Ashle Tate
Hannah Mansdorfer
Taylor Moore
Emily Smith
Our assessment focuses on the
intersections of each of our content areas.
We want to dispel the myths and
misconceptions around the complexities of
each of our content areas and highlight the
potential for partnership across each of
Essential understandings:
-I can define, write and depict major issues about farm to table.
- I can present an issue as an image to effectively communicate and address this idea.
-I can discuss my and other students works of art using knowledge about farm to table.
Agriculture Standards
Formative Assessments
Learning Targets
1. Groups of students will get a sheet of paper with one of
I can define the 4 major the food system components and create a what if
components of food systems scenario if that component did not exist. This will bring
I can describe the interrelationship light to the interdependent nature of the food systems.
of the different food system
processing segments.
1. Notebook Check-Process Map
Essential Understanding
Students will make a
What does the slogan Farm to graphic map to show steps
Table represent? in processing milk. This will be
in their Ag Notebooks. They will
What are the essential steps
make note of where they see
products go through from Farm to themselves in this chain.
Table? Where do I fall?
Family and Consumer Sciences
Agriculture & FACS can only be taught by themselves and are not essential (Ag & FACS)
Purchasing and preparation of food is part of everyone's life. We all eat. It is essential that our
students know what they are buying, supporting, and nourishing their bodies with.
Farm to Table Multigenre Summative Project
Students will synthesize what theyve learned in each content area to create a multi-genre project
that demonstrates their understanding, takes a position and advocates. Students must complete/answer the
What does homegrown mean to you? How do you define home? What parts of your identity, traditions and
culture are rooted in what you consider home? Write a short (2-3 page) narrative that responds to these
Art - Create posters to present a farm to table issue with artist statements
After researching and discussing the various issues of farm to table, create a poster that communicates this issue
using relief printing techniques. The poster will include an artist statement describing the issue, personal
relevance, materials and aesthetic choices made to communicate the issue.
Multigenre Summative
1 0
Focus Addresses all aspects of the Addresses most Addresses some Attempts to address Does not have a
project with a consistently aspects of the project aspects of the project but lacks focus
strong focus and convincing with a consistently project with a focus or is off task
position strong focus and consistently strong
convincing position focus and
convincing position
Research Accurately and effectively Accurately presents Presents Presents information No evidence of
presents important details details from 3 sources information from from sources with research done
from 4 sources sources with minor great lapses in
lapses in accuracy accuracy or
or completeness completeness from 1
from 2 source source
Creativity Shows personal reflection and Shows personal Shows a minimal Shows almost no No creativity
unique perspective throughout reflect and unique amount of personal personal reflection or showing personal
the project perspective in some of reflection and unique perspective reflection and
the project unique perspective unique perspective
Organization Maintains structure that is Has a fairly organized Has little Amount of Disorganized
intentional and effective and structure to the project organization in how disorganization is structure of project
enhances the project the project is put distracting against
together the content of the
Content Project integrates relevant Project integrates Project reveals little Shows lack of Shows no
Understanding and accurate content with some relevant and understanding of understanding and understanding of
explanations that demonstrate accurate information content which little effort put into project
in depth understanding to demonstrate vague information learning