Rti Brochure Acoustic Pipe Solutions Int Eng

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Edition: int.

English - Publication: 10/2015

ProRox Acoustic Solutions

for Pipework
Industrial insulation
Technical insulation shaped by experts

We share our knowledge to your advantage

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation a subsidiary Our more than 75 years of experience is reflected in a
of the ROCKWOOL International Group offers complete set of high grade products and expert advice.
innovative technical insulation solutions for the
process & power generated industry and the Today, we remain fully committed to providing the very
shipbuilding & offshore market worldwide. best service in the market and a total range of cutting-
edge insulation solutions.
To that end, we have subsumed our product range into
two specialist categories. SeaRox comprises the full All ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation solutions meet the
marine and offshore range and ProRox covers all our most stringent quality and safety standards. All ProRox
insulation solutions for the process industry and for and SeaRox products and constructions have been
technical installations on board and offshore. Through tested according to the latest regulations and approved
our two product lines, our experts offer a full spread of by all major classification societies. As an innovation-
products and systems guaranteeing the highest pos- driven company we demand excellence. In every
sible thermal, acoustic and fire safe insulation of all segment we keep searching for new systems, methods
technical installations. and solutions.

Our experts listened to
process industry safety concerns:
How to minimize
noise emitting
from industrial pipework...

...in a simple and efficient way?

We are constantly surrounded by

unwanted sound (noise).

Today, clinical studies have proven that people exposed

to high noise levels will face increased risk of cardiac diseases
and their general stress threshold is significantly lowered.
Fatigue, which can be seen in industry, at sea and offshore, is
a serious safety issue for a large range of operators.

ROCKWOOL stone wool has an open fibre structure, which is

ideal for the absorption and regulation of sound.

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation can provide a full range of

products and solutions to reduce the noise levels of technical
installations. The nature and effect of the sound insulation
depend on the frequency and the sound pressure level.

What are the causes of industrial noise?

Noise can be generated by plant,

equipment or the processing of fluids
and/or gasses.

It can originate from the following:

Flow induced turbulence

Cavitation and flashing

Pumps and compressors

Pressure fluctuations

Valves or other pressure reducing devices

Change of pipe diameter

ISO 15665 is the standard that is widely accepted

in the industry for designing the acoustic
insulation of pipes valves and flanges
ISO 15665 sets out classes for acoustic pipework insulation ISO 15665 is largely adopted by the major operators in oil
systems. Insulation systems are classified by their insertion and gas business.
loss performance and the diameter of pipe onto which they
are applied.  imilar requirements are laid down in NORSOK standard
R-004 class 6,7 & 8, CINI 9.2.02 and ASTM E 1222.
ISO 15665 is valid for pipes up to 1000 mm in diameter. It
defines classes depending upon the diameter and the wall
thickness of the pipe. It is not applicable to the acoustic in-
sulation of rectangular ducting and vessels or machinery.

Class Diameter () Min. wall thickness

1 < 300 mm 4.2 mm

2 300 mm < < 600 mm 6.3 mm
3 > 600 mm 6.3 mm

 he standard allows noise control engineers to select the

correct insulation system during the design stage in order
to ensure that specified noise targets are met.

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation
already developed the answer:

ProRox insulation solutions

in accordance with
ISO 15665...
ProRox Acoustic Solutions with Pipe Sections
ProRox PS 960 is a pre-formed stone wool pipe section. The
sections are supplied split and hinged for easy snap-on as- 4
sembly. Depending upon the acoustic demands, this solution
can be equipped with an additional heavy mass layer and/or 2
a waterproof insulation protection, ProRox GRP 1000. 3 5
1  ipe
2 Insulation: ProRox Pipe Sections
3  teel band or binding wire
4  heet metal cladding
5  heet metal screw or rivet
 eavy mass layer
H 5

ProRox Acoustic Solutions with Wired Mats

ProRox Wired Mats are lightly bonded stone wool mats stitched
on galvanised wire mesh using galvanised wire ensuring an
optimal flexibility. Depending upon the acoustic demands, this
solution can be equipped with an additional heavy mass layer.

1 Pipe 4
2 Insulation: ProRox Wired Mat 2
3  oint edges closed with e.g. mat hooks
or binding wire 1
4 Sheet metal cladding
5 Sheet metal screw or rivet

Overview of ProRox acoustic solutions REP OR quest
ble upon

ProRox solutions for pipe diameters < 300 mm (according to ISO 15665:2003)

Insulation Thickness Mass layer Cladding Class Class Class

A1 B1 C1

ProRox PS 960 100 mm - Metal sheet * + + +

ProRox PS 960 100 mm 8 kg/m 2
ProRox GRP 1000 + + +
ProRox PS 960
+ ProRox NCS 2000
85 mm
ca. 15 mm
- Metal sheet * + + +
ProRox WM 950 100 mm - Metal sheet * + + +
ProRox PS 970 100 mm - Metal sheet * - + -
ProRox MA 520 ALU 2*50 mm - Metal sheet * - + -
ProRox PS 960 50 mm - Metal sheet * - + -
* The weight of the metal cladding should be approx. 7.8 kg/m 2. As a general guidance we recommend using a 1 mm steel cladding.

ProRox solutions for pipe diameters 300-650 mm (according to ISO 15665:2003)

Insulation Thickness Mass layer Cladding Class Class Class

A2 B2 C2

ProRox PS 960 120 mm - Metal sheet * + + +

ProRox PS 960 120 mm 8 kg/m 2
ProRox GRP 1000 + + +
ProRox PS 960
+ ProRox NCS 2000
85 mm
ca. 15 mm
- Metal sheet * + + +
ProRox WM 950 120 mm - Metal sheet * + + +
ProRox PS 960 100 mm 8 kg/m2 Metal sheet * + + +
ProRox PS 960 100 mm 8 kg/m 2
ProRox GRP 1000 - + -
ProRox PS 960 100 mm - Metal sheet * + + -
ProRox WM 950 100 mm - Metal sheet * - + -
* The weight of the metal cladding should be approx. 7.8 kg/m 2. As a general guidance we recommend using a 1 mm steel cladding.

Specific solutions in accordance with Shell DEP specification Class D2 are available upon request.

Schematic overview of acoustic solutions

ProRox PS 960 or ProRox PS 960 ProRox PS 960 ProRox NCS 2000 **

ProRox WM 950 or + heavy mass layer + heavy mass layer + ProRox PS 960
ProRox MA 520 ALU + metal sheet cladding + ProRox GRP 1000 + metal sheet cladding
+ metal sheet cladding

6 ** Contact your local sales consultant for further details

ROCKWOOL ProRox technical insulation:

Much more than excellent
acoustic properties

 utstanding acoustic performance as well
providing excellent thermal benefits

 and quick to handle and install: thermal insulation,
maximum 1 heavy mass layer and metal cladding does
the job (maximum 3 layers)

 ommercially available products: As a standard we can

offer a wide range of diameters and insulation thicknesses

 atertight finish is possible in combination with ProRox

GRP 1000 watertight insulation protection

Long lasting: natural product made out of stone

 pen to vapor: ingressed moisture can evaporate out of

the system

 xcellent fire behaviour: ProRox insulation is tested in

accordance with EN 13501, ASTM E84, IMO Res. A.653.
MED certification is available upon request.

Open fiber structure that readily absorbs sound

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation, an independent organisation All explanations correspond to our current range of knowledge

RTI/10.15/1.0k/Int ENG 415

of the international ROCKWOOL Group, is the world wide and are therefore up-to-date. The examples of use outlined in
market leader in technical insulation. With our two product this document serve only to provide a better description and
lines, ProRox and SeaRox, we cover the whole industrial do not take special circumstances of specific cases into
market and marine & offshore industry, providing a full range account. ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation places great value
of products and systems for the thermal and firesafe upon continuous development of products, to the extent that
insulation of technical applications. Besides sustainable we too continuously work to improve our products without
products we offer reliable expert advice, from documentation prior notice. We therefore recommend that you use the most
to delivery and after sales service. Throughout the whole chain recent edition of our publications, as our wealth of experience
from specifier, through dealer to contractor and installer we and knowledge is always growing. Should you require related
aim to add value. We dont just sell products, we supply information for your specific application or have any technical
solutions. Its this total approach that makes us the ideal queries, please contact our sales department or visit our
choice for professionalism, innovation and trust. website www.rockwool-rti.com


The ROCKWOOL Group is the worlds leading supplier of The ROCKWOOL Group was founded in 1909 and insulation
innovative products and systems based on stone wool. production started in 1937. The Groups head office is located
We create sustainable solutions to protect life, assets, and close to Copenhagen. In 2014, the Group generated net sales
the environment today and tomorrow. of EUR 2,180.4 million. The company is listed on the NASDAQ
Copenhagen stock exchange.
Stone wool is a versatile material based on one of natures
most abundant resources. It forms the basis of the following The Groups operations have a large presence in Europe and
ROCKWOOL Group businesses: building insulation; industrial we also have facilities in Russia, North America, India and
& technical insulation for process industry, marine and East Asia. Our more than 11,000 employees in more than
offshore; acoustic ceiling systems; exterior cladding; horticul- 35 countries cater for customers in a large part of the world.
tural substrate solutions; engineered fibers; noise and
vibration control. For more information, please visit www.rockwool.com.

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

Delfstoffenweg 2
NL-6045 JH Roermond
Tel. +31 (0) 475 35 36 18
Fax +31 (0) 475 35 36 01
E-mail: info-rti@rockwool.nl

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

is part of ROCKWOOL International A/S

ROCKWOOL, SeaRox and ProRox are registered trademarks of ROCKWOOL International.

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation reserves the right to change the information in this brochure
without prior notice.

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