MIT2 71S09 gps2
MIT2 71S09 gps2
MIT2 71S09 gps2
1. Wiper speed control Design an optical system which can detect the amount
of water present on a cars windshield (see the schematic above) to adjust the
wiper speed. Use indices of refraction nglass = 1.5, nwater = 1.33, nair = 1.0.
Rain Drops
a1 a2
a) Show that if the separation d between the two lenses equals the sum f1 + f2
of focal lengths, then a parallel ray bundle emerges from the system.
b) What is the optical power of this composite optical system? What is the
effective focal length?
c) What are the propagation angle 2 and width a2 of this outgoing ray bundle?
e) Repeat the last two questions (c&d) by assuming that L1 is a negative lens
(f1 < 0.)
(Note We will see later that an optical system with such specifications is called
afocal and is also known as a telescope.)
x1 x2
f1 d = f1 + f2 f2
b) Derive the elevation x2 of the image and, hence, the lateral magnication
MT .
c) Consider a ray departing from the point object at angle 1 with respect
to the horizontal. Derive the arrival angle 2 of the same ray at the point
image and, hence, the angulal magnication MA . Sketch ray traces through
the optical system to support your conclusions in questions (b&c).
d) Repeat the last two questions (b&c) by assuming that L2 is a negative lens
(f2 < 0.)
4. Immersion lens In class we derived the focal length and imaging condition of a
glass lens surrounded by air. In practice, lenses are often immersed in liquids.
Particularly popular are immersion microscopy, where the object is immersed
and immersion lithography, where the image is immersed. We will learn later
that the most common purpose of immersion is to increase the numerical aperture
of the optical system and, hence, achieve better resolution. For now, we are
interested in the effects of immersion on focal length, imaging condition, and
magnification. Consider a thin lens of refractive index n0 , with front and back
surface curvatures R1 and R2 , respectively, immersed in liquids of indices n1 , n2
in the front and back, respectively, as shown in the schematic below.
n1 n2
so si
R1 R2
a) What is the focal length fi of the immersed lens? Make a table that indicates
whether the immersed focal length is longer or shorter than the focal length
fa of the same lens in air, depending on the values of n1 , n2 (possibilities:
equal to 1, and larger than 1) and R1 , R2 (possibilities: negative, zero,
b) Derive the imaging condition for an object located so to the left of the lens,
with the image presumed to be si to the right of the lens, as shown.
d) Consider the ray that originates at the objects tip (elevation ho ) and aims
at the optical center of the lens, i.e. the intersection of the lens left surface
with the optical axis. What is the angle of propagation of the same ray after
it emerges on the right-hand side of the lens? Provide a simple intuitive
explanation for your result.
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