Educ 5324-Research Assignment3
Educ 5324-Research Assignment3
Educ 5324-Research Assignment3
The plan should guide the LEAs use of education technology for the next three
Describe and cite the relevant research that supports the plans
The National Education Plan (NETP) is written for teachers, policymakers,
administrators, and teacher preparation professionals. This plan is a call to
action, a vision of providing students enabled technology learning, and a
collection of recommendations and real-life examples. The goal of the plan is
making technology for everywhere for everyone.
What replacement cycle has been built into the plan; and what funding is
needed to support the replacement policy?
FBISD is heading towards to replace of computers where relevant to mobile
devises such as iPad. Teachers computers and computing devices should
maintain an appropriate replacement cycle. In order to receive adequate
funding, FBISD review budgets and advice campuses to ensure technology
What are the LEAs curriculum goals and plans for assisting students to
meet content standards and demonstrate college and career readiness?
FBISDs curriculum goals and plans help students to solve real world problems
through collaboration, communication and research. District provides educators
to have technology instruction appropriate to their district role. The importance
of implementing technology in the classroom promotes students workplace soft
skills such as problem solving, critical thinking abilities, being independent
learners etc.
Who will oversee the data collection, analysis, and program modification
IT Division is in charge of these processes. However, they obtain inputs from
other stakeholders including data analysts and school administrators.