Uniformity Topics

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1 Pointwise vs.

Uniform Consistency in Level

Let Xi , i = 1, . . . , n be i.i.d. data from some distribution P ∈ P. Suppose
one wishes to test the null hypothesis H0 : P ∈ P0 ( P. To this end, one
may consider a test function φn = φn (X1 , . . . , Xn ) such that controls the
probability of a Type 1 error in some sense. Ideally, we would like the test
to satisfy
EP [φn ] ≤ α for all P ∈ P0 , (1)

but many times this is too demanding a requirement. As a result, we may

settle instead for tests such that

lim sup EP [φn ] ≤ α for all P ∈ P0 . (2)


Tests satisfying (1) are said to be of level α for P ∈ P0 , whereas tests

satisfying (2) are said to be pointwise asymptotically of level α for P ∈ P0 .
The hope is that if (2) holds, then (1) holds approximately, at least for large
enough n. But this is not true. All that (2) ensures is that for each P ∈ P0
and  > 0 there is an N (P ) such that for all n > N (P )

EP [φn ] ≤ α +  .

Importantly, the sample size required for the approximation to work, N (P ),

may depend on P . As a result, it could be the case that for every sample
size n (even, e.g., for n = 1010 ) there could be P = Pn ∈ P0 such that

EP [φn ]  α .

Consider the following concrete example of this phenomenon. Suppose

P = {P on R : 0 < σ 2 (P ) < ∞} and P0 = {P ∈ P : µ(P ) = 0}. Let φn

be the t-test; that is, φn = I{ nX̄n > σ̂n z1−α }, where z1−α is the 1 − α
quantile of the standard normal distribution. We know that

EP [φn ] → α for all P ∈ P0 ,

but it turns out that the t-test suffers from the problem described above.
In fact, we can show that for every 0 < c < 1 and every sample size n there

exists a P = Pn,c such that

EP [φn ] ≥ c .

To see this, let n and c be given. Let P be the distribution that puts mass
1 − p on p and mass p on −(1 − p). We will specify p in a minute, but first
note that for such a distribution P all of the Xi are in fact equal to p > 0
with probability (1 − p)n . For such a sequence of observations, σ̂n = 0 and

nX̄n > 0, so φn = 1. The probability of rejection, EP [φn ], is therefore at
least (1 − p)n . Now all that remains is to choose p so that (1 − p)n = c; that
is, p = 1 − c1/n .
To rule this very disturbing possibility out, we need to ensure that the
convergence in (2) is uniform for P ∈ P0 ; that is,

lim sup sup EP [φn ] ≤ α . (3)

n→∞ P ∈P0

Tests satisfying (3) are said to be uniformly asymptotically of level α for

P ∈ P0 . This requirement implies that for each  > 0 there is an N (which
does not depend on P ) such that for all n > N

EP [φn ] ≤ α +  .

In the case of the t-test, the above example shows us that this is not true
for P = {P on R : 0 < σ 2 (P ) < ∞} and P0 = {P ∈ P : µ(P ) = 0}.
It is possible that this shortcoming is due to the t-test – – perhaps
there are other tests of the same null hypothesis that would behave more
reasonably. Unfortunately, we can show that this is not the case, provided
that P is “‘sufficiently rich”. Formally, we have the following result due to
Bahadur and Savage (1956):

Theorem 1.1 Let P be a class of distributions on R such that

(i) For every P ∈ P, µ(P ) exists and is finite;

(ii) For every m ∈ R, there is P ∈ P such that µ(P ) = m;

(iii) P is convex in the sense that if P1 and P2 are in P, then γP1 +(1−γ)P2
is in P for γ ∈ [0, 1].

Let Xi , i = 1, . . . , n be i.i.d. with distribution P ∈ P. Let φn be any test of

the null hypothesis H0 : µ(P ) = 0. Then,

(a) Any test of H0 which has size α for P has power ≤ α for any alternative
P ∈ P.

(b) Any test of H0 which has power β against some alternative P ∈ P has
size ≥ β.

The proof of this result will follow from the following lemma:

Lemma 1.1 Let Xi , i = 1, . . . , n be i.i.d. with distribution P ∈ P, where a

P is the class of distributions on R satisfying (i) - (iii) in Theorem 2.1. Let
φn be any test function. Define

Pm = {P ∈ P : µ(P ) = m} .

inf EP [φn ] and sup EP [φn ]
P ∈Pm P ∈Pm

are independent of m.

Proof: We show first that supP ∈Pm EP [φn ] does not depend on m. Let m
be given and choose m0 6= m. We wish to show that

sup EP [φn ] = sup EP [φn ] .

P ∈Pm0 P ∈Pm

To this end, choose Pj , j ≥ 1 so that

lim EPj [φn ] = sup EP [φn ] .

j→∞ P ∈Pm

Let hj be defined so that

1 1
m0 = (1 − )m + hj .
j j

Choose Hj so that µ(Hj ) = hj . Define
1 1
Gj = (1 − )Pj + Hj .
j j

Thus, Gj ∈ Pm0 . Note that with probability (1 − 1j )n , a sample of size n

from Gj is simply a sample of size n from Pj . Therefore,
sup EP [φn ] ≥ EGj [φn ] ≥ (1 − )n EPj [φn ] .
P ∈Pm0 j

But (1 − 1j )n → 1 and EPj [φn ] → supP ∈Pm EP [φn ] as j → ∞. Therefore,

sup EP [φn ] ≥ sup EP [φn ] .

P ∈Pm0 P ∈Pm

Interchanging the roles of m and m0 , we can establish the reverse inequality

sup EP [φn ] ≤ sup EP [φn ] .

P ∈Pm0 P ∈Pm

We could replace φn with 1 − φn to establish that inf P ∈Pm EP [φn ] does not
depend on m.

Proof of Theorem 2.1: (a) Let φn be a test of size α for P. Let P 0 be

any alternative. Define m = µ(P 0 ). Then,

EP 0 [φn ] ≤ sup EP [φn ] = sup EP [φn ] = α .

P ∈Pm P ∈P0

The proof of (b) is similar.

The class of distributions with finite second moment satisfies the require-
ments of the theorem, as does the class of distributions with infinitely many
moments. Thus, the failure of the t-test is not special to the t-test; in this
setting, there simply exist no “reasonable” tests. But this does not mean
that all hope is lost. By restricting the class of distributions some, it is pos-
sible to construct reasonable tests about the mean. In fact, the t-test does
satisfy (3) for certain large classes of distributions that are somewhat smaller
than P0 . See Chapter 11 of Lehmann and Romano (2005) for details.

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