5.example All Solution Filled
5.example All Solution Filled
5.example All Solution Filled
WT - Underbody Defect Rate before - 1 (at Final Line)
Operator did not follow main Repetative and Continuous attention is required
step of tightening the joint Operator forgets to perform the job.
monotonous Activity
Principles Question to be asked to the process Solution
Effectivness Cost Implementation SPN
Can we automate the process? Automation of the ABS joints tightening with special machine 3 1 1 3
Can we provide supporting tools like Provide check list after tightening of all joints on ABS block 1 2 2 4
Can we simplify changes/differences in the operations? Provide marking on each joint which is visible only after tightening 2 1 1 2
(standardization, code matching, etc)
Facilitatation Can we distinct changes/differences in the operations? Colour each joint with red paint to diffrenciate after tightening 1 1 2 2
(color coding, unique shape, etc.)
Can We adjust the properties of the operations which suits NA
human beings?
Can we record the motion of the earlier operation and
verify it before starting the next operation
Marking to be done after each joint tightening 1 3 3 9
Can we restrict the motion in such way that it will notice
Detection NA
the abnormility?
Can we verify the results before starting the next Install poka yoke to verify the tightening of each joint by taking
operation ? feedback from electric runner 3 2 2 12
(sensing shape/state/quality of work)
Can we make function parelle(Redundant)?(Additional
Give check point to checkman 1 3 3 9
Can we incorporate some shock absorbing
Mitigation NA
materail/equipment?(Like Fuse)
Can we make unsafe conditions more safer so as to not to NA
produce the defects?(Protection)
Solution Implementation
Sr.No Actions Resp Date Status
1 Install poka yoke to verify the tightening of each joint by taking feedback from electric runner Vitthal 30.09.11 Closed
Common Examples Principle
1 2 wheelers stand indicator Verify and indicate abnormility
2 Luggage compartment of air craft with mirror Facilitaion
3 Master or duplicate key at reception of a hotel Redundancy
4 Forget to switch off lights in a hotel , key mechanism Verify and indicate
5 Electric sockets Restrict motion
6 Low battery indicator of a laptop Record, verify and indicate abnormility
7 Sleep timer for a AC or TV Redundancy ???
8 To Do list Support system
dicate abnormility