Running Head: State Sponsored Terrorism 1

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State-sponsored terrorism is one of the major problems facing global peace. It refers to

the funding, support or aid of organized groups and individuals by a government towards its

citizens or natives of another country to conduct various vicious acts that bring about fear amidst

the targeted group in order to achieve its set incentives. Such acts have slowly crept up on

society over time and now, they are a vice that can no longer be ignored. Such forms of state-

sponsored terrorism include: Active sponsorship, passive state sponsorship,

Active sponsorship

Active state sponsorship is the intentional actions of a government regime to provide

support to a terrorist group either in form of weapons, safe haven, tactical support, financial

support or media platforms. There exists several forms of active sponsorship: active state

sponsorship and passive tate sponsorship.

Active State Sponsorship

In this scenario, states are directly involved in the management of the terrorist groups

they are involved with.Though absolute coordinaion of a terrorist group is rare, many regimes

often try to coordinate the running of terrorist groups in order to fulfill their desires.Contact-

states are in frequent contact with terrorist groups, this they achieve by either direct contact or

via the numerous contacts they have at their disposal.

Passive state sponsorship

This is generally the states deliberate inability to impede terrorist activities thereby

allowing them to prosper. Such sponsorship is achieved by tolerance in which some governments

may take up positions of 'non interference' with terrorist sects. This is done in the hope that

these sects will grow, get funding and flourish without their interference. There are two

conditions that foster the growth of terrorism. These are ignorance and incapacity.

Ignorance becomes a factor when it may not be in the best interests of some governments

to facilitate terrorist but they may choose not to hinder these activities. This is so because , either

the groups activities do not affect state interests or the groups activities are isolated. In contrast,

incapacity is a situation where some regimes generally lack the means to combat such terrorist

groups because some local powerful individuals support these terrorist groups.

Inasmuch as understanding the forms of state sponsored terrorism is important, the term

state should also be put into context. State sponsorship can be then categorized into three: central

government sponsorship, independent bureaucracy and key social actors.

The Central Government

These are positions taken up by either elected or non-elected leaders who are in support

of a terrorist group and are recognized as part of the government by the public.

Independent Bureaucracy

There exists within a government independent sections that may act in support of a

terrorist group with or without the knowledge of the government. This ignorance of the

leadership may be intentional or non-intentional.

Key social actors

Some interested parties such as professional bodies, wealthy individuals among others,

they command a lot of influence and affluence which they may use to support terrorist groups.


The first direct implication is that countries use huge sums of public funds meant for

development and growth to identify and deal with the terrorists in order to protect the social,

economic and political interests of its citizens.

State sponsored terrorism directly affects people in terrorist prone areas especially when

hit with epidemics and famine. This is because international bodies that offer such aid become

unwilling to send their employees for fear of their safety. This therefore forces the poor

developing countries that are terrorist prone to strain their limited resources in order to deal with

their own calamities.

International trade is hardly hit by terrorist activities, especially in cases where ships,

which are the main form of transportation of food, vital medical facilities are targets to pirates.

This in turn increases the shipping cost of the various goods therefore creating a scarcity of

certain goods and thus impacting negatively on industries that directly depend on these goods.

This causes the decrease in standards of living in underdeveloped countries due to the increase of

the prices of basic commodities.



McFayden, Elgie (2009) Global Implications of State Sponsored Terrorism

The Changing Nature of State Sponsorship of Terrorism, Daniel L. Byman, Analysis paper

number 16, May 2008

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