White Topping As A Rehabilitation Method: A Case Study of Budhel-Ghogha Road
White Topping As A Rehabilitation Method: A Case Study of Budhel-Ghogha Road
White Topping As A Rehabilitation Method: A Case Study of Budhel-Ghogha Road
Research Paper
Mitesh D. Patel1, Prof. P.S. Ramanuj2, Bhavin Parmar3, Akash Parmar4
Table 3 Cost of bituminous overlays Table 8 Stress Ratio at Different Axle Loads under the
Category of Tandem Axle
B) Cost computation of white topping overlay Total fatigue consumed = 0.52 (single axle) + 0.02 (tandem
Scenario: Ultra Thin White topping axle) = 0.54 < 0.75 hence design is safe
1) Current Traffic= 300 CVPD(Commercial Vehicle Table 9 Computed Cost of Ultra Thin White topping
Per Day)
2) Design Period= 10 yrs
3) Projected Traffic 1.07510 x 365 x 300) = 225683
4) Design Traffic (0.25 x 225683) = 56420
5) Adopted 57500
6) Thickness provided = 100 mm
i) Design of ultra thin white topping: Thickness
adequacy has also been checked for fatigue life for
typically assumed axle load distribution vides Table 4
as per IRC 58-2002[6]
Table 4 Design Parameters
Pavement Layer Type and specification Ultra Thin White
Topping(100 mm)
Traffic 300 CVPD
Thickness Designed 100 mm
Life 10 Years
Design Axles ( 25% of the projected) 57,500
BBD (used as limiting Deflection) 1.8 mm
CBR 6%
Modulus of Sub grade Reaction 4.5 kg/cm3
Modified Modulus of Sub grade Reaction* 5.4 kg/cm3
Temperature Stresses (Delhi) 1.0 kg/cm2
Residual Stresses 66.5 kg/cm2
Edge Load stresses for 6 tones axle load 34.71 kg/cm2
0.75x 46.29 calculated from IITRIGID Prog
Stress ratio (for 6 tonnes axle load) 34.71/67.5 = 0.51 The overlay cost both of bituminous and white
Allowable repetition i.e. 0.75X485000 363750 which is > topping for 150 mm and 200 mm thickness is shown
57500, hence design is
safe for individual axle in table below.
load of 6 tones Table 10 Comparative Cost Of Bituminous V/S White
Table 5 Percentage of Axle Load for the Design of topping Overlay (Per Km Basis)
UTWT (Assumed Axle Load Distribution)
1. An Overview of Indian Road Network. Retrieved on
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2. Sinha, V. (2007). Editorial. Indian Highways , p2-4.
3. Sultana, Sultana. (2007). Extending Asphalt Pavement
Life with Thin White Topping. Dissertation submitted
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4. Nasvik, Joe. (2004). Ultra-thin concrete for IDOT's
parking lot.
5. Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road
Pavements using Benkelmen Beam Deflection
Technique. IRC-81: 1997.
6. Guidelines for the Design of Rigid Pavement for
Highways. IRC-58: 2002.