CPU PHD Regulation 2015

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List of Annexure for Ph.D. Degree

S.No. Annexure Topic

1 I Cover page of Synopsis

2 II Cover page of Thesis

3 III Format of Synopsis preparation

4 IV Format of Thesis preparation

5 V Rules of attendance& certificate

6 VI Format of research work declaration

7 VII Yearly progress report form

8 VIII No Dues form

Format of list of examiners for evaluating Ph.D.

9 IX

10 X Rules for Direct admission criteria

11 XI NOC format for laboratory work/workshop

12 XII Certificate for off campus research scholars

13 XIII Performa for relevant content of Ph.D. Degree

Admission Guidelines
Ph.D. Programme

1. Designation of Course:

The PhD degree awarded by the Career Point University, Kota (CPU) shall be designated as Doctor
of Philosophy. The TITLE OF THE THESIS shall be indicated in the certificate.

2. Disciplines in which Ph.D is offered:

a. School of Engineering & Technology
b. School of Management & Commerce
c. School of Basic, Applied and Life Science
d. School of Computer Science & Technology
e. School of Arts / Humanities
f. School of Education
g. School of Legal Studies and Governance
h. School of Library Science

3. Eligibility Criteria:
i. Post Graduation with minimum 55 % marks or equivalent qualification recognized from the
University or CA / CS /ICWA with minimum 55 % marks or equivalent, CGPA/DGPA with
minimum 5.5 CGPA/DGPA
ii. The Ph.D eligibility test qualification is valid for this current Academic year only.

4. Categories of Research Scholar:

(i) Regular (a) In Campus
(b) Off Campus (The scholar has to give a certificate on the letter head of the
concerned organization for the conduction of the experiment on his own)
(For off campus scholar- Annexure- XI, XII)
(ii) Part Time
(Attendance rules in Annexure V)
(Declaration Format in Annexure VI)

5. Duration of Courses:
For Regular course the minimum duration is 2 years of research and one semester course work.
Maximum duration is 5 years.
For Part time course the minimum duration is 2.5 years and one semester of course work i.e. 3
years and maximum duration is 6 years.

6. Pattern of examination:
i. Maximum Marks for eligibility Test: 100
ii. Nature of Test: Objective type with multiple choice questions
iii. Syllabus for entrance test: As per UGC-NET/GATE/CSIR-UGC-NET.
7. Application Procedure: Candidate can obtain Application Form from Career Point
University , Kota at cash payment of Rs. 2000/ or may download the Application Form from
university website www.cpur.in and submit the same along with a DD of Rs. 2000/ in
favour of Career Point University payable at Kota (Rajasthan)

8. Submission of Forms: Student should deposit complete filled Application Form through
speed post or in person at
Admission Division [Ph.D Program],
Career Point University,
4th Floor, CP Tower 1, Road No. - 1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.)
Ph. 0744-3040045, 80941-56999, 80941-57999

9. Required Documents:
Attested photocopies of the Documents to be submitted along with Application Form
a. 10th Mark sheet
b. 12th Mark sheet
c. Graduate Examination Mark sheet
d. Post Graduate Examination Mark sheet
e. Work / Research Experience Certificates if any
f. 4 colour photographs
g. NOC from current employer if applicable
h. Research Proposal in prescribed format
i. Migration Certificate
j. Marriage Certificate if applicable
(Format and Cover page in Annexure I & III)

10. Mode of Admissions:

a. Through Career Point University Research Entrance Exam (CPURET )
b. Direct Admission (as per the guidelines given in Annexure X)

11. Syllabus of Entrance Examination:

Discipline Syllabus
Engineering as per GATE syllabus
Management & Commerce
Basic Science
Arts & Humanities as per UGCNET Syllabus
Computer Science & System Studies
Education & Psychology

12. Course Fee:

a. Course Fee: Rs. 1, 50,000/
i. Rs. 50,000/ at the time of admission i.e. just after qualify the pre test.
ii. Rs. 50,000/ within 6 months from the commencement of session.
iii. Rs. 50,000/ within one year from the commencement of session.
b. Thesis submission fee of Rs. 10,000/- will be deposit at the time of thesis submission.
c. Extension Fee: After ellipse of initial research duration as mentioned in clause 5, two months
grace will be provided to submit the thesis. If a scholar fails to submit the thesis and apply for
extension, a fee of Rs. 10,000 per year shall be charged.

13. Proposed Research Plan:

The research proposal should highlight proposed research plan clearly stating the following:
i. Introduction to the proposed research
ii. Literature survey
iii. Research gaps identified
iv. Objectives
v. Detailed methodology
vi. Importance of the proposed research
vii. Research plan schedule
Viii. Future Scope
ix. References.

14. Recognition of Guide:

14.1 Applications for Guide ship may be obtained from Registrar/Deputy Registrar Academics,
CPU, and Kota.

14.2 Eligibility:

a) For Guide: Research publications in indexed Journals or International Journal after Ph.D.

14.3 The Completed application must be submitted to the research department along with
a) Attested copies of the Degree Certificates
b) Copies of research publications in Indexed Journals in the relevant field.

14.4 The research Department, along with a separate recommendation letter, has to send the
application to:
The Registrar/ Deputy Registrar - Academics, Career Point University, Kota.

14.5 The Registrar/Deputy Registrar will forward the applications to the committee for
14.6 A formal communication will be sent to the approved Guide.


15.1 The candidate has to undergo for the course work during the first year of research work.

15.2 The course work may be in the form of subjects, attending classes / practical, seminars or
self study which will be suggested by the RDC.
15.3 The course work must include Research Methodology as one of the courses.

15.4 After the successful completion of the course work, the research department have to issue a
grade card to the candidate and one copy of the same has to be sent to Registrar/ Deputy
Registrar Academics, Career Point University, Kota.


16.1 The candidate has to submit the progress report of the research to the Research department
every Year.

16.2 The progress report must contain the details of the work carried out in the prescribed format.
(Annexure VII)

16.3 The research department will send the copy of report to all the RDC members in advance.

16.4 The research coordinator will arrange the meeting of RDC (Research Degree committee). The
candidate has to present the progress of the research to the RDC on the prescribed date.

16.5 The Research department will forward the following to Registrar/ Deputy Registrar
Academics, CPU:
i. One copy of the progress report
ii. Copy of the signature sheet of RDC meeting
iii. Recommendations of the RDC


i. Guide can be changed before Course Work
ii. Consent of both the Guide will be required.


18.1 Two months grace period will be given for thesis submission after the due date for
18.2 After the grace period, the course fee has to be paid by the candidate as per clause 12 of the
Ph.D. regulation.


19.1 The thesis shall not be published without the permission of the University.
19.2 The university may grant permission for the publication under such conditions as it may


20.1 The scholar shall give one pre submission presentation in front of faculties and students
however the suggestions extended by the faculties and audience are not binding on the research


21.1 Each candidate for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall submit Six (06) copies
of his thesis for the official purpose and one soft copy in PDF format , not earlier than the
prescribed minimum period and not later than the prescribed maximum period.
(Format & Cover page in Annexure II & 1V)

21.2 External Full time candidates and Research Scholars have to submit the No Dues
certificate from the Library, Hostel and Laboratories of the institution, the Accounts Department
of university and NOC from Registrar/ Deputy Registrar Academics along with the thesis.
(Annexure VIII)

21.3 The guide shall submit a panel of examiners with their brief CV and list of publications in
the relevant field, at least ONE month before the expected date of submission of the thesis. The
panel shall include 6 examiners from India. However, out of six, maximum three accomplished
examiners from reputed institutions within the state may also be included. International
examiners, if included, should be in addition to the 6 Indian examiners. (Annexure IX)

21.4 The examiners must be the acknowledged leaders in the field of study undertaken by the

21.5 A board of two examiners shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor / President for
assessment of the thesis. The University reserves the right to select suitable examiners who may
not figure in the submitted list.

21.6 The university shall ascertain from the external examiners their willingness to act as an
examiner for a particular thesis. A copy of the synopsis of the thesis shall be sent to the external
examiners. On acceptance of the willingness, the thesis will be sent to them.

21.7 The examiners shall submit a detailed critique on the thesis. Their
recommendations for acceptance of the thesis must accompany a precise certificate that the
candidates work has advanced the existing knowledge on the subject and is a standard research
work suitable for publication. In case, any of the examiners is of the opinion that the thesis has
failed to achieve the desired standard, and is, therefore rejected, precise reasons for such
rejection must be stated by the examiner. If the examiner feels that the thesis can be accepted
after a revision, he/she shall state the points on which revision is needed.

21.8 The examiner may be requested to send some questions to be asked to the candidate
at the time of viva voce examination to seek clarifications on the points raised by him/her. These
questions / comments shall be made available to the examiners appointed for conducting the viva-
voce examination before the commencement of the viva-voce examination.
21.9 If the thesis is rejected by the both examiners, it will stand rejected and shall not be
referred to any other examiner.

21.10 In the event that the thesis is rejected by only one examiner, it will be referred to another
examiner from the approved panel. In case the thesis is approved by this examiner, it will be
considered as unanimously approved.

21.11 If one or more examiners recommend re-submission of the thesis after

modifications, it shall be done within a maximum period of six months from the date on which the
candidate is so informed by the university.

21.12 In case of re-submission / rejection / modifications, the candidate has to submit six
hardcopy and one soft copy of the thesis in PDF format.

21.13 After the thesis has been approved by the examiners, a public defense of the thesis will be
held, as well as the viva voce examination to adjudge the general proficiency of the
candidates field of research work.

21.14 The candidate shall be entitled to appear at the defense of thesis and viva voce examination
only if the thesis is unanimously approved by the Board of Examiners.

21.15 When the thesis is approved, the candidate has to submit the final thesis (TWO copies in
case of CPU institutions, ONE copy in case of research centres along with a soft copy in PDF format
during the defense viva examination.

21.16 If the report from any one of the external examiners is not received within four months, the
thesis will be sent to another examiner from amongst the approved panel.

21.17 The board of examiners for the viva voce examination shall consist of one external
and one internal examiner. Ordinarily, the Guide or one of the Co- Guide(s) of the thesis / any
expert appointed by the university will be the internal examiner. One of the external examiners
from India who assessed the thesis of the candidate will act as the external examiner at the viva

21.18 The topic, date and the time of the defense of thesis shall be announced by the University
well in advance so that the faculty members and other interested in the topic of the thesis can be

21.19 At the viva voce examination, the candidates general proficiency in the subjects allied to
the field of his study shall also be evaluated.

21.20 Those attending the public defense, who are not members of the board of examiners,
can participate by asking relevant questions with the permission of the examiners.

21.21 The board of examiners shall take into consideration the views and criticism, if any, of the
faculty members and others participating in the public defense of thesis.
21.22 However, the result of the examination shall be decided solely by the members of the board
of examiners.


22.1 The candidate shall be declared eligible for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
only on the unanimous recommendations of the members of the board of examiners after the viva
voce examination.

22.2 In case, the examiners are not satisfied with the performance of the candidate in the above
examinations, the candidate shall be required to reappear for another viva voce examination
after a period of two months provided such specific recommendation is made by the
board of examiners.


Candidates who qualify for Ph.D. degree shall be awarded the degree. A degree under the seal of
the university and signed by the Vice-Chancellor will be given to each successful candidate at the
next convocation held for conferring degrees.

(For Degree content- Annexure-XIII)


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