w200 Science Lesson Plan
w200 Science Lesson Plan
w200 Science Lesson Plan
This will lead into the powerpoint. This powerpoint is going to be shown in class and the students
should take notes on the lesson. Questions by students are encouraged and make sure that the
students do understand what you are teaching.
Then, the Paul Andersen video and worksheet will be handed out to do as homework for the next
After this, the other worksheets will be given out and it will be an in class work day. They can use
their notes and their resources to finish these worksheets, and they can work with other people
to understand the information further.
On the last day, students should turn in their worksheets and then they will be put into groups of
3-4. Each group will build their own protein, and then share with other groups. The students will
check each others work and find inaccuracies in proteins, and give recommendations on how to
fix them
These proteins will then be checked by the instructor, and the groups will be given credit based
on the job that they did building the protein.
Lesson Main:
Day one:
Students will be assigned the edpuzzle to go home and do. This is just a basic overview of
protein folding, and it will prepare them for the information that they will be learning over the next
couple of days.
Day Two:
Students will watch the Jurassic Park video in class and then we will discuss things that they
learned, or incorrect information that they heard in the video.
After going thru disclaimers about the Jurassic Park video, we will go straight into the powerpoint
slideshow, where the students will be asked to take notes. During the slideshow, any questions
from the edpuzzle will be sure to be addressed.
After the slideshow, we will show a brief video showing the history of DNA and how its structure
was discovered.
We will then pass out the first worksheets which will be due by tomorrows class. We will give
them the worksheet and the video, which goes along with the worksheet.
Day three:
The rest of the worksheets will be passed out this day, and it will be an in class work day so that
the students have the opportunity to work with each other and the opportunity to ask questions
to the instructor, if need be.
Lesson Ending:
Day Four:
The end of this lesson will be the students showcasing their knowledge of the information they
just learned by doing the DNA worksheet. The next class period will be devoted to building each
groups protein from a modelling kit and then presenting their proteins to the class.
By doing this, students are showing that they know the way that proteins fold, and the
importance of protein folding. They can share their proteins that theyve built with other groups,
and they can check each others work, correcting each other if anything they see doesnt match
or look correct.
TOTAL: -/12
Resources / Artifacts:
Ed puzzle with video on transcription and translation due before class: (John)
Powerpoint Presentation on Central Dogma: (John and Elizabeth)
Video on history of DNA:
Paul Andersen: Transcription and translation- Sarah
Worksheet (Sarah)
Translate and transcribe a gene:
Build your own protein from DNA code for homework and presentation in next class
This section should describe how you could to differentiate your lesson for learners with diverse
needs. Some ideas would be to offer differentiated solutions for English Language Learners,
students with mobility challenges, students on the autism spectrum, students with emotional or
behavioral challenges, students with auditory or visual impairments, gifted students, etc. You
should address
Anticipated Difficulties:
With any technical difficulties, most of the lecture can be taught via whiteboard or chalkboard
with the outline of the notes.