Notation: 8.0 Aashto Specification References 8.1 Principles and Advantages of Prestressing
Notation: 8.0 Aashto Specification References 8.1 Principles and Advantages of Prestressing
Notation: 8.0 Aashto Specification References 8.1 Principles and Advantages of Prestressing
8.2.1 Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Theory Stage 1 Loading Stage 2 Loading Stage 3 Loading Stage 4 Loading Stage 5 Loading Tensile Stresses - Normal Strength Concrete Tensile Stresses - High Strength Concrete Tensile Stresses - LRFD Specifications Allowable Concrete Stresses Standard Specifications LRFD Specifications Design Procedure Composite Section Properties Theory Procedure Harped Strand Considerations Debonded Strand Considerations Minimum Strand Cover and Spacing Design Example Design Requirement 1 Design Requirement 2 Design Requirement 3 Strand Debonding Harped Strands Other Methods to Control Stresses Design Requirement 4 Fatigue
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8.4.1 Standard Specifications Flexure-Shear Strength, Vci Web-Shear Strength, Vcw Web Reinforcement Contribution, Vs Minimum Spacing Requirements Minimum Shear Reinforcement Application of Standard Specifications to Continuous Spans
8.4.2 1979 Interim Revisions
8.4.3 LRFD Specifications Shear Design Provisions Nominal Shear Resistance Concrete Contribution, Vc Web Reinforcement Contribution, Vs Values of β and θ Design Procedure Longitudinal Reinforcement Requirement
8.4.4 Comparison of Shear Design Methods
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fpc = compressive stress in concrete after all prestress losses have occurred
either at the centroid of the cross-section resisting live load or at
the junction of the web and flange when the centroid lies in the
flange. In a composite section, fpc is the resultant compressive
stress at the centroid of the composite section, or at the junction
of the web and flange when the centroid lies within the flange,
due to both prestress and to the bending moments resisted by the
precast member acting alone. [LRFD]
fpe = compressive stress in concrete due to effective pretension
forces only (after allowance for all pretension losses) at
extreme fiber of section where tensile stress is caused by
externally applied loads [STD]
fpe = effective stress in the pretensioning steel after losses [LRFD]
fpi = initial stress immediately before transfer —
fpj = stress in the pretensioning steel at jacking [LRFD]
fpo = stress in the pretensioning steel when the stress in the
surrounding concrete is zero [LRFD]
fps = average stress in pretensioning steel at the time for which the
nominal resistance of member is required [LRFD]
fpu = specified tensile strength of pretensioning steel [LRFD]
fpy = yield strength of pretensioning steel [LRFD]
fr = modulus of rupture of concrete [STD], [LRFD]
fs = allowable stress in steel under service loads —
f ´s = ultimate stress of pretensioning reinforcement [STD]
fse = effective final pretension stress —
fsi = effective initial pretension stress —
f *su = average stress in pretensioning steel at ultimate load [STD]
f(tj) = stress at time tj —
fr(t,t0) = relaxation stress at a certain time —
f(t0) = tensile stress at the beginning of the interval —
fy = yield strength of reinforcing bars [STD]
fy = specified minimum yield strength of reinforcing bars [LRFD]
fy = yield stress of pretensioning reinforcement [STD]
f ´y = specified minimum yield strength of compression reinforcement [LRFD]
fyh = specified yield strength of transverse reinforcement [LRFD]
H = average annual ambient mean relative humidity [LRFD]
h = length of a single segment —
h = overall depth of precast beam [STD]
h = overall depth of a member [LRFD]
hcg = height of center of gravity of beam above road —
hd = deck thickness —
hf = compression flange depth [LRFD]
hr = height of roll center above road —
I = moment of inertia about the centroid of the non-composite
precast beam, major axis moment of inertia of beam [STD], [LRFD]
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Vuh = factored horizontal shear force per unit length of the beam [LRFD]
vu = average factored shear stress [LRFD]
W =t
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φk = curvature of element k —
φ0 = curvature at support —
λ = parameter used to determine friction coefficient µ [LRFD]
µ = Poisson’s ratio for beams [STD]
µ = coefficient of friction [LRFD]
θ = angle of inclination of diagonal compressive stresses [LRFD]
θ = roll angle of major axis of beam with respect to vertical —
θL = left end rotation of beam due to simple span loads —
θR = right end rotation of beam due to simple span loads —
θi = initial roll angle of a rigid beam —
θmax = tilt angle at which cracking begins, based on tension at the top corner
equal to the modulus of rupture —
θ´max = tilt angle at maximum factor of safety against failure —
ρb = reinforcement ratio producing balanced strain condition [STD]
ρ* = ratio of pretensioning reinforcement [STD]
ψ = a factor that reflects the fact that the actual relaxation is less than
the intrinsic relaxation —
χ = aging coefficient —
χ(t,t0) = aging coefficient at certain time —
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DESIGN THEORY AND PROCEDURE Determining Prestress Force/ Service Load Stresses and Flexural Strength The first step in design is to estimate the required amount of prestress force. This
Determining estimate is governed by the allowable tensile stress in the precast SIP panel due to
Prestress Force service loads at the maximum positive moment section. The weight of the precast SIP
deck panel and the CIP topping act on the non-composite section, i.e. the precast
SIP deck panel alone. The superimposed dead loads (wearing surface, barriers, etc.)
and live loads act on the precast SIP panel-CIP topping composite section. After the
required prestress force is determined, the unfactored load stresses and the ultimate
flexural capacity at various construction stages are checked. Service load stresses should be checked in the panel and in the completed deck at a num-
Service Load Stresses and ber of stages. The first stage is at the time of prestress transfer or release. The strands are
Flexural Strength normally concentric within the precast SIP deck panel. Therefore, prestress introduces
uniformly distributed compressive stresses. However, accidental misplacement of the
strands may be conservatively assumed to produce 0.25 in. prestress eccentricity.
The second loading stage occurs at the time of topping placement. Loads at this stage act
only on the SIP panel. Service load stresses and ultimate capacity of the precast SIP panel
should be checked due to the weight of the precast panel and the CIP topping in addi-
tion to a construction load, estimated as 50 psf unless a more accurate figure is available.
The construction load represents people, material and equipment used to place, finish
and cure the topping but it does not include concentrated loads representing finishing
machine reactions. Special brackets directly supported on beam seats are used to resist
finishing machine loads. Other loads at this stage act only on the SIP panel.
The third loading stage occurs after the CIP topping cures and the superimposed loads
are introduced. At this stage, the stresses are calculated using a transformed section
analysis similar to that done in composite I-beam analysis. The ultimate strength of the
composite section at the maximum positive moment section, is checked against fac-
tored dead and live loads. One of the most important issues in determining the flexural
strength of the positive moment section is the strand development length. Since the
strands are terminated at panel ends over beam lines, the maximum positive moment
sections may be closer to the end of the panel than the development length of the
strands. Thus, only partial strand development can be expected. In this situation, the
stress in the pretensioning steel at factored load, f *su, should be limited to:
L 2
f *su = x + f se [STD Art.]
D 3
f *su = average stress in pretensioning steel at ultimate load
Lx = distance from end to center of the panel, in.
D = nominal diameter of the strand, in.
fse = effective final pretension stress (after losses), ksi
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Standard Specifications Table 8.9.2 in the Standard Specifications gives the minimum recommended total
Minimum Thickness deck thickness that can be used without deflection calculations. Thinner slabs may
be used if the deflection due to service live load plus impact is limited to 1/800 of
the span for spans between supporting beams and 1/300 of the cantilever arm for
cantilevers (STD Art. 8.9.3).
Some agencies specify that 1/2 to 3/4 in. of the slab thickness be considered as an
integral layer of wearing surface. In this case, the full thickness should be used for
calculation of loads and the reduced thickness for determining section properties.
The Standard Specifications do not give any recommendations concerning the thick-
ness of SIP panels. Although thinner panels have been successfully used, common
practice indicates that 3.0 in. and 3.5 in., with 3/8 in. and 1/2 in. diameter strands
respectively, are acceptable minimum thicknesses. STD Article 3.7 specifies the standard truck load that should be used as a live load
Live Load to compute the bending moments at any section. There are four standard classes of
highway loading: H15, H20, HS15 and HS20. Most state agencies use the HS20
standard truck, although some states use the non-standard HS25 truck, which is
125% of the HS20 standard truck. The bending moment due to
S + 2
truck loading at various locations = P [STD Eqs. 3.15 and 3.16]
S = effective span length, ft
P = load on rear wheel of truck = 16,000 lb for H20 and HS20
The effective span length for continuous span slabs, as specified in STD Article, depends on the slenderness of the top flange of the support. For slender top
flanges, where the ratio of top flange width to minimum thickness of the flange is
greater than 4.0, S is taken as the distance between edges of top flange plus one-half
of the width of beam top flange. If the ratio of top flange width to minimum thick-
ness is less than 4.0, S is taken as the distance between edges of the top flange.
A continuity factor of 0.8 is applied to the live load bending moment for slabs that are
made continuous over three or more supports. The live load moments are increased to
allow for impact effects, as given in STD Article 3.8.2, which always results in an impact
fraction of 0.3. Each section of the deck should be designed so that the factored moment
due to applied loads is less than or equal to the capacity of the section.
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STD Article 8.22 specifies a minimum concrete clear cover of 2.0 in. to the top rein-
forcement for deck slabs in mild climates and 2.5 in. for deck slabs exposed to deicing
salts. For bottom reinforcement, the minimum specified clear cover is 1.0 in. Article 3.24.4 in the Standard Specifications states that slabs designed for bending
Shear Design moment in accordance with STD Article 3.24.3 need not be checked for shear or
bond. If elected by the designer, one-way and two-way shear capacities can be checked
as given in STD Articles and respectively. Two-way shear is cal-
culated assuming that the tire contact area is rectangular where the dimensions of the
contact area depend on the wheel load of the specified truck (STD Art. 3.30). The negative moment areas over the beams, designed as conventionally reinforced
Crack Control concrete, are expected to crack under service load conditions. Thus, crack control
criteria given in STD Article must be satisfied. In areas where deicing salts
are used, a number of state agencies specify that slab reinforcement must be epoxy-
coated. The Standard Specifications allow the use of epoxy-coated reinforcement.
However, STD Article requires that the basic development length should
be increased by a factor of 1.15 or 1.5 depending on the concrete cover and the clear
spacing between epoxy-coated bars. An entire section in the LRFD Specifications, Section 9, is devoted to deck systems.
LRFD Specifications Three levels of analysis are permitted in the LRFD Specifications:
(1) refined analysis
(2) approximate analysis, generally known as the Strip Method
(3) the Empirical Method
As noted earlier, the specifications do not permit the empirical method to be used in
the design of SIP panel deck systems. LRFD Articles 4.4 and allow the use of refined methods of analysis. These
LRFD Specifications methods should satisfy the requirements of equilibrium and compatibility and uti-
Refined Analysis lize stress-strain relationships for the proposed materials. Refined analysis methods
include, but are not limited to:
(1) grillage analogy method
(2) finite strip method
(3) finite element method
However, some conditions should be considered which accurately model the behav-
ior of the deck slabs as observed in actual bridges. These conditions are:
(1) flexural and torsional deformation of the deck in skewed bridges
(2) in-plane shear deformation, which affects the effective width of composite
bridge decks
JUL 03 In this method, the deck slab is divided into strips perpendicular to the supporting
LRFD Specifications beams. To calculate the bending moments and shear forces, the strips are treated as
Strip Method a continuous member and the supporting beams are assumed to be infinitely rigid.
The width of the strip is determined so that the effects of flexure in the secondary
direction and of torsion are accounted for to obtain flexural force effects approximat-
ing those that would be provided by refined methods of analysis. However, the strip
method model was developed based on non-skewed bridges, thus, more accurate
analysis may be warranted for end zones of skewed bridges. LRFD Article states that the depth of the concrete deck, excluding any pro-
Minimum Thickness vision for grinding, grooving and sacrificial surface, should not be less than 7.0 in.
LRFD Article states that concrete decks without an initial overlay should
have an additional thickness of 1/2 in. to allow for correction of the deck profile by
grinding and to compensate for thickness loss due to abrasion. For concrete deck
overhangs which support a deck-mounted post system or concrete parapets or barri-
ers, a minimum depth of 8.0 in. is required (LRFD Art. LRFD Article states that the thickness of the precast SIP deck panel should neither exceed
55% of the total slab depth nor be less than 3.5-in. thick. However, as noted earlier,
SIP panels 3.0 in. thick or even as thin as 2.5 in. have been used in recent years with
satisfactory performance. LRFD Article 5.12.3 provides minimum concrete cover requirements similar to those
Minimum Concrete Cover given in the Standard Specifications. The minimum cover values are stated for concrete
mixes with water-cement ratios from 0.40 to 0.50. For concrete mixes with different
water-cement ratios, a modification factor is provided. When epoxy-coated bars are
used, the LRFD Specifications allow the minimum cover requirement for uncoated bars
in interior exposure to be used. However, special provisions for development length and
lap splices for coated reinforcement must be satisfied as given in LRFD Article 5.11. The standard live load used in the LRFD Specifications is the HL-93, which consists
Live Load of the combination of a design truck or tandem, and a design lane load (LRFD Art. However, LRFD Article states that for deck slabs where the strips
are in the transverse direction of the bridge and their span does not exceed 15 feet,
only the wheels of the 32.0-kip axle of the design truck, spaced at 6.0 ft, need be
considered. If the transverse strip span exceeds 15 feet, both the 32-kip axle and the
design lane load should be used. One or more design lanes may be assumed to be
loaded simultaneously. Within each design lane, the truck axle can be positioned so
that the center of a wheel is not closer than 2.0 ft to the edge of the lane nor closer
than 1.0 ft to the face of the curb or rail. The location of the design lanes can be
shifted laterally relative to the longitudinal axis of the deck, to produce the maximum
force effects. LRFD Article gives the width of the strip in inches as:
JUL 03 For precast I-beam bridges, the location of the design section for negative moments
Location of Critical Sections and shear forces may be taken as one-third of the flange width, but not more than
15 in. from the support centerline (LRFD Art. LRFD Article states that prestressed concrete stay-in-place panels should to
Design Criteria be elastic under construction loads. Construction loads include the weight of the SIP
panel, weight of the CIP topping, and an additional 0.050 ksf. Flexural stresses due
to unfactored construction loads should not exceed 75% of the steel yield strength or
65% of the 28-day compressive strength for concrete in compression, or the modu-
lus of rupture for concrete in tension. Also, LRFD Article states that elastic
deflection caused by the weights of the panel, the plastic concrete and reinforcement
should not exceed:
(a) Span length/180 with an upper limit of 0.25 in. for span length of 10 ft or
(b) Span length/240 with an upper limit of 0.75 in. for span length greater than
10 ft.
At service loads, the stresses in the composite section have to checked under Service I
Limit State for prestressed concrete in compression. For Service III Limit State, which
is used to check tensile stresses in the precast SIP panel, the full live load moment
should be used, i.e. the 0.8 factor associated with live load should be replaced by
1.0. This is because the 0.8 factor was developed for application only to longitudinal
prestressed concrete beams.
Finally, Strength I Limit State is used to check the ultimate flexural capacity of the
composite section. Check stress in prestressing steel according to the available devel-
opment length, ld, as follows:
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ld = K f ps − f pe d b [LRFD Eq.]
ld 2
or, fps = + f pe
Kd b 3
db = nominal strand diameter
fpe = effective stress in prestressing steel after losses
ld = available development length at midspan of the SIP panel
K = 1.6 for precast, prestressed slabs The provisions for minimum reinforcement in the LRFD Specifications are the same
Reinforcement Requirements as those in the Standard Specifications. The maximum amount of reinforcement,
according to LRFD Article, should be such that:
≤ 0.42 [LRFD Eq.]
c = distance from the extreme compression fiber to the neutral axis, in.
de = effective depth from the extreme compression fiber to the centroid of the
force in the tension reinforcement, in.
The LRFD Specifications do not give guidance for the required amount of distribu-
tion reinforcement for the concrete SIP panel system that provides for the lateral
distribution of concentrated live loads. However, LRFD Article specifies the
minimum amount of reinforcement in the longitudinal direction, for slabs which
have four layers of reinforcement, as 220 / S ≤ 67% of the primary reinforcement,
where S = span between the inside faces of the beam webs, ft. Two-way shear should be checked assuming that the contact area of the tire is rectan-
Shear Design gular. LRFD Article gives the dimensions of the contact area for a tire pres-
sure of 0.125 ksi. The two-way shear capacity is given in LRFD Article
One-way shear should be checked as specified in LRFD Article For crack control in the negative moment areas, provisions of LRFD Article
Crack Control should be applied. Because positive moment regions for precast SIP deck panel
systems are prestressed, they are designed to be uncracked under service load condi-
In order to control possible cracking due to shrinkage and temperature changes, a
minimum amount of reinforcement, in each direction, should be provided:
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Ag = gross area of section, in.2
fy = specified minimum yield strength of reinforcing bars, ksi
This reinforcement should be equally distributed on both faces and should not be
spaced farther apart than three times the slab thickness or 18.0 in. It is reasonable
to waive this requirement in precast, prestressed concrete panels in the direction of
8.8.3 Rapid replacement of bridge decks is becoming increasingly important in high traffic
Other Precast Bridge areas due to public intolerance to extended bridge closures. This section covers two
Deck Systems new bridge deck systems developed at the University of Nebraska for rapid replace-
ment of bridge decks (Tadros, 1998). The first system is a continuous precast concrete
stay-in-place panel system, called NUDECK (Badie, 1998). It is intended for applica-
tions similar to the conventional SIP panel previously discussed. The second system
is a full-depth precast concrete panel system intended for very rapid construction
(Takashi, 1998). The following sections briefly introduce these two new systems. Although conventional SIP precast panels have proven cost-effective and have been
Continuous Precast Concrete widely used in Florida, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas and several other states, they do
SIP Panel System, NUDECK have drawbacks. These include:
(1) the need for forming overhangs with wood forming
(2) the possible appearance of reflective cracking over joints between SIP panels
(3) the lack of development of the pretensioning strands in the SIP panel caused
by strand discontinuity at beam lines and relatively small beam spacing.
The continuous stay-in-place (CSIP) system – NUDECK – has the following advan-
(1) the CSIP panel covers the entire width of the bridge eliminating the necessity
of forming the overhang
(2) the CSIP panel is continuous longitudinally and transversely which results in
minimized reflective cracks, full development of the pretensioning reinforce-
ment, and better live load distribution
Cost studies conducted by contractors and consulting engineers (Tadros, 1998), estimat-
ed that the NUDECK system would be cost-competitive with CIP systems. The slight
increase in panel cost would be offset by the reduction in field costs due to installation of
fewer pieces and elimination of overhang forming. However, the novelty of the system,
panel forming challenges and panel weight are potential disadvantages of this system. Figure shows a cross-section of a bridge and a plan view of the precast
Description of NUDECK panel. The system consists of a 4.5-in.-thick precast panel and a 3.5 to 4.5-in.-thick
CIP reinforced topping. The length of the panel in the direction of traffic can vary
from 8 to 12 ft depending on the transportation and lifting equipment available in
the field. At each beam position there is a full-length gap to accommodate shear con-
nectors. The width of the gap, G, depends on the shear connector detail used in the
precast beam. As an example, for a beam spacing of 12 ft and overhang of 4 ft sub-
jected to HS-25 truck loading, an 8-ft-wide panel would require (12) 1/2-in.-diam-
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#4 bar @ 2'-0"
eter strands and a 28-day concrete compressive strength of 8,000 psi. The strands are
located in two layers and uniformly spaced at 16 in. A minimum clear concrete cover
of 1 in. is used for both the top and bottom layers of strands.
In order to maintain the gap over the beam, and to transmit the pretensioning force
from one section to another across the gap, 24 short pieces of No. 7 reinforcing bars are
used in two layers. These bars transmit the prestress compression force across the gap. To
maintain continuity in the longitudinal direction between the adjacent precast panels,
shear keys and reinforced pockets are provided as shown in Figures and The panel is reinforced longitudinally with No. 4 bars spaced at 2 ft at the
location of the pockets. To provide for full tension development of the No. 4 bars, they
are spliced using an innovative confinement technique as shown in Figure
4. A pocket, only 5-in. deep, is needed to fully develop the No. 4 bar. The panels are
erected using shims and leveling bolts. The longitudinal gaps are then filled with fine-
aggregate concrete. When the concrete attains a strength of 4,000 psi, the finishing
machine can then be installed and the CIP topping cast in one continuous operation.
Full-scale laboratory testing (Yehia, 1998) has shown this system has almost two-times
the load capacity of an equivalent conventional SIP panel system.
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Details of Reinforced Pockets
1/4" 4 3/4" 2 1/4" Clear cover
4 1/2"
Spiral and #4 splice bar, #4 bar @
D 1/2-in.-dia.
see below 2'-0"
strand @ 1'-4" on center
Section D-D Section B-B
Panel-to-Panel Connection
(At 2'-0" Centers)
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Overview of Full-Depth
Panel System
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DESIGN THEORY AND PROCEDURE Full-Depth Precast Concrete Panels/
8.8.4 LRFD Specifications Empirical Design Method
Full-scale fatigue and ultimate strength testing has demonstrated superior perfor-
mance of this system. No cracks or joint leakage were observed after two million
cycles of loading. The strength of the system was governed by punching shear of the
slab at about 5 times the maximum wheel load of an HS25 truck.
8.8.4 The empirical procedure of the LRFD Specifications [LRFD Art. 9.7.2] is attractive in
LRFD Specifications that it provides less reinforcement than analytical methods, including finite element
Empirical Design Method and strip analysis. Less steel should result in less deck deterioration due to reinforce-
ment corrosion. The method is based on full-scale testing, conducted primarily in
Ontario, Canada. The empirical design method may be used only if certain specified
conditions are met. If the specified amount of reinforcement is provided, the deck
is considered to satisfy all design requirements without need for design calculations.
The conditions are:
• the supporting components are steel and/or concrete beams
• the deck is fully cast-in-place and water-cured
• the deck is of uniform depth, except for haunches at beam flanges and other
local thickening
• the ratio of effective length, between inside faces of beam webs, to the design
depth does not exceed 18.0 and is not less than 6.0
• core depth of the slab, between the extreme faces of top and bottom reinforce-
ment, is not less than 4.0 in.
• the effective length, between the inside faces of the beam webs, does not exceed
13.5 ft
• the minimum depth of the slab is not less than 7.0 in. excluding a sacrificial
wearing surface where applicable
• there is an overhang beyond the centerline of the outside beam of at least 5
times the depth of the slab. This condition is satisfied if the overhang is at least
3 times the depth of the slab, and a structurally continuous concrete barrier is
made composite with the overhang
• the specified 28-day strength of the deck concrete is not less than 4.0 ksi
• the deck is made composite with the supporting structural components
• the reinforcement required consists of four layers
• minimum amount of reinforcement is 0.27 in.2/ft for each bottom layer and
0.18 in.2/ft for each top layer
• maximum spacing of bars is 18 in.
The provisions of the empirical design method are not applied to overhangs. The
overhang should be designed for all of the following cases:
• wheel loads for decks with discontinuous railings and barriers using the equivalent
strip method
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• equivalent line loads for decks with continuous barriers (LRFD Art.
• collision loads using a failure mechanism
Note that negative overhang moments require reinforcement that must be extended
into the adjacent span.
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