Lecture10 Bclemma

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EE5110: Probability Foundations for Electrical Engineers July-November 2015

Lecture 10: The Borel-Cantelli Lemmas

Lecturer: Dr. Krishna Jagannathan Scribe: Aseem Sharma

The Borel-Cantelli lemmas are a set of results that establish if certain events occur infinitely often or only
finitely often. We present here the two most well-known versions of the Borel-Cantelli lemmas.

Lemma 10.1 (First Borel-Cantelli lemma) Let {An } be a sequence of events such that P (An ) < .
Then, almost surely, only finitely many An s will occur.

Lemma 10.2 (Second Borel-Cantelli lemma) Let {An } be a sequence of independent events such that
P (An ) = . Then, almost surely, infinitely many An s will occur.

It should be noted that only the second lemma stipulates independence. The event An occurs infinitely
often (An i.o.) is the set of all that belong to infinitely many An s. It is defined as
{An i.o.} , Am . (10.1)
n=1 m=n
| {z }

Here, Bn is the event that atleast one of An , An+1 , An+2 , . . . occur. Hence, {An i.o.} is the event that for
every n N, there exists atleast one m {n, n + 1, . . . , } such that Am occurs. Taking complement of
both sides in (15.1), we get the expression for the event that An occurs finitely often (An f.o.)
{An f.o.} = Am c .
n=1 m=n

In order to prove the Borel-Cantelli lemmas, we require the following lemma.

P n
Lemma 10.3 If pi = , then lim (1 pi ) = 0.
i=1 n i=1

Proof: Since ln (1 pi ) pi ,
Y n
(1 pi ) = eln(1pi )
i=1 i=1
=e i=1 .
Taking limit on both the sides gives
n P
Y pi
lim (1 pi ) lim e i=1
n n

10-2 Lecture 10: The Borel-Cantelli Lemmas

We now proceed towards proving the Borel-Cantelli lemmas.


1. First, note that the assumption P (An ) < implies lim P (Am ) = 0. Next, since Bn+1 Bn ,
n=1 n m=n
we can use continuity of probability to write

\ \
P Am =P Bn
n=1 m=n n=1
= lim P (Bn )

= lim P Am

lim P (Am )
= 0.

We have used the union bound in writing the above. Since P Aci 0, we conclude that
  n=1 i=n
T S c
P Ai = 0. This implies that, An occurs finitely often.
n=1 i=n

2. The event that that An occurs finitely often (An f.o.) is given by
{An f.o.} = Ai c .
n=1 i=n


[ X \
P Aci P Aci (Using union bound)
n=1 i=n n=1 i=n
X \
= lim P Aci (By continuity of probability)
n=1 i=n
X Ym
= P (Aci ) (By independence)
n=1 i=n
(By lemma 15.3) (10.2)
S T c S T c
Since P Ai 0, we conclude that P Ai = 0. This implies that, An occurs infinitely
n=1 i=n n=1 i=n

We now illustrate the usefulness of the Borel-Cantelli lemmas using an example. Consider an experiment in
which a coin is tossed independently many times. Let P (Hn ) be the probability of obtaining head at the
nth toss (and similarly for Tn ).
Lecture 10: The Borel-Cantelli Lemmas 10-3

1. Suppose P (Hn ) = n, n 1. Then P (Hn ) = . By the second Borel-Cantelli lemma, it follows
that almost surely, infinitely many heads will occur. This might appear surprising at first sight, since
as n becomes large, the probability of getting heads becomes vanishingly small. However, the decay
rate 1/n is not fast enough. In particular, for any n we choose (no matter how large), there occurs a
heads beyond n almost surely!

2. Suppose now that P (Hn ) = n2 . Then P (Hn ) < , and hence by the first Borel-Cantelli lemma,
almost surely, only finitely many heads will occur. In this case, the occurence of heads is decreasing
fast enough that after a finite n, there will almost surely be no heads. Note that independence is not
required in this case.


1. Suppose that a monkey sits in front of a computer and starts hammering keys randomly on the keyboard.
Show that the famous Shakespeare monologue starting All the worlds a stage will eventually appear (with
probability 1) in its entirety on the screen, although our monkey is not particularly known for its good taste
in literature. You can make reason- able additional assumptions to form a probability model; for example,
you can assume that the monkey picks characters uniformly at random on the keyboard, and that the suc-
cessive key strokes are independent.

2. Let An , n 1 be a sequence of events such that P(An ) 0 as n , and

P (Acn An+1 ) <

Show that almost surely, only finitely many of the An s will occur.

3. Online dating: On a certain day, Alice decides that she will start looking for a potential life partner on
an online dating portal. She decides that everyday, she will pick a guy uniformly at random from among the
male members of the dating portal, and go out on a date with him. What Alice does not know, is that her
neighbor Bob is interested in dating her. Being of a shy disposition, Bob decides that he will not ask Alice
out himself. Instead, he decides that he will go out on a date with Alice only on the days that Alice happens
to pick him from the dating portal, of which he is already a member. For the first two parts, assume that
50 new male members and 40 new female members join the dating portal everyday.

(a) What is the probability that Alice and Bob would have a date on the nth day? Do you think Bob and
Alice would eventually stop meeting? Justify your answer, clearly stating any additional assumptions.

(b) Now suppose that Bob also picks a girl uniformly at random everyday, from among the female members
of the portal, and that Alice behaves exactly as before. Assume also that Bob and Alice will meet on
a given day if and only if they both happen to pick each other. In this case, do you think Bob and
Alice would eventually stop meeting?

(c) For this part, suppose that Alice and Bob behave as in part (a), i.e.,Alice picks a guy uniformly at
random, but Bob is only interested in dating Alice. However, the number of male members in the
portal increases by 1 percent everyday. Do you think Bob and Alice would eventually stop meeting?
10-4 Lecture 10: The Borel-Cantelli Lemmas

4. Let {Sn : n 0} be a simple random walk which moves to the right with probability p at each step, and
suppose that S0 = 0. Write Xn = Sn Sn1 .

(a) Show that {Sn = 0 i.o} is not a tail event of the sequence {Xn }.
(b) Show that P (Sn = 0 i.o) = 0 if p 6= 2

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