Brain Injury: Closed (Blunt) Brain Injury Occurs When The Head Accelerates and Then

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Closed (blunt) brain injury occurs when the head accelerates and then
rapidly decelerates or collides with another object (e.g., a wall or dashboard
of a car) and brain tissue is damaged, but here is no opening through the
skull and dura.

Open brain injury occurs when an object penetrates the skull, enters the
brain, and damages the soft brain tissue in its path (penetrating injury).


• Altered level of consciousness

• Confusion

• Pupillary abnormalities (changes in shape, size, and response to light)

• Altered or absent gag reflexes

• Absent corneal reflex

• Sudden onset of neurologic deficits

• Changes in vital signs (altered respiratory pattern, hypertension,

bradycardia, tachycardia, hypothermia, or hyperthermia)

• Vision and hearing impairment

• Sensory dysfunction

• Spasticity

• Headache

• Vertigo

• Movement disorders

• Seizures

- A cerebral concussion is a temporary loss of neurologic function with no

apparent structural damage.


- A cerebral contusion is more severe injury in which the brain is bruised,

with possible surface hemorrhage. The patient may lie motionless, with a
faint pulse, shallow respirations and coo, pale skin. Often there is
involuntary evacuation of the bowels and the bladder.

Diffuse Axonal Injury

- Diffuse axonal injury involves widespread damage to axons in the

cerebral hemisphere, corpus callosum, and brain stem.

Intracranial Hemorrhage

- Hematomas that develop within the cranial vault are the most serious
brain injuries. Major symptoms are frequently delayed until the
hematoma is large enough to cause distortion of the brain and increased

Epidural Hematoma (Extradural hematoma or Hemorrhage)

- After a head injury, blood may collect in the epidural space between the
skull and the dura. This can result from a skull fracture that causes a
rupture or laceration of the middle meningeal artery, the artery that runs
between the dura and the skull inferior to a thin portion of temporal bone.

- Symptoms are caused by the expanding hematoma. Usually, there is a

momentary loss of consciousness at the time of injury, followed by an
interval of apparent recovery (lucid interval). Although the lucid interval
is considered a classic characteristic of an epidural hematoma. During the
lucid interval, compensation for the expanding hematoma takes place by
rapid absorption of CSF and decreased intravascular volume, both of
which help maintain a normal ICP. Then often suddenly, signs of
compression appear (usually deterioration of consciousness and signs of
focal neurologic deficits such as dilation and fixation of a pupil or
paralysis of an extremity), and the patient deteriorates rapidly.

- A subdural hematoma is a collection of blood between the dura and the
brain, a space normally occupied by a thin cushion of fluid.


- Acute subdural hematoma are associated with major head injury

involving contusion or laceration.

- Sub acute subdural hematoma are the result of less severe contusion and
head trauma.


- Chronic subdural hematoma can develop from seemingly minor head

injuries and are seen most frequently in the elderly.

- A chronic subdural hematoma resembles other conditions and may be

mistaken for a stroke.

- Clinical signs and symptoms maybe severe headache, alternating focal

neurologic signs; personality changes; mental deterioration; and focal

- The treatment of a chronic subdural hematoma consists of surgical

evacuation of the clot. The procedure may be carried out through
multiple burr holes, or a craniotomy may be performed for a sizable
subdural mass that cannot be suctioned or drained through burr holes


- Intracerebral hemorrhage is bleeding into the substance of the brain.

- These hemorrhage within the brain may also result from systemic
hypertension, which causes degeneration and rupture of a vessel; rupture
of a saccular aneurysm; vascular anomalies; intracranial tumors;
systemic causes, including bleeding disorders such as leukemia,
hemophilia, aplastic anemia, and thrombocytopenia; and complications of
anticoagulant therapy.

• supportive care

• control of ICP

• careful administration of fluids &electrolytes

• antihypertensive medications

Management of Brain Injuries:

• CT and MRI

• Position emission tomography (PET scan)

Nursing Interventions

• Monitoring for declining neurologic function

• Level of Consciousness

• Vital signs

• Motor function

• Other neurologic signs

• Monitoring fluid and electrolyte balance

• Promoting adequate nutrition

• Preventing injury

• Maintaining body temperature

• Maintaining skin integrity

• Improving cognitive functioning

• Preventing sleep pattern disturbance

• Supporting family coping

Brain suffers traumatic injury

Brain swelling or bleeding

increase intracranial volume

Rigid cranium allows no room for

expansion of contents so intracranial

pressure increases

Pressure on blood vessels within

the brain causes blood flow to

the brain to slow

Cerebral hypoxia and ischemia occur

Intracranial pressure continues to

rise. Brain may herniate

Cerebral blood flow ceases

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