The Orthopaedic Trauma Association Fracture Classification For Publications and Routine Daily Use

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The Orthopaedic Trauma Association Fracture Classification for Publications

and Routine Daily Use

Thomas DeCoster MD1
1. UNM Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation
Introduction that was published in 1996.9-11 I contributed to that
As orthopaedic surgery has evolved, numerous work. The OTA Fracture Classification was revised and
classification systems for various fracture patterns have updated and republished in 2007 as the OTA Fracture
been developed.1-6 These various fracture classification and Dislocation Classification Compendium.12 I served
systems as a whole have lacked uniformity, consistency, on the OTA Classification Committee and co-authored
or validation of determinability or clinical significance. the published compendium. This classification has gained
Each has had a specific way of describing a specific widespread, but not universal, use in the orthopaedic
fracture pattern without offering applicability to fractures literature, and is gaining acceptance in routine fracture
in other regions of the body. Also, multiple individual care communication. This article summarizes the basic
classifications exist for similar fracture patterns in the elements of the OTA Fracture Classification, identifies
same body region. This lack of uniformity has resulted the attractive features and appropriate applications of the
in an ineffective orthopaedic language and poor classification, and mentions current problems and future
standardization, making it difficult to accumulate and directions.
interpret meaningful data. The OTA Fracture Classification is available
Fracture classification is a useful way to and provides a useful standard for reporting of skeletal
facilitate communication regarding fracture care. It trauma research.13 The use of standard terminology
allows us to lump similar injuries and distinguish and scheme of fracture classification allows for a more
between dissimilar injuries at a variety of levels. uniform reporting of data and facilitates understanding
Fracture classification is important for routine clinical comparison and reproducibility of results. It gives the
use as well as musculoskeletal research. Historically, orthopaedic community a common language platform on
a wide variety of classifications have been utilized in which to base a scholarly discussion and development of
orthopaedics and each classification has its strengths and our subspecialty. This standard should be routinely used
deficiencies.6-9 The Orthopaedic Trauma Association for reporting of results in orthopaedic trauma journals.
used the AO Mueller Fracture Classification to develop The Classification has been developed and adopted by
a comprehensive systematic illustrated classification the OTA and the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma ( JOT)
and utilization of the Classification is required in the
Table 1 instructions to authors of the JOT.14
Advantageous features of the OTA fracture classification The OTA Fracture Classification should also
system be used for routine fracture communication outside of
research and publications. The medical record and other
Feature written documents, like radiographic interpretations
and operative notes, should utilize the classification.15
Comprehensive The hierarchical organization of the classification allows
the fractures to be identified at the appropriate level of
Radiographically and anatomically based specificity. The bone and bone segment, the classifications
2 most basic elements, should always be included when
Hierarchical describing a fracture anywhere.
Femur shaft fracture is far better terminology
Consistent than broken leg or any number of alternatives. Femur
shaft fracture is directly specified by the language of
Referenced the OTA Fracture Classification, which first names the
bone and then distinguishes among 3 bone segments for
Verified each long bone (proximal, shaft, and distal). This same
technique is utilized for the femur, leg (tibia and fibula),
Current humerus, and forearm (radius and ulna). The other
regions are the spine, pelvis, hand and wrist, foot, and
Alphanumeric shorthand available shoulder girdle (scapula and clavicle) (Table 1)12.

Original Articles 59
Advantages of the OTA Fracture Classification utilizing the OTA Fracture Classification can match the
The OTA Fracture Classification is comprehensive level of specificity to the desired purpose. Chapter titles
in that it applies to every bone in the human skeleton for publications would typically utilize the bone segment
treated by orthopaedists, as well as every fracture of level (e.g., femur shaft fractures). Bone segment level
every bone. This classification includes everything from would also be appropriate for diagnosis in medical
the clavicle to the distal phalanx of the big toe. Every records (e.g., femur shaft fracture, left). The type
possible fracture pattern and severity from a nondisplaced level of classification might be appropriate for a journal
crack to segmental comminution is included. The article (e.g., proximal tibia, total articular fractures)
Classification is all inclusive as there are no fractures or clinically for an operative report (e.g., ORIF of left
that do not have a place within the classification. proximal tibia, total articular fracture). The group level
Furthermore, the classification is mutually exclusive in might be appropriate for reporting a particularly high
that the definitions allow for a unique identifier for each rate of complication in a journal article (e.g., post-
fracture pattern.12 traumatic arthritis was highest in the total articular
The OTA Fracture Classification is proximal tibia fractures with articular comminution).
radiographically and anatomically based. Fractures are Clinically, this might be useful within the body of an
classified by their radiographic appearance based on operative note to detail the articular injury pattern and
the bone involved, the bone segment involved, and the fixation. The main point of the hierarchical component is
geometric pattern of the fractures and involvement that this classification can be utilized at the level of detail
of specific anatomic structures that can be identified appropriate for the user. This feature is lacking in the
radiographically. For example, the proximal and distal vast majority of other classifications and makes the OTA
aspects of the long bones are subdivided into 3 types Classification much more useful.
(extra-articular, partial articular, and total articular) based The OTA Classification is consistent in that
on degree of articular involvement. This consistent basis the same techniques are utilized to classify patterns
for classification is in distinction to other classifications throughout the body. Each long bone is divided into
or terminology like mechanism of injury. proximal, shaft, and distal. The same technique is utilized
The OTA Fracture Classification is hierarchical to make this distinction (the rule of squares). The types
in that it starts with the most basic element and extends are extra-articular, partial articular and total articular
to as much detail as needed for the purpose of user. The for each of the ends of the long bones. The shaft bone
levels of the classification are shown in Table 2. The segments are classified into types based on fracture
most basic element is the broken bone (by name), which geometry (transverse, oblique, spiral), and groups based
is then subclassified by the bone segment (e.g., femur on pattern of comminution (none, butterfly, segmental).
shaft fracture). Each bone segment has 3 types, each type This consistency allows for easy recall of the classification
has 3 groups (total of 9 categories), each group has 3 and improves reliability and reproducibility. The pattern
subgroups (total of 27 categories), and some subgroups is occasionally modified when clinically indicated, such
are further subclassified (51 categories). The person as using the anatomic landmark of the base of the lesser
trochanter to designate the distal extent of the proximal
Table 2 femur fractures rather than the rule of squares.
Hierarchal levels of the OTA fracture classification The OTA Classification is referenced, as well as
system illustrated, in the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma OTA
Fracture and Dislocation Classification Compendium.
Element This standardized reference allows everyone to utilize
the same standard that is readily available worldwide.
Bone This helps to avoid problems with modification and
mal-application that is rampant with the use of other
Bone segment classifications.16 The illustrations and classification
directions are particularly helpful to achieve consistent
Type application of the classification. The illustrations can be
compared to the radiographs of individual patients to
Group enhance consistency of application of the classification,
somewhat independent of language. This level of
Subgroup information is typically absent from other classifications
which are generally included as a part of some bigger
Other study of technique or clinical outcome.

60 University of New Mexico Orthopaedics Research Journal

The OTA Classification is verified. This reference Problems with the OTA Fracture Classification
and citation should be used routinely when the OTA The Classification is not being used optimally
Classification is utilized in publications. Another as of 2011. The results of a study we completed and
benefit of the referenced classification is that it has submitted for publication reveal that only 38% of fracture
been verified. Numerous studies have reported the articles published in the JOT in 2011 utilized the OTA
reliability and reproducibility of particular aspects of the Classification. This shows that the classification is being
classification.10,11 This will save time and space within used somewhat, but that there is room for improvement.
submitted manuscripts to focus on other important The results also show that only 8% of fracture articles
determinants of outcome and relieve the author of accurately cite the 2007 publication. There is a lot
developing, reporting, and justifying a unique fracture of room for improvement in the rate at which the
classification for each article. It will also save time classification is accurately cited. We believe that accurate
and facilitate understanding on the part of the reader citation will improve the accuracy with which the
interpreting the results of the study and comparing it to classification is used as authors and readers refer to the
other existing similar studies that use a common language standardized publication and not some other version or
and classification scheme. This enables the reader to focus potentially flawed understanding of the classification.17,18
on the variable parameters (like individual treatment)
while maintaining confidence that the treatments are Utilizing the OTA Fracture Classification
being applied to similar fractures (by OTA classification). There isnt much stopping its wider use other
The OTA Classification is current. It was than inertia. There is no obvious major impediment to
originally published in 1996 and revised and re-published utilization of the OTA Fracture Classification other
in 2007. This allowed inclusion of new knowledge than the historical inertia of tradition in orthopaedic
and the incorporation of new and clinically important publishing. We found a low rate of need for another
concepts with reconciliation with other existing classification in reports from 2011 where some other
classifications (like the AO Classification). The 2007 classification contained clinically important distinctions
version also provides more detail for relatively neglected that were not captured by the OTA Classification. In the
bone segments like the foot and hand and dislocations. uncommon situations where that does exist, the use of 2
It is planned for the 2017 revision of the classification to different classifications within the same manuscript and
include the latest scapula fracture classification and other a paragraph comparing the reported results are sufficient
updates from the literature. to capture and report all significant data. Furthermore,
There is an alphanumeric shorthand available for this will serve as a directive to future development of the
the OTA Classification. Each bone is designated with OTA Classification to incorporate clinically significant
a digit (1 to 9) and each bone segment with a second category designations.
digit (1 to 3 usually; 1 to 9 in special circumstances). The In the future, authors (and reviewers and editors)
types are designated with a capital letter (A, B, C usually; should make sure it is used and monitor the percentage
occasionally D). The groups are designated with another usage on a yearly basis. We recommend routine
digit (1 to 3 usually; 1 to 5 in special circumstances), and utilization of the OTA Fracture Classification in trauma
subgroups by a digit following a period (1 to 3 usually). A research publication in general, and specifically in study
total articular (bicondylar) proximal tibia fracture would design and grant application and in selection of titles for
be designated 41C. If both the medial and lateral plateau articles, podium presentations, posters, book chapters,
are comminuted the designation would be 41-C3.3 This 5 and other scientific communication. In reporting of
digit alpha-numeric code then captures all of the verbiage results and complications, the 2007 reference should
in a concise manner. However, care should be taken to always be cited. The percentage of JOT articles utilizing
utilize the alphanumeric code as a shorthand version to and citing the OTA Classification should be reviewed
optimize effective communication. There is a tendency annually.
to go straight to the code and this is not effective Once it is standardized in orthopaedic trauma
communication if the recipient or reader is not familiar literature ( JOT), a more convincing case for its use
with the code or if the code is inappropriately applied. in other journals ( Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery,
A small typographical error or misunderstanding will Journal of Orthopaedic Research, etc), textbook,
result in a gross miscommunication. The alphanumeric and educational literature can be made. When the
designation is most appropriate for research data bases percentage of articles in JOT that use and cite the OTA
or internal record keeping or communication when Classification is over 90%, then an effort should be made
conciseness is highly desirable. to extend this pattern to JBJS and other orthopaedic
journals, textbooks, and educational literature.

Original Articles 61
There are many benefits to increased frequency techniques, like eponyms or other classifications that
of utilization of the OTA Fracture Classification have been reported but modified and adapted to clinical
(See Table 3). Utilizing it will improve the quality of use, thereby confusing exactly what they mean and how
our literature and knowledge and facilitate effective they are applied. Is a Colles fracture any fracture of the
communication. Effective communication will be distal radius or only the extra-articular dorsally angulated
achieved by utilizing standardized terminology. This fracture? Is a Schatzker 5 any bicondylar tibial plateau
is important so that similar things are called the same fracture or only the one with an intact central column
thing and dissimilar things are called by different names. as originally described by Schatzker? Use of the OTA
Standardization applies to all levels of the OTA Fracture Fracture Classification terminology overcomes most
Classification. This is crucial in the time of computer of those problems, as each term is uniquely defined
searches where consistency and standardization is and every fracture falls in exactly 1 category. The OTA
required.17,18 For example, if one wanted to perform a Classification is easily learned, as it uses consistent,
meta-analysis of the literature on treatment of distal anatomically accurate terms that are referenced in a
radius fractures to determine standard of care it would readily available and readable compendium.
be useful if a computer search of distal radius fractures The OTA Fracture Classification utilizes
in the title identified all pertinent articles. It would be clinically important criteria to separate categories. In
less effective if wrist fractures or Colles fracture or general, the higher the type and group designation the
any number of other eponyms or non-anatomic, non- more severe the injury and the worse the prognosis. A
OTA phrases were utilized in the article title. There are type level example is: extra-articular (A) versus partial
many other situations where non-OTA terminology articular (B) versus total articular (C). A group level
is still commonly used in orthopaedic writing, even example is comminution: non-comminuted (1), butterfly
publications. Hip fractures is a phrase commonly used or wedge comminution (2), segmental comminution
and seems to apply to proximal femur fractures. But the (3). Numerous publications have supported the
hip is a joint and not a bone. Acetabular fractures at least prognostic value of specific aspects of the OTA Fracture
involve the hip joint but are not typically included in hip Classification schemes at the type and group level, and a
fracture series. Trochanteric proximal femur fractures few at the subgroup level.19-21
are, by definition, not only extra-articular but outside The OTA Fracture Classification is also
of the hip capsule, yet they are commonly included in very useful to document less common injuries, like
series titled hip fractures. This lack of consistency and dislocations and fractures of the small bones. The
anatomic accuracy plagues the past orthopaedic literature classification of both of these areas were extensively
and is being improved by utilization of OTA Fracture revised and made more consistent and clinically
Classification in the title of articles. Ankle fractures applicable with the 2007 revision. Dislocations are
is another example of common terminology that is not identified by the joint involved (equivalent to bone
anatomically consistent or correct. Ankle fractures segment) with the alphanumeric second digit as 0 to
does not typically include talar dome fractures, which indicate dislocation. For example, knee dislocations are
clearly goes into the ankle joint; additionally, the talus is designated 40. The types are by direction of the distal part
colloquially known as the ankle bone. Ankle fracture anatomically, thus anterior dislocations are A, posterior B,
does typically include fracture of the fibula several medial C, lateral D, and other E.
centimeters proximal to the ankle joint. Ankle fractures The small bone classification is consistent in the
do not typically include distal tibia plafond fractures, hand and foot with designation of the body part (hand
even though the latter involves even more injury to the 7 or foot 8), segment (tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges;
ankle joint. All of this inconsistency, anatomic inaccuracy, carpus, metacarpals, phalanges). Tarsal and carpal bone
and confusion can be avoided if the OTA terminology is given a second digit numeric designation (1 - 9) and
is utilized. Talus fractures are identified as just that. The typed by absence (A) or presence (B) of comminution.
distal tibia and fibula is divided into malleolar pattern Phalanges, metacarpals, and metatarsals are grouped
(bone segment alphanumeric designation 44) and the similar to long bones into proximal, distal, and shaft.
plafond (bone segment alphanumeric designation 43). Subgrouping is by comminution.
Standard terminology is helpful for several
reasons. The first is that it clearly and uniquely identifies Conclusion
the type of injury that is included in the report. It Utilizing the OTA Fracture Classification
distinguishes the fracture from other, similar fractures. will improve the overall consistency and quality of
The terminology is uniquely defined by the OTA orthopaedic trauma literature and be beneficial to
Fracture Classification. This contrasts with alternative authors, reviewers, editors, and readers. Authors benefit

62 University of New Mexico Orthopaedics Research Journal

Table 3 and referenced phrases. Anyone who does not understand
Benefits of the OTA Fracture Classification system a term can find it in standard texts or dictionaries and can
see the particular details of the published classification.
Advantage The more frequently the classification is used, the easier it
will be to remember and understand.
Effective communication
Standardized terminology 1. Martin JS, Marsh JL. Current classification of fractures. Rationale
and utility. Radiol Clin North Am. 1997;35(3):491-506.
Efficient computer searches
Consistency 2. Neer CS II. Displaced proximal humeral fractures. I. Classification
Comprehensive and evaluation. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1970;52(6):1077-1089.
Understood by all
3. Garbuz DS, Masri BA,Esdaile J, Duncan CP. Classification systems
Easily learned in orthopaedics. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2002;10(4):290-297.

Clinically applicable 4. Mller ME, Nazarian S, Koch P,Schatzker J. The Comprehensive

Classification of Fractures of Long Bones. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1990.

5. Colton CL. Telling the bones (editorial). J Bone Joint Surg Br.
by having established standardized terminology and
classification schemes that they merely need to apply
to their investigation. They will not have to develop or
6. Marsh JL. OTA fracture classification. J Orthop Trauma.
explain their individualized terminology or scheme.
Furthermore, they will have easy access to existing
7. Lichtenhahn P, Fernandez DL, Schatzker J. [Analysis of the user
literature by computer searches using standardized terms
friendliness of the AO classification of fractures]. Helv Chir Acta.
to direct the development of their own experimental
methods and comparative discussion of results. The
people who read the articles will also benefit from
8. Walton NP, Harish S, Roberts , Blundell C. AO or Schatzker? How
standardized and well-defined terminology and
reliable is classification of tibial plateau fractures? Arch Orthop Trauma
classification schemes. The standardized terms in the title
Surg. 2003;123(8):396-398.
and abstract will enable the reader to quickly understand
which fractures are included. The alternative to the use of
9. Bernstein J, Adler LM, Blank JE, Dalsey RM, Williams GR,
standardized language is the use of eponyms and jargon
Ionnotti JP. Evaluation of the Neer system of classification of proximal
which may be an effective shortcut among a small group
humeral fractures with computerized tomographic scans and plain
of club members who are familiar with the code, but this
radiographs. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1996;78(9):1371-1375.
is not an effective technique for the wide dissemination
of scientific knowledge.
10. Fracture and dislocation compendium. Orthopaedic Trauma
The OTA Fracture Classification alphanumeric
Association Committee for Coding and Classification. J Orthop
shorthand can be utilized when appropriate as a concise,
Trauma. 1996;10(Suppl 1:v-ix):1-154.
elegant form of designation, especially in research
settings and internal use situations. However, care should
11. Swiontowski MF, Agel J, McAndrew MP, Burgess AR,
be taken to avoid overuse of the alphanumeric shorthand
MacKenzie EJ. Outcome validation of the AO/OTA fracture
in more widely disseminated communication (like
classification system. J Orthop Trauma. 2000;14(8):534-541.
medical records), as lack of familiarity with the code by
other individuals will render this confusing rather than
12. Marsh JL, Slongo TF, Agel J, et al. Fracture and dislocation
clear communication.
classification compendium 2007: Orthopaedic Trauma Association
Utilizing the OTA Fracture Classification by
Classification, Database and Outcomes Committee. J Orthop Trauma.
standardized referenced words and phrases in routine
2007;21(10 Suppl):S1-133.
daily clinical communication will improve the overall
consistency, quality, and effectiveness of communication
in medical records. Other health care providers (e.g.,
ward nurses or anesthesiologists) will understand the
fracture description by use of standard anatomic terms

Original Articles 63
13. Meling T, Harboe K, Enoksen CH, Aarflot M, Arthursson AJ,
Sreide K. How reliable and accurate is the AO/OTA comprehensive
classification for adult long-bone fractures? J Trauma Acute Care Surg.

14. Journal of orthopaedic trauma online submission and review

system: instructions for authors [ JOT Editorial Manager Website].
2012. Available at Accessed
October, 2012.

15. Meling T, Harboe K, Arthursson AJ, Sreide K. Steppingstones to

the implementation of an inhospital fracture and dislocation registry
using the AO/OTA classification: compliance, completeness and
commitment. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2010;18:54

16. Andersen DJ, Blair WF, Steyers CM, Adams BD, el-Khouri GY,
Brandser EA. Classification of distal radius fractures: an analysis of
interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility. J Hand Surg
Am. 1996;21(4):574582.

17. Cheng TO. Reference citation is important. J Lab Clin Med.


18. Iino S. [Importance of the reference citation and the limitations in

publication]. Seikei Geka. 1966;17(6):458.

19. Court-Brown CM, Garg A, McQueen MM. The epidemiology of

proximal humeral fractures. Acta Orthop Scand. 2001;72(4):365371.
20. Egol KA, Soojian MG, Walsh M, Katz J, Rosenberg AD, Paksima
N. Regional anesthesia improves outcome after distal radius fracture
fixation over general anesthesia. J Orthop Trauma. 2012;26(9):545-549.

21. McKenna P, Leonar M, Connolly P, Boran S, McCormack D.

A Comparison of pediatric forearm fracture reduction between
conscious sedation and general anesthesia. J Orthop Trauma.

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