Sla Tesol Syllabus
Sla Tesol Syllabus
Sla Tesol Syllabus
University of Oklahoma
Required Texts
Ortega, L. (2013). Understanding Second Language Acquisition. New York:
Routledge. (Used copies available for purchase on Amazon for $30.)
Research articles available on D2L.
Course Description
This course covers the essential topics that underlie English language acquisition, with
special emphasis on those that will be most pertinent to students who will be teaching
English as a Second Language. Topics include age, individual differences, aptitude,
cognition, affect, motivation, the learner environment, and social dimensions of
Second language acquisition (SLA) is a theoretical and experimental field of study that
looks at the phenomenon of language development. While the course is designed to be
accessible to students from a wide variety of backgrounds, some knowledge of the
linguistic structure of English will be assumed. The goal of SLA research is to expand
understanding of the complex processes and mechanisms that drive language
acquisition. It is not the same as research into language teaching but may inform
pedagogy and language education policy. Therefore, applied linguists whose particular
interest is in facilitating the language learning process interpret relevant SLA research
in ways that will benefit the language teacher. SLA, in this light, should become an
essential point of reference for those involved in educational activities as well as for
researchers looking at how to facilitate the learning process. Because language is quite
complex, SLA has become a broadly-based field that now involves:
Course Expectations
1. Your course grade will be a combination of criterion-referenced and
individual-referenced assessment (your writings, especially in regards to theory
and research processing and understanding.) I will evaluate the extent to which
you have reached the learning objectives stated in this syllabus (the criterion-
referenced part of the assessment). I will not compare the quality of your
performance to that of other students in the class.
2. Show clear evidence of your intellectual commitment (i.e., engaged curiosity)
and academic effort (i.e., hard work) during the semester, and evidence of
professional growth. As an MA student, this may mean a changed perspective
on your teaching, based on what SLA tells us our students can and cannot do
when learning an L2. It may also mean growth in your capacity to critique and
contribute ideas for original and useful research on the learning and teaching of
second languages.
3. I encourage you to talk to me regularly (either email or face-to-face) for
feedback on your progress in the course and to gain a sense for how what you
are doing in this course relates to other courses and to your long-term goals as
a teacher and/or a researcher.
Additional Materials
The main journals that publish SLA research, in alphabetical order:
Applied Linguistics
The Canadian Modern Language Review
International Journal of Applied Linguistics
International Review of Applied Linguistics
Language Learning
Language Learning & Technology (open access online:
Language Teaching Research
The Modern Language Journal
Second Language Research
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
TESOL Quarterly
Two applied linguistics journals are devoted to in-depth reviews of research areas:
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics
Language Teaching
Please see also the sections on Annotated suggestions for further reading at the end
of each chapter in USLA.
Professional Organizations
As a graduate student preparing to teach (or already teaching) ESL/EFL and earning a
professional MA degree, you are strongly encouraged to keep up to date with the latest
research and practices in the field by reading newsletters, journals, participating in
social media related (e.g. Twitter chats, organized Google Hangout sessions, webinars,
etc), attending conferences, becoming part of a SIG (special interest group) in an
professional organization, and networking. TESOL International Association
( is the largest professional organization for teachers of English as a
second or foreign language, and they host national and regional events. IATEFL is the
International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
( is another large professional organized based in the UK. There are
many other specialized conferences, and newsletters such as Second Language Studies
newsletter ( and Linguist List ( disseminate important
announcements about the field regarding publications, book, conferences, and jobs
Class Participation - 25%
Thoughtful reading is a high priority in this course. You are required to read all items
on the syllabus for the date listed. Come to class well-prepared to join in class
discussions. Prepare questions for discussion on the syllabus before each class. These
questions are meant to help you synthesize your thinking across all the readings for the
class session and help formulate ideas for your discussion posts.
Class Participation / Absences 25%
Class Facilitation 25%
Discussion Board / Homework 25%
Final Paper / Project 25%
Attendance Policy
1. Punctuality: On-time arrival is expected out of courtesy for your professor and
fellow classmates. Four late arrivals to class or early departures will be equals
one absence.
2. Class attendance is required: You are allowed to miss a total of ONE class.
You cannot pass this course if you miss more than one class, regardless of the
reason for the absence (health, personal, etc.) It is your responsibility to obtain
information about work missed during absences.
3. Electronic devices such as cell/smart phones, tablets, or computers can be used
regularly in this class for various brainstorming and research tasks and you are
welcome to bring them to all class meetings. However, sending/receiving calls
and text messages, checking email or social media, listening to music and
playing electronic games during class are disrespectful and will result in a
participation grade of 0 on the day devices are used for such purposes.
Academic Integrity
All students in attendance are expected to be honorable and to observe standards of
conduct appropriate to a community of scholars. The University of Oklahoma expects
from its students a higher standard of conduct than the minimum requires to avoid
discipline. Academic misconduct includes all acts of dishonesty in any academically
related matter and any knowing or intentional help or attempt to help, or conspiracy to
help, another student. The Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Policy will be followed
in the event of academic misconduct. Cheating is strictly prohibited at the University
of Oklahoma, because it devalues the degree you are working hard to get. As a
member of the OU community it is your responsibility to protect your educational
investment by knowing and following the rules. For specific definitions on what
constitutes cheating, review the Students Guide to Academic Integrity at
Disability Statement
If you have a disability that may prevent the full demonstration of your abilities in this
course, please contact me personally as soon as possible so I can provide an
appropriate contact to discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation
and facilitate your educational opportunities. Please contact the Disability Resource
Center, Goddard Health Center, Room 166, (405) 325-3852 to make a formal request
for accommodation. email For further information, please visit:
Religious Observances
It is the policy of the University to excuse absences of students that result from
religious observances and to provide without penalty for the rescheduling of
examinations and additional required class work that may fall on religious holidays.
Students who plan to observe a religious holiday are kindly requested to notify me as
soon as possible in order to make appropriate arrangements for class work and/or
rescheduling of examinations.
Statement of Inclusivity
Pivotal to OUs educational mission is the need to embrace and value the diversity of
the OU community. Acknowledging the uniqueness of each individual, in this course
and on campus we seek to cultivate an environment that encourages freedom of
expression. Because the University is a community where inquiry is nurtured and
theories are tested, every individual has the right to feel safe to express ideas that
differ from those held by other members of the community. However, all persons who
aspire to be part of our campus community must accept the responsibility to
demonstrate civility and respect for the dignity of others. Recognizing that the proper
balance between freedom of expression and respect for others is not always apparent
or easy to achieve, we must continually challenge ourselves and each other in an
atmosphere of mutual concern, good will and respect. Therefore, expressions or
actions that disparage an individual's or group's ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual
orientation, marital status, age or disability are contrary to the mission of OU.
Auditors are expected to do the same work as required of other students; no grades
assigned but all assignments must be completed on time and active, prepared
participation is expected.
Course Schedule
The following calendar may be modified as needed. Please prepare readings for the
week/dates assigned.
Wednesday, June 1:
USLA Ch 7 (Foreign Language Aptitude)
Abrahamsson, N., & Hyltenstam, K. (2008). The robustness of aptitude effects
in near-native second language acquisition. Studies in Second Language
Acquisition, 30(4), 481509.
USLA Ch 8 (Motivation)
Kormos, J., Kiddle, T., & Csizr, K. (2011). Systems of goals, attitudes, and
self-related beliefs in second-language-learning motivation. Applied
Linguistics, 32(5), 495-516.
Thursday, June 2:
Guilloteaux, M. J., & Drnyei, Z. (2008). Motivating language learners: A
classroom-oriented investigation of the effects of motivational strategies on
student motivation. TESOL Quarterly, 42(1), 55-77.
Niederhauser, J. (2012) Motivating Learners at South Korean Universities.
English Language Forum 50(3). Retrieved from
Monday, June 6
USLA Ch 9 (Affect and Other Individual Differences)
Garrett, P., & Young, R. F. (2009). Theorizing Affect in Foreign Language
Learning: An Analysis of One Learners Responses to a Communicative
Portuguese Course. Modern Language Journal, 93(2), 209-226.
Wednesday, June 8
USLA Ch 10 (Social Dimensions of L2 Learning)
Yan, J. X., & Horwitz, E. K. (2008). Learners perceptions of how anxiety
Interacts with personal and instructional factors to influence their achievement
in English: A qualitative analysis of EFL learners in China. Language
Learning, 58(1), 151183.
Kubota, R. (2003). Unfinished knowledge: The story of Barbara. College
ESL, 10(1/2), 11-21.
Thursday, June 9
Firth, A., & Wagner, J. (1997). On discourse, communication, and (some)
fundamental concepts in SLA research. The Modern Language Journal, 81(3),
Ellis, R. (2008). Principles of Instructed Second Language Acquisition, Center
for Applied Linguistics.
4: Comes to class prepared and makes some thoughtful comments when called upon,
contributes occasionally without prompting: shows interest in and respect for others
views; participates actively in small groups. A 5 score may also be appropriate to an
active participant whose contributions are less developed or cogent than those of a 6
but still advance the conversation.
2-1: Students in this range often seem on the margins of the class and may have a
negative effect on the participation of others. Students receiving a 2 often dont
participate because they havent read the material or done the coursework. Students
receiving a 1 may be actually disruptive, radiating negative energy via hostile or bored
body language, or be overtly rude.
Facilitation Rubric
We will use this rubric to evaluate each facilitation. Students can look at this rubric to
understand what they are being graded on.
1 2 3 4 Points
Content Little to no Moments of Good Exceptional
Did the facilitation valuable value but as amount of amount of
contain/produce material. a whole was material; valuable
valuable lacking. benefitted material;
materials/discussion? the class. extremely _____
beneficial to
of material.
Organization Lacked Minimal Had Well
Was it well- organization; signs of organizing organized,
organized, easy to little organization idea but well
follow? evidence of or could have prepared,
preparation, preparation. been much easy to
way under Under time. stronger follow. _____
time allotted. with better
Facilitation Facilitator Facilitator Good Great
Did they engage the demonstrated was not engagement delivery and
audience? Was it little consistent but did an
obvious the material evidence of with level of facilitator excellent job
was rehearsed? planning preparedness wasnt as of engaging
prior to they showed engaging as the class. _____
facilitation. classroom s/he could Preparation
but had have been. was very
some strong evident.
- To allow your classmates to come to a better
understanding of the selected study by critically
assessing the formation of research questions, the
research method, the research results and potential
practice/teaching applications.
- To promote participation by as many of your
classmates as possible.
Orient the group: Keep in mind that some of your classmates may have read
the article a few days ago; therefore, you may want to take 5-7 minutes to
refresh your classmates memories of the studys research questions, methods,
and results.
Be focused: Have a vision of how class discussion will proceed and what
specific aspects of the study you hope to analyze/critique. (For example, it will
be impossible to cover 15 questions in a 35 minute discussion.) Remember that
the purpose is to delve into the selected study, not to connect the study with
personal experience. Structure the questions accordingly.
Be clear: Make the discussion questions accessible to your classmates by using
PowerPoint, KeyNote, Prezi or the document projector, and/or by creating a
Promote participation: To promote participation by as many of your classmates
as possible, consider using the following strategies:
o Elicit Questions: Prior to class discussion, have your classmates send
you 2-3 questions or critiques they had about the study. Choose the
most relevant on which to base your discussion, theming your
discussion on the research question formation, methods, and results.
o Create a Debate: Design a short true/false quiz about particular aspects
of the selected study. After each individual completes the quiz,
commence large group discussion in debate format. (Note: Craft
statements carefully, centering on issues of research question
formation, study design, data analysis measures, or conclusions.)
o Think/Pair/Share: Give students 2-3 minutes to think about a question
(or questions) individually, 5 minutes to discuss with a partner, and
then share with the class.
o Small Group Discussion: Have your classmates discuss questions in
small groups before discussing as a whole class. You may choose to
assign each group 1 particular question or a sub-group of questions
related to research questions, methods, or results, and have that group
report back to the whole group or do a jigsaw. Be sure to tell groups
how many minutes they are to discuss and what they are expected to
share by the end of their discussion time.
Discussion Board Rubric
5: Student clearly demonstrates s/he understands the material, the theories, the context.
Includes notes from classroom discussion, relevant experiences that may jibe with the
and backs up all claims with relevant textbook and/or course readings. Does not repeat
material or discussion from class but synthesizes, and adds to the ideas, theories,
discussion on the topics/problems/issues at hand. An insightful contribution to the
Student wrote insightful contribution
2-1: Student did not post, only commented on other posts; student post is far below
minimum standard of 500 words; does not maintain a scholarly discourse; post written
hastily, lacks coherence, contains factual, logical, and grammatical errors.