Intro To Art and Design Lesson Plan Day 1: Emily Smith
Intro To Art and Design Lesson Plan Day 1: Emily Smith
Intro To Art and Design Lesson Plan Day 1: Emily Smith
Artists use historical artists such as Vincent Van Gogh and Andy Warhol as references.
Artists can identify the difference between primary, secondary, tertiary and analogous colors.
Artists can identify the differences between shades, tints and hues.
Artists can use color schemes based on what they know about color theory.
Essential Questions
1. Why is color theory important?
2. Can colors and color combinations evoke emotions?
3. How do colors change the viewing experience of your work?
Color schemes
1. Learn about color and complete an advanced color wheel (Blooms: Apply/ Standard:
create. GLE 2: Artists will develop appropriate mastery in art-making skills using
traditional and new technologies and an understanding of the characteristics and
expressive features of art and design. Art Learning: discover/Literacy: Students know the
definitions of hues, shades, tints, complementary, tertiary, analogous, secondary, neutral
and primary colors from listening and reading from a PowerPoint presentation. The
definitions are used to fill in the appropriate area on their color wheel.)
2. Examine how color schemes and choices affect the viewing experience. (Blooms:
analyze/ Standard: Comprehend. GLE 1: recognize, articulate and implement critical
thinking in the visual arts by analyzing and evaluating visual information. Art learning:
Observe/Literacy: Examining and conversing using learned vocabulary about color
schemes to talk analyze how color affects the viewing experience.)
3. Examine pop culture and subcultures and see how it can influence visual choices.
(Standard: reflect/ Blooms: understand. GLE 1: recognize and debate arguments about
the nature and aesthetics of art. Art Learning: envision / Literacy: research and discuss
how pop-culture and subcultures can influence visual choices.)
4. Complete a print using color schemes and meaningful visual choices that reflect a culture.
(Standard: transfer/ Blooms: apply. GLE 3: create works of art that covey well
developed ideas, feelings, emotions and point of view about art and design through use of
media and technologies. Art Learning: Connect/ Literacy: research, apply, and reflect
how color schemes in your work are meaning and reflect a culture.)
Evidence outcomes
I can apply my understanding of color and create an advanced color wheel.
I can comprehend and recognize how color schemes and choices affect the viewing experience.
I can reflect on culture and subcultures and understand how it can influence visual choices.
I can transfer and apply what I have learned visual choices that reflect a culture to complete my
Significant Vocab
Pop culture
Color scheme
Tertiary color
Secondary color
Primary color
Neutral color
As a lesson to introduce color theory to an intro to design class they need to understand the
importance and impact of color in a work art. The lesson introduces the science behind color, how
people view color and goes from there to introduce color theory, how it can be used in works of
art to convey emotions and ideas. There are many example of famous works of art that
incorporate color theories/schemes that are prime examples of how color changes a work of art.
Following lesson will incorporate this knowledge when students are required to use color theory
as a element of their project.
5 minutes introduction hand out pre assessment and complete
15 min- PowerPoint presentation
5 min- explanation of what will be worked on in class
55 min-class work time
10 min-clean up
Ask students to write on a sheet of paper what they think color theory is? Why is it important in
art? What is their favorite after school activity?
Anticipatory set
The class will begin with a short PowerPoint presentation about color theory and schemes. The
presentation contains many examples and visuals for the students to look at in order to make the
presentation more engaging. The examples display historical artist works that incorporated color
scheme in various ways. Students will be able to view a direct example of how this us used in art
and this may help their understanding of color theory. After the PowerPoint I will hand out a
quick post-assessment activity about the presentation. They will have Work time on their projects
for the rest of the class.
1.Begin class with short introduction to myself and hand out pre-assessment (5min)
Students answer pre-assessment questions and hand them back to me
2. PowerPoint presentation (15 min)
During presentation check for understanding: ask questions, ask if anyone has
any questions
Discuss examples and talk about how they relate to the slide that was just talked
Encourage students to take notes especially of color combinations that intrigued
them so when they need to use them they can refer back to.
3.Present what the schedule will be for the rest of the class period (5 min)
Ask/answer any questions
4.In class work time (55 min)
Will walk around the room and facilitate learning and practice redirecting students
Answer questions students have
Help in any way I can
Make sure students are understanding and on task
Helping with getting/ setting up materials
Students clean up their area this includes anything left on the floor or their table and all
borrowed materials put away in their correct places.
Non-graded quiz asking about color theory is important and how it can be applied in their area of
interest/strength/favorite subject. How they could apply it to the real world. One idea they learned
and what it is?
Most of the students were meeting objectives they were able to identify and the color
scheme they were using or talk about the colors they wanted to use and what type of
color scheme that would be or if it was one. Some however did not have anything in mind
and just printed with colors they liked. They also had trouble remembering the color
schemes and when I asked I would name a few and they would say yes that one
without any idea what it meant and care that theirs did not meet up with the assignment to
begin with as long as they could make something up that worked.
If I was to do this again I would have had students take a post assessment on kahoot
about color schemes or have them do an ideation activity in their sketchbooks where they
had to research color schemes and choose on they liked and write down the colors,
scheme and why they chose it. This was students would at least know A color scheme
and have one picked out for their project.