Educ 5321-Technology Plan Acoban

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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership
Name: Aysun Coban

Date: December 4, 2014

This template is adapted from

The plan should guide the LEAs use of education technology for the next three

List specific start and end dates (7/1/xx to 6/30/xx). Provide a brief overview of the LEA,
its location and demographics and/or share a link to the LEAs website.
Start date: 8/5/2015 to 7/10/2018
LEA Title: Harmony School of Innovation Houston
LEA Region: 20
City, State, Zip: Houston, TX, 77099
Phone: (713) 541 3030
Number of students: 600
Percent of Economically Disadvantaged Students: %75
Website of the LEA:
Describe how a variety of stakeholders from within the LEA and the community-at-large
participated in the planning process.
Community at large:
School Principal: Ali Yilmaz
Assistant Principals: Jennifer Sabin, Oanh Vu, Yusuf Kilic
Computer Teacher: Aysun Coban
Other Stakeholders
District superintendent
Cluster IT manager
Small businesses
Summarize the relevant research and describe how it supports the plan's curricular and
professional development goals.
Summarize the plans major curricular and professional development outcomes

that are supported by research.

When we review the researches about importance of technology planning we realized
that it is very important to develop an effective one to implement technology into our
curriculum for upcoming years.
Describe and cite the relevant research that supports the plans outcomes.
Technology Plans and the E-Rate Program: A Primer for Schools and Libraries (2014)
Retrieved from
Describe the connection between the research and the plans goals.
The connection is that our plan doesnt include budgetary information as it is optional
starting from 2011.
Describe information gathered from site visits, including best practices.
Our school administrators visited sister schools and made meetings with other
administrators. Depending on the meetings, we found out that we are going to label all
the cables in the server room to make sure that switches are effectively used.
The Plan must establish clear goals and realistic strategy for using
telecommunications and information technology to improve education services.
(Answer at least 4 questions for each subsection below)

Describe teachers' current access to instructional technology and current use of digital
1. What technology is currently available to all teachers?
Teachers are able to use laptops, class projectors, mimio pads, document
cameras,printers, smart boards, Ipads, and Iphones for daily school tasks.
2. How are hardware and software currently being used in classrooms at each grade
level and in each content area?
Each grade level students are using computer lab computers and chromebooks as
There are
50 laptops,
40 projectors,
30 document cameras,
25 mimio pads,
2 main printers,
20 smart boards,
25 Ipads,
50 Iphones
for teachers school related tasks.
All teachers and students are using some educational applications and software that are
available for educational activities. Such as;
Database for attendance, student records, grading,
Eduphoria for lesson planning, curriculum, and test scores,
Aleks for Math teachers,
Study Island for Science and ELA teachers, for Technology teachers,

AR for ELA teachers,

Reading eggs for ELA and ESL teachers,
Rosetta Stone for Language teachers,
Fitness Gram for PE teachers.

Describe students' current access to instructional technology and current use of digital
tools. Include a description about the LEA policy, practices, and/or replacement policy
that ensures equitable technology access for all students.
1. Is technology currently available to all students?
Yes, technology is available to all grade level students in all subject areas.
2. Do all student groups have equaled and appropriate access to the available
There are 30 desktop computers in the computer lab for all grade level students, and
also we have 600 student chrome books for all students to use them in their core
subjects and for their PBL assignments. All students have equal access to technology
(hardware and software) and also all subject teachers are able to use technology for
their classes.
Each teacher is being able to meet the educational needs of the students.
Features of Computer Lab Desktop System
Intel Pentium D Processor
Windows XP Professional
80 GB Hard Drive
17 LCD Monitor
Features of Student Chromebooks
Intel Celeron Processors
Chrome OS by Google
11.6" HD
Harmony School of Innovation Computer Use Policy
The computers and file servers cannot to be turned on or off without administrators
permission. Inappropriate activities will not be tolerated in any lab or classroom where
computer equipment is located.
No foods, drink, candy, or gum is allowed in the computer labs at any time.
Use of any school information system to access, download, print, store, forward,
transmit, or distribute material, or any other resource contrary to good behavior is a
serious infraction and is punishable by civil, education, and school laws and regulations.
Misuse of computing, networking, or information resources will result in the loss of
computing privileges and can be prosecuted under applicable statutes. Examples of
misuse include, but are not limited to, the activities in the following list:
Downloading files, installing software, attempting to modify or remove computer
equipment, software, or networks without proper authorization.
Launching or installing on any computer or network a worm, virus, or other rogue
Using a computer account that you are not authorized to use or obtaining a
password for a computer account without the consent of the account owner.

Attempting to another user's electronic communications, or reading, copying,

changing, monitoring,
Deleting, or tampering with another users files.
Using the computers to gain unauthorized access to any computer systems or
interfering with the access of others to information systems.
Academic dishonesty, such as using electronic communications to steal another
individual's works or to otherwise misrepresent one's own work (plagiarism).
Using information systems for any illegal or unauthorized purpose.
Masking the identity of an account or machine.
Using electronic mail to harass others.
Accessing non-instructional game or chat sites.
Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for using technology
to improve teaching and learning. Describe how these goals align to the LEA's curricular
goals that are supported by other plans. Describe how the LEA's budget (LCAP)
supports these goals, and whether future funding proposals or partnerships may be
needed for successful implementation.
1. How will technology be used to create more powerful learning experiences to improve
student academic achievement?
Goals for technology implementation
1. All subject teachers will implement technology applications into their classroom
learning activities.
2. Math and Science teachers will use Chromebooks for their Science and Math Lab
class projects.
3. Teachers and students will be able to use computers for their project based learning
activities (PBL).
4. All students will be able to access to Computer Lab computers and educational
5. All administrators will use technology in their profession such as teacher evaluation,
staff meetings, communication, and daily school related tasks.
6. Technology use for effective communication with other community members.
(Developing school website, purchase cellphones for teachers and admins, expand
database for parents to see their childrens records online, online school newspapers,
and mails.)
7. Update technology to increase efficiency and providing high speed internet for
students and staff.
2. Are targets for improvement in student achievement being met?
Since our school started to use computers and specific educational applications for each
subject we meet with our goals and expectations. We noticed that there is a significant
improvement on academic achievement before and after our current use of technology
tools and applications.
LEAs Budget Information and Support
The schools will apply the national grant to provide technology into the schools.
Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, to address internet
safety and the appropriate and ethical use of technology in the classroom.
How will teachers be trained to deliver Internet safety and ethical use content?
1. Online safety trainings will be provided to all subject teachers and school
administrators in the beginning and middle of the year.
2. Effective internet filtering system will be set to all administrator, teacher, and computer
lab computers for safe internet usage.

How and when will teachers and/or librarians help students acquire Internet
safety skills?
Currently there are several lessons which are designed for technology application
classes provided by therefore only technology teacher will train students
about internet safety and ethical use of technology. Also we are expecting that students
will be informed and reminded by other subject teachers about internet safety and ethical
use of technology, when they are doing research based assignments in the other
The Plan must have a professional development strategy to ensure that staff
understands how to use these new technologies to improve education services
(Answer at least 4 questions for each subsection below)

Summary of the teachers' and administrators' current technology proficiency and

integration skills and needs for professional development.
Are administrators able to support teachers with the integration of technology into
daily curriculum?
They are very much supportive of the technology into daily curriculum. Actually,
in our school it is a requirement by administration that technology be used at the
classrooms on a daily basis.
Do teachers have the classroom management strategies to work with the amount
of technology actually available in the classrooms?
Our teachers are using the software called Class Dojo. Teachers are giving a
point for every positive behavior they see and take a point away for the undesired
behavior. At the end of each quarter, students who have the highest score get
Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for providing
professional development opportunities based on your LEA needs assessment data and
the Curriculum Component of the plan.
What professional learning will be available so teachers and administrators can
make informed decisions using data to meet individual student academic needs?
Our school arranges meetings with the central office coaches to look into data
and make decisions that will improve student academic needs.

What professional learning will be available so teachers and administrators can

effectively use technology to assist with student assessment?
In Harmony School of Innovation, student assessment is widely done with the
help of technology; such as, district assessments, MAP Testing Measures of
Academic Progress, TELPAS testing. In order for teachers to successfully
administer, they are given trainings on them.


The Plan must include an assessment of the telecommunication services,
hardware, software, asset management, and other services that will be needed to
improve education services.

(Answer at least 4 questions for each subsection below)

Describe the existing hardware, Internet access, electronic learning resources, technical
support, and asset management already in the LEA that will be used to support the
Curriculum and Professional Development Components of the plan.
1. What technologies are available to facilitate home/school communication such as
email, webpages, and voice mail?
We have school webpage that is being updated every day. It contains database log in
feature for students and parents, daily news, school newspapers, calendar, activities,
teacher emails, school contact information, activities, and other related links.
2. What technology access do parents have at home? What technologies do
parents prefer for home/school communication?
Most of our parents are able to use computer, therefore our school website is one of our
most convenient tools to communicate with them. Also we send printed school
newspaper and weekly Wednesday mail to parents to inform them about upcoming
school events, activities, and tasks. Moreover we use phone calls and email either for
parent communication. They usually prefer to check our website daily and send email to
communicate with the school.
3. Is the current Internet service provider/Wide Area Network Connection speeds
able to meet the LEAs needs?
Yes, we use ruckus system for our school network and it is enough fast for our
technology use. Therefore it meets with LEAs needs for now.
4. Do all staff members have e-mail accounts? Do students have access to e-mail?
All teachers and students have an email accounts which are given by school district.
Students have an access to their emails from their chrome books.
Describe the technology hardware, electronic learning resources, networking and
telecommunications infrastructure, physical plant modifications, technical support, and
asset management needed by the LEA's teachers, students, and administrators to
support the activities in the Curriculum and Professional Development components of
the plan.

What technology is needed to implement the Curriculum and Professional

Development components for students and staff?
All classrooms should have a smart board, not only Math and Science classrooms. Each
class should have an access to use IPads when needed, especially for students with
special needs.
Can existing equipment be modified to meet certain needs identified in the plan?
Current chrome books should be upgraded with better ones due to lack of battery life
and fragility problems.
Net support should be installed for all student and teacher chrome books for active
monitoring and safe internet usage.
The plan must include an evaluation process that enables the school to monitor
progress toward the specific goals and make mid-course corrections in response
to new developments and opportunities as they arise.

(Answer at least 4 questions for each subsection below)

Describe the process for evaluating the plan's overall progress and impact on teaching
and learning.
Who will participate in the monitoring and evaluation process?
Harmony School of Innovation will be using the principal and the dean of
academics in the campus to monitor and evaluate process and give feedback to
the central office.

What criteria will be used to measure success (e.g., test scores, student
portfolios, percentage of students attaining grade-level content standards,
attendance, dropout rate, matriculation to college, or full-time employment)?
Harmony School of Innovation will mainly be looking in the test scores and report
cards. We compare the success rates with other schools in the district and see if
our students are up to par.
Describe the schedule for evaluating the effect of plan implementation, including a
description of the process and frequency of communicating evaluation results to tech
plan stakeholders.
How often will data be collected and summarized? Who is responsible?
Our campus will collect the data yearly and the responsible person will be our
campus principal.
How will technology success stories be documented and publicized?
HSI started and will continue to publicize success stories in its website and in the
newsletter called Harmony Times.

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