Column Base Plate Design

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FILE Col_Base_Plate TIME



Designs Column Base Plates

In accordance with CAN/CSA-S16.1-94
and CAN/CSA A23.3-94

spreadsheet is limited to loading in x direction

spreadsheet is limited to 2 lines of anchor bolts as shown
spreadsheet is limited to moment and shear in direction of strong axis


factored axial load Cf = 34 kN

factored moment Mf = 17 kN*m
factored shear Vf = 3 kN

resistance factor of concrete phi_c = 0.65

resistance factor of steel phi_s = 0.90
yield strength of base Plate fy = 300 Mpa
compressive strength of concrete f'c = 20 Mpa

width of column b = 102 mm

depth of column d = 102 mm

width of base plate B = 450 mm

depth of base plate D = 450 mm
thickness of base plate t = 19 mm

resistance factor for anchor bolts phi_ab = 0.67

resistance factor of weld phi_w = 0.67
ultimate strength of anchor bolts Fu = 480 Mpa
ultimate strength of weld metal Xu = 480 Mpa
fillet weld size Dw = 6 mm
anchor bolt diameter (for tension only, see diam calc. for
d_abtension =and shear) 18 mm
friction coeficient from CSA clause D4.3.5 mew = 0.80
number of anchor bolts per column (y axis) num = 3
c/c of anchor bolts (x direction) d'_x = 390 mm
edge distance from face of base plate E = 30 mm


Establish Class of Loading

eqivalent eccentricity e = Mf/Cf*1000 = 499.8 mm

minimum pressure p(min) = Cf/B/D*1000-Mf*(1000^2)/(1/6*B*D^2) = -0.9 Mpa
maximum pressure p(max) = Cf/B/D*1000+Mf*(1000^2)/(1/6*B*D^2) = 1.3 Mpa
IF(Mf=0,"Class I Loading",IF(p(min)>0,"Class II
Establish class of loading Loading","Class III Loading")) = Class III Loading

Class I Loading (Axial Load, No Moment)

Base Plate Area Required Ar = Cf/(.86*phi_c*f'c)*1000 = 3023 mm^2

Base Plate Area Provided Ap = B*D = 202500 mm^2
check bearing stress on concrete IF(Ap>Ar,"ok","enlarge base plate dimensions") = ok

cantilever parallel to D m = 1/2*(D-0.95*d) = 177 mm

cantilever parallel to B n = 1/2*(B-0.8*b) = 184 mm

bearing pressure on base plate p = Cf/B/D*1000 = 0.2 Mpa

thickness required for m cantilever tm = (2*p*(m^2)/phi_s/fy)^.5 = 6 mm
thickness required for n cantilever tn = (2*p*(n^2)/phi_s/fy)^.5 = 6 mm
check adequacy of base plate thickness IF(max(tm,tn)<t,"ok","increase base plate thickness") = ok

Class II Loading (Axial Load and Moment, all of base plate in compression )

check bearing stress on concrete IF(p(max)<.86*phi_c*f'c,"ok","enlarge base plate") = ok

pressure at start of cantilever p(o) = (D-m)/D*(p(max)-p(min)) = 1 Mpa

moment on 1mm strip of cantilever Mf_1mm = p(o))*m^2,1/2*p(max)*(n)^2) = 21700 N*mm
required thickness of plate tr_2 = (4*Mf_1mm/phi_c/fy)^.5 = 21 mm
IF(tr_2<t,"ok","revise base plate plan dimensions or
check adequacy of base plate thickness thickness") = revise base plate plan dimensions or thickness

Class III Loading (Axial Load and Moment, Tension on Anchor Bolts)

area of each anchor bolt Ab = pi()/4*(d_ab)^2 = 241 mm

tensile resistance of each anchor bolt Tr = 0.75*phi_s*Ab*Fu/1000 = 78 kN

distance from edge of plate to tension bolt d' = D-(D-d'_x)/2 = 420 mm

depth of compression stress block a = (Cf+num*Tr)/(.85*phi_c*f'c*B)*1000 = 54 mm

required depth of plate Dr = 2/Cf*(Cf*d'+Mf*1000-0.85*phi_c*f'c*a*B*(d'-1/2*a)/1000) = -4385 mm

check adequacy of plate plan dimensions IF(Dr<D,"ok","revise plan dimensions") = ok

required plate thickness tr_3 = (((2*phi_c*.85*f'c)*m^2)/(phi_s*fy))^.5 = 51 mm

IF(tr_3<t,"ok","revise base plate plan dimensions or
check adequacy of base plate thickness thickness") = revise base plate plan dimensions or thickness

Connection Design - Weld

weld stress from shear (assume in web only) f_sh = Vf/(2*d) = 0.02 kN/mm
neutral axis for moment y = d/2 = 51.00 mm
moment of inertia of flange welds (unit thickness) I_fl = 4*(1/12*b)+4*b*(y^2) = 1061242.00 mm4
weld stress from moment (assume in flanges only) f_m = Mf*y/I_fl*1000 = 0.81 kN/mm
shear resistance of weld Vrw = 0.67*phi_w*(Dw/1.414)*Xu/1000 = 0.91 kN/mm
shear resistance of base metal Vrb = 0.67*phi_s*Dw*Fu/1000 = 1.74 kN/mm
check adequacy of weld IF(min(Vrw,Vrb)>max(f_sh,f_m),"ok","increase weld size")= ok

Connection Design - Anchor Bolt

Area of anchor bolt required for tension Ab_t = Tr = 78 mm2

Area of anchor bolt required for shear Ab_s = Vf/(mew*phi_ab*.75*Fu/1000) = 18 mm2
Anchor bolt diameter required for shear and tension D_st = (4*(Ab_t+Ab_s)/pi())^.5 = 11 mm

tensile capacity of anchor bolt T_st = Fu/1000*(pi()*(D_st)^2)/4 = 46 kN

anchor bolt embedment depth required D_ab = (T_st*1000/(pi()*1.414*.3*phi_c*(f'c)^.5))^.5 = 109 mm
shear capacity of edge distance failure S_e = (f'c)^.5)/1000 = 335 kN
check edge distance IF(S_e>Vf,"ok","increase edge distance") = ok

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