Welding & Hot Dip Galvanizing PDF
Welding & Hot Dip Galvanizing PDF
Welding & Hot Dip Galvanizing PDF
& H O T- D I P
6881 South Holly Circle, Suite 108
Englewood, Colorado 80112
Hotline 800-468-7732
Fax 720-554-0909
corrosion protection.
2002 American Galvanizers Association. The material provided herein has been developed to provide accurate and authoritative information about
after-fabrication hot-dip galvanized steel. This material provides general information only and is not intended as a substitute for competent profes-
sional examination and verification as to suitability and applicability. The information provided herein is not intended as a representation or warranty
on the part of the AGA. Anyone making use of this information assumes all liability arising from such use.
The galvanizing process has existed for more than To achieve a high-quality hot-dip galvanized coating
250 years and has been a mainstay of North on welded areas of fabrications, two important
American industry since the 1890s. Galvanizing is issues must be considered before galvanizing:
used throughout various markets to provide steel chemical makeup of the weld metal and cleanliness
with unmatched protection from the ravages of of the weld area.
corrosion. A wide range of steel products from
reinforcing steel to playground equipment to pro- Weld Metal Chemistry
fessional sports stadiums to the artistic expression
of todays sculptors benefit from galvanizings When there is a difference between the structural
superior corrosion prevention properties. steels chemistry and the weld filler materials
chemistry, the galvanized coating on the weld can be
Galvanizings primary component is zinc. This vital thicker than the coating on the structural piece. The
substance is silvery blue-gray in color and makes up major difference between the weld metal and the
an estimated 0.004% of the earths crust, rank- structural steel is the amount of silicon in the weld
ing 25th in order of abundance. It is essential for rod. Excessive silicon in the steel or weld filler
the growth and development of almost all life. material can accelerate the growth of the hot-dip
Between 1.4 and 2.3 grams of zinc are found in the galvanized coating. Because some weld electrode
average adult, and the World Health Organization metal contains nearly 1% silicon, the difference
has recommended a daily intake of 15 milligrams. between the coating thickness on the weld metal
Numerous consumer products, including cold and structural steel can be significant. Excessive sili-
remedies, sunscreens, diaper creams, and nutri- con in the weld material to be galvanized causes an
tional supplements, contain beneficial amounts of accelerated formation of the iron and zinc inter-
zinc, primarily in the form of zinc oxide.
Figure 2
Welding Process Weld Rod Material Silicon Content
SMAW Jetweld 2 (E6027) 0.25%
Fleetwood 35 LS (E6011) 0.10%
Fleetwood 7 (E6012) 0.30%
SAW L60-860 (F6A2-EL12) 0.22%
L61-80 (F7A2-EM12K) 0.35% Cleaning solutions have lower viscosities, allowing
__________________________________________________ them to enter these small gaps. Cleaning solution
FCAW NR-203NiC+ (E71T8-K2) 0.04% salts can be retained in these tight areas. Humidity
NR-311 (E70T-7) 0.07% encountered weeks or months later may wet these
Figure 4
Weld Cleanliness
When welded structures are hot-dip galvanized, the
weld areas cleanliness significantly affects the
quality and appearance of the galvanized coating
around the weld (see Figure 3). If a coated electrode
is used during welding, all welding flux must be
removed prior to galvanizing or the zinc coating will
not adhere to the weld area (see Figure 4). Because
weld flux and slag are insoluble in the chemical
cleaning solutions used in the galvanizing process,
they must be removed by other methods. Slag and
flux must be removed by wire brush, flame-cleaning,
chipping with a pick, grinding or abrasive blast-clean-
Figure 5 galvanized steel is usually necessary if the final struc-
ture is too large to be dipped in a galvanizing bath or
for structures that must be welded in the field.
Preparation of Weld Area
AWS D-19.0, Welding Zinc Coated Steel, calls for
welds to be made on steel that is free of zinc in the
area to be welded. Thus, for galvanized structural
components of a fabrication, the zinc coating should
be removed at least one to four inches (2.5-10 cm)
from either side of the intended weld zone and on
both sides of the workpiece. Grinding back the zinc
coating is the preferred and most common method;
burning the zinc away or pushing back the molten
zinc from the weld area also are effective.
Slightly wider gaps are required in butt-joints in
order to have complete penetration.
Any welding process on galvanized surfaces destroys
Grinding off edges prior to welding give the best
the zinc coating on and around the weld area.
quality weld joint. It also reduces fuming from the
Restoration of the area should be performed in
galvanized coating. Welding procedures will then
accordance with ASTM A 780, Standard Practice for
be the same as for uncoated steel.
Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot-Dip
Galvanized Coatings, which specifies the use of
Electrodes similar to those used for arc welding
paints containing zinc dust, zinc-based solders
uncoated steel may be used. The major difference
or sprayed zinc. All touchup and repair methods
when SMAW on galvanized steel compared to
are capable of building a protective layer to the
uncoated steel is the need for higher heat input to
thickness required by ASTM A 780.
remove the zinc from the weld pool and lower weld-
ing speed to burn off as much of the zinc from the
The restored area of the zinc coating will have no
leading edge of the pool. This may result in greater
affect on the overall lifetime of the part. Repair
fluidity of the slag and increased splatter.
materials and their coating thickness have been
chosen to give comparable lifetimes to the coating
3. Oxyacetylene Preparation for oxyacetylene
minimums required by ASTM A 123/A 123M,
fusion welding is similar to that for welding uncoated
Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized)
steel. Because low travel speed is necessary to bring
Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. There may be
the joint edges to the fusion temperature, the extra
some visual differences between the original hot-dip
heat causes the zinc coating to be affected over a
galvanized coating and the restored area, but, over
much greater area than other welding processes.
time, the natural weathering of the galvanized
Best results are obtained when the filler rod is
coating and the repair material yield a similar
moved back and forth, producing a ripple weld.
4. Friction Friction welding is generally used for
making butt-welds in which one component of QUALITY OF WELDED JOINTS
circular cross-section is rotated relative to and in
It is recommended in AWS D19.0 to remove all zinc
contact with another component to produce heat
from the weld area prior to welding because burning
at the interface. Once sufficient heat is generated,
through the zinc slows the welding process,
the relative rotation of the parts is stopped and
generates zinc fumes (see Safety & Health, on the
pressure is increased to complete the weld. Friction
next page) and creates an unsightly burn area around
welding is often used for attaching shear connectors
the weld.
to steel beams for the anchoring of concrete in
concrete/steel structures. Flat-ended studs, whether
However, as studies performed by the International
uncoated or galvanized, cannot be welded to
Lead Zinc Research Organization (ILZRO) have
galvanized plate because the zinc coatings alloy
shown, the tensile, bend and impact properties of
layers appear to act as a low friction-bearing surface
welds on galvanized steel are equivalent to the
and insufficient heat is developed for welding. This
properties of welds on uncoated steel.
may be circumvented by using pointed studs with a
point having a 120 angle. Conditions for welding
Fracture Toughness
pointed studs are available in AWS D19.0.
Tests establish that the fracture toughness properties
of welds are unaffected by the presence of
galvanized coatings.
Fatigue Strength Intergranular cracking of fillet welds containing
porosity, sometimes referred to as zinc penetrator
The fatigue strength of arc welds on galvanized steel cracking, does not significantly affect the strength of
is equivalent to welds on uncoated steel made by non-critical joints. For more critical stress applica-
CO2 welding as shown in Figure 8. tions, it is advisable to carry out procedural tests on
materials and samples.
The extent of weld porosity is a function of heat
input and the solidification rate of the weld metal. All welding processes produce fumes and gases to a
Not always possible to eliminate, porosity affects the greater or lesser extent. Manufacturers and welders
fatigue strength and cracking tendencies of welds. must identify the hazards associated with welding
coated and uncoated steel and workers must be
trained to maintain work practices within
Figure 8 - SN Curves Showing Fatigue Tests on
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Cruciform Joints
(OSHA) regulations. In general, welding on steel with
the zinc coating ground back away from the weld
area will produce lead and zinc oxide emissions
below OSHA permissible exposure limits (PELs) for
zinc and lead. When welding directly on galvanized
steel is unavoidable, PELs may be exceeded and
every precaution, including high-velocity circulating
fans with filters, air respirators and fume-extraction
systems suggested by AWS, should be employed.
& H O T- D I P
6881 South Holly Circle, Suite 108
Englewood, Colorado 80112
Hotline 800-468-7732
Fax 720-554-0909