Jozwiakowski Needs Vs Wants
Jozwiakowski Needs Vs Wants
Jozwiakowski Needs Vs Wants
Missouri Learning Standards Social Studies:
2-4.B: Understanding the consequences of personal and public economic decisions. Explain
how to make decisions using cost-benefit analysis.
The teacher will formatively assess students knowledge of needs vs. wants through
observing students conversations in the turn-and-talk
The teacher will formatively assess students knowledge of wants and needs through
listening to their discussion about Jeremy and his needs/wants in the book.
The teacher will also formatively assess students knowledge of wants and needs through
conferring with groups during their discussions about their notebook entries and graffiti
board presentations.
The Teacher will summatively assess students knowledge of wants and needs through the
exit slip questions. Students will respond to these questions:
o What is the difference between a need and a want?
o How can we work to not focus on what people do and dont have?
Materials Needed
A copy of Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts
Large Unlined Anchor Chart Paper
Writers notebooks
Pencil/Pens (Writing materials for students)
Additional Information
This lesson plan is targeted for 2 grade students. In this lesson plan, I want to build a stronger
classroom community as students learn not to focus on what their peers have and dont have. This
is a good lesson for students to learn. As an extension, we can discuss about how people like
Jeremy and his grandma are hardworking. Just because they dont have a lot of money, doesnt
mean there are any less than people with money. I would like to read additional books about
students in poverty such as Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pea and Something Beautiful
by Sharon Dennis Wyeth.