Sound: Sound Produced by Human: A Human Being Produces Sound Because of Vibration of His
Sound: Sound Produced by Human: A Human Being Produces Sound Because of Vibration of His
Sound: Sound Produced by Human: A Human Being Produces Sound Because of Vibration of His
Sound is very important for our life. It is the sound that helps us to communicate with
each other.
Sound Produced by Human: A human being produces sound because of vibration of his
voice box. The voice box is also known as larynx. Larynx is situated at the upper end of
windpipe. There are two stretched membranes attached in larynx; with a narrow slit
between them. When air passes through those stretched membranes they produce
different types of sound with different combinations of stretching.
Amplitude, Time Period and Frequency of a Sound -Sound travels in the form of wave.
When a pebble is dropped in pond water, it produces ripples in water. The ripple is called
wave. Sound travels producing similar waves. Amplitude and frequency are two important
characters of sound. Sounds produced by different object are differentiated by amplitude
and frequency of sound. Amplitude The distance from normal to peak is called
amplitude. Since, sound travels in the form of wave, so sound has amplitude.
Frequency: The number of vibrations or oscillations per second is called frequency.
Frequency is expressed in hertz. If an object oscillates or vibrates 40 times in 1 second,
then its frequency will be equal to 40 hertz. Time period - Time required to produce one
complete oscillation is called time period. Loudness and Pitch Loudness of sound
depends on the amplitude of the sound wave. Greater amplitude produces louder sound
and smaller amplitude produces feeble sound. Loudness of sound is measured in decibel
(dB). Loudness of some types of sound is given here in decibel. Shrillness or pitch
Frequency of a sound determines the shrillness or pitch of the sound. Shrillness or pitch
increases with increase in frequency of sound. Sound with greater frequency is shriller
and has higher pitch. Sound with lower frequency is less shrill and of lower pitch.
Examples: Children and women produce sound of high frequency and their sound is
shriller and of higher pitch. On the other hand, an adult male produces sound of lower
frequency and his sound is less shrill and has lower pitch. A drum produces sound of
lower frequency which is less shrill and has lower pitch, while a whistle produces sound
of higher frequency which is shriller and is of higher pitch. A lion produces a sound of
lower frequency which is less shrill and has lower pitch, while a bird produces sound of
high frequency which is shriller and has higher pitch. However, sound of lion is louder
than the sound of a bird.
Audible and Inaudible Sound Sounds with frequency between 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz are
called audible sound. The hearing range of human beings is between 20 hertz to 20,000
hertz. Sound with frequency below 20 hertz and above 20,000 hertz is called sound of
inaudible range. Humans cannot hear the sound of inaudible range. Many animals, such
as dogs, cats, etc. can hear the sound with frequency above 20,000 hertz.
Noise and Music Sound that appears unpleasant to us is called noise, such as sound of
horn, sound near the site of construction work, sound of aeroplane, etc. Sound that
appears pleasant to our ear is called musical sound, such as sound of musical
instrument, song of a good singer, etc. Noise Pollution Loud and excessive sound is
unbearable to our ears, and is called noise. Unwanted and excessive sound in our
environment creates noise pollution. Sounds of crackers, factories, vehicles, desert
coolers, air conditioners, aeroplane, transistors or television with high volume,
loudspeakers, etc. create sound pollution. Problems due to Noise Pollution: Noise
pollution can create many types of health related problems, such as lack of sleep
(insomnia), hypertension, loss of hearing, anxiety, etc.
Sound above 80 dB is very painful to hear. A person who is exposed to loud sound
continuously may get permanent or temporary loss of hearing (impairment of hearing).
Plantation of trees along the road sides and around buildings. Trees absorb sound.
Awareness campaign to make people aware; about the harmful effects of noise pollution
and measures to control noise pollution.