Zero-Group-Velocity Modes in Chalcogenide Holey Photonic-Crystal Fibers

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Zerogroup-velocity modes in

chalcogenide holey photonic-crystal

Ardavan F. Oskooi,1 J. D. Joannopoulos,2 and Steven G. Johnson3
1 Center for Materials Science and Engineering,
2 Department of Physics, 3 Department of Mathematics,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge MA 02139.

Abstract: We demonstrate that a holey photonic-crystal fiber with

chalcogenide-glass index contrast can be designed to have a complete
gap at a propagation constant = 0 that also extends into the non-zero
region. This type of bandgap (previously identified only at index contrasts
unattainable in glasses) opens up a regime for guiding zerogroup-velocity
modes not possible in holey fibers with the more common finger-like gaps
originating from . Such modes could be used to enhance nonlinear
and other material interactions, such as for hollow-core fibers in gas-sensor
2009 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (050.5298) Photonic crystals; (060.2310) Fiber optics; (060.5295) Photonic crys-
tal fibers.

References and links

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1. Introduction
Photonic-crystal holey fibers have been of great interest for a variety of different applica-
tions, mainly using silica or polymers with low index contrasts ( 1.5 : 1) [1]. Researchers
have also studied photonic-crystal fiber-like geometries with high index contrast materials (eg.
Si or GaAs, index 3.4) [28] and shown that they support interesting zerogroup-velocity
modes [3], but to our knowledge such modes have not been described for fibers made of eas-
ily drawable materials. In this work, we demonstrate the possibility of obtaining zerogroup-
velocity modes in uniform fiber geometries using chalcogenide glasses (index 2.8 [9]), which
have proven amenable to drawn microstructured fibers [1015]. Holey fibers, formed by a lat-
tice of air holes in the fiber cross section, are best known for supporting finger-like band gaps
opening towards the high-frequency regime, which can open even for arbitrarily low index con-
trasts [1, 2, 1618]. However, these gaps close before reaching a zero propagation constant ,
and the guided modes that they support have all been found to have nonzero group velocity. If
the index contrast is high enough to support a complete band gap for all polarizations in two
dimensions, however, then the resulting three dimensional holey fiber has a gap extending from
= 0 to some nonzero . Although such gaps appear in some earlier work for very high index
contrasts (3.33.5:1), [28] here we point out that they are attainable in lower-contrast glassy
materials (chalcogenides). Moreover, we argue that the key advantage of these gaps is that they
can support guided fiber modes that have a zero group velocity at = 0. The slow-light modes
close to the zero-velocity band edge should enhance a wide variety of nonlinear phenemona
and material interactions [18, 19], such as fiber-based sensors [2023], fiber lasers [24, 25], or
Raman scattering [26, 27], and the band edge should also support gap solitons [28]. Numerous
experiments have demonstrated slow-light effects in planar optical devices [27, 2932]. One
simple structure that has a complete two-dimensional (2d) gap for chalcogenide/air index con-
trast is a triangular lattice of circular air holes. In this paper, we employ a modification of this
structure that is optimized to have a slightly larger gap, but either structure (and any future
complete-gap 2d designs) creates well-localized zerogroup-velocity fiber modes.
Let us first review the basic terminology and characteristics of holey fibers [1, 18], and the
origin of the gaps and zerogroup-velocity modes in this paper. The propagating modes of
a fiber with a constant permittivity cross-section (x, y) can be described as some xy electric
field pattern E(x, y) multiplied by ei( z t) , where is the propagation constant and is the
frequency. A holey fiber consists of a periodic cladding (usually a triangular lattice of air holes),

#108303 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Mar 2009; revised 24 Apr 2009; accepted 13 May 2009; published 1 Jun 2009
(C) 2009 OSA 8 June 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10084
as well as a core (solid or hollow) that breaks the periodicity and supports guided modes. The
dispersion relation, the plot of ( ) for all solutions, can be divided into several regions (as
in Figs. 1 and 2). First, there is a continuous (shaded) region, the light cone, consisting of all
cladding (non-guided) modes that can propagate in the cladding far from the core. There are
also regions of ( , ) that have no cladding modes: band gaps within the light cone, which can
confine gap-guided modes, and also an empty space below the light cone that can confine index-
guided modes. The guided modes, exponentially localized to the vicinity of the core, appear as
discrete bands n ( ) within the gaps and/or under the light cone. (Technically, in a finite-size
fiber the gap-guided modes are leaky, but as this leakage rate decreases exponentially with the
periodic cladding thickness it can be made negligible in practical contexts.) In order to confine
light in an air core, the gaps and guided modes must lie above the light line = c of air (since
modes below the light line of air are evanescent in air regions). Normally, these guided bands
are monotonically increasing, corresponding to a positive group velocity d /d (and there is
a proof that this is always the case for index-guided modes with a homogeneous cladding [33]).
Zero group velocity (standing-wave modes) typically occurs only at values of that have z
z reflection symmetry (with rare exceptions [3, 34]), which in a uniformcross-section fiber
only occurs at = 0. Index-guided modes are not possible at = 0 (they become rapidly more
weakly confined as 0), so one must consider bandgap-guided modes. Unfortunately, the
typical gaps that arise in holey fibers have their origin in the limit (where the field
patterns approximate those of a 2d metallic system [18, 35]), and are observed to close well
before = 0 is reached. The = 0 point corresponds to a two-dimensional photonic crystal
with in-plane propagation, whose modes can be decomposed into TE (E in xy plane) and TM (E
in z direction) polarizations [18]. Typically, low-contrast materials such as silica/air will have a
gap only for one of these polarizations (e.g. TE for air holes) [18]. Such a single-polarization
2d gap is not useful for guiding modes in a fiber, because the TE/TM distinction disappears
for = 0 and hence a single-polarization gap disappears [18]. On the other hand, if one can
obtain an overlapping TE/TM gap at = 0, which typically requires higher index contrasts,
then it should be expected to persist for a nonzero range of , even after the TE/TM distinction
disappears [28]. We demonstrate that this, in fact, occurs, for index contrasts attainable in
chalcogenide glasses that have been used for fiber drawing [1015], contrary to some previous
suggestions [2]. The resulting gap around = 0 therefore supports guided modes that attain
zero group velocity as 0. In practice, one does not operate at the zero-velocity point itself,
but rather at nearby frequencies, so that by operating closer and closer to the zero-velocity band
edge one can make the group velocity of light arbitrarily small in principle (at the expense of
bandwidth and greater sensitivity to absorption and other loss, as discussed below).
Several other mechanisms have been proposed for creating zerogroup-velocity modes in
fibers. Bragg fibers, consisting of concentric rings of two or more materials forming a one-
dimensional photonic crystal, have a gap originating at = 0 [1, 18] and consequently their
guided modes attain zero group velocity at this point. (Although Bragg fibers do not have a
complete 2d gap, this is compensated for by the rotational symmetry which eliminates modes
propagating in the azimuthal direction at large radii [18].) These fiber modes resemble those of
hollow metallic waveguides [36], which also have zero group velocity at their cutoff frequen-
cies. However, Bragg fibers require two solid materials in the cladding, which makes fabrica-
tion more challenging, while metallic waveguides become lossy at infrared frequencies. With
a traditional core-clad fiber or with a holey fiber, zero group velocity can instead be attained
by periodic modulation of the structure along the axial direction. For example, a fiber Bragg
grating is formed by a weak modulation of the refractive index burned in by a photorefrac-
tive effect. Because this index modulation is typically much less than 1%, however, the low
group-velocity bandwidth is small in fiber Bragg gratings. Furthermore, one can only modu-

#108303 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Mar 2009; revised 24 Apr 2009; accepted 13 May 2009; published 1 Jun 2009
(C) 2009 OSA 8 June 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10085


frequency a/2c


0.5 12

% gap as a fraction
0.4 a

of mid gap
0.3 6
0.1 0
2.5 3 3.5 4
index contrast
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
propagation constant a/2

Fig. 1. Projected band diagram (frequency vs. propagation constant ), for a triangular
lattice of holes (inset). Inset: optimized 2d ( = 0) gap size vs. index contrast.



frequency a/2c


0.4 15
% gap as a fraction

of mid gap

0.3 10

0.2 5

2.5 3 3.5 4
index contrast
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
propagation constant a/2

Fig. 2. Projected band diagram (frequency vs. propagation constant ), for a triangular
lattice of hexagonal-shaped holes (inset). Inset: optimized 2d ( = 0) gap size vs. index

late the index of a solid material, greatly reducing the grating effect for modes confined in an
air core. It has been proposed that spherical particles could be introduced into an air core in
order to create a periodic modulation [37], but such structures seem challenging to produce on
large scales compared to drawn fibers. Previous work showed that semiconductor (silicon) in-
dex contrasts (3.5:1) could support zero-group velocity modes in fiber-like geometries [3], and
here we underline the existence and utility of analogous modes with conventional fiber mate-
rials. Furthermore, our previous work demonstrated that such zero group-velocity modes can
even be converted into backwards-wave and ultra-flat bands by careful tuning of the waveguide
core [3], and we expect that similar phenomena should be possible in chalcogenide fibers and
other lower-contrast materials.

2. Gaps and defect modes

One 2d photonic crystal structure that is well known to have a complete gap for sufficiently large
index contrast is a triangular lattice (period a) of cylindrical air holes (radius r) in dielectric [18],

#108303 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Mar 2009; revised 24 Apr 2009; accepted 13 May 2009; published 1 Jun 2009
(C) 2009 OSA 8 June 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10086
a) b)

c) d)

Fig. 3. Doubly-degenerate 6 defect modes for a triangular lattice of hexagonal-shaped

holes with periodicity a obtained by varying inscribed defect diameter of a hexagonal-
shaped air core: a) D = 1.6a (fundamental-like) b) D = 3.2a c) D = 6.2a d) D = 6.76a
(blue/white/red = negative/zero/positive).

similar to the geometry of many fabricated holey fibers [1]. This geometry with r = 0.45a turns
out to have a 4.4% complete gap at = 0 for a refractive index of 2.8, chosen to correspond
to that of a typical chalcogenide glass (e.g., As2 Se3 at = 1.5 m [9]). We also considered
a slightly modified 2d photonic crystal consisting of a triangular lattice of dielectric rods in
air connected by thin veins (resembling hexagonal-shaped holes) [38, 39]. The gap size was
optimized over two parameters, rod radius and vein thickness, yielding a 5.4% gap-to-midgap
ratio for a rod radius of 0.16a and a vein thickness of 0.2a. The gap in this structure persisted for
index contrasts as low as 2.6:1 (as shown in the inset of Fig. 2). The Maxwell eigenproblem was
solved with an iterative (conjugate gradient) method in a planewave basis [40]. The resulting
band diagrams, with gaps that extend over a range of nonzero , are shown in Figs. 1 and 2.
Since the modified structure of Fig. 2 has a slightly larger gap, we focus on this structure for
the remainder of the paper; similar results can be obtained for the cylindrical-hole structure.
An air core is formed by removing some dielectric material, and here we do so by a
hexagonal-shaped air core with an inscribed-circle diameter D in a 15a by 15a supercell. (This
supercell is large enough that, for all guided modes considered here, the guided-mode field
has decayed to negligible values by the edge of the supercell and hence the finite supercell
size is irrelevant.) Depending on the core diameter D, different types of modes with varying
symmetry and degrees of confinement can be localized [18]. We chose D to satisfy two cri-
teria. First, the confined mode should be of the right symmetry to be excited by an incident
planewave sourcetechnically, this means that the mode is doubly degenerate and belongs to
the 6 representation of the sixfold (C6v ) symmetry group [41] of the hexagonal core. As D

#108303 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Mar 2009; revised 24 Apr 2009; accepted 13 May 2009; published 1 Jun 2009
(C) 2009 OSA 8 June 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10087


fraction of energy

in air core

frequency a/2c


0.3 0.485

0.28 0.48
3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 3.4 3.45
inscribed circle radius
3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 3.4 3.45 3.5
inscribed circle radius

Fig. 4. Fraction of electric-field energy |E|2 in the hexagonal-shaped air core (as in Fig. 3)
as a function of the core radius (radius of inscribed circle). Inset: frequency at = 0 of
guided mode vs. core radius.

frequency a/2c







0.48 Sz Ez
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
propagation constant a/2

Fig. 5. Air-core guided mode in gap of Fig. 2, with insets showing electric-field Ez and
Poynting vector Sz (blue/white/red = negative/zero/positive).

is varied, we obtain a variety of different 6 defect modes, as shown in Fig. 3. For small D,
we obtain fundamental-like fields patterns as in Fig. 3(a), whereas for larger D we obtain more
complicated field patterns that are, however, better confined in the air core as in Fig. 3(d). For
a given mode with strong air-core confinement, we then chose D to maximize the fraction of
the electric-field energy ( |E|2 ) in the air core at = 0 (see Fig. 4) while also eliminating the
influence of surface states [4244]. This is desirable in air-core fiber applications to reduce
absorption loss from the cladding and increase light-gas interactions. In particular, we chose
the mode from Fig. 3(d) (D = 6.76a) for specificity, and the resulting structure is shown along
with its dispersion relation in Fig. 5. The field profile (which is TM at = 0) is still strongly
confined at a non-zero axial wavevector ( a/2 = 0.14), as shown by the inset.
One source of loss is the material absorption in the cladding, which for bulk As2 Se3 is about
36 dB/m at = 1.5 m [9]. For a guided mode in the hollow core, this absorption loss is sup-
pressed by a factor of f c/vg n, where f is the fraction of the electric-field energy in the cladding,
vg is the group velocity, and n is the cladding refractive index [18, 45]. For the mode of Fig. 5

#108303 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Mar 2009; revised 24 Apr 2009; accepted 13 May 2009; published 1 Jun 2009
(C) 2009 OSA 8 June 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10088

frequency a/2c




Sz Ez
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
propagation constant a/2

Fig. 6. Solid-core guided mode in gap of Fig. 2, with insets showing electric-field Ez and
Poynting vector Sz (blue/white/red = negative/zero/positive).

at a/2 = 0.14, where vg = 0.22c and f = 0.19, the absorption loss of the mode is therefore
11.1 dB/m, which is sufficient for short-distance fiber devices. Lower loss could be obtained
by operating at a longer wavelength such as 3 or 10 m, where the losses of chalcogenide are
much lower while the index of refraction remains larger than 2.7 [9]. Another practical chal-
lenge in all slow-light structures is coupling from a non-slow source; one very general technique
is a gradual taper transition to a higher-velocity waveguide [4649], for example by gradu-
ally scaling the structure [50, 51] to a larger diameter to shift the band edge down to increase
the group velocity at the operating . (Alternatively, rather than rescaling the whole structure,
gradually decreasing the core diameter while keeping the cladding unchanged turns out to shift
the band edge down in this geometry.) (Theoretically, a gradual enough transition can couple
any pair of waveguides, no matter how different, with arbitrarily low reflection limited only
by fabrication capabilities [46].) Minimization of reflections by proper design of couplers be-
tween very different modes of dielectric and photonic-crystal waveguides, including slow-light
modes, has been studied elsewhere [46, 47, 49, 5254], and a specific design for this fiber lies
beyond the scope of this manuscript.
In contrast to air cores, solid (dielectric-filled) cores can be used to enhance interactions and
nonlinearities with solid materials, such as for fiber lasers [24, 25]. Here, we form a small
solid core by filling a hexagonal-shaped core (D = 1.62a) with dielectric. This confines a
doubly-degenerate mode with an extremely flat dispersion relation, in addition to its zero
group-velocity point at = 0, as shown in Fig. 6. This extreme flatness could potentially be
transformed into a higher-order (e.g. quartic) band edge or even a concave backward-wave
band-edge, via proper tuning of the solid core geometry [3].

3. Concluding remarks
Any holey photonic-crystal geometry with a complete gap for both polarizations in two di-
mensions can be used to obtain zerogroup-velocity modes in a fiber geometryour triangular
lattice structure of hexagonal holes, here, is only one such example. An opportunity for future
designs is to find complete gap structures with even lower index contrasts, in order that a wider
range of materials become available for the fabrication of such slow-light devices. The ideal
result would be a structure that has a complete 2d gap at silica/air index contrasts (1.5:1), but
we are not currently aware of any geometry with this property.

#108303 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Mar 2009; revised 24 Apr 2009; accepted 13 May 2009; published 1 Jun 2009
(C) 2009 OSA 8 June 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10089
This work was supported in part by the MRSEC Program of the National Science Foundation
under award number DMR-0819762 and the Army Research Office through the Institute for
Soldier Nanotechnologies under Contract No. DAAD-19-02-D0002.

#108303 - $15.00 USD Received 6 Mar 2009; revised 24 Apr 2009; accepted 13 May 2009; published 1 Jun 2009
(C) 2009 OSA 8 June 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 12 / OPTICS EXPRESS 10090

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