Educ 5324-Research Assignment3

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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership & M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction

Name: Humeyra ALTUNKOPRU Date: 11/27/2017

This template is adapted from

The plan should guide the LEAs use of education technology for the next three

Start date: 8/22/2017

End date:5/29/2020
LEA title: FBISD
Grade: KG-8
Contact Information:
16431 Lexington Blvd. Sugar Land, TX 77479
Phone Number: (281) 634-1000
A Brief Overview of the LEA:
This technology plan has been created to integrate technology into all aspects
of district activity such as instructional, professional development, leadership,
support and data reporting. FBISD is planning to deliver all projects and
activities to students and staff. This technology plan supports future oriented
learning and teaching, helps students to be successful and creative learners,
and engages them to be a member of the emerging global digital society.
FBISD is the largest school district in the county. It is outstanding K-12 public
education system. FBISD has 78 campuses which are 11 high schools, 14
middle schools, and 50 elementary schools to address the academic and
vocational interests of the students.

Participation of stakeholders in the planning process:

Chief Information Officer
Digital Learning Director
Technical Services Director
Student Information Services
Applications Development and Management Director
Coordinator, Career and Technology Education Coordinator
Remote Services Manager
Digital Learning Coordinator
Digital Learning Coordinator
Library Media Services Coordinator

Summarize the plans major curricular and professional

development outcomes that are supported by research.
In todays world, technology is everywhere. Integrating and empowering
technology into education is one of the most powerful tool to provide students
having richer learning environment. Accessibility of technological tools such as
computers, iPads, Chromebook, kindle etc. for students has many benefits to
become active learners.

Describe and cite the relevant research that supports the plans
The National Education Plan (NETP) is written for teachers, policymakers,
administrators, and teacher preparation professionals. This plan is a call to
action, a vision of providing students enabled technology learning, and a
collection of recommendations and real-life examples. The goal of the plan is
making technology for everywhere for everyone.

Describe the connection between the research and the plans

The connection between the research and the plans goals is to integrate
technology into education by helping them to be a lifelong learner.

Describe information gathered from site visits, including best

The NETP provides recommendations of implementing technology which are
actionable. It supports the idea of implementing technology for education
provides effective learning and teaching.
Office of Educational Technology. January, 2017. Reimagining the Role of
Technology in Education:2017 National Education Technology Plan Update.
U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from


The Plan must establish clear goals and realistic strategy for using
telecommunications and information technology to improve education services.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

What technology is currently available to all teachers?

Computers, projector, iPads, a document camera. Interactive white boards,
response system and wireless slates are available for teachers by campus
purchase options.

How is technology currently being used by teachers and administrators

to promote effective classroom instruction and school management?
FBISD has a variety of digital resources and online subscriptions to promote
effective classroom instruction and classroom management including Discovery
Education Streaming, Tumblebooks, ReflexMath, NoveList K-8,, World Book, netTrekker, Gale Cengage,
etc. In addition to these resource, FBISD has a student information system

Is technology currently available to all students?

Yes, they are currently available for all students. They may use all
technological equipment during the class. However, they cannot take digital
tools to home with them. On the other hand, online access and resources are
available to all students both at home and in school.

What replacement cycle has been built into the plan; and what funding is
needed to support the replacement policy?
FBISD is heading towards to replace of computers where relevant to mobile
devises such as iPad. Teachers computers and computing devices should
maintain an appropriate replacement cycle. In order to receive adequate
funding, FBISD review budgets and advice campuses to ensure technology

What are the LEAs curriculum goals and plans for assisting students to
meet content standards and demonstrate college and career readiness?
FBISDs curriculum goals and plans help students to solve real world problems
through collaboration, communication and research. District provides educators
to have technology instruction appropriate to their district role. The importance
of implementing technology in the classroom promotes students workplace soft
skills such as problem solving, critical thinking abilities, being independent
learners etc.

How will technology be used to create more powerful learning

experiences to improve student academic achievement?
Students can explore, create, communicate, and collaborate through
technology implementation. It a great resource for both students and teacher to
enhance learning and teaching. Through the use of technology as a learning
and teaching tool helps students to become active learners.
What LEA board policies will be or have been developed to implement
Internet safety instruction?
FBISD Student Handbook provides information regarding internet safety and

What materials will be used to instruct students about Internet safety,

including how to use technologies to protect themselves and their
privacy online?
FBISD provides Internet Safety/Cyberbullying curriculum to educate teachers,
students and parents to protect themselves and their online privacy. Students
have Internet Safety and Cyberbullying activities all year long.


The Plan must have a professional development strategy to ensure that staff
understands how to use these new technologies to improve education services
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

How does your LEA regularly assess teachers and administrators

personal technology proficiency skills?
In FBISDs technology plan, there is no type of assessment plan for teachers
and administrators personal technology proficiency skills. However, this issue
could be handled in school-wide and district-wide professional development

What do teachers and administrators consider as their needs for

professional development?
All core subject area teachers and administrators consider technology as a
major need. Therefore, FBISD provides ongoing professional development to
their teachers and administrators on how to integrate technology into their

What professional learning will be available so teachers and

administrators can make informed decisions using data to meet
individual student academic needs?
Data collection is a very important step in determining the individual needs of
students. This data is collected through several means. Teachers and
administrators are given access to students relevant records (grades,
attendance, personal information, etc.) to make informed decisions. They need
to be trained how to access and use the data.

What professional learning will be available so teachers and

administrators can effectively use technology to assist with student
Teachers and administrators will receive continuous training on using
technology for student assessment. For instance, the usage of online
assessments has increased dramatically. The biggest advantage of this tool is
to get instant results.


The Plan must include an assessment of the telecommunication services,
hardware, software, asset management, and other services that will be needed
to improve education services.

(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

What technology access do parents have at home? What technologies

do parents prefer for home/school communication?
Each parent has an access to Skyward, School Information System used by
FBISD where they can see almost everything about their children including
grades, attendance, schedule, assignments, etc. Parents are also encouraged
to visit districts and campus websites to get district-wide and school-wide
updates. Further, parents are provided with teachers email addresses so that
they can ask their questions any time. Parents prefer email communication.

What hardware/infrastructure currently exists at each school site?

Schools currently have computers for teachers and students, projection
devices, document cameras, interactive white boards, and iPads.

What technologies will teachers and administrators need to successfully

implement the plans goals and benchmarks?
Administrators need to make sure that they have enough technology in their
Campus Improvement Plans. Teachers need to implement the plan as much
as possible so that the students will be using state-of-the-art technology in all
areas. In order to implement the goals, teachers and administrators could use
technological tools and programs in their classrooms. Projection devices,
tablets, smart boards are some examples for technological tools. As for
programs, there are a lot of resources available for each discipline. Reflex
Math, Aleks, Accelerated Reader, etc. are just some of them.
What emerging technologies could be used to implement the plans
In order to make data-driven decisions, technologies that help to analyze the
data could be used. Some of the emerging data analysis technologies are
Apache, MongoDB, Hadoop, Couchbase, etc.


The plan must include an evaluation process that enables the school to monitor
progress toward the specific goals and make mid-course corrections in
response to new developments and opportunities as they arise.

(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Who will oversee the data collection, analysis, and program modification
IT Division is in charge of these processes. However, they obtain inputs from
other stakeholders including data analysts and school administrators.

Who will participate in the monitoring and evaluation process?

IT Division Leaders

How often will data be collected and summarized? Who is responsible?

The data used to evaluate the plan is collected on a monthly basis, however
formal evaluation is done annually. IT Leadership committee is responsible for
data collection and evaluation.

How often will the status of plan implementation be reported to the

LEA superintendent and the stakeholders?
The report is presented to the Superintendent and other stakeholders as

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