Global Finance Graduate Programme, Novo Nordisk
Global Finance Graduate Programme, Novo Nordisk
Global Finance Graduate Programme, Novo Nordisk
3 rotations in our headquarters in Denmark, focusing on specific Rotation 1 Product Supply Finance, HQ
areas: Financial Planning & Analysis, Project Management, and a Be part of the finance team supporting the production
Finance Specialisation (Treasury, Risk Management, Corporate Tax organisation. Work on projects that decide where to
or Accounting) build production sites and how to optimize production
1 rotation in a global sales affiliate or production site, where you
have the opportunity to get close to the market Rotation 2 Novo Nordisk Consulting, HQ
Am I a qualified candidate?
Rotation 3 Novo Nordisk, Inc., US
To apply, you must have: In the US HQ in Princeton, NJ, you can work in
different finance functions that give you an in-depth
A masters degree from 2017 or 2018 in a relevant subject such as look at our international business and a deep
Finance, Economics, International Business, or similar understanding of local market dynamics.
Top of class grades
Relevant work experience or extracurricular activities Rotation 4 Corporate Treasury, HQ
A minimum of 6 months international experience Join our Cash Management team and ensure affiliate
An international mind-set and team-player skills cash flows fund our growth through joint sales
Availability to start on 1 September 2018 forecasts.