Analysis of Algorithms I: Minimum Spanning Tree: Xi Chen
Analysis of Algorithms I: Minimum Spanning Tree: Xi Chen
Analysis of Algorithms I: Minimum Spanning Tree: Xi Chen
Xi Chen
Columbia University
We discuss the Minimum Spanning Tree problem. The input of
the problem is an undirected and connected weighted graph
So MST is an optimization problem. We start with a generic
method that grows a spanning tree from scratch by adding one
edge at a time. We then present two algorithms that implement
the generic method: Kruskals algorithm and Prims algorithm.
Let A E denote a set of edges. Then we say A is safe if there
exists a minimum spanning tree T of G such that A is a subset
of T . This gives us the following generic MST method:
So here comes the Cut Theorem that tells us how to find such an
edge (u, v ) efficiently. We need the following notation: A cut
(S, V S) of an undirected graph G = (V , E ) is a partition of V ,
where S denotes a nonempty subset of V . We say an edge
(u, v ) E crosses (S, V S) if one of its endpoints is in R and
the other is in V R. We say an edge (u, v ) E is a light edge
crossing a cut (S, V S) if its weight is the minimum among all
edges that cross (S, V S). (Note that given a cut (S, V S),
there might be multiple light edges.)
Let A E be a safe set of edges. Let (S, V S) be any cut such
that no edge of A crosses it. Then for any light edge (u, v )
crossing (S, V S), we have A (u, v ) must be safe as well.
We prove the Cut theorem using the exchange argument. Before
the proof, we need the following simple lemma:
Let T be a spanning tree of G and (u, v ) E T . Then adding
(u, v ) to T forms a unique cycle:
Now we prove the Cut theorem. As A is safe, by definition there is
an MST T of G that includes A. If (u, v ) is an edge in T , then we
are done. Otherwise, the plan is to exchange (u, v ) with an edge in
T so that the new tree T 0 remains an MST of G .
To see this, using the previous lemma, we know there is a unique
cycle in T (u, v ) consists of (u, v ) and the unique path
between u and v in T . Also notice that (u, v ) crosses (S, V S)
so that u, v are on opposite sides of the cut (S, V S). There
must be at least one edge on the path between u and v in T ,
which also crosses (S, V S) (why?). Let (x, y ) be any such edge.
Then we must have (x, y ) / A because A does not cross the cut.
To finish the proof, we exchange (x, y ) with (u, v ) to get a new
spanning tree T 0 from T . The total weight of T 0 is
w (u, v ) w (x, y )
Now we present two algorithms based on the generic method.
Both algorithms grow an MST from A = by adding edges to A
one by one, while maintaining the property that A is safe. As we
will see, both algorithms have a flavor of greedy algorithms.
Kruskals algorithm. Let A be a safe set of edges. Because it is
safe, there can be no cycles and thus, edges in A must form a
forest (multiple trees) whose vertices are all those of the given
graph. For example, A = at the beginning, which can be viewed
as a forest of n trees, each consists of a vertex v V only. For
each round, Kruskals algorithm finds an edge (u, v ), of least
weight, that connects two trees of the forest:
1 set A =
2 while |A| < n 1 do
3 find an edge (u, v ), of minimum weight, that connects
two trees of the forest formed by edges in A
4 set A = A (u, v )
The correctness of Kruskal follows from the cut theorem (how?).
An efficient implementation of Kruskals algorithm is the following.
Start by setting A = and sorting the m = |E | edges e1 , . . . , em
in nondecreasing order of weight:
It is easy to show that if ei = (u, v ) and u, v lie in different trees
(and thus, we add (u, v ) to A), it must be the case that (u, v ) is
an edge, of least weight, that connects two trees in the current
forest. This is because for every ej with j < i and w (ej ) w (ei ):
either ej A already; or the two endpoints of ej belong to the
same tree (why?). As a result, we know that after each round, A
remains safe and it is a safe set of edges upon termination. But is
it possible that, after going through all edges in the nondecreasing
order, A is still not a spanning tree? i.e., |A| < n 1? Prove that
this cannot happen and A must be a spanning tree upon
termination and thus, a minimum spanning tree.
The implementation of Kruskals algorithm uses a disjoint-set data
structure. It maintains a collection of disjoint sets of vertices: each
set contains the vertices in one tree of the current forest. So at the
beginning, the data structure consists of n sets: {v } for each
v V . A disjoint-set data structure supports the following two
operations: Find-Set (u) returns a representative element from the
set that contains u (so we can determine whether two vertices u
and v belong to the same tree by comparing Find-Set (u) and
Find-Set (v )). Union (u, v ) unites the two sets that contain u and
v . After adding (u, v ) to A (when u, v lie in different trees of the
current forest), we can call Union (u, v ) to combine the two sets of
vertices: the set of vertices of us tree and that of v s tree.
Kruskal (G , w ):
1 set A =
2 for each vertex v G do
3 Make-Set (v ) (at the beginning there are n singleton sets)
4 sort the edges into nondecreasing order by their weights
5 for each edge (u, v ) G in the nondecreasing order
6 if Find-Set (u) 6= Find-Set (v )
7 A = A (u, v )
8 Union (u, v )
The running time of Kruskal depends on the implementation of the
disjoint-set data structure: n Make-Set, m Find-Set and n Union
operations. If we use the linked-list representation discussed in
Section 21.2, together with the weighted-union heuristic, each
Make-Set costs O(1), each Find-Set costs O(1) and all the Union
operations take O(n lg n) in total. So the total running time is
(m lg m) for sorting plus O(m + n lg n), which is (m lg m) =
(m lg n) (why?). The total running time is clearly dominated by
the sorting step. If the edges are already sorted, then using the
forest representation discussed in Section 21.3 and 21.4 would give
us an almost linear-time algorithm.
Prims algorithm: Another example of Greedy Algorithms. Also
you may find its structure similar to BFS, DFS and Dijkstras
algorithm (for single-source shortest path to be discussed next).
Let r V be an arbitrary vertex in the graph and set A = and
S = {r } at the beginning, where A is a set of edges and S is a set
of vertices. Prims algorithm maintains the following invariant:
Prior to each iteration, A is a safe set and its edges form a tree
that has vertices S and is rooted at r . For example, A = is
clearly safe and it can be viewed as an empty tree rooted at r .
For each round, Prims algorithm uses the cut theorem to grow A,
a safe set of edges that form a tree rooted at r , as follows. It finds
a light edge (u, v ) crossing (S, V S), with u S and v V S,
and adds (u, v ) to A. By the cut theorem, it is easy to show that
A (u, v ) remains safe (why)
Moreover, we have
edges in A (u, v ) still form a tree rooted at r
To summarize, here is Prims algorithm:
Correctness of Prims algorithm can be proved using the Cut
theorem and induction. A naive implementation is then for each
round, enumerate all edges that cross (S, V S) to find a light
edge, which takes time (nm). A more efficient implementation
is the following:
1 Each vertex v V S has two additional attributes v .key
and v .. (We do not care the two attributes of those vertices
already in S.) For each v V S, let u = v ., then
Suppose this is what we have at the moment, and A is a safe set
that forms a tree rooted at r and connects S. Then it is easy to
find a light edge crossing (S, V S): Simply call Extract-Min (Q)
to get a vertex in Q with the minimum key, say v Q (note that
Extract-Min also removes v from Q); then (u, v ) must be a light
edge, where u = v .. Now can we continue, after adding (u, v ) to
A and v to S? No! since the new S now contains v , we need to
update the keys of those vertices in Q: recall that we need
MST-Prim (G , w , r ), where r is a vertex in G
1 set A = and S = {r }
2 for each v V {r } do
3 set u.key = w (r , v ) and u. = r
4 Priority-Queue-Init (Q, V {r })
5 while Q is nonempty do
6 u = Extract-Min (Q)
7 for each v adj[u] do
8 if v Q and v .key > w (u, v ) then
9 set v . = u and Decrease-Key (v , w (u, v ))
To see its correctness, check that by the end of each while-loop,
the two attributes of every vertex v in Q still satisfy: