This describes 2 parallel streams of Vedic learning from 62000 BC-Indra and Varuna (Dravida). Location of ancient Dravida land and Kanyakumari are discussed with refrence to 7 lokas and Talas on earth.
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This describes 2 parallel streams of Vedic learning from 62000 BC-Indra and Varuna (Dravida). Location of ancient Dravida land and Kanyakumari are discussed with refrence to 7 lokas and Talas on earth.
This describes 2 parallel streams of Vedic learning from 62000 BC-Indra and Varuna (Dravida). Location of ancient Dravida land and Kanyakumari are discussed with refrence to 7 lokas and Talas on earth.
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This describes 2 parallel streams of Vedic learning from 62000 BC-Indra and Varuna (Dravida). Location of ancient Dravida land and Kanyakumari are discussed with refrence to 7 lokas and Talas on earth.
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Draviḍa heritage
-By Arun Kumar Upadhyay, Cuttack,
09437034172, 1.Introduction-Since the time of discourse of Bhāgavata purāṇa by Śukadeva in last time of king Parīkśita (3042 BC), we listen to Bhāgavata-māhātmya as in Padma-purāṇa, uttara khaṇḍa, chapter 1 of Bhāgavata māhātmya tells that Bhakti (devotion) was born in Draviḍa deśa and grew in Karṇāṭaka. It survived at some places of Mahārāṣṭra, but decayed with oldness in Gurjara. Finally, at Vṛndāvana, it gained its youth. Her 2 sons were Jñāna (knowledge) and Vairāgya (renunciation) who were still old and defunct. अहं भिकतिरित खयाता इमौ मे तनयौ मतौ। जान वैरागयनामानौ कालयोगेन जजररौ॥४५॥ उतपना दिवडे साहं वृिदं कणाटके गता। कविचत् कविचत् महाराषटे गुजररे जीणरता गता॥४८॥ तत घोर कलेयोगात् पाखणडैः खिणडताङका। दुबरलाहं िचरं जाता पुताभया सह मनदताम्॥४९॥ वृनदावनं पुनः पापय नवीनेव सुरिपणी। जाताहं युवती समयक् शेषरपा तु सामपतम्॥५०॥ (पद पुराण उतर खणड शीमद् भागवत माहातमय, भिकत-नारद समागम नाम पथमोऽधयायः) We normally think that Vedas have origin in north-west India in Indus valley now called Sarasvatī civilization. Draviḍa region is taken as southern states of Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. Among pañcha Draviḍa, Maharashtra also is included. But the Draviḍa deśa mentioned here does not include Karnataka and Maharashtra. It may mean Tamilnadu or some parts now merged on Indian ocean. In time of Rāmānujāchārya (1017–1137 AD), 2 sources of Vedas were known- Draviḍa and sanskṛta āmnāya. Rāmānuja was expert in both-called ubhaya- āmnāya. In Tamil itself, there were 2 streams called-Vaḍa-kalai (galai) = northern and Tena-kalai = southern. When Rāmānujāchārya had visited Puri for foundation of the present Jagannātha mandira, he noted both streams here. Followers of Vedic tradition were called Pingala (Pingala had written Chhanda- sūtra, Chhandas = veda). Followers of Tamil (or Telugu) tradition were called Tingala. Śiva as source of all streams of knowledge is Bahungala (Bālungā). However, commentaries of Rāmānuja indicate that essentially, both have same knowledge, some procedures are different. There are many indications that older Vedic traditions were in south-(1) Older branch of yajurveda is called Taittirīya-samhitā, and a region Taittirika is counted in south India in Matsya-purāṇa, chapter 114- अथापरे जनपदा दिकणापथवािसनः ॥४७॥ तथा तैितिरकाशैव दिकणापथवािसनः॥५०॥ (मतसय पुराण, अधयाय ११४) (2)Jupiter year cycle-Older system of Pitāmaha (Brahmā) exists in south India where jovian year is same as solar year (365 days 6 hours). Later system of Vivasvān (Sūrya-siddhānta, revised by Maya Asura in 9,233 BC) is followed in north India where jovian year is actual time of Jupiter in 1 sign by mean motion (361 days 4 hours). (3) Older name of town is Ur or Uru still used in south-Bengaluru, Mangaluru (Karṇāṭaka), Nelluru, Elluru (Andhra). It is also used in west region of Varuṇa where Ur was the oldest town of Iraq. उरं िह राजा वरण शकार (ऋग् वेद १/२४/८) शं नो िवषणुररकमः (ऋग् वेद १/९०/१) (4) In space, Suparṇa was the conscious being which started creation from Rasa spread uniformly. As doer and watcher, it became a pair. On earth, it is Indra or his associate. It had entered ocean and tended the land (relhi) and land also loved him like son. Thus, Reddi word is used for land owner only in Āndhra which has maximum cultivation in coastal India. Suparṇa word has been used for naval chief (Suvannā-nāyaka) in Āndhra and Karnataka. The place of Pāka (mixing, digestion) is still called Pak-strait between Tamilnadu and Srilanka-एकः सुपणरः स समुदमािववेश स इदं भुवनं िव चषे । तं पाकेन मनसापशयमिनततसतं, माता रेिऴह स उ रेिऴह मातरम् ॥ (ऋग् वेद १०/११४/४) (5) Brāhmī script of 63 or 64 letters survives as Kannada and Telugu scripts which retain hrasva-dīrgha-pluta forms of vowels not used in northern script of Deva-nāgarī. Tamil is its short forms, which merges first 4 letters of each groups of consonants. Separate objects are Brahma (countable are Gaṇeśa = pratyakṣa i.e. visible Brahma). Its merging by Suveda (sveda = water) is Su-brahmaṇya (name of Kārttikeya, originator of Tamil)-Gopatha Brāhmaṇa, pūrva (1/1). This was a shorthand for international use and war. (6) Doṣā-vastā (Ṛgveda 1/1/6) for night-day are used only in south. Elder brother inherits the property, so he is annāda (eater of anna) or annā. Younger brother does not get any thing, so he is stambin (like dead wood) of tambi. It is peculiar that Anna means elder brother in all 4 southern languages. Tambi is used only in Tamil. 2. Sangama literature-Traditional views compiled by Dr. N. Mahalingam and his society are quoted. Timing is as per Purāṇas. Traditional records match more accurately with geological estimates of glacial floods. Only difficulty is that they were written by persons who did not grasp the cosmology part and mixed it with descriptions on earth surface. We create more confusion by ignoring 7 units of length (yojana) and 7 yugas and assume all units to be the same. Another point is that Draviḍa, Sanskrit and Prākṛta records of Jaina should match-but we make them separate for showing superiority of own group. Tamil tradition is preserved as created in ancient sangamas (= congregation). But it was not a one time meeting-it is establishment continuing for thousands of years. First Sangam was held in old Madura-now submerged in Indian ocean. It included Agastya (President), Tiripurametrittha Virisadaikkadavul (Śiva), Kunramerinda Muruguvel (Muruga or Subrahmaniam), and Murnjiyur Mudinagarayar (Ādiśeṣa). Total of 459 members attended this and 4499 authors submitted their writings. 89 Pāṇḍyan kings (7 among them were poets) patronized the first sangama, which lasted 4400 years. Main works in this were Akattium (Agastyam), Paripadal, Mudunarai and Kalarvivirai. Second Sangama was in another submerged town-Kapatapuram (Alaivai). It included Agastya (second), Irundayur Kurungolimosi, Vellurkappian and other 49 members. It got works of 3700 poets and patronised by 59 Pāṇḍyan kings for 3700 years. Main works by this were Akatthiam (Agastyam), Tolkappiyam, Mapuranam (Maha-purana), Isai-Nunukham, Bhuta-puranam, Kali, Kuruku, Vendali and Vyamalai. Sangam had 8149 works in library-all swept away by the sea. Only Tolkappiyam has survived from these 2 sangamas. Third Sangama was again at Madura (present) attended by 49 members and 449 authors submitted their works. This was presided over by poet Nakkirar whose 2 epics are famous-praise of Murugan and story of Pāṇḍyan king Nedum. Another poet Rudran Kannanar wrote Perumpanattrupadai (story of Kanchi) and Pattinappalai (description of Pum-Puhar port in time of Chola king Karikala). 49 Pāṇḍyan kings patronised it for 1850 years. Most famous work is Kural of Tiruvalluvar, called Veda. 5 epics were-Silappadikaram, Manimekhalai, Jivakachintamani, Valayapati and Kundalakesi. Jīvaka was a surgeon of Magadha who had operated on Siddhārtha Buddha (1887-1807 BC). Agastya was an ancient sage who had gone to southern ocean-not merely south of Vindhyas. Agastya star is in southern sky called Canopus at 52° 42’ south latitude in Argo- navis group-now broken into 3 constellations. Agastya had crossed Jaladhi (ocean, or drunk it), and the distance of Canopus is jaladhi (1014) yojanas. For space yojana is half degree of equator = 55.5 km. So jaladhi yojana = 690 light years which is distance of this star. Originator of first Agastya tradition was elder brother of Vasiṣṭha who was 8th Vedavyāsa in (11,740-11,020 BC). He had written first comprehensive grammar of Tamil and hence he must be after Kārttikeya whose time is fixed in 15800 BC. Then Pole start had shifted from Abhijit (Vega) and year (rains) started with entry of sun in Dhaniṣṭhā star (Mahābhārata, vana parva 23/8-10) Thus first Sangama was from 11000 BC to 6600 BC. In 6777 BC, Dionysus had attached India (Megasthenes) killing king Bāhu of Sūrya-vamśa with help of Haihaya and Tālajangha kings (Viṣṇu purāṇa 4/3/26, Brahmāṇḍa purāṇa 2/3/63/119-120125-127). Around this time this tradition appears to be over. Second sangama might be after a break from 6200 BC (start of Kollam era on death of Paraśurāma in 6197 BC) to 2500 BC. Around 2700 BC, Sarasvatī river had dried up and Hastināpura was submerged in time of Nichakśu-6th Pāṇḍava king in Kali era from 3102 BC. Jaina Yudhiṣṭira śaka started in 2634 BC-which might be period of restoration of order by Pārṣvanātha-8th king of Kāśī in Kali era. That was also the end of Vedic school of Śaunaka at Naimṣāraṇya. Third sangama may be from 2606 to 756 BC-when Śūdraka śaka started (Jyotiṣa- darpaṇa of Yallaya). That was decline in central power of Magadha and 33 Āndhra kings ruled in 833-327 BC. Pāṇḍya king in Mahābhārata war was Malayadhvaja who was killed on day 16 of the war who has been stated as superior to Bhīṣma, Droṇa, Karṇa etc and he felt insulted by being called equal to Arjuna and Kṛṣṇa. He was a great warrior expert in all branches specially of elephants. महाभारत, कणरपवर, अधयाय २०- भीषम-दोण-कृप-दौिण-कणाजुरन-जनादरनान्। समापतिवदान् धनुिष शेषान् यान् मनयसे रथान्।३। यो हािकपित वीयेण सवानेतान् महारथान्। न मेने चातमना तुलयं किञचदेव नरेशरम्।४। तुलयता दोण भीषमाभयामातमनो यो न मृषयते। वासुदेवाजुरनाभया च नयूनता नैचछतातमिन।५। स पाणडयो नृपितशेषः सवरशसतभृता वरः। कणरसयानीकमहनत् पराभूत इवानतकः।६। (अशतथामा) राजन् कमलपताक िविशषािभजनशुत। वजसंहननपखय पखयातबलपौरष।१४। एवमुकतसतथेतयुकतवा पहरेित च तािडतः। किणरना दोणतनयं िववयाध मलयधवजः।२०। तं वारणं वारणयुदकोिवदो, िदपोतमं पवरतसानु संिनभम्। समभयितषनमलयधवजसतवरन्, यथािदशृङं हिररनदंसतथा।४१। 3. Veda sangamas-Vedic literature also has started in similar way. It is aparuṣeya in the sense that it is collection of wisdom of many sages over the years in same way as Tamil veda was created, or Grantha-saheb by Guru Arjuna Devaji in 1600 AD which is also called Shabda (veda). In addition Vedas link internal, physical and cosmic worlds. Knowledge had reached a peak before the deluge in 31, 000 BC. (1) Sādhya yuga-That was era of Devas who moved in vimānas. The Devas of that era were called Yāma and 4 groups as per profession were Sādhya, Mahārājika, Ābhāsvara, Tuṣita like present division of Brāhmaṇa etc. Sādhyas had developed science of production (yajña) and various forms and stages of that were inter-linked. That era ended with excess heat from sun causing dry weather first and then deluge. यजेन यजमयजनत देवासतािन धममािण पथमानासन्। ते ह नाकं मिहमानः सचनत यत पूवे साधयाः सिनत देवाः। (यजुवेद ३१/१६) वायु पुराण (३१/३)-तेतायुगमुखे पूवरमासन् सवायमभुवेऽनतरे। देवा यामा इित खयाताः पूवर ं ये यजसूनवः॥ अिजता बाहणाः पुताः िजता िजदिजताश ये। पुताः सवायमभुवसयैते शुकनामा तु िवशुताः॥ तृिपतमनतो गणा हेते देवाना तु तयः समृताः। तुिषमनतो गना हेते वीयरवनतो महाबलाः॥ ये वै बजकुलाखयासतु आसन् सवायमभुवेऽनतरे। कालेन बहुनाऽतीता अयनाबदयुगकमैः॥ बहाणड पुराण (१/२/६)- असमात् कलपाततः पूवर ं कलपातीतः पुरातनः॥ चतुयुरगसहसािण सह मनवनतरैः पुरा॥१५॥ कीणे कलपे ततसतिसमन् दाहकाल उपिसथते। तिसमन् काले तदा देवा आसन् वैमािनकसतु वै॥१६॥ एकैकिसमंसतु कलपे वै देवा वैमािनका समृताः॥१९॥आिधपतयं िवमाने वै ऐशयेण तु ततसमाः॥३२॥ ते तुलय लकणाः िसदाः शुदातमनो िनरञनाः॥३८॥ ततसतेषु गतेषूधवर ं तैलोकयेषु महातमसु। एतैः साधर ं महलोकसतदानासािदतसतु वै॥४२॥ तिचछषया वै भिवषयिनत कलपदाह उपिसथते। गनधवादाः िपशाचाश मानुषा बाहणादयः॥४३॥ सहसं यतु रशमीना सवयमेव िवभावयते। तत् सपत रशमयो भूतवा एकैको जायते रिवः॥४५॥ कमेणोितषमानासते तीललोकानपदहंतयुत। जंगमाः सथावराशैव नदः सवे च पवरताः॥४६॥ शुषकाः पूवरमनावृषटया सूययैसते च पधूिपताः। तदा तु िववशाः सवे िनदरगधाः सूयररिशमिभः॥४७॥ जंगमाः सथावराशैव धमाधमातमकासतु वै। दगधदेहासतदा ते तु धूतपापा युगानतरे॥४८॥ उिषतवा रजनी तत बहणोऽवयकतजनमनः। पुनः सगे भवनतीह मानसा बहणः सुताः॥५०॥ ततसतेषूपपनेषु जनैसतैलोकयवािसषु। िनदरगधेषु च लोकेषु तदा सूययैसतु सपतिभः॥५१॥ वृषटया िकतौ पलािवताया िवजनेषवणरवेषु च। सामुदाशैव मेघाश आपः सवाश पािथरवाः॥५२॥ शरमाणा बजनतयेव सिललाखयासतथानुगाः। आगतागितकं चैव यदा तत् सिललं बहु॥५३॥ संछादेमा िसथता भूिममणरवाखयं तदाभवत्। आभाित यसमात् सवाभासो भाशबदो वयािपतदीिपतषु॥५४॥ सवरतः समनुपापया तासा चामभो िवभावयते। तदनतसतनुते यसमात् सवा पृथवी समनततः॥५५॥ अधयाय ७-पाक् सगे दहमाने तु पुरा संवतरकािगनना॥९॥सपतसपत तु वषािण तसया दीपेषु सपतषु॥१३॥ (2) Brahmā yuga-Revival of civilization was done by Brahmā who appeared as Svāyambuva Manu. The persons who extended his tradition were called his sons (santāna)-verse 55 above. बहाणड पुराण (१/२/९)-सवा तनुं स तदा बहा समपोहत भासवराम्। िदधा कृतवा सवकं देहमदेन पुरषोऽभवत्॥३२॥ स वै सवायमभुवः पूवरम् पुरषो मनुरचयते॥३६॥ तसयैक सपतित युगं मनवनतरिमहोचयते॥३७॥ (3) Indra yuga-After a long gap, Asuras became more powerful and were supreme for 10 yugas (3600 years) from time of Kaśyapa (17500 BC). Then, under patronage of 14 main Indras (specially Vaikuṇṭha Indra, many verses of Ṛgveda were created. There were 2 groups-supporting Indra and Varuṇa-who was supporter of Indra. Indra group centered on radiant energy as source of universe (centre to field). Varuṇa group considered Ap (water like expanse of matter) as source of creation (whole to part-analysis). Some verses are quoted from ‘Indravijaya’ of Madhusudan Ojha (Jodhpur University)- को ददशर पथमं जायमानसथनवनतं यदनसथा िबभितर। भूमया असुरसृगातमा कविसवत् को िवदासमुपगात् पषुमेतत्॥ (ऋगवेद १/१६४/४) ये समुदािनरखनन् देवासतीकणािभरिसिभः। सुदेवो अद तद् िवदाद् यत िनवरपणं दधुः। (शतपथ बाहण ७/४/२) यामृषयो मनतकृतो मनीिषणः अनवैचछन् देवासतपसा शमेण। ता दैवी वाचं हिवषा यजामहे सा नो दधातु सुकृतसय लोके। (तैितरीय बाहण २/८/८) युगानतेन तिहरतान् वेदान् सेितहासान् महषरयः। लेिभरे तपसा पूवरमनुजाताः सवयमभुवा। (सायण भाषय) अबुरदः कादवेयः सपरऋिषमरनतकृत् ।(ऐतरेय बाहण २६/१) पजापितवै िपत ऋभून् मतयान् सतोऽमतयान् कृतवा तृतीय सवनआभजत्। (ऐतरेय बाहण २८/४) मनीिषणः पभरधवं मनीषा यथा यथा मतयः सिनत नृणाम्। इनदं सतयैरेरयामा कृतेिभः स िह वीरो िगवरणसयुिवरदानः। (ऋगवेद १०/१११/१) इनदःिकल शुतवा असयवेद स िह िजषणुः पिथकृत् सूययाय। आतमेना कॄणवनचयुतो भुवद् गोःपितिदरवः सनजा अपतीतः। (ऋगवेद १०/१११/३) ये च पूवर ऋषयो ये अ नूता इनद! बहािण जनयनत िवपाः। असमे ते सनतु सखया िशखािन यूय ं पातसविसतिभः सदा नः। (ऋगवेद ७/२/२३) नमः सिखभयः पूवसदभयो नमः साकं िनषेभयः युजे वाचं शतपदीम्। युञे वाचं शतपदी गायेसहसवतरिन गायतं तैषुभमजगत्। (सामवेद, १८२८) गायतं तैषुभ ं जगिदशा रपािण संभृता िदवा ओकािस चिकरे। इनदाय सामगायत िवपाय बृहते बृहत् बहकृते िवपिशते पनसयवे। (सामवेद, १८३०) धेनुं न तवा सूयवसे दुदुकनुप बहािण ससृजे विशषः। तवािमनमे गोपितं िवश आहा त इनदः सुमितं गनतवचछ। (ऋगवेद ७/१८/४) इनदो िदवः पितमानं पृिथवया िवशावेद सवना हिनत शुषणम्। महीिचद् दामातनोत् सूययेन चासकमभ िचत् कमभनेन सकमीयान्। (ऋगवेद १०/९/१११) वैकुणठ इनद-आविदनदं यमुनातृतसवश पात भेद ं सवरताता मुपायत्। अजासश िशपवो यकवश बिलं शीषािण जभुरशवयािन। (ऋगवेद ७/२/१८) शतमहं ितिरिनदरे सहसं पाशरवा ददे राधािस यादानाम्। (ऋगवेद ८/६/४६) तीिण शतानयवरता सहसा दश गोनाम्। ददुषपजाय सामे। (ऋगवेद ८/६/४७) उदानट् ककुहो िदवमुषटान् चतुयुरजो ददत्। शवसा यादं जनम्।(ऋगवेद ८/६/४८) िहमेनािगनं घंसमवारयेथा िपतुमतीमूजरमसमा अधतम्। ऋबीसे अितमिशनावनीतमुिननयथुः सवरगणं सविसत ।(ऋगवेद १/१७/११६) ऋिषं नरावंहसः पाञचजनयमृबीसादितं मुञचथो गणेन। िमननता दसयोरिशवसय माया अनुपूवर ं वृषणा चोदयनता।(ऋगवेद १/१७/११७) चतवािरशृङा तयो असय पादा दे शीषे सपतहसतासो असय। ितधा बदो वृषभो रोरवीित महो देवो मतया आ िववेश। (ऋगवेद ४/५/५८) मनसा संकलपयित यत् तदातमिभगचछित। वातो देवेभय आचषे यथा पुरष ते मनः। (शतपथ बाहण ३/४/२/७) कृषणं िनयानं हरयः सुपणा अपो वसाना िदवमुतपतिनत। त आववृतन् सदनादृतसयािदधृतेन पृिथवी वयुदते। (ऋगवेद १/२२/१६४) पजा ह ितसो अतयायमीयुनयरनया अकरमिभतो िविवशे। बृहद तसथौ भुवनेषवनतः पवमानो हिरत आ िववेश। (ऋगवेद ६/७/८) अयं ते योिनर्ऋितवगो यतो जातो अरोचथाः। तं जाननगन आसीदाथा नो वदरया िगरः।(ऋगवेद ३/२/२९) ये देवा देवेषविध देवतवमायन् ये बाहणः पुर एतारो असय। येभयो न ऋते पवते धाम िकञचन न ते िदवो न पृिथवया अिध सनुषु। (यजु १७/४) पृिथवया अहमुदनतिरकमारहमनतिरकाद् िदवमारहम्। िदवो नाकसय पृषात् सवजयोितरगामहम्। (यजुवेद १७/६७) (4) Bharadvāja yuga-Charaka samhitā indicates a meeting of several sages in sub-Himalayan region. These include several sages of widely differing eras including Agastya also. Charaka is a group of 12 branches of old Kṛṣṇa yajurveda (Charaṇa-vyūha of Śaunaka). Ṛṣis have been named after the subjects explained by them-Kāpya about kapha, Vāta-vyādhi about vāta and Marīchi about pitta (sun centre in body creates, maricha cures it) चरक संिहता, सूतसथान-दीघरञीिवतीयमधयायं- िवघभूता यदा रोगाः पादुभूरताः शरीिरणाम्। तपोपवासाधययनबहचयरवरतायुषम्।६। तदा भूतेषवनुकोषं पुरसकूतय महषरयः। समेताः पुणयकमाणः पाशे िहमवतः शुभे॥७॥ अंिगरा जमदिगनश विशषः काशयपो भृगुः। आतेयो गौतमः साखयः पुलसतयो नारदोऽिसतः॥८॥ अगसतयो वामदेवश माकरणडॆयाशलायनौ। पारीिकिभरकुरातेयो भरदाजः किपञलः।९॥ िवशािमताशरथयऊ च भागरवशचयवनोऽिभिजत्। गागयरः शािणडलयकौिणडनयौ वािकदेवलगालवौ॥१०॥ साङृतयो वैजवािपश कुिशको बादरायणः। विडशः शूरलोमा च कापयकातयायनवुभौ॥११॥ काङायनः कैकशेयो धौमयो मारीिचकाशयपौ। शकरराको िहरणयाको लोकाकः पिङरेव च॥१२॥ शौनकः शाकुनेयश मैतेयो मैमतायिनः। वैखानसा बालिखलयासतथा चानये महषरयः॥१३॥ Finally, Bharadvāja contacted Indra, i.e extended his tradition. His story is given in Taittirīya brāhmaṇa (3/10/11) that he devoted 3 lives to revive Vedas- भरदाजो ह वै ितिभरायुिभबरहचयरमुवास। तं ह जीिणर, शीिणर, सथिवरं, शयानं-इनद उपवरजय उवाच। भरदाज! यते चतुथरमायुदरदा, िकमेनेन कुया, इित? बहचयरमेवैनेन चरेयिमित, होवाच। तं ह तीन् िगिररपानिवजातािनव दशरयाञचकार। तेषा हैके कसमानमुिषमाददे। स होवाच, भरदाजे तयामनतय। वेदा वा एते। अननता वै वेदाः। एतदा एते िसतिभरायुिभररनववोचथाः। अथ त इतरदनूकतमेव। (तैितरीय बाहण, ३/१०/११). Muṇḍaka upaniṣad (1/1/2-3) also tells about revival or extension of Vedas by Bharadvāja and his descendent. This appears to be after the glacial floods of 10,000 BC. As 19th Vyāsa, Bharadvāja was in (6,340-5,980 BC). (5) Śaunaka mahāśālā-Just after Mahābhārata war Śaunaka started a session at Naimṣāraṇya attended by 88,000 scholars. That continued up to Adhisīmakṛṣṇa, 4 generations after Parīkśita. In next generation of king Nichakśu, Hastinapur was drowned. This session was meant to last 1000 years as stated at start of Bhāgavata purāṇa- भागवत पुराण सकनध १, अधयाय १- नैिमषेऽिनिमषकेते ऋषयः शौनकादयः। सतं सवगाय लोकाय सहस सममासत ॥४॥ भिवषय पुराण, पितसगर पवर ४, अधयाय १- एवं दापरसनधयाया अनते सूतेन विणरतम्। सूयरचनदानवया खयानं तनमया किथतम् तव ॥१॥ ततकथा भगवान् सूतो नैिमषारणयमािसथतः। अषाशीित सहसािण शावियषयित वै मुनीन् ॥८॥ Śaunaka has always been called Mahāśāla (Chancellor). He carried forward work of Āngirasa Bharadvāja. अथवरणे या पवदेत बहाऽथवा ता पुरोवाचािङरे बहिवदाम्। स भारदाजाय सतयवहाय पाह भरदाजो ऽिङरसे परावराम्॥२॥ शौनको ह वै महाशालोऽिङरसं िविधवदुपसनः पपचछ ॥३॥ मुणडक उपिनषद् (१/१/२-३) In this the present division of vedic branches (śākhā) was done mostly according to regions-codified in Charaṇa-vyūha of Śaunaka. Current form of Vedas was decided by Kṛṣṇa-Devaipāyana, the 28th Vyāsa. He wrote Brahma-sūtras at Badarī-viśāla, where Śankarāchārya also wrote commentary later on. So he is also called Bādarāyaṇa. (6) Vikramāditya at Viśālā-Last conference was organized by Paramāra king Vikramāditya of Ujjain (82 BC-19 AD) whose Vikrama era from 57 BC is still the basis of all festivals in India. This was only for purāṇas under guidance of Vetāla Bhaṭṭa, one of his 9 gems. The places where this was arranged were called Viśālā, like mahāśālā of Śaunaka. There are 3 places known as Viśālā, one is Ujjayinī itself, capital of Vikramāditya (Meghadūta 1/32 of Kālidāsa), Vaiśālī in Bihar (famous as place of Bhagwan Mahavir), and Badarī-viśāla, where Ādi- Śankara had written Brahma-sūtra-bhāṣya in 494 BC. There could be a fourth in south India also. भिवषय पुराण, पितसगर पवर ४, अधयाय १- एवं दापरसनधयाया अनते सूतेन विणरतम्।सूयरचनदानवया खयानं तनमया किथतम् तव॥१॥ िवशालाया पुनगरतवा वैतालेन िविनिमरतम्। कथियषयित सूतसतिमितहाससमुचचयम्॥२॥ तनमया किथतं सवर ं हृषीकोतम पुणयदम्। पुनिवरकमभूपेन भिवषयित समाहयः॥३॥ नैिमषारणयमासाद शावियषयित वै कथाम्। पुनरकतािन यानयेव पुराणाषादशािन वै।।४॥ तािन चोपपुराणािन भिवषयिनत कलौ युगे।तेषा चोपपुराणाना दादशाधयायमुतमम्॥५॥ सारभूतश किथत इितहाससमुचचयः। यसते मया च किथतो हृषीकोतम ते मुदा॥६॥ ततकथा भगवान् सूतो नैिमषारणयमािसथतः। अषाशीित सहसािण शावियषयित वै मुनीन्॥८॥ Comparison with Draviḍa sangamas- Draviḍa traditions appears to be Varuṇa tradition named in Ṛgveda-both were ocean oriented (Drava = Vāri = liquid)-both had Ur (town). Draviḍa traditions are copied in all regions adjacent to Indian ocean-(1) Malayālam-Malaysia, (2) Mumbai-Mombasa, (3) Kanyā-kumārī = Virgin Mary, (4) Ille in Tamil or ill in Arabic = no, (5) Many terms of shipping are from Tamil. (6) Anam (Yenam) of Andhra and Vietnam. Another feature was that north India was frequently attacked from west Asia and educational institutes were destroyed. During glacial floods, continuity of learning was maintained by Tamil-sangamas. Probably, that is meant by saying that Bhakti was born in Draviḍa and grew in Karnataka. (7) Purāṇa chronology-This is explained in detail in my articles-Shaka and Samvatsara, Panchanga (Hindi), Jaina and Vedic Heritage or books Sānkhya- siddhānta (Hindi)-all on website Historic manvantara is of 26, 000 years of 71 yugas from Svāyambuva Manu to end of dvāpara (3102 BC) when the purāṇas were written. This is rotation period of earth’s axis around pole (nāka) of earth orbit. Rotation circle of north-pole in sky has been called Śiśumāra-chakra in Viṣṇu purāṇa (2/9) etc. बहाणड पुराण (१/२/९)-स वै सवायमभुवः पूवरम् पुरषो मनुरचयते॥३६॥ तसयैक सपतित युगं मनवनतरिमहोचयते॥३७॥ बहाणड पुराण (१/२/२९)-तीिण वषर शतानयेव षिषवषािण यािन तु। िदवयः संवतसरो हेष मानुषेण पकीितरतः॥१६॥ तीिण वषर सहसािण मानुषािण पमाणतः। ितंशदनयािन वषािण मतः सपतिषरवतसरः॥१७॥ षिडवंशित सहसािण वषािण मानुषािण तु। वषाणा युगं जेय ं िदवयो हेष िविधः समृतः॥१९॥ चतवािर भारते वषे युगािन कवयोऽबुवन्। कृतं तेता दापरं च किलशेित चतुषयम्॥२३॥ चतवायाहुः सहसािण वषाणा च कृत युगम्।तसय तावचछती सनधया सनधयाशः सनधयया समः॥२५॥ इतरेषु ससनधयेषु ससनधयाशेषु च ितषु। एकनयायेन वतरनते सहसािण शतािन च॥२६॥ तीिण दे च सहसािण तेता दापरयोः कमात्। ितशती िदशती सनधये सनधयाशौ चािप तत् समौ॥२७॥ किलं वषर सहसं तु युगमाहुिदरजोतमाः।तसयैकशितका सनधया सनधयाशः सनधयया समः॥२८॥ Thus, 1 manvantara of 26, 000 years = 71 yuga, 1 yuga = 364.8 years = 360 years in round numbers Matsya purāṇa (273/76-77) explains it more clearly. From Svāyambhuva to Vaivasvata Manu, 43 yugas = 43 x 360 = 16000 years passed. Remaining 28 yugas have passed since Vaivasvata Manu. That will be 28 x 360 = 10080 years. But, in yuga calculation, Satya +Tretā + Dvāpara =4800 +3600 + 2400 = 10800 years had passed till end of Dvāpara or start of kali on 17-2-3102 BC. So, Vaivasvata Manu was in 13902 BC. मतसय पुराण अधयाय २७३-अषािवंश समाखयाता गता वैवसवतेऽनतरे। एते देवगणैः साधर ं िशषा ये तान् िनबोधत॥७६॥ चतवािरंशत् तयशैव भिवषयासते महातमनः। अविशषा युगाखयासते ततो वैवसवतो हयम्॥७७॥ Bhaviṣya purāṇa also tells that 16000 years had passed from Svāyambhuva to Vaivasvata Manu. Svāyambhuva Manu has been called Ādama and his wife Havyavatī = who takes havi i.e. eats (Eve of Bible or Havvā of Koran) भिवषय पुराण, पितसगर पवर १/४-षोडशाबदसहसे च शेषे तददापरे युगे॥२६॥ िदशताषसहसे दे शेषे तु दापरे युगे॥२८॥ तसमादादमनामासौ पती हवयवतीसमृता॥२९॥ 360 years has been called Divya samvatsara. In context of saptarṣi years, divya year means solar year of 365.25 days and mānuṣa (human) year is 12 rotations of moon in 324 days. Thus, 1 saptarṣi varṣa = 3030 mānuṣa varṣa = 2700 divya varṣa. Exactly-3030 mānuşa years = 2717 solar years. 17 (or 18) extra years have been indicated as sansarpa kāla (Chandrāvadāna Kāla-Tantra, by Chandrakanta Bali, page 76). The line joining 2 eastern stars of saptarṣi group joins some point on zodiac-that star is called star of saptarṣi. In each star, it remains for 100 years. Thus, the cycle is completed in 7 years 6 months of Divya years (7.5 x 360 = 2700 years). In Vāyu purāṇa also, (57/17) and (99/419) give 2 values of 3030 mānuṣa varṣa and 2700 divya varṣa. बहाणड पुराण मधय भाग, (३) उपोदात पाद, अधयाय ७४- सपतिवंशित पयरनते कृतसने नकतमणडले। सपतषरयसतु ितषनते पयायेन शतं शतम्।२३१। सपतषीणा युगं तवेतिदवयया संखयया समृतम्। मासा िदवयाः समृताः षट् च िदवयाबदाशैव सपत िह॥२३२॥ तेभयः पवतरते कालो िदवयः सपतिषरिभसतु तैः। सपतषीणा तु यौ पूवौ दृशयेते उतरा िदिश ॥२३३॥ तयोमरधये च नकतं दृशयते यतसमं िनिश। तेन सपतषरयो युकता जेया वयोिम शतं समाः॥२३४॥ वायु पुराण, अधयाय ५७-तीिण वषर सहसािण मानुषेण पमाणतः। ितंशदािन तु वषािण मतः सपतिषरवतसरः॥१७॥ वायु पुराण (अधयाय ९८)-सपतिवंशित पयरनते कृतसने नकतमणडले। सपतषरयसतु ितषनते पयायेण शतं शतम्॥ सपतषीणा युगं हेतिदवयया संखयया समृतम्॥४१९॥ मासा िदवया समृता षट् च िदवयाहाशैव सपतिभः। तेभयः पवतरते कालो िदवयः सपतिषरभसतु तैः॥४२०॥ 3 saptarṣi varṣa is equal to a Dhruva-samvatsara which has been called Krauñcha-samvatsara in Vāyu purāṇa. This is equal to 9090 mānuṣa varṣa = 8100 solar years or 8151 exactly. This is about 1/3 of manvantara of 26000 years. नव यािन सहसािण वषाणा मानुषािण तु। अनयािन नवितशैव कौञचः संवतसरः समृतः॥१८॥ नव यािन सहसािण वषाणा मानुषािण तु। अनयािन नवितशैव धुवः संवतसरः समृतः॥ (बहाणड पुराण, १/२/२९/१८) Yuga is of 12000 divya years with Satya, Tretā, Dvāpara and Kali having 4, 3, 2, 1 parts. For historic purpose, it means solar year. In astronomy, it means 360 solar years. So, yuga will be of 43, 20,000 years-this is grand cycle of planets up to Saturn which is called chakra (wheel) of sun. In this period, these planets make round number of revolutions. 71 yugas or about 30.68 crore years is Manvantara which is axial rotation period of galaxy. Yugas start with descending order given above- Satya, Tretā, Dvāpara, Kali. That is Apa (ava)-sarpiṇī. This is like day of human Brahmā. His night is utsarpiṇī-in reverse sequence of yugas-both combine to make day-night or an abda of Brahmā- आयरभटीय, कालिकया पाद- उतसिपरणी युगाधर ं पशादपसिपरणी युगाधर ं च। मधये युगसय सुषमाऽऽदावनते दुषषमेनदूचचात्॥९॥ At present it is third Brahmābda- भिवषय पुराण पितसगर पवर १/१-पथमेऽबदेिह तृतीये पापते वैवसवतेऽनतरे ॥१॥ कलपाखये शेतवाराहे बहाबदसय िदनतये॥३॥ या ओ॑षध॒ीः पूवा ज॒ाता देवेभयिसतयुगं पुरा । (ऋक् १०/९७/३, वा. यजु १२/७५, तैितरीय संिहता ४/२/६/१, िनरकत ९/२८) Brahmāņďa purāṇa (1/2/6/5-9, 16, 51, 52, 61, 70, 76) also describes them as old, Varāha and Sāmpratam (present). 26,000 years is the period of precession of earth’s axis, called ayana-chakra in Indian astronomy. From position of equinox point or of solstices, we can verify the yuga mathematically. Civil yuga is the real cycle of glacial periods which is a combination of rotation of major axis of earth’s orbit in about 1,00,000 years and precession of equinoxes in 26,000 years in reverse direction. When earth is at apogee (highest point of earth’s orbit) or is farthest from sun, it gets least heat. Combined with that, if the north- pole is inclined away from sun, glaciation sets in. When north-pole is towards sun at apogee, then there will be glacial flood. Thus, glacial cycle will be joint effect of the two cycles, as propounded by Milancovich of Czechoslovakia in 1923. That comes to 21,600 year cycle- 1/26,000 + 1/1,00,000 = 1/21,600 However, the real cycle is of 24,000 years as the speed of precession varies and there is nutation also. Rotation of major axis also has some long term components of 4, 12,000 years and above. It can be seen that nodes of glacial cycle have always occurred in tretā - floods in avasarpiņī and ice age in utsarpiņī. In taking 24,000 year cycle, we are merging 312000 year cycle part of major axis rotation with precession- 1/26,000 + 1/3,12,000 = 1/24,000 The yuga cycle also tallies with civilization as stated in Mahābhārata, śānti parva (232/31-34) तेतायुगे िविधसतवेष यजाना न कृते युगे। दापरे िवपलवं यािनत यजाः किलयुगे तथा ॥ तेताया तु समसता ये पादुआसन् महाबलाः। संयनतारः सथावराणा जङमाना च सवरशः॥ Dvāpara is time of changes and revival, but yajña (science of production) reaches to top in tretā only. By taking cycle of 24,000 years instead of 26,000, there has to be correction in cycle of 24,000 years, called Bīja-sanskāra by Brahmagupta in his Brāhma-sphuţa-siddhānta (1902 edition), madhyamadhikāra, 61. Bhāskarāchārya-2 has in his Siddhānta-śiromaņi, bhū-paridhi, 7-8 has stated in his comments that he does not know the logic, it was since āgama (purāņa tradition). खाभखाकर (१२०००) हृताबदेभयो गतगमयालपाः खशूनय-यमल (२००) हृताः। लबधं ित (३) सायकं (५) हतं कलािभरनौ सदाकेनदू॥६०॥ शिशवत् जीवे िदहतं चनदोचचे ितिथ (१५) हतं तु िसतशीघे। दीषु (५२) हतं च बुधोचचे, िद (२) कु (१) वेद (४) हतं च पात कुज शिनषु॥६१॥ बहगुपत, बाह-सफुट-िसदानत, सुधाकर िदवेदी संसकरण १९०२, मधयमािधकार) खाभखाकै (१२०००) हृताः कलपयाताः समाः शेषकं भागहारात् पृथक् पातयेत्। यतयोरलपकं तत् िदशतया (२००) भजेिललिपतकादं तत् ितिभः (३) सायकैः (५) ॥ पञच (५) पञचभूिमः (१५) करा (२) भया हतं भानु चनदेजयशुकेनदुतुङेषवृणम्। इनदुना (१) दस-बाणैः (५२) करा (२) भया कृतैभौमसौमयेनदुपातािकरषु सवं कमात्॥ (भासकराचायर-२, िसदानत िशरोमिण, भूपिरिध-७-८) सवोपज भाषय-अतोपलिबधरेव वासना। यदषर ं सहसषटकं यावदुपचयसततोऽपचय इतयतागम एव पमाणं नानयत् कारणं वकतुं शकयत इतयथरः। Combining, dhruva-saptarşi and glacial cycles, the yuga cycle from 61,902 BC will be as below. Estimates of glacial floods and ice ages are from modern geology. According to this chart, glacial ice age will come now. This yuga system appears to have started from Vaivasvata Manu, so period of Brahmā falls in initial Tretā yuga- ओषधयः फलमूलािन रोमतसतसय जिजरे। एवं पशौषधीः सृषटवा नययुञत् सोऽधवरे पभुः॥४५॥ तसमादादौ तु कलपसय तेतायुगमुखे तदा ॥४६॥ (वायु पुराण, अधयाय ९) तेतायुगमुखे पूवरमासन् सवायमभुवेऽनतरे। देवा यामा इित खयाताः पूवर ं ये यजसूनवः॥(वायु पुराण ३१/३) ससमुदा करवती पितवषर ं िनवेिशता। सवायमभुवेऽनतरे पूवरमादे तेतायुगे तथा॥(वायु पुराण ३३/५) For calculation saptarṣi year of 2700 and Dhruva year of 8100 years have been taken. Last saptarṣi era started in Kali year 25 as per Rājatarangiṇī, i.e. in 3076 BC when they left Maghā nakśatra. By backward calculation, Dhruva was grandson of Svāyambuva Manu and his death should be 3 cycles before that in 8151x3 = 24453 years before that in 27529 BC. One cycle after that, Krauñcha dvīpa (north America) appears to be more powerful in period of Asura supremacy, so it was called Krauñcha-vatsara then. 8. Yuga Cycle Day Of Brahmā Part BC year Start of Yuga Glacial cycle Notes/Saptarşi period 61,902 Satya Ice age 69,200 (in Tretā of previous utsarpiņī) Avasarpiņī 57,102 Tretā Glacial flood 58,100 BC-Maņijā era, time of some 53,502 Dvāpara sūktas calculated on basis of nutation in veda- Dark age 51,102 Kali kāla-nirņaya by Dinanatha Shastri Chulet, Indore, 1925. Day 1 49,902 Kali Utsarpiņī 48,702 Dvāpara 46,302 Tretā Ice age 45,500 42,702 Satya 37,902 Satya Avasarpiņī 33,102 Tretā Glacial flood 31,100 Day 2 29,502 Dvāpara Ādya Tretā-Brahmā-Varāha Kalpa Ādya (initial) yuga 27,102, Kali 29,102 (Svāyambhuva Manu) 25,902 Kali 27,376- Dhruva-0 24,702 Dvāpara 43 x360 = 16,000 years Utsarpiņī 22,302 Tretā Ice age 20,000 19,276- Dhruva-1 18,702 Satya 13,902 Satya 13,102-Vaivasvata Manu 11,176- Dhruva-2 Avasarpiņī 9,102 Tretā Glacial flood 9,200 8476-End of Ikśvāku- Saptarşi-1 5,502 Dvāpara 28 x 360 = 10,000 5,776- Saptarşi-2 Day 3 (current) 3,102 KaIi 3,102 Kali 3,076-Laukika- Saptarşi-3 (Vaivasvata Manu) 1,902 Kali Mahāvīra 1905, Siddhārtha Buddha 1887 702 Dvāpara Śūdraka-755, Śākambharī śaka-612 Ut sarpiņī 1,699 AD Tretā 1700-Industrial revolution 5,299 ADSatya 2000-End of Tretā junction-Information technology Yuga parts-They are of 1 divya year or 360 years called parivarta yuga in Vāyu purāṇa, chapter 98 in listing 28 Vyāsas. Parivarta means circle of 3600. Parivartana means change-that ends 1 yuga. Time of second Brahmā Kaśyapa is taken as 17500 BC as there was Asura supremacy for 10 yugas = 3600 years till Vaivasvata Manu in 13900 BC. He has been given 4 parivarta of 1440 years. 4 parivarta yuga for Vaivasvata Yama also have been taken as there was glacial floods after his period. वायु पुराण (अधयाय ९८)-यजं पवतरयामास चैतये वैवसवतेऽनतरे॥७१॥ पादुभावे तदाऽनयसय बहैवासीत् पुरोिहतः। चतुथया तु युगाखयायामापनेषवसुरेषवथ॥७२॥ समभूतः स समुदानतिहररणयकिशपोवरधे िदतीयो नारिसंहोऽभूदुदः सुर पुरःसरः॥७३॥ बिलसंसथेषु लोकेषु तेताया सपतमे युगे। दैतयैसतैलोकय आकानते तृईयो वामनोऽभवत्॥७४॥ एतािसतसः समृतासतसय िदवयाः समभूतयः शुभाः। मानुषयाः सपत यासतसय शापजासतािनबोधत॥८७॥ तेतायुगे तु दशमे दतातेयो बभूव ह। नषे धमे चतुथरश माकरणडेय पुरःसरः॥८८॥ पञचमः पञचदशया तु तेताया समबभूव ह। मानधातुशकवितरतवे तसथौ तथय पुरः सरः॥८९॥ एकोनिवंशे तेताया सवरकतानतकोऽभवत्। जामदगनयासतथा षषो िवशािमतपुरः सरः॥९०॥ चतुिवरश ं े युगे रामो विसषेन पुरोधसा। सपतमो रावणसयाथे जजे दशरथातमजः॥९१॥ Start of Tretā was in 22,302 and in 9,102 BC. These had 10 +10 = 20 parivarta or parts. Even after second Tretā ended in 5,502 BC, this counting continued till age of Rāma (birth on 11-2-4433 BC as per horoscope in Vālmīki Rāmāyaņa) as era of advancement continued. Vāyu purāņa, chapters (70, 86, 98) mentions these parts- Asura king Bali-3rd Tretā –This count should start from 22,302 BC, but this yuga-system itself started after Vaivasvata Manu, hence it should more properly be counted 3600 years before 13,902 BC, i.e. from 17,502 BC. Second Tretā will be completed in 16,802 BC and the third will continue till 16,442 BC. In this period of Bali, Vāmana had achieved supremacy of 3 lokas for Indra. But Asuras thought that they could have defeated Devas in war and continued attacks. Finally, Kārttikeya defeated them convincingly. In his period, pole star had shifted from Abhijit to Dhanişţhā and in consultation with Brahmā, he started year with entry of sun in Dhanişţhā (Mahābhārata udyoga parva, 230/8-10). That should be in 15,800 BC. Bali period is 1 saptarşi = 2700 years after completion of Dhruva cycle in 19,276 BC, i.e. after 16,576 BC when Asura empire based in Krauñcha Dvīpa (north America) was most powerful.. Year started with south ward motion of sun, or varşā (rains), so year itself was called varşa. Dattātreya -10thTretā,-It appears to be in 9102 BC when second Tretā started after end of glacial floods. Māndhātā -15th Tretā-started in 9102-4 x 360 =7,662 BC and continued till 7,302 BC. 18 generation after him was Bāhu, who had been defeated by Yavanas with help of Haihaya, Tālajangha, Śaka, Pārada, Kāmboja, and Pahlavas (Brahmāņɖa purāņa, 2/3/63/119-120). Megasthenes, Arian, Solin and other Greek authors have given the date of this first Yavana attack by Dionysus (Bacchus) as 6451 years 3 months before Alexander, i.e. in 6,777 BC. Paraśurāma-19th Tretā - It started in 5502 + 2 x 360 = 7222 BC. After his death, Kalamba (Kollam) samvat started in 6,177 BC which still continues in Kerala. As incarnation of Vişņu, he has been called Hercules (as sun or Vişņu, he holds the earth). He was 15 generations after Dionysus as per Greek writers. He destroyed kings (kingdoms) 21 times, which has been called republic era for 120 years by the Greeks. This should start 120 years before the death of Paraśurāma in 6297 BC, when he must have been about 30-35 years. Thus, he lived up to at least 155 years of age, so he is famous as long lived. Rāma-24th Tretā- This actually started 3 parivartas after end of Tretā, i.e. 5502- 3 x 360 = 4422 BC, i.e. when was 11 years of age. Thus his life was mostly in 24th Tretā. 9. Vyāsa list-(1) Svāyambhuva Manu (Brahmā)-(29,102-17,500 BC)- Svārochişa, Tāmasa, Raivata also were in this period. (2) Kaśyapa (Brahma-Sāvarņi Manu)-(17,500-16,050 BC)-Chākśuşa, and other Sāvarņi Manus. In this period Pŗthu (17,050 BC) was most important king who did extensive mining all over the world-so earth was called Pŗthvī. This led to co- operation between Deva and Asuras for samudra-manthana which was world- wide joint exploration of minerals. Vena was father of Pŗthu and possibly a jaina Tīrthankara as he has been blamed as Jaina in many Purāņas. (3) Ūśanā Kāvya or Śukrāchārya (16,050-15,330 BC)-Son of Bhŗgu. Atharva- veda was by Bhŗgu-Angirā. He was Guru (Preceptor) of Asura, Daitya, Dānava. Treatises on Rājanīti (politics+economics), Dhanurveda, Āyurveda, Purāņas were written. Kārttikeya starts new calendar in 15,800 BC with year from entry of sun in Dhanişţhā star. (4) Bŗhaspati -(15,330-14,610 BC)-Complete form of Vedas. He explained grammar for each word separately which is still used in China- where there is separate sign for each word. (5) Vivasvāna (Savitā)- (14,610-13,900 BC)-New calendar and yuga-system as per Sūrya-siddhānta. Year started from Āśvina month with entry of sun in meşa sign and crossing of equator in north motion of sun. Avasarpiņī yuga started with Satya yuga. Then Tretā, Dvāpara came and ended after (4800 +3600 +2400 = 10,800 years) in 3102 BC. (6) Vaivasvata-Yama (13,900-12,460 BC)-He was Ahur-Mazda (Asura- Mahādeva) of Zend-Avesta. There was deluge in his period. He had explained the secrets of death to Nachiketā (Kaţhopanişad), so he is called Śrāddha-Deva also. He is called younger brother of Vaivasvata-Manu, but in action only. There is large difference between their periods. His place was called Yama-loka, place of dead with capital at Sanyamanī Purī. These are now called Yaman, Amman, Sana, Dead sea etc. (7) Indra-Śatakratu (12,460-11,740 BC)-Śata =100, Kratu = yajña = science of producing desired objects in cycles. There were many Indras in 3600 years supremacy of Devas, but 14 among them were important who ruled for 100 years each-and were called Śatakratu . Most of the sūktas of Vedas were written at time of 7th Indra-Vaikunţha. Indra was Lokapāla (ruler) of east direction (from center of India). With assistance of Marut (Lokapāla of north-west) who was expert in science of sound-he made Deva-nāgarī script with 49 letters for 49 maruts in space of galaxy. (8)Vasişţha (11,740-11,020 BC)-He was son of Mitra (Sun-Iran)) and Varuņa (Ahur-Mazda in Arab) both-may be link between two regions. 8th maņɖala of Ŗk- veda is by him. (9) Apāntaratamā or Sārasvata (11,020-10,300 BC)-Son of Sarasvatī-Alambuşā in gotra (family) of Dadhyaņ-Atharvańa. He lived on banks of Gautamī (Godāvarī) where Brāhmī script is still current as Telugu and Kannaɖa. (10)Tridhāmā or Mārkaņɖeya (10,300-9,580 BC)-Dattātreya taught Yoga-tantra and Mārkaņɖeya taught purāņa. (11) Ŗşabha-deva ji (9,580-8,860 BC)-After deluge he brought back supremacy of Bhārata -first jaina-Tīrthankara of the current avasarpiņī. In his period, Maya- Asura of Mexico revised Sūrya-siddhānta of Vivasvān (12) Atri (8,860-8,500 BC)-Bhauma-Atri (of India, Bhūmi or Bhūloka among 3 lokas of Indra) was āchārya (propounder) of āyurveda. He also made shorter method of solar eclipse. Sānkhya-Atri went to north-west direction where his Roman script has 25 (or 26 with extra-x) letters is still used, for 25 elements of Sānkhya. (13) Dharma or Nara-Nārāyaņa (8,500-8,140 BC) - He taught Vedas in Badarikāśrama. Guru tradition of Śankarāchārya starts with this Nārāyaņa. This is period of Kāņva-Medhātithi ŗşi and king Duşyanta and his son Bharata. (14) Suchkśaņa or Suchkśu (8,140-7,780 BC)-Period of Kings Marutta, Avikśita, Karandhama and ŗşis Gautama, Vāmadeva. (15) Tryāruņa (7,780-7,420 BC)-Period of king Māndhātā in line of Ikśvāku, and king Angāra of Gāndhāra. (16) Dhanañjaya (7,420-7,060 BC) Ŗşi Bharadvāja was inDāśa-rāja war in about 7,200 BC. (17) Kŗtañjaya (7,060-6,700 BC) Attack by Gayāsura or Asita-Dhanvā on India in 6,777 (18) Ŗtañjaya (6,700-6,340 BC) BC - Dionysus, or Bacchus) as per Megasthenes. (19) Bharadvāja (6,340-5,980 BC)-Purohita (advisor) of emperor Chāyamāna (of Persia) and Divodāsa (of Kāśī)-both. (20) Gautama (5,980-5,620 BC)-He resided on banks of Gautamī (Godāvarī)- wrote sūtras of Nyāya-darśana. Period of Jamadagni, Hariśchandra. Paraśurāma, Kārttavīrya Arjuna. (21)Vāchaspati or Niryantara (5,620-5,260 BC)-Yavanas were expelled by king Sagara, supremacy on oceans. His grandson Bhagīratha brought down Gangā (some glaciers of Himālaya merged with it. (22) Sukalyāņa or Somaśuşņa (5,260-4,900 BC)-Ŗşis Pulastya and Viśravā. Institute of Paraśurāma ends with tretā. (23) Tŗņavindu (4,900-4,540 BC)-He was emperor. His daughter married to Pulastya, father of Rāvaņa, Kubera. (24)Vālmīki (4,540-4,180 BC)-Period of Rāma, son of Daśaratha (4433-4262 BC). Also of Rāvaņa, Hanumān. (25) Śakti-Vāsişţha (4,180-3,820 BC)-Method of Veda-pāţha (recitation). (26) Jātūkarņya (3,820-3,460 BC)-Student of Parāśara, but period is before him. Kaņāda wrote Vaiśeşika-sūtras. (27) Parāśara (3,460-3,100 BC)-Teacher of Vişņu-purāņa. Divided Purāņa- samhitā in 100 crore verses into 18 purāņas of 4 lakh verses. 2 streams of astronomy-of Āryabhaţa (Svāyambhuva or Pitāmaha) and Parāśara (Sūrya- siddhānta or Maitreya mentioned in Vişņu-purāņa). (28)Veda-Vyāsa (from 3,100 BC till today)-Son of Satyavatī (later on married to king Śantanu) and Parāśara-Kŗşņa-Dvaipāyana. Wrote Bhāgavata purāņa, Brahma-sūtra, commentary on Yoga-sūtra of Patañjali. Divided Vedas into many branches to preserve the knowledge. There was no further Vyāsa , so it is still called 28th kali. 10. Kings of Kali-(1) 22 kings of Bārhadratha dynasty in Magadha-1006 years- 3138-2132 BC (2) 5 Pradyota kings-138 years-2132-1994 BC. (3) 10 Śiśunāga kings-360 years-1994-1634 BC (4) Mahāpadma-nanda and 8 sons-100 years-1634-1534 BC. (6) 12 Maurya kings-316 years-1534-1218 BC. (7) 10 Śunga kings- 300 years-1218-918 BC (8) 4 Kāṇva kings-85 years-918-833 BC (9) 33 Āndhra kings-506 years-833-327 BC (10) 11 Gupta kings-327-82 BC (11) Vikramāditya of Ujjain-82 BC-19 AD (12) His grandson Śālivāhana -78 AD-138 AD (13) 20 kings till Pṛthvīrāja Chauhāna-1192 BC. Śrī Rāma-birth 11-2-4433 BC, Prabhava year in both systems, Sunday, death 22- 34365 BC. Bhagavān Kṛṣṇa-birth 19-7-3228 BC, death-17-2-3102 BC Bhagvan Mahāvīra 11-3-1905 BC, Chaitra śukla 11. Siddhārtha Buddha, birth 31-3-1886 BC, death 27-3-1807-both on Vaiśākha pūrṇimā. Ādi Śankara-birth 4-4-509 BC, death in 477 BC Important calenders-(1) Svāyambhuva Manu-29102 BC-year from Abhijit. (2) Kaśyapa-17502 BC (3) Kārttikeya-15800 BC (approximate)-year from Dhaniṣṭhā continued in Vedānga jyotiśa till Mahābhārata. (4) Vaivasvata Manu-13902 BC-start of year from spring equinox-Chaitra month. Glacial floods 10000-9500 BC. Yuga cycle started with satya yuga of 4800 years. (5) Ṛṣabhadeva-9500 BC (appr.). Revision of Sūrya siddhānta in 9233 BC by Maya Asura 900 west from Ujjain (alpa =131 years before end of Satya-yuga). (6) Ikṣvāku-1-11-8576 BC (Chaitra śukla pratipadā)-Dr. Mahālingam. (7) King Bāhu killed by Dionysus in 6777 BC. Paraśurāma (Kalamba = Kollam)- 6177 BC (8) Yudhiṣṭhira śaka 17-12-3139 BC, Bhīṣma expired 5 days after that on start of Uttarāyaṇa on 22 December on Māgha śukla aṣṭamī. Kali era started on 17-2- 3102 BC, Wednesday, Ujjain midnight on death of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. It was Vijaya samvatsara by Sūrya siddhānta and Pramāthī by Pitāmaha siddhānta followed in south India. Jayābhyudaya śaka after 6 month 11 days (188 days on 24-8-3102 BC when Jaya samvatsara started (north system) and Pāṇḍavas went for abhyudaya. On death of Yudhiṣṭhira in kali year 25 (3076 BC), Laukika era started in Kashmir-when Saptarṣis left Maghā star. (9) Jaina Yudhiṣṭira śaka from 2634 BC (sanyāsa or death of Pārśvanātha). (10) Nanda śaka-1634 BC. (11) Śūdraka śaka-756 BC. (12) Chāhamāna or Śākambharī śaka- 612 BC-destruction of Assyrian capital Nineve by Chāhamāna of Medes (Madhyadeśa) east of Sindhu. (BibleWiki-Media, Jewish Encyclopedia-Nineve, Bṛhat samhitā 13/3, Chaṇḍī pāṭha 11/38) (13) Vīra nirvāṇa-527 BC from death of Kālakāchārya (599-527 BC), guru of Kumārila Bhaṭṭa as per Jinavijaya mahākāvya. (14) Śrīharṣa śaka-456 BC-end of 300 year democracy starting with Śūdraka of Mālavā. (15) Vikrama samvat by paramāra king Vikramāditya of Ujjain-57 BC. From Chaitra at Paśupatinātha (Nepal) and from Kārttika at Somanātha (Gujrat). (16) Śālivāhana śaka-78 AD. (17) Kalachuri or Chedi śaka-248 AD (18) Valabhī (bhanga) śaka-319 AD-end of later Guptas in Gujrat. (19) Chālukya Vikrama-1075 AD from Kārttika. (20) Rāja śaka (Shivaji) 1673 AD. दािवंशित नृपा हेते भिवतारो बृहदथा। पूणर वषर सहसं वै तेषा राजयं भिवषयित॥ (बहाणड २/३/७४/१२१, िवषणु ४/२३/१२) बृहदरथेषवतीतेषु वीितहोतेषवविनतषु। पुलकः सवािमनं हतवा सवपुतमिभषेकयित। (बहाणड २/३/७४/१२२) निनदवधरनसततपुतः पञच पदोतना इमे। अषतितंशोतरशतं भोकयिनत पृिथवी नृपाः।(सकनद १२/२) शैशुनागा दशैवेते भोकयिनत पृिथवी नृपाः। शतािन तीिण वषाण् षिष वषािधकािन च॥ (किलयुगराजवृतानत २/२, भागवत पुराण १२/२/८) मायामोहसवरपोऽसौ शुदोदन सुतोऽभवत्। ये च बौदा बभूवुिहर तेऽभयोऽनये वेदविजरताः।(अिगन पुराण १६/२-३) उदािय भिवता यसमात् तयिसतंशत् समा नृपः। स वै पुरवरं राजा पृिथवया कुसुमाहयं। गङाया दिकणे कूले चतुथेबदे किरषयित॥(वायु ११९/३८) महानिनदसततः शूदीगभोदवो बली अितलुबधो अितबलो महापदो ननदनामा परशुराम इव अपरः अिखलकतानतकारी भिवषयित। (िवषणु पुराण ४/२४/२१) यावत् परीिकतो जनम यावत् ननदािभषेचनम्। एतद् वषर सहसं तु जेय ं पञचशतोतरम्॥ (िवषणु पुराण ४/२४/१०४) स एकछता पृिथवीमनुललंिघतशासनः। शािसषयित महापदो िदतीय इव भागरवः॥(भागवत पुराण १२/१/१०) अषाशीित स वषािण पृिथवया तु भिवषयित। (मतसय पुराण २७०/२०) सुमालयािद सुताहषौ समा दादश ते नृपाः। कौिटलयशनदगुपतं स ततो राजयेऽिभषेचयित। भुकतवा मही वषरशतं ततो मौयान् गिमषयित। (मतसय पुराण २७३/२३) दादशैते नृपाः मौयाः चनदगुपतादयो महीम्। सतािन तीिण भोकयिनत दश षट् च समा कलौ॥(किलयुगराजवृतानत ३/२) इतयेते दस च दे च भोकयिनत वसुनधराम्। सतािन तीिण पूणािन तेभयः शुङान् गिमषयित। (मतसय २७०/३२) दशैते शुङ राजानो भोकयनतीमा वसुनधराम्। शतं पूणर शते दे च तेभयः कनवान् गिमषयित॥ (किलयुगराजवृतानत, मतसय, वायु आिद ) एते चतवािरंशत काणवायनशतवारः। पञचचतवािरंशद् वषािण भूपतयो बिवषयिनत॥(िवषणु ४/२४/३९-४२) तावत् कालाननतरं भावयामानधनतादापरीिकतः। भिवषयेते पसंखयाताः पुराणजैः शुतिषरिभः॥४०॥ सपतषरयसतदा पाहुः पदीपतेनािगनना समाः। सपतिवंशित भावयानामानधाणानतु यथा पुनः॥४१॥ (मतसय पुराण २७०) चनदिशयं घातियतवा िमषेणैव िह केनिचत्। ततपुत पितभूतवा च राजयं चैव िनयोिजतः। वषैसतु सपतिभः पापत राजयो वीरागणीरसौ। ततपुतं च पुलोमानं िविनहतय नृपाभरकम्॥ सपतैवानधा भिवषयिनत दशाभीरासतथा नृपाः। (मतसय पुराण २७३/१७) पूणे ितंशत् शते वषे कलौ पापते भयानके॥१४॥ जातः िशवाजया साऽिप कैलासाद् गुह कालपात्(१५) िवकमािदतय नामानं िपता कृतवा मुमोद ह(१६) पञच वषे वयः पापते तपसोऽथे वनं गतः। दादशाबदं पयतेन िवकमेण कृतं तपः।१७॥ (भिवषय पितसगर १/७/) िशवाजया च नृपितिवरकमसतनयसततः। शतवषर ं कृतं राजयं देवभकतसततोऽभवत्॥ दशवषर ं कृतं राजयं शकैदर ु षैलरय ं गतः॥२२॥ शािलवाहन एवािप देवभकतसय चातमजः। िजतवा शकान् षषटयबदं राजयं कॄतवा िदवं गतः॥२३॥(भिवषय पितसगर ४/१) (भिवषय पितसगर २/२)-सवगरते िवकरमािदतये राजानोबहुधाऽभवन्॥तथाषादशराजयािन तेषं नामािन मे शृणु॥९॥ पिशमे िसनधुनदनते सेतुबनधे िह दिकणे। उतरे बदरीसथाने पूवे च किपलािनतके॥१०॥ अषादशैव राषटािण तेषा मधये बभुिवरे। इनदपसथं च पाञचालं कुरकेतं च कािपलम्॥११॥ अनतवेदी बजथयैवाजमेर ं मरधनव च। गौजजरर ं च महाराषटं दािवडं च किलङकम्॥१२॥ आवनतयं चोडुप ं वङं गौदं मागधमेव च। कौशलयं च तथा जेय ं तेषा राजा पृथक् पृथक्॥१३॥ नानाभाषाः िसथतासतत बहुधमरपवतरकाः। एवमबदशतं जातं ततसते वै शकादयः॥१४॥ शुतवा धमरिवनाशं च बहुवृनदैः समिनवताः। केिचतीतवा िसनधुनदीमायरदेशं समागताः॥१५॥ िहमपवरतमागेण िसनधुमागेण चागमन्। िजतवाययाललाठियतवा तान् सवदेशं पुनराययुः॥१६॥ गृहीतवा योिषतसतेषा परं हषरमुपाययुः। एतिसमननतरे तत शािलवाहन भूपितः॥१७॥ िवकमािदतयपौतश िपतृराजयंगृहीतवान्। िजतवा शकान् दुराधषान् चीन तैितिर देशजान्॥१८॥ बाहीकनकामरपाश रोमजानखहुरजाञछठान्। तेषा कोषानगृहीतवा च दणडयोगयानकारयत्॥१९॥ सथािपता तेन मयादा मलेचछायाणा पृथक् पृथक्। िसनधुसथानिमित जेय ं राषटमाययरसय चोतमम्॥२०॥ मलेचछसथानं परम् िसनधोः कृतं तेनमहातमना। एकदा तु शकाधीशो िहमतुङंसमाययौ॥२१। हणू देशसय मधये वै िगिरसथं पुरषं शुभम्। ददशर बलवान् राजा गौराङं शेतवसतकम्॥२२॥ को भवािनित तं पाह स होवाच मुदािनवतः। ईशपुतं च मा िविद कुमारीगभरसमभवम्॥२३॥ सवराजयं पापतवान् राजा हयमेधमचीकरत्। राजयं कृतवा स षषटयबदं सवगरलोकमुपाययौ॥३३॥ पितसगर २/३-शािलवाहन वंशे तु राजानो दश चाभवन्।राजयं पञचशताबदं च कृतवा लोकानतरं ययुः॥१॥ भूपितदरशमो यो वै भोजराज इित समृतः।२। सेनया दश साहसरया कािलदासेन संयुतः।॥३॥ िजतवा गानधारजान् मलेचछान् काशमीरानारवान् शठान्॥४॥ एतिसमननतरे मलेचछ आचाययेण समिनवतः। महामद इित खयातः िशषयशाखा समिनवतः॥५॥ मुसलेनैव संसकारः कुशैिरव भिवषयित। २६। तसमान् मुसलवनतो िह जातयो धमरदषू काः।२७॥ ततो यजे समापते तु ऋतूना षट् समतययुः। ततश दादशे मासे चैते नाविमके ितथौ॥८॥ नकतेऽिदितदैवतये सवोचचसंसथेषु पञचसु। गहेषु ककरटे लगने वाकपतािवनदुना सह॥९॥ पोदमाने जगनाथं सवरलोक नमसकृतम्। कौशलयाजनयद् रामं सवर लकण संयुतम्॥१०॥ (रामायण बालकाणड, सगर १८) बृहत् शङर िदिगवजय-ितषये पयातयनलशेविधबाणनेते (२५९३) ऽबदे ननदने िदनमणावुदगधवभािज। राधेऽिदतेरडुिविनगरत मङलगने ऽसयाहूतवान् िशवगुरः स च शङरेित ॥ 11. Kumārikā Khaṇḍa-Universally, all purāṇas tell the present India as Kumārikā-khaṇḍa, which is triangular in south and rectangular in north (tiryak- yāma). This is between Himālaya in north and ocean in south. It is called Bhārata and its people are Bhāratī. Extending Himālaya line east and west almost touching oceans defines Bhārata-varṣa having 9 parts where Kumārikā or Bhārata -khaṇḍa is the main standard for conduct and others follow it. The 9 parts cover 900 longitude width in north hemisphere-other 3 parts are Bhadrāśva in east, Ketumāla in west and Kuru opposite or beyond north pole (sumeru). These are like 4 petals of earth-lotus. (िवषणु पुराण २/२)- भदाशं पूवरतो मेरोः केतुमालं च पिशमे। वषे दे तु मुिनशेष तयोमरधयिमलावृतः।२४। भारताः केतुमाआश भदाशाः कुरवसतथा। पतािण लोकपदसय मयादाशैलबाहतः।४०। भदाशे भगवान् िवषणुरासते हयिशरा िदज। वराहः केतुमाले तु भारते कूमररपधृक्।५०। मतसयरपश गोिवनदः कुरषवासते जनादरनः। िवशरपेण सवरत सवरः सवरतगो हिरः।५१। सवेषवेतेषु वषेषु सपत सपत कुलाचलाः। नदश शतशसतेभः पसूता या िदजोतम।५६। अधयाय ३-उतरं यतसमुदसय िहमादेशैव दिकणम्। वषरम् तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत सनतितः।१। भारतसयासय वषरसय नवभेदािनशामय। इनददीपः कसेरश तामपणो गभिसतमान्।६। नागदीपसतथा सौमयो गनधवरसतवथ वारणः। अयं तु नवमसतेषा दीपः सागरसंवृतः।७। चतवािर भारते वषे युगानयत महामुने। कृतं तेता दापरञच किलशानयत न कविचत्।१९। अतािप भारतं शेषं जमबूदीपे महामुने। यतो िह कमरभूरेषा हतोऽनया भोगभूमयः।२२। मतसय पुराण ११३-चातुवरणयरसतु सौवणो मेरशोलबमयः समृतः।१२। नाभीबनधनसमभूतो बहणोऽवयकतजनमनः।पूवरतः शेतवणरसतु बाहणयं तसय तेन वै।१४। पीअश दिकणेनासौ तेन वैशयतविमषयते।भृिङपतिनभशैव पिशमेन समिनवतः। पाशरमुतरतसतसय रकतवणर ं सवभावतः। तेनासय कतभावः सयािदित वणाः पकीितरताः।१६। मधये ितवलावृतं नाम महामेरोः समनततः।१९। मधये तसय महामेरिवरधूम इव पावकः। वेदथर ं दिकणं मेरोरतराधर ं तथोतरम्।२०। अधयाय ११४-अथाहं वनरियषयािम वषेऽिसमन् भारते पजाः। भरणचच पजाना वैमनुभररत उचयते।५। िनरकतवचनाचचैव वषर ं तद् भारतं समृतम्। यतः सवगरश मोकश मधयमशािप िह समृतः।६। न खलवनयत मतयाना भूमौकमरिविधः समृतः। भारतसयासय वषरसय नव भेदान् िनबोधत।७। इनददीपः कशेरश तामपणो गभिसतमान्। नागदीपसतथा सौमयो गनधवरसतवथ वारणः।८। अयं तु नवमसतेषं दीपः सागरसंवृतः। योजनाना सहसं तु दीपोऽयं दिकणोतरः।९। आयतसु कुमारीतो गङायाः पवहाविधः।ितयरगूधवर ं तु िवसतीणरः सहसािण दशैव तु।१०। यसतवयं मानवो दीपिसतयरग् यामः पकीितरतः। य एनं जयते कृतसनं स समािडित कीितरतः।१५। 4 names of Bhārata-(1) Seen from south ocean, it is triangular. A triangle with vertex down (south) is called śakti-trikoṇa (female triangle). As source of conduct and knowledge, it is root or first female form called Kumārī or Kumārikā. (2) Seen from north, it is bounded by Himālayas in shape of crescent moon. Huensang (translated by Beal) has written that Bhārata is called Indu (moon) due to 3 reasons-it is in shape of moon in north end, it is cool like moon and it spreads light of knowledge to world like moon spreads light. Greeks called Indu as Inde which has become India. (3) As a natural division of Jambū-dvīpa bound by Himālaya, it was called Himavat varśa. Both have north boundary in shape of bow (dhanuṣa). Only Kumārikā-khaṇḍa has moon like boundary, all 9 regions have 2 moons joined in bow shape. (4) Manu or rulers of this country always fed the world (written by all Greek writers also), so they were called Bharata and the country as Bhārata. Bhārata name became more famous after rule of Ṛṣabhadevaji whose son was chakravartī Bharata. िवषणु पुराण (२/१)- िहमाहयं तु वै वषर ं नाभेरासीन् महातमनः। तसयषरभोऽभवत् पुतो मेरदेवया महादुितः॥२७॥ ऋषभाद् भरतो जजे जयेषः पुतशतसय सः। कृतवा राजयं सवधमेण तथेषटवा िविवधान् मखान्॥२८॥ ततश भारतं वषरमेतललोकेषु गीयते।भरताय यतः िपता दतं पाितिषता वनम्॥३२॥ तेषा वंशपसूतैश भुकतेय ं भारती पुरा। कृततेतािदसगेण युगाखयामेकसपतितम्॥४२॥ िवषणु पुराण, अधयाय (२/२)-भारतं पथमं वषर ं ततः िकमपुरषं समृतम्। हिरवषर ं तथैवानयन् मेरोदरिकणतो िदज॥१३॥ रमयकं चोतरं वषर ं तथैवासतु िहरणमयम्। उतराः कुरवशैव यथा वै भारतं तथा॥१४॥) सकनद पुराण पभास खणड अधयाय १७२- भरतोनामराजाभूदागनीधः पिथतः िकतौ। यसयेद ं भारतं वषं नामा लोकेषु गीयते॥१॥ भारतं नवधा कृतवा पुतेभयः पददौ पृथक्। तेषा नामािङतानयेव ततो दीपािन जिजरे॥२॥ इनददीपः कसेरश तामपणो गभिसतमान्। नागदीपसतथा सौमयो गानधवरसतवथ वारणः॥३॥ अयं तु नवमो दीपः कुमायया संिजतः िपये अषौ दीपाः समुदेण पलािवताश तथापरे॥४॥ गामािददेशसंयुकताः िसथताः सागरमधयगाः। एक एव िसथतसतेषा कुमाययाखयसतु सामपतम्॥५॥ This last quote from Skanda purāṇa tells that some islands have submerged in ocean (partly or totally), only this Kumārikā-khaṇḍa survives completely. 12. World divisions-There are 7 lokas (worlds) in space which start with earth planet called (1) Bhū-loka. Earth is measuring rod and other higher (bigger) lokas are measured in exponential scale. There are other units also explained in my article units of length and time on website-scribd/Arunupadhyay. Earth has 3 spherical zones starting from centre. Ahar measures increase by 2 at each level- their count is ahargaṇa. Ahargaṇa 4 has 2 times size of earth. Radius of Ahargaṇa n is 2 power (n-3) in units of earth radius. (2) Chandra maṇḍala is sphere covering moon orbit of 9 ahargaṇa. This has been called Jambū-dvīpa of 50000 yojana radius in Bhāgavata, skandha 5 etc. Bhū- varāha is up to 15 ahargaṇa-material of this region was condensed into earth. In parts of Triṣṭup chhanda, (11 x 4 akṣara) Bhuvar loka is region of 22 ahargaṇa-up to Uranus orbit is called Loka (bright) part of wheel shaped earth (planetary system) of 50 crore yojana diameter. Solar wind (Īṣā-daṇḍa-yajur veda 1/1) extends up to this region-boundary of 18000 sun-diameters in Viṣṇu purāṇa (2/8/4). (3) Svar loka is solar system up to 33 ahargaṇa. In other units, ratha (body) of solar system has been stated as 157 lakh yojanas Viṣṇu purāṇa (2/8/3). (4) Mahar loka is of 43 ahargaṇa. This is sphere enclosing width of spiral arm of galaxy around sun. The spiral arm itself is Śeṣa-nāga and 1000 stars in mahar loka are its 1000 heads. On one of the heads (solar system) earth is like a dot. (5) Janah loka is galaxy of 49 ahargaṇa. In units of dhāma yojana (half degree of equator = 55.5 km), its circumference is stated parārdha (Kaṭhopaniṣad 1/3/1, Ṛgveda 1/164/12) = 0.5 x 1017 = 97000 light years. (6) Tapah loka is visible universe from which light can theoretically reach us. Its size is 67 ahargaṇa, or 264 of earth size (64 letters in Brāhmī script) or radius of 8.64 billion light years-called day-night of Brahmā. (7) Satya loka is infinite universe called 1000 heads of Puruṣa. It is tri-satya i.e. same in all places, directions and times. Lokas on earth are divisions in the world map from equator to north pole which contains Bhārata-varṣa. It covers 450 east and west from Ujjain. These are- (1)Bhūloka south of Vindhya or 210 latitude. Tirupati at 150 latitude is Bhū-varāha region corresponding to 15 ahargaṇa zone in space. (2) Bhuvar loka is between Vindyha and Himālaya, also called Madhyama-loka (within Bhārata-Raghuvamṣa 2/42 etc) (3) Svar loka-is Himālaya. At 33 ahargaṇa, energy of sun is like dead egg (Mārtaṇḍa). So there was a Mārtaṇḍa-mandira in Kashmir at 330 latitude. Main region is Tibet which has been called svarga (Tri-viṣṭap). Here, viṣṭap (= tree) means catchment area of rivers which collect water like roots of a tree. Viṣṇu viṣṭap is catchment of Sindhu, Śiva-viṣṭap (jaṭā of Śiva) is catchment of Gangā- system and Brahma-viṣṭap is catchment of Brahmaputra. (4) Mahar loka is China as its people were called mahān (Han) by Brahmā. As centre of 7 lokas, it is middle kingdom. (5) Janah loka is Mangolia. Janah loka is final place of souls (jannat of Koran) as per Viṣṇu purāṇa 2/7/12). Mukul in Arabic also means preta who is mukta (free) from body. (6) Tapas loka is Siberia (steppes = tapas). (7) Satya loka is arctic circle. It is coolest like expanse of universe. These lokas were created on pattern of space- बहाणड पुराण उपसंहार पाद, अधयाय २ (३/४/२)- लोकाखयािन तु यािन सयुयेषा ितषिनत मानवाः॥८॥भूरादयसतु सतयानताः सपतलोकाः कृतािसतवह॥९॥ पृिथवीचानतिरकं च िदवयं यचच महत् समृतम्।सथानानयेतािन चतवािर समृतानयावणरकािन च॥११॥ जनसतपश सतयं च सथानयानयेतािन तीिण तु। एकािनतकािन तािन सयुिसतषंतीहापसंयमात्॥१३॥ भूलोकः पथमसतेषा िदतीयसतु भुवः समृतः।१४॥ सवसतृतीयसतु िवजेयशतुथो वै महः समृतः जनसतु पञचमो लोकसतपः षषो िवभावयते॥१५॥ सतयसतु सपतमो लोको िनरालोकसततः परम्।१६।महेित वयाहृतेनैव महलोकसततोऽभवत्॥२१॥ यामादयो गणाः सवे महलोक िनवािसनः।५१॥ (वायु पुराण, अधयाय १०१)-महेित वयाहृतेनैव ं महलोकसततोऽभवत्। िविनवृतािधकाराणा दानं तत वै कयः॥२३॥ यामादयो गणाः सवे महलोकिनवािसनः॥५२॥ Seven dvīpas are 7 continents of earth. But the circular Jambū dvīpa and ring shaped other dvīpas are orbits of planets as seen from earth. Dvīpas on earth surface are- (1)Jambū dvīpa –Asia containing India. (2) Śaka dvīpa –Australia-south east of India (Mahābhārata 12/14/21-25, Rāmāyaṇa), full of kuśa (pillar shape) trees-Eucalyptus of many varieties, worship of Viṣṇu as Sun or fire (agni-koṇa)-south east direction. In direction of Agni, it was also called Anga dvīpa (Vāyu, 40) Chakragiri (semi circular mountain in east), gold mines. (3) Kuśa dvīpa –Africa is full of kuśa specially in north deserts and south west. Ezypt and Ethiopea were called Kuśa. (4) Śālmali dvīpa –This is south Africa having many trees of variety. It includes east island of Madagaskar (Malgassy) called Hariṇa dvīpa of purāṇas. (5) Krauñcha dvīpa-This has been called west of Meru and in north (Mahābhārata 12/14/21-25, 16/25). Bṛhat samhitā and Rāmāyaṇa locate it in north. Thus it is north America which has Rockies mountain in same shape of a flying bird (krauñcha). (6) Plakśa dvīpa-This has also been called Gomeda dvīpa in Varāha and Matsya purāṇas. This is Europe which has trees of Plakśa type in south and gomeda (white froth and floating ice) in north. (7) Puṣkara dvīpa-This is south America, directly opposite to Puṣkara (Bukhara) 120 west of Ujjain at 340 north latitude. It has Andes mountain along north-south dividing it into 2 regions-one is dry (west), the other is full of water. Its branch in north-west is semi-circular called Mānasa and its son Mahāviṭa. North east also is bound by semi-circular mountain enclosing largest river valley of Amazon. 13. Map Divisions-It has always been stated that Bhārata, Bhadrāśva, Ketumāla and Uttara-kuru cover fourth part of globe (north hemisphere) i.w. 900 longitude width each like 4 petals of earth lotus. There should be similar division in south hemsphere also. Bhārata map from equator to north pole has 7 lokas. It is 450 on both sides of Ujjain at karka rekhā or Lankā at equator at 75043’ east from Greenwich. Remaining 7 sheets-3 in north and 4 in south are 7 Talas. Muzaffar Ali has interpreted tala as Iklim of Arabic which means inclined plane and is origin of word climate (Geography of Puranas, page 30). Seen from Bhārata (or any place on globe) all others will appear down inclined at varying degrees. As main part of Bhārata is called Kumārikā-khaṇḍa, the opposite part in south can also be called Kumārikā-khaṇḍa (ocean, or south). Viṣṇu purāṇa (2/5/2) calls it Gabhastimat which has been counted as one of 9 parts of Bhārata- varṣa in same purāṇa (2/3/6 and all others). Thus this was considered an extension of Bhārata in south and still called Indian ocean. Similarly, it was Kumārikā-khaṇḍa (samudra) whose main island was Gabhastimān. The 7 Talas are named differently in different purāṇas- Viṣṇu-Atala, Vitala, Nitala, Gabhastimat, Mahātala, Sutala, Pātāla. Brahmāṇḍa-Tatvala, Sutala, Talātala, Atala, Tala, Rasātala, Pātāla. Bhāgavata-Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talātala, Mahātala, Rasātala, Pātāla. िवषणु पुराण (२/५)-दशसाहसमेकैकं पातालं मुिनसतम। अतलं िवतलं चैव िनतलं च गभिसतमत्। महाखयं सुतलं चागरय ं पातालं चािप सपतमम्॥२॥ शुकलकृषणाखयाः पीताः सकरराः शैल काञचनाः।भूमयो यत मैतेय वरपासादमिणडताः॥३॥ पातालानामधशासते िवषणोया तामसी तनुः। शेषाखया यदगुणानवकतुं न शकता दतयदानवाः॥१३॥ योऽननतः पठयते िसदैदेवो देविषर पूिजतः। स सहसिशरा वयकतसविसतकामलभूषणः॥१४॥ नीलवासा मदोितसकतः शेतहारोपशोिभतः। साभगङापवाहोऽसौ कैलासािदिरवापरः॥१७॥ कलपानते यसय वकतेभयो िवषानलिशखोजजवलः। सङषरणातमको रदो िनषकामयाित जगततयम्॥१९॥ यसयैषा सकला पृथवी फणामिणिशखारणा। आसते कुसुममालेव कसतदीयर ं विदषयित॥२२॥ बहाणड पुराण (१/२/२०)-परसपरैः सोपिचता भूिमशैव िनबोधत॥९॥ िसथितरेषा तु िवखयाता सपतमेऽिसमन् रसातले। दशयोजन साहसमेकं भौमं रसातलम्॥१०॥ पथमः ततवलं नाम सुतलं तु ततः परम्॥११॥ ततसतलातलं िवदादतलं बहुिवसतृतम्। ततोऽवाक् च तलं नाम परतश रसातलम्॥१२॥ एतेषमपयधो भागे पातालं सपतमं समृतम्। भागवत पुराण (५/२४/७)- उपविणरतं भूमेयरथासंिनवेशावसथानमवनेरतयधसतात् सपत भूिववरा एकैकशो योजनायुतानतरेणायामं िवसतारेणोपकलृपता अतलं िवतलं सुतलं तलातलं महातलं रसातलं पातालिमित॥७॥ भागवत पुराण (५/२५)- सय मूलदेशे ितंशद् योजन सहसानतर आसते या वै कला भगवतसतामसी समाखयाताननत इित सातवतीया दषृ दृशययोः सङषरणमहिमतयिभमान लकणं यं सङषरणिमतयाचकयते॥१॥ यसयेद ं िकितमणडलं भगवतोऽननतमूतेः सहसिशरस एकिसमनेव शीषािण िधयमाणं िसदाथर इव लकयते॥२॥ Maps of these places were in different colours as indicated in Viṣṇu purāṇa (2/5/17-22). Important places of each have also been given like Prahlāda ruled Talātala, Bali went to Sutala, Maya in Atala etc. Texts of astronomy have given cardinal points on earth separated from Lankā or Ujjain at intervals of 900 each. Yama-koṭi-pattana is 900 east (Yama Dvīpa = Antarctica, Yama is lord of south, yama = 2, Yama-koṭi dvīpa is nearest twin island Newzealand, its south western tip is 900 east), Romaka-pattana is 900 west (Konacry = Koṇārka or some place west of Rabat = place of sun)-both are ports (pattana). 1800 east (or west) is Siddhapura where Brahmā had constructed a dvāra to mark the end of east direction (Rāmāyaṇa, Kiṣkindhā kāṇḍa 40/54, 64)- that is place of greatest Pyramid in Mexico. This was not a pattana or a coastal town. उजजियनी लङायाः सिनिहता योतरेण समसूते। तनमधयाहो युगपत् िवषमो िदवसो िवषुवतोऽनयः। (वराहिमिहर, पञचिसदािनतका, १३/१७) सवमेर सथलमधये नरको बडवामुखं च जलमधये। अमरमरा मनयनते परसपरमधः िसथतान् िनयतान् ॥१२॥ उदयो यो लङाया सोऽसतमयः सिवतुरेव िसदपुरे। मधयाहो यवकोटया रोमकिवषयेऽधररातं सयात् ॥१३॥ सथलजलमधय लङा भूककाया भवेचचतुभागे। उजजियनी लङायाः तचचतुरश ं े समोतरतः॥१४॥ (आयरभटीय ४/१२-१४) भूवृतपादे पूवरसया यमकोटीित िवशुता। भदाशवषे नगरी सवणरपाकारतोरणा॥३८॥ यामयाया भारते वषे लङा तदन् महापुरी। पिशमे केतुमालाखये रोमकाखया पकीितरता॥३९॥ उदक् िसदपुरी नाम कुरवषे पकीितरता (४०) भूवृतपादिववरासताशानयोनयं पितिषता (४१) तासामुपिरगो याित िवषुवसथो िदवाकरः। न तासु िवषुवचछाया नाकसयोनितिरषयते ॥४२॥ (सूयर िसदानत १२/३८-४२) यललङोजजियनीपुरोपिर कुरकेतािददेशान् सपृशत्। सूतं मेरगतं सा मधयरेखा भुवः॥ िनरकदेशात् िकितषोडशाशे भवेदवनती गिणतेन यसमात् (िसदानत िशरोमिण, गोलाधयाय, मधयगित वासना, २४ ) वालमीिक रामायण िकिषकनधा काणड, अधयाय ४०- यतवनतो यवदीपं सपतराजयोपशोिभतम्। सुवणररपयकदीपं सुवणाकरमिणडतम्॥३०। ततः समुददीपाश सुभीमान् दषुमहरथ।।३६॥ सवादूदसयोतरे तीरे योजनािन तयोदश। जातरपिशलो नाम सुमहान् कनकपभः॥५०॥ ितिशराः काञचनः केतुमालसतसय महातमनः॥५३॥पूवरसया िदिश िनमाणं कृतं तत् ितदशेशरैः॥५४॥ पूवरमेतत् कृतं दारं पृिथवया भुवनसय च। सूयरसयोदयनं चैव पूवा हेषा िदगुचयते ॥६४॥ Purāṇas give 4 cardinal towns of Indra-Vasvaukasārā, Soma-Vibhāvarī (900 east), Varuṇa-Sukhā (1800 east), and Yama-Sanyamanī (900 west) separated by 900 longitude. These could be at junction of Talas or could be earlier division at time of Svāyambhuva Manu. िवषणु पुराण (२/८)-मानसोतरशैलसय पूवरतो वासवी पुरी। दिकणे तु यमसयानया पतीचया वारणसय च। उतरेण च सोमसय तासा नामािन मे शृणु॥८॥ वसवौकसारा शकसय यामया संयमनी तथा। पुरी सुखा जलेशसय सोमसय च िवभावरी।९। शकादीना पुरे ितषन् सपृशतयेष पुरतयम्। िवकोणौ दौ िवकोणसथसतीन् कोणानदे पुरे तथा।॥१६॥ उिदतो वदरमानािभरामधयाहातपन् रिवः। ततः परं हसनतीिभगोिभरसतं िनयचछित॥१७॥ एवं पुषकरमधयेन यदा याित िदवाकरः। ितंशद् भागं तु मेिदनयाः तदा मौहिू तरकी गितः।२६॥ सूयो दादशिभः शैघरयानमुहूतैदरिकणायने। तयोदशादरमृकाणामहा तु चरित िदज। मुहूतैसतावदृकािण नकतमषादशैशरन्॥३४॥ मतसय पुराण अधयाय १२४-मेरोः पाचया िदशाया तु मानसोतरमूधरिन॥२०॥ वसवौकसारा माहेनदी पुणया हेमपिरषकृता। दिकणेन पुनमेरोमानससय तु पृषतः॥२१॥ वैवसवतो िनवसित यमः संयमने पुरे। पतीचया तु पुनमेरोमानससय तु मूधरिन॥२२॥ सुखा नाम पुरी रमया वरणसयािप धीमतः। िदशयुतरसया मेरोसतु मानससयैव मूधरिन॥२३॥ तुलया महेनदपुयािप सोमसयािप िवभावरी। वैवसवते संयमने उदन् सूयरः पदृशयते। सुखायामधररातसतु िवभावयासतमेित च॥२८॥ वैवसवते संयमने मधयाहे तु रिवयरदा। सुखायामश वारणयामुितषन् स तु दृशयते॥२९॥ िवभावयामधररातं माहेनदरयामसतमेव च। सुखायामथ वारणया मधयाहे तु रिवयरदा॥३०॥ िवभावया सोमपुयामुितषित िवभावसुः। महेनदसयामरावतयामुदगचछित िदवाकरः॥३१॥ सुखायामथ वारणया मधयाहे तु रिवयरदा। स शीघमेव पयेित भानुरालातचकवत्॥३२॥ 7 talas are as per Brahmāṇḍa purāna 91/2/20)- (1) Tala = Kṛṣṇa-bhūmi, house of Indra and Namuchi-also called Gabhastimān, Kumārikā Samudra. South globe from 300 43’ (or 310) east to 1210 east. Madhusdan Ojha has identified it as Maluku island between Borneo and Papua- new Guinea at about127.50 east. However, in Indian ocean, it could be Madagaskar. (2) Sutala = Pāṇḍu-bhūmi,-House of Mahājambha, vipras, daitya, Śankha, Kadru and Takṣaka etc. North Globe from 120034’ east to 1490 17’ west. (Su = north as in Sumeru, from Japan = Pañchajana) (3) Talātala = Nīla-bhūmi-Prahlāda (Til-At-tala Amarna in Ezypt), Nīla river in Africa, Tāraka Asura and Tripura (Tripoli) -South Globe from 590 west to 300 43’ east. (4) Atala = Pīta-bhūmi-Garuḍa, Kālanemi (Dānavas near Danube, Daityas near Deutsch, Duch). Atala = Italy, Atalāntaka (ocean at its end) = north Atlantic, old Atlantis island. North Globe from 590 17’ west to 300 43’ east. (5) Tala or Mahātala = Śarkarā-bhūmi-Virochana, Hiraṇyākṣa, Mālī, Vidyut-jihva. South Atlantic beyond Mali in west Africa. Hiraṇyākṣa was in Amazon delta as per Zend-Avesta. Warrior women of Mali were also called Amazon. South Atlantic- South Globe from 590 17’ west to 1490 17’ west. (6) Rasātala = Śilā-bhūmi-Vāsuki, Daitya Kesarī, Pulomā, Suramā-putra of 100 heads. This is opposite to Bhārata. South Globe from 120034’ east to 1490 17’ west. (7) Pātāla is just opposite to Rasātala in North Globe from 120034’ east to 1490 17’ west. Ananta-Its description in Bhāgavata and Viṣṇu purāṇas given above gives 3 meanings- (1) It is the infinite source of universe from which fourth part is created universe- called Puruṣa. Uncreated source is variously called as ucchhiṣṭa Gaṇapati, Jyeṣṭha Brahma, Śeṣa etc. All 4 parts of universe are indicated by long vowel- Pūruṣa. (2) Within galaxy, it is the spiral arm containing sun. Sun is located 30000 light years (called yojana) from galactic centre in Mūla nakṣatra (Bhāgavata, 5/25/1). Width of spiral arm around sun is about 1500 light years (240 x earth size). There are 1000 stars in sphere of that diameter, called Maharloka in fom of Vāyu (motion within galaxy). These are 1000 heads of Śeṣa. Sun is one such head. In solar system, earth is just a dot. (3) On earth-While earth is mapped in 8 sheets indicated by 7 lokas and 7 Pātālas, the scales near pole region become very large, reaching infinite at pole (plane projection). North pole is water zone, but land mass of Antarctica will be infinite-so it is called Ananta. Its map has to be made separately. 14. Kumārikā Samudra-To differentiate rom Kumārikā-khaṇḍa = Bhārata, this has been written Kumārikā-samudra in stead of Khaṇḍa as it is mostly ocean. Quotation of Skanda purāṇa at end of para 11 indicates that some of islands of Bhārata-varṣa have submerged now. Two main islands are Lankā and Simhala- always counted separately. Present Srilanka is Simhala. Lankā is mostly submerged now-its remnants are from Laccadiv to Maldiv islands. It is evident by many points- (1) Always counted separately. बृहत् संिहता, कूमरिवभाग(१४)-अथ दिकणेन लङा-कालािजन-सौिरकीणर-तािलकटाः(११) काञची मरची-पटनचेरी-आयरक- िसंहला ऋषभा-इित (१५)। (2) Lankā is at longitude of Ujain at equator. Srilanka is 50 east of that line and 60 -80 norh of equator. (3) Lankā has been always stated 100 yojana south of coast with length of 100 yojana and wdth of 30 yojanas. Simhala (Srilanka) is 44 yojana long and 30.5 yojana wide (yojana = 12.8 km). वालमीिक रामायण सुनदरकाणड-योजनाना शतं चािप किपरेष खमापलुतः॥१/११५॥ योजनाना शतसयानते वनरािजं ददशर सः॥१/२०३॥ योजनाना शतं शीमासतीतवाऽपयुतमिवकमः॥२/३॥ शतानयहं योजनाना कमेय ं सुबहूनयिप। िकं पुनः सागरसयानतं संखयातं शतयोजनम्॥२/४॥ उतरकाणड - ततः काले सुकेशसतु जनयामास राघव। (५/५) मालयवनतं सुमािलं च मािलं च बिलना वरम्॥(५/६) अथ ते िवशकममाणं िशिलपना वरमवययम्। (५/१९) असमाकमिप तावत् तवं गृह ं कुर महामते॥(५/२१) िवशकमा ततसतेषा िनवासं िनिदरदेश ह (५/२२) । दिकणसयोदधेसतीरे ितकूटो नाम पवरतः॥ (५/२३) सुवेल इित चापयनयो िदतीयो राकसेशर। िशखरे तसय शैलसय मधयमेऽमबुदसंिनभे॥ (५/२४) ितंशद् योजन िवसतीणा शतयोजनमायता। (५/२५) मया लङेित नगरी शकाजपतेन िनिमरता॥ (५/२६) तसया वसत दुदरषा यूय ं राकसपुङवाः।(५/२७) िवशकमर वचाः शुतवा गतवा तामवसन् पुरीम्॥ (५/२९) अनलशािनलशैव हरः समपाितरेव च। एते िवभीषणामातया मालेयासते िनशाचराः॥(५/४५) इित माली सुमाली च मालयवाशैव राकसाः। बाधनते समरोदषा ये च तेषा पुरःसराः॥(६/७) लङानाम पुरी दुगा ितकूटिशखरे िसथता। तत िसथताः सम बाधनते सवान् नः कणदाचराः॥(६/१५) अशकुवनतसते िवषणुं पितयोदं ु बलािदरताः। तयकतवा लङा गता वसतुं पातालं सहपतयः॥(८/२२) सुमािलनं समासाद राकसं रघुसतम। िसथताः पखयातवीयासते वंशे सालकटङटे॥(८/२३) ये तवया िनहतासते तु पौलसतया नाम राकसाः। सुमाली मालयवान् माली ये च तेषा पुरः सराः॥ सवर एते महाभागा रावणाद् बलवतराः॥(८/२४) (4) Lankā was the original place of Māli and his descendent Mālyavān as in above quotation. So it was also called Māli or Māleya dvīpa (Maldiv). (5) Time of Lankā was world time, hence its lord was called Kubera (Ku = earth, Bera or Velā = time). Trikūṭa mountain was almost at this point, its north face was Subela where Rāma army had made its camp. The subsidiary reference points were also named Lankā later on like Lancashire (Stonehenge at 780 or 13 daṇḍa west) or last Lankā in Vārāṇasī, where Māna-yantra (observatory) was made by king Jaisingh in 1700 AD. Langkawi island off west coast of Malaysia at 99° 43' E, 6° 20’ N, ie. Exactly 240 = 1 muhūrtta east of Lankā, Ban Phu langka of Thailand is at same longitude. New town is slightly east. Langka La of Arunachala 160 east from Lankā. (6) However, bridge was made from Rameshvaram to Mannar coast. There was a famous Mantan port situated at east part of this district as indicated in old Tamil texts. There is another coastal town north from that called Veravila (hole in vari = water). A port of similar name is in Somanath of Gujrat. Though Simhala is separate, it was politically part of Lankā in time of Rāvaṇa. Bridge length has been called 100 yojana. It could have 2 meanings-(1) it had 100 spans or yojana may be different for bridge measurement. (2) Total distance from Rameshvaram to Lankā via Simhal was 100 yojanas. There could be a natural land link from Simhala to Lankā. Lankā at Maldiv was obviously well protected and with long gap of ocean, so Rāma chose eastern route with 22 kms (now) sea-gap. Natural under-sea rocks could provide foundation for floating or suspension bridge. Islands of Kumārikā-samudra-Bhāgavata purāṇa (5/19/29-30) and Devī- Bhāgavata (8/11/30-32) name 8 islands surrounding Jambū-dvīpa. These were on all 4 sides in ocean occupied by king Sagara. Like him, Peter the Great of Russia tried to extend empire to ocean in all 4 directions. Māndhātā before Sagara had influence all over world, so that sun was always rising and setting at some placeunder his empire. That saying was copied by British empire that sun never sets in it. (भागवत पुराण (५/१९)-जमबूदीपसय च राजनुपदीपानषौ हैक उपिदशिनत।(२९) तदथा-सवणरपसथ-शनदशुकल आवतरनो नारमणको मनदरहिरणः पाङचजनयः िसंहलो लङेित॥ (३०) देवीभागवत पुराण सकनध ८, अधयाय ११- जमबूदीपसय चाऽषौ िह उपदीपाः समृताः परे। हयमागान् िवशोधिदः सागरैः पिरकिलपताः॥३०॥ सवणरपसथशनदशुकल आवतरनरमाणकौ। मनदरोपाखय हिरणः पाञचजनयसतथैव च॥३१॥ िसंहलश लङेित उपदीपाषकं समृतम्॥३२॥ िवषणु पुराण (४/२)-यावतसूयर उदेतयसतं यावचच पितितषित। सवर ं तदौवनाशसय मानधातुः केतमुचयते॥६५॥ These have been identified by Madhusudan Ojha in ‘Indravijaya’ as- (1) Āvartana-Britain (Vartania in Arabic) including Ireland. He includes Iceland also-that could be Śveta dvīpa. (2) Nāramaṇaka = Norway (similarity of English version of name). There are 3 loka divisions in Europe also-Mediterranean coast is Bhū, Bavarian plain is Bhuvar and Scandinavia is Svar loka. In cold region plain area is svarga and high land is narka. The real names are Svege (Sweden) and Norge (Norway). (3) Mandara Hariṇa-Novaya Zemlya (new land in Russian) in north sea. That is most importantisland in that area having Renedeers. In Norwegian, it is Gåselandet (Goose Land). His is twin island, one can be Mandara, other Hariṇa. (4) Pañchajana-It is obviously Japan or Nippon-a group of 5 islands-Honshu, Sikokyu, Kyushu, Hokkaido and Sakhalin (captured by Russia). Conch of Viṣṇu is called Pāñchajanya. Even now this is biggest source of conches. (5) Chandra-Śukla-Philppines. This was given to Gandharva king Chandra by Paṇis (śukla = śulka = gift). (6) Svarṇaprastha-Indonesian group. This is also indicated in Rāmāyaṇa (4/40/30) quoted above-gate to mark end of east direction. (7) Simhala-Present Srilanka. (8) Lankā-Laccadiv and Maldiv and continuous land between them in past. Lands in southern ocean-These have been named in Rāmāyaṇa (4/41) as (1) Pāṇḍya capital of golden doors-Kabāṭa, (2) Lankā under Rāvaṇa includes Simhala also, (3) Puṣpitaka giri, (4) Sūryavān parvata, (5) Vaidyuta parvata after 14 yojanas-These 3 can be Diego Garcia, Mauritius-Seycheles. (6) Kunjara parvata having house of Agastya. That could have same south latitude as Agastya star (Canopus) 52° 42'. Bhogavatī town of Sarpas. (7) Mahāvṛṣabha parvata in Pitṛ loka (south polar circle-mountain of Antarctica). वालमीिक रामायण िकिषकनधा काणड, अधयाय ४१- ततो हेममयं िदवयं मुकतामिण िवभूिषतम्॥१८॥ युकतं कबाटं पाणडयाना गता दकयथ वानराः॥१९॥ दीपसतसयापरे पारे शतयोजन िवसतृतः॥२३॥ स िह देशसतु वधयसय रावणसय दुरातमनः॥२५॥ तमितकमय लकमीवान् समुदे सतयोजने॥ िगिरः पुिषपतको नाम िसद-चारण सेिवतः॥२८॥ तमितकमय दुधरषर ं सूयरवानाम पवरतः॥३१॥ अधवना दुिवरगाहेन योजनािन चतुदरश। ततसतमितकमय वैदत ु ो नाम पवरतः॥३२॥ मधूिन पीतवा जुषािन परं गचछत वानराः। तत नेतमनः कानतः कुञरो नाम पवरतः॥३४॥ अगसतयभवनं यत िनिमरतं िवशकमरणा॥३५॥ तत भोगवती नाम सपाणामालयः पुरी॥३६॥ तं च देशमितकमय महानृषभ संिसथितः॥३९॥ ततः परं न वः सेवयः िपतृलोकः सुदारणः॥४४। राजधानी यमसयैषा कषेन तमसाऽऽवृता । शकयं िवचेतुं गनतुं वा नातो गितमता गितम्॥४५॥ Biggest island in this is Madagaskar or Malgassy, which is derivative of Mṛgavyādha, a group ofstars called Canis major. This was Hariṇa dvīpa where Apāntaratamā had done tapa as per Garga samhitā (7/40/25) Brightest star Sirius has south latitude of 160 38’ 46”. The group extends from 15 to 30 deg. South, almost same as that of Malgassy. Kunjara Parvata of Agastya can be Kerguele group under France at about 490 south lat.