Structural Design Criteria: 5.1 Reference Document

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Chapter 5



The following reference document shall be used for loads other than earthquake and for
combinations of loads as indicated in this chapter:
ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7, 1998
5.2.1 General: The seismic analysis and design procedures to be used in the design of buildings
and other structures and their components shall be as prescribed in this chapter.
The structure shall include complete lateral- and vertical-force-resisting systems capable of
providing adequate strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation capacity to withstand the design
ground motions within the prescribed limits of deformation and strength demand. The design
ground motions shall be assumed to occur along any direction of the structure. The adequacy of
the structural systems shall be demonstrated through construction of a mathematical model and
evaluation of this model for the effects of the design ground motions. Unless otherwise required,
this evaluation shall consist of a linear elastic analysis in which design seismic forces are
distributed and applied throughout the height of the structure in accordance with the procedures
in Sec. 5.3 or Sec. 5.4. The corresponding structural deformations and internal forces in all
members of the structure shall be determined and evaluated against acceptance criteria contained
in the Provisions. Approved alternative procedure based on general principles of engineering
mechanics and dynamics are permitted to be used to establish the seismic forces and their
distribution. If an alternative procedure is used, the corresponding internal forces and de-
formations in the members shall be determined using a model consistent with the procedure
Individual members shall be provided with adequate strength to resist the shears, axial forces,
and moments determined in accordance with the Provisions, and connections shall develop the
strength of the connected members or the forces indicated above. The deformation of the
structure shall not exceed the prescribed limits.
A continuous load path, or paths, with adequate strength and stiffness shall be provided to
transfer all forces from the point of application to the final point of resistance. The foundation
shall be designed to accommodate the forces developed or the movements imparted to the
structure by the design ground motions. In the determination of the foundation design criteria,
special recognition shall be given to the dynamic nature of the forces, the expected ground
motions, and the design basis for strength and energy dissipation capacity of the structure.
5.2.2 Basic Seismic-Force-Resisting Systems: The basic lateral and vertical seismic-force-
resisting system shall conform to one of the types indicated in Table 5.2.2 subject to the

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

limitations on height based on Seismic Design Category indicated in the table. Each type is
subdivided by the types of vertical element used to resist lateral seismic forces. The appropriate
response modification coefficient, R, system overstrength factor, S0, and deflection amplification
factor, Cd, indicated in Table 5.2.2 shall be used in determining the base shear, element design
forces, and design story drift as indicated in the Provisions.
Seismic-force-resisting systems that are not contained in Table 5.2.2 shall be permitted if
analytical and test data are submitted that establish the dynamic characteristics and demonstrate
the lateral force resistance and energy dissipation capacity to be equivalent to the structural
systems listed in Table 5.2.2 for equivalent response modification coefficient, R, system o-
verstrength coefficient, S0, and deflection amplification factor, Cd, values.
Special framing requirements are indicated in Sec. 5.2.6 and in Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 for
structures assigned to the various Seismic Design Categories. Dual System: For a dual system, the moment frame shall be capable of resisting at least
25 percent of the design forces. The total seismic force resistance is to be provided by the
combination of the moment frame and the shear walls or braced frames in proportion to their
rigidities. Combinations of Framing Systems: Different seismic-force-resisting systems are
permitted along the two orthogonal axes of the structure. Combinations of seismic-force-
resisting systems shall comply with the requirements of this section. R and S0 Factors: The response modification coefficient, R, in the direction under
consideration at any story shall not exceed the lowest response modification factor, R, for the
seismic-force-resisting system in the same direction considered above that story excluding
penthouses. For other than dual systems where a combination of different structural systems is
utilized to resist lateral forces in the same direction, the value of R used in that direction shall not
be greater than the least value of any of the systems utilized in the same direction. If a system
other than a dual system with a response modification coefficient, R, with a value of less than 5 is
used as part of the seismic-force-resisting system in any direction of the structure, the lowest
such value shall be used for the entire structure. The system overstrength factor, S0, in the
direction under consideration at any story shall not be less than the largest value of this factor for
the seismic-force-resisting system in the same direction considered above that story.
1. Supported structural systems with a weight equal to or less than 10 percent of the
weight of the structure.
2. Detached one- and two-family dwellings of light-frame construction. Combination Framing Detailing Requirements: The detailing requirements of Sec.
5.2.6 required by the higher response modification coefficient, R, shall be used for structural
components common to systems having different response modification coefficients. Seismic Design Categories B and C: The structural framing system for structures
assigned to Seismic Design Categories B and C shall comply with the structure height and
structural limitations in Table 5.2.2.

Table 5.2.2 Design Coefficients and Factors for Basic Seismic-Force-Resisting Systems
Basic Seismic-Force-Resisting System Detailing Response System Over- Deflection System Limitations and Building Height Limit-
Reference Modifi- strength Fac- Ampli- ations (ft) by Seismic Design Categoryc
Section cation Co- tor, S0 g fication
efficient, Ra Factor, Cdb B C Dd Ee Fe

Bearing Wall Systems

Ordinary steel concentrically braced frames -- Light 8.6 4 2 3 NL NL 65 65 65

framed wall

Special reinforced concrete shear walls 5 2 5 NL NL 160 160 100

Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls 4 2 4 NL NL NP NP NP
Detailed plain concrete shear walls 2 2 2 NL NL NP NP NP
Ordinary plain concrete shear walls 1 2 1 NL NP NP NP NP
Special reinforced masonry shear walls 11.11.5 3 2 3 NL NL 160 160 100
Intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls 11.11.4 2 2 2 NL NL NP NP NP
Ordinary reinforced masonry shear walls 11.11.3 2 2 1 NL NP NP NP NP
Detailed plain masonry shear walls 11.11.2 2 2 1 NL 160 NP NP NP
Ordinary plain masonry shear walls 11.11.1 1 2 1 NL NP NP NP NP
Light frame walls with shear panels 8.6, 12.3.4, 6 3 4 NL NL 65 65 65
Building Frame Systems

Steel eccentrically braced frames, moment resisting, AISC Seismic, 8 2 4 NL NL 160 160 100
connections at columns away from links Part I, Sec. 15

Steel eccentrically braced frames, nonmoment re- AISC Seismic, 7 2 4 NL NL 160 160 100
sisting, connections at columns away from links Part I, Sec. 15

Basic Seismic-Force-Resisting System Detailing Response System Over- Deflection System Limitations and Building Height Limit-
Reference Modifi- strength Fac- Ampli- ations (ft) by Seismic Design Categoryc
Section cation Co- tor, S0 g fication
efficient, Ra Factor, Cdb B C Dd Ee Fe

Special steel concentrically braced frames AISC Seismic, 6 2 5 NL NL 160 160 100
Part I, Sec. 13

Ordinary steel concentrically braced frames 8.4.4; AISC 5 2 4 NL NL 35k 35k NPk

Special reinforced concrete shear walls 6 2 5 NL NL 160 160 100

Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls 5 2 4 NL NL NP NP NP
Detailed plain concrete shear walls 3 2 2 NL NL NP NP NP
Ordinary plain concrete shear walls 2 2 2 NL NP NP NP NP
Composite eccentrically braced frames AISC Seismic, 8 2 4 NL NL 160 160 100
Part II, Sec. 14

Composite concentrically braced frames AISC Seismic, 5 2 4 NL NL 160 160 100

Part II, Sec. 13

Ordinary composite braced frames AISC Seismic, 3 2 3 NL NL NP NP NP

Part II, Sec. 12

Composite steel plate shear walls AISC Seismic, 6 2 5 NL NL 160 160 100
Part II, Sec. 17

Special composite reinforced concrete shear walls AISC Seismic, 6 2 5 NL NL 160 160 100
with steel elements Part II, Sec. 16

Ordinary composite reinforced concrete shear walls AISC Seismic. 5 2 4 NL NL NP NP NP

with steel elements Part II, Sec. 15

Special reinforced masonry shear walls 11.11.5 4 2 4 NL NL 160 160 100

Intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls 11.11.4 3 2 2 NL NL NP NP NP
Ordinary reinforced masonry shear walls 11.11.3 2 2 2 NL NP NP NP NP

Basic Seismic-Force-Resisting System Detailing Response System Over- Deflection System Limitations and Building Height Limit-
Reference Modifi- strength Fac- Ampli- ations (ft) by Seismic Design Categoryc
Section cation Co- tor, S0 g fication
efficient, Ra Factor, Cdb B C Dd Ee Fe

Detailed plain masonry shear walls 11.11.2 2 2 2 NL 160 NP NP NP

Ordinary plain masonry shear walls 11.11.1 1 2 1 NL NP NP NP NP
Light frame walls with shear panels 8.6, 12.3.4, 7 2 4 NL NL 160 160 160
Moment Resisting Frame Systems

Special steel moment frames AISC Seismic, 8 3 5 NL NL NL NL NL

Part I, Sec. 9

Special steel truss moment frames AISC Seismic, 7 3 5 NL NL 160 100 NP

Part I, Sec. 12

Intermediate steel moment frames AISC Seismic, 4. 3 4 NL NL 35i NPi,j NPi,j

Part I, Sec. 10

Ordinary steel moment frames AISC Seismic, 3 3 3 NL NL NPi,j NP i,j NP i,j

Part I, Sec. 11

Special reinforced concrete moment frames 8 3 5 NL NL NL NL NL

Intermediate reinforced concrete moment frames 5 3 4 NL NL NP NP NP
Ordinary reinforced concrete moment frames 3 3 2 NL NP NP NP NP
Special composite moment frames AISC Seismic, 8 3 5 NL NL NL NL NL
Part II, Sec. 9

Intermediate composite moment frames AISC Seismic, 5 3 4 NL NL NP NP NP

Part II, Sec. 10

Composite partially restrained moment frames AISC Seismic, 6 3 5 160 160 100 NP NP
Part II, Sec. 8

Ordinary composite moment frames AISC Seismic, 3 3 2 NL NP NP NP NP

Part II, Sec. 11

Basic Seismic-Force-Resisting System Detailing Response System Over- Deflection System Limitations and Building Height Limit-
Reference Modifi- strength Fac- Ampli- ations (ft) by Seismic Design Categoryc
Section cation Co- tor, S0 g fication
efficient, Ra Factor, Cdb B C Dd Ee Fe

Special masonry moment frames 11.2 5 3 5 NL NL 160 160 100

Dual Systems with Special Moment Frames Capable of Resisting at Least 25% of Prescribed Seismic Forces

Steel eccentrically braced frames, moment resisting AISC 8 2 4 NL NL NL NL NL

connections, at columns away from links Seismic,Part I,
Sec. 15

Steel eccentrically braced frames, non-moment AISC Seismic, 7 2 4 NL NL NL NL NL

resisting connections, at columns away from links Part I, Sec. 15

Special steel concentrically braced frames AISC Seismic, 8 2 6 NL NL NL NL NL

Part I, Sec. 13

Special reinforced concrete shear walls 8 2 6 NL NL NL NL NL

Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls 7 2 6 NL NL NP NP NP
Composite eccentrically braced frames AISC Seismic, 8 2 4 NL NL NL NL NL
Part II, Sec. 14

Composite concentrically braced frames AISC Seismic, 6 2 5 NL NL NL NL NL

Part II, Sec. 13

Composite steel plate shear walls AISC Seismic, 8 2 6 NL NL NL NL NL

Part II, Sec. 17

Special composite reinforced concrete shear walls AISC Seismic, 8 2 6 NL NL NL NL NL

with steel elements Part II, Sec. 16

Ordinary composite reinforced concrete shear walls AISC Seismic, 7 2 6 NL NL NP NP NP

with steel elements Part II, Sec. 15

Special reinforced masonry shear walls 11.11.5 7 3 6 NL NL NL NL NL

Intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls 11.11.4 6 3 5 NL NL NL NP NP
Dual Systems with Intermediate Moment Frames Capable of Resisting at Least 25% of Prescribed Seismic Forces

Basic Seismic-Force-Resisting System Detailing Response System Over- Deflection System Limitations and Building Height Limit-
Reference Modifi- strength Fac- Ampli- ations (ft) by Seismic Design Categoryc
Section cation Co- tor, S0 g fication
efficient, Ra Factor, Cdb B C Dd Ee Fe

Special steel concentrically braced frames f AISC Seismic, 4 2 4 NL NL 35i NPi,j NPi,j
Part I, Sec. 13

Special reinforced concrete shear walls 6 2 5 NL NL 160 100 100

Ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls 5 2 4 NL NL NP NP NP
Ordinary reinforced masonry shear walls 11.11.3 3 3 2 NL 160 NP NP NP
Intermediate reinforced masonry shear walls 11.11.4 5 3 4 NL NL 160 NP NP
Composite concentrically braced frames AISC Seismic, 5 2 4 NL NL 160 100 NP
Part II, Sec. 13

Ordinary composite braced frames AISC Seismic, 4 2 3 NL NL NP NP NP

Part II, Sec. 12

Ordinary composite reinforced concrete shear walls AISC Seismic, 5 2 4 NL NL NP NP NP

with steel elements Part II, Sec. 15

Inverted Pendulum Systems and Cantilevered Column Systems

Special steel moment frames AISC Seismic, 2 2 2 NL NL NL NL NL

Part I, Sec. 9

Ordinary steel moment frames AISC Seismic, 1 2 2 NL NL NP NP NP

Part I, Sec. 11

Special reinforced concrete moment frames 2 2 1 NL NL NL NL NL

Structural Steel Systems Not Specifically Detailed AISC-ASD, 3 3 3 NL NL NP NP NP
for Seismic Resistance AISC-LRFD,

Response modification coefficient, R, for use throughout the Provisions.
Deflection amplification factor, Cd, for use in Sec. and
NL = not limited and NP = not permitted. If using metric units, 100 ft approximately equals 30
m and 160 ft approximately equals 50 m. Heights are measured from the base of the structure as
defined in Sec. 2.1.
See Sec. for a description of building systems limited to buildings with a height of 240
ft (70 m) or less.
See Sec. for building systems limited to buildings with a height of 160 ft (50 m) or less.
An ordinary moment frame is permitted to be used in lieu of an Intermediate moment frame in
Seismic Design Categories B and C.
The tabulated value of the overstrength factor, S0, may be reduced by subtracting for
structures with flexible diaphragms but shall not be taken as less than 2 for any structure.
Steel ordinary moment frames and intermediate moment frames are permitted in single-story
buildings up to a height of 60 ft when the moment joints of field connections are constructed of
bolted end plates and the dead load of the roof does not exceed 15 psf.
Steel ordinary moment frames are permitted in buildings up to a height of 35 ft where the dead
load of the walls, floors, and roofs does not exceed 15 psf.
Steel ordinary braced frames are permitted in single-story buildings up to a height of 60 ft when
the dead load of the roof does not exceed 15 psf and in penthouse structures.

Structural Design Criteria Seismic Design Categories D and E: The structural framing system for a structure
assigned to Seismic Design Categories D and E shall comply with Sec. and the additional
requirements of this section. Limited Building Height: The height limit in Table 5.2.2 is permitted to be increased
to 240 ft (70 m) in buildings that have steel braced frames or concrete cast-in-place shear walls.
Such buildings shall be configured such that the braced frames or shear walls arranged in any
one plane conform to the following:
1. The braced frames or cast-in-place special reinforced concrete shear walls in any one plane
shall resist no more than 60 percent of the total seismic forces in each direction, neglecting
torsional effects, and
2. The seismic force in any braced frame or shear wall resulting from torsional effects shall not
exceed 20 percent of the total seismic force in that braced frame or shear wall. Interaction Effects: Moment frames that are enclosed or adjoined by more rigid
elements not considered to be part of the seismic-force-resisting system shall be designed so that
the action or failure of those elements will not impair the vertical load and seismic-force-resisting
capability of the frame. The design shall consider and provide for the effect of these rigid
elements on the structural system at structure deformations corresponding to the design story
drift, ), as determined in Sec. 5.4.6. In addition, the effects of these elements shall be considered
when determining whether a structure has one or more of the irregularities defined in Sec. 5.2.3. Deformational Compatibility: Every structural component not included in the
seismic-force-resisting system in the direction under consideration shall be designed to be
adequate for the vertical load-carrying capacity and the induced moments and shears resulting
from the design story drift, ), as determined in accordance with Sec. 5.4.6 (also see Sec. 5.2.7).
Exception: Beams and columns and their connections not designed as part of the lateral-
force-resisting system but meeting the detailing requirements for either intermediate
moment frames or special moment frames are permitted to be designed to be adequate for
the vertical load-carrying capacity and the induced moments and shears resulting from the
deformation of the building under the application of the design seismic forces.
When determining the moments and shears induced in components that are not included in the
seismic-force-resisting system in the direction under consideration, the stiffening effects of
adjoining rigid structural and nonstructural elements shall be considered and a rational value of
member and restraint stiffness shall be used. Special Moment Frames: A special moment frame that is used but not required by
Table 5.2.2 is permitted to be discontinued and supported by a more rigid system with a lower
response modification coefficient, R, provided the requirements of Sec. and
are met. Where a special moment frame is required by Table 5.2.2, the frame shall be continuous
to the foundation.

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5 Seismic Design Category F: The framing systems of buildings assigned to Seismic
Design Category F shall conform to the requirements of Sec. for Seismic Design
Categories D and E and to the additional requirements and limitations of this section. The height
limitation of Sec. shall be reduced from 240 ft to 160 ft (70 to 50 m).
5.2.3 Structure Configuration: Structures shall be classified as regular or irregular based upon
the criteria in this section. Such classification shall be based on the plan and vertical configura-
tion. Diaphragm Flexibility: Diaphragms constructed of untopped steel decking, wood
structural panels, or similar panelized construction shall be considered flexible in structures
having concrete or masonry shear walls. Diaphragms constructed of wood structural panels
shall be considered rigid in light-frame structures using structural panels for lateral load
resistance. Diaphragms of other types shall be considered flexible when the maximum lateral
deformation of the diaphragm is more than two times the average story drift of the associated
story. The loadings used for this calculation shall be those prescribed by Sec. 5.4 Plan Irregularity: Structures having one or more of the features listed in Table
shall be designated as having plan structural irregularity and shall comply with the requirements
in the sections referenced in Table Vertical Irregularity: Structures having one or more of the features listed in Table shall be designated as having vertical irregularity and shall comply with the requirements
in the sections referenced in Table
1. Structural irregularities of Types 1a, 1b, or 2 in Table do not apply where no
story drift ratio under design lateral load is greater than 130 percent of the story drift
ratio of the story immediately above. Torsional effects need not be considered in the
calculation of story drifts for the purpose of this determination. The story drift ratio
relationship for the top two stories of the structure are not required to be evaluated.
2. Irregularities Types 1a, 1b, and 2 of Table are not required to be considered
for one-story structures or for two-story structures in Seismic Design Categories A,
B, C, or D.

Structural Design Criteria

TABLE Plan Structural Irregularities

Irregularity Type and Description Reference Design
Section Category
1a Torsional Irregularity to be considered when dia- D, E, and F
phragms are not flexible
Torsional irregularity shall be considered to exist when
the maximum story drift, computed including accidental 5.4.4 C, D, E, and F
torsion, at one end of the structure transverse to an axis is
more than 1.2 times the average of the story drifts at the
two ends of the structure.
1b Extreme Torsional Irregularity -- to be considered D, E, and F
when diaphragms are not flexible
Extreme torsional irregularity shall be considered to exist
when the maximum story drift, computed including 5.4.4 C, D, E, and F
accidental torsion, at one end of the structure transverse
to an axis is more than 1.4 times the average of the story E and F
drifts at the two ends of the structure.
2 Re-entrant Corners D, E, and F
Plan configurations of a structure and its lateral-force-re-
sisting system contain re-entrant corners where both
projections of the structure beyond a re-entrant corner are
greater than 15 percent of the plan dimension of the
structure in the given direction.
3 Diaphragm Discontinuity D, E, and F
Diaphragms with abrupt discontinuities or variations in
stiffness including those having cutout or open areas
greater than 50 percent of the gross enclosed diaphragm
area or changes in effective diaphragm stiffness of more
than 50 percent from one story to the next.
4 Out-of-Plane Offsets D, E, and F
Discontinuities in a lateral force resistance path such as
out-of-plane offsets of the vertical elements. B, C, D, E, and
5 Nonparallel Systems C, D, E, and F
The vertical lateral-force-resisting elements are not
parallel to or symmetric about the major orthogonal axes
of the lateral-force-resisting system.

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

TABLE Vertical Structural Irregularities

Irregularity Type and Description Reference Design
Section Category
1a Stiffness Irregularity Soft Story D, E, and F
A soft story is one in which the lateral stiffness is less
than 70 percent of that in the story above or less than
80 percent of the average stiffness of the three stories
1b Stiffness Irregularity--Extreme Soft Story D, E, and F
An extreme soft story is one in which the lateral
stiffness is less than 60 percent of that in the story E and F
above or less than 70 percent of the average stiffness
of the three stories above.
2 Weight (Mass) Irregularity
Mass irregularity shall be considered to exist where the D, E, and F
effective mass of any story is more than 150 percent of
the effective mass of an adjacent story. A roof that is
lighter than the floor below need not be considered.
3 Vertical Geometric Irregularity
Vertical geometric irregularity shall be considered to D, E, and F
exist where the horizontal dimension of the lateral-
force-resisting system in any story is more than 130
percent of that in an adjacent story.
4 In-Plane Discontinuity in Vertical Lateral-Force
Resisting Elements D, E, and F
An in-plane offset of the lateral-force-resisting ele-
ments greater than the length of those elements or a B, C, D, E, and
reduction in stiffness of the resisting element in the F
story below. D, E, and F
5 Discontinuity in Capacity Weak Story B, C, D, E, and
A weak story is one in which the story lateral strength F
is less than 80 percent of that in the story above. The
story strength is the total strength of all seismic-resist- D, E, and F
ing elements sharing the story shear for the direction
under consideration. E and F

Structural Design Criteria

5.2.4 Redundancy: A reliability factor, D, shall be assigned to all structures based on the extent
of structural redundancy inherent in the lateral-force-resisting system. Seismic Design Categories A, B, and C: For structures in Seismic Design Categories
A, B and C, the value of D may be taken as 1.0. Seismic Design Category D: For structures in Seismic Design Category D, D shall be
taken as the largest of the values of Dx calculated at each story of the structure x in accordance
with Eq.

Dx ' 2 &
rmax Ax

rmaxx = the ratio of the design story shear resisted by the single element carrying the most
shear force in the story to the total story shear for a given direction of loading.
For braced frames, the value of rmaxx is equal to the lateral force component in the
most heavily loaded brace element divided by the story shear. For moment
frames, rmaxx shall be taken as the maximum of the sum of the shears in any two
adjacent columns in the plane of a moment frame divided by the story shear. For
columns common to two bays with moment resisting connections on opposite
sides at the level under consideration, 70 percent of the shear in that column may
be used in the column shear summation. For shear walls, rmaxx shall be taken
equal to the maximum ratio, rix, calculated as the shear in each wall or wall pier
multiplied by 10/lw (the metric coefficient is 3.3/lw), where lw is the wall or wall
pier length in feet (m) divided by the story shear and where the ratio 10/lw need
not be taken greater than 1.0 for buildings of light frame construction. For dual
systems, rmaxx shall be taken as the maximum value as defined above considering
all lateral-load-resisting elements in the story. The lateral loads shall be dis-
tributed to elements based on relative rigidities considering the interaction of the
dual system. For dual systems, the value of D need not exceed 80 percent of the
value calculated above.
Ax = the floor area in square feet of the diaphragm level immediately above the story.
The value of D need not exceed 1.5, which is permitted to be used for any structure. The value of
D shall not be taken as less than 1.0.
Exception: For structures with lateral-force-resisting systems in any direction comprised
solely of special moment frames, the lateral-force-resisting system shall be configured
such that the value of D calculated in accordance with this section does not exceed 1.25.
The metric equivalent of Eq. is:

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

Dx ' 2 &
rmax Ax

where Ax is in square meters. Seismic Design Categories E and F: For structures in Seismic Design Categories E
and F, the value of D shall be calculated as indicated in Section, above.
Exception: For structures with lateral-force-resisting systems in any direction comprised
solely of special moment frames, the lateral-force-resisting system shall be configured
such that the value of D calculated in accordance with Sec. does not exceed 1.1.
5.2.5 Structural Analysis: A structural analysis conforming to one of the types permitted in
Section shall be made for all structures. Application of loading shall be as indicated in
Sec. and as required by the selected analysis procedure. All members of the structures
seismic-force-resisting system and their connections shall have adequate strength to resist the
forces, QE, predicted by the analysis in combination with other loads as required by Sec. 5.2.7.
Drifts predicted by the analysis shall be within the limits specified by Sec. 5.2.8. If a nonlinear
analysis is performed, component deformation demands shall not exceed limiting values as
indicated in Sec.
Exception: For structures in Seismic Design Category A, drift need not be evaluated. Analysis Procedures: The structural analysis required by Sec. 5.2.5 shall consist of one
of the types permitted in Table based on the structures Seismic Design Category,
structural system, dynamic properties, and regularity or, with the approval of the authority having
jurisdiction, an alternative generally accepted procedure shall be permitted to be used. Application of Loading: The directions of application of seismic forces used in the
design shall be those that will produce the most critical load effects. It shall be permitted to
satisfy this requirement using the procedures of Sec. for Seismic Design Category A or
B, Sec. for Seismic Design Category C, and Sec. for Seismic Design Category
D, E, or F. Seismic Design Category A or B: For structures assigned to Seismic Design
Category A or B, the design seismic forces are permitted to be applied separately in each of two
orthogonal directions and orthogonal interaction effects may be neglected.

TABLE Permitted Analytical Procedures

Seismic Index Force Equivalent Modal Re- Linear Nonlinear

Design Analysis, Lateral sponse Response Response
Category Structural Characteristics Sec. 5.3 Force Anal- Spectrum History History
ysis, Sec. Analysis, Analysis, Analysis,
5.4 Sec. 5.5 Sec. 5.6 Sec. 5.7
A Regular or irregular P P P P P
B, C Regular or irregular NP P P P P
D, E, F Regular structures with T < 3.5Ts NP P P P P
and all structures of light frame
Irregular structures with T < 3.5Ts NP P P P P
and having only plan irregularities
Type 2, 3, 4, or 5 Table or
vertical irregularities Type 4 or 5 of
Irregular structures with T < 3.5Ts NP NP P P P
and having either plan irregularities
Type 1a or 1b of Table or
vertical irregularities Type 1a or
1b, 2, or 3 of Table
All other structures NP NP P P P
Notes: P indicates permitted; NP indicates not permitted.

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5 Seismic Design Category C: Loading applied to structures assigned to Seismic

Design Category C shall, as a minimum, conform to the requirements of Sec. for
Seismic Design Categories A and B and the requirements of this section. Structures that have
plan structural irregularity Type 5 in Table shall be analyzed for seismic forces using a
three-dimensional representation and either of the following procedures:
a. The structure shall be analyzed using the equivalent lateral force analysis procedure of Sec.
5.4, the modal response spectrum analysis procedure of Sec. 5.5, or the linear response
history analysis procedure of Sec. 5.6 as permitted under Sec. with the loading
applied independently in any two orthogonal directions. The most critical load effect due to
direction of application of seismic forces on the structure may be assumed to be satisfied if
components and their foundations are designed for the following combination of prescribed
loads: 100 percent of the forces for one direction plus 30 percent of the forces for the
perpendicular direction; the combination requiring the maximum component strength shall be
b. The structure shall be analyzed using the linear response history analysis procedure of Sec.
5.6 or the nonlinear response history analysis procedure of Sec. 5.7 as permitted by Sec. with simultaneous application of ground motion in each of two orthogonal directions. Seismic Design Category D, E, or F: Structures assigned to Seismic Design Category
D, E, or F shall be designed for the most critical load effect due to application of seismic forces
in any direction. Either of the procedures of Sec. shall be permitted to be used to satisfy
this requirement. Two-dimensional analysis shall be permitted to be used where diaphragms are
flexible and the structure does not have plan structural irregularity Type 5 of Table
5.2.6 Design and Detailing Requirements: The design and detailing of the components of the
seismic-force-resisting system shall comply with the requirements of this section. Foundation
design shall conform to the applicable requirements of Chapter 7. The materials and the systems
composed of those materials shall conform to the requirements and limitations of Chapters 8
through 12 for the applicable category. Seismic Design Category A: The design and detailing of structures assigned to Seismic
Design Category A shall comply with the requirements of this section. Connections: All parts of the structure between separation joints shall be inter-
connected, and the connections shall be capable of transmitting the seismic force, Fp, induced by
the parts being connected. Any smaller portion of the structure shall be tied to the remainder of
the structure with elements having a strength of 0.133 times the short period design spectral
response acceleration coefficient, SDS, times the weight of the smaller portion or 5 percent of the
portion's weight, whichever is greater.
A positive connection for resisting a horizontal force acting parallel to the member shall be
provided for each beam, girder, or truss to its support. The connection shall have a minimum
strength of 5 percent of the dead load and live load reaction. Anchorage of Concrete or Masonry Walls: Concrete and masonry walls shall be
anchored to the roof and all floors and to members that provide lateral support for the wall or
which are supported by the wall. The anchorage shall provide a direct connection between the

Structural Design Criteria

walls and the roof or floor construction. The connections shall be capable of resisting a seismic
lateral force, Fp, induced by the wall of 400 times the short period design spectral response
acceleration coefficient, SDS, in pounds per lineal ft (5840 times SDS in N/m ) of wall multiplied
by the occupancy importance factor, I. Walls shall be designed to resist bending between
anchors where the anchor spacing exceeds 4 ft (1.2 m). Seismic Design Category B: Structures assigned to Seismic Design Category B shall
conform to the requirements of Sec. for Seismic Design Category A and the requirements
of this section. P-Delta Effects: P-delta effects shall be included as required by Sec. Openings: Where openings occur in shear walls, diaphragms or other plate-type
elements, reinforcement at the edges of the openings shall be designed to transfer the stresses
into the structure. The edge reinforcement shall extend into the body of the wall or diaphragm a
distance sufficient to develop the force in the reinforcement. Discontinuities in Vertical System: Structures with a discontinuity in lateral
capacity, vertical irregularity Type 5 as defined in Table, shall not be over 2 stories or 30
ft (9 m) in height where the "weak" story has a calculated strength of less than 65 percent of the
strength of the story above.
Exception: The height limitation shall not apply when the "weak" story is capable of
resisting a total seismic force equal to 75 percent of the deflection amplification factor,
Cd, times the design force prescribed in Sec. 5.3. Nonredundant Systems: The design of a structure shall consider the potentially
adverse effect that the failure of a single member, connection, or component of the seismic-force-
resisting system would have on the stability of the structure. Collector Elements: Collector elements shall be provided that are capable of transfer-
ring the seismic forces originating in other portions of the structure to the element providing the
resistance to those forces. Diaphragms: The deflection in the plane of the diaphragm, as determined by en-
gineering analysis, shall not exceed the permissible deflection of the attached elements.
Permissible deflection shall be a deflection that permits the attached element to maintain its
structural integrity under the individual loading and to continue to support the prescribed loads.
Floor and roof diaphragms shall be designed to resist the following seismic forces: A minimum
force equal to 20 percent of the short period design spectral response acceleration, SDS, times the
weight of the diaphragm and other elements of the structure attached thereto plus the portion of
the seismic shear force at that level, Vx, required to be transferred to the components of the ver-
tical seismic-force-resisting system because of offsets or changes in stiffness of the vertical
components above and below the diaphragm.
Diaphragms shall provide for both the shear and bending stresses resulting from these forces.
Diaphragms shall have ties or struts to distribute the wall anchorage forces into the diaphragm.
Diaphragm connections shall be positive, mechanical, or welded type connections.

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5 Bearing Walls: Exterior and interior bearing walls and their anchorage shall be de-
signed for a force equal to 40 percent of the short period design spectral response acceleration,
SDS, times the weight of wall, Wc, normal to the surface, with a minimum force of 10 percent of
the weight of the wall. Interconnection of wall elements and connections to supporting framing
systems shall have sufficient ductility, rotational capacity, or strength to resist shrinkage, thermal
changes, and differential foundation settlement when combined with seismic forces. Inverted Pendulum-Type Structures: Supporting columns or piers of inverted
pendulum-type structures shall be designed for the bending moment calculated at the base deter-
mined using the procedures given in Sec. 5.3 and varying uniformly to a moment at the top equal
to one-half the calculated bending moment at the base. Anchorage of Nonstructural Systems: When required by Chapter 6, all portions or
components of the structure shall be anchored for the seismic force, Fp, prescribed therein. Columns Supporting Discontinuous Walls or Frames: Columns supporting
discontinuous walls or frames of structures having plan irregularity Type 4 of Table or
vertical irregularity Type 4 of Table shall have the design strength to resist the maximum
axial force that can develop in accordance with the special combination of loads of Sec. Seismic Design Category C: Structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C shall
conform to the requirements of Sec. for Seismic Design Category B and to the re-
quirements of this section. Collector Elements: Collector elements shall be provided that are capable of
transferring the seismic forces originating in other portions of the structure to the element
providing the resistance to those forces. Collector elements, splices, and their connections to
resisting elements shall resist the of Sec.
Exception: In structures or portions thereof braced entirely by light frame shear walls,
collector elements, splices, and connections to resisting elements are permitted to be
designed to resist forces in accordance with Eq.
The quantity S0E in Eq. need not exceed the maximum force that can be transferred to
the collector by the diaphragm and other elements of the lateral-force-resisting system. Anchorage of Concrete or Masonry Walls: Concrete or masonry walls shall be
anchored to all floors, roofs, and members that provide out-of-plane lateral support for the wall
or that are supported by the wall. The anchorage shall provide a positive direct connection
between the wall and the floor, roof, or supporting member capable of resisting the horizontal
forces specified in this section for structures with flexible diaphragms or of Sec. 6.1.3 for
structures with diaphragms that are not flexible.
Anchorage of walls to flexible diaphragms shall have the strength to develop the out-of-plane
force given by Eq.

Fp ' 1.2 SDS I Wp (

Structural Design Criteria

Fp = the design force in the individual anchors,
SDS = the design spectral response acceleration at short periods in accordance with Sec.,
I = the occupancy importance factor in accordance with Sec. 1.4, and
Wp = the weight of the wall tributary to the anchor.
Diaphragms shall be provided with continuous ties or struts between diaphragm chords to
distribute these anchorage forces into the diaphragms. Added chords are permitted to be used to
form subdiaphragms to transmit the anchorage forces to the main continuous cross-ties. The
maximum length to width ratio of the structural subdiaphragm shall be 2-1/2 to 1. Connections
and anchorages capable of resisting the prescribed forces shall be provided between the di-
aphragm and the attached components. Connections shall extend into the diaphragm a sufficient
distance to develop the force transferred into the diaphragm.
In wood diaphragms, the continuous ties shall be in addition to the diaphragm sheathing.
Anchorage shall not be accomplished by use of toe nails or nails subject to withdrawal nor shall
wood ledgers of framing be used in cross-grain bending or cross-grain tension. The diaphragm
sheathing shall not be considered as effectively providing the ties or struts required by this
In metal deck diaphragms, the metal deck shall not be used as the continuous ties required by
this section in the direction perpendicular to the deck span.
Diaphragm-to-wall anchorage using embedded straps shall be attached to or hooked around the
reinforcing steel or otherwise terminated so as to effectively transfer forces to the reinforcing
steel. Seismic Design Category D: Structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D shall
conform to the requirements of Sec. for Seismic Design Category C and to the re-
quirements of this section. Collector Elements: Collector elements shall be provided that are capable of
transferring the seismic forces originating in other portions of the structure to the element
providing the resistance to those forces. Collector elements, splices, and their connections to
resisting elements shall resist the forces determined in accordance with Eq. In
addition, collector elements, splices, and their connections to resisting elements shall have the
design strength to resist the earthquake loads defined in the special load combination of Sec.
Exception: In structures or portions thereof braced entirely by light shear walls,
collector elements, splices, and connections to resisting elements are permitted to be
designed to resist forces in accordance with Eq.
The quantity S0E in Eq. need not exceed the maximum force that can be transferred to
the collector by the diaphragm and other elements of the lateral-force-resisting system.

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5 Plan or Vertical Irregularities: The design shall consider the potential for adverse
effects when the ratio of the strength provided in any story to the strength required is sig-
nificantly less than that ratio for the story immediately above and the strengths shall be adjusted
to compensate for this effect.
For structures having a plan structural irregularity of Type 1a, 1b, 2, 3, or 4 in Table or a
vertical structural irregularity of Type 4 in Table, the design forces determined from Sec.
5.4.1 shall be increased 25 percent for connections of diaphragms to vertical elements and to
collectors and for connections of collectors to the vertical elements. Collectors also shall be
designed for these increased forces unless subject to the requirements of Sec. or Sec.
8.6.2. Vertical Seismic Forces: The vertical component of earthquake ground motion shall
be considered in the design of horizontal cantilever and horizontal prestressed components. The
load combinations used in evaluating such components shall include E as defined by Eq. 5.2.7-1
and 5.2.7-2. Horizontal cantilever structural components shall be designed for a minimum net
upward force of 0.2 times the dead load in addition to the applicable load combinations of Sec.
5.2.7. Diaphragms: Diaphragms shall be designed to resist design seismic forces de-
termined in accordance with Eq. as follows:

3 Fi
i ' x
Fpx ' w px (
3 wi
i ' x

Fpx = the diaphragm design force,
Fi = the design force applied to Level i,
wi = the weight tributary to Level I, and
wpx = the weight tributary to the diaphragm at Level x.
The force determined from Eq. need not exceed 0.4SDSIwpx but shall not be less than
0.2SDSIwpx. When the diaphragm is required to transfer design seismic forces from the vertical-
resisting elements above the diaphragm to other vertical-resisting elements below the diaphragm
due to offsets in the placement of the elements or to changes in relative lateral stiffness in the
vertical elements, these forces shall be added to those determined from Eq. Seismic Design Categories E and F: Structures assigned to Seismic Design Categories
E and F shall conform to the requirements of Sec. for Seismic Design Category D and to
the requirements of this section.

Structural Design Criteria Plan or Vertical Irregularities: Structures having plan irregularity Type 1b of Table or vertical irregularities Type 1b or 5 of Table shall not be permitted.
5.2.7 Combination of Load Effects: The effects on the structure and its components due to
gravity loads and seismic forces shall be combined in accordance with the factored load
combinations as presented in ASCE7- 98 except that the effect of seismic loads, E, shall be as
defined herein.
The effect of seismic load E shall be defined by Eq. 5.2.7-1 as follows for load combinations in
which the effects of gravity loads and seismic loads are additive:

E ' DQE % 0.2 SDS D (5.2.7-1)

E = the effect of horizontal and vertical earthquake-induced forces,
SDS = the design spectral response acceleration at short periods obtained from Sec.
D = the effect of dead load,
D = the reliability factor, and
QE = the effect of horizontal seismic forces.
The effect of seismic load E shall be defined by Eq. 5.2.7-2 as follows for load combinations in
which the effects of gravity counteract seismic load:

E ' DQE & 0.2 SDS D (5.2.7-2)

where E, D, QE, SDS, and D are as defined above. Special Combination of Loads: When specifically required by the Provisions, the
design seismic force on components sensitive to the effects of structural overstrength shall be as
defined by Eq. and when seismic load is, respectively, additive or
counteractive to the gravity forces as follows:

E ' S0 QE % 0.2 SDS D (

E ' S0 QE & 0.2 SDS D (

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

where E, QE, SDS, and D are as defined above and S0 is the system overstrength factor as given in
Table 5.2.2. The term S0QE calculated in accordance with Eq. and need not
exceed the maximum force that can develop in the element as determined by a rational plastic
mechanism analysis or nonlinear response analysis utilizing realistic expected values of material
Exception: The special load combination of Eq. need not apply to the design of
components in structures in Seismic Design Category A.
5.2.8 Deflection and Drift Limits: The design story drift, ), as determined in Sec. 5.3.7 or
5.4.6 shall not exceed the allowable story drift, )a, as obtained from Table 5.2.8 for any story.
For structures with significant torsional deflections, the maximum drift shall include torsional
effects. All portions of the structure shall be designed and constructed to act as an integral unit
in resisting seismic forces unless separated structurally by a distance sufficient to avoid damaging
contact under total deflection, *x , as determined in Sec.

TABLE 5.2.8 Allowable Story Drift, )a a (in. or mm)

Seismic Use Group
Structure I II III
Structures, other than masonry shear wall or 0.025 hsx b 0.020 hsx 0.015 hsx
masonry wall frame structures, four stories or
less in height with interior walls, partitions, ceil-
ings, and exterior wall systems that have been
designed to accommodate the story drifts
Masonry cantilever shear wall structures c 0.010 hsx 0.010 hsx 0.010 hsx

Other masonry shear wall structures 0.007 hsx 0.007 hsx 0.007 hsx

Masonry wall frame structures 0.013 hsx 0.013 hsx 0.010 hsx

All other structures 0.020 hsx 0.015 hsx 0.010 hsx

hsx is the story height below Level x.
There shall be no drift limit for single-story structures with interior walls, partitions, ceilings, and exterior
wall systems that have been designed to accommodate the story drifts.
Structures in which the basic structural system consists of masonry shear walls designed as vertical
elements cantilevered from their base or foundation support which are so constructed that moment transfer
between shear walls (coupling) is negligible.

Structural Design Criteria

5.3 INDEX FORCE ANALYSIS PROCEDURE: An index force analysis shall consist of the
application of static lateral index forces to a linear mathematical model of the structure in-
dependently in each of two orthogonal directions. For purposes of analysis, the structure shall be
considered to be fixed at the base. The lateral index forces shall be as given by Eq. 5.3 and shall
be applied simultaneously at each floor level:

Fx ' 0.01 w x (5.3)

Fx = the design lateral force applied at Story x,
wx = the portion of the total gravity load of the structure, W, located or assigned to Level x,
W = the total dead load and applicable portions of other loads listed below:
1. In areas used for storage, a minimum of 25 percent of the floor live load shall be
applicable. Floor live load in public garages and open parking structures is not
2. Where an allowance for partition load is included in the floor load design, the
actual partition weight or a minimum weight of 10 psf (500 Pa/m2) of floor area,
whichever is greater, shall be applicable.
3. Total operating weight of permanent equipment.
4. In areas where the design flat roof snow load does not exceed 30 pounds per
square ft, the effective snow load is permitted to be taken as zero. In areas where
the design snow load is greater than 30 pounds per square ft and where siting and
load duration conditions warrant and when approved by the authority having
jurisdiction, the effective snow load is permitted to be reduced to not less than 20
percent of the design snow load.
5.4 EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE: An equivalent lateral force analysis
shall consist of the application of equivalent static lateral forces to a linear mathematical model
of the structure. The directions of application of lateral forces shall be as indicated in Sec. The lateral forces applied in each direction shall sum to a total seismic base shear given
by Sec. 5.4.1 and shall be distributed vertically in accordance with Sec. 5.4.3. For purposes of
analysis, the structure shall be considered fixed at the base.
5.4.1 Seismic Base Shear: The seismic base shear, V, in a given direction shall be determined
in accordance with the following equation:

V ' Cs W (5.4.1)

Cs = the seismic response coefficient determined in accordance with Sec. and

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

W = the total dead load and applicable portions of other loads as defined in Sec. 5.3. Calculation of Seismic Response Coefficient: The seismic response coefficient, Cs,
shall be determined in accordance with the following equation:

Cs ' (

SDS = the design spectral response acceleration in the short period range as determined
from Sec.,
R = the response modification factor from Table 5.2.2, and
I = the occupancy importance factor determined in accordance with Sec. 1.4.
The value of the seismic response coefficient computed in accordance with Eq. need not
exceed the following:

Cs ' (

where I and R are as defined above and

SD1 = the design spectral response acceleration at a period of 1.0 second as determined
from Sec.,
T = the fundamental period of the structure (sec) determined in Sec. 5.4.2, and
S1 = the mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration
determined in accordance with Sec. 4.1.
Cs shall not be taken less than:
C s ' 0.044 I SDS (

For structures in Seismic Design Categories E and F, the value of the seismic response co-
efficient, Cs, shall not be taken less than:
0.5 S1
Cs ' (

For regular structures 5 stories or less in height and having a period, T, of 0.5 seconds or less, the
seismic response coefficient, Cs, shall be permitted to be calculated using values of 1.5 and 0.6,

Structural Design Criteria

respectively, for the mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations, SS
and S1.
A soil-structure interaction reduction is permitted when determined using Sec. 5.8 or other
generally accepted procedures approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
5.4.2 Period Determination: The fundamental period of the building, T, in the direction under
consideration shall be established using the structural properties and deformational characteris-
tics of the resisting elements in a properly substantiated analysis. The fundamental period, T, so
calculated, shall not exceed the product of the coefficient for the upper limit on calculated period,
Cu, from Table 5.4.2 and the approximate fundamental period, Ta, calculated in accordance with
Sec. The approximate period formulae of Sec. is permitted to be used directly as
an alternative to performing an analysis to determine the fundamental period of the building, T.

TABLE 5.4.2 Coefficient for Upper Limit on Calculated Period

Design Spectral
Response Acceleration at 1 Second, SD1 Coefficient Cu
Greater than or equal to 0.4 1.4
0.3 1.4
0.2 1.5
0.15 1.6
0.1 1.7
Less than or equal to 0.05 1.7 Approximate Fundamental Period: The approximate fundamental period, Ta, in

seconds, shall be determined from the following equation:

Ta ' C r hn (

where hn is the height (ft or m) above the base to the highest level of the structure and the values
of Cr and x shall be determined from Table

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

TABLE Values of Approximate Period Parameters Cr and x

Structure Type COT x

Moment resisting frame systems of steel in which the 0.028 0.8
frames resist 100 percent of the required seismic force (metric 0.0724)
and are not enclosed or adjoined by more rigid com-
ponents that will prevent the frames from deflecting when
subjected to seismic forces.
Moment resisting frame systems of reinforced concrete in 0.016 0.9
which the frames resist 100 percent of the required seis- (metric 0.0466)
mic force and are not enclosed or adjoined by more rigid
components that will prevent the frames from deflecting
when subjected to seismic forces.
Eccentrically braced steel frames 0.03 0.75
(metric 0.0731)
All other structural systems 0.02 0.75
(metric 0.0488)

Alternatively, the approximate fundamental period, Ta, in seconds, is permitted to be determined

from the following equation for concrete and steel moment resisting frame structures not
exceeding 12 stories in height and having a minimum story height of 10 ft (3 m):

Ta ' 0.1 N (

where N = number of stories.

The approximate fundamental period, Ta, in seconds, for masonry or concrete shear wall
structures is permitted to be determined from the following equation:

0.0019 0.0062
Ta ' hn Ta ' hn (

where Cw is a coefficient related to the effective shear wall area and hn is as defined above. The
coefficient Cw shall be calculated from the following equation:

n hn Ai
Cw '
AB i ' 1 hi 2 (
1 % 0.83

Structural Design Criteria

AB = the base area of the structure (ft2. or m2),
Ai = the area of shear wall i (ft2. or m2),
Di = the length of shear wall i (ft or m),
hi = the height of shear wall i (ft or m), and
n = the number of shear walls in the building effective in resisting lateral forces in the
direction under consideration.
5.4.3 Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces: The lateral force, Fx (kip or kN), induced at any
level shall be determined from the following equations:

Fx ' Cvx V (5.4.3-1)

w x hx
Cvx '
3 wi h i

Cvx = vertical distribution factor,
V = total design lateral force or shear at the base of the structure (kip or kN),
wi and wx = the portion of the total gravity load of the structure, W, located or assigned to
Level i or x,
hi and hx = the height (ft or m) from the base to Level i or x, and
k = an exponent related to the structure period as follows:
For structures having a period of 0.5 seconds or less, k = 1
For structures having a period of 2.5 seconds or more, k = 2
For structures having a period between 0.5 and 2.5 seconds, k shall be 2 or
shall be determined by linear interpolation between 1 and 2
5.4.4 Horizontal Shear Distribution: The seismic design story shear in any story, Vx (kip or
kN), shall be determined from the following equation:
V x ' 3 Fi (5.4.4)

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

where Fi = the portion of the seismic base shear, V (kip or kN), induced at Level i.
The seismic design story shear, Vx (kip or kN), shall be distributed to the various vertical
elements of the seismic-force-resisting system in the story under consideration based on the
relative lateral stiffnesses of the vertical-resisting elements and the diaphragm. Inherent Torsion: The distribution of lateral forces at each level shall consider the
effect of the inherent torsional moment, Mt (kip"ft or kN"m), resulting from eccentric location of
the masses. Accidental Torsion: In addition to the inherent torsional moment, the distribution of
lateral forces also shall include accidental torsional moments, Mta (kip"ft or kN"m), caused by an
assumed displacement of the mass each way from its actual location by a distance equal to 5
percent of the dimension of the structure perpendicular to the direction of the applied forces. Dynamic Amplification of Torsion: For structures of Seismic Design Categories C, D,
E and F where Type 1a or 1b torsional irregularity exists as defined in Table, the effects
of torsional irregularity shall be accounted for by multiplying the sum of Mt plus Mta at each level
by a torsional amplification factor, Ax, determined from the following equation:
Ax ' (
1.2 *avg

*max = the maximum displacement at Level x (in. or mm) and
*avg = the average of the displacements at the extreme points of the structure at Level x
(in. or mm).
The torsional amplification factor, Ax, is not required to exceed 3.0. The more severe loading for
each element shall be considered for design.
5.4.5 Overturning: The structure shall be designed to resist overturning effects caused by the
seismic forces determined in Sec. 5.3.4. At any story, the increment of overturning moment in
the story under consideration shall be distributed to the various vertica- force-resisting elements
in the same proportion as the distribution of the horizontal shears to those elements.
The overturning moments at Level x, Mx (kip"ft or kN"m), shall be determined from the following
Mx ' 3 Fi (hi & hx ) (5.4.5)
i & x


Structural Design Criteria

Fi = the portion of the seismic base shear, V, induced at Level i and

hi and hx = the height (ft or m) from the base to Level i or x,
The foundations of structures, except inverted pendulum-type structures, shall be permitted to be
designed for three-fourths of the foundation overturning design moment, Mf (kip"ft or kN"m),
determined using Eq. 5.4.5 at the foundation-soil interface.
5.4.6 Drift Determination and P-Delta Effects: Story drifts and, where required, member
forces and moments due to P-delta effects shall be determined in accordance with this section.
Determination of story drifts shall be based on the application of the design seismic forces to a
mathematical model of the physical structure. The model shall include the stiffness and strength
of all elements that are significant to the distribution of forces and deformations in the structure
and shall represent the spatial distribution of the mass and stiffness of the structure. In addition,
the model shall comply with the following:
1. Stiffness properties of reinforced concrete and masonry elements shall consider the effects of
cracked sections and
2. For steel moment resisting frame systems, the contribution of panel zone deformations to
overall story drift shall be included. Story Drift Determination: The design story drift, ), shall be computed as the
difference of the deflections at the center of mass at the top and bottom of the story under
Exception: For structures of Seismic Design Categories C, D, E and F having plan
irregularity Type 1a or 1b of Table, the design story drift, ), shall be computed
as the largest difference of the deflections along any of the edges of the structure at the
top and bottom of the story under consideration.
The deflections of Level x, *x (in. or mm), shall be determined in accordance with following

C d *xe
*x ' (

Cd = the deflection amplification factor in Table 5.2.2,
*xe = the deflections determined by an elastic analysis (in. or mm), and
I = the occupancy importance factor determined in accordance with Sec. 1.4.
The elastic analysis of the seismic-force-resisting system shall be made using the prescribed
seismic design forces of Sec. 5.4.3. For the purpose of this section, the value of the base shear,
V, used in Eq. 5.3.2 need not be limited by the value obtained from Eq.

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

For determining compliance with the story drift limitation of Sec. 5.2.8, the deflections of Level
x, *x (in. or mm), shall be calculated as required in this section. For purposes of this drift
analysis only, it is permissible to use the computed fundamental period, T (secs), of the structure
without the upper bound limitation specified in Sec. 5.4.2 when determining drift level seismic
design forces.
Where applicable, the design story drift, ) (in. or mm), shall be increased by the incremental
factor relating to the P-delta effects as determined in Sec. P-Delta Effects: P-delta effects on story shears and moments, the resulting member
forces and moments, and the story drifts induced by these effects are not required to be con-
sidered when the stability coefficient, 2, as determined by the following equation is equal to or
less than 0.10:

Px )
2 ' (
Vx hsx C d

Px = the total vertical design load at and above Level x (kip or kN). When calculating
the vertical design load for purposes of determining P-delta, the individual load
factors need not exceed 1.0.
) = the design story drift occurring simultaneously with Vx (in. or mm).
Vx = the seismic shear force acting between Level x and x - 1 (kip or kN).
hsx = the story height below Level x (in. or mm).
Cd = the deflection amplification factor in Table 5.2.2.
The stability coefficient, 2, shall not exceed 2max determined as follows:

2max ' # 0.25 (
$ Cd

where $ is the ratio of shear demand to shear capacity for the story between Levels x and x - 1.
This ratio is permitted to be conservatively taken as 1.0.
When the stability coefficient, 2, is greater than 0.10 but less than or equal to 2max, the in-
cremental factor related to P-delta effects, ad, shall be determined by rational analysis (see Part 2,
Commentary). To obtain the story drift for including the P-delta effects, the design story drift
determined in Sec. shall be permitted to be multiplied by 1.0/(1 - 2).
When 2 is greater than 2max, the structure is potentially unstable and shall be redesigned.
spectrum analysis shall consist of the analysis of a linear mathematical model of the structure to

Structural Design Criteria

determine the maximum accelerations, forces, and displacements resulting from the dynamic
response to ground shaking represented by the design response spectrum. The analysis shall be
performed in accordance with the requirements of this section. For purposes of analysis, the
structure shall be permitted to be considered to be fixed at the base or, alternatively, it shall be
permitted to use realistic assumptions with regard to the stiffness of foundations. The symbols
used in this section have the same meaning as those for similar terms used in Sec. 5.4 but with
the subscript m denoting quantities relating to the mth mode.
5.5.1 Modeling: A mathematical model of the structure shall be constructed that represents the
spatial distribution of mass and stiffness throughout the structure. For regular structures with
independent orthogonal seismic-force-resisting systems, independent two-dimensional models
are permitted to be constructed to represent each system. For irregular structures or structures
without independent orthogonal systems, a three-dimensional model incorporating a minimum of
three dynamic degrees of freedom consisting of translation in two orthogonal plan directions and
torsional rotation about the vertical axis shall be included at each level of the structure. Where
the diaphragms are not rigid compared to the vertical elements of the lateral-force-resisting
system, the model should include representation of the diaphragms flexibility and such
additional dynamic degrees of freedom as are required to account for the participation of the
diaphragm in the structures dynamic response. In addition, the model shall comply with the
1. Stiffness properties of concrete and masonry elements shall consider the effects of cracked
sections and
2. The contribution of panel zone deformations to overall story drift shall be included for steel
moment frame resisting systems.
5.5.2 Modes: An analysis shall be conducted to determine the natural modes of vibration for the
structure including the period of each mode, the modal shape vector N, the modal participation
factor, and modal mass. The analysis shall include a sufficient number of modes to obtain a
combined modal mass participation of at least 90 percent of the actual mass in each of two
orthogonal directions.
5.5.3 Modal Properties: The required periods, mode shapes, and participation factors of the
structure shall be calculated by established methods of structural analysis for the fixed-base
condition using the masses and elastic stiffnesses of the seismic-force-resisting system.
5.5.4 Modal Base Shear: The portion of the base shear contributed by the mth mode, Vm, shall
be determined from the following equations:

Vm ' Csm Wm (5.5.4-1)

3 wi Nim
Wm ' (5.5.4-2)
3 w i Nim

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

Csm = the modal seismic response coefficient as determined by Eq. 5.5.4-3,
Wm = the effective modal gravity load including portions of the live load as defined in
Sec. 5.3,
wi = the portion of the total gravity load of the structure at Level i, and
Nim = the displacement amplitude at the ith level of the structure when vibrating in its
mth mode.
The modal seismic response coefficient, Csm, shall be determined in accordance with the
following equation:

C sm ' (5.5.4-3)

Sam = The design spectral response acceleration at period Tm determined from either the
general design response spectrum of Sec. or a site-specific response
spectrum determined in accordance with Sec. 4.1.3,
R = the response modification factor determined from Table 5.2.2,
I = the occupancy importance factor determined in accordance with Sec. 1.4, and
Tm = the modal period of vibration (in seconds) of the mth mode of the structure.
1. When the general design response spectrum of Sec. is used for structures on
Site Class D, E or F soils, the modal seismic design coefficient, Csm, for modes other
than the fundamental mode that have periods less than 0.3 seconds is permitted to be
determined by the following equation:
where SDS is as defined in Sec. and R, I, and Tm are as defined above.

0.4 S DS
Csm ' ( 1.0 % 5.0 Tm) (5.5.4-4)

2. When the general design response spectrum of Sec. is used for structures
where any modal period of vibration, Tm, exceeds 4.0 seconds, the modal seismic
design coefficient, Csm, for that mode is permitted to be determined by the following

Structural Design Criteria

4 S D1
C sm ' (5.5.4-5)

where R, I, and Tm are as defined above and and SD1 is the design spectral response
acceleration at a period of 1 second as determined in Sec.
The reduction due to soil-structure interaction as determined in Sec. 5.8.3 shall be permitted to
be used.
5.5.5 Modal Forces, Deflections, and Drifts: The modal force, Fxm, at each level shall be
determined by the following equations:

Fxm ' C vxm Vm (5.5.5-1)


w x Nxm
Cvxm '
n (5.5.5-2)
3 w i Nim

Cvxm = the vertical distribution factor in the mth mode,
Vm = the total design lateral force or shear at the base in the mth mode,
wi, wx = the portion of the total gravity load, W, located or assigned to Level i or x,
Nxm = the displacement amplitude at the xth level of the structure when vibrating in
its mth mode, and
Nim = the displacement amplitude at the ith level of the structure when vibrating in
its mth mode.
The modal deflection at each level, *xm, shall be determined by the following equations:

C d *xem
*xm ' (5.5.5-3)


2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

g T m Fxm
*xem ' (5.5.5-4)
4B2 wx

Cd = the deflection amplification factor determined from Table 5.2.2,
*xem = the deflection of Level x in the mth mode at the center of the mass at Level x
determined by an elastic analysis,
g = the acceleration due to gravity (ft/s2 or m/s2),
I = the occupancy importance factor determined in accordance with Sec. 1.4,
Tm = the modal period of vibration, in seconds, of the mth mode of the structure,
Fxm = the portion of the seismic base shear in the mth mode, induced at Level x, and
wx = the portion of the total gravity load of the structure, W, located or assigned to
Level x.
The modal drift in a story, )m, shall be computed as the difference of the deflections, *xm, at the
top and bottom of the story under consideration.
5.5.6 Modal Story Shears and Moments: The story shears, story overturning moments, and
the shear forces and overturning moments in vertical elements of the structural system at each
level due to the seismic forces determined from the appropriate equation in Sec. 5.5.5 shall be
computed for each mode by linear static methods.
5.5.7 Design Values: The design value for the modal base shear, Vt; each of the story shear,
moment, and drift quantities; and the deflection at each level shall be determined by combining
their modal values as obtained from Sec. 5.5.5 and 5.5.6. The combination shall be carried out
by taking the square root of the sum of the squares of each of the modal values or by the
complete quadratic combination technique. The complete quadratic combination shall be used
where closely spaced periods in the translational and torsional modes will result in cross-
correlation of the modes.
A base shear, V, shall be calculated using the equivalent lateral force procedure in Sec. 5.4. For
the purpose of this calculation, the fundamental period of the structure, T (sec), shall not exceed
the coefficient for upper limit on the calculated period, Cu, times the approximate fundamental
period of the structure, Ta. Where the design value for the modal base shear, Vt, is less than 85
percent of the calculated base shear, V, using the equivalent lateral force procedure, the design
story shears, moments, drifts, and floor deflections shall be multiplied by the following
modification factor:

0.85 (

Structural Design Criteria

V = the equivalent lateral force procedure base shear calculated in accordance with Sec.
5.4 and
Vt = the modal base shear calculated in accordance with this section.
Where soil-structure interaction in accordance with Sec. 5.8 is considered, the reduced value of V
calculated in accordance with that section may be used for V in Eq.
5.5.8 Horizontal Shear Distribution: The horizontal distribution of shear shall be in ac-
cordance with the requirements of Sec. 5.4.4 except that amplification of torsion per Sec. is not required for that portion of the torsion included in the dynamic analysis model.
5.5.9 Foundation Overturning: The foundation overturning moment at the foundation-soil
interface shall be permitted to be reduced by 10 percent.
5.5.10 P-Delta Effects: The P-delta effects shall be determined in accordance with Sec. 5.4.6.
The story drifts and story shears shall be determined in accordance with Sec.
analysis shall consist of an analysis of a linear mathematical model of the structure to determine
its response, through methods of numerical integration, to suites of ground motion acceleration
histories compatible with the design response spectrum for the site. The analysis shall be
performed in accordance with the provisions of this section. For the purposes of analysis, the
structure shall be permitted to be considered to be fixed at the base or, alternatively, it shall be
permitted to use realistic assumptions with regard to the stiffness of foundations.
5.6.1 Modeling: Mathematical models shall conform to the requirements of Sec. 5.5.1.
5.6.2 Ground Motion: A suite of not less than three appropriate ground motions shall be used
in the analysis. Ground motion shall conform to the requirements of this section. Two-Dimensional Analysis: When two-dimensional analyses are performed, each
ground motion shall consist of a horizontal acceleration history selected from an actual recorded
event. Appropriate acceleration histories shall be obtained from records of events having
magnitudes, fault distances, and source mechanisms that are consistent with those that control the
maximum considered earthquake. Where the required number of appropriate recorded ground
motion records are not available, appropriate simulated ground motion records shall be used to
make up the total number required. The ground motions shall be scaled such that the average
value of the 5 percent damped response spectra for the suite of motions is not less than the design
response spectrum for the site determined in accordance with Sec. 4.1.3 for periods ranging from
0.2T to 1.5T seconds where T is the natural period of the structure in the fundamental mode for
the direction of response being analyzed. Three-Dimensional Analysis: When three-dimensional analysis is performed, ground
motions shall consist of pairs of appropriate horizontal ground motion acceleration components
that shall be selected and scaled from individual recorded events. Appropriate ground motions
shall be selected from events having magnitudes, fault distances, and source mechanisms that are
consistent with those that control the maximum considered earthquake. Where the required

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

number of recorded ground motion pairs are not available, appropriate simulated ground motion
pairs shall be used to make up the total number required. For each pair of horizontal ground
motion components, the square root of the sum of the squares (SRSS) of the 5 percent damped
response spectrum of the scaled horizontal components shall be constructed. Each pair of
motions shall be scaled such that the average value of the SRSS spectra from all horizontal
component pairs is not less than 1.3 times the 5 percent damped design response spectrum
determined in accordance with Sec. 4.1.3 for periods ranging from 0.2T to 1.5T seconds where T
is the natural period of the fundamental mode of the structure.
5.6.3 Response Parameters: For each ground motion analyzed, the individual response
parameters shall be scaled by the quantity I/R where I is the occupancy importance factor
determined in accordance with Sec. 1.4 and R is the response modification coefficient selected in
accordance with Sec. 5.2.2. The maximum value of the base shear, Vj, member forces, QEj, and
the interstory drifts, *ij, at each story scaled as indicated above shall be determined. When the
maximum scaled base shear predicted by the analysis, Vj, is less than given by Eq. or, in
Seismic Design Categories E and F, Eq., the scaled member forces, QEj, shall be
additionally scaled by the factor V/Vj where V is the minimum base shear determined in accor-
dance with Eq. or, for structures in Seismic Design Category E or F, Eq.
If at least seven ground motions are analyzed, the design member forces, QE, used in the load
combinations of Sec. 5.2.7 and the design interstory drift, ), used in the evaluation of drift in
accordance with Sec. 5.2.8 shall be permitted to be taken, respectively, as the average of the
scaled QEj and *ij values determined from the analyses and scaled as indicated above. If less than
seven ground motions are analyzed, the design member forces, QE, and the design interstory drift,
), shall be taken as the maximum value of the scaled QEj and *ij values determined from the
Where the Provisions require the consideration of the special load combinations of Sec.,
the value of S0QE need not be taken larger than the maximum of the unscaled value, QEj,
obtained from the suite of analyses.
response history analysis shall consist of an analysis of a mathematical model of the structure
that directly accounts for the nonlinear hysteretic behavior of the structure's components to
determine its response, through methods of numerical integration, to suites of ground motion
acceleration histories compatible with the design response spectrum for the site. The analysis
shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of this section.
5.7.1 Modeling: A mathematical model of the structure shall be constructed that represents the
spatial distribution of mass throughout the structure. The hysteretic behavior of elements shall
be modeled consistent with suitable laboratory test data and shall account for all significant
yielding, strength degradation, stiffness degradation, and hysteretic pinching indicated by such
test data. Strength of elements shall be based on expected values considering material over-
strength, strain hardening, and hysteretic strength degradation. Linear properties consistent with
the provisions of Sec. 5.5.1 shall be permitted to be used for those elements demonstrated by the
analysis to remain within their linear range of response. The structure shall be assumed to have a
fixed base or, alternatively, it shall be permitted to use realistic assumptions with regard to the

Structural Design Criteria

stiffness and load carrying characteristics of the foundations consistent with site-specific soils
data and rational principles of engineering mechanics.
For regular structures with independent orthogonal seismic-force-resisting systems, independent
two-dimensional models shall be permitted to be constructed to represent each system. For
structures having plan irregularity Type 1a, 1b, 4, or 5 of Table or structures without
independent orthogonal systems, a three-dimensional model incorporating a minimum of three
dynamic degrees of freedom consisting of translation in two orthogonal plan directions and
torsional rotation about the vertical axis at each level of the structure shall be used. Where the
diaphragms are not rigid compared to the vertical elements of the lateral-force-resisting system,
the model shall include representation of the diaphragm's flexibility and such additional dynamic
degrees of freedom as are required to account for the participation of the diaphragm in the
structure's dynamic response.
5.7.2 Ground Motion and Other Loading: Ground motion shall conform to the requirements
of Sec. 5.6.2. The structure shall be analyzed for the effects of these ground motions simul-
taneously with the effects of dead load in combination with not less than 25 percent of the
required live loads.
5.7.3 Response Parameters: For each ground motion analyzed, individual response parameters
consisting of the maximum value of the individual member forces, QEj, member inelastic
deformations, (j, and interstory drifts, *ij, at each story shall be determined.
If at least seven ground motions are analyzed, the design values of member forces, QE, member
inelastic deformations, (i, and interstory drift, ) , shall be taken, respectively, as the average of
the scaled QEj, (i, and *i values determined from the analyses. If less than seven ground motions
are analyzed, the design member forces, QE, design member inelastic deformations, (i and the
design interstory drift, ), shall be taken as the maximum value of the scaled QEj, (j, and *ij values
determined from the analyses. Member Strength: The adequacy of members to resist the load combinations of Sec
5.2.7 need not be evaluated.
Exception: Where the Provisions requires the consideration of the special load com-
binations of Sec., the maximum value of QEj obtained from the suite of analyses
shall be taken in place of the quantity S0QE. Member Deformation:. The adequacy of individual members and their connections to
withstand the design deformation values, (i, predicted by the analyses shall be evaluated based
on laboratory test data for similar components. The effects of gravity and other loads on member
deformation capacity shall be considered in these evaluations. Member deformation shall not
exceed two thirds of the value that results in loss of ability to carry gravity loads or that results in
deterioration of member strength to less than the 67 percent of the peak value. Interstory Drift: The design interstory drift obtained from the analyses shall not exceed
125 percent of the drift limit specified in Sec. 5.2.8.
5.7.4 Design Review: A design review of the seismic-force-resisting system and the structural
analysis shall be performed by an independent team of registered design professionals in the

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

appropriate disciplines and others experienced in seismic analysis methods and the theory and
application of nonlinear seismic analysis and structural behavior under extreme cyclic loads. The
design review shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Review of any site-specific seismic criteria employed in the analysis including the develop-
ment of site-specific spectra and ground motion time histories,
2. Review of acceptance criteria used to demonstrate the adequacy of structural elements and
systems to withstand the calculated force and deformation demands, together with that
laboratory and other data used to substantiate these criteria,
3. Review of the preliminary design including the determination of the target displacement of
the structure and the margins remaining beyond these displacements, and
4. Review of the final design of the entire structural system and all supporting analyses.
5.8.1 General: The requirements set forth in this section are permitted to be used to incorporate
the effects of soil-structure interaction in the determination of the design earthquake forces and
the corresponding displacements of the structure. The use of these requirements will decrease
the design values of the base shear, lateral forces, and overturning moments but may increase the
computed values of the lateral displacements and the secondary forces associated with the
P-delta effects.
The requirements for use with the equivalent lateral force procedure are given in Sec. 5.8.2 and
those for use with the modal analysis procedure are given in Sec. 5.8.3.
5.8.2 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure: The following requirements are supplementary to
those presented in Sec. 5.4. Base Shear: To account for the effects of soil-structure interaction, the base shear, V,
determined from Eq. 5.4.1-1 may be reduced to:

V ' V & )V (

The reduction, )V, shall be computed as follows:

)V ' Cs & C s W (

Cs = the seismic response coefficient computed from Eq. using the fundamental
natural period of the fixed-base structure (T or Ta) as specified in Sec.5.4.2,
Cs = the seismic response coefficient computed from Eq. using the fundamental
natural period of the flexibly supported structure ( T ) defined in Sec.,

Structural Design Criteria

B = the fraction of critical damping for the structure-foundation system determined in

Sec., and
W = the effective gravity load of the structure, which shall be taken as 0.7W, except that
for structures where the gravity load is concentrated at a single level, it shall be taken
equal to W.
The reduced base shear, V , shall in no case be taken less than 0.7V. Effective Building Period: The effective period, T , shall be determined as follows:

k Ky h 2
T'T 1 % 1 % (
Ky K2

T = the fundamental period of the structure as determined in Sec. 5.4.2;
k = the stiffness of the structure when fixed at the base, defined by the following:

k ' 4B2 (
gT 2

h = the effective height of the structure, which shall be taken as 0.7 times the total
height, hn, except that for structures where the gravity load is effectively concen-
trated at a single level, it shall be taken as the height to that level;
Ky = the lateral stiffness of the foundation defined as the horizontal force at the level of
the foundation necessary to produce a unit deflection at that level, the force and
the deflection being measured in the direction in which the structure is analyzed;
K2 = the rocking stiffness of the foundation defined as the moment necessary to
produce a unit average rotation of the foundation, the moment and rotation being
measured in the direction in which the structure is analyzed; and
g = the acceleration of gravity.
The foundation stiffnesses, Ky and K2, shall be computed by established principles of foundation
mechanics (see the Commentary) using soil properties that are compatible with the soil strain
levels associated with the design earthquake motion. The average shear modulus, G, for the soils
beneath the foundation at large strain levels and the associated shear wave velocity, vs, needed in
these computations shall be determined from Table where:
vso = the average shear wave velocity for the soils beneath the foundation at small strain
levels (10-3 percent or less),
Go = (v2so/g = the average shear modulus for the soils beneath the foundation at small
strain levels, and

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

( = the average unit weight of the soils.

TABLE Values of G/Go and vs/vso

Peak Ground
Acceleration, (g)
# 0.10 # 0.15 0.20 $ 0.30
Value of G/Go 0.81 0.64 0.49 0.42
Value of vs/vso 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.65

Alternatively, for structures supported on mat foundations that rest at or near the ground surface
or that are embedded in such a way that the side wall contact with the soil cannot be considered
to remain effective during the design ground motion, the effective period of the structure may be
determined from:

25" r a h 1.12r ah 2
T ' T 1 % 1 % (
2 3
vs T 2 "2r m

" = the relative weight density of the structure and the soil defined by:

" ' (5
( Ao h

ra and rm = characteristic foundation lengths defined by:

ra ' (

4 Io
rm ' (

Ao = the area of the foundation,

Structural Design Criteria

Io = the static moment of the foundation about a horizontal centroidal axis normal to the
direction in which the structure is analyzed, and Effective Damping: The effective damping factor for the structure-foundation system,
$ , shall be computed as follows:

$ ' $o %
T (

where $o = the foundation damping factor as specified in Figure

The values of $o corresponding to SDS = 0.375 in Figure shall be determined by
averaging the results obtained from the solid lines and the dashed lines.
The quantity r in Figure is a characteristic foundation length that shall be determined as
For h /Lo # 0.5,

r ' ra ' (

For h /Lo $ 1,
4 Io
r ' rm ' (

Lo = the overall length of the side of the foundation in the direction being analyzed,
Ao = the area of the load-carrying foundation, and
Io = the static moment of inertia of the load-carrying foundation.

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

FIGURE Foundation damping factor.

For intermediate values of h / L0 , the value of r shall be determined by linear interpolation.

Exception: For structures supported on point bearing piles and in all other cases where
the foundation soil consists of a soft stratum of reasonably uniform properties underlain
by a much stiffer, rock-like deposit with an abrupt increase in stiffness, the factor $o in
Eq. shall be replaced by:
) 4 Ds
$o ' $o (
Vs T

if 4 Ds /vs T < 1 where Ds is the total depth of the stratum.

The value of computed from Eq., both with or without the adjustment represented
~ ~
by Eq., shall in no case be taken as less than = 0.05 or greater than = 0.20.

Structural Design Criteria Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces: The distribution over the height of the
structure of the reduced total seismic force, V , shall be considered to be the same as for the
structure without interaction. Other Effects: The modified story shears, overturning moments, and torsional effects
about a vertical axis shall be determined as for structures without interaction using the reduced
lateral forces.
The modified deflections, *x , shall be determined as follows:

V Mo h x
*x ' % *x (
V K2

Mo = the overturning moment at the base determined in accordance with Sec. 5.4.5 using
the unmodified seismic forces and not including the reduction permitted in the design
of the foundation,
hx = the height above the base to the level under consideration, and
*x = the deflections of the fixed-base structure as determined in Sec. using the un-
modified seismic forces.
The modified story drifts and P-delta effects shall be evaluated in accordance with the re-
quirements of Sec. using the modified story shears and deflections determined in this
5.8.3 Modal Analysis Procedure: The following requirements are supplementary to those
presented in Sec. 5.5. Modal Base Shears: To account for the effects of soil-structure interaction, the base
shear corresponding to the fundamental mode of vibration, V1, is permitted to be reduced to:

V1 ' V1 & )V1 (

The reduction, )V1, shall be computed in accordance with Eq. with W 1 taken as equal
to the gravity load W 1 defined by Eq. 5.5.4-2, Cs computed from Eq. 5.5.4-3 using the
fundamental period of the fixed-base structure, T1, and Cs computed from Eq. 5.5.4-3 using the
fundamental period of the elastically supported structure, T1 .
The period T1 shall be determined from Eq., or from Eq. when applicable,
taking T = T1 , evaluating K from Eq. with W = W 1 , and computing h as

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

3 w i Ni1 hi
h ' (
3 wiNi1

The above designated values of W , h , T, and T also shall be used to evaluate the factor " from
Eq. and the factor $o from Figure No reduction shall be made in the shear
components contributed by the higher modes of vibration. The reduced base shear, V~1 , shall in
no case be taken less than 0.7V1. Other Modal Effects: The modified modal seismic forces, story shears, and over-
turning moments shall be determined as for structures without interaction using the modified
base shear, V~1 , instead of V1. The modified modal deflections, *xm , shall be determined as

~ = V 1 M o1 h x +
xm xl
V 1 K

xm = x for m = 2, 3, ...... (

Mo1 = the overturning base moment for the fundamental mode of the fixed-base struc-
ture, as determined in Sec. 5.5.6 using the unmodified modal base shear V1, and
*xm = the modal deflections at Level x of the fixed-base structure as determined in
Sec. 5.5.5 using the unmodified modal shears, Vm.
The modified modal drift in a story, ) m , shall be computed as the difference of the deflections,
* xm , at the top and bottom of the story under consideration. Design Values: The design values of the modified shears, moments, deflections, and
story drifts shall be determined as for structures without interaction by taking the square root of
the sum of the squares of the respective modal contributions. In the design of the foundation, the
overturning moment at the foundation-soil interface determined in this manner may be reduced
by 10 percent as for structures without interaction.

Structural Design Criteria

The effects of torsion about a vertical axis shall be evaluated in accordance with the requirements
of Sec. 5.5.8 and the P-delta effects shall be evaluated in accordance with the requirements of
Sec., using the story shears and drifts determined in Sec.

Appendix to Chapter 5

PREFACE: This appendix introduces nonlinear static analysis, a new seismic

analysis procedure sometimes known as pushover analysis, for review and
comment and for later adoption into the body of the NEHRP Recommended Pro-
Although nonlinear static analysis has not previously been included in design
provisions for new building construction, the procedure itself is not new and has
been used for many years in both research and design applications. For example,
nonlinear static analysis has been used for many years as a standard methodology in
the design of offshore platform structures. It also has been adopted in several
standard methodologies for the seismic evaluation and retrofit of building
structures, including the NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of
Buildings (FEMA 273) and Methodolgies for Post-earthquake Evaluation and Repair
of Concrete and Masonry Buildings (ATC 40). Nonlinear static analysis also forms
the basis for earthquake loss estimation procedures contained in HAZUS, FEMAs
nationally applicable earthquake loss estimation model. Finally, although it does
not explicitly appear in the NEHRP Recommended Provisions, the nonlinear static
analysis methodology forms the basis for the equivalent lateral force procedures
contained in the Provisions for base-isolated structures and proposed for inclusion
for energy-dissipated structures.
One of the key controversies surrounding the introduction of this methodology into
the Provisions relates to the determination of the limit deformation, sometimes also
called a target displacement. Several methodologies for estimating the amount of
deformation induced in a structure by the design earthquake have been proposed and
are included in various adoptions of the procedure. The approach presented in this
appendix is based on statistical correlations of the displacements predicted by linear
and nonlinear dynamic analyses of structures similar, but not identical, to the
approach contained in FEMA 273.
A second controversy relates to the lack of consensus-backed acceptance criteria to
be used to determine the adequacy of a design once the forces and deformations
produced by design earthquake ground shaking are estimated. It should be noted
that this same lack of acceptance criteria applies equally to the nonlinear response
history approach, which already has been adopted into building codes.
Nonlinear static analysis provides a simplified method of directly evaluating
nonlinear response of structures to strong earthquake ground shaking that can be
an attractive alternative to the more complex procedures of nonlinear response
history analysis. It is hoped that exposure of this approach through inclusion in this

Structural Design Criteria

appendix will allow the necessary consensus to be developed to permit later in-
tegration into the Provisions as such.
Users of this appendix also should consult the Commentary for guidance. Please
direct all feedback on this appendix and its commentary to the BSSC.
5A.1 NONLINEAR STATIC ANALYSIS: A nonlinear static analysis shall consist of an
analysis of a mathematical model of the structure that directly accounts for the nonlinear
behavior of the structures components under an incrementally increased pattern of lateral forces.
In this procedure, a mathematical model of the structure is incrementally displaced to a target
displacement through application of a series of lateral forces or until the structure collapses and
the resulting internal forces, QEj, and member deformations, (I, at each increment of loading are
determined. At the target displacement for the structure, the resulting internal forces and
deflections should be less than the capacity of each element calculated according to the ap-
plicable acceptance criteria in Sec. 5A.1.3. The analysis shall be performed in accordance with
this section.
5A.1.1 Modeling: A mathematical model of the structure shall be constructed to represent the
spatial distribution of mass and stiffness of the structural system considering the effects of
component nonlinearity at deformation levels that exceed their elastic limit.
The nonlinear force-deformation characteristics of components shall be represented by suitable
multilinear models. Unless analysis indicates that a component remains elastic, as a minimum a
bilinear model shall be used for each component. The multilinear force-deformation char-
acteristics for each component, termed a backbone, should include representation of the linear
stiffness of the component before onset of yield, the yield strength, and the stiffness properties of
the component after yield at various levels of deformation. These properties shall be consistent
with principles of mechanics or laboratory data. Linear properties representing component
behavior before yield shall be consistent with the provisions of Sec. 5.5.1. Strength of elements
shall be based on expected values considering material overstrength and strain hardening. The
properties of elements and components after yielding should account for strength and stiffness
degradation due to softening or fracture as indicated by principles of mechanics or test data. The
model for columns should reflect the influence of axial load when axial loads exceed 15 percent
of the buckling load. The structure shall be assumed to have a fixed base or, alternatively, it
shall be permitted to use realistic assumptions with regard to the stiffness and load-carrying char-
acteristics of the foundations, consistent with site-specific soil data and rational principles of
engineering mechanics.
For regular structures with independent orthogonal seismic-force-resisting systems, independent
two-dimensional models shall be permitted to be constructed to represent each system. For
structures having plan irregularities Types 4 and 5 of Table or structures without
independent orthogonal systems, a three-dimensional model incorporating a minimum of three
degrees of freedom, consisting of translation in two orthogonal plan directions and torsional
rotation about the vertical axis to each level of the structure, shall be used. Where the di-
aphragms are not rigid compared to the vertical elements of the lateral-force-resisting system, the
model should include representation of the diaphragms flexibility. A control point shall be
selected for each model. This control point normally shall be taken as the center of mass of the

2000 Provisions, Chapter 5

highest level of the structure. For structures with penthouses, the control point shall be taken as
the center of mass of the level at the base of the penthouse. This level shall be termed the control
5A.1.2 Lateral Loads: A pattern of lateral loads shall be applied incrementally at the mass
centroid of each level I. The pattern of lateral loads applied in each direction should follow the
distribution obtained from a modal analysis for the fundamental mode of response in the
direction under consideration as given by Sec. 5.5.5.
At each increment of lateral loading, k, the total force applied to the model shall be characterized
by the base shear, Vk. The base shear at the initial increment of load, V1, shall be taken as the
design base shear calculated in accordance with Sec. 5.4.1. The base shear, V, should be
incremented in steps that are sufficiently small to permit significant changes in individual
component behavior, such as yielding, buckling or failure, to be detected. The structure shall be
analyzed for these lateral forces simultaneously with the effects of dead load in combination with
not less than 25 percent of the required live loads, reduced as permitted for the area of a single
Loading shall be applied independently in each of two directions. At each load step, the total
applied force, Vk, the lateral displacement of the control point, )k, and the forces and de-
formations in each component shall be recorded.
5A.1.3 Limit Deformation: The incremental nonlinear analysis should be continued by
increasing the base shear until the deflection at the control point exceeds 150 percent of the
inelastic deflection. The expected inelastic deformation of the control panel shall be taken as the
deflection predicted for the control point from a modal response spectrum analysis using a 5
percent damped design level response spectrum, considering only the fundamental mode of
response in the direction under consideration, and factored by the coefficient Ci. When the ratio
for the period, Ts, as defined in Sec., to the fundamental period of the structure in the
direction under consideration, T1, is less than or equal to a value of 1.0, the coefficient Ci shall be
taken as having a value of 1.0. Otherwise, the value of the coefficient Ci shall be calculated from
the following equation:

(1 & T s /T1)
Ci ' % (Ts /T1) (5A.1.3-1)

where Ts and Ti are as defined above and Rd is given by the following equation:

Rd ' (5A.1.3-2)

where R and S0 are, respectively, the response modification and overstrength coefficients from
Table 5.2.2.

Structural Design Criteria

5A.1.4 Design Response Parameters: For each lateral force analyzed, the design response
parameters including interstory drift and member force and deformation shall be taken as the
value obtained from the analysis at the expected inelastic displacement.
5A.1.4.1 Member Strength: The adequacy of members to resist the load combinations of Sec.
5.2.7 need not be evaluated.
Exception: Where the Provisions require the consideration of the special load com-
binations of Sec., the value of SEi obtained from the analysis at the expected
inelastic deformation, as calculated from Sec. 5A.1.3, shall be taken in place of the
quantity S0QE.
5A.1.4.2 Member Deformation: The adequacy of individual members and their connections to
withstand the design deformation values, (i, predicted by the analyses shall be evaluated based
on laboratory test data for similar components. The effects of gravity and other loads on member
deformation capacity shall be considered in these evaluations. Member deformation shall not
exceed two thirds of a value that results in loss of ability to carry gravity loads or that results in
deterioration of member strength to less than 67 percent of the peak value.
5A.1.4.3 Interstory Drift: The design interstory drift obtained from the analysis shall not
exceed 125 percent of the drift limit specified in Sec. 5.2.8.
5A.1.5 Design Review: When the nonlinear static analysis method is used to design the
structure, a design review of the seismic-force-resisting system and the structural analysis shall
be performed by an independent team of registered design professionals in the appropriate
disciplines and others experienced in seismic analysis methods and the theory and application of
nonlinear seismic analysis and structural behavior under extreme cyclic loads. The design review
shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Review of any site-specific seismic criteria employed in the analysis including the develop-
ment of site-specific spectra.,
2. Review of acceptance criteria used to demonstrate the adequacy of structural elements and
systems to withstand the calculated force and deformation demands togther with that
laboratory and other data used to substantiate these criteria,
3. Review the preliminary design including the determination of the expected inelastic dis-
placement of the structure and the margins remaining beyond these displacements, and
4. Review of the final design of the entire structural system and all supporting analyses.


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