Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.
11. a) What are external treatments ? With a neat diagram explain the desalination
of water by ion-exchange and reverse osmosis processes. (16)
12. a) i) What are adsorption isotherms ? Explain the five different forms of adsorption
isotherms with suitable examples. (8)
ii) Write informative notes on Langmuir adsorption isotherm. (8)
b) i) What are enzyme catalysis ? Derive and expression for Michael Menton
equation and its significance. (10)
ii) Differentiate between auto catalysis and catalytic promoters with
examples. (6)
15. a) What are nuclear fusion and fission reactions ? Explain them in detail along
with their significance. (16)
b) Write informative notes on the following :
i) Lithium ion battery and its working mechanism with a neat diagram. (8)
ii) H2O2 fuel cell and its working mechanism with a neat diagram. (8)