Assembly Manual: Specifications
Assembly Manual: Specifications
Assembly Manual: Specifications
Assembly Manual
Wingspan: 55.0 in (1575mm)
Length: 44.0 in (1110mm)
Wing Area: 545 sq in (34.9 sq dm)
Weight w/o Battery: 4.40–4.50 lb (1.90–2.00 kg)
Weight w/Battery: 5.00–5.25 lb (2.20–2.30 kg)
Table of Contents Introduction Product Registration
Introduction............................................................ 2
Important Warranty Information............................... 2 Introduced during the Cold War as an economical Register your product online at:
primary trainer for U.S. armed forces, the T-34 Mentor
Using the Manual.................................................... 2
continues to be one of the most sought-after warbirds
Product Registration................................................ 2
Contents of Kit/Parts Layout..................................... 2
to this day. Its aerobatic ability and good-natured Contents of Kit/Parts Layout
flying manners have endeared it to thousands of pilots,
Covering Colors...................................................... 2 both civilian and military. E-flite’s sport scale recreation EFL4801 Wing Set
Note on Lithium Polymer Batteries............................ 2 of the Mentor perfectly replicates the easy-going flight EFL4802 Fuselage with Hatch
Recommended Radio Equipment.............................. 3 characteristics of the full-scale version by virtue of EFL4803 Tail Set
Optional Accessories............................................... 3 a blended Selig airfoil design that yields impressive EFL4804 Cowling
Brushless Outrunner Setup - Power 25...................... 3 aerobatic capability without any surprises. EFL4806 Pushrod Set
Brushless Outrunner Setup - Power 32...................... 3 EFL4807 Landing Gear
Assembly is simple and straightforward with plenty of
Required Tools and Adhesives.................................. 3 EFL4808 Spinner
details completed for you, right out of the box.
Warning................................................................. 3 EFL4809 Aft Tail Cone
Horizontal and Vertical Fin Installation...................... 4 If you’re an intermediate to advanced pilot wanting EFL4810 Hardware Pack
Radio Installation.................................................... 6 a good-looking, knock around plane for Sunday
Nose Gear Installation............................................. 9 afternoons, the T-34 Mentor 25e has what it takes.
Motor and Speed Controller Installation.................. 11
Cowling and Spinner Installation............................ 12 Important Warranty Information
Aileron Servo Installation....................................... 14
Fixed Flap Installation............................................ 16 Please read our Warranty and Liability Limitations
Flap Servo Installation........................................... 17 section on Page 24 before building this product. If you
Joining the Wing Panels........................................ 19 as the Purchaser or user are not prepared to accept the
Main Landing Gear Installation.............................. 20 liability associated with the use of this Product, you are
Final Assembly...................................................... 21 advised to return this Product immediately in new and
unused condition to the place of purchase.
Control Throws..................................................... 21
Center of Gravity.................................................. 22
Range Test Your Radio........................................... 22
Using the Manual
Flying Your T-34 Mentor........................................ 23
Age Requirements................................................. 23
This manual is divided into sections to help make Covering Colors
assembly easier to understand, and to provide breaks
Safety Do’s and Don’ts for Pilots............................. 23 between each major section. In addition, check boxes HANU870 White
Daily Flight Checks................................................ 23 have been placed next to each step to keep track HANU883 Flame Red
Glossary of Terms................................................. 24 of its completion. Steps with a single circle () are HANU874 Black
Warranty Information............................................ 24 performed once, while steps with two circles ( )
CE Compliance Information indicate that the step will require repeating, such as for Note on Lithium Polymer Batteries
for the European Union.................................... 26 a right or left wing panel, two servos, etc.
2009 Official Academy of
Remember to take your time and follow the directions. Lithium Polymer batteries are significantly
Model Aeronautics Safety Code........................ 26 more volatile than alkaline or Ni-Cd/
Ni-MH batteries used in RC applications.
All manufacturer’s instructions and warnings
must be followed closely. Mishandling of
Li-Po batteries can result in fire. Always
follow the manufacturer’s instructions when
disposing of Lithium Polymer batteries.
It is always a good idea to balance your propeller. Use the battery to correctly balance your model. It
An unbalanced propeller can cause vibrations can be moved forward or rearward as necessary
to be transmitted into the airframe which could to make changes to the balance of your model.
damage the airframe or other components as well
as produce unwanted flight characteristics. Optional Aluminum Spinner Installation
5. Use a hex wrench or ball driver to tighten the A. Slide the adapter and spinner backplate on the
7. Use a #1 Phillips screwdriver and two 3mm x
propeller adapter nut. The propeller should be motor shaft.
12mm self-tapping screws to secure the spinner
positioned so it almost touches the small bumps on
cone to the spinner backplate.
the spinner backplate.
4. Place 2–3 drops of thin CA into each of the 8. Use a pushrod keeper to connect the linkage
holes to harden the surrounding wood. 6. Slide a silicone keeper on and thread the two to the servo horn. Attach the clevis to the nylon
nylon clevises on the flap linkage. Thread each control horn. With the flap servo centered, check
clevis 10 turns as a start. that the amount of flap is set at 1/4-inch (6mm).
This is the HALF FLAP position. Adjust the linkage if
necessary to achieve this measurement.
10. Use the flap adjustment of your radio system to 4. Slide the wing panels together. They will fit
set the UP FLAP position. The flaps will align with tightly together as shown in the second photo.
the trailing edge of the wing when up.
1. Position the wing on the bottom of the fuselage. 2. Check the movement of the elevator with the
Slide the wing forward so the tab on the front of radio system. Moving the elevator stick toward the
the wing goes into the slot at the front of the wing bottom of the transmitter will make the airplane
saddle. Check to make sure the wires from the elevator move up.
wing are inside the fuselage. 3. Connect the wires from the aileron servos to the
Y-harness plugged into the AIL port of the receiver. 3. Check the movement of the ailerons with the
If you installed operating flaps, plug the lead from radio system. Moving the aileron stick right will
the flap servo into the appropriate channel of your make the right aileron move up and the left aileron
receiver. move down.
HORIZON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, Your local hobby store and/or place of purchase Should your repair not be covered by warranty the
INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS cannot provide warranty support or repair. Once repair will be completed and payment will be required
OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR COMMERCIAL assembly, setup or use of the Product has been without notification or estimate of the expense unless
LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE started, you must contact Horizon directly. This will the expense exceeds 50% of the retail purchase cost.
PRODUCT, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED IN enable Horizon to better answer your questions By submitting the item for repair you are agreeing
CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, OR STRICT and service you in the event that you may need any to payment of the repair without notification. Repair
LIABILITY. Further, in no event shall the liability of assistance. For questions or assistance, please direct estimates are available upon request. You must include
Horizon exceed the individual price of the Product on your email to, this request with your repair. Non-warranty repair
which liability is asserted. As Horizon has no control or call 877.504.0233 toll free to speak to a service estimates will be billed a minimum of 1/2 hour of
over use, setup, final assembly, modification or misuse, technician. labor. In addition you will be billed for return freight.
no liability shall be assumed nor accepted for any Please advise us of your preferred method of payment.
resulting damage or injury. By the act of use, setup or Inspection or Repairs Horizon accepts money orders and cashiers checks,
assembly, the user accepts all resulting liability. as well as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and
If this Product needs to be inspected or repaired, Discover cards. If you choose to pay by credit card,
If you as the Purchaser or user are not prepared please call for a Return Merchandise Authorization please include your credit card number and expiration
to accept the liability associated with the use of (RMA). Pack the Product securely using a shipping date. Any repair left unpaid or unclaimed after 90
this Product, you are advised to return this Product carton. Please note that original boxes may be days will be considered abandoned and will be
immediately in new and unused condition to the place included, but are not designed to withstand the rigors disposed of accordingly. Please note: non-warranty
of purchase. of shipping without additional protection. Ship via a repair is only available on electronics and model
carrier that provides tracking and insurance for lost engines.
Law: These Terms are governed by Illinois law (without
or damaged parcels, as Horizon is not responsible United States:
regard to conflict of law principlas).
for merchandise until it arrives and is accepted at our
facility. A Service Repair Request is available at www. Electronics and engines requiring inspection or repair
Safety Precautions should be shipped to the following address: on the “Support” tab. If you do
not have internet access, please include a letter with
This is a sophisticated hobby Product and not a toy. your complete name, street address, email address
It must be operated with caution and common sense and phone number where you can be reached during Horizon Service Center
and requires some basic mechanical ability. Failure to business days, your RMA number, a list of the included 4105 Fieldstone Road
operate this Product in a safe and responsible manner items, method of payment for any non-warranty Champaign, Illinois 61822
could result in injury or damage to the Product or expenses and a brief summary of the problem. USA
other property. This Product is not intended for use by Your original sales receipt must also be included for
children without direct adult supervision. The Product warranty consideration. Be sure your name, address, All other Products requiring warranty inspection or
manual contains instructions for safety, operation and and RMA number are clearly written on the outside of repair should be shipped to the following address:
maintenance. It is essential to read and follow all the shipping carton.
the instructions and warnings in the manual, prior to
assembly, setup or use, in order to operate correctly Warranty Inspection and Repairs Horizon Product Support
and avoid damage or injury. 4105 Fieldstone Road
To receive warranty service, you must include your Champaign, Illinois 61822
original sales receipt verifying the proof-of-purchase USA
date. Provided warranty conditions have been met,
your Product will be repaired or replaced free of Please call 877-504-0233 or e-mail us at
charge. Repair or replacement decisions are at the sole with any questions
discretion of Horizon Hobby. or concerns regarding this product or warranty.
Please call +49 4121 46199 66 or e-mail us at 5. I will not fly my model aircraft higher than with any questions or approximately 400 feet above ground level,
Age Recommendation: 14 years or over. Not a toy. when within three (3) miles of an airport
concerns regarding this product or warranty.
Not intended for use by children without direct adult without notifying the airport operator. I will
supervision. yield the right-of-way and avoid flying in
the proximity of full-scale aircraft, utilizing a
spotter when appropriate.
6. I will not fly my model aircraft unless it is
identified with my name and address, or
AMA number, inside or affixed to the outside
of the model aircraft. This does not apply to
model aircraft flown indoors.
7. I will not operate model aircraft with
metal-blade propellers or with gaseous
boosts (other than air), nor will I operate
model aircraft with fuels containing
tetranitromethane or hydrazine.
2. I will have completed a successful radio 7. With the exception of events flown under
equipment ground-range check before official AMA rules, no powered model may
the first flight of a new or repaired model be flown outdoors closer than 25 feet to any
aircraft. individual, except for the pilot and located at
the flightline.