SO4 4) CO2
a) 1 b) 1 & 3 c) 1 & 2 d) 1 & 4
The Latimer diagram of carbon (pH = 0) below is used for 2 continuous question:

CO 0.517 C
Question 34: Determine the standard reduction potential of C/CH4
a. 0.82V b. 0.132 V c. 0.264V d. 0.41 V
Question 35: The Forst diagram of Carbon at the same pH has the form:

Figure a Figure b Fifure c

a. Figure (a). b. Figure (b) c. Figure (c) d. None is correct

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