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Original Article Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery 2011;3:107-113 • doi:10.4055/cios.2011.3.2.


Additional Fixations for Sliding Hip Screws

in Treating Unstable Pertrochanteric Femoral
Fractures (AO Type 31-A2): Short-
Term Clinical Results
Su Hyun Cho, MD, Soo Ho Lee, MD*, Hyung Lae Cho, MD, Jung Hoei Ku, MD,
Jae Hyuk Choi, MD, Alex J Lee, MD†
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Good Samsun Hospital, Busan,
*Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea,

Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand

Background: To evaluate the utility of additional fixation methods and to suggest a method of reduction in the treatment of un-
stable pertrochanteric femur fractures with a sliding hip screw (SHS).
Methods: A retrospective study was performed on thirty patients with unstable pertrochanteric femur fractures, who were oper-
ated on with a SHS between September 2004 and September 2009 and were followed up for at least 6 months. The additional
fixation devices were as follows; antirotation screw (21 cases), fixation of displaced fractures of the posteromedial bone fragment
(cerclage wiring, 21 cases and screw, 2 cases) and trochanter stabilizing plate (27 cases). Clinically, the Palmer’s mobility score
and Jensen’s social function group were used. Radiologically, alignment and displacement were observed. The tip-apex distance
(TAD) and sliding of the lag screw were measured, and the position of the lag screw within the femoral head was also examined.
Results: The mean age at the time of surgery was 76 years (range, 56 to 89 years) and the average follow-up period was 25
months (range, 6 to 48 months). At the last follow-up, the average mobility and social function score was 6.2 (± 3.5) and 2.3 (± 1.5).
Postoperatively, the alignment and displacement indices were adequate in almost all the cases. The mean amount of lag screw
sliding and the mean TAD was 5.1 mm (range, 2 to 16 mm) and 6 mm (range, 3 to 11 mm) respectively. The lag screws were locat-
ed in the center-center zone in 21 cases. The average period to union was 18.7 weeks without any cases of nonunion or malunion.
Mechanical failure was noted in one case with breakage of the lag screw and clinical failure was noted in another case with per-
sistent hip pain related to excessive sliding (16 mm).
Conclusions: With additional fixations, the unstable pertrochanteric femur fractures could be well stabilized by SHS until bone
Keywords: Pertrochanteric femur fracture, Sliding hip screw, Trochanter stabilizing plate

The pertrochanteric femur fracture can be classified sim-

ply into three groups; stable fractures (A1), unstable frac-
tures (A2), and transtrochanteric fractures (A3).1) In cases
Received June 30, 2010; Accepted September 15, 2010
of unstable fractures (type A2), the treatment can often be
Correspondence to: Su Hyun Cho, MD frustrating with excessive sliding being the main concern.1)
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Good Samsun Hospital, 195-3 Historically, sliding hip screws (SHS) have been the pre-
Sasang-gu, Joorae-dong, Busan 617-718, Korea
Tel: +82-51-310-9289, Fax: +82-51-310-9348
Copyright © 2011 by The Korean Orthopaedic Association
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery • pISSN 2005-291X eISSN 2005-4408
Cho et al. Unstable Pertrochanteric Femoral Fractures
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery • Vol. 3, No. 2, 2011 •

ferred implant to stabilize trochanteric area fractures.2) On Table 1. Methods of Additional Fixation
the other hand, intramedullary hip screws have gained
popularity more recently owing to their mechanical and Trochanter
Group Posteromedial Antirotation
theoretical advantages compared to the SHS. Although (cases) fixation screw
they have superiority in type A3, there is some concern I (7) Not used Used Used
with this superiority in type A2 because it is important to
obtain anatomical reduction as perfectly as possible by di- II (3) Used Not used Used
rect manipulation. In addition, intramedullary nails, such III (11) Used Used Used
as proximal femur nail and proximal femur nail antirota- IV (9) Used Used Not used
tion, do not appear to be more advantageous in obtaining
suitable reduction and fixation for bone union than the
conventional SHS. Therefore, type A2 trochanteric area anatomically without a discernible gap with posteromedial
fractures were treated using a range of additional methods fixation (all cases, cerclage wiring), a trochanter stabiliz-
to obtain stable fixation with the SHS. ing plate (TSP) was not necessary but an antirotation
screw was used. In group III, all the additional fixations
(posteromedial fixation, TSP, and an antirotation screw)
METHODS could be used. In the remaining cases in group IV where
Materials both a TSP and a posteromedial fixation were used, either
Seventy eight cases of unstable pertrochanteric femur a narrow femoral neck or the position of the lag screw pre-
fractures were treated with SHS from September 2004 to cluded an antirotation screw (Table 1).
September 2009. Of them, forty eight cases were excluded Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS ver.
because of death and loss of contact. The remaining thirty 13.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). A paired t -test was
cases (male:female = 8:22) were examined and followed used to compare the preoperative and postoperative con-
up until March 2010. The inclusion criteria included per- ditions. A p -value ≤ 0.05 was considered significant.
trochanteric femur fractures (in people over the age of
sixty years) which could be classified as type A2. Type A2 Operative Techniques
fractures are similar to the types 3, 4, and 5, as described All thirty fractures were treated with SHS (4CIS®, Solco
by Jensen,3) Jensen and Michaelsen.4) Cases with greater Ltd, Pyeongtaek, Korea) and each additional fixation was
trochanteric fractures involving the vastus ridge, which adopted on a case by case basis. To reduce the unstable
were classified as type A3, were excluded. All patients un- pertrochanteric femur fracture in acceptable position lat-
derwent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry preoperatively. erally and anteroposteriorly, the fracture was manipulated
Additional fixation devices were used to enhance the delicately with the patients lying supine on the fracture
initial stability of the fractures in all thirty cases; fixation of table while applying traction to the elevated thigh to pre-
the displaced fracture of the posteromedial bone fragment vent retroversion caused by the flexed proximal fragment.
(21 cases of cerclage wiring and 2 cases of screw), trochan- Under fluoroscopic guidance, a lateral incision was made
ter stabilizing plates (27 cases) and antirotation screws (21 5 cm below the trochanteric ridge and a guide pin was in-
cases). serted using a 135 angle guide.
The patients were classified into two groups accord- The following methods were used to enhance the
ing to the shape of the posteromedial bone fragment. One fixation of SHS. Firstly, the anteromedial cortical fracture
group, indicated as group I, was composed of cases with was reduced with a bone hook and stabilized with K-wire
small posteromedial bone fragment involving the lesser (1.6 mm diameter) passing through the neck just abut-
trochanter alone. The other group comprised of cases with ting the lower endocortex of the femoral neck (Fig. 1A).
large posteromedial bone fragment involving the postero- Secondly, the wire was passed around the fractured pos-
inferior cortical bone beak as well as the lesser trochanter. teromedial bone fragment and tensioned with a special
The former group did not require any posteromedial fixa- tensioner. At this stage, almost complete anatomical align-
tion, whereas the latter group, which required postero- ment of the proximal femoral neck-shaft area could be
medial fixation, was further divided into II, III and IV, achieved (Fig. 1B). Thirdly, a second K-wire (1.6 mm) was
depending on which other combinations of fixation was inserted through the upper femoral neck, parallel to the
used. In group II, where the fracture of the posteromedial first K-wire to prevent twisting of the femoral head while
bone cortex was displaced slightly and could be reduced inserting the lag screw (Fig. 1C). Finally, a guide pin, triple
Cho et al. Unstable Pertrochanteric Femoral Fractures
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery • Vol. 3, No. 2, 2011 •

Fig. 1. Steps in the surgical procedure. (A) Achievement and maintenance of anteromedial cortical continuity with a K-wire. (B) Wiring of the
posteromedial bone fragment to obtain anatomical alignment. (C) A second K-wire to prevent toggling of the femoral head while inserting the lag screw.
(D) Anatomical reduction and fixation of type A2 pertrochanteric femur fracture using both the sliding hip screw and three additional fixation devices.

reamer and tapper were used sequentially with special care

Table 2. Clinical Outcomes with a Sliding Hip Screw
not to breach the posterolateral cortex. If the lateral cortex
was compromised inadvertently, a trochanter stabilizing Before Last
Evaluation injury follow-up p -value
plate was used to buttress it (Fig. 1D).
The patients were allowed to ambulate using a wheel Mobility score of 7.2 ± 4.6 6.2 ± 3.5 > 0.05
chair on the first postoperative day. A tilting table and par- Parker & Palmer
allel bar exercises were started between the third or sixth Social score of Jensen 1.4 ± 0.3 2.3 ± 1.5 > 0.05
day postoperatively. From the seventh postoperative day,
they were allowed to bear their weight using a four post
walker or crutches as tolerably as they could. or poor if neither criterion was met. After comparing the
postoperative and the last follow-up radiograph, the de-
Evaluation of Results gree of sliding was calculated by measuring the incremen-
Each patient was evaluated with the ‘mobility score’ re- tal change in the length from the tip of the lag screw to the
ported by Parker and Palmer,5) which considered three lateral barrel plate. The method of Doppelt2) was adopted
specific factors (the patient’s ability to ambulate within considering the possible error resulting from external ro-
their residence, the ability to ambulate outside and the tation. The tip-apex distance was evaluated and measured
ability to go shopping). In addition, each patient was as- using the method of Baumgaertner et al.8) The position of
signed a score for the ‘social function’ of Jensen:6) four the lag screw within the femoral head was measured using
points if the patients were totally dependent before the the method of Cleveland et al.9) The fractures were judged
fracture, three points if moderately dependent, two points to have healed when the fracture line could barely be seen
if slightly dependent, and one point if the patients were because of the copious callus and sclerosis in simple roent-
independent. Radiologically, the reduction of the fracture, genogram and when there was no tenderness at the frac-
degree of sliding, tip-apex distance and position of the lag ture site.
screw within the femoral head were assessed. The state of
the reduction was evaluated by observing the alignment
and displacement using the method of Fogagnolo et al.7)
both postoperatively and at the last follow-up. To be con- Eight males and 22 females with mean age of 76 years
sidered as anatomical, the alignment was supposed to be (range, 65 to 89 years) were reviewed. The minimum fol-
at a normal cervico-diaphyseal angle or in slight valgus low-up period was 6 months with mean follow-up period
in the anteroposterior view and have < 20o of angulation of 25 months (range, 6 to 48 months). The mean mobility
in the lateral view. The displacement of the main frag- and social function scores were 6.2 and 2.3, respectively, at
ments was evaluated according to two criteria; > 80% of the last follow-up (Table 2).
overlap in both planes, and < 5 mm of shortening. Cases Postoperatively, the alignment and displacement
that met both criteria were designated as good. The other indices were adequate in almost all the cases. The mean
cases were either acceptable if only one criterion was met neck shaft angle was 135o (range, 129o to 140o) on the an-
Cho et al. Unstable Pertrochanteric Femoral Fractures
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery • Vol. 3, No. 2, 2011 •

teroposterior views and 10o (range, 2o to 15o) on the lateral case of excessive sliding accompanied by persistent hip
views (Table 3). The degree of displacement was good in pain were encountered.
twenty six cases and acceptable in four.
The mean sliding of the lag screw was 5.1 mm (range,
2 to 16 mm) without any cases of cutting out at the last
follow-up. The mean tip-apex distance was 6 mm (range, In type 31-A2 fractures, the pertrochanteric component is
3 to 11 mm) (Table 3). The lag screws were located in the mainly cortical in the anteromedial portion. Therefore, it is
center-center zone in 21 cases, inferior-center zone in 6 believed that good reduction of the anteromedial cortical
cases and inferior-inferior zone in 3 cases. fracture could reestablish bone-to-bone contact in treat-
Bone union was achieved in all cases after surgery ment with SHS. After obtaining continuity of the antero-
after an average of 18.7 weeks (range, 16 to 25 weeks). medial cortex, it was maintained with K-wires introduced
There were no cases of nonunion or malunion (Figs. 2-5). into the femoral head temporarily. Although not perfect,
Only one case of breakage of the lag screw and another this maneuver could be helpful in preventing toggling of
the femoral head during insertion of the triple reamer and
tapping. Carr10) also reported that the anterior and medial
reduction of the intertrochanteric fractures was a simple
Table 3. Radiological Results with a Sliding Hip Screw method to obtain a stable reduction.
Radiological index Numerical value The posteromedial bone fragment including the
lesser trochanter has been reported to be implicated in
Mean hip screw sliding (mm) 5.1 (± 3.4) the instability of the pertrochanteric femur fractures fixed
Mean neck-shaft angle on anteroposterior view (°) 135 (± 7.4) with sliding hip screws, and might cause subsequent varus
Mean neck-shaft angle on lateral view (°) 10 (± 5.6)
deformation if not stabilized sufficiently.11-14) In seven cases
(group I), in which posteromedial fixation was not achiev-
Tip-apex distance (mm) 6 (± 3.7) able, the TSP alone was sufficient to obtain stability. The

Fig. 2. Group I. (A) Preoperative radiograph of a 65-year-old male showing AO type 31-A2, pertrochanteric femur fracture with a small posteromedial
bone fragment with comminution. (B) Immediate postoperative radiograph showing anatomical alignment. (C) Eight months postoperative radiograph
showing callus formation.

Fig. 3. Group II. (A) Preoperative

radiograph of an 80-year-old male
showing AO type 31-A2, pertrochanteric
femur fracture with a large poste­
romedial bone fragment. (B) Immediate
postoperative radiograph showing
anatomical reduction. (C) Six months
postoperative radiograph showing
Cho et al. Unstable Pertrochanteric Femoral Fractures
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery • Vol. 3, No. 2, 2011 •

other twenty three cases required posteromedial fixation. lesser trochanter for treating intertrochanteric fractures
In three cases (group II), cerclage wiring alone was suffi- including large posteromedial fragments is recommended
cient to maintain reduction without a TSP. In both groups, for preventing excessive sliding of the lag screw and varus
an antirotation screw was also inserted for additional sta- deformity. On the other hand, Johns14) used screws for
bility. A cancellous screw used parallel to the lag screw was fixation of the lesser trochanter fracture fragment. We
reported to be helpful in preventing rotation of the femo- prefer cerclage wires to screws for fixation of the fractured
ral head portion in the early weight bearing period.15) This posteromedial bone fragment. Cercalge wires were used in
antirotation screw was used in twenty one cases (group 21 cases and a screw was used in only 2 cases. Traction was
I-III). Apel et al.11) showed that in unstable intertrochan- applied superolaterally by passing a wire around the infe-
teric femoral fractures, the fixation of large and small rior cortical beak of a fractured posteromedial bone frag-
posteromedial bone fragments increased the mechanical ment, and tension was achieved with a special tensioner.
stability by 57% and 17%, respectively. There is no general At this stage, the fractured posteromedial bone fragment
agreement regarding when to use cerclage wires or screws. was reduced almost anatomically and almost the original
Lee and Kim12) reported that the SHS with wiring of the configuration of the proximal femur could be obtained in
lesser trochanter is a useful option for unstable trochanter- every case.
ic fractures because of its initial stability as a buttress effect In unstable pertrochanteric fractures with a bro-
on the posteromedial cortex to allow early ambulation. ken lateral cortex, the TSP has been reported to play an
Kang et al.13) suggested that additional cable fixation of the important role by preventing excessive slippage of the lag

Fig. 4. Group III. (A) Preoperative radiograph of a 74-year-old female showing AO type 31-A2, pertrochanteric femur fracture with a large posteromedial
bone fragment. (B) Immediate postoperative radiograph showing anatomical alignment. (C) Fifteen months postoperative radiograph showing union.

Fig. 5. Group IV. (A) Preoperative radiograph of a 70-year-old female showing AO type 31-A2, pertrochanteric femur fracture. The large posteromedial
bone fragment has a linear fracture bisecting it horizontally. (B) Immediate postoperative radiograph shows anatomical alignment with the large
posteromedial bone fragment well reduced and fixed with cerclage wiring. (C) Seven months postoperative radiograph shows uneventful bone union
despite the upper part of posteromedial fragment displaced upwardly. The anteromedial cortex was reformed without a visible step-off and the wired
inferior cortical beak was well maintained anatomically. These two factors contributed to the stability until union.
Cho et al. Unstable Pertrochanteric Femoral Fractures
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery • Vol. 3, No. 2, 2011 •

screw, lateral displacement of the greater trochanter and trochanteric ridge area did not play an important role in
postoperative functional loss of the hip joint.16-20) The TSP fracture stability in this series. The fractures of the greater
may be helpful in preventing excessive sliding of the lag trochanter involving the vastus ridge were not type A2
screws. The TSP combined with posteromedial fixation but type A3, which were not covered in this study. Some
was used in twenty (group III, 11 cases and group IV, 9 reported that this posterior fracture fragment can be fixed
cases) out of twenty three cases that had a large fractured with screws to increase the stability, but we could reduce
posteromedial bone fragment leaving the lateral femoral and fix this as well as the posteromedial bone fragment
cortex narrow. Six cases with a center-center position of with one cerclage wiring alone.15) The fractured greater
the lag screw and three cases with a narrow femoral neck trochanteric fragment not involving the vastus ridge could
precluded the insertion of an antirotation screw (group also be supported with the addition of a TSP.
IV). Out of the twenty cases in group III and IV, the triple There were two cases of complication with unevent-
reamer breached the lateral cortical buttress posteriorly in ful union. One case had excessive sliding of 16 mm at the
7 cases and anteriorly 3 cases, which could be converted last follow-up accompanied by persistent hip pain and
to type A3. Some authors also cautioned about poten- delayed union. Initially the posteromedial bone fragment
tially unstable pertrochanteric fracture, such as the cases appeared to be small without displacement, but proved
mentioned in this series.16) Kim et al.17) reported that in to be very large with a linear fracture extending to 10 cm
121 cases of unstable intertrochateric fractures treated below the lesser trochanter (group III). Excessive sliding
with a compression hip screw, the TSP was used in all was unavoidable despite wiring and screw for fixation of
cases. The mean sliding was 8.4 mm and bone union was the linear fracture line. Subsequently, the TSP was applied
achieved in 119 cases (98.3%). Babst et al.18) concluded even in cases with a small fractured posteromedial bone
that in unstable intertrochanteric fractures with small or fragment with a relatively broad lateral cortex for fear of
missing lateral cortical buttress, the addition of a TSP to an occult fracture line or fragility fracture. The other case
the dynamic hip screw effectively supported the unstable in group II showed breakage of the lag screw with varus
greater trochanter fragment, and could prevent rotation of malunion.
the head-neck fragment. Others also dealt with the role of Recently, many hip surgeons select intramedullary
the lateral cortical buttress in the treatment of Jensen type nails in the treatment of unstable pertrochanteric femur
4 intertrochanteric femoral fractures and it is believed that fractures. Although the intramedullary device appears to
the proximal-medial fragmentary angle is a useful method be more suitable for certain types like type A3, there is no
for determining if additional fixation, such as the TSP, is evidence of superiority to SHS in type A2.22) Furthermore,
needed.19) Palm et al.20) stated that a postoperative fracture there are even reports addressing certain drawbacks of the
of the lateral femoral wall was the main predictor for re- up-to-date model of intramedullary nails.23-25) Therefore, it
operation after an intertrochanteric fracture. Furthermore, is too early to discard the SHS in the management of type
they concluded that fractures involving the lateral wall A2 unstable pertrochanteric femur fractures. Additional
preoperatively or having the potential for such fractures fixations were used in thirty cases with unstable pertro-
intraoperatively should not be treated with a compres- chanteric femur fractures (type A2) treated with SHS. The
sion hip screw alone, but should be managed using other average time to union was 18.6 weeks and only two com-
methods.20) As shown here, the lateral cortex is also an plications, breakage of the lag screw and excessive sliding
important factor for maintaining the stability in the inter- accompanied by persistent hip pain, were encountered.
trochanteric fracture treated with the SHS. Although the cohort of this study was small, this study
Fractures of the greater trochanter often accompany suggests relatively reproducible guidelines for the use of
unstable intertrochanteric fractures of the femur (type additional fixation in the treatment of unstable pertro-
A2). In the present cases, the presence of a fractured poste- chanteric femur fractures (type A2) with SHS.
rior part of the greater trochanter, which did not extend to
the trochanteric ridge, was always observed. Wang et al.21)
noted that the recognition of the posterior wall fragment
of the greater trochanter area was an important predictive No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
factor in the treatment of unstable intertrochanteric frac- reported.
tures. However, since the posterior part of the greater tro-
chanter is not the major site for insertion of the hip abduc-
tors, the fixation of its posterior fragment not involving the
Cho et al. Unstable Pertrochanteric Femoral Fractures
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery • Vol. 3, No. 2, 2011 •

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