Lonely Planet - Spain Cantabria Asturias
Lonely Planet - Spain Cantabria Asturias
Lonely Planet - Spain Cantabria Asturias
Cartes Cabrceno
cal image of Spain. The verdant emerald strip (between Galicia to the west and the Basque Arenas de Cabrales
El Soplao Cabezn Puente Socobio To Bilbao
Tielve Tresvivo Linares de la Sal Viesgo El Soto Arredondo
Country to the east) formed by Cantabria and Asturias is as beautiful as it is surprising. Carmarmea
CA282 Carmona
Beges La Hermida Puentenansa Valle de Villacarriedo
Ramales Karrantza (Carranza)
Sotres Lebea N611 de la
Caburniga N623 Victoria
Argbanes San Roque Balmaseda
The two regions share a spectacular coastline along the Bay of Biscay, alternating between
N621 CA281 Ro P
CANTABRIA as Puerto de Riomiera VISCAYA
Fuente D Baro Turieno El Cuernn de Bragua Puerto
sheer cliffs, tiny coves, small fishing and resort towns, and scores of sandy beaches. Stone Camaleo
(2046m) Tudanca Molledo
Vega de Pas
de la Sa
Espinama La Vega de Brcena Brcena de Pie
villages dot the roads leading inland towards the chainmail wall of mountains that forms the Cosgaya Libana Mayor de Concha
Ro de
Portilla de
regions southern boundary, the Cordillera Cantbrica beyond which the landscape changes la Reina Cucayo Cordillera Cantbrica
LEN Alto Campo Embalse Corconte
Espinilla del Ebro
with amazing abruptness to the parched plains of the meseta (tableland). The mountains reach See Picos de CA171
Europa Map (p527) Reinosa Requejo
their greatest heights and grandeur in the Picos de Europa, a northern spur of the cordillera BURGOS
C627 Cervatos Arroyo
straddling southeast Asturias, southwest Cantabria and the north of Castilla y Len. (2136m) N232
Arroyal ALAVA
Cervera de
Its not just bucolic beauty that attracts people here. From the prehistoric art of Altamira Pisuerga CA272 Arroyuelos Ro
Cadalso Orbaneja del Eb
to the medieval splendours of Santillana del Mar, the area is dotted with manmade gems. Embalse
de Aguilar
Polientes San Martn Castillo r
CA273 de Elines
Guardo de Campo Aquilar
The big three cities of Santander, Oviedo and Gijn, all offer plenty of sightseeing and PALENCIA de Campo N627
de Ebro
The only drawback to green Spain is what makes it green: the rain. Even in August you
might endure a week of grey skies and showers, especially inland. cellars) and handful of sights. The towns of
CANTABRIA Santillana del Mar and Comillas entice with
their medieval and Modernista trappings. The
HIGHLIGHTS It is no wonder the Romans had a hard time remarkable cave paintings of the Cueva de Al-
Playa del
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
Silencio Cueva de
subduing the Cantabrian tribes. The lush- tamira, off limits to the public, can be admired
Sidle up for cider poured in the convivial Santillana
Ribadesella Altamira
del Mar ness of the vegetation belies the difficulty in impressive replica form near the site.
sidreras (cider houses) of Asturias (p516)
Oviedo Comillas Santander of much of Cantabrias terrain. Sliced up by The Romans, as reported, finally carried
Ignore the pong and savour the tangy
Picos de Europa Puente deep mountain valleys dotted with the occa- the day against the proud Cantabrians and
Cabrales cheese (see the boxed text, p534) Viesgo sional settlement, the region remains largely pacified the area by around 19 BC. In more
Travel by train along the SantanderOviedo untouched by the modern legions of visitors recent centuries Cantabria was long regarded
coastal corridor that flock to Spain each year. simply as a coastal extension of Castilla and
It offers a little of everything for the travel- as its direct gateway to what was confidently
Walk the Garganta del Cares (Cares Gorge;
ler looking for an escape. Some pretty beaches known as the Mar de Castilla (Castilian Sea).
p533) in the Picos de Europa
make summer seaside days quite possible Cantabria became a separate region under
Let the medieval town of Santillana del Mar (p507) bewitch you with its charms (unreliable weather permitting), while the Spains 1978 constitution.
Bathe at secluded Playa del Silencio (p524) inland valleys, dotted with quiet towns and
Admire the ancient rock paintings at Cueva de Altamira (Altamira Cave; p509) and Puente
villages and casas rurales (country homes) SANTANDER
to stay in (check out www.turismocantabria pop 183,950
Viesgo (p505)
.net or www.cantabriarural.com), offer a feast Most of modern Santander, with its bustling
Take the plunge and canoe down the rapids of Ro Sella (p530) near Ribadesella of natural beauty for the eyes, whether you centre, clanking port and shapeless suburbs,
Marvel at the pre-Romanesque churches of Oviedo (p512) choose to drive the country roads or walk stands in drab contrast to its pretty beaches,
Admire a little Modernista madness in the buildings of Gaud and Co at Comillas (p509)
the trails. The rugged ranges culminate in the particularly the old-world elegance of El Sar-
west in the abrupt mountainous walls of the dinero. A huge fire raged through the city
Picos de Europa. in 1941, but whats left of the old centre
The capital, Santander, offers a slice of is a lively source of entertainment for the
urban life with its bustling bodegas (wine palate and liver, and has an atmosphere well
500 C A N TA B R I A S a n t a n d e r lonelyplanet.com lonelyplanet.com C A N TA B R I A S a n t a n d e r 501
To Pennsula de la
Magdalena (50m);
Playa de Bikinis (200m);
Palacio de la Magdalena (500m)
Alcar..........................................(see 34)
La Conveniente............................24 A1
La Flor de Tetun.........................25 C2
Rocambole...................................28 A2
Bus Station...................................31 A4
Europcar......................................34 A4
Underground Car Park.................35 A3
El Serbal.......................................23 B1
Cool.............................................26 B1
La Floridita....................................27 B3
It..................................................29 B2
Montral Lounge.........................30 B1
Santander is a good deal more staid than its Municipal tourist office (%942 20 30 00; www.ayto
resort cousin, San Sebastin (p465). -santander.es in Spanish; Jardines de Pereda; h9am-
9pm daily Jul & Aug, 8.30am-1.30pm & 4-7pm Mon-Fri,
de la
History 10am-7pm Sat Sep-Jun) A branch office in El Sardinero,
ia When the Romans landed here in 21 BC, they opposite Plaza Italia, operates in summer.
Playa del
named the place Portus Victoriae (Victory Regional tourist office (%901 11 11 12, 942 31 07
Harbour) and, indeed, within two years they 08; www.turismodecantabria.com in Spanish; Calle de
e la
de los
ida d
had vanquished the Cantabrian tribes that had Hernn Corts 4; h9am-9pm Jul-Sep, 9.30am-1.30pm &
e Sa
z Ga
ue d
l Du From that time Santander, as the city be-
C de
de R al
e P
came known, led a modestly successful ex- Sights
C dertnez
C a l l e y Caj
o Blan
Hospedaje Botn.......................11
Hostal Carlos III.........................12
Hostal Paris...............................13
Hotel Central............................14
Hotel Hoyuela...........................15
Hotel Sardinero.........................16
Pensin La Corza......................17
Bar Del Puerto..........................19
Bodega Cigalea......................20
Bodegas Mazn.......................21
Caf de Pombo........................22
o d
istence. Its heyday came rather late, when The cathedral (Plaza del Obispo Eguino; %10am-1pm &
to r i
King Alfonso XIII made a habit of spending 4.30-7.30pm Mon-Fri, 8am-2pm & 4.30-8pm Sat & Sun) is com-
nio Maur a
13 15
summer here in the 1900s. The locals were posed of two 13th-century Gothic churches, one
Cabo Mayor (2.5km)
e Lu
del Nor
so pleased they gave him the Pennsula de above the other. The upper church, off which
a Re
Avenida de los In
To Camping
de lo
id a d
Av de Anto
de l
a lle de
la Magdalena and built him a little palace is a 14th-century cloister, was extensively re-
there. Everyone who wanted to see and be built after the 1941 fire. In the lower Iglesia del
TravCeanal seen converged on Santander, giving rise to Santsimo Cristo (Calle Somorrostro; h8am-1pm & 5-8pm)
a belle poque building boom most evident glass panels reveal excavated bits of Roman
around El Sardinero. Santander under the floor. Displayed nearby
are silver vessels containing the skulls of the
Municipal Tourist Office.................2
Post Office.....................................3
Regional Tourist Office...................4
Summer Tourist Kiosk.....................5
Museo de Bellas Artes....................8
Museo Martimo del Cantbrico.....9
Arqueologa de Cantabria........10
To Palacio Municipal
de Deportes (300m)
de Canalejas
the handsome Baha de Santander out to the of these holy relics, found on this site, prompted
z Pelay
e Tetun
Pennsula de la Magdalena. North of the pe- the construction of the monastery that previ-
de la Ca s a
Paseo del General Dvila
ninsula, Playa del Sardinero, the main beach, ously stood here.
Calle d
Calle de San
de Me
faces the open sea. Under one roof, the Museo Regional de Pre-
C de Juan
The ferry, train and bus stations are all historia y Arqueologa de Cantabria (%942 20 71 09;
within 100m of each other in the southwest Calle de Casimiro Sainz 4; admission free; h10am-1pm &
part of the central district. A 10-minute walk 4-7pm Tue-Sat, 11am-2pm Sun) brings together col-
northeast brings you to the heart of older lections of prehistoric finds across the region,
Santander, then its a half-hour stroll to the including some elements from the Cueva de
Hernn C
e los
Baha de
ta Luca
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
beaches. Most of the cheaper places to stay Altamira. Among the highlights are copies of
ida d
Oviedo (206km)
del Mar (29km);
and many good restaurants and bars are in cave paintings and some Roman stellae, ac-
Calle de San
To Santillana
a compact area taking in the bus and train companied by interpretations of their texts.
Calle de
stations and the old quarter. Make a giant leap closer to our times with
See Enlargement
To Playa de Somo;
Playa del Puntal
Casimiro Sain
C a ll e de
Ciberlope (Calle de Lope de Vega 14; per hr 2.20; art collection spanning the 16th to 20th centuries.
Paseo de Per2
Calle de
l Mola
ea Herbo
h10.30am-midnight Mon-Fri, 11.30am-midnight Sat, Much of whats on show is secondary Spanish art
de Pereda
e la
14 4
Alfonso XIII
(from about 1920 on the 1st floor, 18601920 on
C d e l R o 5pm-midnight Sun)
Calle de B
ta Luca
Calle doertH s
C de la P
Plaza de
Calle de San
di z
Hospital Valdecilla (%942 20 25 20; Avenida de 3rd floor). Youll find the odd curio, such as
e Barca
de Vega
de C
C de Vallicie
C de Lope ni
Eguino 7
Plaza la Calle
Calle de Guevara
lla n
C M d e la
asti A
e r
e C de
de H
Banks cluster in the newer part of central .museosdecantabria.com; Calle San Martn de Bajamar s/n;
Plaza de
Plaza de
e Santander around Avenida de Calvo Sotelo. adult/senior, student & child 4-12yr 6/4; h10am-9.30pm
ervantes Call
C de C
Tue-Sun May-Sep, 10am-6pm Tue-Sun Oct-Apr), near the
C Alta
To Hospital
Calle de
Rubio 8
C de Bu
C de
Post office (Plaza Alfonso XIII; h8.30am-8.30pm Mon- facets of navigation in Cantabria, and includes
Fri, 9.30am-2pm Sat) an aquarium. The displays range from marine
502 C A N TA B R I A S a n t a n d e r lonelyplanet.com Book
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at lonelyplanet.com C A N TA B R I A S a n t a n d e r 503
biology to maritime history, which is perhaps between 10am and 8pm June to late September, writer Jos Mara de Pereda, whose seminal Hospedaje Botn (%942 21 00 94; www.hospedajebo
the most interesting, dealing for example with from the Estacin Martima Los Reginas (3.10 work, Escenas Montaesas, is illustrated in tin.com in Spanish; Calle de Isabel II No 1; s/d 40/52) The
Portus Victoriae (Victory Port), the Roman return). From the same boat station there are bronze and stone here. Opposite the park youll homy Botn has some spacious rooms with
port town from which Santander later grew. one-hour bay tours (7) daily in summer (on see the 1950s Banco de Santander (5) building, one showers and galeras (glassed-in balconies).
The stuffed swordfish and starfish in bottles weekends April to June) and a year-round of the countrys major financial institutions. Pensin La Corza (%942 21 29 50; Calle de Hernn
are perhaps less captivating, but the 60-tonne passenger ferry to Somo (with another sandy Going through its grand archway you enter Corts 25; r with washbasin/bathroom 42/55) The best
whale skeleton is a star attraction. beach), just beyond Playa del Puntal. the old quarter. Proceed through the delight- deal around, La Corza is on pleasant Plaza
Architecture buffs will want to swing by the ful Plaza de Pombo (6), turning north (left) at de Pombo, with high-ceilinged, handsomely
citys Palacio Municipal de Deportes (Calle del Alcalde SURFING the far end to reach the lively Plaza de Caado furnished rooms up on the 3rd floor, some
Vega Lamera s/n), a sports pavilion with room Surfers emerge in force along El Sardinero (7), brimming with bars. Follow Calle de Daoiz with balconies overlooking the square.
for 6000 spectators that looks like something when the waves are right. Playa de Somo, y Velarde east, grabbing a few tapas along the
out of Lost in Space. The stainless-steel and across the bay, can also be good. Three or four way. At the end, youll find the Museo Regional MIDRANGE
glass coating has almost the air of something shops on Calle de Cdiz and Calle Mndez de Prehistoria y Arqueologa de Cantabria (8; p501). Hostal Carlos III (%/fax 942 27 16 16; Avenida de la Reina
NASA might have cooked up. Designed by Jos Nez sell boards, wetsuits and other surfing Afterwards, head down to the Puerto Chico Victoria 135; s/d 53/71; hEaster-Oct) Frosted-glass
Manuel Palau and Julin Franco and opened gear. The Escuela de Surf Santander (%669 48 80 (Little Port), the marina. Beside it, standing on fixtures and painted mouldings adorn this vin-
in 2003, locals think of it as a shiny beached 15; www.escueladesurfsantander.com in Spanish; Calle de Cdiz stilts in the bay, is the Real Club Martimo (9), the tage (and somewhat worn), turreted structure.
whale. 19) is a surf school (50 for two hours private surprisingly austere yacht club. Those boys you Some rooms are in the ugly front building but
The Pennsula de la Magdalena (h8am-8.30pm tuition) with boards for rent (6). see diving into the bay after coins are actually you will be rewarded with sea views.
Oct-May, 8am-10pm Jun-Sep) parklands, crowned by another bit of public sculpture, Los Raqueros (10). Hotel Central (%942 22 24 00; www.elcentral.com; Calle
the Palacio de la Magdalena, the former royal Walking Tour Stroll the bay-front promenade west, noting on General Mola 5; s/d 82.40/127.35; a) A century-old
palace, are perfect for a stroll and popular The tour begins within the stately Plaza Porti- your right the row of opulent buildings with hotel, the Central is what its name suggests,
with picnickers. Kids will enjoy the sea lions cada (1), which is surrounded by 64 porticoes. their glassed-in galleries, fruits of early-20th- smack in the heart of the city. Rooms are spa-
and the little train that choo-choos around Proceed down past the post office to the cathe- century boom times. Finally, catch the ferry at cious and originally decorated (eg steel blues
the headland. dral (2; p501). Below it, amid a traffic circle, a the Palacio del Embarcadero (11), itself a gem, over in the colour scheme in some). Singles are
poignant sculpture (3) recalls the devastation of to Somo for a seafood lunch. smallish. Top-floor terrace rooms (135) with
Activities the 1941 fire. To the east spread the lovely Jar- unbeatable bay views are worth the extra.
BEACHES & BOAT TRIPS dines de Pereda (4), named after the Cantabrian Festivals & Events Hostal Paris (%942 27 23 50; www.hparis.net; Avenida
The beaches on the Baha de Santander are more Santanders big summer fiesta is the Semana de los Hoteles 6; s/d 86/112; p) This charmer in
protected than Playa del Sardinero. The latter is Grande, a week of fun around 25 July. Right white (in bad need of a lick of paint!) boasts
a hike from the city centre, so catch bus 1, 2 or WALK FACTS through summer, the Palacio de la Magdalena rooms dominated by the same colour theme.
3 from outside the post office. Playa del Puntal, Start Plaza Porticada hosts the Universidad Internacional Menndez Otherwise they are quite different one from
a finger of sand jutting out from the eastern Finish Palacio del Embarcadero Pelayo (www.uimp.es in Spanish), a global get-together the other, but the overall effect is a lingering
side of the bay roughly opposite Playa de la Distance 1.9km for specialists in all sorts of disciplines. The sensation of the late 19th century. Parquet
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
Magdalena, is idyllic on calm days (but beware Duration 45 minutes Festival Internacional de Santander is a sweeping floors, spare but elegant furnishings and, in
the currents). Boats sail there every 30 minutes musical review in August that covers every- some cases, nice architectural touches, such
thing from jazz to chamber music. as the setting of the sleeping area in an alcove,
make this an attractive choice.
Calle de Lo
Loads of budget spots can be found around dinero.com; Plaza de Italia, El Sardinero 1; d 133.75-149.80)
Calle de inz
pe de Vega
the train and bus stations. Down by fashion- This grand old seaside hotel evokes the areas
Santa Luca
Calle de
ea Herbo
sa 8 able Playa del Sardinero, the cheaper places golden age. Rooms are a trifle small but pleas-
C de la P
iz y Velasd
e tend to close during the low season. The pick ingly furnished, with high ceilings. Try for
C de Dao rts
Calle de H
ernn Co of the middle and top-range digs are also those with sea views. Single rates (69.55) are
Calle de Rualasal down that way. available outside of August.
Calle de B
Plaza Puerto
1 9
Camping Cabo Mayor (%942 39 15 42; www.cabomayor Hotel Hoyuela (%942 282628; www.gruposardinero.com;
Paseo de Pered
a .com; Avenida del Faro s/n; sites per 2 adults with tent & car Avenida de los Hoteles 7, El Sardinero; d 200; paiw)
Alfonso Jardines
18.75; ps) This place is out towards the Although new, the Hoyuela emanates the clas-
XIII de Pereda
4 Cabo Mayor lighthouse, beyond Playa del sic sense of Santanders golden seaside age and
2 Baha de Santander Sardinero. Take bus 9 from Jardines de Pereda. elegance. The cream dcor and soft carpet
Within easy reach of the beach, this 500-site make for soothing rooms. Downstairs is an
Calle de
Cdiz 3 camping ground provides a supermarket and equally elegant restaurant, and youre not far
0 200 m
0 0.1 miles laundry facilities. Its about a 300m walk to from the beach. Prices drop to as little 75 in
the beach. the low season.
504 C A N TA B R I A S a n t a n d e r lonelyplanet.com lonelyplanet.com C A N TA B R I A A r o u n d S a n t a n d e r 505
Eating Most items are sold by weight and this is the BOAT About 1.5km up this mountain stretch the
You can sit down for a few snacks in a tapas best of a series of four seafood eateries on this From Plymouth in the UK, Brittany Ferries (%UK impressive Cuevas del Castillo (%942 59 84 25;
bar, quaff hearty local food in no-nonsense strip. 08703 665333, Spain 942 36 06 11; www.brittanyferries.co.uk) adult/child each cave 3/1.50; h10am-7.30pm May-Sep,
bodegas or opt for slightly upper-market din- Bar Del Puerto (%942 21 30 01; Calle de Hernn Corts runs a twice-weekly car ferry to Santander (20 9.30am-5pm Wed-Sun Oct-Apr). The two caves on
ing in any number of restaurants. Santanders 63; meal 35-45; hdaily Jun-Sep, Tue-Sat, lunch only Sun hours) from mid-March to mid-November. view here, El Castillo and La Moneda, contain
waterfront promenades brim with cafs. Oct-Apr) With its grand windows looking out Two people with a car pay return fares of up a series of prehistoric wall paintings of various
over the waterfront of the Puerto Chico, this to UK966, depending on the season, for a animals that are just as breathtaking as those
BUDGET is the perfect spot for damn near perfect sea- standard interior cabin. at Cueva de Altamira (p509), but these are the
Bodega Cigalea (%942 21 30 62; Calle de Daoiz y Velarde food. Your choice of critter will have a huge genuine article rather than copies. In between
19; pinchos from 2; hMon-Sat) A lovely and classic influence on the fiscal outlay. BUS the art, theres a labyrinth of stalactites and
bar for tapas, wine and laughter, this is one From the bus station (%942 21 19 95; www.santan stalagmites in an astounding array of shapes.
of the best and most popular of its ilk in the TOP END dereabus.com), Continental-Auto runs at least six El Castillo has more paintings.
old town. El Serbal (%942 22 25 15; Calle de Andrs del Ro 7; meal buses daily to/from Madrid (24 to 32, five Visits to the caves are by guided tour only
Caf de Pombo (%942 22 32 24; Calle de Hernn 40-50; hTue-Sat, lunch only Sun, closed Feb) Probably to 5 hours), plus five or six to/from Burgos (in Spanish), departing every half-hour; the
Corts 21) On the square of the same name, this the best restaurant in town, this elegantly (9.45 to 10, 2 to 3 hours). ALSA runs fre- last tour is given an hour before closing. In
is one of the citys most pleasant and elegant understated place (beneath a brick high-rise quent buses to Bilbao (6.05, 1 hours) and at summer its mandatory to book a day ahead.
lingering breakfast stops. apartment block) offers the experience of least six to San Sebastin (11.70, three hours), The town also has some local fame for the
Bodegas Mazn (%942 21 57 52; Calle de Hernn modern, imaginative twists on essential typical Irn and the French border. ALSA also runs to medicinal qualities of its baths and its salmon
Corts 57; raciones 4-12; hThu-Tue) This cavernous northern Spanish food. Exquisitely prepared Oviedo (11.80 to 20.40, three hours), with and trout farms. To pamper yourself, visit or
wine cellar serves up varied raciones (large fish dishes star. most buses stopping in Llanes, but has only two stay at the Gran Hotel Balneario (%942 59 80 61;
tapas) at a long timber bar. The selections are daily to Arriondas and Ribadesella. www.balneariodepuenteviesgo.com; Calle de Manuel Prez
chalked on great lumbering vats and behind Drinking & Entertainment Mazo s/n; s/d 136.50/166; hbaths 8am-9pm; pai),
you are piled huge barrels of wine and sherry. Plaza de Caado is home to several bares de CAR & MOTORCYCLE where you can indulge in all sorts of treat-
Proceed out the back for a sit-down meal. copas, where you can enjoy an outdoor beer in Heading west, take the A67 for Torrelavega ments, from a simple paddle in baths for an
A,11 (%942 07 43 62; Calle del Arrabal 11; tapas & the evening. Calle de Santa Luca, along with for a quick getaway. The N623 to Burgos a hour or two (10 to 12) to mixed sessions of
raciones 4-12; hMon-Sat) Gourmet sophistication Calle del Ro de la Pila and its immediate neigh- pretty route is the main road south. All traf- anything from shiatsu to specific treatments
and big citystyle bright lights have landed bourhood also teem with bars of all descriptions. fic heads out of the city along the south side for backache or physiotherapy. Rooms are
here, a respectful distance from the classic Most stay open until between 3am and 4am. of the train station. furnished in classic style, and many have bal-
bodegas but packed to screaming point with La Floridita (%942 22 33 09; Calle de Bailn 4) A Europcar (%942 21 78 17) is inside the FEVE conies from which you can enjoy the verdant
locals after something a little different. tropically themed nightspot attracting a broad train station. Next door, local crowd Alcar (%942 country views.
age group, Floridita has a green luminous bar, 21 47 06) rents Fiat Pandas for 43 a day. Seven buses run to Puente Viesgo from
MIDRANGE big cocktails and wi-fi if you happen to have Santander Monday to Friday (1.90, 35 to 45
La Flor de Tetun (%942 21 83 53; Calle de Tetun 25; brought your laptop along. TRAIN minutes), with fewer on weekends.
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
meal 30-40; hMon-Sat) Anything from a salad Cool (Calle de San Emeterio 3) Despite the beyond- There are two train stations. Renfe has three Those with a vehicle should head northeast
filled with crayfish to a slab of catch of the day capacity crowds, this small hash-infused club trains daily to/from Madrid (35.90 to 47.90, of Puente Viesgo about 3km to admire one of
lightly grilled, this is a simple seafood delight. stays pretty relaxed, with everyone getting 5 to 8 hours) via Palencia and vila. Six the regions finest Romanesque churches, the
their dose of funky music and sweet fumes. trains also run daily to/from Reinosa, two of 12th-century Colegiata de Santa Cruz de Castaeda
Rocambole (%942 36 49 61; Calle de Hernn Corts which continue on to Valladolid. in the village of Socobio. It is one of the finest
AUTHORS CHOICE 37; h10pm-5am) The action often goes on till FEVE (%942 20 95 22; www.feve.es in Spanish), next in Cantabria, and displays elements of later
La Conveniente (%942 21 28 87; Calle Gmez dawn at this dimly lit, basement rock-music door, operates two trains daily to/from San periods too. About a 1km walk away is the
Orea 9; raciones 5-12; hdinner only Mon-Sat) bar. It closes at 6am on Saturday and Sunday Vicente de la Barquera, Llanes and Oviedo Palacio de Alvear, a 16th-century tower with
This cavernous bodega (wine cellar) has high morning. (12.25, 4 hours) and three to/from Bilbao surrounding buildings in a pleasant park.
stone walls, wooden pillars and beams, and If youre after clubs, a couple of inner-city op- (6.75, 2 to three hours).
more wine bottles than you may ever have tions that are similar to one another and attract Parque de la Naturaleza Cabrceno
seen in one place. Squeeze into the tram- a fairly young crowd are It (Calle del General Mola s/n; Getting Around This open-air zoo (%902 210112; www.parquede
like enclosure at the front or line up (locals h1am-6.30am Thu-Sat) and the grungier Montral Santander buses cost 1 per ride. Purchase cabarceno.com in Spanish; adult/child Mar-Oct 12/8.50, Nov-
queue with unlimited patience) for a seat out Lounge (Calle de Santa Luca; h1am-6.30am Thu-Sat). a 10-ride ticket for 5.30 at tobacco stands Feb 9/6; h9.30am-7pm Apr-Sep, 9.30am-6pm Oct-Mar) is
back (or just snack at the bar). A piano man throughout the city. a curious experiment. On the site of former
tinkles on a raised gallery but the noisy bon- Getting There & Away open-cut mines, a zoological park has been
homie tends to leave him little hope of being AIR AROUND SANTANDER created to give a free-range home to every-
heard. You might go for a cheese tabla (plat- The airport is about 5km south of town at Puente Viesgo & Around thing from buffaloes to watussis (a big-horned
ter) or other classic raciones (large tapas). For Parayas. A handful of daily flights serve Ma- pop 2350 African quadruped). In 2005 an elephant was
something lighter, order bocadillucos, little drid and Barcelona. Ryanair has flights here The valley town of Puente Viesgo, 25km south born in captivity here. To get here, drive south
hot rolls with tasty fillings. from London Stansted, Liverpool, Frankfurt of Santander on the N623 towards Burgos, from Santander about 20km to Obregn, from
(Hahn) and Rome (Ciampino). lies at the foot of the conical Monte Castillo. where you can enter the park.
506 C A N TA B R I A E a s t e r n C a n t a b r i a lonelyplanet.com lonelyplanet.com C A N TA B R I A W e s t e r n C a n t a b r i a 507
EASTERN CANTABRIA Find out about other beaches in the area at Reinosa (pop 10,520), the main town in from Reinosa via Polientes. With your own
The 95km stretch of coast between Santander the tourist office (%942 87 15 12; Avenida de la Constitucin southern Cantabria, is dreary, with little to transport you can push on for Orbaneja del
and Bilbao offers jaded citizens of both cities 1; h9am-9pm Julmid-Sep, 9am-2pm & 5-7pm mid-SepJun), stop for, except perhaps to look at the man- Castillo (p229) in Castilla y Len.
several seaside bolt holes. Some, such as Noja, by the fishing port in the heart of the town. sions around the central Plaza de Espaa. But
are little more than beaches fronted by rows of Several places to stay are scattered about the Colegiata de San Pedro in Cervatos, 5km WESTERN CANTABRIA
holiday flats. The pick of the bunch is undoubt- the old centre, of which Hostal La Mar (%942 87 south, is one of Cantabrias finest Roman- Santillana del Mar
edly Castro Urdiales, 35km short of Bilbao. 05 24; Calle de la Mar 27; s/d 32/50) is one of the better esque churches. pop 3820
ones (and prices havent budged in years!). It Inquire at Reinosas tourist office (%942 75 They say this is the city of the three lies, since
Santoa is one block from the waterfront and has crisp, 52 15; Avenida del Puente de Carlos III 23) for informa- it is neither holy (santi), flat (llana), nor on
The fishing port of Santoa is dominated functional if unexciting rooms, some of which tion on senderos (walking routes) if a little the sea (del mar)! Some good-looking liar!
by two forts, Fuerte de San Martn and, further look onto the narrow pedestrian street. rambling in the area appeals to you. This medieval jewel is in such a perfect state
north, the abandoned Fuerte de San Carlos. You Traditional fare, such as sopa de pescado If you get stuck in Reinosa, youll find of preservation, with its bright cobbled streets
can take a pleasant walk around both, or plonk (fish soup) and pudn de cabracho (seafood a half-dozen sleeping options. Hostal Sema and tanned stone and brick buildings hud-
yourself on sandy Playa de San Martn. Other- pt), abounds in mesones (old-style eateries) (%942 75 00 47; Calle de Julibriga 14; d 30, s/d without dling in a muddle of centuries of history, that
wise, head north along the C141 to Playa Berria, and tabernas (taverns) along Calle de la Mar, bathroom 15/25) is conveniently close to the train it seems too good to be true. Surely its just a
a magnificent sweep of sand on the open Mar Calle Ardigales and in front of the fishing and bus stations, with basic rooms. For a little film set! Well, no. People still live here, passing
Cantbrico. Down here, one of the best sleep- boats at Plaza del Ayuntamiento. more comfort, try Hotel San Roque (%942 75 47 their precious houses down from generation
ing options is Hotel Juan de la Cosa (%942 66 12 ALSA (%902 422242; Calle Leonardo Rucabado 2) runs 88; www.hotelsanroque.net in Spanish; Avenida de Cantabria 3; to generation.
38; www.hoteljuandelacosa.com in Spanish; Playa de Berria up to 10 buses daily to/from Santander (5, s/d 50/62), whose 18 rooms have parquet floors You could easily pass by on the motorway
14; s/d 83.50/106). Its a bit of a brutish-looking one hour). Bizkaibus has buses to/from Bilbao and, in some, timber ceiling beams. The attic and never be the wiser to its existence. Strict
building, but inside the blue-hued rooms are (2.20, one hour) every half-hour, making vari- rooms have skylights. town planning rules were first introduced
generally spacious. From the 2nd floor up you ous stops in town, including at Bar La Ronda, Three regional trains a day (4.75, 1 hours) back in 1575, and today they include the
have nice views of the beach. on the corner of Calle La Ronda and Calle de and two or three more expensive long-dis- stipulation that only residents or guests in
Seven or more buses a day run to/from Benito Prez Galds. tance trains head to/from Santander. Up to 11 hotels with garages may bring in their ve-
Santander (3.40, 50 to 65 minutes), and a buses (5.15, up to 1 hours) head to/from hicles. Other hotel guests may drive to unload
regular passenger ferry (9am to 8pm May to Eastern Valleys Santander. luggage and must then return to the car park
September) crosses the estuary to the western Short on specific sights but rich in unspoiled at the town entrance.
end of Laredo beach (1.50). Hourly buses link rural splendour, the little-visited valleys of Along Ro Ebro Santillana is a bijou in its own right, but
Santoa with Playa Berria. eastern Cantabria are ripe for exploration. Ro Ebro (from whence Iberia stems) rises makes the obvious overnight base for visiting
Plenty of routes suggest themselves: what fol- about 6km west of Reinosa, fills the Embalse the nearby Cueva de Altamira too.
Playa de Orin lows is an example only. del Ebro reservoir and then meanders south Banks, a post office, telephones and a book-
One of the nicer beaches along this coast is at From El Soto, on the N623 just south of and east into Castilla y Len. You can follow shop all cluster on or near the handsome Plaza
Orin, 14km east of Laredo. Popular on sum- Puente Viesgo, take the CA270 southeast to- the rivers course along minor roads out of Mayor. Youll find an informative tourist office
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
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mer weekends, the broad sandy strip is set deep wards Vega de Pas. The town is of minimal Reinosa. (%942 81 88 12; Calle Jess Otero 20; h9am-9pm Jul-Sep,
behind protective headlands, making the water interest, but the drive is something. The views Head first along the CA171 towards Cor- 9.30am-1.30pm & 4-7pm Oct-Jun) at the main car park.
calm and comparatively warm. In contrast, from the Puerto de la Bragua pass in particu- conte, then turn right at Requejo to cross over You can also get information on the town at
youll find a chilly sea and some surfable waves lar are stunning. From Vega de Pas continue to the reservoir. Follow the southern shore www.santillana-del-mar.com.
on the windward side of the western headland. southeast, briefly crossing into Castilla y Len, towards Arroyo (youll pass the ruins of Roman
The settlement itself is made up of drab holiday before turning north again at Ro de Trueba, Julibriga). Just before Arroyo, turn right (south). SIGHTS
flats. Up to 10 buses a day head from Castro then following Ro Miera down through San Along this exceedingly narrow route, you en- A stroll along the cobbled main street past
Urdiales to Orin (30 minutes). Roque de Riomiera towards Santander. counter the Monasterio de Montes Claros, dating solemn nobles houses from the 15th to 18th
Another option from Ro de Trueba is to from the 9th century. Next, descend to Arroyal centuries leads you to the lovely 12th-century
Castro Urdiales take the BU571 road up over the Puerto de la and finally hit a T-junction where the CA272 Romanesque Colegiata de Santa Juliana (admission
pop 13,380 Sa pass towards Arredondo. This road is full meets the CA273. About 13km east is Polientes, 3; h10am-1.30pm & 4-7.30pm daily Jun-Sep, 10am-1.30pm
The haughty Gothic jumble that is the Iglesia of switchbacks, a couple of mountain passes where youll find banks, a petrol station and & 4-6.30pm Tue-Sun Oct-May). The drawcard in this
de Santa Mara de la Asuncin (h10am-1.30pm & 4- and isolated farmhouses. four places to stay. Along or just off the road, former monastery is the cloister, a formid-
7pm Jul & Aug, 4-6pm Sep-Jun) stands out above the several medieval chapels hewn from the rock able storehouse of Romanesque handiwork,
harbour and the tangle of narrow lanes that SOUTHERN CANTABRIA can be visited. The best example, the Iglesia de with the capitals of its columns carved into
make up the medieval centre of Castro Ur- Wonderful views of high peaks and deep river Santa Mara de Valverde, is actually about 10km a huge variety of figures. The sepulchre of
diales. It could be a seaside set for The Name of valleys flanked by patchwork quilts of green west of the T-junction. Eastwards, there are Santa Juliana, a 3rd-century Christian mar-
the Rose. The church shares its little headland await the traveller penetrating the Cantabrian chapels at Campo de Ebro and, beyond Polientes, tyr from Turkey (and the real source of the
with the ruins of what was for centuries the interior. Every imaginable shade of green seems Cadalso and Arroyuelos. name Santillana), stands in the centre of the
towns defensive bastion, now supporting a to have been employed to set this stage, strewn Across the Ebro from Arroyuelos, San Mar- church. The monastery and town grew up
lighthouse. Of the two beaches, the westerly with warm stone villages and held together by tn de Elines has a fine Romanesque church around the saints relics, which arrived here
Playa de Ostende is the more attractive. a network of narrow country roads. and marks the end of the line for a daily bus after her death.
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furniture and plenty of exposed heavy beams GETTING THERE & AWAY
ART PREHISTORY and stonework. Some rooms look across fields Autobuses La Cantbrica (%942 72 08 22) has buses
When archaeologists stumbled across them in 1879, they dismissed the vivid rock paintings in the towards the Colegiata. four times a day Monday to Friday, with three
Cueva de Altamira (opposite) as a hoax. They were just too good, too fresh, too sophisticated to Los Infantes (%942 81 81 00; www.grupolosinfan on Saturday and Sunday, from Santander to
be the handiwork of primitive people tens of thousands of years ago. Wrong. It has been proved tes.com in Spanish; Avenida LDorat 1; s/d 86.70/114.50; Santillana (2.05, 35 minutes), and on to
beyond doubt that these works are the real McCoy, and so precious that the Unesco World Herit- hclosed Dec-Mar; p) Another fine 18th-century Comillas and San Vicente de la Barquera. They
age site has been closed to the public (a replica has been created nearby). pile, this place on the main road offers sober stop on Avenida de Santonio Sand, opposite
Around 50 similar sites have been found around Cantabria, and others in neighbouring Asturias, but comfortable rooms, some with iron bed the medical centre.
but few can be visited. The regions mild climate and limestone caves provided a convenient heads. It has its own restaurant and bar too.
habitat for Palaeolithic settlers, when ice still covered much of the earths surface. Ensconced Museo & Cueva de Altamira
in this environment, some of these early inhabitants felt the need to express themselves using Top End The countrys finest prehistoric art, in the
the materials at hand. Casa del Marqus (%942 81 88 88; www.turismosantilla Cueva de Altamira, 2km southwest of Santil-
The most spectacular images, covering the ceiling of the Cueva de Altamira, are thought to be nadelmar.com in Spanish; Calle del Cantn 26; s/d 175.50/195.80; lana del Mar, is now off-limits to all but the
the work of a single artist, done 14,500 years ago. Most of the thousands of paintings found at hclosed mid-DecFeb; pai) Feel like the lord scientific community.
Altamira and elsewhere (some dating as far back as 20,000 years ago) are stylised depictions of or lady of the manor in this 15th-century Since 2001, however, the Museo Altamira
animals, usually deer, bison, boars and bulls, rendered in red, black and ochre tones. Other motifs Gothic mansion, once home to the Marquis (%942 81 80 05; http://museodealtamira.mcu.es; adult/stu-
also appear. At the Cuevas del Castillo (p505) there are 53 negative handprints (produced by what of Santillana. Exposed timber beams, thick dent/senior & under 18yr 2.40/1.20/free, Sun & from 2.30pm
was surely the worlds first air-brush), and a series of crimson discs that one theory (among many) stone walls and cool terracotta floors contribute Sat free; h9.30am-7.30pm Tue-Sat, 9.30am-3pm Sun & holi-
suggests could have been used as a lunar calendar. The Museo de Altamira (http://museodealtamira to the atmosphere of the rooms, all of which days Jun-Sep, 9.30am-5pm Tue-Sat, 9.30am-3pm Sun & holidays
.mcu.es/otros_destinos.html) website details other caves that can be visited in Cantabria. are quite different from one another. It has a Oct-May; pw) has allowed all comers to view
beautiful garden restaurant over the road. the inspired, 14,500-year-old depictions of
bison, horses and other beasts (or rather, their
Admission to the Colegiata includes entry ings around Campo Revolgo park, across the EATING replicas) in this full-size, dazzling re-creation
to the Museo Diocesano (%942 84 03 17; Calle Cruce; main road from the old town, are mostly in Santillana has a lot of humdrum eateries ca- of the caves most interesting chamber, the
h10am-1.30pm & 4-7.30pm daily Jun-Sep, 10am-1.30pm & remodelled stone farmhouses or stables. Some tering to the passing tourist trade, and you Sala de Polcromos (Polychrome Hall). The
4-6.30pm Tue-Sun Oct-May) at the other end of town. close from about November to February. should be able to get a full meal at most for viewing is enhanced by the museums excellent
The former Dominican monastery contains a around 20 to 25. There are some better interactive exhibits on prehistoric humanity
fascinating collection of popular polychrome Budget options, however. and cave art around the world, from Altamira
wooden statuary, some of it quite bizarre. Camping Santillana (%942 81 82 50; sites per 2 people, La Villa (%942 81 83 64; Plaza de la Gndara s/n; to Australia.
Santillana also hosts an eclectic bunch of car & tent 22; ps) Just west of Santillana meal 25; hThu-Tue) Wander through the great Visits to the replica cave, called the Neo-
museums, cultural foundations and exhibi- del Mar on the Comillas road, this camping timber doors into the courtyard. To your left cueva, are guided; you are assigned a tour time
tions. The Museo El Solar (%942 84 02 73; Calle Jess ground has good facilities, including bunga- is a bar with benches, to the right and upstairs with your ticket. Tours are in Spanish only.
Otero 1; adult/senior & student/under 13yr 3.60/2.40/free; lows, supermarket, kids playground, tennis proceed to the dining area, brought together During Easter and from July to September
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
h10am-9pm Apr-Sep, 10.30am-8pm Oct-Mar) houses court and restaurant. as though under a big top of heavy, dark its worth purchasing tickets in advance at
an exhibition on the Inquisition, displaying Posada Santa Juliana (%942 84 01 06; Calle Carrera timber beams. The meat dishes, such as the branches of Banco Santander (%902 242424; www
more than 70 charming instruments of torture 19; d 55) A short walk in from the main road, solomillo con salsa de queso (sirloin in cheese .bancosantander.es in Spanish), or by phoning or visit-
used in its unremitting battle against heresy, this charming casona (medieval house)has sauce; 13.50) are its strong suit. ing its website (click on Venta de Entradas).
while the Fundacin Santillana (%942 81 82 03; Plaza smallish but tastefully restored rooms. Inquire Casa Uzquiza (%942 84 03 56; Calle del Escultor Jess Those without vehicles must walk or take a taxi
Mayor; admission free) and the Palacio Caja Cantabria at Los Nobles restaurant opposite. Otero 5; meal 25-35; hTue-Sun, closed Feb) This up- the 2km from Santillana del Mar.
(%942 81 81 71; Calle Santo Domingo 8; adult/child 2.50/ stairs restaurant with the red and blue walls
free; h11am-2pm & 4-8pm Tue-Sun) stage temporary Midrange and somewhat harsh lighting offers many of Comillas
exhibitions from around the world. The 14th- Hotel Siglo XVIII (%942 84 02 10; Calle de Revolgo 38; the usual local suspects, such as cocido mon- pop 2500
century Torre del Merino (%942 81 82 89; Plaza de s/d 42/70; hclosed mid-DecFeb; ps) This has to tas (bean, cabbage, meat and sausage stew), Take the CA131 16km from Santillana through
Ramn Pelayo; adult/senior & student/under 13yr 3.50/3/free; be one of the better deals in Santillana. Sur- and then some surprises with an elegant touch, verdant countryside to reach Comillas. You first
h10am-9pm Apr-Sep, 10am-1.30pm & 4-7.30pm Mon-Fri rounded by a garden, this stone mansion, al- such as lomo de bacalao en pil-pil de erizo (soft sight the towns fine, golden beach, but there
Oct-Mar) is a medieval tower also used for tem- though quite new (so with no history value), is steamed cod drenched in a thick yellow sea is much more: a pleasant, cobbled old village
porary exhibitions. nevertheless faithful to the towns style. Rooms urchin sauce). The lemon tart is to die for. centre and, separated from it by verdant valleys,
are inviting, with antique furniture, and access Restaurante Gran Duque (%942 84 03 86; www hilltops crowned by some of the most original
SLEEPING to a pool at these prices is a bonus. .granduque.com in Spanish; Calle del Escultor Jess Otero 5; meal buildings in Cantabria.
There are dozens of places to stay, an inordi- La Casa del Organista (%942 84 03 52; www 30-35; hTue-Sun) The food is high-quality local The tourist office (%942 72 07 68; Calle de Aldea
nate number of them in atmospheric historic .casadelorganista.com in Spanish; Camino de Los Hornos fare and what sets it apart is the setting, a grand 6; h10.30am-1.30pm & 5-8pm daily Jul & Aug, 10.30am-
buildings converted for your comfort and 4; s/d 58/85; p) Rooms at this elegant 18th- stone house with noble trappings and nice 1.30pm & 5-8pm Wed-Mon Sep-Jun) has local infor-
pleasure. They are scattered about the old part century house, long home to the Colegiata decorative touches such as the exposed brick mation, and a branch (Plaza de Joaqun del Pilagos;
of town and along the roads towards the Cueva churchs organist, are particularly attractive, and beams. There is a reasonable balance of h9am-2pm & 4-6pm Mon-Sat, 10am-2pm Sun) behind
de Altamira and Santander. A half-dozen lodg- with wood-rail balconies, plush rugs, antique surf or turf options, but the latter are better. the town hall.
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SIGHTS runs a second, slightly fancier place over on continuation Playa del Rosal stretch 3km to the the estuary. Stand around in the good-
Antoni Gaud left few reminders of his genius Calle de Daz de la Campa. estuary at San Vicente de la Barquera. Heed natured bar area knocking back tapas with
beyond Catalonia, but of those that he did, Hostal Esmeralda (%942 72 00 97; www.hostales the warning signs about currents here. the manager, Jos Ignacio, or make your way
the 1885 Capricho de Gaud (Gauds Caprice) meralda.com in Spanish; Calle de Antonio Lpez 7; s/d 60/80) out the back to the dining area overlooking
in Comillas is easily the most flamboyant, if A short distance east of the town centre, this San Vicente de la Barquera the main estuary.
modest in stature. The brick building, origi- handsomely restored hostal (budget hotel) in pop 4520 San Vicente bus station, by the Puente de
nally a summer house for the Marqus de a fine, stone building partly covered in ivy Just 10km further west from Comillas, fol- la Maza, is served by up to seven daily ALSA
Comillas and now an expensive restaurant, contains large, old-fashioned rooms. low the CA131 through the green and humid services on the GijnSan Sebastin route
is liberally striped with ceramic bands of Casal del Castro (%942 72 00 36; hccastro@infonegocio estuary land of the Parque Natural de Oyam- (4.15, 1 hours from Santander; 8.30, two
alternating sunflowers and green leaves. .com; Calle San Jernimo s/n; s/d 64/91) A quick stroll bre. As you approach from a height, you see hours from Oviedo). Autobuses Palomera
The Capricho was one of several build- round the corner from the Esmeralda, this how a broad swathe of sea water has cut a also stops here en route between Santander
ings commissioned for Comillas from leading period-furnished 17th-century mansion is gash through the coast at San Vicente de la and Potes (2, 1 hours to/from Potes). Two
Catalan Modernista architects by the first one of the best choices. Some rooms are in a Barquera. The main estuary is spanned by FEVE trains stop in San Vicente daily en route
Marqus de Comillas, who was born here as less-inspiring modern extension, but some of the long, low-slung 15th-century Puente de between Santander (3.90, 1 hours) and
plain Antonio Lpez, made a fortune in Cuba them benefit from views clear across town to la Maza bridge. On its east side, out of view of Oviedo.
and returned to beautify his home town. In the Universidad Pontificia. the main road, runs a long, golden strand. The
the same hillside parklands stand the wonder- town huddles between the bridge and another Western Valleys
ful neo-Gothic Palacio de Sobrellano (admission 3; EATING & DRINKING narrow inlet on the west side. Generally ignored by holiday-makers, who
h10am-9pm May-Sep, 10.30am-2pm & 4-7.30pm Oct-Apr) The obvious place for morning coffee is the San Vicente was an important fishing port concentrate their attention on the Picos de
and Capilla Panten de los Marqueses de Comillas Plaza de la Rabia, behind the cathedral. A throughout the Middle Ages and later became Europa further west, the valleys of Ro Saja
(admission 3; h10am-9pm May-Sep, 10.30am-2pm & 4- couple of simple seafood restaurants line the one of the so-called Cuatro Villas de la Costa and, next west, Ro Nansa, make a soft con-
7.30pm Oct-Apr), both designed by Joan Martorell. waterfront. converted by Carlos III into the province of trast to the craggy majesty of the Picos.
With the palacio (palace), Martorell truly Restaurante Gurea (%942 72 24 46; Calle Ignacio Fern- Cantabria in 1779. A beautiful drive if you are starting from
managed to out-Gothic real Gothic. Visits to ndez de Castro 11; meal 30-40; hTue-Sat, lunch only Sun) The tourist office (%942 71 07 97; www.sanvicent the Picos de Europa is the CA282, which
both buildings are by guided tour. In a back street behind Hostal Esmeralda, this edelabarquera.org; Avenida del Generalsimo 20; h10am- snakes up high and eastwards from La Her-
Martorell also had a hand in the Univer- elegant restaurant dishes up a mix of Basque 1.30pm & 4.30-7pm Mon-Sat, 11am-2pm Sun) doubles as mida on Ro Deva. The village of Puentenansa
sidad Pontificia (no longer, however, a pon- and montas (Cantabrian-style mountain) an agent for casas rurales in the area. forms a crossroads. Fifteen kilometres north
tifical university) on the hill opposite, but fare. Try the delicate carpaccio de buey al aroma The old part of town is topped by a castle (turn east at Rbago and climb 7km) is El
it was Llus Domnech i Montaner, another de trufa (beef carpaccio seasoned with truffle; (adult/child 1.20/0.60; h11am-2pm & 5-8pm Tue-Sun) Soplao (%902 820282; www.elsoplao.com; adult/senior,
Catalan Modernista, who contributed the 14.90), or the tasting menu at 27. and some remnants of the old city walls, student & child 9/6; h10am-2pm & 3-5pm), a 12km
medieval flavour to this elaborate building, El Capricho de Gaud (%942 72 03 65; meal 35-40; but its outstanding monument is the largely stretch of caves full of stalactites and stalag-
a former seminary, whose grounds you can hMon-Sat, lunch only Sun) You cant visit Gauds 13th-century Iglesia de Santa Mara de los ngeles, mites and until 1979 a lead and zinc mine.
stroll. Capricho, but you can eat there! Of course, further inland. Although Gothic, it sports a The Cantabrian government and speleological
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
Comillas compact medieval centre is full of the dining area is curved (no straight lines pair of impressive Romanesque doorways. In club are slowly opening the caves up to the
its own little pleasures. Plaza de la Constitucin for Gaud) and has a modestly elegant air. It one of the chapels, the lifelike statue of 16th- public the first chamber was opened in 2005
is its focal point, a sloping, cobbled square serves up such substantial dishes as lomo de century Inquisitor Antonio del Corro (reclin- and visits take one hour.
flanked by the town hall, the Iglesia de San venado a la pimiento negra con setas y pure ing on one elbow, reading) is deemed to be The CA281 south from Puentenansa follows
Cristbal and old sandstone houses with de manzana (deer loin in black pepper with the best piece of Renaissance funerary art in Ro Nansa upstream: along the way, a short
flower-bedecked balconies. mushrooms and apple puree; 18). It also has the country. detour east leads to the attractive hamlet of
Comillas boasts a teeny fishing port and a men del da (daily set menu) for 20. The friendly Pensin Libana (%942 71 02 11; Tudanca, dominated by the white, 18th-century
fine beach, just a 10-minute walk from Plaza Calle Ronda 2; s/d 39/42), up some steps from Plaza casona (mansion). The CA281 eventually
de la Constitucin. GETTING THERE & AWAY de Jos Antonio, features cosy stone-walled meets the CL627, on which you can head
Comillas is served by the same buses as rooms, some with skylights. south to Cervera de Pisuerga (see Montaa
SLEEPING Santillana del Mar (3.15, 55 minutes from Just after crossing the bridge and before Palentina, p212) or turn northwest back to
Camping Comillas (%942 72 00 74; www.campingcomil Santander). The main stop is on Calle del you hit the central Plaza de Jos Antonio, Hotel the Picos.
las.com in Spanish; sites per 2 people, car & tent 18; hJun- Marqus de Comillas, near the driveway to Luzn (%942 71 00 50; www.hotelluzon.net; Calle de Mira- Proceeding east from Puentenansa takes
Sep) A simple grassy spot run by a friendly fel- the Capricho de Gaud. mar 1; s/d 41/77) is a stately looking stone-fronted you through Carmona, with many fine stone
low on the eastern edge of town, the camping home possessing an air of older times with mansions. When you reach the village of
ground spreads to a clifftop area overlooking Around Comillas its high ceilings and quiet drawing rooms. Valle de Caburniga and Ro Saja, head south
part of the beach in July and August (mini- Out of several beaches around Comillas, the Rooms are a little fusty but most have a sense towards Reinosa. The views are magnificent.
mum stay in that part five days). long, sandy Playa de Oyambre, 5km west, is of space and many have broad views over The hamlet of Brcena Mayor, about 9km east
Pensin La Aldea (%942 72 10 46; La Aldea 5; d decidedly superior. There are two year-round town and water. of the main road, is a popular spot with a
without bathroom 35) This homy guesthouse of- camping grounds behind the beach. El Pescador (%942 71 00 05; Calle Antonio Gar- couple of casas rurales to stay in and great
fers simple rooms with hardwood floors, and A little further west, the wilder, less crowded relly s/n; meals 20; hWed-Mon) is the liveliest of mesones, where you should try the cocido
theres a little comedor (eatery) downstairs. It and clothing-optional Playa de Mern and its seafood restaurants with tables overlooking montas.
512 A S T U R I A S O v i e d o lonelyplanet.com lonelyplanet.com A S T U R I A S O v i e d o 513
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
have been perceived to think of themselves as producer of textiles, metal goods, sugar and Chaste; AD 791842) defeated a Muslim de- 12.30am Mon-Fri, 10.30am-12.30am Sat & Sun) Check
a cut above the rest of the peninsulas inhabit- chocolate. tachment that practically razed Oviedo, he was email here.
sufficiently impressed by the site to rebuild
ASTURIAS 0 40 km and expand it, and move his court there from MEDICAL SERVICES
0 20 miles
Pravia. It stayed until 910 when it was moved Farmacia Nestares (%985 22 39 25; Calle de Ura 36;
ATLANTIC Playa de Playa Concha Playa de
To Foz (8km);
Ferrol (135km) Tapia de OCEAN Cabo
San Pedro de Artedo Aguilar Mar Cantbrico (Cantabrian Sea) to Len. The university opened around 1600, h9am-midnight)
Airport Salinas Ro de and industry took off in the 19th century. A Hospital Central de Asturias (%985 10 61 00;
N632 Villaviciosa
Coaa Navia Luarca Playa de Piedras
Avils Gijn Playa de
Rodiles Bay of Biscay miners revolt (1934) and a nasty siege in the Avenida de Julin Clavera)
Silencio Pravia
Castropol Lastres first months of the Spanish Civil War led to the
Playa Blancas
Vegadeo de Otur Cudillero Colunga Barro To Santander
Salas Soto del
Barco Pola Villaviciosa A8
(77km) destruction of much of the old town. POST
ar Tun
Ro N AS227 Proaza
Sames Cabrales
Torre Cerredo Beges
From the train station, Oviedos main drag,
Cangas del
Narcea Rabo Parque El Entrego
AS17 (2648m)
CANTABRIA Calle de Ura, leads southeast to the Campo de TOURIST INFORMATION
(1869m) Natural
de Somiedo
de Lena
Oseja de Can
Sajambre Camaleo Turieno San Francisco, a park, and the old town. The Oficina Municipal de Turismo (%985 22 75
de Salime AS15 Pola de Valle de La
Potes ALSA bus station is east of the train station on 86; www.oviedo.es; Calle Marqus de Santa Cruz;
Somiedo C627
Puerto de
Leitariegos Puerto de Pea Ubia
(2189m) Portilla de
la Reina
Cucayo Calle de Pepe Cosmen. A collection of restau- h10.30am-2pm & 4.30-7.30pm) In a kiosk off Campo de
LUGO Somiedo (2417m)
de Riao
rants, cafs and bars awaits in the old town. San Francisco.
Becerre Piedrafita
La Pola
LEN See Picos de Europa Map Regional tourist office (%985 21 33 85; www
Palacios de Gordn (p527)
Information .infoasturias.com; Calle de Cimadevilla 4;
200 m
0.1 miles
Sights Asturians, such as Evaristo Valle, plus a room-
CATEDRAL DE SAN SALVADOR ful of El Grecos. Behind the cathedral, the 16th-
In a sense, the mainly Gothic edifice you see century Benedictine Monasterio de San Vicente
To Fitoria (1km);
Casa Camila (1km) today forms the outer casing of a many-layered houses the Museo Arqueolgico (closed indef-
history in stone of Spanish Christianity. Its initely for restorations).
origins lie in the Cmara Santa, a chapel built
by Alfonso II to house holy relics. The chapel is PLAZAS
p e
now the inner sanctuary of the cathedral (%985 Indulge in a little exploration of the old towns
20 31 17; admission incl Cmara Santa, Museo Diocesano & nooks and crannies. Plaza de la Constitucin oc-
Calle To Iglesia de
San Julin de los cloister adult/child 10-15yr/under 10yr 3/1/free; h10am- cupies a barely perceptible rise close to the
Plaza del Bruzo Prados (400m)
1pm & 4-8pm Mon-Fri, 10am-1pm & 4-6pm Sat mid-MaySep, heart of old Oviedo, capped at one end by
r in
General Primo
Sa de Rivera
10am-1pm & 4-6pm or 7pm Mon-Sat Octmid-May), which the Iglesia de San Isidoro, and fronted by an
id was chiefly built between the 14th and 16th eclectic collection of old shops, cafs and the
Train To Gijn (31km);
Station Av
Aeropuerto de Asturias
centuries. 17th-century ayuntamiento (city hall). To the
o (47km); Cudillero (60km);
er Cangas de Ons (73km);
Ca C Ce
del G
Ribadesella (84km) The Cmara Santa contains some key symbols south, past the Mercado El Fontn food mar-
mp de ay
oa m
or Fr
l Elo
of medieval Spanish Christianity. Alfonso II ket, arcaded Plaza Fontn is equipped with a
lle presented the Cruz de los ngeles (Cross of the couple of sidreras (cider houses) and has
13 Ca lle
e la
Angels) to Oviedo in 808, and its still the citys passages leading under the houses to sur-
le d
C de C de Melqu
a l a C al
hv emblem. A century later Alfonso III donated rounding streets.
la Independencia
iade Ga le icto
s lvar 14 sc de eV the Cruz de la Victoria (Cross of Victory), Other little squares include Plaza de Trascor-
ez on
a Cd
C d
which in turn became the sign of Asturias. rales, Plaza de Riego and Plaza del Paraguas. The
u ra
To Monte e C 28
C Rodr
ong 21
Naraco (3km)
These and other items can be viewed from last got its name from its inverted-umbrella
de igu
a 30
1 the Sala Apostolar, whose remarkable sculp- design, which once accommodated an open-
so Q
15 az l Jovellanos
C Luna
il d tures of the apostles are the work of Maestro air market. Today it sports a big umbrella to
Ur 3 alle
eG Teatro C
de A
C de San Vicente
C d Yaq
all Campoamor
C l es
Mateo, creator of the Prtico de la Gloria in the protect visitors from the elements.
e G e
Plaza de
e rgel 17
5 Tor lle A Feijoo
cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Turning
M en
e de Ca 10
o Plaza de
Plaza de 7
to leave, youll see three heads sculpted out Festivals & Events
de Alfonso II
lle El Casto
Ca 34
n Franc
isco Corrada of a single block of stone above the doorway. Oviedos biggest fiesta is that of San Mateo,
C de Sa
Sta Ana
4 del Obispo
La Rua
C de
Campo de 2 Town la C
anniga This strikingly simple work depicts, from left celebrated in the third week of September and
Galicia de
San Francisco 33 C 11
Avenida de 32 de Plaza de C to right, the Virgin Mary, Christ and St John climaxing around 21 September.
Riego Plaza de
29 Trascorrales
on Calvary.
C de Mon
e Pesc
26 6
C de Cim
Plaza del
Paraguas o Alt
o The cloister is pure 14th-century Gothic,
l le
C Jesus 20
Sa ti g
rare enough in Asturias, and just off it the
Ca o N
n Plaza C P o
ta 23
lle ov
C del Fierro
del Sol
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
sala capitular (chapter house) contains some The busy shopping boulevard, Calle de Ura,
de al
C de Magdalen
C d
16 12
al well-restored Flemish-Gothic choir stalls. The from the train station to the old town is a
el C
os 25
lR Constitucin
de Espaa lo
Museo Diocesano houses some interesting ec- gallery of inexpensive, and in some cases very
te de an
C nt C Marqus de
Ca Q
To Hospital de
Central de
Asturias (750m) la lle a ll
One vestige of the original 9th-century
Se Ca
to Ca Park structure is a Romanesque tower on the south
i ce de
lle side, best approached via the Trnsito de AUTHORS CHOICE
Santa Barbara. Hotel Libretto (%985 20 20 04; www.libret
To Iglesia de tohotel.com; Calle Marqus de Santa Cruz 12; s/d
Santa Mara de
Bendones (4km)
AROUND THE CATHEDRAL 105.90/117.70; pi ) Music lovers will
To Leo (118km) Plaza de Alfonso II El Casto and neighbouring appreciate this opera-inspired hotel in a
Bar Campa.....................................23 D4 Plaza de Porlier are fronted by elegant palaces Modernista-style building facing the Campo
INFORMATION SLEEPING Ca Beleo......................................24 D3 dating from the 17th and 18th centuries. The de San Francisco. The 15 sleekly furnished
Farmacia Nestares...............................1 B3 Hostal Arcos...................................12 C4 Divino Bhar....................................25 D4
L@ser.................................................2 C4 Hotel Belmonte..............................13 A2 El Quinto de la Tarde.....................26 C4 nearby Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias (%985 double rooms, dominated by creams and off
Main Post Office................................3
Oficina Municipal de Turismo.............4
Hotel Ciudad de Oviedo.................14
Hotel de la Reconquista..................15
La Factoria.....................................27 D4
La Pumarada..................................28 D3
21 30 61; www.museobbaa.com in Spanish; Calle de Santa Ana whites, include DVD/CD players, wi-fi, and a
Polica Nacional..................................5 A3 Hotel Libretto.................................16 B4 Morgana Le Fay.............................29 C4 1; admission free; h11am-2.30pm & 5-9pm Tue-Sat, 11am- nice touch for the wet north an umbrella.
Regional Tourist Office.......................6 C4 Sidreras.......................................(see 21) 2.30pm Sun Jul & Aug, 10.30am-2pm & 4.30-8.30pm Tue-Fri,
EATING Villaviciosa.....................................30 C3 You can choose from a menu of pillows, use
SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Casa Conrado................................17 C3 11.30am-2pm & 5-8pm Sat, 11.30am-2.30pm Sun Sep-Jun), an in-house laptop in the room and take
Catedral de San Salvador...................7 D3 La Puerta Nueva............................18 C5 TRANSPORT
Iglesia de San Isidoro..........................8 C4 Los Tres Caracoles..........................19 D3 ALSA Bus Station............................31 B1
itself housed in two buildings dating each to breakfast there too. You might only want
Mercado El Fontn..............................9 C4 Restaurante El Raitn.....................20 D4 Bus 3 to Monte Naranco................32 C4 the 17th and 18th centuries, rewards a visit: its to emerge for a quick session in its fitness
Museo Arqueolgico........................10 D3 Sidreras.........................................21 D3 Bus 9 to Fitoria...............................33 B4
Museo de Bellas Artes de Astarias.... 11 D4 Tierra Astur.................................... 22 D3 Underground Car Park...................34 C3
collection includes paintings by Goya, Murillo centre.
and other Spanish greats, and plenty by
516 A S T U R I A S O v i e d o Book accommodation online
l o nate lonelyplanet.com
lyplanet.com lonelyplanet.com A S T U R I A S A r o u n d O v i e d o 517
Hostal Arcos (%985 21 47 73; Calle de Magdalena 3; bars swing into action, some staying open as (22.90 to 40.15, 4 to 7 hours). Buses to
d 45) The only lodging in the old town is a AUTHORS CHOICE late as 5.30am. Cangas de Ons (p530) and Covadonga (p531)
modern brick building with nine simple, clean Los Tres Caracoles (%985 20 77 89; Calle de You could start the night drinking no-frills also run from Oviedo.
rooms (that have TV and heating) and is ideal- Jovellanos 25; meal 35; hMon-Sat, closed Jan) Asturian-style, indulging in some frothy cider-
ly located within stumbling distance of some A bright, original addition to the already slurping in the sidreras. Calle de la Gascona is TRAIN
of Oviedos best watering holes. Outside Au- healthy local eating scene, the Three Snails the classic street lined with lively, no-nonsense One train station serves both rail companies,
gust lone travellers usually get a discount. offers pleasingly presented permutations of cider houses, among them La Pumarada (Calle Renfe and FEVE, the latter located on the
Hotel Belmonte (%985 24 10 20; calogon@teleline.es; Asturian cuisine under 1950s lighting. Sit at de la Gascona 8) and Villaviciosa (Calle de la Gascona 7). upper level. For Gijn, its best to use the
Calle de Ura 31; s/d 35/46) A quick stroll from the the bar, perch on a high stool at high tables But you will soon start finding them all over Renfe cercanas (local trains that serve large
train station, this charming 3rd-floor (theres for two or three or head out back. Choose town. cities; 2.15, 35 minutes), which run until
a lift) lodging offers cosy rooms with timber from a curious mix of dishes (which you can El Quinto de la Tarde (Plaza de Riego) With its red- after 10pm.
floors and an at-home feel. Cheaper rooms take in mini versions), which might range dominated bull-theme dcor, this is a good FEVE (%985 29 76 56) runs four daily trains
with shared bathroom are also available. from berenjena rellena de boletus confitados place to start the evening over a glass or two to/from Arriondas (3.90, 1 hours), Rib-
(aubergine stuffed with crystallised mush- of wine. It shuts by 1.30am. adesella (5.05, two hours) and Llanes (6.45,
MIDRANGE rooms) to tempura de verduras y langostino Bar Campa (Plaza del Sol 3) Another good place 2 hours), with two continuing to Santander
Casa Camila (%985 11 48 22; www.casacamila.com; Calle con salsa de soja y miel (vegetable and to start the night, this is a straightforward beer (12.25, 4 hours) and one to Bilbao. West-
de Fitoria 29; s/d 74.90/96.30; p) This family-run king prawn tempura in a soya and honey bar that fills with boisterous locals. bound, FEVE trains link up with trains from
hotel has just seven rooms (one single and one sauce). Divino Bhar (Calle Oscura 27) This is the place for Gijn at Pravia, with three daily runs to Cu-
great double with private terrace and hydro- Latin themes and a broad dance space, busy dillero (2.40, 1 hours) and Luarca (5.60,
massage bath for 128.40) and is a charmer. It from midnight to 5.30am on weekends. 2 hours). Two of these continue to Tapia
is a few kilometres outside of town and offers MIDRANGE La Factoria (Calle del Postigo Alto) Has similar de Casariego, Ribadeo and Ferrol (17.95,
wonderful views over the city. Rooms are spa- Restaurante El Raitn (%985 21 42 18; Plaza Trascorrales hours to Divino Bhar, but this square, bare 6 hours).
cious, with an old-world rustic flavour. 6; meal 30-35; hTue-Sun) Dark timber dominates stone basement bar is jammed so tight that
Hotel Ciudad de Oviedo (%985 22 22 24; www several labyrinthine dining areas. The menu is the DJs efforts seem pointless (if hes hoping Getting Around
.hotelclarin.es in Spanish; Calle de Gascona 21; s/d 77/99.50; extensive, with tonnes of starters and a good to encourage dancing). Buses run regularly between the ALSA bus
p) A typical, midrange business-folk hotel, range of fish and meat options. The solomillo Morgana Le Fay (Calle de Cimadevilla 15) A long bar station and the Aeropuerto de Asturias (5.60,
this spot is well placed for the sidreras of the (sirloin medallions) are melt-in-the-mouth with multicoloured lighting and mainstream 45 minutes).
same street, from which you can roll downhill tender and the salads enormous. dance tunes (it even has a doorman, although
to bed. Speaking of beds, theyre big and firm, Casa Conrado (%985 22 39 19; Calle de Argelles 1; this aint a club). AROUND OVIEDO
in rooms that are neutrally decorated. meal 35-40; hMon-Sat, closed Aug) A classic, where Ca Beleo (Calle de Martnez Vigil 4) This is a well- El Entrego
black-jacketed waiters will deliver carefully as- established venue for Celtic music, whether of Asturias has a proud mining history, an indus-
TOP END sembled Asturian dishes to your table. Try the Asturian, Galician or Irish extraction. It hosts try that promoted the arrival of the railways
Hotel de la Reconquista (%985 24 11 00; www.hotel crema de mariscos (cream of seafood; 8.80) occasional jam sessions. and opened the region up to the rest of the
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
delareconquista.com; Calle de Gil de Jaz 16; s/d 187.25/230, ste and for a switch from fish, the solomillo de country. You can plunge into that history at
749; pai) The citys top lodgings started carne roja con foie fresco de pato y salsa de Getting There & Away the Museo de la Minera y de la Industria (%985 66
life as an 18th-century hospice. Rooms come oporto (sirloin with fresh duck foie and port AIR 31 33; www.mumi.es in Spanish; San Vicente; adult/child 4/2;
in different shapes and sizes, with timber fur- sauce; 21). The Aeropuerto de Asturias is at Santiago h10am-8pm Tue-Sat, 10am-2pm Sun Jul-Sep, 10am-2pm &
niture, floor-to-ceiling windows and gentle del Monte, 47km northwest of Oviedo and 4-7pm Tue-Sat, 10am-2pm Sun Oct-Jun). The displays,
ochre and white colour schemes. You can opt TOP END 40km west of Gijn. There are flights to Ma- life-sized models of machinery and replica of
for one of the suites, too. La Puerta Nueva (%985 22 52 27; Calle de Leopoldo Alas drid, Barcelona and several other Spanish a mine shaft bring to life the tough story of
2; meal 40-50; hMon-Sat) A gourmet experience, destinations, along with services to London mining in Asturias. Renfe and FEVE trains
Eating mixing northern with Mediterranean cooking Stansted with EasyJet, and Paris and Brussels from Oviedo call in at El Entrego.
BUDGET in a homy, welcoming atmosphere. The best with Iberia.
Oviedos sidrera rules include getting good option is to tackle the tasting menu. Market GIJN
grub at reasonable prices. Most of those on Calle supplies determine to a large extent what ap- BUS pop 273,930
de la Gascona serve raciones from 6 to 15. pears on the menu. From the ALSA bus station (%902 499949; Calle de Bigger, busier and gutsier than Oviedo, Gijn
Tierra Astur (%985 21 56 79; Calle de la Gascona 1; meal Pepe Cosmen), direct services head up the motor- (khi-hon) produces iron, steel and chemi-
15-20) A particularly atmospheric sidrera/res- Drinking & Entertainment way to Gijn (1.85, 25 to 30 minutes) every cals, and is the main loading terminal for
taurant, Tierra Astur is famed for its grilled The narrow pedestrian streets of the old town 10 or 15 minutes from 6.45am to 10.45pm. Asturian coal. But Gijn is emerging like a
meats and prize-winning cider. Folks queue are thronged with people having a great time Other daily buses head to/from Galicia, phoenix from its industrial setting, having
for tables, or give up and settle for tapas at the inside and outside dozens of bars on week- Cantabria and elsewhere. At least nine go to given itself a face-lift with pedestrianised city-
bar. Some just buy typical local products in the ends. The main axis is Calle de Mon (and Len (7.56, 1 to two hours), 11 to Madrid centre streets, parks and seafront walks. The
shop area to the right and go home. Platters its extension Calle Oscura, the aptly named (28.10 to 44, five to 5 hours), up to 11 place is something of a minor party town too,
of Asturian sausage, cheese or ham are a good Dark Street). Not much happens during the to Santander (11.80 to 20.40, 2 to three and in summer puts on a vast entertainment
starter option. week, but from Thursday to Saturday night hours) and five to Santiago de Compostela programme.
518 A S T U R I A S G i j n lonelyplanet.com lonelyplanet.com A S T U R I A S G i j n 519
200 m
0.1 miles
To the east, underneath Campo Valds, are
the towns Termas Romanas (Roman Baths; %985 18 ALL-IN-ONE CARD
51 51; adult/senior & student 2.35/1.35), built in the 1st The Gijn Card (15, valid for three days)
Ciber Capua.............................1 C3
Hostal Manjn..........................11 B2
to 4th centuries AD. gives you entry to all museums and at-
Municipal Tourist Office..........2 A2 Hotel Asturias...........................12 B2 West of the baths spreads the harmonious tractions in the city and discounts on oth-
Post Office...............................3 B4 Hotel Castilla............................13 B4
Summer Tourist Information La Casona de Jovellanos...........14 B2
Plaza Mayor, with porticoes on three sides and the ers throughout Asturias, free use of town
Office..................................4 C3 5 Talasoponiente........................15 A2 casa consistorial (town hall) on the fourth. Fur- buses and discounts on a whole range of
SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES EATING ther west, the impressive 18th-century Palacio de restaurants and sidreras (cider houses). If
Revillagigedo (%985 34 69 21; Plaza del Marqus 2) is now
Elogio del Horizonte.................5 B1 Casa Fernando.........................16 B2 you make use of the latter, it could work
H on
Museo Casa Natal de Casa Zabala..............................17 B2
to a lively cultural centre, hosting modern art exhi-
Jovellanos............................6 B2 Ba
ta l EI Centenario............................18 B2 as a money-saver.
Palacio de Revillagigedo...........7 B2 20
C de scar
n El Salero...................................19 B3 bitions and the occasional play or concert. The
la Fontica
Termas Romanas.....................8 C2 Restaurante Mercante..............20 B2
Torre del Reloj (Clock Tower; %985 18 13 29; Calle de Recoletas
Torre del Reloj..........................9 B2 Plaza San..........................................21 C3
Town Hall..............................10 C2 Plaza
5), just behind it, houses a six-floor exhibition the city centre, is a regional ethnographic mu-
ida a
o on
Ba t e r a on Gijns history, with a viewing platform at seum with several traditional buildings, one
de z
Puerto 17 6 Ca Beleo................................22 A3
Cla lez
Deportivo b
Su Iglesia de Caf Dam................................23 C3 the top. containing the Museo de la Gaita, with bagpipes
11 Mayor Bay of
Sala Albniz.............................26 C4 senior & student 2.35/1.35), housed in Gijns old tura Covadonga stop, about 400m from the
de la Reina Calle
Renfe train station, just a few minutes walk museum.
Playa de
Poniente ALSA Bus Station..................... 27 A4 west of the city centre, explores the role of Parque Arqueolgico-Natural de la Campa Torres
a n
de San
Calle San
29 de tives and carriages, and plenty of choo-choo Cabo Torres headland 6km northwest of the
de Arqueolgico-Natural de
Lu c a
o M
e dr u ur la Campa Torres.................. 29 A3
To Bodeguita nP arq 19
paraphernalia. city centre, is Gijns birthplace a Roman
Rodr 24 de Sa
On Playa de Poniente, a little further on and pre-Roman site where you can examine
lip ez
C Plaza del n
C de 4
Carmen re n Playa de
Calle de los Moros
nos 23 21 San Lorenzo from the Museo del Ferrocarril, is the citys remains of dwellings and cisterns. Take bus
Calle de
o vella
e J
d 28 A g ustn new Acuario (%958 18 52 20; www.acuariodegijon.com; M1 or 21 from in front of the marina.
a n
Plaza C de S 1
de Beg
adult/child 10/5; h10am-10pm Sep-Jun, 10am-midnight The Jardn Botnico Atlntico (Atlantic Botani-
la Corri
Ferrocarril de Asturias (400m); Estacin Calle rede Instituto Me Ca Aven
ida de
o n
Jovellanos Train Station (600m); Cercanas Lang nd e dll Ca Rufo Jul & Aug). This singular aquarium incorporates cal Garden; %985 13 07 13; www.botanicoatlantico.com;
de C
ez e de Garca Rend
Parque Arqueolgico-Natural Va M ueles
de la Campa Torres (6km) As tu ri as 26 ld arq an Asturian freshwater river environment adult/senior & student 5.30/2.50; h10am-9pm Tue-Sun
Seis de Calle
qu de
Plaza de
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
Calle de Dindur
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
Europa ra lle the seabed so that you can get a sea-snails-eye with pools and streams, based on the plans of
de Ur
a view of proceedings. 19th-century industrialist Florencio Valds.
To Albergue Palacio
San Andrs de
s To Polica C de Llanes The Museo del Pueblo de Asturias (%985 18 29 Take bus 4 from Plaza del Instituto.
Cornellana (3km) Local (400m)
60; Paseo del Dr Fleming 877, La Huelga; adult/senior & student For swimming, Playa de San Lorenzo is a sur-
2.35/1.35), on a large woodland site 2km east of prisingly good, clean city beach, but rather
Information Sights & Activities thin when the tide comes in. Playa de Poniente,
In addition to the tourist office mentioned The ancient core of Gijn is concentrated on west of the Puerto Deportivo, has imported
here, information booths open at Playa de San the headland known as Cimadevilla. At the top GIJN MUSEUMS sand and is much broader.
Lorenzo and elsewhere in town over the sum- of this, what was once a fortified military zone All Gijn museums are closed on Monday.
mer months. has been converted into an attractive park. At
Opening hours on other days vary by place
Festivals & Events
Ciber Capua (Calle de Capua 4; per hr 1.80; h11am- the edge of the promontory stands the Elogio Throughout the summer, Gijn finds some
and season, but the typical timetable is 10am
1am) Check email here. del Horizonte, a monumental concrete sculp- excuse for a fiesta almost every week, from
to 1pm (or 11am to 2pm) and 5pm to 7pm
Hospital de Cabuees (%985 18 50 00) Four kilo- ture by Basque artist Eduardo Chillida that the Semana Negra (Black Week) arts festival in
metres east of the city centre. has become a symbol of the city. Wrapped or 9pm (depending on the season) Tuesday early July, focusing on detective novels, to the
Municipal tourist office (%985 34 17 71, 902 93 around the landward side is an enticing web to Saturday, 11am to 2pm and 5pm to 7pm Fiesta de la Sidra Natural (Natural Cider Festival)
19 93; www.infogijon.com; Espign Central de Fomento; of narrow lanes and small squares. Sunday. Tourist offices have lists of current in late August. Varied musical programmes
h9am-8pm) On a pier of the Puerto Deportivo (marina). Plaza de Jovellanos is dominated by the hours. Most museums are free, except where and plenty of partying accompany all these
Polica Local (%985 18 11 00; Calle San Jos 2) South home of 18th-century Enlightenment politi- otherwise stated. Theres no charge for any events. The biggest week of all is Semana Grande
of the centre of town. cian Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, now hous- on Sunday. A single ticket to the three pay- (early to mid-August).
Post office (Plaza de Seis de Agosto; h8.30am-8.30pm ing the Museo Casa Natal de Jovellanos (%985 18 51 ing museums costs adult/senior & student Since 2003 the city has hosted the Crossroad
Mon-Fri, 9.30am-2pm Sat) 52; www.jovellanos.net in Spanish), devoted mainly to 3.90/1.90. Festival rock fest that lasts several days in late
www.gijonasturias.com This website is worth a look. Asturian art and Jovellanos himself. August.
520 A S T U R I A S G i j n Book accommodation online
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Sleeping Among more exotic local specialities are ori- Kitsch Caf (Calle Rectora 8; h11am-1.30am Sun- Villaviciosa & Around
BUDGET cios (sea urchins) and centollos (spider crabs). Thu, 5pm-3.30am Fri & Sat) provides a suitably pop 15,390
Albergue Palacio San Andrs de Cornellana (%985 16 Raciones go for around 5 to 15, cider for low-lit ambience before clubbing, while Caf Apart from the Iglesia de Santa Mara, a late-
06 73; www.alberguegijon.com in Spanish; dm under 26yr/26yr 2.50 per bottle. More sidreras are found a Dam (www.cafedam.net in Spanish; Calle de San Agustn Romanesque structure, Villaviciosas pretty
& over 10.85/13; i) This large youth hostel in a bit further up in Cimadevilla and indeed all 14; h7pm-2.30am Sun-Thu, 7pm-5.30am Fri & Sat) is a centre is mostly a child of the 18th century.
late-17th-century palace is quite a way out, over town. great den for live music and DJs. Calle Garca Caveda, the main street in the old
in the Contrueces neighbourhood, but its a A more mature crowd descends upon the town, is lined with noble houses.
quick ride on bus 12. MIDRANGE string of back-to-back bars and clubs along The surrounding area is sprinkled with often
Hostal Manjn (%985 35 23 78; Plaza del Marqus 1; El Salero (%985 17 04 43; Calle del Horno 3; meal 20-25) Calle de Rodrguez San Pedro ranging from diminutive and ancient churches. One that
s/d 35/47) Though basic and in a rather ugly A trendy little eatery, the Saltshaker offers salsa dens Cubansimo (%985 17 25 17; 35 Calle shouldnt be missed is the pre-Romanesque
high-rise (1st floor), it is in a good spot, with ethnic dcor and a series of tempting, modest de Rodrguez San Pedro) and La Bodeguita del Medio Iglesia de San Salvador de Valdedis (%985 89 23
some rooms overlooking the marina and oth- dishes, ranging from bulging salads to rice (%985 35 21 46; 43 Calle de Rodrguez San Pedro) to Ca 24; admission 1; h11am-1pm & 4.30-6pm Tue-Sun Apr-
ers facing Palacio de Revillagigedo. dishes and varied raciones. Beleo (%984 29 22 53; 39 Calle de Rodrguez San Pedro), Sep, 11.15am-1pm Tue-Fri, 4-5.30pm Sat & Sun Oct-Mar),
Restaurante Mercante (%985 35 02 44; Cuesta del with jazz and Celtic sounds. about 9km southwest, off the road to Pola
MIDRANGE Cholo 2; meal 25-35) For views of the port while de Siero. It was built in AD 893 as part of a
Hotel Castilla (%985 34 62 00; http://welcome.to/hcastil you munch on your fish and seafood, this is a Entertainment palace complex for Alfonso III El Magno in
lagijon; Calle de la Corrida 50; s/d 54/80; i) Standing great spot. On warm days, grab a table on the The tourist office will print off a list of bars what Asturians dubbed Gods Valley, but
beside the lively Plaza Seis de Agosto, the cobbled terrace, otherwise head upstairs. Its a and clubs if you ask nicely. archaeologists have failed to find any remnant
Castilla is a little dated but cosy, with friendly bit of a knockabout place, full of atmosphere Sala Albniz (%985 35 65 13; www.sala-albeniz.com beyond this simple church. Next door is the
service and good-sized rooms on seven floors and always packed. It does a huge parrillada in Spanish; Calle de San Bernardo 62; cover 6-10; h1am- Romanesque Iglesia y Monasterio de Santa Mara
with carpet, TV and heating. de pescado (mixed fish grill; 38 for two). 7.30am Fri & Sat, 6.30pm-2am Sun) This large nightclub of the Cistercian persuasion, open for guided
Hotel Asturias (%985 35 06 00; www.unionhotelera San (%984 19 00 16; Paseo del Muro 6; meal 30) Sick is a venue for touring bands. Otherwise, Fri- tours. Oviedo-bound buses from Villaviciosa
.com; Plaza Mayor 11; s/d 58.85/82.40) Touched with el- of hearty Asturian fare? This is a rare chance to day night is house night, as is Saturday from can drop you at San Pedro de Ambs, from
egance, Asturias spacious rooms, with parquet make an Asian getaway with a pretty reasonable 4am on, after the live music is over. where its a 2km walk to the site.
floors, overlook Cimadevillas main square. Japanese menu. The sushi, maki and sashimi Another fine Romanesque church is the
La Casona de Jovellanos (%985 34 20 24; www are nicely presented. Tempura and other op- Getting There & Away Iglesia de San Juan de Amandi, 1.5km south of Vil-
.lacasonadejovellanos.com in Spanish; Plaza de Jovellanos 1; tions (some decidedly un-Japanese) complete BUS laviciosa in Amandi.
s/d 62/81.30; p) This antique-furnished 16th- the picture in this blue-tinted restaurant. Buses fan out across Asturias and beyond In Villaviciosa itself, which you could easily
century house (with a lively chigre, or Asturian Casa Zabala (%985 34 17 31; Calle del Vizconde de from the ALSA bus station (%985 34 27 11; Calle de leave off your itinerary, there are 13 hotels and
eatery, downstairs) is one of only two hotels in Campo Grande 2; meal 30-40; hTue-Sat, lunch only Sun) Magnus Blikstad). Hourly buses run to Villaviciosa pensiones. One of the more attractive is the
the old heart of town and on one of Cimadev- A fine eatery, nestled in among the many es- (2.30, 45 minutes) and up to eight daily to Hotel Casa Espaa (%985 89 20 30; www.hcasaespana.com
illas nicest squares. timable sidreras around Cimadevilla, Casa Ribadesella (5.25 to 6.15, 1 to 1 hours). in Spanish; Plaza de Carlos I 3; s/d 56.70/70.60), with old-
Zabala is good for seafood and fish of a more A similar number go to Llanes (7.45, 1 to style rooms in the prettiest point of the town.
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
TOP END sophisticated ilk than you generally encoun- two hours) en route to Santander and San Se- La Casona de Amandi (%985 89 01 30; d 119.85-139;
Parador de Gijn Molino Viejo (%985 37 05 11; www ter hereabouts. The old-time looks have been bastin. Westwards, up to eight go to Cudillero n), a 19th-century farmhouse in Amandi, is
.parador.es; Parque de Isabel la Catlica s/n; s/d 115.60/144.50; maintained, and its not everywhere youll be (4.30, one hour and 10 minutes) and Luarca a treat. Rooms, all of which ooze their own
pa) In a building that spreads out discreetly served mullet in a txacoli (Basque white wine) (8.25, 1 hours). character and vary in size, contain Isabelline
at one end of the citys most pleasing parks, this sauce. furnishings.
is, for the moment, about the nicest top-end TRAIN Facing the sea on the western side of the
digs. Rooms are modern and comfortable but Drinking The main train station is Estacin Cercanas (Plaza Ra de Villaviciosa is the minute port village of
those with park views cost another 20. Gijn can be a lively place after dark. New clos- del Humedal), though it isnt only used by sub- Tazones, 11km north of Villaviciosa along the
In 2007, a new hotel and spa centre, Ta- ing regulations mean that normal bars must urban trains. The other station, Jovellanos, AS256 and then the VV5. Carlos I supposedly
lasoponiente, is due for completion on the shut by 1.30am Sunday to Thursday and 3.30am is 600m west. See p517 for trains between first landed in Spain here in 1517. Its a popular
waterfront and will likely become the place to on weekends. Those licensed to have bands Oviedo and Gijn. spot with a cluster of seafood restaurants and
stay and play in Gijn. and DJs (and many fall into this category) can FEVE (%985 34 24 15), using Estacin Cer- three places to stay, including the twin portside
remain open until 3.30am during the week canas only, runs cercanas to/from Cudillero hotel-restaurants Hotel Imperial (%985 89 71 16)
Eating and 5.30am on weekends. Clubs disgorge their (2.20, 1 hours) hourly on weekdays, half as and Hotel El Pescador (%985 89 70 77). In either a
The newer part of the city centre offers many punters at 7.30am. The folks here really are often on weekends. Others run as far as Ferrol simple double will cost up to 55 in August.
options, but the most atmospheric area is deprived! (18.80, 6 hours). The best restaurant is the portside Restaurante
Cimadevilla. The sidreras in Cimadevilla and around Rompeolas (%985 89 70 13; Calle de San Miguel 21; meal
town are a fun way to start the night (and EAST COAST 30-40). Opening times in all spots outside the
BUDGET inject some food), and further up in Cimadev- Mostly Spanish holiday-makers seek out a high summer period can be dodgy.
Casa Fernando (%985 34 59 13; Plaza del Marqus 5) illa, a youthful music-bar scene flourishes in summer spot on the beaches and coves along The eastern side of the estuary is covered
and El Centenario (%985 34 35 61; Plaza Mayor 7) spots around Plaza Corrada and down Calle the coast east of Gijn, backed by the Picos de by the broad golden sands of the Playa de
are two typical seafood joints in Cimadevilla. Vicara. Europa, which rise as little as 15km inland. Rodiles. Surfers might catch a wave here in late
522 A S T U R I A S E a s t C o a s t Book accommodation online
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summer. Camping La Ensenada (%985 99 61 56; Several companies can set you up with GETTING THERE & AWAY Memory, painter Agustn Ibarrolas playful
sites per 2 people, car & tent 12), open year-round canoe trips on Ro Sella (p530), hire bikes, The bus station (%985 86 13 03; Avenida Palacio Valds) public artwork using the ports breakwater
at Playa de Rodiles, is a beachfront camp- take you canyoning and so on. Turaventura is about 300m south of the bridge. There are as his canvas.
ing ground that has laundry facilities and a (%985 86 02 67; www.turaventura.com in Spanish; Calle regular services to/from Arriondas (1.40, 25
restaurant. Manuel Caso de la Villa 50) is one company that has minutes), Oviedo (6.25, 65 minutes to 2 SLEEPING
been around for a few years. hours) and Gijn, and eastwards to/from Llanes In the June to mid-September period, booking,
GETTING THERE & AWAY (2.10, 30 to 40 minutes), San Vicente de la especially at weekends, is virtually essential, as
ALSA provides up to 11 buses daily to/from SLEEPING Barquera and Santander. In July and August Llanes fills to the brim.
Oviedo (3.30, 35 minutes to one hour) and Albergue Roberto Frassinelli (%985 86 11 05; www a couple of daily buses run to/from Cangas Pensin La Gua (%985 40 25 77; www.pensionlaguia
Ribadesella (3, 35 to 55 minutes), as well .albergueribadesella.com; Calle de Ricardo Canga; per per- de Ons. .com; Plaza de Parres Sobrino 1; d 60) Just west of the
as an hourly service to/from Gijn (2.30, son under/over 29yr with hostelling card 13.50/15.50; FEVE trains run at least thrice daily to/ river, this 300-year-old house has plenty of
30 to 45 minutes). From early July to early i) Housed in a grand palacio de indianos from Llanes and Oviedo, and two to/from charm, with glassed-in balconies overlook-
September a 12.45pm bus runs to Playa de (mansion built by a returnee from the Ameri- Santander. ing the plaza. The structure is a web of dark
Rodiles, returning six hours later. cas), this REAJ hostel backs onto Playa de timber beams and terracotta floors, although
Santa Marina. It has two-, four- and six-bed Ribadesella to Llanes the rooms themselves are plainer.
Lastres rooms. Several little beaches and coves await dis- Hotel Sablons (%985 40 07 87; www.hotelsablon
Apart from a few sandy beaches, the only worth- Hotel Covadonga (%985 86 01 10; Calle Manuel Caso covery between Ribadesella and Llanes by .com in Spanish; Playa del Sabln 1; s/d with beach views &
while stop along the 40km stretch between de la Villa 9; r with shared/private bathroom 55/68) About those with transport and time. About 10km breakfast 102.70/119.85) This is a modest, low-
Villaviciosa and Ribadesella is the precarious 100m back from the port in the older part of short of Llanes, Playa de San Antoln is a vast, level modern hotel overlooking the smaller
cliffside fishing village of Lastres, a scruffier town, the Covadonga is like a step back in unprotected beach where you might pick up of the town beaches. Rooms are clean-cut
version of Cudillero (see p524), with a couple time, a little dusty but full of character and the odd wave. with terracotta floors and the best have views
of 16th-century churches thrown in. generally booked in August. Downstairs is a Three kilometres further on is the village- straight over the inlet. The hotels seafood
boisterous sidrera. cum-understated holiday resort of Barro. Its restaurant has a terrace also overlooking the
Ribadesella Hotel Villa Rosario (%985 86 00 90; www.hotelvil main beach is a bit bigger than the average beach.
pop 6360 larosario.com; Calle Dionisio Ruizsnchez 6; s/d 144.45/169; cove and not too crowded. A little explora-
Unless youve booked in advance, stay away pai) This magnificently restored wa- tion here will turn up all sorts of pretty white- EATING
from here on the first weekend after 2 August, terfront palacio de indiano, an early-20th- sand inlets. Stay at Hostal La Playa (%985 40 07 Plenty of lively marisqueras (seafood eateries)
when the place goes mad for the Ro Sella canoe century nouveau-riche caprice, is an ideal 66; d 70; p), just behind the beach. and sidreras line Calles Mayor and de Manuel
festival (see p530). Otherwise, Ribadesella is a honeymoon hideaway. All rooms are doubles, Cu, so stoking up on sea critters and wash-
low-key resort. Its two halves, split by the Sellas with some especially spacious ones (202), Llanes ing them down with cascades of cider is an
estuary, are joined by a long, low bridge. The decorated with great taste. pop 13,350 easy task.
western half has a good, expansive beach, Playa Inhabited since ancient times, Llanes was El Bodegn (%985 40 01 85; Calle Mayor 14; tapas each
de Santa Marina, while the older part of town EATING for a long period an independent-minded 3.60-7; hFri-Wed) A rollicking good-fun place
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
and fishing harbour are on the eastern side. For food, the busy waterfront sidreras on the town and whaling port with its own char- for cider and chips (and more), El Bodegn is
The tourist office (%985 86 00 38; www.ribadesella eastern side of the river are a good bet. ter awarded by Alfonso IX of Len in 1206. very social if you crowd onto one of the out-
.com in Spanish; h10am-10pm Jul & Aug, 10am-2pm & 5- Casa Gaspar (%985 86 06 76; Calle de Lpez Muiz 6; Today, with a small medieval core and bus- door benches on the terrace out the back.
8pm Tue-Sat, 11am-2pm Sun Sep-Jun) is at the eastern meal 15-20) If waves of fish leave you nauseous, tling harbour, its one of northern Spains Restaurante Siete Puertas (%985 40 27 51; Calle
end of the Sella bridge. you could opt for tapas and cider in copious more popular holiday destinations a handy de Manuel Cu 7; mains 35-45; hdaily Jun-Sep, Sat &
quantities at Casa Gaspar, in the heart of the base for some very pretty beaches and with Sun Oct-May) For more of a gourmet approach
SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES old town. On summer nights especially it gets the Picos de Europa close at hand. to your grub, try the Seven Doors, where
To see some real cave paintings (as opposed to rollicking busy. The tourist office (%985 40 01 64; www.llanes.com; a cornucopia of parrillada de pescado for
the copies at Altamira in Cantabria), plan on Casa Tista (%985 86 09 54; meal 30-35; hWed-Mon) Calle Alfonso IX s/n; h10am-2pm & 5-9pm Mon-Sat, 10am-2pm two will cost you 56. If pigging out is not
visiting the Cueva de Tito Bustillo (%985 86 11 20; Want a local tip? For the best in straightfor- Sun mid-Junmid-Sep, 10am-2pm & 4-6.30pm Mon-Sat, 10am- your deal, the restaurants merluza rellena
adult/senior, student & child 4/2; h10am-5.15pm Wed-Sun ward, fresh fish (grilled or lightly baked) or 2pm Sun mid-Sepmid-Jun) is in La Torre, a tower left de mariscos (hake stuffed with seafood) is
Apr-late Sep). The cave drawings here, mostly of seafood (sold by weight) head for Casa Tista, over from Llanes 13th-century defences. marginally less filling.
horses, are roughly 14,000 years old. 5km east of Ribadesella along the AS263, just Of the three town beaches, Playa de Tor to
The site is a short distance south of the after the hamlet of Toriello. Sit inside or under the east is easily the best. Westwards along a GETTING THERE & AWAY
western end of the Sella bridge. Groups enter the leafy pergola. 2.5km clifftop path, the Paseo de San Pedro leads The bus station (Calle La Bolera) is east of the river.
the cave every 25 minutes. The hour-long Casa Abelardo (%985 86 08 39; Calle de Manuel Caso to the village of Poo. Five to seven ALSA buses stop in Llanes be-
1.5km tour includes some slippery stretches, de la Villa 20; meal 35) A cut above the rest is La Baslica (Plaza de Cristo Rey), the towns main tween Gijn (7.45, 1 hours) and Santander
and is not recommended for children under this relatively new kid on the block serving and mostly Gothic church, was begun in 1240 (5.55, two hours). Regular services also run
11. Theres a limit of 360 visitors daily, so turn up a scrumptious sopa de marisco (seafood and is worth a quick inspection if you find to/from Oviedo (8.25, 1 to 2 hours).
up early in August, or book ahead by phone or soup; 8) followed by delicately prepared it open. Three or four FEVE trains come here daily
at http://tematico.princast.es/cultura/yacimien pixn al horno (a local white fish baked to Strewn alongside the far end of the pier from Oviedo and Ribadesella, two of them
tos/entradas.php. perfection; 21). like a set of childrens blocks are the Cubes of continuing to Santander.
524 A S T U R I A S W e s t C o a s t Book accommodation online
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East of Llanes tained port hotel. Single rates (45 to 55) are too. The FEVE train station is 800m south of
The 350m-long Playa La Ballota is a particu- available outside August. The same people also AUTHORS CHOICE the town centre: three trains run daily to/from
larly attractive beach a few kilometres east of rent apartments. Hotel Villa La Argentina (%985 64 01 02; Cudillero and Oviedo, and two along the coast
Llanes, hemmed in by green cliffs and acces- La Casona de Po (%985 59 15 12; www.arrakis.es www.villalaargentina.com; s/d/ste 84.50/ 90/112.35; to/from Ferrol (Galicia).
sible by dirt track; part of it is for nudists. Playa /~casonadepio in Spanish; Calle Riofro 3; s/d 66.35/83.50) Just ps) This 1899 casa de indianos (named
de la Franca, further towards Cantabria, is also back from the port area is this charming stone for those Spaniards who made their fortune Coaa & Ro Navia
nice and has a summer camping ground. house, featuring 11 very comfortable rooms in Latin America) is now a comfy 12-room The small town of Coaa lies about 4km in-
with a rustic touch, and a good restaurant. hotel amid lovely gardens that drips with land of the port of Navia, west of Luarca. A
WEST COAST Plenty of hotels, casas de aldea (village belle poque elegance. Antique furniture couple of kilometres beyond is the Castro de
Cudillero houses), pensiones and apartments are scat- brings warmth to the rooms, with their Coaa (%985 97 84 01; adult/child 3/1.50, Wed free;
pop 1850 tered around the countryside within a few high ceilings, chandeliers and understated h11am-2pm & 4-7pm Tue-Sun Apr-Sep, 11am-3pm Mon-
Cudillero is the most picturesque fishing vil- kilometres. Ask at the tourist office. decoration. Between meals, play tennis or Fri, 11am-1pm & 4-5pm Sat & Sun Oct-Mar), one of the
lage on the Asturian coast, and it knows it. The billiards, or dip in the pool. Its in the Villar best-preserved Celtic settlements in northern
houses, painted varying pastel shades, cascade EATING district about 1.5km southeast (uphill) from Spain and well worth visiting.
down to a tiny port on a narrow inlet. Despite Theres no shortage of eateries down towards Luarca. From the castro (Celtic-fortified village), a
its touristy feel, Cudillero is cute and remains the port: a meal with drinks is likely to cost road snakes its way high above the cobalt-blue
reasonably relaxed, even in mid-August when you around 25 in most places. Ro Navia, through classic Asturian coun-
almost every room in town is occupied. For a Sidrera El Patrn (Calle de Surez Incln 2; meal 20) decent surf. Five kilometres further on, Cabo tryside meadows alternating with rocky
good map of area beaches, stop by the tourist Back up the road a bit from the port, this is Busto will give you some sense of the Asturian precipices to Lugo in Galicia, crossing some
information office (%985 59 13 77; www.cudillero.org; where many locals hang out for raciones of coasts wildness as waves crash onto the jag- of Galicias least-visited and wildest territory,
h10am-9pm daily Jul & Aug, 10am-2pm & 5-8pm Mon-Sat, seafood or cheese and sausage or ham plat- ged, rocky cliffs. Playa de Otur, 8km west of around the town of Fonsagrada.
11am-2pm Sun Sep-Jun) by the port, which is also ters (5 to 15). Luarca, and Playa de Barayo, 1km further, are
the only place to park. El Faro (%985 59 15 32; Calle del Rofro 3; meal 20-30; good sandy beaches in pretty bays. Barayo is Tapia de Casariego
The main activity is watching the fishing hThu-Tue) is an attractive eatery hidden one a protected natural reserve at the mouth of a pop 4480
boats come in (between 5pm and 8pm) and street back from the port. A combination of river winding through wetlands and dunes. This welcoming fishing haven makes a pleasant
unload their catch, then sampling fish, mol- stone, timber and blue dcor creates a wel- To reach it, turn off the N634 at Puerto de lunch stop if youre driving, but little more. If
luscs and urchins at the sidreras. coming atmosphere in which to dig into an Vega and head for the village of Vigo, then you get stuck here, youll find a half-dozen op-
arroz caldoso (a seafood and rice stew). follow signs (which are painted on the road) tions for stopping overnight. Beaches along the
BEACHES for the beach. From the car park, the beach next few kilometres west, such as Playa Angui-
The coast around here is a particularly appeal- GETTING THERE & AWAY is accessible by a well-marked 30-minute leiro, Playa La Paloma, Playa de Serantes and Playa
ing sequence of cliffs and beaches. The nearest The bus station is at the top of the hill, 800m nature hike. de Santa Gadea, all boast surfable waves, and
beach is the fine, sandy Playa de Aguilar, a 3km from the port, and the FEVE train station is there are several surf shops in Tapia.
drive or walk east. Those to the west include 1km further inland. See p517 and p521 for SLEEPING & EATING
Castropol & Around
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
Playa Concha de Artedo (4km) and the pretty Playa more information. At least seven hotels and hostales are on or
de San Pedro (10km). just off the central Plaza de Alfonso X, includ- pop 4380
Playa del Silencio (also called El Gavieiru), Luarca ing three cheapies in Calle Crucero. Several Ra de Ribadeo marks the frontier between
15km west of Cudillero, could certainly qual- pop 5180 seafood eateries dot the waterfront. Asturias and Galicia. Spanning the broad
ify as one of Spains most beautiful beaches: a More dishevelled than Cudillero, Luarca has a Hotel La Colmena (%985 64 02 78; Calle de Ura 2; mouth of this, the first of the many grand
long sandy cove backed against a natural rock similar setting in a deep valley running down s/d 40/55; i) On the corner of the street and estuaries that slice into Galicias coast, is the
amphitheatre. Take the exit for Novellana and to a larger harbour full of small fishing boats. Plaza de Alfonso X, this comfortable hotel has Puente de los Santos.
follow signs to Castaeras. Its a base for some good nearby beaches. some nice touches, such as the dark parquet Whitewashed Castropol village, on a rise a
The tourist office (%985 64 00 83; www.luarca floors, high ceilings and tall windows. few kilometres up the eastern side of the ra
SLEEPING -turismo.com in Spanish; Calle Caleros 11; h10am-2pm & Restaurante Sport (%985 64 10 78; Calle de Rivero 8; (estuary), is a tranquil alternative to Ribadeo,
Accommodation in the village of Cudillero is 4.30-6.30pm Tue-Fri, 10.30am-2pm & 5-7pm Sat, noon-2pm meal 30-35; hThu-Tue) This seafood restaurant is Galicia, the town on the other side. From
limited, especially during the low season when Sun) is behind the town hall. hidden a few steps away from the waterfront. Castropol, the N640 southwest to Lugo forms
some places shut down. Kids will not want to miss the Aula del Mar Its an elegant dining option, where you might a little-travelled back route into Galicia.
Camping LAmuravela (%985 59 09 95; www.lamu (%985 47 03 70; admission 3; h11am-1pm & 4-9pm), slurp a half-dozen oysters (7.20) as a starter. Camping Playa Penarronda (%985 62 30 22; sites per
ravela.com in Spanish; sites per 2 people, car & tent 18.10; 1.5km uphill in the Villar district. It features Catch of the day is sold at 6 per 100g, as are 2 people, car & tent 32.30; hEaster-Sep) is set on the
hMar-Nov; s) At the village of El Pito, about a collection of giant squid, along with some such north-coast delicacies as percebes (goose fringe of the broad, open Playa de Penarronda
1.5km southeast (uphill) from the town cen- 700 other marine species. barnacles; 10). beach, 7km northeast of Castropol, and offers
tre, this is the closest camping ground to a caf and shop as well as bicycle hire.
town. Facilities include a big playground and BEACHES GETTING THERE & AWAY One of two hotels at the northern entrance
bungalows for up to five people. Sandy, 600m-long Playa de Cueva, 7km east Seven daily ALSA buses run to/from Oviedo into Castropol, Hotel Casa Vicente (%985 63 50 51;
Hotel Casa Prendes (%985 59 15 00; Calle San Jos 4; of Luarca, is one of the best beaches in the (7.65, 1 hours) and along the coast as far as Carretera General; s/d 37.45/51.40) has 14 rooms, half
d 78) This blue-fronted stop is a nicely main- district, with cliffs, caves and occasional Ribadeo (Galicia). A couple come from Gijn, of which give matchless views of the ra.
526 A S T U R I A S I n l a n d W e s t e r n A s t u r i a s lonelyplanet.com lonelyplanet.com P I C O S D E E U R O PA 527
through fields, riverbank woodlands and can- and hotel in Valle de Lago hamlet, a good Beginning only 15km from the coast, and
AUTHORS CHOICE yons. About 5km south of Tun, the path starting point for walks, 8km southeast of stretching little more than 40km from east
Palacete Pealba (%985 63 61 25; www.ho passes the Monte del Oso (Bear Mountain), where Pola de Somiedo. to west and 25km north to south, the Picos
telpalacetepenalba.com in Spanish; Calle Granda Paca and Tola, two Asturian brown bears or- Two daily buses (one on weekends) run still encompass enough spectacular moun-
s/n; d 99-130) Like a haughty countess, this phaned by a hunter in 1989, live in semi-liberty to/from Oviedo to Pola de Somiedo (6.55, tain and gorge scenery to ensure a continual
lovely early-20th-century mansion complex in a 40,000-sq-metre compound. Each day 1 to two hours). flow of Spanish and international visitors.
stands amid almost 2 sq km of sculpted around noon, except during their hibernation They comprise three limestone massifs, whose
gardens studded with palms, magnolias from about December to February, the bears geological structure is unique in Spain and
and statues in Figueras del Mar, 4km north
of Castropol and a mere 200m from the
are fed at a spot where their compound borders
the path and you stand an excellent chance of
PICOS DE EUROPA similar to that of the Alps: the eastern Macizo
ndara, with a summit of 2444m; the western
beach. A total of 19 rooms are spread out seeing them. One kilometre southwest of this These jagged, deeply fissured mountains Macizo El Cornin, rising to 2596m; and the
over two buildings, one of them a Moderni- spot, in Proaza, is the Casa del Oso (%985 76 10 53; straddling Asturias, Cantabria and the north- particularly rocky Macizo Central or Macizo
sta gem. The best rooms are akin to royal admission free; h10am-6pm Mon-Fri, 10am-8pm Sat & Sun), east of Castilla y Len province amount to Los Urrieles, reaching 2648m. The 647-sq-km
apartments, furnished with the careful taste with a restaurant, shop and interesting exhibits some of the finest walking country in Spain, Parque Nacional de los Picos de Europa covers
of a bygone era. on Spanish brown bears, which, apart from a offering plentiful short and long outings for all three massifs and is Spains second-biggest
handful (about 20) in the Pyrenees, survive striders of all levels, plus lots of scope for national park. Some websites worth checking
only in the Cordillera Cantbrica, where they climbers and cavers, too. out include www.turismopicosdeeuropa.com
INLAND WESTERN ASTURIAS number around 170.
Although its mostly difficult to reach unless In Proaza, Hotel Peas Juntas (%985 76 14 PICOS DE EUROPA 0 10 km
0 6 miles
youre driving, theres some gorgeous coun- 63; Plaza de la Abada; d with bathroom 50) has cosy
Playa de San Antol n Paseo de
try in southwest Asturias. Even just passing rooms. Llovio Toriello San Pedro Playa de
Nueva Tor
through on alternative routes into Castilla y To Ribadesella
Barro Poo
Llanes Playa La
Posada Playa
Len, such as the AS227 via the 1486m Puerto GETTING THERE & AROUND la Fries (2km) A8 Ballota de la
Sel Franca
de Somiedo, or the spectacular 1525m Puerto de The bear feeding spot is a 15-minute walk Ro
Leitariegos on the AS213, can be rewarding. from the AS228 TrubiaTunEntrago road, S i AS115
To Arriondas (2km); e r
2km north of Proaza: watch for the Cercado Oviedo (69km);
Gijn (72km)
AS340 r a Mer To Unquera (4km); San Vicente de la
Salas Osero sign and car park. Three daily buses d e
Barquera (17km); Santander (80km)
C u e
pop 1600 run from Oviedo bus station to Entrago via de Ons Labra
Mestas r a
de Con To Unquera (10km); San Vicente de la
Drivers between Oviedo and Luarca could Tun and Proaza. During the main visitor Soto de
Corao R o
G e
Barquera (23km); Santander (86km)
take, instead of the standard highways, the periods, you can hire bicycles at various points N625
a Benia
de Ons
AS114 Carrea de Panes
Cabrales Niserias
pretty N634, which snakes up and down lush along the Senda del Oso. o
a Ro
valleys northwest of Oviedo. At Salas, 48km Covadonga as Desfiladero
oC Arenas de Cabrales de la Hermida
from Oviedo, it soon becomes clear that the Parque Natural de Somiedo R
Lago de
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
towns most famous son was Grand Inquisitor If you fancy exploring some dramatic moun- Sames
Fernando de Valds Salas, who also founded tain country that few foreigners know of, con- R Lago de Ve Vega de Camarmea
Urdn (21km)
o Ro ga
Oviedos university in the 16th century. His cas- sider this 300-sq-km protected area on the Amieva
la Ercina ble
Refugio de s
Ario Poncebos Collado de
Pandbano Tresviso La
Mirador de Funicular Hermida Linares
tle has been converted into the Hotel Castillo de
northern flank of the Cordillera Cantbrica. Vegarredonda
de Bulnes Bulnes
Va da
s f il
M N621
Torre de
Valds Salas, and his elaborate alabaster tomb is Composed of five valleys descending from a
Santa Mar a Refugio
(2486m) Marqus de
ro d
inside the nearby Colegiata de Santa Mara. the cordilleras 2000m-plus main ridge, the
de Arcediano
ci zo
i zo
Vega de
e los Beyo s
Torre Santa Lebea
El C
Charming Hotel Castillo de Valds Salas (%985 park is characterised by lush woodlands and
El Naranjo Vegas de Morra de
N625 de Castilla Torrecerredo
(2596m) de Bulnes Sotres
orn i n
(2648m) Lechugales
83 01 73; www.castillovaldesalas.com in Spanish; Plaza Campa; high pastures dotted with thatched shepherds
nt r
(2519m) (2444m)
Torre Bermeja Horcados
s/d 64/80), gathered around a quiet courtyard shelters. Its also the main bastion of Spains Rojos
(2400m) Pea Vieja Argbanes
(2613m) Hotel
Soto de Cabaa Refugio
lined by a polished timber gallery, is in a remaining brown bear population.
Cordianes Vernica
de liva Turieno
beautiful 16th-century building. Rooms are Each of the valleys has a number of marked Posada de Telefrico
Neva o
Valden Potes
Oseja de
simple enough but attractive with parquet walking trails, which you can find out about Sajambre Soto de
Valden Fuente D Monasterio de Ro
and iron bed heads. The enchantment is in at the parks Centro de Recepcin (%985 76 37 PARQUE NACIONAL
Espinama Santo Toribio
de Libana
the rest of the building. 58; h10am-2.30pm & 4-9pm mid-Junmid-Sep, 10am- DE LOS PICOS
La Vega de
Regular ALSA buses run to/from Oviedo 2pm & 4-7pm Mon-Fri & Sun, 10am-2.30pm & 4-9pm Sat Libana Iglesia de
Santa Mara
(3.65, 1 hours). mid-Sepmid-Jun) in the small village of Pola de C O R D I L L E
Puerto de N621 de Piasca
Somiedo. Pola also has a bank, supermarket R A (1609m)
Senda del Oso and half-a-dozen budget and midrange places C A N T Cucayo
Between the villages of Tun and Entrago, to stay. One of the best walking areas is the CASTILLA ` B
southwest of Oviedo, the Senda del Oso is a Valle de Lago, whose upper reaches contain Embalse Portilla de I
de Riao la Reina
20km concrete walking and cycling path that a number of glacial lakes and high summer A
To Riao
To Riao (6km)
follows the course of a former mine railway pastures. There is a camping ground, hostal (5km)
528 P I C O S D E E U R O PA O r i e n t a t i o n lonelyplanet.com lonelyplanet.com P I C O S D E E U R O PA G e t t i n g T h e re & A r o u n d 529
Travesa de los Llanos, h9am-2pm & 5-6.30pm Mon-Sat, FAUNA Arriondas is also on the FEVE railway
WARNING 9am-3pm Sun Eastermid-Oct, 9am-2pm & 4-6.30pm Mon-Sat Although some wolves and the odd brown line between Oviedo, Ribadesella, Llanes and
The Picos de Europa are not the high- mid-OctEaster) and in Cillrigo de Libana (%942 bear still survive in the Picos, youre highly Santander.
est mountains in Spain, but walkers and 73 81 09; Avenida Luis Cuevas 2A; h9am-8pm Jul-Sep, 9am- unlikely to see either. Far more common is
climbers should come armed with a dose of 6pm Oct-Jun) in Cantabria. Basic information the rebeco (chamois), a kind of cross between CangasCovadonga
respect. The weather is notoriously change- on walks and accommodation is available at antelope and mountain goat. Around 6500 of Up to four ALSA buses daily run to Covadonga
able, and mist, rain, cold and snow are com- these offices. Local tourist offices can usually them skip around the rocks and steep slopes. from Cangas de Ons (1.10, 20 minutes). In
mon problems. Higher up, few trails are provide information on nearby sections of the Deer, foxes, badgers, wild boar, hedgehogs, July, August and early September services are
marked and water sources are rare. Paying park, as well as on their own towns. squirrels and martens, in various quantities, more frequent. On weekends and holidays
insufficient attention to these details has Cangas de Ons, Arenas de Cabrales and inhabit the more wooded areas. year-round, three buses run from Oviedo to
cost several lives over the years. National Potes all have banks, ATMs and good super- A variety of eagles, hawks and other raptors Covadonga (6.15); in summer there are two
park information offices and tourist offices markets. Cangas and Potes are the best places fill the Picos skies, but youd be lucky to catch on weekdays as well; otherwise, change in Ar-
will readily give you a list of mountain- to buy walking boots, waterproof clothing and sight of the majestic guila real (golden eagle) riondas or Cangas. The last bus down from
safety tips. other outdoor equipment. or the huge scavenging buitre leonado (griffon Covadonga is at 8pm in summer, and as early
Camping within the national park is per- vulture) or Egyptian vulture. Choughs, with as 5.15pm at other times.
mitted only above 1600m and only overnight: their unmistakable caws, accompany walkers
(in Spanish), www.liebanaypicosdeeuropa tents can only be erected in the evening and at the highest altitudes. CovadongaLago de Enol
.com and also www.picosdeeuropa.com (in must be taken down in the morning. In July, August and early September four or
Spanish). Getting There & Around five buses a day travel from Covadonga up to
Virtually deserted in winter, the area is full WHEN TO GO Trying to taste the main delights of the Picos Lago de Enol (30 minutes) and return.
to bursting in August and you should always The weather across northern Spain is similar by public transport can be a frustrating mat-
try to book ahead, whether you are heading to what youd find in the UK, Ireland or Brit- ter, if youre not hanging around long enough CangasRibadesella/Llanes
for a hotel or a mountain refugio (refuge). tany, and in the Picos its notoriously change- to crisscross them on foot. Just a few bus and To travel just between Cangas and Ribadesella
able, although the southeast parts of the Picos train services mostly summer only will get or Llanes you normally need to change buses
Orientation are drier than further north and west. you into the hills or to the edge of them. at Arriondas, which is linked with the pair of
The main access towns for the Picos are In August most of Spain is taking its holi- An alternative to the buses for getting around coastal towns by up to 12 buses daily and four
Cangas de Ons in the northwest, Arenas de days and finding rooms anywhere near the the Picos area is taxis. Apart from regular taxis FEVE trains. In July, August and early Sep-
Cabrales in the central north and Potes in Picos is hard. July is not far behind. May, June that stick to the better roads, such as Taxitur tember, however, up to three daily buses run
the southeast. Paved roads lead from Cangas and September are the best times to visit (%985 84 87 97, 689 14 38 81) in Cangas, there are from Cangas to Ribadesella and return.
southeast up to Covadonga, Lago de Enol more tranquil and just as likely to be sunny also 4WD taxi services that can manage some
and Lago de la Ercina; from Arenas south up as August. Most serious walkers and climbers of the mountain tracks. One of the latter is CangasOseja de Sajambre
to Poncebos then east up to Sotres and Tres- choose September, as it tends to be the driest operated by Casa Cipriano (%985 94 50 24; www A weekday (twice daily from late June to early
viso; and from Potes west to Fuente D. The month. Drivers should note that chains are .casacipriano.com in Spanish; s/d 30/50) in Sotres (p534). September) bus links these two spots (2.30,
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
mountains are roughly bounded on the west- often needed in winter. A regular taxi costs around 28 from Cangas one hour).
ern side by Ro Sella and the N625 Cangas de de Ons to the Lagos de Covadonga, and about
OnsRiao road; on the north by the AS114 WHAT TO BRING 20 from Arenas de Cabrales to Sotres or Potes Poncebos & Garganta del Cares
Cangas de OnsArenas de CabralesPanes For the walks mentioned here, you dont need to Fuente D. From July to early September up to three buses
road; and on the east by Ro Deva and the special equipment. But sun protection (hats, go between Arenas de Cabrales and Poncebos
N621 PanesPotes road. sunscreen, sunglasses, adequate covering of BUS & TRAIN Monday to Friday (but only one on weekends).
clothes) is essential, as is a water bottle Details of the following bus and train services In the same period a daily ALSA bus runs in
MAPS & GUIDEBOOKS sources of drinkable water are irregular. change from time to time but the broad outlines the morning from Oviedo to Cangas de Ons
The best maps of the Picos, sold in shops in Walking boots are advisable, if not absolutely described below are likely to be maintained. and Posada de Valden, then in the afternoon/
Cangas de Ons, Potes and elsewhere for 4 necessary on every route, and even on a sunny evening from Poncebos back to Cangas and
to 5 each, are Adrados Ediciones Picos de day you should take some items of warmer OviedoPanes Oviedo. The idea is that you walk the 8km road
Europa (1:80,000), Picos de Europa Macizos and waterproof clothing. For any treks or From Oviedo, ALSA has up to 12 buses daily to along the Cares valley from Posada to Can,
Central y Oriental and Picos de Europa Macizo climbs off established tracks, youll need the Arriondas (4.80, 50 minutes to 1 hours) and then along the Garganta del Cares gorge to
Occidental (1:25,000). appropriate gear and experience. 10 to Cangas de Ons (5.35, 1 hours). About Poncebos, and be picked up at the end. Buses
half of the Cangas buses continue to Arenas to/from Llanes, Ribadesella and Gijn connect
Information GUIDED WALKS de Cabrales (7.60, two hours 10 minutes), with this service at Cangas de Ons.
The national parks main information office, The national park offers free guided walks and one or two go on to Niserias and Panes.
in Cangas de Ons, is Casa Dago (%985 84 86 14; of between three and six hours daily in July, At Panes you can switch to/from buses run- Arenas de CabralesLlanes
Avenida de Covadonga 43; h9am-2pm & 5-6.30pm Mon- August and September. Routes vary according ning between Santander and Potes (but make ALSA buses link Arenas de Cabrales with
Sat, 9am-3pm Sun Eastermid-Oct, 9am-2pm & 4-6.30pm to the day of the week; pick up a programme sure you get the timetables right!). Depending Llanes daily in the morning and afternoon
Mon-Sat mid-OctEaster). Other park information at an information office. Most guides speak on the day, the last bus from Panes towards (2.60 to 4.95, one to two hours depending
offices are in Posada de Valden (%987 74 05 49; Spanish only. Oviedo leaves at 4pm. on the route).
530 P I C O S D E E U R O PA W e s t e r n Pi c o s lonelyplanet.com Book
l o n eaccommodation
l y p l a n e t . c o monline at lonelyplanet.com P I C O S D E E U R O PA W e s t e r n Pi c o s 531
SantanderPicos Cangas de Ons Cangas Aventura (%985 84 92 61; http://cangasaven sidrera has good raciones try the fish in
From Santander, Autobuses Palomera (%942 88 pop 3990 tura.galeon.com in Spanish; Avenida de Covadonga 17) sea-urchin sauce.
06 11) travels via San Vicente de la Barquera to Good King Pelayo, after his victory at Cova- Frontera Verde (%985 84 14 57; www.fronteraverde Los Arcos (%985 84 92 77; Jardines del Ayuntamiento
Panes, Urdn, La Hermida, Lebea and Potes donga, moved about 12km down the hill to .com; El Portazgo) 3; meal 30-35; hdaily) This prize-winning eatery
(6.25, 2 hours), and returns, two or three settle the base of his nascent Asturian kingdom Los Cauces (%985 94 73 18; www.loscauces.com in will win you over with such cunning contem-
times daily. In July and August, the line is at Cangas in AD 722. Cangas big moment in Spanish; Avenida de Covadonga 23) porary interpretations of traditional cooking
sometimes extended to Fuente D (about 50 history lasted 70 years or so, until the capital as ventresca de atn con crema de esprragos,
minutes) and adds one or two return services was moved elsewhere. Its second boom time SLEEPING polvo de jamn y cubitos de meln (a tasty cut
between Potes and Fuente D. arrived in the late 20th century with the inva- Cangas has loads of hotels and a few pensiones, of tuna stomach with cream of asparagus, ham
sion of Picos de Europa tourists. In August, and there are plenty more of both, plus nu- powder and cubes of melon).
WESTERN PICOS especially, the largely modern and rather drab merous casas rurales, in villages within 10km La Sifonera (%985 84 90 55; Calle de San Pelayo 28;
Arriondas town is full to bursting with trekkers, campers to 15km of town. Along the road towards hWed-Mon) In business since 1896, this mi-
pop 2210 and holiday-makers, many desperately search- Arenas de Cabrales, Soto de Cangas, Mestas nuscule sidrera is well worth dropping by
Arriondas is the starting point for easy and ing for a room a common story throughout de Con and Benia de Ons all have several for the fluid stuff and some nicely prepared
popular canoe trips down pretty Ro Sella to eastern Asturias in high summer. options. Most places in town can also inform gourmet snacks.
various end points between Fries and Llovio you of apartments available for rent.
(13km to 16km). That is about the limit of the INFORMATION Hostal de Casa Fermn (%985 84 84 91; Paseo de GETTING THERE & AWAY
interest in this otherwise dreary provincial The tourist office (%985 84 80 05; www.cangasdeonis Contranquil 3; d 42) Located 500m past the Capilla You will find the bus stop and local ALSA
town. .com in Spanish; Jardines del Ayuntamiento 2; h10am-9pm de Santa Cruz, in a vaguely bucolic setting, bus company office opposite the Jardines del
At least a dozen agencies in town will rent Jul & Aug, 10am-2pm & 4-7pm Mon-Sat, 10am-2pm Sun Sep-Jun) this brick structure has bright, simple rooms Ayuntamiento on Avenida de Covadonga.
you a canoe, paddle, life jacket and waterproof is just off the main street, Avenida de Cova- and a popular summer sidrera.
container, show you how to paddle and bring donga. Casa Dago (%985 84 86 14; Avenida de Cova- Hotel Santa Cruz (%985 84 94 17; www.hotelsan Covadonga
you back to Arriondas at the end. Try these donga 43; h9am-2pm & 5-6.30pm Mon-Sat, 9am-3pm Sun tacruz.net; Avenida Constantino Gonzlez 11; s/d 64/83) The importance of Covadonga, 11km southeast
agencies: Eastermid-Oct, 9am-2pm & 4-6.30pm Mon-Sat mid-OctEaster) Between the Capilla de Santa Cruz and a of Cangas de Ons, lies in what it represents
Astur Aventura (%985 84 10 02; www.asturaventura provides national park information. Cangas big riverside playground, this modern hotel rather than what it is. Somewhere hereabouts,
.net in Spanish; Calle Ro Piloa) has a fair smattering of banks with ATMs. goes for the rustic look. You can increase the in approximately AD 722, the Muslims re-
Jaire (%985 84 14 64; www.canoasdelsella.com in comfort factor by opting for a double with its ceived their first defeat in Spain at the hands
Spanish; Calle Juan Carlos I No 7) SIGHTS own Jacuzzi (118). of King Pelayo, who set up the Asturian king-
The so-called Puente Romano spanning Ro Hotel Los Lagos (%985 84 92 77; www.loslagos.as dom considered to be the beginning of the
The standard charge, including a picnic lunch, Sella, which arches like a cat in fright, is almost in Spanish; Jardines del Ayuntamiento 3; s/d 77/96; a) Reconquista a mere 800-year project.
is 23 per person. Excursions set off around certainly medieval rather than Roman, but no A standard, middle-ranking hotel, this spot The place is an object of pilgrimage, for in a
11am. Bring a change of clothes. Agencies less impressive for the mistaken identity. From offers a range of rooms. The better doubles cave here, the Santa Cueva, the Virgin suppos-
in Cangas de Ons and nearby coastal towns it hangs a copy of the Cruz de la Victoria, the are quite spacious and spotless; others are edly appeared to Pelayos warriors before the
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
offer much the same deal, including transport symbol of Asturias, which resides in Oviedos a little cramped. Lodgings are above what battle. On weekends and in summer the queues
to Arriondas and return. cathedral. is probably the best restaurant in town, Los at the cave, now with a chapel installed, are
This stretch of the Sella has a few enter- The tiny Capilla de Santa Cruz (Avenida Contranquil; Arcos (right). matched only by the line of cars crawling past
taining minor rapids, but its not a serious h10am-1pm & 3-6.30pm Tue-Sun Julmid-Sep, Sat & Sun Parador (%985 84 94 02; www.parador.es; Calle de towards the Lagos de Covadonga. The Fuente
white-water affair, and anyone from about mid-SepJun) marks the site of a millennia-old Villanueva s/n; d 144.45; pa) Housed in a one- de Siete Caos spring, by the pool below the cave,
eight years old can enjoy this outing, which shrine, though the chapel itself was placed time monastery amid greenery near Ro Sella, is supposed to ensure marriage within one year
for most people lasts four or five hours. In there in the 1940s. Within the crypt is a mega- this parador is the star accommodation option to women who drink from it.
summer you can stop off at a couple of tem- lithic tomb. in Cangas. The best rooms are sprawling af- Landslides destroyed much of Covadonga
porary riverside cafs. Parque de la Naturaleza La Grandera (%985 94 00 fairs and the common areas ooze centuries in the 19th century and the main church
The river is easily at its busiest on the first 17; h11am-8.30pm daily Easter-Sep, Tue-Sun Oct-Easter) at of history. here now, the Baslica de Covadonga, is a neo-
Saturday after 2 August when 1500 canoes Soto de Cangas, 3km east on the Covadonga Romanesque affair built between 1877 and
head downriver from Arriondas to Ribadesella, road, offers the chance to observe captive bears, EATING & DRINKING 1901. About 100m from the basilica is the
in the Descenso Internacional del Sella, a major in- wolves, birds of prey and other Spanish wild- Meson Puente Romano (%985 84 81 10; men del da Museo de Covadonga (%985 84 60 96; adult/child 3/2;
ternational canoeing event. life that you would be pretty lucky to see on 10) The terrace is just below the bridge, or h10.30am-2pm & 3.30-6.30pm Tue-Sun), filled with all
Arriondas has a range of accommodation, the trail. you could opt for the lugubrious cellarlike sorts of items, mostly donations by the illustri-
including the basic Camping Sella (%985 84 09 dining room. The set lunch is fabada (a hefty ous faithful.
68; sites per 2 people, car & tent 15; hmid-Junmid- ACTIVITIES Asturian bean stew) followed by arroz con
Sep), about 100m from Ro Sella, and Hotel Many agencies offer a range of activities, in- leche (rice pudding). The management warns Lagos de Covadonga
La Estrada (%985 84 07 67; www.laestradahotel.com cluding canoeing on Ro Sella, horse riding that both dishes are abundant. Dont let summer traffic queues deter you from
in Spanish; Calle Inocencio del Valle 1; s/d 45/70; p). (15 per hour), canyoning (36 for two to Sidrera Restaurante Casa Mario (%985 84 81 continuing the 10km uphill from Covadonga
Breakfast is included in the room price at three hours) and caving (22 to 25 for two to 05; Avenida de Covadonga 19; meal 20) On the main to these two beautiful little lakes. Most of the
La Estrada. three hours). There are several agencies: street just off Jardines del Ayuntamiento, this day-trippers dont get past patting a few cows
532 P I C O S D E E U R O PA C e n t r a l Pi c o s lonelyplanet.com Book
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noses near the lakes, so walking here is as nice as Oseja de Sajambre agency that can set you up with guides for with ham, cheese and vegetables) and finish
anywhere else in the Picos. In August the road pop 380 / elevation 650m walking and cycling treks. with delicias de limn (between lemon mousse
can close for an hour or two when the car parks Once inside the province of Castilla y Len and yogurt).
near the lakes cant accept anymore vehicles. youll soon strike Oseja de Sajambre, an av- FESTIVALS
Lago de Enol is the first lake you reach. Its erage place with magnificent views across On the last Sunday in August a cheese festival Garganta del Cares
linked to Lago de la Ercina, 1km away, not only the gorge. is held in this home of fine smelly cheese. Nine kilometres of well-maintained path high
by the paved road but also by a footpath via The Hostal Pontn (%987 74 03 48; Carretera Thousands come to enjoy the exhibitions, above Ro Cares between Poncebos and Can
the Centro de Visitantes Pedro Pidal (h10am-6pm General; s/d 33/37) is on the main road. Youll processions, cheese-making demonstrations constitute, perhaps unfortunately, the most
Easter-early Dec), which has information and dis- probably also be able to find someone who and tastings. popular mountain walk in Spain; in August
plays on the Picos and a bookshop. There are rents rooms privately. There are a couple of the experience is akin to Londons Oxford St
rustic restaurants near both lakes, closed in restaurants and grocery shops. SLEEPING on a Saturday morning. If you do arrive with
winter. Bathing in the lakes is banned. Arenas has a camping ground, about 10 other the holiday rush, try not to be put off the
When mist descends, the lakes, surrounded Soto de Sajambre accommodation options, as well as holiday walk is a spectacular excursion between two
by the green pasture and bald rock that char- pop 100 / elevation 930m apartments. of the Picos three massifs. If youre feeling
acterise this part of the Picos, take on an eerie Pressing on 4km north from Oseja de Sajam- Camping Naranjo de Bulnes (%985 84 65 78; sites fit (or need to get back to your car), its quite
appearance. bre, you reach this much prettier village by per 2 people, car & tent 22) This large and efficiently possible to walk the whole 9km and return
a freshwater stream, a great base for hikers. run camping ground sits within a chestnut as a (somewhat tiring) days outing; it takes
WALKS FROM THE LAKES Walks from Soto de Sajambre include La grove, 1.5km east of the town centre on the about seven hours plus stops.
Two relatively easy trails begin and end at Senda del Arcediano, a very scenic trip of Panes road.
the lakes. The first leads about 5km south- five or six hours north to Amieva, manage- Hostal Naturaleza (%985 84 64 87; d 36) About PONCEBOS & FUNICULAR DE BULNES
east, with an ascent of 600m, from Lago de able by most walkers, and a more difficult trail 800m from the centre of Arenas along the Poncebos, a straggle of buildings at the north-
la Ercina to the Vega de Ario, where the Refugio eastwards to Posada de Valden. road to Poncebos is this quiet little house with ern end of the gorge, set amid already spec-
Marqus de Villaviciosa (Refugio Vega de Ario; %650 90 Offering meals and comfortable beds is a series of smallish but well-scrubbed rooms. tacular scenery, is exclusively dedicated to
07 60; bunks 8.30), attended and with meal serv- Hostal Peasanta (%987 74 03 95; Calle Principal s/n; The owner, Fina, also has a couple of houses Picos tourism. A road turning uphill just above
ice daily from Easter to early December, has d 36.50, s/d without bathroom 24.50/30.50), housed in for rent in Arenas. the Pensin Garganta del Cares leads 1.5km
sleeping space for 40 people. The reward for an attractive old stone structure. The owners Hotel Rural El Torrejn (%985 84 64 28; www.eltor up to the hamlet of Camarmea, where theres
about 2 hours effort is magnificent views run the Albergue Peasanta (bunk 9) next door (a rejon.com in Spanish; r incl breakfast 53) A bright red a lookout with views to El Naranjo de Bulnes
across the Garganta del Cares (Cares Gorge) sleeping bag is required). country house welcomes the weary traveller in the Macizo Central.
to the Macizo Central of the Picos. with tastefully decorated rooms in a rural style A few metres up the Sotres road, just below
The alternative walk takes you roughly south CENTRAL PICOS with lots of fragrant wood. The setting is idyl- Poncebos, is the lower end of the Funicular de
from Lago de Enol to the Refugio de Vegarredonda A star attraction of the Picos central massif lic, beside Ro Casao, a couple of minutes Bulnes (%985 84 68 00; adult/child return 16.95/5.10;
(%985 92 29 52; www.vegarredonda.com; bunks 8.30, meal is the gorge that divides it from the western walk from the village centre. h10am-8pm Easter & Jul-Sep, 10am-12.30pm & 2-6pm rest
12.50) and on to the Mirador de Ordiales, a lookout Macizo El Cornin. The popular Garganta of year), a tunnel railway that climbs 2km inside
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
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point over a 1km sheer drop into the Valle de del Cares trail can be busy in summer, but EATING the mountain to the hamlet of Bulnes, which is
Angn. Its about a 3-hour walk (one way) the walk is worthwhile. This part of the Picos Restaurante Cares (%985 84 66 28; meal 25-30) On inaccessible by road. The funicular functions
relatively easy along a mule track as far as the also has plenty of less heavily tramped paths the western approach into town, this is one year-round, making the seven-minute trip
Refugio de Vegarredonda, then a little more and climbing challenges once youve done of the best restaurants for miles around. Dig every half-hour in either direction.
challenging on up to the mirador. The 68-place the Cares. Arenas de Cabrales (or just plain into a hearty cachopo (breaded veal stuffed Hotel Garganta del Cares (%/fax 985 84 64 63; Calle
refugio is attended year-round. Arenas) and Poncebos are obvious bases. de Poncebos; s/d 38/62; hclosed 10 Dec-15 Jan; p) of-
fers beds and meals (men del da 8) that are
Desfiladero de los Beyos Arenas de Cabrales AUTHORS CHOICE the closest to the Garganta del Cares trail. A
The N625 south from Cangas de Ons follows pop 830 Hotel Torrecerredo (%985 84 67 05; www classier hotel lies next door.
Ro Sella upstream through one of the most Arenas de Cabrales lies at the confluence of .fade.es/torretours/home.htm; s/d 45/60; p )
extraordinary defiles in Europe. The road Ros Cares and Casao, 30km east of Cangas de Taking its name from the Picos tallest peak GARGANTA DEL CARES WALK
through the Desfiladero de los Beyos gorge Ons. The busy main road is lined with hotels, (which can sometimes be glimpsed from the By doing the walk from north to south, you
is a remarkable feat of engineering. Towards restaurants and bars, and just off it lies a little dining room), the Torrecerredo is a relaxed save the best till last. Follow the Ruta de
the southern end of the defile, you cross from tangle of quiet squares and back lanes. place set on a hillside just outside Arenas. Cares sign pointing uphill about 700m along
Asturias into Castilla y Len. Hosted by a friendly Anglo-Spanish couple the road from the top end of Poncebos. The
Hotel Puente Vidosa (%985 94 47 35; www.puentevi ORIENTATION & INFORMATION that also leads excursions, it has 19 solar- beginning involves a steady climb upwards
dosa.com in Spanish; s/d 55.30/64.50; pw), gloriously Buses stop next to the tourist office (%985 84 64 powered rooms and a delightful terrace in the wide and mostly bare early stages of
perched on a bend in the Sella by a waterfall, is 84; h10am-2pm & 4-8pm Easter & Jul-Sep), which is a looking over the countryside, plus all-you- the gorge. After about 3km youll reach some
20km south of Cangas. The converted stone kiosk in the middle of town at the junction of can-eat breakfasts (5 extra). Follow the abandoned houses. A little further and youre
house contains 19 lovely rustic rooms with the Poncebos road. signs to the left as you enter Arenas from over the highest point of the walk. You should
gorge(ous) views, and wood panelling. A pool, SNP Viajes (%985 84 64 55; www.snptravel.com; Plaza Cangas its about 300m uphill. encounter a couple of drink stands along the
sauna and Jacuzzi are being added. del Castaedo) is an English- and Dutch-speaking way (the stuff is transported by horse).
534 P I C O S D E E U R O PA C e n t r a l Pi c o s lonelyplanet.com lonelyplanet.com P I C O S D E E U R O PA E a s t e r n Pi c o s 535
the Ruta de Tresviso, snaking 850m down to the has attractive double rooms, a few apartments
SAY CHEESE Desfiladero de la Hermida (see right). Doing and a good restaurant. You can go horse rid-
Northern Spain, with its damp climate supporting healthy herds of dairy cattle (rare elsewhere in this in the upward direction, starting from ing here, too.
the country), makes a greater quantity and variety of cheese than other regions. In Asturias alone Urdn, is at least as popular. An alternative
some 30 varieties are produced. The Picos de Europa region produces a particularly high number track winds off the SotresTresviso road and EASTERN PICOS
of traditional cheeses, and the Cabrales area, running up into the mountains from the central down via the hamlet of Beges to La Hermida, Panes
northern rim of the Picos, is home to one of the most celebrated of all, a powerful bluey-green also in the Desfiladero de la Hermida. Panes is where the AS114 from Cangas and
creation much appreciated by connoisseurs. Many walkers head west from Sotres to Arenas meets the N621 running from the
The basic raw material of queso de Cabrales is untreated cow milk, particularly when obtained the Collado de Pandbano, about 90 minutes coast south to Potes. It has a range of accom-
in May, June and July. Traditionally, this is mixed with lesser quantities of goat and/or sheep walk away up on the far side of the Duje val- modation. Hotel Trespalacios on the main
milk, though these are included in less than 20% of cheeses today. The cheese is matured for ley. From Pandbano its possible to see the street is the main bus stop.
up to six months in mountain caves. 2519m rock finger called El Naranjo de Bulnes
Its the penicillium fungus that gives the cheese its characteristic hue and creamy consistency (Pico Urriello), an emblem of the Picos de Desfiladero de la Hermida
not to mention a rather strong odour. In this case, the bite is every bit as powerful as the olfac- Europa and a classic challenge for climbers. The N621 south from Panes follows Ro Deva
tory bark, as a good Cabrales cheese tends to have considerable kick. Few walkers can resist the temptation to get and enters the impressive Desfiladero de la
You can learn more about Cabrales cheese-making at the Cueva El Cares (%985 84 67 02; even closer to El Naranjo. Its possible to walk Hermida gorge. You cross into Cantabria
adult/child 2.50/1.50; h10am-2pm & 4-8pm Apr-Sep, Sat & Sun only Oct-Mar), an exhibition cave south in around three hours from Pandbano to the here at Urdn, the bottom end of the Ruta
of Arenas along the Poncebos road. Vega de Urriello, at the foot of the northwestern de Tresviso path, 2km before the hamlet of
Cabrales goes to town over its cheese on the last Sunday of August, with Arenas hosting face of the mountain, where the Refugio de La Hermida. Theres not much at La Hermida,
cheese-making demonstrations, a cheese judging (with the winning cheese being auctioned for la Vega de Urriellu (%985 92 52 00; www.picuurriellu but the bubbling Deva, the Picos looming to
as much as 1200), a folklore festival and thousands of free Cabrales bocadillos (filled rolls). .com in Spanish; bunks 8.30) is attended, with meal the west and a couple of pensiones.
You can distinguish a genuine Cabrales cheese from imitators by its label, which will show service, year-round.
a five-pointed green leaf along with the crucial wording Denominacin de Origen Protegida Otherwise, you can descend for about an Lebea
Cabrales. hour west to Bulnes (see p533). Bulnes is di- About 8.5km south of La Hermida, is a spot
Less well known but equally loved by cheese-lovers is queso picn made in eastern Cantabria, vided into two parts, the upper Barrio del that warrants visiting. A kilometre east of the
especially in the villages of Tresviso and Beges (or Bejes). This is a mix of cows, sheeps and Castillo and the lower La Villa. All amenities N621 stands the fascinating little Iglesia de
goats milk, although there are no set rules on the proportions. It is a high-quality, high-odour are in La Villa, including the six-room La Santa Mara de Lebea (admission 1; h10am-1.30pm
cheese. Casa del Chifln (%985 84 59 43; www.casadelchiflon & 4.30-7.30pm Tue-Sun), built in the 9th century.
.com; d/tr/q 59/70/80; hMar-Nov, Sat & Sun by reserva- The horseshoe arches in the church are a
tion Dec-Feb) casa rural and Bar Bulnes (%985 84 telltale sign of its Mozarabic style rarely seen
As you approach the regional boundary Sotres 59 34), with good home cooking. You can also this far north in Spain. The floral motifs on
with Castilla y Len, the gorge becomes nar- A side road heads up 11km from Poncebos get to Bulnes by walking southeast up from the columns are Visigothic, while below the
rower and its walls thick with vegetation, cre- to Sotres, the highest village in the Picos at Poncebos (about 1 hours). main retablo (altarpiece) stands a Celtic stone
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
ating greater contrast with the alpine heights 1045m and starting point for a number of engraving. They say the big yew tree outside
above. The last stages of the walk are pos- good walks. There are five places to stay, most Niserias was planted 1000 years ago.
sibly the prettiest, and as you descend nearer with their own restaurant. East of Arenas de Cabrales, the AS114 follows
the valley floor, you pass through a series of Casa Cipriano (%985 94 50 24; www.casacipriano the attractive Ro Cares valley downstream to- Potes
low, wet tunnels to emerge at the end of the .com in Spanish; s/d 30/50) is a favourite haunt of wards Panes. About 15km from Arenas is the pop 1580 / elevation 291m
gorge among the meadows of Can. Along the mountain aficionados. Aside from the simple peaceful hamlet of Niserias, at a particularly Overrun in peak periods, but with some
way, there are several paths most of them but cheerful rooms, the staff offers a profes- pretty bend in the Cares. charm in the old centre (restored in attrac-
on the slippery side leading down to the sional mountain-and-caving guide service. You cant miss the cheerful, deep yellow tive traditional stone and slate after consider-
river. The cosy restaurant area downstairs offers country house Casa Julin (%985 41 57 97; www able damage during the civil war), Potes is a
set meals for 8. .casajulian.com; s/d 51/64.20). In business since 1949 popular staging post on the southeast edge
CAN Hotel Pea Castil (%985 94 50 80; www.hotel and long part shop part digs for fishermen of the Picos. Spanned by the medieval San
If youre coming from the south, the trailhead .penacastil.com in Spanish; s/d 40/60) offers 10 impec- coming to try their luck in Ro Cares, it is Cayetano bridge, Ro Quiviesa joins Ro Deva
of the walk is at Can, where the rickety (and cable if smallish rooms in a renovated stone today a welcoming stop for modern travel- at the heart of the village, with the Macizo
picturesque) road from Posada de Valden house. The rooms have graciously tiled floors, lers. The place is divided into hotel and hostal Oriental (also called Macizo Andara) rising
comes to an end. some wood panelling and fine showers, and (double 44.90), the latter across the road. In close at hand.
Casa Cuevas (%987 74 27 20; r with/without bathroom some have perky balconies. August it has doubles only. The restaurant The tourist office (%942 73 07 87; Plaza de la Serna;
36/26) has basic rooms. There are at least two does great fish dishes. h10am-2pm & 4-7pm Mon & Thu-Sat, 10am-2pm Sun)
fancier places to stay, plus a couple of bars WALKS AROUND SOTRES La Tahona de Besnes (%985 41 57 49; www.lataho shares a building with the bus station on the
and restaurants. Youll find further lodgings A popular route goes east to the village of Tres- nadebesnes.com; d 64-115) comprises a beautifully west side of town. Inquire there about the var-
in the string of villages south of Can, includ- viso and on to Urdn, on the PotesPanes road. renovated set of old stone bakery buildings in ious adventure outfits operating from Potes
ing Cordianes and the rather drab Posada de As far as Tresviso (10km) its a paved road, a leafy river valley 1.75km north of Niserias and offering everything from horse riding and
Valden. but the final 6km is a dramatic walking trail, (take the Alles road and follow the signs). It quads to canoeing and canyoning.
Lonely Planet Publications
536 P I C O S D E E U R O PA E a s t e r n Pi c o s lonelyplanet.com lonelyplanet.com P I C O S D E E U R O PA E a s t e r n Pi c o s 537
The settlers brought with them the Lgnum Theres a surprising choice of decent places from the telefrico, passing below Pea Vieja
AUTHORS CHOICE Crucis, purportedly the single biggest chunk to stay in Espinama, all with restaurants. The by marked trails to the tiny (three-place) Re-
Casa Cayo (% 942 73 01 50; www.casacayo of Christs cross, which had supposedly been family-run Hostal Remoa (%942 73 66 05; s/d fugio Cabaa Vernica at 2325m near Hor-
.com; Calle Cntabra 6; s/d 25/45) This is the pick transported from Jerusalem by Bishop Toribio 25/45) has large rooms, some with balconies cados Rojos.
of the bunch in Potes, with helpful service of Astorga in the 4th century. The holy relic over rushing Ro Nevandi.
and attractive, comfy, wood-beamed rooms. has been housed ever since in this monastery SLEEPING & EATING
Open the timber window shutters early in (h10am-2pm & 4-7pm), 3km west of Potes (sign- Fuente D & the Telefrico Fuente D has one camping ground and two
the morning to listen to the nearby bur- posted off the Fuente D road). About 500m At 1078m, Fuente D lies at the foot of the hotels (including an ugly parador a luxury,
bling river. You can eat well in its excellent further on is the tiny Ermita de San Miguel, a stark southern wall of the Macizo Central. In state-owned hotel), both of which offer 4WD
restaurant for about 20. Try the cocido chapel with great valley views. four minutes the Telefrico de Fuente D (cable car; trips into the mountains.
lebaniego completo (13), a feast that starts The relic, which according to tradition fea- %942 73 66 10; adult/child return Easter & Jul-Sep 12.50/3, Hotel Rebeco (%942 73 66 01; d 60; p) This
with unlimited noodle soup followed by a tures the hole made by the nail that passed rest of the year 10/3; h9am-8pm Easter & Jul-Sep, 10am- handsome stone lodge is the better-value op-
plate loaded with meat, sausage, chickpeas, through Christs left hand, is an extraordinary 6pm rest of year, closed 7 Jan-Feb) here whisks people tion. Eleven of the 30 rooms include loft levels
potato, cabbage and spinach. magnet for the faithful. Its kept inside a cru- 762m to the top of that wall, from where walk- that are suitable for kids.
cifix of gold-plated silver, which is housed in ers and climbers can make their way deeper Hotel Refugio de liva (%942 73 09 99; d 70;
a lavish 18th-century baroque chapel off the into the central massif. hJunmid-Oct) Set 1700m high, this 27-room
Right in the centre of town, the squat Torre monasterys austere Gothic church (dating Be warned that during the high season hotel features a restaurant and caf as well as
del Infantado was built as a defensive tower in from 1256). (especially August) you can wait for hours at a sundeck.
the 15th century and is now the town hall, Head of the monastery in the latter half of the bottom to get a seat. Coming down, you
having long served as a prison. A bit further the 8th century was Beato de Libana, who simply join the queue and wait OK on a Potes to Posada de Valden
down the river, the 14th-century Iglesia de San won fame in medieval Europe for his lav- sunny day, but a little unpleasant if the queue Drivers will be rewarded by a drive from
Vicente, deconsecrated in the 19th century, is a ishly illustrated Commentary on the Apoca- is long. Potes around to the southern approaches to
nice example of rustic Gothic architecture. lypse. Copies of this illustrated tome were the Picos. Take the N621 (direction Riao)
distributed throughout Europe and came to ACTIVITIES south of Potes and you are soon on a narrow
SLEEPING & EATING be known as Beatos. Around 30 survive scat- Walking & Climbing road winding through the verdant Valle de
With 14 hotels and pensiones, there is no tered across Europe today, but the original Its a walk of 3.5km from the top of the tel- Libana. After about 8km, you reach the cute
shortage of accommodation here. They are was lost. efrico to the Hotel liva, or you might catch crossroads hamlet of La Vega de Libana (ALSA
by and large simple, straightforward places. The Romanesque Iglesia de Santa Mara de one of the private 4WD shuttles that do the buses call in here), with a handful of places
Pensin La Antigua (%942 73 10 31; Calle Cntabra 9; Piasca, 2.5km off the CA184 road about 8km trip for 4 per person. From the hotel, two to stay. Branch east the 12km for Cucayo via
s/d 40/50) This is one of the most attractive pen- southeast of Potes, was at the heart of the trails descend into the valley that separates Dobres (11km), a lovely trip that rises to about
siones here, with crisp rooms (lots of timber other main medieval monastery established the central massif from its eastern cousin. The 900m. Cucayo is the end of the road. Around
beams, parquet floors and some rooms with here, but now gone. The sculpture is among first winds its way some 7km south down to you are scarred mountain peaks and green
skylights) in the heart of the old town. some of the most exquisite in the region. Espinama, while the other will get you north fields below. Stay at the marvellous Posada de
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
C A N TA B R I A & A S T U R I A S
Tasca Cntabra (%942 73 07 14; Calla Cntabra; meal to Sotres via Vegas de Sotres. If there is a de- Cucayo (%942 73 62 46; www.laposadadecucayo.com; d up
15-20; hThu-Tue) For a cheerful meal try this old Potes to Fuente D mand, 4WDs cover the Sotres and Espinama to 55), nine of whose 10 spacious and tasteful
town eatery, where you can try local faves such The 23km CA185 from Potes to Fuente D routes. doubles enjoy sweeping views.
as cocido lebaniego (noodle soup followed by is a beautiful trip, with several places to stay Other possibilities for the suitably pre- Back in La Vega, the road southwest quickly
a plate loaded with meat, sausage, chickpeas, (including three camping grounds) along the pared include climbing Pea Vieja (2613m) penetrates a gorge before rising to the often
potato, cabbage and spinach) or lengua con way. At Camaleo is the Hostal El Casero (%942 and making your way across the massif to fog-bound Puerto de San Glorio pass (1609m).
tomate (tongue with tomato; 7.20). 73 30 48; s/d 30/45), housed in a cluster of beauti- El Naranjo de Bulnes. This requires proper It then drops down quickly on the Castilian
fully restored old structures, including what equipment and experience Pea Vieja has side of the frontier. At Portilla de la Reina, take
Around Potes used to be the towns cantina. Cosgaya, 13km claimed more climbers lives than any other the narrow and still pretty country lane north-
MONASTERIO DE SANTO TORIBIO DE southwest of Potes, is home to the majestic mountain in the Picos. Less exacting is the west to Posada de Valden, where you are at the
LIBANA & PIASCA twin stone townhouses of the Hotel del Oso route of about two hours leading northwest southern gateway to the Picos.
Libana valley, of which Potes is in a sense (%942 73 30 18; www.hoteldeloso.com in Spanish; s/d
the capital, lies between the southeast side 57.80/73.80; s), which face each other across
of the Picos de Europa and the main spine of Ro Deva and road.
the Cordillera Cantbrica. Christian refugees
from Muslim-occupied Spain to the south fled ESPINAMA
to this front-line valley in the 8th century. This is the last stop of any significance before Lonely Planet Publications. To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitally
The Muslim army defeated at Covadonga is Fuente D, and probably makes a more ap- restricted. In return, we think its fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes
said to have been wiped out while retreating pealing base if you have your own transport. A only. In other words, please dont upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it to
through this valley by a massive landslide near 4WD track from here leads about 7km north
Cosgaya (an event immediately attributed to and uphill to the Hotel Refugio de liva and everyone you know, or resell it. See the terms and conditions on our site for a longer way of saying
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