Web 2 - Torey Fletcher 1

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Web 2.

0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning

My name: Torey Fletcher

Name of the tool Nabble

Where to access http://www.nabble.com/

this tool (web

Brief instructions Go to website

of how to use the Options:
tool Create Free Forum
Archive Mailing List
Create Photo Gallery
Create New Site
*These first four steps are the same for these options
1. Click on the different link you wish to use
2. Type in username, email, password
3. Check off the agreement box
4. Add information asked for in the next few boxes
5. Type in code image
6. Click Create Free Forum, Create Archive Mailing List, etc.
Create Free Forum
7. Click New Topic
Archive Mailing List
7. Allows emails to be sent to the people you decide
Create Photo Gallery
7. Upload the photos you decide
Create Blog
7. Start a blog post

Resume Builder
-Click Resume Builder
-Click Create Resume
-Pick a resume template and continue
-Pick either create a new resume or import an existing resume
-Fill in the blank
-Click Create Resume
-Add and change things as needed
Knowledge Base
-Click Knowledge Base
-Click Get Started
-Create your own knowledge base

Ideas for how the This tool could be used to share different ideas within a group setting. This tool
tool can be used in allows the instructor to post important messages about due dates, modules, or study
PK-12 guides for example) Instructors can also see what the other users are posting to track
the activity within the forum. This tool is great for high school age students.
Positives and Pros:
challenges of using -The site seemed fairly easy/simple to use.
the tool -Once there is a post, There is a reply option for everyone to communicate.
-Site can be easily monitored by instructor.
-The site can be access on a cell phone, through Safari.

-As simple as the site seems, it doesnt seem like a good site for K-8. The site is
similar to the discussion board on Blackboard.
-The site is very plain. In my opinion its not very exciting to the eye and could make
people less likely to use the site.
-The site is public.

Peers Laird Percival


Name of the tool TeamViewer

Where to access https://www.teamviewer.com

this tool (web

Brief instructions Click the download link on the website provided.

of how to use the Click save.
tool When it is finished downloading, click run.
Click basic Installation and Personal/Non-commercial use.
Click Accept-finish.
If prompted about whether you want the application to make changes to your
computer, click yes.
Email your instructor your ID and Password provided within the app to allow
Remote Control
Listen to instructor for further details.

Ideas for how the This tool could be a great tool for middle school ages students. It is a great tool for
tool can be used in them when help is needed from home or somewhere else that isnt at school with
PK-12 their teacher. It is great because teacher or instructors can share screens with the
students to figure out what problems they are having, whether it be technical or lack
of understanding. It can also allow students to share between each other.

When a student has missed a class this could be useful at any grade level.

Positives and Pros:

challenges of using -Allows the for assistance when there is computer related problems
the tool -When a student misses a class this tool is useful to get them through the assignment
from home
-Can make for easy file transfer
-Great for meetings with groups over the computer

-Requires a stable internet connection
-Provides a simplified version of the computer for remote viewing
-Can cause difficulties if versions are not up to date
Peers Asia Jennings

Name of the tool Wiggio

Where to access www.wiggio.com

this tool (web

Brief instructions 1.Go to website and click create account.

of how to use the 2. Fill out basic information including name, email, password, zipcode, birthday, and
tool year
3.Enter confirmation code from email link.
4. Add or join groups.
5. Create feed such as messages, events, to do lists, meetings, or polls.

Ideas for how the This tool can be used for group assignments in PK-12. It can allow efficient group
tool can be used in activity, with the use of calendars and to do lists. Every tool can be used by every
PK-12 other member, which can help in equal participation in the activities. There are
different forms of communication, via email and texts. Participation can be
monitored by daily summaries that are sent out.

Positives and Pros:

challenges of using -Teachers can easily monitor active participation within the groups
the tool -Uses calendars and to do lists can make sure that everyone is keeping up with the
-Provides notifications via email and text which allows for easy access from all
-Groups are all private and secure with access available only to group members
-Does not cost to use

-Video option is not easy to use
-Requires stable internet connection
-Not a great site for elementary age students
-Very basic website, similar websites may be more appealing to students

Peers name: Steven Combs

Name of the tool Edmodo

Where to access https://www.edmodo.com

this tool (web
Brief instructions Click on the link provided, or type the website in the search bar.
of how to use the Click on Get a free account
tool Click on Im a student
Click on Create New Edmodo Account
Enter your information. The class code is: fpcuem
Once you are in the group, please type a short hello in the posts section, so we all
know that it is working correctly.

Ideas for how the An entire class can post questions in a group forum, and post privately to teachers
tool can be used in and other classmates. The SOL it applies to is Computer Technology for grades, 3-5.
PK-12 B. Which allows for organization and help with personal and group assignments. Its
easy to share links and embed URLs.

Positives and PROS:

challenges of -No downloads required, easy to use
using the tool -Great for communication
-Parents can use the tool as well and help their children
-The tool includes a feature called spotlight, which pulls up many historical articles,
and learning tools
-It can occasionally take some time to for a new page to load
-Many of the items displayed in spotlight are not free, and can get a little pricey
-The feature snapshot is fairly confusing, and the help option opens another page

In accordance with ODU's honor pledge, you are required to inform the instructor if you or a
member of your team do not participate in the discussion. You must also inform the instructor if
one of your team members does not provide the information needed to complete the framework
for their web 2.0 tool.

I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form
of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a
member of the academic community it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violations
of the Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.

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