Mahabharat War Dating 3067 BC - Prof - Narahari Achar
Mahabharat War Dating 3067 BC - Prof - Narahari Achar
Mahabharat War Dating 3067 BC - Prof - Narahari Achar
B. N. Narahari Achar
University of Memphis
Delhi 2014
Outline of the talk
The date of the Mahabharata war
Initial attempts using Planetarium software
determined as a unique date, 3067 BCE
based on the astronomical data within the epic
independent of any other source
Consistency of 3067 BCE with traditional reckoning
of Kaliyuga
The Bharata War is the central landmark in Indian
traditional history and fixing the date of that event
will give us a starting point in settling dates of events
occurring before and after that.
Antare caiva samprapte kali dvaparayo rabhut |
Samanta pancake yuddham kuru pandava
senayoh ||
Number of
<5000 3000 2000 1000
Date of the War BC Years (+/-250 years)
Date of the Mahabharata War based on Astronomy
Number of Authors promoting it
Number of
<5000 3000 2000 1000
Date of the War BC Years(+/-250 years)
Astronomical Events referred to in the Epic
Planet Position
Saturn rohini
Mars Had become retrograde before
reaching jyeshtha
Lunar Eclipse Full moon of Kartika
Solar eclipse at jyeshtha
Search for years when Saturn was in conjunction with
Rohini from 3500 BCE to 500 CE.
There are 137 such conjunctions in this period.
Search for Retrograde Mars just before jyeshtha from
among this set of 137 conjunction dates.
There are only 17 dates in which Saturn is near Rohini and
Mars is retrograde near jyeshtha
3271 BCE,3067 BCE, 2830 BCE,2625 BCE, 2388 BCE, 2183 BCE,
1946 BCE, 1741 BCE, 1503 BCE, 1299 BCE, 1061BCE, 857 BCE,
620 BCE, 415 BCE, 28 CE, 233 CE, 470 CE
Search for a lunar eclipse in Kartika
Only two dates: 3067 BCE and 2183 BCE
In both of these years, there is also a solar eclipse at Jyeshtha
Saturn at Rohini, Oct 21, 2183 BCE
Solar eclipse at Antares 2183 BC
Two important events: Amavasya at Jyeshtha
Bhishmas expiry on Rohini, Magha shukla ashthami
War takes place between these two nakshtras.
Two events one at Jyeshtha and another at Rohini. Interval :
13 days.
40 days =(13+27)
67 days =(13+27+27)
94 days= (13+27+27+27)
First two ruled out
67 days corresponds to 2183 BCE
94 days corresponds to 3067 BCE
For 2183 BCE, war should begin on an amavasya
For 3067 BCE war ends on an amavasya.
War could not have taken place much before 3000 BCE
War could not have taken place much later than 2000 BCE.
Some Recent Works and Projected Dates
Based on Astronomical Data