Sexual Orientation and Suicidal Behaviour in Adolescents and Young Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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The British Journal of Psychiatry (2017)

211, 7787. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.116.196345

Review article

Sexual orientation and suicidal behaviour

in adolescents and young adults:
systematic review and meta-analysis{
A. Miranda-Mendizabal,* P. Castellv,* O. Pares-Badell, J. Almenara, I. Alonso, M. J. Blasco,
A. Cebria, A. Gabilondo, M. Gili, C. Lagares, J. A. Piqueras, M. Roca, J. Rodrguez-Marn,
T. Rodrguez-Jimenez, V. Soto-Sanz, G. Vilagut and J. Alonso

Background Results
Research suggests that lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) Sexual orientation was significantly associated with suicide
adolescents have a higher risk of suicidal behaviours than attempts in adolescents and youths (OR = 2.26, 95% CI 1.60
their heterosexual peers, but little is known about specific 3.20). Gay or bisexual men were more likely to report suicide
risk factors. attempts compared with heterosexual men (OR = 2.21, 95%
CI 1.214.04). Based on two studies, a non-significant positive
Aims association was found between depression and suicide
To assess sexual orientation as a risk factor for suicidal attempts in LGB groups.
behaviours, and to identify other risk factors among LGB
adolescents and young adults. Conclusions
Sexual orientation is associated with a higher risk of suicide
Method attempt in young people. Further research is needed to
A systematic search was made of six databases up to June
assess completed suicide, and specific risk factors affecting
2015, including a grey literature search. Population-based
the LGB population.
longitudinal studies considering non-clinical populations aged
1226 years and assessing being LGB as a risk factor for Declaration of interest
suicidal behaviour compared with being heterosexual, or None.
evaluating risk factors for suicidal behaviour within LGB
populations, were included. Random effect models were Copyright and usage
used in meta-analysis. B The Royal College of Psychiatrists 2017.

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death and it represents a attempts were analysed as a single overall variable labelled
serious public health concern. Over the past 45 years worldwide `suicidality', which included suicidal ideation, suicidal plan and
suicide rates have increased by 60%, the population of adolescents suicide attempt without stratified analysis; second, the population
and youths registering the highest increase,1 making suicide the age range was 1825 years, lacking information on adolescents;
second cause of death in the group aged 1529 years.2 There are third, the majority of the articles included in their meta-analysis
few cases of attempted suicide before puberty, but a substantial were cross-sectional (only one was a cohort study); and finally
increase occurs when individuals reach adolescence and young only studies up to 2009 were taken into account.
adulthood, especially between the ages of 19 and 23 years. In For our review we adopted a more general and robust
recent years studies have shown that lesbian, gay and bisexual approach: suicide attempts and suicide were separated for the
(LGB) adolescents and youths have higher rates of suicidal analyses, in order to assess associations that could be specific for
ideation and suicide attempts than their heterosexual peers.35 It these outcomes, and age range inclusion criteria were enhanced,
has been suggested that risk factors for suicidal behaviours differ rendering our results applicable to a wider population, consistent
between heterosexual and LGB groups, owing to the interaction with international recommendations.13 Research published up
of these markers with sexual orientation.6 Lesbian, gay and to June 2015 was included, adding relevant recent information.
bisexual adolescents and youths are exposed to greater stigma, More importantly, we assessed specific risk factors for suicidal
discrimination and victimisation within their families and behaviours and suicide death in the LGB population, thus
romantic relationships compared with their heterosexual peers.7 contributing to filling a gap in knowledge about sexual minority
Exposure to these factors may predispose these individuals to groups in the adolescent and young adult populations, which have
more mental health problems and suicide attempts.8,9 Minority been little studied. An important characteristic of our review is
stress theory, conceptualised as the burden of the perception of that we included longitudinal studies only (either prospective
being different from others,10 may explain the higher levels of cohorts or casecontrol studies). In fact, all except one of the
health risk behaviours in LGB youth, and is related to greater articles analysed here were based on prospective cohort data. This
stigmatisation, marginalisation and a hostile social environment.11 ensured that exposure to the factors assessed preceded the
In 2011 Marshal et al published a meta-analysis evaluating mental outcome, making the evidence generated more relevant to
health in young LGB participants.12 Their results showed an establishing the temporal order of events, as well as minimising
estimated overall effect size for the association between sexual bias, improving the quality of included data and allowing us to
orientation and suicidality of OR = 2.92 (95% CI 2.114.03). establish valid and robust conclusions.14,15 There is still a need
However, that review was limited in several ways: first, suicide to improve understanding of suicidal behaviours of adolescent
and young adult LGB populations, as well as to quantify more
*These authors contributed equally to the work. accurately the risk and protective factors for suicide. There is also
See editorial, pp. 6364, this issue. a need to develop evidence-based public health strategies to

Miranda-Mendizabal et al

reduce the prevalence of suicide attempts and suicide deaths issue, we are convinced that risk and protective factors may have
among this high-risk population. We therefore undertook a different mechanisms of action and deserve further and specific
systematic review of the literature, aiming to assess the extent to research. Furthermore, during data synthesis, information
which sexual orientation is a risk factor for suicide attempts and corresponding to the transsexual population was not included.
suicide, and to identify risk factors for suicide attempts and
suicide among LGB adolescents and young adults. The review Study selection
was registered with the International Prospective Register of A multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, psychologists, statisticians,
Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO; CRD42013005775). epidemiologists and public health professionals was established to

Method perform the review. Five groups of independent peer reviewers

assessed all references. During the title review terms listed in

Recommendations from the Meta-analysis of Observational online supplement DS1 were used, and discrepancies between

Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) guidelines for systematic reviewers were included. During the title and abstract review

in relation to handling and reporting of results, were phases, reviewers were masked to the article's author, journal

taken into account. Our initial search strategy was broad in scope and year of publication to minimise selection bias. A third

and inclusive, with no restriction as to population or age, in order independent reviewer resolved any discrepancies during abstract

to identify predictors of suicidal-related behaviours. Text words, and full-text review.

titles and MeSH terms were used as search terms, including

suicide, suicidal behaviour, suicide attempt, suicidality, risk factor,
Data extraction
causality, association, protective factor, incidence, longitudinal We adapted a Cochrane Collaboration data collection form for
study, observational study, cohort study, case control study, this review. Each reviewer extracted data and an independent
prospective study, retrospective study, follow-up, and others, reviewer examined the data entered in the form, checking that
resulting initially in 23 682 references after duplicates were the information was entered properly and attempting to complete
removed. Detailed information about all the keywords used for any missing data. In case of discrepancies, consensus among
inclusion and exclusion, and search terms used to identify suicide reviewers was established. For each article the following data were
attempt, suicidal behaviour, population and study design are extracted: sample size; number of LGB participants included; age
provided in online supplement DS1. The following databases were range; mean age; country of recruitment; study design; type of
first searched up to October 2013 and updated June 2015 in order outcome (suicide death or attempt); type of sample recruited;
to include the most accurate data: Cochrane Library, Medline, and ethics committee approval. From cohort studies additional
PsycINFO, EMBASE and Web of Science. We searched grey data were extracted: weeks of follow-up; number of suicide attempts
literature using the OpenGrey European database, and reference during follow-up; and number of suicides during follow-up.
lists from previous reviews and books were examined. No restriction Information about risk factors was obtained as odds ratios and
of language or year of publication was applied. Corresponding 95% confidence intervals; multivariate analysis prevailed over
authors for articles written in languages other than Spanish and bivariate analysis. If available, stratified analysis was taken into
English were contacted. For the broad-scope review, studies were consideration.

Quality of studies
included if they met all of the following criteria:

(a) reported suicide attempt or suicide as a dependent variable;

The NewcastleOttawa Scale (NOS) was used for assessing the
(b) assessed at least one risk factor for any of these outcomes; 21
quality of non-randomised studies. This uses a `star' system, in
(c) the study population age ranged between 12 years and 26 which a study is evaluated on three broad perspectives: the
years, both inclusive; selection of the study groups, the comparability of the groups
(d) were population-based longitudinal studies (non-clinical and and the ascertainment of either the exposure or outcome of
non-institutional sample cohorts) or casecontrol studies interest for casecontrol or cohort studies respectively. The scale
where the control group was of the same age range (non-clinical consists of eight questions with different responses; the response
and non-institutional). indicating the highest quality is given a star. The highest-quality
studies are awarded up to nine stars.
Using an expert consensus reported previously, suicide was
defined as any act done with the intention of taking one's own life,
whereas suicide attempt was defined as any act of self-injury with
Statistical analysis
intention to die. Other suicide-related behaviours such as Suicide attempt and suicide were analysed comparing LGB and
suicide ideation were excluded. Using these criteria we identified heterosexual groups. Additional analyses assessing specific risk
197 studies for qualitative synthesis from the broader review. To factors of suicidal attempt and suicide within the LGB group were
these studies we applied the following specific selection criteria: carried out. In the case of multiple publications of the same
first, studies that assessed LGB orientation as a risk factor for sample and predictive factors, results from the largest sample
suicide attempts or suicide compared with a heterosexual peer and longest follow-up were selected. Meta-analyses were
group of the same age range; and second, studies that evaluated performed for each variable for which there was a minimum of
risk factors for suicide attempt or suicide within LGB populations. two studies with usable data; adjusted OR with 95% CI were used
Studies assessing only the transsexual population were excluded, when these data were provided in the articles; if not, unadjusted
owing to certain conceptual differences. It has been reported that ORs were taken into account. Population attributable risk (PAR)
sexual orientation is a multidimensional concept referring to an was also calculated using the formula:
enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attraction
to males, females or both genders, whereas gender identity is
one's own sense or conviction of maleness or femaleness.
1 PRR 1
Moreover, transsexual individuals are considered to constitute a
clinical population because transsexualism is classified as a type where P is the prevalence of being LGB obtained through data
20 2227
of gender identity disorder, and although this is a controversial from some of the cohort studies included in meta-analysis,

Sexual orientation and suicide

and RR is the relative risk of suicide attempt in LGB v. heteros- suicidal attempts and suicide is very low in non-clinical samples;
exual groups based on data from the cohort studies included. and second, the country of origin of the samples, classified as USA
To convert the OR to RR the following formula was used: v. non-USA. Because only three samples came from countries
other than the USA, these could be a source of heterogeneity since
there could be differences between countries in terms of social
P OR acceptance and stigma about sexual orientation.
0 0

where OR is the odds ratio of suicide attempt in LGB v. hetero-

sexual groups and P0 is the prevalence of suicide attempts in the Results
heterosexual group, calculated through meta-analysis using data
from four of the included articles. Stata software version 13 After duplicates were removed, 23 682 articles were retrieved. After
was used to conduct the meta-analysis. reviewing titles and abstracts the full text of 1575 potentially
Random effect methods were used for the meta-analysis. eligible articles were reviewed and 1561 were excluded for the
Statistical heterogeneity was assessed by visual inspection of forest following reasons: 397 were not population-based cohorts or
plots, by Galbraith plots, by chi-squared tests to calculate P value casecontrol studies in which the control group was non-clinical;
and by Higgins' test (I ), which describes the percentage of 436 did not involve participants aged 1226 years; 183 did not
observed heterogeneity that would not be expected by chance. If concern LGB people or assess sexual orientation as a risk factor;
P was less than 0.10 heterogeneity was considered to be significant, 350 did not treat suicide or suicide attempt as a dependent
2 2 29
and moderate if I was 3050% and severe if I exceeded 50%. variable; and 95 did not assess any risk factor (Fig. 1). After these
Small study effects (including publication bias) were assessed exclusions a total of 14 articles were identified, including five
through visual inspection of funnel plots and Harbord's articles that had not been reviewed by Marshal et al, even though
modification of Egger's test, which has been recommended for the papers were published before 2009 and met their inclusion
binary outcomes with effects measured as odds ratios. For fewer criteria. Of the final set of articles, ten assessed sexual orientation
than three studies the Begg test was used. Sensitivity analyses were as a risk factor of suicide attempts or suicide, three
performed for cohort studies according to two criteria: first, assessed specific risk factors of these outcomes among LGB,
length of follow-up corresponding to outcome assessment in the and one assessed both sexual orientation as a risk factor and
NOS score (less than 6 years), considering that the incidence of specific risk factors among LGB.

Records identified through Additional records identified

database searching through other sources
30 307 112
Update 5486 Update 100

Records after duplicates removed

19 979
Update 3703

Records screened
Abstract review
Update 719

7 Records excluded
Update 534
Full-text articles assessed
for eligibility Full text articles excluded 1378 (update 183)
1390 No suicide/suicide attempt 324 (26)
Update 185 No risk factors 89 (6)
7 No LGB sample or sexual orientation as risk factor 150 (33)
No population-based cohort or casecontrol 347 (50)
Age range larger than 1226 years 375 (61)
Neuroimaging, genetic or neurobiological sturies 15 (5)
Studies included in qualitative Studies included in qualitative Assessment of treatment effectiveness or psychotherapy 14 (0)
synthesis of sexual orientation synthesis of risk factors No original data 46 (2)
10* 3* Article not found 3 (0)
Update 1 Update 1 Corresponding author of foreign-language article did not reply 15 (0)
6 6
Studies included in Studies included in
quantitative synthesis quantitative synthesis
(meta-analysis) (meta-analysis)
7 2
Update 1 Update 0

Fig. 1 Study selection. Studies in the qualitative synthesis included that by *Silenzio et al which assessed both sexual orientation as a risk
factor, and risk factors in the lesbian, gay and bisexual population.25

Miranda-Mendizabal et al

Sexual orientation as risk factor of cohort studies of suicide attempt showed a significantly higher
Eleven studies assessed LGB orientation as a risk factor for suicide risk for LGB youths when compared with heterosexual youths
attempt or suicide compared with heterosexual groups. These (OR = 2.32, 95% CI 1.593.39). Two studies appeared to be
articles were published between 1995 and 2014, in four different sources of heterogeneity: one assessed sexual orientation through
countries: six from the USA, three from New Zealand, and one three different categories,27 whereas in the other the LGB sample
each from Norway and the UK (Table 1). Participation rates size was only 28 but there were 979 in the heterosexual group.22
ranged from 30% to 100%.24,35 These studies contained data on Furthermore, on the Galbraith plot, these two studies were
1634 LGB and 22 117 heterosexual individuals and all of them outliers. After exclusion of these two studies the new OR was
included both male and female participants. Three studies were 2.26 (95% CI 1.603.20; I 2 = 35%, P = 0.161). Visual inspection
based on the general population, five recruited from high schools, of the funnel plot does not suggest any publication bias, as small
one from a university and one among homeless adolescents. Based studies tend to lead to lower estimates of the effect than larger
on data from seven of these articles, the prevalence of suicide studies (Fig. 2). Although the Harbord test was not significant
attempts ranged from 1.5% to 3.5% in heterosexual adolescents (P = 0.4) it is important to note that these results should be
and from 6% to 70% in LGB respondents. Ten studies assessed interpreted with caution, since the small number of studies
suicide attempt using a cohort design,2227,3133,35 resulting in a means there is insufficient power to distinguish chance from real
total population of 23 484, but only one study assessed suicide asymmetry.
using a casecontrol design (cases n = 120, controls n = 147);
Table 1.34
Sensitivity analyses
Taking into consideration only the studies that did not appear as
Quality of studies possible sources of heterogeneity, sensitivity analyses were carried
Of the 11 studies that assessed sexual orientation as a risk factor, out according to length of follow-up and country of origin of the
no difference in quality was seen in selection domains in the samples. Removing three studies with insufficient length of
cohort studies; in terms of comparability criteria eight articles follow-up, results were not altered substantially with respect to
were awarded two stars because relevant confounding factors the association between sexual orientation and suicide attempt
were taken into consideration in the adjustment.22,2427,31,32,37 (OR = 2.59, 95% CI 1.584.26), whereas heterogeneity decreased
However, different covariables were taken into account: one study compared with the first meta-analysis (I 2 = 45%, P = 0.122).
considered demographic, psychosocial, history of mental illness, Possible explanations for observed heterogeneity could be the
and formal and informal help-seeking variables;27 another differences among covariables used for the adjustment, and
included antecedents of suicidal behaviour;24 and yet another took gender differences because one study reported results for female
into account variables related to parental characteristics.22 More participants,24 another for males and females,23 and two studies
detailed information is presented in Table 1. Regarding outcome presented a single value for both genders together.25,26 Similar
domains, none of the studies achieved a star for ascertainment results were obtained when samples from the USA were taken into
of outcome because data were self-reported by the participants account in the analyses, i.e. an increased risk in LGB youths
and no confirmatory check of medical records was performed. (OR = 1.98, 95% CI 1.422.75) with no heterogeneity (P = 0.488).
The most significant difference was in length of follow-up, which
was adequate only in five studies (Tables 2 and 3).2224,26,31
Gender stratification
According to one study the lifetime prevalence of suicide attempts
Sexual orientation and suicide attempts in gay and bisexual men was 4.8%, but 12.6% in lesbian and
Three of the included studies reported a statistically significant bisexual women in the same sample.23 Only two cohort studies
higher risk for suicide attempt in LGB adolescents compared with assessed sexual orientation as a risk factor of suicide attempts
a heterosexual group (adjusted OR 2.966.20),22,25,27 whereas stratified according to gender,23,32 and one study presented results
three studies showed a non-significant increment of risk.26,32,35 only for women.24 One of these articles found a significantly
Two articles presented rates of recent suicide attempts, values ran- increased risk for lifetime suicide attempts in gay and bisexual
ging from 5.4% to 17.6% for males and 2.1% to 15.5% for fe- men compared with heterosexual men (OR = 3.2, 95% CI 1.4
males.31,33 There were differences in terms of how sexual 7.2).23 Similar results were found for the risk of lifetime suicide
orientation was classified. Two studies used five categories: attempts among lesbian and bisexual women; one study reported
100% heterosexual, mostly heterosexual, bisexual, mostly homo- a risk almost five times higher (OR = 4.96, 95% CI 2.2910.62).24
sexual and 100% homosexual;27,33 four articles used only three ca- In the other studies results in men showed that homosexual
tegories: opposite-sex attraction only or heterosexual, minor orientation was not associated with higher risk (OR = 1.71, 95%
same-sex attraction or bisexual, and persistent major same-sex at- CI 0.923.17);32 findings were similar in women: OR = 1.4 (95%
traction or homosexual;22,23,25,31 and the other studies used a sin- CI 0.72.7),23 and OR = 1.25 (95% CI 0.801.96).32
gle item to assess sexual orientation in two categories: LGB and Meta-analysis found an increased risk of suicide attempts in
non-LGB.24,26,32,35 gay or bisexual men compared with heterosexual men (OR = 2.21,
Eight studies were included in the meta-analysis. Adjusted OR 95% CI 1.214.04) (online Fig. DS1(a)). The Galbraith plot
and 95% CI from results of each article were used. A single OR showed that the studies fell within confidence limits (online Fig.
value for the whole population was not provided in two studies: DS1(b)) and no publication bias was observed (Begg test,
Skegg et al presented values stratified by gender,23 and Whitlock P = 0.317) (online Fig. DS1(c)). Being a lesbian or bisexual woman
et al reported OR for three sexual orientation categories,27 resulting was associated with higher risk of suicide attempts, but this was
in eleven samples included for meta-analysis. Three studies were not significant (OR = 1.97, 95% CI 0.904.30) (online Fig.
excluded because data were either non-extractable or in a format DS2(a)) and severe heterogeneity was observed (I 2 = 79%,
that did not permit comparisons with the other studies. Random P = 0.008). In the Galbraith plot one study appeared as a cause
effect models were used because severe heterogeneity was observed of variability (online Fig. DS2(b));24 after excluding this study
(I 2 = 60%, P = 0.005). The overall pooled estimate in meta-analysis the OR was 1.29 (95% CI 0.891.88). As in the analyses for

Sexual orientation and suicide

.slaudividni 1901 fo elpmas a morf detaluclaC .a

.detroper ton ,RN ;elbacilppa ton ,AN ;lauxesib ro yag ,naibsel ,BGL
seY AN RN RN ediciuS lareneG 1.1 AN )12( 762 AN lortnocesaC ASU 43
)5991( la te reffahS
seY noitatneiro lauxes ,ega ,yticinhtE )3.1( 9.81 0261 tpmetta ediciuS BGL 001 944 )0( 054 sraey 2 trohoC ASU 83
)5102( la te snruB
noitalosi laicos
deviecrep ,efil gninaem fo esnes
,noitome fo ecnatpecca ,noitatneiro
efil ,noitatneiro lauxes ,level noitac
seY -ude s'rehtaf ,yticinhte ,ega ,redneG RN RN tpmetta ediciuS ytisrevinU 5.42 )8.63( 6641 0232 sraey 3 trohoC ASU 72
)3102( la te kcoltihW
ssensselepoh ,nois
seY -serped ,tpmetta edicius suoiverP )3.1( 7.81 0261 tpmetta ediciuS BGL 001 )4.4( 732 842 sraey 4 trohoC ASU 73
)3102( uiL & iksnatsuM
srotcaf ksir fo rebmun
,gnillesnuoc ,noisserped ,esuba
lauxes ,yticinhte ,sedarg gniliaf
seY ,gnikoms ,tnempoleved evitingoC IN 81-61 tpmetta ediciuS loohcs hgiH 3.4 8271 8271 sraey 2 trohoC ASU 53
)2102( la te deirF
noitavirped aera ,lortnoc
latnerap ,noigiler ,rentrap xes-emas
,erutcurts ylimaf ,ssalc laicos
seY ,ytimrofnoc-non redneg ,redneG RN RN tpmetta ediciuS loohcs hgiH a
2.4 )5.61( 7512 6852 sraey 8 trohoC KU 62
)1102( la te gnuoY
seY yticinhte ,ega ,redneG RN 6281 tpmetta ediciuS loohcs hgiH 1.3 )5.3( 438 31 223 41 shtnom 9 trohoC ASU 52
)7002( la te oizneliS
seY enoN RN 9151 tpmetta ediciuS BGL 001 )6.13( 163 825 sraey 2 trohoC ASU 63
)5002( la te illeguA`D
tnemhcatta latnerap ,ytilanimirc
latnerap ,gnikees-ytlevon ,esu gurd
ticilli latnerap ,esuba lacisyhp dooh
seY -dlihc ,esuba lauxes doohdlihc ,redneG RN 5212 tpmetta ediciuS lareneG 9.11 )5.32( 769 )05( 5621 sraey 52 trohoC dnalaeZ weN 13
)5002( la te nossugreF
noitasinabru ,noiger ,xim cinhte ,ezis
RN loohcs ,egnar edarg ,gniretsulc loohcS RN RN tpmetta ediciuS loohcs hgiH RN )53( 564 31 547 02 raey 1 trohoC ASU 23
)4002( ydooM & namraeB
seY noisserped ,tpmetta edicius suoiverP )7.1( 9.41 0221 tpmetta ediciuS loohcs hgiH 5.6 )7.96( 4292 9769 sraey 5 trohoC yawroN angeH & mortshciW
seY enoN RN RN tpmetta ediciuS lareneG 2.81 )5.7( 249 9101 sraey 62 trohoC dnalaeZ weN 32
)3002( la te ggekS
seY enoN )7.1( 2.81 0231 tpmetta ediciuS sselemoH 7.44 )8.0( 235 635 shtnom 6 trohoC ASU 33
)1002( la te lleoN
seY ytilanimirc latnerap ,egnahc latneraP RN 1241 tpmetta ediciuS lareneG 7.2 7001 )05( 5621 sraey 52 trohoC dnalaeZ weN 22
)9991( la te nossugreF
lavorppa tnemtsujda rof ).d.s( egnaR emoctuO noitalupoP elpmas lanif )noitirtta %( )nemow %( pu-wolloF ngised yrtnuoC ydutS
eettimmoc desu setairavoC naeM ni BGL fo pu-wollof fo dne enilesab ydutS
scihtE )sraey( egA egatnecreP eht ta elpmaS ta elpmaS
selcitra dedulcni fo scitsiretcarahC 1 elbaT
Miranda-Mendizabal et al

men, no publication bias was observed (Begg test, P = 0.117)

(online Fig. DS2(c)). Meta-analysis comparing gay with
heterosexual men showed significantly increased risk (OR = 8.36,

95% CI 1.8837.11) (online Fig. DS3(a)); a similar situation
occurred when bisexual men were compared with heterosexual
men (OR = 2.44, 95% CI 1.165.16) (online Fig. DS(3)b). The
results obtained in meta-analysis of lesbian v. heterosexual
apu wollof

women demonstrated increased risk of suicide attempt





(OR =4.31, 95% CI 1.899.86) (online Fig. DS3(c)); and also in
bisexual v. heterosexual women, although not significant
(OR =1.56, 95% CI 0.663.69) (online Fig. DS3(d)).
apu wollof
fo htgnel

Sexual orientation and suicide





Only one casecontrol psychological autopsy study evaluated
completed suicide. The objective was to assess risk profiles of
all people who died by suicide under 20 years of age, through
interviews with their parents (or other caregiver at the time of
tnemniatrecsA fo ytilibarapmoC emoctuo noitartsnomeD

the death), a sibling or a friend in one case a schoolteacher


who had known about the person's behaviour was interviewed.


Cases were suicide deaths, controls were a random sample from

telephone subscribers in the study area. Out of 120 cases that were
completely investigated 79% of the individuals were male, of
bsisylana ro ngised fo
sisab eht no strohoc tneserp ton tseretni fo

whom 3 were gay. No one in the control group reported any

homosexual experience. Even though no odds ratio value was re-



ported, it was stated that the difference was not significant34


(P =0.088). None of the women who died by suicide was lesbian.


Population attributable risk

Using different values of the prevalence of being LGB corresponding
ayduts fo trats ta

to different scenarios (8%, range 413) and assuming the

relationship between sexual orientation and suicide attempt is

causal and not confounded (RR= 2.15, 95% CI 1.562.94),

calculations suggest that 8% (range 413) of suicide attempts in
adolescents and young adults could be attributed to sexual
orientation (see online Table DS1).

Risk factors


Four studies that assessed specific risk factors for suicide attempts
among the LGB population were identified (but none assessing
suicide). These studies took place in the USA and were published
in 2005 and 2015.25,3638 Participation rates ranged between
fo noitceleS fo ssenevitatneserpeR

almost 70% to 99.7%.36,38 All of them used a cohort design and


together contained data on 1476 LGB people, with representation


of both genders (Table 1).

seiduts trohoc dedulcni fo tnemssessa ytilauQ

.)dedrawa rats on ,( srats enin ot pu dedrawa era seiduts ytilauq-tsehgiH .c

Quality of studies
According to our quality assessment, no difference was seen in

selection domains between the four studies. Sample sizes ranged

.yrogetac siht ni dettolla eb nac srats owt fo mumixam A .b
.yrogetac siht ni dettolla eb nac rats eno fo mumixam A .a

from n = 20 to n =449; one study analysed data from a 25nationally

representative sample of adolescents and young adults, whereas
the other three studies recruited participants from different US
cities.3638 In the comparability domain, two studies achieved
two stars because important confounders were taken into account
in the design and/or the analysis. Two studies considered age and
42)3002( angeH & mortshciW
23)4002( ydooM & namraeB

ethnicity as covariables for the analysis, 25,37,38 whereas Burns et al

73)3102( uiL & iksnatsuM

13)5002( la te nossugreF

also included sexual orientation.3638 The other study considered

63)5002( la te illeguA`D

72)3102( la te kcoltihW
52)7002( la te oizneliS
62)1102( la te gnuoY
32)3002( la te ggekS

only age during the recruitment. For the ascertainment of the

83)5102( la te snruB

53)2102( la te deirF

outcome, none of the studies had a star because suicide attempts

la te nossugreF

were self-reported by the participants and no reference to records

la te lleoN
2 elbaT

had been done to confirm. In terms of length of follow-up, none


of the studies achieved a star; however, in the category that

assessed the adequacy of follow-up the four articles had the

Sexual orientation and suicide

Table 3 Quality assessment of casecontrol study

Representativeness Selection Definition Comparability Ascertainment Same method of Non
Case of of of of cases and of ascertainment in response Total
Study definitiona casesa controlsa controlsa controlsb exposurea both groupsa ratea starsc

Shaffer et al (1995)34 - * * * * * 5
a. A maximum of one star can be allotted in this category.
b. A maximum of two stars can be allotted in this category.
c. Highest-quality studies are awarded up to nine stars (, no star awarded).

highest rating because attrition during the study was not related to by Burns et al suggest that in some young LGB males from
the exposure or the assessed outcome. In general, all these studies minority ethnic groups such as native Americans there is a 3-fold
had high overall quality (see Table 2). risk of suicide attempts compared with young White LGB men.38
However, Black or Hispanic men do not seem to have higher risk.
Data syntheses More details of the risk factors assessed are presented in online
D'Augelli et al evaluated an important number of risk factors for Table DS2. Meta-analysis of depression as a risk factor for
suicide attempts; results showed that 61 individuals of the entire suicide attempts in LGB adolescents showed increased risk
sample (n = 361) of LGB youths made a suicide attempt.36 Risk (OR = 1.05, 95% CI 0.931.19; I 2 = 38%, P = 0.204) (online
factors such as having been more open about being LGB with their Fig. DS4(a)), but the result was not significant. Using a Galbraith
families, more often called `sissy' or `tomboy' by parents, more plot no heterogeneity was observed (online Fig. DS4(b)). No
gender atypical in childhood, having experienced parental publication bias was found, according to the Begg test
psychological abuse and a family history of depression or (P = 0.317) (online Fig. DS4(c)).
suicidality all presented higher prevalence or median values.
Mustanski & Liu reported that having a history of suicide attempts Discussion
represented an increased risk of subsequent suicide attempt
whereas hopelessness and depression were not significant.37 The Our systematic review shows that sexual orientation is
results obtained by Silenzio et al indicated that problem drinking, significantly associated with suicide attempts, based on meta-
depression and problem drug use were not related to increased analysis of longitudinal studies. Nevertheless, not enough studies
risk of suicide attempts in LGB respondents, contrary to findings were found to associate sexual orientation with suicide. Sexual
in non-LGB participants.25 Finally, results from the USA reported minority men were more likely to make suicide attempts than

(a) Weight
Study ES (95% CI) % Gender

Noell et al (2001)33 1.80 (1.212.67) 27.65 Both

Wichstrom & Hegna (2003) 24
4.96 (2.3210.62) 14.03 Female
Skegg et al (2003) 23
1.40 (0.732.70) 16.94 Female
Skegg et al (2003) 23
3.20 (1.427.20) 12.86 Male
Silenzio et al (2007) 25
2.96 (1.416.21) 14.54 Both
Young et al (2011) 26
1.39 (0.335.78) 5.22 Both
Fried et al (2012) 35
1.70 (0.604.86) 8.76 Both
Overall ( = 35.0%, = 0.161)
I P 2.26 (1.603.20) 100.00

Weights are from random effects analysis

0.09 1 10.6

(b) (c) 0.0

5.82 Fitted values


Wichstro 0.2
RO fo rorre dradnatS





Skegg Silenzio Noell


2 0.4




Fried Skegg



0 0.6






0 1/se(b) 4.97 0.5 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 2 Sexual orientation as risk factor for suicide attempts: (a) forest plot; (b) Galbraith plot; (c) funnel plot (Harbord test P = 0.43).
ES, effect size.

Miranda-Mendizabal et al

heterosexual men. Among women, a similar association was found to 2.76 in 12-month prevalence of suicide attempts, for LGB
but it did not reach statistical significance, probably owing to population of any age range.47 Also, Marshal et al showed a risk
the small number of studies assessed. Few studies were found of 2.92 in LGB young people aged from 18 to 25 years,12 slightly
evaluating risk factors for either suicide attempts or suicide among higher than our results, probably because most of the included
LGB populations. Further research assessing specific risk factors is studies were cross-sectional and their OR values ranged from 1
needed. to 10 (ours ranged from 1.30 to 5). These facts may lead to
overestimation of the risk; however, this must be interpreted with
caution. We estimated the risk of suicide attempts according to
Strengths and limitations sexual orientation, stratifying by gender. Our results are consistent
Our systematic review has several strengths: a broad-scope search with previous original studies which stated that being a gay or
in several databases and different languages was conducted, with bisexual male is associated with higher risk of suicide attempt than
peer review in the screening phase, independent review in the being a heterosexual male. Longitudinal studies have found that
data extraction phase and use of methods for minimising bias; sexual orientation is an independent risk factor for suicide
corresponding authors for articles written in languages other than attempts among young males, more so than among females.48
Spanish and English were contacted for further information; a This finding could be related to results from other studies where
manual search and grey literature search were also carried out; elevated rates of suicide attempts in gay and bisexual adolescent
and as far as we are aware no PAR calculation of sexual orientation men have been reported.4952 During adolescence models of
as a risk factor for suicide attempts has been done in previous gender, masculinity and femininity are reinforced; a possible
systematic reviews. explanation for observed data could be that during this stage of
In relation to a previous systematic review,12 our study life these models may be affected by heteronormativity. It is
extended the search strategy to three additional databases and a important to note that gender definition covers aspects related
grey literature search was also performed; we used a wider age to social categories and different life spheres, including sexual
range as an inclusion criterion, considering adolescents, and also facets. Heterosexuality or homosexuality must be understood only
included studies published after 2009. This resulted in 13 as forms of sexual expression, since there are interrelations
additional studies, 5 of which were considered for meta-analysis, between non-sexual and sexual spheres.53 In adolescents, the
adding new, relevant and useful information for the assessment self-perception of failure to conform with this kind of model
of causes and mechanisms, despite our having excluded other may affect different aspects of mental health.54
suicide-related outcomes, such as suicidal ideation and plan, Among lesbian or bisexual women an increased risk of suicide
and cross-sectional studies, which had been included in the attempt was found; however, it was not statistically significant,
previous review.12 These additional articles added relevant and probably because few studies were identified. Our results also
useful new information about the risk of sexual minority groups indicated that being bisexual is associated with higher risk of
for future suicidal behaviours and death. Moreover, our results suicide attempt, but not in women; again, a possible reason could
suggest the need for further assessment about the causes and be the small number of studies. A previous systematic review
mechanisms of suicidal behaviours and death among this summarised available research about bisexuality as a risk factor;
population. A limitation is that our search strategy was not it was associated with suicidal behaviour to a greater extent than
applied to the CINAHL and Sociological Abstracts databases. heterosexuality.55 There is no clear explanation or identification of
Additional papers might have been retrieved if these databases specific risk factors acting among those with bisexual orientation.
had been searched; however, we searched the databases most It seems therefore plausible that the same risks and mechanisms
recommended for psychiatric research, including Web of Science such as more psychological distress and mental health problems
and PsycINFO,39 and also performed a manual search. Further, (bisexuality and suicide) act among all LGB categories.
we searched grey literature only in OpenGrey, a European data- Few studies were identified that evaluated risk factors for
base; although it includes access to Greynet data (an international suicide attempts and suicide in LGB adolescents and youths. As
grey literature database) there is no certainty that our search was a consequence, we could only perform a meta-analysis for the role
exhaustive. Overall, the use of the six particular databases in this of depression. According to our results depression does not seem
study is in line with most strict systematic reviews and provides to be related to suicide attempts in LGB population-based studies,
important coverage security. An additional limitation of our in contrast to reports for the heterosexual population; however,
review is that the articles included came from a broader search these results should be interpreted with caution, because the lack
strategy, as has been done in other systematic reviews.4042 of effect may be due to the insufficient number of included
However, in accordance with the initial inclusion criteria, both studies. Some authors suggest that minority stress theory may
`LGB population' and `sexual orientation' as a risk factor were explain differences between the mechanisms of action of risk
included in the search phase. Also, we included population-based factors in the LGB population compared with the heterosexual
studies in our review, which could have resulted in a higher population. This theory shows how specific external stressors such
heterogeneity. However, after excluding studies that seemed to as victimisation, discrimination or stigma, or an internal stressor
be sources of heterogeneity, OR values became similar. Finally, such as internalised homophobia, could increment suicide and
we used the NewcastleOttawa Scale to assess the quality of the suicidal behaviour risk. Discrimination involves anti-gay
studies reviewed because it had been used in previous systematic behaviour, including rejection, acts of physical violence and verbal
reviews,4346 and also because it was designed for longitudinal assaults against gay men and other sexual minorities based on
studies. However, evidence about its validity is still limited.21 actual or assumed sexual orientation.56 Internalised homophobia
refers to internalised societal homophobic attitudes,57 and
includes negative attitudes toward homosexuality, displeasure
Comparison with other studies with sexual orientation of others, disconnectedness from other
Consistent with other reviews, sexual minority adolescents and LGB individuals, and discomfort with same-sex sexual activity.58
youths were more likely to have made suicide attempts than their Negative `coming out' reactions from family and friends, the
heterosexual peers. We estimated a 2-fold risk, which is similar experience of sexuality-oriented victimisation and having used
to the risk ratios reported by King et al, which ranged from 1.96 drugs or alcohol to confront problems relating to their lesbian

Sexual orientation and suicide

or gay identity increase the risk of attempted suicide in by expert consensus, to allow comparisons between studies.
adolescents who discover their same-sex preference early in Information about sexual orientation could be obtained from
adolescence.59 Parental intolerance and rejection in response to national surveys or registers, and there is a need for an appropriate
the disclosure of an adolescent's sexual orientation, considered method to determine the sexual orientation of people who have
as forms of discrimination, are associated with specific risks, died by suicide. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess mediators
including depression, suicidal ideation, isolation, homelessness, such as victimisation, stigmatisation and discrimination to identify
prostitution, substance use, unprotected sex and sexually causal pathways between sexual orientation and suicidal behaviour.
transmitted disease.5961 Finally, internalised homophobia was Public health prevention strategies ought to be developed that
found to be significantly related to psychological distress: guilt, could reduce suicide attempts by around 9%, according to our
sex difficulties, suicide (ideation and/or behaviour) and AIDS-re- PAR calculations, which indicated that sexual orientation is a
lated traumatic stress response. Other factors such as stigma and major contributor to suicidal behaviour. Inclusion of LGB
experience of prejudice events were also significantly related to most participants should be encouraged in research about effective
of the measures of distress; however, internalised homophobia was public health strategies to reduce risk factors and suicidal
reliably the most potent predictor. The interaction between these behaviour among the LGB population, and research should be
three factors causes psychological maladjustment, known as extended to other settings, such as developing countries. Sexual
`psychologically injurious effects'.57 orientation is associated with increased risk of suicide attempts
Lesbian, gay and bisexual adolescents and young adults in LGB adolescents and young adults, and gay and bisexual men
present significant differences compared with their heterosexual are more likely to make suicide attempts; this is probably the case
peers in relation to mechanisms by which risk factors act and in women as well but our results were inconclusive. Further
are correlated. Risk factors such as depression, alcohol and drug research is needed to establish causality between sexual orientation
misuse may be similar among LGB and heterosexual young and suicide, and specific risk factors among the LGB population.
people, but the mechanisms of action are completely different. Public health strategies for prevention of mental disorders
including suicidal behaviour must be considered among the
LGB population, a high-risk group in which specific factors are
Generalisation of the findings acting.
Some additional issues should be taken into consideration before
generalising these results. First, the assessment of sexual A. Miranda-Mendizabal , MD, MPH, Health Services Research Group, Institut

orientation differed between included studies: one study assessed ns Me

Hospital del Mar d'Investigacio diques (IMIM) and Department of Health and

Experimental Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Barcelona; P. Castellv , PhD,

sexual orientation by asking if the person had ever had a sexual n Biome
Health Services Research Group, IMIM and Centro de Investigacio dica en Red

relation with another person of the same gender; this could be de Epidemiologa y Salud Pu
blica (CIBERESP), Barcelona; O. Pares-Badell , MD, MPH,

J. Almenara
considered a sexual behaviour rather than sexual orientation.62
Health Services Research Group, IMIM, Barcelona; , MD, PhD, Faculty

of Nursing and Physiotherapy, University of Ca I. Alonso , PhD, Morales Meseguer

It is important to differentiate sexual orientation from sexual Hospital, Murcia; M. J. Blasco , MSc, Health Services Research Group, IMIM,

behaviour. Sexual orientation is composed of emotional, romantic

Department of Health and Experimental Sciences, UPF, and CIBERESP, Barcelona;

A. Cebria Sanitaria Parc Taul,

, PhD, Department of Mental Health, Corporacio

and/or sexual attraction, as well as an individual's sense of Sabadell; A. Gabilondo , MD, PhD, Outpatient Mental Health Care Network,

personal and social identity.63 A person who has engaged in

Osakidetza-Basque Health Service, and Mental Health and Psychiatric Care Research

Unit, BioDonosti Health Research Institute; M. Gili , PhD, Institut Universitari

homosexual or bisexual behaviour should not necessarily be en Cie

d'Investigacio ncies de la Salut (IUNICS-IDISPA), University of Balearic Islands,

identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual. Second, we found important Palma de Mallorca; C. Lagares , PhD, Department of Statistics and Operative

Research, University of Ca J. A. Piqueras , PhD, Department of Health Psychology,

differences in the inclusion of confounding variables in multi- Miguel Hernandez University of Elche; M. Roca , MD, PhD, IUNICS-IDISPA and Network

variate models between the original studies. Some of them did of Preventive Activities and Health Promotion, University of Balearic Islands, Palma de

Mallorca; J. Rodrguez-Marn , PhD, T. Rodrguez-Jimenez , PhD, V. Soto-Sanz ,

not even adjust for any confounding variable, an important source BSc, Department of Health Psychology, Miguel Hernandez University of Elche;

of heterogeneity. Third, the length of follow-up in most of the G. Vilagut , Health Services Research Group, IMIM, and CIBERESP, Barcelona;

Jordi Alonso , MD, PhD, Health Services Research Group, IMIM, Department of Health

cohort studies included was less than 5 years. Considering that and Experimental Sciences, UPF, and CIBERESP, Barcelona, Spain

the incidence of suicidal behaviour in the general population is Correspondence

low,2 it is important to take latency into account because studies
: Dr Jordi Alonso, IMIM-Institut Hospital del Mar

diques, PRBB Building, Doctor Aiguader 88, 08003 Barcelona,

d'Investigacions Me

allowing for latent periods found higher incidence of the Spain. Email:

outcomes than those that ignored latency.17 However, apparently First received 11 Feb 2016, final revision 21 Nov 2016, accepted 27 Nov 2016

this issue did not result in heterogeneity, as may be seen in the

sensitivity analyses. Finally, although no publication bias was
observed according to the Harbord test, we cannot firmly exclude
it owing to the small number of studies analysed, well below the Funding
overall recommendation of a minimum of 10 studies for the
assessment of asymmetry.64 Even though the funnel plot should Tecnologa e Innovacio Ecuador. Additional
n Superior, Ciencia,
A.M.M. was fully supported by the Secretaria Nacional de Educacio

n, funding for this study was provided by

be interpreted with caution owing to the small sample size and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CD12/00440), ISCIII-FEDER (PI13/00343), ISCIII-FIS (CM14/

the problems previously reported when applied to a binary 00125), ISCIII ECA07/059 and AGAUR 2014 SGR 748, Spain.

outcome,64 visual inspection of the graph suggests that if any,

asymmetry would be in the sense of small studies tending to lead
to lower estimates of the effect than larger studies, and thus
publication bias does not seem to be explaining the asymmetry.65 Special acknowledgements are due to Dave MacFarlane for his assistance with

management of the data extraction form, and to Alejandro De La Torre for his cooperation

in statistical analyses.

Future research
Although a significant association between sexual orientation and References
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The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Sigmund Freud

Jeremy Holmes

Joyous is not a word normally associated with Freud despite being the true meaning of his name. But The Psychopathology of
Everyday Life fully deserves the epithet: a glorious collection of anecdotes, spoonerisms, lacunae, `speech blunders' and odd actions
revealing, he argues, the cauldron of repressed feelings lurking below consciousness.

The book belongs to Freud's middle period, while still a passionate clinician reveling in free-associationism, and relatively
unencumbered by meta-psychology. Written in 1901, published in 1904, it was first translated into English by Brill in 1914.
`Fehlleistungen' was changed by Strachey from Brill's `faulty action' to the pseudo-medical `parapraxis'. The `Freudian slip', with
its double entendre of a revealing/concealing female undergarment, appeared in 1959.

The Psychopathology of Everyday Life reveals Freud at his most scintillating. Many examples come from his own life, professional
and personal. We learn of his marital tiffs; his daughter's life-threatening illness; sexual attraction to a younger woman; omitting to
pay bills and losing his keys; rivalry with colleagues; and, despite his famed photographic memory, forgetting the name of a famous
Renaissance painter, Signorelli. He touchingly exposes his professional failures: an analysand's suicide; patients he mis-diagnosed
with `hysteria' who had a brain tumour or multiple sclerosis.

Freud's mission is threefold: (1) to illustrate the continuity between normality and pathology, counteracting the prevalent view of
mental illness as manifestation of `degeneracy'; (2) following The Interpretation of Dreams, to show that `dream-life' continues during
the day; (3) to convince that `faulty action' including speech is `motivated' by warded-off affective states: `forgetting in all cases is
proved to be founded on a motive of displeasure'. It is not the feelings in themselves that are `displeasureable'. Sexuality, and the
desire for fame and recognition, are no less unconsciously `motivating' than resentment, shame and disappointment. Displeasure
lies in the anxiety associated with such feelings. Parapraxis arises out of what we now see as `affect phobia'.

But was Freud right? True, scientific curiosity does not shy away from the everyday. Darwin learned as much from the worms in his
Down House garden as from Galapagos finches. Freud argues for everyday material's `admission' to science, subject to `stricter
methods of verification'. He is in awe of `the great Darwin's' practice of noting examples which ran counter to his theories, fearing
that wish-fulfillment would otherwise suppress them. Sadly, Freud fails to apply these strictures to himself. There are few if any black
swans in The Psychopathology of Everyday Life; psychic determinism rules.

We know now that many slips are unmotivated, flowing from `banalisation', verbal typos and ingrained habit. But parapraxes are also
undeniable. What primary school child has, to their horror, not called mistakenly their teacher `Mum'? Male subjects given verbal
tasks by scantily clad female psychologists tend to produce unwitting sexual innuendos. Avoidantly attached individuals have high
cortisol levels, suggesting suppressed attachment needs; when subject to `cognitive load', for instance in Stroop tests, the need for
security parapraxically reveals itself.

A century on, Freud's ode to psychoanalytic joy has lost none of its freshness and relevance: essential reading for all would-be wise
and witty psychiatrists.
The British Journal of Psychiatry

211, 87. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.117.199281

Data supplement to Miranda-Mendizbal et al. Sexual orientation and suicidal
behaviour in adolescents and young adults: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Br J Psychiatry doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.116.196345

Data supplement DS1

Detailed search strategy:

Search terms by database

Components Keywords
Inclusion keywords Exclusion keywords
Population Humans Animals
Outcome Suicide
Suicidal behavior
Suicide ideation
Suicide plan
Suicide attempt
Non-suicidal self-injury
Deliberate self-harm
Non-fatal suicidal behavior
Exposure Risk factor
Protective factor
Study design Experimental study Case series
Randomized controlled trial Case report
Controlled clinical trial
Clinical trial
Longitudinal study
Observational study
Cohort study
Case control study
Time series study
Prospective study
Retrospective study
Cross-sectional study
Others Type of publications:
- Comments
- Letter
- Editorial
Search Strategy in each selected database:

1. Medline (Pubmed): Searched October 27, 2013

Search Strategy

#24 (#20 AND #21 AND #22) NOT (#18 OR #19 OR #20)
#23 (#14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17)
#22 (#10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13)
#21 (#5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9)
#20 (#3 OR #4)
#19 (#1 NOT (#1 AND #2))
#18 case reports[Publication Type]
(("prospective studies"[MeSH Terms] OR ("prospective"[All Fields] AND
"studies"[All Fields]) OR "prospective studies"[All Fields] OR ("prospective"[All
Fields] AND "study"[All Fields]) OR "prospective study"[All Fields]) OR
("retrospective studies"[MeSH Terms] OR ("retrospective"[All Fields] AND
"studies"[All Fields]) OR "retrospective studies"[All Fields] OR ("retrospective"[All
Fields] AND "study"[All Fields]) OR "retrospective study"[All Fields]) OR Follow-
up[All Fields] OR ("cross-sectional studies"[MeSH Terms] OR ("cross-sectional"[All
Fields] AND "studies"[All Fields]) OR "cross-sectional studies"[All Fields] OR
("cross"[All Fields] AND "sectional"[All Fields] AND "study"[All Fields]) OR "cross
#17 sectional study"[All Fields]))
(("cohort studies"[MeSH Terms] OR ("cohort"[All Fields] AND "studies"[All Fields])
OR "cohort studies"[All Fields] OR ("cohort"[All Fields] AND "study"[All Fields])
OR "cohort study"[All Fields]) OR ("case-control studies"[MeSH Terms] OR ("case-
control"[All Fields] AND "studies"[All Fields]) OR "case-control studies"[All Fields]
OR ("case"[All Fields] AND "control"[All Fields] AND "study"[All Fields]) OR
"case control study"[All Fields]) OR (("time"[MeSH Terms] OR "time"[All Fields])
AND series[All Fields] AND ("clinical trials as topic"[MeSH Terms] OR
("clinical"[All Fields] AND "trials"[All Fields] AND "topic"[All Fields]) OR "clinical
trials as topic"[All Fields] OR "study"[All Fields] OR "biomedical research"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("biomedical"[All Fields] AND "research"[All Fields]) OR "biomedical
#16 research"[All Fields])))
(("controlled clinical trial"[Publication Type] OR "controlled clinical trials as
topic"[MeSH Terms] OR "controlled clinical trial"[All Fields]) OR ("clinical
trial"[Publication Type] OR "clinical trials as topic"[MeSH Terms] OR "clinical
trial"[All Fields]) OR ("longitudinal studies"[MeSH Terms] OR ("longitudinal"[All
Fields] AND "studies"[All Fields]) OR "longitudinal studies"[All Fields] OR
("longitudinal"[All Fields] AND "study"[All Fields]) OR "longitudinal study"[All
Fields]) OR (Observational[All Fields] AND ("clinical trials as topic"[MeSH Terms]
OR ("clinical"[All Fields] AND "trials"[All Fields] AND "topic"[All Fields]) OR
"clinical trials as topic"[All Fields] OR "study"[All Fields] OR "biomedical
research"[MeSH Terms] OR ("biomedical"[All Fields] AND "research"[All Fields])
#15 OR "biomedical research"[All Fields])))
((Experimental[All Fields] AND ("clinical trials as topic"[MeSH Terms] OR
("clinical"[All Fields] AND "trials"[All Fields] AND "topic"[All Fields]) OR "clinical
trials as topic"[All Fields] OR "study"[All Fields] OR "biomedical research"[MeSH
Terms] OR ("biomedical"[All Fields] AND "research"[All Fields]) OR "biomedical
research"[All Fields])) OR ("randomized controlled trial"[Publication Type] OR
"randomized controlled trials as topic"[MeSH Terms] OR "randomized controlled
#14 trial"[All Fields] OR "randomised controlled trial"[All Fields]))
(("risk factors"[MeSH Terms] OR ("risk"[Tiab] AND "factors"[Tiab]) OR "risk
#13 factors"[Tiab] OR ("risk"[Tiab] AND "factor"[Tiab]) OR "risk factor"[Tiab]))
(("etiology"[Subheading] OR "etiology"[Tiab] OR "causality"[Tiab] OR
"causality"[MeSH Terms]) OR Relationship[Tiab] OR ("association"[MeSH Terms]
OR "association"[Tiab]) OR Prediction[Tiab] OR Harm[Tiab] OR Adverse[Tiab] OR
Antecedent[Tiab] OR ("history"[Subheading] OR "history"[Tiab] OR "history"[MeSH
#12 Terms]))
((protective factors[Tiab] OR (protective[Tiab] AND factor[Tiab]) OR
(protective[Tiab] AND factors[Tiab]) OR "prevention"[Tiab]) OR
#11 Improvement[Tiab])
(prevalence[MeSH Terms] OR incidence[MeSH Terms] OR prevalence[Tiab] OR
#10 incidence[Tiab])
(("deliberate"[All Fields] AND "self"[All Fields] AND "harm"[All Fields]) OR
#9 "deliberate self-harm"[All Fields])
((Non-suicidal[All Fields] AND self-injury[All Fields]) OR ("self-injurious
behavior"[MeSH Terms] OR ("self-injurious"[All Fields] AND "behavior"[All
Fields]) OR "self-injurious behavior"[All Fields] OR "parasuicide"[All Fields]) OR
Self-injure[All Fields] OR ("self-injurious behavior"[MeSH Terms] OR ("self-
injurious"[All Fields] AND "behavior"[All Fields]) OR "self-injurious behavior"[All
#8 Fields]))
("suicide, attempted"[MeSH Terms] OR ("suicide"[All Fields] AND "attempted"[All
Fields]) OR "attempted suicide"[All Fields] OR ("suicide"[All Fields] AND
#7 "attempt"[All Fields]) OR "suicide attempt"[All Fields])
((suicidal[All Fields] AND ("behaviour"[All Fields] OR "behavior"[MeSH Terms]
OR "behavior"[All Fields])) OR (("suicide"[MeSH Terms] OR "suicide"[All Fields])
#6 AND (ideation[All Fields] OR plan[All Fields])))
#5 (suicid*) OR "suicide"[MeSH Terms] OR "suicide"[All Fields])
#4 editorial [Publication Type]
#3 letter[Publication Type]
#2 human[MeSH Terms]
#1 animal[MeSH Terms]
2. Embase: Searched October 21, 2013

Search Strategy

#6 (#3 AND #4 AND #5) NOT (#1 OR #2)

'experimental study'/exp OR 'experimental study' OR 'randomized controlled trial'/exp
OR 'randomized controlled trial' OR 'controlled clinical trial'/exp OR 'controlled
clinical trial' OR 'clinical trial'/exp OR 'clinical trial' OR 'longitudinal study'/exp OR
'longitudinal study' OR 'observational study'/exp OR 'observational study' OR 'cohort
analysis'/exp OR 'cohort analysis' OR 'case control study'/exp OR 'case control study'
OR 'prospective study'/exp OR 'prospective study' OR 'retrospective study'/exp OR
'retrospective study' OR 'follow-up'/exp OR 'follow-up' OR 'cross-sectional study'/exp
OR 'cross-sectional study' OR 'cohort study'/exp OR 'cohort study' OR 'time series
#5 study'
'risk factor'/exp OR 'risk factor':ti,ab OR 'prediction'/exp OR 'prediction':ti,ab OR
'association'/exp OR 'association':ti,ab OR 'prevention'/exp OR 'prevention':ti,ab OR
'causality'/exp OR 'causality':ti,ab OR 'relationship':ti,ab OR 'adverse':ti,ab OR
'antecedent':ti,ab OR 'etiology'/exp OR 'etiology':ti,ab OR 'protective factor':ti,ab OR
#4 prevalence/exp OR incidente/exp
suicid* OR 'suicidal behavior'/exp OR 'suicidal behavior' OR 'automutilation'/exp OR
'automutilation' OR 'suicide'/exp OR 'suicide' OR 'suicide ideation'/exp OR 'suicide
ideation' OR 'suicide plan' OR 'suicide attempt'/exp OR 'suicide attempt' OR 'non-
suicidal self-injury' OR 'parasuicide'/exp OR 'parasuicide' OR 'self-injure' OR
#3 'deliberate self-harm' OR suicidality
#2 letter/exp OR editorial/exp OR case report/exp
#1 animal/exp NOT (animal/exp AND human/exp)

3 Web of Science: Search October 21, 2013

Search Strategy

#6 (#3 AND #4 AND #5) NOT (#1 OR #2)

TS=(Experimental study OR Randomized controlled trial OR Controlled clinical trial
OR Clinical trial OR Longitudinal study OR Observational study ORCohort study OR
Case control study OR Time series study OR Prospective study OR Retrospective
#5 study OR Follow-up OR Cross-sectional study)
TS=(Risk factor OR Causality OR Relationship OR Association OR Prediction OR
Harm OR Adverse OR Antecedent OR History OR $Etiology OR Protective factor
#4 OR Prevention OR Improvement OR prevalence OR incidence)
TS=(Suicid* OR suicide OR Suicidal behavior OR Suicide ideation OR Suicide plan
OR Suicide attempt OR Non-suicidal self-injury OR Parasuicide OR Self-injure OR
#3 Deliberate self-harm OR Suicidality OR Non-fatal suicidal behaviour)
#2 DT=(letter) OR TI=(editorial) OR TI=(case report)
#1 TS=(animal NOT (animal AND human))
4. The Cochrane Library: Search October 17, 2013

Search Strategy

#39 (#14 and #29 and #37) not (#3 or #38)

#38 MeSH descriptor: [Case Reports] explode all trees
#37 #30 or #31 or #32 or #33 or #34 or #35 or #36
#36 MeSH descriptor: [Cross-Sectional Studies] explode all trees
#35 MeSH descriptor: [Case-Control Studies] explode all trees
#34 MeSH descriptor: [Cohort Studies] explode all trees
#33 MeSH descriptor: [Longitudinal Studies] explode all trees
#32 MeSH descriptor: [Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic] explode all trees
#31 MeSH descriptor: [Randomized Controlled Trial] explode all trees
#30 MeSH descriptor: [Research Design] explode all trees
#15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 or #26 or
#29 #27 or #28
#28 improvement:ti,ab,kw
#27 prevention:ti,ab,kw
#26 protective factor*:ti,ab,kw
#25 etiology:ti,ab,kw
#24 history:ti,ab,kw
#23 antecedent:ti,ab,kw
#22 adverse:ti,ab,kw
#21 harm:ti,ab,kw
#20 prediction:ti,ab,kw
#19 association:ti,ab,kw
#18 relationship:ti,ab,kw
#17 MeSH descriptor: [Causality] explode all trees
#16 risk factor*:ti,ab,kw
#15 MeSH descriptor: [Risk] explode all trees
#14 #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 #8 or #9 or #10 or #11
#13 Deliberat* self-harm
#12 self-injur*
#11 Parasuicide
#10 Non-suicid* self-injury
#9 suicid* attempt*
#8 suicid* plan
#7 suicid* ideation
#6 suicid* behavi*
#5 suicid*
#4 MeSH descriptor: [Suicide] explode all trees
#3 #2 not (#2 and #1)
#2 MeSH descriptor: [Animals] explode all trees
#1 MeSH descriptor: [Humans] explode all trees
5. PsycInfo (EBSCOHost): Search October 22, 2013

Search Strategy

((DE suicidal ideation OR Suicidal Ideation OR DE "Suicide+" OR DE "Assisted

Suicide" OR (DE suicidology) OR suicid* OR (suicidal AND behav*) OR suicidal
ideation OR suicide plan OR suicide attempt OR attempted suicide OR
suicidality OR suicide prevention OR parasuicide OR self-injurious behavior OR
"non-suicidal self-injury OR self-injur* OR "non-fatal suicidal behavior" OR "non-
fatal suicidal behaviour" OR (DE "Suicide Prevention")) AND (DE "risk factors" OR
risk factors OR DE causality OR (TI causalit* OR AB causalit*) OR (TI
relationship OR AB relationship) OR (TI Association* OR AB Association*) OR DE
"Prediction" OR DE "Harm Reduction" OR (TI adverse OR AB adverse) OR (TI
History OR AB History) OR DE "Etiology" OR (DE "Protective Factors") OR (TI
Protective factors OR AB Protective factors) OR (DE "Prevention") OR (DE
"Accident Prevention") OR prevalence OR incidence OR (DE "Primary Mental Health
Prevention") OR (DE "Relapse Prevention") OR (TI improve* OR AB improve*))
AND (DE "Clinical Trials+" OR DE "Experimental Design" OR DE "Between
Groups Design" OR DE "Clinical Trials" OR DE "Cohort Analysis" OR DE
"Followup Studies" OR DE "Hypothesis Testing" OR DE "Longitudinal Studies" OR
DE "Repeated Measures" OR DE "Prospective Studies" OR DE Case-control OR
DE Cross-sectional OR DE "Time Series" OR DE "Retrospective Studies")) NOT
((DE Animals+ OR DE "Female Animals" OR DE "Infants (Animal)" OR DE
Invertebrates OR DE "Male Animals" OR DE "Vertebrates") OR (DE Case

6. OpenGrey: Searched July 1, 2014 (Limit publication date: October 27, 2013)

Search Strategy

((suicide* OR (suicide* (behaviour OR behaviour)) OR (suicide* attempt*) OR

(deliberate self-harm) OR (suicidality) OR self-injur*) AND (risk factor* OR
causalit* OR relationship* OR association* OR prediction* OR harm* OR adverse
OR antecedent* OR history OR etiology OR protective factor* OR prevention* OR
improvement* OR incidence) AND (longitudinal study OR observational study OR
cohort study OR ((case AND control) study) OR prospective study OR retrospective
study OR follow-up) AND (young* OR youth OR child* OR adolescent* OR
#1 (college student*) OR (university student*) OR (young worker*))
Table DS1 Population attributable risk
Prevalence of LBG (%) P0 (%) RR PAR (%)
4 4 2.15 4.4
8 4 2.15 8.4
13 4 2.15 13
Prevalence of being LGB was calculated based on data from studies reporting this.18-23,31
P0: prevalence of suicide attempts in heterosexuals.
RR: relative risk.
PAR: population attributable risk.
Table DS2 Risk factors for suicide attempts in LGB adolescents and young adults
Suicide attempts
Percentage of % / M (SD)
Author Risk factor
suicide attempts No
Yes (n=61)
DAugelli A et al. 2005 16.9
Ever called sissy/tomboy 72 60
Parents called youth sissy/tomboy 59 27
Parents discouraged gender-atypical behaviour 69 30
Parents called youth LGB 55 35
History of family suicidality 38 23
History of family depression 10 6
Family socioeconomic status 3.16 (1.36) 2.99 (1.37)
Age of first awareness of same-sex attractions 8.66 (2.53) 10.07 (3.44)
Age of self-identification as LGB 12.59 (2.43) 13.92 (2.39)
Age of first disclosure of sexual orientation 13.41 (2.18) 14.34 (2.02)
Openness with family members about sexual orientation 3.97 (0.98) 3.01 (1.53)
Age of disclosure of sexual orientation to a parent 13.57 (2.79) 14.89 (2.24)
Years of awareness of sexual orientation 8.45 (2.32) 6.92 (3.63)
Years between self-identification and first disclosure 1.00 (1.63) .90 (1.67)
Openness about sexual orientation with friends 4.28 (1.28) 4.15 (1.16)
Openness about sexual orientation in junior high school 0.55 (1.12) 0.72 (1.24)
Childhood gender atypicality 3.68 (1.39) 2.94 (1.43)
Parental psychological abuse 1.78 (0.85) 1.09 (0.69)
Gay-related verbal abuse 8.03 (6.67) 4.51 (4.80)
OR (95%CI)
Silenzio V et al. 2007 4.5a Problem drinking 1.97 (0.42-9.12)
Problem drug use 1.78 (0.46-6.91)
Depression 1.11 (0.99-1.25)
Mustanski B et al. 2013 5.5 Past suicide attempt 10.52 (2.00-55.27)
Depression 0.98 (0.84-1.14)
Hopelessness 1.82 (0.79-4.19)
Burns M et al. 2015 14 Black 1.29 (0.58-2.87)
Latino 1.44 (0.57-3.59)
Other 3.02 (1.10-8.25)
Percentage from the total LGBs in the sample (Table 1).
Bold letters show higher prevalence or media values, and significant odd ratios.


Fig. DS1 Forest plot (a), Galbraith plot (b) and Funnel plot (c) of sexual orientation as risk factor for suicide attempts, comparing gay and bisexual against
heterosexual men

Fig. DS2 Forest plot (a), Galbraith plot (b) and Funnel plot (c) of sexual orientation as risk factor for suicide attempts, comparing lesbian and bisexual against
heterosexual women

Fig. DS3 Forest plots of sexual orientation as risk factor for suicide attempts, comparing a) gay versus heterosexual men, b) bisexual versus heterosexual men,
c) lesbian versus heterosexual women, and d) bisexual versus heterosexual women

Fig. DS4 Forest plot (a), Galbraith plot (b) and Funnel plot (c) of depression as risk factor for suicide attempts in lesbian, gay and bisexual adolescents and
Fig. DS1
Fig. DS2
Fig. DS3
Fig. DS4
Sexual orientation and suicidal behaviour in adolescents and
young adults: systematic review and meta-analysis
A. Miranda-Mendizbal, P. Castellv, O. Pars-Badell, J. Almenara, I. Alonso, M. J. Blasco, A. Cebri, A.
Gabilondo, M. Gili, C. Lagares, J. A. Piqueras, M. Roca, J. Rodrguez-Marn, T. Rodrguez-Jimnez, V.
Soto-Sanz, G. Vilagut and J. Alonso
BJP 2017, 211:77-87.
Access the most recent version at DOI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.116.196345

Supplementary Supplementary material can be found at:


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