MIT2 71S09 gps7
MIT2 71S09 gps7
MIT2 71S09 gps7
1. Zernicke phase mask. You are given an imaging system which consists of two
thin transparencies T1, T2 and two thin lenses L1, L2 arranged as shown in
Figure A. The shapes and dimensions of T1, T2 are shown immediately below in
Figure B.
x x x
f1 f1 f2 f2
T1 L1 T2 L2
z 10m
T1 air 1m
n =1.5
T2 air
opaque opaque
n =1.5
Figure B (not to scale)
1.d) Comparing your answers (a) and (c), how is T2 helpful in imaging the phase
object T1?
1.e) Consider the limit b . How does then answer (c) change? Is the larger
aperture helpful in this case?
1.f ) If a = 0.5cm and b , is your answer (d) still valid? If yes, why? If not,
what has gone wrong?
x x" x
L1 L2
a M
object plane
image plane
f f f f
The pupil mask M has aperture a = 1cm. Inside the aperture there is a piece of
glass of refractive index n = 1.5. The glass has been partially etched to form a
step of height s = 1m, and the step is precisely aligned with the optical axis, as
2.a) Sketch the amplitude transfer function (ATF) of this optical system.
2.b) A thin transparency with amplitude transmission function
gt (x) = cos 2
20 m
is placed at the object plane. Sketch the magnitude and phase of the trans
parency gt (x).
2.c) With the transparency gt (x) in place at the object plane, the system is
illuminated with a plane wave onaxis. What is the optical eld at the
image plane?
2.d) With the same transparency gt (x) in place at the object plane, the system
is illuminated with a plane wave oaxis, propagating at an angle of +0.1rad
with respect to the optical axis. What is the optical eld at the image plane?
3.a) Plot your image next to the amplitude |G(u, v)| of its Fourier transform
G(u, v) (more details may be visible if instead you plot log1 0|G(u, v)|.)
3.b) Select a 5 5 square region S around the origin of the Fourier transform
domain and dene the new function G1 (u, v) such that
G(u, v) outside S
G1 (u, v) =
0 inside S
3.d) Comment on the appearances of g1 (x, y), g2 (x, y) and how these appear
ances are aected by the size of the region S.
If you use Matlab to solve this problem, you will nd the following functions
useful: (i) fft2 computes the 2D Fourier transform of an image and returns it
with some quadrants swapped, (ii) fftshift rearranges the quadrants of the
Fourier transform in their proper order, (iii) ifft2 computes the inverse 2D
Fourier transform (iv) imagesc; colormap gray displays a real grayscale image,
(v) print -dps [filename] prints a gure into a postscript le which you can
then print at any printer using the lpr command.
4.b) Can you specify a transfer function for this system? If yes, what is it? If
not, why not?
g (x , y ) = f (x, y) h (x, y) ,
1 x
f (x, y) = 1 + sin 2 ,
h (x, y) = sinc .
6. Consider the optical system drawn below, where a sinusoidal amplitude grating
of perfect contrast and period is placed at the front focal plane of a lens of
focal length f . A rectangular aperture (slit) of size a is placed at the back focal
plane of the lens.
6.b) What is the relationship between the answer to this problem and the pre
vious problem? Quantify.
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