People v. Umali - Full Text

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G.R. No.

L-5803 November 29, 1954 were finally dispersed and driven from the town by the
Philippine Army soldiers stationed in the town led by
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff- Captain Alzate.
vs. To understand the reason for and object of the raid we
NARCISO UMALI, ET AL., defendants. have to go into the political situation in Tiaong not only
NARCISO UMALI, EPIFANIO PASUMBAL and shortly before that raid but one year or two years
ISIDRO CAPINO, defendants-appellants. before it. Narciso Umali and Marcial Punzalan were
old time friends and belonged to the same political
Jose P. Laurel, Cipriano Primicias, Alejo Mabanag, faction. In the general elections of 1947 Umali
Manuel Concordia, P.M. Stuart Del Rosario, Tomas R. campaigned for Punzalan who later was elected Mayor
Umali, Eufemio E. De Mesa and Edmundo T. Zepeda of Tiaong. In the elections of 1949 Punzalan in his turn
for appellants. campaigned and worked for Narciso Umali resulting in
Solicitor General Juan R. Liwag and Solicitor the latter's election as Congressman. However, these
Martiniano P. Vivo for appellee. friendly relations between the two did not endure. In
the words of Punzalan, Narciso Umali who as
MONTEMAYOR, J.: Congressman regarded himself as the political head
and leader in that region including Tiaong, became
jealous because of his (Punzalan's) fast growing
Narciso Umali, Epifanio Pasumbal, and Isidro Capino popularity among the people of Tiaong who looked to
are appealing directly to this Tribunal from a decision him instead of Umali for political guidance, leadership,
of the Court of First Instance of Quezon province and favors. In time the strain in their relations became
finding them guilty of the complex crime of rebellion such that they ceased to have any dealings with each
with multiple murder, frustrated murder, arson and other and they even filed mutual accusations.
robbery, and sentencing each of them to "life According to Punzalan, in May 1950, Umali induced
imprisonment, other accessories of the law, to about twenty-six special policemen of his (Punzalan's)
indemnify jointly and severally Marcial Punsalan in the to flee to the mountains with their arms and join the
amount of P24,023; Valentin Robles in the amount of Huks, this is in order to discredit Punzalan's
P10,000; Yao Cabon in the amount of P700; Claro administration; that he was later able to contact two of
Robles in the amount of P12,800; Pocho Guan in the his twenty-six policemen and tried to persuade them to
amount of P600; the heirs of Domingo Pisigan in the return to the town and to the service, but they told him
amount of P6,000; the heirs of Locadio Untalan in the that they and their companions would not surrender
amount of P6,000; Patrolman Pedro Lacorte in the except and with through the intervention of
amount of P500; Lazaro Ortega in the amount of P300; Congressman Umali, and so Punzalan had to seek
Hilarion Aselo in the amount of P300; Calixto Rivano Umali's intervention which resulted in the surrender of
in the amount P50; Melecio Garcia in the amount of the 26 men with their firearms; that thereafter Umali
P60; and Juanito Lector in the amount of P90, each to wanted to have their firearms, claiming that they all
pay one fifteenth of the costs, without subsidiary belonged to him from his guerrilla days when he was a
imprisonment in case of insolvency due to the nature of colonel, and that after liberation he had merely loaned
the principal penalty that is imposed upon them." them to the municipal authorities of Tiaong to help
keep peace and order; and that the refusal of Punzalan
The complex crime of which appellants were found to grant Umali's request further strained their relations,
guilty was said to have been committed during the raid and thereafter Umali would not speak to him even
staged in the town of Tiaong, Quezon, between 8:00 when they happened to meet at parties.
and 9:00 in the evening of November 14, 1951, by
armed men. It is not denied that such a raid took place On September 19, 1951, the Chief of Police of
resulting in the burning down and complete destruction Punzalan disarmed four of Umali's men, including his
of the house of Mayor Marcial Punzalan including its bodyguard Isidro Capino who were then charged with
content valued at P24,023; the house of Valentin illegal possession of firearms. Umali interceded for his
Robles valued at P10,000, and the house of one men and Col. Gelveson, Provincial Commander, sent a
Mortega, the death of Patrolman Domingo Pisigan and telegram stating that the firearms taken away from the
civilians Vicente Soriano and Leocadio Untalan, and men were licensed. As a result the complaint was
the wounding of Patrolman Pedro Lacorte and five dismissed. This incident was naturally resented by
civilians; that during and after the burning of the Umali and spurred him to have a showdown with
houses, some of the raiders engaged in looting, robbing Punzalan.
one house and two Chinese stories; and that the raiders

Then the elections of 1951 (November 13) approached electoral headquarters, he heard Umali instruct
and Punzalan ran for reelection. To oppose him, and to Pasumbal to contact the Huks through Commander
clip his political wings and definitely blast his ambition Abeng so that Punzalan will be killed, Pasumbal
for continued power and influence in Tiaong, Umali complying with the order of his Chief (Umali) went to
picked Epifanio Pasumbal, his trusted leader. the mountains which were quite near the town and held
a conference with Commander Abeng. It would seem
The pre-election campaign and fight waged by both that Umali and Pasumbal had a feeling that Punzalan
factions Punzalan and Pasumbal, was intense and was going to win in the elections the next day, and that
bitter, even ruthless. The election was to be a test of his death was the surest way to eliminate him from the
political strength and would determine who was who in electoral fight.
Tiaong, Umali or Punzalan. Umali spoke at political
meetings, extolling the virtues of Pasumbal and the The conference between Pasumbal and Commander
benefits and advantages that would accrue to the town Abeng on November 12th was witnessed and testified
if he was elected, at the same time bitterly attacking to by Nazario Anonuevo, a Huk who was under
Punzalan, accusing him of dishonesty, corruption in Commander Abeng, and who later took an active part
office, abuse of power, etc. At one of those meetings he in the raid. In the evening of the same day, Mendoza
told the audience not to vote for Punzalan because he heard Pasumbal report to Umali about his conference
would not be elected and that even if he won the with Commander Abeng, saying that the latter was
election, he would not sit for blood will flow, and that agreeable to the proposition and had even outlined the
he (Umali) had already prepared a golden coffin for manner of attack, that the Huks would enter the town
him (Punzalan). After denying the charges, in retort, (Tiaong) under Commander Lucio and Aladin, the
Punzalan would say that Umali as a Congressman was latter to lead the sector towards the East; but that
useless, and that he did not even attend the sessions and Commander Abeng had suggested that the raid be
that his chair in Congress had gathered dust, even postponed because Pasumbal may yet win the election
cobwebs. the following day, thereby rendering unnecessary the
raid and the killing of Punzalan.
To help in the Umali-Pasumbal campaign, Amado
Mendoza who later was to play the role of star witness Continuing with the testimony of Amado Mendoza, he
for the prosecution, was drafted. He was a compadre of told the court that as per instructions of Umali he went
Pasumbal and had some experience in political to the house of the latter, in the evening of November
campaigns, and although he was not exactly a model 14th, the day following the election, with the result of
citizen, being sometimes given to drunkenness, still, he the election already known, namely, the decisive
had the gift of speech and persuasion. In various victory of Punzalan over Pasumbal. He was told by
political meetings he delivered speeches for Pasumbal. Umali to come with him, and Pasumbal and the three
He was ever at the back and call of Umali and boarded a jeep with Pasumbal at the wheel. They drove
Pasumbal, and naturally he frequented the latter's toward the Tiaong Elementary School and once there
houses or headquarters. The result of the elections he (Mendoza) was left at the school premises with
plainly showed that Punzalan was the political master instructions by Umali to wait for Commander Abeng
and leader in Tiaong. He beat Pasumbal by an and the Huks and point to them the house of Punzalan.
overwhelming majority of 2,221 votes. Naturally, After waiting for sometime, Abeng and his troops
Umali and Pasumbal were keenly disappointed, and numbering about fifty, armed with garands and
according to the evidence, adopted measures calculated carbines, arrived and after explaining his identity and
to frustrate Punzalan's victory, even as prophesied by his mission to Abeng, he had led the dissidents or part
Umali himself in one of his pre-election speeches about of the contingent in the direction of Punzalan's house
blood flowing and gold coffin. and on arriving in front of the bodega of Robles, he
pointed out Punzalan's house and then walked toward
Going back to the raid staged in Tiaong on November his home, leaving the Huks who proceeded to lie flat in
14, 1951, it is well to make a short narration of the a canal. Before reaching his house, he already heard
happenings shortly before it, established by the shots, so, he evacuated his family to their dugout in his
evidence, so as to ascertain and be informed of the yard. While doing so he and his wife Catalina
reason or purpose of said raid, the persons, behind it, Tinapunan saw armed men in the lanzones grove just
and those who took part in it. According to the across the street from their house, belonging to the
testimony of Amado Mendoza, in the morning of father of Umali, and among those men they saw
November 12th, that is, on the eve of the election, at Congressman Umali holding a revolver, in the
the house of Pasumbal's father, then being used as his company of Huk Commander Torio and about 20

armed men. Afterwards they saw Umali and his gasoline. Realizing the great danger, she and the
companions leave in the direction of Taguan, by way of children ran out of the house and went to hide in the
the railroad tracks. house of a neighbor.

It would appear from the evidence that the raid was Nazario Aonuevo declared in court that he was a
well-planned. As a diversionary measure, part of the farmer and was picked up and seized by Huk
attacking force was deployed toward the camp or Commander Tommy sometime in August 1951, and
station of the Army (part of 8th B.C.T.) in the suburbs was taken to Mt. Banahaw in Laguna and mustered in
and the camp was fired upon, not exactly to destroy or the ranks of the Huks; that just before the elections of
drive out that Army unit but to keep it from going to November 13, 1951, he saw Pasumbal come to the
the rescue and aid of the main objective of the raid. The mountains near Tiaong and talk to Commander Abeng;
rest of the raiding party went toward Punzalan's house that on November 14th by order of Commander Abeng
and attacked it with automatic weapons, hand grenades, he with other Huks left Mt. Banahaw for Tiaong; that
and even with bottles filled with gasoline (popularly when they crossed the Osiw River already near Tiaong,
known as Molotov's cocktail). It was evident that the they were met by Pasumbal and Capino; that when they
purpose of the attack on Punzalan's house was to kill were at the outskirts of the town, he and the party were
him. Fortunately, however, and apparently unknown to told by Commander Tommy to attack the 8th BCT
the attackers and those who designed the raid, at six camp in Tiaong to prevent the sending of army help to
o'clock that morning of November 14th Punzalan and the town proper; that he took part in firing on the camp
his Chief of Police had left Tiaong to go to Lucena, the which returned the fire in the course of which he was
capital, to report the results of the election to the wounded; and that because of his wound he could not
Governor. escape with his companions to the mountains when the
Army soldiers dispersed and drove them out of the
The attack on the house of Punzalan was witnessed and town and so he was finally captured by said soldiers.
described by several persons, including policemen who
happened to be near the house. Policeman Tomas As to defendants Pasumbal and Capino, their
Maguare who was in front of the house saw Epifanio participation in and responsibility for the raid was duly
Pasumbal, Isidro Umali (brother of Congressman established not only by the going of Pasumbal on
Umali) and Moises Escueta enter the gate of Punzalan's November 12th to the mountains following instructions
house and take part in the firing. Policeman Pedro of Umali, and conferring with Commander Abeng
Lacorte who was stationed as guard at the gate of asking him to raid Tiaong and kill Punzalan, but also
Mayor Punzalan's house recognized defendant Isidro by the fact that Pasumbal and Capino in the afternoon
Capino as one of those firing at the house. Lacorte said or evening of November 14th met the Huks at the Osiw
that he was guarding the house of Punzalan when he River as the dissidents were on their way to Tiaong and
suddenly heard shots coming from the sides of the later Pasumbal and Capino were seen in the yard of
house and going over to the place to investigate, he saw Punzalan firing at the house with automatic weapons
armed men in fatigue and shouting "burn the house of and hand grenades.
Mayor Punzalan"; that he was hit on the left check and
later Isidro Capino threw at him a hand grenade and he What about Umali? His criminal responsibility was
was hit in the right forearm and in the right eye and also established, tho indirectly. We have the testimony
became permanently blind in said eye. Mateo Galit, of Amado Mendoza who heard him instructing
laundryman who was sitting inside a jeep parked in Pasumbal to contact Commander Abeng and ask him to
front of the house of Punzalan recognized defendant raid Tiaong and kill Punzalan. The rest of the evidence
Pasumbal as one of the attackers who, once in the yard is more or less circumstantial, but nonetheless strong
said ina loud voice as though addressing somebody in and convincing. No one saw him take part in the firing
the house "Pare, come down." Mrs. Punzalan who was and attack on the house of Punzalan; nor was he seen
then inside the house related to the court that at about near or around said house. Because of his important
eight in the evening while she was resting she heard position as Congressman, perchance he did not wish to
shots and rapid firing. As a precaution she took her figure too prominently in the actual raid. Besides, he
children to the bathroom. Then she noticed that her would seem to have already given out all the
house was being fired at because the glass window instructions necessary and he could well stay in the
panes were being shattered and she heard the explosion background. However, during the raid, not very far
of a hand grenade inside the house, followed by flares from Punzalan's house he was seen in the lanzonesan of
in the sala and burning of blankets and mosquito nets his father, holding a revolver and in the company of
in the bedrooms and she noticed the smell of smoke of about 20 armed men with Huk Commander Torio,

evidently observing and waiting for developments. sitio of Lusakan near Tiaong that there was fighting in
Then he and his companions left in the direction of the town, he immediately returned to Lucena to get
Taguan. army reinforcements to relieve his town, was passing
by Taguan, where they were, Umali and Pasumbal
Umali and Pasumbal, however, claim that during the could have joined said reinforcements and gone to
raid, they were in the home of Pasumbal in Taguan, Tiaong. Instead the two continued on their way to the
about seven kilometers away from Tiaong where a capital (Lucena) where before dawn, they went and
consolation party was being held. There is ample contacted Provincial Fiscal Mayo, a first cousin of
evidence however to the effect that they arrived in Umali, and Assistant Fiscal Reyes and later had these
Pasumbal's home only around midnight. An Army two officials accompany them to the Army camp to see
soldier named Cabalona who happened to be in Col. Gelveson, not for the purpose of asking for the
Pasumbal's home arriving there earlier in the evening sending of aid or reinforcement to Tiaong but
and who was invited to take some refreshments said presumably to show to the prosecution officials,
that he did not see the two men until they arrived about specially the Army Commander that they (Umali and
midnight when the Army reinforcements from Lucena Pasumbal) had nothing to do whatsoever with the raid.
passed by on their way to Tiaong. Thus, we have this Umali said he was trying to avoid and keep clear of
chain of circumstances that does not speak in favor of Tiaong because he might be suspected of having had
Umali, or Pasumbal for that matter. But this is not all. some connection with the raid and might be the object
There is the rather strange and unexplained, at least not of reprisal. As a matter of fact, according to Umali
satisfactorily, behaviour of Umali and Pasumbal that himself, while still in Taguan that evening and before
evening of November 14th. Assuming for a moment as he went to Candelaria, somebody had informed him
they claim, that the two were not in Tiaong at the that Col. Legaspi of the Army was looking for him.
commencement of the raid between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m., Instead of seeking Col. Legaspi and find out what was
and during the whole time the raid lasted, and that they wanted of him, he left in the opposite direction and fled
were all that time in the home of Pasumbal in Taguan, to Candelaria and later to Lucena, and the next day he
still, according to their own evidence, they were took the train for Manila. This strange act and
informed by persons coming or fleeing from Tiaong behaviour of the two men, particularly Umali, all
that there was a raid going on there, and that some contrary to impulse and natural reaction, and what
houses were burning. As a matter of fact, considering other people would ordinarily have done under the
the promixity of Taguan to Tiaong, a distance of about circumstances, prompted the trial court in its decision
seven kilometers and the stillness and darkness of the to repeat the old saying "The guilty man flees even if
night, the fire and the glow produced by the burning of no one pursues, but the innocent stands bold as a lion."
three houses and the noise produced by the firing of We might just as well reproduce that portion of the
automatic weapons and the explosion of the hand decision of the trial court, to wit:
grenades and bottles of gasoline, could and must have
been seen and heard from Taguan. The natural and . . . Considering the fact that Taguan is very
logical reaction on the part of Umali and Pasumbal near Tiaong so that even taking it for granted
would have been to rush to Tiaong, see what had really as true, for the sake of argument, that the said
happened and then render help and give succor to the accused were really at the party of Pasumbal
stricken residents, including their own relatives. It will on the night in question, that would not
be remembered that the houses of the fathers of Umali prevent them from being in Tiaong between 8
and Pasumbal were in Tiaong and their parents and and 9. Besides, why was it that night
relatives were residing there. And yet, instead of the hasag lamp was replaced with candles
following a natural impulse and urge to go to Tiaong, when the reinforcements passed through
they fled in the opposite direction towards Candelaria. Taguan about midnight of November 14,
And Umali instead of taking the road, purposely 1951. Why did Congressman Umali and
avoided the same and preferred to hike through company instead of going to Tiaong which
coconut groves so that upon arriving in Candelaria, he was the scene of the attack hurried towards
was wet, and spattered and very tired. Had they wanted Candelaria, after the reinforcement has passed
to render any help to Tiaong they could have asked the and went to the house of Felix Ona walking
police authorities of Candelaria to send a rescue party through a muddy path under the coconut
to that town. Or better still, when the army groves? Why was Umali afraid to pass
reinforcements from Lucena sent at the instance of through the provincial road and preferred a
Punzalan, who at about eight or nine that evening was muddy road instead? Was he trying to conceal
returning to Tiaong from Lucena, found at the barrio or himself? Why did Pasumbal and company

also go to the house of Ona? Why did they go Commander Abeng, Tommy, Lucio, Aladin, and others
to the house of Felix Ona instead of going to had their hideout, so that it was not difficult for
the house of Manalo who could have given residents of Tiaong like Umali and Pasumbal to
them better protection? And again why did communicate and even associate with dissidents in that
Congressman Umali and the other co-accused region.
repaired and sought the company of Fiscal
Reyes in going at such an early hour to the After carefully considering all the evidence in the case,
Army authorities, did they fear any reprisal? we are constrained to agree with the trial court that the
From whom? Why did Umali go to Manila three appellants are guilty. Besides, the determination
from Lucena on November 16, 1951? "The of this case, in great measure, hinges on the credibility
guilty man flees even if no one pursues, but of witnesses. The learned trial court which had the
the innocent stands bold as a lion." opportunity of observing the demeanor of witnesses on
the stand and gauging their sincerity and evaluating
At first blush it would appear rather unbelievable that their testimony, decided the Government witnesses,
Umali and Pasumbal, particularly the former should including Amado Mendoza, to be more credible and
seek the aids of the Huks in order to put down and reliable. And we find nothing in the record to warrant
eliminate their political enemy Punzalan. It would correction or reversal of the stand and finding of the
seem rather strange and anomalous that a member of trial court on the matter. We have not overlooked the
Congress should have friendly relations with this rather belated retraction of Amado Mendoza made on
dissidents whom the Government had been fighting all October 31, 1952, about a year and 9 months after he
these years. But if we study the evidence, it will be testified in court. Considering the circumstances
found that the reason and the explanation are there. As surrounding the making of this affidavit or retraction,
already stated, during the Japanese occupation, to the late date at which it was made, the reasons given by
further the resistance movement, guerillas were him for making it and the fact that when he testified in
organized in different parts of the Philippines. One of court under the observation and scrutiny of the trial
these was the guerilla unit known as President court bearing in mind that he was the star witness for
Quezon's Own Guerillas (PQOG) operating in the the prosecution and his testimony naturally extremely
provinces of Tayabas (now Quezon) and Laguna. important, and the trial court after the opportunity
Umali, Pasumbal, Commander Abeng and even given to it of observing his demeanor while on the
Punzalan himself were officers in this guerilla unit, witness stand had regarded him as a witness, sincere,
Umali attaining the rank of colonel, and Pasumbal and and his testimony truthful, and considering further the
Punzalan that of Lieutenant-colonel, Pasumbal then case with which affidavits of retraction of this nature
being known as "Panzer". After Liberation, Abeng are obtained, we confess that we are not impressed
joined the dissidents, and became a Huk Commander. with such retraction of Mendoza.
It was not unnatural that Umali and Pasumbal should
continue their friendship and association with The last point to be determined is the nature of the
Commander Abeng and seek his aid when convenient offense of offenses committed. Appellants were
and necessary. Umali admitted that he knew Huk charged with and convicted of the complex crime of
Commander Kasilag. Graciano Ramos, one of the rebellion with multiple murder, frustrated murder,
witnesses of the prosecution told the court that way arson and robbery. Is there such a complex crime of
back in May 1950, in a barrio of San Pablo City he saw rebellion with multiple murder, etc? While the Solicitor
Umali confer with Commander Kasilag, which General in his brief claims that appellants are guilty of
Commander after the conference told his soldiers said complex crime and in support of his stand "asks
including Ramos that Umali wanted the Huks to raid for leave to incorporate by reference" his previous
Tiaong, burn the presidencia and kidnap Punzalan. Of arguments in opposing Umali's petition for bail,
course, the last part of the testimony may be regarded counsel for appellants considered it unnecessary to
as hearsay, but the fact is that Umali conferred with a discuss the existence or non-existence of such complex
Huk commander as early as 1950. Then we have the crime, saying that the nature of the crime committed "is
fact that on November 18 of the same year Punzalan of no moment to herein appellants because they had
wrote to President Quirino denouncing the absolutely no part in it whatsoever". For that present,
congressman Umali for fraternizing with the Huks and and with respect to this particular case, we deem it
conducting a campaign among them in preparation for unnecessary to decide this important and controversial
the elections the following year. And we may also question, its consideration and determination to another
consider the fact that the town of Tiaong stands at the case or occasion more opportune, when it is more
foothills of Mt. Banahaw where the dissidents under directly and squarely raised and both parties given an

opportunity to discuss and argue the question more committed are, therefore, those of sedition, multiple
adequately and exhaustively. Considering that, murder, arson, frustrated murder and physical injuries.
assuming for the moment that there is no such complex The murders may not be qualified by evident
crime of rebellion with murder, etc., and that premeditation because the premedition was for the
consequently appellants could not have been legally killing of Punzalan. The result was the killing of three
charged with, much less convicted of said complex others intended by the raiders (People vs. Guillen, 47
crime, and the information should therefore, be Off). The killing may, however, be qualified by
regarded as having charged more than one offense, treachery, the raiders using firearms against which the
contrary to Rule 106, section 12 and Rule 113, section victims were defenseless, with the aggravating
2 (e), of the Rules of Court, but that appellants having circumstance of abuse of superior strength. The three
interposed no objection thereto, they were properly murders may be punished with the penalty of death.
tried for and lawfully convicted if guilty of the several, However, because of lack of the necessary votes, the
separate crimes charged therein, we have decided and penalty should be life imprisonment.
we rule that the appellants may properly be convicted
of said several and separate crimes, as hereinafter We deem it unnecessary to discuss the other points
specified. We feel particularly supported and justified raised by the appellants in their brief.
in this stand that we take, by the result of the case,
namely, that the prison sentence we impose does not In conclusion, we find appellants guilty of sedition,
exceed, except perhaps in actual duration, that meted multiple murder, arson, frustrated murder and physical
out by the Court below, which is life imprisonment. injuries. For the crime of sedition each of the
appellants is sentenced to 5 years of prision
We are convinced that the principal and main, tho not correctional and to pay a fine of P4,000; for each of the
necessarily the most serious, crime committed here was three murders, each of the appellants is sentenced to
not rebellion but rather that of sedition. The purpose of life imprisonment and to indemnify the heirs of each
the raid and the act of the raiders in rising publicly and victim in the sum of P6,000; and for the arson, for
taking up arms was not exactly against the Government which we impose the maximum penalty provided in
and for the purpose of doing the things defined in Article 321, paragraph 1, of the Revised Penal Code,
Article 134 of the Revised Penal code under rebellion. for the reason that the raiders in setting fire to the
The raiders did not even attack the Presidencia, the seat buildings, particularly the house of Punzalan they knew
of local Government. Rather, the object was to attain that it was then occupied by one or more persons,
by means of force, intimidation, etc. one object, to wit, because they even and actually saw an old lady, the
to inflict an act of hate or revenge upon the person or mother of Punzalan, at the window, and in view of the
property of a public official, namely, Punzalan was aggravating circumstances of nighttime, each of the
then Mayor of Tiaong. Under Article 139 of the same appellants is sentenced to reclusion perpetua and to
Code this was sufficient to constitute sedition. As pay the indemnities mentioned in the decision of the
regards the crime of robbery with which appellants lower court. It shall be understood, however, the
were charged and of which they were convicted, we are pursuant to the provisions of Article 70 of the Revised
also of the opinion that it was not one of the purposes Penal Code the duration of all penalties shall not
of the raid, which was mainly to kidnap or kill exceed 40 years. In view of the heavy penalties already
Punzalan and destroy his house. The robberies were imposed and their long duration, we find it unnecessary
actually committed by only some of the raiders, to fix and impose the prison sentences corresponding to
presumably dissidents, as an afterthought, because of frustrated murder and physical injuries; however, the
the opportunity offered by the confusion and disorder sums awarded the victims (Lacorte, Ortega, Anselo,
resulting from the shooting and the burning of the three Rivano, Garcia and Lector), by the court below will
houses, the articles being intended presumably to stand. With these modifications, the decision appealed
replenish the supplies of the dissidents in the from is hereby affirmed, with costs.
mountains. For these robberies, only those who
actually took part therein are responsible, and not the
three appellants herein. With respect to the crime of
multiple frustrated murder, while the assault upon
policeman Pedro Lacorte with a hand grenade causing
him injuries resulting in his blindness in one eye, may
be regarded as frustrated murder; the wounding of
Ortega, Anselo, Rivano, Garcia and Lector should be
considered as mere physical injuries. The crimes

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