Reinforced Wall
Reinforced Wall
Reinforced Wall
*Correspondence: Abstract
School of Engineering A full-scale reinforced earth embankment was designed and constructed by the
and Technology, Asian
Institute of Technology, Department of Highways of Thailand on a hard foundation in Phitsanulok Province,
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Thailand. Two types of reinforcement were used in the embankment. One side was
Pathumthani 10120, Thailand reinforced with polymeric reinforcement consisting of polyester (PET), polypropylene
Full list of author information
is available at the end of the (PP) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and referred to as a reinforced steep slope
article (RSS), with an angle of 70° from horizontal. On the other side, the embankment was
reinforced with metallic reinforcement consisting of metallic strips (MS) and steel wire
grids (SWG) combined with vertical segmental concrete facing and referred to as a
mechanically stabilised earth wall (MSEW). The behaviour of the reinforced soil slope
and the mechanically stabilised earth wall on a hard foundation were observed and
compared with predictions from the PLAXIS 3D software. The lateral displacements
and settlements were very small in the case of the MSEW with inextensible reinforce-
ment. The corresponding lateral and vertical deformations in the RSS were much larger
due to its extensible reinforcing materials. The stiffnesses of the reinforcing materials
decrease in the following order: MS, SWG, PP, HDPE and PET. The results obtained from
three-dimensional (3D) finite element method simulations (using PLAXIS 3D) were in
good agreement with the field measurements in terms of vertical and lateral deforma-
tions and strains in the reinforcement.
Keywords: Metallic reinforcement, Polymer reinforcement, Hard foundation, Test
In past years, many researchers studied the behaviour of several reinforced earth struc-
tures (i.e., mechanically stabilised earth wall/embankment) on Bangkok soft soil. Most of
them were constructed in the premises of AIT campus. The fully instrumented steel grid
reinforced embankment was constructed in the campus of Asian Institute of Technology
in March 1989. The backfill of this reinforced embankment were clayey sand, lateritic
and weathered clay whereas the reinforcement used was steel grid. Shivashankar [32]
observed the behaviour of a welded wire wall with poor quality, cohesive-friction back-
fills on soft Bangkok clay.
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Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 2 of 29
Later on, In May, 1993, another embankment was constructed in AIT campus with
polymer grid reinforcement as a reinforcing material. The reinforcement used in this
embankment was Tenax TT 201 geogrid SAMP, which is uniaxial oriented polymer
grid reinforcement [4]. Furthermore, Long [24] studied about the behaviour of a geo-
textile reinforced embankment on soft ground. This study was focussed on the inter-
action parameter between soil and geotextile reinforcement, the localized mobilization
of geotextile reinforcement force related with slip failure, the performance behaviour of
geotextile reinforced embankment on soft ground and the closed-form solution for rota-
tional stability analysis of reinforced embankment. Similarly, Voottipruex [40] studied
the behaviour of full scale embankment built in AIT campus which was reinforced with
hexagonal wire mesh up to 6 m with 10° inclined of gabion facing. The facing consisted
of large rectangular wire baskets wired all together and was filled with rock and height
of each basket was 1 m. Two types of reinforcements, galvanized coated and PVC coated
with unequal aperture size, were used in the two different sections along the length of
the wall. Furthermore, Lai et al. [23] performed the full scale MSE embankment laid on
fully instrumented Deep Mixing Method (DMM) improved ground. The behaviour of
the full scale test embankment showed that deep mixing improvement method reduced
the settlement of reinforced soil test embankment by 70%, which was an effective find-
ing. Tanchaisawat [37] performed the study about the interaction between geogrid and
tire chips-sand mixture, performances of full scale geogrid reinforced test embankment
and numerical simulation of this full scale test embankment. The results revealed that
the aperture sizes of geogrid affected most for the direct shear resistance of geogrids. He
concluded that larger aperture size may lead to higher direct shear resistance.
The behaviour of a mechanically stabilised earth wall was studied by numerical simula-
tion, laboratory testing and full-scale physical modelling. Many researchers have studied
the behaviour of reinforced embankments, and most of them assumed plane strain con-
ditions in doing so [5, 9, 10, 13–16, 18, 21, 31, 43]. The behaviour of reinforced embank-
ments has also been investigated using three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis
[7, 8, 12, 34]. Smith and Su [34] reported that 3D finite element analysis can be used to
model a reinforced soil embankment under service loading and at collapse. Briaud and
Lim [12] utilised three-dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis to study the factors
that influence the behaviour of tieback walls. Auvinet and Gonzalez [7] recommended
that 3D analysis be considered under the following conditions:
a. In the case of short slopes for which boundary conditions cannot be ignored.
b. When the soil properties vary significantly along the longitudinal direction of the
slope or embankment.
c. When the slope is subjected to concentrated loading.
d. When the potential failure is irregular.
Bergado and Teerawattanasuk [8] compared the effect of embankment geometry with
two-dimensional (2D) and 3D simulations and concluded that 3D analysis must be con-
ducted for short embankments to obtain good agreement with measured field data. Moreo-
ver, it was confirmed that geometric effects should be considered important factors that can
affect the results of the numerical simulation. Huang et al. [19] has investigated different soil
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 3 of 29
constitutive models and their influences on the results. The paper confirmed that the modi-
fied Duncan–Chang model is a suitable constitutive model and that the parameters used
in that model can be determined from conventional triaxial testing. However, the interface
parameters used in their study were kept constant from the top to the base of the wall. Two-
and three-dimensional numerical studies based on the finite element method (FEM) [3, 33]
were used to analyse the deformation and influence of several parameters of reinforced soil
walls of different types. Abdelouhab et al. [1] and Bourgeois et al. [11] investigated the influ-
ence of different types of synthetic strip reinforcement on the behaviour of a mechanically
stabilised earth wall and identified the synthetic strip parameters that led to high horizontal
displacements of the facing wall in the numerical simulation.
Moreover, Cisneros [17], Abiera [2], Mir [25], Kabiling [20], Modmoltin [26], Wong-
sawanon [41], Srikongsri [35], Visudmedanukul [39], Asanprakit [6], Kongkikul [22],
Supawiwat [36], Youwai [42], Rittirong [30], Prempramote [29], Tin [38] and Nualkiang
[27] studied and analysed the behaviour of various reinforced earth embankment and its
components during their research in AIT.
A full-scale test embankment was constructed in Phitsanulok Province, Thailand on
hard ground using five different types of reinforcing materials (polymeric on one side
and metallic on the other side). The reinforced steep slope (RSS) was reinforced with
polymeric material with soil bags as the facing material, and the mechanically stabilised
earth (MSE) wall was reinforced with metallic reinforcement with precast concrete pan-
els as the facing material. This embankment was fully instrumented with piezometers,
settlement plates, inclinometers, total pressure cells and strain gauges and subjected to
careful field monitoring to obtain high-quality data. The aim of this study was to com-
pare the behaviour of polymeric- and metallic-reinforced embankments on hard founda-
tion with 3D numerical simulations conducted using PLAXIS 3D. Particular attention
was given to the lateral displacements, vertical settlements, total vertical pressures and
tensile forces in the reinforcement.
addition, two observation wells were installed to measure the fluctuation in the depth
to the groundwater table. The plan and cross section of the MSE wall/embankment with
the location monitoring instruments are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.
Fig. 2 Cross section of MSE wall/embankment indicating the location of the monitoring instrument
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 5 of 29
grid and steel strip as the reinforcement for the MSE wall was prepared in the desired
length prior the installation work.
Construction method
Site clearing and levelling works were carried out for the marking of the position of the pro-
posed MSE wall/embankment. First course of pre-cast concrete facing panels were placed
into position using lifting equipment. During the installation of the precast concrete fac-
ing panel, vertical and horizontal alignment of each panel was inspected using a spirit level.
Adjustment of the verticality of the facing panel was carried out with the help of securing
wooden wedges in between the facing panel. Clamp made of timber and steel rod complete
with fastener was used to secure the positioning of each facing panel from movement.
Geogrid reinforcement form delivered in roll form (approximately 100 m per roll)
from the factory. It was cut by length of 7.0 m each and optical fiber with sensors was
installed at designated locations of the selected geogrid reinforcement at the site.
Steel grid and steel strip with 5.0 m length was installed and connected to concrete
panel facing. Vibrating wire strain gauges were fixed to steel reinforcement at designated
locations at the site.
The first course of backfill material (silty sand) was spread at the rear of the precast
concrete facing panel. Compaction of backfill material to 95% proctor density of the
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 6 of 29
backfill material was carried out by a vibratory compactor. A small vibratory compactor
was utilized to carry out the compaction work at narrow area with interference of the
instruments installed. After the completion of the compaction work, (1) the first layer
of steel grid reinforcement was installed into position and attached to the precast con-
crete facing panel by lap joint mechanism (Fig. 3). The lap joint mechanism was secured
by inserting a 10 mm diameter deformed steel bar across the lap fold mesh. Steel grid
was installed horizontally along the wall. The effective length of the reinforcements was
5.0 m after deducting for the connection. (2) The first layer of steel strip reinforcement
was installed into position and attached to the precast concrete facing panel by using a
12 mm diameter galvanized bolt (Fig. 4). (3) The first layer of geogrid reinforcement was
installed into position and turns up geogrid reinforcement at the face of the slope and
returns the reinforcement a minimum of 1 m into the embankment below the next rein-
forcement layer (Fig. 5). This embankment was required soil bag with grass seed at the
face to retain backfill materials (Fig. 6).
Subsequent course of backfill material measuring of 0.50 m thick were spread over the
plan surface area covering the embankment. Similar compaction work was carried out
before the next course of precast concrete facing panel was installed. The procedure as
mentioned above was repeated until the full height of 6.0 m was achieved.
Fig. 3 The connection between concrete facing and steel grid reinforcement
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 7 of 29
Fig. 4 The connection between concrete facing and steel strip reinforcement
During the construction of the embankment, field density test at various selected
places were carried out using sand cone replacement method to ensure compaction was
carried out to minimum of 95% standard proctor density.
Model parameters
Foundation soils
The soil profile in Phitsanulok province generally consists of hard ground. One bore-
hole (BH-1) was located in the middle of the embankment. Three additional boreholes
were bored adjacent to the embankment near the RSS facing to obtain more data on the
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 8 of 29
soil profile for the 3D model of the embankment foundation. These additional boreholes
were designated as BH-2, BH-3 and BH-4. The borehole locations are shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 7 indicate the soil profiles corresponding to BH-1–4, respectively. The depth
of the groundwater was 2 m below the ground surface. From Fig. 7, an abrupt change
in soil profile was noticed which affects the settlement profile and deformation of the
embankment too.
Backfill material
The backfill materials used in this embankment consisted of 50% lateritic soil mixed with
50% silty sand (by volume). The backfill material was classified as poorly graded sand
(SP). It had an optimum moisture content of 7.8%, a maximum dry unit weight 19.62 kN/
m3. A friction angle of 42° and cohesion of 80 kPa were measured in a direct shear test.
Effective friction angles of 32.8° and 37° and effective cohesions of 0 and 20 kPa were
measured in two different consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial tests. The properties of
the backfill material are tabulated in Table 1.
Two types of reinforcement, namely polymeric and metallic reinforcement, were used in
the reinforced embankment. The polymeric reinforcement types used were high-density
polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP) and polyester (PET). The metallic reinforce-
ment consisted of metallic strips (MS) and steel wire grids (SWG). The properties of the
reinforcement are tabulated in Table 2. The reinforcing materials used in the embank-
ment are shown in Fig. 8. The MSEW facing with metallic reinforcement and the RSS
facing with polymeric reinforcement are shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 9 Photograph showing vertical face and sloping face showing metallic and polymeric reinforcements
Soil 40 23 1.00
Steel strip 36 23 0.87
Steel wire grid 40 28 1.00
Miragrid GX80/30 PET 33 21 0.79
Secugrid 80/80 Q1 PP 35 25 0.83
TT 090 SAMP HDPE 33 24 0.77
The large-scale direct shear apparatus were adapted from the pullout machine which is
shown in Fig. 10. The lower half of the shear box was adapted from the empty pullout box
with two 1.24-m-long steel channels placed along the both sides of the shear box. The
cross-sectional dimensions of the steel channels were 9.5 mm × 76.2 mm × 152 mm.
For the upper half of the shear box was composed of 9.5-mm-thick steel plate with an
inside dimensions of 0.93 m × 0.58 m × 0.56 m, having roller bearings resting on the
two bottom steel channels. Four steel bars with a diameter of 12.7 mm were welded in
front of the upper box slightly above the predetermined shear surface. This allowed the
upper shear box to be pulled by the same hydraulic jack used in the pullout machine.
The top cover comprised of two 6.3-mm-thick steel plates with a pressurized air bag
installed between them. The air bag was used for applying the normal pressures. Two
steel angle beams were connected to the upper shear box that could run along its
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 12 of 29
Fig. 10 Large-scale direct shear test apparatus a Longitudinal section and, b Cross section
horizontal direction by means of roller bearings. H-sectioned steel is also installed and
connected to the top of the machine in order to form the reaction frame of the applied
normal pressures.
The predetermined amount of distilled water was added to the lateritic soil and silty
sand 50:50 by volume. The water content was the same as the optimum moisture content
obtained from the Modified Proctor compaction tests with the modified mold. The soil
mixture put into the lower half of shear box and compacted until its surface was lev-
eled to the height of box. This surface was the shear plane of the large-scale direct shear
apparatus. The upper shear box with its roller bearings was next placed immediately
above the lower sample, resting on the steel channels. The position of the upper shear
box was fixed by using four C-shaped clamps. These clamps, with two steel angles placed
across the top of the upper shear box, fastened the upper shear box to the sides of the
lower shear box. This could prevent the rising of the upper shear box during compaction
of another two succeeding layers of fill material, which was put into the box. The method
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 13 of 29
is used for controlling the density and the optimum moisture content. The flexible steel
plate is laid on the top of compacted fill material, and then followed by the air bag and
the top cover installation in order.
Numerical simulations
PLAXIS 3D Version [28] was utilised for the 3D FEM numerical simulations of the
embankment. To minimise the effects of test embankment boundaries, the PLAXIS 3D
discretisation was formulated and the boundary conditions were specified at distances of
two times the length and width of the reinforced embankment in the x and y directions,
respectively, as well as at a distance of four times the height of the reinforced embank-
ment in the z direction. To carry out the finite element analysis of the embankment
using PLAXIS 3D, a finite element mesh was created (Fig. 11), and the material proper-
ties of the embankment components were established (Table 5). The generation of an
appropriate finite element mesh and the generation of properties and boundary condi-
tions on an element level were automatically performed by the PLAXIS mesh generator
based on the input of the geometry model. The 10 noded tetrahedron elements model
in PLAXIS 3D consisted 101,325 elements and 148,547 nodes. In addition, the average
size of the element was found to be 1.646 m. Soil properties as determined from tests
on samples from four boreholes were used as the main inputs for the foundation soils
in the FEM model. The water level was specified at 2 m below the ground surface. The
polymeric and metallic reinforcements were characterised as geogrids, with their cor-
responding properties, whereas the precast concrete panels were characterised as plate
elements. A surcharge equivalent to 1.2-m-thick fill was added at the top of the embank-
ment 113 days after the start of construction. The simulation modelling was allowed to
run for 186 days (125 days for construction and 61 days for consolidation analysis).
Staged construction
The staged construction for modelling the mechanically stabilised earth wall was
divided into 16 stages with an equivalent period of 186 days. The embankment construc-
tion period with layers of compacted backfill lasted for 125 days and was followed by
consolidation for 61 days. The staged construction and consolidation stages were mod-
elled by placing the backfill material, along with the corresponding reinforcement, at
incremental depths of 0.5 m per stage, until the embankment reached its full height, fol-
lowed by 0.25 m of cover. The embankment was then loaded with a surcharge equivalent
to a 1.2-m-thick fill 113 days after the start of its construction, and consolidation was
allowed to proceed for 61 days. The individual stages and their durations are tabulated in
Table 6. The loading time curve is plotted in Fig. 12.
Lateral deformations
The lateral deformation of each type of polymeric reinforcement (i.e., PET, PP and
HDPE) on the RSS side and each type of metallic reinforcement (i.e., MS and SWG) on
the MSEW side obtained from field measurements using inclinometers is compared with
the numerical simulation results at 186 days after the end of the construction. Inclinom-
eters I1, I2, I3, I4, and I5 refer to the inclinometers installed in the PET, PP, PE, SWG
and MS, respectively. Figures 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 show the measured and simulated lateral
deformations of the PET, PP, PE, SWG and MS reinforcement, respectively. Large lateral
Initial 0
Phase 1 10
Phase 2 12
Phase 3 12
Phase 4 12
Phase 5 12
Phase 6 11
Phase 7 7
Phase 8 7
Phase 9 7
Phase 10 7
Phase 11 7
Phase 12 8
Cover 25 cm 1
Surcharge (1.2 m fill) 12
Consolidation 61
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 15 of 29
Elev (m.)
Fig. 13 Inclinometer readings at the facing of the polyester (PET) geogrid reinforcement
displacements at the top of the PP, PET, and HDPE geogrid reinforcement at 186 days
were noted after the 1.2-m-thick surcharge was added, which can be observed in the
field too, as a tilt of the inclinometer on the top of the RSS facing (see Fig. 18). The larg-
est displacement occurred in the middle of the RSS facing with the PP geogrid reinforce-
ment. In the MSEW facing, the lateral displacement for SWG was slightly larger than for
MS because its stiffness is lower than MS. In general, the simulation results agreed well
with the field observations and polymeric reinforcements were successfully simulated
than metallic reinforcements in terms of lateral deformation.
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 16 of 29
A+ I2
Net Lateral Displacement : A-axis (mm.)
50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50
Elev (m.)
16-Nov-10 (Base Reading Setup, +6.000 m Layer 13)
21-Jan-11 (Monitoring no.11, Surcharge 100%)
Fig. 14 Inclinometer readings at the facing of the polypropylene (PP) geogrid reinforcement
A+ I3 MS
Net Lateral Displacement : A-axis (mm.)
50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50
Elev (m.)
16-Nov-10 (Base Reading Setup, +6.000 m Layer 13)
21-Jan-11 (Monitoring no.11, Surcharge 100%)
Inclinometer I3_HDPE_FEM
Fig. 15 Inclinometer readings at the facing of the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geogrid reinforcement
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 17 of 29
PE Net Lateral Displacement : A-axis (mm.)
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
16-Nov-10 (Base Reading Setup,+6.00m, Layer13)
21-Jan -11 (Monitoring No. 11, Surcharge 100%)
Inclinometer 4_SWG_FEM
Fig. 16 Inclinometer readings at the facing of the steel wire grid (SWG) reinforcement
Vertical deformations
Surface and subsurface settlement plates were installed in the embankment at differ-
ent locations to measure vertical settlements. The maximum settlement at the base of
the embankment (Level 0.00 m) ranged from 60 to 80 mm 186 days after construction.
The compression of the foundation was found to increase slightly towards the facing, as
shown in Figs. 19a, 20a and 21a for the PET-SWG, PP-MS and PE-MS sections, respec-
tively. Similarly, the compression of the embankment (Level 0.00 m to Level 5.50 m) var-
ied between 20 and 40 mm, as shown in Figs. 19b, 20b and 21b for the PET-SWG, PP-MS
and PE-MS sections, respectively. Due to the hard ground foundation, the magnitudes
of the vertical settlements were relatively low. The settlement profile of the PET-SWG,
PP-MS and PE-MS sections at different levels of the embankment (0.00 m at the base of
the embankment and 5.50 m at the top of embankment) are plotted together with the
simulated data in Figs. 19a,b, 20, 21a,b, respectively. Overall, the simulation results are
consistent with the vertical deformations measured in the field.
Strains in reinforcement
The measured and simulated strains in the metallic and polymeric reinforcement were
in good agreement. The strains were measured using vibrating-wire strain gauges in the
metallic reinforcement (SWG and MS) and using fibre optic strain gauges in the poly-
mer geogrids (PET, PP and HDPE). For the metallic reinforcement, the strains were
lower than the geogrid strains because the metallic reinforcement was much stiffer
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 18 of 29
PE I5 A+
B+ Net Lateral Displacement : A-axis (mm.)
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Elev (m.)
16-Nov-10 (Base Reading Setup, +6.000 m Layer 13)
21-Jan-11 (Monitoring no.11, Surcharge 100%)
Fig. 17 Inclinometer readings at the facing of the metallic strip (MS) reinforcement
than the polymer geogrids. The measured and simulated strains in the metallic strips
(MS) and steel wire grids (SWG) are plotted in Figs. 22 and 23, respectively, after 125
and 186 days. The corresponding strains in the polymer geogrids (PET, HDPE and PP)
are plotted in Figs. 24, 25, 26, respectively. In general, good agreement was observed
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 19 of 29
Fig. 19 Compression profile of the PET-SWG section. a Compression of the foundation 186 days after
construction (Level 0.00 m). b Compression of the embankment (Level 0.00 m to Level 5.50 m) 186 days after
between the measured and simulated strains. The line of maximum strain corresponded
to bilinear rather than linear behaviour.
Fig. 20 Compression profile of the PP-MS section. a Compression of the foundation 186 days after con-
struction (Level 0.00 m). b Compression of the embankment (Level 0.00 m to Level 5.50 m) 186 days after
the total pressures measured by the six pressure cells at ground level are compared with
the results from the 3D simulations in Fig. 27. There was an unexpectedly high value
recorded for TP2, which might have been due to some problem with the instrumenta-
tion. This issue can be confirmed by plotting the polynomial distribution of total pres-
sures from each of the pressure cells with respect to embankment height, as shown in
Fig. 28. The total pressures after surcharge and after consolidation were almost constant
and good agreement between the measured and simulated values were obtained.
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 21 of 29
Fig. 21 Compression profile of the PE-MS section. a Compression of the foundation 186 days after con-
struction (Level 0.00 m). b Compression of the embankment (Level 0.00 m to Level 5.50 m) 186 days after
Layer 11
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
% Strain of Steel Strip
Layer 6
0 1 2 3 4 5
Layer 3
0 1 2 3 4 5
observed on the top of the embankment after the 1.2-m-thick surcharge has been added,
which was confirmed by tilting of embankment on topmost part in field too as shown in
Fig. 18. Similarly, the measured vertical compression data for each section are compared
with simulated data and it was found that vertical settlement was found to be varied
from 60 to 80 mm. Furthermore, the vertical compression of the embankment (Level
0.00 m to Level 5.50 m) was found to be varied between 20 and 40 mm (see Figs. 19, 20,
21). The value of settlement is found to be low as the embankment was constructed on
hard ground.
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 23 of 29
0 Layer 11
0 1 2 3 4 5
% Strain of Steel Wire Grid
0 Layer 6
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 Layer 3
0 1 2 3 4 5
Vibrating wire strain gauges for metallic reinforcements and fibre optic strain gauges
for polymeric reinforcements are installed on the embankment and results from field
measurement were compared with the simulation results. Theoretically, the strains
should be zero at the end of embankment (at a distance of 5 m from the facing) but due
to the difficulties and inaccuracies associated with sensitive strain gauges, there is cer-
tain value of strain at the end of reinforcements (see Figs. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26). In general,
good agreement was observed between simulated and measured strains and the line of
maximum strain for both the metallic and polymeric reinforcements exhibited bilinear
behaviour as expected.
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 24 of 29
% Strain
Layer 11
0 1 2 3 4 5
% Strain of PET Geogrid
% Strain
Layer 6
0 1 2 3 4 5
% Strain
Layer 3
0 1 2 3 4 5
Six total pressure cells are installed at the base of embankment in order to measure
total pressure at 125 and 186 days after construction and compared with the simulated
data. It was found that the pressures varied from 130 to 150 kPa (see Fig. 27). Unex-
pected high value (i.e., 275 kPa) was noted by TP2 and might have been due to some
instrumentation problem which was confirmed by plotting polynomial distribution of
total pressures with height (see Fig. 28). Overall, the simulation results are consistent
with measured field data.
A full-scale reinforced embankment was designed and constructed on a hard founda-
tion in Phitsanulok, Thailand, with polymeric reinforcement on one side and metallic
reinforcement on the other side. The metallic reinforcement in the mechanically stabi-
lised earth wall (MSEW) facing consisted of metallic strips (MS) and steel wire grids
(SWG). The polymer reinforcement in the reinforced steep slope (RSS) facing consisted
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 25 of 29
% Strain
Layer 11
0 1 2 3 4 5
% Strain of HDPE Geogrid
% Strain
Layer 6
0 1 2 3 4 5
% Strain
Layer 3
0 1 2 3 4 5
% Strain
Layer 11
0 1 2 3 4 5
% Strain of PP Geogrid
% Strain
Layer 6
0 1 2 3 4 5
% Strain
Layer 3
0 1 2 3 4 5
surcharge (125 days) and after consolidation (186 days) were almost the same and that
the measured and simulated values were in good agreement, except for the total pressure
measured by cell TP2, which was found to have an instrument error. Furthermore, the
strains in the metallic reinforcement and polymeric reinforcement agreed well with the
strains predicted from the simulation. The line of maximum strain for both the metal-
lic and polymeric reinforcement exhibited bilinear behaviour as expected. Although
the embankment was made up of mixed soils and abrupt changes were noted in the soil
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 27 of 29
Fig. 27 Observed data from total pressure cells 125 and 186 days after the start of construction
profile at the field site, the simulations from PLAXIS 3D were able to simulate the overall
embankment behaviour and good agreement was observed between the field measure-
ments and simulation results.
Authors’ contributions
PB performed numerical simulation, conducted laboratory experiment and analysed the field data. DTB contributed in
designing the embankment and provided the guidance throughout the execution of the project. SD performed labora-
tory experiment (including large scale direct shear test) and monitored the field data. All authors read and approved the
final manuscript.
Author details
School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 10120,
Thailand. 2 Department of Highway (DOH), 40/2 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Sanambin, Don Mueang, Bangkok, Thailand.
Funding was provided by Department of Highway, Thailand and Asian Institute of Technology.
Baral et al. Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:20 Page 28 of 29
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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