High Speed Logic Gate Using Two-Photon Absorption in Silicon Waveguides
High Speed Logic Gate Using Two-Photon Absorption in Silicon Waveguides
High Speed Logic Gate Using Two-Photon Absorption in Silicon Waveguides
Received 23 January 2006; received in revised form 3 March 2006; accepted 7 March 2006
The switching speed of conventional silicon-based optical switching devices based on plasma dispersion effect is limited by the lifetime of
free carriers which introduce either phase or absorption changes. Here we report an all-optical logic NOR gate which does not rely on free
carriers but instead uses two-photon absorption. High speed operation was achieved using pump induced non-degenerate two-photon
absorption inside the submicron size silicon wire waveguides. The device required low pulse energy (few pJ) for logic gate operation.
Ó 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
All-optical digital signal processing may be needed in silicon, and n = 1.45 for SiO2), which allows the dimension
future high capacity optical networks to overcome the of waveguides to be much smaller than in conventional low
speed limitations of electronics. All-optical logic gates such index contrast silica waveguidess [7]. The strong optical
as NOR gate will be needed to perform the optical digital confinement and small effective modal area (<0.1 lm2) of
signal processing to accommodate the massive amount of such waveguides can produce high optical intensities even
traffic in terabit optical networks [1]. In addition, NOR at input optical powers typically used in telecommunica-
gate can be used in performance monitoring for error tions. The high optical intensities and long interaction
detection, address and header recognition [2], encryption lengths in the waveguides allow nonlinear optical effects
and data encoding [3], etc. Optical logic gates have been to be readily apparent. Apart from other nonlinear optical
demonstrated in nonlinear optical fibers [4], semiconductor devices such as optical fibers and SOA, silicon wire wave-
optical amplifier (SOA) [5] and InGaAs/AlAsSb coupled guides have good potential for other nonlinear devices
double-quantum-well structures [6]. The latency and high for ultrafast photonics signal processing [8].
optical power level for nonlinear operation make fiber- We demonstrated previously an ultrafast optical switch
based devices unattractive for practical applications, while (<3 ps) with pJ pump pulse energy in wire waveguides
the long carrier lifetime in conventional SOAs may limit [9,10]. In this paper, we develop a high speed all-optical
the speed unless some complicated differential switching logic NOR gate based on the nonlinear transmission char-
scheme is employed. acteristics of two-photon absorption (TPA) in silicon. The
Submicron size silicon wire waveguides are possible direct use of TPA allows operation speeds which are not
because of the extremely high index contrast (n = 3.5 for limited by the slow photo-generated carrier lifetime in the
silicon wire waveguides.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 423276125; fax: +81 423275328. Since the sum of energies of two photons at 1.55 lm
E-mail address: liang.tk@gmail.com (T.K. Liang). wavelength is greater than the indirect bandgap of silicon,
0030-4018/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
172 T.K. Liang et al. / Optics Communications 265 (2006) 171–174
high intensity pulses will experience phonon assisted TPA where b is the TPA coefficient in silicon, T is the pulse-
when propagating along the waveguide. The amount of width, I0 is the peak power and hm is the photon energy.
absorption is proportional to the square of intensity and The pump depletion can be described by
the maximum transmitted power is limited. The absorption dI
of photons will lead to two direct consequences – the optical ¼ aI bI 2 af I ð2Þ
power depletion (photon absorption) and the generation of
excess electron–hole pairs (free carriers). The former is where I is the intensity of the pulse, a and af are the linear
intrinsically an ultrafast process [11], while the latter is a propagation loss and free-carrier absorption loss, respec-
slow process that will further attenuate the optical signal tively. The magnitude of free-carrier absorption depends
via free-carrier absorption and hot carrier assisted absorp- on the carrier density through the relation [11]
tion. If there are two light beams with slightly different ener- af ðzÞ ¼ 1:45 1017 N ðzÞ ð3Þ
gies (or wavelengths), with one source at high peak power
(pump) and the other one at low power (probe), the high For Gaussian pump pulse with 1.6 ps pulsewidth and
power pump source will then induce absorption of the 2 W peak power, the calculated free-carrier absorption loss
low power probe signal. after 1-cm long waveguide will be less than 0.18 dB. Thus
A preliminary two-color time-resolved pump–probe the additional loss from photo-generated carriers is almost
experiment was performed to measure the nonlinear trans- negligible, which can also be evidenced by the absence of a
mission of weak probe pulses in the presence of strong opti- slow carrier recovery process in the experimental results.
cal pump pulses in silicon wire waveguides. The fabrication The coupled-peak power of probe pulse in the experiment
and characterization of the waveguide was described else- was less than 20 mW. As shown in the curve, the probe
where [12]. As shown in the inset of Fig. 1, the waveguide pulse was extinguished by more than 90% at peak-coupled
core was formed by a silicon stripe measuring 480 nm by pump power of 5 W. The nonlinear transmission character-
220 nm. The length of the waveguide used was 10 mm. istic was due to the pump depletion in the waveguide.
The measured transmission as a function of peak pump Fig. 2(c) shows the schematic diagram of the optical
pulse levels is shown in Fig. 1. Both pump and probe pulses NOR gate. Signals P1 and P2 are coupled together and used
were generated by the spectral slicing of a broadband fem- as the pump beam, while a continuous-wave (CW) light is
tosecond passive mode-locked laser. By using ultrashort used as the probe beam. As long as one of the two signals
pulses (around 1.6 ps FWHM pulsewidth), the additional is bit ‘‘1’’ (includes ‘‘01’’, ‘‘10’’, and ‘‘11’’), the pump beam
absorption loss due to photo-generated free carriers was induces optical absorption on the probe beam in silicon
negligible. waveguides by means of non-generate TPA effect. By care-
Since ultrashort pulses were used to achieve high peak fully selecting the pump power level, all above cases will
power and low average power, the amount of free carriers induce same loss on probe beam. Once P1 and P2 are both
generated was small. Assuming the pump pulses have the bit ‘‘0’’, the probe beam transmits through the waveguide
Gaussian temporal profile, the carrier density created from without additional nonlinear loss. Therefore, Boolean
a single pump pulse inside the waveguide along propaga- NOR operation can be achieved. The corresponding truth
tion direction z is denoted by [13] table is shown in Fig. 2(b). The operation principle of
b pTI 20 ðzÞ
N ðzÞ ¼ ð1Þ
4hm Probe
1 0 0 0 10 NOR
P1 P2 Out
0 0 1
00 Pump 0 1 0
01 (P1+P2) 1 0 0
1 1 0
(a) (b)
1 0 1 0
P1 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 1
Out (CW)
Fig. 1. Measured probe transmission as a function of peak pump pulse Fig. 2. (a) Operation principle. (b) Truth table. (c) Schematic diagram of
levels. Inset: waveguide cross section. NOR gate.
T.K. Liang et al. / Optics Communications 265 (2006) 171–174 173