Manajemen TIK
Manajemen TIK
Manajemen TIK
Received: 1 August 2019 / Accepted: 9 May 2020 / Published online: 21 May 2020
© Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists 2020
Intracranial hypertension (IH) is a clinical condition commonly encountered in the intensive care unit, which requires imme-
diate treatment. The maintenance of normal intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure in order to prevent
secondary brain injury (SBI) is the central focus of management. SBI can be detected through clinical examination and
invasive and non-invasive ICP monitoring. Progress in monitoring and understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms
of IH allows the implementation of targeted interventions in order to improve the outcome of these patients. Initially, gen-
eral prophylactic measures such as patient’s head elevation, fever control, adequate analgesia and sedation depth should be
applied immediately to all patients with suspected IH. Based on specific indications and conditions, surgical resection of mass
lesions and cerebrospinal fluid drainage should be considered as an initial treatment for lowering ICP. Hyperosmolar therapy
(mannitol or hypertonic saline) represents the cornerstone of medical treatment of acute IH while hyperventilation should
be limited to emergency management of life-threatening raised ICP. Therapeutic hypothermia could have a possible benefit
on outcome. To control elevated ICP refractory to maximum standard medical and surgical treatment, at first, high-dose
barbiturate administration and then decompressive craniectomy as a last step are recommended with unclear and probable
benefit on outcomes, respectively. The therapeutic strategy should be based on a staircase approach and be individualized
for each patient. Since most therapeutic interventions have an uncertain effect on neurological outcome and mortality, future
research should focus on both studying the long-term benefits of current strategies and developing new ones.
Keywords Intracranial pressure · Intracranial hypertension · Cerebral perfusion pressure · Traumatic brain injury · Osmotic
agents · Neurocritical care
Introduction (ABI) [(e.g. traumatic brain injury (TBI)], has two com-
ponents: primary brain injury that cannot be reversed and
Intracranial hypertension (IH) is a common clinical secondary brain injury (SBI). SBI is defined as any physi-
problem in the intensive care unit (ICU), which requires ological event that can occur within minutes, hours, or
immediate and urgent treatment. IH is the result of either days after the initial injury and leads to further damage of
primary central nervous system (CNS) lesion or a com- nervous tissue. It can be detected through clinical exami-
plication of co-existing systemic disease. It is caused by nation and intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, as it is
a variety of conditions divided into five main categories mostly due to increased ICP, and confirmed by imaging
based on their pathological mechanism (Table 1). Any tests. Since there is a causal relationship between primary
condition affecting the CNS, defined as acute brain injury brain injury, IH, and SBI (Fig. 1), we focus on IH in this
article. We conducted a literature search on MEDLINE/
PubMed and Cochrane Library for studies completed in
* Theodoros Schizodimos the last twenty years using the terms "intracranial hyper-
tension" and "ICU management". We have also included
2nd Department of Intensive Care Medicine, George guidelines from all established societies regarding IH in
Papanikolaou General Hospital, G. Papanikolaou Avenue, ABI [TBI, intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), aneurysmal
57010 Exochi, Thessaloniki, Greece
subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), ischemic stroke] and its
1st Department of Intensive Care Medicine, George management in ICU. The aim of this review article is to
Papanikolaou General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece
742 Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757
provide basic knowledge updated with what’s new in the Clinical presentation of IH
literature regarding the management of patient with IH.
The clinical manifestations of IH are nonspecific and their
severity does not correlate with the degree of IH (Table 2).
Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757 743
The comatose patient with ABI and possible IH should be have also yielded conflicting results. Invasive ICP measure-
clinically evaluated using routinely either the Glasgow coma ment is performed by specific catheters, inserted into the
scale (GCS) (combined with assessment of pupils) or the full intraventricular, intraparenchymal, epidural, subdural or
outline of unresponsiveness (FOUR) score, as multimodal- subarachnoid space [8]. The ideal ICP monitoring device
ity monitoring (MMM) consensus recommend [1]. Brain should be reliable, accurate, cost-effective and be associated
herniation is a potentially fatal complication of IH. There are with minimal morbidity. Today, the intraventricular cath-
six types of herniation, namely the uncal transtentorial, the eter remains the most reliable method (gold standard) for
central transtentorial, the subfalcine, the tonsilar, the ascend- ICP monitoring, as it measures global ICP, provided that
ing transtentorial and the transcalvarial herniation (Fig. 2). no obstruction of CSF flow occurs. The main features of
ICP monitoring catheters are shown in Table 3. Recently,
the intraparenchymal catheters used for ICP monitoring
ICP monitoring have integrated a CSF drainage catheter and catheters that
detect parameters, such as brain tissue O2 partial pressure
In clinical practice, invasive and non-invasive methods of (PbtO2) and cerebral blood flow (CBF). Epidural, subdural
ICP monitoring are used aiming to determine the optimal
cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP).
IH is associated with poor outcome and particularly with More accurate Fairly accurate
increased mortality [2], so it seems reasonable to measure Represent global ICP May not represent global ICP
ICP. The latest guidelines [3] recommend management of Lower cost Higher cost
severe TBI patients using information from ICP monitor- Can be recalibrated in situ Inability to recalibrate
ing to reduce in-hospital and 2-week post-injury mortality. Can drain CSF as an ICP lowering Inability to drain CSF
It is difficult to demonstrate a direct association between therapy
specific monitoring and outcome improvement. Indeed, in a Higher risk of infection Lower risk of infection
randomized trial [4] involving patients with severe TBI, ICP- Difficult to place into brains with Easier to place
severe cerebral edema
guided therapy was not shown to be superior to care based
on imaging and clinical examination. Recent studies [5–7] ICP: Intracranial pressure, CSF: Cerebrospinal fluid
Fig. 2 Types of brain herniation. ACA: Anterior cerebral artery, PCA: Posterior cerebral artery
744 Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757
and subarachnoid catheters are less accurate and are there- middle cerebral artery (MCA). In cases of elevated ICP, the
fore rarely used. external pressure in the cerebral vessels increases, which
is reflected by changes in FV. Detection of reduced FV
indicates impediment to CBF and indirectly increased ICP.
Non‑invasive ICP monitoring Besides the mean FV, pulsatility index (PI) and slopes of the
TCD waveforms have been correlated with ICP [10–13]. It
No method of non-invasive ICP monitoring can replace has been found that PI changes in the MCA are associated
invasive monitoring, but may be useful either as a com- with changes in ICP, when the latter is between 5–40 mmHg.
plementary tool or in deciding whether to initiate invasive However, the accuracy of the technique depends on the
monitoring. experience of the operator and, in addition, 10–15% of the
patients do not have adequate bone window.
Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757 745
Additional tools in ICP monitoring before the usual cerebral physiological or pathophysiological
changes [19], namely when ICP is normal. These changes
Advance in understanding the pathophysiology of ABI has may precede the clinical features of DCI and IH [20], allow-
led to the development of various diagnostic tools that pro- ing earlier therapeutic adjustments. In addition, derange-
vide additional information on the adequacy of cerebral per- ments in cerebral metabolism detected by microdialysis can
fusion and extent of injury. reveal the extent of the deleterious effect of IH on the brain
[20]. However, microdialysis cannot be widely implemented
yet due to its time-consuming maintenance and additional
Brain tissue O2 partial pressure (PbtO2)
746 Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757
of necrosis and apoptosis. These molecular and cellular (BBB) directly, with increased permeability, favoring vaso-
changes could lead to the development of cytotoxic or vaso- genic edema formation and activation of a proinflammatory
genic brain edema and disturbed autoregulation, resulting state [31]. Seizures may aggravate the imbalance between
in an increase in the volume of intracranial components due energy expenditure and supply [32]. The control of all these
to vasodilation or water accumulation, or both [29]. SBI is variables has been shown to improve both neurological and
predictable and treatable and may be the result of extracra- functional outcomes of patients [33].
nial (e.g. hypoxia, hypercapnia, arterial hypotension, fever) Pathophysiologically, the management of raised ICP
or intracranial (e.g. hematomas, contusions, seizures) fac- focuses on four main axes:
tors (Table 5). Indeed, hypoxia and arterial hypotension trig-
ger the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), • control and manipulation of vasoreactivity, CBF and
which may further aggravate the development of second- flow-metabolism coupling
ary damage [30]. Trauma affects the blood–brain barrier • managing the blood/brain osmotic gradient
• reducing the metabolic rate of oxygen consumption of
cerebral tissue
Table 5 Causes of secondary brain injury
• physical/surgical modalities which affect intracranial
Causes of secondary brain injury compliance
Intracranial Extracranial
According to the last guidelines for TBI [3], the primary
Intracranial hematomas Hypotension
goal of IH treatment is to maintain ICP below 22 mmHg
Cerebral edema Hypoxia
and CPP above 60 mmHg. Achieving these goals could be
Intracranial hypertension Hypercapnia
life-saving for brain’s viability. The therapeutic measures for
CNS infection Electrolyte disorders
IH are distinguished in general prophylactic measures and
Seizures Hypoglycemia
those applied in the acute phase, in order to urgently reduce
ICP and optimize CPP. All these interventions should be
applied with a staircase approach tailored for each patient,
as detailed below (Fig. 3).
CNS: Central nervous system
Fig. 3 Staircase therapeutic approach of intracranial hypertension. the cornerstone of medical treatment of acute IH, hyperventilation
An optimal therapeutic strategy is considered the step-by-step esca- and therapeutic hypothermia [107, 108]. Τo control elevated ICP
lation of available interventions [29, 129], tailored for each patient. refractory to maximum standard medical and surgical treatment, at
The primary goal is to maintain ICP below 22 mmHg and CPP first, high-dose barbiturate administration [3] and then decompressive
above 60 mmHg [3]. Initially, general prophylactic measures should craniectomy [3, 48, 69] as a last step are recommended. This staircase
be applied immediately to all patients with suspected IH. Based on therapeutic approach is based mainly on clinical experience rather
specific indications and conditions, surgical resection of mass lesions than on strong published evidence. ICP: Intracranial pressure, CPP:
[48] and CSF drainage [3, 48, 69] should be considered as an initial Cerebral pressure perfusion, IH: Intracranial hypertension, CSF: Cer-
treatment for lowering ICP. The following steps in turn include hyper- ebrospinal fluid, BP: Blood pressure
osmolar therapy (mannitol or hypertonic saline) [3], which represents
Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757 747
General prophylactic measures drainage from the superior vena cava. However, in clinical
trials, these effects occurred only when applying PEEP > 15
General prophylactic measures aimed at optimizing vari- cmH2O in hypovolemic patients [36, 37]. Caricato et al. [38]
ous parameters [34] are an important part of the therapeutic concluded that the level of applied PEEP had no effect on the
approach of IH and are listed in Table 6. intracranial system in patients with low respiratory system
compliance. Also, there are data [39, 40] claiming that the
effect of PEEP on ICP depends on whether it causes alveolar
hyperinflation or recruitment. In particular, if PEEP does not
Intubation and mechanical ventilation achieve effective alveolar recruitment but causes hyperinfla-
tion, it results in a significant increase in ICP due to impedi-
Early and rapid intubation and mechanical ventilation should ment of cerebral venous return [40].
be applied in comatose patients. This will help in control-
ling factors that may aggravate ICP, such as seizures and
agitation. During intubation, adequate depth of sedation and Blood pressure (BP) – CPP optimization
elimination of reflexes such as cough and vomiting should
be achieved. During BP monitoring hypotension should be avoided
Mechanical ventilation should aim at avoiding hypox- because it is an independent risk factor for poor outcome
emia, hypercapnia and hypocapnia. Hypoxemia and hyper- in patients with ABI [41]. The consequences of low BP
capnia should be avoided because of linear increase in CBF are determined by the state of cerebral autoregulation. In
and hence ICP. Conversely, hypocapnia leads to an increased patients with intact autoregulation, hypotension triggers
risk of ischemia by inducing cerebral vasoconstriction and reflex cerebral vasodilation and increases cerebral blood vol-
reducing CBF. Consequently, PCO2 should be maintained at ume (CBV). In contrast, in patients with impaired autoregu-
values between 35 and 40 mmHg. lation, hypotension leads to cerebral ischemia due to CPP
The use of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) dur- reduction. Nearly all patients with severe TBI exhibit hypo-
ing mechanical ventilation in patients with ABI has the risk tension, even in the absence of hemorrhage. This is regarded
of ICP elevation and CPP reduction [35] due to increased as a result of both administration of sedation / analgesia
intrathoracic pressure and decreased cerebral venous and severe SIRS. SIRS is induced by trauma and increases
Table 6 Effect of general Treatment of intracranial hypertension Effect on neurological out- Effect on mortality
prophylactic measures and acute come
interventions on outcome
General prophylactic measures
Intubation and mechanical ventilation Unclear Unclear
BP – CPP optimization Benefit Benefit
Body positioning Unclear Unclear
Temperature control Benefit Benefit
Prophylactic hypothermia No benefit No benefit
Glycemic control Benefit Benefit
Seizure prophylaxis Unclear Unclear
Acute interventions
Hyperventilation Unclear Unclear
Hyperosmolar therapy Unclear Unclear
Sedation and analgesia Unclear Unclear
Barbiturates Unclear Unclear
Therapeutic hypothermia Possible benefit Possible benefit
Corticosteroids No benefita No benefita
Resection of mass lesions Unclear Probable benefit
Decompressive craniectomy Unclear Probable benefit
CSF drainage Unclear Unclear
Progesterone No benefit No benefit
Except abscesses or neoplasms associated with vasogenic edema. BP: Blood pressure, CPP: Cerebral pres-
sure perfusion, CSF: Cerebrospinal fluid
748 Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757
endothelial permeability, favoring volume shift and volume favors edema formation by increasing capillary hydrostatic
loss into the "third space" [42]. This hypovolemia may lead pressure across the BBB [52]. Therefore, it is worth not-
to inadequate CPP and subsequent ICP increase [43]. ing that the optimal CPP depends on the particularities of
According to a large retrospective study of 15,733 each patient and should be individualized based on MMM.
patients with isolated moderate to severe TBI, patients with Advanced monitoring techniques such as PbtO2 and SjvO2
systolic blood pressure (SBP) < 110 mmHg should be con- measurement, EEG and microdialysis may eventually allow
sidered hypotensive [44]. Brain Trauma Foundation (BTF) clinicians to optimize CPP based on specific physiological
guidelines [3] suggest that SBP ≥ 100 mmHg should be circumstances in a particular patient at any given point in
maintained for patients 50 to 69 years old or ≥ 110 mmHg time.
for patients 15 to 49 or > 70 years old to decrease mortality
and improve outcomes.
Strict monitoring of fluid balance is necessary in order to Body positioning
prevent hypovolemia – hypotension. Isotonic fluids should
only be used and hypotonic fluids, such as 5% dextrose or The head of the bed should be elevated to 30° and the
0.45% saline, should be strictly avoided. Systemic hypoos- patient’s head face midline so that internal jugular vein is not
molality (< 280 mOsm/L) should be aggressively reversed compressed and cerebral venous drainage is facilitated. Head
[45]. Regarding the type of fluids (crystalloids vs colloids), elevation may reduce ICP without adversely affecting either
the optimal choice remains controversial. However, the CBF or CPP [53]. However, head elevation in excess of 45°
SAFE study [46] involving 460 patients with TBI, compared should generally be avoided because paradoxical increases
fluid resuscitation with albumin or saline and concluded that in ICP may occur in response to the excessive CPP reduction
the former may be harmful and should be avoided, as it was [54]. Important maneuvers that protect against ICP increases
associated with higher mortality rates. include reducing excessive flexion or rotation of the neck,
If mean arterial pressure (MAP) is > 110 mmHg and avoiding restrictive neck taping, and minimizing stimuli that
ICP > 20 mmHg, systemic BP should be carefully low- could induce cough and Valsalva responses, such as endotra-
ered in order not to decrease CPP significantly. Therefore, cheal suctioning [45].
it is suggested to use short-acting titratable agents, such
as labetalol and nicardipine [47]. The guidelines for ICH
[48] recommend the use of antihypertensive drugs if SBP Temperature control
is > 150 mmHg as it has been associated with improvement
in functional outcome, namely significantly better functional The bundle of prophylactic measures to treat IH includes
recovery based on the modified Rankin scale (mRS) and bet- fever control. As it is known, elevated temperature affects
ter physical and mental health–related quality of life based ICP, by increasing cerebral metabolic demands and CBF
on the EQ-5D scale. [55]. It has been shown that patients with ICH, who
The optimal value—target for CPP is a matter of debate. develop a body temperature > 37.5 °C within the first
The minimum CPP value required to prevent cerebral 72 h, have significantly worse outcomes determined as
ischemia is generally acceptable at 50–60 mmHg [49]. How- Glasgow outcome scale (GOS) 1 or 2 [56]. In addition,
ever, two distinct approaches have developed with differing in a later study of 110 TBI patients Stocchetti et al. dem-
views on whether CPP should be maintained at a higher or onstrated that fever within the first week was associated
lower level. The Rosner concept [50] advocates an increased with increased ICP, significant neurologic impairment
MAP, aiming at a higher CPP value in order to maintain and prolonged ICU stay [57]. Due to the harmful effect
adequate CBF. In contrast, the Lund concept [51] advocates of increased temperature on the cerebral parenchyma, it
reducing intravascular resistance and hydrostatic pressure is recommended that it should not exceed 37 °C. To this
and reducing CBV, thereby increasing CBF and making end, early aggressive measures to control temperature
a lower CPP acceptable. According to the last guidelines in the patient with ABI should be implemented. These
for TBI [3], the recommended target CPP value is between include intravenous and enteral antipyretic medications,
60 and 70 mmHg, as it has been associated with improved control of room temperature, and cooling blankets or
survival and favorable outcomes. However, whether 60 pads. A French study involving patients with septic shock
or 70 mmHg is the minimum optimal CPP threshold is showed that fever control using external cooling was safe
unclear and may depend upon the patient’s autoregula- and decreased vasopressor requirements and early mor-
tory status. At the same time, aggressive efforts to main- tality [58]. Regarding early hypothermia induction as a
tain CPP > 70 mmHg with fluids and vasopressors should primary neuroprotective strategy in severe TBI patients,
be avoided because of the risk of acute respiratory distress two recent randomized, multicenter clinical trials [59, 60]
syndrome (ARDS). Moreover, excessive elevation of CPP did not confirm its usefulness, given that prophylactic
Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757 749
hypothermia was associated with poor outcomes (no dif- Acute interventions
ference on GOS at 6 months). Thus, the TBI guidelines
[3] do not recommend early (within 2.5 h), short-term Interventions performed in acute phase, in order to reduce
(48 h post-injury) prophylactic hypothermia to improve ICP, can be categorized as medical or surgical (Table 6).
outcomes in patients with diffuse brain injury.
Glycemic control
Hyperventilation is an effective and rapid method of treating
Hyperglycemia is associated with increased mortality in IH. Reduction of PCO2 induces vasoconstriction of cerebral
patients with ABI [61, 62]. However, it remains unclear arterioles and a decrease in CBF, resulting in ICP reduction.
what are the optimal blood glucose (BG) values. Initially, The effect is almost immediate, but generally lasts less than
van den Berghe et al. [63] showed that normal BG levels 24 h, as the CSF pH rapidly equilibrates to the new P aCO2
between 80 and 110 mg/dL were associated with decreased level [49]. However, prolonged, aggressive hyperventilation
morbidity and mortality, decreased hospitalization and cost- may lead to a critical decrease in local cerebral perfusion
effectiveness. However, these results were not confirmed in and cerebral ischemia, potentially resulting in worsening of
later studies [64–66]. Thus, the guidelines for the treatment neurologic injury, particularly in the first 24 to 48 h [70, 71].
of hyperglycemia in critically ill patients [67] suggest that Therefore, hyperventilation may have a role as a temporiz-
BG < 100 mg/dL should be avoided during insulin infu- ing measure for the reduction of elevated ICP. Meanwhile,
sion for patients with ABI. In addition, they suggest that SjvO2 or PbtO2 measurements can be used to monitor oxy-
BG ≥ 150 mg/dL triggers initiation of insulin therapy for gen delivery. Finally, it is worth noting that hyperventilation
most patients admitted to an ICU with the diagnoses of should not be abruptly discontinued but should be tapered
ischemic stroke, intraparenchymal hemorrhage, SAH, or slowly over 4–6 h to avoid vasodilatation of cerebral arteri-
TBI, titrated to achieve BG values absolutely < 180 mg/dL oles and rebound increases in ICP [72].
Hyperosmolar therapy
Seizure prophylaxis
Hyperosmolar therapy is the cornerstone of medical treat-
Seizures can exacerbate IH by increasing cerebral metabolic ment of acute IH. The most commonly used medications
rate of oxygen ( CMRO2) and CBF. Patients with ABI are at are mannitol and hypertonic saline (HS). Osmotic agents
increased risk of seizures because of a reduction of thresh- reduce brain tissue volume by drawing free water out of
old for epileptic discharges by the underlying structural and brain tissue and into the systemic circulation, where it is
functional injuries. The use of prophylactic antiepileptic then excreted by the kidneys [73]. The beneficial effect of
treatment for the prevention of SBI was a topic of investiga- hyperosmolar therapy requires an intact BBB. Otherwise, as
tion for many years. In a randomized, double-blind study in traumatic contusion, BBB disruption allows equilibration
Temkin et al. [68] examined the role of phenytoin in the of molecules between blood and interstitial fluid of the brain.
prevention of early and late post-traumatic seizures (PTS). Thus, osmotic agents exert their effect largely by removing
The results showed a statistically significant difference in the water from the remaining normal brain tissue [74].
rate of early PTS in phenytoin group compared with placebo Mannitol acts by increasing serum osmolality, result-
group (3.6 vs 14.2%, P < 0.001). In contrast, there was no ing in an osmotic gradient from interstitial to intravascu-
significant difference between the two groups in PTS rates lar space, reduction of cerebral edema and, consequently,
from day 8 until the end of follow-up. The recent BTF guide- ICP. Its strong osmotic force is due to its high reflection
lines [3] are in accordance with these results and do not rec- coefficient (σ = 0, 9). Mannitol also acts by other mecha-
ommend the prophylactic use of phenytoin or valproate for nisms, such as induction of reflex cerebral arteriolar vaso-
preventing late PTS. Phenytoin is recommended to decrease constriction, improvement in blood rheology, reduction of
the incidence of early PTS (within 7 days of injury), when CSF formation [75], and free radicals scavenging [76]. Its
the overall benefit is felt to outweigh the complications effect is dose-dependent [75], since a positive correlation
associated with such treatment. Prophylactic antiepileptic has been demonstrated between dose and magnitude of ICP
therapy in other acute neurological conditions (e.g. sponta- reduction. The recommended ICP lowering dose of man-
neous ICH [48], ischemic stroke [69]) is not recommended. nitol (usually 20%) is 0.25 to 1 g/kg every 6 h [77, 78],
750 Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757
although doses < 0.5 g/kg are usually considered less effec- action between the two medications. Therefore, in recent
tive. Serum osmolality should be maintained between 310 years, the characterization of mannitol as a "gold standard"
and 320 mOsm/l, while some researchers advocate that even is controversial and the role of HS in IH [93] is upgraded.
higher levels can be cautiously tolerated [74, 79]. Mannitol Hence, the last TBI guidelines in contrast with the previ-
is excreted entirely in urine and there is a risk of acute tubu- ous ones advocate that there are insufficient evidence about
lar necrosis if serum osmolality exceeds these recommended effects on clinical outcomes to support use of any specific
levels. Other adverse effects of mannitol include hypoten- hyperosmolar agent [3]. In particular, there is no difference
sion, electrolyte disturbances (hyperkalemia, hypokalemia, on GOS at 6 months and mortality.
hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia) and rebound cerebral
edema after prolonged use. Mannitol is contraindicated in
patients with renal failure [80] due to the risk of osmotic
nephrosis [81] and possible pulmonary edema and heart Sedation and analgesia
HS is used alternatively to mannitol. Compared to man- Sedation and analgesia are an integral part of medical treat-
nitol, it has a higher reflection coefficient (1.0 vs. 0.9, ment of IH. Patient-ventilator dyssynchrony and agitation
respectively). Therefore, HS is less able to cross the BBB increases intrathoracic pressure, causing decreased thoracic
and may have a stronger osmotic action. Thus, it reduces venous return, which increases CBV and thus ICP. In addi-
ICP by decreasing cerebral edema while at the same time tion, agitation contributes to increased ICP by elevating sys-
increases CPP by improving MAP. Other mechanisms of temic BP especially in patients on the extreme of autoregula-
action include induction of reflex cerebral arteriolar vaso- tory curve [47]. Under these conditions, CMRO2 and brain
constriction, improved deformability of erythrocytes with tissue oxygen demands are increased, leading to vasodilation
enhanced microcirculation, and an anti-inflammatory effect and a consequent increase in CBF, CBV and ICP.
due to reduced adhesion of polymononuclear cells in the Propofol is one of the preferred drugs for sedation
cerebral microvasculature [82–84]. In literature, concentra- in patients with IH, although there is no evidence that it
tions of HS used to treat IH, were ranging from 3% to 23.4%. improves mortality or 6-month outcomes [3]. It has a rela-
Bolus doses are usually administered in response to a meas- tively quick onset and offset of action, allowing for more
ured ICP and may be repeated as needed until either the ICP rapid assessment of the neurological status once stopped.
is in an acceptable range or serum sodium concentrations Conversely, reduced clearance of benzodiazepines (e.g.
have risen above normal (> 145–155 mEq/L) [85]. Possible midazolam) after prolonged infusion can significantly delay
adverse effects of HS include rebound cerebral edema, elec- arousal, especially in the elderly [94]. Additional benefits
trolyte disturbances (hypokalemia), congestive heart failure, of propofol include increased seizure threshold and a bet-
renal failure, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, phlebitis, ter quality of sedation when compared to midazolam [95].
transient hypotension, hemolysis, osmotic demyelination, However, one should be aware of its hemodynamic effects,
subarachnoid bleeding, seizures and muscle twitching [86]. as it can cause a reduction in MAP, which may require fluid
Clinical evidence demonstrates the efficacy of mannitol resuscitation or even vasopressors to maintain the CPP.
and HS for acute IH in the setting of TBI, edema second- Finally, propofol can induce the lethal “propofol-infusion
ary to tumor, ICH, SAH, and stroke [87]. Kamel et al. [88] syndrome,” characterized by lactic acidosis, rhabdomyolysis,
performed a meta-analysis of 5 randomized controlled trials renal insufficiency/failure, arrhythmias, and cardiac failure
(RCT), comparing the above osmotic agents in the treat- [96].
ment of IH from a variety of causes. HS appeared to have Given that pain is often a contributor to elevated ICP,
greater efficacy in managing elevated ICP, but the effect on especially in TBI patients, coadministration of fentanyl can
clinical outcomes was not assessed. Mortazavi et al. [89] work synergistically with propofol to reach the sedation
reached the same conclusion, noting the absence of clear goal. However, paradoxical rises in ICP may occur follow-
neurological outcome benefit. A more recent meta-analysis ing a bolus injection of fentanyl, due to the transient MAP
[90], including 7 RCT and 191 patients, also highlighted lowering and the reflex cerebral vasodilation to maintain
the superiority of HS when compared to mannitol in the CBF [47]. Remifentanil has more favorable pharmacokinetic
treatment of elevated ICP. Regarding the 6-month mortality, properties and in particular lower volume of distribution and
no difference was observed, with limited adverse reactions very short half-life. ICP may decrease without substantial
reported. Conversely, Cochrane analysis [91] concluded that changes of the CPP, but the exact effect on cerebral hemo-
mannitol treatment for IH may have a detrimental effect on dynamics remains to be elucidated [97–99].
mortality when compared to HS. It is worth noting that, in Neuromuscular blocking agents (e.g. vecuronium, cisa-
a study by Sakellaridis et al. [92], there was no significant tracurium) could be useful in the control of refractory IH in
difference in the extent of reduction of ICP or duration of specific conditions such as very severe agitation, shivering
Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757 751
and difficult ventilation [94]. However, few studies exist to long-term outcome, determined as extended GOS (GOS-E)
support this as a routine practice. 1 to 4 at 6 months, although it appears to reduce ICP and
PbtO2 [109].
Serious adverse effects are associated with hypother-
Barbiturates mia, especially if used for a prolonged period of time. So,
hypokalemia, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, hypoten-
Barbiturate therapy is supported by the literature [100–102] sion, coagulopathy may occur, while risk of infection, par-
on failure of the other conservative measures of treatment of ticularly ventilator associated and nosocomial pneumonia,
IH and includes the use of pentobarbital or thiopental. Barbi- is elevated.
turates suppress brain metabolism, reduce CBF, and improve
oxygenation of the cerebral tissue. Marshall et al. [100] in
a study of 55 patients with severe TBI and refractory IH, Corticosteroids
treated with barbiturates, showed that 40% of them survived
at discharge and 68% of survivors had good functional out- The role of corticosteroids in the treatment of elevated ICP is
come (GOS 4 or 5 at ≥ 1 year). Later, Cochrane analysis limited. MRC CRASH trial [110], which included approxi-
[103] did not reach the same conclusion, noting that barbi- mately 10,000 TBI patients, evaluated methylprednisolone
turates may reduce ICP, but there is no difference in death versus placebo. The steroid treated patients had a signifi-
or disability, measured using the GOS, in patients with acute cantly higher mortality compared with the placebo group
ΤΒΙ. However, according to the BTF guidelines [3], high- (25.7 vs. 22.3%, P = 0.0001). Recently, the BTF guidelines
dose barbiturate administration is recommended to control [3] do not recommend the use of steroids for improving
elevated ICP refractory to maximum standard medical and outcome or reducing ICP. Similarly, corticosteroids are
surgical treatment. They also emphasize that hemodynamic not recommended for the treatment of cerebral edema and
stability is essential before and during therapy. increased ICP complicating ischemic stroke, because of a
Due to their long duration of action, barbiturates limit the lack of evidence of efficacy and the potential to increase
ability to perform frequent neurological assessments. This the risk of infectious complications [69]. Except infections,
limitation warrants the need for cEEG monitoring. Other corticosteroids also carry additional risks, such as hyper-
important adverse effects of barbiturates include hypoten- glycemia, impaired wound healing, muscle catabolism, and
sion, myocardial and respiratory depression, infections, liver psychosis. Finally, steroid use is only indicated for reducing
and renal dysfunction, thrombocytopenia, metabolic acidosis ICP in abscesses or neoplasms associated with vasogenic
and gastric stasis [29]. edema [45].
Hypothermia decreases cerebral metabolism and may reduce Based on specific indications and conditions, resection of
CBF and ICP. However, to date literature data are inadequate mass lesions may immediately lower ICP. The large, inter-
to support its neuroprotective effect. Indeed, favorable neu- national, multicenter, randomized STICH II trial [111]
rologic outcome and reduced mortality using therapeutic included 601 patients with spontaneous supratentorial
hypothermia have only been demonstrated after ventricular lobar ICH without intraventricular hemorrhage or hydro-
fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia cardiac arrest [104, cephalus, treating them either with early surgery or con-
105]. Recently, a study of Nielsen et al. [106] which involved servatively. It showed that early surgery did not increase
patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest showed different the rate of death or disability at 6 months and might have a
results. In particular, there was no difference in neurological small but clinically relevant survival advantage for patients
outcome or survival, at a targeted temperature of 33 °C vs with spontaneous superficial ICH without intraventricular
36 °C. Regarding the treatment of TBI patients, a system- hemorrhage. Recent guidelines for spontaneous ICH [48]
atic review and meta-analysis [107] showed that therapeutic recommend surgical removal of the hemorrhage as soon as
hypothermia may be of benefit in reducing rates of death, possible for patients with cerebellar hemorrhage who are
vegetative state, and long-term disability. However, there deteriorating neurologically or who have brainstem com-
remains a need for more, high quality RCT in this patient pression and/or hydrocephalus from ventricular obstruction.
population. Lastly, Andrews et al. [108] compared therapeu- In addition, they emphasize that supratentorial hematoma
tic hypothermia (32–35 ºC) plus standard care, with stand- evacuation in deteriorating patients might be considered as
ard care alone, in 387 patients with ICP > 20 mmHg after a life-saving measure [48]. Other acceptable indications for
TBI. They concluded that hypothermia does not improve removal of a mass lesion include evacuation of subdural and
752 Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757
epidural hematomas, brain abscesses, and resection of brain but minimize risk for vegetative state and poor functional
tumors. Recently, RCT STITCH (Trauma) [112] compared outcomes [118].
early surgery with the initial conservative treatment in 170
patients with traumatic ICH. It concluded that early surgery
was associated with significantly fewer deaths in the first Cerebrospinal fluid drainage
6 months, compared with conservative treatment (15 vs
33%, P = 0.006). However, further well-designed trials are CSF drainage, even 5–10 ml, may lead to a significant ICP
required to assess whether this encouraging signal can be reduction in patients with a low intracranial compliance.
confirmed in TBI patients. This can be accomplished with an external ventricular drain-
age device (EVD), lumbar drain, or serial lumbar punctures.
CSF removal via an EVD is preferred over the use of a lum-
Decompressive craniectomy (DC) bar drain due to the risk of transtentorial herniation. EVD
placement with continuous drainage of CSF for acute hydro-
DC, which consists in creating a large bone window, pro- cephalus treatment is also supported by the guidelines for
vides a larger reserve to the swollen brain, negating the TBI [3], spontaneous ICH [48] and ischemic stroke [69].
Monroe-Kellie doctrine of fixed intracranial volume. In this Except obstructive hydrocephalus, other indications of CSF
way, DC alone lowers ICP by 15% and with dural opening drainage include diffuse cerebral edema, or mass effect due
by 70%. The main indication for DC is massive hemispheric to a space-occupying lesion. Finally, it should be noted that
ischemic stroke. A meta-analysis [113] of 3 RCT (DECI- the major risks of EVD placement include infection (espe-
MAL, HAMLET, DESTINY) showed that early (< 48 h) cially ventriculitis and meningitis) and hemorrhage [119].
decompressive hemicraniectomy in massive ischemic stroke
significantly improved survival (78 vs 29%) and resulted
in better neurological outcomes, measured using mRS at
1 year, compared to conservative therapy. In literature, two Other treatment options
more recent reviews and meta-analyses [114, 115] reached
the same conclusions. The guidelines for ischemic stroke Other options to manage raised ICP are under investigation,
[69] note that decompressive surgery may be the only effec- but they have no place yet in clinical practice. The use of
tive option for very severe cases but decision making should hyperbaric oxygen therapy in TBI has been shown to reduce
include patient-centered preferences. In patients with spon- ICP, may reduce the risk of death and improve GCS, but
taneous ICH, DC with or without hematoma evacuation there is little evidence that survivors have a good outcome.
might reduce mortality for patients with supratentorial ICH Therefore, its application to these patients cannot be sup-
who are in a coma, have large hematomas with significant ported [120].
midline shift, or have elevated ICP refractory to medical Progesterone has been shown to have potentially protec-
management [48]. Regarding TBI, the recent BTF guide- tive properties since it may slow the development of malig-
lines [3] do not recommend bifrontal DC to improve out- nant cerebral edema and ICP elevation [121, 122]. However,
comes, as measured by the GOS-E at 6 months post-injury, two recent large Phase III RCT (SYNAPSE [123], PRO-
although this procedure has been demonstrated to reduce TECT III [124]) in TBI treatment did not confirm any clini-
ICP and to minimize days in the ICU [3]. These guidelines cal benefit of progesterone in GOS at 6 months.
were based on DECRA trial [116], which involved 155 Ketamine has been previously reported to cause an
patients with severe diffuse TBI and refractory IH. In this increase in ICP. However, current literature support that it
trial, early bifrontotemporoparietal DC decreased ICP and does not increase ICP in severe TBI patients that are sedated
the length of stay in the ICU, but was associated with more and ventilated, and in fact may lower it in selected cases
unfavorable outcomes indicated by the GOS-E at 6 months [125, 126].
after the injury. However, the study faced intense criticism
and some authorities claimed that it should have no influence
on clinical practice. Later, RESCUEicp trial [117] showed Deciphering what is new in the literature
that DC had more favorable results on outcome. 408 patients
with TBI and refractory IH (ICP > 25 mmHg), underwent Based on all the above, we have distinguished and listed
DC or received ongoing medical care were randomized. At below what is new in the management of IH:
6 months, DC resulted in lower mortality (26.9 vs 48.9%)
but higher rates of vegetative state and severe disability than • The recommended ICP (treating ICP > 22 mmHg) and
medical care. However, more studies are required to deter- CPP (between 60 and 70 mmHg) thresholds [3] have
mine which patients will benefit with mortality reduction been revised from previous guidelines [41].
Journal of Anesthesia (2020) 34:741–757 753
• Patients with SBP < 110 mmHg should be considered statement of the International Multidisciplinary Consensus
hypotensive [3], in contrast to previous guidelines [41]. Conference on Multimodality Monitoring in Neurocritical
Care: a statement for healthcare professionals from the Neu-
• Prophylactic hypothermia has not been established as a rocritical Care Society and the European Society of Intensive
primary neuroprotective strategy, according to additional Care Medicine. Neurocrit Care. 2014; 21(2):1–26.
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Schuhmann MU, Donald R, Moss L, Van den Berghe G, Mey-
outcomes to support use of any specific hyperosmolar froidt G. Visualizing the pressure and time burden of intracra-
agent [3]. nial hypertension in adult and paediatric traumatic brain injury.
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does not appear to improve long-term outcome [108]. 3. Carney N, Totten AM, OʼReilly C, Ullman JS, Hawryluk
GW, Bell MJ, Bratton SL, Chesnut R, Harris OA, Kissoon N,
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4. Chesnut RM, Temkin N, Carney N, Dikmen S, Rondina C,
conventional therapy decreased mortality but did not Videtta W, Petroni G, Lujan S, Pridgeon J, Barber J, Macha-
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