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Lesson Plan Two

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Lesson Plan Two

Teacher Candidate: Emma Willard Date: December 3, 2017

Grade and Topic: Grade 4, Science Length of Lesson: 3 class periods

Mentor Teacher: Brian T. Johnson School: University of Memphis IDT 3600

Unit Objective
The Plant and Animal Cell Comparison lesson is part of a unit plan on plant and animal cells as described
in the TN state Life Sciences standard.

Lesson Objective
Content Learning Goals and Objectives
1. After completing multiple applications about cell parts TSW be able to identify the different
parts of both plant and animal cells with a score of three out of four on the rubric.
2. Given the selected images, TLW support the decision for selecting each graphic with a written
rationale and will identify if it is found in the plant cell, animal cell, or both cells with a score of
three out of four on the rubric. (Blooms taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, analysis)
3. TLW answer the questions on the reflection page that demonstrate a clear understanding of the
different parts of the plant and animal cells with a score of three out of four on the rubric.
(Blooms taxonomy: synthesis)

Student Participation
The goal of this multi-application lesson is for students to demonstrate a clear understanding of the
different roles the parts of the plant or animal cell play while engaging in online activities.

State/District, Common Core Standards
TN Science - GLE 0407.1.1 Recognize that cells are the building blocks of all living things.

ISTE Standard(s)
3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media
Materials Used
1. Smartboard
2. Computer
3. Printer
4. Microsoft Word
5. Internet Access to the following Websites:
Cell Explorer: http://www.exploratorium.edu/traits/cell_explorer.html
Plant Cell: http://www.kscience.co.uk/animations/plant_cell.htm)
Animal Cell: http://www.kscience.co.uk/animations/animal_cell.htm
Google Images: www.google.com
6. Cells Checklist
7. Animal Cell Coloring Sheet
8. Plant Cell Coloring Sheet
9. Colored pencils
10. Reflection Page
11. Stapler

Technology Integration
Students will use the websites stated above as resources for cells and access to images. Word processing
software will be used to type, format, and add images to the Cell Comparison activity. Students, upon
completing the activity, will save their work to a shared Dropbox folder for their class. A sample of the product is
available here: Student Sample

Background and Rationale

Students will demonstrate a clear understanding the role of each part of the cell by providing
visual representations and written reflections on the meaning of each part.
Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
This lesson is a continuation of TN science standard 4.0.
We will refer to the summary created here as we continue to explore cells.
I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the
objectives and for those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in
this course and are not part of this particular lesson.

Procedures and Timeline


The class will talk about what they already know about plants and animal cells. Technology will be
integrated by having students write on the Smartboard during the discussion.


Prior to the Computer (15 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:
1. Give students an overview of what 1. Students understand the goal of this
they will be doing. lesson.
2. Remind students of rules while using 2. Students understand classroom rules
the computers. while using computers.
3. Instruct Students to complete each 3. Students pick up their computer/tablet
item of the checklist before turning in and the checklist.
all of their work.

At the Computer (45 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:
1. Answer any 1. Go to the Cell Explorer Website
questions the (http://www.exploratorium.edu/traits/cell_explorer.html).
students have. Click on all of the Parts of the cell for a review of the
2. Let the function each part of the cell plays.
students work, 2. Color the Animal Cells Coloring Worksheet.
walk around to 3. Color the Plant Cells Coloring Sheet.
make sure 4. Drag and drop the plant cell parts name with the
everyone is on corresponding image.
the right track. 5. in the Plant Cell Activity
3. Constantly (http://www.kscience.co.uk/animations/plant_cell.htm).
monitor and Then screenshot the your completed image once you get it
assist students completely correct, print the screenshot. This will be the
as needed. fourth page of your Cell Portfolio.
6. Drag and drop the animal cell parts name with the
corresponding image in the Animal Cell Activity
Then screenshot the your completed image once you get it
completely correct, print the screenshot. This will be the
fifth page of your Cell Portfolio.
7. Picture the Cells
Open Microsoft Word.
Add the following Title: Picture the Cells
Insert a 5-column 11-Row Table
Add the following column names: cell Part; role; picture;
Why picture was Chosen; Plant, Animal, or Both?
List the following parts of the cell in the correct column:
Membrane, Cytoplasm, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Nucleus,
Ribsomes, Mitochondria,, Golgi Bodies, Vacuole,
Centrioles,Cell Wall, Chloroplast
Give a brief description of what that part of the cell does
{Go back to the Cell Explorer Website
l) if necessary}
Use key words to locate an image for the cell part
Use pull-down menu to copy the image. Paste the
picture in the correct spot.
Write a short description of why you chose that picture.
Do the steps in purple for all of the remaing parts of the
Correct any spelling errors.
8. Pick up Reflection page, then wait for teacher to give
9. Arrange All items on the checklist in the correct order.
Staple when every item has been completed.

After the Computer (30 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:

1. Place students in groups of 3 to 4 1. While in a group, students review each

students. others work and note differences and
2. Ask students to pass their Portfolios similarities between final documents.
work to the person on the right. 2. Students discuss the different papers.
3. Students are to quietly review the 3. Students answer the questions on the
work and take notes of the key Reflections page.
similarities and differences, then pass
the paper to the next person until
students have reviewed all the papers
in the group.
4. Give students 5 to 10 minutes to
discuss the differences.
5. Have students individually write a
reflection about what they learned
about cells: What did they already
know? What did they learn? What
confuses them?

Students volunteer to share their Reflections. At the end of class, the teacher collects portfolios, checks
for assignment submissions, and polls the class for questions.
Assessment Evidence
Cells Checklist
Cells Checklist (This sheet)
Cell Explorer (nothing to print for portfolio, just complete the activity)
Animal Cell Coloring Sheet
Plant Cell Coloring Sheet
Plant Cell
Animal Cell

Criteria 2 5 8 10

Checklist Checklist isnt Checklist is included, Checklist is included, Checklist is included,

Included, pages out of Pages arent in order. Pages are almost Pages are completely
order. Completely in order. in order.

Animal/ Plant Cell Neither coloring sheet One of the sheets Both sheets are Both sheets included
Coloring Sheet is included. is included. Included but are not and look great.
expressing students
best effort.

Plant/Animal Cell Neither screenshot One of the Both screenshots are Both screenshots are
is included. screenshots is Included, not 100% Included with 100%
included. accurate. accuracy.

Parts of the Cell The rationale for The rationale for The rationale for The rationale for all
very few or none of some of the almost all of the of the chosen
Rationale for the chosen graphics chosen graphics chosen graphics graphics very
using the demonstrates an demonstrates a clearly clearly
graphics appropriate fairly appropriate demonstrates why demonstrates why
representation of representation of the image is an the images were an
the concept. the concept. appropriate appropriate
representation representation of
Graphics do not the concepts.
Graphic images accurately represent Few Graphics Almost all of the
represent each the concepts. represent the graphics represent All the graphics
part of the cell concepts. the concepts. represent the

Reflections The reflection does The reflection The reflection The reflection
not demonstrate an demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a
understanding of somewhat vague somewhat clear clear understanding
the part of the cell understanding of understanding of of the part of the cell
and/or what it the part of the cell the part of the cell and what it means
means to the and what it means and what it means to the student.
student. to the student. to the student.
I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready for
enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular lesson.

Student Sample Cell Portfolio

Page 1: Cell Checklist

Page 2: Animal Cell Coloring Sheet

Page 3: Plant Cell Coloring Sheet

Page 4:

Page 5:
Page 6:
Picture the Cells
Cell Part Role Picture Why Picture was Plant,
chosen Animal,
Membrane Surrounds I chose this picture Both
and protects because the
the cell, membrane is like a
allows certain wall surrounding a
things to city, only letting
enter/exit some things in to
cell. protect the city.
Cytoplasm Fluid that fills I chose this picture Both
the cell because it is what I
imagine the
cytoplasm fluid to
look like inside of a
Endoplasmic Sacs and I chose an image of a Both
Reticulum tubes that bus because buses
transport transport
substances to substances.
the Golgi
Nucleus Command I chose this image Both
center, because this is what I
contains think of when I think
genetic of a command
material center. The
InsideOut command
center is similar
because it controls
everything going on
and contains genetic
Ribosomes Generate I chose this image Both
proteins because ribosomes
create proteins kind
of like in this image.

Mitochondria Powerhouse; I chose this image Both

converts food because the
into energy mitochondria
powers the cell.

Golgi Bodies Location I chose a bus stop Both

where because the bus stop
substances is where buses drop
are received off passengers, kind
of like how the
Reticulum drops off
substances here.
Vacuole Storage Units I chose this image Both
(larger in because vacuoles
plant cells store substances in
than animal the cell.

Centrioles Help move I chose a crutches Animal

chromosomes because centrioles
during cell help move
division. chromosomes but
are only present
when animal cells
are dividing, kind of
like crutches only
help you move when
you are hurt.
Cell Wall Support the I chose this image Plant
weight of the because the cell wall
cell supports the weight
of the cell kind of like
the blue people
support the weight
of the orange
Chloroplast Produce food I chose this image Plant
because the
chloroplast is
producing food

Page 9:

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