Fruit Tree Pest Management
Fruit Tree Pest Management
Fruit Tree Pest Management
A Brief Guide to Pest Management
For Fruit Trees 1
This report is based on a workshop held July 18, 2012 covering the
basics of Integrated Pest Management. This is the third in a series of
learning modules covering the basics of fruit tree growing in the
Pacific Northwest. The workshops were hosted by Evergreen in
Vancouver, BC; the hands on portions of the workshops are carried out
in Evergreens mobile urban orchard which consists of 60 dwarf apple
IPM approaches dont necessarily eliminate pests but rather suppress them, and
this wording is very important! Ideally, farming techniques create an
environment that is not conducive to pests or disease in the first place, and can
keep pest populations in balance naturally. IPM focuses strongly on supporting
natural mortality factors (e.g. pests natural enemies). It requires a great deal of
sampling, monitoring, and decision making to be effective.
IPM can work for all types of pests from insects and mites, to fungi, bacteria,
weeds and vertebrates! This guide overviews a number of control methods we
recommend doing further research on the pests you are dealing with, and on
the methods and products you would like to use. Remember that knowledge is
your first line of defense the more you know about pest biology, their natural
history, and the damage they cause, the more you can do to effectively control
Why is our reliance on pesticides a problem?
The answer might be obvious to some. However, pesticides continue to
be the primary pest management tool in commercial agriculture. There
are four main issues with pesticide reliance: resistance, resurgence,
induced pests and environmental damage.
#1: Monitor pests #2: Estimate population #3: Decide on #4: Keep
and beneficial densities, determine treatment, based records and
species. Sampling distribution, assess on action evaluate
and monitoring damage potential. Do this threshold. effectiveness
are critical to by sampling through: Threshold of
IPM traps, sweep nets, visual determined by treatments
examination, pheromone experience and
traps educated guessing
Key, Secondary, Occasional Pests
Key Pests: Most significant and cause the most damage on a continued basis.
Many are exotic species - they have been imported and have no natural enemies.
Examples of these pests include:
Secondary Pests: A pest that is not a problem under normal conditions because it
is controlled by a natural enemy. It becomes a problem when the natural system
is altered by pesticide use the natural enemy is killed off while the pest
demonstrates a natural resistance to the pesticide.
Occasional Pests: Pests that exceed acceptable levels only occasionally, usually
due to environmental influences or human activities.
Indirect pests: Feed on foliage or the tree itself, damaging the crop indirectly by
harming the photosynthetic capacity of the tree.
Phenology Models
Phenology Models
Arthropods, microorganisms and fruit trees are all ectothermic; their metabolism, and
development, are regulated by the amount of ambient heat they are exposed to.
For example, codling moth eggs will not hatch until they accumulate a specific amount
of ambient heat.
You can calculate how quickly specific pests (insects, fungi) will develop based on
heat unit accumulation around your tree. The phenology models illustrated below
predict development which enables more accurate sampling and treatment of pests.
Images: Orchard Pest Management Online, Washington State Fruit Commission
IPM Strategies
Cultural Controls
These are simple management practices to
make an ecosystem less friendly to pests:
Physical: This includes hoeing for weed control, pulling weeds, pruning out
pests, creating barriers, adding mulches, placing traps, manual removal of insects
or cankers, etc.
Minerals: Sulfur/lime sulfur are used against fungi and insects; copper is used
against some types of bacteria.
Oils/Sprays: Acetic acid, clove oil and fatty acids are used as herbicides.
Target specific: Is only lethal to specified species. Microbial pesticides are very
narrow spectrum
Some pesticides are disruptive (highly lethal) and others are soft (less lethal)
Some are persistent in the environment and others are not (i.e. BT dissipates in 2
days, DDT persists indefinitely)
Chemical Controls
Types of chemical controls
Synthetic organic: Nervous system poisons that are generally very toxic, broad
spectrum, and disruptive (note that the nervous systems in insects/humans is
the same).
Natural: These include soaps, oils, minerals, diatomaceous earth and kaolin clay.
These last two are not poisonous but create an abrasive and inhospitable
environment. Soft, but may be disruptive.
Pathogenic Biopesticides/Microbials
These are soft and target specific
Granulovirus: Natural enemy Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt):
of leaf roller, a viral pathogen Bacterial pathogen that kills
of that kills moths. moths, beetles, worm pest etc.
IPM Strategies
Biological Control
Tactic where natural enemies are used to suppress pest populations.
This is the cornerstone of Integrated Pest Management. Every pest has natural
enemies, whether they be predators, parasites, or parasitoids. Using natural
enemies for pest management takes time as naturally occurring enemy
populations tend to grow slower than pest populations. However, eventually they
can become a stable component of the ecosystem, regulating the pest
population. By employing methods of conservation and augmentation to protect
and provide habitat, we can increase the population of these pest predators.
Predatory Arthropods
These are the good bugs in your garden you want to KEEP! Spiders, beetles and
predatory mites are all natural enemies to various insect pests. They can kill off
thrips, aphids, white flies, leps and soft bodied insects. Adult and/or larvae
ladybug beetles (of which there are 45 species) are ruthless predators of aphids
Parasitic nematodes are small round worms that kill insects but are harmless to
other organisms. You can buy several species of worm commercially to use in your
pest management strategy they are currently being tested for effectiveness
against various pests and diseases such as coddling moth. 13
Common Problems: Apple
Plant pests (Weeds)
Apple trees are poor competitors as the root zone is shallow and easily overtaken by
weeds or other plant pests. For the same reason, fruit tree roots are easily destroyed
so be gentle when pulling out weeds or grass. Hoeing is a good solution! Mulch can
help prevent weeds from coming up, but be careful about trapping too much
moisture in the soil.
Vertebrate pests
Birds: Birds will peck ripened fruit. Nets or noise makers can help to ward them
Voles: Voles can kill trees by chewing off the bark of the trunk area. They like
having shelter to hide in such as weeds or grass, so for management it is best to
keep an orchard clean of any tall weeds or grasses. Traps can be used in areas
particularly prone to infestation.
Arthropod pests
Codling moth: Codling moth goes through the larval stage inside apples. For small
orchards or a personal tree, you can bag your apples with sandwich bags. For
larger orchards use mating disruption and proper sanitation to moderate. It is
important to make sure all infected apples are picked off the tree, crushed up,
cooked outside in the sun in a black plastic bag and then destroyed.
L: Coddling Moth
Photo: Shane Farrell
Apple maggot: In order to manage apple maggot, spray trees with kaolin clay (every
7-14 days), use sticky traps and keep the orchard well sanitized.
Leaf rollers: Look for curled leaves as a sign of infestation. Spray new shoots with
lime sulfur and monitor throughout the spring and during other growth periods. If you
have a smaller orchard or just a few trees, you can go through and pick out every
single bug.
Mites, scales, aphids, mealy bug: Apply oils in the delayed dormant stage, encourage
ladybugs in summer. For mites, apply insecticidal soaps at petal fall and during the
L: Apple maggot.
Photo: Missouri
Botanical Garden
R: Leaf rollers.
Photo: Utah State
Only the first two or three caterpillars in a brood receive enough nutrition
in the egg to have the brain power to make it back to the nest after
going out for food. Therefore, if you kill the first two or three to emerge
from the nest, the rest will become lost and die.
Common Problems: Apple
Apple diseases
Anthracnose: The most deadly of apple diseases, this fungus only exists in the
Pacific Northwest (nowhere else in North America). Fall infection from splashing
spores creates spring cankers. Cut out cankers before sporulation in early August,
after which the rain will wash them down to be splashed up in spring again. Old
trees can withstand infection but often young trees cannot. Anthracnose
manifests itself as bulls eye rot on apples. Copper compounds can be used
against it, particularly in the fall before it rains.
Scab: A fungus that overwinters in leaves and then
sporulates in the spring when it rains. If you can
prevent the overwintering fungus from sporulating by
getting rid of all the overwintering leaves then you can
prevent infection. Rake up leaves, bag them and get
them out of the orchard to eliminate the source of the
disease. Primary control is sanitation, but you can also
apply sulfur from every 10 days from bud break to three
weeks past petal fall.
Psylla and Mites: To deal with Psylla and other soft bodied insects like mites, it is
critical to apply oils at the delayed dormant stage. The delayed-dormant period
begins in February as buds begin to swell, and continues until the beginning of the
green tip bud development stage. Insecticidal soaps and lime-sulfur can also help.
Bacterial Canker (Asian Pear): Use copper on the entire tree at the delayed
dormant stage and during bloom.
Pear Trellis Rust. Photo: Fritz Geller-Grimm Fireblight. Photo: Sebastien Stabinger
Fireblight: Cut out/remove all infected and dead tissue. Spray copper from early
bloom until early August, especially if conditions are wet.
Pear Trellis Rust: Very common, this variety of rust uses juniper as its host. Even
if you meticulously clean your orchard floor after the season to prevent spores
from overwintering, the spores will still live on in nearby juniper trees. The only
way to control the disease is to eliminate the host juniper trees. 17
Common Problems
Stone Fruit Arthropod Pests
Cherry Fruit Fly: To treat for larvae, apply permethrin weekly during the summer
and remove the contaminated fruit. Use yellow sticky traps for adult fruit flies.
Leafrollers, Aphids, Mites: See treatment for pome fruits (apple, pear).
Brown Rot: This disease can manifest on any stone fruit tree in the form of
blossom and twig blight, cankers and fruit rot. Sanitation and good air circulation
are critical to control it; the cankers and the dropped fruit must be cut
out/collected and removed from the orchard. Apply sulfur to prevent the spores
from setting, particularly in spring and before and after rains.
Coryneum Blight: Affects all stone fruit trees. This is a shot hole fungus that can
be identified through leaf scars and fruit rot. This disease thrives in cool wet
weather. Management techniques include pruning out infected twigs and applying
copper or lime sulfur at leaf fall before scars callus and the rain comes.
Bacterial Canker: This disease infects trees during times of cool, wet weather, and
overwinters in the vascular system of the trees. You can identify it by amber oozing
from the tree. Management includes pruning dead or dying branches and cutting
out cankers, but not in spring or fall when the tree is most susceptible to infection.
Sound nutrition and horticulture are important a healthy tree may be able to
control the infection itself. 18