Practical Plant Nematology
Practical Plant Nematology
Practical Plant Nematology
Integrated Pest Management
This guide has been produced by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) as part of the strategy of the Systemwide Program on Integrated Pest Management (SP-IPM) to improve the quality and usefulness of pest management research. IITA, CIMMYT and the SP-IPM are supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR; For the first print run, contributions were made by ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) for printing, while Syngenta fully funded this print run. The SP-IPM is a global partnership programme whose task is to draw together the IPM efforts of the international agricultural research centers and their partners and to focus these efforts more clearly on the needs of resource-poor farmers in the developing world. The programme tackles those areas where research promises to provide solutions to pressing problems in sustainable agricultural development but where impact has so far been limited usually due to fragmentation of efforts among different organizations or in different regions of the world, or due to inadequate links between researchers and farmers. The SP-IPM expects to achieve rapid progress by alleviating such constraints, breaking down barriers to information exchange, filling research gaps where necessary and developing effective models of researcherextensionistfarmer partnerships to promote adoption of IPM technologies. SP-IPM c/o IITA, PMB 5320, Ibadan, Nigeria OR SP-IPM c/o IITA, Carolyn House, 26 Dingwall Road, Croydon CR9 3EE, UK IITA is an Africa-based international research-for-development organization, established in 1967, and governed by a board of trustees. IITAs vision is to be one of Africas leading research partners in finding solutions for hunger and poverty. It has more than 100 international scientists based in various IITA stations across Africa. This network of scientists is dedicated to the development of technologies that reduce producer and consumer risk, increase local production, and generate wealth. IITA, PMB 5320, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria CIMMYTs mandate is to act as a catalyst and leader in a global maize and wheat innovation network that serves the poor in developing countries. Drawing on strong science and effective partnerships, CIMMYT creates, shares, and uses knowledge and technology to increase food security, improve the productivity and profitability of farming systems, and sustain natural resources. CIMMYT, AP 6-641, 06600 Mexico DF, Mexico SYngenTA is a world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology. The company is a leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the high-value commercial seeds market. Syngenta employs over 21,000 people in more than 90 countries. Seed Care is the business of Syngenta that researches, develops, manufactures and markets innovative seed treatment solutions.
Integrated Pest Management
The authors are grateful to the SP-IPM for their generous financial support to produce this guide. SP-IPM core donors who contributed to the development and production of this guide are the Governments of Norway, Switzerland and Italy. We also acknowledge the generous financial support of CTA for the first print run, and of Syngenta to enable this reprint. Dr Braima James (SP-IPM Coordinator) provided the impetus and continued support to preparing this guide that we hope satisfies the demands of our partners and proves useful in increasing awareness of and reducing nematological problems. We thank Braima for his continued support in this. Dr John Bridges guidance and numerous contributions during the development of this guide are particularly appreciated. Thanks to Luma Al-Banna, John Bridge, Roger Cook, Don Dickson, Jon Eisenback, Food and Environment Research Agency, Crown Copyright, Georg Goergen, Dieter Heinicke, Sean Kelly, Sandra Mack, Mariette Marais, Alex McDonald, Hans Meerman, Edward Oyekanmi, Richard Plowright, Roger Rivoal, Richard Sikora, Paul Speijer, Hugh Wallwork, Esther van den Berg and Vivien Vanstone for use of photographic images. Thanks also to R. Esser for use of his figure, and to Graham Stirling for use of figures and related reference material for the appendices. Editing assistance from Mr Duncan Scudamore and Ms Elif Sahin is gratefully acknowledged.
ISBN 978-131-294-7 2007 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture All rights reserved. The publisher encourages fair use of this material provided proper citation is made. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this report may be made without written permission of the publisher. Reprinted 2009. Correct citation: Coyne, D.L., Nicol, J.M. and Claudius-Cole, B. 2007. Practical plant nematology: a field and laboratory guide. SP-IPM Secretariat, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Cotonou, Benin. A PDF version of this document is also available on the CIMMYT, IITA and SP-IPM websites.
Preface Introduction Basic biology of plant parasitic nematodes
Appearance and structure Life cycle Nematode types Migratory endoparasites Sedentary endoparasites Ectoparasites
v 1 3
3 3 3 7 8 9
Above-ground symptoms Symptoms caused by aerial nematodes Symptoms caused by root nematodes Below-ground symptoms Root galls Root galls versus root nodules Abbreviated root systems Root and tuber lesions Root rot and tuber rot Cracking Cysts or pearly root Sampling tools Number of samples Sampling pattern Time of sampling Taking soil samples Taking root samples Taking samples from above-ground plant tissue Care of samples Choosing an extraction method Preparation of samples Labeling Extraction tray method Root maceration method Sieving method Incubation method
11 11 11 14 14 18 19 19 21 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 28 28 31 32 32 34 40 42 48
Nematode extraction
51 53
53 53 55 57 57 58 59 59 60 60 61 63
61 63 65
References and further reading Appendix 1. Examples of nematode genera and species known to be important crop pests worldwide Appendix 2. Basic identification of nematodes Appendix 3. Score sheets for measuring nematode damage
67 72 75
75 77 78 79 81 82
Root-knot gall (Meloidogyne spp.) scoring on cassava Root-knot gall scoring on carrot Root-knot gall scoring on lettuce Lesion scoring for banana roots Diagrammatic root-knot scoring chart Cyst damage scoring sheet for wheat
This guide is a simple, easy-to-follow reference for assessing plant parasitic nematode problems. It provides clear instructions, with many illustrations, on procedures for collecting and processing samples for nematode assessment, as well as information on accessing further identification and diagnosis support. The manual is aimed at technicians, field workers, extension agents and others with an interest in crop production and crop protection, particularly in those parts of the world where access to expert help and advanced facilities is limited. It has been produced in response to frequent demand from colleagues for a guide to aid diagnosis of nematode problems. This guide will hopefully simplify some aspects of nematology, and help to lessen the mystery surrounding this crop production problem. It is sometimes said that nematodes are viewed as a crop production problem only when a nematologist is present, and that without the nematologist there would be no nematode problem. Paradoxically, the unspecific symptoms of nematode damage are often attributed to other causes, which may seem more likely or more obvious. The reality is that a number of constraints often combine to reduce crop production, and it is necessary to quantify all of the main constraints, including nematodes. Keeping the nematode threat in perspective, in relation to other pests and diseases, is a challenge, but one that will benefit enormously from better quantification of the nematode problem through improved field and laboratory procedures. Plant parasitic nematodes are ever-present and are incidental with plant growth and crop production. They are significant constraints to sustainable agriculture and can be difficult to control. Determining the importance of individual nematode species, nematode communities and nematodes in combination with other problems is not a simple task at the best of times, but is more difficult in tropical than in temperate climates. Species previously not known to cause crop damage are continually being discovered, particularly as agriculture changes to suit changing needs, and new crops are introduced. Introduction of, or improvements in, nematological techniques and diagnostics can lead to identification of nematodes as the cause of a problem which had been present for many years, but through lack of local expertise had not been properly diagnosed. Much remains to be learned about nematodes and the damage they cause to crops. There is, for example, a lack of reliable data on the relationship between nematode numbers and yield for many different crops and types of nematodes. In many less developed countries much basic information simply does not exist. It is therefore important that even small developments and knowledge gains are recorded for future use, through publications of the relevant networks and societies, or regional or international journals.
We hope that this guide will contribute to improving pest and disease management, particularly where nematological expertise is scarce, such as in the less developed countries of the world. An initial step to nematode management is establishing their presence through collection and relation with symptoms, and with expert help accurately identifying the species involved. This guide aims to support that initial step.
Danny Coyne IITA Nematologist, Uganda. Julie Nicol CIMMYT Int. Nematologist, Turkey. Biodun Claudius-Cole Nematologist, Department of Crop Protection and Environmental Biology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Nematodes are a diverse group of worm-like animals. They are found in virtually every environment, both as parasites and as free-living organisms. They are generally minute, but some species can reach several meters in length. This guide focuses specifically on plant parasitic nematodes, which are very small or microscopic, can cause significant damage to crops, and are extremely widespread (Appendix 1). Because nematodes are difficult or impossible to see in the field, and their symptoms are often non-specific, the damage they inflict is often attributed to other, more visible causes. Farmers and researchers alike often underestimate their effects. A general assessment is that plant parasitic nematodes reduce agricultural production by approximately 11% globally (Agrios, 2005), reducing production by millions of tonnes every year. The amount of damage nematodes cause depends on a wide range of factors, such as their population density, the virulence of the species or strain, and the resistance (ability of the plant to reduce the population of the nematode) or tolerance (ability of the plant to yield despite nematode attack) of the host plant. Other factors also contribute to a lesser extent, including climate, water availability, soil conditions, soil fertility, and the presence of other pests and diseases. However, although we have some knowledge on the nematodecrop relationship and influencing factors, much remains to be learned. Damage thresholds for nematodes on various crops in various parts of the world, for example, are often unknown, and the threat nematodes pose often requires an educated guess. Once nematodes are identified as significantly contributing to crop damage, management options can then be decided. These depend on the nematodes involved, the crop and cropping system, and local circumstances. If the species is identified some specific interventions can be considered, for example, using resistant crops or varieties. Otherwise more general options or combinations of options, such as rotation, chemical application, biological control and sanitation practices, may be appropriate. The aims of this guide are to assist the reader to: Appreciate basic nematode biology Recognize the different groups and feeding behaviors of nematodes Identify damage symptoms Collect nematode samples Process the samples Dispatch nematodes and samples for more precise identification.
On seeing suppressed growth/decreased production in crop plants Stage 1: Look for and assess symptoms of nematode damage
Figure 1. The stages in nematode assessment and management. Figure 1 shows the stages in nematode assessment and management. This guide provides information on carrying out stages 13. Stage 4 may also be attempted, but assistance from a specialist nematologist will probably be needed, and will certainly be required for the final stages. The References and Further Reading section (page 65) includes some useful publications to take nematology tasks beyond those described in this guide.
Life cycle
The nematode life cycle is typically divided into six stages: the egg, four juvenile stages and the adult (Fig. 4). The duration of any of these stages and of the complete life cycle differs for different species, and also depending on factors such as temperature, moisture and plant host. Under favorable conditions in the tropics many species have relatively short life cycles, with several generations possible per season. This can lead to rapid population build up from just one (if self-fertilizing) or two nematodes. Nematodes can survive unfavorable conditions, such as a dry season or a cold winter. Different species survive best at different life stages, for example Heterodera species survive best as eggs encapsulated within cysts, Ditylenchus species as fourth stage juveniles, and Anguina species as second stage juveniles.
Nematode types
Plant parasitic nematodes can be separated into aerial parasites those feeding on above-ground parts of plants and root and tuber parasites those feeding on below-ground parts. They can also be grouped by their feeding behavior and motility into three main groups: Migratory endoparasites mobile nematodes that feed inside the plant root tissue. Sedentary endoparasites nematodes that, once they have reached a feeding site inside the plant, cease to be mobile and feed from a fixed location. Ectoparasites nematodes that feed on the plant from the outside of the plant.
Heterodera (lemon-shaped)
Criconematid (ribbed/ridged)
Tylenchulus physical appearance on outside of root (pear-shaped) [EvB] Ogma surface structure (flanged/flared ribs) [EvB] Figure 2. Diverse shapes of nematodes, as seen under the microscope. (Photographs by J. Bridge [JB], G. Goergen [GG] or E. van den Berg [EvB].)
ovary vulva
Male and female Scutellonema. Figure 3. (Top) Diagram of nematode structure as observed through a microscope. (Bottom) Example of male and female nematode (Scutellonema bradys) as seen under the microscope with male (spicule) and female (vulva and ovary) reproductive organs indicated. Note that not all nematode species have males. A protective bursa is found around the spicule on males of some species, as seen here, but not all species. (Photograph by H. Meerman.)
3rd juvenile stage 2nd juvenile stage (invasive) 1st juvenile stage (in egg) 4th juvenile stage
Adult male
Egg mass Egg mass and adult female Figure 4. Nematode life cycle. Meloidogye used as an example on maize, as observed through the microscope. Not all stages are to the same scale. Migratory nematode lifecycles follow a similar course, but remain wormlike and do not produce egg masses. (Photographs by E. Oyekanmi.)
central stele
Hirschmanniella in rice [JB]. Figure 5. Migratory endoparasitic nematode female and eggs stained red in root tissue. (Photograph by J. Bridge [JB].)
Cyst nematode (Heterodera spp.) breaking open the root cortex of rice.
Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) bursting and protruding out of maize root.
Root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) embedded in gourd root with eggs released outside the root [JB].
Adult cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera filipjevi). Figure 6. Endoparasitic nematodes. (Photographs by J. Bridge [JB].)
Reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus spp.) with head buried in root tissue (semisedentary endoparasite) [JB].
Ectoparasites (Fig. 7)
Ectoparasitic nematodes feed externally, on the surface of the plant, usually on root hairs or cortical tissue. They are often found in high densities, but do not always pose a problem. However, they may cause serious damage if the plant is suffering from other biotic or abiotic stresses (e.g. fungal attack or low water availability). Examples of ectoparasitic nematodes are ring nematodes (Criconemoides spp.), spiral nematodes (Helicotylenchus spp.) and the aerial rice white-tip nematode (Aphelenchoides besseyi). It is well recognized that some ectoparasites transmit plant viruses, for example some species of dagger nematodes (Xiphinema spp.), needle nematodes (Longidorus spp.) and stunt nematodes (Trichodorus and Paratrichodorus spp.).
Aulosphora feeding on rice root with close-up of feeding stylet penetrating root tissue.
Tylenchorhynchus feeding at the root tip [JB]. Figure 7. Ectoparasitic nematodes. (Photographs by G. Goergen [GG] and J. Bridge [JB].)
Above-ground symptoms
Above-ground symptoms fall into two categories: those caused by aerial nematodes attacking foliage and those caused by root nematodes attacking plant roots.
Deformed heads of barley and wheat due to seed gall nematode Anguina tritici [RS].
Bleaching and streaking discoloration of enset (Musa) leaf caused by Aphelenchoides sp. [PS].
Oats severely infected with stem nematode causing patchy growth, stunting, chlorosis (left) and basal swelling (right) associated with Ditylenchus dipsaci infection [HW].
Seed gall of wheat caused by Anguina tritici (crushed seed showing emerging eggs and juveniles) [JB].
Figure 8. Above-ground symptoms caused by aerial nematodes attacking foliage. (Photographs by J. Bridge [JB], R. Sikora [RS], P. Speijer [PS] and H. Wallwork [HW].)
Chlorosis and stunted growth of rice plants (left) caused by Heterodera sacchari.
Patchy growth and chlorosis of lower leaves of wheat caused by Heterodera spp. [HW].
Delayed flowering/maturity and suppressed growth in a patch of solanum potatoes affected by potato cyst nematodes [DH].
Patchy distribution and reduced tillering in wheat attacked by the root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus neglectus) [RR and RC].
Patchy distribution, stunted and chlorotic maize plants affected by rootknot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) [AM]. Dieback of citrus caused by Radopholus similis. Toppling over of banana caused by Radopholus similis.
Figure 9. Above-ground symptoms caused by root nematodes attacking plant roots. (Photographs by R. Cook [RC], D. Heinicke [DH], A. McDonald [AM], R. Rivoal [RR] and H. Wallwork [HW].)
Die-back of perennial or woody plants with little or no new foliage Reduced fruit and seed size Low yields. Other symptoms that may suggest root nematode infection are: Failure to respond normally to fertilizers A tendency to react to water stress more rapidly than healthy plants, and slow recovery from wilting Little or no new foliage development at the onset of a new growing season Severe weed problems (higher density of weeds), due to the nematode-infected plant being less able to compete with weeds Greater disease incidence, because of suppressed resistance of nematode-infected plants.
Below-ground symptoms
These are due to root nematodes, and may be specific enough to allow diagnosis of the root nematode problem. Uprooting of plants or excavation of roots is needed to observe symptoms. Symptoms include: Galling Shortened, stubby or abbreviated roots Root lesions Root or tuber necrosis, rotting or death Root or tuber cracking Cysts or pearly root Deformed roots Altered root architecture.
Root galls
Root galls are caused mostly by the root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.), although other nematodes such as Nacobbus aberrans may also cause galling (Fig. 10). Feeding by some nematodes, such as Xiphinema spp., may result in swellings or less defined galls, often at the root tips. The galls can vary considerably depending on the Meloidogyne species, the crop and cultivar, and whether occurring on roots or on tubers (Fig. 11). Typical appearance includes: Small individual bead-like swellings Massive clumps of fleshy tissue stuck together Swollen root tips Irregular swellings along the root Hook-shaped root tips No form of visible root swelling other than a raised surface where the nematode is embedded.
Meloidogyne graminicola on rice causing stunted and galled seedling roots [RP] and characteristic hooked root tips [JB].
Massive clumping and galling of root tissue in vegetables caused by Meloidogyne spp.
Deformed banana root system with swollen roots (left) and cross section of banana root which has raised root surface with embedded female Meloidogyne spp. nematodes (highlighted in split root right).
Deformation, raised galls and root termination of maize roots caused by Meloidogyne spp.
Galling of potato roots caused by Nacobbus aberrans [JB]. Figure 10. Root galls and other symptoms of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) and Nacobbus sp. (Photographs by J. Bridge [JB] and R. Plowright [RP].)
It is a common misconception that plants of the family Graminaceae (grasses and cereals) are not affected by root-knot nematodes. In fact, these species are readily affected but galling is often less visible. Small galls, however, can usually be easily observed (Fig. 10).
Crenulated raised yam tuber surface with crosssection revealing female nematodes embedded in the tissue.
Galling on potato.
Galls on beetroot.
Galls on carrot.
Figure 11. Galls on storage organs caused by root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.).
Root-knot nematode galls on cassava and lettuce (two pictures left) compared with beneficial nitrogen-fixing root nodules (group on right) on soybean, bean and groundnut.
Galling-like root symptoms caused by cabbage clubroot disease on cabbage. Figure 12. Root galls caused by nematodes, compared with other gall-like symptoms.
them, whereas galls tend to be composed of a gelatinous clear creamy solid nature, which is sometimes tough. Nodules are attached loosely to the root and can be easily removed; root-knot galls originate from within the root, and removing them is more difficult and will tear the root cortex. Some root diseases such as the fungus clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae) can result in deformed root systems, which can resemble root-knot damage (Fig. 12).
Stunted and galled rice seedling roots caused by Meloidogyne graminicola [RP].
Severely abbreviated root system of olive tree saplings resulting from root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus spp.) infection.
Stubby root symptoms on maize, caused by Paratrichodorus minor [DD]. Figure 13. Root shortening. (Photographs by D. Dickson [DD] and R. Plowright [RP].)
Symptoms of root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) on wheat roots. Maize roots infected with Pratylenchus lesion nematodes (right) compared with uninfected roots (left). Banana roots showing extended root lesioning (necrosis) caused by Radopholus similis.
Heavily lesioned strawberry roots infected with root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus vulnus) [JB].
Internal lesions and necrosis exposed below the surface of yam due to the yam nematode (Scutellonema bradys).
Internal lesions on sweet potato due to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) [JB].
Figure 15. Necrosis and lesions on storage organs. (Photographs by J. Bridge [JB], Food and Environment Research Agency, Crown Copyright [FERA] and M. Marais [MM].)
Rot, surface cracking (left) and termination (right) of banana roots caused by a combination of Radopholus similis, Helicotylenchus multicinctus and Meloidogyne spp.
Necrosis and reduction of sweet potato roots due to Scutellonema bradys. Figure 16. Root rot caused by nematode infection.
Sub-surface necrosis on strips of cassava storage root, caused by infection with rootknot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.), compared to clean strip on left.
Tuber rot of sweet potato infected with root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) [JB].
Internal rotting in yam tuber caused by fungal infection, probably entering as a result of Scutellonema bradys damage to the cortex.
Dry rot of yams caused by the yam nematode (Scutellonema bradys). Figure 17. Tuber rot caused by nematode infection. (Photographs by J. Bridge [JB].)
Roots and tubers sometimes develop a cracked surface following nematode infection (Fig. 18). This symptom may be blamed on water or nutrient stress during growth. Cracking is often seen in sweet potato tubers, caused by the reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis). The yam nematode can cause the same symptom on yam.
Flaking and cracking of yam tuber surface (left) caused by Scutellonema bradys.
Cracking of sweet potato tuber by Rotylenchulus spp. Figure 18. Tuber cracking symptoms.
Dark brown cyst and white female Heterodera oryzicola embedded in rice root tissue [RP].
White females
White females of the Heterodera avenae cereal cyst nematode, each the size of a pin-head, causing knotting of wheat roots (left) before they mature to a brown cyst, shown on the right spilling eggs [HW].
Potato roots with white female Globodera rostochiensis attached along its surface giving it an appearance of white beads attached or being pearly [JB]. Figure 19. Cyst or pearly root. (Photographs by J. Bridge [JB], R. Plowright [RP] and H. Wallwork [HW].)
Having observed symptoms that indicate possible or likely nematode infestation, the next stage is to collect samples from the affected plants and from the soil around the roots. These are then taken to the laboratory for analysis, to determine what nematodes are present and possibly their density. The following field characteristics have implications for the sampling method, and should therefore be considered at this stage: Aggregated distribution of nematodes due to host root system and the seasonal behavior of the nematode Crop type and history Areas planted to different varieties Soil moisture Soil compaction Soil type Temperature and seasonal changes.
Sampling tools
Useful tools for sampling, some of which are shown in Fig. 20, include a spade, a hand trowel, a screwdriver, a soil auger (corer), knives (for cutting roots), scissors, polythene sample bags, tags. The soil auger or corer should have a blade 2030 cm in length and 2025 mm diameter, and can be either a complete cylinder or a half cylinder. Half cylinders help in removing soil from the corer. Marker pens for labeling the sample bag and a pencil and notebook are also necessary for recording information.
Number of samples
Take enough samples to ensure they are representative of the situation in the field. The greater the number of sub-samples/cores combined for each field sample, the more accurate the assessment will be. A balance between available time and resources is, however, necessary.
The sampling procedure and number of samples taken should allow for nematode variation or aggregation. From an area of 0.5 to 1 hectare, take a minimum of 10 core sub-samples, and even as many as 50. Combine these to make one composite sample to represent the field area sampled. Bulking of samples in this way helps to preserve them by maintaining the temperature and moisture of samples.
Sampling pattern
Nematodes are rarely distributed evenly in a field, and samples should therefore be collected from several areas within the field. Collect separate samples from both the poor growth areas and an area of relative good growth, where this is obvious, for comparison. Maintain a consistent sampling style and pattern during surveys and experiments to enable meaningful comparisons between fields, plots, treatments, etc. Sampling patterns can be random or systematic (Fig. 21). Random sampling does not accommodate the patchy nature of nematode distribution, and is only representative if the sampling area is small. Systematic sampling is a more structured way to remove samples as it takes into consideration the nature of the field and nematode distribution.
A a
B b
C c
Figure 21. Sampling patterns for nematodes. (a) Random sampling; (bd) systematic sampling.
Time of sampling
The optimum time for sampling varies between crops and is related to the growth stage of the crop and the objective of the sampling (predictive or diagnostic). Predictive sampling (not the focus of this guide) is often done early in the season, such as at or just before planting, or at the end of the previous cropping season to determine the number of nematodes (density). Many nematode species increase to high levels during the growing season and reduce during the off (dry) season; this is easier to see in annual crops than in perennial and tree crops. Samples should therefore ideally be collected in the middle of the season and/or at final harvest for diagnostic purposes. Perennials can be sampled during the active growing period such as during the rainy/growing season to identify the problem.
Sampling 27
The sample should represent a cross section of the soil from the surface (0 cm) to around 2030 cm below.
Samples can also be taken using a trowel or other suitable implement if a corer is not available.
Place the corer over a large flat and sturdy box (preferably plastic).
With a strong blunt instrument, scrape all the contents of the corer into the box. Make sure you thoroughly shake out any excess soil before taking another sample.
Place samples in sturdy bags with a tie at the top. Label clearly with a card written with pencil (not pen as it smudges).
Or even easier, just label the bag on the outside with a permanent thick marker.
Care of samples
Collect samples in strong plastic bags, and label them clearly and systematically. Plastic labels marked with a water-resistant permanent marker or pencil can be placed in the sample bag (Fig. 22), or alternatively write directly on the plastic bag with a permanent marker pen the sample number or reference. Paper labels are best attached to the outside of the bag with wire or twine. If using paper labels, use a pencil, not a pen (which will run or smudge when wet). But remember, paper labels deteriorate quickly during wet conditions. Record, where possible: The crop and cultivar The sampling date The farmer The location (and GPS coordinates if possible) A reference number (or plot) if within an experimental trial The previous crop(s).
Sampling 29
Nematodes are very sensitive and perishable, and it is very important that appropriate care is taken to keep them in good condition. Samples should noT be left in direct sunlight or in a closed vehicle in the sun. They should also not be left for long periods before processing. After collection, samples should be placed in a coolbox (insulated container; Fig. 23), or packed in strong cardboard boxes and placed in a shaded area where conditions are cool. If unable to process immediately, samples can be stored in a refrigerator (approx. 10C) for up to 2 weeks. Nematode survival decreases with time however, and nematodes from relatively hot environments can suffer chilling injury.
Nematode extraction
The next stage is to extract nematodes from the samples. This should be done as soon after collection as possible as samples deteriorate over time. There are four basic extraction techniques, which are covered in this guide: Extraction tray method Root or leaf maceration method Sieving method Incubation method. Three further methods elutriation, the Fenwick can and centrifugal flotation require specialist equipment and are not described in this guide. Details on these methods can be found in publications listed in the References and Further Reading section (page 65). It is also possible in some cases to examine nematodes directly from plant tissue specimens.
Table 1. The suitability of extraction methods for different nematode types and samples. Soil sample Sedentary Migratory nematodes nematodes Extraction tray (p. 34) Sieving (p. 42) Root/leaf maceration (p. 40) Incubation (p. 48) X X X X X X X Root/foliar sample Sedentary Migratory nematodes nematodes X
If the target nematode is known such as in research experimental plots it may be possible to precisely identify which material should be sampled and processed for the nematodes (soil, root, tuber, leaf, etc.). If you are not sure though, both roots and soil should be used for extraction with both sedentary and migratory nematodes considered.
Preparation of samples
Dry soil should be properly mixed before sub-sampling for nematode extraction. Break up clumps and remove stones, roots and debris. Pass (dry) soil through a coarse sieve with holes of approx. 12 mm (Fig. 26, step 1) into a suitable container and then mix thoroughly. Remove a sub-sample using a beaker or container of known volume (Fig. 26, step 2); 100 ml soil is commonly used. From each bulked field sample two 100 ml soil samples should be processed and the mean taken. Wet soil, such as from a rice paddy, needs to be removed from the field sample using small balls or clumps from various parts of the sample or from each root base, and measured using displacement of water to get samples of the same size (Fig. 29, steps 1 and 2). Fill the beaker to a set (marked) volume (e.g. 200 ml) and raise the volume to the required marked amount using soil clumps, e.g. raising 200 to 300 ml measures 100 ml of soil. Then use the sieving method to extract nematodes. Roots should be separated from soil and any soil adhering removed by gently tapping off, or rinsing gently under a tap or in a container of water. Dab the roots dry with paper towel, and then chop and extract according to the chosen extraction method.
It is important to use clear, correct and consistent labeling for samples (Fig. 24). Label containers with either a waterproof marker or chinagraph pencil, or use labels that can be moved along with each stage of the extraction. ensure all samples are correctly labeled at all times.
Nematode extraction 33
Labeling an extraction tray with both an accompanying plastic tag and also number on tray with a permanent marker or chinagraph.
A basket (or domestic sieve) made with coarse mesh (Fig. 25) A dish/tray/plate, slightly larger than the basket Tissue paper Beakers or containers to wash the extraction into Wash bottles Waterproof pen Knife/scissors Weighing scales Large bench space.
Most items can be purchased ready-made or easily constructed from readily available materials (Fig. 25). Funnels can be held in a rack or stand with rubber tubing attached to the bottom and sealed with a clip (Fig. 25, top) or insect mesh attached to an ~10 cm section of ~15 cm diameter plastic piping can be used to construct the sieve (Fig. 25, middle). It is very important that the mesh and sieve base are raised slightly (~2 mm) from the bottom of the dish/plate using, for example, three or four small feet glued to the base of the sieve (Fig. 25, bottom). If this is not done, the nematodes cannot easily migrate into the water.
It is very important to ensure good, consistent labeling of all containers used for each sample, as it is very easy to make mistakes. Root and soil extractions should be labeled separately.
Nematode extraction 35
Example of the funnel method of extraction with rubber tube clipped and labeled at the base. Nematodes will be concentrated just above the clip.
Example of different simple types of sieves and trays. The orange sample on the left uses a home-made cross section of PVC piping with mosquito mesh attached to the bottom. It is very important that the sieve does not sit flat on the bottom of the tray but is slightly raised.
Home-made PVC piping and net sieve with plastic feet which ensures the nematodes can migrate easily into the water. Figure 25. Different ways to extract the nematodes from the sample.
For soil samples: Remove roots from sample and place in a separate dish. Label. Using a coarse sieve, remove stones and debris from soil and break up soil lumps (Fig. 26, step 1). In a plastic container (basin, bucket) thoroughly mix the soil sample. Remove a measure of soil (e.g. 100 ml) (Fig. 26, step 2). Place tissue paper (milk filter, paper napkin etc.) in the plastic sieve/basket (placed on a plastic plate) ensuring that the base of the sieve is fully covered by the tissue (Fig. 26, step 3). Label. Place the soil measure on the tissue in the sieve. It is important that the soil remains on the tissue paper spillover results in dirty extractions (Fig. 26, step 4). Add water to the extraction plates (Fig. 26, step 5). Take care to gently pour water into the plate (dish) and not onto the tissue paper or soil (between the edge of the mesh and the side of the tray). Add a set volume to each dish to wet but not cover the soil or root tissue, ensuring there is sufficient not to dry out. More water is needed for soil samples than root material. Add more later if necessary. Leave (preferably in the dark) undisturbed for a set period (48 hours if possible) (Fig. 26, step 6) adding more water if it is likely to dry out. Nematodes from the soil or plant tissue will move through the tissue paper into the water below, resting on the tray/plate. After the extraction period, drain excess water from the sieve and the soil into the extraction (Fig. 26, step 7). Remove the sieve and dispose of plant tissue/soil. Pour the water from the plate into a labeled beaker (or cup), using a water bottle to rinse the plate (Fig. 26, steps 8 and 9). Leave samples to settle (Fig. 26, step 10). For counting the nematodes in the extraction, reduce the volume of water by gently pouring off or siphoning the excess (taking care not to lose nematodes and sediment), or by passing the extract through a very small aperture sieve (e.g. 2030 m) (Fig. 26, step 11). Wash the nematodes off the small aperture sieve into a beaker (or tube) for counting, or for preserving, if sending away or counting later (Fig. 26, steps 12 and 13).
2. Measure out a standard sized sub-sample by volume, e.g. 100 ml. 1. Coarsely sieve the sample to remove debris and lumps.
Nematode extraction 37
4. Place soil on the tissue ensuring that the soil remains on the tissue and does not to spill over the edges.
5. Carefully pour water into the tray making sure you pour the water down the gap between the tray and the sieve.
6. Store extract from samples over 2 days, constantly checking that the samples remain wet and do not dry out due to evaporation.
7. Carefully drain and remove the sieve from the tray and discard the tissue paper and soil.
11. Reduce the suspension by decanting or using a small aperture (i.e. 28 m) sieve and collect in a beaker ready for assessing nematodes.
12. The sample can be stored in a tube if not observing immediately. Figure 26. Extraction tray method for soil samples.
13. If sending away for assessment, the nematodes can be removed from the bottom of the large tube with a pipette, after settling, for storage/dispatch in small tube.
For root samples: Roots can sometimes be divided into separate categories, such as larger tough roots and finer feeder roots. It is useful to extract nematodes separately from each category, as the root tissue texture varies and the type of nematodes invading may also vary, as well as densities of the same nematode. Extraction efficiencies may also vary, with the nematodes exiting slower from a larger root.
Gently tap soil off the roots/tubers or rinse under a tap and then gently dab dry with tissue paper. Peel tubers carefully with a knife or kitchen peeler to just below the surface. Chop the roots (or tuber peel) finely with a knife or scissors and place in a labeled dish (Fig. 27, step 1). Mix all chopped root material thoroughly. Remove and weigh a sub-sample (e.g. 5 g) of chopped root material using measuring scales (Fig. 27, step 2). Place weighed sub-sample on the tissue paper in the labeled sieve/basket (Fig. 27, step 3). Follow the rest of the procedure for soil extraction above (Fig. 26, steps 513)
Use the root maceration method for tough plant tissue (Fig. 28, pages 4041), then follow the remaining procedure for tray extraction (Fig. 26, steps 513) If sending nematodes away for identification or counting, preserve using the protocol on pages 5760.
Nematode extraction 39
Beakers Scissors/knife Water bottle Waterproof pen Weighing scales Domestic blender
Cut roots or tuber peel into small pieces (Fig. 28, steps 1 and 2). Mix root tissue together. Weigh a sub-sample (Fig. 28, step 3). Place it in an electric blender with just enough water to cover the blades. Blend fine roots and tuber peel for two 5 second bursts and tougher roots for two 10 second bursts, waiting for the suspension to settle briefly between the two blendings (Fig. 28, step 4). Pour the blended suspension of roots and water into a beaker, rinsing out the blender container of all debris, using a water bottle if possible (Fig. 28, step 5). Gently pour the suspension of roots and water onto tissue paper (Fig. 28, step 6) and then follow the extraction tray method (Fig 26, step 5 onwards).
The roots can be stained before maceration to improve visibility of the nematode after extraction (see page 60).
Nematode extraction 41
1. After rinsing the tubers, peel them thinly with a knife or peeler.
5. Pour blended suspension into a labeled beaker and rinse out blender into the beaker. Then follow steps 513 in Figure 26. Figure 28. Root maceration method.
6. Gently pour the sample onto the tissue paper in the sieve as for extraction tray method.
Sieving method
Advantages: Good extraction of all types of nematodes Good for extraction of large and slow moving soil nematodes Suitable for extracting nematodes from wet soil Useful for cyst extraction from soil. Disadvantages: Nematodes may settle out with soil particles unless soil is well dispersed Nematodes can be easily damaged. Requires slightly more specialized equipment.
For soil motile nematodes: Beakers and buckets Waterproof pen Brass 20 cm diameter (Endecotts or Retsch) sieves: 2 mm, 90 m (or 53 m) and 38 m Extraction tray equipment For sedentary cyst (e.g. Heterodera) recovery: As for soil motile nematodes, plus Brass 20 cm diameter (Endecotts or Retsch) sieves: 2 mm, 250 m, 150 m Funnels Filter paper (or paper towel/tissue) If it is not known whether sedentary nematodes are present then all equipment should be used.
For soil motile nematodes: Fill a bucket with about 6 liters of water. Mark a water line on the inside of the bucket with a waterproof pen for consistent water volume between samples (Fig. 29, step 3). Place a sub-sample of sieved and mixed dry soil, or of wet soil measured by displacing water in a beaker (Fig. 29, steps 1 and 2) into the bucket (Fig. 29, step 4). Mix the water thoroughly using your hand (Fig. 29, step 5). Allow larger particles to settle for 30 seconds (Fig. 29, step 6). Slowly pour off the upper of the water through the nested sieves: use a 2 mm sieve to catch debris for disposal, or just 90 m and 38 m ones to catch nematodes if there is no debris (Fig. 29, step 7). This requires two people. Take great care to ensure that water does not escape over the sides of the nested sieves (in between the stacked sieves) when pouring the bucket of water through, as nematodes will be lost in the escaping water. Pour slowly and tap the underside of the bottom sieve gently, if necessary, to help water flow through the the sieves. Refill the bucket to the marked line (Fig. 29, step 8) and repeat the process once or twice (Fig. 29, steps 5 7). Wash off the debris from the 90 and 38 m sieves into a labeled beaker, ensuring that sieves are properly cleared (Fig. 29, steps 911) by washing gently from behind. Leave beakers for 23 hours for nematodes to settle to the bottom. If necessary gently pour off and discard excess water.
2. Measure soil by adding clumps from each bulk sample and displacing water to marked volume.
3. Measure a set volume of water using a pre-marked line on the inside of a bucket.
5. Mix thoroughly.
7. Slowly pour three-quarters of the water through the nested sieves (such as 90 and 38 m size) with the 90 m sieve on the top.
9. Condense the extract debris by gently rinsing the sieves thoroughly with a hose, mainly from the back.
10. Ensure the sieves are backwashed properly and all debris and nematodes are collected from the sieve surface at the bottom point of the sieve.
11. Gently wash debris from the 90 m and the 38 m sieve into a labeled beaker.
The sievings can then be processed further via the extraction tray method (Fig. 26, steps 313, page 37). For recovery of sedentary cysts:
Air-dry the soil sample before using for extraction (Fig. 30, step 1). Fill a bucket with about 6 liters of water, and mark the water line on the inside of the bucket with a waterproof pen (Fig. 30, step 2). Place the measured soil sub-sample in the bucket (Fig. 30, step 3). Mix the water thoroughly using your hand, then allow soil particles to settle for 60 seconds. Cysts should float (Fig. 30, steps 4 and 5). Slowly pour off the top of water through the nested sieves: 2 mm to catch debris for disposal, and 250 m and 150 m to trap cysts (Fig. 30, step 6). Wash off the debris from the 250 m and 150 m sieves into a labeled beaker (Fig. 30, steps 7 and 8). Refill the bucket to the marked line and repeat the process (steps 48) at least once, collecting all debris for each sample into the same beaker. Repeat this process as much as necessary until you are satisfied that no cysts remain in the bucket. Prepare and label a paper lining (filter paper, milk filter, paper towel etc.) for a funnel (i.e. in a cone shape) held in a stand or beaker (Fig. 30, step 10). Pour the wash-off (sievings) in the beaker through the filter in the funnel (Fig. 30, steps 11 and 12). Allow water to drain through. Carefully remove filter papers from the funnel and place in a moistened tray to await direct observation under the microscope (Fig. 30, step 13). Viewing can be done by gently opening the filter paper and spreading the contents across the filter paper, followed by viewing under stereomicroscope. Or: Allow filter papers to dry in the funnel, for removal and storage for observation, picking or counting at a later time (Fig. 30, step 14).
4. Mix thoroughly.
6. Slowly pour half of the water through the 2 mm, 250 and 150 m sieves.
7. Rinse down each of the 2 catchment sieves, backwashing where necessary. Figure 30 continued overleaf
8. Using a wash-bottle, wash the debris from both the 250 and 150 m sieves into beakers for collection.
9. Refill the bucket with water to the marked line and repeat steps 48.
10. Fold a circular piece of filter/tissue paper into quarters, then open it as a cone and place in the funnel which is held in a beaker or stand.
13. Place filter paper with cyst extract debris into a dish with water in the bottom to keep moist for immediate cyst assessment.
14. Leave extracts to dry in the funnel to assess cysts at a later date.
Figure 30. Extraction of cyst nematodes from soil using the sieving method.
Nematode extraction 47
Cysts from air-dried samples will float to the surface of the bucket, but if conditions do not allow air drying, cysts can be extracted from fresh soil samples. Many cysts should still float, but fresh, heavier cysts may not, and agitating the water and reducing the settling time may be needed, before decanting the water/suspension through sieves. Cysts can also be picked from the sieved, dried samples directly under the stereomicroscope, using a fine paintbrush. Determining the cyst density in soil is useful, but it is also necessary to assess the egg number, by first crushing cysts to release eggs (see References and Further Reading).
Incubation method
This method is also called root incubation in plastic bags or jars. Advantage: Does not require specialized equipment. Disadvantages: Extraction efficiency may be relatively poor Nematodes are often in poor condition due to lack of oxygen.
Plastic bags, jars, conical flask or similar vessel.
Cut/chop tissue finely and mix together (Fig. 31, step 1). Weigh out a sub-sample/sample. Place in a closed labeled plastic bag or covered container (not metal) holding a small quantity (1020 ml) of water (Fig. 31, step 2). Nematodes hatch from eggs or migrate from root tissue into water over a period of 2 to 7 days. Remove water regularly (e.g. daily) from the container, which will help nematode survival, and bulk in a labeled beaker, using the same beaker for each sample (Fig. 31, step 3). Replace water after each decanting, cover and leave, repeating the process over 27 days (Fig. 31, step 4). Reduce or concentrate the suspension/extract for each sample and observe directly or store for later use following steps 1113 in Fig. 26.
Nematode extraction 49
2. Place weighed sub-sample of roots in jar, conical flask or plastic bag with water and leave for 27 days. Take care not to fully seal the container, but loosely cover.
3. Each day, shake/swirl the container and gently pour the suspension into a beaker, leaving the plant material in the container.
5. Concentrate the suspension and collect nematodes for further assessment, e.g. using a small aperture sieve, or leave the beaker to settle and pour off the excess. Then follow Fig 26, steps 12 and 13.
Handling nematodes
Due to their microscopic size, nematodes can be difficult to handle, particularly for beginners. It is nearly always necessary to handle them in a fluid medium, usually water. Using a dissecting microscope rather than a compound microscope also helps. Individual nematodes need to be selected when establishing pure cultures or preparing identification slides and therefore need to be picked. If handling nematodes from pure cultures, batches of specimens can be transferred with the use of glass pipettes (see Fig. 35). By narrowing the aperture of glass pipettes using heat from a Bunsen burner, even individual nematodes can be handled and transferred.
Picking nematodes
To look at nematodes closely for identification, it is often necessary to individually pick the nematodes from the extraction suspension and place them on a glass slide (Fig. 33). This can be difficult, but gets easier with practice. Nematodes are translucent (see-through) and may be difficult to see; under-stage lighting and a stereoscopic microscope help (Fig. 34). If picking nematodes from plant tissue or root surface, top lighting can also be beneficial.
Various instruments can be used for picking, for example a fine insect pin, a bamboo splinter, an eyelash or bristle glued to the end of a mounted needle, a sharpened toothpick, or feather spine (Fig. 35). Pour or use a pipette to place some of the nematode suspension (or infected plant tissue) into a Petri dish, counting dish or glass block. Keep the suspension shallow. Place on a stereomicroscope using the lowest convenient magnification. Gently swirl the suspension to move nematodes to the center of the dish. Locate a nematode and gently lift the nematode to the surface of the water with the picking tool. Adjust microscope focus to keep the nematode in view whilst picking the nematode out of the water solution. Holding the picking instrument under the nematode lift or very gently flick the nematode out of the water. The nematode should be hanging on the tip of the picking instrument. Gently place the tip of the pick into a drop of water on a slide, in a glass block or other vessel containing some water. To view nematode(s) on a slide on a compound microscope, it is first useful to relax them by heating briefly on a hotplate (not too hot). Place glass beads or cover slip splinters at edges of the water droplet and place a cover slip over the droplet. View under compound microscope.
Using a dissection stereo-microscope with understage lighting. Figure 34. Microscopes used for picking.
Figure 35. A sample of potential nematode picking tools: a bamboo splint; the tip of a pipette thinned using heat; dissection needle with an eyelash glued to the tip.
Before sending any samples for identification, it is essential to contact the centre and establish their capacity to handle your samples and how best to preserve and transport them. General advice and training is offered by the nematology sections of both CIMMYT and IITA upon contact. Information can also be sought from the nematology related societies, which are listed on the inside back cover.
Killing nematodes
It is important to kill nematodes quickly, as each species assume a particular death shape when killed quickly which can help in identification. Nematodes are best killed with gentle heat (5565C), which retains the nematode body content. If killed at too hot a temperature, body contents are cooked and denatured, causing difficulty for identification. Nematodes can either be killed first and then fixed or killed and fixed in the same process.
A simple and efficient method for killing nematodes is to add an equal volume of boiling water to the nematode suspension. If the whole extract is being sent, the nematode suspension may need to be reduced in volume so that there is less than half in the sample tube or vial. It may be easier to kill and fix the nematodes in larger tubes then place a reduced volume into smaller tubes (Fig. 36), or remove nematodes from the bottom (Fig. 26, step 13) with a pipette and place in the tubes for transportation. Nematodes can also be killed by holding the tube containing a small volume of nematode suspension in near-boiling water for 12 minutes, but this can take a long time for a large number of samples. It can also be cumbersome and care is needed to ensure sample bottles remain upright and do not topple over into the water, losing the samples.
Fixing nematodes
The simplest method for fixing or preserving samples is to pipette a few drops of formaldehyde (formalin) into recently heat-killed samples. Two or three drops into a 7 ml sample bottle is sufficient (Fig. 37); larger sample bottles will require more. This is a quick and easy method, which will prevent samples from deteriorating during transit and storage before identification, however it does not provide good quality specimens for long-term preservation and can also cause difficulty for identification, especially if not examined immediately. Take great care with formaldehyde as it is dangerous to health.
Pipetting formalin into a nematode suspension in a 7 ml tube to preserve the sample. Staining plant tissue with acid fuchsin in lactoglycerol solution on a hot plate.
The most suitable fixatives to use are: TAF Triethanolamine 2 ml Formalin (40% formaldehyde) 7 ml Distilled water 91 ml The fixative remains stable for a long time and nematode appearance remains lifelike because the specimens do not dry out. FA 4:1 Formalin (40% formaldehyde) 10 ml Glacial acetic acid (proponic acid) 1 ml Distilled water 89 ml In FA 4:1 nematodes maintain their structure though they may become discolored after some time. Formalin glycerol Formalin (40% formaldeyde) glycerol Distilled water
10 ml 1 ml 89 ml
This has the advantage of keeping the nematode from drying out even if the vials are not properly sealed. Again take great care with all these fixatives as they are dangerous to health.
Lactophenol can be purchased ready made, or made by mixing equal volumes of glycerol, lactic acid and distilled water (lactoglycerol) and dissolving a small amount (1%) of phenol into it (lactophenol). Phenol is very toxic however, so it is usually best to just use lactoglycerol, although this does not preserve samples for long periods.
Observation of nematodes embedded in plant tissue can be made easier by using appropriate stains, which stain the nematodes while plant tissue remains relatively clear (e.g. see Fig. 5). Thick or bulky roots should be sliced thinly before staining to ensure transmission of sufficient light after clearing. Stain in lactoglycerol + 0.1% cotton blue or 0.050.1% acid fuchsin, then destain in a beaker containing a solution of equal volumes of glycerol and distilled water + a few drops of lactic acid. Destaining is most effective if done over several days. Gently wash plant material free of soil and other debris, and dry gently by dabbing with paper towels. Cut or slice thick or wide roots or tuber into small lengths. Place in muslin cloth, tie up the corners with a piece of cotton string, and label clearly with labels attached to each separate muslin bag. Bring stain solution, using a glass beaker on a hot plate, to near boiling. Place muslin bags into boiling stain solution and leave for approximately 3 minutes, depending on root thickness. Use a deep beaker, approx. half full of stain solution, as it will froth up when plant tissue is added (Fig. 37). Remove the muslin bags and rinse in running water. Place the muslin bags in the clearing solution and leave overnight or longer. Examine under the microscope. Placing roots side-by-side on a microscope slide and gently squashing them using another slide placed on top enables the stained nematodes to be seen more clearly. Nematodes will be stained red with acid fuchsin or blue with cotton blue.
Counting nematodes
Extracted nematodes can be viewed and counted using a dissecting or a compound microscope (Fig. 34); access to both is ideal. Good quality illumination (understage lighting) is essential. A magnification of about 40 is usually suitable (i.e. a 4 objective combined with a 10 eyepiece), but a compound microscope can also be used (i.e. using the 10 objective), which is useful for nematodes that are in poor condition or are hard to identify. Dissection microscopes allow greater maneuverability and depth of focus, especially for dirty samples. Nematodes that cannot be identified in the counting dish with the counting magnification or at higher magnification using a compound microscope, should be manually picked (Fig. 33) and mounted on a glass slide for identification using higher magnification with a compound microscope. Various forms of counting dishes exist, but basically a clear plastic dish is needed that has a grid etched on the bottom (Fig. 38). This can easily be prepared by carefully scratching lines on the underside of a small plastic Petri dish. An open rectangular plastic dish with approximately 5 ml capacity is useful for general purposes; it also makes it possible to move nematodes or debris in the dish, and to hand pick for identification at higher magnification (Fig. 33). Sloping sides help minimize optical distortion caused by the meniscus, while raised grids can help reduce the nematodes moving between the grid lines. Samples that have been reduced to 5 ml can be counted as a whole sample, but if nematode density is high or the sample is dirty, a proportion (aliquot) can be counted, diluting with water as required. However, care must be taken to ensure that a representative proportion of the total sample is counted which is achieved by thoroughly mixing the sample before taking the aliquout.
Extract nematodes from a known weight of plant tissue or volume of soil using one of the previously described methods. Concentrate the extracted suspension to a precise known volume in a measuring cylinder or graduated tube (e.g. 10 ml). Shake or stir the suspension immediately before removing aliquots. Use a wide mouth pipette to remove aliquots, to prevent blockage by debris. Pipette tips can be cut if they are too narrow. Carefully pipette aliquots into the counting dish, avoiding splashing. If only a few nematodes are present, count them in the total suspension volume. If nematode density is high, count the nematodes from an aliquot (e.g. 1 or 2 ml). Dilution of the suspension may be necessary to aid counting, for example doubling the volume. Count all the nematodes in the counting dish in a systematic way following the gridlines on the dish. Sometimes nematodes may float on the surface, but adding a tiny spot of liquid soap overcomes this. Use a tally counter (ideally a multiple tally counter; Fig. 38) to count the various different nematodes present, or score using the Roman tally system if no tally counter is available. Return the counted aliquot to the suspension after counting. Repeat using 23 aliquots per sample and then calculate the mean for the combined aliquot score before calculating the total nematode number per sample. The mean number of nematodes calculated from the aliquots should be multiplied by the total volume of the suspension to calculate the total number in the plant tissue or soil that they were extracted from (e.g. 100 ml soil or 5 g root).
A sample of pipettes.
Damage analysis
Scoring of nematode symptoms on plants
Nematode damage can be evaluated at the same time as field sampling for nematodes. The amount of root damage is estimated visually (as a percentage) using a scoring procedure (Appendix 3). Useful damage estimates can be made for rootknot nematode damage in particular, but also for other nematode damage. The damage score usually has a strong relationship with crop yield losses. Scoring nematode damage provides a rapid indication of the damage at that time. Where basic nematological equipment and expertise are lacking, it may be the only means of assessment. Damage scoring can also be used to help identify resistance or tolerance in varietal screening exercises. The number of plants assessed can be one or two, up to 25 or more, depending on the crop and area under assessment, and also whether the farmer wants to take a low or a high risk approach to assessment. One person or at least as few people as possible should carry out the scoring, for consistency. The use of score sheets to regularly refer back to is advisable for the same reason. Some judgment may be needed when assessing nematode damage, for example, plants that have severe root-knot infection may have very few roots left to assess, with galls having rotted away. Galling damage may therefore appear minimal, but in fact the damage due to nematodes is high. It must also be remembered that the response of different crops and crop varieties to a nematode species may vary, in particular to root-knot nematodes. Different nematode species also cause different symptoms, for example, infection by Meloidogyne hapla will often result in bead-like galling (as seen on the lettuce in Appendix 3), while Meloidogyne incognita may cause more massive galling and fused root flesh (Appendix 3). The score sheets in Appendix 3 provide examples and a basis upon which to create damage scoring for other crops and nematode damage circumstances. The sheets mostly score damage on a scale from 1 to 5, which balances speed of assessment with accuracy. If more time is available, scoring on a 110 scale will provide more accurate damage estimates.
Appendix 1. Examples of nematode genera and species known to be important crop pests worldwide
nematodes and damage symptoms
Achlysiella Necrosis of roots Achlysiella williamsi Anguina Seed and leaf galls, distortion of leaves A. tritici (ear cockle nematode) Aphasmatylenchus Poor root growth, chlorosis Aphasmatylenchus straturatus
Australasia Temperate: worldwide Temperate: China, Eastern Europe, India, North Africa, West Asia
Aphelenchoides Necrosis and distortion of leaves and seeds, destruction of fungal mycelium A. arachidis (groundnut testa nematode) Groundnut A. besseyi (rice white tip nematode) Rice A. fragariae (strawberry crimp nematode) Strawberry A. ritzemabosi (leaf nematode) A. composticola (mushroom nematode) Belonolaimus (sting nematodes) Necrosis of roots, chlorosis, wilt B. longicaudatus Bursaphelenchus Chlorosis and tree death B. xylophilus (pine wilt nematode) B. cocophilus (red ring nematode) Necrosis (red ring) of stems and inflorescence, nut fall Chrysanthemum Mushrooms
Tropical: West Africa Tropical: rice-growing areas worldwide Temperate: Europe, North America, Japan Temperate: Europe, North and South America, East and southern Africa, Australia Mushroom cultivation areas worldwide
Temperate: China, Europe (Portugal), Japan, Korea, North America, Taiwan South and Central America, Caribbean
Temperate and tropical
Tropical: USA, West Africa, Central and South America Subtropical: USA Subtropical: USA
Groundnut Rice
Subtropical: southern Africa Tropical: Bangladesh, India, Burma, Vietnam Field beans, onions daffodils Europe, North and South America, and other bulb crops, cereals Eastern Australia Mushrooms Temperate: mushroom cultivating areas worldwide Widespread on many crops Temperate and tropical: worldwide but damage largely unknown Bananas and plantains Tropical/subtropical: banana growing areas worldwide
Hemicriconemoides Root destruction, chlorosis, twig dieback H. mangiferae Fruit trees Heterodera (cyst nematodes) Cysts on roots, poor root growth, chlorosis, wilting H. avenae (cereal cyst nematode) H. cajani (pigeon pea cyst nematode) H. ciceri (chickpea cyst nematode) H. filipjevi (cereal cyst nematode) H. glycines (soybean cyst nematode) H. latipons (cereal cyst nematode) H. mani H. oryzae (rice cyst nematode) H. sacchari (sugarcane cyst nematode) H. schachtii (sugarbeet cyst nematode) H. zeae (maize cyst nematode)
Small grain cereals (wheat, barley, oats) Pigeon pea Chickpea, lentil Small grain cereals (wheat, barley, oats) Soybean, beans Small grain cereals (wheat, barley, oats) Small grain cereals (wheat, barley, oats) Rice Sugarcane, rice Beets, swedes and other brassicas Maize
Global: Central West Asia and North Africa, Northern Europe, China, India, Australia, Pacific North West USA India Mediterranean Central West Asia, India, China, Northern Europe Subtropical: North and South America, Japan, China West Asia West Asia Tropical: India, Bangladesh Tropical: West Africa, India Temperate/subtropics Europe, North America, West and southern Africa, Australia Tropical: India
Tropical Tropical Tropical: West Africa, North and South America, South and Southeast Asia Tropical: Africa, North and South America
Strawberry, sugarbeet
Cotton, sorghum Coffee Groundnut Wheat, barley and legumes Potatoes, sugarbeet, cereals Coffee Coffee Rice Pyrethrum, vegetables, clover Vegetables, cotton, tobacco, very wide host range Vegetables, cotton, tobacco, very wide host range Rice Vegetables, papaya, wide host range Wheat, barley
Tropical: southern Africa Tropical: Africa Tropical: worldwide Mediterranean countries including Italy, France, Greece and Spain, West Asia, Israel and Western Siberia Temperate: North America, Mexico, South Africa, Europe Tropical: South America Tropical: South America Tropical: South and Southeast Asia Temperate/subtropical: worldwide Tropical: worldwide Tropical: worldwide Tropical: South Asia Tropical: worldwide Northern Europe, New Zealand, Chile, USA, Iran and former USSR
Paralongidorus (needle nematodes) Root tip galling. Transmit viruses P. australis Paratrichodorus (stubby root nematode) Shortened (stubby) blackened roots. Transmit viruses P. minor Pratylenchus (lesion nematodes) Necrosis of roots, corms and tubers P. brachyurus P. coffeae P. goodeyi P. loosi P. neglectus P. penetrans P. thornei P. zeae Radopholus (burrowing nematodes) Necrosis of roots and tubers, rots, root breakage, toppling R. citri R. similis R. nativus
Subtropical: Australia
Groundnuts, pineapple, Tropical: worldwide cassava Bananas, yams, coffee, Tropical: worldwide citrus, spices, very wide host range Bananas Subtropical: East and West Africa, Canaries Tea Subtropical: South Asia Potatoes, vegetables, small Australia, West Asia, North Africa, grained cereals (wheat, USA, Canada barley, oats) Fruit and nut trees, Temperate: worldwide vegetables, soft fruits, flower crops Small grained cereals (wheat, Australia, West Asia, North Africa, barley, oats) Israel, Mexico, USA Maize, upland rice Tropical: South and Southeast Asia; Africa
Citrus Bananas, citrus, root and tubers, coconut, tea, black pepper and other spices Cereal and grain legumes
Temperate: Europe, North America, India Mainly in the tropics and Africa
Sugarbeet, potato
Trees, grape, Roses, grape, soft fruits Grape, fruit trees, rose
Temperate/subtropical: worldwide Temperate: Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand Temperate: Europe, South America, Mediterranean, southern Africa, Eastern Australia
Adapted from Table 13.1 in J. Bridge and T.D. Williams, Plant parasitic nematodes, pp.140162, in Waller et al. (2002) (courtesy of CABI Publishing).
Paratrichodorus [JB]
Heterodera [JB]
Scutellonema [JB]
Hemicriconemoides [JB]
Hemicycliophora [JB]
Hoplolaimus [JB]
Tylenchorhynchus [JB]
Plectus [JB]
Xiphinema [LA-B]
Filenchus [LA-B]
Xiphinema [SM]
Mononchus [JB]
Discolaimus [JB]
Figure 39. Comparison of various plant and non-plant parasitic nematode head regions. (Photographs by J. Bridge [JB], S. Mack [SM], L. Al-Banna [LA-B] and S. Kelly [SK].)
5. Heavy galling on most roots, with necrosis, and feeder roots heavily affected or absent.
Cassava plants
3. Galls obvious on roots, a few feeder roots and tubers reduced in size.
5. Heavy galling on most roots, feeder roots largely absent, and few tubers.
1. No galling damage.
2. Slight galling.
3. Mild galling.
4. Moderate galling.
5. Severe galling.
1. No galling damage.
2. Slight galling.
3. Mild galling.
4. Moderate galling.
5. Severe galling.
0%, clean
Randomly select five funtional roots per sample (plant). Each one should be at least 10cm long. Slice each root lengthwise and discard one half. Score the other half of the root for the percentage of root cortex showing necrosis. Each root contributes 20% of the whole sample so that when added up you get 100% for the 5 roots. So if half the root exhibits necrosis then score it at 10%. If the root shows no necrosis score it at 0% (see figure above). Once youve scored each root out of 20 then add up the 5 scores to get the total percentage of necrosis across the whole sample.
0 No knots on roots.
5 50% of roots affected. Knotting on some main roots. Reduced root system.
8 All main roots, including tap root, knotted. Few clean roots visible.
1 No damage, clean.
2 Slight damage.
3 Mild damage.
4 Moderate damage.
5 Severe damage.
Credits: Photos: All photographs are by the authors unless otherwise credited. Editing, design, layout and proofreading: Green Ink Publishing Services Ltd, UK ( Printing: Pragati Offset Pvt. Ltd, India (
Plant parasitic nematodes are ever-present in farmers fields, but the damage they cause is often attributed to other pests and diseases or other crop problems. In developing countries in particular, where resources and facilities are scarce, it is difficult to accurately identify and quantify the nematode problem. This guide aims to help overcome this limitation by providing an easy-to-follow reference for assessing plant parasitic nematode problems. It provides clear instructions, with many illustrations, on procedures for collecting and processing samples for nematode assessment, as well as information on accessing further identification and diagnosis support. The manual is aimed at technicians, field workers, extension agents and others with an interest in crop production and crop protection, particularly in those parts of the world where access to expert help and advanced facilities is limited. This guide will hopefully simplify some aspects of nematology, and help to lessen the mystery surrounding this crop production problem.
ISBN 978-131-294-7