Term End Examination - November 2012 Course: CHY101 - Engineering Chemistry Slot: E2 Class NBR: 2330 / 2335 / 2338 Time: Three Hours Max - Marks:100

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Term End Examination - November 2012

Course : CHY101 - Engineering Chemistry Slot: E2

Class NBR : 2330 / 2335 / 2338

Time : Three Hours Max.Marks:100

PART A (20 X 2 = 40 Marks)

Answer ALL the Questions

1. Why does hard water consumes lot of soap than the soft water? Explain.

2. Bring out the principle of reverse osmosis of desalination of brackish water.

3. What happens when hard water is first allowed to pass through anion exchange resin in
an ion exchange purification process?

4. Water containing Iron and Manganese salts cannot be treated by zeolite process. Why?

5. Why does corrosion occur in steel pipe connected to copper plumbing?

6. Why Zn and Al are best suited for cathodic protection?

7. What is the action of addition of small amount of chromate in preventing from


8. Why bolt and nut made of the same metal is preferred in practice?

9. What is the difference between the homochain and heterochain polymers? Give an
example for each.

10. Give the chemical reaction for the preparation of TEFLON.

11. Which method of degradation of polymers is most preferred? Why?

12. PVC is soft and flexible; whereas bakelite is hard and brittle. Give reason.

13. Distinguish gross and net calorific value of a fuel.

14. What is the significance of cetane number?

15. What are primary and secondary fuels? Give examples.

16. Mention any four characteristics of a good fuel.

17. Write the reaction involved in Ni-Cd cell during charging.

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18. In what way alkaline cells are superior to dry cells?

19. State the difference between electrochemical and electrolytic cell.

20. Mention the electrodes, electrolyte and cell reaction involved in H2 - O2 fuel cell.

PART B (5 X 12 = 60 Marks)
Answer ALL the Questions
21.(a) i) Explain the permutit process of softening hard water with diagram, chemical [6]
equations and regeneration steps involved.
ii) Calculate the amounts of lime and soda required for the softening of 10,000 L of [6]
water containing 81 mg/lit of Ca(HCO3)2, 7.3 mg/lit of Mg(HCO3)2, 200mg/lit of
CaSO4 and 720 mg/lit of MgSO4.


21.(b) i) Elaborate on the working principle of electrodialysis with a neat sketch. Mention any [6]
two of its applications.
ii) 0.5 g of CaCO3 was dissolved in dilute HCl and diluted to 500 mL. 50mL of this [6]
solution required 40mL of EDTA solution for titration, 50 mL of hard water sample
required 25mL of EDTA solution. After boiling the sample hard water sample
required 25mL of EDTA solution. Calculate the total hardness, permanent hardness
and temporary hardness of sample of hard water.

22.(a) i) Briefly explain three types of physical vapour deposition processes. [6]
ii) Illustrate with examples the factors affecting corrosion with respect to nature of [6]
22.(b) i) Explain the rusting of iron with the help of electrochemical theory of corrosion. [6]
ii) Describe the process of galvanization of iron. How does it prevent the corrosion of [6]

23.(a) Describe the method of synthesis, properties and applications of the following: [12]
i) Nylon 6,6
ii) Bakelite
23.(b) i) Describe the process of injection moulding of plastics with a neat diagram. [6]
ii) Elaborate on doping mechanism of polyacetylene. [6]

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24.(a) i) Discuss briefly on proximate analysis of coal. [6]
ii) Define octane number. Explain the knocking phenomenon in internal combustion [6]
engines based on the constituents present in it.


24.(b) i) A sample of coal was found to contain the following constituents: C =81%; O=8%; [4]
S = 1%; H=5%; N=1%, ash =4%. Calculate the minimum amount of air required for
the complete combustion of 1Kg of coal.
ii) How does the gross calorific value of a solid fuel determined by bomb calorimeter? [8]

25.(a) i) Explain the charging and discharging process of lithium ion secondary batteries. [6]
ii) What are solid oxide fuel cells? Give their advantages over other fuel cells. [6]


25.(b) i) Describe the construction and principle of lead acid battery with reactions occurring [8]
during charging and discharging process.
ii) Write briefly on Lithium primary battery. [4]

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